Hello Everypony, I Can Write Clopfic Two: Royal Flush

by publiq

First published

Celestia encourages Luna to catch up on all the contact with other ponies that she missed out on when on the Moon and Luna then does so multiple times. Twilight and Fluttershy also learn important lessons.

Luna has returned from her lunar sojourn with nothing but her hooves and the occasional astronaut to keep her company for a millennium. Celestia notes something is amiss and encourages her to take care of herself, which she does many times. Twilight needs an advanced lesson in friendship to adjust fully to life as an alicorn and Fluttershy lives her dream.

PDF, for those of us with hoof(note) and LaTeX fetishes

Mares' Meeting

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Celetia teleported into one of the private reading rooms in the library, which Luna had set up as her abode, and then quickly blushed and teleported away. Her sister, though, sensed the teleportations and decided to put down her work and find out what the day princess was going to say. Luna chose to walk around the castle to find her sister. Teleportation did leave traces, but it did not suffice to try to trace them in the castle, where unicorns regularly teleported everywhere. It did not even work for the princesses to track one another to their private quarters, because they teleported very often, plus there was the occasional guest they brought along.

Luna looked in Celestia’s bed-chamber for her sister, but there was only a royal guard wondering why Celestia was not in bed when there was no pressing matters to attend to. Discouraged, Luna kept looking throughout the castle, saving time by avoiding the kitchens, where she knew there was a zero percent chance of finding the princess of the day. Just when she was about to think the impossible had happened and Celestia would be found in the kitchen, Luna spied her sister pacing in the throne room, now with a second royal throne, obviously anxious and planning something.

Luna approached her sister and said, “If there was anything that needed worrying about during the night, I am a more than capable pony to handle the situation. Go and rest. I know we do not need sleep, but it does do wonders for the royal mood. It is no wonder the other ponies do it so often.”

Celestia responded, “The problem is, dear sister, that I am worried about you.”

“Why? I am no longer jealous that the ponies sleep through the night. The treatises on equine anatomy I studied said that our eyes do not work as well in the dark, and I now understand that they choose to sleep at night because they otherwise would bump into things when they try to go about their usual activities.”

“No, Luna, don’t be ridiculous,” her older sister responded, “I was not worried that you would become jealous again. I am worried about some of your other emotions, though.”

“Is that why you popped into my study? Why did you leave instead of telling me then?”

“I did want to talk to you, but when I saw your activities, I figured that you would rather be left alone. Plus, it seemed you had solved your problem.”

“Wait? You were concerned about that aspect of my life? Really?” Luna angrily responded. Before Celestia could respond, Luna continued, “So, if you saw I had evidently solved that problem, why are you still thinking about it?”

Celestia waited a short while to see if her sister had any more angry questions before responding, “I decided that you were not completely alright right after I left. You are the princess of the night, you deserve better than your own hooves. Especially after a thousand years on the moon, you need much better. I know you have had threesomes with your assistant and her special somepony, but you should look into other ponies and have your own life.

“I am truly sorry I forgot to knock before teleporting,” she continued, “but I was the only pony instigating those kinds of activities around here for a thousand years and I had, and usually have, an open door policy.”

Luna was wondering what her older sister implied with this. She remembered that they had tried enjoying each other to prevent any unnecessary heirs and to keep the size of the extended royal family down, but it was a less than satisfactory experience. However, Luna did wonder if Celestia was offering. Just because it was not the experience they had planned and hoped for, did not mean that it was awful; both princesses would not mind repeating the experience again if the other asked; it simply meant that the cabal of royal guards would keep its numbers high. Luna took this as an offer from her fellow princess and inquired whether that was indeed the case.

Celestia responded in the negative and explained, “What you need is not royal reconnecting time, but several stallions nailing you until you can’t canter for a week. Let me know how that goes for you; it works wonders for me.”
With that advice, Luna retreated to her quarters after a quick consultation with the head of the night guards about noise regulations in Canterlot.

Back to the Bolt

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Luna sat in her study with her abacus, proud of herself for computing the ideal number of stallions for an alicorn to enjoy. That number, as Celestia had discovered through trial and error, was five: one for each wing, one to play with the horn, and two to man the royal plot. The younger princess double-checked those calculations and remembered that she did read her sister’s notes long ago and those came to the same conclusion, as a common sense test for her answer.

She knew that if she wanted everything stimulated at once, she would need about seven stallions, if not more, but since she was dealing with real royal guards, and not spherical ponies of zero volume, five was the limit before the participants had overlapping wave functions. With this information in mind, Luna made up her mind to deliver an unannounced, unplanned midnight address to Canterlot the next time it was too cloudy to enjoy the stars.

When Luna was headed off on her usual errands, she realised that as a sovereign of Equestria, she could simply order an extra cloudy night from the weather team. She did not rush off to do that because there was one of the more interesting stellar events happening throughout the next week or so. She thought of enjoying her guards during the day, but she was usually tired at those times. While thinking of the logistics, Luna noticed she was rubbing her flanks on anything that was convenient: door handles, stone pillars, an extra thin cushion on her throne...

Luna also noticed her tail was making clear the way to her plot for all to see, but did not care. In fact, she wished an over-eager colt would notice her pheromones, which were strong enough for Luna to smell, and take advantage of her unwitting invitation. Unfortunately for her, nopony did, mostly rearing what retribution would come for running and mounting a princess, if not from the princess herself, but from whichever pony she was planning to mate with, slightly underestimating the large but finite royal libido. The dark princess was not annoyed about having to watch the Wonderbolts that evening, because she would use her automatic alicorn backstage pass to get into the dressing room and see if her charms would work there. This thought got her through the rest of the day, where she supplemented it by rubbing her flanks together and on whatever she was sitting on or leaning against. However, she did have to do many double-takes to determine if the ponies with whom she was speaking were discussing giant stallion penis with her or not. She also only thought of the word “hard” to mean that if she were a stallion, she would be very hard at the moment, and not any of the other uses for the word.

About an hour before the Wonderbolts were to perform, Luna greeted them as they got off their special cars on a train to Canterlot from either the experimental practice grounds or another show, Luna was too distracted to remember which one it was. She walked with them into their changing room and watched as they put on their blue uniforms. She personally thought her Shadowbolt uniforms were much nicer, but there was room for only one elite flyers group in Equestria, and she was willing to concede the Shadowbolts to help solidify the reunion with her sister.

Soarin’ noticed Luna’s desire for some pre-show rutting and took it upon himself to broach this most delicate subject in the only way he knew.

“Princess, um...,” the blue pegasus started.

“Yes?” responded Luna, happy that an unsure male usually meant a shy and horny one.

“It’s just... well, you aren’t...” he awkwardly continued.

Spitfire, overhearing the conversation, told her colleague to get on with it and read section 32c of their by-laws to the princess.

Soarin’, too lazy to get the rulebook, told Luna that the rule basically meant that the Wonderbolts were not supposed to mate with anypony for at least several hours before a show to keep focus. Luna, making no effort to show her disappointment, left to go to her box seat.

Once at her seat, the princess asked for a pole to be erected behind her because she had “a weakness in her hindquarters” and “had been sitting all day” when asked why she was not interested in a chair. The horny princess almost forgot her traditional opening lines to the performances, but had her mind put at ease when she saw the pole was smoothed, but decidedly irregular along its length.

While the race was in progress, she did not pay attention, instead enjoying her leaning pole and entertaining thoughts of openly having her guards mount her right then and there in the Cesear’s box. Those thoughts caused her to lean even more into the pole and start to rub her haunches up and down a conveniently placed knob in the wood. She soon realised that although this was much nicer than her hooves to start, it would not be enough to enjoy herself and get back to work. She tried to stop, but her body was definitely winning the argument by doing otherwise. As the show went on, Luna could feel the pole getting more and more slippery and some of her fur close to her plot start to mat together. She whinnied in agony from the frustration, earning her the attention of one of her guards.

“What’s wrong? Did you step on something?” he asked, trying to ignore the obvious question while they were in public.

Luna, far too angry to be discreet, replied, “No. I’m really horny. I need you to mate me now.”

The other guard, distracted by the unexpected turn in the conversation, said, “Your highness, the race will be over in fifteen minutes, if not less. Perhaps you can wait that long?”

Luna frowned and agreed, although she was not going to the guards first. In fact, she told them that when she met the Wonderbolts post-performance, to wait outside.

After twelve more intolerable minutes, Luna let out a cheer to get the crowd going for the closing festivities and ignored royal decorum and teleported to the changing room and waited for the show pegasi to arrive, deciding the empty room was a good enough place to clop until they arrived.

As the Wonderbolts filed in, Spitfire said to Luna, “You sure must like us to skip out on the closing cheers to wait for us like that,” and tried to put a wing around Luna because she, unlike her male cohorts, sensed something was wrong with the princes. However, the gesture failed due to the alicorn’s much taller frame. Luna, liking the closeness to the sweaty pony, put a wing around Spitfire instead, which Spitfire used as an impromptu changing room to humour the princess into a better mood. While Spitfire was changing, Luna couldn’t help but enjoy the feel of Spitfire’s sweaty body bumping against her own. Once Spitfire finished changing, Luna really liked the feel of the mare’s soaked fur against her body and pulled her close.

Luna, emboldened by the closeness of the other pony, asked, “I’ve never been able to get a good look at my cutie marks. Can you get one of your fine stallions to see if they are connected in the middle?”

Spitfire looked around and was in the process of telling Luna that Soarin’ had left to get his usual pie, but another male should be around somewhere when Luna felt a very pleasant tongue between her legs. The sudden sensation startled the starry sovereign and she tensed up, causing her sensitive parts to rub in just the right way, triggering a long-awaited orgasm and loud shout.

Hearing their charge shout, her guards rushed in to find a princess under a wave of endorphins with one Wonderbolt with discarded uniform under her wing and another mare apprehensively trying not to lick the princess’ hindquarters again. Luna noticed the guards and shooed them, saying it was a false alarm. She then turned and saw that the pony inspecting her cutie marks was another mare, and not a stallion like she ordered. Turning to the mare, Luna asked, “So, where are your stallions?”

The mare replied, “I was just trying to help. I couldn’t help but notice another mare in unresolved heat. Let me keep you happy until the males arrive.”

Luna, tempted to summon her guards to show the Wonderbolts how to treat a princess, decided to give the mare a chance, seeing as that one lick had done her so much good, one of the advantages of running into a pony obviously into mares. The mare started to sniff her way around the royal plot, taking care to note which spots the princess was most sensitive to. Luna asked Spitfire to climb on top of her and massage her wings, but Spitfire told Luna that her own wings needed massaging, but she could spare one of the masseuses on retainer for the Wonderbolts. Luna quickly came to realise that having another pony climb on top her her would have been a terrible idea when she was licked right between her rear lips and felt her legs give way for the night. The mare took it in stride, rolling onto her back to keep at the princess’ (not-so) privates. Luna enjoyed the massage on her wings, helping her relax to accept the lapping at her plot better. She moaned in ecstasy when the mystery mare put a hoof on her clit and moved it around while teasing elsewhere with her tongue.

Spitfire, done with her massage, returned to Luna and nuzzled the top of her head against Luna’s neck. Luna responded in kind, then Spitfire said that Soarin’ was with one of the mares he liked to visit when in the area and the other two colts were experimenting with each other. “It is one of the downsides to this group,” Spitfire explained, “to train to get in while still at peak flying ability requires great dedication, even with a healthy dose of natural talent. It doesn’t leave much time for socialising or for relationships. You get ponies who don’t know what else to do or how to keep friends who don’t travel like us.”

