The Legend of the Titans

by Silent Bob

First published

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. The question is, however, are they still needed?

In the depths of the Everfree Forest, an artifact older than life itself activates, bringing forth five, resting heroes of old. Though they don't remember much, they still remember who they are. Yet in this new land of harmony and minimal crime, will they be able to be able to embrace the chance to finally live normal lives, or will they always be needed to heed the call?

~ Find Part II, Requiem, here.

~ Part of the Strangeverse Continuum. No, you don't need to read any other stories part of it.

Prologue - The Long Goodbye

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Trillions of Years Before the Events of Friendship is Magic

The Amazon Rain Forest


For the Titans, there was many things that could get them spurred into action. Sometimes it seemed like monsters and supervillains spawned out of mid air, and it was always during something important, too, like a late-night video game marathon, or reruns of Robot Chicken (that sometimes crudely parodied the Titans' various exploits, much to Beast Boy's delight). Sometimes, on a blue moon, the fight even came to them. But most of the time, an average day in their business started with a simple two words:


You thought it was going to be 'Titans, GO!' Didn't you? Hehe... sucker. That's still coming up.

Hovering above an ancient Mayan pyramid, long taken over by nature's vines and tangles, was a single, almost submarine-like craft. There was a sound of air being compressed, and soon enough, the five black hatches situated at the top part of it flung off of it, revealing their strange occupants.

"I told you this was a dumb, idea, Robin!" an African-American, half-human, half-machine spat. "But noooo, you always gotta go right into the killzone, don't ya?!"

"Ugh - shut it, Cyborg!" Robin, also known as the Boy Wonder, or 'green-tight-wearing fairy' on his bad days, hissed. "This isn't time for second guessing ourselves."

"Second guessing yourself, you mean!?" Cyborg groaned. "This is the fifth time I'm going to have to rebuild this baby, you know!"

"Is this really the time for arguing?" another stated, a pale, gothic looking girl hidden mostly beneath a blue cloak. "Shouldn't we uh... be 'abandoning ship'? But by all means, at this point, dying is alright, too..."

"Pffft, how are we going to die?!" the fourth spoke, a young, green, furry male of a sort, sporting a black and purple spandex. "Slade's like - down there, and we're way up here!"

Suddenly, there was a series of strange beeping sounds coming from the ground, causing the green elf to hop in his seat in fright. He looked over the edge of it, gulping, only to see a quartet of pint-sized laser cannons looking back at him.

"Or not," he gulped.

Raven shot him a blank look. "Yes, Slade and his vast arsenal of ranged weaponry could never get us up here," she snarked.

"Friends!" the fifth an orange skinned girl cried, her eyes two pools of green. "I believe now is the time we participating in the reprieving of criminal elements!"

"Say wah?!" Beast Boy gasped. "Starfire, stop speaking foreignese!"

"I think she means," Robin cried. "BAIL OUT! TITANS! GO!"

There ya go.

"EEEEEP!" Starfire shrieked.


As soon as they began to move, the four turrets opened fire on the craft, sending a flood of scattered red laser light at it. First, it became swissed cheese as their laser ammunition ripped through it. That was until-


One finally struck the fuel source, ripping apart the craft in a fiery inferno.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Cyborg cried, falling all the way to the stony top of the pyramid without any sort of safety equipment. He landed with a tremendous THUD!, cracking the ancient stone and actually creating a crater. "Robin! I swear: if nothing comes of this, YOU'RE PAYING FOR A NEW ONE THIS TIME!"

"Ugh - Sorry, Cyborg!" Robin grunted, sailing down next to his side, grapple-hook in hand. "It was a bad call! But it'll be worth it, I promise you!"

"Oh you bet your skinny butt it will be worth it!" Cyborg snarked. "It'll be worth every last buck in your bat-wallet!"

"Uh, dudes!" Beast Boy cried, transforming out of falcon form next to them. He frantically pointed at the nearby cannons that were slowly pivoting towards them. "The big 'pew pew pew' shooty laser guns are still there!"

Raven shook her head in disbelief. "Beast Boy is acting as the voice of reason? By god: I guess Slade really is going to destroy the world this time..."

"We don't have time for this!" Robin shouted. "Slade just went into the pyramid, and we needed to be in there five minutes ago!"

Starfire glanced at him curiously. "But Robin, aren't we to acquire fierce vengeance against the foul mechanical monstrosities that have desecrated our beloved T-Ship?!"

Cyborg grinned at her. "This is why you should be the leader, Star! I like the way you think!"

"There are alternatives to fighting," Robin muttered. "Raven, shield us!"

"Right away, Obi-Wan," she grunted, and right as the cannons fired, a black forcefield leapt up around them. A multitude of lasers struck it, each creating a small red mark on it when it struck. They quickly moved out of their line of fire and behind two massive stone walls lining an ancient duo of doors.

"T-That... was awesome," Beast Boy said, nearly breaking into tears.

Starfire raised an eyebrow. "But this is not the first time Raven has provided us with her defensive-"

"NO, not that!" he said, looking as if he had entered nirvana. "It's that we're totally making Star Wars references now! STAR WARS REFERENCES! I- I love you guys."

"My god," Raven said, blinking in disbelief, before glancing at Starfire. "Starfire, is it normal to be tickled by this or extremely annoyed?"

"Tickled, my friend, for this is why we are such a joyous team!" she beamed. "We are like true Tamaranian Warriors, appreciating the small things in the heat of even the fiercest battle!"

Cyborg actually threw a smirk at that. "We aren't too bad at all, really? And you know what, even if we go in there and Slade throws everything he has at us, even in the worst case scenerio: he'll never truly beat us."

"Then let's finally take him to where he belongs," Robin grunted, throwing a fist into his palm. One could practically see the eagerness, the obsession in his eyes: even through the mask. "This is it, Titans. We're at the final home of the enemy." He then chuckled at the door. "And I suppose we'll just have to let ourselves in, won't we?"

"Booya," Cyborg smiled, transforming both of his arms into sonic cannons. However, after a second of thought, he winked at Robin. "Actually, care to do the honors, bird boy?"

"Don't mind if I do," he grinned, whipping out a small, circular device and sticking it to the door...

The interior of the temple was almost pitch-black. It was a lonely place: one filled with dust and horrible, ancient memories of sacrifice and despair. Yet still, there was still a hint of light: one coming from the center of the room. It came from no physical object, rather a swirling mass of energetic lights.

Standing before it was the massive room's lone occupant: a silhouette if looked at from the door...That was now... beeping?

Beep.... beep.... beep-beep-beep-beep...

"Hmph," the figure chuckled. "Always so punctual..."


With a flood of light, the door became nonexistent, blasted into a million stone pieces. Now, all that stood there were five Teen Titans, silhouettes themselves in front of a setting sun.

"Dude - what... is that?!" Beast Boy gasped, his eyes widening at the strange vortex of lights.

Robin grunted slightly. "Doesn't matter: all that matters is that Slade wants it." He then slowly began to walk forward, his teammates in tow. "Am I right, Slade?"

"Yeah, he's staring at that like it's late night HBO!" Cyborg laughed.

Raven shot him a suspicious look. "What do you watch on HBO?"

Cyborg quickly sweat-dropped. "Oh - um... uh... sports. Lots of... sports."

Raven shot him a blank look. "You're disgusting."

"Hahaha! Oh my god, Cy," Beast Boy giggled. "You've been holding out on me, haven't you?!" He then glanced at him curiously. "But bro... I gotta ask: are you um- fully functio-"

"Titans, concentrate!" Robin growled.

However at that, a cold, deep, though somewhat amused voice finally responded.

"Concentrate, Robin?" Slade chuckled. "But your... 'banter', is always the best part of these little meetings... it's something I'll never miss..."

"Ugh, why is he always so subtle?" Beast Boy muttered. "And seriously, hasn't anyone but me noticed that Slade sort of sounds like Hellboy? I'm onto you Ron Perlman..."

Slade chuckled yet again, still facing the lights. "In fact: I'm beggining to see why you keep the child around."

"Shame you won't be 'enjoying' his company anymore, Slade," Robin snapped. "You're lucky that the state will have it its own way, because if it were mine: you'd be rotting in a jail cell the rest of your life." Robin began to slowly walk towards him. "And do you know what would be in it? A single television. And the only show playing would be pictures of all of those who have suffered or still do because of you! Families, friends, children!"

At that, Slade remained silent... slowly turning around to reveal his masked face.

"Robin," he said, amused as ever. "What you're suggesting sounds somewhat like psychological torture." He narrowed his eyes. "You still haven't changed a bit, my old apprentice."

Robin's mask widened in rage. "Don't you DARE say something like that!"

"Robin," Starfire whispered. "Do not let him anger you-"

"I've never made anyone suffer! That's your job!" Robin shouted.

Slade brought a hand to his chin.

"Yet here you are: hunting me to the ends of the Earth after I helped you save it," Slade said. "I have already suffered for my... 'crimes', you know. Or is the death penalty not good enough for you?"

Robin tightened his fist. "The only reason I've hunted you is because I know, deep down, people never change! Especially people like you!"

Slade stood silent for a second, as the rest of the Titans glanced at Robin with concern.

"Dude... every time," Beast Boy whispered to Raven.

Raven nodded. "He can't even think about Slade without letting his emotions take control. I supposed people really don't change..."

Finally, Slade let out an evil, dark laugh: something he rarely ever did. "My dear boy: you have never been more right. We will always be two sides of the coin. It's almost as if we need each other, isn't it?"

"Alright, that just sounds messed up," Cyborg interjected. "In a really, really, creepy HBO special kind of way."

Slade cocked his head slightly. "Amusing, Cyborg, though I don't suppose you could understand the relationship between a father and his son, could you?" He gazed over the Titans. "Could any of you? Raven - born of an interdimensional demon and sheltered by alien monks. Beast Boy, or should I say: Garfield Logan, who's father was lost to the wild. And back to you, Cyborg - AKA, Victor Stone - how long did it take for your father to bleed to death? Did he die as bravely as they say that day in S.T.A.R. Labs, or a coward? Oh, and how can we forget our favorite child of the stars? Koriand'r, I believe you're called in the government files. Tell me: how quickly do the Gondorians execute their prisoners? I'm... 'out of touch' with extraterrestrial affairs." He then glanced at Robin. "And finally: Dick Grayson, student of Bruce Wayne. The cold, calculating Batman. Did he ever give you the comfort that your own father did? Before his little... 'slip.'"

Cyborg narrowed his eyes. "That was low, Slade, even from you."

"My dad loved me, and so did the Doom Patrol! Mento treated me like a son - he did!" Beast Boy gulped, fighting back a few tears. "W-What the hell do you know, huh?!"

"You will suffer for even speaking of my parents!" Starfire hissed. "A second of their valor outclassed your entire life's worth!

Raven merely glared at him. "Speak what you want of my father, but don't bring down my friends."

"And you don't know anything about my own!" Robin hissed. "However, I'm becoming more like him every day. I'm ready to take you, this time! I don't know how you know who I really am, but it doesn't matter! Either way: we're taking you down!" His mask narrowed. "However, I'm still willing to give you one last chance to explain what you want with that... that thing behind you and surrender!"

"Ah, this?" Slade chuckled, bemused, before gesturing at it. "Amazing, isn't it? Just looking at it can tell you a number of things. It almost seems like it shouldn't belong here... but it should at the same time, doesn't it? Ah - the limitations of the mind. Sometimes, it just can't... 'grasp'... the reality of something. Instead, it simply creates to substitute. It's very clearly how your mind works, Robin. You enter this place substituting the fact that I am always one step ahead of you with the false theory that your visit was just random chance."

"So it's a trap," Cyborg yawned. "Big deal."

"A trap?" Slade chuckled. "Haven't I stated before how much your very existence means to me? An endless source of annoyance at times, but an endless source of amusement at others. I didn't draw you here for vengeance..."

"What the hell are you getting at, Slade?" Robin growled. "Quit beating around the bush with your stupid monologuing and just spit it out!"

"Patience, Robin," Slade said in a sing-song tone. "I am about to answer your earlier question, after all."

Robin furrowed his brow, folding his arms. "And that is..."

"While it's true I've been fascinated with this.. artifact," Slade stated. "It also seems to be fascinated with me."

"Are you saying that that thing is some sort of living rave?" Beast Boy blinked.

"In a way," Slade said. "A... 'rave' that has been going on since before this universe... and before even the one that came before it, as you could say."

"W-What?" Robin blinked. "How is that even possible!"

"I must admit, I said the same thing at first," Slade mused. "Yet I suppose that it's comforting to know that even I can still be humbled by things. Whoever, or whatever created this entity knew what they were doing. They knew that all universes would someday whither and die, eventually forming new ones, some possibly much different than our own: perhaps even uninhabitable to life as we know it. Yet they figured a way to work around this small issue..."

The Titans merely stood silently: motionless and dumbfounded.

"Can you hear them, Titans? Echoing across the time before time? This is the ultimate life-boat... and my salvation." He raised a finger. "However, I can't enter it alone."

The Titans slowly began to back away, each holding unnerved expression. "Er - no thanks, Slade," Beast Boy gagged. "But you're the last person I want to spend a bajillion years trapped with inside some sort of cosmic escape pod thing."

"You don't understand," Slade sighed. "Though this artifact wants me..." He quickly turned around, whispered an unknown language to the lights, and then glanced back at the Titans. Robin could practically see his wicked grin behind the mask. "...It also wants you."

At that, the device began to emit an ear splitting whirring sound... its lights twirling faster and faster...

"All aboard," Slade said darkly.

"Oooh crap!" Beast Boy gasped, his eyes widened. "B-But I have so much to do in this universe, still! So many reruns to watch, so many girls to ask out on dates!"

"And get rejected by," Raven muttered.

"I say we give it a head start-" Cyborg grunted, aiming both of his cannons at the lights. "From our universe to the next!"

"Indeed!" Starfire shouted, her hands igniting into two green, glowing starbolts as her eyes began glowing a piercing green. "I am about to drop the large nail pounding device!"

"That would be ill-advisable," Slade said, almost in a bored tone. "Unless ripping a hole in the space-time continuum is what you kids are into today..."

"Who says I'm aiming for it?!" Starfire spat.

Robin narrowed his mask yet again. "Sorry, Slade, but we like it where we are! The only other 'universe' you're going to is a five by five cell!" Suddenly, he whipped out his bow-staff, extended it, and twirled it. "TITANS! GO!"




With that, the five, now including a green velociraptor, darted forward, the floor rumbling beneath them...

Slade merely stood stoically, calmly procuring a bo-staff from his metallic belt. "Well then - time for one last romp around the old neighborhood..." he said darkly. "Titans... 'come'."

With that, Slade cracked his neck, before charging towards the advancing quintet. Immediately, he was greeted by a wave of bird-a-rangs, dark energy projectiles, starbolts, and ion cannon blasts.

“RAUUUUUUGH!.!.!” he roared, manuevering his staff with skill unseen by the Titans before.


In the blink of an eye, he had blocked nearly everything thrown at him. The Titans had no time to prepare a second wave, either: Slade was already upon them. With one swift movement, he launched himself into the air –



- Struck Starfire with his staff, and landed behind them. Starfire reeled back, gripping her gut, but seemed unharmed for the most part. However, before the Titans could retaliate, Slade was already making his next move. He procured and dropped a series of smoke bombs, creating a cloud in which he disappeared into.

“I’ve got him!” Beast Boy growled.

“BEAST BOY! WAIT!” Robin cried. “IT’S A-“

It was too late, Beast Boy had already transformed into a lion and ripped into the smoke-cloud. A mere second later, a terrible shriek came from inside it, and the sound of an electrical discharge.


“Trap,” Robin mumbled.

The smoke cleared a moment later, revealing an unconscious Beast Boy, as well as a sparking ‘mine’ placed on the ground.

“Damnit!” Robin hissed. “Titans: no more mistakes!”

“Jesus! When did Slade get so badass?” Cyborg gasped.

At that, another deep laugh echoed from the shadows. “Oh Cyborg: I thought you and Robin would have figured it out by now. All those times when you thought you had the upper hand, the thrill of total victory in your grasp… I was holding back. Testing you, just like I’ve been testing Robin. Even back in the apprentice days, I had no intention of getting rid of any of you… you’re just a source of amusement for a very, very old man.”

“Ugh, another award winning pervy line from Slade," Raven groaned.

“And why now, Slade?” Robin grunted. “Why are you finally giving us your all now of all times?!”

“Because this…” he said. “Is our final time together for trillions of years. And I’m going to make it something to remember. RAUUUUUGH!.!.!”

Out of nowhere, Slade charged yet again, dual-wielding two laser repeater rifles.

Robin gasped in horror. “Raven! Give us a-“


It was too late – she was blasted out of the air, before sailing into the ground: unconscious.

“Mmmmm, two Titans down, three to go,” Slade mused, screeching to a halt. “Hope you don’t mind that I used a little… advantage over your pet witch.”

“How about I level the field of battle, then?!” Starfire shouted, zipping towards Slade like a shooting star.


Starbolt after thunderous starbolt roared towards Slade. He countered with an intricate series of ducks and rolls, returning fire with the Titan, but neither could match each other’s agility.

“Cyborg, this is your chance!” Robin said.

“To blast Slade to the next universe, too?” he grinned, levelling his cannons. “Sounds good to me!”

“No, nonono!” Robin grunted. “You have to figure out a way to shut off the artifact. If it activates, Slade gets a free pass to the next universe!”

“Yeah, and if it does, so do we!” Cyborg argued.

Robin shook his head. “We are not letting Slade get away! I’ll gladly take the ‘life-boat’ if it means he’s finally brought to justice!”

“Robin – listen to yourself!” Cyborg growled. “Wherever there’s a Slade, there will be Titans. Doesn’t matter what universe he’s in! I know he seriously pissed you off in the past – screwed us all over time after time, but you gotta let it go! Think of our city!”

Robin glared at him. “Just see what you can do to turn that thing off. This ends today!”

“Ugh – alright, man, but as soon as I’m sure it’s about to do it’s thing, we’re all getting out of here, even if I have to drag you!”

"The only thing you'll be dragging is Slade," Robin smirked. "Get to it!"

"Yes, sir!" Cyborg said, rolling his eyes with a mock salute, before clanking over to the artifact...

In the meantime, Starfire twirled and danced through the strangely high airspace of the room, dodging streams of red, hot laser as they flew at her. In the meantime, Slade continued to dodge starbolt after starbolt.

"Mmmm, impressive, Koriand'r," Slade chuckled.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. Starfire ripped directly towards him, firing starbolts along the way. Slade charged her himself, zig-zagging while firing burst shots.

"And here I was starting to think Robin wasn't good enough for you!" he shouted.

Starfire let loose a battle cry at that, two beams of light firing from her eyes. "Our relationship does not need your judgement!"

Slade's eyes widened as the beams struck him, sending him hurtling back, as well as shattering his grip on his two rifles. He swung his arms - madly trying to regain his balance, just when-


- Robin entered the foray, slamming the the end of his staff into Slade's back.


This time, he stumbled forward, landing on his two palms.

"Guess your best isn't good enough, is it, Slade?" Robin said coldly.

Slade merely coughed, before rolling out of the way of another barrage of starbolts. He quickly lunged to his feet, spying one of his rifles lying just a bit away. Like an ape, he quickly crawled towards it-


Before he could grip it, however, a bird-a-rang sailed into it, ripping the barrel in two.

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate guns?" Robin growled.

Slade merely chuckled yet again, leaping to his feet and glaring at Robin. "I think I picked that up."

"How about you pick THIS up!" Starfire shouted, now feet away from colliding into the metal assassin fists first.

Slade narrowed his eyes, twirling towards her. "I think it's time you stopped being so... clingy."

With one solid motion, he gripped another small ball from his utility belt, before chucking it at the airborne Tamaranian. It struck her with incredible force, releasing a swath of liquid that quickly ate through her pores.

"What the hell was that, Slade?!" Robin shouted. "I swear - if you hurt her-"

"Relax, Robin..." Slade said.

As Robin gasped, and Slade looked at her with bemusement, Starfire halted in in her attack, floating to the ground as her starbolts flickered off.

"R-Robin," Starfire said, shivering as tears forming in her eyes. "I-I feel... cold."

"Starfire, are you alright?!" Robin cried.

"C-Can't... fly," she whimpered.

"Oops," Slade said. "Did I clip your mate's wings, Robin?"

Robin's eye began to twitch. He twirled towards his arch-nemesis. "RaauuuuugHHHHH - SLADE!"

He roared towards Slade, who calmly extended his bo-staff yet again.


With a barrage of sparks, the two parried thrice, before becoming locked in one.

"Your loyalty is admirable, Robin," Slade said, an actual hint of respect in his voice. "But not to worry - I haven't done anything... permanent to the alien."

Robin hissed at this, twirled about, and -


Sent another barrage of staff hits Slade's way, ones he easily parried and dodged.

At that, Slade nodded to Starfire, who was now kneeling down on the floor, weeping profusely. "I just brought her joyful spirit... down to our level. It's funny, really: she could probably take down an entire mechanized division, but with a little knowledge - such as how her powers are fueled by positive emotion - and a bit of purified chemical depressant, and 'poof', she's just another sad excuse for a teenager. Tell me, Robin - how do you look at her now?"

Robin narrowed his eyes. "I'm not looking at her any different, just you. You have no idea what having feelings for anyone else is like, do you?" He shook his head in disbelief. "It's funny, really - in a small way, and I mean a REALLY small way, I actually pity you..."

He merely shrugged. "Hmmm, well what's that new saying? I have ninety nine problems, but a better half isn't one of them? We're all different, Robin... some of us just like being alone."

At that, Slade sent another series of staff hits towards the Boy Wonder.


They locked in parry yet again, their staffs grinding together, showering sparks over the stone floor.

"Is that why you wanted me so bad as your apprentice?!" Robin shouted. "Why you were so obsessed with me?!"

"Simple Robin," he sighed. "I was... obsessed with you because you're my polar opposite... and I wanted to see if one's balance of morals could be... shifted. Perhaps at one time I wished you to be the son I wished I had, but my main motivations were merely... pragmatic. I was wrong about both... yet I've since realized how beautiful it is."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Slade narrowed his eyes, before ramming his staff into the ground, flipping over Robin, and attacking from behind.


Robin managed to block at the last minute, but the powerful blow sent him reeling back.

"I do wrong, you do right," Slade chimed.

He charged forward, sending the butt-end of his staff into Robin's gut.


Robin collapsed to his knees, gasping in pain.

"You are noble, and I am but a blight."


Slade's metal boot collided with the Boy Wonder's legs.


He collapsed onto his palms.

"We have and always will be the balance of the scale."

Slade was upon him in an instant, gripping him by the collar and hoisting him up to his wicked, masked face.

"From here until the last star pales."

"S-Shut up!" Robin spat. "I don't need you! I'll be happy when everybody like you is fucking DEAD!" He then gritted his teeth, glancing towards Cyborg. "Cyborg, did you get that thing-"

His mask widened. Cyborg was gone. In his place was an expanding ball of energy...

"Fortunate. The artifact has already claimed its first entry," Slade chirped.

"N-No," Robin squeaked.

"Hmmm?" Slade quirked his head. "I don't understand you, sometimes, boy. What would you do without someone like me to fight? Settle down with a wife and family? Move to Tamaran and live the rest of your life in solace?"


"Just what I thought," Slade chuckled. "Not to worry: I'm the same way. So are your friends, I believe - most of them, that is."

With that, he slowly sat Robin down, before actually taking a seat on the stony floor. Robin stood, still panting and gazing at him with disbelief.

"You might as well have a seat, Robin," Slade said, patting the ground next to him. "You can't outrun the artifact, now - and if you do, you'll never see Cyborg, and perhaps the rest of your friends, again."


"You know it's true... embrace it."


Finally, closed his eyes in defeat, and Robin, the Boy Wonder, dumbfounded and confused, slowly, but surely, accepted his offer: sitting down next to him as the ball of energy steadily grew outward.


"...Why?" he finally asked.

"Simple, Robin," Slade said. "Remember when I said I'm a very, very old man? Well - I'm bound to grow much older. Many years ago I gained immortality: be it a gift or a curse, I don't know yet. However, I have no intention of sitting and waiting until the universe snuffs itself out. I thought I'd do you the favor and allow you to come with me to the next. After all, good is slowly overtaking this world. Eventually, there may not be any villains left. And as I asked: what would you do, then?"


"Exactly. Without me around, there won't be anyone left to fight. Your point of existence, everything you lived for, will be gone." He took a deep breath. "A hero will always need a villain, Robin, and a villain will always need a hero. You know it, I know it, the artifact knows it, and perhaps even the universe knows it. That's why it's been calling us, Robin: it's a servant of the balance. It wants you and your friends. You are the toll for me to escape this sinking ship."

Robin blinked in disbelief, and the two sat in silence for a moment, as the bubble of light expanded.


"... What do you think the next universe will be like?" Robin whispered.

"Peaceful, I believe," Slade said softly. "From what I can ascertain from the artifact. Oh sure, there might be a few sources of evil in it... but not as much as in this one. Perhaps that's why the artifact wants me so much: to stabilize the balance."

"Then why does it need us?" Robin asked.

Slade shrugged. "I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm wrong... or perhaps I tip the balance too far. We'll likely never know."


Another few seconds passed, before he slowly glared at him. "When we get there..."

"Naturally, Robin," he chuckled, before sighing heavily.



And at that, the two of them, as well as the rest of the Titans, were enveloped by the blinding light of the artifact. When it finally dissipated: it was if nobody had ever been in the room at all.




Trillions of Years Later

Two Thousand and Twenty Years Before the Coming of Nightmare Moon

Beneath the Everfree Forest...




A sound much like the hissing of steam echoed through an ancient, long-forgotten cavern, if it was even in the memory of anypony at all before recently. Stalagmites dripped from the ceiling, and a ghostly wind joined the sound joined with that which came within. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere came a plethora of twirling lights.


"S-Sister," a small, blue alicorn peeped, glancing at them from a distance. "A-Art thou sure tis safe to dwell here?"

However, they were not alone.

"Be at ease, Luna," the elder chuckled. "Tis what I was speaking about the latest morrow... tis beautiful, tis it not?"

Luna squinted skeptical eyes at it, tapping her hoof.

"Hmph - tis unnatural, me thinks... Tia," she said slowly.

She rolled her eyes. "Thou would'st."

"And wherefore did it only come hither when we arrived?" Luna asked, still skeptical.

She gave her a blank look, letting forth a long sigh. "Can't thou just sit and enjoy this without thy woes? I pray of thou-"

At that, however, Luna's ear perked.

"- to do so..."

"Shhhhh, Celestia..." Luna hissed.

"Hmmm?" she grunted. "What tis it?"

"Shush! Hark now..." she said, bringing a hoof to her ear. "I hear voices..."

Celestia furrowed her brow. "Tis strange, I do as well. Perchance we have been discovered?"

Luna shook her head. "Neigh. It comes from yonder... from the lights..."

Celestia put on an excited smile. "Perhaps truly from yonder, hm? Let us draw closer!" She began to dart forward, though Luna quickly snatched her tail. "Ugh- release me, will thou?"

She shook her head again, gulping. "Neigh! I... see something..."

Celestia threw her an annoyed look. "Amusing... tis nothing-"

She turned her head towards it, her eyes widening.


Then, immediately after, a strange, metallic mask began to slowly form from wisps of light in front of the artifact, then a neck... a torso... legs and a body.

"I told thou! Tis a curse! Yonder comes a demon!"

"Enough with thine cowishness!" Celestia groaned.

Then... the figure emitted a grim, dark laugh.

"Now... isn't this amusing?"

The two eeped in shock, backing away from it.

"T-Thou speak'st?!" Celestia gasped.

"Yes, and I have to say: you should really listen to your... sister, I suppose? It isn't good to go where you do not belong."

Without warning, the figure took a sudden step forward, laughing darkly yet again.

"EEEP! THOU ART MAD!" Celestia shrieked.

"LET US HIE, THEN!" Luna cried.

And as the sound of the dark chuckle followed them, the two royal sisters darted out of the cavern.

"Hmph," Slade chuckled, glancing his new body over. "Now this... is going to take a bit of getting used to."'

He then tapped his new, metal-clad hoof to his chin.

"Still... something's missing..."

He glanced at the artifact, a worried look in his eyes for once.

"Where are you, old friends?"

Chapter I: Born from Black

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Twenty Years Later - The War on Chaos

Two Thousand Years Before the Coming of Nightmare Moon

Far Beneath Canterlot…






The sounds of gears and machinery filled a massive stone room, echoing off its walls and into the ears of its sole occupant. The mask-clad figure stood at one of its walls, busy scraping a series of complex mathematical equations into it with a single, steel-clad hoof. After a moment, he stopped, before relaxing his chest slightly.

His ear was perked upward following the sound of echoing hoofsteps. However, he soon dismissed it, before continuing with his work, even when the origin of the noise moved right behind him.

He was a stallion Earth Pony wearing an old set of golden armor. Essentially, a normal looking, though archaic soldier. However, he had two distinct features: his strange, black eyes which seemed to consist of smoke, rising up out of their holes, and his casual, though slightly... off voice.

He chuckled. "You know, Slade, I know you like pulling the whole mysterious badass act, but if someone wanted to, they could have-"

Slade quickly shook his head. "I can recognize your hoofsteps easily, Captain Black. I knew it was you."

"Even with all the noise?" he asked.

He shrugged. "It's essentially music to my ears at this point."

"Oh-?" he smirked. "Alright, then tell me this: what if I wanted to? Are you sure you can trust me enough to keep your back turned on me?"



Slade narrowed his eyes. "A scorpion may sting a turtle, even if it dooms itself in the process," he sighed. "But will it sting another scorpion without proper... motivation?"

"You're sure about that?" he grinned. "What about a scorpion without a soul?"

"I've explained this to you before," Slade said calmly. "You do have a soul. It's just been... redirected a bit."

"You know what I mean."

Slade gave a groan. "Then I'd invite you to try, if I weren't a little busy at the moment..."

At that, Captain Black gave an annoyed grunt, before moving next to the masked assassin.

"What are you busy with, anyway?" he asked.

"Busy work," Slade muttered dismissively. "Do you have something to discuss with me?"

The demon-like pony shut his eyes, sighing deeply.


"Bad news?"

Captain Black took a deep breath. "Yeah- plan's gone bad."

Slade froze at this, narrowing his eyes in thought, before shrugging. "So it did. How?"

"Take a guess," Black chuckled. "Who's been leading the war effort against Discord for such a long time?"

Slade paused for a moment, his mind plunging briefly back to the past.



Slade actually chuckled yet again. "It always comes full circle," he said in a bemused tone.

"You're not even angry?" Captain Black said, more sarcastically than anything. "And here I thought you'd actually show some emotion for once!"


Captain Black rolled his eyes. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"

"Yes: it was apparent that the Black Orb didn't have the same effect on Discord as it did for you after the first year or so..."

"Probably missing the catalyst," Captain Black shrugged. "I had just got done dealing with ole Clover the Clever's little tumble at the time. Doesn't mean much to me now, though."

"Exactly," Slade nodded. "Discord was vicious in a few ways, oh yes, but his antics were still too... what's that word- trollish? - to tip the balance as far as we wanted." He gave a grunt. "The artifact fluctuated slightly, however, and I gained a slight bit more insight into its functions. I've actually begun to detect a pattern..."

"What kind of pattern?"

Slade gestured towards his calculations. "There seems to be regular events that... pique its interest - every thousand years or so."

"Are you serious?" Black asked, raising his eyebrows. "Oh wait - stupid question. The only time I've ever seen you crack a joke, even gallows humor, is when you're talking about your future plans or whatever."



"One thousand years from now, Captain Harness..."

"You could just call me, Black, you know..." he grunted.

Slade chuckled. "Doesn't have the same ring to it."

Black's eyes widened as he grinned in anticipation. "Now I know you're onto something good..."

"Indeed," Slade nodded. "Every thousand years - I don't know why - but every thousand, there is always something that goes horribly wrong in these lands. It's quite punctual, really. For instance: one thousand years ago there was a terrible winter. Equestria actually came to be because of it. A thousand years before: a dragon horde ravaged the land. However, one thousand years from now, there is going to be a another cataclysmic event. I don't know what, but I know it will rock the foundations of Equestria, and a force of good will switch sides."

Black shrugged. "Sweet. I'll bring the chairs. I guess it'll be enough to activate the artifact?"

"Possibly... possibly..." Slade mused. "But I want more than that... it will have to wait another millennium."

Black raised an eyebrow. "You really put the long in long term, you know that? What the hell are we supposed to do until then: play chess?"

"I have a few ideas," Slade shrugged. "You don't have to be a part of them, if you don't want. But I could use you..."

"Huh? For what?" Black asked.

Slade raised his hoof. "The first part of my plan involves waiting for the second great coming of cataclysms, or series of them, I believe. We will... assist with this endeavor. This should be enough to activate the artifact for a substantial period of time. However - I'm not sure it will be enough to accomplish what I want."

"And that is...?"

Slade narrowed his eyes. "I need you to spread something for me. All over Equestria, all over time... all legends have a beginning, and in this world: this one will begin with you. It shall be their beacon."

Black narrowed his eyes. "What are you talking about? Who's beacon?"

Slade gave another, sinister chuckle. "Let me tell you a story, Captain Harness."

Black gazed at him in shock, before letting loose a sinister cackle. "Oooooh hell yes. This... really is going to be good, isn't it? I'm all ears."

"Good," Slade nodded, before slowly sitting down. "Listen closely, Captain Black. You'll need to hear every detail...

Our story starts a long, long time ago. It is about five heroes who stood up against the face of evil... and who will one day do so again. Do you understand what I'm saying? It is a tale of past and future. A legend that will ring for two millennium."

He smiled behind the mask, a strange twinkle in his eyes.

"This... is the Legend of the Titans."



TICK.... TOCK.... TICK.... TOCK...



TICK.... TOCK.... TICK.... TOCK...





1900 BCNM...

The Lair of Slade

Slade sat on a stone throne, not bothering to face his accomplice who stood behind it, gazing into the darkness of the former's lair.

"One hundred years, Captain Harness," he said calmly. "Eight-hundred seventy-six thousand hours. A lifetime to the fortunate, but only infancy for our kind. In fact, it's two lifetimes for me. So - how does it 'feel'? Is it a gift or a curse? Are you... 'bored', yet?"

Captain Harness stood stoically. "Somewhat - but the longer I live, the shorter the days are... maybe in a thousand years they'll be what a second is to me now..."

"Not if you keep yourself... occupied," Slade said smoothly. "How goes your battle against the traveler?

"Annoyingly," Black mumbled. "He won't give me a year to breath anymore... I have a feeling he's trying to reawaken something in me... but unless he's looking for a good time, if ya know what I mean - I can't give him anything."

"Still tenacious with that libido of yours, hmmm?"

Black nodded. "It keeps me sane - but it's losing its touch..."

"That is why, as I've told you, you need to focus on your little conflict. Embrace it."

Black scoffed safely. "Not everypony's a genius, Slade. It's not often fun to go up against a - and I hate to admit it - a smarter mind."

"Perhaps," Slade mused, in a bored tone. "But don't forget the favor I've asked of you..."

Black nodded. "Working on it..."


He gave a longing sigh. "Working on it..."



TICK.... TOCK.... TICK.... TOCK...



1750 BCNM

'The Iron Gullet'


"And so the Titans had scored their first real victory against the Man with the Metal Mask," Black said dramatically in front of a group of enthusiastic, fellow soldiers, his eyes looking normal for now. "To them, it was no longer a test. It was genuine! He had them all in the palm of his hands -" he coughed slightly. "Er, hooves... yet they had managed to claw their way out. The power of friendship had seized the day! And maybe... even the power of love."

He gave a wink to his audience.

"Hehehe," a bat-pony giggled, slurring out her words. "Starfire and Robin are soooo cute together! It's the best part of these stories of yours, Blacky!"

"Pfffft - Beast Boy and Raven all the way," another said, sticking her tongue out.

"What?!" another cried. "They don't even have any chemistry! Polar opposites don't always work, you know. She'd probably want to slit his throat the first week in bed with him! Cyborg would be a better fit!"

"Hehe, maybe literally, right?"

As the trio got into a heated argument, the only male bat-pony at the table rolled his eyes. "Friggin' shippers..." He then glanced at Captain Harness. "So, what happened next, Captain?"

He cleared his throat. "Well, Slade went underground a bit after that... quite literally. For his next target was a bit more... down to Earth, you could say?"

1400 BCNM

The Crystal Caverns

A Half a Kilometer Below Canterlot

Captain Black and a suited pony glared daggers at one another in a ring of crystals and rock.

"Let me tell you a little story, traveler, or should I call you: the Doctor!" he snarled, surging towards him in the form of a smokey cloud. "Not everyone who switches sides gets a chance for redemption!"

The Doctor gasped, ducked the smokey pony projectile, and whipped out his sonic screwdriver. "Just listen to what I'm saying to you! You were once a noble warrior, I know this! The Black Orb... it's corrupted your mind - you can be-"

Captain Black giggled as he appeared behind him. "Hehehe... don't lie to me - why don't you just enjoy my company for once?! We could just keep it to cuddling!"

At that, Black smirked, darted forward, and swung horizontally with a smokey hoof in the form of blade.

The Doctor gasped, ducking it. "Don't try to change the subject!"

"Oh - that's right," Black chuckled, now circling around him. "Well, since we're back on said subject: have you ever heard of a little girl called Terra?"

The Doctor's eyes widened. "How do you-?"

Black grinned. "Oh, Doctor. I'm surprised you know yourself: though I suppose it makes sense. Still: I know quite a few things you'll never believe! HOOOOHAHAHA!.!.!"

He galloped forth, and the two battled long into the eventide.

1150 BCNM

Office of Special Operations


Captain Harness, now with a new outfit, a new look, but the same attitude, conversed with a fellow officer.

"... So she was saved?"

"That she was," Captain Harness smiled. "In a way, that is... She was killed, of course, stuck as stone: just like Discord. But she had saved the city."

"Amazing," the officer blinked. "You have a knack for writing fantasy, you know."

"It's not fantasy, beautiful," Captain Black grinned. "It's just something that happened a long, long time ago..."

"Yuh-huh," she said, rolling her eyes. "You don't need to go and try that gimmick to keep ponies hooked, Black. It's good enough on its own. And hey! You never said what happened to the Man with the Metal Mask..."

"Oh, he was dead," Captain Black shrugged. "Boiled alive in a pool of lava."

The mare winced. "Ouch - that sucks," she pouted. "He was a pretty good villain..."

Black raised his eyebrows, slowly smirking.

"I didn't say he was dead for good, you know."

The mare blinked. "Huh?"

900 BCNM

The Royal Throne Room


"Of course I know who you are," Princess Celestia muttered, her voice bitter and distraught. "I've been watching you for months! However, the scary thing is that you seemed to have been infiltrating my military for eons!"

Captain Black raised an eyebrow. "So, you figured it out, huh?"

"You might have well have just worn a different mustache every hundred years," she spat. "And you probably should have been twirling it... You're far too corrupted not to be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Black grunted. "And what happened to the whole 'thou' and 'thy' thing?"

"It left with my sister!" she hissed. "She was the one who always insisted it was to continue to be used. I don't want those painful memories anymore..."

"What are you so angry at me for, though?! I'm not the one who made her have a dark magic fetish!"

Celestia narrowed her eyes, before flapping her wings, and hovering towards him with venom in her eyes. "You're either a fool or have a card in your mane to be speaking with such disrespect towards her!" Her look of menace became a wicked glare. "We'll find out soon, however..."

Black gave a groan. "Is this how you treat your military officers? As punching bags?! Immortal or not, I don't deserve this kind of-"

"Do you think I care about that?" Celestia growled. "No, Captain Black - I know more than just of that. I know what you did... you've claimed countless lives: you were the reason Discord acted so vile! Why we had to lock him in stone! And you even managed to kill the Doctor!" She gave a growl. "Yet worst of all... I know who you work for..."

His eyes widened. "W-What?"

"The Man with the Metal Mask. He who came back from the dead in what I believe to be a universe before this one. One who almost helped almost end their world... And one does not belong here."

Captain Black's eyes widened. He began to turn about, ready to flee-


- Only for Celestia to surge forward, capturing Captain Black in a ball of fluctuating, yellow energy.

"Where is he?!" she snapped.

"Let me go! I'm not working for him!"

"Yet you tell a lot of stories about him," Celestia grunted. "And his foes, these... Titans. Curious though: you mention a prophecy that he's supposed to be beaten by them in the future? I want you to tell me how you know this! Who made this prophecy? How?!"



Black gritted his teeth, before a smirk slowly slithered on his face. "You're smarter than I took you for, Princess. Though still, you're immortal. How about you wait and find out?"

"I have ways of making you talk, you know," Celestia snarled.

"And you'll use them?" Black said, cocking his head in curiosity. "Give me a break. Your soul is pure. You wouldn't harm a killer unless he was stabbing someone. And thanks to your little bubble, that opportunity isn't available for me at the moment..." He grinned wickedly. "But it could be... if you let me go. For mine is a little less... white. Always has been. Always will be. Just like the Masked Man... Hehehe... HAHAHAHA.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.!.!.!.!"

Celestia gritted her teeth, before shouting towards one of her guards:



"Prepare to take this mongrel to the dungeons!" she growled. "Captain Black Harness: you don't deserve your rank nor did you ever. Perhaps you were once a noble warrior, but the Black Orb has permanently corrupted you. From now on, you are stripped of your title and your former life. May you dwell peacefully on what you've done." She tilted her head. "Take him away!"



TICK.... TOCK.... TICK.... TOCK...



TICK.... TOCK.... TICK.... TOCK...



290 BCNM

The Lair of Slade

Deep Beneath Canterlot

"So... Captain Black is really gone," Slade mused, bringing a hoof to his chin.

A new accomplice, a yellow mare wearing a metal outfit, and with the strange, shadow-like eyes of Captain Black nodded. "He appears to have escaped the Canterlot dungeons, but his current whereabouts are unknown. It's like he just... disappeared."

"A pity," Slade said, stone cold as usual.. "Despite his promiscuous attitude, he was decent company..." He then gave a deep sigh. "And unfortunately, he had something you don't, my dear..."

She nodded, an annoyed look in her eyes. "How long will I have to rest?"

"Not too long..." Slade said, before walking over to his throne of stone. He flicked a small switch on its side, and soon after, a viewscreen flickered on before him. Upon it was the image of a ball of swirling lights: the artifact. "Its beginning to show the signs it did before... Then my fun in this strange new land will really begin."

The figure smirked. "And mine as well."

"And when they come," Slade continued, as a thousand red, glowing eyes flickered to life in the shadows of his lair. "I will once again be two steps ahead of them."

Chapter II: How Long is Forever?

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The Time Capsule







"Alone again, Robin?"




"You know very well that with me around...




"You're never alone..."


"Never alone..."


"Never alone."



He gasped as his eyes flung open. He immediately glanced about, a haunted look upon him as if he had just woken from a long coma. Or perhaps... a very long dream. The room was fuzzy, but it had an odd, familiar feeling about it. Yet something... seemed wrong. He felt like a child who had gone somewhere he didn't belong. Though at the same time it felt so warm... so comforting.

So distant.


He quickly quirked his head. That voice...

"Come on! I hope you're almost ready - we're running late as it is..."

Robin shook his head, wincing as he sat up. He was in a small, green tent, though his surroundings were still blurry. But without a second thought, he instinctively replied with:

"Coming, mom..."

He furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Wait-... what?! Mom?! Dick?!"

At that, he tried to raise from bed, but it seemed to take an instant for his muscles to kick in.

"Come on, sweetie! This isn't the time for games!" the voice grumbled.

Suddenly, there was a ruffle of the tent's flaps, and what might as well have been a ghost stepped into it:

His mother.

His eyes widened again... and it then when he realized his mask was missing. He glanced around for it, but it wasn't lying anywhere that he could see.

"This has to be some sort of dream," he whispered to himself. "An illusion..."

She rolled her eyes. "You must have eaten something bad before bed if that's the case. Working in your dreams is never fun."

"Who are you?" Robin suddenly growled. "I don't usually have lucid dreams - this means it's some sort of illusion! So spill it! Is it you, Mad Mod?! This is a pretty sick game to be playing if it is!"

His mom furrowed her brow in concern. "Just take it easy, Dick. You just had a really bad-"

"No! No I didn't!" Robin hissed. "Quit lying! Dreams don't last a lifetime! In fact - the last thing I remember is..." He winced. "I remember is... s-saying goodnight to Starfire?"

"Starfire?" his mom said, a slightly more bemused look on her face than worried. "You mean Kori, right? Are you calling each other by your performing names, now?"

Robin blinked, a look of disbelief still hanging on him. "K-Kori?" he whispered.

"Koriand'r..." she chuckled, before giving him a questioning look. "But seriously... have you been feeling alright lately, did you bump your head?"

"I didn't bump my head," he grunted. "As I said, the last thing I remember was saying goodnight to Starfire-"

"Kori," she corrected.

He gave her a blank look. "Whatever..."

She raised her eyebrows. "I've raised you better than to give your own mother sass, you know..."

Robin groaned at that, rubbing a palm on his forehead.

"Sass... that always was your favorite word..."

"Dick - you really are starting to worry me," she said. "It's like you just came back from the dead."

"I didn't come back from the dead," Robin sighed, half-defeated at this point. "We were hunting Slade somewhere in South America but -" He closed his eyes. "I'm not sure what happened after that."

"Who is Slade?" his mom asked.

Robin gave a deep sigh. "Question of my life... or - what I thought was my life..." He shook his head. "This feels too real... but I don't remember clicking my boots three times..."

