The Scent: Love of Mares

by Distorted Flare

First published

A Lich, sometimes spelled liche, cognate to Dutch lijk and German Leiche, both meaning corpse. The term could not be more appropriate as I looked at my skeletal form. Questions plague my mind, who am I and what lead me to the land I now reside?

Amnesia was the last thing Lachlan wanted, Death even more so yet here he stood both weighing down on him as a weak spark of his previous memory drives him to seek out a group of ponies in equestria that hold a forgotten importance to him. His hideous form as well as sudden dark abilities will make the task all that harder when the ones he seeks see him only as a monster. But hope still remains as his body rapidly regenerates so do his memories. The question is can he reclaim them before someone is hurt?

Distant Memories

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"Isaac!" I growled. The energetic foal freezing, guiltily turning to look at me. Approaching him I lifted him off the ground before holding him to my chest as I mentally prepared myself for the hellish task ahead. Alicorns were long lived and incredibly powerful yet my son proved to be more than a match for me as twice I had been forced to play hide and seek with the cunning child.

Isaac struggled, wailing in protest as Molly appeared from around the corner; Aurora clutched tightly in her arms as we shared knowing smile. No foal liked bath time and these two were surprisingly cunning when it came to avoiding us.

"NOOOO," Isaac cried, tears welling up as I tiredly pinched the bridge of my nose. The little alicorn made it his life's mission to stress me out as more than once I had contemplated strangling him. I held him tightly as we made our way to the bathroom leaving no room for any fuck ups as the cunning little foal would exploit any opening to escape.

"Sweetie, mummy is contemplating murder so please don't test her patience," I pleaded to the foal placing him gently in the water as he pouted, crossing his arms. I couldn't help but smile as I gently started to wash him. To my right Eris was cleaning off Loki and Zen. The two draconequus’ were even worse, managing to turn the water to pink lemonade more than a few times.

Humming gently I quickly got the small foal as clean as I could before he caused more of a fuss. Beside me, Molestia cursed repeatedly under her breath as Aurora bit and squirmed in her arms. Having canines really put it in perspective just how much more painful their bite was than the average foal.

"And done! Now was that really so bad?" I cooed wrapping the grumpy foal in a towel as I bundled him up. Fed and bathed, Isaac yawned to my relief as I made the short journey to his bedroom.

"Good night honey," I whispered, kissing my son gently on the head as I tucked the snoozing alicorn in. Silently retreating, I made sure to leave his night light on before closing the door. I couldn't help but snort in amusement at the fact that the son of an alicorn that wanted to bring eternal night was scared of the dark. Granted his father too had been jittery when left in the dark. I felt a small pang of sadness as Lachlan crossed my thoughts. Moving on had been hard and the first two years had been the worse. I had at first wanted to bring him back but in the end left him. He was buried and at peace. With a heavy heart we had returned but not before I had left him a Nightmare Shade. The rarest species of night flora there was. The flower was used in ancient and powerful spells and potions and I prayed that it would protect his grave.

A single tear trickled down my face as I reflected over the last four years. Chrysalis had given birth to a son who was the first ever male royal changeling. Given her sisters and fellow queens nature, Thomas had been kept a state secret and the few that new of him had been sworn to secrecy on threat of banishment.

"Good evening sister," A voice spoke up from behind. Turning I gave a nod of the head as Luna stopped at my side, her eyes looking at the full moon. “An impressive display. The meteor shower was my personal favourite," The smaller alicorn complimented giving me a small smile as I chuckled.

"Thanks, but you will always remain Mistress of the Night" I replied humbly as she snorted.

"Why sister, you're trying to seduce me" She quipped, ducking under my half-hearted swing as she childishly blew a raspberry at me.
Smirking my tail sharply wrapped across her ass causing her to squeal in surprise as I casually walked in the other direction.
Canterlot High

"HELP!" the shrill cry of a woman echoed across the deserted campus. Atop her a man was hastily removing articles of her clothing; one hand clamped around her throat as she thrashed about wildly. Tears streamed down the woman's face as she sobbed, trying to get the man off as she bucked wildly.

"Shut up you fucking slut." The thug spat, back handing her. A perverse sense of power was what fuelled the sick joy the man felt at her fear. Reaching for his belt buckle he never once thought to look back for if he had he might have prevented what came next.


With a strangled cry, the man that had moments ago planned on raping the woman, fell off of her, a hole protruding from his chest. A skeletal hand retracted bits of blood coating the stunned women face. The woman horrified, looked up as she came face to face with what she would later describe as the devil himself.

A skeletal figure wearing a heavy cloak looked down at her, two ice blue eyes stared motionless as if studying her. Half of the being’s face was skull as he extended a hand towards her. His arm was devoid of skin and creaked as it came within inches of her face. The creature attempted a smile, his serrated teeth only matched by the claws that had once been hands. The display unnerved the women as she started to silently pray.

"What... am I?" the being croaked his baritone voice wavering as if confused, scared even. The woman gave a frightened whimper as she shied away from it. A flicker of sadness crossed the creature’s face as he retreated unknowingly toward a large statue. Stopping he held out a hand as if offering to help her up.

"MONSTER!" the woman screamed in fright before taking off like a rocket as the being stood stiff. Rain had started to fall as quickly small puddles surrounded the being. Looking down he caught sight of his appearance. A grimace formed on what remained of his face. With a snarl his foot stomped down on the water distorting the image as he turned.

"Monster" he whispered a lone tear trickling down his face. A blinding flash of orange caused the creature to hiss as he stumbled about blindly. His arm brushed against a smooth surface. Suddenly the being felt his body being pulled towards the source of the light as he struggled, the hood falling from his face. The last thing his dead eyes looked upon were the words "Canterlot High" Before unconsciousness claimed him.
Canterlot Castle

I awoke with a scream, my body coated in sweat as I hurriedly turned on a light. My mis matched paws gently grasped at my heaving chest as I shakily huddled into a ball. I had not suffered from nightmares since I was a young drake. The creature had left me shaken as its cold blue eyes still bore into my soul. The creature had terrified me, Eris daughter of a god.

Checking up on the foals I gave a small giggle as they slept peacefully. The herd had huddled together for comfort after Lachlan’s passing, needing each others help looking after the children as we grieved and tried to move on. The seven of us were all mothers to the foals and in a strange way we loved none of them more than the others. I loved Isaac as much as I loved my boys. My musing was cut off by a light cough from behind. Spinning on the spot I nearly jumped as Nightmare Moon gave me a warm smile.

"Nightmare?" Nightmare Moon spoke up startling me as I blushed gently.

"How did you know?" I questioned the larger mare giving me a gentle smile.

"My dear, it is my duty to dismantle nightmares and allow my sister to mould them into more peaceful dreams. However, what brought me here was not the fact that you had a nightmare but that I was unable to touch it. The small amounts I was able to capture disturbed me greatly. Young Eris, what you saw was a creature of great evil beings that have existed long before even the alicorns. That my dear was a Lich!" Nightmare Moon finished her eyes grave as I gave a shudder at the word

"What's a Lich?" I whispered the fur on the back of my neck standing on end.

"A monster that is born from a powerful mage or queen striving for eternal life using black and monstrous spells and rituals to bind her intellect to her animated corpse and achieve a form of immortality. They rival alicorns in power but whilst we control both dark and light magic, these foul beings control only the vilest and disgusting forms of black magic. Their very existences were wiped from all history books and sources of information even before Celestia and Luna were born. Only alicorns are privy to this knowledge as we are the only ones with a chance of beating them. Even in a one on one fight, a Lich with its disregard for pain, empathy or fear will most of the time overpower an alicorn. I fear that this is the reason I was unable to access your dream for the being did not wish to be discovered.

"Wait! It knew that I had a vision about it?" I whispered fear creeping inside me as Nightmare Moon pulled me into a comforting hug.

"No Eris it did not but due to their foulness and perversion of nature they affect all magic. Its’ very presence causes ruptures in magic which sadly corrupt or warp any that come into contact. Had I tried to force my way through, the corruption would have done serious harm!" she finished. giving me a comforting hug as I shivered at the thought of such a being.

"How do we fight it?" I whispered, my voice hoarse as the mare gave a grim look.

"There are only two powers strong enough to fully kill or trap a Lich: the strongest of harmonic magic or chaotic. Luckily for us we have both the Elements and your currently snoozing father," she replied as I felt a sigh of relief escape me.

I had been here before! This place held so many secrets yet refused to indulge me. If I could just remember why this place was so familiar maybe it would help me understand who or what I was. The cracked floors, shattered windows and gaping holes in the roof each told a story yet refused to share. Despite my best efforts, I had come up with nothing; all that digging and research and I was still as lost as when I had started.

I felt frustration build as my hands thrust outwards, waves of fire devouring the mould ridden carpets and décor as I hissed in rage. The heat of the flames warmed my ice cold form as I watched the surrounding corridor succumb to the brunt of my rage. I did not for a second question the ability to spew fire from my hands or how I was able to tear people apart with minimal effort.

My hands gave off a toxic green glow as bits of armour from discarded and intact suits of knight armour attached to me. The armour melted and moulded to fit my form, merging with the black ropes that covered my body. I testily stretched my bones, the armour not affecting manoeuvrability as I took in my new appearance. The plates on my shoulders were black with one side displaying a crescent moon. The armour was riddled with rust and chipped paint but it served its purpose as I admittedly, more loudly made my way down the burning hall. Fire licked at the sides of my robes yet did not ignite, the heat caused me no pain and the smoke gave me no grief as I lacked proper eyes.

Though my investigation I had come across a word that had been carved into a wall at the time I had thought nothing of it but as I travelled deeper and deeper into the depths of the ruined castle, the words niggled at the back of my head. Just two words repeatedly whispered in my ear; they brought a smile to my face for a reason I could not fathom as I muttered them out loud

“Nightmare Moon…"

Please check out my two blogs here and here for ideas on what the scent comic is going to look like

Here is an example of what you will find on the fimficiton blog


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Chrysalis POV

"A Liche... well shit! What do we do?" I questioned, the mere thought of a Liche, making me feel physically sick. My mother had been but a foal when the last of the Liche had been killed, but the fear and terror that the ancient mare showed when one was mentioned was a testimony to their evil. It was because of them that Changeling and Equestrian relations had gone to shit. It happened during the reign of Queen Amorphous the Third, my great grandmother. Her husband, the powerful unicorn Star Light, fell to the dark temptation of necromancy and from there things went downhill. He killed his own wife and would have killed my grandmother had Discord not arrived.

He decimated Star Light with no problem and restored peace but in his short reign Star Light had butchered thousands of changeling's and ponies. Diplomacy went out the window as both sides held deep grudges towards each other. Ponies blamed us for his turning and we blamed them for the deaths of our people. Celestia had quickly gathered everyone for this meeting including my Aunt and Discord. Beside me Glimmer Shield and Cadence spoke quietly with Twilight Sparkle. Discord showed no interest in the debate as usual and obnoxiously stated that he could simply transform the Liche into a fish.

"I don't see what the problem is. Their are fifteen of us and most of us here could take a liche on in single combat. We are more than a match for a Liche no matter what." Molestia spoke up sending me a reassuring smile as I gave a curt nod. Celestia had been silent throughout the debate, silently watching as we discussed the plan for dealing with this creature.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let’s blast its ass with the elements, it’s the middle of the night and I've got work to do in the morning." Rainbow Dash mumbled. Sleep still clung to her eyes as she wearily lifted her head off the table, ignoring the withering glare from her orange friend. Fluttershy, a sweet butter yellow mare that I had come to call a friend over the years gave me a gentle smile as she tried to keep the pink migraine from falling asleep.

"I WILL NOT WAIT ANOTHER SECOND. AS LONG AS THIS ABOMINATION LIVES HE IS A THREAT TO OUR SUBJECTS!" Luna snarled. "I vote that we move against it now before it builds up its army." Luna voiced as Celestia reluctantly returned to her chair. Four ponies, including Twilight and three of her friends raised their hands as did Moon and I. Discord lazily stuck his hand up.

"All those opposed?" Celestia asked looking around as a few hands went up. Among them was Eris, Fluttershy and cadence.

"It is settled." Luna smugly stated, her eyes burning hatefully in the direction of the Everfree forest as Celestia confirmed the choice to venture into the Everfree to destroy the Liche.

"Goddesses help me please. Don't let this be a mistake." I whispered as we all left to prepare.

Molestia POV

I followed my counterpart as she quietly muttered about her sister’s stubbornness, armour adorned her form as I placed a comforting hand on her.

"Celestia, I understand your frustration but she is still young and headstrong. You have been a beacon of patience with most of us despite our circumstances; don't ruin that because of Luna's childishness. She will mature, and be grateful that Nightmare Moon did not inherit that trait." I chuckled as the other mare paused before sighing as she gave me a thankful smile.

"Go meet with the others. I’ll arrange so that the guards are on high alert and that the foals are to be protected at all costs." Celestia finished, putting some of my worry at ease as I left the room.

The rest of the group stood ready in the great hall, everyone showing some kind of anxiety apart from Discord who was teasing his daughter. Twilight was poring over books about dark magic in an attempt to find something on Liches but with all records of the beasts having been destroyed, it was in vain and no pony had the heart to tell her that books can’t answer everything.

I looked up at the night sky and marvelled at the beautiful display that Nightmare Moon had created. The mare, like her counterpart, had an artistic talent for arranging stars.

Liches POV

Atop the highest tower of the abandoned castle I watched the night sky silently. My skull reflected the light of the moon. I had been here for less than a day yet already I had fallen in love with the moon; no, the whole night sky, its unmatched beauty was the polar opposite of me. I wish I could claim to have even a fraction of the grace that the night sky could boast. I had extinguished the fire burning away in the hall shortly after my fit of rage. It was like having, no it was magic. With a brush of my hand, I had devastated fifty meters of forest. With a stomp of my foot, I had collapsed an entire floor. I could command fire, make and break objects and it all came so naturally. Was I a wizard before this? What relevance did it had with the inhabitants here?

Scrolling through books I had found pictures, age old pictures of what looked like horses. Horses that stood on two feet yet held obvious characteristics of humans. I was human, I think I was. I had awoken and there were people so I assume that I died as a human and was reborn as this. In front of me were giant blocks floating aimlessly, lazily bumping into each other as a soft lime aura radiated from them. They were easily the size of cars yet I held twenty with ease. That was the strange thing though, their was no strain, no shortage of breath, nothing! It wasn't even complicated, I thought of something and my body made it happened.

I wandered the halls for hours on end, bringing me to strange and wonderful places: hidden rooms, wine cellars and even a concert hall. I approached a giant organ, something crying out in familiarity as my hand gently stroked the many keys of the ancient instrument. I curiously tried a few of the notes, the organ booming out in response as I shivered in delight. Sitting, I experimentally tried the pedals below me while my fingers gently tapped the keys. I had played piano before this, though not for years. I wondered why as I looked at the pipes that ran up the length of the massive hall.

A song moonlight sonata I believed it was called coming to mind. I testily tried a few keys hoping I could remember how to play it. The notes seemed to meld together as I began. I could not help but chuckle as the mood and atmosphere of the song suited my situation and the place I was at the moment.

Nightmare Moon's POV

As we approached the old castle I could not help but shiver. Memories flooding back to me as it was here that I had first met Lachlan. The entrance doors were missing, a cold chill hitting me as I shivered. Something felt wrong about this place which was ironic given that it was my fault that the castle was in the state it currently resided in. I was broken from my musing by a faint noise. Celestia paused as I froze, my breathing hitched as a faint melody played.

"Is that music?" Luna questioned cautiously, unsure of what to take from it as we pressed on. The music echoed around the abandoned castle making the whole group nervous.

"It’s getting louder." Twilight whispered as the grand concert hall came into view. When we reached for the door we all paused, unsure of who should open the door. Luna gave a small snort as she pushed the door, the music blaring as I winced slightly. There atop the podium sat a cloaked figure moving back and forth as its arms moved up and down the organ. We stood there mesmerized by the music which was unlike anything we had ever heard. Even Discord was stunned The group of over a dozen stood stupefied. The music was beautiful and as we listened not one of us thought to approach the figure.

We stood there in a stunned silence as the figure sat rigid. Twilight cautiously approached, her ears splayed back as she nervously made her way to the organ and its player. Rising from its seat in a fluid twirl we came face to face with the figure. Its cloak billowed as a mighty crack of thunder sounded. A flash of lighting from the hole in the roof illuminated the mysterious being. With a shriek Twilight propelled herself backwards as she came face to face with a skull. We had found the Liche. The frightened alicorn stumbled backwards to Celestia's side as Luna took up a defensive stance. The Liche made no move towards us apparently more curious than threatened as it silently observed us.

"Had I known... that I was housing guests, I would have tidied the place up." He rasped, chuckling as Pinkie Pie snorted.

"BE SILENT MONSTER!" Luna roared, firing a bolt of magic at the Liche as he recoiled slightly before it struck. Debris and dust covered the spot where the figure had been moments ago as Celestia gave her sister a withering stare. Discord gave a childish smirk as he gave me a patronising smile.

"Big scary Liche alright, looks like we wasted our time for nothing." He smirked as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as they looked at me.

"What a waste of time that was." Luna growled the mare having been desperate of a proper fight as I gave a meek smile.

"Monster…" A voice croaked as Luna froze, her eyes leaving mine as the group redirected its eyes towards where the Liche had been. The doors slammed shut behind us.

"I WILL SHOW YOU A MONSTER!" The creature snarled, a black aura cloaked his form as he stood before us, magic crackling from his hands. As one we surged forward. Discord and Celestia reached him first, firing powerful bolts of raw magic. The bolts never struck as they stopped short by a few feet before simply evaporating. The Liche retaliated by firing pillars of flames from his hands to tear through the two faster than my eyes could follow.

"Girls, the Elements!" Celestia roared using her wings to propel herself into the air. Discord groaned about his age, clambering to his mismatched feet as he followed the mare. With a gasp I looked up in horror as the Liche slammed Luna against a wall the mare crying out in pain as she fired bolts directly at the beast the beams bouncing off of him harmlessly as he snarled. With a savage kick he sent Luna hurtling towards Molestia the two yelping as they landed on the floor.

Razor Fang and Chrysalis were currently helping Cadence to power Glimmer shield preventing the beast from killing the elements. With a small gasp I stumbled backwards having narrowly avoided a sword from decapitating me.

The element bearers moved into position, their eyes glowing a pristine white as a rainbow encircled the six. I winced at the sight, watching as the rainbow spiraled around Twilight’s horn. Memories of the agonizing pain as I was ripped from Luna resurfaced and for a split second I was tempted to flee, fearing the risk of being caught by the elements as well.

"See you in tartarus monster." Chrysalis roared as we watched the elements fire. With a powerful boom, the rainbow surged forward to strike the Liche as he gave a strangled scream. The rainbow hue encased his body as he screamed from within.

To our combined horror, as the light faded, we could make out the hazy outline of the beast as he rose from his knees unscathed before staring directly at me. Lunging, he threw his arm forward with intent to impale me as I froze in fear. Before his hand struck me, I heard a voice scream behind me.


Monster With A Heart

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Liche's Pov

I froze my hand mere centimetres from her throat as her eyes met mine. The sharp increase of her heart beat showed the fear her eyes refused to show. With a small grunt I slowly retracted my hand. Glaring at her, I cautiously retreated unsure of why I had spared her.

Groaning I stumbled backwards, my eyes burning as I felt my head ache for the first time since I had awoken in that coffin. A searing pain shot up my chest as I gave a strangled scream. Whimpering pitifully, I collapsed my body shivering as wave after wave of searing pain slammed into me. With a final gasp I saw only black.

Nightmare Moon's Pov

"Bastard!" Eris snapped eyeing the beast with hatred as she helped her father to his feet. Twilight still in a slight daze shakily motioned for her friends to perform the spell again.

I stood to the side unsure of what had happened as the pitiful being lay curled up in a ball, shivering as if in extreme pain. But a creature like him couldn't feel pain, what was it then, a ploy?

"Come on girls lets just get this over with" Twilight muttered shuffling forward as all but Fluttershy got into position

"No" Fluttershy spoke removing her element as Luna turned on her.

"WHAT DOES THOU MEAN NO!?" Luna roared stomping over to the meek mare as Discord gave a small snarl. Placing himself in front of the timid pegasus, the two eyed each other menacingly as Eris glared at her father. In mere seconds the group had been splintered.

"Explain yourself." Celestia demanded her eyes unsure of what the mare was thinking as I prayed she had a good reason.

"He beat us with ease, he threw Discord and you about like it was child play, he shrugged off the elements and when he had the opportunity to kill princess Nightmare Moon he stopped. It is hard to believe, but from what you told me I don't think he wanted to hurt us. No, I know he didn't want to kill us, in fact the only reason he attacked was because he was attacked as well as insulted" the mare finished flinching as a few of her friends sent her dirty looks. Luna and Eris looked like they wanted to strangle the mare.

"Faust, damn it Fluttershy! That thing is a monster, he isn't an animal that can be redeemed with a bit of kindness!" Eris snapped her tail twitching in testimony to her anger.

Sadly apart from me, Chrysalis and Discord, the rest were siding with Eris and Luna. It was four against twelve, the odds were not in our favour as I feared a fight breaking out. Discord and Luna looked ready to trade blows as Molestia worriedly tried to usher me across. But like Fluttershy I knew there was something up, a liche did not just stop attacking because of a name. This beast, though I found the word hard to use as I looked at him, was maybe not what he seemed.

"That thing is a monster, it deserves to die" Razor Wing hissed eyeing the creature with distaste as her horn crackled with energy. I knew that if we left an opening one of them would kill the thing. The only reason Discord was on our side was because Fluttershy was his best friend.

"Lachlan would have given him a chance. He gave you all a chance" she replied the room going silent as I cringed at the mare’s bluntness. "Each and every one of us took advantage of him: some raping him, some of us nearly killed him, yet he forgave us. This creature’s only crime is being here. Did you look at him? He was scared, he was shaking like a leaf when we confronted him." Fluttershy continued, her words seeming to calm the mob as a few of the elements faltered their expressions turning to sadness as some seemed to have second thoughts. "Why don't we show this liche kindness instead of hatred?" Fluttershy inquired as Celestia gave a sad shake of her head.

"Fluttershy, that thing isn't sapient, it is just a monster with memories of when it was alive, it isn't actually feeling them just parroting them. Monsters can’t be redeemed" she replied kindly. Fluttershy was quiet for seconds and I feared she had given up.

"You are wrong. Lachlan was able to do it. Look what he achieved by himself, he was able to cure both you and your sister of your darker halves, separated them from you two, then convinced them to do good. He fell in love with Eris who was referred to by many as a hideous monster. Lachlan never judged any of us even for our past actions so please in his memory give this liche a chance. I will even keep him at my cottage if needed" Fluttershy finished a slight crazed look in her eyes as she looked prepared to fight to protect this thing. I of course did not wish to see it die either but I understood the others concerns.

"No Fluttershy, I cannot have that thing live, hand it over now." Celestia demanded her eyes narrowed as the pegasus met her glare.

"No! I am sorry princess but I can’t allow an innocent to be punished." She replied as Celestia gritted her teeth. Her horn flared as she went to yank the unconscious liche out of her hands. Stepping forward I intercepted shielding her as Celestia looked at me horrified.

"Please don't make me regret this." I whispered to Fluttershy as I squared up to the white alicorn.

"Back off Celestia, she has made her claim and since the liche has neither killed nor harmed he has technically done nothing wrong." I growled, my eyes narrowed as I prayed that Celestia would not do something foolish. As we circled each other I cautiously cast a shield charm just in case.

"We don't need to do this. I despise the creature as much as you but he could be a unique ally if we could get him on our side." I reasoned feeling my heart sink as the white alicorn gave me a look of pure hatred. I knew that she would not agree but I had to chance it. I feared if I did not then Fluttershy would be punished harshly.

"I am asking you one final time, TO SURRENDER THAT LICHE!" Celestia screamed, her eyes glowing white as I fearfully took a step back. Even Luna was giving her sister a nervous look. Celestia looked hysterical her eyes briefly flashing red as she snarled at me. Where once stood a regal, patient princess now stood a rabid furious mare who looked ready to lash out at the drop of a hat.

A prism beam of light shot past me slamming into Celestia's head as she shrieked in pain. The liche was back up his cold blue eyes narrowed as to my surprise he walked past me. Luna stiffened as he walked towards her lazily flicking any magic thrown in his direction aside as he set his sight on the downed alicorn. We were all frozen in place courtesy of the liche's foul magic. A large gash adorned the side of her head as he gently placed his hand atop it. A dazzling flash of white blinded me momentarily, several yelps and groans of pain came from around me as I experientially opened my eyes. The liche was gone, leaving only Celestia as I noticed that the gash was now gone.

"He helped her, despite her wanting to sign his death warrant." I muttered as the others rushed over to the fallen princess.

Liche’s Pov

"What is it?"

"It isn't anything I have ever seen before"

"He's cute"

"Uhhh" I grumbled un-intelligently, my head pounding as I gently rubbed my forehead. A soft quilt covered my form as I groggily opened my eyes. Hushed whispers came from all sides as I froze. Gingerly touching my head I paused as my hand came into contact with, hair? I rose myself to my feet, pushing past the blurred forms as I clumsy rubbed my eyes. Reaching sink I violently vomited my chest aching as I panted for breath. I dry heaved a few times as I drank greedily from the tap. I gasped as I caught sight of myself in the mirror perched atop the sink. The sight that greeted me was not the hideous deformed skull but instead a face, my face. Hesitantly I experientially poked and prodded my face, making sure it was not a cruel illusion as I felt tears gather at the corners of my eyes. I gave a small sob as I realised I was human.

"We found you passed out a few miles from our village. You were badly hurt. We brought you here to hopefully heal you. Our elder, well she was able to remove whatever black magic had disguised you as that skeletal abomination." One of the mares spoke up her brown mane covering one of her eyes as a nurse’s cap adorned her head. Tearing my eyes away from my reflection I finally took in the mares present in the room.

The ponies each had a pair of antennae on their heads which were a mixture of straight curled or in some cases twisted. Some of the ponies seemed similar to moths, having thick tufts of fur around their neck and chest as well as insect shaped wings. The others wings were see-through, their fur seeming to match their wings as the butterfly ponies seemed to be brighter.

I gave a confused look as she gave a warm smile gently placing a hand on my shoulder as I tensed. The mare gently guided me back to bed her antennae twitching as I fidgeted uncomfortable with having the mare so close to me. The nurse huffed placing a glass of water in my hands as she gestured for me to drink.

"I understand that you have just woken up and are most likely confused and scared but as a nurse you have my oath that no harm or mistreatment will come to you. Now lie down, you may not feel any pain but your body is still badly hurt, once the pain killers wear off you are going to be in a lot of pain, but I will personally see to it that there is a nurse with you at all times" the mare finished her kind face showing no trace of malice as I watched her carefully.

I now understood why I hadn't decimated village in confusion or fear, the drugs were for some reason dampening my powers. I tried to protest about the sleep thing demanding answers as the mare gave me a smug smile placing a hand gently on my chest as I tried to push her hand away.
Eventually I gave up, my magic and strength strongly diminished as my head feel against the cool side of the pillow.

"My name is Stitches, nurse Stitches by the way" the mare spoke up blowing strands of her mane out of her face as I nodded. I briefly explained my predicament the mare giving me a sympathetic smile as she gave me check up on my vitals.

"Now we live directly in between the Everfree and the Drakon mountains, so we are used to strange beings passing through here. What gathered the large crowd was that according to our equipment you should be dead. Your vital signs are all flat or zero, your heart is not moving, yet still you are warm and are still breathing, it is the strangest case I have in my eighty years of service ever witnessed" she informed me as I took in all that she said.

I already knew that I wasn't alive and whilst I was glad that the skeletal form was not actually my own, I still wished that I wasn't a liche I think they had called me. That of course brought my attention back to that group of nuts as I pondered why they had attacked me. More so why had I attacked then spared one of them as well as healed the other. I could have killed them, I would have killed them but something had stopped me. Something about some of the mares there had sparkled memories. The black one with the blue hair as well as the yellow one had tried to protect me, spare me even.

Ironically I felt the strangest case of deja vu, as if I knew them. But that was impossible I had awoken on earth not this place, Equestria I think the textbooks had called it. I assumed that they most likely just reminded me of someone back home maybe an old friend or girlfriend. It didn't matter anyway the past was in the past. I noticed just how dark it was as candles and torches were lit around the small hospital

A shrill scream echoed from outside scaring the shit out of me as I jumped to my feet. Running to the door I watched as ponies fled in all directions screaming something about bloody hooves or something. Grunting I threw myself over the balcony ignoring the near twenty foot drop as I landed on my toes.

Monsters were attacking, the bug ponies buildings on fire illuminating their forms as I gave grimace. Many looked like I had, skeletal forms but they had more flesh on them. Nurse Stitches grabbed a sobbing foal of the ground screaming instructions to the ponies. I was forced to make a choice as a young filly was grabbed, the beast atop her priming its claws to gut her.

Nightmare Moon's POV

I growled in annoyance as for the sixth time a dirty look was thrown my way, Chrysalis and Fluttershy fared no better as the ponies, changeling and draconequus that were meant to be our friends glared at us like we were criminals. Celestia sat on her throne her eyes never leaving mine as Fluttershy tried to put on a brave face.

"I should have the lot of you banished for your crimes" Celestia stated causing Fluttershy to whimper as I gave her a dead glare.

"And what would that do other than negate the question of why the liche was acting the way it was" I retorted giving the irksome mare a small sneer as Luna snorted.

"What is there to question? The beast fled like a coward and assaulted royalty" My counterpart hissed pacing back and forth.

"He spared us, you blind foolish child! Why is it that you refuse to swallow your pride and accept that you were wrong? Have you learnt nothing of your pig-headedness and what it costed us last time" I spat instantly regretting my words as the mare froze.