Luna, too horny to care, simply moaned her assurance she heard the message and leaned back onto her haunches, where she found another Wonderbolt at her plot. Since she was not expecting anypony there, she did aim properly and promptly felt a tongue at her bum. She had a miniature orgasm at the pleasure she had not experienced in over 2,000 years, having an overzealous stallion try that on her once and having felt too weird about it to register the enjoyment she had or think of it much again. This time, she was simply enjoyed the sensations and let the pleasure flow through her, causing her sphincter to contract rhythmically. For that little moment, she was glad that her digestive system, much like that of the legendary crime-fighting pony known as the Axe Cop, was 100% efficient and did not have an opportunity for any embarrassment.

“You just sat on Blaze,” noted Spitfire, “she does not seem to mind, though. Keep on keeping on, Your Highness.”

“She’s—ah!—very, er, good—oh!—and adventurous. Commendheronteampride!” blurted out the princess between blasts of pleasure.

Blaze, for her part, kept on with her task at hoof. She noticed Luna getting up slightly to converse with Spitfire, so she reached out to the royal perineum to sit Her Highness right back down. Blaze then made a summoning motion with her legs and a swish of her tail. Luna felt the extra motion and let her full mass of her plot be for Blaze to envelop herself in. Blaze made circling motions with her tongue and Luna reached down in order to make circling motions with her left forehoof.

Spitfire noted the summons and the Princess’ methods and jumped on Blaze, aligning their marehoods with one another. More importantly for the mission, she leaned forward and kissed the princess while pushing the royal hoof aside and inserting her own. Luna was flabbergasted at the impatience yet even more horny. Kissing was gross! But it felt so good. Even better was the embrace of another pony, their body heat adding together. Before she could return the kiss in honest, Spitfire used her other front hoof to lift Luna’s hoof between their mouths.

“I’ve never had the royal nectar before,” remarked Spitfire as she licked Luna’s hoof clean. Luna rubbed the side of her muzzle to clean the other side; she loved smelling herself, and she noted that was even more effective at getting stallions than mating in their dreams. Spitfire’s lower hoof sped up the circular motions on Luna’s marehood while Blaze started to expend the reach of her tongue to the cheeks of the royal plot. In such a state, Luna orgasmed in record time, her gasps interrupting her kiss with Spitfire and grinding hard on Blaze, catching her tongue between Luna’s vagina and Spitfire’s hoof. No words needed to be said as Luna rose, kissed the two mares, and spread her majestic wings to fly back to her castle.

Guarded Garden Gala

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Further into the night, Princess Luna strolled around the Royal Canterlot Gardens, enjoying the invigorating feeling she received from the Wonderbolt. She paced around looking for the dragonequis statue, but found it missing. She still could not figure out why he had escaped twice within a year of her return after, to the best of her knowledge, remaining immobile for the entire duration of her imprisonment, not counting several thousand years before that. The second escape was planned, pointing to the fact that royal communication had not im- proved much since her first stint as princess. From her limited time back, she could tell that the communication failures are for completely different reasons.

When she and Celestia first ruled together, most of the miscommunication was about mutual misunderstanding of each other’s responsibilities and Luna’s resentment of the physiology of actual ponies. This time, Luna felt very strongly she had the better job as princess. Not only did she now understand just how powerful her abilities to influence dreams were, but she did not have to deal with the nobles and other Canterlot elite. From her limited conversations with Celestia, dealing with Canterlot matters took up too much of her time and energy for the alicorns to communicate about frivolous topics such as running Equestria and scheduling eclipses.

Both princesses had expressed their longing for a simpler life, like what they had at the old castle. However, both of them were adamant that the old castle brought back too many bad memories, especially for Luna. Celestia had moved out after their fight since the castle had structural damage from their struggles and living in the middle of the Everfree forest with just the servants was boring. There were still some old relics left there, as well as archives of ancient times, but the princesses were the only ones who actively knew about them and did not care to share.

A cool breeze snagged Luna’s attention back to the present instead of the better-forgotten past, causing her to shiver briefly. She thought of the weather and found that were were some clouds blowing in, in preparation for a proper summer downpour the next day, when she looked at some of her work she did when on the Moon to see how they looked from Earth. Smiling to herself, she continued to stroll and glanced at the moon to see what time of her night it was. Running into a cohort of five night guard lead by Shining Armour made her realise it was about midnight. Speaking to the guard captain, she asked about the members of the night guard she did not recognise.

“Three of these are new recruits. The other two are some tenured members auditioning to be the new Most Honourable Captain of the Night Guard. We were in the unorthodox formation so I could observe the captain contestants, Soft Shadow and Mellow Wing, and they could watch the new members, Moon Strider, Star Fox, and Venus,” explained Shining Armour.

“Venus? Do they now let mares into the Justified and Ancient Royal Corps of Armoured bodyguards?” Luna exclaimed in astonishment, reverting to the old style of conversation.

Shining Armour looked a bit embarrassed, and all involved could see Venus was uncomfortable, even though she tried her best to hide it. “That is not my decision—that choice was by your sister a few centuries back. However, any mare in the Guard has proven herself to be just as capable as the stallions. We make no exceptions to our requirements.”

“Very well,” responded Luna, “We used to have the occasional unicorn mare on our special detachment; a pegasus mare is a truly surprising development. I will trust your judgement on whether she is a worthy member of the Guard and will talk to my sister about the reasoning behind such a decision.”

Shining Armour, Venus, and the rest of the guards continued on their patrol, hoping to finish on time after their discussion with the Princess. For her part, Luna continued onward, wondering if she was a bit harsh on Venus. Luna was a very preceptive pony, since her powers to visit dreams are not limited to the night, although that is where her dream visiting has the most power. She noticed that even some of the more apple-headed of the guard retinue had noted Venus almost losing composure. Luna wondered if she was too harsh with her phrasing, but figured that if Venus could not keep full composure, she would not do well with the hecklers that appear in the normal duties of a guard.

When Luna next looked at the sky, she was looking at her waxing crescent of the Moon, about two days past the moon on her cutie mark. However, the Moon was not to be found. In its place was a large cloud, with only a small patch of her night still left to be enjoyed. She decided to canter around the garden perimeter to get some exercise before any rain might start. She took in the smells of the bushes on the topiary garden, then felt her senses heightened as she broke into a gallop in the hidden path behind the maze. Galloping at full speed was exhilarating for Luna, her ability to run free releasing the stress of being bored in the throne room all day yesterday. She came back around to the other side and slowed to a more dignified pace, glad she was still fit to gallop. If she were less certain she would easily win, she would challenge her sister to a race or other test of physical ability—she had to keep herself occupied during her lunar tenure, and exercise was good to focus on her return plan.

The guards continued on their round, not talking much, as usual among unfamiliar members of the guard during times of non-crisis. They took an easy pace around the perimeter of the gardens, patrolling more for ceremonial reasons than for actual protection. The gardens were in the heart of the castle grounds, the only real threat contained within no match for guards, unless they were a band of Element Bearers. On this patrol, the guards did note the sky clouding up and wondered if the night’s beauty being covered up had anything to do with Luna being more terse than usual in their earlier meeting. As they rounded a corner, they spotted Princess Luna halfway through her stroll.


They were cut off by a blast of magic and found themselves in the bedchamber of the Royal Observatory.

“You all are given two hours’ of relief from duty,” the princess explained, “I have arranged for another regiment or guards to finish your patrol for you. Shining Armour, go cuddle your wife, for she has dreamt of a sensual shoulder massage for the past couple nights.”

The captain departed, his coat hiding his blush at the only thing that the princess sending him away from duty for a deployment in Cadence’s hooves could mean.

“Venus: sorry for being curt at our earlier meeting. All of you new recruits: this is one of the bonus duties that you may have heard rumour of. My personal judgement of your performance is important on this task. I have an impromptu ‘speech’ to give and need your help on the delivery.” Luna was proud of herself at her ingenuity of coming up with euphemisms for the favourite duty of the Guard. “You contenders to be captain of the Night Guard, I will be explicit with you: you must pleasurably please your princess.”

The captain contenders did not need to be prompted twice before their members expanded and dulled their thinking from blood-loss. A slight breeze ruffled their untrimmed fetlocks, sending a tingle of pleasure up their spines.

“Come this way, your highness,” called out Soft Shadow, gesturing to the bed, “it looks made to your utmost specifications for a princess: it’s the California king with the pillow top. If you were your sister, when it is ten o’clock, you’d hear the pillows drop.”

After having a seat on the bed, Luna asked, “Who’s the gayest?”

“Me right here!” was the enthusiastic reply.

“Aww, I was hoping it would be Venus,” commented Luna upon hearing the stallion, “well, I can work with you and your special experience. Now, the rest of you: JOIN ME ON THIS VERY BED!” she proclaimed, breaking out the Royal Canterlot Voice to begin her midnight address.

Venus noted quickly why Luna was hoping her voice was the one to proclaim, “Me right here!” As she climbed into the bed, she overheard Luna whisper something about wet lubricant to Moon Strider. She then saw Luna pick up a strange tubing with her magic and set it on her horn, so its tip was now blunt.

“GREETINGS, MARE AND GENTLECOLTS!” cried Luna, “WELCOME BACK TO A LONG-FORGOTTEN TRADITION!” Dropping her voice for instructions, she continued, “Captain contenders, to my wings; Mr. Strider, you know what to do; Venus, wait for further instruction; Mr. Fox, attend the royal horn.”

Luna kneeled with all four legs on her bed, stretching out her wings. Soft Shadow and Mellow Wing took their positions on either side of Luna and began to play with her wings. This contest was unusual in that both contenders for Night Captain were pegasi, so there was no obvious advantage, since unicorn stallions were more experimental and not set in their ways. Luna then summoned Moon Strider underneath her for plot duty, feeling their fur rub together as the got into position.

“AAAAAHHH!” exclaimed Luna when both Soft Shadow and Mellow Wing hit good spots on her wings simultaneously, her voice echoing off the cliffs and rooftops of Canterlot. She started to rub her female folds against Moon Strider’s dong, comparing it to the smooth glass of a bong as she let her lubrication spread around her mare bits and his dong. He rubbed his member along her, helping to keep her stimulated while she became fully warmed up for his loving. Luna felt her privates reach their critical lubrication level and on the next thrust, she aligned her—AAAAAAAA! echoed around the city of Canterlot again, making a bold opening statement on her midnight address.

Once she had gotten used to having a horseback inside her, she whispered to Venus, “Sit here at the head of the bed and relax. Play with my horn if you wish.”

Venus moved to the spot Luna indicated and was promptly greeted by the royal tongue privileging her pegasus privates and gave a little yelp to add variety to the night’s unscripted oration. She took the hint and leaned in to Luna’s horn, breathing on it to heighten Luna’s excitement. Luna went back for another lick, enjoying having a mare in the front position. Somehow a mare’s geometry made it even easier for mutual pleasure up front. Luna enjoyed the sensation of pleasing another mare, taking note of the different taste that every mare has. Venus wrapped her wings around Luna’s horn in response to this second lick, then Luna took a break to summon Star Fox to his duty.

Moon Strider noted his companion preparing for duty and slowed down before exiting. Mr. Fox was prepared and lubed and put his tip against Luna’s bum. He applied light pressure and Luna gave a royal gasp–“OH!”—and started breathing louder and faster7 as her lower colon stretched to accommodate Moon Strider’s member. Once his tip was in, he slowly went all the way in, then backed mostly out to allow Star to slide into his designated hole from underneath. When both stal- lions thrusted in, “OOOOOOOO!!! AAA!!’ screamed Luna at the sensation of being completely stuffed.


“Ouch!” explained Venus, “You royal horn is sharp enough to cause serious damage.”

