The Dark Colt

by Mr.RealityTheBrony

First published

Every town needs a hero, no matter what his power. And the hero of Ponyville is Dark Colt, best hero Ponyvilles seen

After witnessing the death of his family after a robbery when he was just a foal, Dark Colt trains for years in the forbidden forest of Ponyville, taking on dangerous creatures by using his own survivor skills that he learned over time, he comes back to Ponyville after his training, to make sure that what happened to him doesn't happen to anyone else

The Dark Colt Rises Part 1

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I've forgotten my name, and I don't care to remember it, I've been living in the Forbidden Forrest, since I was just a foal, a weak, cowardly foal, it all began 20 years ago, I was only 10, I lived happily with my Mom and Dad, on the outskirts of Ponyville, I grew up poor, but happy. Top of my class, captain of the junior flying club, but i still found time to help out on the farm. Dad was a vegetable salesman, with his own stall and everything, but with the huge amount of apples, sold by Granny Smith all by herself, we didnt sell that much. Mom was a stay at home mom, and was a darn good one too, always cleaning up the house but still finding time to make the best hay fries ive ever had. I was the happiest foal in the world, and i thought nothing could change it. And then that one fateful night, that blasted night, where it was all taken away from me. I was in bed, reading the newest book in the series of Daring Do, and was drifting off to sleep when I heard a loud noise downstairs, being the coward I was, I went straight to my mother and father, convinced there was a monster downstairs,trying to find me and eat me. My parents finally calmed me down enough to assure me it was nothing, but they would check anyways. I followed far behind them as they walked downstairs, when they had finally hit the kitchen, I was still at the middle of stairs, staring intensely, my father flipped on the light, and was about I turn around to tell me it was nothing, when a man with a brown jacket and Wonderbolts hat pointed a gun at them and demanded there money, my father of course complied but said

" We have no money, but take what you want"
The thief then proceeded to look atmy mom and said in a chilling voice

"Give me the pearls lady"

My father worked his butt off for a year to get my mom those pearls, she was so happy when she got him, and my dad was so proud of himself, he was not going to give those up, he started screaming at the Colt

I should've done something, I should've called for help, but I just sat there on the stairs, too scared to even breath, as the colt pulled the trigger and killed my dad, he then pointed it at my mom who pleaded and told him to stop, and he just shot her. At that point I was crying silently and shaking violently, The colt grabbed the pearls off my mother and started checking around for other valuables around the house., I slowly crept downstairs towards the door, when being the dumb foal I was, knocked over a lamp, the Colt turned towards me very quickly and we locked eyes for a second, I will never forget looking into his soulless black eyes, and then suddenly he ran at me, but I was faster, I was already flying down the road when he reached the door, but he aimed and shot at me, and with that one shot he had manage to shoot my right back leg, I kept flying though, supressing tears as i flew into the EverFree Forest that we lived so close to, it was one of the few things I wasn't afraid of, in fact I knew it like the back of my hoof. Mom would of course disapproved of me being out in the most dangerous in Equestria, so i kept it a secret, and told her I was just going to the library.I quickly flew in as fast as i could to the treehouse I had managed to build , full of books I had taken out there , really nothing compared to the fortress thats here today, complete with a library for all the books i have here. I flew in and collapsed with exhaustion.
I woke up suddenly at dawn with a sharp pain in my hind leg. I decided that I had to do something about the bullet wound, It was really just a graze and it wasn't bleeding any more, but it could still get infected, so i used some leaves that were around the tree house and dressed the wound, then I cleaned it by using the creek that was nearby, I had learned about all the plants and animals with my Guide To The Everfree Forest. It was about then that the situation hit me, and for some reason I didn't want to go home, I guess I thought that the Colt might still be there. After alot of thinking, I decided that I wouldn't ever let some pony have to deal with what that Colt did to me, so I started training, During the day at first, but i didnt find it as much as a challenge as the night,where one false move will make you end up dead. I grew up in the Forest, training, foraging for food, and reading different books , I made different remedies and potions,meditated, studied, and used the dangerous animals to train, I never killed them though, that's not something I'll stand for. After 20 years, I was in top physical and mental condition, but I still needed that drive, the drive that would push me to fight for justice. Something that would stay with the filth of Ponyville like how that Colt stuck with me. And almost like a comical lightbulb, I had a name, and a drive. Ponyville was ready for me. Ready for the Rise of The Dark Colt

But first, I had to figure out my surroundings, so at midnight, I flew into Ponyville, using the shadows to my advantage. I discovered new things about the town, such as The Apple Family Farm, apparently Granny Smith now had two helping hands, an orange and red pony. I flew to the middle of town and was surprised to find I had completely forgotten what it looked like, a new sweet shop had open up, and it looked like the library had gotten a couple new residents, it's nice to see that it's finally being used by anyone, I was the only visitor when I was a foal. Maybe I was just denying the inevitable, maybe I felt like if I still went back to my house, he'd be there. But that was crazy, there was no way. So I finally made my to my old house, and was not suprised to find that it had been worn down, paint was getting grey the shutters were broken, and the flowers were dead, I guess noone moved in, probably because it was right next to the EverFree Forest, I silently flew into the window to my room and basked in nostalgia for awhile, I looked in the closet to find that my old super hero costume was there, I used to play it all the time when I was younger. It still fit too! I would just need to change things here and there, add a utility belt, rework the cape, and it'd look alot better, I looked over to my dresser, surprised to find my old hat was still there, Dad got me it for Christmas one year. I put on the hat and looked in the mirror, an for the first time ever, I actually felt like a hero. I went downstairs and outside the kitchen were white lines, signifying where my parents died. I knelt down and payed my respects. And engulfed in a new wave of vengeance, I stood up and left in search. In search of the Colt who did this to me, and this time, I wouldn't let him get away with this.

