Godzilla Vs. SpaceGodzilla 2!

by trahzo

First published

SpaceGodzilla returns & now it's up to Godzilla to defeat him once again!

Remember in my previous story: " Spike's Family is... " when I mentioned in the Twilight Princess chapter that they flew past a suspicious cluster of crystals? Well, that suspicious cluster of crystals has now landed in the Crystal Empire & has revealed itself to be SpaceGodzilla! Sensing the power, king Sombra returns & takes over SpaceGodzilla! Seeing this, Celestia retaliates by sending in an army & a powerful beast she has locked away until a powerful enough entity came! This takes place 2 years after the events in " Spike's Family is... " Sadly, since there is no Action category, the closest thing I could do was put in Adventure!

Prolouge: The Evil From Space & Battle on Earth!

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Space, the final frontier! Just like the sea, it's so mysterious & hasn't been entirely explored yet! Could there actually be some other intelligent life-forms out there like us? It's still a big debate, but it's still a possibility, since space is endless! But now, let's focus our attention to a cluster of crystals that have been floating in this vast place! These crystals hold many memories of a powerful battle that it lost & has been flying through space ever since that brutal defeat, swearing that one day, it'll return & have it's revenge on the one who killed it! As the years went on, this cluster of crystals, has been fusing together with various space rocks, radiation, from dead stars, and whatever D.N.A. it had left of it's arch-nemesis! In a few centuries, this thing would one day be fully resurrected!


It was a peaceful day in Canterlot, even though the princess of the sun had banished her sister to the moon, her emotions still endured! They had to endure, for the citizens of her city! She had just finished writing signing stuff till...


"What the?"

Celestia looked out her window & saw 2 giant monsters attack the city! She used her telepathy spell to see if she can negotiate with the 1st beast!

"(Stop, monster, who are you & why are you attacking the citizens?)" She asked.

"(I, am Godzilla. Me & my arch-enemy was brought here by some unknown force!)"

"(Arch-enemy?)" Asked Celestia.

"(Yes, the 3 headed dragon known as King-Ghidorah! Would you be so kind as to assist me, I've been weakened & I'm not sure for how long I can keep him from killing me?)"

"(Hold-on, I'll ask the other monster to see if I can trust you or not!)"

Then, she turned her telepathy to Ghidorah!

"(Halt dragon, who are you? & what are you doing?)" She asked

"(We are King-Ghidorah & we intend on taking over the world!)"

With that, Celestia decided to trust Godzilla & performed a healing spell on him! Godzilla then killed Ghidorah! "(thank you, but you shouldn't have trusted me, for I intend on destroying all of civilization!)"

Then that's when she decided to step into battle with 100 guards to back her up! The battle between Godzilla & Celestia was fierce, only 3 guards survived after the princess finished Godzilla off with a sealing spell! Sealing him away to the Artic-North!

"(Ha, ha, ha, ha!)"

"(Why do you laugh after your defeat?)"

"(You'll need me one-day to defeat powerful foes, just you wait!)"

With that, Celestia sealed Godzilla in White-Wolf mountain & she decided to use a mind wiping spell so no-one would remember & put this event into the history books, she feared such a power could end this world! She wont worry since she can take-on anything, but how long will it be until she has to resort to using Godzilla? Let's just see how long, let's just see!

End of prologue!

Ch.1: The Revenge of 2 Enemies!

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Princess Cadence & Prince Shining Armor were going through the mail, as usual. Seeing if anypony wrote to them.

"Hey honey, look! We got a post-card from Spike!" Said Shining

"What does it say?" Asked Cadence.

"Dear Cadence & Shining Armor, Me & Trixie are now on our honeymoon, but apparently, the girls followed us! So now, we gotta avoid them, so we can enjoy our vacation in peace! Wish us the best of luck!


"Giggle! I guess they still can't fully trust Trixie yet with Spike!" Cadence commented.

"I'll never forget the day, he connected those girls as family!"

"Me too!"


The main 6, the princesses of the Sun & Moon, and their families were all waiting in Sugarcube Corner for Spike's answer to who he wants as his family! Spike entered with Trixie & said, all of them were his family, so Princess Celestia decided to make it official, where he was adopted into all of their families!

*End of Flashback!*

The couple had satisfied smiles, but that's when a loud boom sounded! They looked out the balcony to see a big cluster of Crystals in front of the castle!

"What the, I-I've seen this cluster of crystals before!" Said Shining Armor

"You did?" Said Cadence

"Y-yeah, it was when it was me & Twily's turn to be with Spike! We were flying through space, and it was up there in space."

"Well, thank goodness it didn't harm anypony by the looks of it!"

Then the crystals started to rise & grow appendages, and also, a head & neck! The couple were shocked to see this!


Then the monster started shooting a powerful beam, which caused all the innocent crystal ponies to run as if hell was burning their flanks! Cadence & Shining Armor then teleported to Canterlot to get help from Celestia, since it looks like their army, and their magic isn't scratching it!


