Three little ponies

by xxXFluttershyXx

First published

It's my birthday and i want to go to the movies with Apple bloom and sweetie belle, we go backsage and find a strange portal, but where does it go? can we get back?

It's my birthday, and i have asked my best friends to go to the movies, but we thought to go backstage and help to get our cutie marks, but instead we find a portal.....A portal to a place where nopony has ever been, well apart from twilight when she when to retrieve her crown.....a place called earth. Read on to find out more!

Happy birthday Scoolaloo!

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Chapter One - Happy Birthday Scootaloo!

Today isn't a normal day, Ok maybe....but you know.........But tomorrow's my birthday! YEAH

I'm flying at fast speed, faster in the minute as I impatiently look for my awesome hero...of course its the one and only Rainbow Dash! B-b-but there Is only one problem, she is falling...falling from the sky. As soon as I see the blue blur with the epic rainbow bolt as her cutie mark that I WANT, I dive down needing to catch her, and now I'm going much faster then ever before, and the ground is getter closer and closer and sadly that means I am running out of time. (Which is bad) So I go as fast as my wings could possibly take me making the other ponies who are close to me crash to the ground. But that does not matter right now, its Rainbow dash who matters...
All of a sudden right behind my tail, I hear a very loud BOOM positively thinking that it's one of pinkie's "pinkietastic fireworks" that she sets off all the time, but when I take a little peek over my shoulder I see a............SCOOTALOO!!!

"Apple Bloom?" I say as I slowly wake up from my awesome dream that APPLE BLOOM ruined!

"Scoots your last!" I hear from Sweetie ( should be squeaky belle from now on) belle
I reply to her " w-wah?? oh yeah I-I-I'm awake I guess"

Then I just stare at bloom oblivious on what squeaky belle is saying, then I ask her "hey bloom what exactly IS the time and where exactly am I? cause I kind of forgot hehe..."
then eventually Apple Bloom replied "duh it's 10:30 and remember ya slept at mine cause Rainbow Dash was gonna be late goin' home?! So n-now to ya remember?"


I think to myself for a minute and suddenly I remember that at 10:45 I HAVE to go and see Rainbow Dash for some awesome flying lessons, t-then I got to go see pinkie pie and then I got to go crusading!

"Now what time is it did she say?"
10:30 didn't you hear me the first time?
ugh whatever
"U-Um Scoots?" squeaky belle asked me
"huh?" I reply to them
"Oh, ah thought you were dead that's all" Apple Bloom said relived
"errr...don't think so anyway...wait, am I? AHHHHHHHHH" I scream
"YOUR NOT DEAD SCOOTALOO, IT WAS SOMEKIND OF JOKE! rrright bloom?" Swee- I mean Squeaky belle said panicking
"NO....ah mean TOO CONFUSIN'
"NO it isn't!" Squeaky belle argues
"YES IT IS!" Apple Bloom shouts to her
"no" the both whisper to each other but lucky I hardly heard it, but after I quickly finish my food told my friends that I had to go somewhere, and of course they asked where and I just told them the go flying with Rainbow Dash...well try to anyway!
"Bye then" Apple Bloom and squeaky belle say to me while they walk towards the door to do some planning for todays crusading.

As I trot though Ponyville passing many ponies say "Hello Scootaloo" or "good Morning Scootaloo!" and then finally I see rainbow dash busting some clouds as well as some awesome moves she must be working on for the next show I guess.

"Hey squirt! over here!" Rainbow Dash waved to me, and I just replied "Oh hey Rainbow Dash! are we going to some practice today or what? because I feel the need for speed!" I say excitingly.
Then I get a..."Of course we are kiddo, we are not even close to Fluttershy, please don't say I said b-b-but I don't think she can fly at all knowing her..."
"I guess so----" but Fluttershy interrupts me...
"U-um you didn't mean what you said earlier about me did you?" she asked with sad eyes that DON'T work for me or Dash......................O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OK maybe just me then.
Anyway the Dash reply's "No not at all flutters, I like the way you are, you know."

