Friendship is Poetry

by Loganberry

First published

A collection of poems based on episodes of the show

This is a collection of poetry, each poem being based on an episode of the show itself. My aim is to write a poem for each and every episode, so this is a long-term project. Some of the poems are inspired by real-life verses, while others are just for fun. I've tried to vary structure a bit from poem to poem, so I hope there'll be plenty of variety.

Note: I've done the best I can on the tags, so apologies for the lack of (for example) an Adventure tag. I can't help that, as the site won't allow both that and Slice of Life on the same work. In truth, the tagging system here can't really cope with a very varied collection like this.

The Pony on the Spot (Friendship is Magic, part 1)

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No, Twilight was not pleased that day
When she was told she could not stay
But, rather, she must go away
And try to make a friend.

A flight to Ponyville was done
As they prepared for Summer Sun;
So, round the ponies, one by one
To see who would attend.

The first that she encountered there
Was Pinkie Pie, whose sudden stare
And gasp, as though she'd had a scare
Drove Twilight round the bend.

Next, Applejack, with country charm
Bid her a welcome to her farm:
Persuaded her there was no harm
In eating to distend.

And so the day wore on: Rainbow,
Then Rarity (she stole the show)
Last, gentle Fluttershy: who'd know?
Young Spike she did befriend.

Came evening: ponies filled their hall
To see the one who ruled them all...
Her absence therefore did appal.
What ills did it portend?

A jet-black pony now appeared
And Twilight knew and Twilight feared:
Into her soul the shade's words seared:
This night would never end!

She Picked Us (Friendship is Magic, part 2)

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Into the night of Everfree:
Black as a Nightmare, black as coal.
Six friends together shall not flee
From their unenviable goal.

Falling from cliff-top; letting go;
Helping a beast, for kindness' sake.
Later, a sound you'll come to know:
Plenty of sugar, but no cake.

Crossing the torrent, Steven's gift,
Loyalty conquers raven-song.
Clouds may burn off and fog may lift;
Now they must vanquish castle wrong.

Elements smashed and broken here;
Essence inside them, nonetheless.
Longed-for, lost Luna, and a tear:
Twi has a Ponyville address!

Green Grass and Hay (The Ticket Master)

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So, I can take one to the ball?
The Gala? I can't take them all?
I really can't make up my mind,
I really don't know how to find
The pony who deserves to go,
The pony who would rock the show.
It's really neither here nor there,
I can't decide the lucky mare!

It is a horrid thing to face,
I would not, could not, simply base
My answer on who is a friend:
That way lies trouble without end.
My mood increasingly is black:
I cannot even get a snack.
I do not like this way, you see.
I do not like it, Princess C.

So with my faithful dragon, Spike,
We run away fast as we like.
A teleport is needed then,
A teleport back to our den.
A letter to my teacher sent
But all at once, the air is rent
By a reply: "More tickets! LOL,
That was a laugh. Yours, Royal Troll."

The Apple-Bucker (Applebuck Season)

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"No how!" she said, and pointed toward the trees.
"Fancy mathematics now are not a boon."
By the afternoon she came unto a point
At which she dozed: always apples strewn.
By a wooden post the angered mare did swoon,
Snoring like one that hath no helping team.
But still to Ponyville came AJ; soon
Received her cup; then fell into a dream;
And Twilight's careful speech? Gone. She could scream!

Jump from that beam! She fell and at a stroke
Off to the library did Rainbow go:
Down, onto balcony. Twi's focus broke:
Rolling her eyes, the unicorn: "Hello?"
She tried to talk to Applejack, although
Once more she slept beneath an apple copse.
And hearing talk of bees and zoos: Oh no,
Thought Twilight: she will work until she drops;
But lo! Big Mac explained. Six harvested the crops.

Grimmer Trick (Griffon the Brush Off)

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There was a young griffon named Gilda
Who wasn't as cool as Dash billed 'er.
Half the fandom, at least,
Think her simply a beast
And wish Pinkie Pie's buzzer had killed 'er.

Gone and Pitiful? (Boast Busters)

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Oh Trixie, my Trixie, my unicorn mare,
A show-off by nature: a strut then and there
And Twilight forlorn, lost among the great crowd:
She feels that to boast just should not be allowed.
Then Snips and then Snails have a rather odd wheeze:
Release a great Ursa! It charges through trees
And into the town! Trixie hiding away;
Our heroine charging back into the fray.
Although Twilight Sparkle's already OP,
You can't really argue with everything she
Accomplished that evening... then Trixie was gone.
For good and for ever? I'll tell you anon.

