The Disturbing Dreams of Twilight Sparkle

by pjabrony

First published

Twilght Sparkle is having terrible nightmares and cannot sleep.

In Twilight Sparkle's dreams, all her friends are turning on her. The nightmares are steadily driving her mad and preventing her from getting any kind of sleep. The cure may be found in Canterlot, or must Twilight find the solution in her own mind?

I'm labeling this dark because some of it gets a little intense, but there shouldn't be anything too off-putting, unless you're Twilight!.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash

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Rainbow Dash knocked her hoof on the door of the treehouse library. “Up and at ‘em, Twilight, we’re burning sunshine out here!”

“I’m coming!” called Twilight Sparkle from inside. After a few seconds the door opened and she displayed a soft-looking lavender headband and four ankle weights of the same color. “Good to see you again, Rainbow. I’m ready to work out!”

“You know that for the most part we’re training me, right? If I’m going to win this year’s Best Tween Flyer competition, I’m going to have to step up my game, and that’s where you come in!”

“Well, I’ve studied all I could on athletics and coaching, and I think there are definitely some ways I can bring you to your peak performance.”

“No, no, no. I don’t need all of that. What I need is something nopony’s ever done in a flying competition before, and you’re it!”

“OK, you want me to go back to the books and find something new you can do?”

“No! I already know something that nopony’s ever done: an entire routine while carrying another pony on her back.”

Twilight looked at her quizzically, then the meaning hit her.

“You mean, me?”

“Yeah! Well, starting with you since you weigh the least of all my friends. Except for Fluttershy, but if I do the routine carrying another pegasus, some ponies might think she’s helping out with her own wings. Eventually I’ll want to work my way up to carrying Applejack, but you’ll do for now. So take off those ankle weights.”

“OK, but be careful,” said Twilight, then to herself, “How do I let myself get talked into these things?”

Rainbow Dash knelt on the ground and Twilight straddled her crosswise. The pegasus lifted with her knees, straining until she reached her full height.

“Here we go! It’s a good thing there’s a decent breeze today, that’ll make takeoff easier.”

The wind that Rainbow had spoken of gusted in from the north. She faced that way, which led Twilight to ask, “Don’t you want to face the other way to get the tailwind with you?”

“Aw, Twilight, you don’t know anything about flying, no matter how many books you read. Takeoff is always easier into the wind, because it helps generate lift. Now hold still and don’t talk, this isn’t going to be easy.”

Rainbow Dash spread her wings and started trotting forward before breaking into a run. Still struggling, she pumped her wings several times and leaped in the air. She sank for a few meters, but then another strong gust blew the two of them upward. Rainbow had the measure of the wind and had Twilight’s weight balanced properly, and was able to start controlling her flight.

Rainbow called back to Twilight, shouting to make her voice heard. “Now, I don’t plan on doing any fancy tricks today, just getting the feel of carrying you. Not that that’s really a first, right?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, as a team, I’m pretty much carrying you on my back all the time, metaphorically speaking.”

“I. . . do you really think that, Rainbow? I like to think I’m a good friend.”

“Oh, you are. You’re great at making me look cool by comparison.”

Rainbow started to pick up speed, creating a greater wind around the two of them.

“I mean, every great champion needs to keep a sidekick around to handle the grunt work.”

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t know why you’re saying all this, but if you’re going to act this way, maybe you don’t need my help in this training, and you can drop me off.”

“Nah, you’re doing fine. Let’s face it, being dead weight is the perfect job for you. Everypony come and look! It’s geek delivery by airmail!”

She soared higher in the air, circling and making tight bank turns.

“Rainbow Dash, stop talking nonsense and bring me down. You’re scaring me!”

“Oh, that’s right, I forgot that in addition to being a geek, you’re also a wuss. You’d think that you’d be easier to carry without any backbone to get in the way. Or maybe you just need a little more sun!” She let out peals of mocking laughter.

And saying that, she started flying straight up, her spectrum mane flapping wildly as the wind whipped and howled around them. Twilight found herself slipping and turned so that she was prone to Rainbow, gripping the rapidly rising torso with her hooves, holding on for dear life.

“Slow down and get back under me, please! I’m losing my grip!”

“You never had much grip to begin with, Twilight! Maybe it’s time I shook off the losers like you and reached the heights I was meant to!”

Rainbow started weaving as she kept rising, perhaps ten thousand feet in the air by now, Twilight’s hooves were getting sweatier, and she slid backwards off the cyan pegasus’s body. She felt herself lose purchase, and with one last desperate grasp, grabbed a hold of a rainbow-colored tail.

“Please!” cried Twilight in desperation.

“Let go of my tail, you crybaby nerd! This tail is much too stylish for the likes of you!”

Twilight felt the strands in her hooves slide, then start to come out, and she fell. Terrible fear took her, and she never had a chance to think of anything but the fear.

Rainbow Dash called from above her, “Looks like I’ll see you at the end of this fall! Anyone order a magical pancake?!”

The endless feeling of plummeting suffused Twilight. She couldn’t turn herself, couldn’t do anything, only stare at the blue sky and the blinding sun. The sun was awfully bright, and she blinked in spite of herself, as the sensation of falling lessened, as the light made her open her eyes, as she landed softly in her bed, as she woke up.

Twilight got out of bed and looked out the window at the town clock. It was just after seven in the morning, and it occurred to her that the peals of laughter she heard in her dream might well have been the chiming of the hour. She shook her head to clear the cobwebs, and spoke out loud to nopony in particular.

“Ugh, what a bad dream. I don’t know which was worse, the falling or the taunting. Thank Celestia that the real Rainbow Dash is nothing like that.” Seven o’clock, she thought. Well, she had gone to bed at eleven the night before, so that was a full night’s sleep.

Spike was still abed, so Twilight started magically opening curtains to let the morning sun in. He woke up and rubbed his eyes.

“And how did my little dragon sleep?” she asked.

“Just fine. You look a little tired still.”

“No, just had a bad dream. Nothing worth mentioning. So what’s on today’s agenda?”

The dragon hopped up and headed over to a stand where a day planner was opened. “Well, I’ve got the important events triple highlighted and circled, those being breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and between those just some work on the card catalog and hunting down a few ponies with overdue books. Then this afternoon you’re going to meet Rarity at the spa.”

Right, she thought. I’d forgotten about seeing Rarity today. Well, that should be the extra relaxation she needed after her scare, so long as she wasn’t stressed out by Spike asking her to put in a good word for him once again.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity

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Twilight eased herself into the mud bath as an attendant slipped cucumber slices over her eyes. In the next tub over, Rarity was sighing contentedly.

“Ah, Twilight darling, Fluttershy will be glad to know that I wasn’t left alone, that you stood in for her.”

“You two have a regular appointment here, huh?”

“Yes, but this week she has another one of her animals in trouble, so she had to cancel. Or was it house-sitting for Harry the vacationing bear again? Perhaps she just didn’t want to come and made an excuse.”

“She shouldn’t lie just to get out of a date.”

“But that’s just her nature, dear. Better to be kind than admit she doesn’t always want to see me. I don’t know that I could be like that.”

The two unicorns just relaxed and let their pores open without speaking for a few minutes, then Twilight asked, “And how are things going at Carousel Boutique?”

“Well, you know how it goes, one line drifts out of fashion, another slides in. Everything in flux, never any time to catch one’s breath. And you? How goes it at the library?”

“The library’s fine, Spike’s cleaning it as we speak. Though last night I had a terrible bad dream—“

“Ah, ah, ah, we do not talk about our bad dreams in the spa. Feel free to prattle about any idle subject you like, but no seriousness or unsettling talk.”

“All right, I guess.”

“So then tell me, any new books on fashion come in? Or, ooh, have you come up with any new spells?”


“Oh, Twilight, darling, this is just what I hoped for today, a chance to catch up with you. We really don’t talk enough.”

“No, it’s true, we—“

“I mean, I see Fluttershy every week, but to have someone fresh to talk to is just divine.”