Fluttershy blushed at this, I also kind of think Rainbow Dash saw her because she did too but I didn't cause I'm not that type of person, and I hope I stay that way too!
Oh here is my queue! so I say... "Sorry Fluttershy but me and Rainbow Dash have some training to do, so you don't mind going do you? (she shakes her head at walks away quietly) good bye then!" I wave goodbye to Fluttershy and get back to what we were doing a couple of minutes ago.
"Thanks kid, you saved my life again. Thanks to you, we can get back to work!" Rainbow smiled to me and I just grin back happily.

"Are you ready?" Rainbow said
"Yes ma am"
"good, now spread your wings and slowly start flapping (Check!) YOUR DOING GOOD! NOW KEEP ON GOING!! Go a bit faster and soon you will be in the......air.....lets try again" Rainbow Dash called out to me.
So i tried again, again (but harder) and again but i still did not fly, no matter how hard i would try i would not work. -_-
About two hours later my training had come to an end, because i am so tired right now you wouldn't believe it.

Next on my list was pinkie pie, to help make some chocolate chip muffins and boy am i hungry right now, so i say bye to Rainbow Dash to say hello to pinkie. :D

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
pinkie says to me "Oh there you are Scootaloo! I have been waiting for you! So are you ready to bake some yummy scrummy chocolate chip muffins? because I am! (I nod at this) So could you pass the flour and eggs?"

20 Minutes later....
"5.....4.....3....2....1....0! yippee their ready!"
"What's ready?" I ask the bouncy pink pony with polka dotted oven gloves on her hooves
"The chocolate chip muffins silly!" pinkie pie laughed at my amazing comment
"Ohh" I reply...

Crusading Crazy!

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"Now, would you like to put the decorations on? But watch out, They're steeeeeeaming hot!" Pinkie pie exclaimed
"I will, don't worry!" I shouted calmly to her.
"Okie dokie lokie! Have fun! Oh and don't forget to give gummy one too!" She said to me while bouncing out the doorway of Sugar Cube Corner.
"Hmm, lets see. I'll get this and this, Oh this too! This is actually quite fun!" I said to myself excitingly...
"Yes, yes it is"
You. Scootaloo, that's who's there.
"Oh, Wait...are you that stupid voice that is inside my stupid head?" I ask it
I am not stupid, but yes, I'm glad you guessed it!
"Yeah, great...Hey I never asked you name, what is it?"
Use your inner voice!
"Ok!" Is this better?
very much appreciated
cool, But you still didn't answer my question though.
Right, my name is Umm.
Umm? that is your name?
Oh what is it then?
I don't have a name.
don't you? I thought everypony had a name?
they do but not me
Stop saying Oh for pony's sake!
I am not a pony
yes you are
no I'm not, I am a human
A human! what is that?
It's a living thing from another world
Oh.....Awesome! I wanna see one. but I am going to go and play with my friends now...bye
Ok bye
"Chargeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I mumble to myself as pinkie pie's 'pet' crocodile steals my awesome cupcakes. The little rat of a bucking rascal! gosh. I Really hate that horrible......"Ugh! if you take one more baby step of your I will---"---------

"Scootaloo there you are! we were looking for you everywhere!...Hey what are you doing? Squeaky belle asked me.
"Oh um n-nothing, nothing at all. Just um Playing with gummy that's all". I said cheekily
"Oh really?! Let me see then" she went over to me and pushed me aside gently "oh well then maybe your right. You are pet sitting gummy after all. But hey! are you going to come crusading today at all?" Squeaky belle squealed.
"Of course I will! in about 15 minutes though beause I got to do something first" and I smacked gummy on the nose ( and in the nick of time too) before he even decided to touch my cakes....not one claw"
"What did you do that for! oh poor poor little gummy, Scootaloo is just being a meany weany, isn't he?" Squeaky belle while smiling at gummy waiting a little answer. She got one as well, and guess what it was...sticking his tongue out at everypony. How rude! I said to myself in my epic thoughts
Yes, yes it is.
I know right
yeah I totally agree
"So can you go now! I'm using up my precious time here!" I glared at her
"Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. see you later!" SWEETIE belle answered.

I cant be bothered to say 'squeaky belle' anymore it got boring. And also 'sweetie belle' is much much MUCH easier to spell since she is one of my best friends anypony could ever have! But not just Sweetie belle, apple bloom, rainbow dash (of course) and babs! But you know, you can't have enough of them. Ha!

