A 'Change' to My Life

by evan555alpha

First published

I've always like Queen Chrysalis, but when I wake up one morning with a hole in my hand, is that all that happens? a side fic to 5 score / 4

My life was fine. I had enough friends, an all right job, and all those necessities.
Now, I've always been a fan of my little pony, especially Queen Chrysalis.
I don't know why, but I’ve always just liked her.
So I wake up one morning with a gaping hole in my palm.
Is my greatest fantasy coming true?
Or did I get drunk last night?
Did I mention that said morning was on my 25th birthday?

A 5s/4 side fic
(Also my first one. constructive criticism is appreciated)
(tags will be added as needed)

chapter one: holes

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Dear Diary
My life is fine. Well, it was fine. I have enough friends, an awesome girlfriend, an all right job, and a big enough apartment now. It is fi- No. It was fine. It was fine, until, I went through my morning routine.

Not wanting to get up?

Gaping hole in my palm?
Wait, what?
Yeah, it was fine.
-Chris Allis


Now, I've always been a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, even though it ended five years ago. That season five finale was, well, horrible. My favorite pony, if you could call her a pony, is Queen Chrysalis. She just caught my attention, the way no other pony did, and that two tone voice… god if only my girlfriend had it. That’d be, as Rainbow Dash says, ‘Awesome!’

My secret wish was to somehow meet her, or better yet, be her. But after I noticed this hole in my palm on my 25th, I had a mixed response to it. I was joyous that my fantasy may be coming true, yet at the same time, I feared it because I didn't know how the hell it got there in the first place.

Did I go out and get drunk and get a doctor to cut out half my palm? No. Even if I did, not only would’ve the doctor not allowed it, but it’d still be in bandages. So that is ruled out.
Did I drill it out myself with some form of drill head? No. There is now way I’d be stupid enough to do that, even if I was drunk. So that’s ruled out.
There is only one way to explain this: I’ve clopped to pictures of her enough times that I’ve started to look like her.

I do the most logical thing I can think of; prod at it. It doesn't hurt, and it seems like the hole was always meant to be there. I poke my finger through and feel a new sensation as the new nerves on the inside of the hole feel my finger. At the same time it feels weird because my finger was never meant to do that, yet it did.

It’s like when you try to go through glass so clear you cannot see it, yet you get stopped, except the opposite is happening. My brain is trying to comprehend what is going on, but it is too illogical. I mean, a dirty great big hole appearing in the middle of my palm overnight? Not even my girlfriend would do that, and she has done some pretty mean tricks on me.

I’m not sure why I hang around her, but I do. It’s probably the same reason that I like chrysalis. I just do.

I couldn't let her see it because, what would she think? Seriously, Jessie seeing her boyfriend with a great big hole in the middle of his hand is not going to go down well. I'm surprised myself at how my fingers manage to still work when most of my palm is gone. If I go to see a doctor, what'd they think? Would I be considered a freak to the public? Would I be dumped by the only true girlfriend I ever had?


I decide to do a full body anatomy on myself. Jessie is out for the day, so she won’t care. I strip down to my jocks and take a look at myself. There are several more holes near my ankles, forearms, and calves. They all seem to look almost natural looking. They all vary in size, but none seem to be bigger than 5 or 6 centimeters across. I’m turning into freakin’ Chrysalis! How awesome is that? Oh, wait, there may be a slight chance that I may not be becoming chrysalis. Damn.

I’m halfway through dressing myself when I hear Jessie pull up into our driveway. And I hear her car scrape the fence. Again. I swear I have only six millimeters clearance on either side of that driveway; it’s that bloody thin. Then again, Jessie sometimes says that a tank would be smaller than our car. I know she’s only joking, but still, I agree we need a smaller car.

I quickly finish dressing myself and get out of the bathroom. Jessie finds it curious as to why I rushed out like that, as do I. Oh well, life is life, and what is done cannot be undone. Or something along those lines anyways. Yeah, I never understood it either.

