Rarity's New Thread

by MoltenXKid

First published

Progress can not happen without trying new things. And in Rarity's case, this is true. What lengths will she venture, so that her shop and fashions soar to the top? Only Fleur de Lis can determine that

What happens when model Fleur de Lis wants a new outfit? She gets a new outfit. No matter what the cost, who it hurts, or what mare gathers the necessary material. Unfortunately, this leads Fleur to none other than the Element of Generosity herself, Rarity.

An Unfortunate Meeting

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It was an average morning for Rarity as she drew designs for new outfits in her sketchbook. Peace and quiet surrounded her, allowing ideas to flow freely. Thankful that Sweetie Belle and her Crusader friends were no where to be found ,Rarity continued working. In another hour or two, she would have finished her latest fashion line: Feels like Nothing Is There. The name may need some work.

Feeling accomplish, Rarity went to sip her unsweetened tea, yet was interrupted by a ring from her front door. The usual rush of excitement from a customer flowed over her, but she quickly calmed herself. A lady should always appear calm and elegant, she remembered. Using her magic, Rarity combed her mane ,and wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. One quick look in the mirror then she was off to greet the customer.

“Why good morning good cus…” Rarity stopped her sentence short. Her customer was none other than Fancy Pants ex-mare friend, “Ms. Fleur Dis Lee, Welcome to the Carousel Boutique.”

Fleur looked apathetically around the shop. Nothing seemed to really catch her eye. Every outfit she did find somewhat interesting was felt, then immediately put down. What was she looking for? Rarity did not know. This unicorn model didn't say one word. She only walked and judged silently.

“Uh…is there anything I can help you with?” Rarity asked. It was more of a suggestion.

“Yes actually,” Fleur spoke, “Do you have any outfits that, how you say, feel like you are wearing nothing.”

Rarity almost could not hold in her enthusiasm. What would be the chances that this Canterlot mare would want something Rarity had only just started to work on? This could be a huge business boom. “Well not yet, but I am working a fashion line that might just suit your needs. If you would follow me to my design room, I’ll show you. Oh, and please do mind the organized chaos.”

Rarity pointed the way and they both started to walk. Just to insure there would be no interruptions, Rarity locked the doors and flipped the open sign to closed. After a short walk, both unicorns entered the “clustered” design room. Every hoof step had to be carefully placed or else something would be stepped on.

“This is the magic behind my life’s work,” Rarity waved her hoofs excitedly, “and now you get see it.”

“Yes…magic.” Fleur responded quite disinterestedly. Her hoof stepped on a used napkin. She jumped visibly disgusted. “So…your new designs you told me about...”

Rarity, after mentally scolding herself about the napkin, simply nodded and fetched her sketch book. She returned with the book, and then proceeded to show and explain each outfit's details. Fleur nodded and waited until Rarity had finished her speech about her new fashion line which took some time.

“So what do you think?” Rarity asked.

Fleur’s mind had drifted elsewhere. “Uh yes…they are very nice, but the design is not what I came for.”

“Then why?”

“I already have the designs I want.” Fleur opened her satchel and gave Rarity sketches of outfits. Each one was expertly sketch with exact measurements. They were so good that Rarity became somewhat jealous of the skill. “What I’m looking for is the fabric… that feels like you are wearing nothing.”

“I hear silk or even low amounts of cotton can making a pony feel free.”

“I also want it to look like I’m wearing nothing at all. Like the outfit is my fur.” Fleur said, continuing her statement.

Rarity thought on Fleur’s statement before it finally clicked. “Look Fleur…I think I know what you’re getting at and that’s completely crazy and a little demented. Besides where would I get the fur from. I’m sure no pony would donate there’s willingly. ”

The Canterlot mare lifted her hoof to silence Rarity. She then walked towards an open window to gaze out. The way she did it made the sunlight perfectly caste over her face like she was in a photo shoot with Photo Finish. She even did a perfect mane flip to add the finishing touch. “You know, this is the seventh shop I have been to that said that same thing, yet each owner always agreed to do it. You know why?”

“Please do tell.” Rarity said disinterestedly.

“Because they soon realize who I am: The number one model in Equestria. They realize where I can take them.”

