By Celestia - A Pinkie Spy:

by Ponyess

First published

Had I been dreaming of coming to Ponyville? I know I have been dreaming of it, just not quite like this. At least, I had been asked what kind of a pony I could be, if I was to go to Equestria. I had given an explanation. I told her, what I wanted.

”And you mean to say, that Pinkie Pie has been spying for you, for how long?” Luna pronounced in a more indignant voice.

“Yes, she has been spying for me, for most of her adult life. It's not as if I had asked her to, it's just that. You see, she tends to go out on a limb, and in this state, she sees things. Things not quite of this world, by what I have managed to grasp. Places, and events!” Celestia acknowledged.

“She is Pinkie Pie, I know as much, but still?” Luna ranted on.

“You wouldn't believe, what that Pony is capable of. She was partaking in raiding the Star Swirl wing, at one time, and I guess that's among her more normal activities?” Celestia retorted.

“The Star Swirl wing?” Luna screamed at the top of her lungs, in utter disbelief.

“She was apparently looking for a time spell!” Celestia mused, as an interjection.

“A Time Spell, but she is an Earth Poni? Who would she snap that for, who thought herself capable of performing such an act?” came Lunas response.

“By the looks of it, it was for, and with Twilight, but it merely created a time loop, it changed nothing, in effect, unless you count the deteriorating state of Twilight herself, during the time span of the loop. I think the entire event was actually accounted for, in one of her many messages to me!” Celestia pointed out.

A Nightly Vissit:

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I had woken up in the middle of the night, the darker hours. At first, I had no idea as to why I had woken up, only to realise I had been woken up.

I hear the small noises of hooves, moving across the floor of the room. That was the Pony, I just had failed to see her, as of yet. Then I realise, it could be none other than Pinkie Pie, whatever she was doing in my bed room, in the dead of night?

Time differences aside, it's not as if I had any ponies in my humble home any time of day, however much I may have wished for it.

Aside from the sounds, the hooves, it is still quiet, silence ruling supreme. Then I hear another pony, just not an Earth Pony, by the sound of it, but then, whom?

“Is that you, Pinkie Pie?” I called out, in hope she was to reply.

All of a sudden, she bounced towards me, then the door opened and closed, someone stepped into the room. I felt her horn aglow, radiantly, in the royally stately fashion, not a regular Unicorn?

“I have someone with me, whom would like to see you!” she giggled.

I knew they did not care for whether I'm nude or not, but the room is cold, and dark. It is always cold and dark, I can't sleep if it wasn't. I slipped the quilt off of me and pushed it into the wall.

“Someone like to see me?” I enquired, curiously.

“It couldn't possibly be..” I started.

“Me!” Celestia just pointed out, just as she poked her head into view.

“Of all the Ponies of Equestria. A Princess? I'd be ..” I responded.

“Yes, you'd be a Pony yourself to, and you will. In an hour or so!” Pinkie Pie blurted out.

“Someone has been busy, writing stories, suggesting this to be the case. The story, by chance, came before me, right along with a few others of your more interesting works. However, she managed it, but we all know her. She's just Pinkie Pie!” she teased.

“You don't by any chance suggest that I should have been sleeping all these hours off? As an artist, it is what I do, most of the time, at least. Would that make me the element of Creativity?” I responded, simply.

“Some of your stories have been very entertaining and enjoyable. I couldn't help but forwarding the more appropriate once!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, giggling all the while.

“Thanks, Pinkie. That was in a sense, the purpose of publishing them in the first place, for others to have a chance to enjoy them, whether it is for entertainment, or personal enlightenment, it's basically all the same. If anypony was to enjoy them, I'm happy!” I blurted out.

“I sure enjoyed numerous of them!” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“There were a few I actually did find very interesting, even to the point of informative!” Celestia pointed out.

“I love the 'Otherworldly' sense to them!” Twilight put forth, in an amused tone of voice.

“We can discuss this to the sun grows cold, when we're back!” Celestia pointed out.

“Ah, yes. That'd be a better point of perspective!” Pinkie Pie suggested, bubbling over, as she had a momentary flashback, as a particular story came to mind.

With that, Celestia puts her horn towards my forehead. The faint glow of magic soon burst into a full force burst of radiant light. Something changed, and then the perspective went out of alignment. I couldn't stand up, but fell down on all fours, Celestia managed to follow my movements, probably because she had predicted them, and thus were prepared.

Shortly there after, I'm no longer in my old home. Earth such as I knew it, had simply fell out from under-hoof, as I had not only become the Pony of my dreams, but had ended up in the royal castle in Canterlot, in the Throne room of all places.