She asks me how my morning was. I’m a terrible liar, and tell her that it was good. She instantly picks it up that I’m lying and asks some more questions. I crack under the pressure and tell her about the hole. She thinks it is just a joke until I show her the one in my hand. As I expected, she screams. And runs. I try to explain it to her best I could, but she just keeps on trying to get away from me.

I leave her alone and eventually she calms down and decides to get a better look at the thing.
‘So,’ she asks, ‘how’d it happen?’
‘I don’t know,’ I say to her.
‘Seriously, how?’
‘I told you, I don’t know. There are more too.’
‘Yeah, there are around 7 or so others.’

I show her the others. She gasps. ‘Do, do they hurt?’
‘No,’ I tell her.
‘Well, can you explain them?’
‘Y’know the changelings from My Little Pony?’ I ask her.
‘Sort of,’ she responds.
‘Well, I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think I am turning into one.’
‘That’s… crazy’ I knew she’d say that.
‘I know, but it seems the only logical explanation.’


After our chat I decide to have a light nap, but not before she gives me my birthday present. It’s a plushy of the changeling queen herself. And I love it. I thank her then go lie down. I need to clear my thoughts and just try to think up an explanation to this hole business. I head to my room, where the walls are painted a dark gray, and the curtains are a cerulean with holes cut into them, just like Chrysalis’s hair. And my bedspread is a picture of Chrysalis with the caption, ‘ALL HAIL THE QUEEN’ written under it. I let the sandman do his work and soon I am sleeping away.

I decide to get up, and find out I’ve only had a 40-minute nap. Oh well, I feel well rested, especially after finding out about those ho- oh, right. The holes. Meh, at least they haven’t been seen by the public eye just yet. Either way, I’ve decided to keep a low profile for now, just to play it safe. That means that I will not leave the house. I’ll just stay out of sight. For now.

Chapter Two: Hair

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Oh, god, more holes. Great, just great. Just what I needed, more holes. I swear, any more and I’d look more like Swiss cheese than a human. Oh well, at least it isn't colored hair. I am turning into Chrysalis. That I am sure of. Her drones don’t have hair, and if I am turning into a changeling, then my hair would be receding or falling off. But no, I swear it is getting longer.

I cannot help but feel that something is off, especially that season five finale. It's probable because I've been thinking about the last scene on that horrible ending. Just horrible.

Discord and Chrysalis were battling each other within the badlands. Discord was winning, and he seemed more, evil than just chaotic. He almost allowed her to win, but then stabbed her in the back, metaphorically, of course, and overpowered her. Discord then started his mysteriously familiar chant:

For five score, divided by four...

I don't understand why, but the last scene just seems so, realistic. It's almost as if it were a vivid memory. Wait, what am I thinking, it can't be a memory. It's just the last scene to a terrible season finale. Nothing more.

The strange thing is that I also seem to be having dreams. Not just any dreams, mind you, but really realistic ones. They also revolve around the finale, especially that final battle between Chrysalis and Discord. As they go on, they seem to fit together better. Some nights I may only have bits and pieces of different scenes, and others I seem to practically relive the entire episode. I then end up waking up in a cold sweat, and then I get questioned about it by Jessie.

My hair is also definitely longer than what it should be, and I could swear I could see a slight blue hue within it. My skin also seems to have become even darker, but then again, I'm probably just letting my imagination run wild. Oh well, I best not let my imagination get the better of me, just yet, anyways.


OK, now I know my hair is getting longer. Just this morning it was halfway down my forehead, but now it's covering my eyes. And I swear that there is some blue in it. My heels also want to stay up in the air. I've tried to put them on the ground but they won't respond.

But I must say, this feels much better than having my fee- what the hell am I saying? I prefer having my feet flat on the ground, thanks! Not up in the air. Speaking of air, it'd feel good to be able t-No. Wait; actually, it would be nice to be able to fly. Yeah, flying sounds nice right about now. Oh, wait no wings... Damn! Ugh, I need to lie down for a while and let this all sink in. Again. It’s all coming far too quickly for me to comprehend. I am utterly confused about all that has happened today.