Rarity blew air through her nostrils. This was complete hay that Fleur, but she decided to play along. “So why don’t you get them to do it? You know, since they all agreed and what not.”

“They all chickened out of course; reneged on the deal. Weak, the lot of them. ” Fleur shook her head,” So when I remembered that an Element of Harmony was also a fashion designer, I caught the next train to this…rustic town.”

Rarity, who stated to ignore the crazy mare, took her sketch book and put finishing touches on her designs. “Interesting, Please continue.” She said, “And when you finish, please let yourself out.” The more Fleur talked, the harder Rarity found it to sketch. It came to a point where Rarity had to strain to ignore Fleur because her constant talking would not stop. Her magic gripped the pencils so hard that three had broken in the process of sketching.

“No one would have to know...I would not tell. If I did, I would also be in trouble.” Fleur continued.

“No. I will not conduct that type of business. Please leave my shop.” Rarity said ending the conversation.

“Okay...” Fleur turned to leave but not without a smirk, “Think over it. The correct answer will come to you.”

Rarity did not turn around to see Fleur leave the shop, but she did hear the ringing of the bell. She decided to close the shop completely for the rest of the day after what she just experienced. So, Rarity checked the closed sign, turned off all the lights besides the one located in her work room, and went back to designing and sketching.

Throughout her work she unfortunately kept getting distracted by thoughts of Fleur: the famous model and who had a lot of connections. She could take Rarity too the next level of Fashion designing. Rarity could just imagine herself designing outfits for top models around Equestria. It would be amazing. But what price would she be paying? Her reputation, dignity, and/or common courtesy? But then what is a little fur? It grows back; rather quickly actually. A snip, here, a snip there, and no pony would know anything had happened or mistake it for something else. Even if she did not make it big from this, the extra bits would help around the shop. Rarity quickly shook the thoughts out her head. Was she really considering doing such a stupid idea? She needed to sleep and she needed it quickly.

As Rarity climbed the stairs to her room, a package at the top of the stair case slowly began to appear. She had no idea where it came from, and approached it with caution. Quick examination showed there was a note on top which she levitated and read immediately.

“Hello Miss. Rarity,

You and I both know that you are going to go through with this, so let us not waste time with your procrastination and thoughts of moral and values.I know where you want to go and only I can take you there. In the package are scissors, multiple bags, sleepy time tea, and chloroform just in case things get drastic. I have always wanted a scarf in the colour of aquamarine. Kind of like the colour of the fur of that unicorn that sits awkwardly on benches. Hurry, I have a trip to the Crystal Empire in two days and I hear it's chilly there. Plus, the unicorn is headed home now. Good Luck.


Get to Work

An Unfortunate Cut

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Rarity, wearing a black cloak, ran through the alleys of Ponyville. It was late, and no pony had any business being outside at that hour. Yet, it was a necessity for the fashion pony. How else could she gather the necessary material for Fleur’s scarf. It required pitch black darkness, and stealth. Fortunately, Rarity had both. And, magic.

Her target was close. The home-town musician Lyra Heartstrings. Her fur was exactly the colour needed. Luckily, the unicorn was walking alone. She hummed a tune unfamiliar to Rarity, yet it was beautiful. Rarity sighed, and apologized for what she was about to do. Hopefully, Celestia, and Lyra, would forgive her. She lit her horn, and fired a sleeping spell. Rarity watched as fast moving Z’s contacted Lyra’s skull. She instantly passed out. This was Rarity’s chance.

Rarity ran towards the unnconsious Lyra. She reached into her saddle bag, and brought out a bag ,and scissors. All ready was Lyra stirring up. It wasn’t that the spell, or Rarity, was weak. It was just that Unicorn magic naturally fought any outside source, therefore, making outside magic wear off quicker. Raity had to cut fast, but she made sure Lyra's fur was evenly cut. It was like she was giving Lyra a fur cut.

“Ugh…what happened…who’s there?” Lyra said, starting to wake up.

Rarity knew her time was up. She cut a few more strands before packing up ,and running away. Lyra gained full consciousness a few moments later. She didn’t know what had happened, but defiantly felt a breeze. She simply shrugged off the situation, and continued home.

