Sound Of Thunder: The Calm Before the Storm

by Shimmering Honor

First published

Shimmering Honor joins the crew of Nocturnal Thunder on her return journey to new canterlot for a retrofit. On the way he will make new friends and meet new enemies...

Sergeant Shimmering Honor is tasked with protect the greatest airship of all time, Nocturnal Thunder, on its way back to Pony Island for retrofitting. But no sooner than the voyage gets underway, his resolve is tested as they are ambushed, nightmares and new feelings tear at the crew. Will they make it to dry dock before all hell breaks lose and will Shimmering Honor realize what he feels deep down inside.

(thanks to the team at the Sound of Thunder group for all there hard work)

Edited by RGLloyd

Shimmering Honor's arrival

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"MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" The drill sergeant screamed at the group of trainees as they galloped around the drill square. The day had been grueling enough, but now freezing rain proceeded to beat down upon them as well, drenching their coats fully through. All could see the fatigue that was sneaking up on them – their muscles burnt and their bodies ached – yet the drill sergeant was still pushing them to gallop more.

"RUN YOU WORTHLESS LOT! YOU WANT TO BE MARINES!? THEN RUN!" Shouted the drill sergeant, making a certain pegasus's ears shoot up in attention. His stamina boosted, as he galloped faster and faster, getting slightly ahead of the group. A blue trail with a red streak in the middle was left in his wake. The drill sergeant noticed and took mental note as several other ponies followed his lead. Though, try as they might, the unknown pegasus held onto his lead. The drill sergeant finally ordered the trainees to stop. All but the unknown pegasus stopped in a heart beat, but it took another two laps for the aspiring pegasi to grind to a halt.

There had been captain who had been walking by when he the pegasus's extraordinary performance of an extra two laps. He halted for a moment before changing directions, making his way towards that exceptional pegasus.

"What's your name recruit?" The captain asked.

"Shimmering Honor, Sir!" he saluted, The captain levitated a clipboard and quill over, then wrote something down.

"Good going son." he said before he trotted away.

Sound of Thunder: the Calm before the storm

Written By Shimmering Honor

Based on the FimFiction Collaboration, Sound of Thunder.

Chapter 1, Shimmering Honor's arrival

The port was a confusion of different colored ponies, all trying to get to there next stop. Some were in uniforms, others in combat dress, while others wore nothing at all. A section of marines marched down the street with weapon harnesses strapped to their backs.

Three large wooden poles overshadowed everything at the end of the street; an obvious sign that a very large ship was docked in that direction. It was the most outstanding sight Shimmering Honor had seen since entering the Royal Guard Academy. He walked down the street, passing by some unicorns levitating crates and trotting under an air patrol of pegasi as they flew overhead.The lone pegasus loved to fly- to have the wind blow across his blue coat and run through his deep blue and red mane- to feel the flapping of his wings. The thrill of it all, he just couldn't get enough of it.

The pegasus spread his wings, threw his saddle bags on his back and flew the rest of the way down the street to a long line of ponies all stood in front of a large building, the three massive poles just behind it. All had military saddle bags on. Some wore officer's uniforms, sailor uniforms, or Marine cerimonial dress, and still others wore nothing. Each of them were different shades of color; reds, blues, yellows, greens, blacks, even some pink. The line was moving at a nice speed, and before he knew it, the pegasus was through the door, down a flight of stairs, and onto a covered gangplank. He looked out of windows on either side. There was a massive hole in the ground, some form of dry dock with more gangplanks connecting to a large wooden and metal structure in the middle. He could see pegasi with tool belts, checking over the infrastructure. unicorns moved crates and wooden planks about. He looked the other way and noticed the structure had several holes dotted all over it. Large pieces of wood hung off the side of the ship, shattered from some form of impact, and floors could be seen through the holes. Unicorns and pegasi were moving new wooden planks into position to repair the damage. He moved down the gangplank, and entered the structure to a line of ensigns and sailors awaiting the arrivals

"Engineering, down there on your left."

"Officers quarters, up those stairs, turn right."

"Main Gun, down those stairs and straight ahead."

The pegasus walked up to one ensign, the earth Pony looked up, with a smile she said. "Name, Rank and Number please"

"Shimmering Honor, Sergeant, 11558967, I have orders to see Gleaming Cutlass." Shimmering Honor said as he stood at attention. Ensign was a low rank, but it was still higher than him.

