Rarity's Vacation From Herself

by SwiperTheFox

First published

Rarity magically becomes a stallion and finds love.

Twilight promises Rarity that a new, experimental spell will make her stronger, smarter, and faster. It works! Yet Rarity wakes up the next morning only to discover a strange side effect. She looks in the mirror and sees a... he. Twilight sheepishly suggests that Rarity enjoy this "vacation from herself" and wait until the spell undoes itself, a full week later.

He calls this new male self 'Purity', and he pretends to be Rarity's cousin, helping out after Rarity left for a sudden business trip. Purity tries to keep things quiet, and he goes about life as normally as possible. However, a new body means new... urges. Purity struggles to keep himself off of his old friends. He also must deal with a new customer named Blackberry, just coming in from Hoofington, that falls head-over-hooves in love with him. Blackberry feels rather weirded out, since he's only been into mares before, but Purity seems just so elegant as well as so incredibly beautiful. Purity can't seem to help himself from falling into the same trap.

Can Purity keep his relationship with his friends from turning into something pervy? Can Purity tell Blackberry the truth? What will happen when the seven days run up?

That Twinkle in Her Eye (Part I)

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"Of course, it will work," Twilight squeaked, and she zoomed back down underneath the desk, "All of the individual spells work separately, and sticking the whole thing together will be well within the energy limits." She leaned up, banging her head on the desk. "Trust me!"

Rarity felt a deep, dark feeling coursing through her chest. Did you have to say it like that? That exact tone of voice? She took a deep breath. That's not exactly inspiring confidence.

"I can't believe that you're asking me, too!" Twilight called out from beneath the desk. She slid out a box full of scrolls and a bin of ancient looking magazines off to the side. Rarity leaned over, but she could only see the purple unicorn's little hind hooves sticking out. A few books burst out from underneath the desk.

"I’m glad that you can help, darling," Rarity went on, and she slanted her head to the side. She tried not to frown. Oh, goodness, I should have known this was a bad idea. "The show is a speed and strength competition more than anything else. The fashions themselves are always horrid." She flashed back to Mister Pilmsoul's beehive hair and golden top on last year’s poor model. She shivered. "Anything that would give me just a little hoof up could make all the difference. I need to be stronger, tougher, and faster."

Rarity heard a happy grunt underneath the desk. She leaned over a bit more. Before Rarity could open her mouth again, Twilight burst out of the desk. Twilight thrust a thick parchment into Rarity's face, jigging her hooves triumphantly. Rarity sucked in a good dose of the powdery green goop dripping off, coughing hard.

"It's you asking me! It's like a dream come true!" Twilight exclaimed, and she threw the paper down onto the desktop. Rarity stared at that twinkle in Twilight's left eye, looking more like her state after a week without a lesson than anything else. "I thought I'd have to beg and plead for me to try it out on you."

"There’s no need for that, darling," Rarity muttered. Twilight's cracked expression twisted a little bit more, and she sped over to the bookcases behind her. Rarity coughed again nervously. She has to know what she's doing. Right? I’ll bet this spell is for one of those contests that she’s been looking up.

Rarity's eyes followed right behind Twilight as she picked up book after book, jogging over library corner to library corner. It's not like she wanted me as a guinea pig. We love each other. We're best friends for Pete's sake. A pile of scrolls floated about magically behind Twilight.

"It had to be you, of course, since only a female unicorn with your kind of physicality..." Twilight whispered, trailing off as she took stock of the cloud of items around her. Twilight shot a grin at Rarity, who smiled back. Twilight wiggled a hoof for her to come closer. Rarity tried to smile wider, nervousness just raining down her face. Twilight sped down to the basement.

Rarity glanced around at the arrays of tubes and vials. Nothing to worry about... I've seen all this before, of course. Twilight motioned her over to the corner of the laboratory. Rarity took a few steps, and she halted, eyes dancing along the thick rubber mattresses and straps around the walls. I've seen it before. Relax, Rarity. I've seen it before. She took a gulp, and she sat down right upon the large x in the floor.

"I can assure you that this won't hurt a bit," Twilight said, shoving down thick black gloves upon her hooves. Rarity shifted about in place a little. "It, actually, will feel really good. I'm pretty sure of that." The unicorns locked eyes. Rarity drooped down and breathed easier, taking in Twilight's motherly, calm expression.

She's treating me like Spike, not like a plaything. Rarity watched Twilight as the purple unicorn slapped on thick, purple goggles as well as a long, grey headscarf. Twilight looked again at Rarity, this time flashing that same worrisome twinkle in her eye. Twilight magically lifted over a big white box, plastic stubs going all across the inside.

"You're expecting me to... to... wear..." Rarity muttered. She shivered, and she backed up against the thick rubber. To be just unfashionable is one thing. To dress up as a mutant refrigerator is... something else...

"Please, Rarity," Twilight said, and she fluttered her mane around. Rarity's heart seemed to melt. She couldn't recall ever seeing the purple unicorn look so crestfallen. "It's to keep you safe." Rarity looked down at the cold, hard concrete beneath them. "You can't see or hear any part of the spell. It's important."

