Oedipal Panties

by Regidar

First published

A series of short stories revolving around incest.

Everyone in Equestria is obsessed with fucking their family members.

Let's intrude their privacy and watch them as they do so!

Note: Putting on the "Other" tag since I'll be hitting as many characters as possible; the other character tags are for characters I will be using immediately. They are subject to edit as the story progresses.


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"Excellent," Sigmund Freud cackled from his Floating Incest Palace that hung in the sky over the Pacific. "I've cracked the inter-dimensional time code, and now I can test my new invention on all these poor, unsuspecting, fresh worlds!"

Sigmund watched on his computer screen as the virgin world he would be invading was zoomed up on his screen. He fingered the trigger of his Oedipus ray, and trained it on the ground below.

"Ponies..." he muttered, looking at the inhabitants. His face was then graced by an evil smile. "Soon, you will all be engaging in lewd sexual acts with your mothers!" He looked at his watch, then trained the trigger on Canterlot Castle.

"And then some..."

His old, creepy fingers pulled the trigger, and a giant blast of incest-colored radiation hit Canterlot Palace. It radiated out from the apex of Equestria, soon blanketing the entire country with Family Fucking Fun.

Sigmund picked up a TV remote, and pressed the power button. A large flat screen came to life right above him, which depicted various scenes of incest.

The man grinned, put on a pair of 3-D glasses, and pulled up a giant tub of popcorn.

The show was just beginning.

Let's Explore

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"I'm ho-ome!" Scootaloo shouted, bracing herself. She had no idea why, but it was if uttering those words entailed something silly to happen to her, like being pounced by a stuffed animal. When this did not happen, however, she continued on inside her home.

"Anypony home?" she yelled out, letting her scooter fall to the floor near the front door. Her helmet soon popped off, and was discarded on the floor just as the scooter had been.

Scootaloo scampered up the staircase, looking around for any signs of life in her home. The bathroom door was open, and nopony was in there, so she turned to look into her parent's room. She came up empty-hooved there as well, so she figured she may as well retire to her own room.

Scootaloo hummed to herself as she trotted to her room, wings flapping here and there, content with having the house to herself.

Well, almost to herself.

As she pushed open the door to her room, she heard small grunting noises coming from within. Carefully, she peaked around the ajar door, and gazed upon the scene inside.

In the middle of her bed was a slightly larger pegasus with an orange coat very similar in shade to Scootaloo's. His wings were larger than hers, and his mane was lilac instead of the deep purple that Scootaloo herself exhibited. This, of course, was her brother. Scootaloo wasn't too surprised to see him in her room, he often went in there to read her comics or toy with her scooter. What he was doing in here right now, however, was what surprised Scootaloo.

The colt was face first in the center of the sheets, right where Scootaloo's rear end and general lower body rested while she slept. These were not clean sheets, either— Scoots hadn't changed them for about a week. She was going to sometime today, actually, they had begun to smell a little bit. It was quite obvious, though, that he brother was enjoying the aroma of her sheets.

A bit TOO much.

As the colt shifted in the sheets, Scootaloo was given a generous view of her brother's backside. He was just a year older than she was, but he looked just as well endowed as any grown stallion. Sure, not a BIG stallion, but Scootaloo could guess that he was bigger than most colts his age. Bigger than Rumble for sure, anyway.

His testicles swung back and forth with each movement of his rump, ever so slightly. They dangled down further than any other colt Scootaloo had seen, so there was another thing. And of course, beyond the two jewels, she occasionally caught glimpses of his member, almost fully erect, slapping against his stomach as her air-thrusted now and then. The whole thing would have been pretty arousing had it not been so horrifying.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scootaloo shouted, bursting out from behind the door. Her brother jumped, turning his head to look at Scootaloo, blushing furiously. As he did this, he lost his balance, and fell sideways off the bed.

"I was just—" he started, stammering as he did so, but Scootaloo would have none of it. She marched right over to her brother, still erect and cowering on the floor, and stood over him.

"This is just... gross!" she yelled, throwing a hoof out to point towards her sheets. "I mean,t hose are my dirty sheets! Why are you smelling them and getting all... HARD to them?"

Her brother did not answer.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I don't wanna know. Just get out before—"

"I wanted to see what you smelled like."

Scootaloo stopped. "What?"

"I wanted to see what you smelled like!" Her brother looked up at Scootaloo, still blushing furiously. "It's hard to explain, but girls've got this weird smell that we colts kinda like..."

Scootaloo gave her brother an odd look. "But... why were you smelling me?"

"Well, because," her brother said, looking down at his hooves. "You're the only other girl in the house except for mom, and she's a grown mare! That would be weird."

"Oh, like THIS isn't weird," Scootaloo said sarcastically. Her brother curled up into some sort of ball like pose, and Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Look, why can't you find a girl who ISN'T in your family to smell?"

"B-because," the shamed colt said, still stammering. "None of the mares at school want anything to do with me!"

"Gee, I wonder why," Scootaloo murmured. Giving her brother a sideways glance, she sighed. "Look, if you really want to sniff my stuff, I won't stop you... it's just a bit weird, you know?"

Her brother shook his head to show that he understood. "Well, come on, Scoots; don't you do anything with boys?"

It was Scootaloo's turn to blush.

"Well, you know," she said, not making direct eye contact with her sibling. "I've played around with a few, just... minor stuff..."

Her brother smiled. "Like?"

"Um..." Scootaloo droned. "Not really sure I want to tell you..."

"Oh, come on!"

Scootaloo cursed mentally. "Oh, fine; I was with this one colt, Rumble, and—"

"Thunderlane's brother?" the colt interrupted.

"Hey, do you want to hear the story or not?" Scootaloo snapped.

His ears drooped. "Sorry."

"Yeah, it's Thunderlane's brother. Anyway, we were just playing around, wrestling, when I knocked into his... junk."

Her brother snorted. Scootaloo gave him a look. "Anyway, nothing really came of it; I just asked if I could look, he spread his legs, I touched his... thing, and he asked to see mine."

He was hooked now. "Didja let him?"

Scootaloo's blush was eternal.

"Well..." Scootaloo said, sweating a bit. "Kinda...."

Her brother leaned in, smiling. "You're such a whore, Scootaloo!"

Scootaloo scowled at her brother, and smacked him upside the head. The colt was too busy laughing to care, however, and soon, Scootaloo even got in a few giggles of her own.

"So..." her brother asked, looking his sister up and down. "Can I see it?"

"WHAT?" Scootaloo screeched. "Why would I ever—"

"Come on, we're siblings!" he whined. "There's nothing wrong with just messing around a little..."

"Um..." Scootaloo said, not bothering to point out how incredibly stupid his reasoning is. "Look, I love you and all, but you're my brother! I can't be doing this kinda thing!"

"Why not?" her brother asked, annoyed. "Your friend Apple Bloom does it!"