Shy Pony to the Dark Cave Came (Dragonshy)

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My first thought was, my bunny was absurd:
That silly Angel; oh! A vicious cough,
A-kicking of his carrot; he'd not scoff
The thing. His hacking all around occurred.
The smoke above brought forth our friendly herd:
Inevitably Twilight spouted off.

A dragon was the cause? Too bad by half!
We'd have to start anew and live elsewhere.
But Twi had other plans. She said, that mare,
We'd walk the road! No! Panic! Do not laugh:
I had to stay, or risk my epitaph.
They carried me; to walk I did not dare.

And so our motley party galloped on
Until a mountain faced us: oh, so high!
My nerves set in; with wings locked, I can't fly!
No! Rainbow, don't you see that your "Come on!"
Was little help to one whose courage, gone,
Meant AJ had to fetch me. I could cry.

A rocky path we trod, and yet again
I could not get the better of my fears:
An avalanche resulted. Through my tears
I tried so hard to get back up, but then
I stumbled on another stone, and when
Dash rolled her eyes, I could have wept for years.

That dragon's cave at last we reached. I hid.
The others one by one attempted schemes
Cajoling, reason, even joking. "Seems
Like nothing but a kick will work!" Dash did
Go through with her idea, but out she slid;
Broke rock. Just variation on our themes.

But in that awful moment of despair
There hatched another plan -- and one of glee.
And yes, the time had come for someone: me.
I flew up; fixed the dragon with a glare:
"You do not hurt my friends!" It ended there,
The air of Ponyville back clean and free.

There's Gonna Be a Showdown (Look Before You Sleep)

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Applejack and Rarity
Were having quite the battle;
For Applejack, said Rarity,
Was full of uncouth prattle.

AJ complained. The other mare
Felt that she was in clover.
Then thunder rolled; Twilight at once
Asked both to her sleepover.

The dressing up, the truth or dare,
Went just as was expected.
The pillow fight, though: that. Was. On...
Twi was not unaffected.

But then crashed down a monstrous tree,
Right into Twilight's study;
AJ said sorry to her friend
And Rarity got muddy.

Entrances (Bridle Gossip)

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That morn came Twilight with her dragon friend
To Ponyville, and finding it bereft
Of life or movement, wondered she aloud:
What was the cause of this: what could it be?
A whisper came from Pinkie Pie: "Inside!"
The other ponies there, with Apple Bloom.
Sang Pinkie: "Lo! Evil enchantress she!"
As through the pane the cloakèd one they saw.

The purple unicorn, she merely scoffed:
"Zecora? Zebra, from so far away!"
But still the others there were not convinced,
All save the filly, fine big pony she.
To Everfree! There came they by and by,
And warned they were about the leaves of blue.
Quoth Twilight Sparkle, "Curses don't exist!"
The other ponies diff'rently believed.

Back at the library, things took a turn
Quite for the worse, as all of them could see.
Afflicted were they all, save Fluttershy,
Who seemed quite normal till a word she spoke.
As Twilight searched within her magic books,
One, "Supernaturals", she cast aside.
That volume thick could not contain the cure:
For shame! Why did that tome she yet possess?

By now, had stolen Apple Bloom away,
And all at once the other mares were sore
Perplexed, and worried that they'd stood or sat
Upon the little filly: could it be?
But no: out of the unwatched door had slipped
The little sister of our Applejack.
Of course the ponies set off on their quest,
And in their time they reached the zebra's hut.

Now Twilight stood out still against her friends:
Spoke for the stranger; but on gazing through
A window, she espied the cooking pot:
"The perfect temp'rature": O woe, alack!
Persuaded of the witch's harsh designs
Upon the youngster, all resistance fell.
As Rainbow Crash and AJ splintered wood,
She charged the zebra, locking heads in rage.

Now waxed Zecora wroth, full angered she:
"You know not what you do!" A fight was on.
Then through the entrance trotted Apple Bloom!
It seemed that she was not to season stew.
The Poison Joke its final laugh enjoyed
As Twilight read at last what she had not.
So realised the mare that she had erred:
A book should by its contents be adjudged.

The Destruction of Ponyville (Swarm of the Century)

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The Parasprite came like a vision to 'Shy:
"You're the cutest thing ever!" she said, by and by.
And her mane was its bed, like the softest of down;
Off the gentle mare trotted to show friends in town.

