Central Equestria University

by caveman0803

First published

Follow Bunsen and Maroon as they learn whats it's like to go to school with the Mane 6

Follow Bunsen Burner and Maroon as they experience the next chapter in their lives. College. They'll learn the trials and tribulations of meeting new friends and making new enemies as they learn the true meaning behind what makes everyone special. They'll also learn a lot about their new friends and why no one in all of Equestria understands Pinkie Pie.

This story is a colaboration between myself and my buddy eggrole7. He will do the parts that revolve around the character Maroon. Here's his deviant art page Eggrole7


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“Central Equestria University; One of the most prestigious schools in Equestria and the only university in the quiet country town of Ponyville. I kinda feel bad for them.” Stated Bunsen Burner as he was going through his lab coat looking for his phone.

Bunsen Burner is a 21 year old Science Major. He had brown hair that was never combed giving him a mad scientist look. He wore a white polo with a graduated cylinder and wrench stitched into the collar of his shirt. His lab coat was a plain white lab coat with his name on the breast pocket. His black dress shoes were a little scuffed on the top of them and there were no laces present.

“Why do you feel bad for them? With the school here it could build of the economy which could bring them for funds. Not only that but it’ll allow them to build new attractions such as movie theatres and, with the increase in students, new business’ would come around and before you know it this place could be a bustling metropolis like Manehattan” Stated his best friend Maroon.

Maroon is a 22 year old Art major looking to get a career as a comic artist. He had short brown hair that he too never seemed to comb. His Maroon hoodie had a pair of anime shades on it and he wore a pair of faded blue jeans. His sneakers were a plain white with the same pair of anime shades on them. A pair of maroon colored wings stuck out of his hoodie and were folded neatly against his back.

“Well i’m not arguing that it’ll be good for their economy but from the looks of it this seems like such a quiet little town. I wonder how the founding families would feel about all this change.” Stated Bunsen as he put his hands behind his head.

“Don’t know and at this point in time I don’t care. I just want to get this day over with so we can get to our dorm and unpack.” Maroon deadpanned.

“I guess. Anyways it says here that my Orientation is gonna be given to me by someone named….Twilight Sparkle. Hmm I wonder what she looks like.” Bunsen inquired to himself.

“Don’t know. According to this,i’m getting mine from someone named Fluttershy” Said Maroon.

“Well either way we better get moving otherwise we’ll be late.” Bunsen exclaimed.

With a flick of his wrist and a green aura surrounding his hand, he opened the front door with his magic. As they walked into the main hall they noticed that there were streamers and party favors everywhere. They walked along the hall looking at the various trophies and plaques displayed.

“To think this school has only been around maybe 10 years and it’s already doing really well in sports as well as academically.” Bunsen pointed out.

They walked over to the nearest glass case that held all of the academic awards given to CEU. On each award there was at least one name in common.

“Huh, what do you know, they all say Twilight Sparkle on them. At least I know that i’m getting my orientation from an intelligent person instead of some neanderthal.” Bunsen said casually.

“You don’t know the half of it” said a nearby girl with a southern drawl.

They both turned their heads towards the new voice to see who it belonged to. Thats when they noticed a girl of average height with a farmers tan, blond hair, and wearing a stetson hat. She had on an orange and white plaid shirt with blue jeans and brown boots.

“Oh? How so?” Bunsen inquired curiously.

“Well, she’s the smartest girl on campus AND the personal student of the princess herself.” She continued.

“If i may ask…” Bunsen began “how do you know all this about her?”

“Well, she’s one of my best friends.” she said rather proudly.

“Now that brings me to my next question.” Bunsen said flatly “Who are you?”

“Oh my apologies boys, where are my manners. The names Applejack and I’m the captain of the rodeo team. I’m here for a Botany degree. Since I work on an apple farm I figure that would be the best direction to go in.” Explained the female with the newly discovered identity of Applejack.

“I see, well it was nice meeting you Applejack but we should be heading out now. We have to get to the orientation which starts in 10 minutes.” Bunsen stated.

“I understand. You two fellas have a nice day.” Applejack turned around and headed off to who knows where.