"Head to the stairs behind you then go aft towards the helm, you can't miss him, he will be working on some charts no doubt." She said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Shimmering Honor set off. He soon made it onto the top deck, and looked around. The masts were taller than he expected, with massive sails folded up. Pegasi flew around checking rigging, as earth ponies moved heavy loads, and unicorns floated crates, ropes, and other Nautical items about. Shimmering Honor walked along the side, looked across to the other side of the ship. and still couldn't believe how wide it was. He headed aft, like the ensign had said and noticed a yellow pegasus with gray hair and an eye patch staring down at some charts on a table.

"Excuse me, I am looking for Sailing Master Gleaming Cutlass." Shimmering Honor asked the pegasus.

"Well you've found him." He said not looking up from the charts

"Sergeant Shimmering Honor, Second Marine Battalion, reporting for duty sir!" Shimmering Honor snapped to attention giving the pegasus a sharp salute.

"Ah, Sergeant, How nice to meet you." He pulled himself away from the papers and grabbed ahold of Honor’s hoof and shook it roughly.

"So what do you think of the ship?" he asked.

"Well, sir, from what I can see, she is a beauty. But I saw some damage on the gangplank." Shimmering replied.

"Drop the formalities sarge. Well, I’m glad you like her. You will be living on her for a few years." Gleaming said, looking out across the deck.

"May I ask, why do I need to see you? I have no skill with navigation or charts." Shimmering asked, this had been nagging at him since he got his orders.

"Ah, yes, well, the captain has so many new crew joining, they couldn't greet them all so she’s delegated the task to other officers. Also I wanted to get to know you better and maybe talk tactics.”

“Tactics? Marines have one tactic, shoot the enemy before they shoot you. What else is there?” Shimmering replied with a laugh.

“Oh haha.. no I was talking about how you would board a ship, and how you would do air combat. That's what I meant, son.”

"Hey, don't go calling me son, you look younger than me, I could probably pull off as your father if I had too." Shimmering joked. Gleam laughed back, a small tear forming in his eye which he managed to wipe away without the Sergeant seeing.

"I say son so the lower ranks can get use to me being a higher rank. They still can't get around the fact that I shot up through the ranks so young," he laughed. The two got talking about tactics when a unicorn marine in officers uniform marched up to them.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor I presume?” He asked. Shimmering turned around and noticed the captains stars on his collar.

“SIR, YES SIR!” He barked, giving him a crisp salute.

“At ease, you have been assigned the second airborne second squadron, they will be wai…..” The captain saw something out of the corner of his eye, he looked around and his face scrunched up as if somepony had squashed it under hoof. “YOU THERE, STOP!” He shouted and galloped off.

“Well someponies in trouble, that was Captain Dark Star, he is in charge of the marines till we get to Pony Island,” Gleaming looked over at the running officer, “Bit of a nut-job at times but gets the job done. So lets go meet the second squadron shall we?" Gleaming Cutlass walked off, Shimmering Honor following close behind confused as to what this navigator meant by ‘nut-job’. They descended a flight of stairs and headed for the Marine Mess room. When they opened the door, a deep voice boomed out.

"Officer on Deck!" All the marines in the room stood to attention.

"No need, its only me" Gleaming stated as he waved a hoof, all the Marines continued on with whatever they were doing. He grabbed a Private, "get Shimmering's Squadron will you," and the earth pony rushed off.

"Now then, the squad you are in charge of is called 'Shimmering Glory'." Gleaming said with a smirk "Its been called that for years. Its an all pegasi team and is either a bomber wing or boarding party, you have some very interesting characters in your team." He said as several ponies walked up to them, saluted and the largest spoke first.

"Second Squadron of the Second Airborne, Shimmering Glory reporting!"

"Very good." Gleaming and Shimmering returned the Salute. "Second Squadron, this is your new Sergeant." Gleaming said, pointing a wing at Shimmering Honor. "I will leave you to get acquainted." He turned to one of the two mares in the team, "and I will see you later," he said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, down the barrel of a my sniper rifle," she replied. Gleaming stood back, blushed and almost rushed out of the room.

"So then Sergeant, what's your name?" said a dark green Pegasus with a lime green mane.

"Shimmering Honor. I was once a Royal Guard in New Canterlot," he said. "Now then, besides me who is the highest rank, we will start there and work our way down." A Black mare with a red mane and tail spoke up first.

"Midnight storm, Corporal, Explosives expert sir!" She blushed as she looked into his eyes and quickly looked away.