At that, his smiled lightly, before sitting down next to him. With one quick move, she gave him a kiss on the cheek, and then a warm hug.


"Does that feel real, too?"

Robin shuddered slightly, gulping.

The warmth...

It had been so long... a century. An eternity.

Too long.

And a dream or not... it felt...


Maybe he could enjoy this for a little...

At that, he silently returned the hug, a lump slowly forming in his throat. "Real enough for me," he whispered.

She slowly nodded. "Well... alright. I'm not sure if this is normal or not: are you sure you don't want to see the circus doctor?" she asked.

"Dr. Who?" Robin said, chuckling slightly. "No, I - I'm fine, really. It's all coming back to me now."

"You're absolutely sure?" she asked.

"The Flying Graysons can't go without their Robin, can they?" he winked.

"That they can't," his mother said warmly, before sitting up from his bed, walking to his drawer and pulling out his circus tights. "Come on, hun: it'll just be a quick show. Then we'll go have grab a few burgers or something. All of us could use a little stress relief..."

"Tell me about it," Dick sighed.

"I'll meet you in the usual spot," she said. "Our act starts in a half-an-hour. I'll tell your father where you are. Just be on time, OK?"

"Will do, mom," he beamed, already slipping on his tights.

"Love you."

Robin paused for a second, a look of sorrow stretching across his face.

"... L-Love you too."


His mother smiled at him one last time, before making her way out of the tent.

Dick stood silent for a brief second, shaking his head in disbelief. "It... it feels like it was just yesterday. C-Could everything really have just been a dream? Bruce, Slade, the Titans... my friends?"

He paused.


He finally shrugged. "I guess I'll find out eventually..."

With that, he squinted in thought for a brief second more, finished slipping on his costume, and made his way out of the tent...

However, he didn't get far...

"Um - hi there?"

She blinked. "H-Hello?"

As soon as he walked out, he stood face to face with a strange, pink-haired woman. She gazed at him with both a look of pity and concern.

"Oh - good!" she said joyfully. "Are you - um - are you awake? Can you hear me?"

"Um, yeah," Dick said, scratching his head. "Man - does everyone know I'm late?"

"L-Late for what?" she asked.

Dick gave her a confused look. "My show..."

"S-Show?" she peeped. "There's no show in Ponyville I know of. H-Have you lost your way?"

"Ponyville?" Dick grunted. "Is that some sort of expression? I - I'm confused..."

"No - it's the name of a town. Y-You haven't heard of it?" she squeaked. "Oh my - I hope you're not really hurt. Can you open your eyes at all?"

He slowly nodded.

"Yeaaah..." he grunted. "I think you might be a little lost." He then glanced to his left. "If you're looking to get tickets, they're-"


"Over there?"

When he glanced back, she had vanished. He glanced about him, furrowing his brow, but found no trace.

"As if things weren't weird enough already," he sighed. "Now I'm seeing ghosts."

At that, he took a minute to collect himself, before continuing to make his way towards the circus tent. He walked for a minute, slowly taking in the familiar surroundings of his circus' back lot. It was another sight of pure warmth. There were elephants, zebras, and... pegasi?

"Wait- what?"

He blinked, and it was gone. A yellow, pink haired pegasus sitting in one of the pony cages.

"I'm starting to wonder if I'm dreaming again," Dick muttered, before walking on. It was strange... being back in this old place. Walking through his childhood like nothing had ever happened.

Eventually, he neared the sound of two voices having a heated argument. Both sounded distinctively familiar.

"I'm telling you you're right, Slade - the boy's got talent- but I not about to sell him to you! He has a family here!"

It was the circus' owner, Mr. Riley.

"Slade?" Robin said, his eyes widening. At that- he quickly stuck his head in the door, gaining a brief glance of a middle-aged, bleach-white haired man.

"Oh," Robin blinked, sighing slightly as he hid it from sight. The voice fit, but it could have just been a coincidence...

"Come on, Joseph, let's not kid ourselves here," Slade grunted. "You're a small-time show, unlike my own. This deal is worth far more to you than it is to me. I'm willing to give you a leg up in the game. It'd be better for him, anyway - he'd be making more money, have better accommodations... be part of something greater than this, no offense."

"No amount of money is worth his family," Mr. Riley growled. "I won't do that to him. I'll state it plain and clear for you: I outright refuse this offer."

"I could treat him like my own son, if needed," Slade spat. "I could tell him what it really means to get by in this world..."

"You don't know the first thing!"



There was a sigh. "Very well then, I'm sorry we couldn't make a deal."

Mr. Riley chuckled sarcastically. "So am I - but I hope you don't try to do anything like this to any other young star..."

"I may or may not, the future is up for grabs," Slade said calmly, before making his way out of the manager's tent. Dick was immediately spotted.

"Hello there, Robin," he said, tipping a black top hat his way. "I was just... having a conversation about you. Your skills are impressive, most impressive..."

"Um - thanks," Dick said slowly.

Slade then smiled slightly. "It'll be a shame to lose you, really. I would have bought your entire family if I didn't think they were holding you back." He then shrugged. "Oh well - can't win them all - good day to you."

At that, he turned, and using a black cane as a walking stick, began to make his way.

Robin narrowed his eyes. "What a creep... I must have heard him talking before or something. Maybe that's who Slade was based off of in my dreams? Or something like that..."

He gave a shrug, before beginning to trot along again. He walked by a cage filled with decorated ponies...

"Hello? Oh my - you must have really bruised your head..."

He stopped, gasped, and turned towards the cage. Among the multiple ponies was that same damned pegasus from before... and a new pony, a strange purple unicorn complete with wings.

"Oh god - I'm definitely losing my mind," Robin cried. "Maybe I did hit my head last night? That would explain everything better than anything."

"He's talking again!" the yellow one said excitedly.

"Yeah- but his eyes aren't open... he may be having a dream..."

"They fluttered open a little while ago, though..."

"... Or I'm in a dream within a dream," Robin blinked. "Uh... hi?"

"Oh - looks like he knows we're here!" the yellow one squeaked.

"Or... we're manifesting as someone in his dreams..."

"So... I am dreaming?" Dick said, as confused as ever.. "But shouldn't I be waking up by now? And who the world are you two supposed to be? Raven and Starfire?"

Another blink, and they were gone.

"Ugh... maybe I really should go see Dr. Who," Dick said, now with a slightly worried tone. "I-I don't remember being schizophrenic, though... and that sort of thing doesn't just pop up... does it?"

He took a deep breath. "I'm just going to get this stupid show over with and relax... maybe it'll-"


He turned towards the origin of the voice. His eyes widened in shock. There stood Starfire, though more human looking... and more beautiful than ever.

"K-Kori?" he said, almost instictively.

"Hah! I knew I'd find you here," she smirked, speaking in a British accent. "Your mother told me you always were fascinated by horses."

"Heh - kind of," he said, blushing slightly. "So - what's up?"

"Your mother's looking for you, 'sugarplum'," she grinned. "Come on - the show's about to begin, and you're the second act!"

"Yeah, yeah," he sighed, before beginning to follow her. It was strange, he had just met this... version of Stafire, but it was as if he had always known her.

"So, when's your act?" Dick asked, following her to the tent.

She merely smiled, looking at him with her beautiful, twinkling eyes. "Actually, my act has been merged with your own."


An almost whimsical look came over her. "Could always be like that, too."

Robin blinked, before smiling back at her.


And at that, it felt as if he had already merged with this reality.

"There you are, kid!" his father said, sighing. "You almost gave me a heart attack. Here I was thinking I was going to die before the act. Now that's just embarrassing."

"John!" his mother cried, elbowing him slightly. "Don't scare the boy!"

"Relax, Mary," he said, rolling his eyes. "He knows I'm only joking." He then turned to Koriand'r. "Hey there, ready to fly?"

"Always," she said, bouncing slightly. "It's a real honor to work with you, Mr. Grayson! Mrs. Grayson!"

"Hehe, well the pleasure is ours," Mr. Grayson said. "Dick hasn't been giving you too much trouble, has he?"

"Oh he's fine," Kory chuckled. "He's a real sweetheart, honestly!"

"Most of the time, you mean," Mr. Grayson grinned. "Ya don't need to sugarcoat it. We are his parents, after all."

"Dad!" Robin groaned.

"He has his rough patches, but he's good at heart," Kory said.

Dick smiled slightly. "Heh... you say that so often it's like you're trying to convince yourself!"


At that, Kory glanced right at him, and in a serious tone, stated: "Never."

There was a bit of awkward silence, and the show began.

The crowd cheered. He was in the moment and only it. He stood at the top of the trapeze platform, before gripping the swing and -


Sailing downward. With grace and skill, he then let go of the bar of it, twirled thrice, and-

"Gotcha!" Kory grinned, snatching his two hands.

Dick couldn't help but smile. This... it felt so good. So exhilarating. So much better than his dream... yet he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Like this was all too good to be true. When he finally landed on the far platform, this point seemed to be nailed in, as Starfire sailed to the other side...

"You can't be with her, you know..." someone suddenly spoke, a deep, though soothing voice. "Equestria will soon sing the Titans' names... You will defeat the Man with the Metal Mask - and do what fate desires..."

He twirled about, an annoyed look almost on him as he did so. It was a different voice than the... the pegasi, though when he finished his twirl, all he could catch was the flicker of a beautiful woman in blue. This one had to be his imagination, however: her hair seemed to be made of stars.

Dick shrugged it off, grunting, before eagerly awaiting Kory's return. When she got close, winking at him, he grinned back at her, flung himself off the platform, and caught her hands. The two were once again flying together. The wind danced in her hair as she smiled lovingly at him. He quickly returned it.

If this was a dream, why did it now feel so right?

In the meantime, his parents took off at a higher level. And just as they did, Dick's eye caught something in the far distance... one who was now among a crowd of shadows.


His eyes widened in horror.


He merely winked at him, before raising a blaster rifle...


"Dick, what's wrong?!" his mother called.


A red bolt of light sailed through the air, cutting his parents swing lines...


"No," Robin whimpered.

And his parents fell to their deaths.The audience did nothing to stop it. They had now literally become a crowd of shadows.

"Oh my god! NO - NO!" Robin screamed.

An instant later he found himself on the ground, with Slade standing before him.

"Hello again, Robin," he said softly. "I hope I haven't come at a bad time."

"Y-You - you SON OF A BITCH!" Robin screamed, lunging forward at him. He found himself back in costume... Whatever reality had had been in must have just been an illusion. "YOU TOOK IT! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!"

Robin roared in fury, before sending a dozen lethal staff-hits his way. Slade dodged them as if they never came at all.

"Poor Robin... I didn't do anything," he chuckled. "But I can make it better." He glanced towards the corpses of Robin's parents. "I see you're now without a father... how would you like to be part of my circus, now?"

"Not until I stick this in your eye!" Robin hissed, pulling out a bird-a-rang.

"Go ahead," Slade mused. "I'll just block it. Then... we could fight and fight until the end of time. It is the way things are meant to be. Your father is here to give you purpose."

"You are NOT my father! RAAAAUGH-"

He prepared to throw the bird-a-rang, but his hand was stopped in mid-motion.

"Robin!" Kory cried. "Don't do it... just let him go! It's not your job to fight him!"

"I-I have to though," Robin whispered. "I need justice!"


"If you won't listen to her, listen to me."

Robin gasped.

"Justice doesn't come through revenge," another voice said, a deep, dark baritone. Robin turned his head. Two slits for eyes glanced back at him behind the mask of the night.

"Batman," Robin grunted. "Help me! Help me kick his ass, damnit! I should have asked for help before, I know, but now I am!"

"You don't have to be like me, Dick," Batman said calmly. "You have an option..."

"Yes - please..." Kory begged. "You mean the world to me... you need to calm down. To breath. To live..."

Robin panted and winced.


Slade quirked his head.


Robin furrowed his brow.


And at that, Robin took a deep breath, before stowing his bird-a-rang. Kory quickly nodded at him, smiling with tearful eyes, and Robin nodded back.

"Hmmm... I never thought you'd be so selfish, Robin," Slade mused. "You may be saving yourself, but don't the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?"

Robin's eyes widened. As soon as he finished, a chant of voices roared from the shadowy crowd.

"Fight the Man with the Metal Mask - bring the balance forth to last."

Robin gripped his head, gritting his teeth, as the crowd began to chant louder and louder:

"Fight the Man with the Metal Mask - bring the balance forth to last!"

"Fight the Man with the Metal Mask - bring the balance forth to last!"


"I know you want to, Robin," Slade chuckled. "Everytime you see someone struggle, suffer, bleed... you see yourself in them. It is in your blood now. It has been before me. It has been before even the fateful day the ropes were cut. The cards were stacked in your favor, now just embrace the gift you were given."


Robin swallowed hard, before closing his eyes in defeat. "Damn you, Slade."

He then gritted his teeth, his eye twitching.-


And once again... charged his immortal enemy.


His bo-staff struck his, creating a shower of sparks.


He struck at him with a series of brutal kicks, each of which he blocked with his metal arm-guards.

"Robin, stop!" Starfire cried.

"You're letting your anger get the best of you!" Batman snarled. "You have to settle down, NOW!"

"Settle down?" Slade chuckled, all the while trading staff and martial arts moves with the Boy Wonder. "There is no settling down with you, Robin. I am the thing that keeps you up at night. The darkness that haunts every corner of your mind. I will never rest, AND NEITHER WILL YOU!.!.!"


"Don't listen to him, Robin!"

"Run - he won't be able to catch you. Take a knee and think - like I trained you to do!"

"I CAN'T! DON'T YOU REALIZE?! I CAN'T!" he shouted, continuing his battle. "You think I don't want to?! I try, I really try, but this is something I can't resist!"

"Wake up! P-Please wake up!"

Robin gasped. The third voice came from nowhere. The two fighters paused.


Slade quirked his head. "So... you finally realize it."

"That this was the worst dream of my life?!" he snapped.

"Perhaps - but go ahead, Robin... wake up and smell the ashes," Slade chuckled. "I'll be waiting for you on the other side... or would you rather do business here?"

"Hold on - I'm going to give him a jolt of static magic! His heart beat has gone wild! Whatever dream he's in - it can't be good for him!"

"Oh, I hope the poor thing will be alright!"

Robin paused... smiling ever-so-slightly.

"Maybe, Slade... but you know what sucks for you?" he asked.

Slade narrowed his eye. "And that is...?"

Robin took a deep breath. "Though I may never get the life I wished I had. I still can live the one I need. And you know why? Because I'm on the side of support and construction, not destruction. I have... what I need to get by. Kory and Bruce here are just a dream and phantom... but I know whoever is calling me is real. They want to help. And you know what? That makes them worth fighting for."

"Yet you'll still never be happy," Slade said.

Robin smirked slightly. "No, but at least I'll still have a purpose."


The two stared off at each other for a moment, before Slade finally chuckled. "Very well, then, Boy Wonder: but since I'm here, why don't I give you a wake up call?"

With that, he produced a taser.

Robin merely glared at him, slacking his arms at his side. "Do it."

"With pleasure," Slade said, before lifting a finger. "But still, you know very well that my circus will always need your act."


He pushed the taser into Robin.


It ended before it began. For after a brief, his eyes flickered open, and he found himself back into reality...

"Hello, there."

But judging by what greeted him, the dream might as well have been reality.

Chapter III: Over the Rainbow (Part I)

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Fluttershy's Cabin
The Modern Day

"Ugh..." Robin groaned, wincing as his eyes fluttered open. He immediately blinked in disbelief. For smiling, yes - smiling down on him were the same damned yellow pegasus and purple... uni-pegasus from his dream.

"Great..." he groaned. "How many dreams am I supposed to go through before I figure out what's real? Am I dead? Is this what the afterlife is?!"

"You're awake!" the purple one beamed. "Oh thank goodness - I was worried I gave you too high of a jolt."

Robin gave her a blank look, before groaning and closing his eyes. "A psychologist could have a field day trying to figure out what this represents..."

"Huh?" the purple one said, looking as confused as he was.

"I think he really did suffer some head trauma," the yellow one whispered.

Robin gave another groan, shaking his head. "Can you two please be quiet so I can hopefully have another dream within a dream or something? And I thought Inception was weird..."

"Inception?" the yellow one asked, glancing at the pegicorn. "What's that?"

She shrugged, frowning slightly.

"A movie," Robin grunted. "It's an action movie - a good one - and it did not involve talking ponies."

The two glanced at each other, raising eyebrows, then glanced back at him.

"Yeaaah... could you give us a second?" the purple one asked politely.

Robin opened his eyes, before rolling them. "Let me guess - you want to decide if I'm crazy or not. Well honestly, I don't even know anymore. But please - go have your talk."

"He's bright," the yellow one whispered.

The purple one nodded. "Yeah... he is. Especially for somepony who just-"

"Hang on," Robin grunted. "Did you just say somepony?"

The purple one blinked. "Why yes - who doesn't?"

Robin shook his head, exasperated. "God - if you're listening - you have a really weird sense of humor."

The purple one squinted an eyebrow. "Alright... I hate to admit it - but I'm a bit confused-"

"Welcome to the club."

"- Fluttershy finds you in the Everfree Forest, unconscious, and now, well - I've heard of amnesia, but not amnesia involving a pony forgetting which species he is."

"I know what species I am!" Robin moaned. "I'm a huma-"

His eyes widened in horror. "Wait... did you just say... pony?"

"Yep. You're definitely a pony," she said blankly.

"I'm sorry if it's not what you expected," the yellow one peeped. "D-Do you want a-"

However, before they knew it, Robin was already on his... hooves, glancing downward at his legs... before raising his hooves to his eyes.

"W-What?!" he gasped, inspecting them. "Seriously - what in the name of fuck!?"

The yellow one's eyes widened. "Language!"

"He said fuck, not the B-Word, Fluttershy," the purple one commented. She then glanced at him curiously. "What does 'fuck' mean, anyway?"

"Ooooh, I don't know," Robin stated, his heart pumping like no tomorrow. "Something you say when you're angry, something drivers like to say with their fingers, something you say when you realize you've been transformed into a member of another species!?"

At that, he galloped, yes - galloped, in front of a mirror... and began to laugh hysterically.

"Oh... oh my god."

Gazing back at him was a red pony, though one strangely familiar. He had everything 'Robin' did. Robin tights. Robin outfit. Robin utility belt. Even Robin boots. Oh - and Robin look of absolute incredulity.

"Alright, keep it cool, Robin," he said, taking a few deep breaths. "You've been in weirder situations. Remember the whole thing with Mumbo? This may be like that or something..."

"Yeah, seriously!" the purple one called. "You need to-"

"Twilight," 'Fluttershy' whispered. "He's clearly in shock. You need to be a little more sensitive with him. He... he may really have been something else before this..."

"But the mirror is in the Crystal Empire," Twilight said, baffled.

She shook her head. "No - not from... that world is just a mirror," she whispered, gaining a raised eyebrow from Twilight.

"Fluttershy - how do you know that?!" Twilight cried.

"Um - a good guess?" she peeped. She then turned back towards Robin. "Um - Robin, right...?"

He was gone.

"Ooooh shoot," Twilight sighed.

"Come on - he couldn't have gotten too far!" Fluttershy called. "Oh - I hope he's alright! He looked so worried!"

"I'm not sure if I should be offended by this," Twilight blinked, before shaking her head. "Anyway, yeah - let's find him!"

At that, the two swiftly made their way out of the front door of the cabin, happening to find it open...

"Robin!" Twilight called. "I'm sorry - I should have been more sensitive - we can talk about-"

She didn't have to look far. There stood Robin in Fluttershy's front lawn, gazing in absolute awe at the nearby town of Ponyville. It was high noon, and the town was as busy as ever. Pegasi soared from clouds to buildings to clouds, unicorns trotted the streets, occasionally performing acts of magic, and regular looking, though mutli-colored ponies, such as the one he seemed to be, manned the lunch vendors, ready to meet the noon rush.

... And on the edge of town, a lone guitarist strummed and sang a beautiful, though somehow... sad tune.

Fluttershy and Twilight galloped next to him, gazing at him with both pity and wonder.

Robin shook his head in disbelief, blinking rapidly, before plopping onto his flank.



At that, the trio sat in silence for literally a good ten minutes.

"This... this is real, isn't it?" Robin finally said weakly. He glanced at Twilight. "I don't know why - but I feel like I've been sleeping for a very long long time... and now that I think of it: it feels like it's been an eternity... but where the hell did I wake up to?"


"Where do you think you belong?" Twilight asked.

He glanced ahead. "Not here... this... this is like something out a fairy tale. Mythology. Right now I'm counting twelve unicorns and fifteen pegasi... and I think I see a minotaur in there too."

"Iron Will," Fluttershy spoke.

"That's his name, right? It's not just describing him or me?" Robin asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Both, I suppose."


"And you... are called Fluttershy and Twilight?" he asked.

The two nodded, and Robin shook his head again, giving a long, sorrowful sigh.


"You really are new here, aren't you?" Twilight said, gazing at him with disbelief.

Robin remained silent, a look of total loss on his face.

Twilight then winced, smiling at him. "Well... wherever you're from, it doesn't matter. All creatures are welcome here, so long as they come in peace. And you don't seem like you're out to cause trouble - even if I'm still wondering about that mask of yours - so... um - even if y-you're-you're shocked or depressed about being somewhere completely different from what you know..." She took a deep breath. "I just want to say: Welcome to Equestria."

Robin remained silent, before continuing to gaze into the distance, as a rainbow, seemingly being drawn across the sky by pegasi, slowly formed in the far sky.

He remained that way the rest of the day...

... And Twilight and Fluttershy sat with him the entire time.

Chapter IV: Over the Rainbow (Part II)

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Fluttershy's Cabin
8:00 AM

When Robin woke, he found himself in a small (for his old form, he supposed), though beautifully rustic room. The sun shined in beams through its multiple windows, and the sound of animals rang everywhere. He didn't remember even falling asleep. He had simply spent the whole day yesterday thinking... taking this in. It was then when he realized: this was not a dream. It was his new reality.

Normally, he would have jumped from bed to train, but for once he found himself strangely lethargic. He sat there for fifteen minutes, resuming his thinking, before the door to the room finally creak open.

"Um... hello?" the voice of 'Fluttershy' squeaked.


Robin ignored her, simply looking out the window towards an expansive, nearby forest.

"Mind if I come in?"

Robin eventually sighed. "Yeah... it's fine: I guess I fell asleep dressed."

She gave a small chuckle. "It's alright to go without them - most ponies don't wear any clothing."

"Kind of makes me feel awkward, though," Robin grunted.


"Oh," Fluttershy blinked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No... no, you're fine," Robin said.

"Well... OK, then."


She cleared her throat. "I brought you some tea... I wasn't sure what kind you wanted, so I just made green. Oh - and some cookies too."

Robin glanced over to her, noticing she was carrying a ornate, metal trey in her mouth: the mentioned items on it. He took a deep breath at the sight of it.

"Heh... um - thanks," Robin said, forcing a smile. "That was... nice of you."

"It was no big deal," she said, returning the smile. "I treat all my house guests this way. It's only polite."

With that, she set the trey down upon a nearby nightstand. Robin looked at it with apprehension, though when he reached to grab it with his two hooves, he found them surprisingly easy to manipulate things with them. Within a moment, he had the tea to his... muzzle, and took a sip.

His mask widened to nearly half his face.

"Wow... this is really good. What did you put in this: honey?"

She nodded, smiling again. "Right from the bee hive!"

Robin raised his eyebrows. "By that you mean... you bought a really fresh jar, right?"

She gazed at Robin quizzically, before shaking her head. "No. There's a hive in my back yard. They always make the best! Oh they're such joyous little creatures!" she squeaked.

Robin paused at his next sip.

"I-Is something wrong?" she asked. "I-I'm sorry- I didn't know you preferred store bought-"

"No," Robin sighed. "It's just - I meant to ask you a question last night... but I thought it was stupid. Then... well, you reminded me of an old friend, I guess."

She blinked. "You can ask me any question you want," she peeped.

"Well..." Robin said, closing his eyes. "Before we get to that... I just wanna say - I really don't deserve this hospitality: not with how I treated you and your friend. I really think we got off on the wrong foot-" He winced. "I mean uh - hoof."

Fluttershy smiled warmly yet again, relaxing him. Robin didn't know why, but she seemed to have this comforting presence to her. It was as if she radiated it... sort of like Starfire.

"It's alright," she said softly. "You're in a strange new world. You don't know where you are and have just taken a new body..."

Robin lifted an eyebrow. "Why am I not just a crazy to you, though?"

Her expression turned serious. "I just... know a few things about the Everfree Forest that many others do not... nor understand. I have a very special connection with it."

"The... Everfree Forest?" Robin said, tilting his head slightly. "Beautiful name."

Fluttershy blushed slightly at that for some strange reason.

"But uh- you said that's where you found me?" Robin asked.

Fluttershy slowly nodded.

"Well... about that question," Robin gulped. "I don't suppose... you found anybody - er... anypony else in it, did you?"

"No," she said slowly. "I'm sorry - if there was anyone in the deep woods... I would know. Were you expecting someone else to be there?"

Robin sighed, setting his tea down before resting his head against his pillow. "I'm not sure what to expect anymore, to be honest. Like I said yesterday - I feel like I just woke up after a very long sleep."

"It's not surprising," Fluttershy said. "You came from the artifact, didn't you?"

Robin blinked. That sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place his fin- hoof on it. "I-I'm sorry?"

She nodded slightly. "It's been a long time since the artifact produced anyone. Before my lifetime, at least... from the song the forest sings, they all reacted as you did. Only one seemed to retain his immediate memories..."

"Are my memories going to come back, though?" he asked. "I mean - I remember my past... but I don't remember how I got here at all."

She glanced away from him. "The stories don't go into detail about them. They usually left the Everfree Forest fairly quickly."

"Hmmm...." Robin said, squinting an eyebrow in thought. Before long, he suddenly smiled. "Wait - if they left the Everfree Forest... W-When's the last time anyone came through?!"

"Before my lifetime," she said sorrowfully.

"And how old are you?" Robin asked.

She blinked in confusion. "About twenty-one..."

"Then that means..." Robin pondered. "That means that they could have come through earlier than me, maybe!"

Suddenly, he closed his eyes, bring a hoof to his forehead in shame.

"Ugh... I'm an idiot. That would mean we all entered whatever the artifact is together... it could have just been me. I'm guessing this is some sort of alternate reality. I can't see any reason why one of my former... um..." He didn't want to say the word 'enemies'. It might have made him sound aggressive. "Acquaintances could get out of putting me in this kind of simulation. They could be looking for me right now..."

"A simulation?" Fluttershy said. "What's that? If you don't mind me asking, that is..."

"It'd be pretty complicated to explain... unless you guys have high-tech computers."

"Com-puters?" Fluttershy said, looking baffled. "I've never heard of that... though I am sort of a shut-in..."

"If you had anything but very old ones, I'd think anyone would know about them." Robin then lifted an eyebrow. "Wait - why are you a shut-in? You seem like a nice enough... um... pegasus to me."

"Well, um..." she squeaked, rubbing a hoof into her wooden floor. "I'm just a little..."



"Well, you know..."

"What - shy?" Robin said. "Oh.... I get it. Fluttershy."

She nodded meekly.

Robin smiled slightly. "Heh - well... you wouldn't mind going for a walk with me, still, would you? I'm going to need a guide around this place... especially in the woods."

"Huh?" she said.

"I want to go see this... artifact," Robin said, narrowing his eyes in determination. "If there's any way I'm getting home, it's gotta be that! I'm not just going to sit around when my friends are probably worried about me..." His voice grew somewhat sinister. "And while Slade could be getting further and further away... we almost had him, too!"

With that, Robin leaped out of bed, wobbling slightly due to his new hooves, but quickly stabilizing himself.

"U-Um... I'm not too sure about this, Robin..."

"Why not?" Robin asked. "You said you have a special connection to the woods, right? You could take me there!" His voice grew positively desperate. "Please... I really owe it to you for being so nice to me... but I have to get back to my own world."

Fluttershy shook her head. "I-It's not that! I really wouldn't mind taking you there, but-"

"Don't worry if the woods are dangerous," Robin said, grinning slightly. With that, he quickly drew out his bo-staff, actually gripping it with one of his forward legs. "Hah!" Steadily, he raised himself onto his hind-legs, and actually began to twirl it. It was somewhat awkward, but it was as if he had never changed bodies. "See, I still have it!"

"Y-Yeah," Fluttershy said, her eyes widening at the sight. "B-But - how in Equestria are you doing that?!"

"I was trained by the best," he smiled, shutting and stowing it. "The best. But uh - what is Equestria? Is that the name of this planet?"

"Oh no, just the country. The planet is called Trinity." She then shook her head in disbelief. "But - Oh my - I-I've seen army displays with Twilight... it was um - during her coronation, but I've never seen any of them do that with a sword! It's incredible!"

"Heh, thanks," he said. "I don't know what I'd do without it. My staff is one of my best friends. But um-" He winced in confusion. "How do I have a costume that fits on a pony?"

Fluttershy squinted in thought for a few moments, before shrugging. "I don't know... but um - t-that's a costume?"

Robin froze at that. "Yeah... it's kind of a long story... I could explain on the way to the artifact."

"Well um - like I said, I'd be glad to take you, but..." She shut her eyes. "The artifact... as far as I know... doesn't go two ways. And it doesn't like talking to anypony..."

"Wait, are you saying the artifact is alive?" Robin asked, baffled.

"From what the stories say, yes," Fluttershy nodded.

"Well, I don't need it to talk to me, I just need it to listen!" Robin grunted, before pounding a hoof into another in determination.


Robin furrowed his brow, frustrated..

Fluttershy blinked.

Robin moaned. "Alright... doesn't have the same effect as a fist does..."

"A fist?" Fluttershy said, furrowing her brow.

"Heh - we really have a lot to talk about," Robin smirked. "Come on, let's get going!"

And with that, he galloped out the front door to the cottage. Fluttershy followed after him.

"Wait! Not so quickly! You have to navigate the forest carefully!" she called, before shutting her eyes. "It's OK, Fluttershy... just take him there and get it over with. He won't believe you until he sees for himself..."

At that, she nodded to herself in determination, before catching up to the Colt Wonder.

Deep Within the Everfree Forest
One Hour Later...

Robin and Fluttershy walked through the thickest woods he had ever seen outside of the Amazon. It was baffling, really, that they were this close to civilization. The trees looked positively primordial, abstract... haunted, and cast the forest floor in an unending shadow.

Fortunately, they were too deep in conversation to notice.

"... So I swoop in, kick the Joker in the face, and land! I think that was the first time I made a pun, too. 'I guess the joke's on you, huh?'

Fluttershy giggled softly, before quickly shutting her mouth. "O-Oh, I'm sorry - it wasn't that bad."

"No offense taken," Robin grinned. "They're supposed to be bad. It helps to make the enemy underestimate you... and sometimes it just makes them angry. In fact, that was the first I've ever seen the Joker fume a little, at me, at least. 'I make the jokes around here, Boy Brat! And you won't like what I do to the competition...'"

After that, he managed to do his best, and apparently decent (judging by his companion's frightened expression) of the Joker's laugh.

"Oh my - he sounds absolutely horrible!" Fluttershy squeaked. "W-What'd he do next?! He didn't hurt anyone else, did he?"

"Na - he didn't get the chance," Robin smiled. "His 'joke' was easy to beat. He had this bird-cage rigged up above me - don't ask me how or why - just believe me: the Joker was like that. But anyway... with the push of a button, it went slamming down. I only managed to jump out of the way at the last second! After that, Batman dropped him with one kick, and it was over! The Joker went back to Arkham."

"That's a relief," Fluttershy said, sighing heavily. "My - I suppose I can see why your homeworld needs so many superheroes. And you led your own team of one..."

"Yeah," Robin smiled nostalgically. "Still lead, you mean."

She nodded shakily.

"Still - I'm not really super and I'm no more heroic than anyone else," Robin said. "I'm just doing what I think is right..." He closed his eyes, wincing. "What I'm always going to do, I guess..."

Fluttershy gave him a curious, even slightly worried look, before shrugging it off. "I-I can see why you care about your friends so much. Going through that together must really bring you close together, doesn't it?"

"They're like brothers and sisters to me," Robin said. "Well - maybe Beast Boy is the quirky little cousin of the family, but he's got a lot of heart, really. And when him and Raven fight it can be pretty hilarious." He winced. "Well uh - most of the time."

"I know what you mean," Fluttershy nodded sympathetically. "Two of my friends can be a little... um... noisy as well, sometimes." She then smiled. "But all of them seem really nice, especially Starfire! I wish I could meet her..."

"Well hey," Robin chirped. "Once I figure out a way to uh... convince the artifact to go both ways, maybe you could! You two have a lot in common!"

"Thanks," Fluttershy said, blushing. "But I wouldn't want to distract you at all..."

Robin paused at that, frowning ever so slightly...


She was right. The artifact must have been somewhere in South America... a continent away from Jump City. It was too far away to be accessed easily, if at all.

"Yeah..." he whispered. "Guess it'd be a little hard..."


The two continued on in silence for a moment.




"Um... Robin," Fluttershy eventually spoke. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead," he said in a somewhat sorrowful tone.

"That mask you where..." Fluttershy whispered. "I haven't seen you take it off."


Robin paused.

"Oh- well... it's a little private, but I don't mind talking about it with you." He cleared his throat. "Most superheroes have secret identities. Basically, who we are without the costume. If we didn't... well - any villain who wanted to could go after our family and friends - to use them as hostages or worse..."

"But we're alone in the woods," Fluttershy said, blinking. "And you're planning on returning to your own world, aren't you?"

Robin closed his eyes.

He quickly shook his head.

"It's... I uh- could we change the subject?"


"O-Oh, sorry," Fluttershy squeaked.

"It's alright," he said. "How far are we to the artifact?"

"Not to far," she said in her usual soft tone. "So far... things are going good. The forest doesn't seem to mind your presence..."

"About that," Robin said. "This um - connection to the forest you have... is that a normal thing for ponies?"

She shook her head.

"Are you some sort of druid, then?"

"Well - in a way..." she said. "Oh and, um - this is kind of my fault, but could you keep this a secret? - It's just - I don't really want to have ponies start asking me questions and-"

Robin nodded in understanding. "Believe me, I know how you feel, and I'm really good at keeping secrets-"

Before he could finish, there was a rustle in the woods... followed by a deep, dark, laugh - as if the world itself were giving it.

"That you are... and I'm going to make sure of it!"

The two halted in their treks, Fluttershy's eyes widening in fright. "Oh no..."

"Oooooh yes," the same voice hissed, before cackling madly. "You know very well that mortals aren't meant to dwell this far..."

"He's a friend," Fluttershy said calmly. "He came from the artifact."

"Then he should not have come back," the voice growled. "The forest has its patience... and its understanding. But that understand has a limit - and it's not happy of his return..."

Suddenly, there was another rustle in a nearby bush. As Robin drew his staff, narrowing his eyes, a shadow-like leg jutted out of it.

"Whoever you are, back off!" Robin barked. "I don't want to hurt anyone here, but I will!"

"Hahaha!" he cackled, before finally revealing himself.

He was a monstrous beast: one who seemed to be composed of timber and shadow, like a wolf made of burnt wood. However, as Robin gazed upon its vicious, drooling snout, he realized that this isn't the type of wolf anyone could burn...

"Oh, this one has SPIRIT!" he said, casting a hideous grin.

"Just leave us alone, Wrath, p-please!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"I'll make sure of it," Robin hissed. "Whoever you are - you're not hurting either of us!"

He gave another chuckle. "Whooo's afraid of the big bad wolf?" he sang. "Not you, it seems, but that will just make this all the more fun. Now - What should I take from you as a toll? Those pretty teeth of yours... an arm, maybe a leg? You do look pretty muscular..."

He licked his lips, before grinning at Fluttershy.

"Isn't that right... Kindness?"

Chapter V: Over the Rainbow (Part III)

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Deep Within the Everfree Forest
10:00 AM

Robin winced in confusion, gazing at Fluttershy briefly, before glaring back at Wrath. How in the world did these two know each other? And why did he just call her Kindness? Was that some sort of local slang term?

"Kindness?" he said.

"Hehehe," Wrath giggled, glancing at Fluttershy. "You mean you never told him who you really are?"

"I-I didn't think I'd need to!" she squeaked. "B-But if you keep bothering us, I might have to, you big meanie!"

Wrath rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath - before glancing at Robin with a blank look. "On a level from one to ten, how bad would you rate that as an insult?"

"The truer the words, the more it hurts," Robin grunted.

"Ooooo, got ourselves a philosopher," Wrath said sarcastically. "But that's only if the receiver is bothered by the truth."

Fluttershy huffed slightly. "We both know that you don't really like hurting people-"

"Uh uh uh," Wrath grunted, holding up a paw. "I said I don't like killing people, and that's only half the story. I'd love killing people who mess around in the woods, the only thing holding me back is you and Zecora, really." He cocked his head towards Robin. "Besides, I don't want to kill him, you silly bitch, I just want to maim him a bit..."

Fluttershy whimpered at the insult.

"That's my sister for you. The cowardly lion," he sighed, glancing at Robin again. "See what I have to put up with?"

Robin gave a snarl. "I don't care what you think you have to put up with! I don't know how a nice girl like her has a douchebag for a brother like you, but it doesn't matter. Let us pass or I'll make a path!"

"Hmmm..." Wrath said, cocking his head. "Alright - I'll let you pass, but only if you answer this question for me..."

"And that is...?" Robin glared.

He grinned wickedly. "How many chomps does it take to get through a pony's neck?! HOOOOHAHAHAHA!.!.!"

With one quick motion, he surged forward like a force of nature. He lunged into the air, his fangs dripping as he aimed to take a bite out of Robin's neck.


However, Robin was ready for him. With a quick motion of his own, he ducked, held his staff horizontally, and when the wolf was close enough, pushed upward, sending the beast railing over his head.



The wolf landed behind him on his back, causing Fluttershy to gasp. "Stop it!"

"Oh come on, sister," Wrath grunted, quickly rolling to his feet before Robin could land a second blow. "You know that old saying, right? Let boys be boys! And this boy wants some meat!"

Again, he charged Robin, who stood in the same spot.

"Really want the stick, don't you, Fido?" he smirked.

"Pffft, nice one," Wrath grunted. "Who the hell fights with a friggin staff, anyway?! Are you like - a disgruntled pole vaulting champion or something?!"


He sent two paws forward, striking at Robin's chest, though the Boy Wonder blocked them with relative ease. The two then began to circle each other.

"And what's with the tights?" Wrath giggled. "Who are you, really? Wait - I got it this time! A runaway ninja circus acrobat!" He tilted his head. "Or... maybe you're just gay. That's probably it."

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? How old are you?"

"That's not very polite to ask," he chuckled. "But, mind if I ask something? So I hear you're trying to head back to the artifact... you do realize there's no way you can enter again, right? Not unless the artifact really wants you... Sorry, but you ain't getting home, kid."

"Hush, Wrath! You don't know that!" Fluttershy called.

"A few have actually tried before: did she tell you that?" Wrath grinned. "Yet the artifact just rejected them. Doesn't like second dates, it seems. Boy can I relate..."

"Uh huh. Nice use of psychological tactics," Robin sighed. "But I've seen this-"

Wrath broke into laughter. "Psychological tactics? Wah?! Do I look like Sealman Fraud to you?! I'm just a dick! And as you said before, the best way to make someone rage is to tell them the truth!"

"I don't care," Robin grunted. "I have to try."

"Then you're going to have to try to beat me," Wrath smirked. "Don't just sit there waiting for me. Come at me, you tight wearing fairy!"


Wrath moved his paw in a 'come forth' motion.

Robin's mask narrowed.



Robin snatched a bird-a-rang out of his belt and flicked it open.

"Huh," Wrath said. "What's that?"

"Let's just say," Robin smiled. "Sometimes the best defense is the best offense."


He flung the bird-a-rang. Wrath's eyes widened -


Only for it to strike the dirt at his paws, blinking red...

He quickly gave Robin a blank look. "Seriously? I mean, I gotta say - you're alright with the staff, but your aim sucks more than a leech on-"

Robin merely smirked, giving him a wave.


Wrath still seemed confused. "W-What? What are you waving at?! And - why is that thing-"



As Fluttershy shrieked, the bird-a-rang detonated in a blinding, fiery flash. Wrath sailed backwards, snarling, before-


- Plowing into a nearby tree, actually shaking it on impact.

"Heh," Robin said, glancing towards an awe-struck Fluttershy. "Didn't think he'd know about explosives. Don't worry though- he'll be alright. It was only a-"

There was a dark, evil growl...

"Small one?" he gulped.

Wrath, now battle-scarred and smoldering, marched towards Robin, a hideous look in his eyes.

"Yeah, about that no-kill rule," he said in a manic tone. "Well guess what? I'm still not breaking it. I'm not going to kill you, I'm just going to claw half your brains out. Claw them RIGHT THE BUCK OUT! How does that sound, sweetie?!"

Robin slowly nodded. "Painful."

"Thata fairy," he glared.

Robin glared at him. "Sorry, but you don't seem like the type who likes to pick brains."

Wrath slowly shook his head... partially in horror. "You know - before, partially murdering you was just business. Yet now... it's a favor to Equestria." He then cracked his neck. "Ready for the final countdown... uh - what's your name again?"

Robin cracked his neck as well.

"Call me Robin."

Wrath just stared at him, taking in his words.




"Bleh. Gay."

And in silence, the two flung themselves at each other, piercing yellow eyes meeting a featureless mask...

That was, until an unnaturally yell came from Fluttershy of all ponies.


And before the two could get even close, they found themselves being hog-tied by a number of thick, green vines.


"Oh, what the buck!"

Robin shook his head, struggling against his green trappers. "How the heck did Poison Ivy get-"

His mask widened.


Standing where Fluttershy formally was was the same yellow pony... though one who looked curiously like a version of Robin's old nemesis. Her form was wrapped in vines, and her eyes were now two faint pools of blue.

"Oh, son of a bitch," Wrath groaned. "Kindness, why do you ruin everything?"

"W-Who are you?" Robin said, shaking his head in disbelief as he ceased struggling against the vines.

"Spoiler alert," Wrath muttered. "As she said, she's Kindness: a literal manifestation of this forest's... well... kindness, or at least the latest incarnation of her... who sucks. The last one was twenty percent cooler." He then grinned. "But wanna take three guesses as to what I am?"

Robin rolled his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier," Fluttershy whispered shamefully. "This is my best kept secret."

Robin took a deep breath, before smiling slightly. "I guess we're even, then, huh?"

She blinked in surprise. "You mean you're not um - weirded out by me?"

Robin laughed heartily. "Fluttershy - I work with an alien from a planet half-way across my galaxy!"

"What the buck is a galaxy?" Wrath groaned. "I hate these assholes who come from the artifact... they always speak gibberish." He then grunted. "Speaking of which, mind letting me go so I can go nibble on his throat? And by that I mean I'm going to tear it open. And by that I mean I'm going to-"

"Not unless you swear to me you're not going to start fighting again," Fluttershy said firmly. She then looked at Robin. "You as well, Robin."

"I'll defend myself if I need to," Robin said. "But I won't go out of my way to beat the crap out of him - despite the way he's been treating his own 'sister.'"

Wrath rolled his eyes. "Fine, I won't - Just let me get as far away from moral orel here as possible."

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Fluttershy growled. "We both know you have temper problems."

"Well, no shit. Not like my name is Wrath, you know," he sighed, before glancing at Robin. "And you wonder why I get pissed off at her."

"I'm really starting to hate you," Robin muttered.

Wrath smirked. "We both know hate is just the more fun form of love."

"Really hate you."

"Wrath, please answer the question - um - if you don't mind," Fluttershy sighed.

"Fine," he grunted. "I won't rip his feathers out. I've been learning anger management from Slendermane, you know." He took several deep breaths, before actually smiling slightly. "There, I feel slightly less pissed than usual. Can you please let me-"

He paused.

Fluttershy paused as well.

"... Hey uh - do you sense that, too?" he asked.

The yellow pega-plant nodded. "I do too."

"Sense what?" Robin asked.

"Something is here that does not belong," Fluttershy whispered.

Robin raised an eyebrow.

"By that she means our 'some asshole's in the deep woods' senses are tingling," Wrath explained. "'Some dead asshole's in the woods' senses, I should say."

"H-How many do you sense? Can you tell that?"

"I'm not sure..." Fluttershy said, who was squinting in thought.

"Me neither," Wrath grunted. "It feels familiar, but..." His eyes suddenly widened. "Oh, son of a bitch- not again! Fluttershy - let me out god damnit! You said you would if I promised not to hurt bird-brain... well, I won't - I've got a bigger fish to fry!"

Fluttershy glanced at him warily for a second, Robin shaking his head all the way, before sighing and releasing both of them.

"Thanks, Kindness," He chuckled. "Gotta say - that took guts of you to do." He then smirked. "I'd show them to you later for that, too, if you weren't my sister. Toodles!"

He then gave a mock salute, before taking on a more serious look and ripping into the deep woods.

Fluttershy merely stood, awestruck. "H-He... he complimented me?"

Robin brushed himself off, before making his way to Fluttershy's side. "That was a compliment?!"

"I take what I can get," Fluttershy said sorrowfully. "Wrath is.. a bit on the hot side when it comes to temper."

"He just tried to kill me!" Robin cried.

Kindness shook her head, chuckling. "No, he wouldn't do that. He was just blowing hot air. He's never killed anything that I know of, and he rarely really hurts someone unless they've really made him angry."

"Huh? How?"

"Well um-" Fluttershy said, glancing away with an embaressed expression. "There was this one pony who um... urinated on his favorite tree-"

"Er - forget I asked," Robin coughed, before once again entering his usual modus operandi: serious business. "But we can't afford to talk any longer. We need to get to the artifact while Wrath's distracted. No offense, but you had the element of surprise the last time. We don't know if it'll work again or even if the two of us can take him on if he goes back on his word."