“Well it looks like I have to meet Fluttershy at the soccer fields so i’ll catch you later Bunsen.”

“Yea, i’m headed to the library. After the orientation we’ll meet up at the dorm and start unpacking.”

So Bunsen and Maroon went their separate ways to meet the individuals who would be guiding them around the school.

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was a clear day outside and the sun was shining through the various windows of the hallway Bunsen was walking down. He was pondering what kind of person this Twilight Sparkle was and how well the two of them would get along. He saw a sign overhead that said “Library ←--” and turned down the hallway to be greeted by a large set of oak doors. He pushed the door open and was amazed at what he saw. Within the confines of the library were books, lots and lots of books on various topics and subjects. He was walking through the library staring at all the books when suddenly he felt something solid hit him. He fell backwards, wondering what exactly he ran into. When he opened his eyes what he saw caught him completely off guard. A girl stood before him in a dark green t-shirt and tan jeans. The first thing he noticed about her was her hair. It was 7 different shades of green going from as dark as forest green to as light as light green. The next thing he noticed were her wings. They were the same shade of green as her shirt; if not a little darker. The thing that stuck out the most to him were her eyes. Emerald Green; Bright with life and happiness. Only one word could describe her in his mind: Gorgeous. He got to his feet and offered her a hand.

“Are you ok miss?” He asked. He noticed that she was staring but as soon as he said something she immediately shook her head and took his hand.

“Uhhh…..yea i’m fine. I just need to pay attention to where i’m going and not read while i’m walking.” She said smiling sheepishly. “I’m sorry for running into you. My name is Emerald Dash.”

“I’m Bunsen Burner and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Ms. Dash.” He replied sweating a little knowing he was talking to someone who was quite out of his league.

“I’m a little curious though” he continued “Why are you in the library on Orientation Day.”

“Well my sister, Rainbow Dash, goes to school here as well. She is one of the people who is orientating a new student. Since she’s doing that, the student council president said that she had to be here early to fill out the necessary paperwork and Rainbow decided to drag me along with her. I didn’t want to be stuck outside with her so I decided to do a bit of exploring and found the library. When I got here I found the only person in here was another girl. So I sat down to ask her how she was doing. She was a little startled at first but she came around and we just started chatting about different books and who our favorite authors are. During our conversation she made the weirdest comment. She said that my sister was right. So I asked her how she knew my sister and she told me that the two of them were close friends. I decided to take another look at the girl I was talking to. Then I asked her if she was my sisters friend Twilight Sparkle which she said she was. Then I asked her what my sister said about me and she said that Rainbow said that i’m nothing like her and that me and Twilight would get along perfectly. Then she asked me if I knew who was giving me my Orientation and I realized that I didn’t know. She told me that it was actually my sister that was gonna be doing it. She also told me that it’s about that time so I should get going. So I picked up my book and was trying to find where I was in the book and then I ran into you.” She finished her story with a small smile. A smile that Bunsen found completely adorable.

“I see. Thats a very interesting story. I have two questions though.” He replied

"What's that?" She inquired without removing her smile.

"OK, question 1. Where is Ms. Sparkle currently located?"

"Oh, she's down between these two bookshelves at a round table reading a book. You can't miss her." She explained.

"Thank you. Now, question 2." He began with a smirk "don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Oh my goodness, you're right!" She cried "I need to get going. It was nice meeting you" she yelled out as she ran off.
Bunsen looked on as she ran off smiling to himself. ”At least I got her name. That's more than what most people get.” he thought to himself.

He continued on his way to meet with Twilight Sparkle to get this orientation out of the way so he can go to his new dorm. In what appeared to be the center of the library, he saw a girl who appeared to be his age with dark purple hair and a pink stripe in the middle. She was wearing a purple sweater vest and dark blue dress pants.
He walked up to her and noticed that whatever she was reading, she was really into it. He took a seat across from her debating on whether or not he wanted to disturb her. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 5 til ten so he decided that he had to bother her.

"Excuse me, are you Twilight Sparkle?" He inquired.

"Ahhh!" She squealed as she fell backwards in her chair.

"Oh crap!" He cried, hurrying over to the other side of the table to help her up.