"IT WAS YOU WHO CAUSED THAT" she roared stalking towards me as I snarled in distaste.

"MAYBE IF YOU HAD NOT BEEN SUCH A JEALOUS BRAT THEN I WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD A REASON TO TARGET YOU" I snapped tired of my counterpart’s arrogance and stupidity.

With that I stormed out of the room uncaring of the stupid mock trial as I needed to vent my frustration out. A lone tear trickled down my cheek as I slammed my room’s door shut.

"Lachlan what would you do" I sighed looking up at the night sky.

Liche’s POV


With a strangled scream the last of the beast fell. A force of 200 had attacked this peaceful village in the hopes of an easy meal, 200 now lay dead. Bodies lay scattered in all directions as blood was slowly diluted by the torrent of rain. The insect ponies cowered indoors many peering out from the safety of their windows and doors as I cracked my neck. I had forcefully extracted information from the last bloody hoof. I had learnt their species names, what they were and most importantly where their stronghold stands.

"You're leaving aren't you?" A familiar voice spoke up from behind. Nurse Stitches stood with her arms crossed watching me warily as I gave a ghost of a smile. The mare was drenched, the tufts of fur around her chest and the tip of her ears comically hanging down as I suppressed a snort of laughter. Realising what I was laughing at she gave a half hearted glare.

"Hey don't laugh at me! Its not my fault that my kind have thicker coats" she complained stomping her foot causing both of us to momentarily forget about the dead beasts at my feet as we laughed. Grunting I feel to one knee, my body already exhausted before the battle. My form shivered as Stitches grabbed me using her wings to support me as I hissed in pain.

"You’re hurt, you need to rest, now!" She stated pulling me away as we headed down a narrow street.

"What are your species called?" I asked weakly making small talk as she smiled at the distraction.

"Well as you can see, there are two species but we are called flutter ponies or ponies of the forest. We are a subspecies of pegasi like Thestral's, Longma's and bat ponies. Flutter ponies sadly like most species in the world have a small male ratio, which is why many of them stay at home and raise the foals. We are great scavengers, though our antennas are sensitive to vibration helping us avoid predators, and our enhanced smell means we can track down the rarest fungi, mushrooms and plants which we then sell to passing trading caravans. Gryphon's especially love the mushrooms as seasoning and accompaniment to, their meals" she finished, grimacing at the thought of their carnivorous lifestyle.

"If you are so good at detecting predators then why did none of you pick up on these" I replied idly kicking one of the prone bodies as already ponies were gathering the bodies to be burned. Around me families huddled together giving me nods of appropriation and looks of fear as "thank you" and "savoir" were thrown about.

"These things are not normal our antenna help us detect the crunch of leafs, snapping twigs in some cases a heart beat or heavy breathing but these things are dead and move with a swiftness and silence that is unmatched." i mean had it not been for the fleeing village people and the screams I would have not known they were here" she replied hoisting me slightly lower as my legs started to drag, I was still exhausted from my fight with the group of mad ponies and other creatures and having been fighting for an hour was feeling the burn of exhaustion.

The early signs of morning started to show as a gentle pink started to replace black. A small cottage came into sight sticking out besides the tree house that many of the ponies here seemed to prefer. In fact, there were few buildings not made of wood as most were either houses built on trees or carved into the trees themselves.

"I'm home" the mare barked dropping me on to a comfy sofa. My body went limp as I found myself yawning. A crash of feet could be heard from above as a thunder of foot steps followed. Four mares burst into the living room tackling the startled mare. Cries of relief and sobs echoed around the spacious room as Stitches was trapped by the four mares. A stallion made his way into the room limping badly, shooing the smaller mares away as he grabbed Stitches in a bone crushing hug.

"My daughter, when I heard of the bloody hooves attack I assumed you were lost" he soberly stated tears streaking down his face. Stitches squirmed in the stallions grip grumbling about not being a foal as the stallion chuckled. Turning the stallion looked over at my slouched form. Raising his brow inquisitive he gave a sly smirk as he nudged his daughter suggestively. One of the mares giggled as she gave me a playful grin before turning to her daughter.

"Really, a town invasion and you were picking up stallions, I taught you well" she laughed as Stitches went red with embarrassment.

"Daddy, mum, aunties meet my patient, uh I didn't catch your name" she replied her cheeks heating up as she flashed me a sheepish grin.

"I don't know." I sighed the mare awkwardly looking back and forth as one of the mares spoke up.

"What happened out there? One minute we were being told to hide in our homes, next we heard horrible shrieks, then silence. I got the reports there were around two hundred of those things" one of the mares spoke. Only now did I notice she was donned in guard armor, her grey coat contrasting the gold as she looked at us questioningly.

"From the start, tell us what happened."

Nightmare Moon’s POV

4 hours later

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVERFREE VILLAGE WAS ATTACKED!?" Luna roared causing me to wince as I entered the throne room. Despite having only been at each others throats mere hours ago, more important things had come up as the guard that delivered the news cowered under the night blue alicorns glare.

Luckily most of the group had returned to their homes, Razor Wing returning to her hive. The elements had returned home all but Twilight and Fluttershy who was residing with me. Discord had agreed to take care of the timid mare’s animals until I was confident that she would not suffer any bullying at the hands of her "friends".

"Bloody hooves attacked in hundreds. They were seen ransacking the city before I left to get help. I believe the city to be lost. Please your majesty we need to move now if we are to save any survivors." The guard pleaded her eyes watering as she tried to keep her composure.

"Very well, the four of us will come to thy aid with a platoon of 50 guards. Let us move!" Luna barked giving me a neutral glance as I gave a nod.

"Glimmer Shield will lead the guards whilst Twilight, Luna and I will push back the beasts." I followed up as the guard gave a nod rushing to alert the night guards.

"I hope you will not try to spare these beasts" Luna growled as I resisted the urge to slap her upside the head. Once Celestia had calmed down, she had whilst not agreed with out actions, had at least understood that we would not have done what we did merely to spite them. Though Chrysalis bless her had only sided with me due to our close friendship.

Twilight stood awkwardly between the two of us as we awaited Glimmer Shield and the night guards. Usually captain Dark Wing would lead the night guards, but as much as both I and Luna were loathed to admit it, Glimmer Shield was a far better commander as well as tactician.

"Your majesties, Twili?" the mare stated in surprise as her sister gave her a warm smile. I could see her displeasure at seeing her younger sister here but we needed her as Celestia was currently negotiating with the gryphon's empress. As much as I wished to stay optimistic It would take us to long to reach the small village in time to give any aid. it was more a hunt more than a rescue now.

"Lets move out!" the Glimmer Shield barked.

Departure And Destruction

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“What an interesting creature you are.” she laughed her lithe hands tracing down my back, as she inspected my shivering form. Her fingernails slowly slid up my chest before cupping my chin. I froze as she tilted my chin up slowly, her slitted eyes gazing into mine as I waited for something to happen.

“Your scent,” she whispered, pausing to contemplate her words as I stood frozen.

“It’s deliciously enticing.” she purred her clawed hand wrapping around my throat as I thrashed about.

With a jolt I sprang to my feet shakily looking around for a perpetrator as my brain caught up.

"That god damn dream again" I sighed collapsing onto the couch wiping a trickle of sweat away from my forehead. Looking at a small clock I was shocked to discover that I had only been asleep for about two hours. Outside the sun lazily climbed into the sky still relatively pink as the village was mostly silent. A few stray guards warily made patrols keeping a sharp eye out for a possible second attack as I tore my gaze away from the window. With light now present I doubted the beasts would attack, light and the now gone element of surprise both played against them.

Every night since my arrival I had the same dream. The mare black as night stood before me, her form arousing yet scared me witless. Her voice smooth as silk yet held a bitter poison in her words. Damn, I am artistic today, I chuckled stretching as I rubbed at my eyes. I felt like I knew the mare but I never got far enough to actually see her.

The six other inhabitants slept peacefully as I quickly showered, groaning as for the first time in countless months I was able to scrub away the filth my body had gained. Granted when you had spent the last god knows how long thinking you were a skeletal abomination, you tended to skimp on personal hygiene. My hair had grown to wild lengths, my face spouting a beard and mustache as I grimaced in distaste.

"You my friends, have to go" I jokingly mused grabbing a razor.

Yawning I let the cool air slowly dry my still damp and freshly cut hair. My eyes flickered over the daunting Everfree forest. A sword lay buckled to my side, I knew the family would throw a fit but I was sure they would forgive once they learnt that I was going to finish off those bastards that cowered in the forest.

Marching down the streets I noticed that ugly splotches of blood still stained the ground as the rain from last night as well as the flutter ponies effort had done little. I gave a chuckle as a mare cursed under her breath violently scrubbing the ground as a guard made idle chit chat with her. I knew that I could not stay as much as I would love to; things like me don't get to settle down in small villages, have friends or family. But that doesn't mean I can’t stop other monsters from trying to take those basic rights away from others.

Reaching the border between the village and forest I gave one more fleeting glance in the direction of Lace Stitches house before stepping into the pitch blackness.

Luna's POV

I threw a few awkward glances towards my sister as we arrived at our destination. We had just teleported a few hundred meters away from the village as the soldiers quickly moved forward. I felt guilt for my actions as she refused to meet my gaze. Despite the spat and my, slight over reacting I still had good reason for my actions. Liches were not ponies, they were monsters that killed for fun and rose the undead to use in armies. Why wouldn't she just accept that the thing was trying to manipulate us into a false sense of security? Heal my sister in the hope we would let it get close then it would kill us or force us to serve it.

That was why I feared it, for if it got to Isaac or any of the foals it could use them as leverage. I loved the foals as if they were my own, we all did, but I would not let anything live if there were even the slightest possibility that it could do harm. From the way it fought it was very clear that this creature could do serious harm.

"Sister, look maybe I was slightly uh… strong in my disagreement but you must see that…" I was cut off as Nightmare Moon held up a single hand.

"We can discuss this later, for now focus on the mission" The ice in her voice made me shiver slightly as I huffed. The poison in her words made it clear that she was in no mood for apologies. Snorting in annoyance the anger for my sister redoubled as I contemplated kicking her flank.

"Glimmer Shield, report" I barked as the mare saluted.

"Your majesties, you aren't going to believe this" she answered gesturing to the still intact and relatively unharmed village. Reaching the village border the three of us made our way into the village centre many of the flutter ponies stopping to greet and show respect.

"What is going on? We were informed that your village was under siege, have we been lied to?" I growled the last part, my patience already wearing thin as an aged mare approached us.

"Peace, Princess of the Moon if you four will come with me I will hopefully be able to explain what has transpired." She rasped her body frail as she supported herself on a walking stick. With a hesitant nod Twilight, Glimmer Shield and I followed the mare, Nightmare Moon lagging behind for a brief moment as she stared at the pavements.

"Were the streets always red?" Luna questioned. gaining a grimace from the elderly flutter pony.

Liche's POV

A muffled cry sounded as I twisted the creatures head, its neck snapping as it fell to the floor. The small patrol had been scouting, looking for prey when I had happened upon them. It had taken a matter of seconds to remove them their bodies frail like paper mache.

With a goal in mind I made my way through the dark and humid hell hole. The beasts themselves here were wrong. Twisted abominations that would strike fear into even the most hardened of soldiers.

A shady silhouette appeared dwarfing the small village as I looked on. A castle well more of a fortress stood alone on a small island within the forest. A deep cavern stopped anything from getting in anywhere else but the draw bridge. Catapults as well as archers lined the wall meaning that aerial assault was also out.Fire dancer around my fingers as I pointed at one of the towers. My magic did the rest, screams of pain and panic chorusing from the tower as I moved in.

Wave after wave of the enemy fell, their dying screams echoing around the battlefield as my body was struck with arrows, magic and swords. Fire ate at everything in its path destroying chunks of the fortress and any of the beasts that crossed my path.

"RETREAT TO THE HALLS!" one of the commanders roared, giving a strangled scream as her body was torn into two. The courtyard was alight as the fire ate away at everything in its destructive path. Another blast of magic and another retreating group of guards were reduced to ashes. With a simple flick of the hand the doors barring my access were torn apart, the beasts hissing at me as a flurry of arrows and spears pierced my dead form.

A charging mare found her end as with a simple swipe of my blade I removed her head from her body. Magic, steel and sheer strength tore through all in my path, screams of the dying echoing around the fortress. My destination was close, small signs keeping me on the right path as the dungeon door sat at the other end of the corridor.


I gave a startled gasp as I was sent flying backwards landing hard as I turned to face my attacker. I paused studying the freak before me as I shivered at the sight. Standing easily at 14ft stood a deathly pale pony dressed in a sharp black suit. What unnerved me was its face or lack of. Black tendrils sprouted from its back easily double the things size as they moved freely slithering calmly as I readied myself. Gouts of fire coursed up and down my arms, my hands clenching as I snarled at the creature. With a burst of speed I darted forward.

Nightmare Moon's POV

"What do we do now? The liche is here, he slaughtered those creatures but why?" Luna questioned, the smaller mare lost as Glimmer Shield tried and failed to calm her sister whom was suffering a miniature breakdown. This thing had not only saved the ponies but apparently the skeletal figure we had seen had been a disguise. But who would have the power to fool a creature as powerful as a liche, more to the point that ponies had provided an alibi of its good, if bloody intent.

"Your highnesses, I think I may be able to help" a voice spoke up to our left. Turning we watched as a mare bustled towards us nearly tripping. Reaching us the mare gave a small curtsy as I waved off the formality.

"Please do tell, where is the being heading" I inquired as the mare nodded grabbing a small bag as Glimmer Shield tensed. The mare produced a map muttering to herself as she unfolded it.

"He said he knew where the Bloody Hooves were based and said he was going after them. I never thought for a minute that he would go alone. I don’t know when he left but from what some of the guards that saw him said he left at about 5." Handing the map over the mare stopped letting us observe the map.

"This is incredible, we had though the fort just a myth but if the monster has discovered the lair then we may be able to kill two birds with one stone, assuming he has gone there to kill them" Luna laughed not noticing the cold look from the mare. I knew that the Liche was not evil but I never would have thought that it would save a town. It showed selflessness a trait that by all means he should not be even capable of feeling or showing.

"He isn't a monster, he saved our lives" she whispered her eyes sad as I gently clasped her hand. Giving her a comforting squeeze I noticed that she seemed saddened by his departure.

"Fear not, no harm will come to him. If he is innocent then we will have no reason to harm him." I replied, the mare giving me a thankful nod before retreating a lone tear trickling down her face.

"Come sister, if we wish to catch him then we shall need to move. Young Sparkles, you two stay here and make sure nothing happens, the two of us will move faster by ourselves" Luna instructed, the two giving small nods as they turned to deal with both villagers and guards.
As we made haste into the forest I felt a small twinge of fear as memories of old came to my mind.
The Everfree truly was a place of evil!

Liche's POV

I snarled as a small trickle of blood ran down my forehead, the creature was putting up a better fight than I had anticipated as its arm slowly regenerated. The being was nowhere near as powerful as even one of the Alicorn but its ability to regenerate and my weariness from fighting others coupled with its strange immunity to magic made for a tiring battle.

Once again the beast lashed out its tendrils slashing and wrapping around my body as I would tear through them with fire and blade. With a scream of rage I slammed my palm into the creature's chest firing everything I had left as the beast spasmed wildly yet never uttering a sound.

With a twitch the thing fell backwards going still. With an exhausted groan I stumbled past the dead beast my eyes not catching the small twitch in its hand as I sluggishly forced my way through the dungeon door.

The place stank of death and I knew instantly that my hopes of finding anyone were slim. My eyes scanned through the countless cells most empty with the occasional corpse or skeleton littering the place. With each small disappointment hope in finding survivors dropped as I tried to retain the crushing disappointment and sense of failing.

A weak groan came from a cell on the far left. Rushing over I to my relief found prisoners. The three looked half-starved as I looked on with pity. One was a gryphon whilst the other two were pony’s unicorns to be exact. The first was a mint green a golden lyre barely visible on her naked form as I gave a disgruntled cough.

The other pony stood out from the rest her dark grey fur matted with blood and mud. The mare was easily eight feet tall and seemed to be bound in heavy chains, a pulsating ring around her horn seeming to block the flow of magic. The mare had three sparkling diamonds on her rear. Her mane was a dark purple with a few white streaks glowing in the dark cell.

“Holy shit” the gryphon chuckled a bandage covering her left eye. The gryphon was filthy like the rest of them her feathers in need of a good preen as her tawny fur was coated in grime and was heavily tangled. Giving me a small smile she nudged the grey unicorn as she flinched her eyes flickering open as she took me in a look of disbelief.

A suspicious glare adorned her face, her cat like eyes glaring at me as a sharp gasp sounded from the mint green mare. Clumsily climbing to her feet the weak mare made her way over to the cell door. She was forced to limp as a large ball of iron was cruelly attached to her leg the chain digging in as blood and puss dripped from the wound. If I did not get them seen to soon they would die of their injuries

The green unicorn looked at me in shock on her face, her eyes watering as she gave a small sob.

"Lachlan?" she whispered her hand gently resting on my face as I looked back at her blankly.


Rarities and Heartstrings

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"Who?" I replied the mare recoiling as I looked on in confusion. Tears streaming down her face as her hand rested on my chin.

"Lachlan its me Lyra remember I kind of kidnapped you and we had sex" she replied blushing as I gave her an incredulous look.

"Allow me." the darker unicorn spoke up her hand roughly resting against my temple as pain flooded my body. Like a switch being flicked memories came rushing back making me nauseous as I stumbled backwards.

I collapsed against the cell gate my head spinning my boding shaking. Images of me playing games in my house and talking with my friends flash as scenes of the orange portal then me falling remind me of how I got here. I woke up in a cold forest the castle the same one I fought those mares in I entered there for shelter.

I remebered the herd, my kids, friends and the hardships that we had faced. I remembered being kidnapped and the gun going off.

The memories stopped my dizziness fading as I was able to focus. I felt a constriction in my chest almost like a heart attack as I double over. I weakly tear the chains holding the three down giving a small grunt as I fall to one knee. The three moved over to me looking to me to lead as I noticed something flash behind them. In a burst of adrenaline I pushed the largest out the way just as a knife tore into my chest. Something was wrong blood poured from my wound as I gasped my hand slamming into the bloody hoofs stomach as I vaporized the guard. Another jumped me from behind its height and bulk throwing me to the ground as we wrestled for control of my sword which lay feet away from us as it held me in a choke hold.

Fire exploded from my hands, the flames devouring the rotting flesh and clothing on the guard as the undead creature screeched in frustration. The cry did not go unheard as above armoured footsteps could be heard .

"RUN" I cried coughing as I threw the guard off of me crushing its skull as blood coated my face. The mare realizing that I had just saved her gave a small nod moving backwards herding the other two as they looked down at what little remained of the bloody hoof guard.

The three new targets eyed me evilly there weapons raised posed to strike me down. Having saved her ass the mare gave a shaking nod of thanks, her malnourished form a clear sign that she would be in no fit state to repay the favor. I was exhausted from yesterdays fight and fighting an army plus the faceless jailer had left me with nearly zero reserves. If I could hold them off for just a few seconds the three behind me could escape.

The first guard struck first its axe tearing down in an arc meaning to cleave me in two as i clumsily threw myself to the right stumbling as I retaliated. A shard of ice embedded in the undead stallions skull killing it instantly as the other two moved more cautiously starting to circle me. The prisoners could not help, exhaustion and starvation making them in even worse condition than me.

"As one the two leapt forward, a sword tearing though my arm as a mace struck my leg. The sharp wet crack of bone caused me to fall on my rear. The two landed on top of me biting and tearing at my face as I placed my hands on one of the bastards neck. A quick twist and sharp push snapped the beasts neck like a twig. The final one stood up blade poised to decapitate me as I sighed my body going limp as I waited for the sharp sting of death.


The beast flow backwards its body mangled as it struck the hard wall of the previously occupied prison cell. Lyra and the other unicorns horn gently glowing. I gave a small sigh as the wound slowly healed bones popping back into place as my body healed itself. But I realised that I would not be able to heal the more serious wounds. Weak and ill I threw up my body ghostly white as blood pooled around me. I had not been aware of how much I had spilt but that should not have mattered given my state yet. The blood looked fresh and I was feeling light headed. With a weak moan I fell to my knees my body shaking violently as I tried to keep moving.

"He needs help badly if he doesn't get a doctor soon he is going to die" the dark grey mare spoke gently placing a hand over my chest as she paused. "His heart beat is erratic if we don't slow it he could go into cardiac arrest" She informed the other two hoisting me into her arms with ease as I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness. The mare gasped as she hissed worriedly

"Shit two alicorns are approaching" she spat her body morphing as gone was the grey unicorn replaced with a light blue one.

Two muffled cracks sounded as two blurred forms appeared one gasping as I blacked out.

Nightmare Moon's POV

I along with Luna teleported past the caved in door that led to the dungeon the commotion coming from the general direction as I took in the sight before me. Two unicorns and a gryphon. One held a small form as I froze, gasping in shock.

"LACHLAN" I cried rushing over, disbelief coursing though me as I momentarily thought it to be a cruel dream. The mare quickly handed me the unconscious human. Looking at him I put aside disbelief and happiness in favor of getting him to a hospital. "Luna get these three to canterlot I will take Lachlan" I barked my horn glowing a dark blue as I teleported.

Chrysalis gave a shriek as I landed not feet away from her Molestia chuckling. Without a second though I pushed the mare out of the way her cries of protest ignored as I sprinted for the infirmary. The once erratic breathing and thundering of his heart beat had shallowed barely audible as I panicky increased my pace.

"HELP!!!" I screamed barreling into the infirmary nurses scattering as a doctor feel over a chair at my sudden appearance. A nurse rushed over on sight at the small form in my hands quickly rushing over to a bed as one of the doctors barked instructions to the other nurses. needles were jammed into his arms as a breathing mask was placed over his mouth machines blaring as his abnormal heart beat.

"We are losing him, come on stay with us" the doctor cried the horrific sound of the machine flat lining causing me to panic as I was forcefully ushered out by medical staff. I cried out in bitter protest throwing one of the mares to the ground as the doors slammed shut in my face. Whimpering I frantically paced back and forth my tail swishing agitatedly as my ears lay flat against my head. I was scared I had barely even gotten to experience the joy that came with realising that my mate was alive and already I could lose him a second time.

Chrysalis appeared from around the corner quickly followed by Molestia the two tripping over each other as they reached me.

"IS IT TRUE! IS WHAT LUNA IS SAYING TRUE!" Chrysalis roared shaking me violently as tears strained her eyes.

"Yes" I croaked my eyes welling up as I fell to the floor to tired to move.

"I- I don't know what to do." I whispered, unable to look at them tears dripping down my check. "How can he be alive he died in front of us." I whispered, Chrysalis tearfully nodding whilst Molestia bit her lip.

"I don't understand dead is dead nothing can bring the dead back to life save for necromancy. But his body posses no sign of foul magic, unless could the liche have done this?" Molestia questioned.

"What use would a liche have for Lachlan? More to the point why would the liche revive him and dump him in Grogars old castle of all places?" Chrysalis spoke up.

"Regardless I will not lose him a second time." I finished pacing as I roughly wiped my face drying my tears stained cheeks.

Your highnesses" a soft voice spoke up causing me to gasp as I awoke realizing I feel asleep I looked up at the nurse as she smiled sadly at me." The human has pulled though he is stable but currently in a coma we are sorry but for now we are happy to say that he is alive" she finished steeping backwards as I wobbly stood up my fur matted as I clumsily made my way inside behind me the nurse was busy awakening the other two as I took in the sorry sight of him. Much of his body was heavily bandaged his form malnourished from the look of things as half of his body looked to me hooked up to different machines.

I gave a small sob of relief gently leaning in as I kissed him on the forehead. I thanked whoever had looked over him as I held a hand over my mouth fearing I might break down again as for the first time in years a genuine smile graced my lips. Chrysalis and Molestia sobbed as they looked at the small human. Be it some miracle or fate but Lachlan was alive.

"When you get better Lachlan I swear I will never let anypony ever hurt you again, ever!" I finished sitting down as I silently watched the gentle fall and rise of his chest.

Liche/ Lachlans POV

My body seemed to float as I looked around the pitch black space I was in no sound or light visible. Sighing I felt relaxed the stress and hurt of my travels and battles gone from my mind as I gently flicked my hand a gentle flame springing to life as I illuminated some of my path.

"Lachlan" a gentle voice spoke up causing me to turn as I came face to face with Nightmare Moon. The mare gently stroked my chin a tear trickling down her face. I flinched as she wrapped her arms around me resting her chin on my head as she sighed happily. "I cant believe I get to hold you again to breath in your delicious scent " she purred as I shivered. I knew her but at the same time parts were still missing as I gently pushed away.

A brief look of hurt flashed across her face as she let her hands fall to her side.

"Your body we belief was resurrected by the liche. But you are so selfless that you some how have returned to us not a monster but human. Lachlan you are one of the most selfless people I have ever met. I have been to your world seen the people there and though all the cruelty and hatred good always seems to break though. Lachlan I am proud and honored to call you my mate keep fighting and know that I love you with all my heart." she finished giving a small squeak as I lunged forward wrapping my arms around her waist as I pulled her down.

"Moon" I mumbled burring my head into her chest as I cried. The mare held me tears matting her fur as the two of us, held each other relived.

A loud slow clapping cut us off as we turned a pair of skeletal hands, barely visible in the black void the mocking slow clap unnerving me as I jumped to my feet.

"That was so beautiful i'm all choked up at such a beautiful display of affection" the voice chuckled.

"Lach-" Nightmare Moon cried out trying to reach me as her form vanishing . Little by little the newcomer walked forward the dim light where Nightmare Moon had been still present as I took in the monsters features. he stood at about my height a black cloak covering most of him. His flesh or the little i could see was rotten on bone most noticeable in his arms as holes in his cloak showed me exposed ribs. Pulling the hood down I grimaced as I took in the twisted mess that was its face. Lose skin and muscle clung barely to his face bits wobbling as yellow puss trickled down his face.

"What's the mater champ don't you recognize your bestest friend" he laughed his teeth flashing as I recoiled at the rotting black stumps.

"Who the fuck are you" I snapped fire engulfing my hands in a threatening display.

"Why I am genuinely hurt, to think after all we have been though you would so callous as to forget me" he dramatically cried out throwing a bony hand over his head as I sneered.

A click of his finger and his form changed. Gone was the grotesque monstrosity replaced with a young man with shaggy brown hair. I felt like I was looking in a mirror as the being smirked.

"Why I'm you of course!"


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The gentle hum of equipment gently lulled me back into the land of the living my head pounding as I felt bile rise in my throat. My lips cracked gave the foul taste of blood as I grimaced. My eyes itched as I clumsily rubbed the thick later of sleet . A strong feeling of pins and needles ran up my arms. Needles covered my shaking arms as I panicky started tearing them off. In my fear induced state I failed to notice the breathing mask attached to my face. yelping as the apparatus yanked sharply on my face I cursed as my head hit the side of the bed.

Tearing the mask off, my eyes tried to make sense of where I was. Bright white walls caused me to wince as the sun beamed in from the large windows directly across from me.

"Where the fuc— SHIT MOON" I cried jumping to my feet sluggishly limping to the door as I stumbled. Cursing I dizzily pulled myself up using a small cabinet for support.

The sharp cries of the machines crashing behind me faded as I wobbled violently using the walls as support as I hobbled along the corridors my eyes stinging as my sweat clad jeans gown stuck to my body. Flares of pain spiked in my stomach and chest as I doubled over panting for breath as sweat poured down my forehead. I knew I was in canterlot but why had my memory returned what had caused it? I had seen nightmare Moon in my dreams but then she had vanished something pushed her out but what?

I gasped as I stumbled over a poorly straightened out carpet. Seeing a door at the end of hallway I knew from memory that it was a war room of sorts, more accurately a debating room for the high powers of Equestria. Muffled voices could be heard from within as I weakly collapsed against it.

"We must track the beast down it has already turned some of the flutter village against us and it is responsible for our mates condition" the familiar voice of Chrysalis shouted angrily bringing a gentle smile to my lips as I weakly chuckled. "I say we send out scouts and track the Liche down and kill it" she hissed my chuckle dying in my throat. I realized I was the beast they were referring too. They didn't know I was a liche, beast keep that to myself I mentally grimaced.

Too weak to move I knocked on the door my legs shaking as I groaned lightly. I received no answer as I gave a snort. Raising my hand I knocked louder as voices inside paused momentarily silence descending, waiting patiently I irately sighed as I raised my hand bringing it down as hard as I could.

"BUCK OFF, we are busy" the brash voice of Dash followed by a muttered berating from Rarity.

"Right as I was say—" at this point I slammed my fist repeatedly against the door a crack echoing across the corridor as Chrysalis paused. A frustrated sigh came from most of the occupants inside as the sound of a chair scraping was heard.

"YOU HAD BETTER HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY OR I SWEAR TO FAUST I W—" the door was wretched open Chrysalis's rant cut off mid way gasping at my swaying form.

"Hey girls." I smiled limping inside as I yawned. The mare sat frozen Chrysalis following me as I collapsed into random chair massaging my head.

"LACHLAN!" As one the mares surged forward my frail body being wrapped in multiple hugs as I coughed violently feeling my body strain despite my new found power. A mesh of sobs and cries of relief brought a tear to my eye.

"It is a miracle." Moon whispered her head resting on my shoulder as I gave her a loving kiss on the check.

"Lets have a look at the goods." Molestia giggled her hand going down my trousers as I froze shivering as I felt her velvet fur rub my to my relief still working member. "Well you are still in one piece anyway" she purred her lips meeting mine as she straddled me.