'Man, how long was I out?' I mumbled to myself as I got up from a seemingly short nap. I looked at the clock. It read: 7:03AM. Oh wow, I was out for 14 hours!? Jeez, don’t think Jessie’s going to be happy. I checked my palm. It still had the hole in it, and my skin was surely darker, as was my hair bluer. Some of my teeth also seemed sharper, like fangs. I check my eyes. Yep, just as I guessed. They’re harlequin. Definitely Chrysalis. Her drones have turquoise eyes.

My tongue feels weird. Almost as if it were forked, and thinner. I check the mirror, and again, my senses don’t lie. My tongue is like a snake’s. Thin, forked, and orange. I notice that my facial features have changed considerably throughout my ‘little’ nap. My mouth seems to protrude a little, my eyes are freakishly larger and my hair is slowly but surely growing longer and turning a nice shade of dark cerulean.

I feel a slight pain at the base of my spine. I try to check what it is but cannot see what it is, so, I take my pants off. Guess what I find? You guessed it, Chrysalis’s tail, in its entire cerulean and hole-y glory. What I wouldn’t give to have just a single strand of Chrysalis’s hair. Now I have them all.

As it turns out, Jessie was not happy. Strange as it seems, she kept it a secret from me. She was hiding the fact that she was turning into a pony. As my memory of background ponies serves me, she is turning into Nurse Red Heart, the medical nurse of Ponyville Hospital. She managed to keep the medical cross and hearts of a cutie mark, from me. Not that it matters though; She had no Idea what was going on with her legs. And I don’t blame her.


‘So,’ she says, ‘what does it mean?’
‘It means that this is either a very cruel prank, or we are turning into fictional characters from a little girls show.’ I say.
‘I thought we ruled out that this is a cruel prank. The holes you have appeared within the last twenty-four or so hours and the cutie marks I have are far too realistic to be a tattoo. It has to be the latter. We are turning into ponies. Talking, Technicolor ponies.’
‘No, you are turning into a pony. I am turning into Chrysalis, who is a changeling.’
‘Changeling, pony, whatever. All I know is that we’re probably going to be stuck like this for a long time, so we may as well enjoy the little amount of time we have left as being physically human.’
‘Yeah, physically. Mentally I’m still going to be the humanoid being known as Chris Allis. Nothing, I repeat, nothing, is going to change that. No matter what I look like, I want you to love the guy you fell in love with, even if it means I’ll eventually have a gender swap.’
‘What? The guy I fell in love with, a female? I know that you’re turning into Chrysalis, but I never thought to go so far into this transformation as to have a gender swap.’
‘Well, it looks like we’re going to have to put up with it. My love for you is strong. Strong enough that not even a dramatic gender swap is going to stop it.’

She’s visibly trying to hide her emotions, but I tell her to let it out. These pent up feelings are not good.

Chapter Three: Horn

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Wow, this is turning out to be one whacked out 25th birthday. Or is it a crazy dream? Quite honestly, I think I'm dreaming, and I need to get out. I pinch myself several times just to make sure that I am dreaming. Nope. Painful as ever. 'Same as the pain in my forehead,' I muttered, 'except that's increasing.’ Wait, increasing? I scream in agony. It feels like someone is trying to drive a nail through the inside of my forehead, except it is coming from the inside. I willingly let darkness consume me.


'Oh god, not again.' I mumble. Huh, my voice seems higher than before. I feel a new sensation over my forehead and try to feel what is causing said sensation. My fingers find something hard, and jagged. I rush to the bathroom to go look in a mirror. My fingers didn't lie. Sitting there, in the center of my forehead, with cerulean hair going around it, was Queen Chrysalis's horn.

While I'm there, I get a chance to get a good look at my eyes. They are definitely bigger, and my irises are now several shades of green instead of the regular brown they always are, I mean were. The white also has definitely gotten some green to it as well. My skin, well, that is starting to go gray with lighter patches here and there. My heels utterly refuse to go down, and my legs are aching simply from standing.

