Derpy's Love Story

by marineproductions100

First published

Rainbow Dash has acted a bit unusal around Derpy. So Rainbow finally invites Derpy over for dinner and express her true feelings about Derpy

My first love story of Derpy. Rainbow has been acting weird around Derpy lately but Derpy doesn't find it odd. Nor does she find it more odd that Rainbow quietly invited Derpy over to hang out. While Rainbow is still deciding whether to tell Derpy her true feelings about her or keep it to herself.

Chapter 1: Rainbow and Derpy

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Chapter 1: Rainbow and Derpy

Derpy was just sitting with her daughter Dinky. They were at the picnic having muffins and enjoying the sun

"Mommy, can I go play with the others?" Dinky asked.

"Of course my muffin. I'll be right here when you're done." Derpy said while smiling at her little filly.

Dinky went over to the toys to play with the other fillies and Derpy just smiled. Watching her play with the other fillies brought joy to her. Then, Rainbow was flying slowly above the park. Once she noticed Derpy she stopped and landed right next to her.

"Hey Derpy, watcha doing?" Rainbow asked.

"Dinky wanted to come to the park so I brought muffins with us and made a little picnic." Derpy replied.

"What kind of muffins?" Rainbow asked.

"Blueberries. Want some?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah sure, thanks." Rainbow said as she reached for a muffin from the basket. Rainbow sat down right next to Derpy and they both watched Dinky play. Rainbow started to rub the back of her head with her hoove and started to mumble.

"Derpy I was wondering." Rainbow whispered real quietly.

"What?" Derpy said in confusion.

"I was wondering if we could." Rainbow said a bit louder.

"If we could what? Come on just say it." Derpy insisted.

"Can you meet me at my house tomorrow?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure what Time?" Derpy asked.

"Um how about noon." She said.

"Sure. Do you want me to bring anything to eat?" Derpy asked.

"How about some more of these blueberry muffins?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure thing, I'll see you at noon." Derpy said.

"Alright see 'ya later Derpy." Rainbow said as she flew away.

Dinky came up to her mother.

"I'm ready to go home mommy." Dinky said.

"Okay. Help me fold the blanket and we'll be on our way home." Derpy said.

"Okay mommy." Dinky said as she gazed up upon her mother with a smile.

The next morning Derpy woke up and headed downstairs into the kitchen and started to make the blueberry muffins that Rainbow Dash asked for. She put the muffins into the oven and went into the living room to help Dinky get ready for school. Derpy dropped Dinky off at school and flew straight home to make sure that none of the muffins burned. Luckily when she got back none of the muffins were burnt. It was noon and Derpy grabbed a basket and put all the muffins in the basket. She exited the house and started to fly towards Rainbow's house.

Rainbow was getting ready for Derpy's arrival by making some drinks of tea. She even got a couple of books from Twilight's library that were both really interesting. At least that's what Twilight said. Although she could be right, Rainbow thought to herself. Then, the doorbell ranged and Rainbow went straight to the door and answered it. Derpy was standing right outside the door waiting for Rainbow to answer it. Rainbow answered the door.

"Hey Derpy, come on in." Rainbow said.

"So why did you want me to come over?" Derpy asked.

Rainbow started to blush a little bit. "Oh you know I thought it would be nice for the both of us to hang out together." Rainbow said.

"Um okay" in confusion "I brought over the muffins like you asked." Derpy said.

"Great. Also I made some tea if you want any." Rainbow said.

"I'd love to." Derpy replied.

Rainbow pulled out two cups and poured hot tea into them while Derpy was unpacking her basket and laying out the muffins on a silver platter. Rainbow handed Derpy one of the books she got from Twilight and Derpy handed a muffin to Rainbow. They both sat on the couch and read quietly for a while. Rainbow felt really happy with Derpy over. She looked at Derpy and saw her gazing golden eyes. Then, Derpy looked back into her red eyes and for a moment they stood quietly looking at each other. But then Rainbow put her head back into her book and started blushing, so did Derpy.

"Um Derpy. I have to talk to you." Rainbow said.

"Sure. What's up?" Derpy asked.

"Um I wanted to tell you why I really wanted you to come over." Rainbow said. Derpy pit her book down and looked back at Dash.

"You see I wanted to ask you something for quite some time." Rainbow said slowly.

"Sure what's on your mind?" Derpy asked.

"Do you..." Rainbow blushed "like me?" she asked.

"Of course I do but.." Derpy was interrupted by Rainbow.