Gummy's side of view.

As I finish my really good bath, I wondered down the humble little hallway towards My owners baking area place to see what she was planning to do this Sunday, but to my surprise she was with another pony. to be exact she was a foal, a foal with purple mane and an orange coat but no picture on her flank like other ponies do. maybe she was different, I like different.
I think I remember meeting this little pony before but I can't remember really, Ohhhh well.


Buuuuuuuuuut what's that smell.....OOO I think I know that gorgeous smell too, too tooooo well. CUPAKES WITH CHOCOLATE SPRINKLES! YEY!
Buuuuuuuuuut how am I going to get them? I know, I will just go up to them *licks lips* and eat them all up with one mouthful and maybe she won't notice!
Buuuuuuuuuut how will I get pass the pony without getting noticed?
Buuuuuuuuuut surely she wouldn't mind me taking a little bite, I mean the biggest bite in all of equestria!
Buuuuuuuuuut what will pinkie, the best owner ever say? I mean, won't she get mad at me? I'm sure it will be fine...
Buuuuuuuuuut what if she does? and she banishes me from equestria? Na only celestia can do that
Buuuuuuuuuut she can banish me from her house though can't she? Nope, she is too nice
Buuuuuuuuuut what if she does? SHE WON'T
Buuuuuuuuuut SHE WON'T!
Buuuuuuuuuut S.H.E . W.O.N.'.T.!
Buuuuuuuuuut how many times do I have to tell myself, SHE WON'T!!!
Buuuuuuuuuut -------------------------------------Shut up and LETS DO THIS!
Buuuuuuuuuut Good
Buuuuuuuuuut ...

So I run towards the cupcakes. Down the stairs across the kitchen floor, up onto one of the dining room chairs, down the chair, though the bakery flap and onto the table and then staring at the wonderful cupcakes. But then she saw me. But that did not matter as another little pony about the same size as each other with a curly white/purple mane and a white coat walked into the doorway of sugar cube corner and then they both started taking. But then that's well it happened....she hit me on the nose (which kind of hurt you know!) so I stuck my tongue out at her. Ha! She totally deserved that, I mean it felt good anyway. I am sad because I really want one of those cakes. I feel bad, real bad ass.
"Done, done, done and done! yes I have finished these cakes. I must have my cutie mark now.......O..M...G! C-CUTIE MARK ALERT!! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!" *Rubs it to make sure* oh. maybe i'm not a good baker after all." I shout to myself out loud with a happy and a sad tone to my voice.
Then I see Gummy just sitting there with sorrow, just then I rembered what Pinkie Pie said to me before she left 'Don't forget to give gummy one too!" Ohh buck. I just might go and give him one right now so that he may forgive me...I hope.
"Hey um gummy I think I owe you something" ....his head popped up then "here you go, you deserve it!" happy gummy takes the chocolate chip muffin/cupcake thingy and ate it with one mouthful. literally!
"Friends?" I ask him politely so that he nodded with agreement. also I ask him this "So we won't speak of this again?" he nodded again and I answered "Good, looks like it's time for me to go crusading! and fast! Oh and Pinkie Pie will be here any minute now....Oh there she is!" and as I say it her head pops up right it front of our conversation of agreement. How rude!

"I'M BBBBBACK! So Scootaloo how was it? was it fun? do anything? how was Gummy? was he good? how are you? are you good?" she bounces towards me. all I did was a silent "Yes" and that was all that was needed.
Anyway so I quickly galloped to my cakes, gave pinkie pie one, picked them up with my bear hooves and zoomed out the door of sugar cube corner to go and meet my friends...

"Now where did they say they were? oh yes the tree house of course!" I hear myself saying out loud again. gosh I do that way to often. "Ah huh there you guys are! I was starting to wonder where you were for a moment then"
"Scootaloo? is that ya?" I hear familiar pony's voice ask me so I reply "Babs! where are you?"
"over 'ere chicken" Babs calmly says to me in a nice way as usual. I answer her "I am NOT a chicken!"
"Ok, ok maybe ya not. So when ar' we goin' to go crusadin' then? soon ah hope?" and then Apple Bloom reply's to her this time "Hey hey don't fret, we are goin' in a sec okay? actually I think we can go right now. am ah right gang?" she says to us. In repose we all nod at once.