Rarity nodded, and she stepped a little bit forward. Twilight raised the awful plastic container over her head. Rarity shut her eyes and held her breath. She felt at least a dozen rubs across her face. She opened her eyes, and she stared at a blank grey oval in front of her. She felt her ears bending into something soft and squishy.

Rarity had never felt anything like it. I suppose the closest thing is a foal inside her mother's womb. Her eyes and ears seemed to develop a life of their own, panicking as she couldn't sense a thing. Rarity suddenly felt a touch on her chest.

She jumped back. She then felt the same touch, now moving a little slower. Twilight is... she's pointing to my heart? Rarity calmed down, rubbing Twilight's hoof back. Twilight tapped against the middle of Rarity's chest, and then the gloved hoof slipped out of Rarity's grasp.

She's trying to make sure that my heart is the same? How this spell even work? Rarity shuffled back. She felt a little tingling sensation beginning at the tips of her hooves. She panted. The sensations burst out along her legs, feeling as if she had freezing cold water splashing against her over and over again. She shivered as it went up her sides. What felt like a dozen fluffy kittens rubbed up along her back.

Rarity felt a tingly burst of electricity between her legs, nearly making her keel over with pleasure. She coughed. The sensations erupted all over her body, building and building every second.

She opened her mouth, but she felt as if she had inhaled a whole drought. She took a deep breath as a low, dull ringing poured out of her ears. The sensations built up so much, feeling as if she had soaking wet fur rubbing all over her, and she fell down to her knees.

"Twiiiiiiiiiiilight!" Rarity called out. She shut her eyes once again.


Rarity threw herself down, and she felt her whole body shake. Her eyes popped open. She looked up, and she saw Twilight. The purple unicorn stood over her with that same kind, motherly expression as the awful plastic box hovered above them.

"All done," Twilight said, and she smiled. Rarity couldn't help feeling like a cupcake greeted by Pinkie Pie right out of the oven.

"Did it... did it work..." Rarity moaned, still feeling lightheaded. She lifted her right hoof to her head. Wow, this... this feels like it weighs a ton. She stared at the hoof. It still bent and moved in a little circle. Well, it's still mine.

"Yep, yep," Twilight called out, and she hopped over to the side. The purple unicorn threw up the gloves into the air and hopped over to the other side of the laboratory. She kicked her hooves to the side and wiggled her belly.

Rarity, not a fan of Twilight's dancing in the best of circumstances, slumped her body over the nearby table. I feel so... so... She lifted her front hooves up and then propped them upon the table like weights. I'm so energized! She glanced over at a small concrete block propped up against a stack of books.

"May I?" Rarity asked, and her eyes narrowed. She burned little lines into the concrete with her mind.

"May you what in the what now?" Twilight replied.


Rarity held up her hoof, eyes wide as saucers. She glanced down. Dusty concrete pieces dripped off of the table as thick, jagged cracks rippled through the table. The legs buckled, the books scattering across the top. Rarity heard a torrent of snaps and crackles.

"I think it--"

The table collapsed onto the floor.

"Worked!" Rarity took a deep breath, shuffling her feet. She threw herself at Twilight. The purple unicorn giggled, smiling wider.

Rarity then mushed her face against Twilight's, lips locking. Rarity swung back and lifted Twilight right up off the ground, the purple unicorn's back hooves jiggling in the air. Ripples of pleasure shot through Twilight's body. Rarity then ripped Twilight off of her.

"Yay," they both called out. The two of them flipped around, sides pumping to an imaginary beat. Rarity trotted up the stairs, moving like lightening, and then threw herself against the library rug.

Twilight bounced after Rarity, and she landed right on the same spot. The two of them pretended to wrestle, laughing all the while. Twilight looked so happy that she wanted to cry. Rarity just calmed down, breathing easy. I'll show fancy Mister Plimsoul who's the "country bumpkin" now! This contest is in the bag!

The other unicorn calmed down as well, but she had a weird look go over her face, her right cheek glowing red. "Can I have another reward kiss, Miss Superpowers?" Twilight asked, hooves propped up against Rarity's shoulders.

"No, thanks," Rarity politely responded, and she wiggled down. That was... interesting. Twilight rolled down on the rug, pausing for a second. She popped right back and sat back straight.

"Going so soon?" Twilight asked, following Rarity over to the door, "I was hoping that we could have a party. Or maybe do something together, maybe just the two of us?" Twilight swooshed her mane across her eyes.

Rarity tensed. "No, I'm very sorry darling, I just have to get going to my previous appointment, I’m drefully sorry," she muttered. Twilight just gazed at Rarity's face. Twilight leaned down, her mouth opening up a little and her nose wiggling. "Thank you very much, of course. I'll see you again, very soon."

"How soon, my angel?" Twilight's eyes seemed to flicker. She almost hovered in the air around Rarity.

"Soon!" Rarity called out, her back smacked against the door. Twilight's hooves wiggled about in the air, her face going a little loopy. She sniffed at the air over and over again.