"Are you OK?" He asked after helping her up.

"Yea, I'm fine thank you for asking." She replied.

"I'm sorry for startling you. I didn't realize how into your book you were." He explained.

“It’s fine.” She snapped, clearly annoyed. “I needed to stop anyways. I’m waiting for someone and he’s going to be late if he keeps this up.”

“Well you don’t have to wait long.” He responded.

“Why’s that?” She questioned.

“Because if you’re Twilight Sparkle, then i’m Bunsen Burner and it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He stated with a small smile while reaching his hand out.

She took his hand, shook it and returned his smile. “That makes two of us Bunsen. I apologize if i sounded rude but when I get into a book I don’t like to be bothered.” She apologized.

“It’s ok Twilight no need to apologize. I can definitely understand getting into a good book or even when i’m on a roll with an experiment and my buddy Maroon interrupts me for something whether it’s important or in most cases stupid. However when he interrupts my experiments it usually ends with both of us missing our eyebrows or in some cases blowing up my lab. That happens more often than I like unfortunately. I’ve learned that I need to put a lock on my door and I also learned how to fix and rebuild stuff.” He explained.

“I can sympathize with that. My friend Pinkie Pie has a habit of appearing out of nowhere and my other friend Rainbow Dash likes to crash into my dorm door doing some kind of trick whether it be on a skateboard or her skates. It gets really annoying but sometimes it’s a welcome intervention especially if it’s from my friend Fluttershy.” She let out a happy sigh after that last part.

“Well, shall we move on then Twilight?” Bunsen asked

“Of course, let me grab my bag.” She said. Twilight hand started to glow a magenta color and her books went into her bag.

“Ahh, you’re a mage I see.” Bunsen commented.

“Yep. I am the personal student of Princess Celestia.” She said beaming with pride.

“Very impressive resume.” Bunsen looked at his phone too and saw that it was exactly ten o’clock. “Well Twilight it is currently 10 so shall we move on?” Bunsen asked.

“Sounds like a good idea. If we don’t get moving we’ll throw off my checklist completely.”

She reached into her pocket and pulled her phone out. “Now all I need to do is check my checklist and make sure we stay on schedule. Lets see. Ok we’re still on track, I gave us from 10:00 to 10:10 for idle chit chat to get to know each other so we’ve still got another ten minutes.” She said with a smile on her face.

“Well why don’t we go ahead and start walking and we can continue our conversation?” Bunsen asked. “I apologize but i get a little antsy if i’m in one place for too long.”

“Sure that sounds like a fine idea.” Twilight said.

They both turned and left the library still chatting about themselves.

“So where are you from Bunsen?” Twilight asked.

“Well me and my buddy Maroon both came from Coltarado Springs. Maroon is also going to school here and he’s going to be my roommate. See, Maroon and I are childhood friends and unfortunately he’s my only friend. However, the way I see it, if you have at least one good friend there really isn’t anything else you need in life.” Bunsen explained. “During High School we were talking about what schools we should go to. Now neither one of us are very social so we decided to try and go to the same school so that way we could have each other and not worry about being alone in a new city and a new school.”

“That sounds nice.” Commented Twilight. “Do you miss your home?”

“Not as much as you would think.” Bunsen said. “To be perfectly honest i’m kind of glad to be out of there. It gives me an opportunity to start fresh in a new place. See when Maroon and I decided that we were gonna come here we both swore that we would attempt to make new friends and be more social. We both want to try and enter or even start up an Anime Club here to watch and discuss various Animes and Manga. As a matter of fact Maroon is a Manga Artist and he’s coming here to help improve his skills so he can do it professionally.” Bunsen continued

“Well I can guarantee you two more friends Bunsen.” Twilight stated with a small smile.

“Oh yea, and who might they be Miss Sparkle.” Bunsen asked with a coy smile.

“First don’t call me Miss Sparkle” Twilight scolded without losing her smile. “it makes me feel older than i really am. Second your new friends are myself and my friend and roommate Pinkie Pie. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if you met her by the end of the day. See Pinkie has a way of finding interesting people and she likes to make friends with everyone in town and in school. From what i’ve gathered about you, you seem like an interesting person so i’m sure Pinkie will find you.” Twilight said while giggling.

