
by Zailen

First published

Little bits of writing done on whim, themes will vary and be episodic, maybe.

These are small stories I write whenever I feel like it, I am no pro-writer nor do I plan to be one so any mistakes are just that, just don't be too harsh with critiques if it bothers you. Also, the frequency of updates will range anywhere between eventually and never, so don't get any expectations.

Aunt [SoL]

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Moments of respite are a rare thing for Princess Celestia, be it some noble with a complaint, some manner of form that needs revising or signature, servants that are eager to serve yet fearing her ‘supposed’ wrath. Really it’s a headache to deal with every day with very little rest between scheduled events, even with Princess Luna’s return and the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle, and occasional help of Princess Cadence. So, these rare moments of rest where she can relax in her room where nobody would EVER dare intrude for some minor thing, her nice spacious room and ridiculously sized bed with an incredible view from the tower.

This is precisely why she was in Luna’s equally sized room, where servants have yet to burst in requesting something, because Celestia herself is always the first choice, whereas Luna can be quite grumpy. It was in here all four princesses, and one dragon whelp, are resting with idle chatter, snacks and no politics. It was here that the princesses discarded regalia, pretenses and poise and just lay about.

Cadence flopped upon the bed with magazines strewn about most of its surface. Luna and Twilight were near the closet with various board games surrounding them; Twilight would find herself at a loss at why Luna was so good at them. Celestia herself lay not too far from the foot of Luna’s bed, doing nothing but coddle her little dragon that she had between her front legs, which while embarrassing, Spike wasn’t making much of an attempt to escape from her nuzzling.

“Say Spike?” Cadence began, her front legs limply hanging off the bed.

“Yes?” Spike attempted to look at her through Celestia’s large flowing mane.

“You call Celestia, ‘Mom’, Twilight is mostly your sister figure, and I swear I’ve heard you call me ‘cousin’ once.” Cadence paused, “What do you call Luna?”

“Aunt.” the reply was quick from Spike. Luna’s tongue stuck out in disgust and Celestia was giggling, Twilight had a smug expression.

“That makes feel me so O-o-o-l-ld.” Luna drawled.

“Lulu you are old.” Celestia could not resist teasing her for that comment.

“Bleh, while I am happy to be considered part of the family, Young Spike,” Luna turned her head toward him, “Please call me something less, old-sounding?”

“But, ‘Aunt’ technically fits you Luna.” No one questioned why Twilight had a book on family roles right now. “You are the ‘mother’s’ sister, so Aunt works, it has nothing to do with age!” Twilight was beaming from her expositing of information.

Luna merely stared at her with a blank expression.

“Well what would you want me to call you then, Luna?” Spike did his best to appease the moon princess

Her gaze returned to the whelp “Perhaps, Cousin, like Cadenza there? Admittedly we aren’t exactly very close to one another, Young Spike.”

“Why do you never call me Cadence?” She was ignored.

“What do you mean Lulu, you’ve gotten along with him whenever he visits.” Celestia sat up holding Spike out with her legs, offering him to Luna as if he was teddy bear.

“Do you not like being his Aunt?” Celestia’s face was akin to a puppy dog eyes, as its effect was immediate.

"Cousin Luna doesn't really roll of the tongue as well as Aunt Luna does." Cadence was talking to herself.

“Did I not say, I, uh, a-ah fine! Tia, just stop that!” Luna turned away forcing herself to stare at the game board below, and rolled the die in frustration.

Twilight and Cadence giggled

Celestia resumed cuddling her Baby dragon

The guards outside the soundproofed door failed miserably and the door burst open.

“Princess there you are!”

All four princesses looked at the intruding noble

“Erm, Princess Celestia, I have been searching for you as I request your help in-“

Princess Celestia had honestly stopped listening

“-I checked your room first, but-“

She could only think; It would be me they ask for and not Luna, or Twilight, or some other Princely figure.

“-as such it would benefit both you and me if you cleared the matter up entirely”

All the princesses continued to just stare at him, the guards had resumed their post and asked the noble to leave, and perhaps schedule a more appropriate time for this.

“This matter is most immediate, so please get your Regalia on, most unbefitting seeing you like this Princess Celestia, and do please do try to find a less … monstrous pet, princess, that thing does not suit you”

Spike, being nothing but a spectator, slumped a bit a frown beginning on his face.

Celestia stood up.