Rarity shoved her back to the door. She stared up at the night sky, eyes boucing along the constellations to the huge full moon. Oh, Twilight... What did you do to me! She sniffed her arms. Pheromones? Hormones? Rarity felt something odd running up her nose, something almost like hay fries wrapped in Opal's fur. She curled her head around, scratching her mane against the door.

I guess it was just a side effect. It all should wash out with a shower or something. "Most importantly," she said, bucking up and holding her hooves in front of her head like trophies, "It all worked. I can sense such amazing strength, speed, and agility.” She gazed at her hooves. “I feel like three horses in one. I can easily deal with a few trifling side effects." She fantasied about knocking a few teeth out of Mister Pilmsoul.

Rarity stood back up straight, and she trotted down the street back over to her house. I'll be sure to thank Twilight properly after a good, long bath. That'll take care of it. She took a deep breath. I hope.


"There we are," Rarity whispered, her eyes narrowing into slits at the sight of her prey. She lowered her head off of the barrel. She creeped behind a pile of cardboard boxes over to the edge of the alley.

"Now, now then, mister turtle," Fluttershy said, rubbing a hoof along the little creature's back, "I k-know it's all wet and dark here, j-just like you l-like it. But... oh, I hate to be a bother, but you need to c-come back h-home." The turtle stepped over besides her right wing. He suddenly stopped, and he went back into his shell. Fluttershy leaned down. "Oh, what's..."

"Fluttery-wuttery!" Rarity hollered, inches from the back of Fluttershy's head.

The yellow pegasus squealed, jumping up and accidentally smashing into the pile of empty boxes. She wiggled her hooves a little. She then poked her head out of a box.

"Oh, h-hi Rarity," she muttered, "N-nice to see you."

"See anything you like?" Rarity said, speeding over besides the yellow pegasus. Fluttershy just stared as Rarity fluttered her eyes. She wiggled her mane around, and she curled her flank over in front of Fluttershy's face.

"I don't... understand..." Fluttershy muttered back. She seemed to want to melt inside the huge box.

"Oh, whatever," Rarity moaned. I guess you think you're too good for me, then! She turned tail and trotted away, mane swinging in the wind. She curled her head up. She came up to her front door. She stared at her front hoof again.

It looked to be a few inches wider. Once more, her eyes danced along muscles sticking out inside the once marshmellow-y hoof. She blinked. She then bonked her head against the door. Oh, what have I gotten myself into? She took a deep breath. It'll all be fine. Relax, Rarity. She hurled open the door, her new strength nearly ripping it off its hinges.

"Another bath?" she asked. She glanced over her shoulder upstairs, and then she focused on the huge full moon outside the living room window. "I'm just so tuckered out.” She magically lifted over a glass of water. “I’ll just forget it all. It’s time for some rest. I’ve earned it." She stepped over and then slumped upon her huge couch. Thank goodness for the fact that Sweetie Belle is at Snails' house tonight.

Time seems to drag on and on. She felt her strength dripping off of every inch of her skin. Her brain seemed to boil with all of these weird new sensations. She tucked her head into a cushion, and she scratched in against her mane over and over again.

"How could that stupid Fluttershy think that she could resist my hot flank?" Rarity moaned. She wiggled in place for a moment. She stopped, feeling a little black shade going over her face. What... what did I just say? Oh, goodness! She buried her face in the lace-covered pillow. She kicked to the left, and the couch folded out into a mini-bed.

Oh, for Pete's sake, what's wrong with me? How can I even think that? She picked up the sofa cushion and nudged it tightly between her legs. The whole area just seemed to be on fire. She curled her tail around, rubbing it along the cushion. I should be glad. I AM glad. I've got those awful pheromones off of the OUTSIDE of my body, at least. So, my friends will act just like normal.

Now, I'll wake up tomorrow, and that will be the end of whatever hormones I've got going off INSIDE of me. If it's not all flushed out of my system, I'll see Twilight first thing in the morning. The full moon shone upon her. She could almost feel as if she was standing right on the lunar surface herself. Energy just seemed to flow into her body and then right out of it again.

Rarity glared back at the moon for a moment, and then she flipped over some covers from behind the sofa. Don't worry... I should be happy. I AM happy. The spell worked. I'm better now, all ready for the contest. She rubbed herself snugly into the covers, and she shut her eyes tight. It'll all be okay tomorrow morning.

"I hope..."

Face in the Mirror (Part II)

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Rarity's eyes popped open. She rolled over on the couch, toppling onto the floor. She let out a little groan. She bounced up and stood right in the middle of the floor. She rubbed her hooves over her eyes, feeling as if her whole head was wrapped in a thick ball of cotton.

"Goodness, what time is it?" she asked. She staggered across the floor, barely avoiding a stack of boxes and the nearby bookcase. She lurched against a bathroom door. "What happened last night?" She flashed back to Twilight's cracked smile, to Fluttershy's scared jump, and to that weird tingly feeling coming from the light of the moon.

Rarity slammed open the door. The wall chipped around the hinges, making a horrible crackle. I still have the strength, thank goodness. She lurched over to the sink. Hope I don't have to... toss some cookies... She coughed, spitting out a little bit.