"Oh, hello there Cadence & Shining Armor, what brings you..." She was cut off

"A giant monster is attacking the Crystal Empire & our powers aren't even scratching it!" Shouted Cadence

"(What? A monster too strong for Equestrian Military Forces & 2 royals?)"

"(Hello Celestia, did I hear you right? Yeah, I kept the telepathy between us on!)"

"(Godzilla? How where you able to do that?)"

"(I have an extra brain in my hip, which is specifically used for telepathy! so, will you release me from these damned magical binds, magical chains, and release me from the mountain, because if your military & royal magic can't stop it, it's most likely you can't!)"

"(Quiet you!) Then I guess I better send a letter to Twili..." again, cut-off!

"The Elements of Harmony left on a vacation!"

"(well, well, well, looks like your chosen ones have done something very inconvenient! Will you let me go, Because I don't think the ponies will be able to listen to a leader who failed to help stop a disaster like this!)"

Unfortunately, she couldn't call Discord, since he was busy in being Equestria's Ambassador for some far away land! With no other choices left, Celestia complied with Godzilla.

"(I'll release you, but remember this, I'll seal you up after you defeat the monster attacking the Crystal Empire!)" Celestia said, with headache "Let's go, I must show you something, I think will help us!"

So all 3 teleported to White Wolf mountain, which was east from where the Crystal Empire was!

"Auntie, why have you brought us here to White Wolf mountain?" Cadence asked

"Remember the rumors of this mountain having a monster?" Celestia said, with a serious voice

the 2 nodded

"well the rumors are true!" Said Celestia

With that, she used her magic to pull the mountain in half! What Cadence & Shining saw shocked them both! Celestia then released both the magic binds & magic chains & Godzilla was finally free!

"Cadence, Shining Armor, say hello to Godzilla, the most deadliest adversary I've ever fought!"

The couple looked in awe! This was a surprising secret the princess of the sun had kept!

"(Your free, now fight the monster attacking my niece's kingdom!)"

"(So, my opponent is SpaceGodzilla? Bring it!)"

So Godzilla marched towards SpaceGodzilla who was too distracted with destroying stuff to notice that he got picked up & thrown over to the western end of the Crystal Empire! Now these 2 were out in the cold & it was time for a fight!

"( I sensed you were here, but it was so cold, that I had a hard time trying to find you Godzilla!)"

"(SpaceGodzilla, I wont let you destroy this planet, this whole planet is my territory! I wont let anyone, especially you, invade my territory!)"

Then the 2 charged at each other, SpaceGodzilla started to fly, then knock over Godzilla! Godzilla fired his atomic-fire-breath! knocking SpaceGodzilla out of the sky! Godzilla then started to pound on SpaceGodzilla! SpaceGodzilla managed to pry him off fire his atomic-fire-breath! Godzilla dodged, then tripped Space Godzilla with his tail! Then Godzilla started to rip-off the crystals on SpaceGodzilla's back!

"(You didn't think I'd forget, did you? These Crystals are the reason you have an endless supply of Power, so that's why after I'm done tearing these off, I'll tear off your head!)"

Victory seemed to be within reach, but that's when we see SpaceGodzilla's claw touch a familiar red horn! Once he touched it, the hatred within SpaceGodzilla gave the horn the power to revert to it's original form!

"Mwua, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I'm back!" yelled King Sombra!"

the 3 saw this with shocked faces! Then he used a telepathy spell to speak with SpaceGodzilla!

"(Thank you monster, for giving me you glorious hatred, so I'll be merging with you to defeat this opponent that your apparently having trouble with!)"

SpaceGodzilla, pried Godzilla off and then they both stood-up! Then Sombra turned into a black mist that covered SpaceGodzilla! After the mist cleared, SpaceGodzilla had red & black crystals on his back, purple mist, coming out of his eyes, and black mist coming out of his mouth! He has fused with King Sombra & is now a brand new entity of destruction!

"Behold, for I am now Sombrilla, the Shadow Mist Titan of Eternal Doom!"

Then he created an army of crystal demons!

"Attack my army, attack & conquer the Crystal Empire!"

the 3 then used a protection spell to make sure the monsters don't break through! Then they all went back into the castle.

"What'll we do now?" asked Cadence in desperation!

"I'm gonna use a spell to summon all of our allies here, whether they want to be here or not!" Answered Celstia

So, she summoned them all, Spike, Trixie, the mane 6, Discord, Flash Sentry, everypony in the Canterlot royal guard, the Wonderbolts, Luna, The buffalos, Vinyl Scratch, Lightning Dust, and Philomena!

"Celestia, what the Tartarus, I was about to sign a peace treaty, then you just went & teleported me here!" Said an annoyed Discord.

"Everypony, King Sombra has returned & has become strong enough to summon an army of monsters who are now attacking the Crystal Empire, so please understand that the reason why I've called all of you hear is to help us fight this evil army!"

Spike, the mane 6, and Luna all became shocked at this. The knew how dangerous Sombra is and would never say never to this! The rest of them agreed since it was a serious decree by the ruler of Equestria herself! They all prepared themselves as the 3 royals dropped the shields which allowed the monsters to charge in, now it's time for a war to happen!