“Well believe it or not I do enjoy meeting interesting people so i’m looking forward to meeting this Pinkie Pie you’re describing.” Bunsen stated.

Twilight looked at her phone and saw that it was 10:11 so she decided that they would officially start the tour.
“Allow me to formally welcome you to Central Equestria University.” Twilight began while showing him a portrait of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. “It was founded by the Royal Sisters: Celestia and Luna 6 years ago. They wanted to be able to have a school that everyone could go to and not have to worry about high tuition. They also wanted to be able to offer all sorts of programs at this school so they moved different ones from schools all over Equestria and brought them here as well as adding a number of other programs. I’m here working on my PhD. in Magical Theory and Usage. The only class I have this semester is Student Teaching Magic Theory 101 for people who are just starting. I’m excited just thinking about it.” She said while smiling. “I’m sorry i’m getting off topic. Anyways, after Celestia and Luna were content with the programs that they had for the school they went ahead and officially opened it.”

They continued walking through the school while Twilight was showing Bunsen the different spots in the school. They passed the Mess Hall, The Lounge, The VG Room, (Twilight said that was something Princess Luna was particularly keen on adding to the school. He could only laugh.) and other places in the school. They continued the Orientation by meeting some of the various Professors in the school. They met the guidance counselor, Cadence, who was the old babysitter for Twilight; Shining Armor, who was Twilights older brother and the RAROTC (Royal Army Reserve Officer Training Corp) Instructor. They met Dr. Whooves who was one of the various Math Professors and they met Cherrilee who was teaching the Early Childhood development courses.
During the whole event Bunsen was happy to be able to attend a school that had so many kind people in it and it made him even more comfortable. By the time they finished up it was 11:30 and that meant that it was the end of the Orientation.

“So thats the whole school.” She said. “Do you have any other questions for me?”

“Nope. You explained everything to me perfectly and I appreciate it.” Bunsen said.

“Well i’m glad that this went well. To be honest I was a little nervous since this was the first year we started doing the Orientation this way.” She admitted.

“Well Twilight, i’d say that this went perfectly well and without a hitch. Since we’re finished i’m gonna go ahead and head to my dorm. I still have a lot of unpacking to do and then i’m going to explore the town.” Bunsen stated.

“Ok well if you have any additional questions or just want to hang out me and Pinkie are in Dorm 316 which is on the third floor.” Twilight said.

“Well thats good to know cause me and Maroon are in 318 so we’ll be neighbors.” said Bunsen.

They said their goodbyes and Bunsen went off to find his and Maroons dorm.

Chapter 2 (Eggrole7)

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chapter 2

Maroon sighed, tired and just wanting to get settled into his new dorm to work on the manuscript he has been planning for the monthly comic magazine called Ponin Jump. However, before he can do that he has to get his orientation over with. All he knew about this “Fluttershy” is that she likes animals and that he is meeting her at the soccer field. Naturally, Maroon had no idea where it is. All he has to go on is a crudely drawn map of the school given to him by a girl, whose name escapes him, with crazy puffy hair and a thing for the color pink; but that was neither here nor there. He gazes at the map with a grimace as the map seems to feature a mailbox, a poorly drawn sketch of what looks like Mt. Fuji, and a set of odd instructions telling him to “sprint here” or “dive into the fountain.” Maroon lets out a sigh “She has to be messing with me.”

He starts down the hall in a direction that seems like the right way to go. A little way down the hall he notices a girl with rainbow colored hair. She’s wearing a light blue sweater jacket with an insignia of a cloud emanating a blue, yellow, and red lightning bolt from it, blue jogging shorts with red trim around the legs, white sneakers with rainbow shoelaces, and a pair of light blue wings tucked in a resting position on her back. The rainbow girl was jogging down the hallway in the same direction that Maroon was heading a few meters ahead “Maybe she can help me.” Maroon thought to himself as he approached the rainbow clad girl.

“Excuse me miss.” He shouted.