Making a scarf wasn’t hard for Rarity. She made them all the time as a filly, yet this time she was using a different material- pony fur. Before anything, she had to spin it into thread. Luckily, Lyra kept her fur well maintained, so it was easier to do. When she finished the tedious process, she began to sew. She sewed for the rest of the night making the scarf was perfect for Fleur. As soon as she was finished, and happy with her product, Rarity wrapped it in a box, and gave it to Derpy who would deliver it to Fleur personally.

“Another job done…” Rarity though to herself, “Just remember, the end justify means.”

For the rest of the day, Rarity rested. Of course, she didn’t close the shop, but she would wait till the next day to start working on the orders. What shocked her was when Lyra came into her shop looking for a jacket. She told Rarity that many ponies were giving her compliments on her new cut, but she didn’t even remember getting it. By her words, “It was a nice cut, but left the wind some room to play." After minutes of awkward shopping, Lyra chose a jacket, and left. It match her fur colour, and allowed her to move while playing the lyre.

Deciding to close her shop, the white unicorn locked the doors, and headed upstairs to her room, and was shocked when a letter was nailed to her door.

“Dearest Rarity,

They love the scarf! Of course I told them I got it from the Famous Carousel Boutique. You can expect a hoard of customers and orders to come your way. I told you that if you help me, I’ll help you. “Lol” The young fillies are using that term that. I have to stay in the loop you know. Anyway, another reason I contacted you is because I need a dress…a red dress. One that flows. I’m attending a ball, and my fans want to see more of your “mystery” material. I need it in two weeks.

All yours,

Fleur Dis Lee

P.s Enjoy the extra bits in your bank account.

Them Unfortunate Apples

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The sun barely was above the horizon as Rarity snuck through the acres and acres of apple trees. She knew that only she and another red stallion were awake. That’s how she needed it to be, for what she was about to do. No other pony can know. Rarity kept telling herself that her course of action was for the best, yet she couldn’t truly make herself believe that. She shook her thoughts from her head. The dress needed to be done by the next night.

The unicorn walked in between the trees looking for her target, but became lost when all the trees began to look like one another. “Stupid apple trees…How does Applejack managed not to get lost?” Rarity questioned. She kept walking in between the rows of tree trying to find any source of life besides trees. On the brink of giving up hope, Rarity heard familiar sound of Apple bucking. She stealthy followed the sound of life until she saw what she was looking for- Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh surveyed a tree. It was tall, sturdy, and wide. It was healthy tree ready to be bucked. “Eeyup.” He said as he placed the basket in perfect spots to catch all the apples. He was too deep in his work to notice the white blur quickly sneaking up to him. All he knew was that the tree needed to be harvested.

Rarity watched her target farm. His fur was the exact colour she needed. The only problem was that it was cut short, so she would have to take more. Especially to make a dress. It hurt her inside to know the damage she would do to this poor stallion’s fur, but it had to be done. Rarity lit her horn and shot her knockout spell onto Macintosh. It contacted with him, yet didn’t have any affect. He simply yawned before going back to work. It was that moment that Rarity knew her magic wouldn’t have any affect. She would have to get more- rather- less pristine with her efforts.

“Okay, Rarity…you only got one chance.” Rarity said to herself as she snapped off a huge branch from a nearby by tree, “Sorry, Mac, but this might hurt a bit.”

Rarity ran towards the farmer pony. Before he could turn around, his skull collided with the branch. The full force of gravity grabbed his unconscious, and he fell to the ground. Rarity looked away as Mac’s body twitched on the ground before falling limp. She checked his pulse and breath; he was alive. With a sigh of relief, she began cutting fur. When she was finished she walked away, yet the sun glistened on the stallion’s blond mane. An idea blossomed in her mind, and she started cutting again.

It was high noon when Rarity finally walked into her home. The bags of fur hung lazily outside her bag. The job was finally halfway done; all to do now was to sew the fur into a dress. She began to walk to her design room, but was stopped by a certain squeaky voice.

“Morning, Rarity! I was just about to cook- hey, what’s that red stuff in your bag? Looks like fur.”

“Oh, Sweetie!” Rarity hurriedly stuffed the fur into her bag, “It’s nothing. How about you go cook breakfast, and come get me when it’s ready, hmm?”

“Uh, okay!” Squeaked Sweetie.