"Relax, Rarity. I'lljust talk to Twilight," she said. She then stopped. That's... that's my voice? "This doesn't sound right. No, this is not good. This is not good at all!" She held out her hooves atop the sink. "I sound so-- so-- deep!"

Rarity stared at the thick layer of muscles, bulging out under her hooves. She thought back to her last dress for Rainbow Dash. No, no... Dash is strong, she's got that body type of course, but she doesn't look quite like this. Rarity swung her mane around. It looked about the same, yet the colors seemed to have this coarse, pastel kind of layer dripped over it.

Rarity nudged herself forward, still leaning down. She bonked her head against the mirror. I'm... I'm not going to like what I'm going to see. She took a gulp, and she curled her head back.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rarity screamed, shivering from head to hooves. Rarity held up a hoof against the reflection, eyes dancing all across the horrible figure. "That hair, that face, that nose, those eyes, those shoulders, those muscles, those-- oh, Twilight! Twiiiilight!" Rarity let out a low moan, smacking the wall besides the mirror.

She was a.... he.

The stallion stared at his coarse, frizzy mane drooping down across his strong, broad shoulders. His eyes ran down his duller, thicker white body. Muscles seemed to pop up everywhere. He muttered nonsensically under his breath, hearing something so gruff and so weird.

"Rarity, it'll all be okay," he said to the reflection, "I'll just take a little trip to Twilight's library. That's all. It'll all be undone, no problem. It was just a simple magical spell. That's all it was." He laughed. The reflection laughed back with the twisted smile and sideways eyes of an escaped mental patient.

Everything will be fine. Just... fine... He sped out to the front door. He pressed his front hooves against it, a chill coming over his face. Surely, I'm not going out like this? When I'm hardly sane enough to walk? Everypony's eyes will be right on me! He sighed. I have to do something. He trotted upstairs and jumped in the shower, slavering soap all over himself.

Water poured all over him, but he still couldn't feel clean. Everything just seemed so wrong, so weird. He bounced around in the shower, splashing as much as a little foal. Ugh, how do stallions keep themselves clean? I feel as if filth is pouring out of my every last pore. He gave up, magically throwing a pile of towels on himself.

He stepped out into the middle of the floor, eyes staring down in between his legs. Well, that's rather... droopier than I thought. Pretty big, though, but is it bad that it leans to the left like that? He coughed. The back of his mind started to panic, but he shoved that as deep and as far down as he could. Relax, please, it's not like I haven't seen dozens of them before. He tried not to think of just reaching down and ripping the thing right off.

The stallion moved out in front of the main bathroom's massive mirror. I don't what the circumstances. I'm not going up unless I look my best. He pulled up a thick brush and then stuck it into her mane. He wiggled it around. The brush stuck to him like a barnacle on a ship. He pressed down hard, gritting his teeth.

The brush snapped in two. "Well, that's not a good... sign..." he murmured. The stallion wiggled his head around, nearly smashing his head against the counter. No, no! I'm going to look my best! He stared at the mirror, wiggling around his hair with his hooves. He pulled out some of the drawers. Make-up? No way, it's just too weird. Deodorant and cologne?

He sniffed his shoulders. Definately! He lifted over a tray filled with bottles. He sprayed himself all over and rubbed himself with the most neutral, simply smelling things he could find. Finally, he stepped back, giving the reflection a good stare. As good as I'll ever be with this body.

The stallion trotted out of the door. Several ponies darted about, none of them giving him more than a passing glance. He took a deep breath, and then he walked over to Twilight's library. Not too fast. Play it normal. Don't attract too much attention. His eyes danced across the numerous little gardens alongside the Ponyville shops. He looked straight up, seeing not a single cloud in the sky.


"Ow," Roseluck grunted. The stallion stepped back sheepishly. The mare picked herself off of the ground, putting the little basket of blue tulips back over her head. "Don't worry about it." The stallion gave a nervous nod. "Hey... I don't think I've met you before." She grinned, and she extended a hoof. "My name is Roseluck."

The stallion shook back. "Surely, darling, you've seen me before," he muttered, "I've been living in that house and working at the boutique right down the street." Oh, goodness, how could I even begin to explain? It's me! Can't you see that, please!

"Oh, oh! You know Rarity?" Roseluck asked, giggling and clapping a little bit, "She's so fantastic, isn't she? All of those outfits, those designs, and those details-- such talent!" The stallion beamed back. Roseluck curled her head back, thinking about that long white gown she wore at her last big date. "Are you her uncle or something?"

"I am..." the stallion muttered. Think of something! Quick! "I'm Rarity own beloved... cousin." That's it! "I'm from Hoofington. I just got here late last night." He twisted his head about. Roseluck just gazed at him, hanging on every word. "My name is..." His eyes ran down Roseluck's body into the mare's flower basket, locking at the 'Pure Decorations' label dripping off. "Purity!"

Both horses smiled. "Nice to meet you," Roseluck said, shaking hooves once again, "Not to sound selfish, but this is just great for me. My nephew was coming over, and he wanted to get some outfits from Rarity's boutique. But that poor thing, he's just--" She tried to suppress a chuckle, failing miserably. "Blackberry is so tense, so scared of girls especially the prettier they are. Just talking to Rarity would give him a heart attack for sure." She playfully smacked Purity's shoulder. "Glad that she's got you here."