"So um what are we doing today?" Sweetie belle asked me. "Well I think I want to do some rock climbing, apple bloom wants to do animal hurdling, babs wanting to do sword fighting and you wanted to do----" Sweetie belle cut off before I could say anything more "Painting, I want to do painting!"
"Umm o-k-k-k-k "
"err sure"
"I know right!"
"of course I know, how exciting!" I say
"Great! now lets get move on towards the mountins if you want to go rock climbing or not!" sweetie says happily
"YES" I actively shout "LETS GO CRUSADING!"

* * * * ** ** * * * * * * *Up in Cloudsdale* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"DERPY GET YOUR FLANKS BACK DOWN HERE AND HELP ME CLEAR UP THE MESS YOU MADE THIS MORNING NOW!!!!!!" Rainbow Dash growled at her laziness but smiled at her warmly. But hey I think I need to be less hard on you since you are my mare-friend and all............"Yeah, don't forget the training tomorrow morning dear" Derpy reminded the rainbow mare. and then she kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you and you know it." xx
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"How much longer until we're at the top?" Sweetie Belle mourned at Scootaloo
"N-o-t--m-u-c-h--f-u-r-t-h-e-r--b-e-c-a-u-s-e--w-e--a-re--n-e-a-r-l-y---t-here so.......YES WE ARE AT THE TOP! (Apart from apple bloom who is only a quarter way up the mountain)
"So ah want to know what is next? cause this is fun!" Babs said overwhelmed so I quickly replied "Well apple bloom wanted to do animal herding or something down in Ponyville I think" I told the foal while I looked at the list to make sure that I was right.

As soon as we got back to sweet apple acres I went to applejack as soon as possible for a foal so that we get this done and dusted. I don't like animals much. apart from ponies of course, but still. So we started with some cows, chickens, sheep, pigs, cats, rats, mice, trees and a couple more I guess, and boy was it tiring by the end of it all.

After that It was sword fighting....On a pony game! and guess what... I won! first I thought it was a bit boring but once I beat sweetie belle and apple bloom It got a little bit more interesting.

At last we did the painting that sweetie belle wanted to do. and I am glad she chose that because when we did it Sweetie belle's painting was amazing and I just can't believe she got her CUTIE MARK!



Crusading Crazy II

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You do know that I like to play jokes right? Well, that was one right there you see, right there. Wait a I day dreaming a-a-and talking to myself at the same time? I'm multitasking! YEAH! You see, I am very good at that you know, I might just earn my cutie mark from doing that. But that wouldn't be a exciting thing to get for a cutie mark though. Well at least silver-spoon and...I don't even want to say her name because it's that bad, (carrying on from and...) blablabla won't call me blank flank anymore, which would be much, much and much better! Apart from the fact that she would probably call me something even more babyish like dreambaby for all that matter! who knows!

I honestly think we should get back to the story right now, I'm sure I could talk about something random in another chapter or something, not sure yet really.

"Do you even know 'ow tired ah am?" Apple randomly asks me.
"Nope. And don't expect too anyway." I reply without looking back to see what they're doing.
"How long until we're back in ponyville scoots?" Sweetie belle asks.
"U-Um about four more hours, why?"
"Hey twi? you seen scootaloo? I forgot to tell her something." Rainbow Dash asked her best friend.
"No I haven't really, why do you ask?" Twilight insisted to know.
"Duh, it's her birthday and me and pinkie are setting up her party. And if she comes near us or something, it would be all ruined! That's why!!" She bellowed.
"Ohh, can I help?"
"Sure you can!"
And off they went to set up the party for Scootaloo's special day tomorrow. *****************************************************************************
"Hey scoots, when's your B-day exactly? ya never told meh?" Slightly confused Scootaloo told them "Tomorrow! gosh it feels so long though."
"Are yawl god darn serious?" I nodded "Well Um ah learn somethin' new everyday ah guess!" Trying to get out of the situation, she walked a lot faster.