A Flash of Magic and a Mere Swap:

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Apparently, she had approved of my choice. Why else had she taken me with her. Unless she simply chose to take me for her very own purpose, heedless of my desires?

I had been in what had been passing for my home one instant, the next I'm in her throne room as it were, and no less. Just as I had been standing on my own two feet, only to find myself to stand on all four hooves, as I arrived at her castle?

I could clearly see her throne empty since she is standing before me. The other Ponies by her side, right and left, apparently Pinkie Pie to her direct left, while Twilight Sparkle was to her direct right? As for the significance, I had no idea, not that I care.

I soon looked down at my clearly red hooves. Mane hanging down over my face, a radiant, metallic blue? Though it seems my coat, or hide was more to the silver, not the grey you saw on the guards.

Who am I, if I'm not the Girl who so recently had left what had been her room, in her flat? I guess I'm a Pony by now? I guess I could live with it since it had been a secret dream of mine, for as long as I could remember. It had just been such an abrupt change and transfer?

I knew she could read minds by magic, just as I had realised she could have me changed, after what had just happened, for all I could see, unless it was part of coming here?

I left the hows and whys to the four winds, just picking up on the joy, personified by the pink mare Pony who had been there and still did stand by her princess. How could she not?

There was just the other change, the mark, I knew it had graced my flanks, just as I hit the floor of her palace, in the throne room. It is what told me, who I am. Or so it had been expressed, but what if it was wrong?

Then I realised something else, something more, the horn in my forehead, I'm apparently a Unicorn by the looks of it. That makes sense since it is not quite fun to hold a pen or quill by hoof, the magic is more up to the pun in the long run. Now, I guess I could hold a pen in my mouth, but it's still a very long winded process, writing nothing more than a simple letter?

I've been writing, so I would make good use of the magic, holding the pen magically? I could even work several stories at the same time. The one thing I couldn't, is to write of this one episode. Mainly, because I had no desire to.

If I could hold on to a pen, I imagined I could even lift myself off of the floor. I simply had to try, and now is the time. I soon found myself, an inch off of the floor, steadily hovering, just enough to make the point to myself, without giving myself of, by doing it.

There was the other detail hitting me just as I levitated the one inch over her floor, the element of Creativity? I had figured, the element of Harmony grew in strength by the number of participants. Then it is up to the welders to be true to their respective shards, to themselves. Just as they had to be in sync with one another. The element did not grant unimaginable power, just for the sake of it, regardless of how important and urgent it is.

The Harmony still need the magic and someone who can manage the spells intended. That's not me. I was quite happy with it.

“I expect you to live in Ponyville!” Celestia pointed out, simply and to the point.

“My friends live there, it's the point of origin and where I'd want to live!” I replied, nodding ascent.

“Now I will have to throw you a welcoming party!” Pinkie Pie announced, happily in her more hyper joyous tone.

“With balloons and cake. I take it!” I teased her, knowing these were unavoidable.

At Home: 3

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There had been a bright flash of light emanating from Celestia's horn, just an instant before I found myself in a house, apparently my home, as it were.

I'm standing in the middle of a large living room, the walls green with a leafy pattern, as if I had been standing in a deep forest, some time early in spring. The floor an even green, shiny and shimmering, not quite looking like a field of grasses, but it is calming, nonetheless. I'd just have to approve of my new home.

This isn't a library, but a wall is lined with my books, just the one I had enjoyed reading in the past. Even if there are a few new books I know I never had seen before, apparently, the topic is magic, on a level that should be on pair with my abilities.

On the one sides, there is a sofa and a chair on each side, with a wooden table in the middle. On closer inspection, it looks like a polished beech tree table. Before the sofa, there is a window facing due south.

Apparently, she had placed the kitchen behind the sofa, along with the stairs up to the second floor, where I have both my bed room and my office where the desk at which I will be writing my new stories and adventures. She had known I'm a writer by heart, a writer needs a desk to sit by while writing.

If one could move the Sun and the Moon on a daily basis, this feels like a small feat. I still am grateful for what she had put into it. It isn't as if I could have built this in a single day. I couldn't even expect the Ponies of Ponyville to put in enough effort to make it happen.

This will take something getting used to. I know I have been dreaming of it, but when you're finally there, it is still a new life, and so different and alien to the life I had lived before. I couldn't escape it, as much as I may like to claim it was a mere breeze.

I chose to go to the kitchen, looking and see what I had available to eat. What I found, I guess could be seen as nothing but a surprise, if not even a shock. Muffins and Cup-Cakes. There is a bottle of milk in my fridge, along with a few bottles of juice of the common and popular varieties.