“Oh, Venus—OH!–You really nev—AH!—ne– been with a uniOOOH before, have you? We put on protEEEEEEE on the horn to blunt the tIIIIPPPP!” Luna tried to explain between shouts of joy. Soft Shadow and Mellow Wing gave each other a look that could only mean they gave one another an imagined hi-hoof at their success. Star Fox and Moon Strider continued pumping away, the top stallion of course going at about half the speed of his companion. Luna knew that Venus would have a better time riding her horn, since she was too distracted to service her proper— distracted by her thoughts, Luna had her first orgasm and released a Royal Canterlot Moan into Venus’ vulva, decidedly making Venus more excited. In a self-serving way, Luna also knew that her horn needed to be ridden for maximum effectiveness: rubbing and licking the horn felt good and was a nice reminder that it was there, but it needed to be inside some pony to unleash its potential.

Luna used the time after the peak of her orgasm to highlight the horn topper for Venus. The stallions re-started their job for a build for a second orgasm as they saw Venus approach Luna with the horn safety device. It was a rubbery topper not often used by unicorns who have discovered the joys of horn-play, but it was a necessity for ponies with sharp horns and powerful magic users, both categories which described Princess Luna. Venus approached the princess with the device and smartly thought to tease Luna’s horn first. She licked the base of the horn, where it was most sensitive, while adding subtle stimulation with her right fore hoof along the rest of its length. Seeing an opportunity to test their new recruit in the face of danger, the captain contenders went for one of the most sensitive spots on Luna’s wings. “YESSSSSS!!!” rang out throughout all of Canterlot when Luna fired off a blast of magic from the pleasure of orgasm being redirected into her horn. Venus felt the magic surge through her tongue and hoof, then looked up to see if the ceiling was about to collapse. Luckily for all involved, Luna fired off non-functional magic blasts when overwhelmed.

Venus suddenly had a new appreciation of the protective device. She was not dissuaded from mounting the princess, though. The heat in her body shot through the roof at the adrenaline rush from the danger. She did not need further convincing from the feeling in her tongue and hoof from the magic blast to want to feel it in her most intimate parts. Venus quickly and carefully slid the horn protector onto Luna’s horn and straddled the princess’ head, then slowly eased herself onto the royal horn.

“Yes!” shouted Venus, at a much less ear-splitting volume than Luna when the tip of the royal horn entered her marehood. She eased herself onto the horn, taking care to make its whole length comfortably lubricated. That task was supremely easy since Venus heard Luna’s loud panting as she moved on her horn and she was incredibly aroused at the power she wielded over the second most powerful pony in Equestria. Luna bit down on the pillow she had to support her head and cushion the sides of Venus’ legs to prevent her from shouting out. Not releasing her voice seemed to add to the tension, since she could feel she would be spent after this coming amazing orgasm, so she might as well make it as amazing as possible.

The stallion block all were well on their way to passing their inspection, acting as if they were a well-rehearsed group of professionals instead of four guards who had never had to serve in this capacity together before. The captain contenders decided to take up the work of licking and stoking Luna’s feathers to give her the unique alicorn pleasure, while the new recruits pumped slowly, as not to tire themselves and to let Venus and Luna climax together. Their plan worked, especially the wing-ponies making every inch of Luna’s wings ache for more stimulation. They were both fully outstretched, feathers fanned as much as possible, aiming for any disturbance in the air to tickle them into a separate orgasm, something both guard contenders used to great effect with their breath and own wings, making Luna alternately gasp and bite harder when they brushed her wings with their own instead of simply fanning every pony to stimulate wings and prevent heatstroke.

Venus, although she could not see it, was enamoured with the power of Luna’s wings. As the stimulation unceasingly continued, Luna started to lose control of her magic, letting it flow throughout her horn with no instructions. Venus could not control herself and started to have the first tremors of orgasm, but the warming properties of the magic would not let her settle for one orgasm followed by oversensitivity. Luna’s horn filled the entire length of Venus’ mare hood as she slightly rocked herself back and forth to circle the loving from the inside. Although the horn went well past her g-spot, the magic seemed to fill her entirely, and occasional globules of magic massaged her favourite areas. Luna let more and more magic run loose through her horn, coupling their pleasure so each pony got the full measure of both. Venus felt pressure build up inside of her, but could not think to leave to relieve it and simply leaned herself further into pleasure and pressure.

Sensing an increased rate of twitching in Luna’s mare hood, Moon Strider picked up his rhythm, Star Fox alternating every other thrust. Luna couldn’t take much more and her magic control failed, amassing a large bead of magic along the entirety of her horn. The bead pushed Venus over the edge, her orgasmic contractions massaging Luna into biting, then realising she was in the begin—

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIAAAIIAIIIIIIIIIIII!!” screamed Luna as she let her voice sing, with an extremely prominent first overtone from Venus on top of that, as Luna’s orgasm ex- ploded out of her horn and into every fibre of Venus’ existence, blinding all thoughts from both mares. Luna’s blissful contractions massaged Moon Strider into releasing his excitement into the princess, his contractions and their accompanying slight upward thrusts pushing Star Fox over the edge.

Mellow Wing and Soft Shadow, being the disappointed and duty-bound captains-to-be, diligently fanned the connected quartet as they came down back into reality so they did not pass out from the accumulated body heat. Venus was the first to recover, but she did not get up just yet. Luna asked for Star Fox to pull out first, since she wanted her preferred pull-out to be the one she remembered. After Star Fox had exited and went to clean himself, Moon Strider made his exit, giving both mares one last orgasmic tremor before Venus slowly dismounted.

Luna gave the squad their new marching instructions: “New recruits, finish your rounds and report back to your barracks; captain contenders, report to my sister for further evaluation after rounds; Venus, if you so choose, you may stay for further instruction or you may go back with the other new recruits.”

Venus started to head for the door with the rest of the guard, then paused and slowly cuddled into Luna, somehow anticipating the instruction. Luna offered some advice on clean-up, namely that if Venus wanted a good taste of her mare hood, to lick the base, and only the base, of her horn.

Venus took a taste. She remembered it tasting much more mundane on her own hooves, but on the horn it was positively delightful. “Princess?”


“I felt so burs tingly full when I was on top of you and close, yet now I don’t feel anything.”

“No need to be embarrassed. It simply means you had an amazing time up there. I can fetch you a book for some ideas on private instruction after we nap. I’ll set my alarm for 3:30, we should be done by sunrise and can get a good day’s sleep after.”

All Aboard Alicorn!

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Twilight Sparkle sat in her former room in Canterlot Castle after a long day of boring administrative work. She sensed something was off in the room, but could not tell what; it seemed to have an aura of recovery from a party. There simply was an air that something major had happened. Luna looked especially exhausted, trotting around the castle with a goofy grin on her face, occasionally bumping into things. Celestia was exchanging letters with Cadence in the office near her, and she wondered if perhaps she would be back in Canterlot for the next Summer Sun Celebration. Twilight noticed that her mentor gained a satisfied smirk when she saw her sister pass by and they exchanged a knowing glance. Twilight paid it no heed, thinking it was either merely another ritual that she would learn about in due time or one of the quirks that 1,000 years’ separation and several more prior years of jealousy had not destroyed.

At lunch, Twilight went to the in-house restaurant with Celestia, the two of them finding lunch time to be the prime opportunity to discuss the day. Celestia kept her early hours, and lunch was slightly past the halfway point in her daily administration, while Twilight started mid-morning and worked a couple hours beforehand, meaning breakfast banter was out of the question. Dinner was right out of the options, as both princesses had conflicting obligations most nights. The princesses headed for their usual booth in a dark corner with a magically-dimmed window set just high enough to peer into the garden.

“Your majesties,” their waiter spoke to them in a more hurried tone than usual, “something is up with Princess Luna,” fear that she may return to Nightmare Moon still rampant among some of the staff, who looked for any sign she would need to be confronted, “she ordered her food with a delirious smile and seemed to have difficulty walking.” No: no return of Nightmare Moon paranoia here. “She seemed to fall asleep at her place, then teleported away with her food.”

“Have a guard check she is safe in her room,” ordered Princess Celestia. She continued, “when you return, we would like two iced teas, one with extra lemon.”

“Yes ma’m,” the waiter responded before teleporting away.

“Just what is wrong with Princess Luna?” asked Twilight, “I noticed she seemed happily out of sorts this morning.”

“Um...” Princess Celestia had to make an uncharacteristic pause to think before responding, “I was going to have her teach you some advanced lessons in friendship, ones which I could not adequately supply for you. Tonight would have been a good night for such lessons, but it looks like she may be out of commission for those for a couple days, though she otherwise should be back to normal after she naps some. I will ask her when she wakes and relay the information on to you.”

“Just what kind of friendship can you not teach me about?” Twilight asked, perplexed.

Their conversation was interrupted by their waiter arriving and gracefully setting down two iced teas, an enormous lemon covering the top of Celestia’s glass.

“Your sister is safely asleep, with several members of the Night Guard having taken leave in her bedchamber,” the waiter announced.

“Thank you.” Celestia tersely said. “I will have the large feedbag of oats and Twilight would like the biggest sandwich you have: she’s practicing flight until she can manoeuvre in a truly princess-like fashion.”

Twilight would have minded if anypony else, even her parents ordered for her like that, but something about Celestia made her put those thoughts aside. She was not so easily distracted as her mentor.

“So, just what is this friendship lesson?” Princess Sparkle repeated, “Why can you not teach it to me?”

“I cannot ruin the surprise for you,” Celestia said. “You may have figured some of it out. I know your pegasi friends have. The only hint is that it involves your wings.”

Twilight knew that further pressing would simply give circular answers and let the matter drop and put her effort into finishing an extremely large hay and oats sandwich. The rest of the meal was quiet with the exception of chewing from both ponies. The went their separate ways for the afternoon, Twilight looking forward to hearing from her mentor. When Celestia’s usual time to leave to prepare for a dinner arrived without any word from Luna, she started to grow impatient. An interminable hour later, she closed up shop early and went to find Luna. Before she got too far in the corridor, she ran into Celestia.

“My sister requests that your lesson be at a later date.”

Twilight, disappointed, at least knew Luna was awake and went to her still temporary chamber. She found Luna awake writing in a vaguely-familiar tome, seemingly making corrections, Twilight deduced, from the way she kept marking the volume and writing on scrap parchment.

“Just what is this lesson you apparently need to teach me? Does it have to do with the nonsensical address you gave last night?” obliviously asked Twilight.

“Proper care for your wings, the final round,” enigmatically responded Luna, “I would teach you tonight, but I am still sore from my previous night’s research. I will teach you tomorrow, even if it is against my better judgement to teach you so soon. It can be a very physically strenuous lesson.”

Being an alicorn did not increase her aptitude for using magic, but it did increase her magical powers such that she could fill in for the princesses should they be briefly incapacitated. She used that newfound power to teleport back to her old library in Ponyville to ask her pegasi friends if there was any expertise on wing care they have not yet shared.

“Twi—!” Spike was shocked at finding her back so soon.

“I need to find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Do you know where I can find them?”

“Rainbow Dash is on the train back from Canterlot; she was at yesterday’s Wonderbolt show. Fluttershy should be in her cottage.”

“Thank you,” Twilight informed him before teleporting back out.

Spike, confused, went back to working on the love amulet he never gave over conflicting desires over to whom it should be given. Rarity, his original crush, was far too mature for him. Sweetie Bell was lovely and nice and similar-enough looking, but was not Rarity.