The sharp wail of a child was a quick reminder to why death hadn't been so bad. My eyes tiredly opening as I crawled out of bed. The hospital was silent save for a single nurse who gave me a disproving look. I had been recovering for about two weeks now and from day one I had found myself going to the distressed calls of my kids. 'God how they had grown' I silently mused my stiff body causing some discomfort as I made the tedious journey down the large halls.

"What's wrong?" I cooed gently picking up the squirming changeling as he whimpered pitifully. Gently bouncing the foal I sighed, gently stroking his back. The little changeling looked much like his mother but as with all of the foals retained my eyes and canines. I had been surprised when I had learnt that they had named him Thomas. It turned out that named him after one of my fathers. Life had as expected mostly gone back to normal the over protectiveness of the mares had been wearing at time but I did appreciate there display of affection.

Unknown even to them I continued to sneak out when the nurses would sign off at about 1 in the morning. I trained and tested my new power tracking down bloody hooves bases and scouting parties. I had also been doing clean up crew removing pests that had escaped tarturus. Of course none could know of this and the fact that the liche continued to evade the mares was to my slight amusement driving them up the wall. In fact they were actually holding a meeting right now trying to find a pattern in his movements. I knew all there tricks and whilst I loved them I did not trust many of them

Despite my brief amnesia and undead state memories of our encounter still made me uncomfortable around them. Considering how many had been prepared to kill me I felt that it was maybe best they not know that I was the liche. I feared that if they discovered what I was despite our bonds they would kill me. Fluttershy and Nightmare Moon were the only two that truly stood by me when the rest would have left me for dead. Discord and Chrysalis more out of loyalty which was commendable but as soon as I had left they had very quickly changed there tune.

My magic had continued to grow stronger as I could do more and more with out getting tired. From what I had learnt the girls had limiters in a sense on there magic cutting it to about a tenth of there true destructive power. Had they removed this during our fight they would have killed me in a instance.

The more and more the mares seem to argue about removing them and finding me. Those without the limiters can sense all magic as well as different strands. The last time they were removed was when nightmare Moon came to face and the two sisters fought for supremacy. I personally did not feel comfortable knowing that the mares I play and joke with, could destroy me even with my new found powers with little more than a wave of the hand. It was for all insentience and purposes scary.

"Good evening" Nightmare Moon purred causing me to jump as I shakily turned to meet the giggling mare. I got a whine of annoyance from the dozing foal. "You never fail to get to them first" Moon chuckled following me as I gently placed the changeling back in his cot. Even now as the mare showed nothing but affection I still felt on edge and it showed as her eyes seemed to dim at my reluctance at contact. I feared them and they knew it but not why and it was hurting each of them. I knew it was stupid but I was terrified of them!

Lachlan honey what's wrong?" Moon whispered crouching down as she wrapped her arms around me burying her muzzle into my neck as I flinched. The hurt look cut deeper than any knife as the confusion and sadness made me physically ill with myself as I gently kissed her. The mare moaned as she pushed for tongue though the gap.

" I need you" She hissed pulling me closer,aggressively pushed her lips against mine. Pushing me to the floor the mare gave a predatory grin as she started to strip. "Tonight you are mine!" she hissed menacingly as I gulped. Already her blanket like fur was causing me to sweat as I nervously wiped my forehead.

"Don't suppose we can just cuddle and maybe have gentle sex?" I asked my body slumping a she shook her head her eyes glowing as she flipped me over pinning me as she in hailed sharply.

"So greedy, would you really keep him to yourself" the bored tone of Chrysalis sounding from behind as I looked up my acceptance with rough sex with one mare quickly being dashed as I took in the small crowd looking at me expectingly. Twilight at least had the decency to look slightly ashamed as the rest grinned. Molestia was already getting ready to remove her dress as Eris impatiently floated beside her. Luna's wings twitched impatiently as Celestia gave me a wink. Despite the original hostile welcome from the two, they had softened up and accepted me back in. The two had been suspicious of me, bringing someone back from the dead impossible and the feared that I was a cruel trick made by the liche. Though sadly as a result they all wanted to kill the liche now. For daring to grave rob me and try and use me as a servant.

"Ladies I am sure we can rationally talk this out an—" I stopped mid way turning tail and running as cries of protest came from behind. Unfortunately I had not taken my fucked leg into account as a pair of hands wrapped around me pulling me back as I kicked and cried in protest.

"No I wont you cant make me" I playfully and defiantly cried my hands latching onto anything to save myself from the pain, pleasure and most importantly pain that was promised in the soulless eyes of those monsters.

" How did we get here?" I dead panned seven content mares lying on all sides as sweat poured down my heaving form.

"Honey you should know by now that we can smell you a mile off. The moment you sweat, we all smell you. Did you honestly think we were going to let her get first dibs on you without us? " Molestia finished giggling as she stroked my chest as I lay nestled on her lap. Celestia and Twilight lay snoring to my left the large alicorn acting as the big spoon. Eris was contently snoozing on my stomach as moon silently played angry birds. Apparently whilst in the human world the mares were able to take on disguises to avoid detection and trading in a few bits for a ridicules amount of money had allowed them to buy computers iPod and so on. As a whole equestria was rapidly changing as the new influx of technology helped them to further the game and entertainment industries.

Luna to my surprise was actually unintentionally grouping an amused nightmare Moon as she mumbled unintelligibly in her sleep. occasionally she would nibble the larger mares neck causing her to groan. As a whole the group was happy and I despite my fear for my other half being discovered was more than content with the familiar routine.

As I closed my eyes I inwardly shuddered as I knew that my other half would want to talk.

"Buddy, good to see you back. Nice job by the way those mares look happy" he laughed slapping me on the back as I grimaced. "Oh come on don't pull that face I thought we were friends? Look our first chat was maybe a little rough but I had to warn you. If you had revealed yourself to them they would have killed you. Trust me when I say an alicorn that revels her true form will not stop until the thing that caused it is completely sub servant to her or dead! You see when they remove the limiter as I like to call it it changes them the kind looks are replaced with razor sharp teeth, glowing eyes and nasty claws, trust me you do not want that. also don't try to leave them Alicorns mate for life and if need be they will kill and in some extreme cases will eat there mate that tries to leave." the liche finished as I felt myself going green with disgust.

"Eat but they are vegetarian, also they would never hurt me" I panicky replied the liche giving a sad smile as he rested a hand on mky shoulder.

"Lach old buddy, Alicorns are selfish, They love you to bits I know that but if you tried to abandon or leave them without there permission, there desire to keep you would over power there affection for you. If you escaped they would hunt you down might even kill you in there grief. They would have every guard and citizens searching for you and most likely make up a sob story about you being possessed. Lets not forget the reward, the reward that would make even the most loyal waver millions of bits enough to turn friends against each other. If they caught you dear god they might just beat you half to death if you are lucky the most likely is that they would snap your spine so you could never leave them again. If you escaped it would devastate them they would try everything from seduction to threats. Funny thing is that if you survive the initial aggression and are not killed or captured they get so deluded that they get it into there heads that you must have been possessed and will make it there mission to rescue you. It is really creepy they never raise there voice just repeatedly insisting that you are just confused, bewitched or being difficult. Lachlan you need to get the fuck out of there all the above will happen if you do that but if you stay with them then the neediness and protectiveness will only get worse until they are having mares executed for merely staring at you!" The liche finished my eyes widening as I collapsed fearfully looking at the liche as he gave a sad smile.

"How do I know this is not just bullshit?" I replied my voice wavering as he rolled his eyes.

"Because what use would lying to you do me we are the same being just split personalties, I know this because I have the collective memories of all other Liches that have been. A new liche gains the experience and memories of deceased and trust me there have been many though out the years. I have seen the alicorn rage and possessiveness and in part is what lead to there downfall. Why do you think draconequus and alicorns are so rare. Both have that hidden side and power to them and because of that they destroyed each other in a great war that resulted in the bad lands. Lachlan nearly 65% of this world is uninhabitable because of that war. You sadly are not just herded with one alicorn but with five though one is still young so she wont have that power yet. But the thing is there is also Eris, the two changeling queens all of whom could tear you apart if they went full out. I can help you and maybe with training we can get to a level where we could fight one of them off with them at there full power. The thing is that if you don't leave soon, then leaving later on will be all that harder. as they will never give up and will find more destructive and violent means to get you." Giving me a dejected sigh the Liche moved away leaving me to take in the information as I felt sick.

I couldn't belief what he was saying he must have been lying there is no way that any of them would hurt me or others. But on the other hand some things rang true, they never took my opinion in when it came to what they wanted if I refused they would playfully bully and even out and out force me to have sex with them or use it to get me to agree to there demands. Whilst none of that was what he was describing would it get worse. Would the teasing and chasing turn into rape and beatings. The mares didn't take no for an answer but they were never aggressive with it. But what happened if they did start getting aggressive would they hurt me to get what the wanted?

"What do I do"


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With a strangled scream I threw myself forward tripping over a slumbering Chrysalis as I landed on the floor. Sweat coated my shaking body. The cold of the floor sent shivers up my mind my breath shaky and rapid. To my relief none of the mares seemed to have awoken as a lone tear trickled down my face. I shivered violently, my hands shakily grabbing my clothes as I threw them over my naked form.

Silently I exited though the bedroom door, a violent migraine not helping the situation. It was still early on, about four in the morning, my body working on autopilot as I checked up on the five foals. Despite the images and memories the Liche had shown me I refused to accept that alicorns were like that. When I looked down at Isaac I saw nothing but innocence and kindness and knew that even if what the beast said was true, I would not let my foals follow that route. The question was how did I approach this; I knew that as soon as I brought it up I would be instantly scrutinized to see where I had obtained the knowledge. The Liche had, whether kindly or for his own gain, given me the needed magic to access Star Swirl's private library. I believe that not even Celestia or Luna truly knew about what hid within.

Magical artifacts and books of great knowledge on both alicorns and necromancy. If I was to have any chance against a fully powered alicorn I would need to deepen my knowledge of the arts. Considering that I was in a herd with some of the most dangerous and ancient of beings, I knew that I was fucked if they went all out against me. As I wondered the halls I knew that Celestia would not awaken for another two hours and Molestia for another three. If I kept a low profile in this library I could make an excuse that I was off recovering from last night.

The library, if what the Liche said was true, was hidden beneath Star Swirls apprentice statue, Clover The Clever. I still found it amusing that as it turned out, Clover the Clever was actually a colt and Star Swirl had been a mare.

Lost in my musing I gave a startled yelp as I slammed face first into a someone.

"Lachlan? You are up early." I froze as the kind face of Celestia looked down at me, her hair a tangled mess. Yawning she gently wrapped her arms around me nuzzling my check, my mouth going dry in the process as I feared she knew of my intentions.

"What has you up so early? I always took you for more of a noon person much like my sisters" she finished chuckling as she took a small sip of her coffee. Seeing the usual regal mare in dressing gown holding a news paper was a particular sight as I gave a half hearted smile.

"Couldn't sleep, nightmares" I replied weakly as she gave a sad smile.

"Would you care to talk about it, I could use the company" she offered signalling for me to follow her as I silently cursed.

"That would be nice" I smiled gritting my teeth as I pushed down the frustration. The mare gave a content nod leisurely strolling down the corridor as I walked beside her.

"You know that if you ever have anything you want to talk about we are all here for you. Whilst my sister and I may seem cold at times Lachlan we are generally fond of you. In fact, in the time you were away we were able to push forward a new rule. As of six months ago it is now illegal to sell or buy stallions regardless of class and beatings now forbid the breaking of bones or leaving cuts of any size!" she finished as I paused.

"I am glad that stallions are at least getting a better deal than before. Princess can I be honest with you? I cant say that I love you and I am sure your sister and you can confidently say the same. But I would genuinely like to get to know you two. Despite our cultural and different view points, you have at least tried to be civil to me. I would very much like to in the future spend maybe a day or a weekend to really get to know you two" I finished, flashing her a grin as she chuckled.

"That sounds lovely, though word of advice despite her cold apparel Luna is actually very sensitive about her appearance and lack of friends. If you could be a proper friend to her as well as mate then you needn't worry about winning me over. I value my subjects and especially my sisters happiness over my own." The mare advised gently stroking my head as I gave a silent nod.

Despite my initial fears it turned out that the white mare literally just wanted a bit of company as we sat in the deserted hallway. A simple spread of toast and eggs was more than enough as the two of us made pleasant conversation. I realized that the hostility the two of us had originated from was us assuming that the other disliked us. I leaped at the chance to potentially earn an ally and dare I say it a friend.
Of course, given that the mare was literally naked under her dressing gown this had resulted in a bit of naughty fun between the two of us. It had started off innocent enough occidentally bumping a hand or leg against the other lingering touch and eventually rubbing against the other. From there it had turned into a game to see who could wind the other one up first. I, in the end, scored an accidental win by accidentally rubbing my foot too far up her leg resulting in a gentle whimper.

The mare had grabbed me and placed me in her seat while undoing the buttons on my belt and jeans. She had then gently sat on me as we, to my disbelief, went at it whilst eating breakfast. What had made it exciting was that the guards and servants would walk in, forcing the mare to stop as we had to pray that they would not notice me. The alicorn would use her tail and legs to cover my lower area. This was fun and slightly painful as I was forced to fully support her. But to say that it was not exhilarating would have been a lie. The horny mare would growl and moan as my hands teased her, usually whilst the servants were bringing refreshments and food. I had at one point wrapped my arms around her waist deciding to go for it as the mare gasped and whimpered at my aggressiveness.The resulting orgasm had left the two of us exhausted given last nights romp.

Five minutes later we found ourselves relaxing in a cold bath the mare gently washing my hair as my head rested on her soft stomach.
"You know I think this is the first time we have ever had sex just the two of us" I chuckled as the mare tried to stifle a snort.

"I must say it was pleasant not having to share or fight over you with others. I strongly wish for us to do this again sometime though hopefully in a more dignified position and better location" She agreed giving my hair a small tussle as I relaxed. my fears of this morning all but forgotten as I merely enjoyed the company of Celestia. It was slightly unusual for the two of us only really having talked during Night Mare Moon's pregnancy and when Molestia had broken free. "Lachlan?" Celestia spoke suddenly her voice barely a whisper as I half heartedly turned to look at her.

"What's up" I replied concern crossing my face as she looked at me awkwardly.

"I have lived for thousands of years watched millions of ponies brought into this world and taken. But despite my experience I have never truly been able to experience one thing, one thing I would given anything in the world to experience. Lachlan would you give me a foal?" her voice seemed to crack up as I looked at the hope on the mares face. I paused truly taking a minuet to think as I looked at the pros and cons. Cons; more screaming, diaper's and sleepless nights. Pros; making a mare happy and having another child to love and deepening a bond I hoped could flourish between the two of us.

I'm... not sure if that would be for the beast I mea—" the look of pain on her face broke my heart, halting me as I looked at her. The hurt look and longing for a foal made my decision clear as I sighed. I knew that deep down I would be shouted at and most likely chased by the others for not consulting them but fuck it, there were plenty of good windows that I still had not jumped out of and as long as they didn't decide to eat me I would be fine, right? I shuddered at that thought, forcing it from my mind as I gently placed my hand on the mares chin forcing her to look me in the eyes as I saw the pent up grief and loneliness that resided in them..

"Well we cant very well make a baby if we just lie here" I dryly laughed the mares eyes widening as the biggest grin I had ever seen appeared on her face. With a small squeal the mare pulled me closer nearly suffocating me as she nuzzled the top of my head. Turning I gave her a small peck on the lips, the mare shivering as she returned the kiss.
Suffice to say it was a very long bath.

"It is done." Celestia purred stroking my neck as we lay sprawled on the bed. Now clean and dry we both wore only a pair of pants as I allowed my head to rest on her breasts the mare giggling as my hand lightly traced individual feathers on her back. The pregnancy spell would be a kill back on Earth a spell that could instantly give you a yay or nay on pregnancy. Much to Celestia confusion she could not actually tell the sex of the baby. Despite our musing and discussion we could only assume that due to Moon and Tia coming from the two mares, the spell did not recognize them as alicorns which we assumed meant that the spell was useless for "Pure" alicorns.

"Keep going at this rate my dear and I fear I will be but putty in your hands" the mare moaned as I gently messaged the base of her wings switching between her neck back and wings as the mare sighed in happiness. I had for the first time in a long time got to see Celestia raise the sun. It had been a beautiful sight, her eyes had glowed white, her wings fully stretched showing just how large she was as her horn glowed a soft yellow. The sunrise was, as always in equestria, breath taking as the light busted forward illuminating small towns and villages in its warm glow.

"It feels so strange, no build up, no surprise, no pregnancy tests, just one spell and we know. Celestia this is..." I trailed off as the alicorn gave a small smile nodding in agreement as I went back to lying on her, my eyes heavy as the last hour and a half with her had been quite taxing stamina wise.

Celestia had generally shocked me, this was a side that I had never seen before. Celestia was acting human(well, pony) instead of the infinite patience and kind ruler facade that she was forced to display 24/7. Lying beside me was not a goddess nor ancient ruler, but just a mare who like her sister only wished for a bit of companionship. Though I was far from trusting of her I knew her to well and to a degree I think the two of us suspected the other. For the moment however the two if us were happy to ignore our suspicion of the other.

Of course the smell of sex was not simply removed with a bath, as I quickly found out when I was tackled by a very rowdy Chrysalis. The look on her face said it all, I groaned.

"Past three years your heat has been dormant due to grieving?"


"Now that I'm back I assume that there will be hell to pay for missing 36 heats for you and three for the alicorns?"


"Not getting out of this until said heat has been satisfied?"


"No negotiating?"



"You will be soon" Chrysalis purred lightly stroking my face. Giving me a small kiss, burrying her muzzle into my chest inhaling sharply as she shivered.

"Come on fat flank let him breath" Moon growled groping the changeling mare as she gave a small hiss. The larger mare grinned maliciously as she deliberately and slowly ran her tongue up the changeling face. Her hands playfully pinching and squeezing the lustful changeling as she whimpered.

"Come on Chrsy just last until this afternoon, then he is ours!" Moon chuckled giving me a wink as she helped her friend up. I was deeply confused and aroused from the display as I awkwardly clambered to my feet, trying to hide the results of the sadistic alicorns teasing.

"Bastard" I growled as she gave me playful swat her tail gently swishing under my chin.

"Come now surely my teasing hasn't affected you th—" the mare glanced over me her eyes slightly winding as she lightly pulled on Chrysalis tail.

"Maybe we should reschedule this afternoons bucking session for now" she stated the two chuckling as I was led to the nearest closet or bedroom.

"Jesus Christ my legs" I hissed limping down the corridor like a cat with its feet stuck in smarty tubes as I tried to rub some feeling back into them. It had been a couple of hours since my encounter with the two and whilst I was in pain those two were in heaven. Despite the pain I noticed that my pain threshold was far greater than before. Last night, this morning, and now, those two had taken a lot out of me.

The girls had after some prompting went about their duties the two demanding that I give them another slice of action later.

Undoing the latch on the statue of Clover the Clever I completely missed the several pair of eyes narrowing as I entered the password. The statue burst to life, its arms raising as its base started to rotate. A spiralling tunnel was revealed as I cautiously placed a foot onto the top step.

"An interesting find you seem to have made Lachlan" a voice hissed from behind my body going numb as I realised how fucked I was. The words of the Liche rang true as I realized that they had been following me! Turning, I came face to face with nearly half the herd, Luna and Moon glaring at me as Celestia and molestia looked on neutrally.

"Pray tell how did you discover this?" Luna spoke up her eyes narrowed as I visibly gulped.

"Whilst with the blood hooves I heard one of them speak of a secret passage way that could allow those with the knowledge to gain access to the castle, as well led to a secret room with rare items." I lied a trickle of sweat running down my face as I prayed they would buy it.

"And you assumed that the best course of action was for you, a weak, magic-less being to investigate it without one of us or at the very least a guard. What if there had been magical booby traps or even an ambush? I am disappointed but I do not think you not telling us was carelessness, so I will ask why did you seem so keen on doing this alone" Celestia spoke up her eyes hardening as I realized my mistake. It was by no accident that she caught me here this morning, she had been following me. By returning to the same spot I realized that she had tipped the others off about my strange behaviour.

"No reason" I replied, Celestia gave me a hurt look, before masking it with a cold indifference. Her eyes narrowed as I tentatively took a step back.

"DO NOT LIE TO US" Moon growled her eyes glowing baring her teeth at me as I realized just how fucked I was. "You have not been the same since you returned! At first we assumed it to be the after effects of the Liches resurrections spell failing, bringing you back as human rather than undead. But you flinch when ever one of us touches you, you shy away from us and even when joking your tone is cold. Lachlan what is wrong, babe please tell us" The night alicorn pleaded her eyes showing her worry and fear as I gave a sad sigh.

" Moon, girls... if you love me and trust me then you will drop it." I replied taking another step back as Chrysalis looked ready to lunge at me.

"We cant accept that Lachlan now please don't make this any harder than it has to be just tell us, does the Liche have a link to you? Is he hurting or threatening you? Please, we will think no less of you but we need to know is anypony hurting or black mailing you" Molestia replied her eyes welling up as genuine worry.

"Please just trust me when I say I need to do this" I replied neutrally trying to stop tears from welling up as I realized that now would decide if the Liche spoke the truth or was full of shit.

"No I wont let you do this, I am telling you to come here, NOW!" Nightmare Moon growled her hands clenching as I felt like crying. The cold realization that despite my freedom I had only been free as long as it coexisted with what they wanted. With a worn sigh my hand slide across the panel on the other side causing the statue door to close as the brief look of shock and anger ran across there face. Luckily for me the door would hold for a good few minutes as I hurriedly made my way down the step steeps. The violent bangs and muffled shouts from above only spurring me on.

The betrayal and fear of the enraged mares above caused me to sob softly as I wished it had not had to end that way. But I needed to know if the books the Liche had promised were here ones that could validate the claims that the alicorns were actually monsters. Even as the banging from above softened I preyed that he was wrong. Though I still felt betrayed at their lack of trust, I could at least live with that.
The thought of them killing me, or breaking me in order to keep me in line was what really scared me. But today had been such a cluster fuck on me, my sympathy for the now pregnant Celestia, the realisation that they had actually grieved for me, and now the fact that they did not trust me all heavily weighed on my mind as reached the bottom steps.

I loved them, I did, though Celestia and Luna were still gray areas for me and I knew that on some level they were only worried about my safety but I could not continue to live with them if any of what the Liche had said was true. Though I wondered why I trusted him so much. Was it because he was part of me or the seniority of his words I could not tell but the fact that I was doing what I was doing now meant that I at least trusted him more than the mares.

My thoughts were cut short as I paused looking around in confusion, I felt a wave of dread rush though my body. The room was barren save a strange mirror similar to the one in the crystal empire. The mirror unlike the other one glowed a bright blue seeming to be made of flames rather than glass as I inquisitively steeped forward. Mere feet away from the thing, I studied it seeing if there was a switch or something to indicate where the library that the liche had insisted existed was.

"You always were a gullible, retard" a voice hissed from behind my eyes widening as I turned. The skeletal form of the Liche looked at me with a cruel glare his black teeth on fuel display as he laughed. "Honestly, I make up some bullshit, show a few manipulated memories and you fall for it, hook line and sinker. Ha, trusting me over the mares that grieved for you, wow what a guy you are. Then again some parts of my story were true they might actually break your spine now that they think you are abandoning them."

"Why bring me here then if you were planning to betray me?" I spat the lying cunt giving me a bored look as he sprang forward his hand clenching around my throat as I gasped.

"Because sweetie. I needed to get you into my world somehow" the liche giggled the masculine voice gone as the form before me changed. Before me to my horror stood Celestia donned in golden armour her eyes cruel as I gasped. Atop her head a crown shaped like jagged horns sat atop her head. Her hair was grungy, the colour dark, and pulsated an evil aura. Her ruby eyes watched me with some amusement as she swayed her hips

"How do you honestly think you were revived, by the magic of friendship? No you fool I revived you, I had been watching you for a while so whilst those morons were off grieving I slipped into this disgusting world and was able to track you down. Though even I had no idea that you would regenerate, a slight error on my part but it plays to my advantage" she cackled inches away from me forcing me to strain my neck to keep eye contact with her. "Though I underestimated your strength you are incredibly powerful but inexperienced I must say I am glad you regained your body" she finished chuckling as I backed up slowly my eyes wide with fear as she grinned.

"How does that play to your advantage?" I hissed the thundering of footsteps bringing me some comfort as I at least knew that whilst angry, my herd would not let this crazed bitch take me.

"Because silly foal, you can give me offspring like you did today with my weaker self" she cooed her eyes narrowing as she pushed me backwards though the portal flames engulfing my form as I burned.

Fighting for ones life

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"How do I always end up in these situations?" I said aloud. Stuck in a cell and my body thoroughly soaked from the wake up call the guards had given me. I had yet to see neither hide nor hair of my captor. Worse still, the shackles on my wrists and ankles left me powerless as the simple task of moving was painful. The cell stank of rot and decay; countless rotting carcasses and skeletons of rodents littered the floor while fungi covered the walls and ceiling. The dim flickers of torches were my only source of light, allowing me to at least observe my surroundings. The dull sting left by the flames had eased over the first hour of my awakening to no more than a gentle throb. My body, despite the shackles, still possessed the strength to heal me.

The dull clank of metal pulled me from my thoughts as the sharp clang of a door being wrenched open brought a renewal of the dread and fear I currently felt.

"Against the wall prisoner, any funny business and I will run you through." a mare spat, adorned in ugly black armor as she unlocked the door. I felt the cold sting of her sword as it pressed against my back. "Move prisoner!" she hissed forcefully, spurring me forward. I had little time to observe my surrounding as I was forced down the corridor. "Queen Celestia and Queen Luna await for you inside. You will not speak unless spoken to and will bow whilst in their presence!" With a small nod, the mare pushed me forward, the door opening as I fell flat on my face. Grumbling, I struggled to raise to my feet as my restraints limited my mobility.

The dimly lit room instantly made me nervous as flashbacks of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters played in my mind. Two thrones sat at the back atop a mass of stairs, towering over the four guards stationed at the bottom.

"Step forward human." Queen Celestia gently requested, a dangerous smile on her face as her sister looked on with mild interest. As requested, I briskly made my way forward, constantly looking for any way to escape as I reached the foot of the stairs. "Despite my guard's clear instructions, you do not bow? Is it because of bravery or stupidity, I wonder, that you did not do as instructed?" The mare seemed to ponder, placing a lithe finger to her lips as she snorted at my neutral look. The guards grinned evilly as Celestia dismissed them, some whispering about what they would do to me if they caught me alone.

"Sister, I would very much like to beat him." Luna spoke up, her voice dead of any emotion as I inwardly shuddered.

"As would I! But it would be impolite. He is our guest after all." she chuckled, the two sharing a small smile as I recoiled in disgust at the bluntness of their conversation.

"I think we owe him a chance as he is not familiar to our customs." the larger of the two spoke, her sister nodding while resting her head on her hand as she studied me.

"One chance. I think that is fair, wouldn't you say? Though by the looks of him, one beating is all it would take to break this little foal." Luna chuckled, flashing me a toothy grin as her eyes lustfully gazed over my smaller form. I felt bile rising in my throat as I sorely wished that I was back in my Equestria. At least the sexists there were just slightly bigoted; these mares were insane.

"What makes you two think I will do anything for you?" I challenged, my eyes narrowing as Luna snarled.

"If you do not hold thy tongue now, we will personally see to it that your little brats are executed!" Celestia snapped, a maniacal grin on her face. I froze… my body shaking as rage flooded my system. I saw red as my body went into auto-pilot. I would kill these mares for that threat. I would not allow either of them to hurt my foals or for that threat alone, I would personally see to it that these two suffered.

"Try it, you sluts!" I snapped, my eyes narrowing as the two bared their teeth.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU... FILTH!" Luna spat, lunging at me as I smirked. With one swift movement, I brought my arms up in front of me. Her hand sliced though the shackles. Luna gave a cry of surprise as the cuffs fell to the ground. Darting forward I slammed my fist into her nose sending the mare flying. Not letting her sister recover from my attack I sent out a wave of magic. Pinning the mare to the throne.

With a sharp crack the throne gave way the mare vanished from my vision. Smirking, I turned my sights back to Luna, whom shakily held a sword pointed at me. With a look of disgust, I darted forward. My hand slammed into her stomach, making her whimper and drop the blade. I laughed, my hand holding her horn. She squealed in fear, trying to push me away as I wrenched her head to the side. Tears of pain and fear ran down the arrogant mare's face as she tried to push my hand off her horn, but her strength had severely weakened.

I grabbed the mare's muzzle and—with a snarl—twisted it. A satisfying crack sounded throughout the room as I broke her jaw and nose; the mare whimpered as I dropped her. Looking at the shivering mare, I slammed my foot down on her wings. A sickening snap—followed by a gurgled scream of pain—reached my ears as I rested my foot on the mare's horn. Snorting, I stepped over the cowering waste of flesh as she curled into a small ball.

"One down, one to go," I muttered with a grin, my eyes locking onto the dazed white alicorn as she hissed at me. My body was engulfed in flames as my armor materialized onto my body. The mare before me hesitantly circled around me. Despite the size difference, I could sense the fear coming from her. She was terrified of me and I planned on enjoying every moment of it. "What happened to the arrogance? As you are the one that revived me, destroying me should be a piece of cake." I taunted. The mare's eyes glowed as she released part of her seal, increasing her strength as I grinned.

The solar queen turned more demonic. Her flat teeth became sharp and dagger-like; her soft, feathery wings became leathery like a dragon's. She snarled at me as the transformation was completed. The mare struck first, magic exploding from her extended hand. I dodged and counter-attacked, lashing out with fire, magic and physical force. The mare quickly went into retreat, leading me away from her sister as I played with her. I forced her into a corner as the mare desperately tried to escape. Devastating blow after blow kept the mare boxed in as I played with her, taking delight in her fear. With a small clatter, the white queen's back met the wall as she realized she was trapped.