Twilight’s horn began glowing.

Luna glared.

Cadence lunged at the Noble.

Spike much to his dismay had earmuffs and a blindfold magic'd on him.

The guards in their infinite wisdom, shut the doors quickly and fled.

Denial [Dark]

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Everything was fine.

It is always fine.

I walked briskly down the hall, ponies came to meet me.

How nice!

Days go by normally, the ponies are jovial.

I am friends with everypony you meet.

We had a nice conversation, about meetings, food, guests and events.

Nothing bad happened.

Night court isn’t usually busy, but it is important!

My sister is fine, and laughing.

Not on the floor. Bleeding.

Luna was always emotional and to the point with ponies.

Why would she be there?

The stars are great.

I never could get them to shine or move them as easily as she could, she is very creative!

The moon is whole.

Not broken apart and crumbling.

The moon is nice because you can always look at it so easily and not get blinded.

The throne room always had a red carpet.

Perhaps red drapes might make it look better?

Just fine.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Why are you just standing there!

Why aren’t you moving?


Everything is fine.

Just a simple bruise.. or cut.. easy to fix

I must fix this.

Talk to me!

Outing [SoL]

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“Twilight dear, I know you are happy with your.. choice of costume.” Rarity’s expression held nothing but concern.

“However, the others girls and I had in fact managed to agree on something, as Spike did in fact make good suggestion at the time.”

“You, Rarity, actually agreed to that?” Twilight merely laid upon the floor, her left hoof grinding a circle upon the library floor, aggravated by certain comments made prior by two particular polar-opposite pegasi earlier.

“Come now Twilight we are all friends here, even though it is childish, it makes some sense as a thing we can do as a group, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie especially seemed to be all for it, nothing to mope about.” A blue aura enveloped Twilight lifting her from the floor.

“What exactly is so wrong about my costume choice?” A ruffling of wings was muffled out by said costume.

“Really Twilight, a book?” Rarity deadpanned.

“It’s a damaged book! It’s scary!” Twilight stomped her hoof for emphasis “Broken spine, some pages ripped out, corners bent, some stain and highlighting on some pages, it scared me to even think of this costume!” Rarity had to agree, this is 'scary' for Twilight.

“But as a set we, The Elements of Harmony, can wear as a group does interest you right right?” It was an interesting idea really, what Spike suggested though…

“Awesome Altered Force Troopers, Rarity? Only Rainbow, and Pinkie would go for that” Twilight’s dry tone made her point clear

“Applejack and Fluttershy liked the idea, Twilight, why are you so against it?”

“It’s generic! I know I’ve seen others wear costumes like them!” Again Twilight’s hoof struck the floor for emphasis.

“That is true, however, it has been brought to my attention that the comic book heroes have many variations of their own outfits, so it still works.” Rarity countered.

“Even so, aren’t most Nightmare Night costumes supposed to be scary?” Twilight was pacing thinking of excuses.

“Not necessarily Twilight, and on that front your book costume would not-” Twilight turned to Rarity abruptly.

“Yes it would!” Rarity found herself glad she was already seated as Twilight gazed upon her.

“Twilight calm down.”

Twilight sat at the opposing seat to Rarity. “How can you, Rarity, stand thinking about wearing those silly superhero costumes, I heard you call them tacky, gaudy and unbefitting of your fabulousity.”

“Simple: the reality of it just being one night, and a moment I can actually go out for a change, not burned out from my workload, is worth it.” Rarity calmly stated and continued.
“Also, those comics have been around since before I was a foal, I may have been a tad harsh with my original opinion, as looking at some of their newer costumes I must say they have gotten more flair to them now.”

Twilight defeated sigh was heard at the end the talk.

“By the way, I brought your costume, it is over there near the bust.” Standing up, Rarity lifted her hoof towards said costume.

Twilight gaze slowly followed and saw it.

“Do hurry up dear, The festivities will begin in a scant few hours.” The opening of a door was heard as several colorful masked ponies and a baby dragon with a fedora and trench coat walked in.

“Is she still wearing that book?” the light blue colored trooper stated.

A small smile was on Twilight’s face as she looked upon her friends.

“Give me a minute to change out of this, Rainbow Dash” Twilight got up, heading toward the red colored costume.

“I’m Pinkie, not Dashie!” the light blue Trooper bounced.

Twilight groaned.

