The Mission

by Blueness

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Now satisfied, she explained my part of the job. I was to gather information on Celestia and Luna’s weaknesses, so she knew where to strike to overthrow them more easily. I also needed to find tactical advantages in case war broke out. Then I could be with my family, everything would go back to normal.

“Really, you hold the balance of the whole plan. That’s a big responsibility; you must NOT fail. Can you handle that?”

“I don’t really have any other choice.”

She chuckled. “Good, now all we need is a disguise for you. Any suggestions?”

I did, actually. Recently I had created what I wanted to look like in the world of Equestria So, I went and got my memory stick, where I had the picture saved, and brought it up on the computer. I couldn’t help but stare at the monitor’s background: a picture of me and my brother and sister. What I would lose.

Then the picture loaded.

There it was. The depiction of me as a horse. Pony, actually. This is who I would be. The stallion I created had a theme to it: blue. The body was one shade, a darker, more natural blue the main and tail slightly lighter. The mane was cut short and flipped up at the front, the tail was a slightly messy style. The hooves were defined, like the muzzle. Both were the same colour, a slight tint of purple in light blue. But what stood out most to me were the eyes. The way I set them in the pose, they were full of love and understanding; and they were a deep, dark brown, unlike the rest of the body.

I looked up at the mare beside me. Even when I was standing full height, she was a lot taller. As she studied the picture, I expected her to dislike it, since it would be too “sun-loving.” However, she just smiled and said, “this will work perfectly. You’ll fit right in with the occupants. With a few adjustments of my own, you’ll be ready to begin your mission. Are you prepared?”

Bells and whistles, right? Same question as the text. Now suspicious, I tensed up, then confirmed.

“Then get ready.”

Oh, crap.

Then, her mane began to grow and envelope the two of us. All I could see was stars swirling around me, with Nightmare Moon in front of me. Again, her eyes flashed white as the spell took action. I closed my eyes, getting dizzy. Then I heard a giant whoosh. To an observer, you would see a huge orb spinning faster and faster. Then, in a brilliant flash of light, it would disappear, as if it was never there.