For the hell of it, I start going through the cabinet behind the mirror, where all my various medicines and other odds 'n' ends are. I then find the strangest of things: Chrysalis's crown. 'Of all the things I've found over the years, this is certainly the strangest,' I say to myself, noticing that my voice is sounding more and more like Chrysalis's.

Being my goofy self, I put on the crown. The instant it touches my head, the hair goes out of its way and the crown feels like it fuses to my head, making it unable to move. Though it is fused, the crown moves itself until it is placed on the right spot of my head, completely accurate right down to where it is on the show.

I look at myself. I think I look super badass with the crown, but the only downside is that my face is not the right shade of gray. Well, not yet anyways. Speaking of looking, I check my hand with the hole. What do you know? My fingers are starting to get distorted. Not that it matters though. I mean, giving up fingers is a small price to pay for the ability to use raw arcane and eldritch power no one ever knew this world had. Seriously, it’s freakin’ magic, people. Magic.

I can form bolts of pure energy the way no one has before. I can teleport, something that has long since been the dream of many scientists around the world. I can levitate objects. I can, well; I don’t know what else I can do. And right now I don’t think my horn would be ready to use its power just yet.


I tell Jessie the good-ish news. She doesn’t seem interested; until I mention the adorable little nurse’s hat she gets to wear. Then, and only then, is she interested in any way, shape or form. She, quite literally, pounces onto me like an excited dog. She begs me to know its location. I tell her I don’t know, and she gets off of me. ‘Sorry, I was just excited.’ I hear her say. She then proceeds to tear through the house in search of it.

‘She’s so cute like that.’ I think to myself. Quite often I think things like that to myself. It’s not like she can read my mind or anything, but with Jessie being, well, Jessie, I quite often question as to whether she can actually read my mind. She’s not normal, and I like that.

On the other side of the house, I hear her shout, ‘Found it!’ I go to her and ask where it was. She replies, ‘it was in the weirdest place. It was under all the towels in the linen closet.’
‘Really?’ I say, with a hint of sarcasm.
‘Yeah. But remember the time you found those old documents there?’
‘Hey, that’s different. We only just got the house, and the closet was probably used for storing something other than linen.’

After our little bicker, I get to the task at hand: keeping my holes, hair and horn out of sight. I know I said that I would stay away from the public as much as possible, but when you’re short on food, I think I can deal with it. I mean, the hair may not be as much as a problem as I thought. I may get a few looks from passers-by, I don’t care. I’ve enough crap to deal with at the moment, what with my girlfriend becoming a freakin’ pony!

The horn, I can just cover with a hat. The thing may be Chrysalis’s, but it isn’t as big as hers yet. Same with the little crown, I can cover that too. The holes, I’m not sure. I can cover up my legs and arms and feet, but I would probably look strange with gloves. Then again, I have cerulean fuckin’ hair. I’m sure gloves won’t make a damn difference to the amount of looks I’ll get.


Well, I made it. I made it into the general store without dragging along too much attention. I grab all the things needed, and leave. Not without paying, of course. That’d be rude of me. People don’t take much notice of me, until a gust of wind catches my hat. ‘Oh, shit.’ I think. People then start to take notice of me. They wonder what is wrong with me. They wonder what the hell is up with the jagged ‘thing’ poking out of his forehead. They wonder what the hell is up with the little crown like thing on my head.

A little girl and her mother walk by. ‘Mummy, look. It’s Chrysalis!’ The little girl says to her mother. ‘I’m not Chrysalis, I just like her so much that I sometimes dress up as her,’ I say. The little girl believes it and I am off the hook. That is, until, I realize that I sounded just like Chrysalis.

The little girl realizes that, too. ‘But you sound just like Chrysalis! You must be her!’ To prevent any further embarrassment, the little girls mother takes her daughter onwards to wherever they were going. I get away from the area and get home, somewhat safe from the public eye.