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "Uh-uh!" she retorted, not having a real intelligent way of responding. DID Apple Bloom do that sort of thing with Big Mac?

"Yup," her brother said smugly. "And they do all sorts of nasty things... we wouldn't be going all the way, just... exploring!"

"Exploring..." Scootaloo mumbled to herself. She liked the sound of that, and besides, she DID rather enjoy seeing the goods earlier, despite how wrong her mind had told her it was.

"Right!" Her brother's grin stretched from ear to ear. "So, how about it?"

Scootaloo sighed. "Well, I haven't seen any boy parts properly since Rumble, so... only if you let me see yours!"

Her brother's smile got even wider.

"Alright," he said, watching Scootaloo sit down on her hindquarters. "Let's see what you've got, then!"

Scootaloo kept her hooves in front of her crotch, and gave her brother an apprehensive look. "What, you've never caught a glance down there before?"

The colt shook his head. "Not since we were really little, anyway; I might be a creeper, but I'm not that much of a creeper."

Scootaloo smirked. "Good, at least I know I can still take showers without having to worry too much..."

"I dunno, dad's a bit of a peeping pony..."

Scootaloo bonked her brother on the muzzle. "Come on!"

"Nah, I'm serious! I've seen you get a few weird looks from him," her brother said, grinning. "I think that's where I get it from."

Scootaloo wore a puzzled expression. "Get what from?"

Her brother gestured in the air, at nothing particular. "You know, this whole... family member attraction."

"Oh," Scootaloo said. "Well, maybe..."

Her brother wasted no more time. "Alright, let's take a look!" Putting hooves on either inner thigh, he pressed Scootaloo's young legs open. Scootaloo gasped, and pulled her hooves away, putting them behind her to brace herself better as she did so.

Her brother was speechless. Scootaloo's cunt was glistening out at him, perfectly moist; it wasn't dripping, but it was at just the right amount. Her folds looked picture perfect to how he had seen in some of his friend's adult magazines just... smaller. And less fur on the top.

"What, are you just going to stare like an idiot?" Scootaloo asked. "It's just a pussy..."

"Yeah..." he said. "JUST a pussy..." He licked his lips.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. Her brother's mouth had fallen open, and his tongue was ever-so-slightly dangling from his mouth. A small bit of saliva hung at the end as he stared into his sister's crotch.

"C-can I touch it?"

"WHAT?" Scootaloo shouted for the second time that day, but ended up laughing at the end of it. "Course you can, dumbo, wouldn't be much of an 'exploration' if you just looked at it."

Her brother thanked the multiple princesses of Equestria silently, and then began to move his hoof slowly towards the little orange treasure.

A few silent moments passed, and his hoof traveled through the thick air. Time seemed to stand still as his hoof began to tremble, and sweat began to pour down his brow. His tongue stuck out, his eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed...

"What the hell are you doing?" Scootaloo asked, looking at her brother as he weirdly moved his trembling hoof at a snails pace, screwing his face up in concentration. "Just touch the damn thing already!"

"Fine, alright," he said, moving his hoof directly next to his sister's vag. "No sense of theatrics..."

Her soft fur and warm body felt wonderful on his hoof, and he slowly let it glide towards her wet slit. His hoof touched the side of one of her slightly puffy lips, and he could hear his sister moan slightly. His eyes shined in anticipation.

This was going to be awesome.

"Ah!" Scootaloo moaned as her brother's hoof pressed against her slit. Her brother's eyes widened to the size of saucers as his hoof explored where he never dared imagine it could explore.

"Ah, that feels so weird!" Scootaloo complained, shifting around a bit. "Like, when you do it yourself, you're expecting it, but THIS..."

"Wow, it's so warm..." her brother marveled. "Is it supposed to be this warm?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Scootaloo said. "It's INSIDE my body..."

"Nah, but it's like, radiating it..." her brother pushed his hoof into the slit, and the lips parted. Scootaloo bit her lip, and her left leg twitched.

"Woah, it's all slippery..." he said, moving his hoof around a bit more. The filly's eyes rolled back into her head as she gasped for air, the feeling way different (and dare she say, better) than doing this herself.

"Yeah, it's wet," Scootaloo told her brother between tiny gasps. "Wet things are like that."

"Why so hostile?" he questioned, sticking his tongue out. "Exploration is supposed to be fun!"

Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"What's this?" her brother asked, parting the folds a bit higher up, revealing a fleshy button of some sorts.

Scootaloo screwed up her face in thought. "I know what it's called, but I can't remember exactly the name. They taught us in health class, but... I do know that's what I usually go for when rubbing myself, though. It feels AMAZING."

Her brother wasted no time in pressing his hoof to it. Immediately, Scootaloo screamed in pleasure, and lurched forward. The colt was caught by surprise when his sister grabbed onto his head.

"I'm all up for a hug, sis, but..." Her brother said, laughing. Scootaloo laughed weakly, too busy panting.

"That was way more intense than usual..." Scootaloo said. "I guess it's a bit different when you have somepony else do it for you. You're not expecting it, so..."

The colt, however, was not listening; something else was going on in his head— an idea was forming. Looking down at the little perfect pussy, he moistened his lips.

"I wonder what would happen if I licked it..."

"Wait, hold on—" Scootaloo began to say, but her brother was simply far too fast. The colt dropped his head to his sister's nethers, and his tongue was on the fleshy bulb in no time.

"You idio—AAAAAAAAAH!" Scootaloo yelped, her legs squeezing around her brother's head. The little colt continued his assault of his sibling's soft spot, his tongue awkwardly lapping at it. Scootaloo, inexperienced herself, didn't notice how frankly AWFUL he was at it. A little was enough. Besides, what he lacked in skill was certainly made up for in effort.

"Ah, t-the heh... fffff..." Scootaloo mumbled unintelligently as her brother went down on her, enjoying her young fruit. He popped off for just a moment, giving his sister a wet grin.

"Take it that you like it?"

"Y-yeah," Scootaloo panted. "You ever g-go down on another m-mare before?"

"Nope!" her brother proclaimed proudly. "Or filly."

"Figures," she said. "You're a bit sloppy."

His face fell. "But I thought you liked it?"

Scootaloo smiled. "Never said sloppy was bad."

"Hehe," her brother chuckled. "Don't freak me out like that."

"You're the one going down on your sister," Scootaloo pointed out. "I'd just be freaking out the freak!"

It was her brother's turn to bop Scootaloo on the snout. Scootaloo scrunched up her face, but soon fell to laughter herself. She had now moved past the initial strangeness and taboo of the acts, and was now beginning to enjoy it!

"You know, now that I'm a bit more comfortable with it," Scootaloo told her brother, voicing her thoughts on the matter. "This isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be!"

"It's not so weird to you anymore?" her brother asked.

"No, it's definitely still weird," Scootaloo said, and the colt opposite of her giggled.

"Well," he said, licking his lips. "You taste pretty good, if that's any consolation."

