Unexpected Adventures

by Dr_Whipples

First published

Whip is in for a hell of a ride. Being friends with Rainbow Dash is one thing, but when all her friends have strange feeling feelings for him, it all goes crazy. Join Whip on his adventure and enjoy.

When Whip befriended Rainbow Dash, he just expected to have a new flying buddy. But when she decides to introduce him to her friends, he gets sucked into activities with them that he was never expecting.


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"What in the world have I gotten myself into?" This was a question that Whip has been asking himself quite often lately. He was used to doing strange favors for random ponies that he had only known for a few days, that's just how he was. He's watched dogs, delivered packages, even helped others bake, but this wasn't exactly what he was used to. He was surrounded by mares, all laying either next to him or resting on top of him. One particular pink mare, Pinkie Pie the party pony of Ponyville, fell asleep with her face uncomfortably close to his, which was the reason he was awake at this hour. He couldn't exactly tell what time it was, since he couldn't lift his body to look at the time, not wanting to awake any of the mares.

He wasn't in the most comfortable position, especially since he was pretty much dog pilled by mares. Twilight Sparkle was the main reason for his bad sleeping position. He wasn't sure when it happened, but somehow she managed to position her body over half of his own. And where she was laying wasn't the best either. Her stomach was pressed up against his stallionhood and her head was resting on his stomach. No one knew, but touching his lower belly actually turned him on, it was a bit torturous that her hot breath was hitting the exact spot, but somehow he was able to keep himself under control.

Somehow, Rarity was able to make things worse. For whatever reason, she decided to lay her head right on Whips inner left thigh. Her breath was, of course, pointed directly at his stallion hood as well. He swore that these mares were trying to get him to react. He could only hope that he would be able to keep it under control the rest of the night.

The other mares weren't nearly as bad. Pinkie might have been breathing in his face, but at least she wasn't laying her entire body on him, actually, she wasn't on top of him at all. She was kinda close to him, but at least she wasn't like Twilight or Rarity.

Now Fluttershy was just fine where she was. She was laying on top of his foreleg, which actually was making it fall asleep, but her back was faced to him. He kinda figured she would be like that, with her being so timid and such. There was no way that she could ever be comfortable doing what Twilight and Rarity were doing.

The only pony that was missing was Applejack, but that was because she left early to "make sure Applebloom was safe", although he knew that was nothing but a lie. The only reason she left was because of what she had done earlier that night. Whip didn't blame her though. If he had done anything like that he would have left just as fast. He wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment.

This was ridiculous. Why was he here? Why was it that ever since he met that dare devil Rainbow Dash, he has been brought along on crazy adventures, never given the chance to have some alone time to relax, and now, he gets dragged into these....sleepovers. And the only mare who he actually wouldn't mind laying here next to him is on the other side of the room....alone.

Okay, so she wasn't really into lovey stuff of any kind. But she didn't have to be a loner or anything. He wanted to be able to tell her everything that was on his mind....what he thought about her....how he truly felt for her. But what would she say? What would she do? He didn't want to make things weird or anything. He did like their friendship, but he couldn't help but what more. He wanted to be the pony she called hers....and he wanted her to be his.

He didn't even know what it was that made him fall for her anyway! She never hinted him anything, she never made a sexual joke, she actually didn't really do anything that would have given him a reason to like her like that anyway. She only really cared about trying to impress others with her amazing tricks. She never dressed up or accidentally flashed him while she was bending over for something, she probably made it a point to be careful about doing that. She must have done something to make him fall for her, but what? He knew what he liked about her, her real smile that she rarely ever showed, her spunky personality, the fact that she never gave up on anything and never let anypony tell her she couldn't do something. The thing that he really liked about her though, was that she didn't let that many ponies into her life. She didn't want anything to bring her down or hold her back so he understood. But that's why his feeling for Rainbow Dash drove him crazy! There was little to no chance that she would ever want to be with him! He would sometimes think about it and cry, knowing how very slim his chances were with her. But if he learned anything from Rainbow, it's that you should never give up. Keep trying until you know you can do it. He had to find the courage to tell her his true feelings.