So, this is the reality I've come to live in, huh? Well, it's going to be one hell of a ride.

Chapter Four: Hooves

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Less than an hour after I get out of the open and into the safety of my own home does Jessie, or should I say, Nurse Redheart, starts bombarding me with questions about these changes. Questions like ‘what is causing all this?’ and ‘why me?’ I answer them as best I can, but I cannot answer why it is happening to us.

I ask her if she has been having any dreams that are unjustifiably realistic. At first she hesitates to reply, then blurts out, ‘I’ve been having these really strange dreams. They recur, too. It shows Redheart in the hospital, trying to escape the madness outside that is all caused by Discord. The next part is where Discord corners her, and then starts this really weird chant like thing.
For five score, Divided by four…”’

‘Y’know, that’s really weird, because I’ve been having similar dreams as well, except it’s Chrysalis that Discord is fighting, and he says the same chant.’
‘Wait, five score, divided by four, that’s twenty five, isn’t it?’
‘Yeah, an- oh my frickin’ god. That’s why we’re turning into ponies. Discord. He’s the one behind it all. These changes started on our 25th birthday, didn’t they? What he says isn’t a chant, it’s a spell! The spell has caused our former pony selves to live as humans for exactly twenty-five years!’

‘Chris, has anyone told you that you’re crazy?’
‘I’m serious Jessie. We lived as ponies. Earth is Equestria! I am Queen Chrysalis! You are Nurse Redheart! There are probably hundreds of other people out there that are turning into ponies, just like us.’
‘Or we are freaks and you’re totally crazy.’


Not even an hour after our little chat, Jessie came to the realization that I was right, and that we did live as ponies before our ‘births’. I’d rub it in her face, but I’d probably end up screwing up. Then again, when haven’t I screwed up? And if I have anything to go by, Jessie’d probably end up having Redhearts attitude, too.

My fingers have been acting, for the most part, different over the past several hours. They fell like they have pins and needles constantly. I think it must be associated with all these other changes. Jessie has been having the same feeling, and her hair is definitely turning pink. There are little patches of white fur over her, but she is able to keep most of them covered. All she needs to do is do her hair up in a bun, and wear the nurse’s hat. Then she would look absolutely adorable.

My middle finger is definitely broader than the others, and the others are shrinking. The same goes for Jessie. I guess she will have a difficult time writing or typing things now, as her hands slowly become hooves. I’d say the same about me, as my hands are slowly turning into a changeling’s representation of what is meant to be hooves, but I have something else. Magic.
‘Jessie, do you know how adorable you look when you’re curled up on the bed like that?’ I ask her. She is in the middle of the bed, looking absolutely adorable; having grown even more fur over the past few hours she’s been asleep.
‘Huh, what?’ she says groggily. I must’ve woken her up with that question. Sadly, she gets out of her position and comes to look me in the eye. Up close, her eyes are practically as big as dinner plates.
‘I said, “Jessie, do you know how adorable you look when you’re curled up on the bed like that?”’

‘Why’d you have to wake me up?’ She asks, sounding annoyed.
‘Because I have to tell you something. Something important. It’s about what is going on below the uh… belt.’
‘You’re turning female, aren’t you?’
‘Um, yeah. But I think I have a solution to that. Y’see, I’m turning into a changeling. I think that with enough practice, I would be able to use magic to turn my body from, well, Chrysalis’s to this one.’ I give her a weak smile to accompany that idea.
‘Honestly, that idea is so idiotic that it might just work.’


My hands are definitely more hoof like. My middle finger is as wide as my hand, and my other fingers are now little stubs. I’m going to miss my thumbs, but once I get really good at changeling magic, I’m probably going to be able to change between my human body and this one. My horn is noticeably bigger, and more jutted. Jessie is covered in even more fur, and said fur is getting brighter.