Scootaloo shrugged, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, guess so; an even better consolation is you actually doing it."

"Woah, hold up," her brother said hastily. "You've got to help me out a little bit too!"

"What?" Scootaloo said, confused. "I already helped you out by letting you go down on me!"

"Yeah, but you kinda wanted it too," he said simply. "Plus, I did all the work! You're gonna do some work now!"

The colt opened his legs, revealing his erect shaft, and his ample-sized balls beneath. Scootaloo looked at the healthy five or so inches of length that stood sticking nearly straight up out of her brother's sheath.

"Ugh," Scootaloo said. "Fine..."

Scootaloo opened her mouth, and slowly started to move downward.

Scootaloo braced herself as her brother's cock moved ever closer to her mouth. She'd never actually sucked a dick before, so she had no idea what it would be like. Sure, she knew what it was like to have phallic objects in her mouth, after Cutie Mark Crusader Banana Swallowers, but the taste would be a whole new thing for her. Besides, his dick was twitching! That thing was going to be moving in there!

Scootaloo closed her eyes, getting ready for the strange sensation. This proved not to be the best of ideas, for she missed and poked herself in the eye with her brother's erect shaft.

"OW!" she yelled, pulling back sharply as she clutched her eye with a hoof. She looked over with her good eye to see her brother on his back, laughing so hard he could barely breath.

"Dear sweet Celestia, you're worse then me!" he gasped between laughs.

"You trying to tell me that you sucked a dick before?" Scootaloo retorted.

This shut her brother right up.

"Alright, let's get this done with," Scootaloo said, leaning back over, her eye still stinging slightly. She licked her teeth, and let her jaw drop slack. Her tongue covered her bottom front teeth, poking out just over her lip as she was just centimeters away from her brother's shaft. Her hot breath hit the top of the penis, causing the colt to shiver in ecstasy. A tiny bead of precum was lingering on the tip, barely noticeable at all.

Scootaloo lowered her mouth slowly onto her brother's cock, wrapping her lips along the very top. Her brother gasped, rising his hooves to clutch either side of his sister's head. Scootaloo grunted something, and the vibrations made the sensation all the better.

"Oh my gosh, Scootaloo..." her brother breathed, running his hooves through her mane affectionately.

This wasn't NEARLY as bad as Scootaloo expected. It was kinda nice, actually! It tasted agreeable, if a bit salty, and the texture wasn't bad either. The penis itself was... rubbery? That was really the only word she could use to describe it. Sorta like a fleshy rubber.

Immediately getting weird thoughts of tires and super balls and other things made of rubber being replaced by cockflesh, Scootaloo dispelled this thought and went right back to sucking on her brother's dick.

Her brother was still grunted and squirming around in pleasure, so Scoots knew it was time to see how far she herself could take this. Pushing her mouth down a little bit more, she took another inch and a half, so that a grand total of two inches had disappeared into her mouth.

Her brother was essentially making the same facial expressions Scootaloo had when the colt had been fondling her pussy; his bottom lip was bit, his eyes were rolled partially back into his head, the works.

Scootaloo's tongue was nestled right on the dark side of his cock, the part which he generally didn't see; it felt warm, and wet, and oh so damn amazing. He rubbed his hooves through her purple mane, messing it up a little as he did so. She was born to suck cock, he could tell that much.

Scootaloo was really getting into it now. Comfortable with the cock in her mouth, she moved her tongue a bit around in her mouth, making sure she coated it nice and well. Her brother gasped sharply, his hooves pressing down on her head.

A little too hard.

Scootaloo slipped on the slipper cock, and all five inches vanished into her gullet. She felt it hit the back of her throat, and soon it was gone down into her esophagus. Her gag reflex should have been triggered, but... nothing. Merely some movements of her throat, casing more suction on the very lucky colt's penis.

Her brother cried out in pure joy and pleasure, forcing her head down the little extra bit, so that Scootaloo's muzzle was pressed right into the fur above his crotch.

Scootaloo continued to suck on her brother's member, but she was beginning to run out of air. Quickly, she forced herself against her brother's hooves and pulled off, taking a huge breath.

"You trying to kill me, idiot?" she yelled, saliva running down her chin and splattered all over her cheeks.

Her brother, whose crotch was soaking with Scootaloo's spit, grinned sheepishly. "You ARE super good at this..."

"Whatever," Scootaloo groaned, rolling her eyes. "Just let me come up for air now and then, alright?"

Her brother nodded, and Scoots dived down again.

Scootaloo plunged onto her brother's dick once more, gobbling up half of the length with her young mouth. Her tongue began to go back to work, furiously licking the shaft once more.

Her brother groaned in pleasure, thrusting his hips in time against Scootaloo's movements, creating a nearly perfect experience of sexual gratification.

"Oh jeez, Scoots," her brother moaned. "I'm getting close..."

"Mm?" Scootaloo voiced into her brother's phallus.

"I'm gonna cum!" her brother shouted. Scootaloo's eyes widened, and she quickly pulled off.

"Ew, you're not going to do that in my mouth!" she yelled in disgust. Pushing her brother back, the colt grimaced as his dick twitched.

"Well, I gotta cum somewhere!" he said in annoyance. He glanced down at his sister's crotch, and smiled as an idea began to form.

"Oh no, you're not doing that," she said immediately. "You said we weren't gonna go all the way!"

"Well," her brother said, shrugging. "We've already gone so far..."

Scootaloo shook her head. "No, we can't... no! It's bad enough that we already did all that other weird stuff, even though it was..." Scootaloo bit her lip.

Her brother inched closer to the distraught filly, and put a foreleg around her. "Scoots, it's alright! It'll be amazing, all my friends talk about it like it's the best thing ever!"

Scootaloo snorted. "Pretty sure none of your friends have had sex before."

"Well..." the colt said, smiling sheepishly now that his bluff had been called. "Their brothers and sisters have had it, and they tell them it's good!"

He gave her a disdainful look. "Why are you so scared, anyway."

"I'm not scared!" Scootaloo scoffed. "Just... wary."

She looked at her brother. "Is it gonna hurt?"

He grinned. "Not for me."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Charming."

Her brother pulled her into a hug, his head resting on Scootaloo's shoulder. Scootaloo opened her mouth to speak again, but her brought his mouth to match hers, and gave her a clumsy kiss.

It seemed to last forever. When they finally broke apart, Scootaloo wore a confused expression on her face.

"You're not good at that," she told him. "At all."

"Practice makes perfect!" he said cheerfully. Scootaloo rolled her eyes yet again.

Her brother, still hugging her right, started to move his hips, bringing his erection down towards her slit. Scootaloo took notice of this, and opened her mouth to protest, but fell silent almost immediately afterwards.

She had given in.

Scootaloo gasped lightly, feeling her brother's dick press against her slit. The warm member was waiting, primed, to embark on its greatest journey yet. Her brother was breathing somewhat heavily, and Scootaloo took notice of this.