"Yes, darling, I'm helping out at Rarity’s shop. She has to meet these new demands and all," Purity replied. He glanced over at the library in the distance. I HAVE to get out of this conversation. "If you excuse me, I need to talk to Twilight about her next party dress, so--"

"Oh, sorry," Roseluck said, and she headed out to the middle of the street. She waved, and Purity waved back. "Blackberry will love to meet you."

"It's a date," Purity said without thinking, immediately regretting that choice of words. He shook about nervously, eyes darting at the ponies all around him. From Snips over at the bakery to Lyra stepping out of the jewelery shop, nopony seemed to care about him in the slightest.

The stallion walked on over to Twilight's place. I guess everypony is buying it? Oh, well... I suppose I could do a lot worse than 'Purity'. It sounds like a soap advertisement, though. He giggled a little, and he stopped in front of Twilight's front door. Well, here goes nothing.

"May I help you?" Twilight said, nudging open the door a few inches.

"You come right to the door? You’re so courteous, as well? You’re not upset that I interrupted you from studying?" Purity muttered. Is it really Twilight? Goodness... He pushed the door open wide.

"Wait, do I know you?"

Purity stepped into the room, magically pushing Twilight over to the nearby desk. The unicorns locked eyes. "I can assure you that this won't hurt a bit!" Purity called out, jiggling her hooves in the air.

"You're... they're... a... but then..." Twilight stammered. Her eyes turned over. She plopped down against the desktop, fainting.

One Week Nightmare (Part III)

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"Spike!" Purity screamed. He flew her head around the massive library, the little baby dragon nowhere in sight. "Oh, for Pete's sake, I should have known." He's with Sweetie Belle at Snails' place, isn't he? If that scaly thing keeps on bugging her, then I'm going to kill him. He propped himself upon Twilight, lying down out cold.

Purity eyed a big bucket at the corner of the library. He magically lifted it over behind him and trotted to the kitchen. Purity sped back over, holding the bucket a few feet above Twilight's head.

"Who's soaking wet and clueless?" Purity remarked, wiggling his sides. He smashed the bucket atop Twilight's head. The purple unicorn spun around, coughing and shivering. She hurled the bucket off of her head and stared at Purity, her soaking mane dropping over her face.

"That was... hardly... necessary..." Twilight muttered, rolling her eyes as a big pillow magically sailed over. Twilight charged it with her purple aura and ran it all over her head. Purity stared back, his eyes burning invisible holes into Twilight's head.

"Giving me an extra chromosome was 'hardly necessary'!" Purity hollered, and he walked in a circle around the purple unicorn. "Look at me!" He wiggled his hooves in the air like tentacles. He leaned over and smacked his flank. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it back again. "See, see!" Purity shoved a hoof into Twilight's face, and he curled his head back. "I look so rough and ragged, not to mention that I smell simply scandalous as well."

The stallion whipped back his mane and swooned, the melodrama so thick that Twilight could cut it with a knife. "You're Rarity on the inside, that's for sure," Twilight groused under her breath. She focused at the tips of Purity's hooves, and her eyes grew wide. "Wow, just look at the expansion of the tendons, as well as the new muscle mass fitting in so well."

She ran her right hoof along Purity's skin. The stallion shivered. "I must be restored to my old self this instant."

"And you've now achieved hormonal balance by becoming so much taller and wider," Twilight went on, rubbing up Purity's sides. The stallion could barely think, feeling such a weird combination of pleasure and disgust. "All of these new blood vessels and new systems becoming--"

"Twilight!" Purity called out, and he hopped back a few feet. Twilight kept on rubbing the thin air for a second. "Tell me how to fix this!" Twilight leaned back a few inches, a cold flash going across her face.

"Well..." The purple unicorn shifted about in place a little.

"Darling, you are not going to tell me that this spell is irreversible." Purity leaned over, his horn lining up just close enough to Twilight's temple that she got the message.

"Oh, that's not the problem, silly," Twilight nervously squeaked. She wiggled out of Purity's line-of-sight, resting herself against the desk. "Not a problem at all." Purity calmly walked over and sat on a pile of books. Twilight could barely stand to look at him, his eyes narrowed into little slits. "The spell naturally self-reverts in due time."

Purity breathed a sigh of relief, slumping his body upon the desk. Twilight coughed, and she moved backwards to the bookcase behind them. She clicked her front hooves together. "

There's just a teensy, little, uh, complication..."

"Complication!" Purity stepped closer.

Twilight, backed up against the bookcase, seemed to shrink several inches. "I, uh," she muttered, putting her hooves in front of her face, "I just don't know when that due time will be." Purity let out a low moan. Twilight looked up, magically lifting down a thick volume with a full moon printed upon it. She flipped through a bunch of pages, her sides trembling in fear.