“I can certainly see where—“

“And to have another unicorn around, well, I mean there are just certain things you can’t discuss with a pegasus, you know.”

Twilight was starting to get frustrated. “There’s not a whole lot I can discuss either if you won’t let me get a word in edgewise”

“Of course, forgive me, I’m so sorry. The floor is yours.”

“Thanks. So as I was saying—“ Twilight began, but was cut off this time by an alarm clock dinging.

“Oops,” said Rarity, “Time to get out and shower this mud off! Once we’re on the tanning beds we can get back to this.”

“Tanning? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m fairly dark as is.”

“Well, yes, but this is simply the order of treatments here at the spa.”

“But if I don’t want to—“

“Now, now, none of that. Remember when you held the sleep-over with Applejack and me? You had a book that told you everything to do. Well, for spas that book is in my head. Now, into the shower with you and then let’s bake.”

Twilight could see Rarity’s point, as the white unicorn certainly had more experience than her. She stepped into the shower and enjoyed the feel of the water sluicing off the mud. After using her magic to towel herself dry, she stepped toward the tanning bed to find Rarity already ensconced in hers.

“Get in, now, dear, there’s a good girl.”

Twilight put on the dark goggles and laid down. She could see the appeal as the bright ultraviolet lights warmed her, but she thought that it would be nicer just to be out in the sun.

She turned her head to look over at Rarity. “I really can’t be comfortable in this bed having read all the reports of what these things do. I think I’ve actually had enough. As I said, my coat’s already fairly dark, and—“

Rarity sighed, somewhat irritated. “Twilight Sparkle, you will stay in that bed until the timer dings and not one second less! Rules of the house, you know!”

Twilight laid back, huddling close to herself as if to provide a smaller target for the high-frequency light assaulting her body. She counted seconds in her head, before realizing that she didn’t know how long the timer was set for anyway.

After a short eternity, she finally heard the bell ding. She slithered out, thinking to herself that she was sure to have a sunburn and would be peeling for the next week. Rarity on the other hoof had acquired a beautiful sheen to her coat and a perfect dark tinge to her otherwise pristine whiteness. She primped and posed for a moment, then said, “All right, time for the steam treatment!”

This I can get into, thought Twilight. She gleefully stepped into the small sauna and sat down on a bench. “Ah, this kind of heat is much gentler,” she said.

“Gentler? Are you sure it’s even on?” Rarity went to the control and magically turned the dial up. “There, now you’re on your way.”

Twilight immediately broke out into a sweat. “Are you sure that isn’t just a touch too hot?”

“Too hot? This was just getting you acclimated. Once you’re used to this, we’ll set it to the right temperature.” And her horn glowed and more steam entered the little room, making it hard for Twilight to breathe.

“Rarity, please, ease it down a little.”

“Twilight, I’ve tried to be patient with you, but you can’t have a proper, relaxing spa experience if you’re going to be so recalcitrant.”

“I’m willing to go along, but at this point I’m not enjoying this very much.”

“That’s probably because you take every step so reluctantly. Now sit down and breathe the steam.” For the third time, Rarity used her magic to turn the sauna’s dial up, this time by a significant amount. Twilight was sweating profusely now and was openly panting.

“It’s way too hot. I’m getting out.”

“Twilight, you have to stay in there.”

“I don’t have to do anything, and I don’t see why you’re being so bossy about it.”

“Bossy?! Perhaps it’s because I know how to do this and what’s best for you. Now sit back down.”

“No! I’m not enjoying this and I’m not comfortable” And she stood up and walked back into the main floor of the spa.

“Twilight, you’ve ruined everything! Why did you disobey? Now you have to start the entire treatment over again, starting with the mud bath!”

“I don’t have to do that, because I’m leaving!”

“Get into that mud right now!”

“I won’t!”

Rarity clicked her hooves together and called out, “Attendants!” Two ponies in the white uniform of the spa joined her to form a triangle around Twilight. Steadily they closed the triangle around her until, grabbing her with their hooves, they plunged her back into the mud.

“Let me go!” cried Twilight.

“This is for your own good, darling.” Rarity began pushing Twilight’s head deeper into the mud bath. Twilight bucked and kicked, but couldn’t escape the grip of her three assailants. She got sucked under and started suffocating. Struggling with all her might, she clawed to the surface and stuck her head out, taking a deep breath of the still-steamy air. . .

Only to find herself back in her bed, on a hot night, with the sheets and blanket tangled around her hooves and body from her having tossed and turned so much.

It was still dark out, the gibbous moon shining through the window of the library. Twilight was covered in sweat, and, stepping out of bed used her horn to open the window, letting in a cool night breeze. She then turned back to the bed and flattened out the covers. From the window she saw the town clock again. It was three o’clock in the morning.

Whoa, she thought. Scary dreams two nights running. She had been to the spa with Rarity, and had had a lovely time. Neither one of them had used the tanning beds or the sauna, the treatments had been far more simple. Why had her subconscious made that cruel caricature of the unicorn she was closest to?

Don’t let it bother you, Twilight. Just go back to bed. And she slid back under the covers, but she couldn’t get the dream out of her head, and could not fall asleep again either. A few hours later she saw dawn breaking outside.

Twilight Sparkle and Applejack

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Applejack was stacking up bushels of apples next to the barn as Twilight sat on a fence nearby.

“Thanks for letting me come over,” said Twilight. “I’ve had really nasty dreams the past two nights and I really needed to talk to a friend about it.”

“And a friend is certainly what you got in me! Go on and tell me what happened.”

“Well, the first night I dreamed that I was flying with Rainbow Dash, only of course I wasn’t flying, she was flying and I was just holding on, and she kept making fun of me. Then she flew higher and I fell off, and everypony has an inborn fear of falling, so of course I was scared until I woke up in bed.”

“That ain’t like Rainbow Dash at all!”

“I know, right? So the next night I dreamed I was with Rarity at the spa, which in fact did happen, only she was so controlling and she wouldn’t let me get out. Eventually she tried to drown me in mud.”

Applejack set down the last bushel, wiped her brow, and leaned against the fence.

“Well now, that does sound a teensy bit like Rarity. Not the drowning-in-mud part, but the controlling part.”

“This was way beyond anything she does in reality. She was hurting me.”

“Don’t fret no more, Twilight. Nopony here’s gonna hurt you. Let’s head in the house and see what Granny Smith’s whipping up for supper.”

As they entered they saw that the elderly mare had indeed spread out a fine display of hay salad, fried grass, and roasted oats. On the window sill an apple pie was cooling. Big Macintosh was already seated at the table. Apple Bloom came trotting up.

“Did you wash your hooves, Apple Bloom?” asked Applejack.

“I sure did, AJ! On account of I know if I didn’t you’re just going to send me back up to do it right.”

“You ought to do it because you want to eat with clean hooves, but so long as it’s done I won’t bellyache.”

“Since they’re done, lemme have some of that fried grass!”

“Hold on there, sugarcube. Twilight’s our guest, so let her serve herself first.”

Twilight magically maneuvered a spoon into the fried grass, scooping out a portion for herself before floating the bowl over to Apple Bloom.

“Your family sure gets along well, Applejack.”

“Darn tootin! Ain’t nopony gets along like family.”

“I think when I get home I’ll write my parents in Canterlot. I haven’t spoken with them in a while.”

“Ain’t much of a surprise there.”

“How do you mean?”

Applejack was spooning out some roasted oats for herself. As she finished she pointed the spoon at Twilight.

“You know, maybe the reason you’re having such bad dreams is because of guilt.”

“Guilt over what?”

“Being a bad daughter. Running off and leaving your folks alone, not writing, only visiting town to go to parties and galas.”

“I didn’t run off, Princess Celestia assigned me to Ponyvile.”

“Oh, well, if dear Princess Celestia said so, I guess that makes it all right. Maybe if it meant leaving my kin I might think a bit longer than half a second before saying yes.”