"What are you waiting for?" she chastised him. "Do it already!"

"I w-will!" her brother stammered, but still didn't move. He had seemingly frozen up. Scootaloo groaned.

"Where are your balls, moron?" she yelled. "Just put it in!"

"What if I'm awful?" he said, almost inaudible, as if to himself.

"You were awful at almost everything else we've done in the past twenty minutes, and that didn't stop you," she told him. "Just do it!"

"Alright!" he said, mustering up a bit more courage. Finally, after what seemed like forever, he thrust his hips forward.

"AH!" Scootaloo gasped, feeling her lips parted fully by her sibling's member. Her brother groaned in pleasure as he thrust forward, but stopped after he bumped into something. Scootaloo felt it too, hitting something inside her.

"What's this?" he said, looking at Scootaloo. "It feels really weird..."

"Crap, I can't remember the name," she said. "I was awful in Sex Ed. You need to push through it though, it's thin, I remember that much. You'll break it."

"Isn't it gonna hurt?" her brother asked Scootaloo, concern in his voice.

"You didn't care about that earlier," she responded. "And I can't care right now; just do it!"

Her brother nodded, and thrust forward.

Scootaloo cringed as the thin layer broke, and her brother moaned again as he went even deeper. He looked down, noticing a thin trickle of blood coming from the slit.

"Is that... supposed to happen?" he asked, awkwardly.

"Yeah, it's fine," Scootaloo said. "Just keep going..."

Her brother obliged, and continued to thrust rhythmically into his sister. Scootaloo let out her air in short little gasps every time he pushed into her, pulling out a few inches in a clumsy fashion in time. He was like a piston, back and for and back and forth.

"Oh sweet Celestia..." Scootaloo murmured. This went beyond any experience she had felt before in her short life. This is what she felt true pleasure had to be, even if it was a bit... awkward.

Well, a lot awkward.

Her brother pulled their embrace tighter, and his thrusts sped up a bit so they were more like bursts. Scootaloo moaned loudly, instantly glad their parents weren't home.

Her brother took advantage of this, and brought his mouth to hers for another kiss. This one was less clumsy, and they shared a truly passionate moment together. Their tongues entered each other's mouths as they kiss, and while Scootaloo couldn't say it felt right, it felt GOOD.

Her brother slammed his hips forward again, this time hilting himself into Scootaloo fully. Scootaloo moaned, her eyes fluttering as a wave of pleasure washed over her.

"Mmm," her brother groaned, thrusting again. "Scootlaloo, this feels amazing! YOU feel amazing!"

"C-can there be a *mm!* no-talking rule?" Scootaloo asked between thrusts, gasping softly. "You're getting k-kinda *AH!* annoying..."

Her brother smiled devilishly at her. "Aw, come on, you know you love it when I talk *ah!* dirty to you."

Scootaloo snorted. "What would YOU know about dirty talk?"

"Hey, I can improvise!" he retorted. "I'm gonna... um, fuck you really hard..."

Scootaloo burst out laughing, and her brother blushed, stopping his thrusts for a moment. Scootaloo saw his embarassment, and leaned over to give him another long-lasting kiss.

"Hey, just don't talk," she told him, somewhat encouragingly. "You're doing better then I thought you would."

"How would you know?" her brother said, the table evidently turning in his favor for their juvenile pseudo-argument. "This is your first time too!"

"I kinda expected you to get the wrong hole," Scootaloo said simply. She could feel her brother's blush radiating from his face, and she smiled.

Her brother snorted, and thrust again, much harder than before. Scootaloo squeaked, her walls being stretched to levels previously un-stretched. Apparently, she had hit a nerve, and her brother was determined to make her pay.

"Ah, jeez," he muttered. "I gotta... I'm gonna..."

Scootaloo could barely hear her brother, simple audio echoes in her overwhelmed mind. The stimulus was simply pushing her overboard, despite her brother's blatant inexperience.

"Scoots, c-can I...?" he mumbled, but Scootaloo payed no attention. Her mouth hung open, and she stared blankly past her brother's head, blinking every so often. She was completely lost to the lust.

Her brother thrust again, this time a bit too hard, and the two fell over. Scootaloo landed on her back, grunting as she hit the floor, her brother slamming down into her pussy even harder with the added force of gravity to aid him.

"Oof!" her brother grunted as he did so, lifting his length a few inches out so that it almost left her lips entirely. The fall had dazed him, but it had been enough to snap Scootaloo back to reality, at least partially.

"Wha..." she muttered, looking up at the image of her brother, which swam above her. "What're you gonna..."

"Scoots, I'm gonna do it inside you..." he whispered.

"What?" Scootaloo said, still a bit disoriented. "Y-you can't do that..."

With one final grunt, her brother dropped his hips down into her, hilting completely and fully. As much of their body was touching as possible, and her brother quickly snaked up to his sister's mouth for one last kiss.

He shuddered, and his dick twitched inside his sister as semen was shot into her moist, pink folds. Scootaloo gasped into the kiss as the cum splashed around inside her, her young womb taking in the three large squirts that were deposited into her by her sibling. Her brother pressed down into her harder, his tongue running along her molars.

Scootaloo made a high pitched noise, something in between a squeak and a scream, as she felt the walls of her vagina tighten against her brother's still twitching dick. The warm, weird tingling feeling that had been enveloping her all the while seemed to increase tenfold, and everything was static in her mind. She felt her cunt contract against her brother's cock, and she cried out once more.

Her brother, meanwhile, was basking his his afterglow, his own vision fuzzy as he lay on top of his sister, a little trickle of cum still dribbling from his cocktip into her supple body. As he did so, he felt his cock being pulled on and squeezed by her walls, making his shiver and quake on top of his sibling. A splash of warm liquid splattered against his balls, and he pulled off of his sister's mouth, breaking the kiss.

"Ew, did you just pee on me?" he asked in disgust.

Scootaloo lay there, tongue lolling out of her mouth, and lazily look up at her brother. "What? No, I... I don't... I mean, I didn't... I think I came, actually."

"Came?" her brother asked, cocking his head to the side. "Only colts do that!"

Scootaloo shook her head slowly, still affected by the waves of pleasure cresting over her. "No, no... mares and fillies can do it too..."

"Huh," her breather said, still panting from the strenuous actions of their "exploration". "Guess it's true what they say..."

"What?" Scootaloo asked, her world slowly coming back into focus.

"You learn something stupid every day," her brother said with a grin. Scootaloo feebly bopped him in the side of the head.

The colt grunted, and removed himself from Scootaloo's vagina. A few good globs of cum splattered out into the floor, dribbling down onto her asshole and the base of her tail as it did so.

"Ew, you've got me all sti..." Scootaloo began, but trailed off as she looked own at the cum exiting her crotch. "You came inside..."