"Twilight I..." Purity said, stepping over until he was inches from Twilight's face. He grunted as Twilight closed her eyes tightly, bracing for it. "I can't take it, Twilight!" Purity put his hooves around Twilight, and he sobbed into her shoulder. "I feel so wrong. I feel so dirty."

The purple unicorn froze for an awkward ten seconds. She curled her head around, and she squeezed Purity back. She felt two or three little tears going down her back. She shifted over a little, and she looked out again at the huge book.

"I'll be stuck like this forever," Purity moaned.

"One week!" Twilight squeaked. She hopped out of Purity's embrace, magically twirling the book around her head. "just one week!" She kicked her hooves in the air, bumping her sides up. She made a light coo.

Purity swung his hooves against Twilight's face. If there's anything that I couldn't stand at this second, it would be more of your stupid dancing! She narrowed her brow, speaking slowly and deliberately. "You're telling me... that I have to spend a whole week like this..." Twilight scrunched her face a little bit forward, and she nodded.

Purity released her. He curled up his head, and he walked over to the door. Twilight just crumpled on the floor and looked on, totally confused. Purity magically lifted up a scroll from the huge box besides the door. She reached out and a quill sped over to her.

"Who are you writing to?" Twilight asked, rubbing her mane for a moment.

"I’m sending a message to Princess Celestia, of course," he replied, not even looking up from the scroll, "I'll put an immediate end to this nonsense."

"NO!" Twilight shrieked. She leaped through the air, landing with a soft thud a few feet before Purity. She wiggled her hooves around and let out a little grunt. The stallion stared back at her, and he returned to his writing just a second later. "Please, Rarity." She stood back up and put a tender hoof on his side. She opened her eyes up wide and curled her nose down.

"My name is 'Purity' now," he said, and he sighed, "That's what you've made me into." Twilight rubbed his shoulder. He blinked again and again, finally putting the scroll down after a little while. "Twilight, please tell me why I can't tell the princess."

"It's my, my own contest," she replied, walking over to a stack of magazines. She magically popped the stack in two, and she pulled out a thick poster. "You know what the Fashion Expo means to you, Rar-- I mean-- Purity?" She trotted back over to Purity, making a duckface. She sniffed.

Purity eyed the glossy poster. "This says ‘Best Magical Collaboration Awards by the Equestrian National Research Society, ENRS,’" he read aloud. Well, that's just pretty, just charming. I don't care. Change me back, now, you little purple dipstick.

"It's pronounced 'en-reh-iss', for your information," Twilight remarked, putting on the same tone of voice that Rarity would use with Sweetie Belle. She pulled the poster down and shifted in place. She looked back at Purity, eyed the stallion's determined expression, and she started to beg. "Please, please, please--" She knelt down and started kissing his hooves. "Don't tell the princess. Don't tell the princess. Don't tell the princess. Don't tell the princess."

Her kisses moved up along to Purity's shoulder. The stallion pulled off of her, leaving Twilight curled down on the ground. He glanced wistfully at the scroll for a second, letting out a deep breath. He dropped it back into the box.

"May I make a guess?" Purity began, trotting around in a big circle through the library, "The contest is a 'collaboration', and so you're teaming up with somepony special. It’s somepony that you’ve really wanted to work with your entire life?"

Twilight softly nodded, staring sheepishly up at the ceiling.

"May I guess again, darling?” Purity went on, still circling, “You really wanted to pull out all the stops for him or her with a brilliant new spell, and so you've done things that you... shouldn't?"

Purity’s right eye bulged, staring at Twilight. He saw another nod.

He continued, "You’ve been procuring supplies that you're not supposed to have? You’ve been using equipment that you're not supposed to use? You’ve been throwing caution out the window?”

"Yep, yep," Twilight whispered, and she gulped.

Purity glanced over at the big silver image of the moon atop Twilight's almanac. "So, darling, you're expecting me to just sit tight until the moon changes and go through a one week nightmare," he said, slumping into a couch, "You prefer that to having me bring in the princess and blow your chance at the contest. Not to mention, I would be throwing you in scalding hot water as well." His eyes danced across the arrays of books, deep in reflection.

Twilight jumped up on the couch besides him, throwing up her hooves in surprise. "I can't believe you know all this, just from... from..."

"Oh, goodness, darling," Purity replied, and he hugged Twilight, "We're like sisters, right?" Or a brother and sister, now, with what you've done to me. He gazed along Twilight’s flowing purple mane. We could have been something more than friends. I suppose, oddly enough, being in this body with these male components might open up… something else?

"Speaking of being like sisters, and not anything else," she said, nervously wiggling back in the couch, "I'm really sorry about last night. Not just what the spell did to you, of course I'm very sorry for that. But the things I said. What I tried to do." She locked eyes with him. "I value our friendship a lot, and I'd hate to destroy it like that."

I guess that really was the magical pheromones talking. You're not really into me in... that way. That’s water under the bridge," he said, playfully smacking her shoulder with her hoof. He then stood back up. He felt oddly sad, as if he had a piece of his heart blackened. Twilight is a great friend, right? A friend. "I suppose, darling, I'll take my new body and I'll..." He smiled, and Twilight looked so happy that she could cry a river. "I'll manage." A friend.