This was not the time though. He couldn't say anything to her plain and strait right now. The thought her rejecting him made his stomach turn and twist. And the thought of their friendship being over all together....that almost killed him. He had to wait to say anything. He couldn't risk anything

Right now it was a bit late though, even though he couldn't see the clock he could tell. Maybe all this was popping up in his head because he was tired. No matter what the reason was, he needed to get to sleep.

Hopefully when he was well and rested he would be able to figure out something to do about this situation. He hoped it would be soon though, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep his feeling bottled up.

Chapter 1

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Today was the day. Today Whip finally moved out on his own to his new house. His new home wasn't the largest, but it was what he needed. A simple two story house with two bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. The living room was average, he had his couch, lounge chair, TV and coffee table set up already, but he had yet to get everything set up in the bedrooms and kitchen.

His mother was unsure about him leaving so soon, but he compromised with her and found a house only a mile away from her. He promised he would visit her at least once a week, and that seemed to put her at ease. She gave him some extra bits to pay for a moving carriage so he didn't have to make trips back and forth, but he insisted that he payed her back. After a bit of convincing on his part, she finally agreed.

It only took him about four hours to move everything inside, and three more hours to get everything where it belonged. He had yet to set up his entire bedroom, but he decided that could wait until tomorrow. He slowly trotted upstairs to his room and unpacked a blanket and pillow for the night. He lazily threw himself on to the bed and almost instantly fell asleep. Today was a long day for him, and he still had to buy food for himself in the morning. But all that mattered right now was his bed and his dreams.


12:34. He couldn't believe that he slept almost half his day away. But with all the hard work he had done the day before, he thought he deserved the large amount of sleep.

Whip quickly washed himself up and brushed out his mess of a mane. He grabbed a large bag of bits and his favorite sweatshirt, he had to see if he could get a new one today. The poor thing was falling apart. There were holes in the sleeves and chest area, and the sleeves were loose from getting stretched out so much. He threw on his saddle bags, grabbed his keys, and locked the door as he walked out.

Luckily, he didn't live that far away from the market. Which he thought was awesome, mostly because that meant he wouldn't have to carry all his groceries for a long time. He pulled out the list he had made the night before and gave it a look over. "Hmm. Looks like I got a lot on here, hopefully I'll have enough bits to pay for everything." He folded the list in half so he wouldn't have so much to look at right now. The first thing he had on his list were apples. Man, did he love apples. His mother usually just got apples from a dear friend of her's, but today he decided to check somewhere else. He had heard that there was a family that owned an apple farm not too far from here, and they had their own stand out here in the market. From what he was told, they were the best apples in town, and he was not about to give up his chance to see for himself.

After a few minutes of getting directions from passing ponies, he soon found the Apple Family apple stand. The mare running it wasn't much older than him, but she looked as though she could buck him halfway across Ponyville. Her frame was well built, her hind legs thick with muscle. She definitely had the looks of a country mare, the cowboy hat kinda helped with that conclusion. The mare was just finishing up with another customer when she spotted him and gave a big smile.

"Well howdy there partner! Never seen you around these parts,were ya interested in buyin some delicious Apple Family apples?"

Whip simply smiled and held out his hoof for a shake. "Well hello ma'am. My name is whip and I just recently moved out on my own, so I'm out buying some food for my new home. I'm a huge fan of apples, but I never had to chance to try the Apple Families apples. So I thought this would be a great chance to get some. How much would it be for ten?"

The mare grabbed his hoof and gave it a good shake with her smile still shining brightly. "It's nice to meet ya Whip, the name's Apllejack! Pleasure to meet ya! Just movin out on yer own are ya? Well aint that just dandy! Tell ya what, since this is your first time buyin ma families apples, you can have those ten apples for free!" Before Whip could say anything, Applejack simply tipped one of the buckets of apples over and poured exactly ten apples into one of his saddle bags.

"Wow ma'am, you really don't have to do this, I'm very happy to pay-" Applejack waved her hoof a bit to stop Whip mid-sentence. "It aint no problem at all! It's nice to help out somepony anytime, think notin of it. And please, call me Applejack." Her smile still shined bright, it actually made Whip smile a bit.

"Well, thanks a lot Applejack! I really appreciate this. Well, I better get going if I want to get everything else on my list. Thanks again!" He gave a small wave and began to leave. As he was trotting off, he thought he heard Applejack say "cute", but he figured he must have been hearing things.