"Nowhere to run now," I purred, my eyes glowing menacingly. I lunged forward…

Nightmare Moon's POV

"That is the last of the guards!" Luna barked as I slammed a pegasus into a wall. Not confident to take on a whole reality by ourselves, we had brought back up. The Elements, as well as Discord, stood at the ready. Eris and Razorwing, who were equally concerned about Lachlan, had both come the moment they had received our message.

An earth shattering boom caused us to give pause. I looked to where I knew the main hall to be. These bitches had stayed in the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters and that gave us an advantage since we knew this place like the back of our hands. I feared for Lachlan as I felt the power radiating from the whore that had kidnapped him.

"Damn it! That psychopath has removed part of her seal; I fear this fight will not be easy." I cursed.

"If it is necessary and ensures his safe return, I will do the same." Celestia spoke, causing me to pause and give her a disbelieving look.

"You could end up doing more harm than good if you do that. Please sister, only as a last resort."

"I am more than aware of what might happen Moon," she grumbled. With a mutual nod we charged, pushing the doors open as we gave our war cries. The cries died in our throats as we came to a stop.

On the floor lay what looked to be this world's Luna; her armor badly damaged and blood flowed from her wounds. A low groan from the beaten mare caused us to pause as she shakily looked up with her swollen right eye. Upon seeing us, she shakily dragged herself forward. I grimaced as I examined her wings lying limply at her side, bone extruding from the base. What could have done so much damage?

"Help…" she whimpered, her eyes rolling into her head as she passed out. A scream of pain rang out as the mare responsible for Lachlan's imprisonment crashed into a nearby pillar. She was bleeding heavily. Her jagged teeth were chipped and, in some cases, missing, her horn was charred black, and most of her dress lay in tatters. The mare looked exhausted as she collapsed onto her rear, panting as she weakly wiped blood from her eye and nursed her left leg.

"Surely you can put up more of a fight than that." the Liche chuckled, walking out from behind an overturned pillar. "Is this all an alicorn with her seal removed have to offer?" the Liche hissed, idly twirling the mares crown. The mare gave a small hiss as we looked on in horror. The Liche had beaten a fully unsealed alicorn and seemed to have suffered no injuries.

With a sharp crack the tyrant's crown shattered in his hands, a demonic chuckle sounding from him. "You are pathetic! Die now, Queen Celestia," he hissed, his arm rising to finish her off. Teleporting I grabbed the mare, barely dodging the lethal blast of magic from the Liche.

"How the buck did he got here?!" Rainbow Dash cried, the others panicking slightly as we got into defensive stances.

"I do not know, but I fear that this time we must kill him," I stated sadly. Some of the others grinned as Chrysalis chuckled.

"About time you came around," she stated, giving me a small pat on the back as I shrugged her off. I did not enjoy killing, but if Lachlan was nearby, this beast could potentially hurt or use him against us. I looked back toward the Liche. His cloak billowed in the freezing cold wind that flowed through the broken windows around the throne room. I shivered as the beast's eyes flickered over us, assessing us as we in turn, assessed him.

"We will help you tyrant, and may even spare your pitiful life. But you will tell us where our mate is." I whispered harshly, grabbing the broken mare by the throat as she snarled. The mare chuckled softly and I barely stopped myself from crushing her skull. "I warn you now. If you try to betray us or use Lachlan as a hostage, we will kill you!" I promised, dragging her to the back as Twilight went to work healing some of the damage done to her.

"Sisters, I fear that to have any chance with this beast, the four of us will have to unseal ourselves. Only slightly though. We need more power, but even I do not think I would be able to control myself if we fully unseal ourselves." Celestia spoke out, with Luna and Molestia nodding in assent. I knew full well that if any of us used our true power, we would run the risk of accidentally or purposely hurting our friends. The arrogant bastard that stood before us would be no match for one of us completely unsealed, but we could not afford to lose control. As it was, we only planned to release maybe 5% of our true power each. It would at least give us a fair advantage against the beast and lower the risk of killing each other. An alicorn, when unsealed, had four primary emotions: love, hatred, possessiveness and jealousy. The problem with this was that many alicorns of old had ended up killing herd mates and friends by accident as their minds were clouded by their own hatred. With a sigh, I mentally removed a small fraction of the seal; my body shook as the effect was instantaneous.

A white ring appeared over my body as I felt my power increase. A new found energy coursed through me. As the familiar buzz of power filled me, I felt my body grow in size and my teeth sharpen to a knife-like edge. It took me a few seconds to control my emotions and resist the temptation of fully breaking the seal as the taste of power left me longing for more. This power could very easily corrupt and control those that did not use it wisely. I briefly glanced over to my sisters, their smug grins indicating their readiness to test our strengthened bodies. The four of us, backed by Chrysalis and Eris, stared the Liche down. The creature, for the most part, looked on unimpressed. His body remained still as he waited for us to move.

"NOW!" Celestia roared. We all lunged forward—our speed greatly enhanced by our partial unsealing—but the Liche merely smirked at us. Just as we were about to strike, he suddenly vanished. I watched as he appeared behind Luna, slamming his hand into her spine sending her flying towards the ground.

The beast went for me next, slamming his fist into the side of my head. I gasped in pain from his sudden assault, falling backwards as I managed to recover at the last second. Just avoiding slamming into the ground.

I grabbed the far smaller being by the scruff of his neck and drove my knee into his gut, forcing a grunt of pain from him. His skeletal hands slammed into my muzzle causing me to wince as I pushed him back. With magic flaring in her horn, Celestia grabbed him from behind and blasted the Liche at point blank range. The beast slammed into one of the pillars, snapping the large structure in half.

Pulling himself free, he fired off lethal blasts of magic that knocked us back as we were forced to throw up hastily constructed shields. His magic tore through our barriers, sending us flying back. The tyrant queen—whose wounds had finished healing—joined the fray with dagger in hand as she slammed the blade into his shoulders. The Liche cried out in pain, yanking the blade free. Grabbing the mare by her mane, he repeatedly slammed her into a wall before throwing her across the room. I grimaced as the queen landed on her back blood pooling around her nose.

"We are still not strong enough. We need to release more of our power." Celestia grunted, barely managing to deflect a bolt of lightning sent by the Liche. I gave a reluctant nod in response as I noticed that he had already healed himself, removing the wound on his shoulder. Once again I allowed more of my magic to flow from the seal; my body shivered as I felt the instant increase in power. I felt new sensations beginning to flood my body: my fingers sharpened, my muscles grew and expanded, and my anger and frustration for the beast increased. As pure magic crackled around my horn, I focused on my desire to hurt the bastard and drive the smile off his face once and for all.

Celestia and Molestia lunged forward, snarling as our new power increased the aggression that we felt. The beast met the two halfway, the three slamming into each other with tremendous force. I watched the beast tremble but remain resilient under their combined strength. My eyes dilated as he started to push the two back, his arms shaking with exertion as the two alicorns hooves slid across the ground. The two mares had sweat pouring from their bodies as the beast took to the air. Grabbing the two by their manes, he casually tossed Molestia aside—slamming her into the nearby wall—while a struggling Celestia was left in his iron grip.
He seemed to know about our alicorn seals and our current state of minds because he was definitely taking advantage of our increased aggression. Chrysalis, who had been staying on the sidelines, darted forward, slamming her fist into the back of the Liche's head and disrupting his focus. With their opponent distracted, the two mares took the opportunity to escape and regroup. A swift back-fist from the monster sent Chrysalis crashing into Luna, whom had been focusing her magic on protecting the Element Bearers from stray magic.

Discord, having been watching for an opportunity, grabbed the Liche from behind and slammed him into a wall, showing off the true power of a draconequus. As we watch the two beings fight tooth and claw for the upper hand, the chimera's sheer display of ferocity reminded us that there was a reason why Discord had been feared for over a millennium. However, despite his colossal power, Discord was still a very old draconequus, and the Liche exploited that using his speed and stamina to wear his foe out.


Discord was sent flying, his head slamming into a wall, followed by Eris who came rushing to his aid.

"Fuck this!" I spat, tearing away the seals to my power as I allowed myself to be consumed by my rage for the beast. My body began to morph as my fur glowed, matching my mane as it took on an ethereal look. I laughed maniacally at the incredible power I felt. The others displayed looks of shock, horror, and awe as they witnessed my power radiating off of me in waves. Reaching the Liche, I slammed my fist into his face. A sickening crack rang out as his blood coated my hand. Landing on his back, the Liche gingerly touched his nose before shakily climbing to his feet. I noticed his power dimming slightly.

The Liche cautiously retreated as my sisters soon followed my lead, each removing their seals of power in order to access their full strength. The beast's attacks began to waver as the tide of battle—which, mere moments ago, had been locked in stalemate—was quickly turning in our favor. Then, the crux of the battle came when the Liche aimed a punch toward me. Celestia moved to intercept, the blow now on a direct collision course with her stomach. The two of us froze in fear as we considered the damage such a blow would deal to her unborn foal. But just as the fist came within a few centimetres of her stomach, it froze in place. The Liche's body began to shiver as he gently placed a hand on the alicorn's stomach. Celestia and I paused and looked at the Liche in confusion as he backed off, slightly cradling his arm. However, in their haste to kill the Liche, Luna and Molestia fired their spells at him without taking into account his speed. I knew that the Liche would teleport out of harm's way, leaving Celestia vulnerable. Even with my mind clouded by my full power, I still felt love and concern for my fellow sister; I tried to reach Celestia as the mere thought of her being injured scared me.

"NO, YOU FOOLS!" I roared, but it was too late to stop them. However, it seems my worries were for naught. In a split second, the Liche acted, pulling Celestia to him as he took the full force of the blast. The combined beams shattered his armor, forced a scream of pain from his mouth, and sent him and Celestia crashing to the ground with him lying sprawled on top of her. Celestia snorted in disgust, quickly throwing the being off of her. With my sister now safe, I stalked toward my fallen adversary like a predator approaching his injured prey. I loved the feeling this power had given me, and I planned to enjoy it to its fullest as I once again fired upon the Liche. In my current mental state, I never once considered why he had protected Celestia. As I blasted the beast again and again—tossing his body about like a rag doll—the others swiftly added there magic to mine.

The four of us fired at the Liche whilst he was shakily climbing to his feet; the four beams of magic obliterated the wall behind him along with half of the throne room. The throne room, or what very little was left of it, wavered as the remaining support beams groaned under the weight. The damage caused by our magic had torn a hole though nearly a mile of trees. A giant crater now lay where the magic had hit a nearby hill—a grim reminder to why we avoided unsealing our power in the first place. A muffled groan and a shifting of rocks made me go cold as the beast wobbly got to his feet. My fear morphed into a sadistic grin as I took in the exhausted beast. The fact he had survived was a testament to his power.

"How is this thing still moving!" Luna roared, her night blue fur tinged with red as it seemed to shift like a mirage. The mare gritted her teeth while an insane grin adorned her face. "It matters not. I will enjoy tearing you into pieces!" Darting forward toward the Liche, Luna slammed into him, taking advantage of their difference in height and reach. Blood matted the beast's robes as we watched Luna quickly gaining ground. Molestia, having decided to flank the beast, sank her teeth into his neck. Biting down hard, her jagged canines slashed though his armour and flesh. A small whimper escaped the Liche as he tried to shake the mare off, but as her sharp nails dug into flesh, his struggles weakened. Not content to miss out on the fun, I giddily slammed my fist into his arm, a wet crack ringing out as Luna used this to push the beast to the floor. The three of us focused a final blast of magic, all three beams hitting him as his limp body slid across the floor.

"Now, let us end this!" Chrysalis spat, grabbing the Liche by the throat as he weakly tried to pry her off. The changeling snarled, hitting the beast over the head as I smirked. Like vultures, our group circled him as Chrysalis delivered blow after blow. The gurgled cries of the Liche were drowned out by the meaty cracks of her fist against his face. I watched with a sadistic pleasure as the mare slammed his head onto the ground, grinning all the while.

Despite a small part of me telling me to stop, I could not stop myself from kicking him. I felt the urge to kill, rise as I watched his form slump against a corner wall.

"Not so tough now, are you, you freak! What? No response?" Chrysalis spat, punctuating her question with a vicious blow to his ribs.

"Stop...please!" he rasped, causing Luna to snarl as she sent another kick his way.

"Still thy tongue monster!" she hissed, flexing her hands. A bloodthirsty grin donned her muzzle as we watched the defeated creature squirm. Eris slashed the beast across his chest, tearing away part of the armor as the creature cried out in pain. His breathing was rasped as I looked at it with disgust.

"Why did you come here? Where is Lachlan?!" I snarled. The Liche remained silent, so I grabbed him by the throat and I slammed his head against the wall. "TELL ME!!!" I screamed, lashing out again. I was glad that liches could not die or pass out from blood loss. This was good as it allowed us to torture the freak longer.

"I...came here for answers!" he whispered, coughing as his blood coated the ground. Snorting I threw another kick at the beast.

"Answers for what?!" Celestia demanded, her anger subsiding slightly. "Why would a thing like you even come here for answers? What was there to gain?" Celestia asked, her eyes staring daggers into the Liche as he shivered. When the thing did not respond, I felt myself snap.

"ANSWER HER!" I screamed, grabbing the beast by the throat, slamming him into a wall, and throwing him to the other side of the half destroyed throne room. The beast groaned as he weakly tried to stand. Panting for air, he collapsed. No longer able to withstand the damage inflicted, his armor and hood began disintegrating. The group and I moved in curiously, wanting to see the beasts face as I realised that none of us had seen it.

The beast's shaggy black hair was heavily matted in blood; as he lifted his head, I froze. The familiar green eyes looked back at me with defeat and fear as he weakly tried to form a shield. Despite my alicorn side demanding his death, I crushed them instantly and rushed over to him. I gently brushed his shield aside unable to form words. He tried to retreat, his arms a mess as his legs showed more bone than skin. I pulled the dying human into my lap.

"Lachlan!" I croaked in horror. Fear coursed through me as the human looked back at me, tears running down his check.

"I guess... the cat, is out the bag." he weakly rasped, blood running down his chin as I gave a small sob. His hand lighting up as I tried to grab him.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I screamed, but it was too late. His form vanished into thin air as my hands landed where he had just been. I sobbed uncontrollably as tears welled up in my eyes. Twilight muttered something to the elements and they took off, but I felt too numb to care. The power of my true form, which had given me such a great feeling earlier, now only left me feeling ill. My stupidity and cruelty had not only nearly killed the man I loved, but had also broken any trust or love he had for me or the rest.

Why had he hid this from us? Did he think we would hurt him if we had known? Dear Faust! The way we went on about trying to find and, in most cases, kill the Liche must have stressed him out to such an extent that the tyrant was able to manipulate him.

"I'm sorry…" I whimpered. Celestia placed a wing over me and pulled me close for a comforting embrace.
Behind me, I heard Discord sigh as he helped Molestia, whose face was soaked in tears, to her hooves. Like Celestia did for me, Eris pulled Chrysalis into a comforting hug. We had promised ourselves that we would not let the extra power destroy us, but it had done so much worse. It had destroyed our mate and any chance we had at healing our shattered bond.

The tyrant grabbed her sister, chuckling darkly as she vanished. Luna snarled as she barely missed grabbing the mare.

"Why didn't he tell us?" I whimpered.


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Waves of unmatched agony washed through me with every step. The adrenaline rush and magical surge from the fight, hadn't quite left me, yet. I could feel my body rapidly draining my energy reserves, trying to save my dying body. I was so weak that I had scarcely managed to teleport three corridors away from the throne room. My destroyed left leg was slowing me down considerably hindering my escape. My numerous wounds left a heavy trail of blood upon the ground, leaving a distinct trail that would lead the insane mares to me.

Once again I paused in my escape attempt as the overwhelming urge to throw up overcame me. I decorated the hallway with blood and vomit, the strong taste of iron mixed with the acrid taste of bile in my mouth, making me even more nauseous than before. It was a feat that I didn't think was at all possible. My right arm sent sickening pulses of pain throughout my body whenever I tried to move it. Tears continued to fall from my eyes and mat my face as I staggered violently, forcing myself to keep moving forward.

I knew I had made a foolish mistake by keeping my condition a secret from my herd, but for them to have seriously tried to kill me? There was no way I was going back with them, not after that. If their unsealed state—I think that is what it's called—could do this much damage, then I could not risk them losing control of themselves again and potentially harming my friends, or more importantly, my foals. How I had survived was beyond me their was no way I could be that strong. I mean when I had been human I had only managed to form a few fire balls and kill that beasts that tried to eat Aurora and Isaac.

Cursing, I collapsed beside a small table. My right leg—which had been supporting most of my weight this whole time—had nearly been destroyed by the combined attack of the alicorns, and could no longer withstand the strain I place on it. My other leg was even worse having taken the worse of the attack. With my back against one of the table's legs, I gingerly allowed my working hand to brush over the spot where Molestia had taken a bite out of me.

My entire body was in immense pain, making standing impossible and forcing a pathetic whimper from my lips.

I could feel my body slowly pulling itself together, bringing me back from the brink of death. My body trembled as I coughed violently into my hands, both now coated in blood. I gagged at the horrible smell and even worse taste. But I couldn't dwell on that. I knew that if I stayed here, then the girls would find me; and given what I had seen of their unsealed forms, I feared they would kill me! More flashes of pain shot through me as my bones creaked and cracked sickeningly. I bet if I were to look into a mirror right now I would look similar to a pin cushion, except my bones would take the place of the pins. How I was even able to drag myself to my feet was beyond me. My head spun and my eyes blurred. Mere seconds from passing out, I tried with all my might to keep myself awake. Despite the pain and continuous magical drain, I could feel my magic healing me. My bones slid back inside my body as my broken form knitted itself.

Limping with a purpose, I weakly followed the faint spark of magic coming from the mirror. I assumed this was a fail-safe worked into the mirror's enchantment, so anyone who came through would not get lost in a new and/or potentially hostile world. 'Almost there' I thought. As the door came into view, my legs were wobbling violently and my body was sweating profusely from all the exertion; my form was literally coated in sweat. I groaned at the damp state of my clothes, though I didn't give it too much thought. I had more pressing matters to deal with, after all. I had maybe thirty seconds, at least, before those mares found me, and I needed to make every second count.

Muffled cries and pounding of feet gave me a grim reminder that sometimes my calculations were wrong. Hobbling faster, I pushed past the door and saw the mirror in plain view. I was mere feet away from it, and by extension, my salvation.

"LACHLAN, STOP! PLEASE!!!" the distressed cry of Nightmare Moon gave me pause. I looked over my shoulder and gave the winded mare, whom had returned to her normal form, a hard glare. "Please, we aren't going to hurt you. We…we didn't know. We are sorry…Lachlan, I swear we didn't know it was you. We would never…you know we would never," she gasped. Her sentences were butchered as she tried to catch her breath, her body shaking with exhaustion all the while. I glanced behind her and noticed the rest of my herd, as well as my friends, were standing with her and staring at me, pleading desperately with their eyes. I looked between them and the portal. "We don't blame you for attacking us. You were scared and hurt, and we were being aggressive. You were cornered, so none of us here blame you for how you reacted. Baby please, just wait. Please?!" she begged. My eyes softened at the sight of her whimpering, but that wasn't enough to appease my anger.

"You chose the tyrants over the Liche. The latter's only crime was defending himself from your attack; meanwhile, the former kidnapped me, insulted me, and tried to blackmail me with threats of murdering our foals," I stated. I paused to gently wipe blood from my brow, giving the mares to gasp in horror at this new revelation. "Yet you still took there side over mine. You all spent months plotting how to capture and kill the Liche when his only victims were monsters. How can I trust any of you when your ignorance and bigoted views could have gotten me killed? How can I live here when I will never be an equal in this herd? I'm nothing but a toy for you to love and play with. I am sorry, but no. I will not be subjected to this anymore. Prove to me that you can change and I will reconsider, but until then, consider our relationship over," I finished, my voice as cold as ice. Nightmare Moon collapsed while Molestia and Chrysalis looked at me in horror with tears trickling down their cheeks. Eris looked on with hurt feelings as her father gave me a neutral stare. Celestia looked heart broken and Luna looked ready to kill. I slowly retreated towards the mirror.

"WAIT! We can change Lachlan, I promise! Please don't leave us! We can even kill those two bitches for threatening to hurt our foals!" Molestia cried. The panic in her eyes nearly stopped me, but I remained firm in my resolve. I loved the with all my heart, including the foals, but they had to learn I would no longer tolerate this kind of bullshit. This had been a massive problem even before my death. The possessiveness, the lack of regard for my feelings, it was all there since the very beginning. They only ever took an interest in me for what I could do for them. I could get them pregnant and revive the alicorn race. When they were horny, I could please in ways no other stallion could. I was who they went to when they had a frustrating day and needed someone to complain to. It was always about them, but never about me.

"Goodbye, girls. I love you, all of you." With a sad smile, I stepped through the portal. The mares cried out in protest, but it was too late. My body, already in agony, felt very little pain as the flames tore at my body. My skin began smoldering as blisters appeared on my arms and legs.

With a sharp crack, I landed on the floor. I shakily got to my feet, relieved at the chance to catch my breath. The mirror, from what I could tell, had a 12 hour cool down period. This would give me plenty of time to escape my pursuers and possibly retreat to the Bloody Hooves's fortress. My second visit had seen that most of the stragglers had been weeded out and eliminated. I could use it to rest and think about what to do next.
Two months later…

Life had changed drastically for me in last two months. The abandoned Bloody Hooves's fortress had provided a wealth of knowledge and research materials on Necromancy and dark magic. I had dabbled with both very briefly, but as my magic and health had improved, so too had my desire to push myself.

Currently, I had spent the last four hours working out and exhaustion was finally catching up with me. Sweat ran down my body as I went through my tenth and final set. Each set was made up of a list of eight random exercises, each lasting between 40 and 120 seconds, that were performed from start to finish three separate times. For this last one, I was doing burpees, followed by flying push-ups, and ending with one-handed planks. I had run through the exercises twice already and had only 20 seconds left to go on the third. I gave a tired groan as I mentally pushed through the strain on my body. As they say, 'no pain, no gain.' With a small beep I collapsed the hellish ordeal over as I lay panting on the floor.

After my strenuous work out, I went to go take a quick shower. Passing by a group of work ponies, I smirked as a few of them shot me flirtatious looks. One even bothered to wolf whistle at me before she was smacked upside the head by her boss.

For the past two months, I had been working on rebuilding this castle. The first thing I did was use some potent cleaning spells to get rid of the blood and gore I had left behind when I had arrived. While I cleaned, I realized that restoring the castle was too big a job for a single person to accomplish, even with magic. once I was done cleaning, I managed to convince quite a number of ponies from the Everfree Village to help me rebuild the place. The worn, grime-covered rugs and banners were replaced by newer designs in beautiful royal blue and chartreuse yellow colors. Ancient, moss-covered furniture were exchanged with modern, hand-crafted tables and chairs.

My domestic project was funded with the massive collection of wealth that I had unofficially claimed when I killed off the castle's previous inhabitants. I had distributed the numerous gems, bits, and rare artifacts to most of the flutter ponies with instructions to buy the necessary materials to turn the fortress ruin into a gleaming castle. Many of the halls already looked as glamorous as those of Canterlot Castle. I gave a happy sigh as I watched the sun stream in from the newly fitted windows.

In exchange for gold and rare materials, the Everfree villagers kept the operation to themselves. At the moment, the castle was two-thirds of the way done. Nearly all of the rooms had been refurbished with modern comforts. Thanks to a couple dozen earth ponies, the courtyard, which had once been a mesh of blood and charred soil, was flourishing with plant life. Tree saplings were slowly growing in random places, slowly washing away the scent of death, with the fragrant scent of budding life.

Many of the giant trees surrounding the fortress had been removed with my help. And for the first time in what I assumed was well over a thousand years, sunlight was able to stream though the castle. The once black and moss-covered structure—now that its walls were mostly rebuilt—was now a light grey testament to expertise of stone masonry's. In addition to restoring the castle, I had included plans for a little side project of mine. I had expanded the castle's exterior walls so that in the future, a village, or possibly a city, could be built within.

"Sir. We have finished the throne room," an earth pony mare—who I recognized as the foremare—spoke up, her shaggy brown coat matted in paint. I nodded, then followed her to the throne room to see the finished product for myself.

Walking in, I marveled at the beautiful job that the woodworkers and painters had done. I looked around in wonder at the massive room lined with huge banners and silk curtains, some of which were blocking the large windows. In the back, there stood two banners with the royal sisters' cutie marks upon them along with a beautifully polished white throne. Above the throne, and set in the stone wall between the two banners, was a giant stained-glass window showing the Elements of Harmony inside a half moon and sun. The stained glass was quite difficult to acquire as few ponies still practiced the craft; as a result, I was forced to have the window specially made and delivered from the Minotaur lands. Leading up to the throne was a Persian red carpet that beautifully complimented the pristine white floor tiles. Besides the throne sat several others of similar make on lower levels; I had these made for my herdmates for if and when they got their act together. Furthermore, I had gotten the ponies to build a court and council room should future polical and legal matters need to be resolved.

"The castle's interior is mostly done, though most of the guest rooms are still bare save for the basics: beds, showers, sinks, chairs, and desks. We are still fiddling with the plumbing as there have been some minor reports of leakage, but we are confident that once it has been sorted you and your guests will have heating and hot water. As you requested, we are fitting the crystal chandelier into the dining hall and should have it done within the next ten minutes. The three kitchens have been merged into one, not including the barracks' kitchen. The placement of the windows in corridors 22 and 52 are nearly finished. The armory and forge are still under construction, but the latter should be ready for usage soon. Overall, we are confident that we will have this place fully repaired and furnished in about three weeks," the foremare finished, bowing slightly. I gave her the warmest smile I could manage.

"Thank you Miss Trades, I appreciate all the hard work that you and the others have done. Once this is over, all of you will be greatly rewarded," I said with a smile. The foremare grinned and gave me a pat on the back.

"Hey, you saved our asses from those heartless beasts; we would have done this for free if you had asked," she stated with a matter-of-fact tone. I chuckled as I watched her saunter off with a grin on her face.
The place really was shaping up. Personally, my most favorite part of the castle was the library. I had instructed that none of the books be thrown away and that any that appeared damaged would be sent to a specialist for restoration. I had also asked the ponies to replace the rotten bookcases and build a massive library that would rival Canterlot's. In term of size, the room was gigantic, easily dwarfing the throne room as the shelves seemed to go on and on. A couple of unicorns from the Griffon Kingdom were placing numerous tomes, scrolls, and books on the thousands of towering bookcases. These two had been hired outside of Equestria as to minimize the chance of this place being discovered.

It's a shame I would not get to oversee the construction of the swimming pool, but there had been increased sightings of the Bloody Hooves's scouts near Queen Razor Wing's hive. Needless to say, that piece of news was making me uneasy.

A few days later, I was wading through nearby swampland. A light shielding was the only thing preventing my clothes from being covered in slime and gunk. As I stopped to take a sip of water from my canteen, I groaned in discomfort. My left leg had never healed properly from the fight. As a result, I was left with a small limp that caused me slight frustration at times; in this case, it was driving me up the wall. I was hesitant to fly as doing so would make me a large target for anyone or anything lurking in the shadows below. The ponies from Everfree Village had heard stories from changeling and gryphon passersby of a small castle that housed undead. With the location of the undead being a few miles away from one of my mate's hives, I couldn't run the risk of the beasts attacking her. Even though Razor Wing had not been involved with the attack, I had not made any attempts to contact her. I was afraid that if I told her where I currently lived, then she would attempt to come visit and would most likely lead her cunning niece and the others straight to me. She wasn't one to be very discreet, bless her heart. Once, she even admitted that she attributed the success of her kidnapping me to luck more than anything else.

I was snapped out of my musing by the sound of sharp growls coming directly behind me. Jumping slightly from the sudden noise, I turned around only to be confronted by toxic green ponies adorned in old, rusty armor. I defensively brought my arms up, bracing myself for their attack. I snarled as they slowly approached me, moaning and hungrily eying my body all the while. Did they think this some joke? That I would run like a scared, ignorant villager?

With a simple flick of my wrists, great torrents of flame engulfed my arms. As my eyes glowed menacingly, the ponies eyes grew wide with fear from witnessing a mere fraction of my power.

"SPEAK NOW BEASTS AND GIVE ME REASON NOT TO SLAUGHTER YOU LIKE THE REST OF YOUR DISGUSTING KIND!!!" I roared. The royal canterlot voice shook the very earth as the group quivered before me. I snarled as some shakily pulled swords and spears out, foolishly pointing them. The leader whimpered before me. Her eyes were pinpricks as her horn weakly flared defensively; I sneered at the pathetic display of power.

"Uh, um, we were just having a bit of fun. Please don't hurt us. We were told that a strange being was trespassing on Queen Platinum's land. We thought that you were just a changeling or a pony, so we were sent to scare you off," the mare squeaked, her teeth chattering as I snorted. Now that I had a chance to take them in, I realized that they were just teenagers. They barely reached six foot five. I relaxed slightly now that I knew there magic, even if combined, wouldn't have so much as singed my t-shirt, never mind inflict any actual harm.

"Then explain this to me. How it is that you undead do not attack like rapid dogs like the rest I have encountered?" I questioned. The sharpness of my tone caused them to flinch. *Sigh* I powered down, allowing them to relax, albeit only slightly.

"We are called Hémithanés, surely you have heard of us. Those that are born with only half life; to put it simply, we're like zombies, only more alive and more intelligent. We are one of many undead species, though ours is the only one capable of reproducing, and we don't rot which is a good thing," she chuckled weakly. A smile crept upon my face. "What are you? I have never seen something like you before," she noted. She hesitantly stepped closer to me, her muzzle scrunching up as she sniffed me. "You smell nice," she complimented. She shakily tried to re-sheathe her sword, but she missed the sheathe entirely and her blade hit the ground with a solid thud. I chuckled as I took in the amateurs before me. They were not Bloody Hooves, that was for sure; but, they might be a potential, albeit inexperienced, ally.