They hugged once more. Purity rattled through some pleasentries, explaining about pretending to be a cousin. He couldn't shake the feeling that he just needed out of there. The library felt more like a prison than a home, at that moment. Purity stepped out the door, and he rested his shoulder against the wall. He sighed.

Twilight... It's not that I ever felt that big spark. I never did. I never wanted to get that far, I guess. But I always thought that maybe, possibly, there could be something. I did feel something. I always had a hope in the back of my mind. Now, at this moment, when I'm standing there ready to give you what only a stallion could as a stallion... A tiny white pegasus ran out across the street, snapping him out of his daydreaming. Well, that was the moment. Nothing happened. I can accept that. He headed over to the boutique.

It wasn't a spark. It was nothing more than a little blue streak going across my windows. And now, I've wiped it away, totally clean. Or have I? He watched the ponies darting about around him, all of them treating him like a mere piece of the scenery. I could see it in her eyes. She's just not like that. I should be honest with myself as well. Mere fantasy is just that. Oh, well.

He pressed his hoof against the boutique's front door. "Twilight, my friend, you'll find a nice stallion for you someday," he whispered. He gazed at his reflection in the bright glass, the irony so thick that he could choke on it.

He opened the door, and he looked out at a bluish-purple blob behind a huge display case. Purity stepped into the showroom floor, and he walked silently over. Purity's eyes locked on the backside of the stallion as he wiggled around the ground, poking underneath a short table. Purity's eyes followed the stallion's short, thick tail as it wiggled from side to side, black hair rubbing up against the table-leg.

"May I help you?" Purity asked.

The stallion shivered in surprise. His head shot up into the table with a loud clang. He then shifted down, letting out a pained moan. Purity leaned down a little bit, and he asked again. The stallion propped out his hooves, sliding straight down from underneath the table. Their eyes met. Then, something odd happened.

Pure Beauty (Part IV)

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The bluish purple stallion curled around on his back, and his face locked into one of the goofiest expressions that Purity had ever seen. His eyes bulged up like saucers and his tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth. "Blackberry, I presume?" Purity asked, stepping back a few feet. The other stallion just nodded, his mouth drooping open wider.

Well, get up already. Don't keep prostrating yourself on my floor, acting more like a baby rabbit than a full grown stallion. Purity blinked, knowing how un-ladylike it would be say something so tactless out loud. He just reached out a hoof.

"Please let me help you up, darling," Purity said. Blackberry shivered from his head down to his sides as he nudged himself upwards. Purity grabbed him with both hooves, and she yanked.

"T-t-thanks," Blackberry squealed as he sat up straight. Purity smiled, and the other stallion tried his best to do the same. Blackberry still looked about to collapse again in any second.

Oh, praise Celestia, what am I supposed to do with you stallions? Purity recognized that gaze anywhere. I suppose you're thinking about tulips, cupcakes, and a long movie. You might even have something more serious cooking in that thick skull of yours. Am I really that irresistible, even now? Purity titled his head to the side, letting his thick blue mane wiggle over his shoulder. He saw Blackberry's eyes feasting on every inch of it. I guess I should be impressed. Not even an extra Y-chromosome can stop my charms. Purity let out a tiny giggle. I just might humor you yet, darling.

"I was, I mean, I'm here to pick-up something," Blackberry stammered, fidgeting backward against the wall, "Something special. I guess, though, it's special to me. I'm sure you do that all the time." He tried not to make eye contact, looking up along the racks of hats alongside him. "I guess I shouldn't say pick-up, since I'm ordering it right now."

Purity magically lifted up a clipboard and a small quill. Blackberry watched as the items sailed over to Purity's side. Purity's eyes then ran all along the other stallion's body. He looked down from Blackberry's short yet thick and curly mane, doused in a purplish black color almost like oil, over to his lighter, bluish purple coat. Purity's eyes narrowed at Blackberry's tail. Did you get it clipped in a door as a foal or something? All I can say is 'ouch, darling, very ouch'.

"S-s-semi-formal day w-wear," Blackberry said, still gazing blankly at Purity. He took a gulp, straighenting in his spot. "That's what I'll need for my upcoming concerts."

"So, darling, you are a musician?" Purity asked, jotting down some quick notes. Those natural bluish stripes going down his side would look just smashing with a vibrant ocean blue suit. Or maybe it would be more like a sport-coat? Maybe add some sky blue touches on the collar as well? "That sounds fantastic, and I'd love to talk with you about it." She squinted, gazing at Blackberry's soft, young face. Those gigantic eyes look so darkly blue that they might as well be black. Does that mean a distracting hat, maybe a bowler hat?

"Wow, thanks," he muttered back as Purity sped through line after line, "But I should, uh, confess--" He shuffled around a few inches. "I'm just a technical staff pony. I'd love to play, of course, but maybe... I guess it not in the cards yet."

"Please, darling, don't ever put yourself down in my boutique," Purity declared, putting down the clipboard as he stepped around Blackberry. Pieces of fabric shot out across the air high above them. "The most important thing in life is to believe in yourself. Remember that there's beauty in all things. You just have to look hard enough, knowing that you can do anything if you put your mind to it."