It didn't take him too long to get half the things he had on his list, but with the way his bags felt, he wasn't going to be getting anything else for today. He decided that he would wait to go shopping again tomorrow so he could get everything else on his list. He was about halfway home when all of a sudden his vision was filled with pink and all he could hear was a loud buzzing sound. He was startled so bad that he jumped back and tripped, falling to the ground and spilling all his food on the ground.

"Oopsie daisies! My name's Pinkie Pie! Sorry I scared you like that but I just had to come say hello cause I've never met you before and I already know everypony else in Ponyville so I thought you were new! And if you're new that means you haven't made any friends yet and if you haven't made any friends yet then you must be lonely and I couldn't just stand by and watch you be lonely!"

Whip took a minute to regain himself and try to understand everything that was being told to him. He stood up and dusted himself off, not very amused by the eccentric pink pony before him. "Umm. Riiiight. Well, my name is Whip. It's nice to meet you Pinkie Pie?"

He began picking up the groceries that he dropped, but he occasionally glanced up at the bouncing pink mare to let her know he was paying attention to her. She began talking about how sorry she was and that she wanted to make it up to him by throwing him a big party. She kept going on saying that she throws parties for everypony and that she didn't remember throwing a party for him yet and that she felt bad about it.

"Look, Pinkie Pie. I'm flattered that you want to throw a party for me and all, but I just moved out on my own, and I just want a while to simply relax. Maybe you can throw a party later, but not now."

Pinkie Pie giggled loudly and began to bonce around Whip. "You moved out on your own? Wow! Now I need to throw you a "New home just met you sorry for forgetting to throw you a party" party! Oh this is going to be so much fun! This is going to be the best party ever!" She continued to bounce around you before she slowed down a little and abruptly stopped in front of him. She started looking Whip up and down and all around.

"Hey! I just noticed how cute you were! We should totally be coltfriend marefriend! Unless you already have a special somepony cause then I couldn't be yours cause you would already have one! Do you have one?" Whip was a bit surprised at what he was hearing. He didn't expect this mare to be so....upfront about it. "Well....umm."

"Oh silly me! We cant just start being marefriend coltfriend cause we haven't even gone out on a date yet! We should totally do that though that way maybe we can become marefriend coltfriend! Ooh! I need to go make some plans and get a dress! This is going to be so exiting! I'll see you later!" Pinkie darted off without saying another word. Whip was left there to be confused and a bit shocked at what had just happened.

Whip stood there for a few minutes before he realized that he had groceries to bring home. He picked up the last few food items off the ground and placed them in his saddle bags. He slipped them back on and started trotting home at a bit quicker pace, not wanting to be stopped again. Today was already crazy enough, he could only imagine how the rest of his week would be.

Chapter 2

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Whip sighed and threw back his head as he finished his last book. He was laying on his couch, which is where he had spent most of his time for the last few days. He didn't have any reason to leave his home since he had all the food he needed, and in all honesty, he didn't really want to leave either.

After that crazy moment he with that pink mare, Pinkie Pie he believed her name was, he wasn't sure if he had been roped into a date or if she was just joking. Either way, he didn't want to risk it. So he decided to stay home for a while, hoping that she would forget about the whole ordeal. He had a few visitors, just a few random ponies coming to welcome him to the neighborhood. One pair even gave him a cake, which he was very thankful for since he had forgotten to get any sweets while he was in the market last.

In the time he was stuck in his home, he was able to keep himself occupied with a few books he had in a box, but he just finished his last book a few moments ago. With nothing left to read, he was afraid he might go mad with the boredom that he knew was to await him. He had heard of a library somewhere in town, but could he really risk going out there with that crazy pink mare lurking about, ready to pounce on him at any moment?

He had to. Anything was better than trying to deal with the hell that was boredom. He quickly grabbed a map of Ponyville that one of the neighbors brought to him. He didn't think he was going to need it, but he was so glad that he accepted it. He carefully set up the perfect route for him to take so he wouldn't get caught by that giggly pink menace. After he finished his planning, he nodded with a smile, grabbing his saddle bags and his keys. He was just about to lock his door shut when he realized something. He was a pegasus. He could just fly above the clouds.