Not from Everfree Forest, so whence had it come?
Though nopony could answer, it seemed that a drum –
Not to mention a tuba – formed Pinkie Pie's goal,
But the others ignored her: "She's acting the foal!"

Parasprites multiplied; spread their wings; till at last
They took over the library! Twilight she passed
On explaining the problem, so deadly and chill,
Rather trying to roll them out of Ponyville.

Back they came, eating everything far and, yes, wide.
Still none listened to Pinkie; instead they did bide
In their ruinous village. Twi essayed a spell:
Would it work on the creatures? Er... not very well.

The unicorn's face grew distorted and pale:
"To the zebra!" That shaman had naught to avail
And the mares they fell silent: before them now loomed
A dread vision: destruction. Zecora: "You're doomed!"

And the ponies we know then were loud in their wail:
"Celestia's coming!" And Twilight did quail
With no replica village completed – but hark!
The sound of a polka: that lifted the dark.

Auntie Freeze (Winter Wrap Up)

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Three months of friendship lessons:
It may not seem that long–
But what I really wanted was
A really awesome song.
For my patience, it was running out
And if I may make so bold
The fans who said, "Just wait: you'll see"
Were starting to get old.

The time has come at last to sing!
Survey this snowy scene!
Watch Twilight try to work it out:
Celestia, she's green.
How can she help? I knew she'd be
Joining a snow-clearance crew.
"Hay there, Rainbow" – denied! It's tragic:
Twi has no wings; no clue!

It's a step up! It's a step up!
This Daniel knows his stuff.
Now I pep up! Now I pep up!
Guess I won't be quite so tough:
Guess I won't be quite so tough.

So now Twi knows magic won't do
And AJ will say, "No!"
She has to make a new start
Not just hide in the snow.
Mayor Mare bores us every year:
"Over-run again!"
Listening to this is hard
And failure looms, but then...

Twilight gets up! Twilight gets up!
"All-team organiser here!"
Raise your head up! Raise your head up!
For she has a checklist! (Cheer!)
For she has a checklist! (Cheer!)
For she has a checklist! (Cheer!)

To Win Her Cutie (Call of the Cutie)

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"Who would aid Apple Bloom,
Let her come hither!"
Her problems large did loom:
Blank Flank... forever?
Naught was there she'd not try,
Ambition grazed the sky.
No magic; could not fly
To win her Cutie.

So Rainbow Dash came round
With Twi-like checklist,
But Pinkie's cupcakes found
The foal more feckless.
So hard she tried – and how!
It would not help her now,
Yet clear remained her vow:
To win her Cutie.

Young Bloom, not yet inured
To D. Tiara,
Then tripped as she endured
Her cute-ceñeara.
Sweetie and Scootaloo!
Resolved the three anew:
Together, each be true
To win her Cutie!

Keats Never Prosper (Fall Weather Friends)

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Season of games; of horseshoes, tense as chess,
Close pony-friends together throw and run.
Retiring? Not Dash! Now could she confess
What she believes that AJ could have done?
For, 'gainst an Apple, the most fun of all
Would be to win! So Iron Pony's born.
A-swell her heart, Dash gallops through the course;
Just clips a barrel; hers still is the morn.
And still more, later – then does Rainbow fall:
Quite suddenly, this contest starts to pall,
For Autumn's leaf-run will add spice and sauce.

Who hath not seen three ponies on the line?
Twilight among them: AJ rolls a-ground:
She, laughing, careless; RD, too, thinks it so fine.
Her wings, though, useless: by her rival well bound.
Ay, she could win this still if half-asleep!
Pinkie and Spike inform us, as they look:
Noses in front! Cats' PJs! What of fudge?
E'er onward purple unicorn may creep:
Steady she trots, remembering her book;
Dash dreams of cider. Yes, small care she took.
"I tripped! That cheat!" The rules begin to budge.

Where are the songs of Fall? Hay, not this time.
So much is left to tell: no music, now.
No flying; no rainboom; to each her crime:
Signposts and bees: trot on, bold Forty-Two!
Then all at once their distant goal espied,
A multitude awaits them: one last spurt!
The rivals cross the finish line as one:
The verdict from on high is passed: "You tied!"
Who then the victor? Whose the bitter hurt?
"You both were last!" – and Twi was fifth! The dirt
Is suddenly nothing: "Come, friend, shall we run?"