However he didn’t notice that the girl had put a good chunk of distance between them. He started to speed up to catch her but soon realised that she was faster than he was, a lot faster. In fact, the only way he could possibly catch up was to run after her. Maroon shut his eyes tight and ran as fast as he could and shortly after found himself flat on his ass. Maroon covered his injured nose and opened his eyes to find the rainbow girl with a rather dissatisfied look on her face and a clenched fist.

“You got a problem buddy?” She exclaimed breathing heavily.

Maroon pulled his hand away from his face and winced at the small puddle of blood in his palm then looked up, “I - I’m sorry I did not mean to startle you, I was just wondering if i could get some directions to...” Maroon was interrupted by the rainbow girl.

“Startled? HA! No one gets the jump on the great Rainbow Dash!” She proudly exclaimed and put out her hand to help Maroon up.

Maroon took her hand. “Clearly” he stated sarcastically as he got to his feet.

“Sorry about decking you in the schnoz” Rainbow Dash apologized and handed him a tissue.

“Now, what can i help you find?” she inquired.

Maroon finished stuffing his bleeding nose “I just needed help finding the soccer field, I’m suppose to meet a girl named Fluttershy there for orientation.”

Rainbow Dash’s face beamed “Oh Fluttershy! I know her, she is one of my best friends.”
Maroon let out a sigh of relief “That’s good, till now all I had to go on was this map.”

Rainbow instantly grabbed the map, glanced at it and started laughing hysterically “I see you had a run in with pinkie pie.”

Maroon rolled his eyes “I take it you know her too.”

Rainbow smiled “Yup, another best friend of mine anyway, the soccer field is just a short flight this way.” Rainbow Dash jumped in the air, flapped her wings and broke into a low hover. “This way” she exclaimed and started to dart.

“Wait!” Maroon yelled and looked down at the ground in embarrassment “I - I can’t fly”

Rainbow glared at Maroon in stern disappointment, “You can’t be serious.” She said in a scornful tone then rolled her eyes. “Alrighty then.” Her voice was easy going as she grabbed Maroon by the shoulders and darted off.

“What are you doing?” Maroon asked in a frenzy.

“If you can’t fly then I have no choice but to fly you there. It’s the least I could do after punching you like that.” She spoke in a calm and confident tone and bolted towards an open field.

“I think i’m slipping!” Maroon yelled after the sudden burst of speed.

“Nonsense.” Rainbow Dash chuckled “I do this with my non winged friends all the-” She stopped mid sentence and looked at her empty palms “Hmm?” Looking down to see maroon plummeting to the earth, “I guess he really can’t fly” she said nonchalantly.

As Maroon plummeted to the earth he noticed a small body of water near by. He opened his wings and sloppily glided towards it in hopes that it would break his fall.

As Maroon emerged from the fountain Rainbow Dash glided gently beside him.

“Well, I think it would be best if we walked from here on out.” Rainbow giggled awkwardly.

“Yeah, I think thats probably a good idea.” Maroon responded sarcastically, “Where are we anyway?” He inquired

“I believe we’re right outside the world studies department” Rainbow answered with a proud smile “We’re going to have to go through it if we want to get to the soccer field” She explained.

Maroon crawled out of the fountain and shook himself off then, following Rainbow, headed toward the giant double doors leading into the facility. His mouth fell agape when he walked up to the doors and found they were much bigger than they originally looked. “How are we suppose to get these doors open?” He asked.

Rainbow Dash pushed open a smaller, normal sized door carved into the big one. “Like this.” She said with a smug grin.

Maroon gazed into space with an unamused look than proceeded inside. “You can’t be serious.” He said in shock as he entered the building “Now I know she was messing with me.” He muttered as he approached the mural of Mt. Fuji. Then he turned to Rainbow Dash who was on the floor laughing

“That Pinkie Pie, she sure knows how to play a prank, am i right?” Rainbow breathily commented.

Maroon glared at her with discontent but was having a hard time holding back the slightest smile.

Rainbow looked back at him in shock, followed by an awkward pause then they both burst into laughter.

“I’ll admit,” Maroon chuckled, “you and pinkie got me good, but I have to ask, what was with the mailbox?” He asked as he turned to Rainbow Dash

“No idea.” She responded with a look of confusion.