He facehoofed, dragging his hoof down his face before sighing deeply tossing the map onto his table. He trotted outside, locking his door before flying up into the clouds. He didn't want to rush getting there. His body was aching a little bit from all the time he was out of commission, and the day was just getting started, so the air was fresh and the sun was bright. He decided to have a slow flight over to the library, enjoying the warm breeze of the day.

Even though he wasn't rushing to get to the library, it only took him about twenty-five minutes to get there. He poked his head through the clouds to make sure the crazy pink mare wasn't anywhere in sight. When he realized the coast was clear, he jumped down from the clouds, landing right in front of the door to the library. He looked at the building in front of him. It was quite impressive. The library was a hollowed out tree, and a large one at that. Probably the oldest tree around judging by the size of it.

He didn't see any kind of "Open" sign anywhere, so he decided to give the door a few knocks. He backed a few steps away from the door waiting for somepony to answer. He heard a young male voice yell, "I'll get it!", before the door opened, revealing nothing. Whip was a little confused that he saw nopony there, even though the door opened on it's own. After a few moments of confusion, he felt a light tap on his hoof and somepony say, "Down here!". He looked down to see not a pony, but a little baby dragon by the looks of it. Whip was struck by awe by the small dragon in front of him. He had never seen a dragon before, led alone a baby dragon. He was only brought back to reality when the small dragon waved his claw in front of Whips face trying to get his attention.

"Umm, excuse me? Did you need something?" Whip shook his head a few times before smiling sheepishly. Just as the words left his mouth, a dark lavender aura enveloped the small dragon and moved him out of site. At the same time, a mares voice asked him who was at the door. She didn't even wait for an answer before stepping in front of the door with a smile.

"Well hello there sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle, did you need anything?" Whip didn't say anything. For some reason her name was familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it from. He realized he was making an awkward situation and and smile again.

"Oh umm yes! I came here to see if I could borrow a few books! Uhh, this is the library....right?" He looked back at the sign, just to make sure he was a the right place. The mare giggled lightly, bringing Whip's attention back to her.

"Yep! This is the Golden Oaks Library! Please come in!" She smiled and moved away from the door, allowing Whip to enter. For a moment, he thought he saw a light blush cross the mares face. He brought his attention to the shelves of the library, trying to ignore what he saw. It only took a few seconds for him to realize just how many books were packed into the shelves. There must have been hundreds of books here! He could only imagine what kind of books the great collection had.

His attention was grabbed once again when the mare began to speak. "Was there anything specific you were looking for? Mystery? Adventure?.......Romance?" That last word seemed to come out in a bit different kind of tone from the others. When he turned to look at her she was facing away from him, examining a book shelf on the other side of the room. As she turned her head slightly, he could see that her face was a bit flustered, pink from a deeper blush.

"Ummmm I think that Adventure sounds like a good idea. Do you have any recommendations?" When he said the word "Adventure", her blush seemed to soften greatly. She shook her head lightly and closed a book with a slam and shoved it back into the bookshelf. She took a deep breath before turning around to look at him, her blush almost completely gone.

"Ah yes actually I do! There is a certain series that I happen to love!" She pulled a book out of one of the shelves with her magic and moved it towards Whip. "This is only the first book in the series, it's really addicting, I'm sure you would enjoy it just as much as do!"

Whip examined the cover of the book, reading the title out loud. "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone? Sounds interesting. I guess this could be a good read. Can I borrow this one for awhile? I'll bring it back as soon as I finish it."

Twilight nodded with a smile. "Of course! Just as long as you bring it back in great shape! I take great pride in the condition of all my books, so please keep it safe." Whip smiled as he slipped the book into his saddle bag. "Don't worry, I will take great care of this book. You have nothing to worry about. I should be going now. Thanks again!" As he moved towards the door, Twilight followed behind him with a smile.

"Alright! Take care now!" Whip opened his wings and flew up into the clouds. Just as he was about to go, he looked back and noticed that she had left the door wide open. He could see her grabbing a grey book book from the shelf, the same book she slammed shut and put away earlier. She then rushed upstairs to what seemed to be her room, slamming the door. Just a moment later, he saw the crazy pink mare Pinkie Pie bounce up to the library and go right inside without hesitation. There was a minute of silence before her hear Pinkie speak. It was a little muffled since he could only hear her from an opened window in Twilights room.