"I warned you," her brother said, shrugging as he flopped down onto his rump, limp dick slapping against his stomach and splattering a bit of mare-cum and jizz into his fur.

Scootaloo looked at her crotch, up at her brother, then down at her crotch again. Carefully, she took a hoof, brought it down to her slit, and dabbed it in the cum. She did this a few more times, and once there was an ample amount, she smacked her brother straight across the face.

"OW!" her brother yelped, clutching his face. "Scoots, I—"


She stopped her rant when she saw that her brother was crying. "Why are YOU crying? I've seen you get hit by harder things and by bigger ponies, you don't ever cry when—"

"Y-you don't want my foals?" her brother whimpered, tears streaming down his face. Scootaloo stopped, silent.

"What?" she said quietly.

"You give foals to mares you love a lot," her brother said. "Sex can be for anypony, really, I know that; but foals are for the ones you love. And I love you, Scoots."

Scootaloo gave her brother an exasperated look. "I love you too, you giant doofus, but I'm 12! I don't want foals just yet! And it's gonna come out all retarded, we're brother and sister!"

"Why does that matter?" her brother asked.

"Don't you know ANYTHING?" Scootaloo groaned, slapping her hoof to her face.

"Well, Apple Bloom is Big Mac and Applejack's kid, and she's not retarded," the colt pointed out.

Scootaloo looked at her brother from behind one of her orange hooves. "How do you know that? Come to think of it, why do you know so much about the apple family's sex habits?"

"That's on a need to know basis," her brother said mysteriously, and Scootaloo sighed.

"If you really knocked me up though..." she looked down at her stomach, and her brother rested a hoof on her paunch.

"If I did, then..." he trailed off, giving her an apologetic look. "Well, I'd be there with you. I do love you, after all."

Scootaloo smiled.

That night at dinner, the mother and father of the two foals had noticed that their children were sitting closer together, and giving each other glances they usually did not exchange.

"What're you two up to her?" their father asked, giving them a look.

Scootaloo and her brother turned to look at each other, and giggled.

"Ooh, sharing secrets?" their mother asked, smiling coyly. "Well, as long as you two get along..."

"Oh, I think we will," Scootaloo's brother said, grinning. Scootaloo giggled.

The family resumed eating, and the father began to talk about some things that happened at work that day. While his boring descriptions droned on, the filly's brother brought his hoof over to his sister's thigh, and began rubbing it up and down ever so slightly.

"At the table?" Scootaloo whispered as her dad described throngs of feral cats overwhelming his boss. "You're an idiot!"

"I know." Her brother smiled. "Betcha I can make you cum first!"

He then plunged a hoof into his sister's folds, and Scootaloo gasped slightly. Her parents payed no mind, the mother fully engrossed in the father's boring story, which now detailed how copper tubing could be used to redirect a swarm of beetles away from one's lunch pail.

Scootaloo bit her lip, and gave her brother a sultry grin. Taking her hoof, she licked it, and brought it under her brother's balls. Lightly, she pressed into the colt's anus, which caused his to sit up straight in alarm.

"Oh jeez, I don't think you should..." he whispered, but it gave way to two moans in unison from both of them.

"Hey!" the father shouted, causing the two to jump out of their skins. "If I'm boring you, just let me know! I know timberwolf croquet isn't the most exciting thing, but come on! Humor me!"

The two foals looked at each other, retracted their respective hooves, and smiled.

They had unspoken plans for later that evening.

"So, they won't notice?" Scootaloo said, crawling into bed next to her brother.

"Nah, they don't check us anymore," her brother answered, moving a pillow under Scootaloo's head. "Haven't in ages."

"Alright..." Scootaloo said, snuggling under the covers next to her brother's warm body. She felt his hooves slide onto her from under the blankets, caressing her sides until they settled on her hips.

The two were facing each other, and gazing into the eyes of one another in the bright moonlight pouring in through the window.

"D-do you think you're actually..." he whispered, leaving off the end, but leaving ever implication there.

Scootaloo sighed. "I really, really, REALLY hope I'm not. But if I am... we've got some explaining to do."

Her brother nodded silently. After a few moments of looking at his sister, he took a deep breath, and spoke.

"I love you."

Scootaloo grinned. "I love you too, you moron."

She scooted closer to him, and the two embraced fully, lips and muzzles pressed together. They broke apart a short or long time after that, neither could tell.

They both fell asleep soon after, wrapped in each other's embrace.

The Snooze

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Freud awoke in his armchair with a start.

"Oh, dear me," he drawled sleepily, looking around the control room of his floating incest palace and moistening his lips with quick lick of his creepy old tongue. "What day is it?"

Checking all of the nearby equipment, he groaned. "Well, fuck me with my mother's meat flaps! I've overslept! Best get back to work..."

Leaning over, he pulled a console up next to him, and sneaked his gnarled hand under the body of the computer. Pulling out a keyboard, he began to type all manners of passwords and security questions into it, decoding his works that lay within. Finally, after a good fifteen minutes of typing, he pulled up a program and clicked directly in the center.

The bombs went off, giving him a grand score of zero.

"Fuck you too, minesweeper," the crazy psychologist muttered, and picked up the remote that lay next to his comfy armchair. Jabbing the power button, the screen on the other side of his control room lit up, showing the home of a certain griffon and her son.

"Finally, some mother/son action!" he exclaimed.

Freud placed a cigar betwixt his teeth, and grinned as he set the end aflame, reaching for the lotion as he did so.

Anger Management

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"Where the fuck were you?" was the first thing Gilda yelled at her son. The somewhat smaller griffon scowled at his mother, his hand-me-down leather jacket making him look like a complete degenerate. Just the way Gilda liked it.

"Modest Mare concert," Gregor replied gruffly.

"What, those pussies?" Gilda spat. "With their shitty emo-teen lyrics?"

"Best non-griffon outfit out there," Gregor said, shooting Gilda daggers. The two often fought over music. Gilda was, after all, more into the punk from a decade or two ago, and her son was into those weird new bands.

"Well, their first record was okay," Gilda admitted. "And I guess 'The Reckless Mild West' was alright too; but the rest is garbage!"

Gregor's eye twitched. "How can you even say 'The Moon and Sombra' wasn't the best record you've ever listened to?"

"Because I like real music," Gilda said savagely. "What ever happened to your Sex Ponies records? You and me always listened to them together! Now you're all into dweeb music." Gilda paused, then smiled. "Heh, I bet you even like Green Hay."

Gregor's eyes widened. "You take that back."

His mom wore a mix of a scowl and a smile. "Make me, punk."

Gregor puffed up his chest, but after a few moments of heated tension, settled down.

"Whatever, can we not talk about music? We always fight over it."

"Whatever, dork," Gilda said, walking to the table and grabbing a pack of cigarettes that was laying their, partially open. "Go get two bottles of whatever from the kitchen."