"I don't think we could," Fluttershy said, shaking her head. "He managed to take down Princess Twilight in a fight."

"Then we need to-" Robin did a double take. "Wait - what?! You're telling me she's a princess?!"

Fluttershy blinked in confusion. "Didn't I mention that?"

"... No. No you didn't."

"Oh well, sorry I didn't," Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. "But yes - she is a princess."

"Is that why she has wings and a horn?" Robin asked.

Kindness nodded. "Mhmmm. It's sort of a sign of class."

Robin shook his head in disbelief. "The more I stay here, the more questions I want answered, but you'll have to explain it to me later. How far are we from the artifact, again?"

"Close," Fluttershy said, before turning towards a particular direction. "It's near the Old Royal Palace... an ancient place..."

Deep Beneath the Everfree Forest
Fifteen Minutes Later

"In a cave in the middle of a woods that literally do not like trespassers," Robin said, raising an eyebrow. "I guess someone really wanted to hide it."

"I'm not sure if it can be moved," Fluttershy pointed out. "For all we know, it could have always been here."

"I don't know about that," Robin said. "This cave may have only been formed maybe a thousand years or so ago."

Fluttershy gazed at him curiously.

Robin furrowed his brow. "Wait - you know about plate tectonics, right?"

She scratched her head. "Um - well I know about dinner plates... does it have to do with that?"

"Not exactly," Robin chuckled. "So - you said it doesn't look like it can be moved? What exactly does it look like?"

"To me?" Fluttershy said. "Well - it sort of looked like a budding flower. Wrath and Slendermane say it looks different to everypony... though not many know about it."

"I've heard that name before," Robin mused. "Is that another um- forest manifestation?"

"Oh yes," she said, before smiling slightly. "You'd like him, though. He's not like Wrath at all. He's a bit frightening at first, but he's a big sweetie on the inside."

"Sounds like Raven," Robin mused. "Though I'm not sure about the sweetie thing..." he addided softly.

"Him and Wrath actually got in a scuffle recently..." she explained.

Robin lifted an eyebrow. "Yet he's teaching him anger management?"

"It's complicated," Fluttershy sighed. "Yet still - ever since then they've never been closer. Wrath is actually starting to get softer, believe it or not."

Robin's other eyebrow joined the first. "Sorry, Fluttershy - but I'd have to see it to believe it. Though I suppose everything is relative..." He then tapped a hoof to his chin. "But you know, I don't understand - why do you hide who you really are to the rest of the town? They seem nice enough from what I've seen."


The two paused, as Fluttershy thought for a second. She eventually gazed at him with a whimsical expression - in particular, at his mask. "I suppose for the same reason you hide your eyes: we're simply too afraid to show our true selves. Maybe because it makes us feel vulnerable? I'm not sure. Yet still - I don't want to take the risk, do you?"


Fluttershy eeped slightly. "S-Sorry - I didn't mean to sound-"

Robin stopped her with a slight smile. "No - I'm just glad someone... or somepony understands. Though... there's a bit more to it for me... maybe we can talk about it later if the door goes two-ways, huh?"

She gazed at him with a concerned look, before shuddering slightly. "About that... Robin... I really want to tell you something."

He glanced at her curiously. "Huh, what is it?"

She gazed directly at him again. "You seem like a v-very nice person, you stood up against my brother for me... yet... you seem like you're... hurting inside..."


Robin glanced away from her.

She continued nonetheless. "I don't want to see you to hurt any more, especially because of me. But... I need to say this: please don't hope for something that may not be. There are legends that say that this artifact... is not a portal. The Doctor tried to explain to me a theory of his one time."

"The Doctor... Doctor Who?" Robin asked.

"Nopony knows his real name," Fluttershy whispered. "He's a sort of time traveller, yet he's gone... missing lately... him and Derpy." She whimpered slightly. "A lot of ponies have gone... missing lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Robin said softly.

"It's n-nopony I know, though," she whispered back. "But enough about me. I really think you deserve to know this: the Doctor's theory involved something I could barely understand. The concept of universe - of reality itself collapsing... and then reforming."

Robin furrowed his brow. "Sounds like the Big Crunch Theory..."

Kindness gave him a confused look.

"Nevermind..." he said slowly, before saying something he was dreading to do so. "Go on..."

She slowly, sorrowfully nodded. "What if- what if there were no alternate universes? Just one... that keeps reshaping itself. Changing every time. Yet what if there was some sort of... way to travel from the old to the new? I barely understand it... but that's what the Doctor said the artifact may do."


His face slowly contorted into pure defeat, and even with the mask on, Fluttershy could sense that perhaps he had thought it may be hopeless as well, but just wasn't saying it outloud.

"I'm sorry..."

Robin closed his eyes. "How sure are you about this?"

She glanced away from him. "The Doctor, according to the legends about him, is rarely ever-"

"Yo, Robin! You down there?!"


But as soon as she spoke, a voice echoed forth something that nearly made Robin bounce in delight. His eyes widened. He twirled about in shock. The voice was coming from the outside of the cave. One of a brother he never had.


Chapter VI: Over the Rainbow (Part IV - Final)

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The Caverns of Eternity
Deep Beneath the Everfree Forest

Robin had never run - or galloped in this case - faster in his life. The moment he had heard Cyborg's call, he was off, through a twisting tunnel leading to the cave's main cavern. It wouldn't be too hard to find him, despite the echo of his voice: there were only two tunnels that split from the main, one leading to the artifact, and one leading to the unknown.

"Robin, wait!" Fluttershy cried, gasping as she caught up to him. "Something seems wrong. I-I can sense Wrath near the entrance... and whatever he was chasing early is gone!"

"Then that's why we need to speed up! Cyborg can handle himself, but he doesn't know who he's up against!"

"B-But I don't understand why I can't sense him..." Fluttershy squeaked.

Robin furrowed his brow. "Well - he is half-metal. Maybe that has something to do with it. It could be messing with your senses: maybe turning his um... signature... on and off."

"Maybe," Fluttershy whispered.

"I can't wait to see him, though," Robin grinned. "Wrath or no Wrath - it feels like it's been forever!"

"I'll say..."

Robin nodded to himself. "But if anyone can figure out how to work with the artifact, it's-"

"Yo Robin! Hurry it up, man! I don't know what, but I'm picking up something else on my motion sensors... it seems like it's stalkin' me or something!"

"We're coming, Cyborg!" Robin called, before chuckling slightly. "He seems to have gotten used to being uh... in equine form, pretty easily." He then grumbled slightly. "Or at least I hope he is... I'm never going to hear the end of it otherwise."

"Huh?" Fluttershy said, quirking her head.

"Erm - nevermind," Robin fumed. "But yeah - I just hope that Wrath hasn't caught up with him yet..."

He was forced to halt at the clanking of oh-so-familiar... hooves, and then: a just as familiar, cheesy grin.

"Wrath? Man - are you stereotyping or something? Now all black people have anger issues!"

Robin grinned like a maniac. "Cyborg!" he called.

"Long time no see, Robbie," he smiled.

Robin couldn't help but chuckling. Standing before him was the same old android he had known... just a bit more ponified. His coat was brown on one side, by the other was laced with strange, rune-covered metal.

"Yeah yeah," Cyborg grunted. "Nice fur coloring yourself, though. The red really matches your outfit." He then nodded towards Fluttershy, smiling slightly. "And aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh yeah -" Robin said. "Um, Fluttershy - Cyborg - Cyborg - Fluttershy."

"H-Hi," Fluttershy squeaked, glancing away from him shyly.

Cyborg sighed. "I guess even in pony form I weird people out..."

"She's shy towards everyone," Robin pointed out. "Don't take it personally.

"Oh, well shoot," he grunted. "Sorry..."

There was a moment of awkward silence, before Cyborg finally gave a wide grin. "But it's whatever! Damn, Robin, it feels like it's been forever! Come here, bird boy!"

He stood on his hind hooves and opened his arms... obviously looking for a hug.

Robin glanced at him strangely. "Heh - OK..."

It wasn't like him to be so... sensitive. Nonetheless, Robin trotted closer...

"Come on - don't be shy!" he grinned. "Give old Cyborg some lovin'!"

Robin paused, once again glancing at him with apprehension. Something was starting to seem... off about him. Why had he not made fun of Robin more for his pony form? Why was he not picked up by Fluttershy's senses one second but was another? Why was he not even weirded out by the sight of a pegasus? Had he had gone into town? No... Robin would have known about that...


Robin's mask widened. Snarling out of the Darkness came Wrath, only illuminated by the strange, glowing runes on the cavern walls.

"Don't bucking touch that thing!"

"Jesus!" Cyborg coughed. "I've been called a lot of things, but now it's just thing?! And by a wolf of all things..."

Robin quickly drew his staff, glaring at him. "Not an inch closer! Cyborg's a friend!"

"I don't know who the buck Cyborg is," Wrath snarled, grinding to a halt. "But whoever that thing is to you - it's not what it seems!"

"But Wrath - I can see him, too," Fluttershy called.

"For bucks sake, sister," Wrath said, nearly face-clawing. "You can see him because he's bucking reading Bird Shit's mind! He's making an illusion for you based on his thoughts!"

"What are you talking about?! Have you gone even crazier?!" Robin hissed.

"Yes," Cyborg grunted, narrowing his eyes. "He has."


He stood on his hind legs, transforming his right hoof into his usual sonic cannon.

"Cyborg! Wait!" Robin cried.

"Not again," Fluttershy squeaked.


A blue pulse roared out of it, sailing towards Wrath. It struck him with a clap of thunder, sending him careening back into the darkness.

"Hooya!" Cyborg smirked.


Robin again glanced at him strangely. "Hooya?"

Cyborg then charged forward. "Come on, Robin! It's wolf hunting season!"


Robin shook his head, wincing. "H-Hunting? But... you've always been against wolf hunting..."

"It's just a joke, come on!" Cyborg growled.

Robin glanced at him a second more, before cautiously, the duo followed.

"Something's wrong..." Robin said, shaking his head. "Something's very wrong..."

"That's what I'm saying," Fluttershy whispered.

"Maybe it's just the artifact," Robin grunted. "It could have toyed with his head a little..." He then squinted an eyebrow. "But he has backups of his memories and such... stored in his computer parts. He updates it every day: just in case."

Fluttershy blinked.

"Um... basically, he has a second brain he can use when he needs."

"Ooooooh," she said, nodding slowly.

By the time they had caught up with Cyborg, he had already halted, pointing his sonic cannon down at Wrath, smoldering once again and struggling to stand up.

"God damnit, you bucking idiots!" Wrath hissed. "This isn't Bird Shit's friend! It's-"


Another blast, and Wrath struck the floor, unconscious or worse...

"You talk wayyyy too much, buddy," he grunted.

"Cyborg! He was down, already!" Robin cried. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"Nothings wrong with me," Cyborg said quietly. "Just getting rid of the bad guy... like we always have."

"We don't hit people when they're down!" Robin called.


Finally, Cyborg turned about, giving Robin a peculiar smirk. "Things change, buddy... now... how about that hug?"

"No, stay away from me!" Robin growled. "We may be in new bodies, but I'm the same as I've always been. I'd expect the same from you!"

"I AM Cyborg!" he snarled.

Robin merely stood motionless, gazing at him with disbelief as Fluttershy began to shiver.

He then gave a wicked grin. "Don't you... remember me?"

At that, there was a flash of blinding light, and it was as if a million memories were being forced at him at once.



He stood upon a ruined street, an alien ship staring down at him as an alien army surged forward after their prize...

"You're still going after her, aren't you?"

"That's the plan."

He looked at him as if he were nuts... but slowly smiled, nonetheless.

"Need a hand?"


"Can you rewire that into some sort of weapon?!"

"I can try!"


They stood upon Jump City's lonely island, basking in the glory of the future.

"You know... someone aughta build a house out here..."


"The Titans, huh?" Cyborg smirked.

"Why not?" Robin shrugged. "It's perfect. The Titans' were said to have ruled over the Earth during a golden age in Greek mythology, before being defeated by Zeus and the younger gods."

"But we're not rulers," Raven groaned. "Nor are we gods. Don't you think it makes us sound a bit... egotistical?"

"The name's still kind of cool, though," Beast Boy said. "Well - if you don't get all book wormy into it."

"I think it is a most joyous name!" Starfire beamed. "One that represents true strength!"

"But we're just teenagers..." Raven pointed out. "Why don't we just go with 'Young Justice' like Cyborg suggested..."

Both Robin and Cyborg turned to her, though-struck.

"... What?"

"Hehehe," Cyborg said, smiling slightly. "I think you're onto something."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Robin smiled.

He nodded. "Damned straight."

And together they beamed: "TEEN TITANS, GO!"


The rest of the Titans raised their eyebrows.

"Uhhh... dudes," Beast Boy coughed. "I mean - it sounds cool, but if you say it like that, even I think it's corny."

"I can't believe I'm saying it - but Beast Boy is right..." Raven muttered.

"It is... um - interesting?" Starfire blinked.


"Alright, alright," Robin moaned. "It's not like we're going to say it before every battle or something..."

"Nawww, now that would be lame!" Cyborg chuckled. "But the name itself is cool, right?"

The rest of the Titans nodded eagerly, even Raven.

"Well then, that's it!" Cyborg grinned. "We've finally completed step one: get a name! Now for step two!"

"Take down some bad guys?!" Beast Boy said enthusiastically, swinging two fake punches.

"No, step two is waffles."

Beast Boy frowned slightly. "Daw...."

Cyborg smirked. "Cus how are you supposed to fight bad guys without a good, healthy breakfast?! BOOYA!"


"Who. Is. Slade?"


"You alright? I know how you are when Slade's on your mind...

Robin glanced away. "I'm fine."


"I know what I saw! I have to stop him! I'm the only one who can!" He drew a bird-a-rang, glaring at his friends. "And I'll take down anyone who gets in my way!"

Cyborg shook his head, looking upon him with pleading eyes. "Robin! Come on, man... There are no generators, there is no Slade!"


He was in a strange, unfamiliar stone room, a swirling vortex of lights in the center, as Starfire and Slade performed a deadly dance with starbolts and laser blasts...

Robin shook his head. “We are not letting Slade get away! I’ll gladly take the ‘life-boat’ if it means he’s finally brought to justice!”

“Robin – listen to yourself!” Cyborg growled. “Wherever there’s a Slade, there will be Titans. Doesn’t matter what universe he’s in! I know he seriously pissed you off in the past – screwed us all over time after time, but you gotta let it go! Think of our city!”

Cyborg took a deep breath.

"Think of your friends."


"Think of your friends."


"Think of your friend-"



Robin panted. Robin gasped. Robin was on his frontal knees.

"W-What?!" he gasped, before once again, glancing towards 'Cyborg'.

However, he was no longer there.

"Something wrong, Robin?" a humanoid version of Starfire said soothingly, a strange, Cheshire-like smile on her face. "Don't worry... I can make it all better..."

Slowly... she etched towards him, though he found himself barely able to move.

"Y-You're... not... Starfire," he barely managed to say.

"Maybe not," she cooed. "But I can be... just give me a chance..."

Then, joining in once again, a third voice made its presence known.


The two froze.



A vine ripped forward from a determined Fluttershy, striking 'Starfire's' right and sending her careening into-


A second vine waiting for her.


She struck the cavern walls, causing the entire place to literrally shudder, before she was sent spiraling, crashing into the rocky floor.

"You're just a cheap imitation of the real thing..." Robin groaned, slowly rising to his hooves, glaring at her. "The real Stafire could have taken that..." He then gave Fluttershy a thankful nod. "I wish you could have met her..."

She slowly nodded, still shivering slightly.

"W-Well holy shit, you finally figured it out!" Wrath hissed, rising to his feet as well. "Why doesn't anyone listen to me anymore... er - or ever for that matter?!" He then blinked, shrugging. "Oh, that's right, cus I'm a troll. But still!"

As he spoke, Robin's eye was caught by 'Starfire' again, only calling her 'Starfire' wouldn't apply anymore. She was slowly melting into a pool of black, shapeless goo...

"What the hell is that thing?!" Robin snapped.

"It's called The Shapeless," Wrath explained. "As you can see: it has no shape. I like names that don't lie to me..."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "T-That's The Shapeless?!"

"Scarier in person, isn't it?" Wrath grunted, before glancing back at Robin. "Bucking thing's a freak of nature, even more than Fluttershy and I. Two thousand years or so ago it came out of the artifact. I managed to chase it off... but every time the artifact comes back to life it comes back to feed on its energies. I guess it's the only way baby gets its milk."

"But what does it want with me?!" Robin asked.

"I dunno," Wrath shrugged. "But I'd guess that since you've been exposed to its energies, too, you have some residue on you. Consider yourself an appetizer."

"I should have known!" Robin spat. "I knew it was too good to be true - that Cyborg was here... I let my hopes get the best of me."

"Dawwww, cry me a god damned river," Wrath hissed. "We've got bigger problems right now - you can cut your wrists later!"

"Shut the hell up!" Robin snapped. "If you actually knew what a friend was, you'd-"

His ear perked. The sound of what could best be described as bubbling tar was echoing from the pool...

"Muuuust..... feeeeeeeeed....."

Wrath gave him a blank look. "That your friend?" He then gave a sigh. "Look, I've chased this stupid thing off before, but every time it comes back it gets stronger. Together we might be able to kick its flank, but whatever you do - don't let it get into your-"

Robin stood stunned, awe-struck.

The epitome of the night itself, Batman, was now glancing right at him.

"When you formed the Titans, you said that you cared more for them than anything in your life, " he spoke. "That's why I gave them my acceptance." He then narrowed his eyes. "Yet here you are, so far away from them that you couldn't even fathom it - alone. You abandoned them, Robin. And now you'll never see them agai-"


A claw ripped into its form, nearly splitting it in two.

Robin did a double take, blinking rapidly as Wrath finished his stroke.

"Fluttershy, keep this idiot from zoning out again! I don't want this goo getting more carbs from him!"

"R-Right," she shivered, before facing Robin. "R-Robin. I know this is a-lot of me to ask, but please... help us drive him off. You said you were a hero on your home world... be a hero on ours, too."

"I haven't been a solo fighter for so long," Robin said sorrowfully. "My team is part of me... I don't know what to do without them..."

He slumped his head downward, only to feel a vine lift his chin.

"Even if they may be gone... in Equestria, good ponies are never alone," she smiled.


Robin gazed towards the floor yet again, contemplating her words, as The Shapeless began to reform itself...



Wrath charged it again, clawing and tearing at it every chance he could get.

"Just buck off already! Go back to where you came!"


Before Wrath could react, a pulsating battle-ax suddenly morphed out of it, being held by a single, thick tendril...

"Rest.... forever... rest...."

Wrath's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh crap."

The ax swung towards his neck...




Before it could strike, however, the tendril holding it was severed. The goo of it twisted into its normal, harmless self before plopping the floor.


Robin grabbed his bird-a-rang, narrowing his eyes.

"Sorry, but I've seen better lullabies."

Wrath managed a cackle. "Oh, son of a bitch! You and your god damned puns!"

"How about a thank you?" Robin grunted.

He gave a tremendous sigh. "Fine, alright... not bad..." He then smirked slghtly. "... For a tight wearing fairy."

Still... the blubbering mass of black that was The Shapeless was not done yet. The black goo that was its weapon and arm slowly morphed into it...

"Will not... go back..." it said, in an almost sorrowful tone. "Only oblivion awaits... only torture... endless time... endless beginnings and ends..."

"Then stand down!" Robin shouted. "There has to be a way for you to get food! It doesn't have to be through eating people!"

"You are... nothing. Existence... fleeting. Against infinity? You may as well... not exist at all..."

"I'm giving you one last chance," Robin said firmly. "Wrath said you can feed on the artifact? Then you can take a small sip... but you're not hurting anyone else!"

"I wouldn't let him do that," Wrath grunted. "If your friends are in there, who knows what this thing could do to them? Not that I care or anything..."


"Robin?" Fluttershy said.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "If this is a new universe, one that came after my own... my friends are probably long dead..." He then smiled in determination. "They'd want me to find a peaceful solution."

"Are you sure?!" Wrath growled. "God damnit - just help me kill this thing - it could seriously buck shit up if it gets any stronger! I've seen people pop out of the damned artifact... people who knew each other, but at different times. Are you sure you didn't all enter together?!"


The Shapeless remained motionless...

Robin gazed at its suspiciously. "Wait a minute... what was that I saw earlier?"

His mask suddenly widened.


Robin shook his head. “We are not letting Slade get away! I’ll gladly take the ‘life-boat’ if it means he’s finally brought to justice!”

“Robin – listen to yourself!” Cyborg growled. “Wherever there’s a Slade, there will be Titans. Doesn’t matter what universe he’s in! I know he seriously pissed you off in the past – screwed us all over time after time, but you gotta let it go! Think of our city!”


Robin squinted, gritting his teeth. It was as if he was slowly, painfully, unlocking doors to memories lost...


"I must admit, I said the same thing at first," Slade mused. "Yet I suppose that it's comforting to know that even I can still be humbled by things. Whoever, or whatever created this entity knew what they were doing. They knew that all universes would someday whither and die, eventually forming new ones, some possibly much different than our own: perhaps even uninhabitable to life as we know it. Yet they figured a way to work around this small issue..."


“No, nonono!” Robin grunted. “You have to figure out a way to shut off the artifact. If it activates, Slade gets a free pass to the next universe!”

“Yeah, and if it does, so do we!” Cyborg argued.


"S-Shut up!" Robin spat. "I don't need you! I'll be happy when everybody like you is fucking DEAD!" He then gritted his teeth, glancing towards Cyborg. "Cyborg, did you get that thing-"

His mask widened. Cyborg was gone. In his place was an expanding ball of energy...

"Fortunate. The artifact has already claimed its first entry," Slade chirped.


"... What do you think the next universe will be like?" Robin whispered.

"Peaceful, I believe," Slade said softly. "From what I can ascertain from the artifact. Oh sure, there might be a few sources of evil in it... but not as much as in this one. Perhaps that's why the artifact wants me so much: to stabilize the balance."

"Then why does it need us?" Robin asked.

Slade shrugged. "I'm not sure. Perhaps I'm wrong... or perhaps I tip the balance too far. We'll likely never know."


Another few seconds passed, before he slowly glared at him. "When we get there..."

"Naturally, Robin," he chuckled, before sighing heavily.



And at that, the two of them, as well as the rest of the Titans, were enveloped by the blinding light of the artifact. When it finally dissipated: it was if nobody had ever been in the room at all.




Robin slowly sighed. "My friends... are still in there."

"H-Huh?" Fluttershy peeped.

He smiled at her. "You were right, Fluttershy. The good are never alone."

"Oh for the love of-" Wrath grunted. "Are you sure you aren't the living embodiment of the forest's cheesy side?!"

"Hush, Wrath!" Fluttershy growled.

Robin then glared back at The Shapeless. "You... you knew it could hurt them if you fed off of it, didn't you?"


"You talk about us like we're insects - like we're nothing. Just a food source for you, really." He took a menacing step forward. "Tell me - how many are trapped inside that thing?"



Robin narrowed his mask. "And how many have you hurt by feeding off of it? Is it harmless... or is it not?! Answer the question or I'm just going to assume the answer is 'no!'"




"Many have... went... because of me..."

"Then answer this: is there any way you could feed without touching the artifact?"

"Could... enter it... not stay here... not the same as feeding off the... object... or...."


It seemed to pause in contemplation.

"Feed off... your residue... filling enough..."

"Why can't you re-enter it?" Wrath hissed.

"Would be... more torture..."

Robin slowly nodded, before closing his eyes. "Then don't do it."

The rest of the party stood motionless.

"You would... do alternative?"

"I would."

"R-Robin?!" Fluttershy squeaked.

Wrath gritted his teeth. "Don't do it, you idiot! It'll bucking kill you!"

Robin faced the monster. "Will it?" he asked..


"Mooost.... likely..."


Robin closed his eyes.

"Then... for the sake of my friends, go ahead. Do it."

"God damnit, kid! We can still fight it!" Wrath growled. "Fight it and win! If you let it feed off of you, it'll just get stronger! He'll just say 'buck it' and go get more noms!"

Robin glanced at The Shapeless curiously. "I want to believe you. You say going back... 'home' would torture you? Well, you don't deserve to suffer anymore than anyone else does. That's why I'm letting you do this instead of just fighting you... but when its over, can I have you word you will leave here? And that you won't go after my friends when they come through?"


"Will... not... touch artifact..."

Fluttershy glanced at it curiously. "I think it's telling the truth..."

"You've to be kidding me!" Wrath cried. "Kindness - have you lost it?! Don't let that thing get inside your-"

"It's not inside my head, Wrath," Kindness whispered. "Let down your hate for a second... and maybe you'll sense it, too."

Wrath paused, taking a few deep breaths, and for the first time, Robin saw an uncertain look come to his face.

Robin nodded towards the creature. "Then that's good enough for me." Slowly, he gave Futtershy a warm smile. "Thank you, Fluttershy, or Kindness, whatever you prefer... you really do remind me of Starfire in a few ways. When my friends come out... I hope you'll be around to welcome them."

"C-Count on it," she squeaked, a few tears forming in her eyes. "It's... it's been v-very nice meeting you. I... I wish I had more time to get to know you..."

"Likewise," Robin smiled, before slowly walking towards the creature. He gave Wrath a nod on the way. "Wrath... be nicer to your sister, will you?"

He gave a slow nod. "I'll try..." He gave a slight smile. "Ya little shit."

Robin rolled his eyes, before pausing, standing stoically, before the mass of black goo.

"Are you... ready?" it asked.

"I am."

"Then... it begins... and it... ends..."


Slowly, a series of black tendrils wrapped around him...

Fluttershy gulped.

Wrath merely stood stoically.


And as Robin felt himself slipping into the dark, the creature spoke with him one last time.

"... Thank... you...." it whispered. "I was... wrong. You are all... more than... nothing... in the end..."

"We are," Robin said, his words slurring out.


"Fare.... well....










































Chapter VII: Titans Together (Part I)

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"Strength... fortitude... the qualities of a leader... I have seen many come before..."




"A lack of... focus... without those to lead..."




"Yet you... are not... alone..."


The Caverns of Eternity
Deep Beneath Everfree
Five Minutes After Robin's 'Death'

Wrath and Fluttershy hung over the corpse of Robin, the latter weeping profusely.

She closed her eyes. "He came all this way... all this way just for this."

"If it means anything, he was one mean son of a bitch," Wrath whispered. "I can respect that, I guess. in a way, I can kind of relate. He was pretty intense: nice, I guess, but it was like he was hiding something..."

"W-What do you mean?"

"I dunno..." Wrath grunted. "I just know when someone's been angry for a long time. And he was definitely very angry..."

"He cared about his friends, though," Fluttershy said softly.

"Yeah," Wrath sighed. "He did. And he was right: The Shapeless held its end of the bargain."

Fluttershy glanced at him curiously, wiping away a few tears. "I wonder where it'll go?"

"Anywhere but here," Wrath said coldly. "If it comes back, that'll be the end of it."

She shot him a concerned look. "B-But"

Before Fluttershy could respond further, however, there was a bright flash of light.

The two glanced at each other, their eyes widening.

It came from the direction of the artifact.






He cringed at the name. "Huh - Whatchu want?"



"Ugh... please stop saying my name," he groaned, slowly opening his eyes to a blurry, unknown surrounding. "Oh maaan... someone get me the ibuprofen. Robin's going to kill me if he finds out I've been drinking..."

There was an odd, familiar giggle. He rapidly shook his head, though the room remained blurry.

"Actually, um - by that I mean - get me all the ibuprofen... Starfire's going to have to buy more if she wants to make her 'healing cupcakes' again..."

"Sorry, Beast Boy, but there's none of that here," the voice said casually.

His face became absolutely panicked. "You mean she used it all?!"

"Not exactly," it chuckled, and this time Beast Boy noticed it was definitely female. "Come on man, don't you know who I am?"

"Sorry... ears aren't working right..." he sighed. "Cus there's no way you are who I think you are..."

She paused.

"In a way, I'm not..." she said softly. "But that isn't necessarily a bad thing, is it? It's a fresh start, here... all the reminders of the past - all gone."

"What are you talking about?" he grunted. "You're just some bad late-night nachos created figment of my imagination..."

Finally, his vision came into view, revealing the humanoid figure who stood before his fallen, achy body. He was in some sort of cave, though none he had ever seen before. The walls were covered in strange, glowing runes, and behind him, he heard a strange, ethereal whooshing sound, like a ghostly wind blowing through the winters' trees.

"Terra..." he said, glancing at her unforgettable features. "Man, my mind can be such a dick sometimes. Hey brain! She doesn't like you anymore... let her go. She just wants a normal life..."

"Pretty trippy dream if that's true," she chuckled.

Beast Boy managed a slight shrug. "I've had worse. There was this one time where I couldn't switch out of dog mode, and I totally got sent to the SPCA.... none of my friends would come and adopt me. Even worse, they fed me Kibbles and Bits! That stuff totally has meat in it! So horrible... that was the bad kind of trippy."

"Heh, yeah, I remember you telling me about that one time," she said. "Didn't you have another one the night after where you and Starfire-"

His eyes widened in horror. "Uhhhhh.... was I drunk when I told you that? Please tell me I didn't really-"

"Relax," she smiled, kneeling down towards him. "We all have our fantasies, even if reality can sometimes top them by a mile..."


Terra cocked her head to the side. "Stand up... take a look around you."

Slowly - cringing slightly, Beast Boy made it to his... hooves?

"Hmmmm..." he muttered. "Well, this isn't the first time I've dreamed that I was an animal..." He then grinned. "Haha! Man, I just realized that one song totally applies to me!"

Terra grinned, before singing: "I change shapes just to hide in this place but I'm still, I'm still, an animal?"

"That song is so beast!" he chirped, before cringing slightly. "Er uh - no pun intended."

"You are such a dork, you know that?" Terran chuckled, sticking her tongue out.

He frowned slightly. "Hey! I'm not a dork! I'm a geeky... guy thing. Big difference!" He then coughed. "But yeah - as I was saying... I mean - I've had plenty of dreams where I've been an animal, but uh - am I a giant horse-bug... thing?" he said, glancing down at his hole-filled legs. "I mean, seriously, why are there holes in my legs?"

"You'll find out soon enough," she said.

"Heh, maybe," he shrugged. "You know - I'm kind of glad you're here in a way, HalluciTerra. You're sort of guiding me through the Twilight Zone."

"By Twilight Zone you mean the best show ever?"

Beast Boy gave another chuckle. "'I've had it with these mother trucking gremlins... on this mother trucking plane!' - The Shat."

"Hell yeah!"

"The original was always soooo the greatest," Beast Boy sighed. "But yeah - alright... game time."

Beast Boy then took another glance around the cave, before raising an eyebrow. To his confusion, lying nearby were some familiar forms... well - somewhat. Like him, they all seemed to have transformed, but they all had something in common. Starfire was some sort of... winged pony thing. Raven was her normal gothic self, only a unicorn. And Cyborg was a.... robo-regular pony. There was no sign of Robin.

Beast Boy could barely contain himself. "Pfffft...."

It didn't last long.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!.!.!" he cried. "Oh my - HAHAHA! Jesus this is... what the hell?! Seriously! HAHAHA!" He began to take deep breaths. "Alright, mind - I apologize. You rock! You are the best! This is the most hilarious dream I've ever had!"

"I know, right?" Terra said, laughing along with him. "Look at Starfire's wings!"

"She's so adorable! And oh my god... I hope Raven will wake up sometime soon, too. I can't wait to see the look on her face when we find a dreamland-mirror or whatever!"

"Beast Boy... when you wake up: I'm sending you to another dimension for this," Terra said with her best Raven impression.

"Pfffft - hahaha!" he laughed, wiping away a tear or too. "But hey - how come you're not a pony too, though, Terra?"


Slowly, the smile began to fade from her face.


"It's complicated," she whispered. "But Beast Boy... ask yourself this. If this was a dream, how come it's so... vivid?"

"I dunno," he shrugged, furrowing his brow. "Maybe it's one of those lucid dreams Raven always talks about or something."

"Are you sure of that?" she said, glancing behind him. "Then tell me... can you control anything in this dream?"

Beast Boy blinked. "Well... kind of."

"By that I mean - can you control the world around you... when you think something, does it happen?"

His eyes widened in delight. "Woah- you mean you can do that in lucid dreams?"

She nodded.

"Oh heck yeah!" he grinned. "Alright mind: make me a... tofu sub. Extra mayo. And uh - some avocados too."


Nothing happened.

"Maybe I just need to concentrate harder," he pondered. "Come on Beast Boy... USE THE FORCE! HNNNNNNGGGG-"


"Huh," he blinked. "Am I doing something wrong, Terra?"

"No, Beast Boy," she said softly, giving him a warm smile. "You're doing everything right."

"Man - you act like Terra - but when did you get all subtle and stuff?" he moaned.

Her smile did not fade. "Cus that's what awesome guides do, like Dumbledore!"

"Huh - good point," Beast Boy nodded. "But wait- guide?! Seriously..."

She merely nodded. "When needed." She took a deep breath, again smiling at him. "I have to go now, though. Look for me. Remember me. And I will always remember you."

Suddenly, as Beast Boy gasped, she began to fade. "Wait, Terra! Don't go... you were making this dream all the more awesome!"

There was a twinkle in her eyes... she glanced at him curiously. "I never said this was a dream."

And a second later, she vanished.

"Terra!" Beast Boy cried, galloping after her. "Wait! Come on... this doesn't make any sense!" His eyes widened. "Woah- HEY!"

He screeched to a halt, nearly colliding with a yellow... winged pony thing who he suddenly found right in front of him. His face was nearly an inch before her own.

He coughed. "Um- hi?"

She shivered, not saying a word.

He scratched the back of his... strangely, non-furry head. "Er... sorry about that. It's just... guess you can say I was chasing a ghost, heh..."

Again... she seemed to be frozen in fear.

"Ugh- what am I doing?" he grunted, turning away from her. "Talking to a dream-pony-thing made by my crazy mind..."

He then turned back to her, sighing. "Might as well play along I guess." He held out a hole-filled hoof. "Hello yellow dream pony thing who is slightly petrified by me. My name is Beast Boy. Have you seen a 5'3 blonde human girl running around anywhere?"


"Mare of few words, aren't you." His eyes then widened. "Haha! Oh my god. I'm starting to like this dream. Horse-puns aplenty!"

Finally, the newcomer made a tiny squeak.

"I'm um... F-Fluttershy..."

Beast Boy's eyes widened in delight. "Woah, so you can talk?! Weeeeiiird. I dunno why I thought you could, but now that I know you can: that's um... that's pretty wild! No other animals like talking to me... even when I'm in their forms... then again, I guess this is a dream..."

He then glanced at her wings, squinting slightly. "Heyy.... wait a minute. I think I saw you in Hercules! You're the type of horse he rode on... a pegasus or something, right?"

She glanced at him again, more curious than frightened. "Um... yes... but..."

"What's up?!" Beast Boy smiled.

"I just want to ask..."

"Come on: no need to be shy," he smiled. "Even if that's in your name. Oh my god, that is the most adorable name ever, then!"

"Do you... know Robin?"

Beast Boy furrowed his brow. "Maaaan... they always want his autograph over mine. Stupid him-being-Batman's-sidekick-and-all..."

"So... you do know him?" she asked, growing more lax.

"Well duh! We're practically brothers!" he grinned, causing her to flinch slightly. "Oh- sorry, didn't mean to sound mean. I just lose control of what I say sometimes."

"I-It's alright," she said, smiling slightly now, before glancing behind him. "Are those... those are the Teen Titans, aren't they?"

"Yeah!" Beast Boy said, chuckling. "I can't wait til they wake up. Raven's going to freak now that she's a- uh..."

"Unicorn?" she said.

"Yeah - that! It's weird, though... I still don't know what I'm supposed to be. I mean - I think I'm a horse, but I'm like... a horse with holes in my legs. What's up with that? It's kind of creepy to be honest..."

"It's- It's why I was a little nervous when I saw you," Fluttershy whispered.


"You're a changeling," she stated.

He grinned. "You bet! I'm the changeling! Hah - suck it Robin! I have fans, too!" He then cringed. "Oh right - I have fans in my dreams - very funny, brain."

She shook her head. "Nonono... I know you're able to turn into animals and stuff... but you look like a changeling. Though I guess you wouldn't know what one is..."

Beast Boy glanced at her oddly. "Yeah..." he said, nodding slowly. "Man - this is the strangest dream ever... I should become a writer or something if I'm really this creative..." he muttered to himself.

He then began to turn around, glancing at his friends. "Man - why aren't they waking up? Is this a nightmare or something? Cus it's really not been that creepy up until- WOAH- WHAT IS THAT?!"

Before his eyes was a sight not to be taken for granted. It sort of looked like a miniature Stargate... from the television show.

"DUUUUUUDE!" he cried, rushing towards it and halting right before it. "Is this - OH MY GOD! A friggin' Stargate?! I can't believe this! Best. Dream. Ever!"

"W-Wait!" Fluttershy squeaked, rushing to his side. "D-Don't try touching it... don't even stand near it too long. It's not what it looks like. I mean, um - sorry to sound so bossy, but... it looks different to everyone."

"Ugh... and the dream just turned from awesome to confusing again..." Beast Boy muttered. "Now, where's the dialing device?! I'm heading to Stargate Command, baby!"

Fluttershy actually gave a groan. "It's not a... Stargate, whatever that is. It's an artifact. The Artifact, and like I said, it looks different to everyone. To me it looks like a flower..."

"Huh - that's kind of cool, I guess," Beast Boy shrugged. "But if it's not a Stargate - what's so special about it?"

Fluttershy took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "It's how you got here..." She then glanced directly at him. "Beast Boy... I know what you think this is, but it isn't. This... is not a dream."

Beast Boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah... uh huh. That's what all dreams say... I think."

"Your friend thought the same thing too," she whispered. "Believe me: this is really happening. It's a new world... for you, at least."

"Robin thought what?" another voice groaned, this one coming from Cyborg.

Beast Boy turned towards him, ignoring Fluttershy for now. He had a certain mischievous look in his eyes.

"Hehehe..." Beast Boy smirked. "What's up, dream Cyborg! You up for a little... horsein' around."

"What...?" he blinked.

"Oh nothing," the changeling continued. "Just saying... what the hay are you doing sleeping at a time like this?"

He let loose a snicker.

Fluttershy put on a blank look.

"Oh come on!" he moaned at her. "You're a pony - you have to think these are funny!"

"Beast Boy... have you lost your mind?" he grunted. He then blinked. "Wait - nope, it's probably me."

"Why do you say that?" Beast Boy smirked.

"Cus, for one thing - you're a weird pony-wasp hybrid right now with holes in your legs, and you're standing next to a yellow pegasus with a tattoo on her flank. That's why I'm saying that."

Fluttershy eeped slightly, before looking away from him.

Beast Boy gave a grunt. "You're a major buzzkill sometimes, Cy, even in my dreams..."

"Yeah... uh-huh," he muttered. He paused, squinting in thought as he slowly stood up. "Crap... I feel like I need a major H-Grease change... possibly some other repairs. I'd better run a diagnostic."

Beast Boy stifled a laugh.

"What the hell is so funny?" Cyborg grunted. "And since when could you talk in animal form-" A look of shock struck him. "Awwww crap... something is wrong with me. I might have to visit S.T.A.R. labs later, even..."

"Why's that?" Beast Boy sniggered.

"Cus my internal diagnostic images seem to think that I've taken on a..."

His eyes widened as he suddenly glanced down.

"Oh hell- visuals too?!"

Finally, Beast Boy lost it. "And he realizes it! Oh my - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Yeah, very funny wasp-boy," Cyborg grunted. "Am I imagining this?!"

Beast Boy shook his head, still giggling. "Oh my god - you're so much like the real Cyborg - it's too much!"

"You really think this is a dream, don't you?" Cyborg grunted. "Beast Boy - this can't be a dream."

"Why do you say that?" he asked. "How else could this be possible! You're a friggin' Cy-pony for god sake!"

"I know it isn't a dream because I can't have dreams! I disabled those programs years back..."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Personal reasons," he said in a sorrowful tone. "But I dunno - maybe it's some weird illusion,. Mad Mod was good with those. He must be getting a kick out of this one..." He then winced in thought. "But... if that's true, how the heck did he get inside my computer systems? Convince my insides that I've literally-"

His eyes widened in shock, he began to pace about the room. As he did, Beast Boy was starting to look more and more worried.

"Cyborg...?" he gulped. "You're really starting to weird me out, bro."

He shook his head in disbelief. "Shush."


Beast Boy tapped a hoof. "What is it?" He then looked at Fluttershy. "Grumpy sometimes, isn't he?"

She merely sighed.


After a few minutes later, Cyborg slowly looked back at him. "Yeah... got some news: we're not in Kansas anymore, buddy."

Beast Boy glanced at him as if he had gone mad. "Wah? How do you know that?!"

"I just checked my GPS status," Cyborg said. "As well as my time signatures and video logs."

"Well - what'd you find out?" Beast Boy shivered.

A beat.

"Nothing. I found nothing," Cyborg whispered. "My GPS isn't working at all, and it never breaks down. In fact, it isn't even detecting any satellites!"

"B-But that's nuts!" Beast Boy said. He suddenly gave a dramatic gasp. "Oh no! Is there an evil alien invasion force trying to cripple our DirectTV?! THOSE BASTARDS!"

Cyborg face-hoofed. "No, it's not that. My time signature is all out-of-whack, too." He glanced back at Beast Boy, awe-struck. "Man... according to these readings, fifty-five trillion years have passed since I last checked it, and my video logs stopped recording after the first billion!"

"WOAH!" Beast Boy cried, before scratching his head. "Wait - how long is that?"

"That's over four-thousand times the age of the universe... at least when I last checked it," Cyborg said, baffled. "But at that time, there shouldn't be any universe left! All of the stars, even the red dwarfs, should have burned out by now... where in the name in hell are we?!"

"Duuuuuude, talk about turning out all the lights!" Beast Boy shouted. "This can't be happening! This is a dream, righ- AAAAAACK!"

Cyborg gave a grunt, shocking him with a miniature taser device.

"WOAH! What the hell?! A pinch could have worked too, you know!"

"No fingers," Cyborg smirked. "And if I hear one more thing about this being a dream... it's going up a few volts. Besides, that's kind of creepy. How often do you dream about us in pony forms, anyway?!"

"This is the first time!" Beast Boy cried. "I swear! I mean, you were all squids onc-"

"WHAT?! That's it, I'm busting open your mind to take a look in there!"

"Dude, what?! I can't control what my mind does!"

"Um..." Fluttershy squeaked, raising a hoof.

The two either ignored her or couldn't hear her.

"That's the problem! That and you've been looking at too much hentai-"

"WHAT?! That's just nasty, man!"

"Yuh huh..."

"STOP!" Fluttershy finally shouted.

The two glanced at her, their eyes widening.


"H-Hi," she waved, simpering slightly.

"Holy crap," Cyborg said, face-hoofing again. "Um... sorry. I guess I was so sucked into finding out what happened I forgot we had a... guest."

"Yeah, dude!" Beast Boy cried.

"Shut up, you were doing it too," Cyborg growled, before turning back to her and smiling. "Hey uh- could you tell us what happened? Where are we? How did we get here?"

"Get where?" the distinct voice of Raven groaned.

"Yes, please! I much to desire to know why I now support two adorable little wings!" Starfire beamed.

"Awwww man," Beast Boy pouted. "I thought they'd flip out more..."

"I was turned into a rabbit once," Raven said, deadpan as usual. "Sorry to disappoint you, but this is business as usual."

"Heh," Beast Boy said, grinning sheepishly. "I forgot about that..."

In the meantime, Fluttershy glanced at the duo with absolute awe.

"Um... please tell me that isn't Robin," Raven groaned.

"Oh um - no..." she whispered, a look of guilt on her face. "I-I'm actually called Fluttershy. Are you... Raven?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah..."

Fluttershy then put on a slight smile, gazing at Starfire. "And you're... Starfire?"

Her eyes literally began to shimmer in delight. "That I am, my adorable little creature!" she squealed, soaring into the air. "I can't believe I didn't notice you before!"

"Star, she's the same size as you," Beast Boy mentioned. "And man - you sure took to those wings quickly..."

Raven gave him a blank look. "That - I'm not even going to comment on that."

Starfire then soared down in front of the pegasus, causing her to squeak in shock. "Tell me - who are you?! What is your name?! How can you talk?! Were you always a pony and wouldyouliketobemyfriendpleasepleaseplease!?"

The other Titans sweat-dropped.

"Easssy... Star," Cyborg said, slowly pulling her away from the yellow pony. "Let's let the pony give us the rundown... and not give her a heart attack." He then glanced at her curiously. "Still - how do you know who we are?"

She gulped slightly, closing her eyes. "Well- um..."

Cyborg gave her a friendly smile. "Easy - we're not accusing you of anything... we're just a little confused..."

"Yes, we require much information!" Starfire squeaked joyously. "Most importantly: are there other adorable little ponies around?!"

"Keep this up and she'll probably never tell us," Raven moaned.

"Star... one step at a time," Cyborg sighed, before glancing back at Fluttershy. "So... what's up?"


"We would really appreciate the help," Raven said. "Ms..."

"Fluttershy," Beast Boy smirked.

Starire's jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "TARA SIYE'L! KLORTA SHEEAAASH!.!.! SOOOOOO CUUUUUTTEEEEEE- MMMMMFFFFF-"

Beast Boy suddenly threw a hoof over her mouth. "Ehehe... go on."