"Lightning Arch, Corporal, Ready and waiting sir!" Said the green pony.

"Lance Corporal Heavy Weight, heavy weapons." Said a larger than normal brown stallion with a black mane. He was obviously older than the others, and Shimmering hoped more experienced.

"Pinpoint, Sniper, Lance Corporal." Said the mare Gleaming had tried to hit on. She had a white coat with a brown mane. The last pony just stood there. He was jet black, coat and mane, and he had no cutie mark.

"And you are?" asked Shimmering

"That's Shadowstrike Flank, we all call him Flank, because we don't know if he has a cutie mark and when you're in the middle of battle he can sneak on to the enemies flank to within a few meters." replied Heavy Weight.

"He is a Lance Corporal and he is the team scout. Don't expect him to say much sergeant, he is the strong silent type." Lightning Arch piped in.

"This seems a bit small, where is the rest of the squadron?" Asked Shimmering.

"You see Sergeant...They are kind of...." Lightning Arch started.

"Dead" Came a deep voice, Shimmering looked around, it must have been Flank.

"Oh...right, well then...when do we get some more privates then?" Shimmering asked, hoping somepony knew, but an awkward silence fell over the group, uneasy lucks passing between the team.

"We don't know." Pinpoint replied.

"Right then, I will but in a request for some more then..." and with that the team soon began speaking about themselves. A few hours later a ringing could be heard throughout the ship as some magical announcement system started to talk.

"All necessary repairs complete, restock complete. Lift off, ten minutes. All hooves, best dress, line the rails in five minutes!” And it shut off. All the Marines went to their bunks and started to get changed into their best uniforms.

"Your bunk is in here Sergeant, with the rest of the Second Squadron," Said Heavy. He motioned to a small side door, the two mares went through another to the mare quarters. Once the whole team was dressed they met back up in the mess, and headed up to the top deck. Ensigns showed them where to stand. By the time lift off was about to start, all the ponies aboard where at the right places, lining the railings on the side facing outwards.

"LIFT OFF IN T MINUS TWO MINUTES, DETACH ALL MOORING LINES, GANG PLANKS AND FUEL LINES, OPEN FRONT DOORS!" The dock master voice boomed around the dock through large speakers, The ship shook slightly as all the attached items fell off and slowly moved back into the side of the dock

"LIFT OFF IN T MINUS FORTY FIVE SECONDS, ENGINES START!" A rumbling came from the aft of the ship as the engine cones flared to life

"Drop sails!" Gleaming Cutlass's voice echoed through the speakers on board the ship. Massive sails dropped down from the yard arms on the masts as sailors undid ropes, then they hung there flapping in what little wind was around the ship

"T MINUS TWENTY SECONDS, OPEN REAR DOORS!" Massive doors to the rear of the dock opened up to channel the wind and the massive sails filled with the life they so desired.

"T MINUS 10...9...8...7...6...5, RELEASE FINAL MOORING LINES...3...2...1...LIFT OFF!" The engines flared and the ship lurched forward, leaving the dry dock on the floating Island. Cheers from outside the dock started to fill the ears of the crew lining the ship. Each sailor saluted the crowd that had gathered to see the airship take off, to see the Flagship of the Equestrian Navy, to see Nocturnal Thunder.


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Do you ever think we will make it into the Royal Guard Shimmer?” The filly asked the foal, she looked over at him, they were both lying on their backs, wings spread staring up into the stars.

“We will, I promise you...we will.” Shimmering replied, looking over to the cute pegasus filly lying next to him. She had a dark blue coat, as dark as the deepest of oceans. It shone as the moon’s light reflected off her. He was hooked on that filly, he knew that she would go out with him.

“May I ask you something?” He asked her as the filly looked over, her deep red eyes making him know he had to ask this question. “Do you like anypony?” the filly looked at him confused.

“Well of course I do, otherwise we wouldn’t be friends.” The filly replied without a seconds thought.

“No, like like, you know, beyond friendship.” Shimmering replied, getting more worried.

The filly rolled her head back to look at the stars “No, not really.” came her reply “Do you?” she asked.


“Who?” The filly sat up, looked over at Shimmering and saw his cheeks had gone a bright red.


Chapter 2, Attention

Nocturnal Thunder had just left port, cheers from civilians ringing in the ears of the entire crew. It was a nice feeling, to know that ponies would cheer for such a dangerous ship… yet it felt right.