The Dark Colt Rises Part 2

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Now that i was ready to take on the Colt, i needed to figure out where he was located, and to figure that out i needed to do a bit of research, the most obvious location to start at was the at the City Hall in Canterlot, they were sure to keep a record of all arrests, but obviously they wouldn't let me in no questions asked, and if they did, it wouldn't be enough of a challenge for me,maybe im just a show off, but theirs nothing wrong with that. Anyways i flew through PonyVille silently, sticking to the shadows as i pass by countless windows. I even poked my head into one cottage to see a lone purple pony with crazy hair and a propeller hat, she seemed to be all by herself. I didn't think about it much because i was almost to the outskirts of Pony Ville, and from there i could just fly up to Canterlot.

I didnt start flying from the middle of town because i was worried somepony would see me, it would be ridiculous of course, because nopony could be up at this time, but i didnt want to take my hances. Anyways, i was at the train station in Canterlot, now here came the hard part. Ive read up a lot on the guards in Canterlot, enough to know that they swap posts every 20 minutes. And it just so happens that they were moving posts as soon as i got there. City Hall is in the middle of Canterlot, a=so i made my way towards it, but to get there, i would have to get past a couple guards, they would see me easily if i flew above them or even between buildings, there were light everywhere. I slinked behind the first guard and knocked him out quickly by hitting him square in the back of the head, he went out like a light, Must've been knew. The next guard i came across was a bit more difficult, he was wearing a helmet so i couldn't hit him. I put the guard in a head lock and kept holding him until he had passed out, i still checked his pulse though, just to be sure. I had never done this on a pony before.

After i made sure he was okay, i flew to the top window of the city hall, and made my way in, luckily they forgot to lock the window, i surveyed my surroundings for a moment or two, to see if there were any cameras or any guards. Of course there wasn't any, i was just being too cautious, i opened the door slowly and quietly as i could, i peered out the door and saw that there were no guards passing by, i slinked to the end of the hallway and looked again, no guards. At this point i probably should've turned around, or looked a bit harder, because if i did, i would've noticed that ll the lights were turned on, our that all the doors were unlocked, or that there were 20 guards waiting in the back room. I of course, noticed none of this, and i got cocky of course, so i was a bit less careful, i eventually found the records room and was ready to search for the Colt. And then it hit me, i had no idea what his name was, or what he looked like, aside from the eyes of course. So i started with t
prison records from 20 years ago.

And there was surprisingly a lot. I went for every one of them, and finally i got what i thought was a close match, he had the eyes, and he was even wearing the same hat. But when i saw what he was charged with, i was more enraged than i had ever been in my whole life, he was charged with Jaywalking. Jaywalking? How did he get away with murder?! I read deeper into his file and saw that he had claimed that his actions were in self defense. He was defending himself, when he was robbing a house, how can anypony get away with this? Well, it was pretty obvious, he was apparently FIlthy Riches estranged son, so in other words the jury were being paid a large sum to say that he was not guilty. At this point, iwas shaking with anger and hate. There was no way he could get away with! That Colt or Filthy Rich! But i was going to start with Filty, and then, when The Colt heard about what i did to his father, he would start getting terrified, just where i wanted the bucker. I soon went over to Filthy Riches file, it seems like hes been arrested alot, for what seems like major crimes. Threatening, Stealing, Extortionist, and of course he had gotten out of all of it, with money. It seemed like the law was more corrupt than it had ever been.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang behind me and 20 guards piled into the room.
"Put Your Hooves up!" Said the main pony
I stared at him, and slowly looked around and looked at the other ponies, and observed the situation.
"Hey, is that Mare Do Well?" said a short one

"Cant be, those were a bunch of mares, this looks like a colt" Said the the tall pony standing next to him

Apparently, somepony had beat me to the punch with the whole super hero thing, regardless, i shook it off and noticed that they were getting closer, it didn't take long to figure out what i did next. I quickly pressed a button on my utility belt and a smoke bomb popped out, as soon at it hit the ground, the whole room was smokey, but i had been training in smoke to get used to seeing in it. I went for the door, but it was blocked off by two coughing guards, guess i couldn't get out of there without knocking a few heads. I grabbed the two ponies head and knocked them against each other, they were out cold. And the way was clear, i busted out the room and flew up and back out the window. I flew high over PonyVille, and when i got close enough, i flew straight down as fast as i could into the EverFree Forest, right to my fortress, and i went to sleep, with thoughts of Filthy Rich still in my head, and for the first time in a long time, i smiled, so help me i smiled. I couldn't wait to get my hooves on him.