As Sweetie ran to the kitchen, Rarity ran to the design room. She began to spin the red fur and blond hair. When that was finished, she weaved the threads into cloth. She then designed the perfect dress for Fleur. It perfectly matched her curves. With a design ready, Rarity began to sew using the blonde thread to hold the dress together. She finished when Sweetie called her down to breakfast. With one last look over her work, Rarity prepared to send it to Fleur.

“Sweetie, I’m going to the post office, “Rarity yelled before smelling the burning of food, “I be back to enjoy your…version of breakfast.”

It was a couple minutes after Rarity left when Sweetie heard a knock on the door. Immediately forgetting the cooking task at hand, Sweetie went to check the door. The smell of burning food went unnoticed by her nostrils. She opened the door to see her friend Applebloom.

“Oh hey!” said Sweetie, “What bring you by?”

“Well, something terrible happened to muh brother…”


“He says he was hit by a branch, and when he woke up, most his fur and hair was cut off. I came by to see if I can get a jacket or something for ‘em.”

“Alright. I think we got something in his size.” Sweetie said, but then something came to mind, “Wait…Mac’s fur is red, right?”

“Red as the brightest apple. Why ya ask?”

“Nothing…nothing. Let’s get that jacket."

I Hear Stripes Are In.

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Dearest Rarity,

I have to say that the dress you made for me was absolutely stunning. I was the star of the party to say the least. The red made me stand out like a fiery goddess while the gold trim shined brightly, blinding those who looked. I must say that you have outdone yourself this time. Expect many new customers to your boutique. You deserve them.

Anyway, your payment will be waiting for you in the mail. Though, that’s not the only reason I am writing you. For the moment, I no longer need your services. Our special arrangement shall hence forth be stopped, but don’t get to comfortable. You never know when I need another outfit.

Yours Truly,


Rarity sighed with relief. She honestly didn’t know how much longer she could keep up the arrangement with Fleur. The money was good and so was the influx of customers, but the secrecy and shame she brought to the almost fur-less ponies was devastating. Every day she was afraid that somepony would know that she had done the dread filled act. Fortunately, no one knew, for now.

Now, she could get on with her life. During her escapades, she had gotten back tracked on other orders. If she hurried, she could get back on track, finish those orders, and gain control of her life. With a smile, she entered her creation room. Instantly, ideas flowed to her mind. She picked up her needle and began to sew. The outfits began to take shape. The rainbow of inspiration was shining bright…until a undesirable scroll crashed in front of her, ruining a stitch she was working on.

Deep within she knew who it was from, but she tried so hard not to let it worry her. So she opened the scroll:

Dearest Rarity,

Disregard the previous scroll. I need an outfit asap. I’m meeting with Zebrican fashion designers, so I want to look like an actually zebra which means…ZEBRA PRINT. I’m not sure if you know any zebras, but I know you can work your magic. Your fashion magic…not actual magic. Anyway, good luck.



“Just when I thought I was free, the darkness grips me again…” sighed Rarity as she grabbed her coat. The outfits she was working on were almost done; they could wait. For now, Rarity had an evil enchantress to visit

“So, you say you saw Rarity with a bag of red fur?” asked Applebloom.

“I’m not sure if it was fur,” Replied Sweetie.

“But definitely looked like it, right?” asked Scootaloo.

“Yeah…” Sweetie admitted

“Your sister cut muh brother’s fur…”

“I’m not sure, okay?” said Sweetie, “Let me investigate. For now, let’s worry about getting our cutie marks.”

With those final words, Applebloom, Sweetie, and Scootaloo climbed into cannon and lit the fuse.

After going through the Everfree Forest multiple times, it had become second nature to venture to a certain zebra’s house. Just to be safe, Rarity went through the shadows. Unfortunately, the shadows were filled with thorns, bushes, and bugs. All which got in her mane. The things she does for profit.

After a long journey, she finally reached the hut. Even though she knew the masks meant friendly things, but she couldn’t get over the scary appearance of them. She winced every time she saw them. Yet, she couldn’t let those masks stop her mission. She took one step out of the shadows only to feel a massive weight appear on her shoulders.

“Only ponies that are meek have reason to sneak.” Rhymed the voice.

“Oh…uh…Zecora! “stumbled Rarity, “How are you today?”