End of Chapter

Ch.2: The Battle for The Crystal Empire!

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The crystal monster run towards the group, but Vinyl lands the 1st hit with her BASS CANNON, destroying the 1st wave. Now a 2nd wave runs towards them, but the there's no way, the mane 6 & Trixie let them through, and quickly defeated them, a 3rd wave charged, but this one was bigger than the last wave! the buffalos charged, but the monsters jumped over & now were running free through the streets, so now all of the heroes, scattered throughout the Crystal Empire, destroying any crystal monster they see! Flash Sentry was going to finally die, but that's when Shining Armor made the save! Dang, Spike was literally devouring those Crystal monster, smashing them to bits with one punch or kick, then he just went & ate the shattered remains! Lightning Dust & Rainbow Dash created a tornado to suck-up the monsters, then launch them into the air, where they would eventually shatter upon impact! Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Twilight put their horns together for a powerful enough force that eradicated the last of the remaining Crystal monsters!

"Hazzah!" cried Luna

"This calls for a celebration!" Pinkie said, who pulled out her party cannon & record player!

"Not yet, Godzilla is still fighting SpaceGodzilla who has fused with Sombra to become Sobrilla the Shadow Mist Titan!" Celestia said, who pointed to the 2 monster who were still going at it!

"(Your going to die there's no way you'll defeat me Godzilla!)" said SpaceGodzilla

"(Hey, stop being in control of my thoughts & lets destroy that city!)" said King Sombra!

"(No, I'm the dominant will here so what I say goes! & what I say, is that your soul shall be engulfed by my soul!)"

"(What? No! Your trader! RAAAAAAAGHHH!)" was all he could do before he finally disappeared & all his powers became SpaceGodzilla's powers.

"(Today, I take my revenge! DIE GODZILLA!)"

SpaceGodzilla flew towards Godzilla, but then Godzilla ducked & blasted SpaceGodzilla! Godzilla then attacked & attacked & attacked! SpaceGodzilla was able to push Godzilla away & fire his atomic breath, but Godzilla fired back as well, it was a power struggle, but then SpaceGodzilla cheated by making a crystal building into one of his crystal missiles, knocking Godzilla down!

"(Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I told you, you were gonna die! Now, so long, for there can only be one zilla!)"

"(Yeah, and that one Zilla is me!)" Said Godzilla, as he got up & then, Godzilla became a bright silhouette!

"(W-what? Godzilla what's happening?)" Celestia said, since he never showed this when they fought years ago!

Then a bright flash happened! After the light died down, Godzilla became something different!


"(Godzilla, what happened?)"

"(I, have transformed into SuperGodzilla!)"

The Princess' only word in her head was the word glorious, because If Godzilla used that form, then Equestria would've been destroyed by the force of his claws!

"(Time for the final showdown, I'm gonna make sure you turn to dust so you'll never return again!)"


End of chapter

Ch.3: SuperGodzilla vs. Sombrilla the Shadow Mist Titan of Eternal Doom!

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All the ponies watched with anticipation of the final round between 2 powerful enemies!

"(DIE!!!)" Yelled SpaceGodzilla who fired his atomic breath at pointblank range to the head. Godzilla made a simply "Like a boss!" dodge, by jerking his head to the left! Godzilla charged & slashed SpaceGodzilla in the chest. Godzilla then punched SpaceGodzilla repeatedly in the stomach. SpaceGodzilla flew upwards then dropped down, but he was deflected by Godzilla's tail.

"(Grr!)" growled SpaceGodzilla who then fired another beam, but was countered by Godzilla's atomic fire breath!

SpaceGodzilla felt he was going to lose, so he used his powers to levitate the crystal buildings & make them into crystal missiles that were fired right at Godzilla & the missiles blew-up on impact, because they were after all missiles! Godzilla was getting weaker, the cold of the snow was the reason! Godzilla could feel he was getting colder now! The Crystal Ponies thought all hope was lost! But that's when the Mane 6 used their Elements of Harmony to give Godzilla much more power!

"(Ha, ha, ha, ha! Guess even if I'm a threat, these weaklings would lend me power to save them! Now SpaceGodzilla, time for your destruction!) "

Godzilla created a giant ball of energy made-up of all the harmony power he received & blasted SpaceGodzilla to dust!

"(I'll be back & trust me when I tell you that I will kill you next time GODZILLAAAAAAAAAAAAA!)"

"H-he did it! This calls for a party!" yelled Pinkie Pie.

"ROOOOOOAAAAAAAR!!!" Godzilla roared! Then he fired his strongest Atomic Fire Breath at whatever was left of the Crystal Empire but that's what would've happened, if hadn't the Princess sealed him-up again!

"(We'll meet again next time princess, trust me! Ha, ha, ha, ha!)"

"(Godzilla, one day you'll learn that life is amazing!)" Celestia thought. But She pushed the thought aside because it was time for another one of Pinkie's signature parties!

The End!