I had found a few different fruits like apples, and a group of vegetables fitting for a stylish salad, if and whenever I felt the urge.

In the end, I nipped a Cup-Cake and a bottle of orange Juice. Carrying these to the table in the living room, aside with a glass and a small plate. This did feel rather promising. If it is what they live on, I could get used to this part easier than several other things in my life. Even if my home actually is close to perfect, considering what I had been looking forwards to.

After a few tries, lifting a Cup-Cake is fairly easy, slipping the paper off of the pastries aren't all that hard, either. I guess it is a good thing I was a Unicorn after all.

Once I had put the Cup-Cake down, I lifted the glass to my muzzle, taking a sip. It felt a bit cool, so I decided on trying to heat it up slightly. Since I'm new to it, I guess I merely managed a few measly degrees, but this was just right for me.

Then I made the glass stay where I left it, picking the Cup-Cake up, taking a bite, enjoying it cool from the fridge. Chewing for a moment, before I take another sip. I guess this is something I could get used to. Even if I have a very long road towards feeling as if I had been born here, for the life I'm looking forwards to.

At the Library: 4

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I had figured that what food I had been given, is just a standard she knew I could make due with, until I knew what I would like to have. With that, I had chosen to go out to see what there could possibly be available.

At first I had been uncomfortable with the nudity, then it came back to me, Ponies in Ponyville are all nude, with very few exceptions. Why wouldn't this apply to me too? I may very well stick out more, if I came out dressed up like I may have when I was where I came from. I had managed to find a saddle bag and a few bits, apparently it is the local currency here.

Once I had stuffed the saddle bags with the funds I had available, I had simply walked out, they're not locking their doors. Why should I? It isn't as if any Pony was to nip any of my few belongings I had at this point. Even if there was someone who was up to such a poor behaviour. I simply had nothing worth taking.

For a moment, I pondered what I could trade, something that would fund my continuous existence here. As much of a paradise as it may look like at first glance, I still need to perform something in order to gather the funds I would need, or I wouldn't have anything to eat, simple as that. Guess I could be comfortable with it.

Then it hit me, I had been writing all these stories. Maybe I could publish these? If Ponies enjoyed to read them, I could make a living out of it.

Aside from the stories, I had had a few ideas on how to make things. In order to improve on what I had, maybe I could make something out that here since I never could where I used to live.

There are a few places I had to see, before I did much else. Twilight Sparkle's Library, Pinkie Pie at the Sugar-Cube Corner and Rarity at her Boutique.

There may be a few other places along the way, but these could wait a day or two at the very least. If they could wait this far, why not just one more day?

As a Unicorn, I could help out with a range of things. Even if I guess that wouldn't be at the Sweet Apple Acres.

In the end, I found myself before the door to Twilight's library, knocking at the door. As expected, it was Spike's voice greeting me as he opened he door.

“Welcome, I'm Spike the Dragon and Twilight's Library assistant!” he stated as I followed him inside.

“Hi and thanks, Spike. Then you may be able to help me find a book or two? Since I am new at this, I would like to read up on Magic, for one!” I responded, following him further into the library.

“Oh, wait. Now I remember. Twilight was mentioning you earlier, the new Pony they brought back earlier. Finding books, that certainly is something I can do. We do have a very fine selection of books on a wide range of subjects, Magic is among them. Twilight love reading these books, I have come to noticed!” he offered generously.

“I've heard you were the one managing the Library most of the time, so I can see you finding any and all books I could ask for. She certainly is known for reading these books, aside from every other book she swallows whole, from cover to cover. I think I start with the Magic on a beginner's level, for now. Plenty of time for books and reading!” I put forth.

“Magic, that is her element, while reading is her passion. She had already advanced far beyond novice before she even signed up for Princess Celestia, but we still do keep a good selection of books on magic, from beginner to professional level here. I think I can find a book that should be just right for you. Basic Magic, that seems to be the thing for you?” he offered generously.

“Basic magic, sounds like the deal!” I responded with a smile.

“Since you just moved in, I will have to handle all the paper work for you, although I know your address and such, so that shouldn't be any problems!” he then continued on his way around along the aisles, in search for the book I was looking for.

Yeah, I did. I take it Twilight Sparkle told you all about it. Or you could just ask Pinkie Pie, she seems to know anything and everything about everypony around her. That is the problem with moving in, you need to go over all the paperwork, but Twilight Sparkle would have taught you all about Paperwork, right?” I responded.

“She is Twilight Sparkle. It is what we know and love her for. Here we are, the book you were looking for. Please let me know what you thought of it, once you read it, would you? I haven't read every last book here, unlike Twilight. Besides, I am neither a Unicorn, nor a teacher!” he pointed out.