Apple Bloom decided to chime in. “You got that right, big sis! It’d take more than something some highfalutin alley-corn said to tear this family apart. But I guess they don’t love each other in Canterlot the way we do in Ponyville. Ain’t that right, Big Mac?”

The stallion looked up from his bowl. “Yes, quite, I agree wholeheartedly.”

Cutlery clinked as everypony stopped eating and started at Big Macintosh.

“What? I’m trying out something new so I ain’t tied to a catchphrase.”

“Well, in any case,” said Granny Smith, “Point being, that the thing of it is, when all is said and done, at the end of the day. . . what were we talkin’ ‘bout, Applejack?”

“About Twilight’s neglected parents. Shoot, it’s no wonder she’s an only child. Nice ponies probably didn’t want to get their hearts stomped on twice.”

Twilight was starting to cry. “Applejack, everypony, why are you all saying such hurtful things?”

“Now sugar, I told you ‘tweren’t nopony here going to hurt you. You’re hurting yourself on account of your being a poor excuse for a daughter.”

Twilight was shocked at the failure of bonhomie, and tried to calm the situation with manners. “I think I’ve had enough to eat. If you’ll all excuse me, I think I’ll head for home.”

“Oh, sure, go on,” said Applejack. “Go on home to your little dragon and your pile of books. Maybe you’ll find a family in there. Course, I never heard of anypony finding a family in books, but if you don’t, then the good part is that there won’t have to be another generation of selfish, uncaring fillies like you.”

Apple bloom nodded her head. Granny Smith muttered, “Got that right” under her breath. Big Macintosh was staring at Twilight, clearly also in agreement.

“Stop it, please!” Tears were gushing down Twilight’s face.

“That’s it, go ahead and cry. Whenever one of us is crying, there’s somepony there to wipe away our tears and comfort us. Won’t nopony come to dry yours.”

The other Apple family members chuckled. “Good one, AJ!” said Apple Bloom.

The bawling unicorn threw herself on the wooden floor. “Shut up, all of you, just shut up! Shut up and go away!”

“Twilight, why don’t you go away?” said Applejack.

“Yeah, Twilight,” said Apple Bloom.

“Yes, Twilight,” said Big Macintosh.

“’t’s true, Twilight,” said Granny Smith.

“Twilight. Twilight!” said Spike.

She came to once more, to see her dragon friend wearing a nightcap. His claws were on her shoulders, and he had shaken her awake.”

“Spike, wha--?”

“You were crying out in your sleep, screaming ‘Shut up and go away!’ If I were partying like I sometimes do this late, I might understand, but I was in bed too.”

“’This late?’ What time is it?”

“Just after twelve midnight.”

She had gone to bed at ten the night before.

“Only two hours sleep? That’s no good.”

“You’re not kidding, sister. I’m hitting the hay.”

“You called me sister.”

“Not really, just giving the expression some punch. Why?”

“Spike. . . do you think I’m neglecting my family?”

Spike had started back to his bed, but turned back. “What’s this all of a sudden?”

“It was just. . . in the dream I had they kept saying I was a bad daughter.”

“Whoa, that was some doozy of a dream then, huh? But no, you write your parents just as often as you write Princess Celestia, maybe more.”

“That’s right, I do! It’s like I forgot in that dream. Spike, this is real, isn’t it? You’re not just a dream?”

“I’m sure I’m real! Dream dragons don’t get this—,” he yawned, “tired.”

“All right, back to bed with you, after you give me a hug.” Twilight leaped upon him and squeezed tightly.

“Hey! Don’t be so clingy! It’s too late at night for this kind of mush.”

Spike wormed his way out of Twilight’s grip and headed back to his bed. Within ten minutes a loud snore came from his room.

Twilight walked softly over the floor and peered in on him. He looked so peaceful. “Could I really take the chance of waking him up again?” she thought. It was a convenient excuse for her not to go back to bed. She bottled up the thought that she was scared to death of it.

Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy

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Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy

Fluttershy slapped Twilight Sparkle as hard as she could right in the face.

“OW!” she called out, before the pegasus advanced on her again. This time she shoved with both her front hooves, sending Twilight reeling and falling against a wall. Fluttershy followed after, leaping on top and kicking her in the chest.

“What are you doing, Fluttershy?!”

“Isn’t that obvious? I’m beating you up. Maybe I should see if I can’t jar some sense into you.” She punctuated her sentence with another blow to the head.

“But why? What did I do to you?”

“You didn’t do anything. This is something I should have done a long time ago. You’re really in need of a good flank-kicking.” She grabbed Twilight’s mane in her mouth and yanked, eliciting another yelp of pain from the unicorn. “Plus it’s just so fun.”

Fluttershy kicked her in the ribs again, then followed up by leaning on one hoof on the spot she had just attacked, causing more pain.

Twilight noticed that they were in Fluttershy’s cottage, though she couldn’t remember how she got there or what it was that had set off her friend. But she had no time to think as she was set on again, being picked up and slammed to the ground, then flung across the room into the dining set, scattering chairs around the room.

“Stop, please!”

“But I don’t want to stop. It’s you who should stop crying out. It’s interrupting my enjoyment of laying in to you.” She flew over and cuffed Twilight in the mouth again and bit her on the shoulder.

The pain of the bite focused her, and she used her magic to throw Fluttershy off, landing her about ten feet away, but that failed to stop the assault. The normally kind pony ran back and tackled her down against the back wall, and looked ready to strike more. Twilight concentrated and cast the kick-off spell again, this time getting to her feet quickly and using a protective spell to put up a magical wall that held Fluttershy at bay.

Pain and anger suffused Twilight’s mind. “This isn’t you!” she cried. “You’re being controlled—,” realization hit her as she saw that Fluttershy’s normally bright yellow coat had turned dingy, “just like you were by Discord! Remember!”

She released her spell, but as soon as the enraged pegasus charged, she used the memory spell that had brought all her friends back to their selves during the old battle. Recollections of caring for small animals, being scared of dragons, flying bravely to save her friends, all these and more flowed from Twilight’s mind into that of her assailant. Fluttershy stopped, and she saw that her coat turned back to its proper coloring.

“Oh, Twilight! What have I been doing? It was awful. Some horrible spirit was controlling me. I’m so sorry for hurting you. Let me get the first aid kit.” She trotted off into the next room, giving Twilight a chance to take stock of the situation. Whatever had gotten into her friend, she thought, at least it was gone now. She looked over her own body and saw that the damage did not look too bad, though she realized that bruises might not be as vivid against her skin which was already purple.

Fluttershy came back in holding bandages and antiseptic liquid. “Come here, you poor thing, and let’s take care of some of those wounds.”

Twilight walked over, ready to ask what had brought on the attack. As soon as she got close, though, Fluttershy kneed her in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her and making her collapse to the ground.

“Ha, ha! Oh, Twilight, you’re so wonderfully simple. A little yellow food coloring is all it takes to make you look stupid!” She kicked her again in the gut, causing even more intense pain. “I don’t know which is more fun: tricking you or kicking you.”

Twilight gasped for breath, unable to argue or refocus to cast any spells. Fluttershy laid to again and struck her in the face.

“Nope, it’s definitely kicking you,” she said.

Twilight sucked in air. “This isn’t real. This has to be another bad dream.”

“Oh, Twilight, of course this is another bad dream. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy beating the stuffing out of you. Nor does it mean that because you figured it out I’m going to stop.”

Fluttershy rained down more blows on the unicorns body, alternating between slapping her with her wings, biting and head-butting her, and kicking her with her hooves. Twilight curled into a ball and no longer fought back.

“It’s too cruel!” she cried.

“Cruel?” responded Fluttershy. “No, Discord’s Fluttershy was cruel. I like to think I’m more. . . sadistic.” And she put on a terrifying grin as she leaned in close to Twilight’s face. “You know, I think I’ve found something more fun that hitting you. That’s knowing that you know. You now know that your sweet, innocent Fluttershy has been turned into me, who loves to see you in pain, and that it’s your own mind that did it!”