Fluttershy turned up from her evening cleaning to find the source of the pounding. She galloped over to her door, hoping not to anger the pony at her door by being slow, then hesitated before looking through the peephole and opening it for Twilight. She invited Twilight on in and started preparing tea. The mares simply looked past one another, Twilight wondering what kind of friendship report Celestia alluded to and Fluttershy wondering what Twilight was doing back in Ponyville.

“So, what is this report I keep hearing so much about?” inquired Twi, “Celestia has some top-secret lesson for me that she’s insisting Luna teach me and she mentioned that ‘your pegasi friends’ would have it.”

“Er, we wrote several reports together,” a perplexed Fluttershy said.

“It was worth a shot asking,” bemoaned Twilight as she took a nice, long sip of her tea. “As an aside, do you know of any missing books from my library? One of my old volumes has disappeared.”

With a slight pomf of fright, Fluttershy could not conceal her alarm, since she was a partner in book-thievery. Twilight clearly saw her reaction and debated for a moment whether or not to press the issue. She decided to stay calm and ask again, more interested in getting her book back in good condition than in finding out why Fluttershy turned to book-thievery instead of asking her for it.

“Rainbow Dash has it,” Fluttershy admitted before Twilight got to ask. “I was there as distraction while she pilfered the tome.”

“Why did you two do that? Couldn’t you just have asked me for it?”

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned the colour of Big Mac, “yes.”

“Why would Rainbow involve you in such a task, anyway? She simply could have asked me for the tome.”

“No idea,” Fluttershy lied, glad she had the opportunity to attempt to redirect the conversation.

Twilight nodded her acceptance at that statement and went to finish her tea. She enjoyed it and debated with her- self whether or not to stay the night on Fluttershy’s cottage or to teleport back to Canterlot. Fluttershy seemed tired and seemed to be headed to the hay herself, so Twilight though the polite thing to do would be to excuse herself for the night and spend it in the castle. She disappeared after a brief goodbye in a flash and took stroll of the castle grounds until she became sleepy.

“Hello, Twilight,” she heard Princess Luna call out while she was adjusting the Moon.

“Hello, Luna,” Twilight responded, not sure whether to bring up the fact that she tried to get information about the lesson out of Fluttershy.

“I know of your nocturnal habits and that you’re missing a book. I cannot help you on either of those, but I suggest you look through your telescope tonight. The Moon is invisible tonight and there are a few stars we do not often have the opportunity to see,” Luna said.

Twilight went back to her room and focused her tele- scope at the coordinates Luna suggested. She observed some stars foreign to her charts and penciled them in. She could not help but feel it was busywork, but enjoyable busy- work nonetheless. It at least kept her occupied and was an activity she enjoyed. She went to bed that night and did not remember her dreams, but assumed they were pleasant.

Next morning, Twilight woke with sensitive wings. She tried to get them neatly folded by her sides to be presentable, but they hurt when she tried to fold them. After fumbling to get in, she took a cold shower that was immediately arousing from the sharp sensation of the water on the wings, then dull and businesslike. At least she was now able to fold her wings non-painfully. At work, she was not too distracted until she saw Luna in the mid-afternoon.

By that point, Luna was starting to recover and walking around normally. Twilight was thinking of talking to her, but still focused on her duties as a princess. However, she noticed was surrounded by expectant-looking stallion guards.

“What are you all doing here?” she demanded. “I am perfectly capable of handling myself.”

The guards went along on their rounds, not concealing their disappointment as they left. Twilight, annoyed at the weird pack of guards, went back to work in spite of the dull ache in her lower back. Leaning back to pop a vertebra, she—“OH!” she gasped from the sudden world of pleasure. She leaned back again, to make sure she popped the problematic vertebra, then noted how wonderful it felt rubbing her back against the top of the chair. It was not long until she heard a pomf and was jerked out of her momentary bliss.

Alarmed, she saw that her wings were, once again, un- comfortably stiff. The pleasure from her chair was so much greater than normal because of her wings, not because her back needed popping more than usual. Rubbing her wings felt good, that much she knew, yet she was unsure how else to cure them, short of a cold shower. Near the end of her shift she saw Luna again passing by.

“Help!” Twilight intoned, genuinely needing advice.

“I was going to wait another day to be fully prepared, but you need your lesson now more than you need me to be prepared,” Luna said, immediately assessing the seriousness of the situation. “Finish any tasks you have and report to my chamber.”

Twilight sloppily shelved her projects and made quick notes for continuing her work before trying to fit through the narrow doorway. She almost did not make it and had to call for guard assistance, but first she angled her body through, feeling the doorframe stroke her new feathers in a newfound pleasure. Once out, she gave up all sense of decorum and galloped to Luna’s location, needing to have her emergency lesson.

“Let me help,” Luna said, before using magic to activate the hidden door to accommodate a fully-extended wingspan.

“So, what is this lesson?” Twilight demanded, needing to find out asap so she could deal with her wings on her own next time they refused to cooperate.

“How shall I put it: in technical detail, in vivid imagery, or a practical demonstration?” Asked Luna to troll Twi- light’s curiosity and make her want the surprise more.

“Practical demonstration with technical explanation, please,” responded a slightly bemused Twilight.

“A practical demonstration is mandatory for this lesson, so asking whether you wanted that that or not was purely a formality. I knew you would not have anything other than the technical details and I can see I have kept you waiting long enough. So, Twilight, do you know the mechanics of equine breeding?”

“Er, yes,” Twilight said, puzzled at the question.

“Wing priapisms usually only occur in mares who have been in oestrus for too long without having any relief. When was the last time you mated or enjoyed your hoof ?”

“Um,” an embarrassed Twilight said, blushing and shrinking in her seat, “it’s been a long time, I don’t actually remember when.”

“You have mated, right? At least tell me you hoof yourself,” Luna inquired, genuinely worried for Twilight’s ability to enjoy being a mare.

“Yes! Hoof!” a very defensive Twilight exclaimed, angry about the unprofessionalism of such an inquiry to her personal life. She continued, “I can’t remember any such activities since I became a princess; it is too busy, since I have to work when Spike is out.”

Luna leaned in to nuzzle Twilight as her consolation for being so blunt. However, she would no apologise, since she knew such diagnostic questions were necessary, even if slightly superfluous for a pony well-acquainted with Twilight’s situation. She leaned in to whisper, “My special friendship lesson will solve your wing problem. Relax, dear princess, into my hooves.”

Twilight wordlessly embraced Luna for a hug and felt her body unconsciously relax into Luna’s. She felt her wings remain stiff, but they were now pleasurable instead of a pain on her back. Luna enjoyed having another pony held close to her and the feeling of her barrel challenging Twilight’s for supremacy while their breathing attempted to find a happy medium. She flared her wings to run against Twilight’s, en- joying the sensation of feather-on-feather in a much more platonic way than Twilight could. She listened to Twilight’s heavy breathing into her ear and let her hooves start to run along Twilight’s body after she felt enough time in their hug had passed.

Twilight’s wings quivered with excitement. Luna made Twilight’s ribs aflame with excitement from her hooves, so Twilight decided to mirror Luna’s hooves’ motions around her barrel on Luna’s to impart the same feeling into her fellow princess. Luna took note of Twilight’s naïve attempt to mimic her strokes and gently repositioned Twilight’s hooves onto parts of her body that were more susceptible to pleasure. Although Twilight was awake, Luna used her dream-influencing powers on Twilight to let her know where she liked to be touched to give Twilight a checklist of places to caress so that Luna could focus on pleasuring Twilight instead of teaching her her specifics.

Luna let Twilight move a hoof to her cutie mark and the other through her mane. This felt very good for the established princess, who, in spite of her earlier adventures, still needed of the touch of a pony she knew well. Luna kept her hooves on Twilight’s barrel and flared her wings to envelop Twilight’s and bring them close to her body. Twilight responded in kind by hugging Luna tightly with her wings while continuing to explore Luna’s body with her front hooves. Under the blanket of wings, Twilight scooted close to Luna for extra warmth and felt her left hoof brush one of Luna’s teats. Luna let out a small gasp and Twilight kept rubbing to get a feel for another mare’s teats to see how they compared to her own, which further enamoured Luna.

As her right hoof pulled Luna close, Twilight began to ask, “Luna, since we are like these, shouldn’t it be a good time to...” She trailed off, then instantly moved both her hooves to Luna’s head and kissed her. Luna’s heart beat faster now she really was with some pony special to her, even if a strictly educational foray with the new princess. She felt her marehood ache for connection to Twilight’s lavender body but kept that at bay with the occasional stroke of the hoof. She had to teach first. For this moment, however, Luna returned the kiss with fervour. Twilight first gave a quick kiss, then returned to linger slightly longer before breaking contact. On the third kiss, Twilight kept her lips in place long enough for Luna to open hers and feel Twilight’s warm breath. Twilight used her rear legs to push both ponies over, so Luna was now on her back, when she felt Luna breathing into her. After a few more breaths, Luna used her tongue to tell Twilight to part her teeth.

Twilight gasped at the tongue in her mouth, then cautiously pushed hers against Luna’s. Luna, amused at Twilight’s naïveté, stroked Twilight’s slow-probing tongue with her own, making Twilight lose control of her wings and nearly miss Luna’s ears as her hooves went from holding Luna’s head in kissing position to stopping herself from crashing onto Luna.

Their kiss broken, Luna pushed Twilight off and rolled to her side and decided to give the little bit of anatomy lecture that was necessary.

“Dear Twilight,” Luna started in her overly-formal way, “have you ever read the Mare’s Mating Manual?”

“Yes, princess. I hoped to read about the pegasus parts after my coronation, but I found the volume missing from my library.”

“Oh yes. Two of your pegasi friends sent in a most wonderful friendship report a few months back. Let us say that they have been proving the techniques of the Manual. Also, dear Twilight, you now also are just as much ‘princess’ as Celestia, Cadence, or I. There is no need to be formal with me, especially here and now.”

“I know about the report and who took my book. Fluttershy covered so Rainbow Dash could steal it. Why couldn’t they just have asked me? This is the ‘wonderful friendship report your pegasi friends wrote’ you keep going on about related to the book thievery?”

“It is Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, Twilight. You know them. Rainbow Dash was scared that not only was she an egg-head, she was also romantic. Fluttershy, well, you know her. After this lesson has settled, I will allow you to draw your own conclusions as to whether they are related.”

“I am totally going to make fun of Dash when I charge her late fees for that! Why didn’t Fluttershy just borrow Rarity’s copy? She made love to Rainbow? I’m so happy for them! At least I would be if I had my book back.”

“Here you go,” Luna said as she levitated a large tome from across the room.

“Why do you have it?” Twilight asked as she looked intensely dumbfounded.

“They wanted to return it in good condition without showing themselves, so they sent it with their letter. I wanted to see what changes my sister had made while I was away, as well as add some of my own observations on hoofing it. It turns out not much changes in the world of mating. I decided to make my expanded chapter on the hoof into a separate work instead because the variations are so subtle you do not appreciate them until the five to seven hundred year mark. The tricks still in there now lasted me far longer than the average pony’s life span while I was stuck up there,” explained Luna.

“You’re the author‽” Twilight was too astonished to say anything else.

“Celestia and I wrote it a couple thousand years ago. The pegasi sections are largely my work. I have always loved flying through the night sky. Celestia prefers her luxuries and it considerably more sedentary unless she has to protect Equestria. It must be her powerful magic that keeps her from obesity. We wrote most of the rest of it in equal measure, although she probably has a bit more influence on the rest of it simply because she had the opportunity to have more lovers, thanks to her being more visible, not to mention my absence for the intervening editions.”

“That explains so much about my edition. Large sections were suspiciously like Celestia’s script, with others in a different hoof.”