“I’m alive and the sun is shining.”

“That’s good…”

Zecora shifted her weight to where she would slip off of Rarity’s back. Once she hit the ground, she peered into the unicorn’s eyes. Rarity nervously looked away and smiled. Zecora smiled in return.

“Well, let’s get inside before you start whining.”

Inside the hut, Rarity decided to brush her mane free of the forest’s many problems. She also eyed Zecora’s fur trying to figure a way to get it. Zecora scooped into her kettle and pulled up two cups of brew. She handed one to Rarity, offered her a seat, and then sat in her own chair. The two sat in silence for a while before Zecora broke it.

“My dear friend, what brings you to my end?” Zecora asked.

“Oh…just visiting…” Rarity replied.

“It’s unlike you to just visit. Perhaps other methods you exhibit?”

“No...Just here to enjoy your company.”

“Or rather, you’re here to ensure the survival of yours… by the cutting furs.”

Both equines eyes met. Zecora kept her face stoic; Rarity plunged into anxiety. Zecora took a sip form her cup and left. She returned with a pair of scissors and began cutting her hair. Rarity only stared in disbelief; no words formed in her mouth to stop the zebra.

“Being in these woods allows one a lot of time to notice stuff. Notice how ponies are losing fur and a model gains an outfit of the same color. “

“Zecora stop!” Rarity finally managed to yell.

“When is enough…enough?” asked Zecora, continuing to cut, “Perhaps when you feel your life is fuller?”

Zecora finished cutting her fur. She wasn’t bare, but the cut was noticeable. The zebra gathered her fur, put it in a bag, and handed it to Rarity. She simply smiled and went back to sitting, yet she stood back up. Once she found a blanket, she returned to her chair.

Rarity grabbed the bag and left, but not without saying something. “Thank you, Zecora.”

“Anything for a friend, but you must remember something for me.” Zecora stated, without her rhyme, as she shook from the cold, “The devil may promise you gold, but what is the gold worth when it hurts you and those around you?”

A Sight from Above

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders soared through the air after trying to earn their cutie mark with cannon. Unfortunately, none of them earned their mark. They were still as blank as the day they were born. TO make matters worse, they had completely missed the target. It was meant to be Sweet Apple Acres, yet, thanks to too much black powder, the fillies were now headed past the farm and to the Everfree Forest.

“Thanks a lot , Scootaloo!!”Shrieked Sweetie, “We’re land in the Everfree!”

“My bad!” Scootaloo flapped her small wings trying to fly but to no avail, “How was I suppose to I added too much black powder!”

“By measurin’!” yelled Applebloom as she looked down towards the earth,” Wait…ain’t that Zecora’s hut?!”

“Yeah…and isn’t that Rarity?” Scoots replied.

“Yes. We should say hi!” said Sweetie as she dived towards her sister.
The other two Crusaders had no choice but to follow; they dived as well. Quickly, their speed rose as they freefalled towards the ground, yet the thought of them actually not having a safe way to land never passed their thoughts.

Rarity thanked Zecora for her sacrifice and left. She no longer wanted to be in the awkward situation. She walked slowly away from the hut, yet she couldn’t think correctly. A whistle from somewhere was disorienting her thoughts. Though, for some odd reason, the sound came closer and closer until it became a recognizable voice.

“Hi, Rarity!”

The white unicorn looks towards the sky to see three small ponies falling towards her. Before she could react, they collided with her. They impact was strong, and it knocked Rarity almost unconscious. She recovered quickly once she realized her saddle bag was knocked away from her. When she recovered, she saw the bag of fur located in between her and the CMC. Before they could get their bearings, Rairty snatched the fur and stuffed it in her bag.

“Hey ,girls! What are you doing here?” Rarity asked.

“We saw you coming from Zecora’s hut and we wanted to say hi!” replied Sweetie.

“Well isn’t that-“

“Hey!” interrupted Scootaloo, “What’s that stuff in you bag?”

Rarity turned to look and saw Zecora’s fur still sticking out of her saddle bag. She hurriedly pushed it back in. “Oh nothing…Zecora have me some stuff for a new outfit. Let’s all go to the boutique for tea, shall we?”