Fun was had that Nightmare Night.

Parcel [SoL]

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“Spiiike!” To her dismay the books were taking their toll, she was hungry.

“I’m downstairs! Why are you always yelling my name?” Twilight made a short walk downstairs, following her assistant’s voice to the main library floor.

Spike was there, glaring at her, however the place was not spotless, rather, it was crowded with boxes.

“What is all this? Spike what is it you are doing down here?” Twilight could only gape at the mess of cardboard boxes and ... a cork-board?

“Um, I’m not entirely sure.” Spike was holding colored markers, merely sitting on the floor and looking at the cork-board.

“How can you not know?” Twilight could not comprehend this. She considered enforcing Spike into planning things into a thorough checklist system like she does. Yes, this a good idea.

“Well Pinkie said-” he was promptly interrupted

“Pinkie? How, wait do I want to know?” Dealing with Pinkie always gave her a headache, and right now, unfed, she wasn’t sure she wanted to deal it this

“It was confusing, well still is confusing to me, so maybe you sh-” He wouldn’t get the chance to tell her to ask Pinkie herself.

“Never mind! It’s making you make a mess of my library, so tell me everything Spike!”

He sighed readying to exposit what “The Librarian” had devoted to studying the day away and be blind to the goings on of everyone else, wondering why the roles of this building were so weird yet again.

“While you were melding your nose into another load of books, I had done the chores of sweeping, dusting and so forth.” His right hand made a small circular gesture

Twilight telekinetically brought some pillows for both of them to rest upon

“After that I considering making you breakfast, but opted to get muffins or cupcakes as a snack for us instead. The trip was nothing spectacular, when I arrived the Cakes were in a rush, from what I gathered there may have been a rush order and conflict with other things planned, they merely asked me to fetch Pinkie from upstairs for them and would give me the snacks for the favor.”

A small grin was on her muzzle, perhaps the Cakes should be introduced to her checklist system too! Checklists are helpful, nopony can go wrong with a checklist!

“I agreed and went upstairs to Pinkie’s room, but before I could knock on her door she opened the door and yanked me inside and locked the door from inside! The last time something like that happened she interrogated me, she can be scary y’know?” He wrung his hands a bit almost afraid said mare might appear to snatch him away.

“Wait, she has interrogated you before?! When was this?” Concern for her scaly friend was obvious.

“Around her birthday I think?” Spike tensed up as if revealing said information was a big no-no.

Oh. Oh! That birthday, right. More questions to ask Pinkie later.

“Anyway, she didn’t interrogate me and instead wanted my opinion on some project of hers. I had tried to tell her to aid the Cakes downstairs, but she covered my mouth with her hoof and told me to not worry about it.”

“So…?” While glad her little friend was dutiful to his task, she still wanted the explanation to hurry up, she was quite hungry. Spike did say there were cupcakes. Did he leave them in the kitchen maybe? A nearby table maybe? She began looking around as Spike resumed his tale.

“So, her project was some chalkboard thing with pictures of our friends and us and other ponies put on it, there were arrows and hearts doodled on it, she said something about ‘shipping project’. I asked if she took a side job as a mailmare, and she just giggled and lead me out of the room, saying she changed her mind.” Spike grumbled as this did effectively mean he had to help the Cakes troubles in Pinkie’s stead, he did get more cupcakes at the end though.

“Schppg?” Twilight had indeed found the snacks.

“Yep, so I was trying to figure it out down here while you were still studying, thought the boxes might give me a better idea, sorry about the mess Twi” Spike got up and began putting the empty cardboard boxes away back into the basement-laboratory-storage room.

“I can understand you trying to satiate your curiosity Spike, but if it’s something you see Pinkie, or Rainbow Dash for that matter, doing please don’t try to copy them.” She had finished her scarfing a moderate amount of cupcakes down.

“Yeah yeah, Dash’s stunts can be dangerous, Pinkie’s contraptions don’t make sense and your lab requires me to be careful, I know.” Plumes of smoke puffed from his nose as he recited her past warnings.

“Also! You are not to go to Pinkie’s room without supervision from here on.” The information Spike told left her concerned about what he sees when she’s not watching him and what he understands or might misunderstand. She is his guardian after all.

“What? Why?” Spike’s confusion is understandable.