"No what I meant was. Do me more...then just a.... Marefriend?" Rainbow's eyes looked depressed.

Derpy stood there, speechless. She didn't know what to say.

"Rainbow I. I never knew you felt that way before." Derpy said.

"To be honest I've kept it in for about a year or so. Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Rainbow said.

Derpy stared at Rainbow's eyes and Rainbow's face turned from blushing to a sad look. She put her head down in shame. But then, Derpy lifted her head up and gave her a kiss on the lips. Rainbow stood there in surprise for a moment and then she kissed back. They moved from sitting to laying on the couch as they started to explore each others bodies with their hooves. Rainbow felt like the luckiest pony in all of Equestria. They stayed on the couch for hours enjoying each others bodies. Evening. Rainbow was laying on the couch with her arms wrapped around Derpy's chest. They laid there for a moment and then Derpy looked at the clock and realized that it was 3:00.

"Oh my goodness. I gotta go." Derpy said.

"Why in a rush?" Rainbow asked.

"Dinky just got out of school 10 minutes ago. I gotta go pick her up." Derpy replied.

Derpy packed up the basket with the left over muffins she had. Then, she was about to head out the door until Rainbow stopped her.

"Hey Derpy, do you want to go out sometime?" Rainbow asked.

"Sure. Tommorow we can go to that one restaurant in ponyville." Derpy replied. "I gotta go. I'll see you later Rainbow." Derpy said as she walked out the door.

Rainbow laid down on the couch with a big smile on her face and started reading her book again. Derpy was still outside the door with a big smile on her face as well. After a couple of seconds Derpy flew all the way back to the school to go pick up Dinky. Dinky saw her mom flying above the school and landed right in front of her.

"Hi mommy. You look happier then usual. What happened?" Dinky asked.

"I'll tell you when we get home my little muffin." Derpy replied. She handed Dinky a muffin and put her little filly on her back and fled back home.

Chapter 2: Telling Dinky

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Chapter 2: Telling Dinky

Derpy flew Dinky all the way home and when they got inside the house Dinky sat on the couch watching her mother humming all the way to the kitchen.

"We're home." Dinky said.

"What?" Derpy said in confusion.

"I asked you at school why you were more happier then usual. So what gave you the smile before me today?" Asked Dinky.

"Well...Um...Dinky..I..I." Derpy tried to say she was in love. But she did know how to say it.

"You what?" Dinky said, she was confused.

"Dinky I'm going to be straight with you." Derpy said. "I fell in love." She said.

Dinky's jaw dropped and she covered her mouth with her two front hooves. Dinky didn't know whether to be happy or sad for her.

"Don't worry this pony loves me back." Derpy said.

Dinky sighed in relief and the she walked up to Derpy and gave her a big hug. Derpy hugged her back.

"Is it someone we know?" Dinky asked.

"Yes it is." Derpy replied.

"Who is it?" Dinky asked.

"Rainbow Dash." Derpy said.

Dinky looked up at her mother in surprise. Derpy just smiled and walked into the kitchen. Dinky went to go sit down on the couch. Derpy came back out and sat down right next to her.

"Dinky is something disturbing you? Is it because it's a friend that's close to us?" Derpy asked.

"No it's just that you are in love with a mare." Dinky said.

"Dinky in life everyone has their own decisions. You aren't adopted. I did fall in love with a stallion once but now I am in love with a mare." Derpy said.

"Is it right?" Dinky said.

"Of course it's right. But i'm not telling you to go ahead and fall in love with a mare. The decision is yours to make. Just know that i'll always love you because you will always be my little muffin. And I hope you understand me." Derpy said.

"I do mommy. I love you too." she hugged her mother. "Even if you do love a mare." Dinky said.

The next morning Dinky woke up and she went downstairs into the living room and got herself some breakfast. She made herself some oats and sat right in the living room. Derpy was getting her backpack ready for school. Once Dinky was done with her oats Derpy got Dinky ready for school. 8:00. Derpy dropped Dinky off at school and Derpy decided to walk home instead of flying. She strolled through town to Twilight's library to return the book that Rainbow Dash had when Derpy went to her house. She was right in front of the library and then she heard a voice calling her name. "Derpy! Hey Derpy!" Derpy turned around and saw Rainbow Dash yelling from the clouds. Derpy flew up to Rainbow and gave her a kiss.

"Hey Rainbow. I wanted to say that I had a wonderful time yesterday." Derpy said.