The CMC looked suspiciously at each other before nodding. The group began walking back to Ponyville in silence. No pony said anything to anyone, yet the anxiety Rarity felt was loud enough. She knew they were suspicious, yet she couldn’t let them find out. From now on, she had to play safe.

A Secret is Easy to Keep

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Rarity and the Cutie Mark crusaders were sitting at the table. Cookies and milk were laid out before them. The younger fillies ate and talked while the older mare was deep in her thoughts about an outfit she had to design and sew. She knew it was going to be a good looking outfit. It was just the moral part about the whole process that was getting at her.

The mare sat the in her thought as the younger ones continued eating. So many thoughts ran through her mind that she could never really grasp one long enough to think it through. Though, the recurring thoughts were about the ponies she hurt in the process of her business venture. “Was Lyra alright?” “Did Big Mac’s head injury heal?", “Will Zecora freeze without her fur?” Fortunately, she was pulled out of her mind, by the three foals leaving the dining area.

“Hey Rarity, we’re going to go back outside!” yelled Sweetie Belle from the front door, “Apparently, you just can’t leave a cannon lying around.”

Rarity waved her hoof at her sister, but quickly called her back in, “Sweetie dear, let me ask you something.”


“…Let’s say a pony did something bad to another pony because they would gain something, but after she did it, she felt really bad. Now, she really wants to right the wrong, but she doesn’t know what to do. What should she do?”

Sweetie Belle stroked her chin in thought before answering, “Well, mom always said an apology is the right way to go. But in your case, a face-to-face apology might not be the best thing. So, maybe a gift or something might work.”

“Hmm…that’s a good answer…wait, what do you mean my case?”

“The whole fur thing. I pieced it together. Fleur wearing outfits you made that coincidentally match the fur of the ponies who were attacked. Lucky for you, no one else reads fashion magazines in this town besides you and me,” Sweetie came closer to her sister and lowered her voice, “I’ll keep your secret. Though, Applebloom is a little suspicious, but I’ll stop that in a bit. Just promise you’ll stop this.”

After finishing her statement, Sweetie ran off to catch up with her friends. Rarity could only stand there in shock. Of course it was only a matter of time before she was caught, but by her own sister no less. Of course, sending her victims gifts would be a good thing to do, yet it seemed as if it wouldn’t really help. Well nothing would help in her situation. She decided to think on it more as she put together her most recent victim’s fur.

“I still think Rarity has something to do with all this fur going missing.” Stated Applebloom.

“I investigated. She didn’t do it.” Replied Sweetie.

“What makes ya so sure? We saw a bag of fur in her saddle bag.”

“I asked her after you all left. She said that would be 'Ridiculous and absurd for a lady to do. Oh, what a scandal that could bring on the boutique. The bad press would ruin me!' She nearly fainted."

“Mhmm. I still need proof.”

“Look, Applebloom. Rarity wouldn’t do something like that,” Sweetie lied and squeaked, “Trust me.”

With that, Applebloom’s doubt went away. If one of her best friend’s said it was true, then it was true. No need to doubt her. She knew her friend wouldn’t lie to her.

“Alright, then. Though, we should find the pony who did it. Don’t want any more fur thefts.”

“Don’t worry. I have a feeling they have stopped.”

“Blah blah blah!” Scoots interrupted, “Are we going to launch again or what?”

The three fillies strapped their helmets to their head for a second time that day as Scootaloo lit the fuse for the cannon.

The last stitch was placed in the outfit made of zebra fur. Surprisingly, it was a hard material to use. Nevertheless, Rarity pushed through and finished the outfit. She looked over it, happy with the design. It wasn’t her best, but anypony would die just to wear it once. Well, as long as they didn’t know what the true fabric was.
She glanced over her product one more time before lighting her horn. A shipping box floated over, the outfit folded itself, and the box swallowed it. With a flash, the box disappeared. Off to greet Fleur in Zebrica. Finally, another job for the model was done. Rarity then swore that would be her last. No more. She was done. Well, that’s what she told herself as she closed the boutique for the day.

One Last Job

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Rarity lay on her sofa, sipping on some tea. The day seemed peaceful. The wind blew softly against the tree creating a rustling sound outside. The sun shined in the blue sky as the clouds moved lazily with the wind. For the past couple of weeks, she had been busy with clients all whom Fleur had recommended her to them. Finally, after so many sleepless night, a rest period had presented itself, and Rarity had taken it.