“I do not trust Pinkie to treat you like the child you are Spike, seeing as she won’t hesitate to interrogate you” Must be firm Twilight! Who knows how Celestia will react to Spike’s childish ideas of romance changing if he really understood what he saw.


“No buts Spike, I need to talk to Pinkie, can’t have her scarring a child’s mind!”

“What do you mean?” an eyebrow rose as Spike faced her.

“Never mind Spike! Just have this stuff put away when I return!” With that Twilight headed out of the Library.

He sighed, glad he only took empty boxes out and that the cork-board was light.

What exactly was one supposed to ship and to whom?

He didn’t get it.

Only he the ‘assistant’ was in the Library.

“She is such a bad Librarian, I wonder if I can get mom to give’s Twilight pay to me for doing all the work?”

He wanted another cupcake, there were diamond shavings he had hidden away.

Twilight had eaten all but one of the cupcakes.

He sighed again.

“She better bring back more.”

Away [Rom]

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Warmth is such bliss especially with the one you have loved for so long, to waste the days and nights together, to ignore all responsibilities, such a grand feeling. However grand it is the two pegasi wrapped around each other in an affectionate embrace, realize that waking and separating would be in their best interest for various reasons. As such the aureolin and celeste pair bring themselves to release each other after trading a kiss and greet the morning.

“There anything in particular for today Flutters?” The distance between the two and the bed increased rapidly, as the famed speedster stumbled into the washroom.

“Nothing in particular.” Though soft as her voice was, her partner would always hear it.

Sounds of humming were given before a loud splash, to Rainbow Dash’s face broke her drowsiness.

Rainbow could’ve sworn she heard the giggling of a certain pink mare.

“How ‘bout we take a walk together to the market?” A yellow wing lightly touched her, her focus now on the one right next to her.

“Sounds lovely, Rainbow.”

Smiles abound, the morning rays of the sun through the window graced the cottage as the two went about their routines and breakfast for the pegasi and pets were had.

Ponyville was rather unique place, days could go by without an event, and at times the bizarre and unexpected disasters fell upon the town. Boring it never was, as the ponies who resided there, while charming and generally nice, most certainly had their own moments of craziness at times. It was great little village that even the princesses themselves never tired of visiting. It could also be because a princess does live there now, but nopony could really say she was the real fault of it at times.

It was one of those days where nothing unusual happened.

Well at least for Ponyville’s standards.

“You did a great job clearing the sky Rainbow” The two walked together side by side, small bags adorning their sides.

“Course I did! Have you ever seen me not get my job done?” A smirk was quite visible on the athletic one.

“W-Well no, but you kind of put it off at times and do your own thing, but you do get it done! Which is fine!” It was a hurried reply, a sigh could be heard from the blue partner.

“I know Flutters, AJ is more than vocal enough about my effort and schedules, don’t fret it.”

“But, you do such a beautiful job with the sky Rainbow!” The praise had all the force of a mouse.

Such conversations are heard often when it came to that sporty mares work ethic. As were Fluttershy’s hidden skills on various things. Painfully normal really. Discord sometimes makes things interesting for the two, but often is in Canterlot harassing the nobility.

Discord was actually the one who had managed to put Fluttershy in the position to confess, with Angels help. Nopony minded them being together, many thought this was a rare moment of Discord being helpful, rather than nuisance. But, since it worked out with little confusion, it was all good.

They looked cute together, that was what mattered.

Didn’t mean there weren’t some interruptions. Like one pink on pink earth pony on a rooftop looking through oversized binoculars staring directly at the couple. But do not misunderstand, she has no problems with the couple, she just thinks she’s good at making romantic situations to have them go ‘further’.

The results are always what one might expect.

“Is that Pinkie?” Fluttershy noticed her right away.

“Of course, who else would have binoculars bigger than a normal pony?” A sigh and roll of eyes expressed Rainbow Dash’s hopes for the day.

“Twilight seems to be talking to her.”

“Is she helping Pinkie?” At this point Rainbow Dash was looking for a new route, fretting that Pinkie might’ve had surprises hidden about, why else would she be looking so intently at them?

“She seems to have grabbed pinkie with her magic and might be yelling at her.”

“Probably lecturing her on not disturbing ponies I bet.” Concern for Pinkie was not Dash’s priority right now.

“Should we..?”

“Nah, if it’s a disaster she’ll tell us, not drag us away.”