Blackberry grinned, and he seemed to breathe easy for the first time since he stepped into the shop. Purity looked up, trying to spot the right color tone specifically. No, no, that light of a blue could never do! No, that blue is just ruined by the shimmering sides running down the fabric! He twirled around, feeling her tail drooping along her legs and his eyes darted above. Blackberry's eyes burned into Purity's flank, but the white unicorn tired to keep that out of his mind.

That was a filthy lie, Rarity. I mean, Purity. Some things are just ugly without a shred of beauty. He looked back at Blackberry. Not him, of course...The other stallion had gotten up, gawking at all of the tailoring items going through the air. Purity thought he'd rate Blackberry something like a seven out of ten. Although, something about that cheerful awkwardness felt almost charming. Purity took a little breath, and he looked back up at the fabrics.

I suppose I shouldn't have put that other idea in his head as well. Rats! "You can do anything if you put your mind to it" is such dime store poster garbage. Now, he'll be bugging me about a date any moment. It couldn't come at a worse time, when I literally haven't a thing to wear for this horrid new body! A little spark fluttered at the corner of his eyes. Purity suddenly squealed. "This one looks perfect, darling," he said. The thick ring of fabric, wiggling along like spaghetti on an invisible plate, sailed down through the air.

Blackberry let out a gasp, an ocean blue blur going all over him. He blinked. He looked back at Purity, who felt so happy that he hopped up and down. He curled his head to the right. "I like it a lot, thanks," Blackberry muttered. He saw Purity stepping even closer to him, finally leaning in just right by his face. Purity magically flew around some scissors and a long tape measure. Blackberry reflexively closed his eyes as the scissors passed over his hair.

"Just a moment, darling," Purity's voice said, sounding so caring that it reminded me of his older brother, "A few measurements and little notes is all I need." He heard odd little noises going about his body. He immediately lost track of time. Even with his eyes shut tight, he could see that beautiful face in his mind as clear as ever.

Time lost any meaning. Blackberry dreamed about running his hooves along that glorious blue mane, littering kisses along Purity's soft, smooth white face. He could feel his legs wrapping around Purity's bottom hooves. Every touch would have to shoot little pulses of pleasure up his sides.

"I'm all done, darling," Purity said, snapping him out of it. Blackberry popped his eyes open, and he nodded. He stepped a little to the right, looking back at the neat piles of fabric piled on the nearby table. Blackberry's eyes trailed over to the other stallion. He could only compare Purity to a piece of artwork, so pure and so flawless. Blackberry could hardly believe that he was thinking about another stallion this way, the back of his mind flaring up with fear at what his father would say.

"I guess I'll see you later, then," Blackberry muttered. Purity smiled, and Blackberry tried to smile back. Blackberry felt this sickly feeling, almost like sandpaper rubbing along his back.

"Come on, now would be the moment. It would have to be now, or never again. You'll never feel that close to him ever again. Ask him out," Blackberry whispered to himself. He seemed to shrink a few inches. He kept flashing back to what his father said about that one odd relative of his-- 'we have no coltcuddlers in our family'-- and to how his father's face burned with intensity, like an executioner's eyes.

"Ask me what, darling?" Purity replied. He fluttered his eyes as the two stallions headed to the front door.. Blackberry took a gulp; he had only ever seen mares doing that.

"I'm straight as a rail, right?" Blackberry whispered. He closed his eyes. He felt a warm, soft feeling bubbling up from his heart. He opened his eyes again, gazing at Purity for the umpteenth time. He raised his voice. "May I... I..."

"Yes?" Purity looked back blankly, but he still had on that smooth smile. His mane fluttered across his neck, the blue and white mixing beautifully. The two stallions moved even closer to the door.

"Could you, uh, if you don't mind..." Blackberry muttered, "Maybe consider... if you aren't too busy... maybe..." He sniffed. "Maybe we could have a nice lunch, or something? Together?" He winced, expecting Purity to blow up at him.

The white unicorn took a deep breath. He stepped over to the nearby table, eyes still locked with Blackberry. "I'll think about it, darling," Purity said, shifting his head back a few inches, "I'll see you tomorrow at noon or so about your outfit, anyways. We'll talk about it then."

"Great," Blackberry replied. Anything other than a screamed 'no', which he had heard from countless mares in his short little life, felt like a glorious triumph. "I'll see you then." He slid out the door. He took a few steps out into the street.

Blackberry threw himself down, and he dug his hooves into the ground. He kissed the dusty gravel again and again. He jumped up, and he just barely kept himself from screaming in happiness.

Purity watched the little performance from behind a boutique window. He sighed. Very well, darling, I'll think about it. Should I go out with him? He looked over at Opal, sleeping peacefully atop a pile of satin. Purity opened his mouth to say something, but Opal suddenly shifted a little from right to left, shaking her little head 'no'. Of course, I won't! How presumptuous of him, when we've just met? He paused, and he thought back at all of the dresses-- and now suit-- that he had to prepare. Although, I guess an escape would be nice...