The Mission

by Blueness

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

So far, I’d noticed a few things wrong with this picture. One, she was in the wrong world. As far as I know, alicorns don’t exist on planet Earth, just in mythology, and, of course, a certain T.V. show I knew. Second, Nightmare Moon was defeated in the very first two episodes of the first season. So what was she doing here, in my house, in my world?

These questions must’ve shown on my face, because she laughed at me with a strange amusement.

“What? Don’t you know who I am? I would’ve thought so from one with such intelligence. Maybe the things I’ve heard about you were wrong?”

Confusion flowed through to embarrassment as the insult sank in. So, I got up, frowning, and said the only thing I could think of saying.

“What do you want?”

Her smug face got serious as she responded, but I could tell she still had the same attitude.

“What I want? You know what I want. But maybe you still forget who I am. So I’ll remind you. I am Nightmare Moon, true ruler of the night. But my throne has been taken by someone else, and I cannot take back what is mine on my own. If my revenge is to be executed, I need more power. That’s why I’ve come to you, Zach.”

How did she know my name? Did she know everyone I knew? Will she use them against me?

She started laughing again, but maniacally. “Oh, yes, I know who you are, and I know about your family and how much they mean to you. If you refuse to help, you might not see them again.

Oh, crap. Now she’s making it personal. Or was it just an empty threat? Let’s see.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

Her eyes flashed in anger for a quick moment. Then they returned to the smug attitude from before.
“Perhaps you do not understand the full extent of your situation. Let me enlighten you.”

Then her eyes flashed white, engulfing all my vision. In her eyes, I saw what would happen:
Mom would come home, get the kids, and then approach me. She would have a look of disappointment and disgust. She would say to me that I wasn’t supposed to be here. I wouldn’t know what she was talking about. Then she’d say I have to leave. “Where will I go?” would be my question. “Doesn’t matter,” would be her reply. Then she would usher me out the door, and shut me away from my family. She didn’t care about me. Why this, I would think. I could take it if they died, but this was worse. It was the most horrifying thing you could imagine. My own family didn’t want me, so they got rid of me. I had failed them, somehow. Now, I could not redeem myself. I failed.

The light faded, and I realized that my face was covered in tears. The monster before me was willing to take away what I loved. I wouldn’t let her change what my family truly was. She continued to stare at me, even though the vision was over.

“Well? Have you decided?”

I took in a deep breath before I said anything, getting control of myself before I broke down. Her plan worked. I was her agent now.

“Okay, okay…What do I have to do?”