A Night in the Cooler (Suited for Success)

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Her inspiration: make a dress
For Twilight – and for others, yes;
A Gala outfit for each mare
With verve and brio, dash and flair;
"They are not what we thought they'd be,"
Says Fluttershy: poor Rarity;
Again she labours with a song
To make her friends' approval strong.
So, what awaits our stylish mage
Is glory? No, 'tis Hoity's rage;
A life of shame, of cats and doom...
But soft! New light to pierce the gloom;
Triumphant unicorn's delight
Enthrals the buyer: "Ten, tonight!"

Under Whitetail Wood (Feeling Pinkie Keen)

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When Laughter's five and Pinkie Senses see,
A fall may come; AJ dives 'neath her cart.
"This cannot be!" Twi's e'er-sceptical eye
Roams o'er the evidence – she finds a lack.
Love Pinkie though she does, this cannot fly.
Twi whispering as she watches, far away;
Falls anvil, cart and piano; still she'll preach
That there must be an answer, by and by.
But from the bog, a Hydra! Bitter, she
Accepts: the doozy! Mane burns like a bush.

Twi's ever-noble heart has witnesses
In all her friends, as she doth grope for that
Which may explain the myst'ries of the senses;
Her mind now open: hence, umbrella hat!

See the Sky in Front of You (Sonic Rainboom)

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Yay, Dash! But what of stage fright, far from earth?
So Rarity receives her silvered wings.
Sunward she'll climb, and show Cloudsdale her worth
Amongst the clouds – her mind on lovely things.
Rainbow's routine, then – swoop and soar and flow
High o'er the Cloudesseum: all shall stare;
She'll start her rainboom dive, the throng below.
So comes the day; deft pegasi take air:
Up! up! save one delirious, frighted blue.
At last a unicorn, all red of face,
Emerges. Dash still fears, yet pushes through –
Ah, Icarus, your presence felt today...
The Wonderbolts fall too! See Rainbow's chase
Paint vivid skies. Now, crownèd mare, away!

Elizabeakan Theatre (Stare Master)

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Mare jewel! How can ye fearsome be, yet cool?
Is it because your eyes have power to Stare?
Then know that mercy is your golden rule:
And greater kindness do, to save but scare.
So when three fillies visited, I swear
They saw the power of your imperious eyes,
And after Sweetie sang, a chicken... where?
Into the forest dark, where danger lies!
The CMC essayed a trip unwise:
The monster stoned, as cockatrices do,
Fair Twilight! Then the fillies' anguished cries
Brought you to them, fine courage found anew.

You mercy showed that creature; let it be;

And calm befell the woods of Everfree.

The Hay Ridge Disaster (The Show Stoppers)

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"Good fillies there, hi, and come with me,
I pray ye will like what is in this tree,
And don't believe that it may look so old
That by going in the clubhouse you will catch a cold.

"Your talents ought to be encouraged to be shown,
Because example is something to make your own.
And will surely help you to greater renown
Than zip-lining again and thrice badly falling down.

"Sometimes in your labours, guilty creatures have you been
With your kung-fu, rock ballads, and other such scenes;
By putting on a play wherein mayhem is enacted,
You will surely gain your cutie marks if you are not distracted.

"So leave troubles, you will not feel so much fear,
This is ever the case, so said Star Swirl the Bear'.
Though such is my opinion, I will venture to say,
That Scootaloo, your lyrics will be murder for one to play."

Sweetie discovered her sister's dumb fabric rolled away
That she obtained for the purpose, and with dismay
She noticed Apple Bloom, her brushes muddied too,
Realising that brown was all she would now get, not red, purple or blue.

The three carried on with rehearsals, working out
That they would gain their cutie marks, without any doubt;
Therefore, stage representation had a greater effect
In the minds of the fillies than the flitting of an insect.

We see in Cheerilee's academy of Ponyville, which is sublime,
Sunny Days and Peachy Pie on roller-skates in perfect time;
And, with a modicum of relief, though tame –
"Oh, that Snips and Snails should put a rabbit in there, where are their brains?"

The ponies of the village went to that theatre that night
To see the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but at first got a great fright;
They saw and heard the threesome murder the music on the stage
But when the scenery fell apart, they were stricken with laughter, not rage.

And, the Crusaders, I will say that their dismay
Soon turned to joy as they, without delay
Made a realisation that these talents of the three
Would have a tendency to lead to cutie marks in comedy.