Discord's revenge

by thebubblemaster

First published

Discord has returned with a new trick.He turned everypony into fillys its up to the cmc and luna!.

Discord has returned with a new trick.He turned everypony into fillys its up to the cmc and luna!.http://viraljp.deviantart.com/ - gave me the idea i love the idea <3 =D.Im giving full credit to-http://viraljp.deviantart.com/

Aww How Adorable

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"Aww how adorable"chuckled the Draconequus.He threw the hour glass up side down."Who would've guessed that messing with time could be so much fun! The unimaginable chaos to fall upon everypony will be absolutely wonderful!".He stared at the 6 fillys standing infrount of him "Let's see you six use your meddlesome elements of harmony now."he smirked at them and then with a click of his eagle claw he dissapered."LET ME AT HIM!"yelled the cyan filly who crashed to the ground.The purple filly looked at the others around."Guys!..Discord...he's turned us all into fillys"she moaned clutching her head. Twilight had really had enough of Discord's chaos the last time he came.Fluttershy stared at the ground.The orange filly lifted her head to up to see the hat,that was too big for her.Applejack groaned."Everypony Twilight's right!".The filly next to Applejack began to cry "oh why me why ALWAYS me!".The rainbow maned pegasus spun round to face the crying unicorn "um..HELLO! we are all stuck in this mess"she yelled.Twilight pressed her hoof against her face.Applejack then began to argue with the rainbow filly.The unicorn begna to cry,again,."GUYS!"yelled Twilight silencing them "we have bigger problems we dont know were Discord is going next!"she shouted.The pink filly standed next to her nodding "Twilight's right!..we have to find where he's gunna strke next."she agreed.

Discord stopped at the frount of Canterlot castle.He flew to the maze and sat on one of the hedge's Discord threw the hour glass into the air then snatched it.Luna walked throught the room to see a young filly with a large necklace and crown on."What is thou doing here!?"yelled the lunar princess in her Canterlot voice.The young white filly looked up at Luna smiling.Luna suddenly gasped this young filly seemed to resemble..."Wait, it can't be. Dear sister!?"gasped Luna in shock.The young white alicorn began to giggle."SISTER!!!"Luna yelled.Celestia saw Luna's flowing hair and began to chew on it.Discord appeared at the window toying with the hour glass."That's seven ponies down and many more to go."he chuckled to himself.

The purple mare walked into her classroom to face the students "Has any pony seen the cutie mark crusaders?"she asked.The class looked around.Cheerilee sighed "In that case, it looks those three are likely late or probably caught a flu.".Diamond tiara snorted."As if.".A bright light flashed and Discord appeared.Cheerilee fell backwards in shock "WHA-!?".Discord smiled the spoke "Why hello little ponies, from the bored expression on all your faces I take it that you all don't seem to enjoy school that much. I don't blame you.".Cheerilee stood up and faced Discord ": L-leave th-the classroom at once!"Cheerilee yelled but there was a nervous tone to her voice."I'm afraid that I can't do that. You see, I have something special planned for spreading chaos throughout Ponyville and eventually all of Equestria."smirked Discord.Cheerilee scraped the floor with her hoof standing up taller "I won't let you hurt these ponies!"she protesed."Mrs Cheerilee"yelled Snails.Discord chuckled "Well now, looks like a certain pony woke up on the wrong side of the crib." "That doesn't make any sense!"yelled Cheerilee.Discord's hour glass appeared."I know it doesn't,"the hour began to spin "but in your case it certainly does."The hour glass spun faster then Discord hit it on the top several times.Cheerilee became smaller and smaller.Discord stopped the hour glass and looked at his work a smile on his face.Cheerilee,as a foal,looked around her face clouded with sadness."Now then, any of you ponies know why I'm here?"he asked the class noticing there fear."Very well then, I'll tell you. I've been having fun lately making all kinds of chaos, but why I should be the only one enjoying the festivities. That's why I've decided to come here and let all of you join in. Imagine it, you can do whatever you want without worrying about any other pony telling you what not to do. Also, the best part is that NO PONY, and I mean NO PONY can stop you. So, how about it?"he spun the hour glass fidling with it.Suddenly all the ponies were hypnostised.Then everypony in the class yelled "YEAAH!".Discord chuckled "In that case, I declare that everyday is RECESS FOREVER!!!" he then wrote "recess 4 ever" on the chalk board.