Sergeant Shimmering Honor was slowly trotting back to his bunk from talking some more with Gleaming Cutlass. It had been an impressive launch; the civilians waving at the old ship as it left the dock, the feel of the ship easily taking to the skies, the sound of her engine using all its strength to move her forward. When he got back to his bunk, an earth pony was standing there, waiting for him.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor, eighteenth Marine team?” The colt asked.

“Yes that's me.” He replied.

“You're wanted by the captain.” As the colt walked out, Shimmering quickly changed into his best uniform, mounted an old sword in his belt, and marched to the captain’s quarters.

When Shimmering reached the captains quarters, he stood to attention.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor reporting Sir!” He said through the door, it opened and he marched in. It was dark inside the cabin, but he could make out some shapes; a table, chairs, globe and other artifacts. A figure walked out of the dark. This pony was taller than any he had ever seen, their mane waved around them, and their eyes glowed in the dark. It was an unicorn, or so Shimmering thought, until two wings spread out from the ponies back. An Alicorn…

“Its ma’am sergeant, I’m a mare.” Said the Alicorn, she stepped out into what little light there was coming from a window, Princess Luna…

“Your Majesty!” Shimmering bowed down, “please forgive me for my mistake!”

“You are forgiven sergeant. Now drop the formalities please.” Luna said, she walked over to a table and sat down. “Please take a seat Shimmering.” Shimmering sat down and waited for whatever topic the princess wished to talk of.

“Well Shimmering, you have an interesting past; Sea An gel descendants, Trottingham heritage and Royal Guard, so why did you transfer to the marines?” she asked.

“Well…uhm, I was in the middle of New Canterlot and they said they were looking for some new marines…so I requested a transfer.”

“Well, you were outstanding during training.” Came a familiar voice, Shimmering looked around to see the marine captain step out into the light. This time, in just an old looking uniform, he was a mahogany brown with a black mane, had a scar down the left cheek, and a small nip out his right ear.

“Thank you sir.” Shimmering replied, snapping back to attention.

“At ease, we are dropping formalities as the Princess said.” The captain said. “Captain Dark Star, I saw you during that first drill run, you were BRILLIANT!” The captain exclaimed, “I have never seen somepony with that much stamina, and then to get other ponies to speed up as well, what a feat.” the captain said as he stuck a hoof out to shake.

“Nice to meet you captain.” Shimmering replied.

“Now then, shall we get back to the important issues?” Luna asked pointing to a set of seats, both marines looked over at her, Shimmering sat back down and Dark Star stayed standing.

“Now then, this ship is on a two week voyage to the dry docks for a major retrofit, I need the marines to look after her, we have minimal working canons and the hull is weak in places. Most combat will be boarding actions if we can help it...” Luna started, placing her fore legs on the desk, but Shimmering raised a hoof. “Yes sergeant?”

“May I ask, why am I here.” Shimmering drew an arc around the room with a hoof. “Shouldn't there be more officers at this briefing?” He asked.

“A very good question sergeant, as the ship has just left port, and a new crew is starting to be assembled as we speak. Your time in the Royal Guard has made you one of the most experienced on board at the moment. That is why, until we get to Pony Island, you will train the marines already stationed on board to get them to a higher level in time for the new commanding officers that are waiting for them at Pony Island.” Luna replied, rolling a quill around on the desk.

“Oh, that makes more sense.” Shimmering said sarcastically, he couldn't believe it, how was he the most experienced on ship, just because he was a Royal Guard. The briefing continued and soon Shimmering Honor was being dismissed. Dark Star stayed behind.

“Do you really think that he could train all the marines in two weeks, half of them went through basic in two weeks, which normally takes a month. You rushed their training!” Dark star angrily stated. He was right, Luna had rushed the new marines, she needed a lot of them for what she had in store, and this was more of a test for them. There were far too many on-board that didn't know respect, or have the right experience. Yet on the other hoof, there was also a lack of experienced marines that weren't already deployed.

“We are privy to the issues, and we bid you not speak out of turn. Thou wilst hold thy tongue till asked in confidence to voice thy concerns!” Luna replied forcefully in the Royal voice, standing up and spreading her wings to add effect.

“Yes ma’am.” Dark Star replied and left Luna’s quarters. We are worried for the Captain, he is our best hope...

He was still confused when he got to the mess hall, why had Luna wanted the marines on board to be trained more? As he opened the door to the mess, the room went white, and something metallic landed on his head.