“Yes, that is also why I did not promptly return it. You have original manuscript. I have no idea why my sister sent it with you to Ponyville instead of keeping it in the secret library.”

“She said she grabbed it from the old castle in Everfree and it was not helping her any. I received it with the instructions ‘it will prove useful once I am close to having taught you all I can. Use it wisely.’ ”

“I will now give you a practical example of its contents to alleviate your winged suffering. First, sit on the edge of the bed and spread your hooves.”

Twilight did so, thankful for the distracting conversation from keeping her wings from bursting. Luna walked in front of Twilight, making the young princess’ body unconsciously shiver in anticipation. Full feeling was back to Twilight’s wings, a tremendous ache that made her feel as if she was inching off the bed toward Luna’s lowering muzzle.

Luna continued to move in closer as Twilight tensed her thighs in anticipation. Twilight could not remember being this horny, where every bit of her ached to be caressed and touched, but her mare hood first and foremost. If it weren’t for Luna blocking the way, her hoof would be firmly in place to relieve the tension. Instead, Luna’s warm breath only heightened it until it was unbearable and Twilight scooted to make her lower lips meet her fellow princess’ lips. Twilight let out a loud hum and Luna gasped when Twilight snapped her legs closed at the touch of Luna’s tongue upon her clitoris.

Luna raised her head out of Twilight’s crotch, “Relax and enjoy.”

Twilight laid back down and opened her legs again, feel- ing her marehood ache more than her wings as Luna took her time. She thought to herself that it was not fair that Luna was more or less immortal and they had vastly different ideas on hurrMMMmmmmmmmmm?

Luna finally made contact again, this time without surprising Twilight with the sensation. She gave Twilight a long lick up her slit, rubbing her tongue over Twilight’s clitoris in a roundabout fashion. She imagined Twilight’s pleasure from having another pony there to enjoy, at least as part on one of her fantasies. Luna loved to use her secret dream knowledge when she could, giving ponies the satisfaction they desired but knew not how to request.

Twilight hummed softly in pleasure, taking in all the details of Luna’s tongue on her lower parts. It was absolutely wonderful compared to her hooves and she was surprised she had not had her orgasm from the first lick. Before her rational thinking was fully replaced with heat and pleasure, Twilight’s last thought was that her orgasm would be unlike anything her hooves, or even a vibrating dildo, could pro- vide. She felt Luna’s tongue part her labia and probe to get the taste of her inner marehood. Twilight felt her clitoris send overload from the surface of Luna’s tongue through- out her body, taking off notice from her wings. She found her hooves on top of Luna’s head, pushing her to become one, at least for a night.

Luna kept up her work, going to ensure Twilight’s wings would allow her to function properly for the next few days. She felt hooves on her head and pushed back slightly out of desire to breathe Earth’s air after so long of sustaining on magic on the moon. Not a spring filly, Luna knew Twilight was getting close, so she zeroed in on Twilight’s reset button to make her forget her troubles. Twilight let out an excited moan from her humming, then bit her lip. Luna had to keep going rather than use the moment to let Twilight know the joys of being loud and risk disrupting Twi- light’s heat. Luckily for both ponies, Twilight was soon on the cusp of orgasm, bucking her hips into Luna and using her hoof to keep Luna’s head in place. Luna pushed hard onto Twilight’s clitoris and circled her whole head making Twilight tremble in orgasm. Twilight’s body shivered and shuttered as her breathing slowly returned to normal as she started to relax back onto the bed.

Luna crawled back into bed to cuddle Twilight for a bit while tending to her own mare needs. She put her left hoof under Twilight’s neck and sent the right hoof to her nether region to stimulate herself for a bit while Twilight recovered. Luna knew that Twilight’s wing problem was solved for the immediate future, but she might eventually need further finality to finish the task she was assigned. She felt her own wings starting to stir as she continued to rub her hoof to enjoy being a mare. Luna buried her head in Twilight’s now relaxed wing, inhaling deeply to enjoy the scent of another pony. She relaxed as she felt Twilight’s body heat radiate from her barrel and wing onto her head.

Luna was distracted when she felt her hoof displaced and replaced. She pulled her head out and opened her eyes to find Twilight’s hoof on her cilt and her hoof carried to- ward Twilight’s mouth. Luna used her magic to reposition Twilight’s hoof for optimal pleasure, then dimly felt Twilight’s tongue on her hoof. Twilight seemed to want a taste, but she kept going at it for some strange reason.

Luna looked to Twilight once she had a reasonable guess at Twilight’s intention to romance her and rhetorically asked, “Who has these hoof fetishes and why are we subject to it in the wrong newsgroups?”

Twilight dropped Luna’s hoof and turned the colour of Pinkie Pie as all energy bolted from her. Before she could roll over to curl up to deal with rejection, Luna swept in with a tight hug. Twilight found Luna’s lips on hers be- fore she had time to think enough to be upset and cry, so she squeezed Luna back to feel the comfort of another pony against her.

Luna kept her lips locked with Twilight’s until she felt Twilight calm down, then slowly broke the kiss and gave Twilight a quick squeeze. She turned to her charge to ex- plain, “Twilight, I did not mean to offend you. Hoof play is very common in ironic stories and pornography. However, it is not actually very pleasurable, given that we do not have many nerve endings in our hooves.

“Some ponies do actually enjoy to play with hooves, but I am not one of them. You seem willing to try, but I can tell you are doing it because you think it should be done rather than because you enjoy licking some pony’s hoof. Now, I have some important things to teach you about being a princess. Mainly: how to use the Royal Canterlot Voice.

“Now, the first thing you need to do is—”

Before Luna could finish her lecture, Twilight locked lips with Luna again. Luna parted Twilight’s lips with her tongue, making Twilight’s wings twitch. Twilight tried to invoke the same reaction in Luna and was instead met with the tip of Luna’s tongue. Twilight pulled Luna in further and placed a hoof at the base of Luna’s wing to stroke it. Luna flared her wings and enjoyed the rush of air then broke the kiss.

“Twilight, this lesson is for you and about you. If it were not such an emergency and we could have waited another day, I could teach you some things about pleasing a mare, but I have mated recently and am still in recovery. Tonight, allow me to pleasure and educate you. We will have many opportunities for you to return the favour in the future. For now, shout!”

“AAA?” Twilight gave a surprised yelp.



“Closer. Perhaps if you follow my lead. To get us convinced, we can get excited and into position again. This time we will lie on the bed so that our hind legs interlock and plots touch.”

Luna scooted to the far corner of the bed while Twilight rolled onto her back and spread her legs. Luna rolled to her back and slowly inched to Twilight and lifted her left leg until.

“YESoh!” As their clitorides made contact.

“Twilight, now we buck into one another. Take note of my shouting and try to add to it.”

They pushed together, then apart, then Twilight made a circle with her plot. Luna backed back into it, then made an opposite circle, feeling the sides of her clitoris rub against Twilight’s delicate folds.

“YES! BUCK ME, TWILIGHT!” Rang out when their clitorides touch again, this time Twilight pushed back, basking in the direct connection to another mare. This must be what horn play felt like.

“Yes, this is very good! Keep bucking, Luna!” “Louder next time!”

Luna felt breeze on her wings and she was in overdrive. “SCISSOR ME, XERXES!” Echoed as Luna brought her leg down, hard, to lock pelvic position with Twilight. Twilight fought back, but could not escape Luna’s thighs, so she closed her own and pushed and their clitorides rubbed and “BUCK ME FOREVER LUNA! GO!”

“As you wish,” Luna said in a normal volume, deter- mined to reward herself and Twilight with orgasm for unlocking the Royal Voice.

Luna bucked wildly and Twilight responded in kind, their sex rubbing and sliding and soaking as wordless exclamations started the air.

Sometime, the princesses orgasmed but they almost did not notice ives the din. However, Twilight suddenly felt empty and satisfied and she slowly stopped and pulled away from Luna, who was near comatose. Twilight’s heart started to race again as she had to remind herself that her and Luna’s soaked thighs were a normal part of some mares’ mating. Thinking of being naughty, she straddled Luna, then squeezed her thighs along the sides of Luna’s barrel to dry them slightly and stick their scent all over Luna.

“It is too hot to cuddle,” Luna murmured, “Let us each nap on either side of the wet spot. I have one last mission to guide you through before morning after we recover. You voiced well.”

Flutter Fantasia

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Mirrors shown dimly under the starlight in the copula of Carrousel Boutique, illuminating the boutique below in a mood lighting far superior to any artificial light. Rarity had to admit that even though the basic physics of light travel remained the same, moonlight looked even better ever since she made friends with Twilight and freed Luna from influence of her Nightmare, and its absence was much more noticeable. For now, however, Rarity had other concerns than her lack of stallions to with whom to share her moonlight chambers. Fluttershy had come over after dinner clearly upset in spite of her attempts to convince Rarity that it was a purely social visit.

Now that her friend had calmed down after her initial outburst once Rarity convinced her that she was not fooling any pony into thinking she was fine, Rarity thought it was time to work through Fluttershy’s issue.

“So, Fluttershy,” Rarity said while stroking Fluttershy’s wing, “what it the problem with Rainbow Dash?”

“She thinks romance is stupid, yet says she can be in love with me,” slowly responded Fluttershy.

“Well, is she in love with you?”

“THAT’S THE PROBLEM!” Fluttershy exclaimed, slamming her hooves on the table, as if trying to impress Princess Luna.

“How so?” Rarity inquired, knowing that she needed more information to help her friend.

“Oh, sorry. Did I yell at you?”

“It is quite alright. Anypony can get emotionally charged. Now, please explain your problem.”

“Rainbow Dash says that she is not into mares but can be into me. She says romance is stupid and a waste, but makes me romance.”

“I don’t see the problem, dear.”

“She, um, makes love to me but I always have to ask. She enjoys it, especially seeing me happy, but she doesn’t seem to care if we, um, do it or not.”

“When will that filly learn to enjoy what she has? Show her that she ought to be more grateful by letting her know there is a line of ponies waiting to be your special somepony should you choose to end things.”

“But I love her.”

“Worse and worse, my dear Fluttershy! You simply must make her know that you are a romantically valued mare and any stallion would love to be your special somepony.”

“What’s it like, mating with a stallion?”


“Mating with a stallion: how does it feel?”

“I do not know if I can describe it to you anymore than you can describe being with a mare to me. What I can say is that it is like having a whole hoof inside you but better and warmer and with a pony on top of you to keep your warm.”

“What about having your horn in a pony?”

“Eww. Why would I put my horn there?”

Several seconds of dead air passed. Rarity resumed, “Oh. You must be a unicorn to understand having your horn licked; it’s different than any other sensation, like your whole body is filled and magical. Have you ever been magically lifted?”

“You mean it is like that?”

“Much stronger and throughout your whole being.”

“What about having a horn inside you?”

“I cannot say. Unicorn colts are only interested in having their lower horns played with, but we are deliriously off-topic. You came to me because you wanted to mate more often. Ask her if you can mate with some stallions so you know what you have been missing out on. Try to save up bits for a professional unicorn. I know one must exist. Tell me when you find him. Finally, for the love of the princesses, do not mate with any mares. You know I do not approve of her mannerisms, but she has been your friend longer than I, and I do not want to let your libido end that. You said she is always wiling when you ask: when you need a mare go to her.”

Fluttershy pulled Rarity in for a hug with her left wing. “Thank you.” She looked up at the dark mirrors, “Goodness, it’s really late. I should let you go to bed.”

“I am always open to having you stay over. Come on upstairs with me and we can relax on the big bed.”