"Well look here! we're back in PonyVille, what a coincidence. So I was right! We were going to get back. HA!" I smile.
"Yeah, great achievement scootaloo. I wonder if we got cutie marks!" Says sweetie belle.
"And that's a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-Big NOPE!" I say also in disappointment
"Yep, that's right for sure, anyways I'm going back to wherever I'm sleeping, night!" I say as I walk down the path of tis village.
"Err scootaloo? Ya do know that your sleeping at mine right? Do ya remember? w talked it about that earlier when we said we're having ah sleepover."
"Oh, right. I so knew that. *chuckles*" I sigh but nopony cares. In the end I walked with my best towards the apple family's barn. Where applejack, apple bloom, Big Mac, Granny smith an willona lived.

"APPLE BLOOM! COME GET YOUR DINNER! TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO COME DOWN TOO!" Applejack yelled out to us, And of course we did come down the stairs straight away because you really won't enjoy applejack getting mad, it's a nightmare that had come true, literally!

"Ah there you are dearies, come and eat my apple dumpling's specially made for you. Well don't just stand there all day staring, eat up!" Granny smith said while she gradually started to smile and just when finished cleaning up after we had finish our food we all said 'Thank you' and then went back up to Apple Bloom's room while Granny Smith, Big Mac and Applejack sat down at the table and started 'discussing' work . Only Celestia knows what they were really doing.

Up in Apple Bloom's bedroom. *
"So err, what are we planning to do Apple Bloom?" me and sweetie belle managed to say since we were full of Granny smith's apple dumpling.
"Well Ah thought we could like Play Hide 'n' seek in the barn with the hay bales or somethin' and when Applejack will sends us to bed so then we can play murder in the dark that was suggested by ya scootaloo and then Truth and dare by ya Sweetie belle and ah pillow fight suggested by me, Apple Bloom! Sound good?" and me and sweetie belle reply with a slight nod and that all what was needed.

"Hey Applejack? can we go and play hide 'n' seek in the barn? p-please can we." I beg her to my hooves. and luckily she says "Fine, yawl behave okay? don't mess it all up yawl hear me?" we nod. "Good, be back before 6:35!" and so you gallop to the barn ahead of us.

"Your on Sweetie!" I say as I catch her while looking for a place to hide elsewhere, "Awww, why me?" she pleads to me "Because I got you, that's why duh!" she looks at me like I'm speaking another language or something. Who knows? Maybe I am, you never know.

"Ahhhh!" Apple Bloom shouts as sweetie belle now caught her and is now galloping for her life just for a really good hiding spot, but it was too late. She was caught again anyway.

"Scootaloo, where are you?" Sweetie belle looks around the hay stack fiercely for me, luckily I didn't make a peep, otherwise she would of got me.

Suddenly out of nowhere pinkie pie just randomly picked up the blanket covering my head and shouted "YES! I FOUND HER! OVER HERE GUYS! LOOK I'VE FOUND HER. YAY!" *sighs a lot* before speaking pinkie pie carried me out from my amazing hiding place and popped me right beside sweetie belle and apple bloom, and then she bounced off into thin air without a goodbye.
"Well that was weird" said sweetie belle who still had a 'what just happened' look on her face, and I'm not surprised either to be honest!
"Yes, that was really weird, ain't that right scoots?" Apple Bloom asks me. I reply with an simple "y-yep" straight from my mouth, with my voice.
"I think we should get back in the house, it's 6:34 already." sweetie belle says.
Both, me and apple bloom say together "Agreed" and then rushed inside the cosy farmhouse where we were sleeping for tonight.

"Ah! that's way too tight apple bloom! make it less tight please, it hurts!" I scream in pain even though it did not really hurt that much or did I even scream but let that count still.
"Ok, ok! I will!" she rolled her eyes while she untightens the scarf that she wrapped round my head to play the game. "That's much better, lets play!" I say but I just walked two steps when suddenly I found myself on the ground with pain in the leg and applejack at the door telling us to go to bed and sleep. She did ask me if I was alright and I said "Yes, it's just a little cut, not a big deal." in a cool way of course because I really want her to be proud of me. So applejack left and came back with a rainbow dash plaster! awesome! it may be a little babyish but who cares? it was a rainbow dash plaster! who wouldn't say know to that? well not me of course and that's a fact.