“Hahahahahaaa,” rang out from around the room, when Shimmering opened his eyes, a white dust was settling around him, flour.

“Who is responsible!” Shimmering Ordered, the room fell into a deadly quiet, Lightning popped his head round the corner of a doorway, trying desperately to hide a smirk on his face. When he saw it was his sergeant that got pranked, his face fell and immediately shot back into the room.

“LIGHTNING!” Shimmering shouted, the colt came back into the room, his face still trying to show a smile.

“Yes sergeant?” He stood to attention in front of Shimmering.

“Do you know who did this?” Shimmering asked

“ sergeant,” he replied, still desperately trying not to laugh. Heavy Weight turned the corner, seeing Shimmering covered in white flour made him remember his first time falling victim to the prankster.

“Wow, somepony got you good sergeant. They must be Extremely proud of themselves,” he said, emphasizing extremely, and it caused the reaction that it always did.

“I know right, it is an amazing prank, I always do the best...oh.” Lighting blurted out without thinking.

“Thank you Lance Lightning, what were you saying, something about doing the best?” Shimmering looked down at the scared colt, a small twinkle in his eye.

“Ahh...well you see sergeant, I am a bit of a prankster, and well...I know the best ways of doing it and the bucket over the door is always the best.” he said looking down at the floor, he didn't notice Shimmering mouthing some orders.

“Well you are lucky it wasn't the captain walking in or another high ranking officer.” Shimmering started, awaiting his orders to be followed through, Lightning was still looking down, just then two unicorn marines walked around the corner, one with a flour bag, another with a bucket of water.

“Now, what is even better is that I wasn't wet or anything, you know what happens to flour when it gets wet?” he asked, Lightning still looked down.

“Yes sergeant, it becomes doughy and is hard to get out of the fur.” He replied, Shimmering nodded to the first unicorn, she moved the flour over Lightnings head.

“Now then, punishment…” Shimmering said, and nodded again, the bag was pulled open by the magical forces holding it in place, yet its contents weren't, a thick cloud of white engulfed the dark green colt, when it settled he started to laugh.

“Is that it, just make me as white as you sarge?” He laughed hard, Shimmering leaned in close, Lightning seeing the twinkle in his eye for the first time, as if he had more in his mind than Lightning thought.

“Oh no Lance corporal, and its sergeant, never call me sarge.” He stood back up and nodded to the other unicorn, Lightning shivered as the cold water was poured over him, then horror struck him as the flour on his coat started to clump together…the fur mixing in and his coat started to get heavy.

“Now, three laps around every inch of this ship, Heavy Weight, you will keep pace.” He ordered sternly, then Shimmering shook himself, trying to shake as much flour off as possible, the stuff went everywhere. “Then before you wash, you can clean this lot up!”

“Yes sergeant, MOVE LIGHTNING.” Heavy shouted at the now dough covered colt, he moved as fast as he could and galloped out of the room. Cheers from the other marines filled the room.

Shimmering laughed and headed to the showers after ordering a couple of pegasi to get a few rain clouds and hover them over the flour. A pair of deep green eyes watched him. maybe I was wrong about him.

Lightning had returned about half an hour ago and was now showering, he had been in there for at least fifteen minutes, Shimmering passed the door and heard him mumbling something which sounded as if it was hate filled.

“Everything alright in there Lightning?” Asked Shimmering through the door.

“Oh, yeah, everything is fine sergeant. Just removing the dried dough!” He shouted back, anger in his voice, Shimmering smiled and carried on walking. Knowing that there were more important things to consider than a practical joke...


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”What… you like me?” The filly blinked, looking away shyly. Shimmering was her best friend, but she'd never considered him anything more than that. Unsure of how to react, she let out a stuttering little giggle.

“Whats wrong with that?” Shimmering averted his eyes, pointedly looking everywhere that the filly wasn't. He could feel his cheeks burning up. His heart was pounding. This wasn't right. This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

"I'm sorry, Shimmy. I just..." She gulped. "I don't think it'd... Mama always says I can't get a coltfriend until I enlist, and... uh..."

The colt raised a hoof, cutting her off. "That's fine," he lied. "It's just a little crush anyways."

Chapter 3, Ambush!

Shimmering Honor was doing a tour of the ship, Nocturnal Thunder was the biggest thing he had ever seen flying in the skies above Trinity. He was planning out a training regime for the marines, starting at the command deck and working his way down through every inch of walkway and hold that was accessible, taking note of key features.