“And Pinkie?” Fluttershy was sure they’d be fine, but had to ask anyway.

“Leave her with Twi’ to keep her out of our manes.” Rainbow just wanted a simple outing for her marefriend, not some ridiculous song and dance that Pinkie no doubt was planning.

So they had just that, a normal totally boring outing.

“Well that was a bust.” Said one magnificent devil of a draconequus, as he pondered to himself inside of a large unobtrusive snow globe hidden within the nearby forest “What did little Princess Bookworm want with Pinkie now of all times? We had the bouncy castle and trombones ready and everything!”

Discord grumbled to himself as the targets walked away.

Truly a normal day in Ponyville.

Unsaid [Dark]

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Everypony heard the newest princesses’ story; she finished a spell made by the oh-so-famous Starswirl, big whoop de doo. She gets a crown for doing half the job? I’ve studied magic for Celestia alongside my co-workers and we don’t get any of the applause and reverence her little brown nosed protégé gets. Clearly our beloved Princess Celestia is holding back on her workers whose job is actually experimenting and furthering magical needs and applications!

Why did that recluse of a student get the book? No matter I have it now, leaving such an important tool in that rural sinkhole of a town library. Something, so precious shouldn’t have been in her hooves to begin with if she just leaves it merely behind a glass case with a puny beast servant so easily silenced by a kick.

Let’s see what secrets this book REALLY has!

Hah, there’s that ‘unfinished’ spell, feh, Starswirl must’ve been a pony with a bloated ego, this is simple to figure out, the Elements were hardly needed at all! With some help from my co-workers and interns, Sparkle’s ascendancy will mean nothing and be put back in that pathetic library.


At least the trains are punctual, rather not be near this mudhole village any longer.

“Everything is set up?”

“Yes sir!”

“Good, the magic this book contains will make us all famous!”

“You sure?”

“Of course! That Sparkle unicorn became a princess from this book, imagine what it’ll do for us!”

“This is THAT book?! Well!”

“Let’s hurry this up! Think I might become Prince?”

“Hah! If you become Prince, hook me up with Luna!”

There’s the sound of interest I wanna hear! Everyone gets it! This’ll do wonders for us!

“Here we go ponies!”

“This is gonna rock!”

“Focus now! This requires teamwork and a lot of magic ponies!”


I can feel something!



“Boss, does combined magic always change color like this?!”

“Yes!” … I think

“Don’t stop!”


“My horn!”





A building was surrounded by the Royal Guards, keeping civilians away from what could only be called horrifying, one in particular went up to the arriving Princesses Celestia and Twilight Sparkle.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Sparkle! What do we do with-”

“Keep everypony away as you’ve been doing, Sergeant. Did your ponies retrieve the book?” Celestia was not pleased.

“Yes Princess, it is currently in the iron container over there.”

“Very good, once everypony is dispersed, your troops will also leave for a debriefing on this matter.” Princess Celestia slightly raised her hoof and made motion for the Guard to leave.


“Twilight, I do not blame you for this.” Princess Celestia blamed herself really.

“But, it was my responsibility.” Princess Twilight was clearly distraught as she looked to her ex-mentor.

“There was no way you could’ve known, or predicted that a unicorn from Canterlot would go all the way to Ponyville to steal that book.” Celestia put a wing around the smaller alicorn beside her, holding her close as she surveyed the wreckage of the Canterlot Arcana Laboratory.

“But, I left it in such and easy seen place, anypony could’ve taken the time to smash the casing if they wanted and Spike got hurt trying to stop him!” Twilight’s tears had begun to flow, just as they did from when Spike’s report came after he had regained consciousness.

“Even so, it was something you were proud of Twilight, wanting to show proof where the public can see it is understandable.” This was not something Celestia liked seeing, blood and gore was never easy to deal with, but this… could only be described as a mutilated monstrosity of flesh, decay, and death…

“What, what do we do with… that… Celestia” Twilight’s voice was straining as her gaze fell upon it.

“I honestly did not know such a horror could come from that book Twilight, for that I will apologize. And, I apologize again as I must ask you to make a difficult choice.” The hug became tighter as Celestia’s eyes closed.

“What is it Celestia?”

“Can you keep this foulness a secret from everypony with me? The ponies who witnessed this will also need to be sworn to silence.” Celestia hated this. Hated this mess. Hated what became of her little ponies.

“I will, Princess.”