Twilight gave a piercing scream as she sat up in bed. She cried like a newborn foal. Spike ran in from the other room.

“Twilight! Was it another bad dream?”

“Someone make them stop! I can’t take it anymore! It hurts so much!”


“Oh, Spike, it was so horrible! I don’t want to sleep any more, it’s just awful!” She looked toward the window and saw a wan light. She sniffled. “At least it’s morning now.”

Spike looked at the window where she was also looking. “Twilight, that’s the setting sun. You said you were tired when you went to bed an hour ago.”

What the little dragon had said reached her, and the truth of it let her fatigue come through, crushing her spirit. “I was! I am! I’m so tired, and I can’t go to bed! Somepony help me, I’m exhausted and I can’t go to sleep!”

“Calm down. You’ll just have to try again. It’s only nine o’clock.”

“No! I can’t try again. Don’t you understand? If I go back to sleep it’ll be you this time, you’ll hurt me or insult me or leave me, and it’ll be my fault, because I’ll be the one making you do it! You can’t do that to me, and I can’t do that to you!”

“I’m going to get the others.”

“Spike, you can’t go and wake everypony else up just because I can’t sleep.”

“I told you, it’s only nine. Probably nopony else has gone to bed yet. I honestly don’t know what to do, so we need to talk to your friends about this. We’ll go over to Fluttershy’s house.”

“Not Fluttershy’s!” she screamed, recalling the dream again.

“All right, how about Sweet Apple Acres? That’s closer, at least.”

The previous night came back to her. “No! Not there! And not Rarity’s or Rainbow Dash’s either!” she said, despite the fact that her earlier dreams had not taken place at those ponies’ homes.

“Sugar Cube Corner? Can we go there?”

“All right, we have to go somewhere, let’s go to Sugar Cube Corner. I can get some sweets to give me the energy to keep going, since I’m not getting to sleep ever again.”

They headed over to the sweet shop and knocked on the door, Twilight groggily being led along by the little dragon. Pinkie Pie answered. She had been getting ready for bed herself, but still had boundless energy.

“Hey, Twlight! Hey, Spike! What’s up? You two in the need for a midnight snack a few hours early?”

“It’s more serious than that,” said Spike. “Twilght’s really in a bad way. She’s had scary dreams the past few nights and now she’s refusing to go back to sleep. Can you go round up the others so we can figure out how to help?”

“Sure I can! You take her inside and get her something to drink. I’ll be back in a jiffy!”

“Please hurry, Pinkie Pie. I don’t know what she might do like this.”

“Don’t you worry now. There’s nopony that I can’t find when I really want to!” And she galloped off into the setting sun to find the rest of Twilight’s friends.

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia

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When all of the girls had gathered back at Sugar Cube Corner, they huddled together to discuss what to do about Twilight. She had not allowed any of the ponies to help her and would only talk to Spike or Pinkie Pie. She sat at a bench, staring into space and looking both nervous and exhausted. The others sat at the main counter.

"Should one of us go and find the doctor?" asked Applejack.

"Can the doctor really do anything that we can't? He could give her a sleeping medication, but getting to sleep isn't her problem, it's staying asleep. For that matter, even if she does sleep through the night, is it worth it if she's just going to be made miserable by her dreams?" said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie said, "What if we went to Zecora's to see if she has anything to fix this?"

Rarity put her hoof on the counter. "Twilight's dreams seem to be more that just ordinary bad dreams. There's a rather. . . evil tinge to them. I think we should write Princess Celestia and let her know."

"I. . . I think that Rarity is right. Normally I don't advocate bothering the princess, but the way she's acting. . . " Fluttershy trailed off. Pinkie Pie had reached her first, and they agreed that she should go straight to Sugar Cube Corner while Pinkie continued to gather the others, since Fluttershy was such an able caregiver. But when she had arrived, Twilight reared and would not allow Fluttershy to come near her.

The five ponies agreed that they would send a letter to Celestia, and that if they did not get a response quickly would go to Zecora.

"Why don't you dictate, Rarity? You've got the best prose among us." said Applejack.

"All right," said Rarity. "Spike, could you take this down please? 'Dear Princess Celestia, we apologize for disturbing you at such a late hour, but our dear friend Twilight Sparkle is badly in need of aid. She has been beset upon by terrible dreams the past several nights and refuses to sleep. We are all quite worried for her welfare and we know that you will be as well. Please advise us as best you can how to take care of her. Your faithful subjects.' Does anyone have anything else they would like to add?"

"I think we should tell her about the dreams a little, that they're about us turning on her," said Fluttershy.

"All right," Rarity replied. "Spike, could you amend it to read, 'terrible dreams in which we, her friends, berate and insult her. These dreams have been recurring for the past several nights, and at this point she refuses to try to go to sleep.'"

"Should I restart the letter to make it look nicer?"

"Actually, I have a spell for this." She pointed her horn at the parchment and the words moved, leaving enough space for Spike to include the addition.

When that was done all six of them passed around the quill pen and signed their names to the letter. Spike then wrapped it up with a ribbon and breathed flame on it until it vanished.

"And now we wait," said Rainbow Dash.

For fifteen minutes or so they sat or paced the room. Pinkie Pie put out a tray of pastries, but nopony had much of an appetite.

Spike felt the telltale belly-rumble that signaled a letter coming in. With as much decorum as he could muster, he spat out a flame that coalesced into a slightly charred letter. He opened the scroll.

"My dearest friends, your news disturbs us greatly here in Canterlot. As it happens, one of the royal guards is in Ponyville on an assignment. He was to set out for home tomorrow morning, but we feel that time is of the essence. Please find him and direct him to return at once on his chariot, and that he is to carry Twilight Sparkle with him, showing her the greatest of care as she is an important friend of the royal court. You will find him at the Ponyville Inn, and you may show him this letter as token of our request. Once Twilight Sparkle is here, we will provide the best treatment we can, and will keep you informed of her progress. You did right to let us know as soon as possible. Thank you for your compassion. Sincerely yours, Princess Celestia, Canterlot."

"Well, the princess certainly doesn't mess around," said Pinkie Pie. "Rainbow, why don't you take the letter over to the inn and bring the guard back here."

"I'm on it!" she replied, taking the letter in her mouth and speeding out the door.

Rainbow Dash was back in less than five minutes, having sped her way there and back, and said that the guard she had met would be along shortly.

“He’s got to get the chariot ready, and I told him that in her state, Twilight’s likely to fall off if he doesn’t strap her down. Guys, what are we going to do if something’s really wrong with her?”

Nopony had an answer for that, and the five of them, plus Spike, continued to brood while Twilight rocked back and forth muttering to herself, “Gotta stay awake, gotta stay awake.”

When the guard stepped in, all of Twilight’s friends stood up to greet him. Rarity said, “We’re so sorry to put you out like this.”

“Don’t sweat it, miss. Night job like this, plus an extra shift means I’m getting paid double time.”

Rainbow Dash said, “So the pay is good?”

“Not now, Dash!” said Applejack, then she went over to Twilight. “Sugar cube, you ready to go with this feller to Canterlot?”

“Canterlot?! Why do I have to go there? To see my parents? I’ll have you know I write them every week!”

“I’m sure you do, but you’re going to see Princess Celestia.”

“The princess?! If you treated me that way, she might kill me! Or send me back to magic kindergarten! Or kill me and then send me back to magic kindergarten in the afterlife she killed me to!”

Fluttershy came over. “No, Twilight. The princess is going to help you. We all want to.” She reached out a hoof, but Twilight jumped over the table and started to back off. She was still groggy, and collided with Rarity.

“Twilight, believe me, unicorn to unicorn, going to Canterlot will be the best thing for you. Please, go on the chariot.”

“You said please.”

“Well, of course. It’s only polite, you know.”

“Not, ‘you have to’ or ‘you must, you simply must’?”

Rarity had indeed thought of saying something like that, but realized that that would only make Twilight more resistive.

“No, dear. It’s your choice, but please go.”