"So did I." Rainbow said. "So what time are we meeting at the restaurant today?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm free at five o' clock" Derpy replied.

"Okay then, i'll drop by your place and we'll head out." Rainbow said.

"Sounds like a plan" Derpy said.

Rainbow gave her a kiss goodbye and then flew away. Derpy gazed at her flying away for a moment and then went back to the ground. When she got to the ground Twilight was standing at the front door.

"Oh, hey Twilight. I just wanted to return this book that Rainbow let me borrow when I visited her yesterday." Derpy said.

"Did you two just kiss?" Twilight asked.

"Um, yes." Derpy said.

"When did this happen between you two?" She asked.

"Well, it started yesterday when all we were doing was hanging out and then Rainbow confessed her feelings towards me." Derpy said.

"And then what happened?" Twilight asked.

"Well we kissed and did some other things." Derpy said.

Twilight stood there speechless. Derpy looked at her and smiled. Twilight took the book out of her hooves with her horn.

"Anything else you wanted Derpy?" Twilight asked.

"Nope. I'll see you later Twilight." Derpy said.

Derpy flew back home while Twilight watched her fly away. Applejack and Fluttershy walked towards Twilight's library and noticed that Twilight was standing outside.

"Um is something wrong Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"You won't believe me if I told you." Twilight replied.

4:30. Derpy was waiting for Rarity to bring her dress for her date with Rainbow Dash. She was impatient until she heard a knock on the door. She went to go answer it and it was Rarity with her dress. Derpy gasped and complimented Rarity on how beautiful it looked. The dress was yellow around the chest and turned into the night with bubbles blowing into the sky. She wore yellow gloves on her front hooves with two little bubbles on each one.

"Thank you Rarity it's gorgeous." Derpy said with a big smile.

"Your welcome. I'll do what I can when it comes to dates." Rarity said.

Dinky walked in the room and glanced at her mother. She made a big smile with her mouth open.

"Mommy it's beautiful." Dinky said.

"Thank you my muffin." Derpy acknowledged.

"Rarity there is one more favor I need." Derpy said.

"Sure what is it?" Rarity asked

"I need you to watch Dinky while I'm gone." Derpy replied.

"Sure luckily for you my little sister is in town for the week." Rarity said.

"Thank you so much Rarity." Derpy said.

"No problem." Rarity acknowledged.

"I need you to behave for Rarity. Ok my little muffin." Derpy said to her Dinky.

"I will mommy." Dinky said.

Rarity walked with Dinky all the way back to her house. Derpy watched them leave and once she couldn't see them anymore she closed the door and went to her bedroom. She walked up to her bookshelf and picked out a book and went back downstairs and sat down on the couch. thirty minutes later she heard a knock on the door and got up to answer it. Derpy answered the door and there was Rainbow Dash in a beautiful looking dress. It had the colors of a rainbow and she had a lightning bolt on both sides of her head.

"You look amazing." Derpy said.

"Thank you. Rarity made it for me." Rainbow said while blushing. "You look good too. It brings out your personality."

Derpy turned her head and blushed.

"You ready?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes." Derpy said.

Both mares flew all the way to ponyville. Once they arrived they landed right in front of the restaurant and went inside to sit down. They ordered their food and started to talk.

"How has the post office been?" Rainbow asked to start a conversation.

"Well everyone including the managers at the post office are being layed off. The post office might actually have to let go some of their employees. Ever since they started hiring dragons to deliver the letters." Derpy said.

"What are you going to do if you're one of them?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know. If I get fired then our only option would be is to live in the alleyways of ponyville." Derpy said.

"Do you want me to change the subject Derpy?" Rainbow asked with concern.

"Yes, please." Derpy replied.

"How serious would you take this relationship?" Rainbow asked. I mean yesterday I did get carried away with myself but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it. It's just that it all happened quick when you kissed me." Rainbow included.

"I understand. Though I will admit that I to got carried away myself. Though I did really enjoy it." Derpy said. She gazed at Rainbow in the eyes with a smile.

"How is Dinky?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh she's fine. Why do you ask?" Derpy said.

"I wanted to know how well she took it when you told her about us." Rainbow replied.

"She took it better then I expected even if I did have to talk to her about. Um whether or not she should like mares or stallions. You understand right?" Derpy asked.

"Yes I do understand." Rainbow replied. Then they kissed each other for a couple seconds. Then, their food arrived and they both dined and enjoyed each others company for the rest of the nigh.