"Ms. Fluttershy," Raven said, a vein pulsing in her forehead. "You're our first step to finding the way home... if you could be so kind."

The rest of the Titans gave her pleading eyes... save for Starfire who was currently trying with all her might to resist a 'squee' eruption.


Finally, Fluttershy took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before finally saying:

"Well... I suppose I should start at the beginning," she said softly. "I um - maybe I could lead you out of here, first, though... if you could follow me - if you don't mind..."

So they began to follow her.

"Huh - well that's cool," Cyborg said.

"What - you didn't think there'd be an outside world?" Raven said, with just a hint of a smirk.

"Kind of," he said. "Hope it isn't just some cold wasteland."

"Oh no," Fluttershy smiled brightly. "There's no tundra near Ponyville."

"PONYVILLE?!" Starfire nearly gasped, panting. "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-"

The caverns practically shook at the sound of it before Beast Boy could clamp her mouth shut again. "Sorry about that."

"So... we're in a place filled with... ponies?" Raven said, lifting an eyebrow. "Weird."

"Mhmmm," Fluttershy said, again with a slightly sorrowful tone. "He... he did want me to give you a warm welcome..."

Starfire began to calm down at that point, a worried look overtaking her. "W-Who did?"

"Your leader - Robin," Fluttershy whispered.

"Yo, Robin's here, too?!" Cyborg grinned. "Where's my boy at?!"

Fluttershy suddenly halted, an extremely guilt-ridden look on her face.

"He um..." she said, her throat clenching up. "I'm really sorry but- he... he..."

Tears actually began to form in her eyes.

"Oh no..." Beast Boy whispered, gulping.

Raven closed her eyes, looking away.

Cyborg's expression merely turned as blank as a stone.

As Fluttershy continued to hold back tears, Starfire flew down next to her, before laying a comforting wing on her.

"Please... I know it may hurt, but I must know... where is Robin?"


The Titans looked at her with pain-staken expressions... it was almost as if they knew what was coming. Finally, without even looking at them, Fluttershy whispered:


Her eyes widened.

The Titans froze in place.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "Wait - by gone, do you mean gone gone, gone to the dark side, gone with the wind, or... like... really gone?"

She quickly shook her head. "Gone! He was just- he was-" She then put on a tremendous smile. "He... I can sense him?! Oh my... I know where he is!"

Starfire grinned like a maniac. "Please! Can you tell us where?!"

"Yes! This way!" Fluttershy called, galloping towards the cave exit.

The Titans kept up and then-some.

"Oh hell yeah, you know what this calls for!" Cyborg cackled. "Even the end of the universe gets to hear it!"

"Titans, go?" Beast Boy suggested.

"Pffft - wah?! That's Robin's thing," Cyborg grinned. "You know what I'm talking about!"

"Awwww yeah!" Beast Boy grinned. "Do it, dude!"

"Please don't," Raven moaned. "We don't want to cause a cave-in..."

"Doitdoitdoit!" Beast Boy begged.

Cyborg took a deep breath, and bellowed:





Fluttershy blinked slightly. "Um- what does that mean, anyway?"

Raven shook her head. "Don't ask..."

"Pffft, come on. I can tell her!" Cyborg smirked. "It's a cry of excitement. Something you say when you're about to get it on, or get things done! It is an adjective for awesome! It is Cyborg's numba one battle cry. IT! IS!-"

Raven cringed. "I hate you."
















Four thousand miles away, a single eye looked upon an image... one being transmitted by a tiny, mosquito sized drone.



"Hello again, Titans. It's been a long time..." he said softly.

His eye narrowed.

"Far too long." He then glanced another familiar figure. "Apprentice! Ready the drones. We have work to do!"

A pair of yellow eyes narrowed above a wicked grin.

"With pleasure."

Chapter VIII: Titans Together (Part II)

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The Everfree Forest
Two Minutes Later

It was nearly noon when the Titans' exited the artifact's caverns. Its mouth was located upon a vast, crystal-sporting cliff-side, towering into the skies. While they had seen many amazing things before, the Everfree Forest was definitely a nature show for them. Surrounding them were ancient, towering trees that could give Red Woods a run for their money, as well as a thin layer of mist that barely allowed one to see thirty meters away.

It was... spooky, to say the least.

"Woah!" Beast Boy cried, gazing around him at the sometimes three-yards thick trees. "Definitely not in Kansas anymore." He then grinned. "Cus there's no trees in Kanses! Get it?!"

Raven gave him a blank look. "Let's not become social outcasts to the locals already, please."

"Oh, it's alright," Fluttershy smiled. "I think he's kind of funny..."

"You do?!" Beast Boy grinned, suddenly running to her side. "Cus I'll be here all week! Observational humor, baby - it's mah new shctick."

The yellow pony slowly nodded.

She let loose a sigh Fluttershy's way. "You are way too nice for your own good: you know that? Now he'll never let up..."

Fluttershy gave a slight gulp, grinning sheepishly before removing herself from Beast Boy's side.

"Man..." Cyborg grunted, glancing around the place. "I'm glad we got you here, Fluttershy - something tells me this ain't a thicket."

Fluttershy nodded. "The Everfree Forest is one of the thickest... and most feared forests in all of Equestria."

"Awwww man," Beast Boy grumbled. "For once when I wake up somewhere where I don't belong, can't it just be a nice, tropical beach? With babes. And drinks! And more babes..."

"I think they're kind of cool, actually," Raven said with a hint of a smile. "I could see myself meditating here... maybe with a bit of Poe-"

"You would," Beast Boy pouted.

"-But don't we have something we should be doing besides talking about the sights?"

"She's right," Cyborg nodded, a serious tone overtaking him. "We need to find Robin so we can sort out this mess: figure out what we're going to do next. Fluttershy... you said you can somehow sense him, right?"

She nodded, and Cyborg gave her a smile.

"Whelp, how bout' a tour?"



One Kilometer Away

Zecora's Hut

Zecora tapped her chin, sorting through a shelf of various potion ingredients. Behind her, a large cauldron bubbled and brewed.

"Shall I add some forest moss, or would that leave me at a loss?" she said. She thought for a moment, before smiling. "Mph - what is life without risk? Perhaps it shall do just the trick. So long as I do not do this... too quick."

With that, she opened a small, ancient jar and procured a small bit of moss. She then walked over to her pot, gazing at its contents curiously.

"Bubble... bubble toil and trouble," she whispered, before dropping a hint of moss inward. A puff of green smoke let loose from it. "Fire burn... and cauldron-"

A loud bang came on her door. "YO, ZECORA!"

She gasped in shock, dropping the entire bunch of moss into the cauldron.

Needless to say, it didn't end well.



A giant plume of flames roared out from it, singing and charring Zecora's fur.

"Raughhh!.!.! Telia zooka tiene muack!" she hissed. She then twirled about towards the door. "Can one so obnoxious such as Wrath, stay far away from where I live at?!"

"Ugh - god damnit, Zecora. Quit practicing for your coffee house gig and open the god damned door!"

Zecora glared his way, blowing steam out of her snout. "Perhaps ask again at the end of eternity, but for now I suggest you flee!"

He gave an audible moan. "It's an an emergency, though! I've uh - got a half-dead guy with me!"

"Lies will get you nowhere, Wrath," she grunted. "Since when did you care of those who you attack?"

He gave a snarl. "Oh that's it. I hate to do this but you leave me no choice! Little zebra little zebra let me come in!"

She rolled her eyes. "No, not by the fur on my chinny-chin chin!"

"Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your door in!" he shouted. Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing a grinning Wrath. "Surprise, mother bucker! Haha - I like that we just did that."

Zecora gave a hiss, glaring daggers as she reached for a nearby blow-dart. She quickly took aim. "Get out, you brute! Or I swear I'll send you to the roots!"

"Woah! Woah!" Wrath cried. "No need to get testy. I wasn't lying about the whole 'I've got a dead guy with me'."

Zecora raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious, or have you become delirious?"

Wrath snorted. "Oh son of a- here, let me just show you."

With that, he slowly made his way into the hut, as Zecora continued to aim at his skull.

"You know I'm made of wood, right?" he grunted. "That's not going to do anything to me..."

"Try me, if you dare," she snapped. "I have ways of making problems-"

Her eyes widened as she finally saw what Wrath was talking about. Behind him he dragged a small gurney made of wood and vines. Upon it was a strange, dressed red pony he had never seen before.

"- Beware?"

"See - told you!" he grunted. "I don't lie: tricking isn't really my style, you know."

"Who is this, though? Why has he come to such woes?" Zecora asked.

Wrath smirked. "Bird Shit - Zecora. Zecora - Bird Shit."


Robin lay motionless.

Zecora put on a blank look.

"Fine - fine, his real name's Robin," he moaned. "Long story short - he came from the artifact. Jackass decided to go back to it, though."

"He probably wished to return home," Zecora sighed. "Would you not do the same if you wound up here alone?"

Wrath thought for a second, before shrugging. "Nope. Wouldn't give a buck. Cus guess what?! You guys s-s-s-s-suck!.!.!"

Zecora nearly face-hoofed. "What exactly is his condition, Wrath? I suppose you wish me to bring him back?"

"Well uh - he's sort of dead," Wrath shrugged. "But I can sense a little life in him. He uh- sort of helped me beat down The Shapeless - a little - and Fluttershy likes him and well-"


Zecora put on a smirk. "Yes?"

Finally, he shouted: "Fine, alright! I just thought I'd do something else nice, god damnit! I don't know why I've been doing this so much lately... I think I need to go listen to Justin Beaver - that'll piss me off enough to get back into my old groove."

Zecora actually glanced at him curiously. "Why people hate him I do not know. His decent rhymes make quite the show." She then glanced back at Robin. "But anyway - for the matter at hoof - I suppose The Shapeless had its way with him... ever aloof."

"In a way..." Wrath sighed. "Look - I don't know what's wrong with him, I have no idea what kind of side-effects there are to The Shapeless feeding on somepony, but I am sooooo not about to drag him to the hospital. I'd get shot. Or burned. Or shot then burned. It would suck! Even if it were right next to a hospital..."

Zecora gave a quick nod. "He will need to be taken there: that I can do. But first I must stabilize him with an old brew..." She then pointed to a particular jar on the top shelf - which Wrath quickly grabbed. "Bring me that, if you please. The Elixer of Life should put his soul at ease..."

Wrath raised his eyebrows. "Cool! Let's get our voodoo on!"

Zecora froze, annoyed.



"It's alchemy," Zecora muttered. "You racist terackna."

"So...." Beast Boy said. "We're in a place called... Equestria?"

"Mhmmm," Fluttershy nodded, growing more and more comfortable around the Titans every moment. "Robin arrived just the other day. He was so confused - the poor thing. He didn't seem too happy, either..."

"Robin?" Cyborg chuckled. "Happy? That'd be the day. Does this planet have blue moons?"

Beast Boy chuckled slightly.

"Equestria," Raven mused. "Seems to be a play on an old Latin word. Equus... interesting."

Beast Boy cocked his head. "Wait - how do the ponies know Latin? Isn't that our world's thing?"

Raven gave him an incredulous look. "Yes, Beast Boy - it is. That's what's so fascinating. As well as the fact that they seem to speak a language we can understand."

"Huh - wonder if it's something that came with our new bodies," Cyborg suggested. "A package deal: you know? The ability to understand it... still sounds like English, though..."

"From our perspective," Starfire noted.

"Ugh- you guys are giving me a friggin' head-ache," Beast Boy muttered.

"It's like were in some sort of strange, parallel universe..." Raven said. "There are some similarities, but some vast differences, obviously..." She glanced at Fluttershy. "Yet you said the artifact brought us here?"

She nodded sheepishly.

She raised an eyebrow. "Care to explain?"

Fluttershy glanced away. "I'd- I'd um- rather not."

"Come on," Cyborg smiled. "It can't be too bad. Lay it on us!"

"Better now than later, I suppose," Starfire chirped.

She gave a sigh. "Well um - if what the Doctor thought was true..."

"Who?" Beast Boy said, raising an eyebrow.

"Might be a professor," Raven motioned.

"S-Something like that," Fluttershy squeaked. "He's um - a brilliant pony. Twilight knows him better than me, though."

"So - what's his theory?" Cyborg said, raising an eyebrow.


Fluttershy then paused, closed her eyes, and turned about. She shared a look of pure dread.

"Well... alright - I can tell you," she whispered. "But you may not like what you hear..."

"Might as well get it over with," Raven muttered.

Beast Boy gulped. "I mean - I hope it's good news, but uh... yeah... what she said."


"Alright, I suppose..." Fluttershy continued.

She then took a deep breath, and began to tell the tale. Once again, she began to lead them to the outskirts of the woods.


One Half an Hour Later

"Yo Zecora - everything alright?!" Rainbow Dash called, soaring out of the skies and hovering slightly above her.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, I am fine..." she said, huffing now. She was dragging Robin behind her on the same gurney Wrath brought him on. "But I'm afraid my new friend here may be running out of time."

Rainbow's eyes widened. "Woah! What happened to him?!"

Zecora sighed. "I suppose it's safe to say... this poor bird lost its way."

"Bird?" Rainbow blinked, before furrowing her brow. "Wait - is that the new guy Twilight was talking about? Robin or something?"

"Oooo, a new pony?!" Pinkie squealed, bouncing up to the scene. She then gasped in glee. "Named Robin?! I've never heard of a pony named Robin before! That's so cool! We should wake him up - I've got soooo many ponies to introduce to him!"

"Er, Pinkie," Rainbow coughed. "He needs to get to the hospital."

A second later, she swooped down, gripped the end-part of the gurney, and picked it up.

"Huh - pretty light guy," Rainbow said, able to keep it up with ease. "Nice. Alright, you ready, Zecora?"

"IIndeed," she nodded. "Thank you, Rainbow. This should make it an easy go..."

The two then began to carry him again.

"Why does he need to go to the hospital?" Pinkie blinked. "You can't throw a party at the hospital! I guess I could introduce him to Dr. Cox, though..."

"No!" Rainbow said, shaking her head rapidly. "Nononono! Stop messing with him, Pinkie. He's a prick... possibly a psychopath. And seriously - bird boy here is not in the right condition for a party."

"But he doesn't look hurt," Pinkie blinked.

"What in tarnation is going on?" Applejack grunted, walking up to the scene with Rarity in tow.

Rarity, after only a second of looking over Robin, let loose a horrified gasp. "Applejack - can't you see that this is an obvious emergency?!"

She gave her an annoyed look. "I can see that, Rarity - I just want to know specifics."

"Specifics?! It's apparent what's wrong!" she screeched, rushing to Robin's side. "Oh my - oh-my-oh-my - what kind of shop sells this kind of outfit?! It's atrocious. Green and red?! Conflicting colors?!" She actually began to shudder slightly, having a poor-fashion-induced seizure. "By Celestia - it's a fashion disaster that would make hipster beards look like someone wearing a Snuggie to work!!"

Applejack facehoofed. "That's not what I meant - even if his outfit is a little wonky - I just wanna know what's wrong with him."

"Ugh- can everpony stop crowding us?!" Rainbow Dash growled. "It's kind of rude to the guy, you know."

"Since when do you care about what's rude or not?" Applejack said, lifting an eyebrow.


Rainbow Dash thought for a second, before shrugging. "Alright, good point. But still- if a large crowd forms, it's going to make this-"

"Hey! What's wrong with Robin?!" Twilight called, galloping to the scene. "And where's Fluttershy?! I saw him and her take off this morning: she isn't hurt, is she?!"

"Celestia damnit," Rainbow groaned.

Zecora smiled lightly. "She is not - don't worry."

"Oh good - good, I was worried about her," Twilight sighed, before looking back at Robin with two, concerned eyes. "You're taking him to the hospital, right?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Noooo... what other reason could we be heading to the hospital for? Obviously,we want to hit the cafeteria!"

"Oh very funny," Twilight grumbled, before standing near the two. "Anyway - I can get us there quickly. I've um... been practicing teleporting multiple ponies. This should be a good test run!"

"Wah?!" Rainbow gasped. "No! Nonono. I am not about to be playing magical guinea pig! When you do that it always gives me the heebee-jeebees... can we just um - do it the old fashioned way-"

"Too late!" Applejack laughed, taking off her hat and waving it. "Bon voyage!"

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at the sight of Twilight's horn glowing brighter and brighter.



And they were gone.

"Well, that escalated quickly," Pinkie blinked.

Rarity nodded, still looking hysterical. "That it did! I must be going now - I have much to do! If the newcomer must wear clothing, he should at least be sporting something with style! Hmph!" Her eyes began to twinkle. "And that means... SOMETHING BY MEEEEE!"

"But what if he likes his um-," Applejack blinked. "Nightmare Night costume, I guess?"

"Then I shall base it off of it!" Rarity huffed, already trotting away. "Let's see... I do like the cape, but it would look nicer being pure black... as for the rights - perhaps something a bit more comfortable..."

'Ugh..." Applejack grunted. "Can you believe this, Pinkie? Poor guy's going to have a heart attack with all the attention we're about to-"

She was already galloping away.

Applejack face-hoofed. "Oh, darnit, Pinkie! Let's not give him diabeetus, too!"

"Can't - talk - must - bake - cake!" she cried, a maniacal grin on her face. "NO NEWCOMER ESCAPES THE WELCOME OF PINKIE PIE! BEEEYA!"

Applejack squinted. "Beeya?"

And she was left alone.




She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Fine... guess I'll go bake him a pie or somethin'."

Chapter IX: Titans Together (Part III)

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Ponyville Hospital Emergency Ward
Twenty Minutes Later
12:42 Eventide

"Whelp Newbie, what do ya think?" a stern, brown pony grunted, a doctor as indicated by his white coat. He stood next to a bed-ridden Robin, currently dressed in a hospital gown.

He furrowed his brow. "Do you think tights like those would be uncomfortable in... certain areas?"

The brown pony gave a low groan. "That is assuming you have said 'certain areas', and right now: that question is still up in the air."

"But he's going to be alright, isn't he, Dr. Cox?" Twilight asked worriedly.

He twirled about, giving her a blank look. "Ya know: alicorn or not, asking me that over and over again isn't going to magically spur the answer out of me. For the third time: we have to wait for the lab results!"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. "Hey! Don't be so disrespectful towards Princess Twilight!"

Dr. Cox raised an eyebrow. "Must be fun having brown nosers already, huh?" he grinned.

"She's my friend!" Twilight cried.

"Yuh-huh," he grunted. "And Newbie here is secretly a professional wrestler."

The blue Earth Pony referred as Newbie smiled dreamily. "I would call myself 'The Masked Pirate'."

Dr. Cox suddenly whacked himself with a clipboard. "Please, for the love of Celestia, let those lab results get here so I can go kill myself already..."

"I told you he was a prick," Rainbow Dash muttered to Twilight.

"Honestly, I don't know how the heck this guy is still alive," Dr. Cox grunted. "His heart's barely beating, his brain is showing minimal activity - and no I'm not going to make the obvious joke - whatever you did, Zecora. it probably saved his life."

"I just gave him some time," Zecora said. "It is you who must make his recovery sublime."

Newbie cocked his head. "Have you ever considered freestyling?"

"Who said she doesn't, Dr. Adorable," Twilight smirked.

Zecora merely shrugged, smiling innocently.

"Dr. Cox, I have the results!" a new voice called. "Just ran them up from the lab!"

A yellow pony ran in and handed Dr. Cox a clipboard filled with medical information.

"Thank you, Dr. Gopher. Can you get me some coffee, next?" Dr. Cox said.

"You got it!" she called, and scurried off.

Dr. Cox sighed. "This is why I love being Chief Resident."

"Huh," Dr. Adorable, AKA Newbie blinked, glancing at the readings with a baffled look. "This... isn't looking good."

"Oh no," Twilight gulped.

"It appears that he's suffered severe internal trauma in the form of what appears to be a large electrical jolt," he continued in a low tone.

Dr. Cox lifted an eyebrow. "Couldn't explain the other damage... looks like he was affected by something else, too." He glanced at Zecora, baffled. "What the hell did you say attacked this guy, again? What sort of monster?"

"It's called The Shapeless," she whispered. "There's only one of its kind."

Dr. Cox gave a deep sigh. "I'm afraid that there's nothing we can do, then. Even if we somehow managed to net the thing, it'd take months to learn what it does when it attacks somepony."

The group sagged their heads.

"Poor guy," Rainbow said sadly. "He just gets here and boom - it's all over."

"I... I wish I had stayed with Fluttershy... maybe I have gone with them," Twilight whispered. "Instead - I just had to go study... damnit: I hate having these wings..."

Dr. Adorable closed his eyes. "If he has any family or friends - I'd recommend bringing them here... to say goodbye."

"You won't need to bring anybody," a stern voice grunted. "His family is right here."

The two Doctor's eyes widened, and the rest of the group twirled about, gasping in awe. There, along with Fluttershy, were the other four Titans.

"Robin!" Starfire cried, swooping to his side. "Nononono! Please, tell me - what happened to him?!"

"Ask her," Dr. Cox grunted, glancing at Zecora. Surprisingly, after a second of shock, he was pretty much acting like having four costumed heroes storm into the ER, including a half-cybernetic one, was normal business.

Zecora opened her mouth, but Fluttershy interrupted her. "I already explained everything to them. T-Thanks for getting him over here, Zecora. I-It was you, right?"

She nodded solemnly.

"I think what Starfire meant was what's it going to take to save him?" Cyborg said, narrowing his eyes.

"Um," Dr. Adorable said, blinking rapidly at the sight of the half-metallic pony. "W-We currently don't have any means of diagnosing what exactly happened to him..."

"Allow me, then," Cyborg grunted.

"Woah!" Dr. Cox growled, standing before his patient. "He may be half-dead, but I'm not about to let somepony mess with him who may not have proper training!"

"Thanks Doc," Cyborg said. "But I've got some know-how you may not have... as well as some tech."

"Please - let him pass," Starfire whispered.


Dr. Cox glanced towards Twilight, as if waiting confirmation. "You're the princess, here..."

She glanced about, not liking being put on the spotlight. "I-I'd say let him do it. It couldn't hurt, right?"

"Well, yeah, it could," Dr. Cox snarked. "But it's your call."

With that, he moved out of the way, letting a grateful Cyborg pass. Immediately, to the awe of the entire group, his right hoof suddenly transformed into a strange, metallic device. He swung it over Robin, it emitting a quiet whirring sound, before he nodded to himself.

"Alright - here's the deal: he's been hit by a decent bit of radiation, some unknown even to me, as well as a severe electrical jolt: over three-hundred kilovolts. That's as much as a decent lightning strike."

"Radiation?" Rainbow Dash grunted. "What the heck is that?!"

"I've never heard of it, either," Twilight said, looking absolutely baffled. "And - and who the heck are you?! How do you know all of this?!"

Cyborg glanced at her, sternly. "We're the Teen Titans, and we're the closest thing Robin here has to a family."

Slowly, Twilight's eyes widened to the point where they seemed they would stretch out of her skull.

"T-The Titans?" she whispered.

"Duuuude!" Beast Boy grinned. "Even people in another universe know about us?!"

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "B-Believe it or not... yes. I do, at least..." She squinted in absolute confusion, before saying in an almost whimsical tone:

"B-But - y-you shouldn't even exist... you're just legends."

"And the mystery thickens," Raven said, with a hint of a smirk.

"We'll have time for introductions later," Cyborg muttered. "Right now, we've got work to do."

"So you know how to save him?" Dr. Cox asked, glancing at him skeptically.


"Just tell us what to do, then," Dr. Adorable nodded, narrowing his eyes in determination.

Cyborg gave them a small, appreciative smile. "Alright, then. Let's get to work. First, we're going to need a few things. Does this hospital happen to carry Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid? Pentetic acid, that is. It can be used to treat radiation sickness."

The duo shook their head.

Cyborg gave a deep sigh. "This is going to be a long two days, then."

"I will go create a few potions that should help him," Zecora nodded. "Hopefully this will be the Shapeless' last sin..."

"Woah!" Cyborg grunted. "None of that, now - we're not going to be treating him with-"

"Alchemy has legitimate medical use," Dr. Cox stated. "Look - I don't know how things work in robo-land, or wherever you're from - but here there are multiple techniques to treating patients: some include magic, while some include a mix of it and other practices. I trust Zecora."

"So do I," Dr. Adorable nodded, causing her to smile.

Cyborg glanced Fluttershy's way, raising an eyebrow. "What do you think, Fluttershy? Will it give him an edge?"

She quickly nodded. "Well um - I'm no expert, but Zecora certainly is..."

"I-I'll go contact Princess Celestia and Luna," Twilight said. "She needs to know about this - she won't just let a visitor from another-" She gave a baffled laugh. "- I can't believe I'm saying this, but another universe, die."

Cyborg gave a grunt, face-hoofing. "Well - alright. That's your goddess or whatever, right? Sounds like a good bet. If we do things my way we may run out of time. Zecora, um..."

"Call me Twilight," she said.

"Right, Twilight," he nodded.

"I'm glad these people don't know about the Twilight Saga," Beast Boy muttered. "She probably wouldn't be able to live with that name..."

Twilight threw him an offended look. "Excuse me?!"

"Um..." Beast Boy sweat-dropped.

"Sorry about that," Raven groaned. "The Twilight Saga was a series of poorly-written novels in our own universe. It's one of the few things Beast Boy and I can agree with when it comes to literature..."

"Oh, um-," Twilight chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry..."

"Come on Twilight, quit chatting with the foreigners and go send the letter!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

Starfire nodded, gulping as she continued to hover by Robin's side. "Please... if you could..."

"Er- Right," Twilight grunted. "Sorry - I'll make this quick." She gave her a smile. "And I assure you we'll do everything we can to help him."

Starfire smiled weakly. "I-"

Twilight suddenly teleported away with a flash of purple light.

"-Appreciated that..." she finished with a sigh.

"Hmmm," Raven said, glancing at the residual purple magic curiously. "Interesting magic - arcane I think."

"Enough distractions!" Cyborg shouted. "Come on, people! We have work to do. Zecora - go start brewin' up your healing stew."

"Right!" she nodded.

He glanced at the two doctor's name badges. "Dr. Cox. Dr. Adorable, can you show me to your lab? I'm going to need you with me, too - there's things about er, pony physiology I don't know about."

Dr. Cox nodded. "You bet."

"Glad to be of help," Dr. Adorable smiled.

Cyborg narrowed his eyes. "Alright, people - ponies - unicorns... bah, whatever! We've got a sick bird to heal! Let's do this! BOOYA!"

And the efforts to save Robin began.

Ponyville Hospital Lab

1:42 Eventide

Cyborg and his two doctor companions worked tirelessly, mixing various chemicals together and preparing a multitude of medicines for administration.

"Alright, Dr. Adorable... add two more milliliters of Nitric Oxide into the centrifuge... that should do it."

"Got it, Dr. Borg," he nodded.

He gave a terrific groan. "And please stop calling me that."

"Trust me, Cyborg, telling Newbie not to do something just encourages him," Dr. Cox grunted, preparing a batch of chemicals himself.

"It's whatever, really," Cyborg shrugged, as Dr. Adorable added the two drops to a rapidly rotating machine. "You know - what the heck is this thing powered on, anyway? I don't see any plug..."

"A type of electrical magic," Dr. Cox grunted, demonstrating with a surge of lightning-like magic from his horn. It quickly increased the machine's motion.

"Woah!" Cyborg cried. "Next time give me a warning, OK? That crap can fry my systems!"

"Whelp, now I know how to shut you down when the inevitable robot uprising occurs," Dr. Cox muttered.

Cyborg rolled his organic eye. "Ugh - just get back to work."

"Dr. Borg!" Dr. Adorable grinned, signaling Cyborg to look at the now-blue liquid in the centrifuge. "Looks like it worked!"

Cyborg gave him a nod of approval. "You two learn pretty fast."

Dr. Adorable gave him a hopeful look.

Cyborg grimaced. "And fine - you can call me Dr. Borg. Good job, people - er - ponies."

"What can I say - we're just that good," Dr. Cox grinned. "Well, at least I am."

Zecora's Hut

2:30 Eventide

"Wrath, did you get what I need?" Zecora called over her shoulder. "Our progress you can not impede!"

"I'm going as fast as I can, for god sake!" Wrath said, panting as he entered the hut. "I swear to god - I didn't like that little shit this much."

Zecora twirled about, glaring at him. "Tarak shea! Lemondi Tia!"

"OK, OK!" Wrath cried. "I was half-joking. I've got my whole pack on this shit, you know."

"But did you get what I need?" she grunted.

Wrath gave a sigh. "Yes... Slendermane got it for me. Here's your god damned coffee! Right from Starbuck. Friggin' puns."

Zecora sighed in relief as Wrath gave to her. "Though zebras can make a wicked stew, these ponies also have a love for the brew."

She then turned about, and began tending to her pot-boiling potion. "Now... let's see what if I can make some luck... Prideful as I am, I cannot allow myself to run amuck..."

Canterlot Castle

Luna's Quarters

3:23 Eventide


She gave a groan, as Princess Celestia continued to shake her.


She smacked her lips, slowly opening her eye-lids. "H-Huh... wah? But Tia... you were the one who ate the forbidden fruit..."

"Ugh... sister, wake up!" Celestia roared, shaking her more profusely.

At that, Luna suddenly let loose a gasp, fluttering in the air with widened, pure-white eyes. With her royal, built-in megaphone, she roared:


Princess Celestia gave her a blank look, before-


- Jolting her with a small bit of electrical magic.

Suddenly, she shook her head rapidly, blinking her eyes.

"Sister? You are not Captain Black..."

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Do I even want to know?"


"... No."

"Thought so," Celestia chuckled.

She then raised an eyebrow. "But why have you disturbed my slumber?"

"A message from Twilight," Celestia said, narrowing her eyes.

"Hmm?" Luna grumbled. "Ugh - I swear, I love her, but she needs to stop throwing questions about being a princess at us every five seconds. A bit neurotic, don't you think?"

"Like you weren't the same when you were first granted a position of authority," Celestia smirked.

"Hmph," Luna huffed.

"But that's not what it is," Celestia said, narrowing her eyes.

"Then what is it?" Luna asked, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia took a deep breath. "Do you remember the old stories? The ones we've been hearing for thousands of years? The Legend of the Titans?"

Luna smiled nostalgically. "They were quite intriguing: very creative. But what of them?"

Celestia slowly put on a smirk. "Well, the legends have come to life."

Ponyville Hospital

4:15 Eventide

"Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..." Raven droned, her eyes closed as she lay on the floor of the hospital's waiting room. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

"What's she doing?" Twilight whispered to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy chuckled. "Don't ask me: I think it has to do with keeping her powers under control."

She gave an annoyed grunt, startling Beast Boy slightly. "It's just meditation, Beast Boy," she muttered, her eyes still closed. "It helps keep me calm... that is what keeps my powers under control."

"Powers?" Twilight said. "By that you mean magic, right?"

"In a way," Raven said, annoyed. "Could you please stop asking me questions, though? I need to concentrate..."

"O-Oh, sorry," Twilight shuddered.

Raven sighed. "It's alright... I can appreciate someone who's inquisitive, but I still have to figure out how to use my powers in this new body... I have certain spells that may be able to help Robin."

"It's true," Beast Boy nodded. "She healed my leg once in like - a split-second. It was pretty cool."

"Interesting," Twilight blinked.

Raven ignored her, continuing her meditation. "Silence... please..."

"Right!" Twilight said.

"Sure," Beast Boy whispered.


Raven took a deep breath. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

Suddenly, the sound of hoof-steps approaching could be heard... as well as a high-pitched giggle.

Twilight's eyes widened in horror. "This is not good..."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "What's not good-"

"HEEEEEEEY EVERYPONY!" Pinkie squealed, galloping into the room with a massive cake tied to her back. "GUESS WHO'S GOT CAKE?!

Beast Boy gulped. Twilight grimaced.


Nearly every light-bulb in the room shattered into a million pieces.

Raven stood up, twirling towards the trio with a twitching, demonic, red eye, a vein on her head throbbing like no tomorrow. "Alright, who wants to be the first to die?!" she snarled.

The group merely froze in horror.



Then, Beast Boy pointed at Twilight, smiling innocently.


Ponyville Hospital

11:00 Eventide

There was a bit of commotion in the hallways before Princess Celestia and Luna entered the waiting room. A snoozing Beast Boy, and a still meditating Raven ignored their entrance. However, Twilight immediately gave them two, warm hugs.

"Princesses, it's good to see you!" she whispered, trying not to disturb the two Titans.

"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "We came as soon as we could."

Twilight smirked at Luna. "Lose a little sleep?"

"About six hours," she groaned, before forcing a smile. "But worth it to see them in person. Do you know the legends of them?"

"The Legend of the Titans?" Twilight whispered. "Yes - I once read a book about them... I thought it was just an old pony's tale, though."

"Indeed," Celestia chuckled, gazing at the two curiously. "It is strange to see them in person. I've heard of their tale since I was very young..."

"Great warriors from another universe," Luna grinned, clapping her hooves in excitement. "I knew they were real! The legends said they would one day arrive here, too. And there they are: right in front of us." She then smiled nostalgically, glancing over at Raven. "I-Is that Raven?"

"Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

"Mhmm," Twilight nodded.

"Eeeep!" Luna grinned, clapping her hooves. "She was always my favorite!"

"Beast Boy was mine!" Celestia said with an almost fangirl-like tone.

Luna and Celestia then glanced at each other, gulping.

"Huh? W-What's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight - we have a favor to ask of you," Luna said.

Twilight furrowed her brow. "What kind of favor could I do for you?"

"It's very important," Celestia said, raising a hoof.

"Well - sure, whatever you need," Twilight shrugged.

They each took deep breaths.

"No matter what happens, no matter how grand they are-," Luna said.

Celestia closed her eyes. "- You have to keep us from embarrassing ourselves around them. They literally were our foalhood superheroes."

Twilight giggled. "So even the two of you are susceptible to hero worship?"

They nodded shamefully.

"Well, no worries, I'll try my best," Twilight smiled.

"Thank you, Twilight," Luna sighed. "I'm glad you understand.

Raven suddenly made a grunt, causing the trio to bounce into the air in shock.

"You do realize I can hear you three, right?"

Twilight winced, as the two princesses looked as they were about to feint.

Ponyville Hospital

6:15 Eventide - Two Days Later

Robin's Room

The Final Stretch

Beeep... beeep.... beeep....

A vital signs indicator did its job.

"De X'Hal, klora schel..." Starfire whispered, grasping her hooves together in prayer.

"Alright, now - Nurse España - give him one hundred milligrams of 'enchanted pentetic acid', stat!" Dr. Cox grunted.

A nurse with curly, brown hair quickly nodded. "Applying..."

At that, a glowing, blue liquid began to seep through through an IV tube and into the Boy Wonder...

"I hope my spell worked," Luna gulped. "Its been a long time since I've performed it."

"Mine as well," Celestia said.

"Let's just pray it does, Princess," Cyborg grunted. He then nodded towards Raven. "Alright, Raven... begin stabilizing his heart..."

She nodded, closing her eyes. "Here goes nothing... Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

Her horn merely crackled slightly before fizzling out.

"Damnit," she growled. "If only I had more time..."

"It's cool - you did your best," Cyborg said, before throwing her a smirk. "Nurse Raven."

She gave him a glare.

Cyborg giggled.

"Hey! Quit screwing around and concentrate, jackass!" Dr. Cox barked.

"Yeah," Cyborg winced. "Sorry..." He then cleared his throat. "Alright, Zecora... let's hope your potion is enough to keep his heart stable..."

She nodded. "It should start effecting him.... now."

Suddenly, the vital sign's monitor began to bleep more rapidly. Panic immediately gripped the room.

"It's not working!" Dr. Adorable called.

Dr. Cox grunted. "Looks like I'm going to have to give him a jolt," he said, his horn powering up.

"But that kind of medical magic is still experimental!" Nurse España objected. "You could kill him right there!"

"We don't have a choice! Do it!" Cyborg called.

Dr. Cox nodded, but before his horn could charge any further, Zecora cried:

"Wait! Let the potion do its work..."

"It's obviously not working, though!" Starfire shouted. "Just do it!"


Dr. Cox shivered. "I trust you, Zecora... don't let me down."

His horn powered down. The group stood frozen.


Starfire bit her lip. Outside the hospital room, Beast Boy's teeth chattered... as Pinkie threw a comforting hoof around him... and shoved a piece of cake in his mouth that he quickly chewed and swallowed.

Twilight raised an eyebrow.


"Alright - time's up, if you don't do it, I will!" Luna growled. "Robin was my second favorite!"

"Wait!" Princess Celestia shouted.

Suddenly, to the group's awe, his vital-signs stabilized.


And the group burst into cheers.

"Woooo yeah!" Cyborg cheered. "Booya!"

"Oh-hohoho my- I'm a genius!" Dr. Cox grinned.

Luna gave a sigh of relief, shaking her head in awe. "I can't believe that worked..."

Zecora gave her a look, though it was quickly squelched as Starfire gripped her in a hug, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry for doubting you."

"It is alright, my dear," Zecora smiled, returning the hug. "I can't blame you for your fears."

"Alright, as much as I'd like to cheer on my own ego, this isn't over yet," Dr. Cox growled.

Cyborg nodded. "Right - we've got a lot more to do. We've got a treatment for his radiation sickness going - we just gotta make sure we can see him through it. Hands - er, hooves in people!"

At that, the group gave a smile. Dr. Cox, Dr. Adorable, Nurse España, Zecora, Cyborg, and both Princess' (Luna somewhat shyly) grouped their hooves together in a circle.

"Raven, you get in here too," Cyborg barked.

She blinked. "But... I didn't do-"

"Robin would appreciate the effort," Cyborg said sternly.


"... Fine," she grumbled, throwing her hoof in.

"Alright, boys and girls - on three: say 'Booya'!"

Luna glanced at him strangely. "Please - what does that word mean?"

"Just say it," Raven muttered.

"I've heard you say it multiple times," Princess Celestia chuckled. "That's pretty much your go-to word, isn't it? I like it!"

Cyborg grinned, sticking his tongue out at Raven. "See, this princess knows where it's at! Ready?! One. Two. Three..."


Chapter X: Titans Together (Part IV)

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The Lair of Slade
Deep Beneath Canterlot


"Unit #143: Operational."

"Unit #144: Operational."

"Unit #145: Operational...."

Slade's apprentice raised an eyebrow, her black, shadow-like eyes gazing at the multitude of machinery. They were currently hard at work, creating a small army of strange, Pegasus Pony-like robotic drones.

"I've gotta ask, master," she grunted. "What's with all the droids?"

Slade remained silent. Instead, he seemed fixated on a monitor currently showing the recovery of Robin.

She gave an annoyed grunt. "Slade?"


"It's funny, isn't it?" he said.

"What's funny?" she asked.

Slade turned towards her, chuckling.ever-so-slightly. "For years I've gotten used to this world: this new body of mine... the new bodies that surround me. A land where equines have replaced humanity as the dominant species. It was strange at first - but after two thousand years, anything strange can become the norm." He then glanced back at the screen. "But still - seeing the Titans like this brings me back to old, old times. I wonder how they'll adapt? Will they embrace this new world or long for the old?"

"Do you?" his apprentice asked. "Embrace it, that is."

"Of course," Slade said. "Everything is relative, my dear. Darkness defines the light and vice-versa. On the world where I came from, darkness hid in every crack, yet here - everything shines. It's so innocent... so pure. Barely ever bothered... and that makes any act conducted by one such as myself all the more sweeter. It's no wonder the artifact called for me."

She shook her head in disbelief. "I still can't believe you come from another planet - another universe. And it's all gone, now isn't it?"

"Indeed," Slade said, without a care in the world. "That playground has been rolled over by the will of gravity. My universe collapsed, and this one formed. Who knows how many others have gone this way in the end?"

"Beats me," she shrugged.

Slade gave her a blank look. "If there's one thing I have left to teach you, it should be a gratitude for mystery. It is one of the things that keeps me going. The unknown will always be there right out of reach."

"Hey, I have an aptitude for the unknown, I'll have you know," she smirked. "It's why I became your apprentice after all. It's why I gazed into the Black Orb..."

"True, true," Slade mused. "Yet my curiosity is still not sated. I have something I've been wishing to know since the Titans' arrived here."

She tilted her head. "What - whether or not they're worth your time anymore?"

"Very astute," Slade nodded. "You are correct. While Robin seemed to be capable of defending himself just as well as he did years before, the rest of the Titans... I'm not so sure. And who knows when the next monster will pop up for them to fight?"

"So... you want to give them something to fight?" she smirked. "Heh - hell yeah, it's about time-"

"Sorry, my dear, but you're not ready just yet," Slade interrupted.

"What?!" she cried. "I've beaten them twice in the simulations! I'm ready to take them down whenever-"

Slade shook his head. "Your skill is not what I'm questioning. I simply do not want to reveal my wyldcard just yet."

His apprentice opened her mouth to argue more, but was interrupted.

"Heh. I suppose that's what you want us for, then?" a voice called from the darkness.

The apprentice's eyes narrowed. "You're sending them?!"

"And more," Slade chirped, as two, bright-eyed female changelings stepped out of the shadows. They were nearly identical save for some minor facial features... and their opposing blue and red eyes.

"Come now, dearest," one chirped in a dignified accent, propping up the apprentice's chin with a hoof.

She quickly smacked it away, disgusted.

"Mmmm, envious, I see," she laughed. "Don't be. It's not your fault you only have one form. You can only ever be one wyldcard."

"Maybe - but if you're dead you'll only ever be one corpse," the apprentice hissed.

"Play nice, children," Slade sighed.


"She started it," his apprentice muttered.

Slade ignored her, continuing with: "Still: Requiem. Silent Shadow. I'm glad the two of you could make it on such short notice..."

Requiem gave a disgruntled moan. "Why have you brought me here, though? Making an unexpected absence from Queen Chrysalis' inner circle tends to raise eyebrows, you know. And for what? A chance to fight your millennium old obsession?"

"Ooooh quit being such a spoil sport," Silent chirped. "How often is it that we get to have this kind of fun? A chance to beat down legends? I'll take that any day."

"We have more important things to be doing," Requiem snarled. "Not everyone fights just for kicks, you know. Some of us have a greater-"

"Blah blah blah," Silent Shadow groaned, annoyed. "I've heard the speech before. And no: I still don't care." She then turned towards Slade, smiling sweetly. "But Slade, dear: she does have a point. There must be those better suited for direct fights than two changelings..."

"Actually, only one of you will be taking on the Titans," Slade mused. "And despite you being shape-shifters, I know what you two are capable of when cornered... or when properly motivated."

Silent Shadow grinned. "Well then: if you're giving out compliments... where can I find them-"

Slade shook his head. "I have a different priority for you, actually..."

She gave him puppy-dog eyes. "But Slade! This is an opportunity of a lifetime-"

"You'll have later chances, provided they survive," Slade said. "And knowing the Titans, they probably will..."

Requiem narrowed her eyes, two slithers of green mist constantly rising from them. "So, let me get this straight - you want me to lead a team against a group of practically handicapped heroes so you can get a taste of how suited they are to their bodies? Just go fight them yourself!"

Slade narrowed his eyes. "Don't presume you know what my objectives are. I don't need to explain myself to you..."

Requiem opened her mouth to say more, but was interrupted.

"However, I knew you'd object - and that is why I'm willing to give you an additional incentive."

She raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"One hundred advanced energy rifles - hoof fit, of course - far ahead of anything both Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom may have... and this is if you lose against them."

Her eyes widened in glee. "You can't be serious! With that kind of firepower, I could-"

"Perhaps," Slade mused. "But if you want it, I'm going to need to you gain some... different kind of leadership experience."

She raised an eyebrow. "So I'm not doing this alone?"

"There goes the fun of it," Silent Shadow muttered, and Slade's apprentice had to nod in agreement.

"Going alone would be foolish," Slade stated. "Even if the Titans can't handle themselves at all in these... interesting forms... there is still a small matter of their two new fans."

Slade blinked twice, which somehow activated a new image on his monitor: this one of both Celestia and Luna - each trying to hold back grins as Beast Boy performed a series of intricate shape-shifts (on their request, of course); a lion, a dog, even a green-furred human at one point (which he quickly seemed to be forced to switch from for some strange reason)...

Silent Shadow raised an eyebrow. "That... is one skilled changeling. Animorphisis can take a lifetime to master. Yet they are the Teen Titans, aren't they?"

"I thought you'd start to appreciate them," Slade chuckled. "Once you had a chance to view their abilities, of course."

"I still don't understand this obsession of yours, though," she muttered.

"Nobody but myself can," Slade whispered.

Requiem rolled her eyes. "Alright - fine, why did you show us that, again?".

"I'm showing you it because the two most powerful beings in Equestria - perhaps Trinity, happen to be in the very same location the Titans' are... and they're quite the fans."

"In all my time infiltrating high command," Silent Shadow said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I've never seen them act this..."

"Childish before?" Requiem grunted. "Chrysalis' is worse, though in a different way..."

"Why don't the two of you just date already?" Silent Shadow grinned.

Requiem shot her a glare, before glancing back at Slade. "Before I'm tempted to kill her - how are we going to deal with the two of them?"

Slade's eye practically twinkled. "That will be Silent Shadow's job... and I want all three of them taken care of, including Celestia's surrogate daughter - Princess Twilight."

"Oooooo," Silent Shadow giggled. "Do you want slow deaths - or quick ones? I've been waiting a long time to keep Luna from waking me up every night with her... vocal skills, you know. She seems to have a thing for singing Evernescence karaoke... loudly."

"That - I will explain later," Slade said coldly.

"Hmph - party pooper," she muttered. "No cake for you..."