"What are you creature, and who are you to laugh at the Black Tide Army?" a guard from the back hissed. I smirked at her cute attempt to sound tough in order to hide her embarrassment. My body morphed before them, skeletal wings exploding from my back. My armor and robes materialised on my form as my eyes turned an icy blue. I looked down at the cowering ponies as claws grew from my fingers and fire and ice formed in my hands.

"I am a Liche, able to go toe-to-toe with alicorns, draconequus, and changeling queens alike! I have butchered entire armies of Bloody Hooves, and I've even killed one of the Faceless Ones! At the moment, I only have access to 5% of my full power, yet I could still slaughter all of you and your queen if I so chose!" I bellowed. My eyes glowed pure white as the sky above me turned stormy. The sky darkened, thunder clapped, and lightning flashed across the sky.

"I will be the judge of that," a voice challenged from behind. I turned around and paused at the sight before me. Where there was once an empty patch of swampland, there now stood a mare—who I assumed to be the queen—that easily towered over myself and her guards. Her fur was charcoal grey, her eyes a royal purple that seemed to glow much like my own. Her mane and tail glowed white, appearing ethereal. Her bat-like wings flapped lazily as her twisted horn glowed a lavender color. A red bandeau dress adorned her voluptuous body. I had to admit, she was admirably beautiful. I regarded her cautiously as she approached me, peering down at my smaller form with a small smirk upon her lips.

"You possess great power, far more then even I can muster. But, you are inexperienced with your magic and rely too heavily on simply crushing your foes with sheer strength. As you've said, you are still weak, but even with your full strength there exist those that are stronger than you," she paused with a smirk. I growled at her in anger.

"Would you proclaim yourself to be stronger than me?" I spat, my temper rising at her critique. The newcomer shook her head.

"Of course not, but then again, I would never be so foolish as to fight a liche one-on-one. Instead, I would have my mages slowly drain your magic reserves whilst I distracted you. This would quickly tire you as my teasing would only cloud your sense. Then I would drag your exhausted form to my bed chambers and rut you stupid for your arrogance," she purred, eyeing my form. I gave her a hard look in return. "Now, if you are quite done terrifying my guards, I would speak with you," she stated, motioning for me to follow her. She patiently waited as I paused to consider my options.

If her other guards were as inexperienced as the ones I've already met, then they wouldn't pose much of a threat to me. She, on the other hand, was another matter entirely. She may not be as powerful as me, but she wasn't a fool either. For all I know, she could be leading me into a trap. However, if I wanted the Hémithanés to be my allies, I need to learn more about them, especially their leader.

"Lead the way, your majesty" I replied sarcastically. The mare smirked as her tail flicked across my face.

"Queen Platinum is fine," she replied, winking flirtatiously as I followed.

Sitting atop her throne, Queen Platinum silently studied me as I patiently stood before her. For the past few minutes, the two of us had been silently observing one another. The mare was truly beautiful. She knew it. I knew it. But more importantly, she knew that I knew it. While I eyed her form, she regarded me with a smug smile the entire time. Though I couldn't blame her for being so smug; after all, her body possessed all the right curves. She reminded me of Chrysalis, managing to look both regal and incredibly sext at the same time.

"What is your name, liche?" she questioned. Leaning her body forward, she rested her head on her fingers while watching me with a warm smile.

"Lachlan Goudie," I replied. My stance tensed when I saw that warm smile.

"Now I am sure you are wondering why I have brought you here, so let me explain. Over 2,000 years ago, the three pony tribes lived separately from each other. Conflicts, ranging from petty fights to full-scale wars, were not uncommon back then as racism and hatred for each other could be linked to Discord's influence as well as the nobility in charge at the time. We were reaching a state where the Wendigos, Frost Giants, and our own hatred were slowly killing our kingdoms. Back then, I was a unicorn known as Princess Platinum, leader of the unicorn race and monarch of the nation of Unicornia. Our nation was also known as Purus, at least to us unicorns, because we believed that we were the purest, most superior race of the three tribes. We were quite vain back then. Anyways, in a desperate move for survival, I decreed that the people of Purus move to what would later be known as Equestria. Sadly, the other two tribes did the same thing, resulting in a conflict between the three races over the new land. Unfortunately, the Wendigos followed us to Equestria as they were drawn by our hatred and conflict. It was with the Crystal Heart, an ancient heirloom handed down through my family, that we were saved! My adviser and close friend, Clover the Clever, along with two others, were able to form a friendship with each other; as a result, they were able to push back the dreaded beasts. The three tribes put aside their differences and formed three harmonious kingdoms, sharing the land and supporting one another. We were finally at peace. The earth ponies built the city of Canterlot, whilst the pegasi built Cloudsdale. We unicorns, however, did not move from the border of Equestria; instead, we built the Crystal Empire, where the heart had activated." Queen Platinum paused to take a small sip of water.

"So how did you end up here?" I questioned. The mare flashed me a gentle smile—pleased that I had been listening so intently—and motioned for me to sit next to her on the throne to her left.

"You see," she continued, "it was there that I was impregnated, by a commoner no less. Back in those days, such a thing was forbidden. In fact, a commoner could have been beheaded for thinking lustful thoughts about the nobility. Our beautiful daughter was born, but the truth of her parentage was kept a secret, even from my most loyal of guards. Though as life is so quick to remind you, nothing in life is free. My lover was caught and hanged in front of me by the nobility. They used him to set an example and send a message that not even the queen was exempt from the law. My daughter, who was only a foal at the time, came to fear me as my rage saw to the total annihilation of the nobility. Foals, stallions, the elderly, nopony was spared from my vengeance. In my grief, I grew cold and cruel over the course of 100 years. Eventually, my evil deeds managed to attract the bastard himself, Discord. Say what you want about him, but even with all the misery and dispair he had inflicted on ponykind, not once as he ever sunk so low as to cause pointless murder; he can't have his fun with ponies if they die, after all. Disgusted with my actions, he cursed me and my royal guards before banishing us to the Everfree Forest. We would later be joined by the Bloody Hooves. But unlike them, we were spared a life of mindless hunger; instead, we were cursed to be stuck between the planes of life and death, hence our name Hémithanés meaning 'half dead.' Any offspring we had were forced to bear the curse of our sins. Meanwhile, my daughter—now just coming into her position as princess—was suddenly thrust into power. I fear that losing both her father and mother drove her into madness." Queen Platinum paused, giving me a pleading look as she grasped my hand.

"Lachlan Goudie, I can offer you very little. All I have to give is my knowledge in Necromancy and my body. But if you have any heart in you, I beg you, please save my daughter from the madness that has taken her," she whispered. My body froze as her next words brought up memories of the past.

"Please reform Queen Umbra!"

Standing, the mare gave me a look of desperation. Her hand dug into my flesh as she tried to barter with me.

"Queen Platinum, your daughter and I have met previously, and I am sad to say that your empire is now run by Princess Celestia's niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, who seems to think that the kingdom is hers. If what you say is true, and Umbra was truly the rightful ruler, then I have to ask, how would I redeem her? Also, how do I stop her from trying to reclaim the Crystal Empire? We fought once before, back when I lacked my new found strength, when she attempted to rape and kill me. But more to the point, why should I agree to do anything at all? I am far stronger than you, and I doubt I would have any trouble taking the knowledge I need. As for your body, what could you possibly offer that alicorns could not?" I replied. The queen's eyes narrowed dangerously as she pushed herself up against me.

"I have taken hundreds of mates, consorts, and lovers over my 2,500 years of life. I could bring you to orgasm with a simple flick of my finger you little fool. Alicorns save themselves for a single mate, so they are inexperienced at best, and most likely have no idea how to keep up with a stallion of your calibre," she purred, running her hand down my chest.

I shivered as the mare gently chewed on my ear while her hand slid down my trousers. Grabbing my member roughly, she giggled as her hand slowly stroked me, sending waves of pleasure through me.

"And the knowledge you offer? What is to stop me from taking it?" I hissed. My lips millimetres away from hers. Pulling her closer I grabbed her plump rear groping the turned on mare as she giggled.

"My knowledge on the subject is not found in any book, but rather in my mind. I have had a millennium of practise to form mental shields that could keep even experienced alicorns from breaking through. You will find that even with your immense power, my mind is an impregnable fortress. The only way to get my knowledge is if I give it to you willingly. To sweeten the deal, if you help me save my daughter, I will court you," she cooed, pressing her lips against mine. Her tongue darted out past my lips, deepening the kiss.

"Deal," I growled. The queen smiled as she pushed me down onto her throne. Removing my trousers, she clicked her fingers and her dress vanished, leaving us both to examine the other's naked form. Giggling, the mare positioned herself over me, her tongue resuming its exploration of my mouth as she lowered herself. Wrapping my hands around her waist, I forced her down upon my lap. Platinum shivered as she hilted me. Moaning, the mare rested her chin on my head, gently grinding as I slapped her fleshy rear.

"Save my daughter and I will join your harem," she purred.

An Ancient's Awakening

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I silently walked through the Canterlot Gardens, noticing that the night was still young as the rising moon hung low in the sky. The statue garden was massive, and I wondered—not for the first time—just how many of the statues here contained trapped souls that had wronged Equestria or the Princesses. Queen Umbra…ugh! Just the thought of me freeing her still unnerved me, despite my new strength. My memories of how close she had come to killing me still sent shivers up my spine.

Although thoughts of the daughter made me shiver in fright, thoughts the mother made me shiver for a different reason entirely. Memories of last night began to occupy my thoughts. Unpleasant thoughts of pain and death were pushed aside by thoughts of the throws of passion and filthy, perverted sex with the undead queen. Platinum and I had been at it for hours. The two of us exchanged new techniques and pushed each other to our respective limits several times. Though she had not been lying in regards to her skill, she had failed to mention she had a talented tongue. And damn, did she ever know how to use it!

In the end, once I was able to think straight, I informed the queen that she did not need to join my harem. Instead, I would be satisfied with just being allowed access to her knowledge. The queen smiled and told me that she could not acknowledge my request; it seems that the situation was far more complicated than I realized. Stupid politics! As it turns out, unless both sides explicitly state that they are not courting before they have sex, than it will be treated as otherwise. How it worked was if one offers sex to the other—for whatever reason—and that other agrees, then the two may begin courtship. From there, the two will copulate several times until, eventually, they must make a decision; they must choose whether to end their relationship, or proceed to the next step and become a mated pair. However, if one of the two beings happens to be a queen, then the rules are slightly different. To clarify, if a queen offers herself as a mate to someone, then both sides are forced to uphold that offer, regardless of what either party wants. If the queen tries to back out of her agreement, then—while there are no physical repercussions—she will lose face with her subjects. The courted party, on the other hand, can be banished or, in some extreme cases, executed for denying the advances of royalty.

So, to make a long story short, I'm apparently mated to an undead mare whom I have only known for about 13 hours.
"Woo-fucking-hoo," I joylessly muttered. I wondered how the others would react to the latest addition to the herd. Most likely, they would want to inspect her to see if she stood up to there standards. They might even assert there dominance within the herd. Aside from that, I don't think I have much to worry about. Despite how intimidating they could be, they are actually good with others, socially.

Over the past two months, I had been thinking about those mares for quite a while. In truth, I was still pissed off with them, but I was going to contact them tomorrow and see if they would be willing to talk.

I gave a triumphant smirk as I looked up at the statue of Queen Umbra. I stuck my hand out and gently placed my palm against the smooth stone. The process took a few minutes to complete, but eventually, I saw small cracks spindling up the side of the stone mare. Small beams of light exploded from within as the statue disintegrated. Standing on the pedestal stood a very pissed and very tired mare. She collapsed before either of us could say a word.

Grunting, I hoisted the mare into my arms. The exhausted mare squirmed slightly as I carried her over my shoulder. Given her size, it made moving her awkward as I heard panicked shouts from behind. Guards streamed into the courtyard, pausing as they caught sight of me. Unfortunately, they weren't alone.

"Lachlan?" Nightmare Moon questioned, looking at me with a mix of horror and shock as I vanished into thin air.

"HAHAHAHAHA…heh, heh…"

"It is not funny, I could have hurt you or, more importantly, her!" Platinum seethed, gently stroking her daughter's face while the younger mare slumbered. I had teleported to the queen's bedroom while she had been writing out reports. She had jumped in alarm as I had dumped the unconscious mare onto the bed. Watching Platinum nearly jump out of her skin was hilarious, but I knew that I was just trying to keep my mind off of my troubles. Seeing Nightmare Moon had rattled me, especially since she caught me freeing one of Equestria's most dangerous enemies. The look of shock and hurt on her face was still fresh in my mind.

"To think that after seven hundred years I have a mate again," Queen Platinum prattled on in the background. I grimaced; I had almost forgotten about that. I turned to the undead mare, preparing to tell her that I did not plan to rob her of a future mate, but she held up a hand to stop me.

"It has been too long since I have taken a mate, and you have already done enough to win you that honor. Also, as I have said, we are both bound to each other due to our, ah, activities last night. As per our agreement, I will train you in the art of Necromancy, as well as assign you six of our finest guards and soldiers. And whilst it is not much, you are more than free to call this place your home. You really must stop being such a hero all the time, by the way. I mean, would it kill you to think of yourself for once," she laughed. I blushed as she gently kissed me on the cheek.

"What is with you ponies?" I asked. "I mean, why is it that you all are more than happy to just fuck and give yourself to the first guy kthat does something for you? I don't understand! I mean, I ended up in a harem with four princesses, two changeling queens, and a draconequus, all because I either knocked them up or they kidnapped me. And now, now I can add an undead queen to the list because I rescued her daughter from being a permanent lawn ornament. Seriously, what the fuck?!" Queen Platinum paused, a smile worming its way onto her face as she chuckled.

"Oh my dear, you are so naive. Do you honestly think we just give ourselves to the first nice stallion we come across? Did it never occur to you that we tap into the mind of our prospective mates to see what lies within? Alicorns, as well as other beings of strong magic, can look into the window of a pony's soul and see what makes them tick: strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, even their personality traits. When I looked into your soul, I saw your kindness, your gentleness, and your ability to forgive those that have wronged you. I saw how loving you are, and the fact that you would happily sacrifice yourself to protect your mates and foals. Each and every facet that makes up who you are was examined and processed. Only then was I able to tell if you were a suitable candidate to be my mate." Pausing the mare turned away looking out the window at the sun slowly dropping.

"But why me, I am not much to look at." I questioned unsure of the mares intent as she looked back her eyes meeting mine as she gave a small smirk.

"Look, when we immortals choose a mate, we have to be sure that he, or she, is a suitable companion; otherwise, both sides would end up being miserable. You already know that when royalty takes on a mate, neither the royal nor the chosen mate can refuse without suffering the consequences, right?" I nodded. "Well, therein lies the problem. To clarify, one would be stuck with the other until death whilst the other would live on. We might live forever—or an exceedingly long time—but that doesn't mean we immortals are willing to spend a century or two with somepony who we fancy for only a few hours. Now that doesn't mean I haven't taken your feelings into account. I could tell that you are still slightly,uncomfortable about having a harem since you come from a society where the majority practices monogamy. I understand that you have problems dealing with suddenly being thrust into a society where polygamy is not only tolerated, but widely practiced and encouraged. However, I also know that given your nature, you would accept these changes and willingly go out of your way to make your relationships work. This, Lachlan, is why I and the seven other mares in your herd chose you. Not because of what you can do, or have done, for us, but because you are you!" she finished. She gave me a small pat on the shoulder as I quietly thought about all she had said to me.

"Though I feel I must apologize. I may have overstepped my bounds. We have rules that forbid ponies from viewing memories of other private aspects of another's being. I only did so out of desperation for my daughter and a hope that I could honestly offer myself to you as a mate," she said with a weak smile. I waved her off.

"As I understand it, the reason you decided to court me was because you looked into my sould and saw the would make a good pair? Fair enough. I am at that stage now where I don't question this sorta shit anymore. Look, how about we try dating each other for a while? If we are going to be stuck with each other, then the least we could do is find a legitimate reason for being together. I like you, but that is an opinion based solely on lust and is unfair to both of us. You may know me, but I still need to know more about you for this to work. Is that okay?" I questioned.

Queen Platinum didn't respond. The room fell eerily quiet as she stared deeply into my eyes, a surprised look upon her face. After a couple of minutes, the quiet was starting to unnerve me. Just as I was about to suggest we forget my proposal, Queen Platinum snorted, then gave a curt nod of assent.

"I have never experienced a date before, given that our society still runs heavily on the ways of old. Though with my daughter needing to be reformed, and your mares—once they find you—trying to woo you back, I doubt either of us will be free for quite a few months. But I am sure we can arrange something," she said with a wink. "Though I am saddened that you were forced to liven in the forest all this time. And I would have never known you were in my swamp if I had not heard the royal canterlot voice," she chuckled.
I had planned to keep all mention of this castle to myself. There was no need to frighten anypony by confirming the rumors about a castle filled with the undead. Plus, Queen Platinum hadn't done anything to warrant bringing the wrath of the Princesses down on her head. Granted, I still had my doubts about her; and given who her daughter is, I felt that I should keep my guard up for a little while longer. But if it turned out the she was genuinely sincere about both her intentions and her feelings, then maybe I would be more willing to share information.

"Now, please give me some privacy. My daughter is ill. The knife that you stabbed her with left a wound that was never healed, so it has been allowed to fester all this time. It is not lethal, but I will be occupied for the next few days healing it. I suggest you rest up, and maybe go down to the mess hall for something to eat. If you prefer privacy, then you can dine with me in a few hours." Nodding, I exited the room, leaving the queen to tend to her daughter.

Walking down a corridor, I paused as I caught sight of a wall sticking out as if it was a door. I curiously approached it. Pushing the door open further, I cautiously stepped over an upturned table into another corridor. This new corridor looked ancient, far older than anything else I'd seen in the castle. On the opposite side of the corridor, there appeared to be a large painting of a centaur on the wall. My interest peaked, I moved closer to examine it. *SLAM!* I jumped out of my skin when the wall suddenly slammed shut behind me. As I awkwardly navigated my way through the near pitch-black corridor, the dim light that forced its way through the cracks in the wall acted as a meager source of light. The sharp creak and groans of rotten wood gave me pause, my foot hovering in the air as I testily lowered it to the ground. As I tried to put as little pressure on the wood as possible, it never occurred to me to simply take flight instead.


The ancient floor beneath me gave way under my weight. I cried out in fear as I fell into pitch blackness, my body feeling weightless all the while. The last thing I saw before being consumed by the darkness was the floor I fell through resealing itself. I was horrified as I realized the truth…I had literally fallen into a trap.

With a solid thud, I landed on my back. Groaning, I dizzily got to my knees. Growling, I conjured a flame into hand, illuminating the narrow corridor in order to look for the source of the trap. Rats scurried in all directions, frightened off by the sudden illumination. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I got a good look at my new surroundings. What I discovered left me frozen in fear. Thousands of skeletons littered the floors and walls. Some looked like they were placed here after death, their skeletal bodies resting with swords and shields in their bony hands or lying atop their still forms. Others looked like they actually died here. As I surveyed the gruesome scene, there was a few skeletons that stood out from the rest. Up against the far wall lay a pair of adult-sized skeletons with a tiny skeletal form between them. As my eyes lingered on the unfortunate trio, I felt a lone tear trickle down my cheek. After closely examining some of the skeletal remains, I realized that the worst part of it all was that many of them had not died of natural causes. Some had blades sticking out of them while others looked to have been eaten alive, the bones showing clear bite marks.

My exploration of the corridor was suddenly brought to an end when a guttural moan came from behind me, causing me to flinch. I turned around slowly as the additional sounds of chains and something being dragged along the floor put me on edge. I worriedly looked at my hands when the flames started to flicker. I desperately tried to keep the flames going as they began to quickly diminish. My efforts proved meaningless as the shrinking flames were finally extinguished. I tried to reignite the flames and was rewarded with a weak flare of light that sparkled for a few seconds before snuffing out. My shaky breaths echoed across the now silent and dark room as a sudden realization set in. I was trapped in a catacomb, and I wasn't alone! Once more I ignited my hand, and once again I only received a brief few seconds of light. In those brief few seconds, I noticed a pair of milky white eyes looking down at me.

Then my magic gave out and the room went black. Panicking, I threw myself backwards, my hand diving into my pocket and extracting my I-Pod. The screen lit up as I bolted in the other direction; tears of terror ran down my face as the dim light barely lit the way in front of me. Behind me, the groan of the beast echoed around the narrow corridors. Soon, the beastly noise was accompanied by others, subjecting my ears to a chorus of monstrous howls. I realized that there were more than one of those things as I threw myself down another random corridor.

The stench of decay and rot made me sick to my stomach as bones cracked and clattered under my feet. When another of the beasts appeared ahead, I was forced to dart in a random direction once again. Though I couldn't see through the foreboding darkness, I could hear the beast sluggishly turning to follow me. I felt my heart slamming against my chest as adrenaline and fear kept me moving. My magic had completely failed me—not even able to conjure those sparkling flares—indicating that I was fucked. A numb feeling chilled me to the bone, making it hard for me to even think, as I realized that the beasts were somehow blocking my magic.

Heavy breathing alerted me to the presence of another one of the beasts up ahead. I turned down a narrow corridor, my heart dropping as I came to a dead end. The small smacks of skin meeting floor had my heart jump in my mouth; a deathly silence hung over the corridor, emphasizing every foot step. Shakily, I jutted my I-pod forward, illuminating the tight corridor with its pale light. Suddenly, I saw a pure white hand with splotches of red and purple grip the side of the wall. I held my breath as the hand was soon followed by a large head, attached to a freakishly long neck, peering in. Its body was a mesh of fat and bone. The creature had large, metallic poles coming out of its back, forming an arc. I assumed that it wasn't natural, not that there was anything natural about this thing! Its legs were much like a kangaroo's, bent backwards at the knees.

I silently sighed in relief when it seemed that the beast could not fit its head through the gap. My body tightly hugged both the walls as the beast struggled fruitlessly to enter the corridor. I was a miracle that I had even fit in the cramped space. I breathed out another sigh of relief as I watched the monster look around a few times before slowly moving on, its footsteps slowly fading into the background. I waited for my nerves to calm down. I tried to find my courage as I prepared to make my next move.

Grunting in discomfort, I slowly pulled my way out, being careful to avoid hitting anything as I crept along the corridor. I sighed in relief as I saw the silhouette of one of the beasts vanishing around a corridor. This place was ancient. It was far older than Canterlot, maybe even older than the royal sisters. Several ruins adorned the sides of the walls. Wiping my eyes, I grimaced as my grime-matted hands only seemed to make my swollen eyes worse.

The cracking of bones signaled the approach of another of the creatures . Looking about frantically, I noticed a door to my left; I silently opened the door and darted inside. I winced as the rusty hinges of the door creaked loudly, attracting the beast. I shut the door quickly, latched the rusted lock in place, and silently waited. The door handle shook violently as the beast gave a grunt of frustration. A dry crack sounded as the beast rammed its body against the door; the beast continued the howl in frustration as small splinters showed in the otherwise sturdy door. Retreating from the door, I silently moved across the room, taking caution not to knock anything over. The room suddenly went black as my I-pod went into sleep mode. I turned it on again and waved it around, getting a good look at my new surroundings.

A large corridor adorned with torches gave me a glimmer of hope. Furthermore, I felt the warmth of my magic slowly returning to me. With a grunt, I was able to produce a small flame. Picking up one of the torches, it was quickly lit the worn rags burst into flames. The heat from the fire helped to drive away the chill on my body. I shivered, my eyes squinting as I warily made my way down the corridor.

Gritting my teeth, I pushed another door open. The light of the torch allowed me to take in the large room as I marvelled at the beautiful display of craftsmanship. In the center of the room sat a large metal crate with glowing runes. I stepped closer as the pulsating green letters were strangely entrancing. I crept slowly across the floor, my eyes darting around for any sign of traps as I reached the strange object. I noticed a small panel jutting out of the thing. It was covered in a thick layer of dust, so I swept my hand across it, removing most of the dust in order to get a better look at it. I gave a small gasp as needles exploded from the small tablet, impaling my hand. I gave a sharp cry of pain, but could not pull my hand away. With a sharp click, the needles retracted, leaving me to nurse my bleeding hand. I swore loudly at the thing.

Metallic clicks sounded as the box started to vibrate. With a sharp clang the box retracted, revealing to me a sight that left me speechless. I tried to contemplate what I was seeing. A mare lay kneeling in the center, her wrists, legs, and neck heavily bound in thick chains. Small rings covered her horn, most likely blocking her magic. Her crimson red hair, matted with filth, seemed to glow lightly as I caught sight of her wings.

"An alicorn," I whispered. Suddenly, the chains unclasped, receding into the stone floor. Without the restraints to hold her up, the mare quickly collapsed onto the floor. Moving forward, I gently placed the mares head on my lap and looked down at her with concern. The mare gave a weak groan while I took in the rest of her. Her body showed obvious signs of malnourishment. Her bones were visible through the tiny traces of fat and skin. The meager articles of torn clothing barely managed to hider her breasts and lower area.

I was snapped out of my observation when I felt her wings flutter against me. A pair of cerulean blue eyes fluttered open as she weakly groaned.
"Where am I?" she croaked, trying to lift herself up. I gently pushed her back down.

"Easy, easy. Everything is okay," I whispered. The mare eyes focused on me as I gently ran my hand though her mane.

"A human, after all this time. Who would have thought," she chuckled. I gave her a an inquisitive glance while she broke into a violent cough. Once her coughing fit subsided, she spoke again. "I am assuming from that look that I have been gone longer than I thought. Tell me…was Tirek's minions ever defeated? Are the pony clans still fighting? What became of my daughters?" she demanded, her hand clutching mine. Her face showed slight signs of panic. I gently eased the stressed mare into a sitting position, allowing her head to rest on my chest. She gave a gentle sigh of contentment.

"All of Tirek's minions including Grogar were vanquished thousands of years ago. The ponies have been united for well over 1,000 years. And if by daughters you mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, then I can assure you that they are safe. We have some catching up to do," I answered. The mare relaxed as she hummed a soothing tune.

"Princesses…it seems my daughters have done well in my absence. Thank the heavens!" she sighed, gently pushing my hand away as she uneasily got to her feet. It was then that I was able to take in just how big she was. Easily standing at ten-and-a-half feet tall, she clearly dwarfed me. Spreading her wings, they easily spread to about 15 feet long. Her horn producing a crimson light I watched as her eyes turned white, radiating power.

"Who are you?" I asked. The mare paused as she observed me; a flicker of a smile graced her lips. The dull rattle of chains behind us cut me off. I turned around only to find the beasts standing mere meters away from me. My body tensed with a familiar sense of dread.

"Do not worry. They cannot drain you now," she whispered. I turned back around to face the beasts, a wicked smile growing on my face. Fire engulfed my arms effortlessly. My eyes glowed brightly as I looked upon the beasts that had hunted me like dogs. I was going to enjoy this!

"Lachlan," I stated. The mare paused as she grabbed my hand, shaking it lightly.

"I go by many names. But for rescuing me, you may call me Faust!"
A picture of the beast!

Mother in law and rekindling old flames

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"I have grandchildren? Dear god no I'm a granny" Faust groaned flicking me with her tail as I snorted. "You are a brave soul young human, you have saved not only my two daughters but have even managed to give me two more. You could have at least bought me dinner first" she finished the two of us laughing despite our battered state. "Though I am saddened to hear about your fight with them. Lachlan I know you are upset with them but you must understand how vital a mate is to an alicorn. Alicorns very rarely take a mate after their first dies. Despite what many belief we are not immortal and do in fact die of old age. Though we can easily live for hundreds of thousands of years. You see the reason the mares treat you as such is because in their eye you are their heart. When an alicorn gives themselves to a pony that pony becomes part of them and if they were to die it is not uncommon for alicorns to die of a broken heart. the scar of a loved one's death never goes away." she paused shuddering as a lone tear trickled down her face.

"You lost some pony didn't you?" I spoke up Faust nodding as she took a deep breath.

"I lost my mate to Tirek back when I was still pregnant with Luna. It was one of the worse times of my life as my rampaging hormones grief and stress nearly led me to taking my own life. I do not condone my daughters for their foolish and inexperienced behavior, but at least understand that they would never think you a pet or a play thing. An alicorn will only mate with one whom's soul they have seen and matches up to them 100%. When Nightmare Moon and Molestia raped you it was not out of spite nor evilness but an instinctual courting ritual granted they had no idea at the time. I assumed that it was not until the elements washed away the hate and maliciousness that the two realized why they had done what they had done. It was why the two came to love you so quickly because they found you over all aura and presence calming. When an alicorn finds a mate. They first see if the pony or human's personalities interest and over all feelings match up to their own. Then they force themselves on their future mate to show them that they are strong and capable of protecting them. Whilst slightly twisted it is our way of proving ourselves worthy." She finished as I took in her words reflecting on what that meant for me as I with a small smile was reminded of the popular phrase love at first sight.

"If rape is a courting thing then why is it that Luna and Celestia are in the herd. Celestia and I get along good enough but she has shown no actual love towards me and Luna seems to put up with me and no more." I questioned, pausing as the alicorn chuckled.

