Expectations versus Reality

by OroKinAu

First published

Twilight begins to question ever starting a relationship with Rainbow Dash.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, two friends who became lovers after a spur of the moment night. They never expected to ever be in love, but they did and they loved it...at first.

But after several months, the layers of romance fade away and their true characters begin to shine, and Twilight doesn't like it one bit.

My first fanfic on this site. Hope you all like it.


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Three in the morning, three in the morning.

"Where is she!" grumbled Twilight as she waited for her marefriend Rainbow Dash to arrive. She promised she would be here by nine sharp for their traditional after show dinner, but she guessed that she was out with partying and getting drunk with her Wonderbolt friends...she couldn't blame her.

This had become an increasing trend for them. Twilight would wait, and Dash would party the night away, typical. Even when Dash was not out, all she did was laze around the library and read her "Daring Doo" books, never bothered to help her own marefriend out.

The unicorn just sighed with frustration. "Maybe I should've weighed my options before blindly agreeing to start a relationship with her, I mean, she means well, but she still has a lot of emotional growing up to do." she said to nopony in particular, she was alone. She sent Spike away to Rarity's in case things got a little "heated" between her and Dash.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard as something hit the front door. Twilight got up and opened the door with her magic, only to find a drunk Rainbow Dash before her.

"That was AWESOME!" she exclaimed with drunken excitement. "You should've been there, we dared Cloud Chaser and Flitter to make-out with each other...awesome!" she giggled.

"Yeah...should've been there." said a saddened Twilight as she played along. Dash was too drunk to realize she was making Twilight feel worse.

"So...how's my beautiful marefriend doing? Did you miss me?" Dash laughed while she tried her best to be as flirty as she can drunkenly can.

"I did miss you...a lot." that was the truth. But she decided to wait until she's sober before she would tell her that tonight was their seventh month anniversary. The night they said "buck you" to all reason and just went ahead to express how they really felt for each other. Although as Twilight looked back, she realized that it wasn't love or romance she thought she had for Dash...but lust.

Dirty, loveless, carnal, lust...and nothing more.

"You know...seeing them make-out makes me realize that it has been a week since we last bucked each other senseless..." whispered Dash as she leaned up against the unicorn mare that was her marefriend. Her breath reeked of alcohol, Twilight hated that smell. But there's another reason she felt that being in a relationship with Dash was a mistake...Dash's sex drive. It was fun at first, but she quickly felt annoyed and tired of their more than weekly sessions, especially when half the time, Dash was drunk. All Twilight wanted was at least one full week without it so she can focus on their relationship and her studies.

"Dash, you're drunk...you know I can't have sex with you inebriated." nervously explained the unicorn.

"Ugh..." exclaimed a frustrated Dash. "Then I guess it's my hoof tonight." she said as she stumbled up the stairs to hoof herself on Twilight's bed. Twilight just washed the sheets from the last time Dash did that.

This was the fact that Twilight realized as their relationship went on...Dash is not emotionally ready for a serious relationship, she still thinks about "me" and never so much "we". She's loyal, that Twilight can give her credit for, but it's mostly all "me, me, me" with Dash. Even in the bedroom...especially in the bedroom.

But what can Twilight do now is hope Dash can grow-up and soon, because Twilight doesn't know how long this can last.

"I'll give us another month...if things do not change...I'm done with her." admitted the unicorn to herself. She fully realized that she said the exact same thing last month...and the month before that.

She has given her too many chances already and that's her own fault.

"Who am I kidding...I wasn't ready for this either...I thought romance was supposed to be the most magical thing between to ponies...but I guess I've been reading to many of Rarity's romance novels." Twilight sadly said to herself as she walked into the dinning room and threw away the cold food,

As she cleaned the room, she stared at a small picture frame with a photograph of the two of them in the photo booth at the fair that came to Ponyville four months ago. They were wrapped in each other's embrace, lips locked. Their friends jokingly teased them for that.

Their friends...

To Twilight, it felt like they slowly drifted apart from them the longer her relationship with Dash lasted. Especially Applejack...she hardly ever talked to them ever since they told their friends about her and Dash. Must be because Applejack always had a crush on Twilight and was jealous the unicorn ended up with Dash instead.

Things were a lot easier when they were just friends that's for sure.

"I love you Dash." said Twilight as she panted from exhaustion.

"I love you too."

Dash placed her head on Twilight's chest and curled up to her, their fur matted with sweat from what just happened.

"Cuddle bug huh?" smirked the unicorn to her pegasus marefriend.

"Not a word to anyone!" sternly ordered Dash.

"Not a word...I promise." Twilight smiled.

"I wanted to tell you this sooner...but I guess I was afraid that you didn't like mares, plus, I didn't want anypony to know that I am a filly fooler."

"Why not Dash?"

"Because I prefer to keep my sexuality a mystery...so I wouldn't be stereotyped...I want ponies to know me as Rainbow Dash, the greatest flier in Equestria...not as just some filly fooler who would have sex with anything that moves."

"I understand...I've been where you have been before...and never again."

A full minute of silence as they looked into each others eyes.

"I love you Twilight."

"I love you too...may our love last for the ages."

"I hope so too."

"I hope so too..." said Twilight to herself, a tear flowed down her cheek.