"With the three of them out of the way, Requiem will have a clean shot at the Titans," Slade whispered, before looking back at Requiem. "And as I said - you aren't going alone."

She rolled her eyes. "So - who's the lucky bunch of idiots? A bunch of canon fodder for your curiosity? I don't understand why you just don't send Diesel and Videntis with me... at least those two I can predict."

"They're going to be busy with other priorities, as well as my apprentice here." He gestured towards his ever-growing droid army. "I have multiple objectives to complete in a short amount of time since the Titans got here. Their coming marks the beginning of a new-age, but the world doesn't center around them..." He narrowed his eye. "However, I still have a keen interest in them. That's why those I've acquired are much more than canon fodder. Take a look."

Slade blinked twice again, bringing forth yet another screen. Upon it was a split-image of four different beings. There was a strange, humanoid lizard-like being with the build of a minotaur, a strange, young looking female draconequus with a massive eagle perched on her shoulder, a grinning, five-hoof tall goblin riding atop a massive, nasty-looking troll/ogre hybrid, and finally, a vicious looking, though significantly young (for what he was) bipedal dragon, barely ten hooves high.

"Interesting lot," Requiem said in a bored tone. "What gutter did you drag this rag-tag bunch of misfits out of?"

"Ooooh, I got them from an old friend," Slade said, smiling slightly. "He runs the Neo H.I.V.E., a mercenary loaning agency and academy based in Manehattan. And I have to say, even if you'll have no idea what I'm talking about - It's almost amusing how much of a rhyme this is... to a similar situation on my homeworld." He gave a mock, nostalgic sigh. "Jinx, Mammoth, Gizmo... I miss your services. Predictably sloppy and arrogant. These new ones I haven't seen in action yet... I don't know what will happen. Though even if they lose against the Titans, I might have further use for them if they prove themselves worthy of it..."

"Alright," Requiem grunted. "I've actually heard of that organization, believe it or not. If they're H.I.V.E. mercs, they should last more than a minute, I suppose. I'm going to need information on them, however, if you want to give the Titans a good fight. Strengths, weaknesses, even personalities. But let's start simple - what are they called?"

Slade nodded.

"Very well - meet Ender, Nyx, Gnarl and his... associate, Grimoire, and finally: Shadowmist - the best the H.I.V.E. has available at the moment."

He cocked his head, and Requiem could practically see him smirking.

"Let's see if they're worth the bits, shall we?"

Chapter XI: Titans Together (Part V)

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Ponyville 'Loving Heart' Hospital
One Day Later

In a private room, the Titans met with the three princesses' available. Over the last day they had been doing nothing but... watching them - though in a non-threatening, though still-creepy manner. It was almost as if they were acting like the fangirls did on their homeworld...

Still, business had since turned serious.

"... I apologize, I really do, but I do not believe that the artifact can work in reverse," Luna said sorrowfully.

"And you're sure of this?" Cyborg said, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia nodded. "I'm afraid you're not the first to come through it. The last, from what I know, was over a hundred years ago. He believed he was in another part of his own world, and was afflicted by some sort of strange spell, until he stumbled upon a settlement and learned otherwise."

"By the time he re-found the artifact, a year later, it had vanished," Luna stated. "It appears to only be visible when it is receiving or giving..."

"Alright, but it hasn't been over a year," Cyborg said slowly. "That might give us the time to study it."

"Extensive efforts have been given to the study of it, though they can prove dangerous," Luna said. "Whenever it is active, a number of hostile forces seem to converge on it. None of us have been able to ascertain exactly what it is."

"There are also stories of those attempting to enter it again," Celestia stated. "But none were accepted by it."

Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Well, no offense, princesses', but we might have an edge on you when it comes to that."

"Cyborg's pretty much a walking lab," Beast Boy grinned, causing Celestia to chuckle. With that, he quickly turned his grin towards Raven. "See! Even a friggin' princess thinks I'm funny."

"Why must people encourage him," she muttered, before taking a deep breath and glancing over everyone. "Look - none of this matters. Even if we did figure out a way to re-enter the artifact, I believe what this... 'Doctor' says about it."

"But that's stupid!" Beast Boy said. "How could our universe be gone?! How could everything just be - poof?!"

Raven gave a deep, long, sigh. "I can just... sense it. Even its border-worlds such as Azarath are gone - tied to it, I guess you could say."

Beast Boy blinked in disbelief. "B-But... p-poof?!" His face turned positively grim. "D-Does that mean everyone is..."

"Dead?" Raven groaned. "Yes, they are all dead."

Beast Boy let loose a squeak, along with the rest of the group.

"But," Raven continued. "They died long before the universe ended. If what the 'Doctor' says is true, this essentially proves that the Big Bounce Theory isn't just conjecture. It's the truth."

"Yayyy - science..." Beast Boy muttered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "The Big Bounce theory?"

"Mmmmm," Cyborg said, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's basically a theory our astronomers came up with in... well, a bit before most of my team was born. I don't know how things work here, but in our universe, every single galaxy was destined to move away from each other due to the force of the Big Bang, what created it, and what seems to have created this one. This is until gravity finally takes over, slowly them down and then bringing them back together. Then.... CRUNNNCH! Everything becomes a singularity again... but that's not the end. The singularity should expand again if that's the case..."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Fascinating. If you have time later, do you think you could explain in more detail?" she asked eagerly.

Cyborg raised his eyebrows. "Heh - well, alright. Glad I'm not the only one interested in the end of the universe, as weird as that sounds."

"Mrs. Spock and Robocop, sitting in a tree..." Beast Boy chuckled, only to be elbowed by Cyborg. "Ouch! Duddde!"

Luna blinked in confusion. "Mrs. Spock? Robotcop? Are these other heroes in your home universe?"

"Hell yeah they are!" Beast Boy giggled. "Leonard Nimoy could have probably taken down Slade if he wanted to!"

"Speaking of which," Raven muttered. "I distinctively remember us trailing Slade before we arrived here."

"Yeah- it's weird!" Beast Boy said. "I can't even remember entering the Stargate - er, I mean uh - artifact at all!"

Cyborg nodded. "Neither can I - my video went blank the two days prior to us entering... well... null space, I guess you can say." Cyborg then gave him a blank look. "But wait - you seriously pictured it looking like a Stargate?"

He gave a huff. "Yeah, so what?! What did you see it as, Mr. Roboto?! A hard-drive?!"

"Pffft," Cyborg laughed. "No! It looked exactly like the Artifact from Eureka!"

"Wah?!" Beast Boy groaned. "Seriously?! Stargate SG-1 was so much cooler than that stupid show!"

Cyborg rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah- because aliens would build pyramids out of stone! And to be landing platforms - seriously?"

"So what if it's a dumb concept? The show was so much more fun! The cast had a great dynamic! It's like - Macgyver versus aliens! "

"So was Eureka's!"

As the two continued to argue, Twilight blinked, glancing at Raven with a slight, sarcastic smile. "I have no idea what's going on."

Raven groaned, returning the smile to a small degree. "Welcome to my world."

Twilight grinned. "You mean... welcome to our world! Hehe!"

Raven raised an eyebrow, causing her to simper.

"Er - sorry, jokes were never my strong suite."

Raven gave her another small smile. "At least you admit it."

Twilight blushed ever-so-slightly.

"I have to say," Luna said, glancing at the two arguing Titans curiously. "The legends about your... exploits... fail to speak of your personalities much. I never imagined the Titans to be so... argumentative. Or at least some of them..."

Raven shook her head. "Though I still can't wrap my head around how there are legends about us here, I'm even more shocked that our... colorful personalities weren't the highlight of them."

Luna chuckled slightly, turning towards Princess Celestia. "Tia, is it not strange?"

Celestia, however, didn't respond... to them.

"So Stargate SG-1 is a show about four humans travelling to different planets?" she asked, joining in. "That sounds pretty interesting, actually!"

"Hah!" Beast Boy grinned. "Score one, Beast Boy, Score zip, refridgerator!"

Cyborg gave him a smirk. "Let me tell her what Eureka's about first!"

"Sure!" Celestia beamed.

"Awww man," Beast Boy grunted. "I wish I had brought some of my DVDs with me... and maybe my laptop." He quickly gulped. "Not that I've been downloading movies illegally cus my allowance sucks or anything..."

Cyborg rolled his eyes. "Yuh-huh." He then smirked. "But that doesn't mean we still can't show the princess."

"Huh?" Beast Boy blinked.

"Come on, man!" Cyborg cried, exasperated. "Don't you remember when we were in Siberia? Remember that movie night we had?"

Beast Boy's eyes widened. "Oh yeah - your projector! Duuuude! We can still watch TV! How many episodes did you record?"

"All of them," Cyborg grinned maniacally. "Every. Last. One. Both shows."

"Projector?" Princess Celestia asked, smiling slightly. "By that you mean you can watch your homeworld's shows?"

"Hell yeah, princess!" Beast Boy said, before simpering slightly. "Er - I mean um... indeed, your highness."

She rolled her eyes. "No need to be so formal." She then smirked slightly. "But - would you mind showing me a few of these... 'episodes'? For cultural exchange, of course."

Their eyes widened in glee.

"AWWWWW YEAH!" Cyborg cheered.

"Dude, do you know what this means?!" Beast Boy said. "Princess - you know what this means, right?"

She blinked in confusion.

"Come on, let's tell her, Cy!" he grinned.

They then turned towards her and shouted: "OLDSCHOOL SCIFI CHANNEL MARATHON!"

The two then stood silent, as if waiting from something from Princess Celestia.

"... Um," she stuttered, before slowly grinning. "Ah, here we go." She took a deep breath, and roared: "BOOYA!"

"Awwww yeah!" Cyborg said, bringing up a hoof. "Hoof-bump me, princess!"

She glanced at it awkwardly for a second, before slamming her hoof into his, a fan-girlish glee in her eyes. "I can tell this afternoon is going to be quite interesting!"

The two of them giggled, before leading Princess Celestia to the door. "Wah?! Naw - this is going to be awesome!" Beast Boy shouted.


Before they exited, Princess Celestia turned to Luna, and with mirth Luna had never seen before, she mouthed:

"I'm going to go watch movies with Beast Boy!"

Luna rolled her eyes, and the trio made their leave.

Raven shook her head in disbelief. "Princess Luna, your sister has no idea what she's getting into."

"Indeed," she chuckled. "I've never seen her wish to... hang out with anyone before. Her work is a top priority to her."

"Yeah," Twilight huffed, with just a hint of envy in her tone. "It's like a new side to her... something I've rarely seen come out. It's like she's constantly putting up this facade as a caring, though serious leader... when she wants nothing more than to be easy-going."

"Well, from what I've heard the two of you talking about, you two seem to be quite the fans of ours," Raven smirked, glancing at Luna.

She blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry - I didn't mean to make this awkward..."

"It's alright," Raven said casually, before taking a deep breath. "But yeah... it seems like it's going to be a long shot for us to go home... even if Robin is ready to go by the time the portal closes. None of us want to risk putting him in that thing injured."

"So... you're trapped here," Twilight said, a hint of sympathy in her voice. "I'm sorry... I wish there was something we could do. This must be a drastic change for all of you."

"Yeah," Raven said, with an actual hint of sorrow in her voice. "It doesn't bother me too much: wherever we go, it doesn't change our mission. Yet still... we guarded our city for over five years. It's... weird to lose that role it just like that." She gave a grunt. "However, after that, we spent a lot of time abroad... and nearly our entire rogue gallery was behind bars by the time it was over. So... I think it'll help soften the blow somewhat." She narrowed her eyes. "Save for Slade, of course... the snake in the shadows: always one slither away from us..."

Luna nodded. "The legends spoke of him. He was your arch-nemesis, wasn't he?"

Raven nodded. "He was. He may not have been as powerful as some of the morons we faced, but he just had this way of getting under your skin - even mine. With him, things were personal... He wasn't insane, nor was he stupid. A definite sociopath, but he seemed to embrace that. In fact - though I hate to say it - he was an absolute genius. Everything he did was a small piece of a bigger puzzle, yet his singular goal in the end always seemed to revolve around us..." She shivered slightly. "As creepy as it sounds, it was like we were his... playthings."

Twilight nodded, sighing. "I bet you're glad he's long gone, though..."

"Somewhat," Raven grunted. "He's out of our lives, that's for sure. But... it's hard knowing he could have carried on after we left... who knows what he could have done? And I wouldn't put it past him to figure out a way to cheat death a second time... and we never did figure out who was behind that metal mask..."

Luna suddenly furrowed her brow, glancing away from Raven in deep thought. "The man... in the metal mask?"


She shook her head again, gulping. "Neigh! I... see something..."

Celestia threw her an annoyed look. "Amusing... tis nothing-"

She turned her head towards it, her eyes widening.


Then, immediately after, a strange, metallic mask began to slowly form from wisps of light in front of the artifact, then a neck... a torso... legs and a body.

"I told thou! Tis a curse! Yonder comes a demon!"

"Enough with thine cowishness!" Celestia groaned.

Then... the figure emitted a grim, dark laugh.

"Now... isn't this amusing?"


"Princess Luna... are you alright?" Twilight asked, nudging her slightly.

She rapidly shook her head, as if trying to get rid of unwanted memories. "I am fine, Twilight Sparkle..."

Raven raised an eyebrow.

Luna quickly coughed. "A-Anyway, Slade... what did he look like?"

She thought for a second, before stating: "Well... we have no idea what he really looked like. He always hid his face behind this strange, orange mask. It looked something like a slasher villain would wear."

"Slasher villain?" Twilight asked.

"You'll probably learn about them from Beast Boy eventually," Raven muttered. "But anyway - aside from that, he had a tough build, and his suit augmented that: it was half-metal, orange and black." She then glanced towards Luna, curiously. "Getting the picture?"

"All too well," Luna said silently.


"...Anyway," Raven said, glancing at her suspiciously. "It's strange to think about, but I guess we're going to be living the rest of our lives here..." She glanced away from the duo. "And From the books you brought me, Twilight, and thanks for that by the way-"

"Any time!" she chirped.

"- This seems to be a place without much crime... and even if there were, I still can't figure out how to use my powers..." She brought a hoof to her chin. "It's going to be interesting trying to lead a normal life. But I guess a fresh start would be... nice."

"Well - were not completely without bad guys popping up every so often," Twilight said.

"Yeah - but you and your friends seem to be able to handle them pretty easily," Raven shrugged. "The Elements of Harmony, right?"

She raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't say easily. A lot of the time we won just by luck..." She then raised a hoof. "Plus - that book was written over two years ago."

"Indeed," Luna nodded. "Since my return four years ago, there has been a drastic rise in criminal activity in all sectors of Equestria. Even Ponyville suffers from it occasionally..."

"As well as from the random monster attacks every other week," Twilight muttered.

"If only the Doctor were here," Luna sighed. "Perhaps he could have figured out a way to transport you back home."

"I keep hearing about this guy," Raven said. "But I've also heard he disappeared?"

"Indeed," Luna nodded. "Sometime during a very... long leave of absence of mine, he arrived in that time period. It is believed he traveled from this one."

"Interesting," Raven mused. "Did he ever return?"

Luna slowly closed her eyes. "It was there where he was believed to have... meant his demise." She then narrowed her eyes in spite. "By a single pony: Captain Black Harness. A fallen champion."

She sagged her head in sorrow.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Raven whispered.


"He was a good friend," Luna sighed. "And without him around... there will be even more foes to face." She then gazed back at Raven. "This is why you must keep your mantle. We cannot do everything alone."

Twilight nodded. "And for whatever reason, like Luna said, it seems like there's been more monsters and bad guys popping up now than ever," she said, before smiling at Raven. "But you know what? The Doctor once told me that the artifact chooses who it takes in. Like a living being, almost - he said it can observe and make decisions. You know what I'm getting at, right?"

Raven thought for a moment, before nodding in understanding. "... If it can choose who it wants to go in... perhaps it can choose who goes out," she mused. "And we... happened to be chosen by it. Was it for a good reason, though?"

"I think it was," Luna beamed. "And in either case, Equestria would be honored to have the Teen Titans in our ranks of protectors... if you're willing. You are more than welcome to settle down and live normal lives. Nobody deserves more of a rest." She narrowed her eyes. "But are any of you willing to do so?"

Raven shook her head. "I'm not sure we could if we wanted to, especially not Robin..."

Luna nodded in understanding. "Well then, perhaps we should begin discussing accommodations, even with Robin in bedrest."

Raven managed a chuckle. "Well - you wouldn't happen to have a massive, capital T-shaped tower anywhere, would you?

Twilight shook her head. "Not at the moment..."

"However," Luna spoke next, a strange twinkle in her eyes. "We could always build one."

Raven's eyes widened. "... Mmmm, you've got my attention.

And as the three continued their conversation, a strange, ethereal voice, coming from an invisible source spoke, its volume soft and low.

"Oh isn't that cute" it chuckled, directed towards Luna. "You call yourself a protector... yet you can't even protect yourself." A cheshire-cat like smile suddenly appeared out of thin air. "Time for your lullaby, little Lulu. You know very well you shouldn't be up at this time of day..."

A few rooms over, a group of both ponies and Titans sat by a projected image on the wall. On it was a pair of uniformed humans approaching man sitting the roof of his two story home, apparently called 'Macgyver'. He didn't bother to gaze at them, however, instead, he simply continued to look through his telescope.

"Huh, so that's what human houses look like," Princess Celestia mused.

Applejack furrowed her a brow. "They sort of look like ours, I guess- just a little taller."

"And a little less colorful," Cyborg chuckled. "No offense."

"None taken," she shrugged.

"Colonel Jack O'Neill?" one of the officers spoke.

Colonel O'Neill continued to glance through his telescope. "Retired."

"I'm Major Samuels."

"Air Force?"

Rainbow Dash suddenly fluttered into the air. "Wait wah- air force?! B-But they don't have wings!"

"Naw, we got jets for that, Dashie," Beast Boy smirked.

"Wah?! What's a jet?! Can they go fast?!"

"Oh yeah," Cyborg chuckled. "I'll show you a video of them later."

"Awwww yeah!" Rainbow grinned.

"Yo, pay attention! They're about to talk about the Stargate!" Beast Boy said.

"Yes, sir. I'm the General's executive officer.

"A little piece of advice, Major? Get re-assed to NASA. That's where all the action's gonna be. Out there."

"I'm under orders to bring you to General Hammond, sir."

O'Neill shrugged. "Never heard of him."

"He replaced General West. He says it's important. Has to do with the Stargate!"

This got O'Neill's attention.

"Hell yeah!" Beast Boy said in a giddy tone, beginning to hum the theme song.

"Ooooo, what's that circle thingy Macgyver was looking through, though?" Pinkie bounced.

Applejack coughed. "Er - that's a telescope, Pinkie, and we uh- already have those..."

"Ooooooh," Pinkie said, obviously having no idea what she was talking about. "What does it scope, though, telegrams?"

Beast Boy and Cyborg stifled a laugh.

"Man, you're friggin' hilarious, Pinkie!" Beast Boy grinned, before taking another bite of pink cake that had been sitting by his lap. "Great cake, too. Seriously, this is the best cake I've had in..."

"In trillions of years?" Cyborg joked.

"Yeah, that!" He then furrowed his brow, shaking his head. "But it's weird... I mean the cake is great, but I've eaten a lot of stuff lately... and it just doesn't feel very filling. And what's with every uh - pony giving us weird looks when we came into town?"

Cyborg smirked. "Gee - couldn't be that you're a green, furry bug, I'm half-robot, or golem, whatever they call them here, and Raven is... well, Raven."

"Hey - only I get to make fun of Raven!" Beast Boy pouted.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "It's probably cus you're a changeling, furball. A fuzzy one, but a changeling nonetheless."

"Well duh," Beast Boy giggled. "You just saw me-"

Princess Celestia shook her head. "It's the name of a species here on Trinity. It isn't an adjective."

"An adjective?" Beast Boy groaned, scratching his head. "Ugh... I hate not having finished grade school..."

"It means it's not a description, kid," Cyborg said, sticking his tongue out, before giving him a nuggie. "Who needs school when you got Dr. Borg here?"

"Hah! I knew you'd love that name!" the voice of Dr. Adorable called.

Cyborg groaned, closing his eyes. "Son of a... gun. That guy... he's starting to grow on me."

"Heh, thanks Cyborg," Beast Boy said, a warm smile on his face. "But yeah - so ponies are afraid of changelings?"

"A bit," Princess Celestia stated, before chuckling sheepishly. "Though they wouldn't be afraid of one so adorabl -" She coughed. "I mean uh, cute - I MEAN... noble as you."

The entire group turned towards a now-sweating Princess Celestia, smirking.

"Errr, yes," she giggled. "Can I get some more of that cake, Pinkie? Please?"

She nodded, bouncing to it. "Okidoki fanmare loki!"

"What can I say," Beast Boy grinned. "Who doesn't dig the fuzzy ma- er, pony - changeling... crap. This is getting confusing."

The group giggled at this.

"What do ya know," Cyborg chuckled. "Looks like some girls actually like you, BB."

"Yeah yeah, your cheeks are as green as mine right now, Mr. Roboto," Beast Boy said, sticking a forked tongue out. "And Starfire's always liked me!"

He rolled his eyes. "Ooooh you."

"Still," Beast Boy said, raising an eyebrow. "Do changelings have like - problems eating or something? Do they need a lot of food?"

Fluttershy actually chuckled slightly. "I-In a way..."

"But dearest," Rarity cooed. "I don't think you'll have any trouble getting what you need..."

Beast Boy glanced at her curiously.

"Pssst, BB," Cyborg whispered. "Raven read up on them. Said that they need only one thing..."

"W-What's that?" Beast Boy asked.

"Tons... and tons of bacon," he grinned.

"Dude - screw you!" Beast Boy growled. "This is like - vegetarian land, and it sucks to be you! Finally the tables have turned! You mad, bro? You mad?! Haha!"

Cyborg smirked. "Actually - I don't mind good healthy fruits and veggies, just that nasty tofu crap of yours." He then grinned wickedly. "And guess what - they've never heard of it! BAHAHAHAHA!.!.!"

"WHAT?!" Beast Boy roared, actually standing up.

In the meantime, the group of ponies watched the back and forth with great amusement.

"Boys," Applejack said, rolling her eyes. "It's like busting on each other is all they do."

"I think it's friggin' hilarious!" Rainbow Dash laughed. "Man, are you guys recruiting?! Cus seriously, if I weren't trying to join the Wonderbolts, I'd be joining the Titans!"

"Oh yeah?" Cyborg smirked. "What powers you got, hot stuff?"

"Pfffft, isn't it obvious?" Rainbow Dash grinned. "The power of awesome! PURE. AWESOME!" She then tilted her head slightly. "Oh, and I can fly at supersonic speeds."

Cyborg's eyes widened. "Jesus Christ!"

Rainbow blinked. "Kazoontite."

Cyborg gave her a blank look. "But seriously - how the - is this more of that magic stuff? I mean I believe in it and all, but - damn!"

"All these, baby," she grinned, flapping her wings.

Cyborg raised his eyebrows. "Well damn, girl. Tomorrow you should show me and BB what you can do. Even Raven might be into it, too..."

"Yo, speaking of her, I wonder what's going on with her and that purple chick?" Beast Boy said.

Applejack put on a sarcastic smirk. "Twilight Sparkle, kiddo."

"Heh - sorry," he said, grinning sheepishly. "But they've been gone for like - forever."

"I dunno," Cyborg shrugged. "Girl-talk or something? Who knows. They'll probably be here-"




The group gasped.

"Luna!" Celestia cried.

In an instant, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and a second later, the rest of the ponies rose their hooves.

"Sounds like trouble," Beast Boy growled. "Man - I never get to finish any T.V. Shows!"

"STARFIRE!" Cyborg shouted. "GET OVER HERE, QUICK-"

"Right here! What is going on?!" she cried, zipping in from Robin's room.

Cyborg narrowed his pony eye. "I dunno, but we got a princess to go Mario on! We gotta move - TITANS, GO!"

At that, the entire group was on the move, including the new 'honorary' Titans, apparently.

"So. Awesome!" Rainbow squeaked.

Chapter XII: Titans Together (Part VI)

View Online

Ponyville 'Loving Heart' Hospital
Same Time

Out of thin air, she had appeared. A striking, red-headed vixen of a mare. Within a split-second, she was in Princess Luna's face..


Shocked, Luna fired forth a shot from her horn -


- But missed. Before she could react further, the assassin literally burped forth a cloud of green mist. It seemed to leap into the princess' eyeballs, and within a second, she had fallen to the floor.

"No! Princess!" Twilight had cried, a side of her Raven had never seen leaping forth. She snarled and hissed, throwing blast after blast of purple energy at the being, but she was far too quick. In an instant, a puff of green mist met the purple princess' eyes as well.


She shot them shut, tears flowing from them, before hitting the carpeted floor as well. At that, the figure disappeared yet again.

Now, Raven was alone. Alone with the ghost.

"Who are you?!" Raven growled. "More importantly: where are you..."

An ethereal laugh leaped from the shadows. "Awww, that's sweet. Tough talk from a goth without her guns..."

She narrowed her eyes. "You've been spying on me, haven't you? How much do you know about the Titans?"

"Enough," she cooed.

Raven actually chuckled. "Riiiight... you don't know anything more than what you've seen in this universe..."

"As I've said..." she mused. "Enough. I've seen those like you come before. Heroes... champions..." the voice gave a giggle. "Freaks... Freaks who think their 'powers' means they are obligated to something. However, deep down, why do you really fight? Is it because you think it's the only way for the rest of the world to like you? Even if they'd still treat you as an outcast?"

Raven gritted her teeth. "Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

The voice giggled again. "Oh this is funny... I could crush you like a bug right now and you wouldn't even know it... if you really were a threat to me, don't you think I'd... neutralize you by now?"

"Seems people like you like talking in both worlds," Raven muttered. "Still: either you're very egotistical and rattling off the usual speech to me, or I'm someone you're not supposed to bring down. How right am I?"

"Mmmm.... astute, dearest..." the voice whispered. "But not to worry - that's not my job. If I was, this wouldn't be a very fair fight..." The cheshire cat-like grin flashed for a brief second in thin air. "As for my target, however..."

"Who is your target?!" Raven growled.

"You're one of the smarter ones, aren't you? Take a guess!" she laughed. "Two of these bodies, aren't like the other one... two of these bodies, just don't belong..."

Raven suddenly gasped in realization.

"Raven! Everything alright?!" Cyborg called, the thumping of his hoofsteps coming down the hall.

Raven shook her head. "Cyborg, are you alone?! Where's Princess Celestia?!"

"She's right behind me!" Cyborg said, pounding into the room.

The dark Titan's eyes widened in horror. She darted to the door, before calling out: "Princess Celestia! You need to get out of here! There's a cloaked assassin after you!"

"W-What?!" she gasped, galloping into view.

Then, she saw her fellow princesses'.

Her pupils dilated. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor. "No! LUNA!"

"Twilight!" Applejack cried.

"Awwww crap!" Cyborg grunted, shooting an arm before his eyes. "Hang on -" A motion center appeared on the monitor upon it. "Yo, everyone! Keep still! My toy here will detect movement!"

The group froze: even Celestia, a look of fury on her face.

"Awwww man - I hate this game!" Pinkie grumbled.

"Shhhh, girl," Cyborg said softly.

"Sorry," she gulped, making a zipping motion with one of her hooves.

Beast Boy blinked. "Wait... ponies use zipper-"

"Beast Boy!" Cyborg growled.

"Sorry!" he grunted, causing Pinkie to stifle a giggle.

The motion detector quietly went to work...

'Beep... beep... beep...'

Cyborg glanced at it, lowering an eyebrow. "I'm not picking up anything..."

'Beep... beep... beep.....'

Princess Celestia narrowed her eyes. "Allow me to assist..."

Suddenly, to the Titan's amazement, her horn began to glow a bright hot yellow. There was a flash of light, and the room was bathed in light.

Nothing out of the ordinary could be seen.

"They must have booked it," Cyborg sighed in relief. "But don't worry, princess. I'm detecting heart beats. Your sister and Twilight are all good. Just unconscious."

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, before smiling at him. "Thank you Cyborg. I'm glad to see the Titans' aren't all... business."

"Pffffft -," Beast Boy grinned. "Business? Since when have we been about that? Well, save for Robin-"

Princess Celestia smiled warmly at him.

"Mph," Raven grunted. "You should try to mean it sometime, Beast Boy. It might help a bit..."

"But wait - what of the assassin?" Starfire squeaked. "He may still be here!"

"It was a she," Raven grunted. "And she liked to talk," she added in an annoyed tone.

"We can cover the details later - motivations - whatever," Cyborg grunted. "We need to sweep the hospital, then maybe start sweeping the town."

Princess Celestia nodded. "I'll go rally the local guard, as well as those who came with me. Detection spells are a required course at the academy."

"Sweet," Beast Boy smiled. "Then this shouldn't be too hard, huh?"

"Never say that," Raven grunted. "Ever." She then squinted in thought. "But wait - Princess, are you sure you'll be alright alone? The assassin didn't even touch me - I'm pretty sure she's after the crown."

Celestia winked at her. "I appreciate the concern, but I should be alright now that I know we have a... shy friend around."

"Alright, but what can we do?!" Rainbow Dash said, a determined grin on her face. At that, she swung two hooves forward, making fake punches. "You guys may be heroes, but we've kicked a fair share of flank too, you know!"

"Oh I'm sure we could find something," Cyborg smirked at her. "I knew I'd like you."

"What's not to like," Rainbow shrugged.

"Oh um-," Fluttershy squeaked, backing away from the group. "Well - it was in self-defense, mainly. I don't know what I can do to-"

"Uh uh," Applejack smirked. "You're not getting out of this. I know what you're capable of. Twilight says you dropped a friggin' bear, for um- pardon, princess - but for Celestia's sake!!"

The Titans blinked in awe.

Even Celestia raised her eyebrows.

Finally, Fluttershy sighed in defeat.

:"Ehehe," Beast Boy giggled. "Always the quiet ones, right?"

"Well, alright - if you want to help, you can," Cyborg shrugged. "So long as the princess is cool with it, I guess. And uh - you don't mind me giving a game plan, right?"

Princess Celestia smiled lightly. "Your world isn't the only one with heroes, Cyborg. Don't worry - they can handle themselves." She then blushed slightly. "And I wouldn't um - mind seeing the Titans, doing their work... for curiosity sake, of course. Hehe."

Cyborg returned the smile. "Heh, it's a pleasure, princess" Cyborg narrowed his eyes and grunted, slamming two fists together. "Alright, then - here's the run-down. We've got some sort of female Predator stomping around with a thing for taking down Princesses."

"Probably a prelude to a bigger attack," Raven muttered. "She implied there others on the way - others after us."

"And you hate it when they talk," Cyborg smirked.

"Could have just been reverse-psychology," Raven shrugged. "She was playful, but not stupid."

"Well, let's just focus on one thing at a time," Cyborg said. "Now listen up, y'all, I'm only going to say this once..."

Ponyville Hospital

Level Four

Starfire, Fluttershy, Applejack and Dr. Cox swept through the halls of the hospital, the latter occasionally summoning forth a detection spell or two.

"Starfire, Fluttershy, and uh... Applejack, right?"

"You betcha!"

"Alright - you'll be taking the hospital. Look around and see if there's any unicorns who can do the detection spell. Stay together, alright? And stay frosty."

"I gotta say, Dr. Cox," Applejack said, chuckling slightly. "I thought those kinda spells were a guard thing. Didn't expect a doctor to know about them."

Dr. Cox didn't bother to look at her. "This isn't the first time I've used them. I served as a field medic during a skirmish with the changelings twenty years back... picked up a thing or two."

Applejack's eyes widened. "Heh - ain't that something."

"Mmmmm yeah," Dr. Cox grunted. "It was something alright..."

Starfire winced slightly at this, before smiling at Fluttershy. "Once again, we are in your debt, Fluttershy. Your kindness is admirable on many levels."

"E-Even after I tried to get out of it?" she squeaked. "I-I'm sorry for that - I didn't mean to be such a coward..."

"A coward?" Starfire said, lifting an eyebrow. "You are far from a coward, my friend."

"She's right," Dr. Cox nodded. "The more you're afraid of something, the braver you are when you face it. I see it in Newbie a lot." He then glared at the trio. "If you tell him I said that I'll kill you, though. Kapeesh?"

The three quickly nodded, gulping.

After a minute, the quartet arrived at an entrance to a stairwell.

"That's the whole floor," Dr. Cox grunted. "Wherever this ghost is, she isn't up here."

"How many floors do we have left, then?" Starfire asked.

"Three," Dr. Cox said, narrowing his eyes. "And I hope to Celestia she skedaddled. Trying to pick a fight in a hospital? Endangering my patients?! Well, I hope she really likes it here, because she's going to be here a good long while once I get done with her..."

And they continued their search.

Town Watch Barracks

Central Ponyville

Princess Celestia arrived at the local guard barracks a minute later, a stern look on her face. She had flown there without pause and without breath. When she entered, the entirety of them immediately bowed.

"P-Princess Celestia?!" the leader gasped in awe, a tired look in his eyes as if he had just been woken up.

He was a strange-looking bat-pony who seemed to have suffered a terrible accident in his past. The top halves of his wings were missing, replaced by menacing metal spikes. "W-We weren't even aware you were here!"

Princess Celestia smiled warmly at him. "At ease, Shadow Streak. I'm glad to see you again."

"Y-You as well, princess," he stammered. "But - I assume you've come for our services, right?"

"Always business," Celestia sighed. "Though that's not a bad thing right now, I suppose..."

And so she began to explain what was happening.

"Princess Celestia... if you get a buttload of guards and get them to create a perimeter around the town - that'd kill her chances of escape if she tries to book it."

"Assuming she can't fly," Raven had grunted. "As a lot of creatures here seem to be able to..."

"If this is a changeling like I think it is," Princess Celestia mused. "It's possible. Though not to worry - unicorns aren't the only ones who can see more than what meets the eye..."

"Alright, people!" Shadow Streak growled. "Here's the scoop: we've got what's likely to be an invisible changeling assassin on our hooves. Apparently, she's after the princess, but if she's giving up, we're not about to let her just head back to the hive to brag to mommy bug about what she's done.

So, I want two unicorns with the princess at all times. Everyone here who can fly: you'll be hitting the skies to make sure she doesn't book it via wings. Nighties, partner up with days, and use echo-location to help your search. Every other unicorn - form a circle around the town. Nothing with holes in its legs is getting out of here, understood?"

"By your will, commander!"

Celestia raised a hoof. "Oh, and one of the Titans I spoke of - he is a changeling himself."

"Woah - we're working with them now?!" one of the guards gasped. "What the heck is-"

"Stow it, Necrospear," Shadow Streak hissed, before nodding towards the Princess. "We'll take all the help we can get. I don't care if it's a damned dragon if shit's hit the fan. Pardon my fancy, princess."

"It's alright," she nodded. "But this changeling won't be hard to spot." She then smiled slightly. "He's one of the cutest-"

The guards blinked.

"I mean uh," Princess Celestia coughed. "He's uh... green. Whatever you do - don't harm a hair on his furry head!"

The guards continued to stare at her.


They quickly turned away, chuckling slightly.

"Well, alright then," Shadow Streak grunted, before walking over to a nearby table, plucking a cigar from a small box, and lightning it with a nearby candle. He then stuck it in his mouth, taking a few puffs.

He narrowed his eyes. "There: now I'm ready. Keep your wits sharp, people. It's time to do what we were born for."

Ponyville Hospital

Central Ponyville

Outside the front door of the hospital, Beast Boy tapped a hoof in annoyance. He stood with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, each who seemed equally as agitated.

"Come on, come on!" Rainbow Dash grunted. "Hurry up, will you?! Did the friggin' guard stop for a doughnut or something?"

"Yeah, seriously," Beast Boy groaned. "This is taking forever... he's worse than Decker was back in Jump City with this kind of thing..."

"BB, you'll be leading squad two. Rarity, you said you don't know detection spells, right?"

"Unfortunately no, dearest. I may make beautiful outfits, some of which I just have to show your leader later, by the way, but it's Twilight who makes magic."

"Hahaha! Ooooh man... didn't you say you made him a new costume?!" Beast Boy had giggled.

"Oh yes! And um... one for you too, dearest. I hope you don't mind..."


"W-What's wrong with my costume?"

"Focus, people..." Raven groaned.

"She's right," Cyborg nodded. "BB, you'll be going with Rainbow and Rarity here. Princess Celestia can send you a unicorn guard or whatever and you can start your sweep when she does. Circle the outskirts of town."

"Sir, Commander Beast, sir!" a blue, female unicorn guard huffed, galloping up to the scene. "I'm Sergeant Steelfur, sir! Reporting for duty!"

Beast Boy grinned in delight. "Commander?! Sir?!"

"Sir?" she said, glancing at him in confusion.

Beast Boy's eyes began to water. "Awwww man... dreams do come true."

"Hey, fuzzball!" Rainbow Dash grunted, waving a hoof in front of him. "Get out of your power trip and let's get going!"

"Indeed," Rarity said, narrowing her eyes. "That ruffian is going to pay for messing with Twilight! She could have ruined that dress I made for her!"

Beast Boy and Rainbow looked at each other blankly, raising eyebrows.

"Well um- whatever motivates you, I guess," Beast Boy blinked, before doing his best to make an epic, leader-like pose. "Come on ladies, then, let me show you what your dashing commander is made of!"

"Sir, yes sir!" Steelfur saluted.


Rarity and Rainbow deadpanned.

"We're civilians, fuzzball," Rainbow said, sticking her tongue out.

Beast Boy simpered. "Oh... uh- yeah," he chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"I knew that! Totally!"

"Where does that leave us, Cyborg?" Raven asked.

"Well, no offense, but since your magic isn't working, that leaves me to scan for this chick - so you'll be coming with me annnnd..."

"Ooooo! Pick me! Pick me pick me pick me!" Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and down.

Cyborg grinned wickedly. "And Pinkie, here."

Raven's pupils dilated. "W-What?!"

"Yep. We're going to pay downtown a little visit. Let's see what Ponyville is all about! Booya!"

"Ohmygoshohmygoshmygosh Isn't this awesome?!" Pinkie grinned with glee, bouncing down main street next to Raven. "We get to be in our very own squad together! I've never been in a squad before, but isn't it cool?! Plus, I get to spend time with you! I mean - you don't talk much so I haven't gotten a chance to know you, you know? But now I can and it's super cool! I can't wait to show you downtown. Oooo, I bet you'll like the spa - oh, and Sugarcube corner! Do you like cupcakes?! I like cupcakes! Oh my gosh you have to try my special kind..."

A vein was throbbing in Raven's forehead as she moved.

"Stop talking stop talking stop talking or I'm going to beat you over the head with a stick stop stop talking..." she muttered under her breath.

Cyborg gave a chuckle. "Damn, Pinkie. You've got some lungs, girl. And some energy... ya sure you should be eating so much sugar?"

"What he said," Raven moaned, her voice hitting that of absolute annoyance. "We're attracting more attention to us than we need..."

Indeed, as they moved along, the denizens of Ponyville seemed to taking every chance they could get to take a look at the strange trio. Unlike when the Titans had first come into town, however, they seemed to be more curious glances then worried ones now.

"Oh, they're cool, seriously!" Pinkie grinned, before waving at them. "Hey everypony - have you ever heard of the Teen Titans before?!"

There was a great deal of commotion and questions, about a second in, a teal pony gave a magnificent 'EEP' of glee. With manic eyes, she galloped towards them.

"T-The Titans?!" she gasped.

"That's right, Lyra!" Pinkie giggled.

"Ohmygosohmygosh!" she said, dancing on two legs. "They're... the Titans... the legendary ones?! THE HUMAN ONES?!"

Cyborg and Raven glanced at her oddly.

"And I thought Pinkie was a little kookoo," Cyborg muttered.

"Whatever happens," Raven hissed quietly. "Don't tell her what we used to be. She has 'obsessed' written all over her."

"Thaaaaaaaaat's right!" Pinkie giggled.

"God damnit..." Raven growled.

Lyra looked like she was about to explode in excitement. She was actually shaking as her grin became wider.

The two Titans' sweat-dropped, grinning sheepishly as they backed away from her.

"Oh um-," Cyborg gulped. "I think Pinkie here might be a little confused. I don't even know what a... a human is... I only know bout' us ponies! Man do I love hay... and stuff that isn't meat... and uh - saddles?"

Lyra seemed somewhat disappointed, but still gazed at this suspiciously.

"Wah?" Pinkie chuckled. "No, silly! You were definitely human! Twilight told us all about you!"

Raven face-hoofed. "She's like Beast Boy - only a thousand times more annoying, and with a thousand times more ADHD. I wonder if there's any good places to bury a body around here..."

"Eeeeasy, Raven," Cyborg said, patting her shoulder. "Let's keep your psychopathic side to yourself, OK?"

"Mph... thus implying it's just a 'side'."

Cyborg raised his eyebrows.

"S-So, you ARE HUMANS!" Lyra grinned wickedly, before giving a maniacal laugh. "By Celestia! You have no idea what I want to do with you right now!"

"We were humans!" Cyborg cried desperately. "So uh - since we aren't anymore, mind giving us some space? Nothing to see here..."

Lyra wouldn't have it, she charged forward...

"Lyra, no!" a peach pony with candy for a cutie-mark cried. "Don't do it! You're embarrassing yourself!"

"Quiet, Bon Bon!" she cackled. "I've been waiting all my life for this!

"If she comes any closer," Raven whispered to Cyborg. "Shoot her, alright? I don't want to end up a stuffed unicorn in this pony's basement..."

"Waaaay ahead of you..." Cyborg gulped, prepping his arm for cannon mode.


Lyra continued to advance... the Titans were backed up against a wall...

Her evil grin returned. The Titans gulped...

Then... suddenly, she halted.

"Can I take a picture with you?!" she squealed, whipping out a camera from a saddle-bag she had and smiling hopefully.

The Titans' jaws nearly fell.

"Hehenhe, gotcha," Pinkie winked.

"W-What?!" Cyborg cried.

Raven shot her a glare. "You mean you told her that on purpose?!"

"Well duh," she chuckled. "Who doesn't like a good prank once and a while?! Lyra's just a little obsessed - she isn't crazy!"

"Awww Jesus Christ," Cyborg laughed, shaking his head with mirth. "God damn - that was some good stuff, Pinkie! Jeez - I never know what to expect from you, seriously!"

"Seems like nopony does," Raven muttered, before glancing upward in shame. "Great - now I'm saying the pun... I guess it makes sense, though..."

"Pinkie, can you take the picture?!" Lyra beamed.

"Sure!" she giggled, hopping over to her and grabbing the camera.

"Well alright!" Cyborg shrugged. "First autograph in the ponyverse! Sounds good to me!" He then winked down at Raven, a goofy smirk on his face as Lyra galloped beside them. "Now smile for once, would ya?"

With gritted teeth, she merely replied with:

"I hate you. All of you."

She then gave a sigh. "Still - I hope that... changeling wasn't serious about this attack..."

The Everfree Forest Outskirts
A Half-Mile From Ponyville

Out of the five in her team, Requiem was the only one who didn't seem to be eagerly awaiting the coming battle. Instead, her face was cold and tactical as she and her team scoped out the town. To her, this was all business, and from where she stood, it was foolish business as well. Still... the prospect of gaining an edge over her real enemies weighed too heavy...

"Looks like Silent Shadow did more than she was told," Requiem grunted, gazing at ring of guards forming around the town. "That or she was captured. However, I'm inclined to think she merely talked too damned much..."

"Mph, it might not be too bad," Gnarl grunted, sitting atop the shoulders of Grimoire, glancing at his surroundings with a pair of steam-punkish binoculars. "The guard's mobilized, but the Titans are split into groups. I see two teams in town. Dunno where the third is. Huh - weird - looks like they're hangin' with some normal ponies..."

"May I see those?" Shadowmist asked.

Gnarl gave him a snarl. "Screw off. These are mine. Wouldn't want to confuse your tiny dragon brain even with this low-grade goblin tech."

Shadowmist showed Gnarl his fangs, growling at him.

"Ooooo, come on then, tough guy!" Gnarl chuckled. "I'm sooo scared of the big bad dragon who seems to have forgotten what puberty is!"

Nyx grinned at this, leaning close to Shadowmist. "I bet you could totally kick his butt. Just look at him - this short little goblin talking down to you... one day you'll be able to snap him in two!"

Shadowmist glared at her as well. "Don't instigate, she-witch. It's not honorable to fight such a foe."

"You scared?" Gnarl grinned, before making a chicken sound. "Bock bock bock bock..."

Requiem finally gave a growl. "ENOUGH!"

The group immediately closed their mouths.

"I suppose we are lucky the Titans are split into groups. You idiots would end up fighting each other instead of them!"

"Hey, no fair!" Nyx pouted. "I wouldn't hit Ender - Ender's cool!"

The lizard-like being merely stood silently.

"Ender doesn't speak," Shadowmist pointed out.

"And that's what makes him cool, silly!" the draconequus giggled.

"Enough chatter," Requiem snarled. "Let me see those damned things, Gnarl!"

"Y-Yes ma'm," he said, before handing her the binoculars.

Requiem grunted, before gazing through them. Immediately, she groaned.

"Gnarl, do goblins have any sort of education?"

He threw her an offended look. "Well duh! Probably more than the changelings have, too! What classes do you have? 'Stealing Love 101'? 'Failing to Take a Friggin' Capital Full of Ponies' 102!?'

Requiem narrowed her eyes at him. "You may think you can talk down to others because you ride upon your friend's shoulders, but if you continue to talk down to me, I will rip out your tongue and feed it to Shadowmist."

The dragon grinned, licking his lips.

Gnarl raised a clawed finger, before sighing in defeat. "... Point taken."