He was just coming back up the command deck to start measuring the length when he bumped into a unicorn and bounced back a few steps.

“Sorry.. I didn’t see you there,” Shimmering said to the unicorn, who had his back to him. The maroon unicorn seemed not to have heard him. Either that or he was ignoring him. A thick, deep blue mane ran down the back of his neck and a scarlet aura of magic was surrounding a clipboard and quil. The pony turned and looked Shimmering up and down

“It’s alright. Wait, I ain’t seen you before, who are you?” The unicorn asked, suspicion in his blue eyes.

“I am Sergeant Shimmering Honor, Second Airborne, Second Squadron. I just transfered on,” Shimmering replied, looking the unicorn in the eye, determined to stand his ground.

“I am Lieutenant Commander Ratchet, chief of engineering on this fine vessel upon which we serve,” he replied, looking back at his clipboard hovering between them. “Now, if you don’t mind, I must get back to surveying the pipes.” The unicorn continued, nodding his head towards the copper piping held up on to the ceiling of the corridor by a set of brackets and other pipes.

“Okay, sir.” Shimmering looked towards the piping, and nodded towards the large unicorn in front of him before Ratchet turned on his hooves and briskly trotted away down the corridor. Shimmering followed the unicorn with his eyes. Well that was short. He thought to himself before heading back to his bunk.

He looked around as he entered the marine mess hall. Lightning Arch was trying some form of card trick. Pinpoint was being ushered away from a barrel of cider that had made its way into the mess. Heavy Weight was checking his Battle harness, and as usual Flank was no where to be seen.

Shimmering entered his room and sat at a desk. He pulled out some paper and a pen and started to write plans when a knock at the door surprised him.

“Enter!” he shouted with his mouth still grasping the pen. The door opened to reveal Midnight Storm.

“Sergeant, Captain Dark Star would like to see you,” she said and walked away, Shimmering walked out of his room and found Dark Star in the main mess with five pegasi

“You called for me, Captain?” Shimmering asked.

“Ah, Sergeant, these soldiers are going to be under your command for a while. Just until we get back to Pony Island and get the new stock,” he said before walking off. Shimmering looked at the ponies in front of him, his attention drawn to a golden brown pegasus.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Private Flash Sentry!” replied the golden brown pegasus.

“Spread your wings, all of you" He ordered and the pegasi in front of him did, they all looked like they had good strong wings, then several golden brown feathers fell to the floor, Shimmering inspected Flash Sentry's wings closer....Malting, this early... They were a mess, primaries stuck out at odd angles, others were missing or looked to be held on by a thread and Shimmering could see flesh through the secondaries.

"Private, what is wrong with your wings, do you not preen?" Shimmering asked.

"I do sergeant, its...just....well, I am an early malter, I tend to start malting before anypony else and it usually takes twice as long as everypony else" Flash replied, looking embarrassed.

"With wings like that, you can't fly. I am reassigning you." Shimmering looked around for another Squad leader.

“NO! can't please...I asked to be assigned to this squadron, sergeant,” Flash replied suddenly, fear in his eyes.

“Asked!?” Shimmering was shocked.

“Yes sergeant. I am aspiring to join the Royal Guard, and so would like a chance to learn from one,” Flash said as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.

“Well you joined the wrong outfit!” Heavy Weight said from across the room. “You won't last long here, boy, not with your wings. Get yourself assigned to a non-pegasi squad!”

“I agree with the Lance Corporal, Flash Sentry, I am transferring you to the First Ground Platoon.” Shimmering pointed over to a unicorn sergeant. Flash walked away and looked sad, but Shimmering brushed it off and went back to his room to carry on planning.

It had been a few hours since Shimmering had started his planning. He wanted to train the marines to the best of his ability, but he felt that he had been thrown in at the deep end. He had no measurement of the marines’ abilities, and no measure of their resolve.

Suddenly the ship shook violently with a loud boom filling the air.

“What the hay was that?”

“Sounded like an explosion!”

“Do we worry about it?” shouted several marines. Shimmering Honor jumped up and bolted over to his battle harness. He slipped it on, attached the armored plates, and grabbed his helmet as he dashed for the door.