"Heya Twilight! What'cha reading!?" Not a second passed before he heard Twilight yell a response. "NOTHING!!!"

Whip wasn't sure what that was all about, but he was sure that it wasn't something he wanted to get mixed into. Especially if Pinkie was involved. He hurried off to his home so he could get started on the book he just borrowed. He could only imagine what wonders this book held inside.

Chapter 3

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Whip placed down the book he borrowed from the Golden Oaks Library, completely out of breath. This book was amazing! Every time he turned the page he felt like he was entering a new adventure! He took a breath and could feel his heart racing, this book was probably the best one he had ever read in his life so far, and if he remembered right, this was only the first in the series. He could only imagine what the other books would do to him. He was about to get up and head over to the Library to go get the next book, but then he glanced out his window, only to see that it was already night time. Had he really been reading that book all that time? He didn't know where all the time went. Whip wasn't even tired yet, so he tossed on a sweatshirt and walked outside. Whip opened his wings, just enjoying the wind for a moment before jumping into the sky, slowly flying through the air,breathing in the chill of the night.

Whip greatly enjoyed flying though the night, the cool air blowing through his mane, the goosebumps he would get every time the wind blew, it was the greatest feeling to him. The only unfortunate thing about flying in the night, is that there was no company. Sure he wasn't always saying hello to every pony he saw, but knowing that there were ponies around him so he could say hello just seemed to give him a bit of....comfort, for the lack of a better word.

After a few hours of slowly gliding around the town, Whip noticed that the sun was starting to rise, bringing with it a beautiful sky of red, orange, and yellows. Whip stopped on a lone cloud floating by so he could simply enjoy the sight of the sky. As the sun began to rise even further into the sky, the colors also began to fade away. Whip watched the ground below as ponies started to leave their homes and open their shops. Whip extended his wings and flapped them slowly, moving the cloud and himself along to a destination he loved. His favorite coffee shop.

Luckily, as he was dropping down from his cloud, the owner of the shop was just walking up. As she spotted Whip, she gave a smile, followed by a yawn. "Well hey there hot stuff~ Up all night again?" Whip smiled before he spoke. "Morning Sexy~ Yeah I was up all night. Read a good book and couldn't get to sleep."

Whip moved up next to the mare and lightly bumped her with his flank, which made her giggle a bit. This mare was Whips best friend. He could always count on her for anything, and he always has. Her name was Icy Shine.

Icy has been Whip's friend for years, since they were still young. When they were just getting into their teen years, they were in a relationship for almost a year and a half. But then they realized that they never actually showed each other special affection. They never kissed or anything. And they found out that neither of them wanted to do anything like that with each other. So they both decided that they would stay friends, but that never meant they couldn't joke around with each other. They were pretty touchy with each other, but not in the sexual term. They would sleep together, lay on each other, even cuddle with each other on the couch when they watched a movie, but they never thought about doing anything sexual.

"I bet I can guess what you are here for. You just couldn't stay away from my sexy little flank could you~?" She waved her flank in his face a little before giggling. Whip chuckled a little before speaking. "Well, you're close. I am here for you, but it's mostly for your coffee." She turned to him with an eyebrow raised and a smile. "I really hope you don't say that to your mare friend. She would probably kick your ass." She chuckled lightly before she opened the shops door and let him inside before flipping the sign from "closed" to "open". Ponies wouldn't be coming in for about another hour, but she liked to get an early start.

"So I'm guessing that you're going to want your usual?" She knew Whip so well and he was glad she did. No pony else did. He felt more comfortable talking to her over anypony else, even over his own mother. Icy just seemed to be the only pony who really understood him. "Of course. Did you expect anything different from me?" "To be honest, not at all. You're starting to get a little boring really." She smiled lightly before turning around to start on his coffee. "So what are you up to now Whip? Still breaking mare's hearts because you don't want anything to tie you down?" "I already told you Icy, it's not that I don't want anything to tie me down, it's just that I don't really want to be in a relationship with anypony. I just wouldn't have the time for them." Whip yawned and slumped over the counter. "Can you hurry up with my coffee? I need it so I can survive the day." The was sad part is, Whip was only half lying. Once he didn't get his coffee and got pretty tired while sitting on a cloud. He tends to role when he sleeps so when he woke up he was watching the ground coming to smack him in the face.

