We Are The Changelings

by UniqueSKD

First published

A poem about the Changelings, and their invasion of Canterlot, told from the viewpoint of the Queen herself, Chrysalis.

A poem about the Changelings, and their invasion of Canterlot, told from the viewpoint of the Queen herself, Chrysalis. That's it, really.

A little fun fact about this poem; This originally was a song that I - yes, I - was going to do on my YouTube channel. You can still check out the WIP Version here.

Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKXqd0XcxLk

However, since I was never able to find somebody to help provide the chorus for the song, I abandoned the project, and now, several months later, my song resurrects in the form of a poem. Funny how life works, isn't it?

Well, anyhoo, please enjoy the poem, and most importantly, eat your greens and vegetables. Or Carrot Top will haunt you! DUN DUN DUUUN!

We Are The Changelings

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We Are The Changelings

A short poem about the Changelings, and their Queen, by UniqueSKD

As Cadence, I've been masquerading,
My Changeling army's outside waiting,
They're waiting for the time to strike,
And for a chance to feed.

I've fooled the ponies with this disguise,
I've won their trust with all my lies,
They'll know their error when it's too late,
And as their bodies bleed.

Flashback to the Hollow where we come from,
I announced my plans to rule this kingdom,
To take away the ponies love,
And live in a castle so grand.

My loyal subjects, as well as I,
Will drain these ponies completely dry,
We'll take and feast on all their love,
And the love of all the land.

Shining Armour, Captain of the Guard,
His spell, a defensive barrier ward,
It keeps my Changelings from entering,
The city of Canterlot

But Twilight Sparkle does not believe,
By my disguise, she's not deceived,
She'll become most problematic indeed,
And so she must be stopped.

Twilight Sparkle now seeks the truth,
The faithful student begins to sleuth,
And so I banish her to the caves,
Where she can spend her remaining days.

Soon that barrier will be gone,
As well as the bringer of the Sun,
And cries of fear shall fill the air,
When my Changelings roam everywhere.

As Cadence, I continue masquerading,
My Changeling army's still there waiting,
They smack their lips in eagerness,
For the chance to feast.

Our hunger, we simply cannot avoid,
We can't ignore the empty void,
It demands to be satisfied and sated,
It cries out like a beast.

Soon the wedding is going to start,
And I've already captured Shining's heart,
He's in my power, he can't resist,
My every wish and whim.

And when the vows have all been said,
Most of these ponies will lose their head,
As Shining's shield begins to weaken,
And lets my Changeling in.

Celestia comes, and takes the stand,
HA! This 'ruler' does not look so grand,
She says, ''If these two should not be wed,
Speak now, or hold your peace.''

And just when I'm about to win,
The real Cadence comes barging in,
''She's an impostor! A Changeling Queen!''
A thousand curses upon that niece!

So Cadence, you escaped the caves,
To stand before me, oh so brave,
But you're too late, your Shining Armor,
Has fallen into a trance.

And already his barrier begins to fall,
And my Changelings soon break through it all,
And they show no mercy as they crush,
All of the resistance.

Shining Armor is now mine,
His love for you tastes just divine,
And i feel its empowering energy,
Strengthening my might.

Celestia steps forth to challenge me,
I won't be beaten so easily!
With a single blast of energy,
I quickly win our fight.

My victory, I feel like celebrating,
For Canterlot is now mine for the taking,
And the cries of fear soon fill the air,
Ponies running, screaming, everywhere.

This day is going to be perfect,
This invasion is going to be worth it,
We'll round up every last pony,
And feed upon their love.

Princess Celestia has been beat,
The Elements of Harmony have met defeat,
And all around this great city,
My Changelings strike from up above.

Soon we will have won this war,
And we shall be hungry no more,
And I shall finally have a palace,
Worthy of a Queen like me.

Still the screaming fills the air,
As ponies flee, from here and there,
Their fear is my utmost amusement,
And truly it fills me with glee.

The Mane Six are all brought before me,
They remain defiant despite my glory,
But soon I'll see that they learn,
A lesson in humility.

Close by, poor little Princess Cadence,
Tries to free her Shining from his trance,
To watch her struggle to no avail,
Almost makes me express pity.

And from the high tower balcony,
I watch as Canterlot succumbs to me,
How i pity these foolish ponies,
So easily did they fall.

My Changelings now begin to feed,
And drain their prey, cause them to bleed,
Now who ever said that a girl,
Can't really have it all?

Then suddenly, from behind me,
Shining snaps back to reality,
My control over him is broken,
By Cadence's undying love.

But it doesn't matter! It's far too late,
To spare everypony their fate,
Outside, my army stalk the streets,
Reinforcements arrive from above.

His power drained, now mine to wield,
Shining tries to rebuild the shield,
But weakened is he from my control,
He no longer has his strength.

When it seems that they are doomed,
Cadence reunites with her beloved groom,
She says, ''My Love will strengthen you!''
What a lovely, but ridiculous sentiment!

But to my horror, their horns ignite,
They glow with a warm, radiant light,
They look into each others eyes,
And release a powerful spell.

And with this blast of energy,
The power of their Love overwhelms me,
And sends my Changelings along with me,
Flying across the sky as well.

Scattered are we, so very far,
A long, long way from Equestria,
My rage, my fury, it has no equal,
How could I have lost it all?!

This day had been going perfectly,
My Changelings were assured victory,
All of Canterlot belonged to me,
Like I had dreamed when I was small!

So be it! They have won this day!
For now, they shall have their way!
But our defeat will be avenged,
And they shall all burn in Hell!

They've won this fight, but not the war,
We invaded their land once before,
Another day, we'll invade again,
And take the WHOLE kingdom as well!

Mark my words, my little ponies,
You have not seen the last of me!
I, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings,
Will make you rue this day!

We'll return to steal all of your love,
And your screams'll pierce the heavens above,
I'll bleed out each of you bone-dry,
And your suffering will be my pay!

For all shall learn to fear Changelings,
And tremble as our song, we sing,
One day we'll conquer, near and far,
Starting with EQUESTRIA!

(Queen Chrysalis, you are so cruel,
Your heart, blacker than Luna's darkest night,
The weaver of lies, a mistress of disguise,
The ultimate spy hiding within plain sight!)

We are the Changelings,
And my army's outside waiting,
For Shining Armor's shield to fall.
And indeed, it shall fall!

We are the Changelings,
Our chitin armor black as night,
And through sheer might, we'll conquer all
And we shall conquer all!

And one day I'll make these ponies squeal,
And before my presence, I'll make them kneel,
And my Changelings will turn to me, and plead,
And I'll raise my holed hoof and order, ''GO! FEED!''