Still Alive

by RainbowDangerDash97

First published

A Cupcakes sequel. Rainbow Dash is revived by Celestia, and has revenge on Pinkie Pie.

"I'm not even angry,
I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart,
And killed me.

And tore me to pieces!
And threw every piece into the fire
As they burnt it hurt because,
I was so happy for you...."

I'm Not Even Angry

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"Pinkie Pie," Twilight scolded. "You should be ashamed of yourself."

"What? What did I do?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"You frightened Fluttershy for life, darling!" Rarity answered, as she cuddled the poor filly, who was lying on the ground nearly paralysed, except for her trembling furiously.

"Yer killed Rainbow, that's what!" AppleJack cried out. "Prepare to meet mah loosa."

"Calm down, AppleJack," Twilight said. She glared at Pinkie Pie. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I didn't mean to! Oh, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie cried out, honestly. "I don't know what came over me! You have to forgive me!"

"Forgive? Absolutely NOT!" Rarity squealed.

"I'm sorry, everypony," Pinkie Pie said, her head low in shame, and sorrow. "I don't know --"

"Don't keep sayin' that," AppleJack growled, glaring at the filly. "Yer guilty! We'll never forgive ya for what yer done!"

"Girls, girls!" Twilight screamed. "ORDER!!!" She banged on the table with a hammer.

There was silence at once, except for the chirping of crickets, and the stifled cries of Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry," Pinkie Pie whispered. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and her hair was now down and straight.

"Well you should be!" Rarity snapped, harshly.

Pinkie Pie sighed and said, "You won't befriend me, will you?"

"Girls, you're over-reacting. Maybe the Princess knows how to revive her," Twilight answered, trying her hardest to keep calm.

She rushed out of the library door, before turning back and calling out, "Rarity - take care of Fluttershy! AppleJack - take care of Pinkie Pie. She's a serial killer, and we can't let her loose. I'll go to the Princess. Come on, Spike!"

"Wha - now?" Spike asked. "But Spongebob's on in three minutes!"

"SPIKE!!!" Twilight shouted, so loud she nearly blasted the baby dragon's ears off.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming," Spike groaned, turning off the TV (the latest technology in Ponyville). He followed Twilight out of the library.

"Stay where yer are, missy!" AppleJack cried out, treating Pinkie Pie like a bull gone wild.

I'm Being So Sincere Right Now

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"StarSwirl the Bearded?!" Twilight asked, as they left for Celestia later that day.

"I thought he was dead," Spike added.

"The StarSwirl the Bearded Wing, of course," Celestia chuckled. "Now, if you don't mind - I'm expecting MORE mail."

Twilight and Spike left her in peace at once.


"Which is it? Which is it?!" Twilight asked, as she frantically searched the shelves for a certain scroll.

Spike asked, "Wasn't it on the third shelf to the left?"

Twilight Sparkle leapt for the third isle, and after fifteen minutes of hard searching, shouted, "That's it!" She grabbed the scroll, and read its contents out loud. "What's the chant?"

It wasn't long before she found it.

"Through pain, through death, through sorrow and strife -

Bring this pony back to life!"

Her words echoed around the room, as a green laser came from the roof, towards Rainbow Dash's body.

Several green sparks flew out of the dead pegasus like fireworks, and soon the crackling got so loud, there was an explosion.

Twilight and Spike shielded their eyes from the blinding light. The dazzling light was quite dazzling. (lol XD)

Rainbow's body was turned vertically, and the green light sort of entered it.

Her eyes were opened, and flashed white, and her hooves were raised.

Even though she was greatly surprised, she never let the instruction step "Repeat a chant when eyes are opened" slip from her mind.

"Princess Celestia, in the name of your royalty,

I bring back the pony - the element of loyalty!"

The laser struck Rainbow Dash once more, and en-circled around her, swirling like green clouds of mist. At last, they were sucked into her, and she collapsed to the ground, the light dying out.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cried out, as she ran to her friend.

"T-Twilight?" Rainbow asked.

"It's me - Twilight Sparkle," the lavender unicorn smiled, sniffing back tears of joy.

"What - did I - who -" Rainbow Dash stammered. "What happened?"

"You were brought back to life," Twilight replied.

"Brought back to life?! I didn't die! Nopony can kill me!" Rainbow Dash protested. "I'm Rainbow Dash!"

"Pinkamena Diane Pie did," Twilight answered. "I'm sorry for saying these things. Come on, let's go to Ponyville and tell everypony the good news! I can't wait!"

She grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hoof, and rushed towards Ponyville.