Just then a girl with grey wings wearing a grey postal worker uniform, a hat adorned with five circles of varying sizes that appeared to take the form of some bubbles, and crossed eyes approached them.

“Hey Derpy.” Rainbow Dash greeted as she smiled. “What's up?” She inquired.

“I have a letter for Maroon from Pinkie Pie.” Derpy said happily.

“Thank you.” Maroon said as he took the letter from her grasp.

“Have a nice day!” Derpy exclaimed as she flew off through the stained glass window next to the door.

Maroon shrugged then proceeded to open the letter. A blast of confetti shot out of the parcel and a piece of paper gently glided down into maroon’s hands.

Dear Maroon, I hope you enjoyed your little adventure with Rainbow Dash and I hope you had lots of fun. I wish to welcome you to the school so this weekend i’m throwing you and your scientist friend a party in the event hall. (You know, the place with all the pictures of Twilight and Rainbow Dash) -p.s. please wish Fluttershy a happy ‘98 days until your birthday day’ when you see her. Best wishes, Pinkie Pie.

Maroon folded up the letter and put it in his pocket. “Well that’s nice of her.” He said.

“Yeah, Pinkie’s like that. She throws a party for everyone. It’s astounding, but you get use to things like that with her. Eventually you learn to just not question it” Rainbow explained. “Anyway, the field is just this way.” She pointed toward a set of double doors down the hall and started walking toward them, Maroon followed.

Through the doors was a large open field with two goal posts and in the middle to the side was a large empty set of bleachers. Just to the right of that was a small grove of trees, below one of the trees a girl with long light pink hair, a set of yellow wings, and a yellow sun dress with three pink and blue butterflies inscribed on the bottom was kneeling down petting a stray cat.

The girl turned and looked over to Maroon and Rainbow Dash who were closing in.

“Hey Fluttershy.” Rainbow greeted. “Maroon here has been looking for you. He said you were in charge of his orientation.” She explained.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy said in a surprised manner. “I forgot that was today, I’m sorry.” She said softly.

“It’s quite alright. I’m Maroon. It’s nice to meet you.” Maroon said extending his hand toward Fluttershy.

“I’m Fluttershy, it’s nice to meet you too.” Fluttershy said shyly.

“Well, I best be on my way, I’ve got my own freshman to orientate…” Rainbow Dash looked at her watch in stunned silence “fifteen minutes ago.” She bolted off in a hurry leaving behind a large rainbow ring along her path and a strong gust of wind.

“Well,” Fluttershy smiled “shall we get started then?”

Chapter 3

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Bunsen Burner walked down a long hallway on the third floor of the University dorm building located in Downtown Ponyville. It was placed there instead of near the campus so that way the students could go to the local watering holes and restaurants and be able to get home without any fuss.

Bunsen was watching the dorm numbers go by as he searched for his and Maroon’s dorm. “322….320…..ah here it is. Dorm 318. Our home away from home I suppose.” Bunsen said to no one in particular as he reached into the pocket of his lab coat, pulling out a plastic card. He swiped the card key through the locking mechanism to open the door.

Bunsen walked into the room and saw, to his surprise, that all their furniture was already placed and their boxes were stacked neatly on the side of the dorm. He continued to look around and saw a familiar sight. Sitting at the coffee table in the middle of the living room was a Northern King Crab playing a game of chess with a warm water penguin.

Bunsen walked past the crab and penguin heading towards the wall of boxes. “Hey Alfred. Hey Alabaster. Were you two good while I was away?” He asked the two pets. The penguin, Alabaster, replied with a squawk and the crab, Alfred, acknowledged his owner with a wave of his claw. With Alfred distracted Alabaster moved his queen to a position to better suit his situation. However, Alfred caught the penguin red-winged and reached across the table and smacked the penguin while chirping very angrily. Bunsen walked by his pet Crab and patted him on the top of his body. “Don’t worry Alabaster. Maroon should be back pretty soon.” He said to the penguin.