Icy scoffed and stopped what she was doing and turned to Whip. "You're still so impatient. I'd have thought you would learned about it since you are training for the Wonderbolts." It was true. Whip had always dreamed to be a Wonderbolt, since he was a little colt. "I do know patience. I just really want my coffee. Pleeeease?" Whip gave a small pout and stuck out his bottom lip, in an attempt to get Icy to work a little faster. Icy only gave him a little glare. "You know, I haven't had my coffee either. So shut up and wait for it." She turned and continued to work on his coffee. After only a few minutes she placed the cup in front of him with a smile. There you go. Something nice and hot for the hot stallion~." She gave him a small wink before turning to go work on her own coffee. Whip enjoyed his sweet cappuccino. Vanilla Caramel Explosion, with extra whipped cream and a caramel drizzle on top. Soon Icy joined him with a smile, sitting on a stool behind the counter. "So when are you finally going to try out for the Wonderbolts? You have been training for like what? Almost Three years?" "It'll be three years next week. I'm going to try to get into the training camp when it starts up. Hopefully I'll be able to get in."

About an hour passed and other ponies started coming into the shop. It started to get busy so Whip tried to get Icy's attention before he decided to leave. "Hey Icy! I'm just going to get out of your mane for a while. Don't need to keep you from your work." "Alright sexy~ Don't I get a kiss before you leave?" Whip smiled and pressed his hoof to his mouth, then he blew her a kiss. She pretended to snatch it out of the air and press it to her lips, then she waved him goodbye before beginning to get back to work. Whip took the last sip of his coffee before tossing the empty cup into the trash. He proceeded to trot out the door, feeling ready to take on any challenge that was thrown at him. That was before he saw something pink bouncing in his direction.

Chapter 4

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There she was. The Pink Demon, at least that's what Whip decided to call her. Look at her. Just bouncing around like she was so innocent, ponies like Whip knew better than to fall for her tricks. It was a good thing that clouds provided such good cover, and it was also great that the cloud he rode on to the coffee shop was still here.

"You're such a good cloud. You know what? I'm claiming you. You're my cloud now. I'm going to name you.....Fluffy." Whip lightly patted the cloud as if it were a regular old pet. He would have to get a leash and a collar, but how would he get the collar on? And could he find one big enough for Fluffy? Perhaps he could buy a collar and have-

His thoughts were cut short by the disappearance of Fluffy all around him. Now that Fluffy was gone, Whip had nothing to support him, so he plummeted to the ground. After he shook his head to clear his vision, he stared at the spot in the sky where Fluffy once floated only moments ago.

"Fluffy no! How could this happen! You were so innocent! And so young! Who in Equestria could have the heart to do this!" As Whip cried out, he heard a set of hooves land on the ground behind him. He should have known, the Weather Team. It was their job to mercilessly destroy clouds as if they were invading our town, and they never left a single one live. As the pony behind him approached, it started to speak. By the way it's voice was so high pitched, and somewhat squeaky, he could tell that it was a mare.

"Uhh yeeeeah. Sorry about that. I didn't know you were in there. Why were you in a cloud anyway?"

"That was my cloud! His name was Fluffy! And even though I only knew him for a short time....I felt like we had a real connection." Whip didn't even bother to look at the mare, he was so distraught that he couldn't look at that murderers face.

"What? It's just a cloud! There's like, a million more that you could- Wait. Did you say it's name was Fluffy? Did you seriously give that cloud a name? That's kinda weird. Did you hit your head or something?"

Now she was mocking him. Great. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that it actually did sound strange. "Just.....just forget it. You're part of the weather crew right? Where do I go to-" Before he could finish his sentence, he was tackled by none other than the Pink Demon. Whip quickly asked for forgiveness in his head, and prepared himself foe what was to come.

"Whippy! I found you! Oh I missed you so much! Even though it's only been a day I still missed you!" Before Whip could say anything in objection, Pinkie Pie pinned him to the ground and pressed her lips to his in an overly passionate kiss. Whip was just so shocked and confused, that he just simply laid there, unsure about how to handle this situation.

Just as suddenly as the kiss came, it vanished as Pinkie Pie ran over to the Weather pony.