So afterwards we played truth or dare and apple bloom started first " So scootaloo, truth or dare?" and of course I said dare, I mean, it's not like I'm a baby or something. "ok then, I dare you to go downstairs, get a cookie for each of us, and then quickly and quietly return back in here. got that?" I smiled. "sure thing".

I did just that, and you know what? those cookie tasted great. also guess what, we stayed up until 10:56pm. and silently fell to sleep.

The Begining of an end.

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"H-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SCOOTALOO. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUU." Sing Apple Bloom, sweetie belle, applejack, pinkie pie, rainbow dash, twilight, fluttershy, rarity, spike, all the mane six's pets and a load of other random ponies.
All that came out of my mouth right now was..."O.M.G."
"Se told ya that she would be speechless."
"Hmm, I guess I owe you that 120 bits of mine to you then huh."
"yes, yes you do."
"Heyguesswhat!iinvitedeveryponyintowntocometoyoursuperfuntasticbrilliantepicparty! Do you like it?" says Pinkie Pie
"Umm, y-yes?" I respond (not having a clue what she just said!)

***a while later (5 minutes)***

"Open mine! Open mine first!"
"Ya don't need to pressure scootaloo to open your presant sweets. She can choose which one she wants to open first with ease."
"Awwww, applejack why do you have to be so... So-"
"So what sugarcube?"
"Sweetie Belle, I don't want to go over the sister hooves social episode all over again. Remember? Rarity is your big sister, and you know that. Now, why don't ya'll go and see what scootaloo has got so far for her birthday."
"Fine, I'm sorry Applejack."
"Your welcome."

"Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! Thank you so much! I am so happy right now I could cry because of the amount of presents you guys have given me. Even if there was only three it is just the best birthday ever! And the best gift i have by far is you guys. I would never leave you hanging." I say truthfully. I now know what it's like to have a family who really care for me, who love me and give me presents on my's like they are
It's okay scoots, calm down. You've got this far, no need to spoil it. But, I'm going to have to tell them soon. The sooner the better, right? Okay, lets just have fun, so no need to so worked up. Come on, it's all in the past now, you just need to move on.

"Um scoots? You okay? It's just that you zoned out on us like that and, well scootaloo? SCOOTALOO!!" Sweetie Belle was worried, she was not answering. If this was a's not funny.
"Huh? Did somepony say my name?" I asked, not aware of my surroundings entirely anyway.
"Well I did I guess, but it's because you were not answering and I thought maybe you were-" I put my hoof to her mouth and just replied "sorry about that heh, I guess I was a bit quite and all but I was only thinking." I put my hoof down. "I know you get worried a ton, but it's fine really."
"I hope so, but less talk and more fun. Let's go!"
"Whoever gets there last is an egghead!"
"It's on!"
"A-And there off, running as fast as lightning or maybe as fast as the sun goes up? Okay, maybe I'm not the best with metaphors spike, but we have a race on our hoov-"
"Or hands, it looks like sweetie belle has caught up with Scootaloo, she looks behind and finds sweetie belle gaining speed and so she try's to go as fast her hoov-"
"Lyra ponies don't have hands, I've told you that around 3847292.5 times now."
"Yes, ponies don't, but HUMANS do!"
"Ugh, Lyra what am I going to do with you."
"You could take me to the portal that leads to earth."
"But I don't even know where that is!"
"Well, you should."
"Bon Bon, can I have a human glove for my birthday?"
"A-Anyway...pinkie is still on the roll here and no pony (looks at Lyra) will distract me from this important race! Okie dokie, they are still galloping like there is a serial killer behind them so that means...there is! Do you want to know who that serial killer is? It. Is. Air!" Pinkie exclaims.

As I look to see if sweetie belle is catching up I soon notice that every pony is watching us, scary. But, that means every pony will also see me win! Oh no! She's gaining speed, I think she realises also. Come on scootaloo, you can. Go. Faster!
I then look behind once again to see how sweetie belle is going, she is mouthing something I'm sure, but I just cannot figure it out. Once I looked back, it was too late.