"Those ponies with them are the Elements of Harmony," Requiem hissed. "They are responsible for the defeat of Discord, King Sombra, Queen Chrysalis, and even Nightmare Moon herself. Something important to take note of..."

Gnarl merely shrugged. "Like I give a shit about pony affairs."

"As a mercenary, you should be more knowledgeable," Requiem groaned. "However, with them split up, this shouldn't be too difficult. They're most dangerous together, though still - I wouldn't underestimate them alone, either..."

"Oooo, so we get to fight the Titans AND the Elements in one fell swoop?!" Nyx bounced eagerly, her draconequus tail swishing about. "By god - Slade just made my month."

"Don't forget about Princess Celestia," Shadowmist grunted.

"Yeah, Shadow's going to deal with her, right?" Gnarl asked. "I mean - honestly, Grimoire and I can kick some ass, but not her ass. If she isn't down in a few minutes, sounds like we should just scrub the mission, honestly... screw the pay."

"We aren't scrubbing anything," Requiem said, her eyes narrowing. "You can leave if you want, but I'd hate to see what the H.I.V.E. would do to you for not even trying to complete a mission, you little green shit..."

Gnarl merely gulped.

"That's what I thought. And whatever happens, I'm getting my payment," Requiem grunted. "Which means - the mission isn't scrubbed - it's merely gotten more interesting."

"Ooooh hell yeah!" Nyx grinned.

"A decent battle awaits..." Shadowmist nodded, folding his arms. "The pony of metal seems as if he'd make a decent challenge..."

"Fine, whatever," Gnarl moaned, before smirking down at Ender. "What do you think, Ender? Any inspiring words for us before we end up on the moon for a thousand years?"


And Ender gave absolutely no fucks that day.

Gnarl wiped away a mock tear. "Bravo! Bravo! So. Beautiful."

Requiem merely nodding, a hint of a smirk on her face for once.

"Well then - let's clean the plate."

Chapter XIII: Titans Together (Part VII)

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Central Ponyville
Five Minutes Later

"Anything yet, Cyborg?" Raven groaned, a hint of desperation in her voice. All around them, ponies continued to gather in the streets at the commotion not only they were creating, but the princess herself was as well. She had taken to the streets, two unicorn guards protecting her flank.

"Na, nothing," Cyborg grunted, glancing at his motion sensors. "I've programmed my motion sensor to specifically filter out any visible entities, and still nothing. Whoever this assassin is, she probably flew the coup. She'd be hard pressed to take out the princess now..."

Raven gave an annoyed ear to her surroundings.

"Woah... who are those ponies?"

"Why's Pinkie with them? Is she an escort or something?"

"What's with all the guards..."

"Good, then we can go back to the hospital, then?" Raven moaned. "I'm not liking all of this attention..."

Cyborg gave a smirk. "Don't worry, we'll have to give the all-clear sometime today."

Raven rolled her eyes.

"Ooooo! I have an idea!" Pinkie giggled. Suddenly, to Raven and Cyborg's shock, she pulled out two life-sized, larger-proportioned costumes looking just like Princess Celestia.

Cyborg shook his head in disbelief. "Uh - Pinkie... where did you get those from?"

"Oh - I had them with me the whole time!" she bounced.


The two Titans sweat-dropped.

"I'm not even going to ask," Raven muttered. "Because I doubt that'll lead to any answers, anyway..."

"Ain't a bad plan, actually - if my hologram generator is still working," Cyborg mused. "Though I don't think it'll work in this type of situation..."

"Dawww," Pinkie frowned, stowing her two costumes... somewhere.

Cyborg winced in confusion. "Was that some sort of spell? I mean seriously, I thought only unicorns could do magic."

"Wah?" Pinkie said, blinking. "I didn't use any magic, silly! I just put them away!"

"But... where?" Raven asked.

"Duh! I put them away!" Pinkie giggled.


Raven shook her head in disbelief. "I'm just going to assume she put them into some sort of pocket dimension and be done with it." She winced in shame. "No pun intended... good god."

"Sounds good to me," Cyborg shrugged, before sighing heavily. "I'm about ready to ask Princess Celestia to call off the whole search. Besides - the assassin didn't kill Luna and Twilight, she only knocked them out. If there's another attack coming - one after us - she's probably just trying to level the playing field."

"I still don't understand who in this dimension would want to attack us..." Raven muttered.

"Beats the heck out of me," Cyborg said. "But honestly - if there is an attack coming, we shouldn't be luring ponies out onto the streets-"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light coming from behind them. There was a series of screams and commotion coming from the town ponies even before the trio had time to turn about. To their oddity, standing there was a strange duo to say for sure, a duo who had appeared out of nowhere. It consisted of both a strange, six foot tall dragon, purple with menacing, yellow eyes, and another being - like a dragon, but more: a mix between various creatures.

"Oh, come on!" Nyx shouted at the fleeing ponies. "Stereotyping much? Just cus I'm a draconequus means I'm here to cause chaos, huh?" She then tilted her head to the side. "Well - I am, but still!"

Cyborg, Raven, and Pinkie glanced at each other, raising eyebrows, before facing the duo yet again.


Cyborg's hoof was now an ion cannon - one pointing right at them.

"So I'm guessing you two are the attack?" Cyborg grunted.

"Wah," Nyx said, smiling innocently. "Attack? We're just here for the annual um- chaos festival! This is the right town, right?"

"Nope! Sorry!" Pinkie said, giggling as she bounced over to them. "But still - welcome to Ponyville! Wow - I've never seen a dragon your size... oooh, and a girl Discord! Wow!"

"Pffft- Discord ain't got nothing on me," Nyx winked. "I'm twice the ham, and twice the fun!"

"Awesome! Can you make it rain chocolate milk again?!" Pinkie grinned.

Cyborg and Raven glanced at each other.

"... This universe is weird," Raven grunted.

Nyx chuckled, shaking her head. "Unfortunately, no... not yet. I still have to reach level twenty-three draconequus powers!"

"Awww, that's a shame," Pinkie frowned.

"Yo, Pinkie!" Cyborg called, glancing at her with concern. "I don't know much about this place - but I'm really getting bad vibes from these two..."

Pinkie winked at them. "Don't worry! For all we know, this could just be a coincidence!"

"Oh yes," Nyx giggled. "A huge coincidence. But you know - there is a way for me to... level up, so to speak..."

"How?!" Pinkie grinned.


A wicked smile slowly formed on Nyx's face. "Practice. HYYYAAAA!.!.!"


Suddenly, a number of things happened at once. Without warning, the dragon, Shadowmist, charged Cyborg. And at the same time, Nyx ignored Pinkie completely, firing forth a bright, yellow beam of energy from her palms at Raven.

Raven's eyes widened. With a grunt, she rolled to the side.


The blast struck the ground behind her, creating a thunderous bang. Raven only had a second to look at the outcome - which was not what she expected. There was not a crater in the ground - instead, it seemed to literally converted the soil into cotton candy.

"Ooooooo!" Pinkie said, gazing at it wide-eyed. "Thanks!"

Nyx raised an eyebrow at her, smirking. "You're pretty naive, kid." She then licked her lips. "But since you already look a bit like cotton candy..."

Suddenly, Pinkie gasped, realizing what was happening, as the draconequus aimed her palms at her.


But before she could strike, a blur of a figure shot out of nowhere, throwing a metallic wing towards Nyx's torso...


Nyx barely had time to meet the strike with a pair of glowing palms. She then procured a strange, shimmering sword of red energy out of nowhere. She managed to get a look at her attacker at that point: a strange-looking bat-pony with wings partially made of metal.

Shadow Streak had entered the battle.

"Hehe, well then - this is unexpected," Nyx winked. "Not that I'd turn 'Pinkie' here to cotton candy, but I'm glad it got someone's attention!"

"Could have fooled me, bitch," he grunted.

She then narrowed her eyes, backing away from him. "Unfortunately for you, it didn't." She cocked her head, grinning wickedly as she spun her laser-like sword. "Because the force is strong with this one! HYYYAAAA!.!.!"

The two roared towards each other.

"The... force?" Raven blinked in confusion. "How does she know about a human movie?"

In the meantime, Cyborg took aim at the dragon thundering towards him, glaring at him down the sights of his cannon.

"Take one more step, I dare ya!" Cyborg growled. "I double-dog dare ya!"

The dragon took another step.

Cyborg rolled his eyes. "They don't listen in either universe, I guess..."


A blue blast sailed from his cannon, but the dragon was too quick. Without a second thought, he launched himself into the air, twirled in a cannonball, and landed - the shot flew right under him.

Cyborg raised his eyebrows. "Nice hand-eye." He then smirked. "Too bad I have more than meets the eye..."


His other arm transformed. The dragon continued to charge.



A furry of blue streaks sailed from Cyborg. The dragon zig-zagged, leaped, twirled, rolled... anything to avoid them. It looked like he was about to be overpowered at one point, but that was right before...

"Oooooh crap!" Cyborg gulped.

The dragon crouched slightly, slid in the dirt, and then....


Spun in a one-eighty arc, striking Cyborg's legs with a large-spiny tail, and-


Knocking him to the ground.


The dragon roared, rose to his full height, and then -


Sent a fury of flames towards the downed Titan. Cyborg gasped, rolled to his robotic side, and allowed it to take the flames.

The dragon finished after a second, glancing at him coldly. He expected to see a pool of black ash as the smoke cleared... yet instead, all he saw was a raging hoof flying towards is jaw-


It struck with the force of a giant into it, sending him reeling backward.

"Not the first time I've dealt with dragons, punk," Cyborg spat.

To his surprise, however, as the dragon recovered, he merely let loose am amused laugh.

"My - you are full of surprises, Mr. Titan," he said, wiping away a bit of blood on his scales. "Strange weaponry hidden in your very being - a fist of a stone golem. For a second, I thought I wouldn't be getting a real fight." He cracked his knuckles. "But fortunately, it seems I was wrong."

Cyborg furrowed his brow. "Glad that I didn't disappoint. But seriously - who the hell are you? Why are you and your buddy attacking us?"

The dragon raised an eyebrow. "Don't you know, Mr. Titan? You and your friends are legends. And when given the choice, who would not take the chance to fight a legend...?" He then furrowed his brow. "And even if I were to lose, if the battle were great enough... wouldn't fighting a legend alone make me a legend?"

"Look bud," Cyborg grunted. "If you want to spar - then how about we take it out of town? You know - where there aren't innocent ponies around that could get hurt?"

The dragon chuckled, glancing about at vacant surroundings. "I would agree, but it seems those of this town were wary of the danger..." He then smirked. "Therefore - the two of us shall fight right here - right now."

Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "Look - we don't need to do this, man! I can tell already you don't want to hurt anyone... why are you doing this? Were you forced into it?"

Shadowmist glanced at him curiously. "Perhaps a hoof has guided me this way, but it does not matter. You always have a choice in things, Mr. Titan. Even if they are the most minor... I picked you because I wished to test myself. And test myself I shall, Cyborg, Guardian of Jump City - Hero of Old..."

Cyborg gasped at this, as the dragon ripped towards him again.

"Do not hold back!" Shadowmist snarled. "I am ready to die if you are ready to kill!"


The dragon threw two claws towards Cyborg, only for the Titan to block them, standing on two hooves. However, the dragon was not done with him. With a ferociously strong grip, he took hold of the two arms, and the two entered a wrestling match...

"Learn by doing, my teacher taught me!" Shadowmist hissed. "And learn by doing I shall! RAUUUUUUUUUUGH!.!.!"

As the two continued their struggle, Shadow Streak and Nyx were locked in a furious spar, the former on the defensive.



Shadow found right away that her 'sword' was no regular sword. Like a knife through butter, it cut through part of his artificial wings, before carving through the ground a bit.

"Hmph," Nyx blinked, digging it out. "Cool wings you have there- but only fifty percent flesh... ready for a bigger augmentation?"

As Shadow gasped, looking at his wing that was now only three-fourths the size, but feeling no pain, Nyx swung down at him again- aiming at the fleshy bits of it...

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to seer the wound shut for you - wouldn't want you bleeding out before becoming so awesome-looking!" she grinned maniacally. "Nighty night, night guard- OOOF!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Raven struck her with her horn, her cloak flapping in the breeze. Nyx fell to her side, reeling in pain, as she turned two, furious red eyes towards her.

"Finally, you decided to grow a pair," she snapped. "Good - now I'll have the pleasure of castrating you!"

"Ewwwww," Pinkie gagged, wincing.

Raven merely glared at her, trying desperately to make her magic work...

With that, Nyx composed herself, grinning wickedly at Raven as she raised her sword, only for-




As both Raven and Shadow Streak gasped in awe, Pinkie had procured a strange, cartoonish cannon out of nowhere - and used it to immediately blast weaponized confetti at the draconeequs. The force of it literally tossed her into the air, before-


- Slamming her into the side of Sugar Cube Corner.

At that, Pinkie cracked her neck, before saying in a mock, cowboyish tone, "There ain't room enough in this town for two crazies, ya hear?" She then bounced slightly. "Hehehe - this is kind of fun!"

Shadow Streak and Raven glanced at her, baffled, before the trio lined up next to each other, ready to take on a recovering opponent.

"Uggggh..." Nyx moaned, rising to her feet. "If that wasn't sort of hilarious, I'd be super-pissed right now..." She then cracked her neck. "Unfortunately, this party is just getting started. And since you brought the decorations, how about I bring the LIFE!? HYYYYAAAAA!.!.!"

Without warning, she raised her palms, and-


Across town, Beast Boy and his group paused, an ear perked downtown - a massive explosion rocking from it.

"Oooooh shoot!" Beast Boy gulped, before putting on a mock-look of confidence. "I mean uh- Looks like it's game time. Hah - good thing I brought the dice!"

Rarity, Rainbow, and Steelfur glanced at him with bemused looks.

"I just wanted to look cool for once, jeez!" Beast Boy grunted. "It's a new universe - a chance to start all over again and look totally awesome!"

Rarity chuckled slightly. "Dear, I know it's a cliche, but you seem like you're trying far too hard to impress when you don't really need to."

"Yea yeah yeah, save the pep talks," Rainbow grunted. "Someone's messing with Ponyville - it's time we messed with them-"

Suddenly, she gasped - her ears barely picking up the sound of an arrow as it whizzed towards her. She ducked it in the nick of time.


The arrow struck the side of a nearby, cylindrical like shop - one with a carousel sitting atop it.


Before anyone could react further, a blast of strange, black-and-purple energy flew from nowhere, striking Beast Boy's guard, Steelfur.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKKK!.!.!" she roared, as her body began to twitch and convulse in pain, before collapsing to the ground.

"Duuuuude!" Beast Boy shouted, his eyes wide in horror.

"Oh no!" Rarity cried, kneeling down by her side and checking her pulse. She sighed in relief, but her look of shock didn't cease. "Dearest - dearest are you alright?"


In the meantime, Beast Boy and Rainbow glared towards the direction it came. To their surprise, standing there were two silent entities: a changeling, black unlike Beast Boy, with strange wisps of purple and green smoke emanating from her eyes, as well as a strange, nearly five-foot tall bipedal lizard like creature holding a knocked bow.

"Woah," Rainbow said, shaking her head in disbelief at the lizard in particular. "What the hell is that thing?!"

"And is that changeling... using dark magic?" Rarity gulped, giving a glance.

"Heh - strangers in a strange land, huh?" Beast Boy chuckled sheepishly. "Huh - I guess I should make an inspiring speech right now to my awesome squad or something - before we fight them, ya know?"


Beast Boy blinked. "Whelp, I can't think of anything, so.... ALPHA-BETA-SUPER SQUAD, GO!"

Suddenly, to the surprise of Rainbow and Rarity, Beast Boy morphed into a beast they had never seen before - a velociraptor, before charging the two opponents.

Rainbow shook off the wierdness of the situation, before grinning, flapping her wings in a fury, and zipping towards the lizard.

"I've got the lizard archer guy!" Rainbow called.

Beast Boy nodded towards the changeling.

"Gotcha - you get Ms. Glowy Eyes!" Rainbow nodded.

"And I'll provide moral support!" Rarity chirped.

"Thanks, Rarity," Rainbow muttered, the wind now searing through her fur as she ripped towards an eerily calm Ender...


The two continued to charge...


Ender and Requiem continued to stand calmly.

Rainbow smirked.

"Hehe, look at this, we have ourselves a couple of badasses!" she laughed.

The velociraptor gave a throaty chortle.

The two raised eyebrows, nodded towards each other.

Ender stowed his bow, and procured a heavy, wooden staff.

Requiem's eyes flashed a bright white....


Sailing from her horn came a literal wall of black magic, heading right towards Beast Boy...

However, Beast Boy had anticipated a ranged attack. Still in dino-mode, he leaped into the air, twirled, and became a humming bird, flying over the wall of magic.

"Smarter than he looks," Requiem mused. "If only more changelings were that way..." She then shrugged. "No matter, though..."


Suddenly, she fired another blast of dark magic, though this time in the form of a missile-like entity. Beast Boy swerved to avoid it, but found the missile tracking him...

The humming bird gulped, dodging it initially... before changing back into changeling mode.

"Hah! I still got it, baby!" he grinned, ripping towards her.

"Oh, you got it alright," Requiem winked, before gesturing behind him.

"Huh? EEEEP!"

The missile was coming back around..

"Crap crap crap crap crap!"

In the meantime, Rainbow prepared to plow into Ender, soaring at least at thirty miles-per-hour now.

"Batter up!" Rainbow grinned, closing in...


... Ender seemed to take this as a challenge. With the claw-eye coordination of a god, the lizard swung vertically with his staff, striking Rainbow to the ground at his feet.


"Ugggh... buck," she groaned, a pain like no before searing through her back. "Way to gave a gal a chance, huh?"

Ender merely cocked his head curiously at her, before his eyes suddenly flashed a bright yellow. Suddenly, a whisper sailed threw her mind...

"Ta'ak she-da to-niba ka?"

"W-Wah?" Rainbow gasped. "A-Are you psychic or something?"

The lizard looked annoyed. "Maka... toda sane... Rain-bow... Dash?"

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "Sorry - me no speaky wierdenese..."

The beast grunted, before suddenly grabbing her wing, lifting in to his face, and snarling (telekinetically) at her:

"There once was a pony who galloped down a winding road - when she met a fork in it. Glancing at the two curiously, she decided to take the road less travelled... and was it all the better?"

"W-What?!" Rainbow gasped.

Ender hissed, before fling her by her wings into the side of a nearby house.


Menacingly, Ender stomped towards her, drawing and knocking his bow. He aimed at her...

"Did this one do the same? Was it for the best? Perhaps... for later, the two met on a path that neither could circle around one-another... each refused to change directions..."

Rainbow gasped in horror, her entire body aching.

"Does the solar wind call this one's name? Does beyond the path lies salvation? A doomed existence ready to cease? Or only oblivion? This one seeks to find out..."

"S-Shut up!" Rainbow snapped. "G-Get away from me, you wierdo! Y-You don't need to do this!"

Ender quirked his head. "The two paths met neither until now, yet it is the most important meeting for either. One's path shall end, one's path shall continue. There is only us now... only us... and the void."

As Rainbow's pupils dilated, Ender silently launched his arrow.

"Yet still - from this day forward, I am legend."

Chapter XIV - Titans Together (Part VIII)

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Ponyville 'Loving Heart' Hospital
Two Minutes Earlier

A perk of Starfire's ears was all it took for her to ask her search team to hold still. In the distance, the familiar sound of Cyborg's sonic cannon and Beast Boy's Jurassic roars and snarls could be heard - the sounds of a usual Titan battle.

"Ahhhh crap," Dr. Cox growled. "This must have been the attack that Ms. Sunshine was talking about..."

Starfire quickly nodded. "We need to move to assist them! The assassin can wait until later..."

Applejack furrowed her brow. "Me n' Coxer here-"

"Never call me that again," he said sternly.

"- Can keep up the search in the hospital. Who knows what this invisi-changeling could be up to for real."

Fluttershy eeped slightly. "Well - um... in that case - I think I'll stay in the hospital as well." She then gave Starfire a pleading look. "I-If that's alright with you."

Starfire nodded. "Very well, but I will be back after-"

Suddenly, she was cut off by a low, grumbling laugh. Down the hall, scattering doctors and nurses alike, stood a massive, hideous, bi-pedal figure.

"I-Is that what I think it is?!" Applejack gulped.

Fluttershy squeaked at that, backing away. "O-Ogre..."

"Looks like some sort of hybrid," Dr. Cox grunted. "A troll and an ogre had a baby... and that's something I'm never going to imagine again. Looks like he got the worst of both worlds, too."

Yet it said not a word, it was the one perched on his shoulders who seemed to do the talking. A diminutive goblin with a mouth three times his size, one wearing a strange, shaman-like outfit and a voodoo-style mask.

"Hah! I wouldn't worry too much about Grimoire here if I were you," the goblin chirped. "He does what I tell him. Otherwise- he's pretty charming when he isn't trying to kill you." He then cracked his bony, green knuckles. "Though unfortunately - my job calls for him to be a little bit less pleasant."

"For the sake of reducing your bodily harm," Starfire snapped. "I'd suggest you move your... your 'flank' out of this healing facility!"

"What she said," Dr. Cox hissed. "What kind of whackjob decides he wants to brawl in a friggin' hospital? Well, I guess you sort of answered my question, didn't you? That means - if ya don't kindly scidaddidly-dee I'm going to have to do a few unpleasant tests on you - a doctor's duty after all. One: pain tolerance. Two: magic tolerance. Three: my hoof up your ass tolerance! Kapeesh?"


The group turned to Dr. Cox, awestruck.

"I do rants," he shrugged. "It's my thing."

Gnarl rolled his eyes. "Blah blah blah. Do you think we give a shit about collateral? Either way - I wouldn't worry too much. A quick one-two smash and this hospital will lose a few patrons..."

"Underestimating your opponents is a foolish endeaver," Starfire said, narrowing two-now glowing, green eyes.

"Heh," Applejack said, glancing at them. "Now ain't that something?"

"And it's pretty dumb to underestimate the importance of 'smack-talk', too," Gnarl grinned. "Shame you can barely speak, though, Starfire... I mean, come on - it took me like a year to learn how to speak Equestrian, but you? You sound like you learned the language from a preschool storybook! Still didn't do you much good, though."

"I speak how I wish," Starfire said defensively. "I have picked up both English and Equestrian without too much trouble. It is just the details that... bother me."

"Hehe, yeah, OK," Gnarl giggled, before giving whispering something to Grimoire. He gave a grunt, and began to pound across the floor towards her, almost leaving dents in it.

"I demand you cease your... your foot-pounding!" Starfire called.

The voodoo-mask wearing goblin merely chuckled. "So, just the details, is it? So you're some sort of weirdo alien princess, but you can't even pick up simple slang?! God, this is why monarchies suck so much! It's like a giant, retarded lottery!"

Despite the troll-ogre hybrid stomping towards her, however, Starfire did not move. She didn't even make any attempt to fight... she just argued back. "I'll have you know I rule over nothing - I've served my friends' homeworld for many years! And I shall serve this one as well!"

The troll stomped ever closer. Fluttershy continued to inch backwards, while both Dr. Cox and Applejack glanced at Starfire with concern.

"Uh, darlin'," Applejack coughed. "Nothin' wrong with defending yourself, but shouldn't you um- use your superpowers or whatever you got?"

Starfire ignored the duo. The troll continued to charge.

"Oooooh, OK," Gnarl chuckled, smirking down at her from behind his mask. "I think you need a bit of common sense knocked into you... if I don't blow out your brains first."

He whipped out a small, black ball - a grenade, yet Starfire still made no move to fight him. "I do not! Cease your charge and relinquish your weapon!"

"Starfire, he ain't going to do that!" Applejack cried.

Fluttershy peeped yet again. "T-There's something wrong. If what Robin said was true, she wouldn't be falling for this..."

"Well, we gotta snap her outa of it - that big fellah ain't gonna go down easily!" Applejack called. She turned toward's Starfire, roaring: "STARFIRE! CONCENTRATE!"

Yet her and the goblin continued to argue...

"Alright, time's up!" Dr. Cox roared, his horn glowing a bright red. "A good doctor doesn't just heal people, he beats the crap out of people trying to hurt them!"


A bright beam of red soared out of his horn, causing the goblin to duck and momentarily ceasing his argument. "Oi! Watch it, you stupid bastard, you almost hit me!"

Dr. Cox rolled his eyes. "Like I'm the kind of person to give warning shots."

At that, Starfire suddenly shook her head, almost as if regaining her senses. "W-What? Why was I just - EEP!"

Grimoire swung down with two, massive fists...


"Holy Celestia!.!.!.!.!" Applejack cried.

They would have struck the ground, if Starfire wasn't in the way of it. Gritting her teeth, she actually managed to catch the two, but the force of it was enough to send her ripping through the floor - down two levels and all the way to the reception lobby. A number of ponies shrieked and gasped, scattering as she struck the ground..

Save for two, of course.

"Oh my gosh! It's Starfire!" Dr. Adorable giggled, before turning to an awe-struck, maneless pony next to him. "Stich, look who it is! She's the one I was telling you about!"

"Uh, JD," the surgical pony said, raising an eyebrow. "She just crashed through the roof. Aren't we going to uh... do doctor stuff right now?"

"Pfffft, na," Dr. Adorable said dismissively. "She's Starfire. Give her a second..."

Suddenly, Starfire growled, raising herself out of the crater she had formed in the tiled floor. "X'Hal tara shnough RAKA!"

"Oh shoot, now she all mad!" JD grinned.

Sitch slowly nodded, backing away from her. "Not at us, right? JD? Not us us?!"


Starfire suddenly blushed, gazing at them. "My apologies for my insidious language. There is a most foul creature above attempting to harm my new friends! I did not mean any offense towards you."

"Heh, it's cool, girl," Sitch sighed in relief. "But uh - should we call the town watch or anything?"

"I'm afraid there may not be time for that," Starfire said, cracking her neck...before unsuccessfully attempting to fly - her right wing barely managed a flutter.

"Xorka! Tara shnel!" she hissed.

"Yo! Don't move that anymore!" Stitch grunted. "Your wing's sprang! Let us fix it up for you!"

"There is no time for that either!" Starfire said, her eyes now glowing a fierce green yet again. "Where are the upward locomotive assistants?"

"You mean, stairs?" Dr. Adorable asked.

"She must not use em' much," Stitch whispered.

"Yes, quickly!" she called.

The heterosexual couple gulped, before pointing behind them. Starfire nodded to them in thanks, before dashing towards the stairs.


Stitch blinked in disbelief. "Damn that girl is fast."

"Heck yeah she is! Say it with me, Stitch!" Dr. Adorable grinned.

Stitch raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Say what?"

"Duh! Teen Titans, GO!"


Stitch gave him a blank look. "Never say that again. At least not around me."

Dr. Adorable frowned. "Sorry..."


The pair's eyes widened.

"Oh hell - that was a bomb!" Stitch cried. "Time to get more serious. We gotta evacuate the building! This isn't a game!"

Dr. Adorable nodded, before dashing towards a red lever... "I've got the fire alarm!"

As a siren began to blare, Applejack dodged another, this time less-powerful fist from Grimoire. At the same time, Gnarl cackled, throwing a grenade her way.

Applejack gasped.

"Dr. Cox!" she cried.

"On it!" he grunted, using a levitation spell to snatch it, redirect it, and throw it out the window.

It detonated harmlessly in the air.

Dr. Cox gave an egotistical grin. "Hah! Second on the team of Mana Ball at the University of Suck It!"

The goblin grinned, whipping out another grenade. "And let me guess: a team that was last in the league?"

Dr. Cox turned and glared at him. "No! We were the top of the game: literally and figuratively."

"So, if I were to look up the records right now... they wouldn't show that you're just some egotistical loser?" Gnarl giggled, priming his grenade... and Dr. Cox looked as if he wasn't about to do a thing to stop it.

While the two of them argued, all the while, Grimoire was preparing to send his two hammer-like fists down upon Applejack yet again.

Suddenly, she gave a gasp of realization.


"H-Huh?" Fluttershy eeped, cowering in a corner.

Applejack shook her head in disbelief. "I dunno how- but I think this fella has some sort of way to make people argue with him - other than just bein' a, what's it called? A troll, of course!"

Grimoire shot her an angry glare, before-


- Slamming two fists down towards her. She was barely able to roll out of the way.

"Woah! Easy, there. No offense, big fella!" Applejack gulped.

Grimoire glanced at her awkwardly for a second, raised an eyebrow, and then gave a somewhat forgiving-sounding huff, before promptly-


Attempting to pulverize her again.

However, the warning came too late for Dr. Cox. Gnarl had already thrown the grenade...



It struck with titanic force, not close to enough to kill Dr. Cox, but enough to send him flying back, his fur singed and smoldering. He fell to the floor, unable to rise.

Fluttershy gasped, glancing away. Applejack merely gave a snarl.

"Cheap trick you pulled on him. He may be a prick, but he didn't deserve that!"

"I'm surprised you even figured it out," Gnarl grinned. "Not bad... from a common Earth Pony."

"You talk a lot of smack," Applejack grunted. "Yet why do you let your buddy do all the dirty work?"

Gnarl merely smirked. "It's quite, simple, country girl."




With one swift move, Grimoire had swung a horizontal mare-slap her way, sending her careening into a nearby wall. It actually cracked a bit as she slid down it, unconscious. "He's very efficient."

"N-No!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"I bring the mouth, you bring the muscle," Gnarl chuckled, patting his friend's shoulder. "Nice job, Grimoire. Now - let's finish the orange one."

"Hmm?" Grimoire grunted.

Gnarl smirked. "Killing Elements will get us a bonus, remember? Screw harmony! Yes, yes, I know you hate killing, but think of the payday! Hell, I'll even give you half of mine for that mother of yours... the Griffins have pretty good doctors, you know. I owe it to you anyway, buddy."

Grimoire's eyes widened. He sighed.

At that, a low, deep rumble echoed from Grimoire, as if his stomach were talking instead of his mouth. "Yellow one?" he pointed.

"Pffft," Gnarl chuckled, not even bothering to look at her. "What about her? Let's get this over with already... Starfire might be a bit tough, and you don't need to off the snarky Doctor, but the orange one-"

"Um... Gnarl," Grimoire grunted, pointing desperately now. "Not helpless."


He turned his head, his eyes widening. A glaring Fluttershy was now her true self: an entity wrapped in green vines with two, piercing blue eyes.

"Woah- when the hell did she turn into Captain Eco?" Gnarl gasped.

"While you spoke," Grimoire stated bluntly.

"T-That's right," Fluttershy grunted, meek but still determined. "And how dare you suggest- suggest murder of all things!"

"Death is death," Gnarl grunted. "Once she's dead, it'll be as if she never even existed... she won't care."

Grimoire raised an eyebrow.

"How could you be so callous?!" Fluttershy shrieked. "The very thought of murder is-"

"Normal business," Gnarl grunted. "I'm a mercenary, sweet-heart. Sometimes we're asked to kill. And unfortunately, that means it sucks to be you right now. Grimoire... if you'll do the pleasure of clearing an invasive species?"

Grimoire gave a grunt of confirmation, preparing to charge. Two vines fluttered from Fluttershy, twisting in the air like two eels ready to defend their master.

"Heh - well look at this," Gnarl said, rolling his eyes. "This shouldn't be too difficult. Once we're done with her, it'll just be Starfire and Robin... and a bigass paycheck. Hehehe!"


Gnarl gave a grunt, mask-clawing himself. "Oh, son of a bitch."

He turned his head, groaning. The two mercenaries were now surrounded from both sides. Starfire on one, Flutterfright on another.

"You shall hurt no more today, and especially not Robin!" Starfire roared. "Only a true coward would fight an opponent not able to fight back!"

"Yeah, whatever," Gnarl moaned. "A warrior's code doesn't make a paycheck. Ask Shadowmist, he'll tell ya that. So - which one do you want, Grimoire?"


"Good choice," Gnarl grinned, before leaping off his shoulder and clattering onto the floor. The goblin shaman then cracked his knuckles, smirking. "Now then... ready to learn what goblins do to the woods, plant-girl?"

Fluttershy merely gulped, her vines still twirling about.

"Hehe, I'll take that as a yes," the goblin chortled, smirking wickedly. "You speak for the trees, I guess? Well I speak for the money!"

In the meantime, Starfire rose on her hind legs, two Starbolts flickering to life on her hooves.

Save for the sound of the fire alarm, not one pony made a sound for nearly a half a minute....



"HEHEHEHEHAHAHAAAAA!" Gnarl cackled, rushing towards Fluttershy.

"RAUUUUUUUUUGGGH!.!.!" Grimoire thundered towards Starfire.


Gnarl lobbed another grenade towards Fluttershy, smoke spitting out of it.


Fluttershy smacked it out of the air before it could strike near her. It detonated on the floor, spilling a green gas every which way.

"Not bad," Gnarl grumbled, pulling out another grenade. "Looks like there was more to you than meets the eye, after all. Shame that your little secret, I suppose it is, dies with us today, hmmm?"


"HAAA!" Starfire shouted.


A multitude of Starbolts flew from her, smacking into the monstrous hybrid. He was struck at multiple points, but like a tank, kept moving.


Starfire let loose with her eye-beams -


- Only to find Grimoire ready for this. He drew a massive, spiked club from his back, using it to block the streams.

"Interesting abilities," he said in his deep, low voice, as calm as if he were sun-bathing. "I have not seen a pegasus such as you before. Stronger than most, too. I will feel less bad about this, now... HAURRAAAAGH!.!.!"

Starfire 'eeped', rolled, and dodged it, before-


- Sending a thunderous hoof at the beast's groin.


"Sorry to say, but I am much stronger than I look!" Starfire snapped.


Down the hall...

"Um - stop moving, if it's fine with you!" Fluttershy grumbled, trying desperately to snatch Gnarl with one of her two vines.

"Uh uh - I ain't one for jungle fever!" he growled, drawing a small blade, one with a red-liquid dripping off it.


He cut into one of the vines, causing Fluttershy to shriek. However, the force of the hit was not enough to sink it through... Fluttershy whipped the vine into the air like a bull-whip, sending the blade clattering a distance away.

"Please... don't make me hurt you," she eeped.

Gnarl blinked in disbelief. "Friggin' god - you're too adorable for even me to talk shit toOOOAAAAH-"

Finally, a vine gripped him around the waste, hoisting him into the air.

"Now, are you going to play nice?" Fluttershy mumbled.

"Ugh, let me go, you primordial leftover!" Gnarl shouted, struggling against it. His arms were completely immobile,

Fluttershy sighed. "Well...?"


At that, Gnarl relaxed his muscles, making a look of mock-thought.

"Hmmm... alright. Let's start over. My name is Gnarl and I like playing games. My favorite is..."

He managed to grip and prime a grenade tied to his waste with just a loose hand...

"Hot potato!" he giggled.

He dropped the grenade.

"Oopsie! Guess I lose..."

"Huh?!" Fluttershy gasped. "EEEEEEEP!"

A puff of green gas shot out of it, and a burning sensation saturated the ends of her two primary vines.


They actually began to corrode before she managed to retract them.

"W-What is that?!" Fluttershy squeaked, panting heavily.

"A gas that corrodes plant matter," Gnarl smirked. "Good for finding enemies hiding in brush... or killing enemies made of brush in this case." He then pulled out another grenade, glaring at her. "And guess what? There's plenty more where that came from! SUCK IT! HOOOOHAHAHAHA!.!.!"

And their battle continued.



Starfire sent two hooves into Grimoire's massive legs. He gasped, and toppled over.


The floor shook as blubber-like belly struck it.

"Buck..." Grimoire groaned, trying to lift massive form up. "Now you've done it. Can't get up..."

Starfire glared at him, before standing on her hind hooves again, summoning two more starbolts. "I'm afraid I have no sympathy for killers..."

Grimoire gave a huff at that.

"Hmmm?" Starfire said, raising an eyebrow.


Grimoire lay in silence for a second, before sighing - one with just a hint of remorse.

"Mmmph... just finish it already," he grunted.

Starfire glanced at him in surprise.

"... Neither of us want any deaths today..."

Starfire furrowed her brow. "Is this a trick?"

He then gulped. "No," he grunted, shaking his head. "Just don't tell Gnarl I said that. Never forgive."

Starfire nodded, smiling at him slightly and bringing her two hooves together to form her two small starbolts into one.

"I understand."

Grimoire nodded slowly, a small smile on his face. "Thanks."




At the sound of this, Gnarl paused in mid-throw of another grenade, turning about with two, widening eyes. "W-What?! Damnit! How the hell did you manage to take down Grimoire?!"

"Somewhat easily," Starfire growled, and then cocked her head at him. "I have fought many heavy-oriented opponents before. They seem to think of me as frail - yet they are always disappointed. Are you willing to surrender, now that your 'muscle' has been incapacitated?"

"Y-Yes, please," Fluttershy squeaked, holding her two, now-decaying vines at bay. "I d-don't really like fighting that much, you see..."

Gnarl glared at Starfire, then at Fluttershy, before a slight smirk came to his face. He stowed his current grenade, before pulling out another...

"Sorry, ladies, but I'm afraid this isn't over - it's just going to end a little bit differently." He then winked. "A good mercenary knows a thing or two about adaptation, you see."

With that, he dropped it, releasing a plethora of smoke.

By the time it cleared, the goblin was gone.

"Curses!" Starfire growled. "Where has that foul-mouthed... um- mask-wearing miscreant gone too?"

"Maybe he went home?" Fluttershy gulped. "T-That's good... I want to go home, too."

Starfire raised an eyebrow. "I do not understand though... why did you not reveal this... this version of yourself to us before? I assume it is not common to most pegasi."

Fluttershy blushed slightly. "It's... um... kind of a secret... I didn't want Applejack to see."

"Ahhhh," Starfire said, nodding. "I suppose I understand."

"Same here," a cruel, yet somewhat casual voice called, gaining the two's attention. A bit away stood a janitor, busily starting to clean the floors already. "And quite the secret you have, too... would be a shame is somepony found out, wouldn't it? Not that I'd ever tell anypony, though... unless they happened to make the biggest mess this hospital's ever seen, of course."

The Janitor gave her the evil eye.

And Fluttershy gulped harder than ever before.

Chapter XV - Titans Together (Part IX - Final)

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"S-Shut up!" Rainbow snapped. "G-Get away from me, you wierdo! Y-You don't need to do this!"

Ender quirked his head. "The two paths met neither until now, yet it is the most important meeting for either. One's path shall end, one's path shall continue. There is only us now... only us... and the void."

As Rainbow's pupils dilated, Ender silently launched his arrow.

"Yet still - from this day forward, I am legend."

The arrow zipped towards her - Rainbow desperately struggled to move...


The arrow never struck. Out of nowhere came a blinding beam of holy light. Ender calmly turned his head, gazing upon his new opponent.

"Perhaps you will be a legend," Princess Celestia said, as calmly as if she were reading cooking ingredients. She quickly marched up to the scene, her horn still glowing, two unicorn guards flanking her. "But not in the way you wish."

"P-Princess!" Rainbow cried. "T-Thank you so-" She then winced. "I mean um- I had this! Yeah - totally!"

"Don't worry," Celestia chuckled. "History is written by the victors, you know."

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, to which Celestia gave a blank look at.

"It means I'll say you kicked... 'flank'," Celestia sighed.

"Oooooh!" Rainbow said, sighing in relief.

Celestia then smiled to herself, before turning towards Ender. "Now then - why don't you give an old princess a break, as contradictory as that sounds, and come peacefully?"

Ender merely glared. "Just as the battle had reached climax, another came, flying above the other..."

Celestia furrowed her brow. "Just when you think you know all there is to this world..." She raised an eyebrow. "Or perhaps, beyond it..." Celestia glanced towards a distant horizon. "I know where you're from... I've seen your people before. You do not belong here - I will give you the offer to return you to the moon... but one offer only."

"This one's path stretches further behind him... as goes for the rest of his kind..."

Celestia squinted in confusion. "There are no other worlds... stars, perhaps, but not worlds..." Her eyes widened. "Unless..."

"There is another speck in infinity... and this one only has one way to return..." He then gave a vicious snarl. "And this one does not stand alone."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Hm?"

"Hey, your majesty!"

Celestia gasped, twirling about just in time to meet -


Two-hole filled hooves - aimed at her by a flying changeling. Celestia reeled back, stunned.

"Ouchie. That must have hurt," Silent Shadow smirked. She then morped her two frontal hooves into blades as she continued to hover above the ground. "But this... may hurt more. You know, Princess, I've been told not to kill any of your kind. I assume it's because without you around, it'd be a pain for anypony to raise the sun, right?" She then grinned wickedly. "Unfortunately for you, you happen to have a sister who can do your job as well as her own."

"Is this vengeance?" Celestia winced, rubbing a blackened eye. "For what transpired in Canterlot?"

"Pffft, vengeance?! This is for the money. There's plenty around who would want your head... maybe good ole Queen Chryssy? Who cares. Honestly, it'd be fun for me either way! HHHYAAAAAAAA!"

Suddenly, she rocketed forward, just as Celestia was recovering. Her two unicorn guards were ready for this, however. Thinking quickly, they created a shimmering shield of energy before them and-


The changeling had little time to slow down. She struck it, before falling to the ground. However, before the unicorn guards could drop the shield and attack, she had turned invisible again...

"Mmmm, and here I thought the guard was only good for catching pick pocketers. Guess I was wrong..." her voice chirped, dancing around them.

"You have no chance of beating me," Celestia said stoically. "Stand down now while you have the chance!"

"Mmmmmm.... nope," the changeling grunted. "Cus wanna know something funny? I don't even need to beat you to get a decent chunk of change..."

Suddenly, she turned visible, this time behind Celestia.

"I just need to keep you occupied!.!.!"

She shot forward, grinning, and another battle started.


At that, Ender turned to Rainbow, cocking his head as if to say 'now then, where were we?'

Rainbow gulped, now able to stand at least, but a pain like no other was shooting through her back.

"This one's path shall be blocked by you no longer, Rainbow Dash of Trinity."

He knocked another arrow, marching menacingly towards her.

"I shall carry your valiance to the homeworld. Kia Sala."

Rainbow merely gritted her teeth. "Give me your best shot..." She then winced. "Wait - can I redo that? I am not going to let my last words be a friggin' pun!"

Ender remained silent... he reeled his bow-string back, only for-


He quickly turned his head, and somehow managed to keep completely calm as a certain green falcon flew over his head.... followed by-


- Requiem's purple-green seeker magic.

Silently, Ender took the hit, falling to his side.

As Rainbow Dash laughed her flank off, Beast Boy transformed back into changeling form, grinned at her with a salute, and then turned to face Requiem.

"Can't us changelings just get along?" he grinned.

"Ooooh how I wish we could," she sighed.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow.

"I never asked for this, you know," Requiem muttered. "Working for a mad man for the greater good. I never expected to be trying to kill a being of legend when I was younger. Yet fate's funny, isn't it? I bet you never expected to be a legend, did you?"

Beast Boy shook his head in disbelief. "Then why are you doing it? What are you trying to do?"

"If I told you I'd have to kill you," she grunted.

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow. "But aren't you trying to-"

"Don't think of me as a fool!" she hissed. "I'm not as arrogant as my so-called queen! I know very well I could lose this fight. And if I do... well, let's just say word travels like the wind..."


"I have no option, I'm sorry!" she growled, before signaling him forth. "Now then, from one honorable changeling to another, let's make this quick and clean? Winner take all, loser take oblivion. Come at me!"


Beast Boy took a deep breath. "Then I'm sorry, too..."

With that, the two locked eyes, and ripped towards each other, Beast Boy in the form of a cheetah.



Requiem's horn became a black magic firing gatling cannon, firing faster every second.

Beast Boy dodged, weeved, and rolled - before leaping into the air....

Requiem aimed upward, snarling.

Beast Boy transformed into a polar bear at the last second, absorbing a few hits before-


- Nearly crushing her. However, Requiem managed to roll out of the way in time. She leaped to her hooves.

"Your skills... are worthy of their legends!"

Requiem panted, rocketed into the air, lifted a nearby carriage with magic, and tossed it at the changeling.

Beast Boy grunted, transformed into a fly, and flew through both of its windows.


The carriage struck the ground, exploding into a million pieces of wood and splinters. Beast Boy then transformed into a pteranodon. With a few flaps of his wings, he flew straight at Requiem.

Rainbow simply watched the scene in awe.

"Holy... Celestia."

Requiem's eyes widened as the prehistoric beast snapped at her.


With a flash of green, she teleported to the other side of the creature, still flying, and fired a few bursts of magic....

Beast Boy swooped low, let out a terrific 'KAWWWWW!.!.!', and reaimed at her new position.

Requeim grunted, teleporting again.


She fired a new series of blasts, and then began repeating the same process over and over....





Beast Boy transformed and transformed, using his different forms to dodge different angles of shots. An eagle, a hawk, another flying dinosaur...

"How many forms can you transform into?!" she gasped, continuing to teleport and fire. "I was not lying earlier! Hell, you may just be the most powerful changeling I've ever seen!"

Beast Boy ignored her, continuing to dodge.

Finally, Requiem's horn began to crack and fizzle. With that, she snarled, and floated to the ground. Beast Boy landed before her, in changeling form.

"I know you don't know much about this world," Requiem explained to a panting Beast Boy, breathing heavily herself. "But the changelings... we aren't like the other races. It's hard for us to survive! And even harder when we have a tyrant for a queen!"

"I'm sorry to hear that, but this isn't the way to get a better one!" Beast Boy cried.

"Maybe it's not," Requiem gulped. "But I think there's another option!" She narrowed her eyes. "Come with me, Garfield Logan. That is your true name, right?"