“All marines suit up! goblin ships sighted! All hooves to battle stations!” The speaker system announced. There was a flurry of movement as marines rushed to their bunks and pulled out weapons and harnesses. After a couple of minutes they were formed up in the Ready Room. Shimmering Honor checked gear and made sure his squadron was squared away. More explosions could be heard as cannons opened fire all around them, the ship shaking from impacts.

With a loud bang, and a more violent shake, the ship slowed to a stop. “Hull breach in Cargo One! Intruders in Engineering! Engines have taken massive damage!” Came Ratchets voice over the speaker.

“Well, I know where we are going,” Lightning muttered to Pinpoint.

“Marines to the lower levels!” Dark Star ordered as he entered the Ready Room. Shimmering turned to the marines and stared at them.

“Well move out then,” he said and they all rushed forward, grouped into squads and headed down to the lower decks. As the marines made their way down the stairs, the extent of damage became apparent. Pieces of wood flooring had been torn apart, holes had appeared where there weren’t any before, and several ponies had been badly injured. Blood covered the decks, oozing into the seams, and dripping down to lower levels. A few fires had started, but had been put under control quickly.

When the marines reached the main hull breach they saw several dead goblins. The filthy creatures had managed to blast a hole in the bottom of the ship where the hull was weakest and were climbing up ladders from a ship below them. The engineering team had fought them off along with a few marines. Shimmering Honor turned the corner and saw one pegasi marine out in the open, firing his MK 10 rifles into a cloud of smoke, screams of dying goblins coming from the other side.

“Flash Sentry. Get to cover!” shouted Shimmering Honor. The pegasi turned around. his golden brown coat covered in soot and blood.

“Yes, Sergeant.” Flash started to make his way towards a pile of boxes, but a fire had made the floors weaker. Flash Sentry stopped. He looked down at his hooves as he heard a creaking noise, and then back up to Shimmering, fear in his eyes. The floor gave way and fell from under him. Flash Sentry disappeared and could be heard screaming as he fell to the goblin ship below. Shimmering Honor shot forward to dive after him, but bullets zipped past his head and forced him back into cover. He watched helplessly as Flash bounced off the railings into the path of a pegasus dogfighter, taking both of them to their doom.

goblins charged out of the smoke wall. Some were unfortunate enough to fall into the hole that Flash had just created, more screams as helpless creatures fell to their doom.

“Open fire!” shouted Shimmering as all the marines popped out of cover, and rained bullets down on the advancing goblins. Heavy Weight and his gatling ripped through three goblins and shot the head clean off another as other marines charged the advancing enemy line and engaged in a mass melee. Pinpoint expertly took out several goblins and gremlins with scary sniper precision.

Shimmering looked to his left and saw Midnight Storm, a look on her face he had never seen before. What is that look in her eyes? Fear or shell shock…no Just then a goblin got a little bit too close, Midnight’s head shot up and looked at the goblin climbing over her cover.
It’s something else… Chills ran down Simmering’s spine. Midnight’s wing blades shot out as she lunged forward pinning the goblin to the ground with one wing and cutting into his midsection with the other. Enjoyment? The blade made a tearing sound as it parted flesh and the goblin cried out in pain and shock. The cries only prompted Midnight to cut into her enemy again. Excitement? He couldn’t place it, and wasn’t sure he wanted to as her blade repeatedly lacerated her victim.

‘Clank!’ The blade made its final destination through the torso of her long dead enemy and reached the grated floor below. Chaos sounded around Midnight, but for a tense moment she looked at the bloody smear on the ground before her and the vacant eyes of the soldier that got a little too close. She must not have liked the look the goblin directed at her, as she whipped around her MK 10 and fired a round into its head, blowing bits of brain and skull onto the floor.

Retrieving the blade from the corpse that held it down, Midnight straitened. As she now stood out in the open, all hell going on around her, a smile appeared on her face. She reached around and pulled out several explosive charges from her pouches on the harness.

“STOP HER!” Heavy and Lighting shouted, and Shimmering now realized what he had seen on her face…pure ecstasy. He lunged forward and tackled her back into cover and knocked the explosives out of the hull breach, just as they exploded.

“What were you thinking!?” Shimmering shouted at Midnight, shaking her, trying to get her to focus again. Her pupils were so small it was near impossible to see them, and the big grin on her face made even the veteran Royal Guard nervous. “Answer me, marine!” He shouted again but she stared at him vacantly.

A goblin was creeping up on the two pegasi, Shimmering not being able to see it as it was behind him. Midnight continued staring up at her sergeant as it got closer. It raised an axe above its head.