Fluttershy turned to the door, “I do like our nights together, but you have orders you need to finish tomorrow. I need to be at my cottage since I did not arrange for any other pony to give my animals breakfast. Goodnight, Rarity.”

“In that case, goodnight my dear Fluttershy,” Rarity said as the door closed before she went to her room.

Fluttershy walked the mostly-empty streets back to her house. She was a bit full of cider and Rarity did offer to let her stay, but she wanted the familiarity of her own bed that night. As comfortable as Rarity’s bed was and as warm as having Rarity next to her would be, she was in no mood to curl up with any pony. On the way to her cottage, ’Shy noticed some other ponies on late night strolls but did not pay much attention, since she had to put all her efforts into seeing her own path in the new moon. She enjoyed the cold air on her and the contrast to warmer air when she stepped through her door. She quickly brushed her teeth and headed straight for bed. In bed, she fell asleep quickly but kept drifting in and out of sleep.

“So, is she asleep? I’m not sure we’re in her dream.” Fluttershy froze and her heart raced with panic from the intruder in her house. Her panic was made worse when her brain figured and ears confirmed a second burglar.

“Yes. She is asleep. Now, you go first.”

Fluttershy looked around her room. It sounded like the voices were coming from behind the mirror, so she thought of going to check. Instead, the balled herself up and shut her eyes tight.

“Wake up, Fluttershy, you’re having some bad dream.”

The voice sounded too familiar and much too comforting to be from a burglar. ’Shy thought to herself to wake up, then opened her eyes. She blinked to clear her dreaminess, since there was no way that Twilight and Princess Luna were on the other side of her mirror. Twilight stepped out of the mirror and into the room and Fluttershy’s mind went into a double panic to wake her up. Luna joined shortly after.

“Yes, Flutters, you did just see Princess Luna and I walk through your mirror,” announced Twilight.

“Am I awake now?” Asked ’Shy as she came to her senses.

“You are awake enough for us to fulfil your mission,” responded Luna.

“Princess, what is my mission?”

“To teach Miss Twilight Sparkle an advanced lesson in friendship and the proper care and use of her wings.”

Fluttershy was silent in confusion. Luna clarified, “You are a pegasus mare and have been such from day one. Do you remember when you had your first heat?”

“Yes, your majesty, but why did you take Twilight to see me instead of Rainbow for wing advice? She is a much better pegasus than I.”

“Fluttershy.” Twilight’s voice was stern. “What have we been telling you? Rainbow Dash is a better flyer than you. That does not mean she is a better pony or pegasus than you. This is true even though pegasi tend to judge themselves solely on flight prowess.”

Before Fluttershy could apologise for her low self- esteem, Luna cut in, “I know your dreams. The advice Miss Sparkle needs is best given by you since it will also let you let you help yourself.”

The reason for picking her over Dash became immediately clear to ’Shy and she was alarmed at the brazen offer to violate Rarity’s advice. “You mean you want me to cheat on Rainbow and mate Twilight?”

“Yes, mating Twilight is why we are here. However, this is also part of Twilight’s princess training. She is a princess now. It is ancient Equestrian tradition that mating with the princess when she pays you a visit is not cheating. You have two princesses paying you a visit, although I can understand if you never think of Princess Twilight Sparkle primarily as a princess.”

“I have never heard that before.”

Twilight interjected, “In old annals of Equestria, there are references of the Rite of the Best Night, in which the princess was allowed to invite any pony to mate her, mak- ing that pony’s best night. References decline after Luna’s banishment but never fully go away. From what little my brother has told me, Celestia does not copulate with the Canterlot populace, but instead mates the guards.”

It was Luna’s turn to make an inference. She, un- like Fluttershy, was not at all surprised, “That is logical enough. My sister never took full advantage of visiting ponies’ dreams. I could find what they truly desired in their dreams, she only got what they already knew in the daydreams.”

Fluttershy turned to Luna, “I can go mate with you, I suppose. It just feels off to treat Twilight as ‘princess’ now.”

Before Luna could question that, Twilight gave a final reassurance, “It feels off to treat me as ‘princess’ because I insist that our relationship is primarily as friends, not princess and subject and it will always be as such. I need you to teach me what you and Rainbow learned when you wrote the friendship report about a book heist.”

The room was quiet as four expectant royal eyes looked to Fluttershy. The pegasus was considering her options and knew that they were right: she did need something. Had Luna confronted her alone, she would have lied and likely regretted the missed opportunity. Twilight would never make such a request. However, with both of them to back each other up and the—

“I will mate you two, your majesties,” Fluttershy answered, “Please keep quiet. Most of my animals are sleeping and I would not want to wake them to brag about my orgasm.”

“We will mate in Canterlot,” Luna replied, the sound in her voice making it clear that was her default plan, “The mirror tunnel is still active. Follow me to my temporary chambers.”

Luna turned and walked at a steady pace right up to the mirror, not even flinching as her horn was about to smash the glass. Instead, her head kept going into some other room that was now on the other side. She stepped carefully over the lover edge and soon her starry tail was no longer visible.

“Your turn.” Fluttershy jumped at being startled away from her transfixed gaze into the mirror. Twilight continued, “You go next. I will follow to make sure you do not get so nervous you cannot make yourself walk through. In you go.”

Fluttershy walked slowly to the mirror, her head low and ears back. She closed her eyes as she got close, preparing to rest her forehead on the mirror, then gently raised a hoof and braced for tapping the glass as she brought it forward. When no contact was made, she opened her eyes to see that her hoof was through the mirror and the room it was in was different from her cottage. Carefully she lowered the hoof onto the stones below. Feeling that it was solid, she carefully placed the other hoof beside it. Now convinced that she had secure footing, she stepped forward before carefully moving her rear hooves onto the other side.

Entirely on the other side, Fluttershy took in the room she stepped through. Its octagonal cold stone walls rose quite high, occasionally pausing to let in the starlight through narrow windows. An empty fireplace occupied the opposite wall and various desks, drawers, and mirrors surrounded the rest of the room. The room’s obvious centrepiece was an enormous bed with the sheets ruffled from some pony recently using them. ’Shy awoke enough to place the scent: it was of an aroused mare. It then hit her why the bed was unmade, even though Princess Luna was normally up and at work for the night at this hour.

“Princesses?” Called out Fluttershy.

“Yes?” Both responded in unison.

“Did you two just, um, um, um, er, ‘do it’ on the bed?” ’Shy inquired.

“What do you mean by ‘do it’,” teased Luna.

“You know, um,” Fluttershy started.

“Luna, you know how Fluttershy is about these things,” Twilight came in for the rescue.

“Twilight, I know your friend is shy and this is an especially personal matter, but I would not feel right if we complete our plan if she cannot express her desires, even one as banal as this request for information. Fluttershy, what did you mean by ‘do it?’ ” Luna was insistent.

“Um, you know, make love.”

“Did say ‘make love?’ ” Luna asked for clarity.


Twilight was in shocked silence at Fluttershy’s outburst. It must have been the grogginess that made her friend flare
her wings and demand an answer rather than sulk away flustered.

Luna answered, “I am glad we have got out the aggressive Fluttershy for our fun tonight. That will make things much better for all involved. Twilight, take that outburst as a good example of the Royal Canterlot Voice not given by me. Fluttershy, to answer your question, we did copulate on this bed. I had to teach Twilight the proper care and use of her wings now that she is an alicorn. That is also why we brought you here. You two, too, will make head-to-haunches love tonight. I hope you will forgive us for having more in mind than just helping you act out a fantasy.”

After a few seconds of dead air, Luna continued, “Fluttershy, I know what you want, but it would be best for Twilight if you said it instead of me, since this is for you two much more than for me. Be as assertive as when you asked if I mated Twilight, but with less shouting.”

“Since it is for Twilight and I, Princess: Twi, I want to mount your horn. The Manual made it sound so nice.”

“I’ve never had any pony mount me before. Since we’re being this honest with each other, I haven’t been with any pony at all before Luna taught me how to cure my wings. Also, I forgive you for borrowing my book. It’s safe on the bed stand now,” Twilight responded, sending a brief bolt of illumination on the bed stand, where the Manual rested atop a copy of The Prim Rose of Palomino Vale in its original language. She was deeply grateful for the chance to talk freely on a taboo subject with a friend and also slightly ner- vous that Rarity would find out.

“Twilight,” Luna said, “I will talk to Fluttershy first. Watch me as an example for future duties as princess.” She draped her wing over Fluttershy and spoke softly into her ear, “I will be Rainbow Dash for the next while. Tell me what you want from me. Now lay on the bed while I fly in from a day of kicking clouds.”

Fluttershy did as she was told in spite of a strange feeling. Luna kicked off and did a tight backflip over the bed, proud that she had gotten her agility in Earth gravity back.

“OOH!” Fluttershy screamed, completely frightened out of her wits at a pony suddenly appearing and pinning her to the bed. Trapped, she tried to get out but had no choice but to calm down as she felt teeth gently scrape over her ear. “Ahhah,” she softly moaned as the bottom teeth were replaced with tongue. She opened her eyes and saw nothing but blue fur, so she reached a hoof to bring an unusually enthusiastic Rainbow Dash’s body toward her, so their barrels would make contact. Flutter closed her eyes as she felt the warmth of Dash’s body against hers and she relaxed further while continuing to enjoy the pleasant sensation in her ear. Suddenly, there was nothing in her ear and warm breath on her muzzle as she got a kiss and pulled Rainbow closer.

Their kiss now broken, Fluttershy looked up to see Princess Luna Rainbow Dash gazing down at her. Luna Dash began to speak, “What a beautiful mare you are! I could stroke my hoof through your gorgeous mane all day.”

The Princess Rainbow moved lower, giving ’Shy a brief on the way down. ’Shy felt her barrel ruffled as Luna Dash buried her muzzle in it and inhaled deeply to proclaim how good it smelled. ’Shy closed her eyes and felt a hoof gently placed on her teat and felt Dash’s breath lower on her body, then she looked up to see a starry mane instead of a colour mane and


The word echoed throughout the room.

“What?” Luna went from romancing her subject to sitting up, wings folded in.

“No. I will not pretend you are Rainbow,” Fluttershy elaborated, “I need you to tell me these things as Princess Luna, not Rainbow Dash. I need another pony to love me like that so I can know Rainbow’s compliments are true rather than simply trust her.”

Luna gently placed her fore-hooves to caress Flutter- shy’s head and mane and leaned in for a kiss. Fluttershy kissed back as she was slowly lowered onto her back.

“Very well,” Luna said, “I would not have changed a thing I said, so we will resume where we left off,” as she slid over Fluttershy’s body back toward her tail. On the way down, Luna licked Fluttershy’s teat and enjoyed the small gasp it made the pegasus emit. Luna rested a hoof briefly over Fluttershy’s marehood, then moved to her original intent.

Luna could see that Fluttershy was visibly aroused and expectant, but Luna felt like being a tease. More importantly, she had a mission to fulfil. Luna made her way down as if to give Fluttershy what she desired. Instead, she rested her right forehoof gently over Fluttershy’s marehood and set her left hoof next to it and ran her hoof along the inside of Fulttershy’s leg, straightening it out. Fluttershy tensed her wings in anticipation as she saw Luna’s head lower then inwardly sighed in frustration as it made a detour to the side to kiss up her stretched leg.

Fluttershy whined in longing for that hoof to plunge deep into her or for Luna to turn her attention to where it was needed, but watched helplessly as Luna’s muzzle traveled slowly past her hock to the less sensitive parts closer to her hoof. Now at the end of the leg, Luna’s head did return—it instead went and licked the inside of the still-outstretched leg, making Fluttershy gasp. Luna noted the response and repeated the motion: first her head lowered, then she ran her tongue along the fur of Fluttershys inner leg, this time a bit slower. Fluttershy moaned as she felt her fur re-ruffled and had a strong contented feeling from being wanted so bad. She noted with her little remaining conscious thought to try this on Rainbow the next time she could convince Dash to get in heat.