Gregor nodded, and walked over to the pantry, opening it with a creak. Inside, many different bottles of whisky and vodka with various levels of fullness lined the shelves. He grabbed a dusty-looking whisky, and another one that looked good. He never bothered with names, just appearances. Part of the fun was being surprised by how awful his judgment was.

Gregor returned to the dining room, but his mother was no longer there. No matter, he knew where she left too. The bottles were safely held in the crook of his left arm and he wandered out towards the dining room landing.

The dining room landing was a piece of the house which overlooked the cliff which the dwelling was built upon. They had made it sort of the designated "smoking and drinking place" of the house, since the house smelled like shit if they smoked in it, and shit got broken if they drank inside. True to Gregor's prediction, Gilda was already out there, cigarette in beak.

"What'd you get?" she asked her son as her walked out next to her and dropped the bottles carefully onto a patch of moss.

"Some whiskies," he answered simply, passing one to his mother. "Don't know what they are."

Gilda took one, and popped open the cork that stopped it shut. Bringing it to her beak, she took a few swigs, her cigarette falling from her mouth and off the cliff as she did so.

"Eh, tastes fine," she deduced. "Go on, dweeb, drink yours."

Gregor nodded slowly as he unstopped his cork. His mother rarely referred to him by name, it was always "dweeb", "dork", or "punk". Not that he minded the last one, or the names in general... it just got tiresome.

He took a drink from his whisky, and instantly recoiled. His mother smirked.

"You alway do get the bad ones," she said. "Maybe your music taste is affecting how you chose drinks."

"Ugh, this again," Gregor sighed. "Don't start this again, mom."

Gilda blushed angrily. "Don't talk back to me, you ungrateful punk!"

"Calm down, will you?" Gregor told her sternly. "I just don't want to hear you bitch me out about my musical preferences; can't we just... drink?"

"I was only fucking with you, dweeb," Gilda said, rolling her eyes. "Take a joke."

The two sat in silence, taking swigs from their respective bottles of alcohol, the tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Gregor looked over at his mom, and reached a talon out for a cigarette. Immediately, his mother's talon was clutched around his, preventing him from getting to the smoking sticks.

"Mine, punk," she warned her son.

"Come on, not even one?" Gregor asked, trying to put on his best begging face, but instead looking like he had just eaten several lemons straight up.

Gilda grinned maliciously, and flicked a cigarette into her beak. "Nope."

Her son groaned. "You're so selfish sometimes."

Gilda stopped, and looked over at him. "Really? I'm selfish, the one who raised you from a chick? Who put up with all your bullshit when you growing up and putting everyone around you through hell?"

"I didn't say anything about that," Gregor moaned. "I just wanted a damn cigarette!"

Gilda was on a role now though. "The one who cleaned up after you, when you were growing up? The one who lets you drink as much as you want?"

"Look, you can—"

Gilda took a breath, and cut her son off. "The one who puts up with your shitty taste in music?"

"DROP THAT AL-FUCKING-READY!" Gregor bellowed. Gilda scowled at him.

"Make me, punk."

Gregor was seething, his ears pouring steam like a tea kettle. He lashed out, reacting in essentially the only way he knew how— violence. He wasn't out to hurt his mom, but to send her a message.

He shoved her.

Gilda was taken completely off-guard by this, and had to quickly stabilize herself so she wouldn't fall off the side of the cliff. In doing this, however, she bumped her cigarettes, and they went tumbling down into the town below.

Gregor watched as the box disappeared, knowing what was going to come next. He could feel his mother's eyes shooting flames at him, and he braced himself for what would come next.

"YOU DAMNED IDIOT!" she screeched, bringing her talon to his face. Gregor flinched as she smacked him, leaving a red mark under the feathers, which could hardly even be seen at all. The intent was all there though.

Gregor lunged forward, tackling his mom. The two griffons struggled, wrestling with each other, often threatening to fall off the side of the cliff. While they could easily fly to safety if they did fall, it still wouldn't be a pleasant experience.

Gregor was on top of his mother, both of their talons on interlocked with each other, pushing hard against them. They wore equal scowls, staring deep into each other's eyes, radiating anger.

Then, in an instant, they were on each other, in a much, much different way. Their beaks were pressed into one another's, an awkward sort of kiss. Kissing wasn't something griffons did often, for obvious reasons, but Gilda had spent most of her young life with ponies, and those habits still lingered even today.

"Th-that that best you got, dweeb?" his mother stammered when they broke apart.

Gregor was a bit surprised at his own actions, and wasn't trying to play it cool like Gilda. He was caught completely and truly off guard by what had just transpired. The tension between the two had built up to such high levels that they just... snapped.

"What the hell..." he began, almost breathily, as if the simple action of pressing beaks with his mother had winded him.

"I said," his mother growled, and Gregor turned to look at her. Her beak was clenched as if she were still angry, but her eyes gleamed with a ferocious hunger that transcended the emotion. "'Is that the best you got, dweeb?'"

Gregor stared at Gilda for a moment, unsure of what to do. Should he kiss her again? What should he do with his talons? How should he position himself on her? And for the love of the Griffon Emperor, why did she WANT him to continue?

"I don't..." Gregor began, before trailing off. "I mean, I'm not really sure what to do next..."

Gilda groaned, rolling her eyes as she did so. "Have you even ever had a girlfriend?"

Gregor blushed. "Of course I have! I've had my past three over like a million fucking times at the house in the past few months."

"You sure burn through 'em," Gilda muttered.

"You're one to talk," Gregor said quietly.

There was a pregnant pause, and Gilda moved on right back to the old topic. "Anyway. have you ever gotten anywhere with you girlfriends?"

"A-a few times," Gregor stuttered, feeling even more uncomfortable as the seconds slothed on.

"Then why aren't you doing what you did with them?" Gilda asked.

"Because..." Gregor paused. "Because every female's different, you know? One thing doesn't always work all the time."

"Stop being the world's biggest dweeb and give it to me," Gilda chastised, making a sudden move for her son's crotch.

Gregor moved backwards, nearly falling off the side of the cliff as his mother mother made the wild grab for his balls.

"Mom, what are you..." Gregor trailed off, looking at his mother. She was giving him that same hungry look, panting, and... twitching. Her legs were shaking, and she looked... unsettled.

"Are you alright?" Gregor asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"'C-course I am, d-weeb." Gilda was stammering and stuttering, looking down at her talons. "It's just..."

She lunged to the side, scaring Gregor damn near out of his feathers, but she was only grabbing her whisky.

"Do you really not want to..." It was her turn to trail off. Casting her son another glance, Gilda took a sip of her whisky. "Why'd you even go for it, then?"

Gregor looked at her, and sighed.

"I really don't know, we were just fighting and..." Something clicked in the griffon's brain. "Wait a minute..."

"What're you thinking up?" Gilda asked suspiciously. Gregor smiled.

"Hate sex!" he exclaimed, causing Gilda to raise an eyebrow.

"What are you getting at?"