“Life can be beautiful, Opal.” Rarity spoke out loud as she stroked her cat, “One simply has to take the time and look.”

Rarity then reached for her tea cup again. As she did, a poof rang throughout the room causing the cat to become startled. It leaped into the air causing rarity to spill hot tea onto herself. Amidst the confusion, a lone scroll landed onto the floor.

After she cleaned up herself, and the floor, Rarity looked wearily at the scroll. It could be simple as a commission, or extreme as her past few jobs. There was only one way to find out. With a sigh, Rarity grabbed and opened the scroll.

Dearest Rarity,

Your most recent design was absolutely amazing. If it wasn’t for my horn, I doubt they could have told if I were a zebra or not. It was a great filled with food, music, and other things a lady can’t mention. Anyway, your bits should be in the mail and customers from Zebrica should be knocking down your door. Aren’t you a lucky mare? Anyway, it’s been a couple of weeks, and I tired of wearing the same old things. SO, I need you to create something spectacular for the last time. Yes, last time. For the last time, I want something…I don’t know…you do it. There are literally as many options as there are ponies in Equestria. So, go for it. I expect something great. Great...that's made from dragon scales.

One last job. This was great. Only one more time she would have to do her villainous deed. Though, it was just some pony...it was her Spikey Wikey. Rarity really didn’t want to hurt anyone else, but she had to. She couldn't just stop. Fleur had too much on her. Too much power. With one simple tongue slip, the Carousel Boutique would be ruined. That would disastrous, and Rarity's reputation would crash. She wouldn't need that many scales, right? Only a little bit would do.

Rarity trotted over to the Grand Oak library. She had no reason to hide or sneak. She was only going to ask a friend a favor. A big favor. Once she arrived to the library, Twilight let her in. It wasn't abnormal for her to come over and ask Spike for favors. Who else would dig up the crystals she found or try on a new outfit. Maybe she was abusing his little crush, but it was all in good faith.

"Hey,Rarity!" Spike yelled as he ran down the stairs with his chubby legs, "What brings you around here?"

"I wanted to ask you a favor..." Rarity answered.

"Anything for you..."

"I was wondering...about your scales."

"What about 'em?"

Rarity was going to ask if she she could have some, but she couldn't do it. Not to her Spikey. Not just for some stupid outfit for an insane model. It wasn't worth it.

"How do you keep them so shiny?"

"It's this special mixture of herbs and mineral that I got from Fluttershy...I didn't know you noticed."

Spike blushed and Rarity smiled. She couldn't take something so special from her friend. She decided to take her leave soon after. With a kiss to Spike's cheek and a farewell to Twilight, Rarity left for the Boutique.

When she arrived home, Rarity sat in her creation room and sighed. She didn't know what to do now. She wished there could be a way no one had to get hurt and still satisfy Fleur. She rubbed the soft fur on the back of her neck nervously. She had to make a decision and fast. She stuffed her head in her hooves in thought. The incredible smell of expensive fur products drifted into her nostrils. It was then, it was all clear.

Rarity made a mad dash throughout her room until she found what she was looking for-scissors and a mirrors. She levitated the mirror and looked herself in the eyes. The white fur glowed in the light while her mane flowed like a river. With a soft smile, she began cutting.


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“Rarity! You’re mane…your fur!” screamed Twilight as she walked in the boutique.”

“Whatever do you mean, dharling?” replied Rarity, underneath a thick blanket.

“They’re so short…I’ve never seen them like that before.”

“I’ve decided to try out a new style. Besides, short is in this season. Oh, and did Lyra, Mac, and Zecora receive the blankets I knitted?”

“Yes, and they thank you very much.” Twilight used her magic to levitate a stack of paper to Rarity, “Your mail. Hope you don’t mind, but Derpy gave it to me…again.”

“Not at all dear.”

Rarity went through her mail as she talked to Twilight. Nothing in her mail caught her attention. It was just bills, reports, or letters. Well, one thing caught a quick glance from her. A magazine with Fleur on the front. She was wearing a pure white jacket with yellow purple trim and purple fur going around the hood.

"Well doesn't she look lovely?"