As he was about to walk away he noticed a letter on the table. He picked it up and noticed that the writing on it was very neat and pretty and written in purple ink. The note read:

Dear Bunsen Burner and Maroon,

My name is Rarity and I am charged with helping the students of this hall get comfortable without having to raise a finger. I took the liberty of setting all of your boxes neatly against the wall and set your furniture up. The rooms look the same so feel free to pick and choose which room you’d like. I’d also like to comment on your pets. They are absolutely adorable and very well mannered. Enjoy your stay here Darlings.


Bunsen finished reading the note and set it back down on the table. “Well that was nice of her.” he said to himself. He went over to the wall of boxes and started searching through them.

5 minutes later Bunsen found the box he was looking for. Just as he picked up the box he heard the door open and turned around. Maroon had just arrived looking tired and slightly annoyed.

“Hey Maroon how’d it go?” Bunsen asked his childhood friend.

Maroon walked into the dorm room and plopped onto the couch next to his pet penguin. “It was hell before I met up with Fluttershy.” He complained “I met this Pink haired girl and she gave me a map. I followed it and ran into this girl named Rainbow Dash and she punched me in the nose. Than she took me to see Fluttershy. However, she didn’t realize I couldn’t fly and took off with me in her arms. While she’s flying she drops me and I fall into a fountain, then she laughs at me. After that than she finally takes me to meet Fluttershy. After I met with Fluttershy thats when things calmed down.”

“I see.” Bunsen commented “So all in all it was pretty easy going?”

“Yea for the most part.” Maroon replied.

“Awesome. Well lets start getting this crap put into our respective locations. Afterwards I’ll get the stuff out to help us relax.” Bunsen said.

Bunsen and Maroon began taking the boxes into their rooms to set up how they want their room to look. After they were done Bunsen went into his room and pulled out a strange looking pipe.

“Aw yea, bustin out the hookah.” Commented Maroon.

“Damn right my friend.” replied Bunsen “I got some shisha from Saddle Arabia that I wanted to try out.”

“Did you bring any Green?” Maroon asked.

“No I didn’t bring any. I figured with my luck I’d get caught bringing here so I didn’t get any before we left. I decided that I might be able to find someone here to get it from.”

“Damn. Oh well. Why’d you put your bong in the corner of the room Bunsen?” Maroon asked.

“Oh yea. I forgot it was there.” Bunsen said.

Bunsen went towards the bong to put it into his room. However the next chain of events was something that neither one of them saw coming. To them it sounded like their door exploded and they saw their lives flash before their eyes. They looked towards the door and saw what could be described as a pink explosion. Standing in the doorway was a girl with poofy pink hair and a smile as wide and as bright as Celestia’s sun.

“Hi!” Said the pink menace.

“Uhh hello.” Bunsen said, still shell-shocked from her opening the door.
“Hi my name is Pinkie Pie and I’m here to welcome you to Central Equestria University. I’m part of the welcome committee with my friends who you’ve already met.” Said Pinkie Pie.

“Well it’s nice to meet you Pinkie Pie.” Said Bunsen.

“Hey, you’re the one who sent me on that scavenger hunt from hell.” Grumbled Maroon.

“I’m sorry, I thought you’d have fun with it.” Pinkie Pie said sadly.

“Fun. Fun! That was the worst experience of my life you crazy bitch. I thought I was gonna die!” Maroon exclaimed with fury.

Pinkie Pie looked over at Maroon and let her head go limp with tears about to start falling.

“Damn it Maroon. She thought you were going to have fun; she didn’t know you aren’t a strong flyer. Apologize to her and quit being a little bitch.” Bunsen scolded.

Maroon looked from Bunsen to Pinkie Pie and then back to Bunsen. Knowing he was right he decided to give in.

“Ok. I’m sorry Pinkie Pie.” Maroon said.

“It’s ok,” said Pinkie Pie with her usual smile “and you can just call me Pinkie.”

“So what can we do for you today?” Bunsen asked.

“Well, we’re holding a party for the new students in this hallway tomorrow and i’m just coming by to invite you to it.” Pinkie said as she continued to smile like a maniac.

“Thanks Pinkie.” Bunsen said

Bunsen’s phone began to go off and he reached into his pocket to grab it. When he pulled his phone out, a baggy fell out of his pocket. This made Bunsen freeze.

"Is that what I think it is?" Pinkie asked.