"Dashie! I've been looking for you too! I thought we could go and pull more pranks on ponies in town! I have a bunch of new ideas that I'm sure you'll just love!" Pinkie seemed to shake with pure excitment, bouncing in a single place with which a large smile, it seemed to take up most of her face.

"Sorry Pinkie Pie. I've kiiinda got a lot of stuff to do. I still have to clear all these clouds in Ponyville, and then I have a nap scheduled after that. Sooo....maybe tomorrow?" Pinkie didn't seem bothered by her response. Instead she giggled and started to bounce around 'Dashie'.

"Okay Dashie! I guess I could go see if Twilight is busy, maybe she can practice a few spells on me! I'm sure she'd like that!"

"Yeah. You go ahead and do that. But hey before you go. Who is that guy over there?" 'Dashie' pointed over to Whip, who still lied on the ground, still trying to understand what had happened.

"Oh that's Whippy! He's my new colt friend! Or at least he will be soon!"

"I object!" Whip raised a hoof as he spoke, making it clear that he had no part in this. After a few moments he let his hoof go limp, letting it fall back to its original position.

"Oh don't listen to him Dashie. He's just being silly. But I'll see you later! Try not to work too hard!" Before another word could be said, Pinkie dashed off, still bouncing around like everything was normal.

"So." Spoke the Weather pony. "Decided to date Pinkie Pie huh? All I can say is, good luck buddy." Whip could hear the pony snickering at him. She also must have known how much of a she devil Pinkie was.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Maybe you should quit your job on the Weather Team and start doing comedy." Whip rolled himself over so he could stand. Now he was able to get a good look at the pony who murdered his beloved cloud. She was a cyan Pegasus with wine coloured eyes and a crazy mane of Rainbow. He wasn't sure if this was her natural mane color, or if it was dyed this way. Honestly, it didn't matter to him, but it did seem like a strange thing for any pony. She seemed to be well built, her body toned with muscle, so she obviously worked out quite a bit. And her Cutie Mark was a lightning bolt shooting out of a white cloud, and lightning bolt consisted of three colors. Red, blue, and Yellow. She wasn't as tall as him, but that was to be expected, seeing as how Whip was male. After he got a good look, he brushed himself off before speaking again. "So as I was saying, where do I go to apply for a job on the Weather Team? I just moved out on my own a few days ago, so I figured I should get to work as soon as possible."

"Well. I guess I could just bring you there, if that would be easier." The mare shrugged and offered her hoof to Whip. "The names Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in Equestria!"

Whip stared at her for a moment. 'Fastest flyer' Huh? She seemed a bit cocky. Sure she looked fast, but she didn't look to be the fastest. But, there were times where looks could be deceiving. "Nice to meet you, Dashie, my name is Whip." Whip made sure to put extra emphasis on Dashie, just to see if it got a reaction out of her.

Dash blushed and growled angrily obviously annoyed by the name. "My name isn't 'Dashie', it's Rainbow Dash! I already don't like that Pinkie gave me that name in the first place."

Whip laughed and took her hoof in his, giving it a strong shake. "Well no matter what your name is, good to meet you. Now, you mind leading the way?" Whip opened his wings, getting ready for flight.

"Yeah sure. It's not that far away, so we should be there in just a few minutes. C'mon it's this way." Before Whip could ask, Rainbow jumped into the air and sped away. Was this her idea of showing him the way? If so, Whip had his work cut out for him, and he could already tell it was going to be a long day.

Quick Update

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Hey there everyone! I'm gonna be real with you all for just a minute. When I first thought of this story, I was iffy about even publishing it. Once I got the courage to do that, I became extremely surprised at how fast it became popular-ish.

The only reason I even decided to continue the story was because people wanted me to. And ever since I started making this a real story, I've had many ideas for how this story will play out.

I would like to apologize to all of you that enjoy this story for disapearing for such a long time. I've wanted to update this I really have, but now adays I really don't have the time to do so. But! I am going to try to find the time to bring in the next chapter. Once I get the new chapter out, I'll be deleting this one.

Also, if you all don't already know, I'm a role player on the site, PonySquare. So over the time of my absence, I've noticed that my writing style has slightly differed that how I wrote in the past. So if things seem different on the next chapter, I hope this explains why.