Twilight staggered to the chariot and got on. The guard followed and strapped himself into the front. He faced the worried friends.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her. Miss. . . Twilight, was it? I promise you the smoothest ride a pony’s ever had to Canterlot. You can even put your head down and go to sleep if you like.”

“HA! I don’t think so!” she said. The guard shrugged his shoulders, and he lifted off into the night.


When she reached Canterlot Castle, Celestia had come down to the front gates to see Twilight as soon as possible. As she disembarked the princess held out her wings for an embrace, but Twilight just trotted as if she were drunk toward her.

“Twilight, I’m glad you’ve come. It’s very important to try to get some sleep so we can figure out why you’re being afflicted, and we also need you more coherent so you can help us understand.”

“Oh, I’m coherent. I’m perfectly rational,” she said, but her slurred words belied what she said. “It’s simple logic. Sleeping puts me into the world of dreams. The world of dreams hurts me. If you get burnt by a fire four times the rational thing to do is not go back a fifth.”

“Are you never going to sleep again?”

“When I’m so tired that I have no energy I’ll pass out, and then I’ll be too weak to dream. Besides, staying up for a week or more will give me so much more time to study. I should have thought of it years ago!”

“Twilight, you’re grasping at straws and not making any sense. And you can’t stay up all night.”

“Oh, is there something wrong with that?” A dark and melodic voice came from the gateway. Princess Luna was standing there with her mane blowing gently in the night breeze.

“Dear sister,” said Celestia, “I didn’t know you were listening.”

“We too are concerned about your young student,” said Luna, who still used the royal plural. “And if she does not wish to retire at this time, We would welcome the company as we kept watch over the moon tonight.”

“See, Princess,” said Twilight. “Somepony understands me!”

“Will you accompany Us to Our chamber where we can sit and chat, or have tea, or if you like We will favor you with a tale of olden days.”

“Sure thing, Princess Luna! Up all night, that’s the way to go!”

Many years of sisterhood had taught the princesses how to speak to each other in low whispers without being overheard even by another pony right next to them, while still being understood by the other. As Luna and her sister walked with Twilight she said, “You’re really going to try to convince her to sleep, right?”

“Certainly not, Celestia. We are not a liar. If she wants to stay up, We will not argue. You must learn the art of the soft sell.” Then out loud she said, “You should get some sleep yourself, sister. Twilight Sparkle may wish to spend tomorrow’s day with you and you should be rested for it.”

Twilight was gleeful at being indulged at the expense of her authority figure. Celestia simply bowed her head in departure and left the hall. Luna and Twilight continued on to the bedroom.

Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna

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“Now,” said Princes Luna, “if you’re going to stay up all night with Us, you can’t be so tired or you won’t have any fun. As it happens, I’ve a magic potion I can brew for tired ponies that makes them more awake.”

“You do?” asked Twilight. “Make a whole bunch! That way I’ll never have to sleep again.”

“Unfortunately if you take it too often your body will get used to it and then you’ll need to take it just to feel normal. But for once in a while it’s quite useful for a boost.”

Luna had gone to a small magic laboratory attached to her suite. She was crushing ingredients with a mortar and pestle while steam rose from a boiling pot. A delicious smell filled the room.

Twilight peered curiously at what the princess was doing. As a student of magic herself, even her fatigue could not dampen her lust for learning.

“Can you show me how you’re making it?”

“It is a simple recipe, but the ingredients are quite rare. This cherry grows only in lowlands in tropical areas, and its tree is quite tricky to care for. Then it must be placed very carefully in a fire and removed at just the right moment. Once that’s done you can store the cherries until you’re ready.”

“Cherry? Looks more like a dried bean.”

Luna chuckled. “You wouldn’t be the first to think so. After that it’s a matter of crushing the cherries—beans if you insist—into a powder. Then the magic happens. You have to combine the essence of the powder into boiling water without actually getting the powder itself in the water.”

The princess moved the mortar over the pot and cast a spell with her horn. The tempting aroma intensified.

“The potion itself never tastes as good as it smells,” said Luna. “According to legend, there was a unicorn named Eleanor the Excellent who figured out how to make it taste exactly as it smells. But then she drank so much of it, and became so awake that she started running, and ran so fast that she jumped right off of Equestria.”

“Did that really happen?”

“We do not think so. We tasted her version of the potion and it wasn’t that good. Here you are.”

Twilight took the goblet that Luna had passed to her and sipped. She made a face.

“As We said, it doesn’t taste that nice. But you can cut the taste with cream and sugar without losing its effectiveness.”

“Just like tea?”

“Yes, but tea is so. . . froufrou. A more fitting drink for Celestia. We night-dwellers need something stronger.”

As Twilight sipped, she seemed both to calm down from her earlier balky attitude and become more alert.

“Why not take your potion and accompany Us to the roof?” asked Luna.

“The roof?”

“Yes. Sometimes if the night is clear and warm enough, We step up to the roof and look at the stars. You are interested in astronomy, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes! I know all the constellations and patterns!”

The two ponies made their way up through a skylight, Luna by flying and Twilight by a combination of magic and lifting herself bodily along the rail. The sky had a glow that permeated the firmament and put the blackness into sharper contrast. All over Canterlot the lights had gone out, with only a few torches burning for the night watch-ponies, and a rare candle of some other insomniac. The quiet was like a sound in itself, something to listen to rather than ignore. A breeze blew, caressing the ponies’ cheeks like a cool hand.

“Now, if I read my charts right,” said Twilight, “we might be able to just see the Southern Cross along the horizon if we—“

“Twilight Sparkle, try something for Us. Don’t look at particular stars or even constellations. Lie back and see the whole sky. Feel the moment. Feel the connection between you and every pony who has ever looked at the night sky and contemplated its beauty.”

“It is awfully pretty, Princess. But don’t you find that it makes you feel awfully insignificant? I know that’s a cliché, but I do feel awfully small when I look at the stars. Being able to analyze their courses and constellations helps alleviate that feeling.”

“Why alleviate it? You’re an important pony, to Celestia, to your friends, to Equestria, and to Us. Don’t you want, once in a while, to not have to worry about it all? To know that, whatever we do there’s a whole rest of the universe out there that can take care of itself? We know that We take comfort from it, knowing that each one of those stars is raised and lowered by some other princess, and so are their moons.”

For a few minutes the two of them just leaned against the roof and looked at the stars. Then Luna spoke up again.

“One advantage, if you accept that insignificance can be a good thing, is that certain activities that would normally be proscribed can perhaps be de facto permissible, particularly when combined with the premise that the standard operating procedures of such functions as would tend to support a household such as this are held in abeyance, and there is an opportunity for those who would seize it to avail themselves of certain consumptive reliefs.”

“Huh? I didn’t get any of that.”

“Stripped of the fancy language, it means, ‘Do you want to go to the kitchen and sneak a midnight snack?’”

“Are you making fun of me, Princess?”

“No, We just tend to get a little flowery when planning something naughty like this.”

“Let’s do it!”

They headed down to the Canterlot Castle kitchen. It was empty and the lights were off, but a wave of Luna’s horn brightened the room.

“We should be careful,” said the princess, “to leave it immaculate when we’re finished. A kitchen is the domain of the cooks, and nopony, no matter their rank, should interfere.”

Twilight sat at a counter and watched Luna opening cabinets and drawers. She seemed to know where everything was, so Twilight concluded that she did this often. Bread, cheeses, and vegetables were laid out, and Luna magically began crafting a pair of sandwiches.

“I wouldn’t have thought that you were such an accomplished cook,” said Twilight.

“Often enough We have servants to cook Our meals, or eat at affairs of state, but We like getting our hooves dirty once in a while—not literally of course. It’s also the only way to get exactly what you want out of a meal.”

Luna passed Twilight a plate with a completed sandwich on it, but she hesitated. “Could I have a knife? I prefer my sandwiches with the crusts cut off.”

The princess took back the sandwich and sliced the edges of the bread herself. She looked it over and asked, “Should We cut it lengthwise or in triangles?”