"Woah there nelly, ya'll nearly slipped me up. Be more carful in the future. Ya got that?"
"Sorry Applejack."I smiled, there is never a day without getting told off.
"Alright every pony! It looks like Applejack wins...again!"
"Pinkie, why are you talking to yourself?"
"Don't be such a silly filly twilight, I was talking to them!"
"Ohh, I see."
"Great! So your not blind then?"
"Ok then."
"Hey twilight, have you ever read cupcakes? I have..."
"Oh no..." Twilight mumbled quietly so that she could not hear.
"Hey err pinkie, do you juice?
"Yes! It tastes soooooo good!"
Twilight was reliably lucky she changed the subject.

When we finally got to the clubhouse and all, I looked around to see where Apple Bloom was, maybe she got caught up an-
"Oh hey Apple Bloom, since you Both are all here I was wondering if we can all go to the cinema later. But first we got to finish this party eh? It's pretty cool to know that you guys are just once step away from be and behind me and such. Hey you know what? If it wasn't for stuck up diamond tiaras party, we would of never had met! Huh, strange you think?"

"Ya I guess so, but don't you need to spend time with your family and such? I mean, we have never actually seen your parents, let alone talk to them." Apple bloom was right and wrong,

"Um, well my parents are dead! They died in a fire years ago, that's why you never see my family or talk to them. That's why I always have time to spend with you, why I really wanted rainbow dash as my sister!" I sobbed, well at least it all came out and maybe they can help me.

"Ohh. Ah am so sorry scootaloo. I did not realise that, please forgive meh."
"It's fine really."
"All these years, where have you slept, ate, and drank all this time?"
"I actually don't know, I guess I have slept in the clubhouse for a while."
"Oh, scootaloo. How about you sleep at mine tonight?" Sweetie belle asks.
"Thanks sweetie belle, that would be great."
"Enough of this chit-chat, let's go to the party and have some fun!"
"Alright Bloom, let's head back now."

------------------------------------------2 hours later-------------------------------------------

"Are you ready?" I had just finished tidying up around the place as well as my friends, the party was over and so you couldn't leave mess living all over everywhere.
"Yep, let's go!!"
"Bye every pony! Will be back soon!"
"Bye darlings. Have a good time!"
"We will!" We chant to rarity. This movie is going to be awesome and great.

"What shall we do for the intermission?" Sweetie Belle asks.
"Well I was thinking of going backstage to see if we could maybe get our cutie marks somehow. Do you agree?"
"It's worth ah shot."
"Stop saying totally."
"Anyway let's go.

And so we all walk backstage and find so many interesting things like, a milkshake. And other things that are much better too. The walls behind the screen were different than to the ones back where the seats were. It's more dark in here.

"Look a door?" I say, "but it's locked, who has a mane pin?"
"I do!"
"Of course, your rarity's sister, right." I rolled my eyes. I want to see what's behind this door. It looks awesome.
'"Do you want the pin or not?"
"Of course!" I take the pin from her hoof and with my teeth I try to unlock this door, it is actually kinda harder than you would expect. After all, it WAS a locked door.
"Got it!"
The door creaked open as I peeked inside, I shivered. It was pretty cold in here, not that safe either. Who cares, I'm not gonna be no chicken. I then get a push from apple bloom meaning to get down there already and so I walked, there were not that many stairs so it I was fine. I then called over my friends once I got down there already. It seemed okay, but that doesn't mean it was okay. I looked to my left to find a little statue that looked like a little horse, I touched it. It moved. Suddenly the wall closest to the horse statue disappeared and in its place was a strange rectangle that had a moving thing in the middle of it. I recognised it at once.

It was a portal.

Here we go.

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But this portal wasn't just any other ordinary portal, it was one that had been used before. To fetch the famous element of magic from another world, and to come back again.
"Hey, wait a minute. Isn't this the portal that twilight went in so that she could get back her crown from the evil sunset something?" I shouted.
Nopony answered me. Well not the answer I wanted anyway.
"Be quiet scoots, somepony might here us!" Apple Bloom hissed at her best friend.
"As if there is anypony in here, it's too deserte-". I stopped, we were not alone, somepony else was here.
Then Sweetie Belle started to move closer to the glowing portal, "Apple Bloom, Scootaloo! We've GOT to go into that portal before somepony sees us! Go, Go, GO!".

Suddenly we heard hoofsteps coming closer to the room we were in, we were trapped. The only way out was the portal to a different dimension. I hope its a good one.