Again at the end of the leg, Luna placed her hooves on the sides of Fluttershy’s tail and then placed her left hoof in the crease where her left leg met her lovely body. She started her right hoof by the left and ran it along the inside, closely looking at Fluttershy’s leg and inhaling deeply. She again licked in a long, slow line between her hooves, making Fluttershy gasp quietly. At the top of ’Shy’s outstretched leg, Luna turned her attention to the outside of the leg and lowered her muzzle to give a gently nip on the cutie mark. Then she felt the familiar tongue run up the outside of her leg as she noted to punt her muzzle into Dash’s cutie marks.

Luna’s body pressed against ’Shy as Luna took Flutter’s right forehoof in her hooves and gave a kiss to the pastern. “I need you to know this,” Luna said, gazing in surprise at Fluttershy’s bare hoof, “I know Rainbow Dash has complimented your beautiful long legs, but I will say it, too: if you were born an earth pony, you could give Applejack a run for her money in the Running of the Leaves.”

Luna’s horn illuminated softly and encased Fluttershy’s bottom half in a hazy purple glow. Her hooves were on ’Shy’s sides, in the middle of where her wings folded. Fluttershy felt the odd tingle of telekinesis lift her haunches off the bed and her body pulled to Luna. Her splayed wings curled to touch tho princess and embraced her shoulders. Luna inhaled the scent of an aroused mare and knew it was time for no more teasing. As was her protocol, she had a delicious taste of her subject, noting the savoury nature of the excited pegasus. Luna took another long lick from back to front, saving the best for last as Fluttershy whimpered in pleasure.

However, the business at hoof was ultimately not between those two, so Luna gently set the disappointed Fluttershy’s lower half back down to elaborate, “This is for you and Twilight. I have gotten you warmed up and reminded you how beautiful you are and now know how good you taste, which leads me to be even more confused as to why Rainbow Dash does not spend all her time attempting to mate you. However, before I turn you over to Twilight, much as it is my protocol to taste every mare I help, I offer you my taste in return.”

Luna stood up off the bed and turned around, then flicked her tail to the side to reveal her slightly-aroused opening. Fluttershy’s base followed the starry tail up to the dock, then to the royal haunches, not noticing she was enticed closer and closer. She was shocked to feel that Luna’s tail felt almost like Pinkie Pie’s in its fluffy softness. She was unsure of how the royal tails should feel, but that was not what she expected. ’Shy breathed in Luna’s perfume and had to investigate its source. She stuck out her tongue and lowered her head to avoid getting herself too close to the royal bum and got a creamy smooth taste, like hot chocolate with marshmallows. Now eager for more, she took her tongue to the most effective spot she knew.

“OhHHAhhhAHhoAH!” Luna’s voice stammered as she body shuddered from Fluttershy’s soft pink tongue gently encircling her button. She started to lean back for more as her body shuddered again, then came to her senses and straightened up.

“If I were not too worn out to orgasm, I would keep you there for a few more minutes. Tell Rainbow Dash to see us soon. We may be able to help her, but even I cannot make a promise. However, it is time for you to mount Twilight,” Luna turned to Twilight, who had found and helped herself to a dildo and suctioned it to the floor, finding that moving her body was less distracting than using her magic on the phallus.

Twilight gasped in stimulation and surprise as she was quickly lifted and set down on the bed, still shocked experi- encing the princess’ magic firsthoof. She nuzzled Fluttershy, unsure of what to do.

“I will leave you two to read the Manual on the bed and figure out horn play. To start, I suggest following my protocol of getting familiar with each other’s taste. Since you two are the main mares for tonight, you—”

She stopped as she noticed the young mares had already started implementing her suggestion of tasting each other simultaneously, but not of being sideways. Twilight was on her back with Fluttershy now towering over her. Luna smiled to herself and left the mares to enjoy each other. She turned to investigate the many drawers that lined her room, in search of an item that she know Celestia would stock for her return to normalcy. She went to the closest one and started a systemic search through all the unopened drawers for her prize.

Meanwhile, the Fluttershy and Twilight were getting comfortable with each other’s presence. They were in configuration to enjoy the presence of one another together: Fluttershy on top and Twilight underneath. Twilight felt Fluttershy’s thighs against the sides of her head and felt at home there. Fluttershy found her head at home inside Twilight’s haunches and was curious what others mares tasted like. She gave Twilight’s slit a lick from clit on down, giving Twilight the idea to return the favour.

Twilight responded with fervour, enjoying the Flutter-taste, the aroma, and the thighs on her head. She may not be a mare’s mare, but she now had a realistic understanding of the attraction ponies had for copulation. Princess Sparkle needed more contact to her royal body and reached up and in with her wings. ’Shy made note of Twilight’s smooth taste and responded to the invitation to cuddle and lowered herself, present their barrels together and completing the cocoon of wing.

Twilight was completely enamoured with the contact and went down on ’Shy with untempered enthusiasm, startling the pegasus into dropping her legs and resting di- rectly on Twilight. Fluttershy embraced Twilight’s desire to speed up the proceedings and amped up her performance to a degree usually reserved for Rainbow Dash.

“Mares! Let us not lose focus, as good as I see you both feel,” called out Luna from the periphery of the room, startling both ponies on the bed.

Fluttershy got off of Twilight and rolled to her side. Twilight took a few seconds to regain her senses and let her breathing return to normal. Out of the corner of her eye, Luna saw Twilight’s horn dim as the gathered magic dissipated. Twilight then stood up and lowered her head.

“I think the best plan of action is for you to lick my horn to get it wet, then slowly back into it. We’ll see how it goes from there,” Twilight said, stating her plan.

Fluttershy saw Twilight’s horn stick out like a short tree branch in the dark. She got closer to inspect its groove and gently prod it with her hoof. Her caution was driven by knowledge that unicorns are very protective of their magic centres, so she made extra sure not to spook the other pony. Now close enough, she nuzzled the horn, feeling it to be very rigid. ’Shy reached her tongue out and licked it from base to tip, triggering surprisingly little reaction from Twilight. On the other side, Twilight was also surprised at the lack of stimulation. She levitated a pillow and Fluttershy felt an odd tingle in her tongue, like when testing a 9V battery. The horn had no real taste, reminding ’Shy of the time she got drunk and licked her mirror.

“Turn around.”

Fluttershy’s memory was broken by Twilight’s command.

“Do you want to back into me or have me push my horn into you?”

“Um?” Fluttershy was indecisive, “Cum in me?” Luna’s voice stepped in, “It is best for the receiving mare to back up. If it is too fast, the penetrating pony can back up. Things are not so easy the other way around.”

Twilight anchored herself to prepare for the Flutter-sex.

“One other thing: once you two are well-connected, the magic will keep you that way. This means you do not get a neck ache.”

Now that Luna had finished dispensing her advice, Fluttershy cautiously backed up, moving her long pink tail to the side in preparation for contact and hoping that her excitement did not make her flinch when it: no flinching. Her wings instantly flared out, sending a ripple of air through- out the room. Twilight was intoxicated from the scent of the excited pegasus and sight of her exposed marehood and tempted to raise her head to move forward for some more head-to-haunches action then dissuaded when she felt a zap to her horn. This time, it was not a usual static electricity discharge from the horn: it kept going and magic was welling up and it was hard to focus.

Twilight moved her head, feeling the subtle variations in Fluttershy’s ravine on the tip of her horn like an analogue record in its groove. Flutters moved her legs to get the horn in her hole. This was immensely stimulating for both ponies. The horn made the ponies feel each other’s pleasure as their own. Any thoughts of experimenting with the horn on the clitoris were promptly forgotten. Once the horn was properly aligned, the magnetism was extremely strong and Fluttershy felt the horn part her engorged lips. ’Shy backed into the waiting horn, feeling the groove rotate around as it entered he’s inner sanctum. Both ponies felt the magic increase as Fluttershy’s inside rubbed Twilight’s horn, making ’Shy backup faster until...

There was an instant magical connection when Twilight was fully inserted. Fluttershy’s wings flapped at the contact, almost lifting the ponies off the bed before they went back up and out, pushing them both firmly onto the bed. ’Shy bucked her hips to get the tip to rub around and found that she could not pull away, so she pressed her privates as hard as possible onto Twilight. Twilight found that her magic was now spilling out of her horn into her friend and some- thing that felt like magic was pouring in from Flutter into her brain.

Now firmly connected, Twilight lifted her head and found that Luna was correct about how her magic made Fluttershy light as two of her beautiful yellow feathers. Fluttershy made a gasp of surprise before turning around in opposite direction of Twilight’s groove to lift herself a bit and have more control of her movement. Twilight loved the legs holding tight to her sides and the magic freely flowing be- tween the ponies was like a continued low-intensity orgasm. Fluttershy kept breathing heavily and now was leaning for- ward bucking herself against Twilight’s head, an intoxicatingly unusual sensation. Zap! Twilight felt the magic pool from her head connect with the horniness in her privates and it felt like both her and Fluttershy’s fluids mixed in her body.

“INTEGRATE ME ALL UP AND DOWN THE Z- AXIS!” Twilight shouted, then gasped and shuddered before adding, “OR THE X-AXIS!”

Princess Luna heard the shout and was amazed at the progress of Twilight’s crash course in being royalty. She had finally found the item she sought: a long black strap-on. In spite of being too tired to mate for a few days, seeing it made her very aroused as she thought of how best to make use of it. She stepped through the leg loops and used her magic to move them into place. She gasped and nearly had to sit down when her legs buckled at feeling the support strap rub against her clitoris. The mere presence of the phallus between her legs made her fully horny again as a reminder of why stallions were always in heat: having it right there. She flexed her muscles and gave a soft shout as it hit the under- side of her barrel. Tonight, she was a stallion, always ready to go.

Even if Luna’s horn was not sore from Venus, she was not about to form a chain with Twilight. Two unicorns of their power had a slim but decidedly non-zero chance of blowing the pony on the end to smithereens when they orgasmed together. Kicked off into the rafters with joy, Luna descended in a tight spiral right behind a Twilight oblivious from Fluttershy’s echo of magic.

Luna pulled Twilight’s tail out of the way with her magic then reared up and placed her front legs on Twilight’s side, next to Fluttershy’s hind legs and kissed Fluttershy and felt a short of magic travel through her and made her thrust forward into Twilight’s waiting wet slit. Luna felt a supersonic noise from the sensation Twilight having a penis inserted sailed to Fluttershy. Twilight bucked back into Luna and Luna moaned from the strap rubbing her sex. Luna put her head forward, as if to get another taste of Fluttershy but instead moved to the side for the easier target of Twilight’s ear and whispered, “What about the y-axis?”. A very odd sound happened along with Twilight’s ragged breath and Luna looked up to see Fluttershy was no more.

Twilight felt the lack of weight on her head and started to panic, “Did I just vaporise Fluttershy‽”

She looked around and Luna nuzzled her neck to calm her a bit before answering, “That is why I did not put my horn in you. It would be much more messy if she exploded.”

Twilight felt herself locked into place, then lifted as Luna took off for the ceiling of her tower. Eight hooves landed on the exceptionally thick main beam as Luna spied a butter yellow pony in a corner muttering “too much, too much” to herself.

Luna explained the obvious, “My sudden entrance must have overwhelmed her system. I will stay on top of you, Twi- light, and we will let Fluttershy calm a little and she can join us as we are in progress.”