“Thanks. Yeah, she is and that would essentially be correct. I'll tell you, when I get back with the book. Shouldn't take too long, depending on how long it takes me to get into and grasp the subjects dealt with within the book!” I responded with a silly smile on my face.

“Just hold on to the book, for as long as you need it for your studies. Aside from the signature, I can fill in the rest later!” he stated.

“Thanks again!” I responded as I signed the form where he pointed at.

“Have fun and welcome back!” Spike exclaimed as he saw me off.

“Bye bye. I am sure I will be back soon!” I responded as the door closed quietly behind me.

At the Carousel Boutique: 5

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I had slipped the book on beginners Magic for Unicorns into my saddle bag, before I left Spike in Twilights library.

I closed the door behind me, in the usual manner of an adult Unicorn. That was not that hard, I had had some practice earlier. Even if I guess I am still looking like a big baby, if I was seen in public.

Trotting along the street from the library to the Boutique, that was fairly easy. I guess it still is easier to manage my balance with four, rather than two legs.

The distance from the library to her boutique and home was surprisingly short. Trotting along the way in the fashion of a Pony did save me more time than I had anticipated. I certainly wasn't even winded, as I reached her door.

I found it appropriate to knock, rather than just enter. This is still her home, even if it is also doubling as the Boutique, where she crafts and sell her products. The very products I had come to see. I was feeling the need to have a few casual suits.

As it were, I guess I could make due with a vest and a set of boots. I don't have overly much at this time. Furthermore, I did not feel like I wanted to overextend her generosity, even if I could trust in it. I am new here, so I prefer to err on the safe side.

“Enter!” the elegant, ladylike voice of Rarity pronounced from inside, bidding me to open the door and enter.

With that, I slipped in after I had opened the door as graceful as I could, considering my limited experience.

“Greetings, Rarity!” I exclaimed quietly, as I had closed the door behind myself.

“Welcome in. What could I help you with?” she responded.

“Right now, I would need a casual vest and a set of boots. I had the impression you are the Pony to go to for these kinds of things!” I responded.

“A vest and boots. Then you certainly have come to the right place. I can fix these for you!” she responded, eyeing me over.

“Some of us Unicorns likes to have a bit of style, even here in Ponyville!” I suggested, to the point.

“Thanks Celestia. Would never be the same, just crafting the work suits for the Farmers. Even if there are a few wayward from the city, from time to time. I love to work with my customers. I need them to be close by for the entire process for that. Otherwise, I will have to make due with selling off to the boutiques in Manehattan and Canterlot. That just isn't the same, not to me as and artist!” she concluded.

“Since I live in Ponyville, I would prefer to buy my clothes right here. I don't need the strain on my time to go to a far-off city like Manehattan or Canterlot, just to buy myself some clothes. If I want to go to the city, I go there to see the city, not to buy my everyday casual suit. From what I saw in your windows, I would love to buy all my clothes from you!” I stated firmly.

“That pleases me to hear. If you allow me, I just need to take the measurements for the vest and boots you asked for!” she responded.

Of course, naturally you need to take measurements for you to craft a suit for me, as opposed to just make a suit I buy. Where are my manners? My name is Dawn Quill!” I responded, taking a posture to make it easy for her to take the required measurements.

“Thanks, Dawn Quill. For a more casual suit, red or purple seems to go best with your complexion!” she suggested.

“Since I don't know the connotations of colours, I think I will go with what feels safe, a bright and deep purple seems to be the choice. I may be looking for a red suit on a later date. If for nothing, but the chance to have something else to wear!” I responded as she finished her measuring.

“In your case, that purple would be just the right contrast. I could easily make you a red suit, for the next time over, if you like me to!” she offered.

“I probably will be back here soon enough. Then I can ask you to make the suit in red. I may even ask you for a skirt at a later date. Yet, right now I think the best is to leave you to your work. I will be back shortly to see how your progress is coming along. I could have a bite at the Sugar-Cube Corner and see if Pinkie Pie is in. I think I need something to eat!” I pondered.

“I am looking forwards to see you back. I will love to craft you both the red suit and the skirts, when you need them. I am certain Pinkie Pie will love to see you at the café, but then, she loves to see every Pony over there. It will take me a while, so you will have all the time you need to have a good meal at her place!” Rarity pointed out.

“Then I will see you when I am back for the suit, after I have had the time to enjoy a good meal at the Sugar-Cube Corner!” I put forth.

“Bon appetite. I will see you, when you pick up your suit!” she responded.

With that, I trotted off towards the café, just after I had closed the door behind me.