"My dear, Alicorns do not mate for the hell of it. Though I think Molestia and Nightmare Moon may have done so in this strange case but at the same time they will have assessed you and found you worthy. There are odd cases in every society. Regarding my daughters, even if you think the two show no interest I can assure you that they do. Luna even as a foal was very good at hiding her true emotions. If you gave her a chance I think you would see a very different pony. As for the courting aspect why would they, they already mated with you as Nightmare Moon and Molestia. It is a weird case but I believe that it still counts. Nightmare Moon and Molestia's feelings spawned from Celestia and Luna when you first met them they assessed you and saw you worthy had the two never come along, I can guarantee you that my two daughters would have tried to court you eventually." She chuckled

"Ahhh finally out of that anti teleporation field!" the mare groaned stretching her limbs as sharp pops ran sounded from her back. "I know you do not wish to leave just yet, but we must travel to Canterlot so I can sort this out. The longer you are away from your mates the more dangerous they will become in trying to find you. I will not let them hurt you but I hope that you will be the bigger person here and forgive the fools for being so childish. I will personally make sure that they are taught how to deal with their urges and the rules of being mated but by the same token you are not free of blame. Your habit of keeping things to yourself is neither practical nor good in a relationship like this. Neither side may have secrets that could affect the other. You will not apologies as you are not in the wrong in regards to their mistakes, but for the sake of the ponies and your foals you will be there for them and I know for a fact that they will be there for you. By all means remain angry at them and even punish them by ignoring them but you must at least be where they feel they can protect you. Alicorns panic when they don't know where their mate is or don't feel like they can protect them. All long lived species have this instinct. Changeling queens and even draconequus experience it. They need to know that you are there

so that they at least feel that they are protecting you. I will teach them how to soften these urges allowing you far more freedom but please given them a chance" she finished as I grimaced feeling slightly foolish as she made both myself and the herd sound like petty children.

"Fine, but they get one chance!"

"Fuck" I wheezed gritting my teeth, despite her under malnourished state the alicorn was still fucking heavy. Having teleported to canterlot I had ended up tripping and having the large mare fall on me.Faust groaned rubbing her head as I punted her off me climbing to my feet as I offered her a hand. "Look I know you are most likely exhausted and desperate to see your daughters but for both our sake lets gets something to eat!" I instructed as my companion gave a hesitantly nod as I saw the glint of excitement in her eyes.

"That would be lovely" she sighed resting her hands on my shoulder using me as a crutch as we made our way to the dinning hall. With it being around seven I knew that we had about twenty minutes before the herd made there way down to eat. . This gave us plenty of time to grab a bite to eat and then hopefully give me time to think of how I was going to explain my sudden reappearance as well as the return of their mother.


"Mmm oh god this is good" the mare moaned tearing off another slice of bread as she hungrily tore into the large helping of mixed veg, hay bacon, soup and fries. the mare had cleared four plates already and was quickly making her way though a fifth. Gravy and bits of sauce hung from her muzzle as all pretense of elegance and power was abandoned.

I notice that you use god whilst others use your name why is that" I spoke up the mare pausing as she gave me a small grin.

"Quite simple really, Alicorns are not gods as much as some back then thought we were. The reason I assume is because my daughters bless them saw me as such, given how I was the protector of this land for tens of thousands of years. I am assuming that when I fought Tirek and beat him the girls, assumed me dead. I am guessing that they made me out as some heavenly being" she chuckled fondly. "Now enough talk pass me more of that hay bacon I belief it is called" she ordered greedily grabbing the plate off of me, emptying its contents as she went back to stuffing her face.

"I need him"

"I know, trust me we all do."

"Enough let us eat" Luna replied aggressively as the doors opened. five pair of eyes honed in on me shock and disbelief apparent as I gave a small wave. Sharp gasps followed as their eyes locked onto the alicorn next to me. There was a dead silence as Faust finished off the last strand of pasta that she had mixed in with the hay bacon.

"Mother" Celestia croaked her eyes welling up as the alicorn paused turning to look at her daughter as a sad smile worked its way onto her face. Rising to her feet the mare gingerly wiped her face with a napkin as she made her way over to the group. Nightmare Moon and Molestia cowered slightly retreating as the red headed alicorn shook her head.

"My beautiful baby girls" she cooed, pulling all four of the mares closer as she enveloped the four shocked alicorns in a hug.

"Mummy" Luna whispered tears streaming down her face as she sobbed setting the others off as the mare happily comforted her daughters as I watched the scene silently. Chrysalis looked between Faust and me, putting two and two together as she gave a soft smile.

"But we aren't—" Moon went to say, pausing as Faust lightly tapped her on the nose.

"You two may not be biological, but you are still my children." she stated the night alicorn burying her head into the larger alicorns neck as she sobbed. I despite my anger could not stop a small smile from working its way onto my face.The mare slowly released her hold on her children steeping back as not a dry eye was seen between them Faust looked at her daughters with pride as the mares sniffled and tried desperately to hide the tears that fell.

"How?" Molestia spoke up the red haired alicorn pointing to me as the four looked at me in confusion.

"This human came across me by accident and was able to free me from my imprisonment. Working together the two of us barely made it out of that place. You have not been treating you mate right and I am here to make sure that what happened between you and Lachlan never happens again" she stated seriously the mares pausing as they looked cautiously from me to Faust.

Two weeks later

Faust had recovered nicely from her imprisonment, her form starting to fill out again as she easily ate more than the rest of us combined. After three days in hospital which were spent fixing the nerves in her damaged leg as well as keeping her in quarantine until they were sure that she wasn't carrying any millenium old disease . The doctors were glad to see massive improvement and with a word of warning that she not strain herself they had allowed her to check out.

When she wasn't spending time with her daughters teaching them about the importance of trust she was teaching them techniques to stop panic attacks when their mate was occupied or away for small intervals. The mares were slowly learning but they were struggling. I was impressed that they were so eager to learn. Faust had been keeping me updated on their progress. The mare was putty when it came to her grand foals, always happy to step in and baby sit when I or the girls were busy.

I avoided contact with the mares I needed time to think to know if this relationship we had was going to work! They had to my relief respected my choice and whilst slightly hurt they understood. Chrysalis and I were still at odds having gone from simply ignoring the other two full out screaming matches. Though I admitted that striking her across the face was the last thing I had wanted to do as the mare had been in tears.

Faust had luckily steeped in to prevent blood shed. For the past week I had isolated myself

I had awoken screaming in panic as once again the nightmares had hit hard the horrors in that catacomb plaguing my mind. My body shivered as I tried to lay back down my head splitting as the winter cold did little to boast my mood. Shivering I tried to desperately warm myself up my teeth chartering as tears ran down my face. The nightmares were getting worse and the winter months were making it hell for me as I tried to bury my head into my pillow.

"Are you okay?" Chrysalis spoke up causing me to jump as the mare sat beside me gently placing a hand on my back her fur warming the area as I shivered. I refused to look at her still angry as the mare gently massaged my back gaining small gasps of pleasure as the warmth and soothing motion helped to calm my racing heart.

"You look cold Lachlan do you wish for us to join you?" Molestia asked the mare materializing out of the darkness as I stubbornly shook my head.

"I'm fine thank you" I stuttered my teeth chattering as the mare gave a sad smile. Tears slowly dried on my face as the mare sighed getting onto the bed as she pulled my form closer. One by one the others appeared from the dark some looking half asleep as they huddled around me providing me with warmth. Chrysalis gave me a loving kiss, straddling me as I tried to push her off.

"Say the word and we will leave. We just though that on such a cold night you wouldn't mind us joining you" the changeling purred her lips centimeters away from my ear as I gave a small glare. But despite her teasing I saw genuine concern in her eyes as she and the rest watched me silently. I knew that if I told them to leave they would but by that same token they were all gambling on the off chance that i would accept and that we could built our relationship from here. If I refused them then it could potentially mean the end of the herd. But could I do it? They had hurt me and I had hurt them, but could I bring myself to love them like before?

The answer was easy as I looked at them I gave a sad sigh as the mares stiffened waiting for my answer with baited breath

"It is a bit cold tonight" I chuckled fixing them with a small but suggestive smile. "Maybe you girls could find a way to help me warm up?"

"Felling warmed up enough" Moon purred resting her hand on my chest as I gave a tired nod.

"Oh yeah!" I chuckled, the rest of the mares laying sweaty and naked. Huddled together. their warmth had helped to still the nip of winter as I found myself trapped between six mares and a draconquus. Molestia's head rested on my stomach her favorite spot as Chrysalis head rested on my shoulder. Razor fang was out for the count spooning her niece groping her as she suckled on her neck. Celestia was sandwiched in-between myself and Chrysalis her body acting as a foot rest for the changeling. Luna was resting beside my head using her body as a make shift pillow as additional blankets kept the night alicorn warm. Gently gripping my head Luna brought her lips to mine as I smiled the mare cheekily throwing in a bit of tongue as my hands gently explored her chest.

"Thank you Lachlan" she hummed her eyes closing as my head came to rest between her cleavage as I gave a small mumble of acknowledgement my eyes heavy as I drifted off Eris brushing her head against molestia as the two lay content on my stomach.

Bats and Nightmares

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The familiar weight of the mares brought me some relief as I stretched rubbing my eyes as I tried to get up. I fidgeted as I found myself trapped the three exhausted mares refusing to budge.

"For the love of god shift you fat bastards" I groaned my eyes widening as I felt Moon wrap her teeth around my ear yanking hard as I yelped. The mare purred as she continued to chew on me for a few seconds her hands possessively pulling me into her cleavage as I shivered.

"Quite, you cheeky little shit" she growled lovingly licking my face as I smirked. Chrysalis lay sprawled out behind met her hand covering her face as drool ran down her check. Celestia and Eris were gone most likely going about their duties as Luna still lay above. Molestia lay cuddled in-between my legs, her head resting on my stomach as she gently snored. "You will be released once we have had sufficient snuggling" she commanded settling back down as I shifted my eyes meeting hers as I lightly kissed her snout. Shaking her head she gave a soft smile as she cuddled closer. The inhabitants had been disturbed last night by me screaming my form coated in sweat sobbing. The mares as one though sleepily had huddled closer soothing my shaking form as I had wept like a child. I had slaughtered countless of those beasts with ease yet their horrific forms still plagued me. It had been three weeks and yet I still could not remove those beasts from my mind. "Lachlan what did you see down there?" Moon questioned her eyes glowing gently in the still dark room as I found myself unable to look away.

"Monsters." I whispered shivering as memories of the beasts came to mind.

"There are forgotten evils in this world ancient evils that should never see the light of day again. It is okay to be scared. You try to remain so strong when even the bravest of mares would crumble but you don't have to do this alone. Lachlan despite the fight, despite the falling out I and the rest still love you deeply and I would happily give my life to protect you and the foals and I know you would do the same." pausing the mare pressed her forehead against mine, gently running her tongue over my head. "Even now you are ill and you refuse to say anything. Please you have got to stop keeping secrets from us. Lachlan clingy and possessive we may be but that is because we have lived far longer than you and have seen far more death than you could imagine. My sisters and I are thousands of years old have slaughtered armies destroyed empires and seen much evil. Why do you think we can't handle what you are going though?" she questioned her tone hurt as I gave a small sigh

"Because I nearly turned against you! I was too mentally weak to question if I was being manipulated, I could have easily killed you and the rest despite your power had I not come to my senses. Don't you see at the end of the day I am a monster" I croaked, the mare grabbing my chin as I tried to turn away.

"You are twenty one years old. A colt by pony standard and just a new born compared to us, you are not a monster. When we first met I saw you as nothing more than a silly little foal that had gotten lost I had just planned to scare you off maybe make you cry. But then I got your scent and I was clouded by lust. Alicorns do not mate until they find there soul mate. This is why it is so hard to court an alicorn. But I fucked up and was one of the reasons I was so aggressive towards you over the months. I felt cheated out of finding a proper mate, then I got to know you and I developed feelings for you, we all did. Now my mother was wrong about me courting you I generally had no idea you were my soul mate until later on. You know that Chrysalis and I had planned just to use you as a slave even whilst we were living in the castle. In fact I belief Celestia was planning on courting you before the molestia incident. Little Lulu was to embarrassed and shamed to even approach you. She feared that with me having my way with you it would bind you to me. Tis why both myself and Luna showed such hostility though in her case it took her slightly longer to gain the courage to see if you two would work. Is a scary process because if you buck up then you are stuck with some pony you don't love.. " Moon finished causing me to shiver at the though.

"I feel I was most lucky, he may be an annoyance at times but even I can not deny that there is a charm about him. Though with that awful incident I had feared that I would never get to feel the love that you two had so greedily hogged" the smaller alicorn spoke up placing her chin on her sister as the two chuckled.

"I would hardly say we hogged him. And even if we did you make it sound like he was our slave unable to leave our sides" Moon retorted giving the mare a flick on the nose as she snorted.

"Is he not our slave already?" the tired voice of Chrysalis quipped the mare stretching as she cuddled closer. "What she said is true, you a homeless, small foal managed to capture the heart of four alicorns my aunt and I as well as the chimera. How you did so I still marvel at with the others, but for me it was your loyalty and kindness. You never once saw me as a monster and despite our less than pleasant first meeting you never grudged or despised me for it" She grinned lightly grooming me as I shivered.

"When I had Isaac our beautiful baby boy it was that coupled with your undying loyalty that finally I allowed myself to give myself to you fully. Before I did love you but I was still nervous unsure if you would stay with me though thick and thin and that scared me. But you proved yourself by being a wonderful father always putting yourself in harms way to protect us and our foals. Then the others came and you continued to be a good father, mate, and lover. Lachlan you are without a doubt the most important pon— human in my life." she finished blushing as I snaked my arm around her back pulling her closer as I pulled her in for a kiss.

"Morning" Tia mumbled stretching her back as she crawled up the bed her face centimeters from mine as she gently nibbled on my ear. Yawning the half asleep mare cuddled closer her head resting beside mine nuzzling me as Chrysalis gave a small yelp, her aunt fondling her. Still asleep the older mare giggled as Chrysalis uncomfortably tried to shift away from the grabby mare.

The mares had been hesitant to let me go, Molestia refusing to budge and I had resorted to teleporting, the poor mare coming with me landed on the cold floor. A flurry of cussing and yelping later, the mare lay shivering under the covers the rest glaring at my wickedness as they had called it.

"Good morning Lachlan." Celestia smiled gently bouncing Isaac on her lap whilst Thomas sleepily suckled on the mare's tit. The twins and Aurora were pestering Eris, the draconequus groaning as they bit, clawed and scrambled over her lithe form. Grabbing the boys, Eris gave me a soft smile as I sat myself down Loki and Zen chewing on my hand and forearm respectively. I grimaced as their sharp teeth bit into my skin hard.

"Loki enough!" I growled, the child having sunk his teeth into my hand, drawing blood as Eris gave the Pup a sharp look.

"Oh he just wants to play let him be." Discord chuckled, plucking him out of my lap. The young draconequus squealed in delight as he was placed on top of his grandfathers head. "Who's my little chaos maker." he cooed, the pup giggling as he chewed on larger draconequus antler. Faust whom I had not seen enter gave Celestia a warm smile sitting herself down next to her gently ushering Isaac into her arms as the foal settled down in her lap. All in all it was good that their were so many in this weird little family as it allowed us to evenly spread the duties out for raising the foals. I not having a country or a kingdom to rule looked after the foals the most along with Faust giving the mothers and aunts time to work and relax in some cases. Generally they were well behaved but the twins could be stubborn at times.

Faust having agreed to care for the foals meant that I was free to visit Twilight and the rest today. Something that I had been meaning to do do for a while. Gently kissing Zen on the head I passed the exited pup to Celestia. Settling down Zen curled up in the pregnant alicorns lap dozing off as Celestia giggled.

"Wait, how the fuck do bats that eat fruit give anyone a fright? I have never heard someone scream run for your lives its going to eat your apples. More to the point, why am I even here?" I asked Apple Jack glowering at me Rarity huffing at my crude language. " I do however not agree with hurting them its not their fault that you moved into their territory and claimed it as your own." I finished Fluttershy nodding as the apple farmer gritted her teeth.

"I agree violence should not be an option here we need to move them without hurting them. But I don't think even I have the power to do a mass teleportation spell and you lack the experience to do it without taking half of Apple Jacks trees with the bats. No I think that maybe a simple mind altering spell to make the bats avoid apples would be best. Fluttershy if you use your stare on them you can momentarily paralyze them and I can use the spell and nopony gets hurt." the mare finished pleased with herself as I gave a small chuckle.

Twilight delved into her idea more trying to convince Fluttershy to use her stare to help her use a spell. The more I heard of the plan, the more I saw the flaw in this so called flawless idea. They had no idea what the bats new diet would be and I would be fucked if the bats turned into the Kryll from Gears of war, those fucks were creepy. I shivered at the thought of ponies being torn apart, reduced to scraps by carnivorous vampire fruit bats.

"And you are sure that it will just make them target only other fruits hopefully ones in the Everfree?" I asked not happy with this plan as the mare gave a confident nod. "Well I am going to a bar, come find me when that goes tits up." with that I turned around and got my ass out of there not willing to stand around and wait for the girls to fuck up.

"You are kind of a dick." Vinyl stated Octavia cuffing the slightly tipsy mare upside the head as I gave an indignant huff. "I mean come on, they are your friends you don't just leave because what they are doing is stupid. That is a dick move." the mare finished knocking back the rest of her drink as I considered her argument.

"Maybe it was a dick move but I have been stabbed, shot, trapped in stone, very briefly, and have had more death experiences than I ever did back on earth. Is it really so bad that for once when the opportunity presents itself, I get the hell out of dodge before something happens? Also they were in no danger I trust Twilight I just don't want to be on the receiving end if the spell was to fuck up, which I always seem to be. But the town isn't in ruin and those girls have done their fair share of rescuing I am sure they don't need me. So they still save the day and I don't get hurt where is the fucking problem." I drunkenly finished swinging my arm back to emphasis my point resulting in me falling out the chair as the small group laughed.

"I agree with Vinyl you still should have helped." Lyra replied gently stroking Bon Bon's hair as the mare gave me a small glare.

"And what, what should I have done. I am far more powerful than Twilight but I don't have any control it is to dangerous for me to practice near civilization so Twilight and the herd can only train me when they are no busy which trust me is not often. Hell do you girls know the first time I fought the herd they had Discord, Cadence and glimmer shield and all six of the elements of harmony. Granted they had not unsealed their power but I could have very easily killed them. Even later on when we had our second encounter I was able to beat Celestia and Luna's alternate dimension clones to a pulp whilst they were fully unsealed. I then fought the group with four of the alicorns unsealed and was able to hold my own for a while. Do you girls not get it I am more powerful than two fully unsealed alicorns. I also don't have their years of training and self control. If one of my spells went wild I could raise half of ponyville by accident or worse!" I finished taking a breath as the girls looked on hesitantly. "Lyra you were their you saw what I did to those freaks." I added the mare grimacing at the memory.

"Yeah that was not pretty but when you were stabbed and your memories returned I was scared. More so when Nightmare Moon came. Luckily I am friends with Twilight so once she told me you were alive. I tried to come and see you but no visitors were allowed in." Lyra paused giving me a gentle smile as she gave me a small kiss on the check. "You know that mare the large unicorn you saved?" the mare asked giving me a small grin as I paused vaguely remembering her as I nodded hesitantly. "She has been watching you, keeping us all up to date. Congrats you have a stalker." she grinned as I shivered feeling a presence behind me as I turned.

"I would not myself a stalker, this creature saved my life and as he has saved me I have a debt in which to protect him." the mare finished looking down at me as I paused. Taking in her form properly the first thing I noticed was how similar to an alicorn she looked roughly the same size as she gave me a cold look.

"Okay how long have you been following me and should I be worried." I asked the mare neutral facade cracking ever so slightly as a small smirk adorned her lips.

"Long enough." she replied cryptically sitting down next to me, ordering a cocktail.

"You look a lot like—" a sharp snarl from the mare stopped me as I looked at her, my hand clenching ready to attack if she showed any hostility. The mare paused her body going limp as she gave me a glare.

"I am more than aware of who I look like." the mare spat her eyes narrowing as she gritted her teeth. Holding my hands out in surrender I gently nudged away from her as she downed her drink slamming a couple of bits down on the table as she ordered another. "You should know, that sometimes nightmares do not just disappear because of the elements. I was so close, I had an army I had not hurt anypony all I wanted was control." she snarled as Lyra gently patted her on the back. I could not help but wonder why they were sympathizing with a failed tyrant. The fact that the mare had remained hidden was surprisingly as myself or the others should have detected her.

"What happened?"

Nightmare Rarity's POV

"NOOOOOOOOOOO. I WAS SO CLOSE DAMN YOU." I roared my form broken as I weakly rested against a tree blood trickling down my form as my dress lay in taters. I had been so close to dominating this weak country and yet had been stopped by the power of friendship. I grimaced at the disgusting though my head splitting as rain battered my sides. I was weak but not defeated I would grow in power regain my army and conquer that pitiful land and this time I would not be so merciful. I would not murder as I was not a coward but I would not seclude torture this time. Stumbling to my feet I groaned as I felt hunger a feeling I was not familiar with. Biting my lip I limped though the thick undergrowth my fur torn and still scorched from the attack that had reduced me to my currant state. I was weak and if I did not find something to eat and drink soon I would die. That is if the wounds did not do that first!

The creatures of this disgusting forest kept their distance not daring to push their luck as I had already disintegrated three timber wolfs whom's territory I had invaded. I would not die and I sure as Tararus would not be beaten by arrogant little ponies when I healed I would crush those that challenged me and imprison the alicorns princesses.

"I will return and when I do all of Equestria will bow to me." I snarled crushing the tiara that had once sat proudly atop my head.

A sharp crack quickly cut off my dramatic speech as I cried in pain knocking me down as I fell to my knees my vision blurring as guttural snarls came from behind.

"Pony too strong to be converted will need to break first." One hissed the fur on the back of my neck standing on end as I shivered.

"Could take months pony weak but strong mentally. Will be fun torturing." the other hissed my eyes widening as I took in the monstrosities before me. Not even conscious for an hour and already I had been beaten, again. The bloody hooves were a species than even the alicorns feared the beasts strongly resistant to all but the strongest of magic. I gave to my disgust a small whimper as my hands were bound a filthy sack covering my head.

A blinding pain was all I felt at the back of my head as my body went limp. Blacking out I cursed my luck.

Lachlan Pov

"From their I would spend four months in that place. They almost broke me, and were it not for me they would have broken Lyra and the other two in mere hours, had I not made it my goal to antagonize the jailer. It is strange, I have no idea why I took the punishment for others. Maybe it was the months I had to think about my actions or the fact that these creatures were what I could have become had I succeeded in recovering. Or maybe it was my attempt at redemption I did after all believe that we were all going to die in that place. All I know is that I make it my mission to protect this one here and later you." she finished gingerly sipping on her twelfth drink. "Now I have no purpose. Lyra despite my insistence that she lives near a dangerous forest, it is no longer as dangerous as you have slaughter the bloody hooves. I cant even offer my services as the blasted elements would turn me to stone the moment I showed my face. It is funny I could go back to being evil but what is the point? I have no purpose." the mare finished miserable her head resting on the counter.

With a few illusion charms and privacy bubbles the mare was able to hide her conversation and identity with no one being any wiser. it was why no one had freaked out when she had shown herself. As long as she kept the spells up no one would know who she really was to the ponies she was just tear drop a timid unicorn who was very quite and lived by doing odd jobs to feed herself. It was sad to know that she was homeless and refused to take charity despite Lyra and even Bon Bon offering her housing. Though she showered at theirs regularly and even got free clothing she refused to be a financial burden.

"You have been though so much and I am sorry that you had to suffer all of that. But you are strong and you survived whilst sparing Lyra and others a horrific fate. You may not think so but you are a hero." I will speak with Twilight and the others but for the moment keep doing what you are doing and I will get this all sorted out." I smiled the mare giving a nod as I shakily got to my feet. Nightmare Rarity grabbed a passed out Lyra and Vinyl escorting the two home as I took my leave stumbling down the road as I sighed.

"Damn I am going to be hung over in the morning" I chuckled glad that Twilight was kindly letting me stay with her tonight. The mare was a lot like me liked to sleep in, perfect for hangovers.

"The spell didn't work" Twilight gasped genuinely shocked as I gave a small groan holding an ice pack against my head. My head felt like it was trying to cave in on itself and being up at the crack of dawn for the apple bucking pain in the ass, was doing nothing for my increasingly foal temper.

"Dun dun dun." I rasped weakly not being able to resists rubbing in that the plan had in fact gone tits up. The six descended into squabbling some in favor of more extreme methods for removing the bats whilst Fluttershy desperately tried to defend them. After a bit of running and clarification that in fact the spell had worked resulting in light teasing from a smug alicorn the mares had decided that the best solution was a stake out. One that I was apparently taking part in wither I wanted to or not.

The day was spent for me recovering as the mares discussed their plans which was pitiful as after nearly six hours what they had was get flash lights with their symbols on them and flash them if they see what is eating the apples. the best part they planned to split up to cover more ground. I assumed that horror movies did not exist in this world as it was physically impossible for anyone to be that stupid. Though I found that a couple rounds of "shut up my plan is awesome" sex with Twilight brought me around in the end if only because the mare had a mean tongue.

"Still kind of a stupid plan." I grumbled, Twilight nuzzling my check affectionately.

"Lachlan hun, shut up my plan's are flawless." she stated readjusting her blouse as I snorted.

Fucking knew it." I growled the alicorn grumbling as we chased down the creature responsible for eating the apples the bastard was big easily bigger than myself as it darted in-between the trees causing me to lose sight as I crashed into Twilight. " I told you staking out does not work, have you never seen a horror flick before?" I asked doubled over gasping for air.

"Shut up." she grumbled pointing the flash light around wildly as Pinkie appeared above her flash light pointing at a strange creature its wings covering its body as I tensed a small flame dancing in my hand ready to fry the thing if needed. With a sharp hiss the wings spread open revealing a to my disbelief Fluttershy. The mare's fur was thick and matted, feral in appearance, a pair of fangs jutting from her mouth snarling at us and Pinkie she took flight coming straight for me.

"Fuck this, I'm out" I cried hauling ass as the mare gave chase. "Why is she chasing me?" I cried narrowly avoiding the sharp talons of the mare as Twilight watched half amused half concerned.

"I assume that she has eaten her fill and is now looking to settle down with a mate if you would." Twilight helpfully shouted the bat mare giggling as she playfully chased me from tree to tree my wings beating as hard as they could as I tried to out maneuver the crazed but sexy beast.

Grabbing me by the scruff of my neck the mare pulled me close to her chest. Chirruping she landed on top of a tree, the thick branches giving us space to move. Fluttershy straddled me gently washing my face affectionately as I uncomfortably sat rigid not wanting to aggravate the bestial mare. Sniffing me her wings excitedly sprang open, her hands tearing my trousers to ribbons. Looking down at my now bare form the mare hungrily licked her lips

"God I hope she doesn't do to me what she does to apples." I grimaced as I felt her mouth gently suckle the tip sending jolts of pleasure through me as I heard a cry from bellow.

"Unhand him you filthy beast." Nightmare Rarity barked, climbing the tree as Fluttershy hissed baring her fangs as the mare paused gawking at my naked form. Grinning Fluttershy sneak's up behind the mare wrapping her arms around the larger mares waist as she forces her to her knees her face mere centimeters from my aroused member. Pushing forward the mare gasped as she froze her mouth fully wrapped around me as she looked up at me in panic her eyes slowly glazing over as she gave a small moan. Fluttershy had grabbed the mares flank and was now putting her snake like tongue to better use her mouth hungrily covering the mares sex as Nightmare Rarity squealed in pleasure.

Gently bobbing her head Nightmare Rarity swivel her tongue, sending wave after wave of pleasure.

"Oh god this is so fucked up." I groaned as the two mares moaned in response.

Suffice to say after we had sex the situation was sorted out fairly quickly Fluttershy was returned to normal. Though suspicious and openly hostile the mares had stopped after I had explained the mares intention and that she had atleast tried to save me. The mares were at least willing to give her the benefit of the doubt if only for my sake. Fluttershy had to my relief vouched for the mare and her actions as I had promised the mare that if she could prove herself to the alicorns then I could hopefully help her out.

"Nightmare do not worry okay. Whilst I know little about you I am willing to give you a chance." I whispered the mare nodding as I motioned for her to follow me. "Look come with me to canterlot I will fight your case, please don't make me regret my decisions." I finished grabbing the mares hand as I teleported.

"REALLY?" Luna barked glowering at me as I tried to calm the angered mare. "You can't help yourself, every threat we seem to encounter is either redeemed or you have sex with it!" she snarled pacing back and forth as Moon and Molestia walked in one half asleep as she looked at the three of us.

"Really?" Mollestia deadpanned rubbing sleep from her eyes as Nightmare Rarity nervously looked at the ground.

"Hey you can't just assume that I slept with her." I defended the mares including Rarity giving me a bemused look as I growled.

"We can smell her on you." Moon added snorting as I cursed.

"How? I had a shower before coming to the throne room." I demanded as the mares chuckled.

"You are so nieve at times, do you really think that a mares scent can be removed by a simple shower. Lachlan the scent of a mare is a way of warding off potential rivals? When we have physical intimacy be it sex or simple hugging or making simple contact rubs of a scent on both of us that alert others that we are friendly or depending on the strength how intimate we are. Sex and simple hugging have vastly different scents which mares are able to detect and let them know if a mare or stallion is in a herd or not. It is also so other mares know that you are ours and that they are not to approach. Not that, that has ever stopped mares in the past." Luna groaned collapsing on her throne as I gave a meek smile.

"I very rarely initiate sex with random mares and mostly I do so as to avoid hurting them as I am still not used to my strength I don't want to hurt someone because they got horny and careless. Say the word though that you don't like it and I will use any force needed to stop the advancing mare even if I hurt them!" I stated the lunar alicorn grinning as she ushered me forward. Grabbing me she rested her chin on my head humming as I returned the embrace.