My skin is tough, sort of like an exoskeleton, my eyes are huge, my tail is annoying as hell, and my hair has holes. Don’t ask me how, but strands are missing big chunks out of them, and they’re basically saying ‘fuck you, physics’, and staying there. Not that I mind, it looks cool. Then again, everything about Chrysalis does.

‘Chris,’ Jessie says, ‘do you know how much like Chrysalis you look?’
‘Yes, I do. I also know that one, you are too cute for your own good, and second, walking on two legs is damn painful. I may have to resort to going on all fours soon.’ I say, with a hint of annoyance at the mention of my painful legs.


The next day, I woke up with a pain in my back, and my face, and everywhere else in general. I try getting up, only to fall flat on my face. After getting myself off the floor, and looking into the mirror we have in our room for some reason or another, I notice several things. One, my face is not my own, but Chrysalis’s. Two, my manhood is replaced with Chrysalis’s, er… marehood. Three, I have no hands, but instead, I have Chrysalis’s hooves that are littered with holes. Four, the little thing I had on my head is no longer little. It’s fucking huge, practically as big as my torso. Last, I test out my voice, only to have it replaced with Chrysalis’s awesome one. Now, not only do I look like Chrysalis in general, but I sound like her too.

I go to wake up Jessie. I used to think she was adorable before, when she slept. But in her new body, there are no words to describe it. I whisper into her ear, ‘Miss Redheart, there’s a patient here and you’re needed.’
She woke up with a start, saying ‘where’s the patient?’ Meanwhile, I was rolling on the floor laughing so hard I nearly cried. She saw me and tried to glare at me, but my laughing was infectious.

After she managed to get all the giggles out of her system, she asked me a Question, ‘Well, Chrysalis, am I Nurse Redheart?’
I gave her a simple reply, ‘Yes, you are my Special someon- er somepony. You will always be the Jessie I knew before all this madness, but you are going to have to put up with me calling you “Redheart” from now on.’

Chapter Five: Hell

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It was morning. As all my mornings go, I wake up next to Jessie. Except this time it wasn't Jessie, it was Nurse Redheart. I jumped back and fell off the bed, and noticed that my body was not my human one anymore, or that half transformed one. It was Chrysalis's.

I decided that it would be best for me to wake up Jessie, so I did just that. Normally, she's a light sleeper, and it doesn't take much to wake her up, but becoming Redheart has earned her Redheart's sleeping pattern, attitude, and the whole shebang. It took much more than just a nudge to get her awake and I ended up pushing her off the bed.
“Ugh, ‘at’s the big idea? Shoving me off the bed like that?” She said.
“good morning, Nurse Redheart’ I replied, with a smug look upon my face.
She checked herself over; just to make sure I wasn’t playing another little prank on her. She saw it all. The white fur, the pink mane, the hooves, the tail.She looked up to me, and saw Chrysalis instead of her boyfriend. She tried to scramble away into a corner, but with joints and bends in different places, it’s hard to move. She ended up on her back, flailing her limbs in the air, trying to get away from me. Honestly, from my point of view, it was hilarious.
Hers, though? Obviously not. She was scared out of her wits after seeing my face so close to hers. Back when she was human, the same thing happened. She never really got used to waking up next to me. Then again, we’ve only been living together for just over a month now. Then she saw herself. It’s not every day you wake up in a body that isn’t your own. Actually, in this case, I think it is her own, seeing as were ponies beforehand.
After her little freak out incident, I told that I had been practicing my newly acquired changeling magic. I also told her the one little problem I have: me feeding.
“I’m a changeling. I feed on love. Without it, I starve. And if I starve, I have no power to disguise myself so I can actually go out in public and, y’know, have supplies, like food. I say supplies because at some point someone is going to come here and they will see you in Redheart’s body, and they will make the government take you away.” I say to her, “so, we have to get out of the general area. We need to get out to the country. The middle of nowhere.”
“So, you’ve been practicing your magic? Let’s see it then.” Redheart says, completely ignoring my little rant about getting away.
I take the chance to show off my newly acquired skills at magic before it slips through my fing–erm, hooves. Once you get the hang of channeling magic, it’s relatively simple to use it to transform matter, mostly, me. At first it was a real bitch, but after getting through what I would call a ‘magic block’, I became a quick master. I’d probably say I was the best magic performer on Earth, but who knows how many other unicorns or changelings are out there.