"Girls, girls!" Twilight cried out, as she bashed into her own library.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity and AppleJack cried out.

Pinkie Pie shyed away in the corner, the guilt weighing down her normal cheerfulness. Even her mane was deflated.

Fluttershy, being scarred for life, just trembled, and stared on, unaware of what was happening.

Rarity and AppleJack forced Rainbow Dash into a hug.

"Fluttershy, darling," Rarity called out. "Fluttershy? Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy's eyes shot open. She gasped and cried out, "Stay away! I'm only a little pony! I don't --"

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Twilight smiled. "Rainbow Dash is fine." She pointed a hoof at Rainbow Dash, who was looking very very confused indeed.

Fluttershy squealed, "Rainbow Dash! Oh you okay?"

She joined in the hug, Squeeing adorably, and hugging affectionately.

Twilight shot a quick saucy glance at Pinkie - I mean, at Pinkamena Diane Pie. The latter turned away from her, biting her hooves.

Normal Pinkie Pie would've been laughing and crying at the same time, hugging Rainbow and never letting go, as well as screaming and running for her life, due to Rainbow being a "zombie". But it was not like that. Pinkie Pie cuddled in the corner, trying not to think of the horrible even that would not escape her mind.

Twilight seated herself beside her. "Aww..Pinkie --" she said.

"Stay away," Pinkie muttered. "I'm a serial killer! A terrorist! A -- ZOMBIE!!!"

"But you won't do it again," Twilight answered. "Right?"

"Well.." Pinkie Pie said. She looked up at Twilight, asking, "What if I do? I can't control my crazy insanity moments! I'm doomed to be an animal for ever! FFffooorreeevveerr!!!"

"Pinkie," Twilight said. She smiled, a slight glint of sadness in her eyes. "You're our friend. We know you won't --"

"So you forgive me?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Of course, Pinkie," Twilight said. "After all, it wasn't your fault you were raised up so --"

"Allllrrriighhhtt!!!" Pinkie Pie cried out, lifting Twilight of the ground, and hugging her, standing on her two hind legs. She dropped Twilight on the ground, by demand of Rarity.

"..badly?" Twilight muttered, her head spinning, before falling on the floor, temporally stunned.

So all was well, and Equestria was the heart-warming loving country it once more. All except Rainbow Dash.

She killed me, Twilight said. Nopony kills ME!!! You like parties, huh, Pinkie? Well I'LL host you a party. I'll give you a HELL.

Even Though You Broke My Heart

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"Hey Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Nice day, huh?"

Rainbow Dash didn't turn to look at her friend. She lay on her cloud, back turned. "Yeah...nice."

"Thought so!" the earth pony giggled. "Wanna bake cupcakes with me?"

"NO! No way! I'm NEVER baking or Eating cupcakes again!" the answer came out, as Rainbow Dash's eyes shot up.

Pinkie Pie looked confused. "Why not?" she asked, shrinking back. She didn't need the answer. Deep inside, she remembered all about the insanity moment she had. "I won't do it again! Cross my heart and hope to fly - stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"I don't care!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "I don't believe you. Leave me alone!"

She kicked her cloud above Pinkie's head, and kicking it once more, letting it pour rain on the filly's head. Pinkie Pie looked up, sadly. She sighed and walked away.


"Twilight?" she asked. "Why is Rainbow Dash acting all...weird? She won't play with me, talk to me, or bake cupcakes with me!"

Twilight sighed and muttered, under her breath, "It is as Celestia told me!"

"Whaddya mean?" Pinkie Pie asked, her eyes wide with curiousity.

"In order to revive the pony, part of her personality is drained, and replaced with an emotionally unstable, rather depressed one, and she no longer recognizes her friends," Twilight cried out, her voice dipping in panicky tones of worry. "She said it doesn't happen to everypony - but it looks like Rainbow Dash is a perfect victim."

"StarSwirl the Bearded created this spell for ponies who were desperate - ponies who couldn't live without their dead friends or families.

"And so I'm very afraid, it has life-long effects," StarSwirl explained. "I can't do anything 'bout that, I'm sorry."

"Why?" Celestia asked.

"Well, the pony must be drained off her personality to create power for the revival. I'm sorry 'bout that," StarSwirl replied. "It makes 'em old ponies all depressed and emotionally unstable. Sorry 'bout that. Can't do anything 'bout it."

"Ah, I see," Celestia chuckled. She was only a filly then, even though she had her beautiful flowing pastel mane, as well as her glorious silky coat - and cutie mark. "Remarkable, if you don't mind me saying."

"One day," the elderly wizard pony said. "I, Starswirl the Bearded, will get meself an old buildin' fer storin' all me scrolls and spells."