“Lengthwise is fine, thank you.”

“We should have something to go with sandwiches,” said Luna as she opened a jar that contained home-made cookies. “Otherwise it’s not really a midnight snack, just a late supper.”

She moved two cookies onto her plate and was in the process of doing the same for Twilight when the unicorn spoke up.

“These cookies look awfully rich. Two is too many, even if we’re indulging.”

Luna removed one from Twilight’s plate, then floated one of hers in the air. It split in two and half landed on each plate. The two ponies’ eyes met, and Twilight understood the meaning of the gesture.

They munched away, sometimes chatting about idle gossip, other times just eating in silence. Twilight found herself relaxing for the first time in several nights.

“It’s quite tasty, Princess,” she said, “and sandwiches are convenient for reading too since you don’t need both hooves to eat them. But I do worry about calories.”

“Perhaps our next activity should involve a little exercise.”

“Exercise? What did you have in mind?”


Ripples spread across the pond, making the reflections of the moon and the stars shimmer and twist. Princess Luna eased her frame into the water, lazily making waves with her wings.

“Swimming? At night?” said Twilight, who still stood on the bank.

“Why not? The water is cooler than in the daytime, but it’s not so cold as to hurt. It’s nice.”

“Well, actually, the truth is. . . “ Twilight hesitated.

“You can’t swim?”

“I know the theory! I’ve read books about it and I think I just need to learn the muscle memory!”

“Then begin your training now. You don’t even have to go too deep. The bank is steep here, but you can keep your forelegs attached and just practice kicking with your back legs.”

Twilight haltingly stepped in and hung on to the bank. She began rotating her legs slowly.

“Don’t worry, Twilight Sparkle,” said Luna. “If you let go I’ll catch you.”

“I’m glad to know it. But what’s the appeal?”

“The appeal? That should be especially apparent to a unicorn or an earth pony. If you have no wings, you’ll never be able to know what it’s like to soar free, free to move in all three dimensions. But you can know it by proxy when you’re in the water. Swimming is a bit like flying in that way. All your weight is held by the water and you’re free to just let go and indulge yourself. It’s the sheer pleasure of being a pony. And as you said, we do need some exercise. But if all that doesn’t convince you, realize that if you immerse yourself here, you won’t need a bath tomorrow.”

Twilight kicked and pumped, enjoying the sensations, until she started to feel a tired aching in her muscles. She and Luna splashed and played, held contests as to who could hold her breath the longest, and generally enjoyed all the pond had to offer. Had anypony been around, they would have been surprised to see the normally dignified princess and the dedicated student letting go.

As they floated on their backs, Twilight said, “Princess, this night has been fun, more fun than I’ve had in a while, but I’m still having the bad dreams.”

“I thought we agreed that you’re not going to sleep again.”

“Come now, you know that was the insomnia talking. I’m going to have to at some point. And I’m still scared that the dreams will come back. What am I going to do?”

“Well, if it’s advice you want, let’s go back up to my apartments and talk there.”

They got out of the water and shook their coats dry. With wet manes they trotted back up into Canterlot Castle where Luna provided towels. Then, back in her bedroom, she had Twilight lay down.

“As a student, your approach is probably to gather all the information you can before making a decision, is it not?”

“Yes, but I’ve looked in dozens of books for a cure for bad dreams and found nothing! Come to think of it, a lot of times my books don’t actually have solutions for my problems.”

“Perhaps you need information direct from the pony’s mouth, as it were. Would you like to hear the legend of how bad dreams first came to Equestria?”

“You know that? Yes, tell me please!”

Luna sat in an ornate armchair and launched into the legend she spoke of. It was an old story, full of violence and evil, love and redemption, and is well worth hearing if you ever get the chance. Eventually she would write it down and call it “The Master of Shadows,” so you may be able to find it under that title. But that night Twilight Sparkle listened enraptured, interrupting with questions occasionally, and she felt that she was in her element as a consumer of content.

When it was all over, she asked Luna, “Is that story really true? Is that why I’m having the nightmares and can we fix them that way?”

“Perhaps. It might be true and finding the root of the problem is the solution. Or it might just be a nice bedtime story, and will do nothing. Maybe your dreams are caused by simple stress, and a relaxing night is what you need. Twilight Sparkle, it’s a lesson you’ll need to learn someday: that sometimes you have to act on limited or vague information, and that what makes a strong pony, what makes a fully grown pony, what turns a student into a scholar, is being able to act, and act boldly, in the face of the unknown.

“That is the best advice We can give you. If you need more, We will refer you to Celestia, because it is time for Us to lower the moon and for her to raise the sun. So if you’ll just wait here, I’ll send her in and you can pass the day with her.”

“Actually,” said Twilight, “I think I’m a little tired and I’d like to go to bed. Is there a guest bedroom I can use?”

“There are many guest bedrooms at the castle, but no, none that you may use. We shall find one of them, while you stay right here in Our chamber and Our bed, if indeed you wish to sleep.”

“Oh, but I couldn’t! I mean—“

“You can, and you wouldn’t insult Us by refusing, would you?”

“I suppose not.”

Then with motherly care, Princess Luna tucked Twilight into her own bed and gave her a kiss. Drawing the curtains against the sun that was shortly to rise, she softly and silently slipped out of the room.

Heading into the main hall of the castle she encountered Celestia, who was just preparing to raise the sun. “How is Twilight?” she asked. “Does she want to see me?”

“Actually, she is finally laying down to sleep. We have hope that her nightmares will not return.”

“What did you do for her?”

“Merely spent the night with her, cared for her. She’s been put on her own so soon in life, we all forget how young she is sometimes.”

“Perhaps you’re right. And you—do you mind always staying up at night and sleeping in the day?”

“Not at all, dear sister. To lie abed with the morning dew in Our nose, with the traffic of Canterlot as our lullaby, with the warm rays of your golden sun as our blanket, is the most restful sleep a pony could ask for.”

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie

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Twilight heard voices outside Luna’s bedroom and got up to investigate. She found Pinkie Pie chatting with a royal guard.

“When did you get here?” asked Twilight.

“After you left, the rest of us caught the next train to Canterlot. It took the long way, so we just got here. The others are putting their stuff in their rooms, but I really wanted to come see how you were doing. How are you doing, by the way?”

“Maybe a little better. Princess Luna and I stayed up all night.”

“Hey, that’s great, oh, but I have a question I wanted to ask you, Twilight,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Fire away.”

“Well, given all the books you read. . . “


“How come you’re still such a know-nothing dumb-o stupid imbecile who isn’t very intelligent?”

Twilight looked at her quizzically, then everything made sense to her. Pinkie had adopted a mean look on her face, but slowly her mouth quivered. Both ponies burst out laughing.

“Oh, Pinkie!” said Twilight, “We finally found the one form of humor that you can’t do: insult comedy! Really, that was awful delivery.”

“I know, right? I messed up the punch line and I couldn’t even keep a straight face afterwards. Actually, I was worried that you’d think I was serious, which is why I tried to be so over the top that you’d know it was a joke, but that kind of took all the oomph out of it, you know?”

“You’re right. What put it into your head to try out something like that?”

“Well, I’m not really sure. I just got here and thought, ‘Hey, I should go be really mean to Twilight.’ And then I thought, ‘Why would I do that? Twilight’s my friend.’ And then I was all like, ‘Do it!’ And then I was like, ‘Make me!’ And I was like, ‘Wait, I’m me. If anypony can make me do something it’s me!’ and eventually I decided on that joke.”

“Well, word of advice: stick to parties and straight happy laughs.”

“I think you’re right,” said Pinkie.

“Well, now that that’s done with, would you like to see some cool magic?”

“Cool magic? I love magic! And I love things that are cool! And if you put those together it’d be like coolness, which I love, and magic, which I also love, together!”

“Exactly, Pinkie. Now, I’m hoping this works. I think it will.”

Twilight’s horn glowed, and on her back two more glows appeared. From those began to grow two tiny buds, which then expanded and unfolded, spreading out into large, feathery wings. She flapped them gently and rose a few inches off the ground.