Twilight felt herself enveloped in Luna’s caring wings and started to relax enough to remember that she was full of phallus. Slowly, she backed back onto Luna’s waiting body and again started to enjoy the warmth of Luna’s barrel on her back. Her ears twitched in excitement as her horn started to glow again from Luna’s breath in them. She gasped again with the feeling of gentle teeth on the inside of the ear and was now breathing quite loudly.

Luna pushed herself as far forward as possible, relaxing as Twilight bucked against her hips. The Mare of the Night partially withdrew at a painfully slow rate, making Twilight whine at a pitch rivalling Fluttershy’s squeaks. Luna noted as Twilight’s horn dimmed a little. She then slammed forward and watched as Twilight lost control and sparks flew from her horn. Backing up again, Twilight’s horn dimmed, then lit up slowly as Luna carefully made her way forward. Backing up and re-inserting herself some more, Luna enjoyed the light show in the rafters.

“Fluttershy, I invite you to mount Twilight once more. I will be gentle on her until you are ready,” Luna invited, “No more ear nibbles from now on.”

’Shy flew over and put her forehooves on Luna’s shoulders and kissed Luna while Twilight took the opportunity to nip at her teats. Her decision now made, ’Shy flapped a couple times before being caught in some pony’s magic field and lowered slowly onto Twilight’s dimly-glowing horn. Before it made actual contact, Twilight’s magic field stimulated Flutter to buck her hips and then it was in. Now sitting on hit friend’s head, she leaned forward to give Luna a deep kiss.

Luna returned the kiss and felt it deepen as their tongues danced from Luna slowly thrusting in to full fulfilment. Fluttershy felt a vacuum in her sex as Luna slowly pulled back and started to whinny softly. Luna thrusted forward and ’Shy felt pumped with exciting magic. Twilight felt as if Luna’s dong connected from her vagina through her horn into Fluttershy, stimulating her entire body as her magic pooled and flowed freely between herself and Fluttershy, every pump from Luna increasing the pressure. ’Shy closed her eyes and was at home with Rainbow Dash, Dash’s hoof up in her all the way to the shoulder after a long session making Rainbow’s cloud made more of mare juices than rain. The magic throughout her body was almost an out-of-body experience as she edged ever closer to soaking Rainbow Dash and overloading the cloud to make some stallion’s day. Twilight’s wings had flared to provide more area for the magic to gather on, but every little breath and breeze was now adding to the orgasmic bliss.


Fluttershy and Twilight orgasmed together as the magic was converted to a thorough soaking of Twilight’s back and Luna’s barrel, the blast triggering Luna’s orgasm, as Luna’s fluid squirted and was channeled through the toy into Twilight, where it joined Twilight’s release in soaking Luna’s and Twilight’s hind legs. After taking a breath to process the orgasm and three-octave shout of joy, Luna locked her subject and fellow princess in her magic and leaned off to the side, putting all three in free-fall to the bed, magically slowed down to give all the dreamy falling feeling without risking injury.

As the breathless excitement faded, Luna saw fresh raindrops on the bed and unusual activity of bats outside the window. The group landed on their left side, wings instinctively contracted to keep them safe, and bounced an inch. Fluttershy was awash in awe that horn play really was as good as the MMM described it. Twilight’s only sign of life was her slow breathing, her sides rising and falling. Luna located the strap-on with her magic and teleported it to the cleaning pile before extending her right wing as blanket for the other two mares and closing her eyes.

“Princesses, before you fall asleep: how am I to get back to take care of my animals tomorrow?” Fluttershy wondered.

Twilight answered with naught more than a snore. Luna blinked a few times then replied, “Twilight is supposed to go to back to Ponyville tomorrow anyway. You two can go back to your cottage through the mirror and rest in your bed. Besides, if this was all a dream, you wouldn’t want to wake up in a different bed. I shall wake Twilight. She is thoroughly worn out, so you may need to let her lean on you on the walk back.”

Luna gently poked at the sleeping princess. Twilight eventually came to after the dizziness of deep sleep started to lift.

“Twilight,” Luna ordered, “Go through the mirror and sleep with Fluttershy tonight. No report is needed, since I was able to witness everything.”

Luna used her body rather than magic to push Twilight off the bed to where ’Shy was waiting to catch her for support. The mirror connection was still active, so Luna did not have to help as Twilight clumsily leaned on Fluttershy and they stepped over the threshold back into Fluttershy’s world and collapsed on her bed.

Elders' Epilogue

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Princesses Luna and Celestia met up back in the castle for another long day of dealing with trifle Canterlot problems. Luna was there both as backup in case Celestia lost her temper and as self-imposed punishment for putting Celestia in a bad mood due to lack of sleep over the past couple nights. Their royal docket was stuffed with the usual minutia of the Canterlot nobility, re-minding both princesses that it was high time to relocate. They even had a nice excuse that would placate the trouble- makers: although they were able to ship Princess Cadence to the Crystal Empire, not only were both Celestia and Luna sharing a castle built for one princess, but now they had to acknowledge Twilight as a princess in residence, with all the trappings thereof. Even though Twilight spent most of her time in Ponyville, her official residence was Canterlot Castle. If Equestria did not need a princess on call at all time, the Crystal Castle was a big enough government centre for all four princesses. Their biggest logistical concern was that even if Twilight made the old Everfree castle her royal residence, Canterlot still could support one princess to the degree that the elite insisted upon long-term.

For now, the princesses were zoned out while some stallion petitioned them about zoning regulations, just as so many ponies who forget that their royalty have no concern about zoning other than heavy industry not be in Canterlot and the parklands remain undisturbed. Luna looked at the clock and saw that it was near lunchtime.

“Yes, talk to the Canterlot Zoning Board in room 36b, at the base of the astronomy tower,” Celestia said to dismiss the stallion, “Nex—”

“NO!” Luna intoned in a stage whisper, as she shot a hoof to silence her sister. She continued in a low voice, “it is almost lunch time and I have a bit of business to discuss. It’s important yet happy.”

“You have a point, Luna; let us vacate these thrones and relocate to the restaurant.”

The princesses went to lunch in the castle’s private restaurant to keep out visitors and make sure their conversation didn’t fall on the wrong ears. There, they made small talk with the waiters until they had food and a big enough pitcher to be left alone and not to need refills.

Once in privacy, Celestia started, “I suppose you brought me aside to brag about having solved your problem. I heard you resolve the issue perfectly clearly.”

“No, sister, it is not that. I know I am enthusiastic and a fan of the Royal Voice, so I know word that a new princess is ready for visitation would get around soon enough. Celestia, I called for an early private lunch to share good news about Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“You helped her like I asked?”

“Yes! The situation was worse than I expected when I came in to help: she only had the touch of her hoof to stay sane.”

“That bad? I assumed she found at least one stallion to have an ill-advised night with when in Ponyville.”

“No, not even an unexpected intimate moment with one of her mare friends. Well, not until last night at least.”

“She had a friend with her?”

“Well, we invited her friend. I thought I should give her some proper practical training on princess duties rather than just on being a pegasus mare.”

“Which duty would you need to involve a fr—Oh! You explained how to use her princess privileges.”

“Yes. Remember Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’s letter?”

“Yes, that was a wonderful report. It was the report I had hoped to hear from Twilight for such a long time.”

“Fluttershy had a libido to keep up with us. Rainbow Dash loves Fluttershy but is too busy keeping herself in the air to make love or think of such things enough to keep Fluttershy interested. The lack of copulation even hurt Fluttershy’s self-esteem. Twilight Sparkle and I showed her that Rainbow Dash was being serious when she calls her beautiful. I even introduced both ponies to the wonder of horn play.”

“I truly am glad to have you back. You’ve always been much better with mares than I, and you have all night to live the dreams and listen to the inner secrets of our subjects. I suspect that a few saved marriages later, the Canterlot locals will stop petitioning me to send you back to the moon.”

“Really? Over my use of the voice? If they attempt to BANISH me for that reason, THE DESTRUCTION WILL BE GREATER THAN LAST TIME! NEVER GET IN THE WAY OF A MARE IN HEAT!”

A few seconds passed. Luna noticed she had stood up and flared her wings in the heat of emotion and folded them back to her body and resuming her seat.

“Sorry, sister. I got carried away,” she said to a panicked Celestia.

After a short pause when she gathered her wits, Celestia responded, “There is a reason ‘never get in the way of a mare in heat’ is a mantra in our book.”

The mares turned to a gallop in the hallway and prepared for yet another ill-timed Canterlot invasion. Horns ready, they turned to the door to see a squad of the guard burst in, their horns also aglow.

“Princesses, is anything wrong?” Shining Armour asked, panicked.

“No, my sister got carried away about the local’s opinion of her. You should know how mares are when they get into heat.”

“Was that what the shooting was about? I’ll leave you two to your discussion, then. Have a good day.”

“Before you leave, I will have you know that all new members of the guard have passed my inspection,” Luna added before he left and she forgot to mention it.

The guards diffused their prepared spells and slowly retreated back to the hall to continue their duties of go back to the barracks. The princesses returned to the table and Luna took a long drink of water.

“Now you see why I do not use the Royal Voice anymore. How did it acquire the name of ‘Canterlot’ anyway? When we used it, we lived in the old castle that is now in the Everfree Forest.”

“I will not apologise. I just had the best lay in 1,442 years!”

“That long? It was over 400 years before the Nightmare incident since the last time it was that good? No wonder you went mad.”

“I had plenty of good times, between those times, but none as good as the ones I had with Starswirl.”

“You have a thing for having your best coitus with my top students, don’t you?”

“I will not say one way or another. They are rare enough to be exceptional in more ways than magical talent. If the noise is that much of an issue, why do we not rebuild the old castle and leave Twilight this one?”

“After our fight, the old castle is not repairable. I let the Everfree grow wild so that the dangers of the forest keep ponies well away from the dangers of the ruins. Even still, it seems that another foolhardy adventurer ends up hospitalised or dead from there every year. For that matter, even if we rescued the rest of the important stuff and assembled a team of unicorns to blast the place to a crater with magic, I think all the damaged protection spells may kill some of them.”


The silence after was interrupted by a waiter taking the empty plates away and refilling the water. Luna was still thirsty from her outburst and drank most of it, Celestia finished off the container out of habit before getting up.

“Since you kept me up so much, I am going to nap. You can deal with the nobility however you wish except for roasting them over a pit.”

Luna followed Celestia out of their dining room into the hall back upstairs.

Celestia spoke to no one in particular, “I miss Applejack’s dad. Mr. S. Jobs. I helped him and his wife their marriage and taught them the fun way to make a foal. He–neigh!–every pony I’ve met from that family are some of the few mortal stallions I remember from the bed. What a strong member and such a well-built, sturdy composition...”

Celestia trailed off, and Luna noted that they would soon part ways: she would continue on the hallway before heading off to the throne room to the right, her sister was about to take a left up a tight staircase. Celestia mused again, “All this talk makes me want a good heat about now. You’ve had yours, so I think I will call for my guard to do their special duty after I rest.”

“Oh, Celestia?” Luna asked as Celestia was about to enter the stairway up to her quarters.

“Yes?” The older princess turned around.

“One last thing before your nap: Twilight was confused about the events that occurred in one of her friend’s letters to us until she re-enacted them. To prevent this in the future, we should have Twilight and her friends on Ponyville write in a journal for each other rather than in private letters to us,” Luna suggested. Celestia then finished retreating for a nap and Luna headed back downstairs to intimidate the Canterlot elite so they would solve their own petty problems and leave her to important matters, such as getting in touch with the Apple family to plan a visit to Ponyville.