Beast Boy gasped. "H-How did you..."

"Nevermind that!" Requiem growled. "You were a hero on your own world, and you plan to be a hero on this one as well don't you?! You fight for all that is right, correct? You fight for all that helps the whole?! We are one of the same! I may look scary, and if anyone asks, yes, I do use dark magic, but damnit, I HAVE TO! Sometimes you have to fight dark with dark! Ask your friend, Raven. She is a demon, correct? Well, damnit, if you can trust her, you can trust me! I'm trying to start something that will put my people on the map, and by all that is holy, I NEED YOUR HELP!.!.!"

Beast Boy stood silent, glancing at her with disbelief.

She swallowed hard. "Please... help me... help my people..." she pleaded, plopping down onto her flank with tears in her eyes. "Please... I can't beat you, and I doubt I'll get what I need now... together, we can save countless lives... just like you used to..." She narrowed her eyes. "Just like Terra used to."

"I-I..." Beast Boy whispered.


At that moment, Silent Shadow noticed what was happening: both Requiem and Ender were down for the count. She was slowly being overpowered by Celestia, and running out of energy.

"Oh hell, I did not expect the bloody water works," she snapped. "Requiem, get off your lazy flank and-"

"SHUT UP, YOU DAMNED COWARD!" Requiem roared, her horn powering up one last time, though barely. "You're lucky I'm giving you less than you deserve!"


Suddenly, as the entire group stared at Requiem wide-eyed, she let loose a beam of energy, and-


Stunned a shocked Silent Shadow into unconsciousness.

Requiem panted, gazing at Beast Boy desperately. "I j-just gave up my other option... stand by me if you'll come..."

Beast Boy shivered, but held his ground. "I'm sorry... I wish I could, but..." He sighed deeply. "I belong with my team. They're my family. I-I'll try to find a way to help you though, I promise..."

At that, Requiem closed her eyes, and slowly nodded.


"I'll be waiting," she whispered. "Until we meet again, Garfield Logan."

And with a flash of green light, she was gone.

The area became silent. Even the wind held its breath.


Dragon and cybernetic hooves slammed into adjacent bodies. Cyborg and Shadowmist were having the fight of the century.


Shadow flung a fist.

Cyborg blocked with a metallic arm.


Cyborg launched a furious counter attack consisting of his other hoof. It hit his draconic opponent square into the chest, causing him to gasp for air.


Shadowmist recovered quickly and leaped into the air just as Cyborg swung again. He came down with two clawed feet atop the robotic Titan - literally, on his head, sent him careening downward...


Shadowmist held him there, and began to grind his head into the muck.

"I thought I'd get a better fight than this out of you, friend," Shadowmist sighed. "And here I thought you were called 'Titans'. Is it just a name, or do you live up to it?"

Cyborg gave a fierce, muffled growl, before....


Suddenly activating the built-in rocket boosters within his rear-hooves. They sailed upwards in an arc, before-


- Cracking into Shadowmist's skull. He stumbled back, howling in pain.

Cyborg smirked at him. "Man - I missed this. Cocky bad guy talks smack - cocky bad guy gets smacked down. Booya."

"That's right, give me your all!" he cackled. "Give me the fight I've dreamed of!"

Cyborg rolled his human eye. "You're done, man. I'd say it was a good fight, but I do not want to encourage you once you get out of prison..."



He transformed both of his arms into sonic cannons and aimed them at the wheezing dragon.

"Now... do you wanna go back to your dreams?"

The dragon narrowed his eyes. "No! I did not mean this! I will not go out by the trigger of a-"


A sonic cannon blast struck him in the chest. He stumbled back, still wheezing.

"Y-You..." the dragon said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I..."


He then took a deep breath. "Good fight."

And he collapsed to the ground.

Cyborg shot him a look of pity. "Man, someone needs to get you a copy of Mortal Kombat or something if you're this obsessed with brawling. Or maybe there's an underground Fight Club like in-" Cyborg then giggled to himself. "Whoops, forgot the first rule. Brad Pitt, I'm sorry - wherever you are. Rest in peace, man."

Cyborg then furrowed his brow, gazing at his surroundings. Across the town center, Raven, Shadowstreak, and Pinkie were locked in battle with Nyx the draconequus. The metallic Titan raised an eyebrow. "Guess Raven hasn't got her magic back yet." He then shrugged, grinning. "Ah well - score two for me!"


"Mannnn," Nyx beamed, glancing over at a fallen Shadowstreak. "My paycheck is going to be threw the roof! I'm going to buy Ying some gourmet bird food after this!"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"My pet birdie," Nyx giggled, before looking at Raven deviously. "Hmmmm..."

Her palms began to glow, a wicked grin coming across her face. "Your name is Raven, too. That's perfect! Why don't I transform you into a birdie? You can be my second pet!"


Raven raised an eyebrow. "... That would be kind of weird."

Nyx thought a moment, before wincing in acknowledgement. "Yeah, your right. I think I'll just rip out your lungs like I was ordered to."

"Ewwwww!" Pinkie gagged.

"You mean you were specifically ordered to rip out my lungs?" Raven groaned.

"Well, no..." Nyx admitted. "But that's a bit too cruel for me. Alright, let's settle with just a neck snap. Sound cool?"

Suddenly, with a flick of her strange, yellow hand, she lifted Raven from the ground... specifically, from her neck.

Shadow and Pinkie gasped, charging her from two sides...

"You two are getting old," she groaned, blasting them both away with bursts of yellow energy.



Nyx then took a deep breath, glancing back at Raven. "Yeah, sorry... but I've gotten tired of just playing around. It's not like they were helping you much, anyway." She then rolled her eyes at Shadowmist. "Boy can I relate."

Raven merely gagged, struggling in her grip.

"You know, Raven... I really wish I had gotten to see your magic first-hoof," Nyx sighed. "I've heard the legends of it. You were once the most powerful of Titans, weren't you? Born of a bastard father for a demon? Yet a small bit of humanity in you allowed you to overcome your destiny. Still, I bet the hardest thing was getting over the demon within, wasn't it?" She then gave a grunt. "I had a demon for a father too, you know. Not a literal one like you, but you get the picture." She then cocked her head. "Have you ever heard of Klarion the Witch-'Boy'?"

Raven's gazed at her in disbelief.

"That's right, Raven," she said, smirking slightly. "We come from the same cradle... the cradle that is now a mass grave. Everything and everyone we've ever known are now gone... yet they are now within us, too." She let loose a manic giggle. "Isn't it funny? And people like to think there is order to the universe. Hah! Bullcrap. Everything is arbitrary. Everything is chaos. What makes a universe is pure chance. What matter is arranged in which ways before the board is cleared. Entropy is the true ruler." She smiled wickedly. "So, I ask you, why am I so bad? I am merely a servant of it. Why not? It's not like these... these crude bits of matter we're composed of mean anything, anyway, do they?"

She then closed her eyes. "Yet... despite all my logic and reasoning, I'm still having trouble cracking your neck, and I'm not sure why I'm procrastinating. Is it fear? I'm not sure... perhaps even a draconequus is just programmed to defy entropy. To defy decay... I don't know."

She then actually smiled. "Heh. Remember that one song?"

Raven stopped struggling at this point.

And Softly she began to sing:

"I can't decide

Whether you should live or die

Oh, you'll probably go to heaven

Please don't hang your head and cry..."


Suddenly, she paused.

Her pupils dilated... and she collapsed to the ground.

Cyborg stood behind where she was, holding forth a smoking sonic cannon.

At that, Raven gasped, panted, and collapsed to the ground as well. She spent a second heaving, before glancing at her downed opponent.

"Hey, you OK, Rae?" Cyborg asked. "She almost had you there..."


Raven furrowed her brow in confusion. "I-I'm not sure if she did..."

And silently, she continued the song for her:

"No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride...."

Ponyville 'Loving Heart' Hospital
Five hours later...

Beep... beep... beep...

Robin's vital signs remained steady.

Starfire sat by his side, her wing now splinted. Yet still, she didn't pay it any mind. Robin had her full attention... the gaze of two affectionate eyes.

"Hey," a voice called, its origin clanking into the room.

Starfire didn't turn to it. "Hello, Cyborg. What is the up?"

"We uh," Cyborg coughed. "Everyone's swept the town for that little goblin fellah. I dunno how he managed to slip away - but I think he did."

"That's unfortunate..." she sighed. "How many villains did we manage to... 'round down.'"

Cyborg chuckled slightly. "It's round-up, Star. And we got five out of seven. Only the goblin and this... this weird changeling called Requiem managed to get away... I dunno why, but Beast Boy's feelin' down about that."

"That's nice..." Starfire whispered. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I could use a second alone..."

Cyborg rubbed a hoof to the back of his head. "Oh, right... my bad, Star. Didn't mean to interru-"

"It's fine," she smiled.

"... Right," Cyborg nodded, beginning to walk out. "Heh - it's just weird, you know. With all that's been happening, it's now that it's just starting to sink in. This new world... the old one..." He shook his head, wincing. "Well... maybe. Princess Celestia says that that- Doctor guy might pop up again. Yeah, I know he's supposed to be dead, but time travel is pretty weird. Maybe he could help us get back home. Who knows?"

He then coughed. "Anyway, yeah- alone time. Right."

At that, he quietly exited the room...


Starfire double-checked to make sure nopony else was coming...


She then smiled wickedly, glancing down at Robin.

"Hehe... the Boy Wonder," Starfire said, but not in her voice. It was hoarse... sinful...


"The Titan with no abilities aside from the one to kick ass. Admirable, I guess. He who took them all on at one time... and nearly won."

Starfire procured a knife.

"And he who will be taken down by just lil ole me... and a bit of hallucinogenic gas..."

On the floor sat a familiar-looking grenade, silently spilling out an invisible compound.

"I'm still surprised it tricked the robot. I guess I'm just that good, huh?"

He brought the knife to the Boy Wonder's neck and narrowed his eyes.

"I'd say 'any last words'," Gnarl grunted. "But that's not only cliche, but... well, cat's got your tongue, anyway."

Still, almost to contradict him, the voiceless body suddenly gave a grunt... then a moan.

Gnarl raised an eyebrow. "Or not."

"Mmmph...." Robin wheezed. "S-Starfire?"

Gnarl sighed.

"Fraid she isn't here, darin'. She's talking with Fluttershy at the moment... something about 'arranging a deal with a janitor'."

Robin groaned yet again. "Can you... get her?"

Gnarl shook his head. "No, but I can bring you to her."

He then let loose a giggle.

"Just kidding, there's no such thing as heaven. Just the void..."

He brought the knife closer.

"A shame really... the threat of hell may have prevented me from getting blood on my claws.. but us goblin's know better. I'll kill you, get payed, and live wealthy for the rest of my life. There's absolutely nothing holding me back, and the only thing that could punish me is a guilty conscience." He then narrowed his eyes. "But that's something I've learned to live with for quite a while..."

The knife touched his neck... Gnarl closed his eyes - perhaps with a hint of remorse, or perhaps because he was squeamish. Only he knew.

"Sleep well, legend. Better that then a vegetable, I guess...."




Starfire panted heavily, standing at the door to the hospital room, her eyes smoking.

Gnarl blinked in surprise, looking down at his clawed hand.

The knife was gone.


He at where it was, blankly... stoically.

"Was I wrong?" he whispered, furrowing his brow in disbelief.


A roaring fist slammed into him. He twirled about, teeth flying from his mouth, before he struck the ground - bleeding, yet still breathing.

Starfire shot him a death-glare. "If Robin was not in the room..."


With one swift hoof, she crushed his grenade. Fortunately, the gas was already gone.

She then 'eeped,' and rushed to Robin's side, quickly giving him a check-over.

"The goblin was wrong," Starfire whispered. "I know little about you, my friend... but I know whoever you lost in the past, whoever made you become who you are: they are watching over you..."

Robin gave another groan, nearly startling Starfire into a jump.

"H-Heh. Y-You know... never believed in heaven..." He gulped. "But I do believe in guardian angels."

"R-Robin?!" she cried, kneeling over him.

Beep. Beep. Beep...

His vital signs became a bit quicker, but stabilized on a normal level.

"Tara X'Hal!" Starfire squeaked. "X'Hal, tara sn'orl! Thank you!" She glanced towards the ceiling. "Thank you, X'Hal!" And back at Robin. "Robin- Robin, can you hear me?"

Robin actually managed a chuckle.

"Yeah..." he chuckled painfully. "Sorry for the cheesiness a second ago."

"Oh my goodness! It is so wonderful that you are alright!"

She had to resist with all her might to grapple the injured Boy Wonder in a hug.

"Heh... yeah..."

He then coughed.

"But um... Starfire... weird question, but do I look like a pony to you?"

Starfire coughed. "W-Well... yes."

"Ah. Was kind of hoping..."

"I wish it were, so..." Starfire whispered. "But Robin - there are so many wonderful things on this-"

"I know."

Slowly, he opened his eyes, glancing over at her. He smirked.

"Huh.... so, wings, huh? Man - I'm kind of jealous..."

"Hehehe," Starfire cooed. "I'm sure they're strong enough for the both of us when needed!" She then clapped her hooves. "Plus - if we weren't ponies, I wouldn't get to see you so adorable!"

Robin rolled his eyes behind the mask, before smirking. "I see you left my mask on - thanks for that."

"It was my request," Starfire nodded.

Robin chuckled hoarsely. "Always got my back... even long after we should be gone..."

He then smiled brightly.

"But I should have known I wouldn't be facing this... this new world alone."

Starfire beamed at him, before hugging him softly. "As I've said before, Robin. You are never... ever... alone."

"Damned right he isn't!" Cyborg grinned, clanking into the room.

"Cyborg!" Robin glanced at him, smirking. "Soooo.... nice build there, stallion."

"Robin - don't make me regret saving your butt," Cyborg grunted.

Robin chuckled at that.

"Hey, what about me!" Beast Boy cried, galloping into the room.

"Heh - hey Beast Boy..." Robin raised his eyebrows. "Wait - what exactly are you supposed to be?"

"Well duh, I'm a Swiss Pony!" he grinned, glancing down at his hole-filled legs.

Crickets chirped.

"It's the holes," Raven droned. "Get it? Swiss Cheese. Haw... haw... haw..."

"Hey - nice horn, Raven," Robin smirked.

She glared at him. "It's pretty sharp, you know..."

Robin gulped. "It's um... very nice?"

"Mmmmm... I still can't get it to work, though," she grunted. "Otherwise I could have made a... medical 'accident' happen when I had the chance."

Robin rolled his eyes. "Love you too, Raven."

"Oh please - let's give credit where credit is due!" Dr. Cox smirked, walking in with a leg covered in a cast. "Now then - who was the one who let Zecora keep her potion in Boy Tights here? Raise your hooves, everyone..."

Nopony raised a hoof...

... Save for Dr. Cox, who slowly raised it into the air, a smile made purely of egotism on his lips.

"Ohohoh, that's right, IT WAS ME! The greatest doctor in all of Equestria strikes again!"

"Do not forget who made the brew," Zecora coughed, walking in as well. "Good as you are, you always forget to give credit where credit is due..."


"Fine," Dr. Cox mumbled. "Newbie and Zecora may have helped."

"Mmmph, I believe Princess Celestia and I made a contribution, as well," Princess Luna grunted, her, Twilight, and Princess Celestia walking into the room. Luna immediately blushed upon seeing Robin. "A-And um, might I say... your voice sounds um... very handsome..."

The room chortled at her, save for Starfire, who gave him a threatening glare...

"I say this in a purely platonic fashion!" Luna cried.

"Uh... heh - thanks," Robin chuckled. "I don't think we've been introduced, though..."

"Robin, meet Princess Luna and my teacher, Princess Celestia, immortal raisers of the moon and sun, and..."

The two began whispering to each other, giggling as they periodically glanced at the Titans.

Twilight closed her eyes in disbelief. "Total Teen Titans fangirls, it seems."

Robin nodded slowly. "Er... right... somebody- er somepony's going to really give me a run-down on uh... this world's mechanics. Fluttershy told me a lot but.... yeah. Where is she, anyway?"

"Um - hi," Fluttershy squeaked, walking into the room.

"Hey there," Robin smiled, raising an eyebrow at her multiple bruises. "Woah - what happened to you?"

"Heh, sorry to concern you," she smiled sheepishly. "It's been an... eventful afternoon."

"I'll say." Robin shook his head. "Ugh... I hate when I've been out of the loop."

"No problem!" Rainbow Dash grinned, her and the rest of the Elements, along with Dr. Adorable, Stitch, Dr. Espanol, a new blondish doctor, and an older doctor crammed into the room as well. "I can tell you all about how I kicked some alien butt!"

"Uh... does this room have a weight limit?" Beast Boy gulped. "Cus I could turn into a fly or something..."

"Hmmm, I wonder where they keep the swatter?" Raven smiled.

"You wouldn't!"

Raven shrugged, still smiling.

"W-Would you?"

"Ugh - what the hell are you doing here, Budgetron?" Dr. Cox growled, glaring at the older looking doctor.

"I'm just here to look after one of the hospital's soon-to-be most famous patients," he smiled.

"And um - I'm just here for an autograph," the blonde doctor, who seemed to be significantly similar to a Barbie Doll said sheepishly. "H-Hi!"

"Ugh, I knew you'd use this as a publicity stunt!" Dr. Cox shouted.

Dr. Budget Cut merely turned away. "Well, let's not forget who helped get all the chemicals and medicine needed to keep our tough little fighter alive..."

"Yeah yeah yeah," Rainbow Dash grunted. "So when are you going to have try outs for the Teen Titans? I mean, you guys are like fifteen-sixteen in your homeworld's years, right? That's equivalent to about one point five pony years, right Twilight?"

"Well... from what I've been told," Twilight coughed. "Give or take a few decimals."

"Whatever - bottom line is, I'm technically a teenager!" Rainbow Dash grinned. "And I can totally be a Titan! At least, a temporary one - the Wonderbolts are still mah thang. But you should have seen me take on Ender earlier!"

"Dearest, you were... incapacitated by him..." Rarity coughed.

"Yeah, but at least I did more than you!" Rainbow shouted.

"Easy there, girls," Robin chuckled. "I'm uh... not sure about new members right now, to be honest-"

"B-But I want to be a Titan, too!" Dr. Adorable cried.

"Same!" Dr. Stitch grinned. "And guess what? We totally came up with our heroic alaises!"

At the same time, the two shouted: "The Wonder Twins!"

Robin raised his eyebrows. "But your not..."

"Don't. Argue," Raven muttered. "They won't shut up. I still don't know how I managed to make Pinkie... settle down..."

Twilight gave her a look, before whispering to Robin. "She tricked her into drinking an anti-anxiety potion..."

Raven smirked to herself.

"Mmmmm," Pinkie said. "Anyone ever notice how beautiful hospitals look during the night? Mmmm.... soooo dreamy."

"Uh... yeah," Robin coughed. "But um... anyway, I'm sorry I can't answer your questions right now, but um - I'm not even sure there's going to be any Titans..."

The room broke out into mutters of disapproval.

Applejack glanced at him in concern. "B-But... you guys kick so much flank..."

"We do?" Robin said, glancing at the Titans curiously.

"Heh, long story," Cyborg grinned. "Short version - baddies attacked. We stopped them. Booya."

"So... we might be needed after all?" Robin said, raising a hopeful eyebrow. "B-But still... we don't have a base of operations, we don't know the lay of the land... we're so over our heads here-"

"Hey, we're the Titans, dude! We're always over our heads!" Beast Boy smirked.

Raven nodded. "And from what I've seen and studied, thanks to Twilight here, though this country... this world - can hold its own, they might need an extra hand once and awhile..."

"Hoof," Cyborg smirked.


"Nope. Not saying that," Raven grunted. "Ever. It's Robin here who should be happy about living in a world where he can make puns in casual conversation."

He groaned. "My puns are a psychological tactic..."

"Uh-uh," The Titans all chuckled at once. Even Fluttershy cracked a smirk.

"Oh god damnit - er, darnit. Well..." Robin coughed. "I mean... we were a little spoiled with the tower before. Majorly spoiled... we could make do with whatever, really."

"As long as we aren't sleeping in tents, dude!" Beast Boy chirped.

"Though I'm cool with camping," Cyborg mused.

At that, Princess Luna and Celestia turned towards each other, smiled, then turned back to Robin.

"But where's there's trouble, we need to know where to call!" Luna grinned, bouncing slightly.

"And if you slept in tents, how would you see it all?" Celestia smiled.


Luna winked at him. "My dearest, Robin... the Titans are legends in this world. And legends need certain... accommodations..." She then cleared her throat. "As well as certain contacts."

With that, another pony, again, one who Robin hadn't seen before, a pegasus with wings that were half-metal, walked in.

"Robin, this is Commander Shadow ," Luna stated. "He's the leader of the Ponyville Town Guard."

"That's right," Shadow Streak said in a gruff tone. "I apologize if I sound pissed. Damned hospital won't allow me to smoke any cigars."

He gave Dr. Adorable a glare. He simpered.

"It's alright," Robin nodded.

"Good, because this is actually my normal tone," Shadow said tersely. "I don't beat around the bush, son: not with anyone. So, I won't waste your time and make this brief." He took a deep breath. "The princesses' here have just pushed for a new law involving vigilante activities. As soon as it's passed, which it god damned better be, you'll be allowed to assist law enforcement efforts independently and cooperatively with any guard unit in Equestria. I'll be your primary contact for when shit hits the fan, and trust me: I know every damned guard commander in the nation. You will never be off the line."

Robin raised his eyebrows. "T-That's... that's great! But no offense, but I think it'd be best if we made camp in whatever city has the highest-"

"That won't be needed," he interrupted. "You probably haven't had a chance to look at a map since you arrived, but Ponyville is right smack in the middle of four of the largest cities in Equestria: Cloudsdale and Canterlot are to the North East and West, Manehattan is to the South East, and Fillydelphia is right next to it. Each city is only about fifty to two-hundred miles from here, and Canterlot, the capital, is only twenty. Equestria is a pretty close-knit country. If you set up shop here, you'll be able to cover four cities. And trust me: there's plenty of crime in all four cities for five teams of Titans."

Robin raised his eyebrows. "Well... we've never covered that large of an area before, but... I guess we're doing a lot of things new, aren't we?"

"Good," he grunted. "Cus there's one other reason you'll be staying here..."

"What's that?" Robin asked.

"This is the best place to build a T-Shaped tower," Luna smiled.

The Titans' jaws nearly hit the ground.

"Y-Yes," Pinkie said. "YES!"

"Oh hell," Raven grunted.

It seemed not even the anti-anxiety meds could keep her hyperactivity at bay.


"A mass suicide?" Raven groaned.

"No, silly!" she giggled. "TITANS PARTY AT LOVING HEART!"

"BOOYA!" Cyborg grinned. "God I love this girl!"

"Streamers?! We need streamers!" Beast Boy said.

Pinkie giggled, swinging an arm around Beast Boy. "I'm Party Commander Pinkie, and this is my favorite changeling in Ponyville!"

"Wooo yeah! I'm feelin' the love!" He cried, before raising an eyebrow. "And uh... I suddenly feel very full. Eh, whatever. BUT YEAH! CYBORG! GET US HALO 4 GOING!"

"Pffft - Call of Duty is where it's at, green boy!"


"I don't know what they're doing," Dr. Cox grinned to Dr. Budget Cut. "But I bet I could kick your old, furry flank at it."

"Wisdom over youth, Coxer," he snarled. "It's time to get schooled."

Twilight coughed. "Umm... I sort of have some studying to do."

"And I have some seppuku to do..." Raven groaned.

Twilight sweat-dropped. "How about you come to the library instead?"


"Mph - have any tea?"

"Of course!"

"Isn't this awesome, JD! We're going to be Titans!" Dr. Stitch grinned.

"Pfffft - yeah right!" Rainbow Dash smirked. "You two have no chance against me!"

"Bring it!" Dr. Adorable smirked. "Super Doctor to the rescue!"

"Um..." Robin said, trying to raise a hoof. "I never said we were taking new members..."

The three scurried out.

"I um..." Fluttershy squeaked. "Mind if I head to the library with you two?"

Raven smiled at her. "Sure. At least you know the meaning of the word, 'quiet'."

"It's what I'm best at," she smiled.

"Alright, let's get going!" Twilight beamed. "I've just gotten a complete new copy of The Poets of Ponyville."

Raven practically began to drool.

"I... I think I may be able to tolerate this place..."

The three began leaving, as Starfire gave Fluttershy a knowing look. She merely shook her head. "I've made a deal with the Janitor. It's safe."

Starfire beamed at her. "Have fun then, my adorable, dearest new friend!"


With that, nearly everypony had evacuated the room, off to party with the Titans, save for Starfire, Shadow Streak, and Robin.

"Finally," Shadow Streak grumbled. "I thought I'd never have a route out of here. I don't know how they managed to surround me when I was the last in."

He walked to the door, giving Robin a nod.

"I expect you to hold up to your name after all of this effort. Don't let me down, son."

"We won't," Robin nodded.


And he was gone as well.

At that, both Starfire and Robin took deep breaths.

"Well then," Robin said.


Starfire raised an eyebrow.

"Heh - not sure what to say, really..." he chuckled. "Except maybe... as cheesy as it sounds... no matter who we are on the outside, I guess we're always them same inside..."

"Quite true, my adorable little Earth Pony," Starfire giggled, before kissing him on the cheek.

"Ugh," Robin blushed.

"Hmmm?" Starfire giggled. "Are you afraid of getting cooties from me now?"

"Na, was just hoping you'd aim a little to the left," he winked.

Starfire smirked. "That was, as Earthlings say, 'the plan'."

And for now, all was well.






Rarity walked into the room, her eyes widening.

Robin and Starfire lurched away from one another.

"Oh um-"

"H-Hello," Starfire said, scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" she squeaked. "But... well, Robin, though your costume is very nice, I um - I'm a bit of a fashion designer and..."

"It's alright," Robin shrugged. "Did you make us some casuals or something? We'd definitely appreciate that... we're uh - not used to going around naked..."

"Oh no, dear, something even better," Rarity winked...

"Ooooo!" Starfire beamed. "I can't wait to see what sort of adorable pony wear you have crafted dearest Robin! I swear - it took me forever on how to make a titanium, magic-resistant cape, but Zecora was most helpful with the alchemy involved!"

"H-Huh?" Robin said.

With that... she pulled out of a very large bag a costume that closely resembled Robin's.... though one a bit... edgier. It was nearly completely red and black, with a badass looking hood and cape. And it seemed to be much more comfortable looking too.

Robin did a double-take. "It's..."



The two of them were looking at it as if it were a shining holy grail.

A tear nearly came to Robin's eyes as he said, in a very familiar, Rainbow Dash sort of way,

"So. Awesome!.!.!"


Gnarl suddenly gave a groan.

The trio looked at him, awe-struck.

Robin blinked. "Um... was he in the room the whole time?"

"Whoopsie," Starfire squeaked.

















A thousand miles away...

In a frozen land of ice and snow, the Crystal Empire the only light in the darkness...


An immortal entity awoke, his eyes still black and misty. It took him a second to realize where he was: the same place he had been left. Chained to the wall of an ancient, pitch-black mine. He struggled against his restraints out of instinct, but soon relaxed himself.

Suddenly, his eyes flicked to the side, noticing a tiny, green light moving towards him from the darkness...

"Mmmmm... this better be a booty call," he groaned. "Because otherwise, I want you to get the hell out of here, right now."

"I'm not an enemy. Do you wish me to be?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Depends on who the guest is. I'll have to apologize though, I don't get many visitors... and that's for the best. Who knows who I may just trick into releasing me..."

The light grew brighter...

"Who says trickery may be needed?"

Black narrowed his eyes. "Don't you dare draw closer. If you cut a dog's chain, he may still bite." He then gave a promiscuous little chuckle. "But since we're making small talk: what's your name, beautiful? You sound like a changeling..."

"That's because I am, Captain Black."

And at that, Requiem stepped out of the shadows.

"And I need a favor from you."

"What the hell do you want?!" he growled. "I don't even know you. And while you know my name, do you have any idea who the hell I am?! I KILLED THE DOCTOR, GOD DAMNIT!"

He struggled fiercely against the chains.

"Yet you chained yourself up," she said. "A hint of remorse got through all that hate - all of that darkness, didn't it?"

He calmed himself. "And..."

Requiem narrowed her eyes. "Slade knows that you took the Black Orb. An artifact so powerful it can turn the balance of morals on its head. Gone - from right under his nose. He's been searching for you for hundreds of years. He'll want to know where you are to get it back. He has plans for it."

"I won't tell him anything," Black spat. "Just like I won't tell you jack shit, either. That thing deserves to be thrown into the deepest crack of the ocean... into space - wherever it can't buck up anyone else..."

Requiem narrowed her eyes. "The device is just a tool. With a strong mind anyone could use it for both sides of the fence. If you can resist it, what about someone who's practiced dark magic all of her life? With it - I can lead my people to a better era."

"I can barely resist it," he hissed. "All I want to do right now is kill you... these chains are the only thing holding me back. And this is after TWO THOUSAND YEARS of practice."

"Where there's a will, there's a way..." she said softly.

"You're insane," Black snapped. "And that's saying something, coming from me."

"They say that about all visionaries," Requiem shrugged.

She then drew close enough to him where he could feel the air pouring from her snout.

"And I need you to tell me where to look."

Chapter XVI: Back in Black

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The Frozen North
Approximately Five Hundred Miles from the Crystal Empire

Across barren fields of infinite snowflakes, a lone figure chased another. One flew via wings, the other atop a ice-encrusted boulder: far enough that she could only be seen if she wished. A black cloak she wore flapped in the wind, yet her strange, exposed black eyes remained unimpeded by it. It didn't matter, however: the cold around her was nothing she wasn't used to. She had been numb for many years by other means.

The Black Orb... that horrible, yet beautiful abomination. It called to her every day, from some ancient corner of the world. A thing that none could understand, but what none needed to. A thing that defied the very will of the universe.



By the one man who had ever bested her master.

"Captain Black... where the hell are you hiding?" she whispered.

She narrowed her eyes, focusing on the figure in the distance. They approached a massive mountain range, and it became a dot among their forms. Yet as they grew closer, she realized what her target had travelled all this way for: a small, unnoticable mouth of a mining shaft, long since covered in snow.

One that her target was eager to open for them.

The chaser couldn't help but grin. This was the moment of moments... and nothing would get in her way... not even her master's former second in command.

The Mines



Ancient rails...


Memories... a time of a tyrant...







"What the hell do you want?! I don't even know you. And while you know my name, do you have any idea who the hell I am?! I KILLED THE DOCTOR, GOD DAMNIT!"

A male.

""Yet you chained yourself up," she said. "A hint of remorse got through all that hate - all of that darkness, didn't it?"

A female. Definite changeling. Her target.






The apprentice grunted, blinked thrice, and opened up a communication channel with him. A miniature device called a 'thought translator and transmitter' had been implanted directly into her mind, allowing her to communicate with him anytime, anywhere...

"Apprentice. Status."

... It could get annoying.

She gave a groan. "Slade? I'm a little busy... Requiem is right by me..." She then raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you know this! You have your little babysitting probes with me..."

"I'm aware of this, my dear. I'm just calling to remind you that you are not to engage your target unless I give the specific order. Am I clear?"

"Yes, I know..."

"Good. And once she's gone..."

She nodded. "I stay."

"Good girl. You are already proving to be much more useful than your... predecessor, could I say?"

"Hah!" she scoffed. "She was a capable fighter, and decent at manipulation... but her heart was too pure. She didn't know the Black Orb... pitiable, really.

"Indeed," Slade chuckled. "But I wouldn't sell yourself short, apprentice... it takes not only an enormous will, but an enormous mind to resist being driven insane by it immediately... be proud of what you've accomplished."

She smiled. Compliments from Slade were a bit... unusual. He must have been in a good mood. It was no surprise, really: he had only been hunting Captain Black for about three centuries. It was only by luck that he was able to find him

"Thank you, master," she whispered.

"You're welcome. Still - this is only more reason to take caution when dealing with Captain Black... though his atypical type of immortality may prove useful. Don't hold back when you attempt to extract the information we need from him..."

She nodded again.

The conversation continued down in the depths...

"The device is just a tool. With a strong mind anyone could use it for both sides of the fence. If you can resist it, what about someone who's practiced dark magic all of her life? With it - I can lead my people to a better era."

"I can barely resist it! All I want to do right now is kill you... these chains are the only thing holding me back. And this is after TWO THOUSAND YEARS of practice."

Slade chuckled. "It's amusing, really. Requiem always hinted she knew where he had gone to. I had always assumed he had entered the artifact, but it seems his ties to this world are too strong."

"It was a good idea that you ordered me to follow her..." the apprentice whispered.

"It was inevitable," Slade said. "Requiem, though she hates to admit it, has an obsession more than even I. Sure, she may have started as an idealistic fool: hoping to overtake Chrysalis' hive and lead it to a 'better' future - but she's lost her way. Amusing what dark magic can do to you without a little guidance... The funny thing is that I would have provided aid in this endeavor, even at her defeat at Garfield Logan's hooves, but it seems she has other prospects in mind. She always did have interest in the Orb..."

The apprentice raised an eyebrow. "Why don't I just follow her further - she'll lead me right to it. Or even better, send one of your probes..."

Slade grunted. "A decent prospect, but I don't want to risk her getting even near it. The Black Orb, if put in her hooves, could be an incredibly powerful tool. I do not want to risk an already corrupt being using it. She could become a threat to even me if she's as ambitious as she seems to be... a chaotic, unpredictable, and uncontrollable threat. I will be sending assets to neutralize this threat once she has left the Frozen North."

"Very well. But are you sure you can trust me to get near it, though?" the apprentice mused.


There was a deep, low chuckle.

The apprentice raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny? It's kind of creepy hearing you laugh...."

Slade took a deep breath. "Is it? I'll have to do it more often..."

"You still haven't answered my question..."

There was a pause. Nothing but the conversation down in the mines could be heard, before Slade finally answered:

"You wish to know the reason I'm amused? It's quite simple. I am merely glad to say that you are everything I had wished her to become. You are the legacy she should have been proud of, not shunned away by ties with her so-called friends. I trained her hard, I punished her severely for her mistakes, but it was all to make her stronger, and more importantly: all to make her hate me. Hate breeds incentive to improve one's self for the ultimate goal of besting what ills you... yet unfortunately, when she finally figured out how to defeat me, it was for all the wrong reasons. For once, I had not expected something. I had not expected her to be on the side of good after all. Yet sometimes, the universe throws us curveballs, doesn't it?" A beat. "...But sometimes, it also throws us gifts we don't deserve... second chances to overcome previous follies..."

A grin slowly came to the apprentice's face.

"You're smiling at this right now, aren't you?" Slade asked.

She chuckled. "I just love your dark, creepy speeches sometimes. And not in a weird way."

She could practically see Slade grin at this - behind the mask, of course.

"And that is why you are the perfect apprentice for me..."


"... Terra."

Chapter XVII: Politics (Part I)

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86th Cycle of Summer
Ponyville 'Bitsizer' Bank






"Everypony down! Get down!"


Without warning of any sort, a trio of ponies ripped through the front door of Ponyville's second bank, leaving nothing but a hole in the wall where it once was. One grinned wickedly, the other glanced about with cold, calculating eyes, and the other merely giggled. The ponies within cowered with fright, leaping behind chairs, desksL anything to get out of their sights.

"Oh, relax," the cold one chirped, a blue, frost-coated unicorn. "We're here for your money, not your lives."

The grinning one gave a laugh, a purple unicorn with a streak of black running down his back. "But if you try to make a move... believe me, I won't think twice."

The first rolled her eyes.

"Blood Rose, keep it cool," she said.

"Only if you stopped making puns, Frost Wind," Blood Rose teased, his voice echoing from behind a strange, smiling mask he always insisted on wearing.

She gave him a blank look. "Ugh, just because I'm a god at ice magic doesn't mean have to say 'no pun intended' every time I say something remotely related to the cold, does it?"

Blood Rose gave a silly smile, before pointing at the last accomplice, an Earth Pony covered, or perhaps made of metal. "Well, if you won't do it for me, at least do it for Nitro... he does sort of jump to conclusions once and a while..."

He gave a offended look. "Hey, I only knocked out one guy for making a pun! And I was drunk! Like Princess Luna on a full moon drunk!"

"You only had one drink," Blood Rose smirked. "You were just naive enough to succumb to the 'mimic effect', as I like to call it. Meaning: when hanging around people who have been drinking, when you drink, you start-"

Frost Wind face-hoofed. "For god sake - we're in the middle of a robbery and you want to start psychoanalyzing ponies?! I had enough of that in planning. Seriously, my relationship with my mother sucked, and Nitro can't remember who his is!"

"Save for the cold, unfeeling mechanical arm that was hovering above me in the lab when I woke up," he shrugged. "Could that count?"

"Hey! It's a good skill," Blood Rose smirked, before pointing at a random pony shifting her eyes away from the door. "For instance: that pony is about to make a run for it. She thinks we're actually taking hostages and is purposefully looking away from the door because she's nervous we'll see her. Quite intriguing."

She suddenly froze, gulping heavily. She was easily recognizable as Vinyl Scratch, the town's near-famous professional DJ.

"Y-Yo," she gulped. "Y-You guys are the ones who should be nervous! Do you know who guards this town?!"

"Yeah, yeah," Nitro sighed. "The Teen Titans, we know. I can't wait to meat them... as turn them into mince-meat, hehehe."

Frost Wind gazed at him blankly. "Nitro, that was a pun."

"Oh shit," he blinked in embarrassment.

"Mph, the Titans are just legends," Frost Wind sighed. "If they even existed at all, they died long before we were born."

Nitro nodded. "Yeah! The Teeny Titans who live here ain't that tough! They're just fakes - they're propaganda!"

"Likely created because of the recent crime waves," Blood Rose shrugged. "It's not the greatest way to deter those such as the Inglorious Basterds, but I suppose it isn't the worst, either."

"I can't believe we're using that name," Nitro grunted.

Frost Wind sighed in shame. "And Nitro and the Speedeneers is any better?"

Nitro glanced about, frowning. "Well... I like the ring of it."

"Anyway, enough of this stalling," Blood Rose grunted, before glancing at the tellers. "If one of you fine ladies could lead us to the vault, we'll be on our way with minimal casualties." He narrowed his eyes. "And believe me, when you're dealing with someone such as I, you're getting the bargain deal..."

One of them gasped. "W-Well do it. P-Please, just don't hurt anypony!"

"Finally," Frost moaned.

"Hehehe, payday," Nitro smirked. "I'm gonna get me a few new toys from Sprinkles with this..."

At that, the three smiled, and began marching towards the terrified tellers, ready to collect their dues...

But before they could-


- A bird-a-rang sailed right by them, striking into the counter of the teller's counter.

The trio's eyes widened. They twirled about. There, saturated in the light of a rising moon, and in the gigantic hole that was once a pair of doors, were the Teen Titans themselves. Robin was in the center of them, his mask narrowed in spike.

"Sorry to say it, Blood Rose, but nobody's gonna be buying what you're selling," Robin snapped.

"Oh hell," Frost Wind moaned. "My unintentional puns are better than that..."

Robin merely smirked.

Cyborg gave a grin, cracking his two frontal hooves. "Hehe- you should hear some of Beast Boy's jokes! Who's ready to rumble, baby!?"

"Dude, shut up! Bet you I can take down the metal one!" Beast Boy smirked.

"Pffft - in your dreams. That one's mine, little man!" Cyborg teased.

Raven gave a groan. "Ugh, it's almost as if you make sport out of deterring bank robbers. You do realize half the ponies in here are probably on the verge of having heart attacks, right?"

On the contrary...

"Yo, it's them! I knew they'd show up!" Vinyl beamed.

Another pony with a bass clef symbol for a cutie mark nodded: Octavia. "They do make as as marvelous of an entrance as they do in the papers, don't they?"

"TEEN TITANS ROOOOOOCK!" a steroid-pumped pony roared.

"Yo what's up, Snow Flake!" Beast Boy called.

"Heh, nuttin' much, just in a bank robbery, little man."

"I know, isn't it awesome!?" Beast Boy grinned.

"Now that you guys are here, it is!"

"Dude, just you wait!"

Raven half-sighed. "Well... they definitely were before we showed up."

The trio of villains gave groans.

"Hehehe, they have no idea about us and they think they're home free," Nitro chuckled.

Frost Wind glared at them. "I'm warning you: if a fight breaks out in here, ponies will get hurt."

"Only if you make it so!" Starfire shouted.

"Ugh - Seriously, this is what they send against us?" Blood Rose moaned. "A bunch of fools wearing Nightmare Night costumes? They must really be trying to promote this whole 'legends alive' thing.

"Says the one wearing the joy mask," Raven muttered.

He raised an eyebrow, as if saying, 'seriously?'

"That's different, my dear," he said. "Because, like your friend there, Robin, is it? I actually have something to hide behind this mask... besides the past, perhaps?"

Robin merely cracked his neck. "Hate to break it to you, but you're not the only robber we've gone up against with a PHD in Bullshitology... and I can smell it half-a-mile a way. It's funny, though: it usually comes from people who belong in the nut house..." He gave a grunt, before whipping out his bo-staff, extending it, and twirling it in an intricate pattern that said 'ready for a beatdown?' "Like you, for instance."

"I say we knock some sense back into him," Cyborg growled, pounding a hoof into another.

Frost Wind gave a snarl, lowering herself to her hooves. "Enough chit-chat. Put your god damned money where your mouth is - it'll just make us richer when we knock it out of you! RAUUUUUGHHHH!.!.!"

The trio of villains darted forth.


The Titans charged forth as well.


Robin flew into the air and sent his staff in a vertical arc down upon Blood Rose.


It struck him atop the head, yet the villain merely shrugged as Robin lifted it, wide-masked.

"Heh, did I mention I feel no pain?" he smirked. "Among other things, too, I suppose... empathy, that sort of thing..."

Robin ignored him, bringing the other end of his staff in an upward ark towards the villain's belly. However, he was ready for this. Before he struck-

"You however..." he chuckled.


Suddenly, a tiny, unseen 'hole' in the mask let loose a plethora of strange gasses, saturating Robin in it. He stumbled back, coughing hysterically.

"Gotcha," Blood Rose winked. "Have a pleasant trip to the great nest in the sky, Robin! "HehahahOOOOHAHAHA!.!-"


Blood Rose stumbled back, disoriented this time, a crack in his mask forming...

"Nice trick," Raven quipped, reeling back a staff of her own. "But you realize that it's currently five versus three, right?"

Blood Rose merely smirked. "And here I was expecting magic from the great Titan, Raven... You're even a unicorn! But I suppose the tales of you exaggerated a few thin- WOAH!"

Raven swung again, forcing Blood Rose to duck.

"Maybe, but I'm starting to see why Robin likes these so much..." Raven said, with just a hint of a smile. "Sooo much more satisfying."

At that, she did her best interpretation of a staff-twirl, and....


Came at him again.




Nitro rolled like Sonic out of the way of a sonic cannon blast - at speeds just as quick as said hedgehog.

"Grrr! Hold still, you little- AAAACK!.!.!"

Before Cyborg could blink, Nitro leaped to four hooves again, gained speed, and struck Cyborg like a bowling ball, sending him falling on his side. "Ahhhh crap. When the heck did we end up fighting Robotonik's newest robot Sonic?!"

Nitro gave a hiss. "Hey, asshole! I'm not a friggin' robot!"

Cyborg's human eye widened in anger as he got to his hooves. "Yo! You got something against robots, punk?!"

"Na, just walking scrap-heaps like you!" he hissed.

"Oh HELL no," Cyborg snapped. "You can't say that word! Only we can say that word!"

"Bleh, shut up and short-circuit already!"

As Cyborg leveled his cannons at him, he came speeding around for another pass, rolling like Sonic again-


Only to bounce off a green stegosaurus that had previously been a mouse.

"BUUUUUCKKKK!.!.!" he screamed, flying out of the door to the bank and rolling into the distance.

"Hahaha!" Beast Boy cackled, transforming back in to changeling form and walking up to Cyborg, helping him up. "Dude, that was awesome! He fell right for it! Bro-hoof!"

"Nice job, little man!" Cyborg smirked, slamming his hoof into Beast Boy's.


Across the bank...

"Go Starfire! Go Starfire! It's yo birthday!" Vinyl cheered.


Starfire flung starbolt after starbolt at Frost Wind, who was practically panting as her horn sparkled and cracked, creating miniature floating shields of ice every second or so before her.

"I am not sure if this is the correct day for celebrating the day of my delivery!" Starfire called. "But I suppose it feels like it!"

Vinyl sweat-dropped, glancing at a giggling Octavia. "Man, she really is an alien, isn't she?" she whispered.

"Coming from someone who uses Wubstep to wash the dishes," Octavia sniped.

Vinyl huffed. "Pfffft- wash cloths are so old hap." She then pointed towards Frost Wind. "Just like she's about to be."

Octavia furrowed her brow. "Huh?"

Vinyl pointed elsewhere.

The cellist smiled. "Ooooooohhhh..."

"YEAAAAAH!" Snow Flake screamed.

"Ugh - enough of this!" Frost Wind shrieked. At that, she seemed to use the last of her immediate energy to summon a massive chunk of ice before her.


Before Starfire could aim at her again, or even react, Frost Wind stuck her head around the corner, charged her horn with a brilliant shimmer, and sent a supersonic spear of ice at the unsuspecting alien...

"EEEEEEP!" she squealed.


Before it could strike however, a blue beam of light made itself between it and her. When it hit, it disintegrated into mist.

Cyborg smirked, lowering a smoking sonic cannon. "Booya."