“Ooh,” said Pinkie, “That is cool. But wait, unicorns can’t just change themselves into pegasi or alicorns! That’s a rule. Otherwise there would be no difference between the types of ponies.”

Twilight thought about how to explain. “Pinkie, what if. . . just for now. . . the rules didn’t apply? Or think of it as magical dress-up.”

That sated her. “Ooh, dress-up! Everypony loves to play dress-up! And with those wings and your coat you look kind of like Princess Luna!”

“Huh? But she’s dark blue and my coat is lavender.”

“Oh, well, to tell you the truth, I’m sort of color-blind.”

“Really? But you love color. You’re always decorating with colorful balloons and streamers, and you like to watch rainbows.”

“Yeah, well, that’s why. If things are in vivid colors, then even I can see them. But when things hover between blue and purple or red and brown, then I lose a lot of what other ponies can see. I try not to let ponies know. I’m sorry.”

“No need to be sorry,” said Twilight, “I don’t mind being compared to Luna.”

She pointed her head at her flank and the shimmer of magic appeared again. On the right side of her cutie mark a white crescent moon appeared. It made the whole mark look like a magical star going nova in the brightest part of the night sky.

“You can change your cutie mark too?!” said Pinkie, “Something funny’s going on around here.”

“Maybe, but it’s nothing to worry about. Why don’t you try some changes to yourself?”

“Huh? But I don’t even have a horn.”

Twilight thought about that. “No, but if you did have a horn, then you could use its magic to grow yourself a horn.”

“Now that’s some Pinkie Pie logic right there! Well, if you’re going to dress up as Luna I might as well be Celestia.”

Pinkie concentrated, and in a flash a long thin horn appeared on her forehead, and it began to shine magically. Once again great wings spread out from a bare back.

“Oh, this is so awesome!” said Pinkie, “Although, I match even less than you. I may be color-blind, but you’d have to be really silly in the head to think that Princess Celestia was pink!”


Pinkie Pie bent her head back and made her horn glow, and around each of the three balloons on her flank a sunburst appeared.

“Now I definitely look the part. Hey! We can even role-play!” she said, and adopted a faux-serious tone. “Now, Luna, shall we away to the square to allow our faithful Equestrian subjects to revel in the splendor of their princesses?”

“Oh, yeah—I mean, er, ‘We think that would be a capital idea, dear sister.’”

Both ponies broke up laughing again, then they flew gently out the window.

In a courtyard of the castle Rainbow Dash was pacing restlessly. The converted alicorns hovered over her. “Hey, Rainbow Dash! Check us out!” said Pinkie.

Rainbow, confused by hearing Pinkie Pie’s voice above her, looked up. “Whoa! What’s with you two?”

“We just thought that you needed some competition among your friends for who’s the fastest flyer.”

“This is too weird. It’s almost like when all our pets—“

“It’s just a kind of game,” said Twilight, interrupting. “Just for today, play along as if you could do anything you wanted.”

“Anything, huh? Sounds a bit freaky.”

“No, really, Rainbow!” said Pinkie Pie. “Twilight and I changed ourselves into alicorns. You could be one too!”

“Well, if I could change myself, rather than that I think it would be awesome to be a dragon.”

Rainbow found herself growing to many times her size. Her skin turned scaly and her mane started to blend with her hide. Soon she had a scintillating spectrum of scales interspersed with light blue ones, and the sun made them shine like mirrors. Her tail twisted and lengthened, and spikes in varying colors sprung out. Her face lengthened and she grew a frightening number of razor-sharp teeth. She leaped high in the air and soared all the way to the highest tower of Canterlot Castle, then dived back down to Twilight and Pinkie, sending them diving for cover.

“I take it back. This isn’t freaky; it’s way cool! Let’s go show the others!”

“Actually, why don’t we go show the others so you don’t give them all heart attacks?” said Twilight.

“Oh, right. Good idea.” Rainbow Dash’s voice hadn’t changed, and it was funny to hear the light rasp coming from a creature more suited to deep bellowing.

Pinkie and Twilight returned to the castle and found the room where the other three ponies were staying. As they entered, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity stood up, confused by what they saw.

“Are you two relatives of the princesses?” asked Applejack. “’Cause you sure look like two of our friends.”

“Not exactly,” said Twilight.

“Oh, my,” said Fluttershy. You even sound like our friend Twilight.”

“It’s me, Fluttershy, me and Pinkie Pie. We just. . . changed our look a bit.”

Pinkie said, “Twilight explained it to me as like a dress-up game. You can do whatever it is you want with yourself!”

“Really?” said Rarity. “You mean, my entire body as a canvas without limits? I could be even more fabulous than I am now! Even when we visited Cloudsdale I thought I was a bit garish, but if I could magically change my mane, my figure, my make-up. . . i-dea!”

She trotted to the front of the mirror and watched in joy as she was able to fix imperfections in her skin and experiment with different looks. As she was enraptured, Pinkie spoke to the rest.

“We still have to show you what Rainbow Dash did when we told her,” she said.

“Hey, did you two explain it to them yet?” came Rainbow Dash’s voice as the dragon hovered next to the window. Fluttershy panicked and hid under a table. Applejack reared.

“Now what the hay is going on here?”

“AJ, trust me, everything is all right,” said Twilight. “It’s just that, for now, for here, we all have a chance to do magic beyond what anypony’s ever done, and fulfill our hearts’ desires. Isn’t there anything you’d like to change about yourself?”

“Not really. I’ve always been happy to just be a pony.”

“Anything at all, then. Think of it as a wish.”

“Well, truth be told, having to run off from Ponyville so fast, I do miss the family. Actually, beyond just Apple Bloom and Big Mac and Granny Smith—do you remember the first time we met, Twilight? There was a big Apple family reunion. We haven’t done that in a long time. I’d really like to see them all again.”

Just then a commotion arose from outside the castle. Applejack went to the window, trying not to be distracted by the Rainbow Dash-dragon, to see an awful lot of ponies in various earth tones milling about.

“Well, hey there, Applejack,” one of the ponies called.

“Braeburn? What’re you doing here?”

“Had some business in Canterlot, and as it turns out, by sheer coincidence, so did every other Apple from everywhere in Equestria. Now, don’t that just beat the band silly?”

Applejack looked over at Twilight for a moment, then turned back to the window. “It sure does, cousin. Gimme a few minutes and I’ll be down.”

“Fluttershy,” said Twilight, “How about you? What are you going to do?”

“Oh, I don’t have anything much I want.”

“Come on, there must be something.”

“No, there really isn’t.”

Pinkie Pie chimed in. “But it’s anything you want! You could be super-fast or super-strong or super-beautiful or super-super! You gotta want something!”

“Honestly,” she said as she looked down at her hooves, “Seeing all of you made so happy by getting what you want is what really makes me happy. And if I really did have a wish for anything. . . “

“Yes?” the others said.

“Then all I’d wish for is to get all of us together for a big group hug. If Rainbow Dash can make it inside.”

“Aww,” said Pinkie, “I think that you wished to be super-sweet! Why don’t we head back outside for that hug? You won’t be frightened of Rainbow as a big, scary dragon though?”

“Not really. Maybe because I know it’s she, or maybe because I’m just growing and getting braver, but I’m not scared at all.”

“And, finished!” rang out in a singsong voice from over at the mirror. Rarity faced the rest of the ponies and said, “What do you think?”

Not a hair was out of place. She shone out with a light that seemed to come from within, or perhaps it was that the light acted as if it had been made to reflect off her. She was perfection without being measurable, imposing without being garish, sexy without being a tart. When she moved her mane and tail went with her in perfect undulation. Being so adept at knowing the ins and outs of fashion, she knew it too, and carried herself with confidence, thought without branching into arrogance.

The other ponies looked on, speechless. It was Pinkie Pie who first found her voice again. “Wow, Rarity, now our little group is truly superlative! The best in beauty, the best in strength, the best in kindness. . . and the best of friends!”