"No lachlan, by mating with other mares, you help us. The mares you bed tend to be in power which help us, politically. Don't get us wrong if you ever voiced that you had been raped or were forced when you were unwilling we would not stop until the mare that had done so was hanging from a gallow. We will only permit it as long as you are not hurt." Luna finished giving me a playful lick on the lips as I recoiled.

"But do you not feel uncomfortable you know I am your and your sisters mate. Do you not feel sad that whilst you work I am whoring myself out to other mares? Please if you at any time do not like me doing it I will as I said earlier stop any attempts made by mares to bed me." I finished Luna's eyes widening as she gave a nod.

"You are a strange one Lachlan, most likely because you are not a stallion but human. You generally care for our well being and are not just trying to sow your oats with as many mares as possible which despite the change in culture some things in males never change." Molestia giggled as she sat herself down next to her smaller sister.

"It is a sad fact that the small population of stallions we have are usually not able form true bonds with their herd mates as they are passed around like whores to other mares for profit power and privileges. But you have went out your way to spend time with the foals treat all of us as equals and spend as much time with us as you can. You are literally the dream stallion for most mares in a herd and you are all ours." Moon continued standing beside a still cautious Nightmare Rarity.

"So will you give her a chance?" I asked the mares smirking as they looked at each other small smirks on their face as I felt unease course through me.

"We will on two condition!" Luna grinned as both myself and Rarity tensed up.

"You will forgo the name Rarity and instead will take the name Nyx. Second you will allow both Lachlan and Queen Platinum who is currently reforming her daughter, to help and rehabilitate you to a standard that we see fit. But know this, if you try to harm Lachlans in any way. I will kill you." Luna hissed, dismissing the mare as she gave me a loving smile

"Off to bed with you young one, the three of us will join you shortly." the small alicorns smiled sharing a brief look with the other two as I left. The mares grumbled as I accidentally woke them up having tripped and fallen on Chrysalis, the mare biting me as I gave a small yelp. Razor Wing and Celestia had happily pulled me down the two sandwiching me as I sighed the warmth of the mares lulling me to sleep.

"Well tomorrow will be interesting." I chuckled sleepily settling down for the night.

Pregnancy And Reforming

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The crisp gentle breeze of a winter morning was refreshing as I idly lounged on Celestia's throne.

"Stupid fat mares." I grumbled still pissed that I had been kicked out of bed early this morning as punishment for my jab at the mares weight. I had made a passing comment still half asleep whilst trying to get out being comparing it to being in a maze of fat. As a result I had been forced to leave the bed at five in the morning because the girls were petty like that. Groaning I stretched my legs out rubbing my eyes as I tried not to fall asleep.

I had briefly checked in on the bloody hooves castle. The castle was good if a bit dull at times as it had no real character. It was beautiful in design and the items that had been brought and built here were of expensive and good quality but it needed a bit of life. Apart from the occasional cleaning maid their was no one here. I knew that the maids hated this place as it was still once owned by the creatures that had tried to kill of their village but after scanning and searching this place countless times I had deemed it safe for them and despite their protest the maids got paid so really could not complain. Nurse stitches and I had been in touch the mare had invited me for my tea next Saturday as a thank you for giving her father something to work on as the stallion had been struggling to find work. A carpenter in such a small town was not as needed as his quality of work meant that things he built lasted. This was both a blessing and a curse as he had gained a good reputation but meant he had little business when no one needed anything replaced or built.

He specialized in metal work as well which was a strange duel trade given that both were specific specialties. none the less he had been very useful as he had been in charge of rebuilding damaged parts of the castle and had done a damn good job.

He had been paid handsomely for his work and one of his wife's diamond drill who specialized in crafting and molding gems into fine jewelry, had made me a stunning bracelet with a fire ruby as a thank you.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts I gave a small gasp as I realized that I was running slightly late.

"Shit better get a move on.

"Remind me again why I am here?" Nyx asked, tilting her head in confusion as I gave a small groan.

"Look as I have said Queen Platinum is far older than both of us and has far more experience in black and dark magic than us. If anyone can teach you how to unlock your full potential it will be her. I know you have been here for less than a day but the sooner we get started on reforming you the sooner you can prove yourself to Equestria. I know it is humiliating but if you suck it up and stick at this you could do great things and do so much good for the people of Equestria. Between you and me you are not the first nor will you be the last to go though this. Nightmare Moon Molestia, Eris and even Razor Wing went though trials by the other to prove themselves reformed it is merely your turn now." I finished the mare huffing as she followed me up the steps.

"But they were your mates, I am sure they got off lightly." She growled as I gave her a sad smile.

"Anything but, Luna was an absolute bastard to Moon making her call her princess and forcing the pregnant mare to bow in her presence. She was civil to the mare in public but treated her like a stuck of noble would a working class pony. Celestia was better but no less nasty even making subtle remarks about her weight and how she was contributing nothing and was a waste of resources and food. Had I not stormed up to the two and screamed myself half deaf the two might have never stopped. When I told them that Moon had stopped eating because of depression and the barbed insults the two were horrified. They had never meant to hurt her just punish her for her past crimes. Too bad they choice to do so where they were also putting the foal at risk with their pettiness. The mares make mistakes and trust me when I say you have gotten off very lightly as they have learnt from past mistakes. The two used Eris and our pups as emotional black mail to keep Discord inline did you know that. They can all be very petty at times but now they do all generally love each other and I know for a fact they would give their life's to protect each other. It is just to bad they are all so head strong. hell I was gone for two years and came back to find them at each others throats." I finished the mare going silent thinking about my words.

"So you actually showed up?"

Turning I gave an involuntary shiver coming face to face with Queen Umbra.The mare glared at me with a look of sheer loathing, the gentle purple haze that oozed from her eyes glowing in the low sun light as she grunted turning as her mother walked in.

"Playing nice I hope." Platinum spoke up smiling as her daughter rolled her eyes returning to her position by the wall. "Lachlan it is great to see that you have come to check up on us. I am happy to say that my daughter no longer wants to murder most of Equestria though I cant say the same for you or your herd." She laughed light heatedly her daughter rolling her eyes at the bubbly mare.

"So what brings you to my humble abode." the mare asked sitting herself down on her throne.

"You know why I am here!"

"I swear she asks me to spend a couple of hours with you and this shit happens." I growl barely pushing back the horde of dragon as the mare growls next to me. My magical shield would only last for so long as hundreds of drakes slammed into the side of the light blue bubble. Umbra was currently wrestling with one of the dragons that had gotten though before the shield the two clawing at each other as Umbra grabbed the beast by the throat.

"Forgive me if I wished to explore more of this modern world. When last I walked here it was a simple village and not a breeding ground for these filthy lizards." she snarled throwing one if the drakes to the ground as she slammed her foot down on its skull. The dragoness cried out in pain before going limp small trickles of blood coming from her nose as she moaned in pain. I gave her credit that atleast she wasn't killing them.

"You know what you are a fucking pain in the ass." I spat my fist slamming into one of the dragons that had broken though the shield. The dragon mating ground was a place that was off limits to all but dragons. Sadly a stuck up tyrant with a bad attitude did not help the situation when decided to insult the large creatures. Most of the dragons were to my discomfort female and seemed to have no problem with being naked. Queen or more accurately Princess Umbra was a foul bitch and I honestly could not stand her. Platinum had agreed to reform Nyx in exchange that I escort and keep her daughter in line so she can explore more of the world.

Unsurprisingly being trapped in a castle had stunted the mares progress, having become enraged and bitter well more so than usual at being kept like a prisoner. Hesitantly I had agreed on the condition that at the first sign of trouble I get to haul her ass back here.

"Why must you antagonize all that approach you these dragons whilst aggressive were willing to let us leave. Honestly if you were not such a brat then maybe this shit wouldn't happen." I lectured once again firing out powerful blasts of magic as dragons fell like flies in a bug zapper.

"I care not for your delusion of civility these beasts would have attacked us the moment we attempted to leave. If you had informed me before hand then maybe we could have chosen a better location!" the mare spat her eyes glowing a murky green as we vanished. landing on my back I nimbly rolled out the way as Umbra landed on one knee the sharp clang of armor ringing out as I gave her a small glare.

"You did that on purpose." I spat the mare giving a small harrumph. I had completed my part of the bargain, got the bitch out the castle for a couple of hours. Granted I had to admit that for the first few hours the mare visiting old locations had been interesting it was just to bad that she spoilt it by being a jackass.

"She is a good leader, but her social skills suck." I commented as Platinum came to stand beside me, the two of us watching as Queen Umbra gave out orders to the guards. "It really is a shame she has such potential and could do so much good but she refuses to get over this bitter obsession with ruling." I sighed, Platinum giving a small nod in agreement.

"She is much like Princess Luna though lacks the components for kindness. It breaks my heart because growing up she was one of the sweetest fillies you could meet. I fear that if she does not accept her faults and try to let it go she will lose herself to the corruption again." Platinum replied turning as she left me to think. I did not know what to do with the mare.

"I will find a away to help her." I whispered snapping my fingers as I teleported back to canterlot.


You know I think I could get used to eating meat!" Celestia laughed. Delving in about the assortment of food, I idly nibbled on a my burger watching in horror and awe at how quickly the mare was eating. Food seemed to simply vanish, her hands a blur. Pausing she snatched at a chicken wing tearing into the tender meat with a ferocity not unlike a manticore. Celestia had really developed a crave for meat and despite the horror of the servants and the other herd members based her diet more like mine.

Despite her stomach having no noticeable bulge, when she was not on the throne the mare liked to strip down to just pants and a hoodie. The mare had made a trip with me to a popular 'Trot topic'. I had to admit the look of disbelief on the teenage workers faces at seeing their princess walk in looking for a stylish hoodie had nearly been worth the hours of clothes shopping. She had in the end went for a black hoodie displaying her cutie mark splattered with blood and the word Tyrant in red written across the chest. I had picked up a couple of tops for the rest of the girls. My favorite being 'Who needs diplomacy skills when you have tits like these' which I knew Molly would appreciate.

"I cant belief you bought that hoodie I swear that kid looked like she was going to have a heart attack." I chuckled.

"I thought it was cute, I love my subjects but they seem to have strange views of me. I have been seen as a sexual deviant though that may be Molestia's doing a mean prankster which I thought was Discords occupation and even an evil tyrant. I honestly have to say that the claims and ideas are funny more than anything else but I can not deny that they sting. I have tried to be a calm and gentle ruler but despite what I try ponies see me as this god that can smite down any that speak out against me. This has been good for war and hostility but had severely isolated me from society. It is hard to go out for a drink when the owner kicks everypony out or offers free drinks all night. In all honestly the herd has made life interesting for the first time in three thousand years." Celestia sighed resting her head on my chest.

Feeling naughty I gave the mare's ass a firm group, playfully sticking my hands down her hoodie. Groping the swollen milk engorged breasts, the mare gave a whimper of pleasure. Her mouth met mine in an aggressive dominant display, her tongue wresting with mine. Alicorns were not like regular ponies, their hormones were far more aggressive and as a result so were the mare's tempers during pregnancy. Celestia had to everyone's surprise been one of the most aggressive out of the lot, even Faust was slightly off put by her daughters hair trigger switch. The mare could turn from the kind loving ruler into the mare that had nearly had Twilight in tears for bumping into her .

Alicorns and Changeling queens were two of the most unpredictable species during pregnancy. Molestia had tried to stab me with a pen when I had told her to move her fat arse after an argument. Chrysalis had tried to strangle me when we got a cat scan on the baby.Christ I think Nightmare Moon was one of the more tame surprisingly, only ever really shouting at me and crying. Celsetia on the other hand had already bitten me three drawing blood the second, punched me in the eye which had stung like a bitch. She had also thrown me out a window which was good because it was the window I was running for anyway. The crazed bitch had been tried to hit me with a chair, I admitted that I did kind of deserve that, for calling her princess Ballona. Though in my defense she had been a moody bitch that day. But despite all that the mare would always come back tearful begging for forgiveness. It kind of reminded me of an abusive spouse but the I was willing to forgive her if only because she never acted like this before.

"You know you are an abusive mate!" I stated the mare snorting as she buried her head deeper humming gently her wings encased us in a light but warm blanket. Her legs intertwined with my own her arms wrapped around my chest keeping me close to her. The mare gave a small yawn her magenta eyes looking up at me affectionately, a small pout on her face.

"I'm not abusive." she mumbled huffing as I gently scratched her ear.

A lone figure walked down an empty corridor guards laying unconscious and limp as the beast uncaring walked over the ponies. At the back a severely beaten queen Celestia stood with her exhausted sister the two glaring at the beast as a smirk adorned its face. Luna screamed in pain her magic being absorbed by the beast. In a panicked state Queen Celestia and her sister teleported leaving the beast alone.

“Run whilst you can I will finish you two later.” he spat annoyed that he had only managed to absorb a small portion of the lunar alicorns magic. Looking down at the destroyed city most of the inhabitants dead the beast could only grin as he watched the approaching form of Queen Umbra the untainted mare, unaware that her fate was sealed. The mare was ruler of one of the only remaining pure locations left in Equis. The rest having been corrupted by himself. Once Umbra was dead he would personally see to it that the empire burned!

“I will remind these weak ponies, why they once feared the name, TIREK!”

Meeting of the queens.

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"Why are we here?" I asked, cradling Thomas who slept peacefully in my arms. Razor Wing and Chrysalis gave small groans in response.

"Lachlan you are the consort to both myself and my aunt as well as the father of the only changeling prince. Thomas will be made public to the changeling race today. With you back and your new found powers now is a good time to present the council with the future king of my hive!" Chrysalis replied gently stroking the sleeping toddlers check.

"And by others you mean you sisters specifically." Razor Wing chuckled. giving her niece a small grin. A firm swat on the backside wiped the grin off of Razor's face quickly enough.

"Sisters? I thought you were an only child?" I asked having never heard of them. The only meeting I had been to was the one before I had died, when Isaac, Aurora and I had been transported to the Everfree forest. And it had only been a small meeting to check in on the sudden boom in Razor Fangs love gathering and resources. Her hive along with the bad lands had formed ties with Equestria which had done wonders for their economies.

"Lachlan we did so for a good reason. My sisters are messed up, they like all our blood line are incredibly powerful and cunning. Given you weakness for sob stories and villains they would have played on that and captured you. You would then be used as a royal breeder, It is not a nice life. Also given how picky we are when it comes to a mate trust me when I say that the fact that they have all voiced an interest in you. Before I would not have let them in a hundred mile radios of either of you but by law the two of you must be there for the meeting of the queens." Chrysalis finished solemnly a look of unease on her face.

"Lachlan you have to understand every queen in Equis will be here. From zebrica to Japon-y. Many are far more cruel than even my mother in her prime. They will not hesitate to use blackmail and brute strength to get what they want. I have three other sisters all younger but far more greedy, hateful and vain than I ever was. Ambrosia the youngest controls a hive in ca-nneigh-da in a dense forest where the cold kills off most edible plant live. As a result the changelings there have adapted to eating meat to make up for the scarceness of vegetation and love. She is my youngest sister and be warned, she will come across as playful and friendly but do not underestimate her she is lethal with her magic and incredibly intelligent. The hives mane color is yellow which is another thing I wish to address. Changeling hives each have a unique color which when a nymph comes of age a permanent dye is placed on their mane bounding them to the hive. By default our manes are actually green which is why my hive is allowed to use the color as we were the first! Our hive is over thirty six thousand years old and is ancient in comparison to the other's the second oldest being a mere 12 thousand years old belonging to fat flank over here." Chrysalis finished laughing as her aunt sent her a murderous glare.

"Watch your tongue niece I was old before you were born and will not hesitate to take you over my knee." she threatened, a playful smile on her lips. "Myxine and Vespula are the two you have to watch whilst Ambrosia is intelligent and can be cruel she is atleast fair. Those two on the other hand will lie, cheat and bully others into getting there way. Myxine mane is purple whilst Vespula is Blue. The reason we are telling you this is so you know who to be wary of. Out of all the queens those three are easily in the top ten of the cruelest mares in the world. Myxine rules a small hive located in gryphonia so her kind have not only adapted to the harsh environments but the predators that lurk there. This has resulted in them being taller than other changelings and slightly bulkier as fats reserves help to keep them warm. Vespula on the other hand like myself has a hive in the everfree forest as do twelve other queens. Sadly this sometimes ends up in small feuds over territory. her mane is a pink and I warn you now any changeling with yellow, pink or blue is not to be approached or looked at we do not have the time to tell you them all but they are the queens you are most likely to encounter given their relation to us. Also do not let any of the mares near Thomas!" Razor Wing concluded giving me a warm smile.

"Shit." I hissed realizing that the four of us were seemingly late as hundreds of changeling queens lay seated in a mass hall each desk holding their name and hive name. Countless eyes fell on us more specifically me and Thomas many watching curiously as we made our way down. To this point no changelings knew of Thomas existence and for good reason.

"Sister, daughter you two are nearly late, be seated so we may begin." the strict mare stated the two giving nods as they seated themselves near the front. My eyes instantly locked onto the three next to them the three sisters that I had been warned about. They were like Chrysalis, beautiful in appearance but then again no mare here wasn't in some regard.

It was eerie just how similar changing queens were in appearance. Seating myself I uncomfortably became aware of .yellow maned mare, Ambrosia right next to me. the mare learning at me a seductive grin on her lips. Though she flinched as Razor Wing's tail idly glanced along the mares leg.

"I see you have brought, 'Thomas' like asked excellent." the mare smiled though a slight grimace at the foals name made it apparent she disapproved of it. "Queen of Equis four years ago my daughter feel pregnant to the creature you see before you. At first I was annoyed at her choice in a mate and even more so to learn that he had been claimed by my sister as well." the mare paused some of the changeling queens smirking at my smaller form as the Chrysalis and Razor growled quietly. motioning for me to approach the stage I self consciously felt the whole rooms eyes fall on me.

Reaching the podium I acceded the stairs taking care not to trip and put Thomas in harms way. Gently bundling the foal into her arms I saw a brief smile on her lips as she held her grandson.

"May I present to you, My grandson and Future Changeling King of the bad lands hive." she roared the room going silent. All hell broke lose cries of disbelief outrage and shock sounded as many looked on in disbelief. Chrysalis sister watched with a keen interest their eyes inspecting me then Thomas. Chrysalis looked on worriedly as many queens looked ready to storm the stage to inspect the now awake foal a perplexed look on his face as he looked at me with a confused look. "Lachlan Goudie father of this foal and mate to not just two of my family members but the four sisters of equestria has give the changeling race the potential key to increase our male supply. In the future when this foal is fully grown he will take a harem of queens and together he will issue in a new era for the changeling race." the mare finished my eyes shrinking as I gave the mare a small glare. the queens roared in approval cheering as other council board members looked on with shock and fear at the foal.

I would not say anything but I would be fucked if my son became breeding stock. I new straight away that this had been a power ploy the whole time for her, the mare wanted to expand her influence over the hives and what better way to do it than foals that had the same reproductive ability as me. Given that they were half human the foals when they finally had kids had a fifty fifty of having a colt or a filly.

Several of the council members were trying to regain control of the enthusiastic queens many demanding for marriage contracts to be written up for themselves or their offspring. It was horrible and the look of fear on Chrysalis and Razor Wings face prove to me that they had no idea their mother would try this shit.

"Now he will live with his father back in canterlot and today we are here to make sure that as fellow queens you respect our rules that forbid us to seek out the offspring of others and hope that leaving here today none try to do so!" the mare stated bringing me some relief that at the very least she was trying to scare off the mares from kidnapping him.

"What of the foal's father? If he can give a changelings royal males, can he do the same for us? More to the point are the queens that claim him willing to share?" a red headed queen spoke up her horn in the shape of what I thought was a question mark. The mare gave me a small wink as I shuddered not liking the look on her face.

"I agree with Queen sharp tongue. A gift like that should not be squandered by only being used by two changeling queens." A white haired mare spoke up from the back one of her reptilian eyes a milky white with a grizzly scar. more to the point why has he not been milked I can feel love practically radiating off of him. I see now how Queen Razor Fang and Queen Chrysalis gained so much so quickly." she concluded watching me intensely.

Many of the changelings started to argue all wishing either myself or Thomas as I protectively pulled him closer. Many of the council members were demanding order even Chrysalis mother struggling to regain control of the exited changeling queens. Thomas gave a small whimper as the noise got louder his head burying into my chest as I growled.

"ENOUGH!!!" I roared the royal canterlot voice silencing the room as Chrysalis gave me a look of disbelief. Thorax gave a small nod though like her daughter had a look of shock on her face.

"Thank you, Now we are here to discuss the problem with the Gem wasp hive. Tonight will mark the death of the currant wasp queen and the birth of a new royal larvae. As a result the wasps will have their entire hive guarding the strong hold. Once the larvae is matured in a mere 12 hours they will as one attack a changeling hive to use our workers as hosts for their disgusting offspring. You as always are brought here to make sure that no queens are killed during their attack, I fear we will as always lose many." the mare finished dejectedly many of the changeling queens wincing and some even shuddering in fear. I froze anger rising in me at the mere thought of a creature hurting my mates and foal. Creeping over beside Chrysalis I gently handed her the now calmed colt giving her a small smile as my eyes turned a soft blue my mind delving into hers as I extracted the location of the wasps. The mare shuddered at my intrusion but was none the wiser. I was inexperienced but at the end of the day Liches excelled in extracting information.

Existing I gave a cruel smile pausing as I caught sight of myself in a window. My eyes were a silvery blue a gentle silver mist excreting from the corners much like Umbra's eyes did. With a small smile I snapped my fingers vanishing.

"Ugly sons of bitches." I mussed watching as what must have been hundreds of thousands of wasps went about their duties some bringing in animals and patrolling the giant hive. The things were easily fifteen feet long and about nine feet tall including the legs. The beasts were a black with yellow with stripes their abdomen bright red followed with a lethal looking stinger.

Like Thorax had said the hive was located in between two giant mountains giving them protection from both air and ground attacks. "Time to kick the hornets nest." I smirked fire bursting to life in my hand as concentrated. The flames turned an ice blue. Sticking my hand out the small ball illuminated the other wise pitch black sky.

The wasps paused as they looked at the small glowing object hurtling towards them a smile on my lips as it connected.


Part of the hive was engulfed in plasma wasps screeching in agony as those not instantly killed were eaten alive by the unbearable heat. The wasps flooded out the cave searching for the attacker as again and jets of fire tore entire groups apart. Wasps plummeted from the sky those avoiding the fire finding that their wings had shriveled up due to the heat. The shields surrounding me most of the time broke the beasts skulls on impact causing them to fall limp as they tried everything to chase me off. Fire, electricity, ice and magic brought death and destruction to all that stood in my way. I never stopped and neither did they again and again they would throw themselves at my shields and magic only to die in vain. Soon I was walking over a floor of corpses the things shaking and twitching as they lay died and dying some crushing their sister and brothers. The revolting smell of burning flesh and wings left me nauseated but oddly satisfied with my handy work.

Cracking my neck I unleashed a wave of fire into the hive, shrieks from inside confirming that I had managed to get though the hives armor. I pumped more and more strength into the flames the whole hive alight as wasps desperately tried to stop me. Many were throwing themselves in front of the fire, trying anything to stop the destruction of their hive and new queen. But as expected the wave of wasps started to thin becoming small trickles as the exhausted and panicked wasps slowly started to die out. The whole hive lay in flames. I advanced having to make sure that the queen and the rest were dead.

It did not take long to find the queen the already weak wasps slowly twitching on the ground her giant form easily dwarfing her subjects buzzing angrily at me I took my time approaching the dying insect. With a sharp yank I pulled the queens head from her body the pincers on the beast snapping at me as its eyes dimmed. Soon both the head and body were still my mission complete I made one last stop the egg and larvae nursery.

I was not surprised that most of the brood were dead or dying the squirming white grubs desperately trying to escape the flames unable to do because of their size. at the center what I knew to be the queen larva lay dead having been impaled by part of the hive ceiling. Most likely having broken off during my initial assault, a sickly green blood trickled around its body.

"Help?" a small voice whimpered, causing me to freeze, under a piece of ceiling lay a small filly. the changeling looked up at me with fear and desperation her eyes red and swollen as I rushed forward throwing the heavy gooey structure apart as I bundled the child up in my arms.

"Are their others?" I asked cursing my stupidity as in my rashness to attack I had forgotten about the possibilities of others.

"N-no." she whispered blood coating her form as I took in the state of her legs. They looked bad the burns and crushed foot looked to be a problem. My wings exploded outwards allowing me to take flight as I blasted a hole in the roof. The fresh air of night brought my lungs relief and I heard the little filly cough violently as she inhaled greedily. Landing I held her close to me gently stroking her face as she gave whimpered cries.

Watching the hive burn I gave a satisfied sigh the two of us watching the smoke rise higher into the sky.

"Lachlan where the buck have you been? Chrysalis hissed pausing a her eyes locked onto the small form in my arms. "Bustling forward the mare herded the filly into her arms. "What happened?" she asked looking at my blood stained clothing.

"You didn't?" she hissed as I gave a viscous smile pulling the head from the back of my cloak the large head scaring the mare as she flinched. "Dear Faust above, you did. You actually killed the queen. What of the filthy grub if you killed it then the wasps will die out eventually." she excitedly stated pausing at my face.

"Chrysalis I killed all of them" I informed the mare. Her face if possible turned a lighter shade of white her eyes wide as she tried to comprehend my claim. I delved into my explanation detailing my attack and how I had butchered the insects. If possible the mares smile only got wider as I told her how I tore the queens head from her weakened body and the dead royal grub. How countless tens of thousands attacked only to fall. I spoke of how I found the foul and how the entire hive now lay in ruins.

Part of me felt a tinge of regret at wiping out an entire species but the countless months I spent hunting down the last of the bloody hooves had hardened me to the feeling. But I could not help but note that in less than a year I had killed off two species as well as killed several other creatures both demonic and natural. If you could call anything here natural.

"I must tell the others of this immediately. Lachlan you are a hero." Chrysalis finished having only heard part of her tirade I gave a tired smile. the mare pressing her lips against mine. Bustling off I was left alone in the hall way as the changeling guards rushed over to shake my hand. I soon found myself being hoisted off my feet, the guards cheering as they lead me away to celebrate.

SPECIAL CHAPTER: Lectures And Heats

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"Your father will see you now, your highness." a maid informed me, my form shaking as she opened the door for me. Slinking in it took everything I had to not start shaking.Sitting atop the throne was the furious form of my father, his eyes narrowing as I shuffled into the room. Despite standing at nine and a half feet tall taller than even my mother, the small man's furious gaze filled me with fear. The silence was horrible as I felt my hands shake.

"Father, I—" a sharp wave of his hand silenced me. Standing he walked down towards me, a sudden urge to flee rising in me. I was terrified of what he might say or do, would he disown me or worse banish me. I was shaking like a leaf as feared that my own father wanted nothing to do with me.

"Isaac, I can not begin to tell you how disappointed I am in you. You disobeyed me nearly got your siblings and yourself killed and for what glory, fame?" he growled my head tilting so I did not have to look at his face. "LOOK AT ME." he roared my face darting up slightly. "I specifically told you and your siblings not to go looking for Grogar, you could have been hurt, he could have killed you. Why must you insist on questioning every thing I do?" he growled as I felt a flare of anger built in me.

"Maybe if you did not treat me like a child I would not disobey you all the time." I spat rebelliously the man pausing as he gave a tired sigh.

"You are twenty three years old, why can you not take the word of your mother and aunts whom have lived thousands and I who have seen cruelty far beyond what you could imagine? I do not say these things to make you feel small or to undermine your power. You are young and ignorant of how the world works. Grogar would have killed you had he not decided to play with you. The ram is older than even your mother and has tampered with the most foul of magics that even I dare not touch. If he had wanted to kill you, you would have been dead long before I had arrived. You had your family and I worried sick. Your mother was beyond grief stricken, she believed that I would be bringing you all home in body bags!" he snarled, his hands clenched.

"Isaac you do not begin to understand just how important you all are to us, that is why we do what we do. we tell you not to play in everfree because you could be hurt, we tell you not to visit other lands without our permission and guards because you could be used as a bargaining chip. We tell you not to go after dangerous villains because you could be killed." he whispered sighing as he sat down on the steps.

"Son we love you. Your mother, aunts, siblings and I all care for you. But trust me when I say we have never tried to put you down or make you feel insignificant. We say no to you on certain things because we know you are not ready. You have to learn to be patient and learn that everyone has limitations. I know, trust me I know how it feels to be young. You think you can conquer the world and hate waiting for things. I was in my early twenties when Moon had you. I was still young and brash and I was maybe not the best father, but my love for you and your siblings was never up to question. The herd and I may not always make the right choices in regards to your social life, but trust me when I say we would never steer you wrong when you need us or your life is on the line." he finished motion for me to sit next to him. I groaned in frustration, sitting down next to him

"I just want to be like you. You have done so much; the defeat of Tirek, slaughtering an army of demons trying to conquer equestria, the gem wasp massacre and beating the united Orc clans of Orichalcim. You did all this cool stuff and you were in your twenties." I dejectedly sighed. My father gave a small chuckle as he laid a hand on my shoulder the height difference making it slightly awkward.

"Son I had the herd at my back as well as Umbra and Discord for most of those feats. I was dealing with learning to use magic that rivaled alicorns. But i was inexperienced and head strong. I made mistakes and good people died, because of those mistakes, I left many grieving widowers and widows, children and parents. What if Ram had killed Aurora, now your aunt molly loves you to bits. But would you be able to look her in the eyes, see the grieve and sadness behind them. What of the rest of the herds could you truly look at them and not feel gut wrenching guilt? Could you face your siblings some who would maybe blame you?" he asked as I shivered at the thought.

"I didn't mean, I thought I was ready!" I whispered, tears trickling down my face as my father stood. Wrapping his arms around my head he pulled me to him.