After Discord's arrival at the school, Ponyville underwent a drastic change (the same change that occurred when he first made Ponyville fall into chaos). Upon Discord's departure from the school, the Cutie Mark Crusaders went to the school while unaware of the events that have taken place. They found a crying foal in the classroom and soon realized that it was their teacher. They took the helpless foal with them in order to find any pony that could help, but as soon as they left the school the crusaders saw the drastic and unnatural changes made to the town. However, Discord was expecting their arrival at the school, yet decided not to intrude ... for now.

With little Cheerilee alongside them, the crusaders start heading back to town, but the checker board ground and floating houses distracted them. Their reactions to the strange changes to the environment were those of shock, awe, and terror.
"What happened to Ponyville!?"said Applebloom."Maybe some kind of spell did this."surgested Sweetie belle.Scootaloo was carrying there teacher when she chimed in "kind of doubt a spell could do all this mess. Either way, it looks really weird.".Cheerilee then began to cry.Scootaloo sighed "not this again"she muttered under her breath.She then turned to her teacher and tried to calm her "I just hope we can find some pony who could change Ms. Cheerilee back."sighed Scootaloo.Sweetie nodded then began to help calm the young filly down."Don't worry Ms. Cheerilee, we'll help you some how.".Applebloom was sighed she was worried about her sister and couldnt find her "wish Applejack and them were here. They'd know what to do.".

Luna flew as fast as she could carrying the young Celestia she stopped in complete shock..Ponyville was in its chaos stage at least everypony in Ponyville could be fillys by this point.Luna spotted 3 older fillys and sighed she drifted down.

While stumped with their problems, an alicorn suddenly appears before the crusaders. Another alicorn that was small but familiar leaped off the other's back and onto the ground. The crusaders soon noticed who these alicorns are.
"Princess Luna!"gasped Applebloom."What are you doing here?"wondered Scootaloo."And who's that small pony?"asked Sweetie belle.Luna sighed"I'm afraid thy sister has been inflicted by a spell casted upon her. Princess Celestia is but a mere young filly now.".The three gasped in shock "Wait! That's Princess Celestia!?"yelled Applebloom staring at the filly in shock at this small filly was once the ruller of Equestria."Oh my gosh! It is her!".And with that Celestia began to chew on Luna's mane again."Princess Luna, you think that whoever did this to Princess Celestia did the same to Cheerilee?"asked Sweetie belle.Luna noticed there teacher then said "It certainly seems that."sighed Luna.Scootaloo was very curious at this point "Who did this then? OW!"Scootaloo spun round to face Cheerilee who had bit her tail."Discord"Luna felt sick when she said that,the word,it always put a bad taste in her mouth."Wait a sec, you mean that goofy lookin' statue we saw on our field trip to Canterlot Castle?"asked Applebloom confused."Yes, but thou must know that the one named Discord is not just a statue, but an actual living spirit of disharmony and chaos"Luna continued but only to be shortly inturupted by Scootaloo "Oh yeah, Ms. Cheerilee said it was something called a Draconequis or something. OW!"She spun round to face Cheerilee "could you STOP THAT"."What do we do now princess?"asked Sweetie belle her tone rising."Thou must assist me in finding Twilight Sparkle and her friends. With their help and the powers of the elements of harmony, we can defeat Discord and return every pony and everything back to normal."if only it was that easy!."You got it princess!"nodded Applebloom.": You can count on us!"yelled Sweetie belle."That Discord won't know what's coming to him! OW!".
Not to far away, a young Derpy Hooves flies by with a lunch bag on top of her head. Suddenly, a face appears on the front of the bag. The face that showed up was none other than Discord.

"Well now, looks like there's going to be a new game for the ponies to play really soon. I'll simply wait until they meet with Twilight. After that, the real fun begins."Discord chuckled