"Well you should," Celestia cried out, clapping her hooves excitedly. "Maybe somepony will come to appreciate it!"

And then it was explained. I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie, but Rainbow Dash might never be back to normal, the Rainbow Dash we know and love."

"Uh..." Pinkie Pie asked, washed away in the sea of words. "I don't get it?"

"Ugh..." Twilight groaned. "It's like this - Rainbow Dash was given half a new personality, or else she wouldn't have been revived."

"What?" Pinkie Pie cried out. "You mean - you mean - Rainbow Dash will never be -- my friend anymore?"

"I'm sorry, Pinkie," Twilight said. "But a living corrupted Rainbow Dash is better than a dead Rainbow, right?"


She asked me to bake cupcakes for her. WITH her. She'll be sorry. VERY sorry.

Waiting anxiously for your death,

Rainbow Dash.

And Killed Me

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Pinkie Pie didn't catch a wink of sleep that night. In her mind, the words "Murderer" and "Monster" were shouted and echoed - hammered into her head. She tossed and turned, flipped her pillow about, but to no avail. She sat up, annoyed.

"Please, leave me alone," she whispered to herself.

"Leave you alone? No, I'll never do that," the voice in her head replied.

"Pinkamena! My friends and I were happy till YOU came around!"

"Oh? And why? You mean to say - you were happy without me?"

"Well, DUH! We --"

"No, you can't live without me. I AM you. You're just me under a fake mask with a smile on it!"

"Whaddya mean?"

"I mean - you don't exist. I do. I'M Pinkamena Diane Pie. You're a fake - like your smiles you wear every day."

"Stop it! My friends love me and I love them!"

"Not if I have something to do about it."

"I PINKIE promised I won't do it again! And NOPONY BREAKS A PINKIE PROMISE!!"

After her final words, Pinkie Pie sort of shut her mind, and the voice left her head. She had won, because after all - nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise. And she was the one to see to it.


"Twilight," Pinkie Pie asked, in a quivery voice. "Something's happen to me!"

"What is it?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"I sorta heard a weirdo voice in my head!" the pink earth pony explained.

"About what?" came the laconic answer.

"I heard it saying I was a murderer or something," Pinkie Pie answered, for the first time, totally serious about something.

"Oh, Pinkie," Twilight laughed, as she flipped a page of her book with her magic. "You're either over-reacting - or you're playing another trick for April Foal's Day."

"Don't be - Twilight?!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Can't you see I'm - UGH!!!" She gave a frustrated scream, and stomped out of the library.

"Sheesh," Spike remarked. "Is she being Pinkie Pie or what?" Twilight slapped him, on the cheek.

"Hey! What was that for?"


"Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Rainbow turned around. "Yes? Wait - no! I'm not baking cupcakes! Leave me alone!" She zoomed away, leaving Pinkie Pie in a cloud of dust.

Pinkie Pie bounced after her.

"She can't be here," Rainbow Dash panted, as soon as she found Pinkie Pie out of sight. She turned towards Scootaloo. "Hey, squirt - watch THIS!!"

She got into flying position, before taking off, doing loops, hoops and somersaults in mid-air.

"Rainbow Dash! Wanna play?"

Rainbow Dash gasped, and cried out, "Later, pipsqueak! I gotta..uh...go. See ya later!"

She bolted off, leaving a trail of rainbow behind her.

"But Dash, wait!" Scootaloo called after her.


"Rarity! Hide me!" Rainbow Dash shrieked, as she bashed into the boutique.

The white unicorn scratched her head with her hoof. "Oh, hello, darling Rainbow! Nice of you to drop by!"

"Rarity! Pinkie Pie's after me! I can't let her catch me --" Rainbow Dash cried out. "Or she'll --"

"Oh, silly," Rarity giggled. "Pinkie Pie just only left the boutique." She bit hungrily into a cupcake. "Mm-mm! These are good! She just dropped off a whole bag of cupcakes for me and Sweetie Belle."

Cupcakes. Cupcakes Cupcakes. Millions of pictures and memories flashed and flitted through the pegasus's mind, as the word Cupcakes filled her ears.

"Oops! Sorry, Rarity!"

Rainbow Dash gave a yell, as she heard Pinkie Pie's voice behind her, complete with the ringing of the bell, and the opening of the doors.

She dashed out of the boutique, before Pinkie Pie could say "hi."

Rarity and Pinkie Pie shot each other strange confused glances, as the pegasus whizzed past them.


Cupcakes. She said Cupcakes!

Wait a minute - what's come over me?