The six of them went to the front gate of the castle and had their group hug. They fit together like puzzle pieces. It was a moment of bliss. When they let go, Fluttershy said, “Thank you, girls. This was a great thing to do. I’m going to go and journal about this so I never forget how it made me feel. I’ll see you later, OK?”

“You journal?” asked Pinkie.

“Yes. . . you don’t think that’s weird, do you?”

“Nope! Just never knew it before.”

They trotted around to where they had spotted the Apple clan. Applejack went up to Braeburn. “I guess you’re wondering what I’m doing with a couple o’ alicorns and a big rainbow-colored dragon, aren’t you?”

“Aw, heck, AJ! We’ve seen some incredible fancy stuff here in the big city! There’s an amphitheater we went to, building must be able to hold over five hundred ponies! Now don’t that just turn your apples red?”

Twilight was smiling ear-to-ear, watching her friend swapping old stories and having the time of her life. “What do you say we all go and grab a bite to eat?”

“You all go on,” said Applejack. “We’ll all catch up with you later.”

Pinkie grabbed Twilight and started dragging her off. “Yeah, let’s go! Since the four of us are looking so fine we want to show it off. It’ll be like a parade!”

They marched down the streets into Canterlot town. Some of the ponies were a little wary of a dragon coming down, but when they heard her talking with a pony’s voice they figured it was just a trick of some sort. That applied mostly to the mares, though. For the stallions, some of them never even noticed the dragon, because all they could see was Rarity.

Jaws hung open and drool was coming out at the sight of such an attractive mare sauntering about. Rarity was in her element and noticed all the attention, lapping it up like a cat does. Then she spotted a particular target she had hoped to see.

“Well, hello, Prince Blueblood. Do you remember me?”

He was speechless for a moment. “R-Rarity? Is that you?”

“Why, of course it is.”

“But you look so. . . so. . . “

“Oh, I’ve changed my style, that’s all. You know how it is, fashions change from one season to the next.”

“Rarity, last time we met, at the Gala, I was so awfully rude to you. Can you ever forgive me? Would you like to go out with me? And then marry me?”

She chuckled coquettishly. “Oh, Prince. . . I DON’T THINK SO!”

And she turned her back on him, lifting her nose in the air and trotting back to the others. When she reached them they all broke up laughing.

“Oh, that was fun! I’ve wanted to do something like that ever since the night I met that awful boor.”

“You should see the moopy droopy face he has, Rarity!” said Pinkie. “You don’t think that was a little mean, though?”

“But Pinkie, you didn’t have to go through what I did with him. Trust me, it’s what he deserves. Although, he is certainly not the only stallion in town. . . “ she trailed off.

“And what you’re saying is that you’d like to head off and try to find yourself a date.” Twilight grinned. “Please, don’t hesitate on our account.”

“Thank you for understanding. You three have a wonderful time!”

As Rarity cantered off with a cloud of stallions in her train, Rainbow Dash said, “OK, now that we’ve lost all the earth-bound ponies, let’s hit the sky!” She soared up toward the sun, twisting and turning her body to stretch it out. With rather more grace, Pinkie and Twilight flapped their wings and joined her.

Rainbow danced and soared above, then came down to join the other two. “So, now that you’ve finally got your wings, don’t you just think that flying is the best? Don’t you never want to touch ground again?”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” said Twilight, “But I definitely see the appeal.”

“It’s really freeing,” agreed Pinkie. “And the best part is that you’re always getting somewhere, even when you think you’re just flapping your wings. Speaking of getting somewhere, do you want to head off by yourself like the others, Rainbow?”

“Not really. Element of loyalty, remember? I’m going to own the Canterlot skies!”

“Well, what I was thinking was that we’d head back to Ponyville where I could throw a party to celebrate all the fun we’re having!”

“So you’re saying the fun would be doubled?” asked Twilight, but her joke fell flat since neither Pinkie nor Rainbow had been present when Luna said that.

“You feel free to do that,” said Rainbow. “No hard feelings if you don’t want to stick around, honest.”

“What do you say, Twilight? Ponyville, cake, party?”

“I’m always up for a Pinkie Pie party. And I should check to see that Spike hasn’t burned down the library.”

“Have fun, Rainbow! Come on, Twilight, last one to Ponyville gets banished to the Moon!” Pinkie flapped her wings and headed for home. Twilight chuckled and followed after.

When they made it back to town, it didn’t take Pinkie long to organize everypony in town, since the sight of two alicorns approaching got most of their attention. It was a wild party that lasted most of the rest of the day, with ponies trying on various forms, or enjoying little fantasies of their own. As the sun sank low in the sky, Pinkie drew Twilight aside.

“You gave me such a great day, so can I show you something? It’s a secret that I never even let my closest friends know, but you deserve it for today.”

“Really? Thanks, I’d love to see it.”

Pinkie led them to a hill behind Sugar Cube Corner. It was a nondescript place that nopony would ever go to. No roads went near it and there were no stores or homes nearby. They flew up to the crest of the hill, then Pinkie landed and started to trot down the other side. Once she got a few feet down, she lay down on her back.

Twilight stood in awe, having never known that this spot existed in Ponyville. A valley vista spread before her to the west, expanding from a narrow crevasse to a wide spread. Trees dotted the valley and made it look like a soft green pillow. A brook meandered through gently, not making much noise unless you were right next to it. Breezes blew through and tickled the treetops, which gave a rustle of thanks. Above it all, the setting sun gave a hue of golden red to everything. From any other vantage point, it was just impassible rough country. From where they looked, it was a panorama of peace and beauty.

“Come. Sit,” Pinkie said slowly, in counter to her usual hyper voice. “This is my ‘sit-still place.’ Every day, every hour I’m on the move so fast, but once in a while I need to go and just not move for a while. I like coming here at sunset, to watch something else move for a change.”

Twilight joined her friend lying on the hillside. For a long time the two of them sat still. The light shimmered and danced, and they watched in contentment. As the last of the sun was about to sink below the horizon, Pinkie Pie turned to Twilight Sparkle.

“So, this was how I wanted to thank you for such a wonderful day. I can’t wait to see how tomorrow goes.”

“Pinkie, I’m not sure how to tell you this, but there might not be a tomorrow. You see, I think this whole day has been a dream.”

Pinkie laughed. “Oh, Twilight. Of course it’s all been a dream. All this rule-breaking magic? What else could it be?”

“You knew?”

“Tee-hee. Come on, I do all sorts of weird stuff even in the real Equestria. You think that I’m going to let a dream world hold me?”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“The dreamer never gets told it’s a dream. But the dreamer is you, and you could have dreamed anything. This day could have been a nightmare, and I could have been part of it. Instead, you made me the happiest I’ve ever been, and you finally went ahead and admitted that you knew it’s a dream too, so the last secret between us is gone. Now do you see why I had to bring you here?”

“But what’s going to happen to you when I wake up?”

“Well, I certainly don’t know! Maybe I didn’t even exist before you dreamed me up, even though I remember my whole life. And maybe I’ll go on in some world that you’re just visiting. Nopony knows what’s going to happen tomorrow. All we have are the moments of the present. But take this moment and tell me how you feel. Could anything be more perfect? Does it matter what happens next? Would you miss this for all the world?”

Twilight looked at Pinkie’s smile as it wavered in the failing light. In her heart, she gave the answer no to Pinkie’s rhetorical questions. Everything went swimmy as the last rays of the sun reached them. Twilight felt such joy at being close to her friend. Then the rest of the world started swimming too, and so did her own body, until she woke up.

She was back in Luna’s bed at Canterlot Castle. The sun was really setting, and she saw and felt that she had been asleep all day. She was rested and refreshed, ready to take on the world. From outside the door she heard voices. Maybe it was the princesses coming to check on her, or some guards assigned to keep watch, or maybe her friends really had come to Canterlot to be with her. All she knew was that she was finished dreaming, eager to see what was beyond the door, and that everything was right again.