"The tension was building since we were on each other's cases the entire time!" Gregor explained. "We were grinding on each other's nerves, and then... something snapped, and we threw ourselves on one another..." He scratched his chin. "And the reason I had second thoughts is because I calmed down..."

Gilda grinned, nodding. "That makes sense, actually! Glad I at least raised a smart dweeb."

"So wait..." Gregor pondered. "You're still wanting to go down on me, so that means you must still be angry at me about something..."

Gilda shrugged. "I'm pretty much never happy, just less pissed off."

"Fucking hell, mom..." Gregor shook his head. "Well, I'm not gonna be in the mood for anything unless I'm angry, so do you wanna just..." Gregor gestured to the inside.

"Fine," Gilda said, rolling her eyes. As the two headed back towards the house, Gilda shot out a leg, tripping her son. Gregor fell to the ground, hard.

"Oof!" he exclaimed as he hit the ground. His mom just gave him a manic grin.

"You're so obvious, mom," Gregor muttered with a roll of his eyes. Gilda scowled.

"Whatever, punk," she told her son, taking another drink from her whisky bottle. "You gotta buy me new smokes, by the way; that's another thing that's got me pissed off right now."

Gregor studied his mother for a moment, making Gilda feel a bit uneasy. "I wonder what makes us have this sort of chemistry when we're pissed off at each other."

"Too smart," Gilda mumbled. "Always questioning things... hey, dweeb, hurry up! I wanna get some grub!"

Gregor followed his mom to the kitchen, not really paying any attention to what was going on. He was far too engrossed in thought, wondering what the hell was going on between the two of them.

Gilda rummaged around in the kitchen, until she returned with some dried meat assortments. Gregor pulled out a chair for her, and he sat down across the table. Just before her sat down, however, his mother kicked out the chair from beneath his fuzzy read end, causing him t tumble to the floor.

"Ow!" he called out in pain, massaging his bruised bottom. "Mom, this isn't going to work!"

"You don't know that, dork," she said, ripping a huge chunk of jerked beef from the shank currently clutched in her talons.

"I can guess," Gregor said, grabbing his chair and pulling it to him so he could sit right. "I really don't feel comfortable doing this, and getting me angry just so you can get off... the fuck is wrong with you?"

Gilda's eyes gleamed. "Seems like I'm already winning..."

"No!" Gregor shouted, slamming his talons down on the table, leaving small but noticeable gouge marks. "No, you're not! I'm not going to let you do this to me, mom!"

Gilda took another bite of her beef jerky, and scowled. "Look, kid, I could force you into doing things for me; I could shove you to the ground, pin you, and just hump the shit out of you if I wanted to; you might be reasonably strong, but I'll still overpower you. I'm doing it for you, the way YOU'LL want to do it—you can get mad, get horny, and give your mom some action."

"I don't want to do this at all, though!" exclaimed Gregor, throwing his talons into the air in frustration. "This isn't something I want to do!"

"For now," Gilda said ominously. Gregor sighed, and reached for a piece of jerky.

Gilda swatted him away. "Get your own."

"Come on mom, it's right here, there's a lot, you can give me some," Gregor argued.

"I got it, I get it," Gilda reasoned. "Get your own."

Gregor lunged for the thin strip of dried meat, and Gilda jerked it away from him at the last moment. The two repeated this, with Gilda laughing evily each time she yanked it away. Gregor was furious.

Finally, he lunged from his chair, and sprawled himself across the table, grabbing at the jerky. However, the force he put in jumping over caused him to slide over the tabletop, colliding with his mother.

"Ooh, feisty, aren't we?" Gilda cackled. Gregor made a grab for the jerky, and this time he managed to clench it in his claws. He had little time to enjoy his treat, however, as his rage hit the tension-snapping point.

The chair tipped back, and mother and son were embraced once more. Gilda was nipping at her son's neck feathers as her let his talons dance along her lioness's bottom. Gregor groaned, and Gilda nipped harder and harder into her son.

"AH!" Gregor screamed, snapping and becoming lucid again. He launched of his mother, shoving her into the ground, and used his wings to take flight.

Gregor flew down the hallway, bolting for the stairs. He knew that his room could be the only safe place he could hide from his mother. He could hear Gilda's wings right behind him, so he had to be very quick.

And he was, really; he was a great flier, talented and hardworking at the art. It was one of the few things he put effort into, and it showed. He was up the stairs in less than two seconds, zooming down the hallway and maneuvering past open doors and discarded items with great ease; he was QUICK.

Unfortunately, not quick enough.

His mother collided with his backside right as he got to the doorway of his room, and the tumbled into his bed. Gregor quickly slid off before his mother got any ideas, but both were simply laying where they had landed, panting hard.

"Dammit..." Gregor gasped.

Gilda crawled out of the bed, and over to her son's desk. "I guess I didn't make you angry enough before. I'll have to step it up a notch..."

Gregor's tired eyes followed her, and it wasn't for a few moments before he realized what was going on. In her talons was the sleeve of the record "The Moon and Sombra" by Modest Mare.

"Mom, what are you..." he began, but stopped once he saw here take the record from the sleeve, and hold it in both talons.

"Mom, don't," he warned her, but the griffon opposite from him was not interested in stopping anytime soon. She began to flex the middle of the disk upward by pulling down hard on either sides. Gregor pushed himself to his paws, but it was too late.


The two halves of the record were in either of Gilda's talons, and shards of vinyl cascaded to the floor. Gilda smirked as she watched Gregor's expression turn to one of pure rage.

All Gregor saw was red.

Gregor tackled his mother, throwing all previous pretenses to the wind. At this point, he was beyond caring what she wanted; the rage that had come from that shattered vinyl was unparalleled to anything he had felt before. Sure, worse things had been done to him, but this was a betrayal; his own mother had done this to him!

Gregor flung his talons on Gilda's shoulders, and shoved her backwards. The griffon grinned, dropping the pieces of the record as she fell backwards, landing on wood floor with a grunt, twisting so that she fell on her side. Gregor was atop her only moments later.

The tension had gone far past being broken— it was snapped, shattered, decimated. Their beaks were clashing together in the odd way that was two griffons kissing. Soon, Gilda was moving her way down to nip at her son's neck plumage, as she had done downstairs.

The two wrestled on top of each other for a few moments, before Gilda sneaked a claw down towards her son's crotch, fondling the testicles that hung exposed for her to grab.

Gregor gasped as she did this, giving his mom a spiteful look. She grinned malevolently, and clenched her talon shut.

Gregor let loose a truly eagle-like screech as his balls were handled so roughly. Gilda laughed, and pressed the tips of her talons into the orbs, not hard enough to do any damage, but still hard enough to make her son yelp.

"Let's get going," Gilda hissed in her son's ear, and brought her other talon to Gregor's sheath.

Gregor gasped as the talon rubbed his sheath, forcing blood to pool despite himself. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he suspected this was also a side-effect from the rage-arousal, but he was too busy being occupied with the talon clenching his nuts to truly care.