“Ahhhh…” the goblin was about to bring the axe down on the unsuspecting marine when its head suddenly detached itself from its body and rolled along the floor. Shimmering turned around to see what had made the noise and saw Flank standing just to the left of the goblin, his sharpened wing blades deployed. He looked over to the sergeant then ran into the smoke cloud, a silhouette of the stallion was visible as it tore through the goblins, cutting into them and shooting them with his E-47 and E-42.

Midnight still had that look on her face, Shimmering stared into her eyes, they were scarily beautiful. Oh really, Shimmering, at a time like this you notice how beautiful your subordinate's eyes are. Shimmering shook his head and looked back at the marine in front of him.

“Midnight Storm…please calm down,” he said in a calm voice. Surprisingly, Midnight’s pupils came back to normal and a blush appeared on her face.

“Sergeant? W-w-why are you above me?” she asked innocently. Shimmering blushed awkwardly as he got off of her and looked around. The battle seemed to have died down. Bodies of goblins and a few ponies lay scattered about the floor. Screams of the wounded and reports of cannon fire filled the air.

“You're not going to go all psycho on me again are you?” Shimmering asked softly.

“It happened again.” Her eyes widened in shock. “I will need to talk to you later, Sergeant!” Midnight said as she turned suddenly and shot a charging goblin point blank.

They’re pouring into the engine room, we’re struggling to hold them off! came Ratchet’s voice through the ship’s audio system.

“MARINES, TO THE ENGINE ROOM!” Ordered Dark Star. The old unicorn turned to lead the charge, yet stopped.

“Captain!” Shimmering ran up to him, a look of shock on the captains face, his eyes were wobbling a bit in their sockets, as if going over bad memories. Dark Star turned his head to look at him, a trickle of blood running down his face from a bullet wound on his forehead. His eyes rolled back and his forelegs gave in. Shimmering caught the captain in his wings, the body was limp. The Captain jerked suddenly as the last beat of his heart gave one final thump, then he started going cold, his greying coat and mane seemed to turn a darker shade as the life drained out of his eyes.

“Sergeant…is-is the Captain dead?” Asked a passing marine.

“Get to the engine room, don’t worry about it!” Shimmering Honor ordered, he laid the Captain down and closed his eyes in final respect. He got up and looked around. A few marines were fighting off the last of the goblins in the hold and some were shooting down towards the goblin ship below. He saw Midnight drop one or two explosives and fire her R19X Rocket.

“Corporal, to me!” he shouted across to her. She looked around, still calm by the looks of it, and flew to him.

“Yes, Sergeant?” she asked innocently.

Her voice was smooth and peaceful, adding to her beauty. NO! Don’t think like that...combat situation, combat situation! Shimmering thought and looked away, blushing slightly. He turned as he heard a loud explosion and gunfire and headed towards the engine room.

He entered the room to see smoke pouring out of the engine. “Don’t touch my engine!” Ratchet was repeatedly hitting a goblin over the head with a wrench.

Shimmering looked around and saw Pinpoint with a goblin’s arm in her mouth, hooves on his back, looking like she was…Oh wait, she did just pull the goblins arm off.

Lightning Arch and Heavy Weight were busy reloading Heavy’s gatling and again Flank had disappeared in the melee. He turned to see Midnight next to him, her eyes slowly starting to shrink again as the ecstasy returned.

“Midnight, calm deep breaths.” He whispered in her ear. This did the trick and she calmed down again. A cog came whizzing between them and implanted itself in a gremlins head. They looked back and saw Ratchet using his magic to pick up more cogs and hurl them around the room like shurikens. The two pegasi took off and landed in the middle of the melee, wing blades out. They cut and shot any goblin, gremlin or hobgoblin in sight. After what felt like forever the marines started to push them back out of the hole they had come though. Some dropping into the watery abyss below, others making it back across gangplanks they had used to get aboard.

Shimmering looked out of the hull breach, the cannons on the Thunder were still spitting smoke and death at the goblin ships. Many had caught fire or were slowly going down as the levitation devices had been destroyed. A cheer resounded from the marines as what remained of the goblin ships sailed away, in tatters and disarray.

“Sergeant Shimmering Honor and Captain Dark Star to the bridge! Shimmering Honor and Dark Star to the bridge! Marines back to the ready room. All gun crews on alert till 0100 hours after last contact!” Gleaming Cutlass’ voice resounded through the speaker system...