Frost Wind gritted her teeth, literally shaking in rage at this point. "GOD DAMNIT! That's it! This whole thing is off! I'm out of here!"

Her horn began to charge...

"She is preparing to teleport!" Starfire cried.

She glared at Starfire. "Sorry we couldn't play more, but I was an idiot to listen to Blood and his conspiracy theories about you. Until we meet again."

"Oooooh I wouldn't count on it," Cyborg smirked.

She furrowed her a brow. "Huh?"

Suddenly, a fourth voice cried from a bit away....

"You got that right! Stop right there, criminal scum!"

She closed her eyes in shame. "I'm seriously about to be taken out by the green one, aren't I?"

"Yeeeeup!" Beast Boy giggled, marching up to her. "And nopony breaks the law in my town! I'm confiscating your uh- your... crap... now I can't finish the quote cus you haven't actually stolen anything yet..."

She seemed so confused it was almost pitiable. "W-Wah?"

Cyborg sighed. "Don't mind him - he's quoting a game we used to play."

"The Scrolls of the Elders!" Starfire chirped, clapping her hooves.


The frost unicorn's face deadpanned.

"Yeah - I'm out of here."

Her horn began shining brighter.

"Eh, Beast Boy, how about I handle this," Cyborg smirked.

Beast Boy gave him a suspicious look. "Waiiit... are ya gonna do it, dude?"

"You bet your green butt I am," Cyborg grinned.

"Yes yes yes yes! Do the Foos!" Starfire giggled.

"D-Do what?!" she gasped.

Cyborg narrowed his eyes. "The one thing you'll fear most of all. In nerd tongue its Dova-Keen. DRRAAAGGOOON BORN!.!.! FOOS RO DAH!"



One blast from Cyborg's sonic cannon was all it took. It surged through her for only a second, before she fell to the ground - smoking.

"Ouch," Cyborg winced. "Hope it didn't hurt her too much!"

"Woooo yeah! Level up! Five hundred experience points gained!" Beast Boy chirped.

Starfire giggled yet again. "And she would have gotten away with it, but then she took a foos to the knee!"


Starfire glanced about in confusion.

Beast Boy and Cyborg gazed at her with looks of utter spite.

"Starfire. Never make that joke again," Beast Boy said, dead serious.

"Ever," Cyborg nodded.


... Starfire slowly frowned. "Oh..."

She then glanced across the room, noticing the battle was not over yet. "EEEEP! RAVEN!"




Blood Rose, who had gained the upper hand in the battle, swung at Raven with two knives dripping a blood red liquid - his horn providing the magical grip.

"One little scratch," he giggled. "ONE LITTLE SCRATCH! And it's all over. The venom on these blades came from a snake even the Griffins fear! Tiny, seemingly insignificant, but with the potency to take down an elephant, much less a little girl who calls herself a 'Titan!'"

With that, he grinned wickedly, twirled about, and CRAAAAAACK!.!.!

- Struck Raven with his two back-hooves. "HOOOOOOOHAHAHA!"

He then faced her again, and raised his two knives - ready to do much more than just poison the stunned Titan.

"You know, it's funny really," he smiled. "I'm not even that good going toe-to-toe. I usually just like to sit back and let my gas do the work for me." He then tiled his head. "But low and behold, I find someone who seems to think she has to overcompensate for a lack of magical ability by trying something she is not made for. A shame, really..."

He narrowed his eyes.

"But there's an easy way of getting rid of a broken mind, you know..."


Raven swallowed hard, closing her eyes...

"Yeah, you lock them up for good!"

Those eyes went wide.


Blood Rose's pupils dilated.... as he slowly collapsed to the ground - Robin's staff in back of where it once had been, its holder taking a deep breath.

"And for the record, my puns are still, and always have been, a psychological tactic," Robin muttered.

The bank goers, to put bluntly, were ready to buy Titan posters.

"ALLLLLRIIIIGHTT!.!.!" Vinyl called. "That was soooo friggin' awesome! Hell- I even got inspiration for a new song, too! Ima call it... 'Foos Ro Da!'"

"Sounds good to me, party girl!" Beast Boy grinned, bro-hoofing her.

"Mph... I'm sure they'll appreciate the piece I'm writing for them as well," Octavia said. "'The Titans Go' symphony."

"I might actually want to hear that," Raven said to herself.

Robin actually cracked a smirk as he helped her up.

"Heh. Glad I was familiar with what he poisoned me with," he spoke. "I had the anti-toxin handy."

Raven glanced at him curiously. "How did you know what he poisoned you with that quickly?"

Robin glanced away from her, coughing. "Well... let's just say Batman's training included a little - um - resistance building?"

Raven furrowed her brow. "So you're saying you learned how to identify poisons by exposing yourself to them and... observing what the effects were on yourself?"

"In a controlled environment, of course," Robin stated.

Raven slowly nodded. "You're insane."

He shrugged. "Tell me something I don't know."

"Sometimes, I wonder if you do know," Raven said, before giving a miserable sigh.

Robin caught on.

"Hey... are you alright?" he asked, lowering two, concerned eyebrows.

She glanced away from him, gritting her teeth. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" Robin asked, gulping slightly. "Look - I know this whole pony thing has been hard to adjust to for all of us... but I know it must be tough losing your powers, too." He then smiled. "But there's no shame in it, really. They'll come back eventually, and if anyone could teach you how to use magic again, it'd be Twilight. In the meantime, you might as well learn a few of my kind of moves."

She grunted, gazing at him again. "Robin - I appreciate you teaching me some of what you've learned, but I'm not you. I'm not as agile nor as strong as you are, and you've been training all of your life."

"Maybe, but you're a much quicker learner than me," Robin said.

Suddenly, there was a clamor of armored hooves coming from outside the bank.

"Yo Robin - guard's here!" Cyborg called. "Come on, let's go get the paperwork done - I have a few new blueprints to show the tower construction crew!"

"Alright, be right there!" Robin called.

Cyborg nodded as him, a joyful looking Starfire, and the green changeling made their way out.

"Duuuude! Is it the swimming pool?!" Beast Boy asked.

Cyborg gave a grunt. "We are not having a swimming pool, BB, seriously! We're spoiled enough with them building this thing for us already!"

He frowned. "I bet if I asked Princess Celestia..."

"Come on man, don't abuse your number one fangirl, seriously!"

He stuck his tongue out. "You're just jealous that you're not her favorite!"

"Pffft - no, I just don't wanna waste money on a swimming pool when I could be installing a friggin' giant magitek cannon on the roof! Ain't nobody - pony, whatever, screwing with the tower this time!" He chuckled. "I mean seriously, for a land of peace, they sure know how to weaponise magic..."

And they were gone.

Robin chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "The more things change..."


He raised an eyebrow.. "Raven... I didn't mean to cut this off - we can talk about it later, if you want..."

Raven merely sighed, and turned to the door. "Maybe - I don't know. I'll be in the Everfree Forest meditating if you need me."



And as a very-much concerned Robin looked on, Raven sauntered out of the bank and towards the foreboding forest of old.

Robin furrowed his brow. "There's got to be somepony who can help her get her magic back..."

The Everfree Forest
Ten Minutes Later

"Azarath... Metrion... Zinthos..."

Among a group of lonely shadows produced by ancient trees, Raven sat on the forest floor. She had become familiar with these woods the last two months, much like she had become familiar with Twilight Sparkle's library. Both the inner and outer woods were peaceful... save for the occasional angry visit from Wrath. Luckily, he stayed away from the outer woods - leaving her in peace.

She shifted in the moss, grunting.

... Or something close to it.

"Azarath... Metrion.... Zinthos..."

"Azarath... Metrion.... Zinthos..."

"Azarath... Metrion.... Zinthos..."

Each time, she grew more and more frustrated, before finally...

"Azarath... Metrion...."

She gave a terrific groan of defeat.

"Zinthos..." she sighed, opening her eyes.

She shook her head. "It's no use..." she whispered. "I don't know why I keep trying to live in the past. It's long gone. My powers may have been drawn by emotion, but whatever that place was it came from: be it Azarath or something else... it's no longer with me."

She winced. "Still - it doesn't explain why I can't learn arcane magic... do I just not have the right horn for it? Did I come out of the artifact... wrong?"


Suddenly, she froze, as a deep, though menacing voice echoed from the woods:

"No, silly - you just need to wait a little longer..."


Raven didn't move a muscle.

It gave an annoyed grunt. "Oh come on, this isn't some cliche horror show! I'm not going to hurt you..."

Raven then raised an eyebrow, glancing towards it direction - however, it didn't take long to see its origin. There was a light sound of sweeping air as a strange, smoke-like being glided out of the deep, its only visible feature two, green eyes - with strange wisps of purple energy crawling out of their sides.

"Who are you?" Raven said softly, as if she were talking to a regular ole' person. "Some sort of ghost? Another manifestation of the forest like Wrath?"

"Pfffft," he chuckled. "Please - Wrath has nothing on me... neither do any of the other 'Everfree Guardians'."

Raven continued to glance at him suspiciously. "Your eyes... they're close to how Requiem's were described..."

"Heh - oh, them? That's just the um... cus of um... being a spirit and stuff! Woooooo...." it coughed.

"You use dark magic don't you," Raven said blankly. "And you've transformed yourself into a being of smoke."

"Errr - something like that," it grunted. "More like 'was transformed against my will just because I wanted to make um... something I cared about prosperous..."

Raven slowly nodded. "Alright... assuming you aren't a very poor liar and want to make me your apprentice or something... what do you want?"

"To make you my apprentice, of course!" it chirped.


"Hey, at least I'm honest," it sighed. "And honesty - heh - you don't really need me... to an extent. I believe your magic will come back in time..."

"Then why do you want me as your apprentice?" Raven said.

The figure began circling around her, saying in a sing-song tone: "It's simple really: your magic will come back, but when it does, it won't be nearly as powerful as you were used to. From what I've studied, I've theorized it's a different type of magic then what is known in this world. I'll go ahead and call it 'black magic'. Your body, and more importantly, your horn, are not suited for it at the moment. However, it seems the artifact tried to make it so... but only got half way. Ever notice how your horn is a bit... crooked? Smoother than the rest of the unicorns..."

"I don't know, but I'll make due," Raven grunted. "I don't make deals with ghosts in the pale moonlight. That's just asking for trouble." She then cracked her neck, closing her eyes again. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't just meditate for power control. It's relaxing for me..."

"Mmmm, thought we'd have a few trust issues," the shadow grunted.

Raven gave a low groan. "I'll be a little less polite: please leave me alone."

The shadow chuckled lightly, before floating towards her ear and whispering. "You'll never get what you want alone. I saw you fight today. Honestly, you have very good friends. They would have you fighting among your side even if your powers never returned. You're family to them..."

"What are you getting at?" she muttered.

"I'm just reiterating what you've probably already realized," he whispered. "Something that's been tossing and turning in your head since you first learned you weren't exactly your old self..."

"And that is...?"

"Something that I'd be thinking right now..." He continued. "That while your teammates will always accept you, there will come a point where you will no longer deem it acceptable to be among them - at least to fight them, because of your diminished power. Oooooh sure, they'll definitely let you live with them, still - hang out with them, but you'll always just feel like dead weight." The shadow's voice began to drop. "And then... the guilt will force you to leave them... and being near them will just remind you of what you once had. So... you'll go off alone - somewhere far away. And you will stay that way - alone. Why? Because you're the type who has a very hard time growing close to people, or perhaps even an impossible time... save for a friendship forged in fire, that is."

"Ugh - just go away!" Raven suddenly cried. She wanted with all her might to teleport away, but her horn said otherwise.

"Very well," he chuckled. "I may go away, but the thoughts will remain, you know... and don't blame me for 'placing them in your head' or whatever, they were there before I even said a word. I'm very good at reading people, Raven - maybe not the best at interacting, but I know that for all your talk of loving solitude, every once and awhile you enjoy having company... I'm the same in a way. How about we do each other a favor?"

"I don't even know your name!" she snapped. "Who you are!?"

"Spoilers," he smirked, before narrowing his eyes. "Let's just say I come from a much...

... Colder place."

Chapter VIII: Politics (Part II)

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One Day Later
10:00 AM

"Goooood morning, Central Equestria! This is your host DJ-P0N3 - bringing you the hottest news and tunes from where it blooms! Today I'm going to start with a very special shout out to the greatest storm to hit Equestria since Discord's chocolate rain! Discord, if you can hear this - that part wasn't so bad, by the way. Just give me a forecast so I can set up some collection buckets, baby!"

Anyway, ya'll have probably heard of the Titans by now, right? I know I've mentioned them on this show a few times. Some of you may have even heard of the legends! Still - if you haven't, GET OUT FROM UNDER THAT ROCK! I've even got a very special guest here to give us the lay down. How ya doin, Princess Sparkle?!"

"Not too bad, Vinyl - er, 'DJ-P0N3', thank you!"

"Haha, it's no biggie, girl. You haven't been on the show for a bit, so let's start by hearin' a little about you. Watcha been up to these days, aside from pushing some awesome new bills through parliament, of course."

"Hehe, well - the Vigilante Tolerance Act practically pushed itself with all that's been happening lately. Other than that, I've mainly just been continuing my studies, new and old. I've also been visiting Canterlot a lot more lately. With all that needs to be done in regard to me, sometimes I wonder if Equestria getting a new princess is worth the hastle."

"Pfffft - you know it is, and Ponyville's always got your flank - in a totally non-sexual way! Still, pshhhht, if you ever need a Royal DJ, you know where to find me, right? Hehe."

"You'll be first on the list! And thank you, by the way."

"No problem, no problem! Ahem. Anyway, word on the street says that you were there when the first Titan arrived- our main man in tights - Robin!"

"Mmmhmm. That I was. I just wish I could have been more helpful towards him. I have to admit - I was a little cold at first."

"So first impressions weren't that great?"

"Oh no, his reaction was perfectly understandable. I just wish I had been more empathetic at the time. Imagine winding up in a completely different world with a new body as well... it'd be quite the shock."

"Heck - I'd say. He was once a human, right? Any idea if he's from the 'mirror world', as you called it before?"

"No - I don't think so. That world seems to just be a parallel world to our own. He came from somewhere... far more distant. Another, separate universe. If what I can ascertain is true, it may have been a universe that came even before own own - one that eventually collapsed."

"I'm not sure I'm following..."

"Well, think of it this way. Universes seem to be like phoenixes in a way. They live, die, and from the ashes comes a new one - though slightly, or even radically different from the first."

"Oooooh. I think I getcha, now. Woah... that's friggin' crazy!"

"It baffles me, too. I wish I could explain the details, but this is far beyond what anypony could understand."

"Heh - well, you dumbed it down enough for me! I get the jist of it. But still - do you think it's a good thing the Titans were brought here? What do you think of them?"

"Well, it's kind of a mixed bag. On one hoof, I feel bad for them, I really do. Their home is gone, everything they knew is just... gone - and they had no control over this. But still - I'm glad to say they're making a difference right here, right now. When the bill was being pushed, some were concerned that vigilantes may actually attract criminal attention. Self-proclaimed 'supervillains' and egomaniacs trying to share some of their glory in all the wrong ways. "

"And there was a small increase in crime in Ponyville, Canterlot, and the surrounding cities when they first came out of the woodwork, right?"

"Correct, Vinyl. It seems that the fear was actually justified - though only at first. Once the Titans truly began their work, even without the resources or even bodies they were used to, they have stopped, and I quote, 'twenty-seven armed robberies, twelve attempted murders, five hostage situations, and have rescued twenty-three kittens from trees.' Whenever they battle crime, there seems to be a ninety percent success rate with minimal collateral damage."

"And with one hundred percent awesome entertainment! I was actually there yesterday when they stopped that bank robbery! It was something else. To tell the truth, and Octi, if you give me crap about this I swear to Celestia... ahem, anyway- when that trio of weirdos broke in, I... I was actually scared."

"Quite understandable. Who wouldn't be?"

"Seriously, though... I thought I was about to have a heart attack. But - heh - once the Titans burst into the scene, it was like a one-eighty degree turn. I went from 'I'm screwed' to 'this is friggin' awesome' in a manner of like two minutes. The Titans took some hits, sure, and one time I got really worried for Raven, but for Celestia's sake, seeing them at work was something else. They dropped those guys in like fifty seconds flat - makin' these little quips and jokes all the way. They have fun with what they do, and that fun translated onto us in the bank!"

"Honestly, I think they're just fun in general, though all in different ways. I've actually become decent friends with Raven: she's quite the intellectual, and I love when she comes to the library. Even if she's only been here for two months, I can already discuss Equestrian culture and poetry with her. It's astounding. Even our voices are almost identical."

"Hehe, I'm partial to Cyborg myself. He was at this club I was DJing at the other day, partying it up! Guy didn't mind chattin' with people, too. But yeah - you're the Titans' official government contact, right? Any idea what they'll be up to lately?"

"Kicking flank and taking names?"


"No, but seriously, I know for a fact that two of them will be heading to Canterlot with me this weekend. Though the bill is passed, according to Equestrian law it has a two month period where it can be veto'd. Prime Minister Slade Wilson is leading a charge against it. He's actually garnered a bit of support, including from Prince Blueblood and even my own brother, Prince Shining Armor, which I'm still going to beat him for, by the way. Shining, I hope you're listening to this!"

"Woah! Seriously?! Slade Wilson is entering a political battle with the Titans?"

"I know, it's a bit strange that he shares the same name as the Titans' number one enemy on their homeworld. However, I don't believe there's any connection - he merely comes from a traditional family where unusual names are still used. I happen to know him, personally, and I assure you he isn't a bad person. He's actually quite charming. I just hope we can convince him and his followers that the Titans' are a good thing, and not a bad thing, for Equestria at whole..."

"Is this hearing going to be broadcast live, per chance?"

"Mmmhmm... tune into channel 97.5, Canterlot News. Equestrian political dealings are now required by law to be broadcast to the people. Radios are such an amazing marvel."

"Heh - you got that right, don't forget who you're talking to. But uh - by any chance could you convince one of the Titans to come on the show? I don't want to bother them - they seem pretty damned busy, but... if they have time..."

"I'll put in the good word!"

"Right on! Still, we're running out of time - and I'm sure you need to get going too. Have fun in Canterlot! Hope everything goes smoothly."

"Thank you, Vinyl - that makes two of us! Thanks for having me."

"The pleasure is totally mine, baby! Now then - onto my favorite portion of the show, Tune Time! This week we're gonna be doin' something a bit different - music from the Titans' lost world of Earth, provided by Cyborg himself! That's right, you heard me! You're gonna be listening to friggin' alien music! Now let's give it up for a legend among legends, the oldest of oldies, You're An All Star by Smash Mouth! Hehe! Gotta say, I love this band myself! Rest in peace, my brothers from another universal mother!"

"Ugh, seriously, Cyborg?! Smash Mouth?!" Beast Boy groaned, sitting at the kitchen table of the small, but adequate house the Titans had been provided - until the completion of the Neo Tower, of course.

Cyborg merely chuckled, ignoring him, as he sang along with the radio: "Hey now! You're an all star! Get your game on - go play!"

The green Titan rolled his eyes, taking another bite out of a sunflower sandwich. "No wonder you like this so much. It probably plays in your head every time you play video games."

"Huh - what was that, Beast Boy?" Cyborg smirked. "Couldn't hear you over the sound of musical beauty."

"You could have at least suggested something we all like!" Beast Boy mumbled. "Like Linkin' Park!"

Cyborg gave him a blank look. "Beast Boy - only you like Linkin' Park! And this is before our universe went kaput, too."

"Hmph - even that stuff Robin likes - Muse, right? - is better than this," he groaned. "At least they're kind of epic. Smash Mouth just makes me think of Shrek."

"... And what's wrong with Shrek?"

"Nothing! It's just why I can't take Smash Mouth seriously!"

"They're a fun band, BB!" Cyborg huffed. "They're not supposed to be taken that seriously. I'm surprised you don't like them, to be honest! Seriously - just be lucky I didn't give her my Biggie stuff."

Beast Boy raised an eyebrow.

Cyborg rolled his pony eye. "Yo, I may be sixty-percent metal, but I'm still one hundred percent black, you know. I just didn't want the ponies to get the wrong idea about us, though."

"Hahaha, next you gotta lay down some Tupac, then, 'yo'."

"..." Cyborg glared at him.


"Alright, too far," he eeped.

Cyborg chuckled. "It's alright - I know you didn't mean anything by it."

At that, the kitchen door opened, and in came Robin.

"Man you guys talk loud - I heard your conversation from upstairs!"

"Good morning to you, early bird," Beast Boy chuckled. "Need some coffee?"

"Yeah yeah. But about that - why not just put The Beatles on next time?" he shrugged. "Everyone, save for Raven, likes them - I'm sure the ponies would, too!"

Beast Boy and Cyborg squinted in thought, before nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, that's true."

"Why not?"

"Annnnywaaay," Beast Boy grinned, changing the topic. "Any idea who you're bringing to Canterlot with you? It wouldn't happen to be the Princess' number one Titan, would it?"

"Ugh - will you shut up about that, already?" Cyborg mumbled.

"Not til you admit you're jelly, jelly-face!" Beast Boy smirked.

Robin quickly shook his head. "Sorry, Beast Boy, but you're not coming."

His jaw nearly hit the table in sorrow. "W-Wah?! But duuuuude! You know how much I want to go! Canterlot is the city that everyone talks about!"

"You've been to Canterlot, before" Robin sighed.

"But that was for Titan stuff!" Beast Boy cried.

"This is for Titan stuff..."

"B-But long-term Titan stuff!" Beast Boy frowned. "I'd totally have time to tour the town, scout out the prettier mares, hang out with Princess Celestia, maybe..."

"Yeah, if you want to lose her as your number one fan," Cyborg smirked.

"Dude - shut up, the mares here love the fuzzy man! There's no resistance anymore!" He then gave him a look of mock seriousness. "All of them. Save for Raven."

Cyborg raised an eyebrow. "The fact that you want to date ponies is kind of making me wonder what you get up to in your animal forms back on Earth..."

Beast Boy gave an offended look. "What?! Dude, that's friggin' wrong!"

... And Robin face-hoofed.

"I'm sorry Beast Boy, but I need Raven for this. She's been studying up on Equestria since we first got here: she knows a lot more than me on politics, history, and culture, and I'm going to need to bring her to beat..." He narrowed his eyes. "Prime Minister Wilson."

Cyborg shook his head, his eyes closed. "It's just a name, man. Don't get hung up on it..."

Robin sighed. "It's just bringing back some old memories... I know it'd be a pretty big coincidence if it somehow was him."

"Though picturing Slade in pony form is kind of hilarious!" Beast Boy giggled. "I honestly wouldn't be able to take him seriously anymore. 'Yes, Titans, today is your reckoning. Nopony will be able to stop my bombing of the horse-shoe factory. Buahahahahaha!.!.!'"

"I'd probably be more creeped out than humored to be honest," Cyborg said, raising his eyebrows.

"Whoever he is," Robin sighed. "We need to make sure he doesn't appeal the Vigilante Act. I wasn't sure at first, but I'm positive the Titans are making an impact already. Crime will just go up again if the Prime Minister has it his way..."

"Not to mention we'll be out of a job," Beast Boy coughed. "And a fancy new tower."

Cyborg chuckled, shaking his head. "Well - good luck, man. That's all I gotta say." He then brought a hoof to his mouth, squelching a chuckle. "Oh and- nice suit there, Jeeves."

Robin shot him an annoyed look. He happened to be wearing a very fancy, black suit, his face-mask included.

"Rarity made it for me," he muttered. "I think it's nice, to be honest!"

"Mmmmph..." a new voice groaned.

The trio turned, before bursting out in laughter. At the door stood Raven, wearing a beautiful, (though somewhat girly), formal, black dress.

"Damn, Raven!" Cyborg giggled. "Trying something new, are we?"

"The black really brings your purple fur!" Beast Boy chortled, before saying in his mock, fashion savvy voice: "You look gorgeous, darling!"

"Not... another... word," she said menacingly.

Even without her magic, it was enough to make them shut up.

Robin tried desperately to hide his giggles. "Heh- D-Don't listen to them, Raven. You look... um... professional!"

"Shut up," she snapped. "I thought I told you to tell her not to go overboard! Why couldn't we just wear our costumes?"

"It looks fine to me," Robin shrugged, finally finishing his giggles. "Seriously, we have to look professional for this. As much as I hate to admit it, our costumes would stick out like a sore thumb in that kind of setting."

"I just wanted a suit!" she cried. "This... just feels wrong."

Robin gave a shrug. "Sorry, Raven, but you're going to have to get used to it. We don't have time to get something else made for you."

"... I might just go naked, then."

Robin rolled his eyes, sighing. "Come on... we need to get ready to go. The princess' were nice enough to let us stay in the castle, and Twilight's got a chariot waiting for us..."

Raven took a deep breath. "Yayyy...."

"Robin!" Starfire beamed, zipping into the room. "Oh good - I'm glad I caught you before you had taken your leave!"

"Heh - sorry, Star," Robin smiled. "Didn't want to wake you..."

"Oh, it is fine, Robin," Starfire winked. "Last night was quite eventful!"

"Oooooooooooo," Beast Boy said in a child-like tone.

"If I still had fingers, Beast Boy, ya know which one I'd raise?" Robin mumbled, before turning back to Starfire. "But yeah, sorry you couldn't come, too, but I need you here. Still, it's gonna suck leaving you for a weeEEEK-"

Naturally, Starfire gripped him in a killer hug.

"It is fine, dearest friend! Please take care of yourself while away!" she gulped. "And may X'Hal smile upon you in this noble endeavor!"

"H-Heh... Starfire..." Robin gasped. "I love your hugs, but... pony backs... are weak... too..."

"Eep!" she squeaked, "Sorry, I need to remember not to do that..."

Robin forced a smirk, cracking his back with a few, painful sounding 'pops'.

Cyborg winced. "Ouch."

"Oh no! I didn't induce harm, did I?" she squeaked. "I'm so so so so sorry!"

Robin shook his head with one last pop. "H-Heh - it's no problem. I don't think I'll need to see the chiropractor again... well... m-maybe not..."

Stafire tilted her head. "Shall I attempt to administrate the Kulfko Pressure Technique again?"

Robin's mask widened in horror.

"NO!" Robin cried, before coughing. "I mean uh- well... we can try it when I get back, I guess?"

"Joyous!" Starfire bounced. "I shall continue to practice it while you are away!"

"Ooooh he is so screwed," Beast Boy chortled.

"A volunteer would be useful to have," Starfire continued. "Beast Boy - would you like to assist me?"

He quickly gulped, shrinking into tortoise form. It slowly shook its head.

"Robin, you're the one who wanted to be punctual," Raven moaned, glancing at a clock on the wall. "We're about to be late..."

Robin couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, alright, we gotta get goin' - but seriously, I'm going to miss you guys. Hold down the fort while we're gone."

Cyborg smiled. "You too, man. Kick some butt for us. I just hope Equestrian politics aren't as boring as the Senate's."

"I've actually read they involve duels," Raven smirked. "Of the magical variety."

Suddenly, Beast Boy was a changeling again, his eyes widened in glee. "Woah, that's friggin' awesome! Imagine it - Harry Unicorn Obama versus Draco Unicorn Romney!"

"Er- She's being sarcastic, BB," Cyborg smirked.

Raven nodded, smiling deviously.

Starfire giggled. Robin stifled a laugh.

"... Yo, not cool," Beast Boy grumbled. "Getting my hopes up like that..."

"But, yeah - you sure you guys are going to be fine alone for a week, right?" Robin asked. "I could figure out some quick way of transp-"

"Robin..." Raven sighed. "Do you want this thing to stay passed or not?"

"Right! Leaving now!" he nodded. "But um - Cyborg, since you're in charge for a bit, and no offense, but you're familiar with the guard's policies and laws right?"

He rolled his pony eye. "Yes, mom. We'll be fine, seriously!"

"I doubt I can say the same about Robin," Raven said, already half-way out of the room. "Come on, Boy Blunder..."

Robin nodded again. "Right, but just one more thin-"


Finally, he gulped. "C-Coming..."

The Titans broke out into laughter as the Boy Wonder winced, turned about, and followed Raven out of the room.

Soon, they would be in Canterlot.

Chapter XIX: Politics (Part III)

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Canterlot Airspace
Two Hours Later

"You know, I'm starting to see why they recommended we set up shop in Ponyville," Robin commented, gazing with interest over the sides of the flying chariot he rode on: inbound towards Canterlot. "That was a pretty short trip, and we must have only been flying around thirty miles per hour..."

"Mmhmm," Twilight smiled at him. "I'm glad Canterlot is so close, to be honest: the only problem is that the distance doesn't get me out being summoned for quick royal needs and all that..."

"Mmmm," Raven sighed. "I can see why you'd be so perturbed. Nobody seems to leave you alone, from what I've seen..."

"Nopony, Raven," Robin corrected.

"No way, Robin..." she sighed.

He rolled his eyes behind the mask.

"Yeah," Twilight said softly. "It is... a pretty big change from what I've been used to. I thought I'd like being thrown in the loop, but... my new position is... complicated."

"How so?" Robin asked.

She glanced away from them. "No offense, but I'd rather not talk about it."

"Is it because you've gained immortality?" Raven asked bluntly.

Twilight quickly shook her head. "Oh no - nonono, it's not that. I age a little slower than every other pony, but I'm not immortal. Excuse me for sounding kind of... egotistical, but Princess Celestia and Luna are pretty much gods, I'm just... a servant of them, I guess."

"A demigod?"

Twilight coughed, blushing. "Well... I wouldn't go that far. Though I have an enhanced amount of arcane magic to work with now, it um... well - I still have to learn how to control it. It doesn't enhance my magic too much, it just allows me to learn more. I suppose I like that part of the... um... package deal?"

"Responsibility can be a tough thing to grow into," Robin nodded. "Especially when it comes to leadership." He closed his eyes. "I never expected to be a leader - ever, really. I've always been a student, a sidekick, or a loner... but when the Titans came together... I was kind of thrust into it. I didn't know what to do, really. I just kind of went with my gut... and... well, things kind of worked out. I dunno if it had to do with luck or if my team was just bound to work well together, but for whatever reason, we're still here."

A beat...

"You're a decent leader, Robin," Raven actually comforted.

Robin blinked, gazing at her wide-masked.


"Are you... dying?"


Twilght giggled at that.

"So," Robin coughed, changing the conversation. "Prime Minister Slade Wilson, huh?"

Twilight chuckled. "Yes, I know his name is an odd coincidence, but he's actually a very nice pony. He has a decent reason for wanting to reproach the bill, I suppose. His main reason, er - I think this is it, anyway, is that he believes letting vigilantes have free reign is going to do nothing but allow criminals to circumvent the justice system - since they won't be apprehended by the guard. Plus, there's always the issue of vigilantes acting out of line, not following laws themselves, not following protocol, creating criminals just by existing... the list goes on and on."

"Ugh - I've heard this before," Robin pouted. "The same argument was made by the Senate minority back when a similar law was passed on our world. The president pretty much said they could go screw themselves when they begged him to veto it."

"I still think their argument did have some legitimacy to it," Raven said. "I sometimes wondered how many weirdos would be dressing up as supervillains if we weren't around tempting them... egomaniacs, idiots, attention seekers - and sometimes plain old criminals who think we may have wronged them."

"Mph, why don't you go support him, then?" Robin snapped.

Twilight raised her eyebrows.

"No need to be like that," Raven growled. "If I didn't support our side of the picture, I wouldn't be a Titan still, would I? I generally believe we do more good then harm, but you know better than anyone else that knowing your opponent is the key to victory."

"That... was a little rash, Robin" Twilight pointed out.


Robin took a deep breath. "Sorry, I guess this whole Slade Wilson thing is just getting to my head..."

"What else is new?" Raven moaned.


"Look, I know it's stupid, OK?" Robin grunted. "The chances of Slade somehow being let into the artifact, arriving at the same time we did, somehow being elected the Prime Minister of a country that should know better, and being stupid enough to choose a name that obvious is so unlikely it could make my head spin. But still... Slade did often like to use reverse-psychology. And I do remember we were hunting him when we disappeared - I just wish I could remember more."

"Well, just remember - even if it somehow Slade himself, we've beaten him before with our fists, we can beat him with our words, too," Raven stated.

Twilight blinked in confusion. "This... Slade must really have been terrible... I remember reading about him in the legends, but to know somehow who actually had to confront him-"

"He was the worst of the worst," Robin whispered. "A monster. A psychopath... I tried to distance myself emotionally from the villains we faced, but I couldn't with him... I hated him."

Raven glanced away from Twilight. "As I said before... we all have our issues with him. But let's just focus on what's ahead of us for now... Slade is long gone and turned to dust, Robin. He may have come back from the grave. He may have survived the end of the world, but the universe itself would have bested him in the end."


"With him... you never know," Robin said silently.

"Princess!" one of the pegasi pulling the chariot called. "We're making one more pass - air traffic is dense - but then we're going to be landing at the designated point!"

"Gotcha!" Twilight chirped, before taking a deep breath and gazing at her two, new friends. "Whelp - welcome to Canterlot during political rush hour..."

"Yay..." Raven moaned.

At that, the chariot circled about one of the highest towers protruding from the royal palace, before soaring towards a large balcony hanging off of it...

Royal Palace Guest Tower

"Twili!" Shining Armor grinned as she hopped off the chariot, the two Titans following her. He was the only one there to greet them, it seemed. "How are you, kiddo?"

With that, he galloped towards her, ruffling her mane with a hoof. Twilight gave him a friendly, though slightly reproachful look, as the chariot took off behind her.

"Better than you're about to be," Twilight grunted. "Why in the world are you supporting this thing?! Didn't you get my letter about the Titans?!"

"Er... yeah," Shining coughed, rubbing a hoof into the ground, and facing the two Titans with a friendly, though guilty smile. "It's um - er... yeah, where are my manners? I'm Shining Armor - nice to meet you two."

Raven glanced him over, blushing slightly. "Um - nice to meet you, too..."

Robin and Twilight raised a curious eyebrow, before shrugging it off.

"Prince Armor," Robin nodded formally.

"Heh - just Shining is cool. I hate the formal crap I'm supposed to deal with." He then scratched the back of his mane. "Hey um - might as well get this out of the way. I just want to say you guys are cool in my book - I've heard the stories of you guys kicking a lot of flank - in the right way, too. It's really just the bill itself that I'm against... if they had a 'Titans are allowed to kick butt' bill, but not all vigilantes, I'd be fine with it. You get what I'm saying, right? I just wish they'd take my recommendation and do just that..."

"But that wouldn't be very fair, would it?" Twilight muttered.

Shining glanced away from her.

Robin cracked a slight smile. "I understand, and it's fine, really. If you're Twilight's brother, I'm sure your intentions are noble."

He chuckled slightly. "Heh - I'm sure she's said otherwise..."

She took a deep breath, glancing back towards him and rolling her eyes. "I'm sure they are, Shining, even if you're being stupid. Just don't expect me to hold back in parliament, alright?"

Shining grinned. "A little sibling rivalry to spice up this boring mess? Why not!"

The group chuckled slightly, before a new voice interrupted them. A deep, arrogant, and somewhat obnoxious voice.

"Well, look at this... if it isn't our newest do-gooders, the Tweeny Titans."

"Ugh, Discord, can we please not play hide and seek?" Twilight groaned.

Raven furrowed her brow. "Wait - Discord?! But I thought he was supposed to be-"


Suddenly, appearing before two baffled Titans came the draconeques, grinning down at Raven.

"Reformed!" he giggled. "And honestly, I'm starting to enjoy this new schtick! I can have as much fun as I want - to a reasonable degree, of course - without getting in trouble - and I get to meet Equestria's newest and brightest stars first-hoof!"

"Er... yeah," Robin blinked. "Nice to... meet you?"

Shining gave a grunt. "Yeah, very nice Discord, but we have stuff to do..."

"Pffft - yeah right," he said, rolling his eyes. "All you're doing is showing them to their rooms for now, aren't you, Prince Bellboy? Trying to screw me out of an autograph session?"

"He's annoying me already," Raven muttered to Twilight.

"Hey, I heard that!" Discord grunted, suddenly elongating his ears to five times their size. "Secrets don't make friends, you know! Then again, they say you are the loner type, so..."


With a snap of his fingers, Discord was now sporting some very black, very emo-like hair, some of it covering up his right eye. "Mph.. do you like me now, Raven? Not that I care... I mean - who cares about anything, really? Everything is just a black abyss in the end.... meaningless... pointless... it all sucks."

Raven gritted her teeth, her eye twitching at the giggling god of chaos who was busy emo-flipping the hair out of his eye.

"Alright, alright," Robin moaned, standing between Discord and Raven. "You've had your fun. What exactly do you want with us... Discord?"

"What - can't a being of chaos sate his curiosity?" Discord smirked. "I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. And my oh my, I can see why you're the talk of the talk: that outfit of yours is absolutely gorgeous! Do you fight the good fight in that tuxedo?! Oh - you're definitely my favorite now. I can see why Lulu likes to talk about you so much, (though I still can't see why she likes Raven), the ole walking megaphone!"

"... This isn't my costume," Robin said blankly.

Discord gave a mock gasp. "So you mean the rumors about you wearing tights were true?!"

"Well, I used to wear tights," Robin sighed. "Until I got my new costume, of course..."

"Meh, still - booooriiiinggg!" Discord sighed. "You're not my favorite anymore."

Robin blinked. "Um... shoot?"

"A shame, too," Discord smirked. "Because I was about to let you on to a little secret that I know you'd just die to have..."

Robin raised an eyebrow. "Then why don't you tell me a part of it and I can decide for myself?"

"Oh, I might just do that," Discord giggled. "But only when it'll be the most fun."

"Ugh, Discord... the Titans may not be doing much at the moment, but I have a lot of paperwork to go through," Twilight growled. "And I don't just want to leave them without showing them around a little."

"Oh, that's alright," Discord said, sticking his tongue out. "I have stuff to do, too, you know - a few things in the land down under, or the caves down under, that is."

He then glanced directly at Robin, before leaning down towards him, and whispering in his ear:

"Where the gears of Equestria really turn..."

Robin raised an eyebrow.

He then chuckled, his normal tone returning. "But I'll be seeing you soon, Titans...... very soon. Good luck with the preceding! Tootles!"



And with that, the being of chaos was gone.

"Thank you, god," Raven sighed in relief. "Even if I don't necessarily believe in you."

Robin glanced upward in contemplation. "Still - what do you think he was talking about?"

Twilight shrugged. "It's Discord. Trust, me - he's Equestria's biggest troll. He'll do anything to mess with you if he'll get a laugh out of the end."

Robin furrowed his brow. "Yeah... alright..."

Raven glanced at him suspiciously, as if she knew he was going to obsess over this a bit.

"Anyway, sorry about that," Shining sighed. "Why they let him stay in the castle is anypony's guess. I think they just like to keep an eye on him."

"That's pretty much the only reason," Twilight stated. "He doesn't make the best court jester - particularly because he's not very funny." She then shrugged slightly. "Well... he does make me laugh, occasionally, so I guess he's getting better at 'normal' humor instead of his type of humor."

"The day he makes me laugh is the day my magic starts working again," Raven muttered.

Twilight gazed at her, concerned. "H-Huh?"

"Nothing," she moaned.


Shining smiled brightly, breaking the tension.

"Come on, let's get the tour started," he stated, before leading them into the castle.

Shining's mirth continued as he led the Titans down a particular hall of the castle, occasionally showing them an award or medal or two that hung on the walls.

"... And this one is what I got for slaying the dreaded Two-Headed Dragon of Whispersong," Shining smirked, constantly gauging Twilight's reaction as he did so. "Oooo, this one's nice, too... I got it for beating down the Goblin King of Clockwork City... man that was one hell of a battle. No casualties, though. The Elite Guard's finest moment!"

"Nice," Robin smiled. "They made a mistake giving you a... 'promotion', I guess you could call it?"

"Pffft, you got that right, buddy," Shining muttered. "Being a prince isn't the same as being a captain. I mean - I love the Crystal Ponies, but I'd rather be here fighting for my home instead of filling a role I have no idea how to do, ya know?"

"Tell me about it, you big show off," Twilight grunted.

"Just giving details of the awards in this hall," Shining said innocently. "Not my fault I only happen to know about so many..."

"Gee- I wonder why he knows about the ones only dedicated to him..." Raven whispered to Twilight, causing her to stifle a chuckle.

Twilight then smirked slightly. "Robin seems to be taking to him pretty well..."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Trust me, as humble as he may come off - Robin has an ego the size of this castle. And the only thing he likes more than being an egomaniac is talking to other egomaniacs."

"Ooo! Ooo! And here's the one I got for totally saving the Crystal Empire!" Shining grinned. "Heh - Twilight may have helped with that one, though."

"Oh no," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "I was just there as moral support!"

"Pffft - give yourself more credit," Shining smiled, causing Twilight to give him a blank look.

"Heh, alright, now you've got me jealous," Robin said, before giving a competitive, foreboding smirk. "And there's only one way to resolve that..."

"Oh I hope you're not saying what I think you're saying...?" Shining grinned. "Cus I don't want you walking into parliament bruised..."

"Ohohoho," Robin chirped. "Now it HAS to happen!"

Raven and Twilight sweat-dropped.

"What has to happen?" Raven groaned.

Twilight facehoofed. "Ugh- please... not now, Shining. You know what happened with the Griffin Ambassador..."

"So he lost a few feathers," Shining shrugged. "Big whoop."

"... He declared to have an assassin sent after you," Twilight said blankly. "In the middle of parliament. I think it's safe to say you bruised his ego..."

Shining smirked sarcastically. "Oh come on! Robin won't be like that! He doesn't mind being bested, does he?"

"As long as you don't, brotha," Robin grinned, locking eyes with him.

"Oh god - are you two about to duel or something?" Raven moaned.

"Please don't... this is totally irresponsible!" Twilight said firmly.

Robin and Shining gazed at each other, shaking their heads.

"Didn't think they'd understand," Robin sighed.

Shining chuckled. "It's alright, my friend - my wife's like that, too."

"Shining, I swear-" Twilight began.

"Come on, let's get going before they try to stop us!" Robin said. "Where's the gym?!"

"Right this way!" Shining grinned, gesturing forward.

And the two galloped off.

Raven face-hoofed. "They... Robin didn't even bring his costume with him. They brought it to the room..."

Twilight raised her eyebrows. "Hopefully he won't rip that suit. He may be able to beat Shining, but Rarity would break his neck..."

Raven chuckled slightly, before the two shared a semi-awkward silence.


"So... you said this place has a huge library?" Raven said.

"Heh - great minds think alike," Twilight grinned. "There has to be something there about... your type of magic. Just let me take care of a few things and I'll meet you there, alright?"

"Gotcha," Raven nodded, before giving her an honest, friendly smile. "Um... and thanks, Twilight. I really appreciate all the effort you've put towards trying to... fix my magic. Especially with all the bureaucratic stuff you have to handle on the side..."

Twilight shook her head. "Trust me - if I didn't have side projects I'd be driven insane. Um - speaking of which..."

"Don't let me take you," Raven smiled. "Have fun."

"Yeeeah..." Twilight sighed, before blinking away with a flash of purple.

Raven smiled to herself slightly, before taking a look around. "Hmm... now about that library..."


Raven's eyes widened. She twirled about, facing the same shadow from Everfree.

"The Archives of Canterlot, hmmm?" it smiled. "Man - I haven't seen those in years! Talk about bringing back old memories, huh? Learning how to use eye of newt to create a hellspawn potion, practicing my art in the moonlight... good times."

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," Raven muttered. "I can regain my magic on my own instead of trusting some individual who won't even tell me his own name."

"What's in a name?" he shrugged. "Besides, if I told you that, you'd just be scared away! My reputation sort of precedes me around here... well - everywhere for that matter."


Raven's expression somehow turned blanker.

"... Yeaaaaaah, you're King Sombra, aren't you?" she grunted.

A beat.

The shadow laughed nervously, his eyes widening. "Mwah? That butt? Please - don't insult me!"

"Don't screw with me," Raven snapped. "I've done my homework the two months I've been here. A creature from the north... gone for a thousand years... ruling over an Empire.... yeah - wasn't that hard."


A beat.

Then - a deep, dark laugh emanated from the shadow.

"Hehehehahahaha! You're as smart as I thought you were, you know that?"

Raven gave him a blank look. "Or maybe you're not as smart as you think you are?"

"Are you saying I lack common sense?" he chirped.

"To put it bluntly: yes."

He narrowed his eyes, slowly moving towards Raven. "Are you so sure about that?"

"Ugh - get out of here, will you?" she sighed, beginning to trot away from him in the opposite direction. "Before I go and tell somepony you're not as dead as they think."

"Go ahead!" the Shadow said apathetically. "It'll hurt you more than me. And sure, while I may not have much in the common sense, who cares, really? I still hold the keys to giving you back your powers... just let me turn the lock..."

Slowly, a wicked grin, sharp-toothed grin formed on the shadow.

"Or do you really want to be left alone, by me... and everyone else, hmmm?"

Suddenly, Raven halted, her pupils dilating.

"I honestly don't know why I even bother," King Sombra chuckled. "This idea pretty much sells itself."

At that, Raven twirled about, hissing at him. "Here's a grand idea! Why don't you go screw yourself instead of trying to screw me, huh?!"

The shadow raised its eyebrows. "Ewwww... I may be an 'evil' overlord, but I'm not into that sort of fun, you know."

She rolled her eyes. "Not in that way, either..." She then turned about, and began to trot away again. "I'm heading to the first floor of the palace, so unless you want to die twice, I suggest you hide yourself."


"Fine - Whatever," Sombra grunted, halting himself.

"Thank you."

With that, Raven was gone.



"Damnit," he sighed. "Why won't you just let me help you?"