First up was me, so I took my first step towards the strange portal I was about to go though. I felt myself shudder, the feeling this portal gave me was terrible. but I had to keep going, I could not go back, there was no time. I took another step, my head is starting to feel this horrible feeling too. I just had to get this over and done with.

The hoofsteps were getting even closer, I could not hear my friends anymore. so I just kept going, until there were no more steps to take. I looked back to see Apple Bloom right behind me, as well as Sweetie belle. Suddenly we started to go round and round, making me feel dizzy and light-headed. It seams like an affect of the portal, not just my imagination, as I remember twilight telling us that a few months ago.

I started to wonder about who or what was that thing was that we all heard in another room. I hoped it was just a guard, or something harmless. it was worrying me now. Great.

-------------------------------Luna's view-----------------------------------

It had been months since Twilight Sparkle had come back from the mysterious world inside that cunning portal, but the alicorn could not just stop thinking about it. All these questions kept on buzzing around her head, sticking like honey but never getting removed. Of course it was so very irritating but interesting at the same time. As of that, she just needed to go find out about it in a much different way... By experiencing it for herself.

There was one problem about this idea though, one of which Tia mentioned at the start of Twilight Sparkle's journey to the new world. She said something like, 'If your friends go, their will be havoc between the worlds' or something on those lines. But...she said her 'Friends' not 'Luna', so that's means the moon princess can defiantly go to the amazing world!

"Oh how fun will it be? there are loads of opportunity's to do there, like kicking Sunset Shimmers flank for stealing the Element of Magic, see the dimensional form of Celestia, do some more shipping..." Luna needed to change the subject, it was getting way out of hoof. Besides, she needed to work out how to tell Tia that she was going to another world for 30 moons and she couldn't raise the moon and stars for a while. The ponies can wait for a bit I suppose.

The problem is about this situation, tia would never agree to it. Just like the time luna wanted to be a assassin for a whole week. Her sister had said 'No lulu, you cannot be an assassin because you could harm my...OUR subjects.' . How boring is her big sister? Very indeed. But she supposed too stick with her little rule. No jealously or harm aloud in the mind of the moon princess, if there is, just one little thought would be a trip to pinkies basement and back. That there is certainly not a good place to be from looking though that bouncy mare's dreams.
But long story short, she just has to check out that portal before she asks her dear sister anything, so if Tia 's secret diary is correct, the portal should be on the right.

Instead of the portal she saw stairs, leading down to a dark place. "Dammit Celestia you forgot the staircase! How could you thou be so heartless towards thy stairs? I'm ashamed...' Luna face hoofed. 'What was she talking about? Let's just forget what I said just then. We'll blame nightmare moon on that one.'
"Hey! What did I do this time?!" Shouted concerned Nightmare moon in the back of Luna's mind.
"Nothing moonie, nothing. Now go to sleep." The blue mare replied to her unforgotten nemesis.

Luna Slowly walked down the hard stone steps that probably lead to where she just has to go and see, until she was interrupted by the sound of fillies talking. Out of curiosity, she started to walk a little faster, looking carefully not to try and trip over from the stupidity of not looking where she was going. Sadly, she did exactly that. Suddenly, she used her magic to not hurt or made a sound but by doing so, the fillies must of heard Her or something since they were sounding very panicked, but she was so very sure the princess had heard those voices before...but where?

Luna recovered from her slight fall and quickly followed the voices to a room. She opened the door to find a filly halfway in a portal and still stepping forward, she quickly realises that this is the portal she was looking for and decided to made Immediate action... to go in after them. But first, she must send a letter.

Dear Tia,
I have decided to rescue your subjects in a disastrous matter. They have seemed to be pony napped to a different world of ours very like the one twilight sparkles one, as for the Villain, he is one of the most evil pony nappers in all of pony napper history! Please do take over all my duties and inform Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity saying that thou sister has been pony napped. Thank you for understanding, I will be back in thirty moons! See ya sis. :)
-Luna the princess of Equestia.

And so The Co leader of Equestia sets off to find those fillies. Well, maybe keep an eye on them anyway. As soon as luna stepped in to that funny portal she suddenly felt so very wobbly and strange, but that was probably an effect of the portal. She went even further and also felt this feeling inside saying,

This was going to be a hilarious vacation alright.