"I know, you made a mistake a stupid and dangerous mistake but that is not the point of this I tell you this now so that you will learn and not repeat that mistake. Please son listen to me when I say this, do not go looking for Ram again, he will not be merciful next time. Not after what I did to his eye" he sighed gently patting me on the back. "And by the way you are all grounded." he finished. I gasped in shock at the fact that he was grounding us. the tender moment gone as he signaled that I could leave.

Reaching the door I sent him one last look the man now looking though papers as he lazed on the throne.

"YOUR ALIVE." Dawn cried as I gave an uneasy smile. Like aunt Celestia the mare had a pure white coat her hair like our fathers black cut short giving her what he called a tom boy appearance. Loki and Zen gave me a small nod of respect at having survived our fathers wrath if you could call it that. Alexis the youngest and the hellish offspring of Aunt Luna gave me a small scowl as I flipped her off. The mare really was a pain in the ass sometimes. But like the rest of them she had joined me in my attempt to fight Grogar so she was whilst annoying, she was also fiercely loyal and protective. Her coat was a darker blue than her mothers her hair to everyone amusement was a mix of pink, blue and green much like aunt Celestia.

"So dad didn't tan your ass red." Thomas chuckled punching me in the arm as I swatted him across the head.

"Shut it pipsqueak dad would never do that." I joked, the two of us laughing as the group crowded around to here my encounter with our dad. My six younger siblings all groaned as I finished the story filling them in on our punishment.

"Can this day get any worse." Thomas groaned our bodies freezing as we smelt the stench of arousal.

"Oh no, not now." Aurora whimpered realizing that our mothers were in heat we all made a hasty retreat making our way to the library the furthest away point from our parents bedroom. Today must have been the first day but then again most of us had been in hospital for a week and whilst we were all mostly fine Dawn still had a sling on her arm.

"Great! So we are grounded, still sore from the flank kicking we got and our parents are about to bump uglies. I swear if the embarrassment doesn't kill me then the jump from the library tower should do the trick." Thomas groaned as we nodded in agreement.

Lachlans POV

"You have gone soft." Razor wing giggled gently stroking her bulging stomach.

"Shut it fat one." I growled giving her a playful glare as she snorted. "I feel he will learn from this and hopefully be less rebellious. None of them have any idea the horrors that we faced both physically and politically. The demons of tarturus, the Minotaur slavers, the campaign for stallions equal rights the list goes on." I sighed the mare placing herself on my lap as she linked her hands around my neck.

"But look what we have all accomplished. Stallions have equal rights in both Equestrian and Changeling land as well as parts of Gryphonia. Every threat that has come along has been destroyed or driven back. Twilight and her friends/ council members have raised awareness for sexism and racism in several parts of Equestria. Celestia and her sisters continue to campaign against male cruelty and have even threatened to break off trade with certain kingdoms that still practice slavery and rape. I mean you taught us about Stockholm syndrome and other mental illnesses that we were oblivious to. The portal leading to your world has allowed us to get an influx of knowledge and wealth from books and gave us the link to unlocking a far more advanced version of world wide web. No longer are corrupt scum and tyrants able to hide the abuse as the internet allowed us to see what is going on and news is far more accurate and less open to manipulation. We have leapt three hundred years forward in regards of technology, thanks to humanity. And how was it achieved because one small male refused to be silenced, who stood up and gave the stallions a voice." Razor finished giggling as I gave her a loving kiss.

"Hun you give me far to much credit. I came into this world kicking and screaming and was prepared to go out the same way. It is bad but for a long time the only reason I went with the stallion movement was to stop the nobles from having a vote in who to marry my son off to. But as I saw the good it was doing and the hope it gave stallions I realised I could not just stop at my kids. And the rest is history." I sighed smiling as the familiar black alicorn strutted into the throne room.

"Sex... now!" she growled. Razor wings Ears perking up.

"What she said." Razor Wing giggled struggling to her feet, the two dragged me to our bedroom.

"Every heat." I sighed knowing full well that the rest of the mares would be waiting. Luckily with Discord able to over see the meetings this after noon, it allowed my herd and I to 'take care' of my herd when they were in season. The heat was much like a human females period if they were pregnant they missed them and when not it made them moody and unpredictable. I had to admit that eight mares could be a handful at times. Luckily Eris didn't have heats but that did not stop her from joining every season with the rest of them.

Platinum and Molly were the worse the two practically long lost sex sisters, the two always a challenge when in heat. A good note was that Discord after a lot of persuasion had agreed to remove the curse he had put on the Hémithanés though only on the offspring. He had also removed the curse trapping Platinum's people to just the forest allowing them to leave and explore the rest of Equis. No longer really needed Platinum had been welcomed here to help run Canterlot having been running a kingdom longer than even the alicorns had. Her sharp mind and intelligence had made her good at accounting. She had quickly taking over most of the paper work calling the alicorns incompetent tits at one point which had amused me to no end.

"Lachlan." Celsetia sighed in relief the mare fanning herself as the mares gave small cries of relief. The heat had been really bad this year and I had felt the irritation and desperation though the link that I shared with them. Alicorns and unicorns when herded for a while formed a link with fellow herd mates which only grew stronger the longer they were together. Twilight gave a shy wave the mare after 18 years of being herded to us still shy when around us, bless her.

"Come we require your services." Luna barked the mare grabbing me by the scruff of my shirt dragging me onto the bed. Platinum and Molly pinned me, the others descending on me like a pack of starved wolfs .

"DADDY FOR GOD SAKE REALLY!" Aurora cried as I walked into the dinning room the strong stench of her mother and aunt still clinging to my form as I gave her an amused smile. The kids all looked uncomfortable as the strong smell of their mothers made some of the gag.

"Oh sod off, it is because of that activity, that your ungrateful bastards are here!" I replied snapping my fingers as I removed all traces of sex leaving only the pheromones that marked me as a herded male. The group seemed to calm though none looked any less relaxed at the thought of me and their mothers.

"Dad really that is gross, I have vivid enough nightmares without you helping." Isaac growled tearing into a ham sandwich as I laughed.

"Oh, is my poor baby boy getting uncomfortable about our sex life?" Moon crooned, wrapping her arms around her son as he shivered the mare grinning as she ran her tongue loving over her son's check grooming the stallion as he struggled to break free.

"MUM." he cried the mare rolling her eyes before slowly retreating.

"Oh hush you had sauce on your check and I washed my mouth." she smirked, the young stallion relaxing before his mind clicked.

"Oh, oh god, eww ,eww ,eww ,eww ,eww." he cried, grimacing as the mare laughed.

"I think you have scared him enough for today love." I smiled the mare chuckling as she sat down beside me. Our kids were at an age now where we were able to get sick joy out of making them uncomfortable. Molly was the worst though to my surprise Luna was a close second. Now we did not go into details because that was our business but subtle or in this case not so subtle hints gave us sadistic joy in the discomfort.

"Come on you lot. You all have chores to do as punishment, so enough bitching and more eating." I ordered planning on making them work with the maids for a month to teach them not to disobey us. Luna had wanted something more harsh as had some of the others but Celestia, Nightmare and I had agreed on one month of working with the maids and two grounded. It was far more fair than they deserved but they were still kids in our eyes, at the end of the day regardless of how bad they fucked up. Hell I made stupid mistakes at that age we all had.

One thing still bugged me was how quite Grogar was being the little bastard was up to something and when I found him I was going to tear him apart for hurting my kids.

"You will get yours you bastards." I growled.

Paladin, tearful apology and capture.

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"Lachlan Goudie, Consort of Queen Chrysalis, and Queen Razor Fang. You stand before the council and the queens of Equis for your heroic act of selflessness and courage. Storming the Gem wasp hive and butchering the vile beasts. For your heroism and sacrifice I ask that you kneel so you may be knighted as swarm paladin." Thorax instructed gasps coming many of the queens as Chrysalis looked on in shock Razor wing's mouth a gape. Motion for her to lean forward, the mare did so in slight confusion.

"If I were to refuse this deal what would the consequences be for Chrysalis and Razor?" I whispered the mares ears twitching as she gave a small grimace.

"It would be taken as a grave insult and your mates would lose face. I am sorry Lachlan but the council want you not because of the bravery but because of how strong you are they want to use you as a weapon. I will knight you in such a way that it will slip though a small loop hole that will not force you to turn on Equestria or abuse you." she whispered giving me a small smile as I nodded. Kneeling the mare placed the serrated blade of her sword on my shoulder lightly tapping each side.

"Arise Lachlan Goudie, Swarm paladin of the changeling race."

"So in short a swarm paladin is a warrior, who serves the changeling race. Damn it I don't want to be a warrior I don't even have any combat training, shit I don't want to train, training's hard?" I complained, fidgeting with the new armor. A swarm Paladin from what the two giddy changeling queens had told me was an honor bestowed to a select few and not only gave me access to breed with as many queens as I pleased. But also made me their guardian a protector someone the soldiers would look to for inspiration and hope in battle. Queens would come to see me for guidance and the common changeling would see me as a hero.

Chrysalis and Razor had insisted that I take full advantage of the breeding part. The two telling me that the queens would most likely just be looking for sex. Queens tend not to have offspring with stallions they are not mated to. This was due to the pregnant changeling queen requiring a direct and constant feed of emotions to keep both them and the foal healthy.

I was impressed when they had insisted that the sex bit was optional rather than just expecting me to do it, so the two were learning as were all the mares. I had to admit that some of the queens were very attractive but I was hesitant to just sow my oats with any mare as I already had five kids with a sixth on the way and was in no hurry to add to the already large number.

"A swarm paladin. I cant belief you were bestowed with that title. Our mother used to tell us stories of them when we were but nymphs. They were fearless, powerful and could change a hopeless situation in mere seconds." Razor swooned looking at my armored form with admiration and respect. Chrysalis gave a small chuckle at her aunts child like glee. Thomas was currently suckling from Razor wing. Despite being four years old a toddler by my terms and still a baby by pony standards Thomas was just a few months away from being weened onto a solid food. Like his brothers and sisters he was able to eat small meals which were required for him to get the needed protein into his body. But he was still heavily reliant on his mothers and aunts milk.

It was estimated that the foals would reach sexual maturity at about 20 and be considered an adult at 26. Isaac, aurora and the twins were now considered colts and fillies no longer foals as Isaac was able to form words and Aurora had said mama just a few weeks ago. The draconequus pups had been the first to start eating solids yet they had yet to speak. I could not help but grimace at the realization that soon Isaac would be six in just a few days. It was why I had been hesitant to go as I would be damned if I missed my first born's birthday party.

"You alright Lach?" Chrysalis questioned the mare moving up to sit next to leaning in against my body. With a small flick of my hand the armor vanished leaving my chest bare as the mare gave a thankful nod.

"I have missed so much of my kids life's, birthdays, days out, first words, first steeps. I missed all of this because I got reckless and it costed me four years away from the kids you the herd everything. You went though pregnancy alone, grief stricken because I tried to out run a bullet! I was stupid, thoughtless and to playful. I was not serious enough and it finally caught up to me. I fear something like that happening again because what if there is not a miracle this time what if I stay dead?" I finished groaning as I fell backwards my head landing on the soft bed.

"Honey nopony saw that coming. We were not better whilst you were brash and nieve we were arrogant and down right cruel to you. Lachlan many of us raped you, in your world that is a serious crime and we brushed it off as you wanting it or pushed it behind as our relationships deepened. How were we any better than the mare that killed you when we ourselves were treating you and even now treated you like a toy? Ever since Faust has been around we have thrown ourselves into studying everything we can on how to be good mates. But even now we continue to fail we see opportunities to gain power, but at the expense of using you like a fuck toy and whore to be passed around so we may be rewarded with land, power and money. we nearly killed you because we were so scared of the thought of a beast with enough power to stand up to us that we neglected you ignored you when you had only been back for a few weeks in pursuit of the liche." she paused licking her lips as she gave me a sad look.

"And when we did spend time with you what was it sex and us complain about our problems. Yet despite coming back from the dead hiding your other side and always doing what we asked you never once complained and I mean seriously complained. Then the one time you asked us to trust you, to have some belief in you we betrayed you. We were so arrogant and controlling that we could not bare the thought of you having free will or disobeying us. The truth is Lachlan we are nothing with out you!" Chrysalis sobbed, getting herself more and more worked up as she finished, tears streaking down her face.

"Lachlan, you do not realise just how important you are to this herd. the months you were gone nearly killed us. It was a cold realization that you could leave any time you wanted any creature in Equestria would kill to have you as a mate. We grew so cocky at having a handsome mate who was loving great in bed and good with the kids that the power went to our heads we grew colder towards you. I mean how often did we as a herd do something, go to a park, relax or even eat out. The answer is nearly never. We were always 'busy' or to tired to do anything. You never complained you never begrudged us and above all unless you were kidnapped or we wanted you to you never slept around not because you couldn't but because you did not feel comfortable doing so. Unless we were their of course then all bets were off." Razor wing chuckled mirthlessly hugging her niece as I gave a small nod.

"Girls I will not deny that I was bitter and hateful towards you when I left I was half dead weak and fearful. I was heart broken that none of you trusted me and the fights we had when I did come back were terrible especially between you and I Chry. I was miserable I feared that the only reason I was with you was because of Stockholm syndrome or some fucked up love poison. But the thing is it is neither of those, I just got over it. Rape should never be trivialized but the rapes were done by virgin mares who had no idea how rough they were being or what effects the rape would have. And the thing is it was only really, Nightmare Moon and Molestia. I will not for a second say I enjoyed being raped it is horrible, I felt like shit. But I forgave the two because i grew to love them. At the end of the day regardless of all your pasts, you are all good on the inside? You were inexperienced and fucked up, I do not bare any ill will towards any of you. I love all of you, never doubt that okay?" I finished the two giving weak smiles as I spread my arms out invitingly as the two crawled towards me cuddling into my smaller form. Sighing I smiled as Thomas lay sprawled out in his bed having to my disbelief slept though his mothers small break down.

The two changeling mares were stressed as well as tired. Having to deal with nearly half the queens wishing to herd me had put a large strain on the two. Though no decision had been made I was fairly certain that I was not herding half the changeling queen population. Though being honest one hundred queens that lasted at most a minute each would still be less than it took me to get though Molestia when she was having a dry heat or Platinum. The rest of the mares could easily last about four minutes each so it was not out the question just sounded like more hassle than it was worth.

Despite it being the crack of dawn many queens were only retiring now. I on the other hand felt no fatigue. I felt the need to explore the underground fortress. Silently leaving the room I walked down the large corridor my armor clinking with each step as I placed a hand on the sword given to me. The blade was beautiful. The steel glowed silver and the handle a metalic black. Simple but strong the blade having been made with material that could only be extracted by Changeling given their strong resistance to fire and heat.

"Good morning Swarm paladin." a sickly sweet voice cooed from behind the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end as I turned. Ambrosia. Myxine and Vespula all stood just a few feet away from me the three grinning as I gave a curt nod.

"Good morning." I replied politely watching the three with a neutral expression.

"I do hope that our aunt and sister have not tarnished our reputation to much." Vespula chuckled the other two snorting at her question. "Because whilst we may seem cruel we are actually very loving. The problem is that very few can survive our 'love'. But you , you look like you are sturdier even if you are smaller." she finished giggling as she crept forward, her hand gently resting on the breast plate of my armor.

"I am touched but I wish to be left in peace." I replied the three recoiling slightly in confusion

"Uh... we are offering you sex?." Ambrosia spoke up.

"I know what you were offering." I replied. Inhaling deeply Ambrosia give a small sigh. "by my ancestor that scent." she moaned.

"How?" Chrysalis asked lying beside me as Myxine cuddled in closer purring in content.

"What? I had, mostly nothing to do with this." I replied the mare rolling her eyes as she looked at the dozen plus queens passed out on the large bed.

"That is lies and you know it. What I am asking is how did you rope myself and my aunt into this and dear god did you have to lay with all my sisters?" Chrysalis growled as Ambrosia groped her from behind.

"Lighten up big sis he was more than enough for all of us though I have to admit he is something." She giggled licking a small slither of white fluid off of her older sister's face. "I have had more lovers than I can count over the two thousand years I have been alive and never have I had a stallion with such stamina and technique. I hope as sisters you will share in the future?" she giggled.The larger mare growled in response, pulling me towards her possessively though only bringing me closer to her sister as she lunged forward catching my lips as she continued to fondle her sister.

I had to admit the three sisters were kinky they had insisted on grabbing Razor Fang and Chrysalis wanting it to be a family thing though their mother had declines to both my herd members relief. Other queens had heard the commotion and come to investigate. Once they knew what was going on they had jumped me. I had got the nod of approval from my two queens and once I had finished with the queens whom to my disappointment had terrible stamina. For my services the queens saw to it that i was rewarded and paid for my services. One queen had offered me a small unit of elite changeling guards that as off a week from now would be arriving to serve me and me alone. Others offered weapons and jewelry.

"You have turned me into a whore." I hissed a few muffled chuckles coming from the few queens still awake as Chrysalis lovingly liked my nose.

"Then don't be, refuse sex and I will never push the issue." she replied chuckling as I gave a small pout.

"I like the sex but I also kind of like complaining about being oppressed and a sexual object of the oppressive mares. I mean it is great get loads of sex and admiration then i get to bitch about how I am nothing more than a sex object and watch as shit hits the fan. I kind of see why tumbr feminists like this shit" I smiled playfully, Chrysalis snorting in amusement despite having no idea what a feminists or Tumbr was.

"Well now that I know your ploy you will be getting no more mercy from me mister. Seriously Lachlan if you feel uncomfortable at any point just say so and we will back off. The whole point of the herd is that it is about both parties if we want sex and you don't we have no right to demand it unless we are in heat. Sorry to say hun that neither mare nor stallion is exempt from a mare in heat. If your lover is in heat well tough" she grinned biting my ear.

"Well I might just run away and hide." I replied cockily.

"Then we would hunt you down and take our price." she teased, her chin resting on my chest. Her body seemed to wrap around me her legs wrapped around mine possessively.

"Trust me lachlan we would find you." Razor Wing sleepily stated rolling over as she moved closer the two sandwiching me.

Sleep came to me quickly, allowing me to fall into a peaceful slumber.

The Castle, The Heat And The Warning

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Three weeks had passed since I was knighted. Life had mostly stayed the same, though I did get marriage propositions from changeling queens now. Lazing on my throne, I gave a small dismissive wave to Clear sky signaling that she could leave. The maid gave a small curtsy before excusing herself. The ever free castle and ex bloody hoof fortress had been good to me. It allowed me to relax for a while away from the stress at home. With the mares all in heat save Celestia and Eris I had narrowly avoided a fuck fest and planned to spend most of today just lazing here. It may have been selfish but the mares instructed that if I was not up for it to just retreat and leave them be.

Nyx had decided that she preferred living with the undead ponies, which made it less stressful for me and kept her away from the jealous eyes of the herd.

I found it funny that my herd had no problem with me having casual sex with strangers, but hated when I became friendly with the strangers. The mares really were strange buggers at times.

The castle had been finished months ago yet despite that new things were always being added, a sauna and hot spring had recently been added though only so I could take a childish glee in knowing that my castle was better than Canterlot.

The library had been a challenge, many of the books warded and dangerous. I had been forced to go though countless thousands removing anything harmful or malicious. I had spent most of my time in the library deepening my knowledge on magic as I had precious little time to study with Platinum.

"One book that instructed ponies and magical beings how to become necromancers had been destroyed by me as were any other books that I found to be to dangerous. Though I had kept several books on black magic and spells on necromancy. Yawning I skimmed though another book on alicorns. Grogar when he had first built this castle being obsessed with alicorns wishing to harness their power. If what I read was right Grogar built this castle six thousand years ago and when he was banished to the void a place in between dimensions the blood hooves moved in.

"A castle, I must say I am impressed." Celestia whispered her ghostly white form appearing from beside me, scaring the shit out of me.I swore I put wards up to hide my presence here from the mares.

"How the fuck did you get here." I cried out pointing at the mare wildly as she smirked.

"Followed you here then discretely remove some of the ruins to your ward, to allow the others in." she grinned cockily the others waving as they marveled at the throne room. Groaning I could not help but smile at the mares sneakiness, too proud to be annoyed as she plopped herself down on one of the thrones. Twilight atleast had the decency to look somewhat ashamed.

"I told you we would hunt you down." Chrysalis purred the conversation from that night all those weeks ago ringing true as I gave a small chuckle. Straddling me the mare gave a loving kiss her hands clawing gently at my back. The mares were all heavily in heat their arousal pungent yet sweet.

"You know I was expecting a little more shock and awe. I mean come on look at this place it is fucking awesome." I cried out slightly sore that the most I had gotten was a few impressed looks and a meh from Luna.

"Lachlan you are a liche with enough magic to fight three of us fully unsealed, a swarm paladin and can impregnate any immortal and mortal creature in Equestria. Trust me when I say this is one of the more believable things." Moon laughed sitting herself next to me as she delicately stroked my chest.

"Right you have all seen me now sod off! This is my castle and i say no immortal beings allowed in whilst in heat," I ordered Molestia gasping in mock horror.

"This is a hostile take over, we claim this castle under the right of we are your mates. What is ours is ours and what's yours... is also ours." Luna chuckled, rolling her eyes at Chrysalis whom was attempting to devour my face with affection.

"What if I don't want to surrender. What if I still have some fight left?" I replied provocatively, the mare strutting up to me as she pushed the needy changeling queen aside. Bending down her lips met mine a groan escaping the lustful mare.

"Then we shall take what is ours." she purred lightly stroking my chin.

You all told me that I did not have to have sex with you during your heat, what if I plan to stick to that promise," I purred teasingly stroking Luna's stomach as the mare growled.

"You would deny your mates when they are in need," Luna pouted.

"Never." I growled the mare grinning as she pulled me to my feet.

"Then my prince, come satisfy your mates."

"Ah fuck." I hissed collapsing against a wall clutching my leg in agony. The fight all those months ago in the tyrant sisters castle with the mares, had damaged my leg beyond repair. The magic and very healing factor refused to work around my left leg leaving me with a permanent limp.

Grunting I limped to my personal kitchen, strongly needing a drink. Three hours of sex had sated the mares for now. Regardless of my skill in bed it had been a struggle near the end as Molestia and Chrysalis were the last and most difficult to please. Celestia had only went a couple of rounds and I assumed that she had only done so because she did not want to be left out. It was strange that a mare so confident was secretly so self conscious even within her own herd. Molestia did not seem to have these issues which was a relief but it worried me. I hated the thought of Celestia being unhappy and tomorrow I planned to spend some time with her.

"Much better." I groaned parking my arse down on the pristine white throne. Despite it being the middle of the night I found sleep impossible. So many things were happening and I was struggling to keep up with all of it. My duties as paladin required me to attend certain ceremonies to give my blessing or to meetings as a peace keeper. The herds heat had been causing me slight problem. The mares were now able to rely on the older alicorn to look after the kingdom whilst they were in heat and with Celestia pregnant the warrior alicorn had taken over most of her duties as well. I on the other hand could be stuck in a meeting for eight hours only to come home and be expected to rut seven needy mares for three hours. It was hard but I was not unhappy with the sex. Five alicorns and two changeling queens was a challenge but at the end of the day I was happy to help them out.

Twilight was now officially courting me. The herd had allowed her to join them during her heat as the group tended to go into heat at the same time.The herd had been surprisingly laid back about sharing me with the youngest alicorn though Luna and Chrysalis had been more vocal around the Twilight in a display of dominance. It was honestly kind of sad to watch mares thousands of years old so self conscious around Twilight that they had started weighing themselves and keeping an eye on their figure. After explain to them that I thought they were beautiful and that they had bodies to die for they had reluctantly calmed down. Now the mares liked Twilight and in Celestia's and Molestia's case loved her like a daughter but they felt slightly threatened by her, the mares affiliated her youth with being more attractive. This was despite the fact that none of them looked a day over thirty.

I gave a small snort as I watched Celestia gingerly walk in obviously needing a cuddle as she tried not to look to desperate. The mare for some reason seemed to think that her clinginess annoyed me and was always very self conscious when approaching me.

"You need a cuddle get over here so I can hug the shit out of you." I laughed, Celestia giving me a small smile as she awkwardly walked over. Budging up I patted the space next to me.

"Thank you." Celestia whispered wrapping her arms around me, her legs resting on top of mine as she cuddled into my smaller body. Her chin came to rest on top of my head as she pulled my arm into her cleavage. Her pajama top bursted at the bottom. The mare blushing in humiliation as I sighed. Moving my head I looked up bringing the mares lips to mine as I kissed her. my hands slithering down the back of her top as I caressed her large but firm ass.

"Do you want to go and get some food?" I asked the mare pausing as she gave an embarrassed smile.

"That would be lovely."

"Can I get a six large fries, seven boxes of 20 hay nuggets, three big tasty meals one with extra cheese, two double bacon cheese burger, seven, make that nine large chocolate milkshakes, three bottles of colt a cola, twenty four chocolate brownies and two 'feeds 10 deluxe buckets, please." I ordered the gryphon looking at the two of us in disbelief.

"S-sitting in o- or t... taking away." she stuttered quivering at the sight of Celestia.

"Taking away," I replied. Looking at the hungry mare the hen, hastily barked the order back to her colleagues. Throwing eighty bits onto the counter I instructed the gryphon to keep the change as the two of us seated ourselves near the counter.

"This is nice." I chuckled the mare rolling her eyes as the two of us clad in pajama's watched as gryphon's and a few ponies finishing their late night shifts came in to get bites to eat. Many stopped to gawk at us many ponies bowing as Celestia kindly waved them off.

"Your order is ready your majesties." the teenage gryphon shouted over fourteen large bags of food piping hot as the mare next to me drooled at the sight.

"grabbing our food we stopped briefly so the night manager could take a photo, to use as advertisement promising us a free meal any time as we graciously left. Munching on a fry Celestia teleported the two of us back to the bedroom rousing the sleeping mares and draconequus as they smelt the food. Despite it being four in the morning no creature was able to resist free food as the mares happily grabbed an assortment of food. Celestia grabbed one of the feed ten buckets two, four milkshakes and fourteen brownies before sitting herself down opposite the others wiring in hungrily. Celestia dove into her meals starting with the Angus beef bacon burger that came with the bucket deal. Many of the mares had developed a taste for meat. Even Twilight given that she and Molestia had visited the human world whilst I was dead.

"Dear mother nothing quite hits the spot like a hay nuggets." Luna groaned ketchup staining the side of her mouth. Eris gave a small nod as she tore into her food.

"I don't know I really like the chicken strips." Chrysalis replied sharing a box with her aunt. The mares ate in a happy silence occasionally commenting on the food or just idle gossip. Celestia eventually pulled me over, happily eating with me on her lap.

I did not mind her hugging me or even the few crumbs that fell from her muzzle onto my head. What I did mind was the thieving mare taking my food. More than once I would go for a chicken nugget or a brownie only for the mare to snatch it out of my hand and give me a pitiful look when I tried to tell her to cut it out.

"You're a filching bastard you know that." I stated the mare pausing as she gave me a confused glance. It means thieving, it is a
British word." I clarified the mare huffing indignantly in response, gently smacking me on the head.

"You are so mean I do not steal, I am your mate and carrying your foal this entitles me to all your goodies." she replied snatching another brownie out my hand as I gave up. The mare was murder at times but I felt that as a whole the two of us had grown closer as lovers and friends.

"I kind of miss the castle." Molestia stated idly flicking though building proposals as she gave a tired sigh. " I mean it was like a small holiday, one week away from work, the kids and just general life. It was great. Nothing but sex and food for seven days." she giggled signing a few of the papers. " I know it is your castle and you do technically own some of Everfree but it is a great summer home/ castle. I hope you wont mind if we occasionally join you at the castle." Molestia playfully asked groaning as she looked at the mountain of paper work.

"Come on Tia I am more than happy to share, why do you think I had the other thrones built." I replied scratching my head as the mare passed me another form to be check over.

"You built them because you are a very sweet colt whom always finds a way to sweep us off our feet." Molestia giggled as I snorted.

When I was not busy spending time with Celestia and the foals or performing my role as Swarm Paladin I was stuck in the throne room helping the alicorns and changeling queens with paper work or other tasks. Equestria and Changeling meetings and treaties had only increased with my my rank many of the queens wished to gain my favour by agreeing to join the alliance. Thomas being my son and only male royal changeling did not hurt either. The two nations were becoming closer which was helpful as Many smaller hives once targeted by pirates and slavers had died down significantly. Tales of my adventures and the power of Equestria behind the hives having put many off. Changeling, pony integration had at first been problematic with both sides being equally racist but that curb bump had been sorted out as the two got to know each other.

More and more changeling Hives were joining the treaty that allied them with Equestria though in return the changelings agreed that they would halt the kidnapping of Equines for mating and feeding purposes. In exchange the crystal heart would, under heavily armed guard be opened to the changelings to feed off of. This had made Cadence and glimmer shield happy as the influx of visitors meant more business and money.

Another giant accomplishment was that Celestia had finally gotten a law passed making rape illegal. The back lash had been fierce from both changeling and ponies but the sides had begrudgingly quietened down when she had stated that it was barbaric and that in order for their species to advance cruelty to others could not be condoned.

"Your majesty, sir Lachlan we have a situation," a solar guard spoke snapping me out of my thoughts as I looked up, a commotion outside being heard as two large figures walked into the throne room

"YOU." I roared, drawing my sword with a snarl on my face.

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT WE COME IN PEACE." Queen Celestia cried out holding out her arms out submissively as I paused never lowering my weapon as Molestia growled. "We come with a warning." she continued her eyes slightly panicked as I nodded for my guards to restrain them. The 12 guards did so without question the two queens forced to their knees as I observed.

"What are you here to warn us about?" Molestia demanded the mare looking ready to kill them as Queen Luna cleared her throat.

"Tirek is coming!"