“Do you hear that?” I asked.
“Hear what?” Redheart answered.
“The voices. They’re faint, but I can hear them.”
Redhearts ears swiveled around to try and find any voices other than our own.
“Nope. No voices are around except our own.”
“Then this means either one of two things. One, I’ve gone utterly mad because of this. Or two, the- ugh –‘hive mind’ theory is true.”
“What do you mean ‘hive mind’?”
I decide that now would be best to explain, in full detail, what the hive mind theory is. “The hive mind theory is a theory that says that Chrysalis has some form of telepathic connection between herself and all her drones. Think of the Borg, from Star Trek, but with Changelings instead.”
“So, what you’re saying is, is that you are starting to hear some of your own drones’ thoughts?” Redheart replies.
“Yes. I am. And the problem is, is that I don’t think there is a way to turn it off, or block it.” I say with a hint of annoyance. As I am saying this, I strain to hear what some of the voices are saying.

look, James, I don’t know what the hell we are or why we’re like this. All I know is that we are stuck this way for now.

Hey! Larry! Jane! Look at me! I’m human again!

What!? How?

I just thought really hard about being in my body again, and look! I am!

Just for fun I decide to tell them what they are and how they change.

you’re all changeling drones. Changelings are creatures which can shape-shift to any form they so desire. If you think about being in your human body, you’ll be in it. Be warned though, changelings feed off of the emotion of love. Changeling love is like poison to other changelings, so you must feed of someone else. Being in a form other than your changeling form will drain your energy.

They seem to be quiet for a few moments until one speaks up.

Well, that explains a lot, then.

I also leave them with a surprising little side note.

Oh, and by the way, I am your queen.

At first, and as I expected, they don’t believe me.

How do we know you are our Queen, and not another person gone changeling?

Because, how many other voices have you heard that claim that they’re your Queen?


Uh, none. None so far have claimed that they’re our Queen. You’re the first, actually.

“Hello, Earth to Chris. Do you come in? Chris?”

See? That proves that I am your Queen.


“Huh? What?”

“Chris, you were completely zoned out for about twenty minutes. What happened?”

“I was talking. It appears that there are three changelings out there going by the names Larry, James, and Jane.”

“Well, did you get any information on them? I kind of want to know if we’re not the only people that have gone from being humans to being ponies.”

“I can always ask, seeing as I have access to their telepathic conversations.”

"Of course you can," she deadpanned.


"Well, go on, talk to them. I'd like to know more."

Chapter 6: Meanwhile...

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James, Larry, and Jane. A set of triplets living the way other normal twenty-four year olds would. It was May the first, and they were having a get together of sorts. Said get together was full of alcohol. Jane and James, being the risk-takers they are, were partying hard.
Larry, being the one smart enough to know how to not wake up with a hangover, was just sitting there.

The night was long, and Jane and James ended up passing out on the ouch and the floor respectively. When they woke up, they were assaulted with mind-numbingly powerful headaches, and, in short, they felt like total, utter, shit.
"well, well, well. look what the cat dragged in." said Larry, being his usual self after the other two got hammered the previous night.
"shut up, Larry" said Jane as she clutched her head in pain.
"I will after you two learn how to stop drinking so much."
"hey, it was our birthday. Fuck off." came James's muffled voice from the carpet.
"Yeah, I'll go when you two notice the things different about yourselves."
"Larry, will you shut up already?"
"Fine, fine, whatever. Just come screaming to me when you discover the holes in you hands."


"You know about the holes, don't you?"
"Just what in the name of absolute fuck did you do to us last night?"
"absolutely nothing."
"likely story."
"That statement is as true as me being a shape shifting monster from another world."
"I'm serious. I did nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. I have nothing to do with this."