"Mom, I don't—" Gregor began, but it was at that moment that his dick inched its way out from inside his body, and was soon at its full seven inch mast.

"Hehe," Gilda chuckled as she looked at her son's length. "Glad we don't have those annoying barbs cats do on their dicks. I'm all for a bit of pain, but..." Her talon tips danced along Gregor's smooth, pointed cock. "I consider this an improvement."

"Didn't pin you for a biology expert," Gregor huffed, gasping and taking huge gulps of air. "Figured you were always bit a bird brain."

"You think you're cool with your puns," Gilda mocked. "But you'll always be mommy's little dweeb."

Gilda pushed herself up, and flipped Gregor so that he was on his back instead of her. His tip glistened with a bit of precum, and Gilda eyes his crotch hungrily.

"Bit easy, aren't we?" she goaded.

"Shut up, you stupid bitch," Gregor spat back with a scowl. His mother merely shrugged this off, and began to slowly move her claw up and down his length, stroking her son. Gregor’s wings shuffled uncomfortably as her talon stroked his length, sending little blots of pleasure through him as they did so.

Gilda craned her neck down, settling so that her beak was right at Gregor’s shaft. She smiled her crafty griffon smile, opened her beak, and extended her tongue. Gregor moaned as the wet heat pushed up against his cock, his wings shuffling reflexively from the stimulation. Rubbing his talon through her head feathers, Gilda’s son sighed as his mother pleasured his dick.

Gilda maned around Gregor’s member, pressing herself further down onto it. She slid fully down, her tongue lapping along the underside of his penis. Her break poked into Gregor’s upper crotch, and the light poke sent chills up and down Gregor’s spine.

Gilda pulled off his cock abruptly, staring up into her son’s eyes. “Enough of that, if I tease you for too long, you’re gonna blow it. You don’t have any stamina.”

“You don’t know that!” Gregor spat, blushing furiously. Gilda simply smirked, and crawled up onto her son, her plump feline backside straddling his crotch. Gregor’s eyes rolled back into his head as he sighed and muttered something unintelligible, his dick resting right up against his mother’s warm pussy lips.

“Let’s get this going...” Gilda muttered, pushing Gregor down so he was laying flat on his back. One talon laying on Gregor’s neck, she reached back and spread her left ass cheek, her pussy parting slightly from the stretch. Sliding up her son’s body, she positioned her nethers right above Gregor’s cock.

“Finally...” Gilda whispered, lowing her haunches downward.

“Wait!” Gregor yelled abrupty, shooting a talon out, landing it on his mother’s plum posterior. “I can’t... I don’t know if I...”

Gilda rolled her eyes. “Fucking hell, dweeb, you’re such a pussy. We both want this. We both need this. We both hate each other right now. What’s stopping you from getting what you want?”

“Can’t we...” Gregor paused for a moment. “Can't we just go back to the way things were?"

"When they were when, Gregor?" Gilda asked him. Gregor's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat. "When we could hardly look at each other, and we just got piss drunk? When we never spoke or did anything?”

“You said my—”

Gilda rolled her eyes, and scowled. “Gregor, the only think I care right now about it getting some. And honestly, you’re not bad. You’re not bad at all. Even though I had to settle for my son... at least it’s better than ignoring him and being pissy at each other with no conclusion. Is that what you want, Gregor? For things to go back to that?”

Gregor stared back into his mom’s cold eyes. Sighing, his slowly lifted his talon from her backside. “I g-guess not...”

She smiled. “Good.”

And she dropped down.

Gregor gasped, his vision going white for a moment as his dick passed by his mother’s frontal folds. The warm space enveloped his dick, clenching down on it slightly. Gilda sank her son deeper within her, and she herself let out a moan as he began to stretch her out.

“Mmm.. oh yes...” she hissed. “I remember when I hatched you from an egg, you dweeb; wasn’t sure if I wanted to keep you, you were a scrawny looking thing. If I had known you were gonna end up like this... I wouldn’t have thought twice about raising you.”

“Wow, mom,” Gregor grunted as his hips bucked upward, his mother’s muscles stimulating his cock with her every thrust. “What a nice thing to *ah* tell your kid!”

“Oh shut *mm* up, you twerp,” Gilda gasped, his hips sinking lower and lower. Gregor’s cock was almost fully inside her, and as she bounced up and down on her son’s dick, she felt a wave of pleasure rising up within her. Grinning, she quickened her thrusts, rising and falling faster than ever before.

Gregor’s eyelids were fluttering, and his eyes were halfway rolled back into his head. He lifted a talon, and reached around for his mother’s ass. Resting against her soft fur, he almost smiled, and dug his talons in.

“Grrah!” Gilda half-growled, half-shrieked as she felt the wonderful pain of her son’s talon digging into her flesh. Gregor sneaked his talon up further, searching for her tail, and once her found it, gave it a hard yank.

“AAAH!” Gilda trilled loudly, and stopped her humping for a moment. Looking down at her son, she gazed into his eyes with a dangerous smile plastered on her beak. “Oh, you are ASKING for it...”

Gregor barely had time to register anything before his mother mashed her beak against him in that awkward way griffons kiss. Fast as lightning, she was at his neck, nipping, snapping, and biting, and she was doing it HARD. Gregor’s back arched as he gasped in pain, yet his dick had never been harder in his life.

Through the haze of pure pleasure and perfect pain, Gregor slid his talon right beneath his mother’s tail. Feeling the supple flesh ring that lay there, he grinned. Taking three of his talon tips, he pushed them into his mother’s anus, and spread them.

“OH FUCK!” Gilda screeched. Gregor could barely register anything as he toyed with his mother’s asshole, as her pussy was clamping down on his cock; he could vaguely feel his crotch dampening slightly.

Gregor’s eyes rolled back fully as he gasped, his beak open, grinning wildly. His tongue hung out on the side of his face, dripping saliva as he slammed his hips up once more.

In a blinding moment, he felt the unbelievable pressure in his testicles release all at once, and his dick began to spasm. Thick jets of cum splattered all along the inside of his mother’s vagina, and Gregor let out a few deep breathes of orgasmic pleasure. He shot a few heavy ropes of his semen within her, before his orgasm died down to a collection of spurts.

Gasping and panting, the two griffons lay on each other, sweating and stinking of sex. Gregor closed his eyes, and sighed happily.

“Th-that was incredible...” he breathed. He tried to move, but something kept him from doing so. Opening his eyes, he saw that his mother was laying on him in just the right way to keep him perfectly pinned.

“Oh, you’re not going ANYWHERE...” she crooned with a giant smirk on her face. “I only came once, dweeb...”

Gregor’s eyes widened, and his beak fell open. “Oh dammit...”

Gilda smirk softened. “Oh, come on. You can’t hate it anymore than you hate me.”

Gregor shut his beak, and closed his eyes.