Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony

by coolpony01

First published

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

Times in Equestria are changing the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriarchy are falling. With the addition of a male prince plus one more to come with the marriage between Princess Twilight Sparkle and Blueblood. The nobles are in an uproar, but this will not stop the presence of harmony from forming.


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The great unicorn of much courage, wisdom and virtue felt great pains for he had lost his dear wife Princess Di Amore Cadenza to a deadly parasite known as alicornzious. It very fortunately only affects alicorns and very unfortunately has no known cure. As well as the fact that Princess Di Amore Cadenza had only been an alicorn for eleven winters when this happened and since her body couldn’t fight it off she succumbed to its effects. And so it was clear this parasite of death would bring an end to the princess of great love and companionship. To the joys and faith of her husband now Prince Shining Armor the former captain of the guard of Equestria the disease was only serious enough to effect his wife and not the alicorn child she was to give birth to was safely removed before the disease could affect the child and so the alicorn may be given the love, nurture, and mentorship of any child. Shining Armor named her Flurry Heart in honor of his wife. His daughter will be filled with much love, virtue, and wisdom. These are the traits needed to become a princess of Equestria after all which now included the crystal empire.

When the city of much goodness, wisdom of old, and fairness returned it was decided that Princess Cadance of Equestria would become the leader amongst the people since the land was now technically a part of Equestria. Due to ancient political decisions of the land becoming a part of Equestrian territory. Due to the belief of the land being destroyed by the evil tyrant king Sombra. And so since the people of the ancient empire of crystals had returned Princess Cadenza was seen as the best political figure for the ponies of crystal. Because of the fact that she was a person of much wisdom, fairness, and chastity. As well as the fact that of her being a mare since old Equestrian traditions have long existed to have had mares often of noble birth or of great intellect and virtue to be the leader. And so it was the perfect choice for such an honorable role.

However since she passed and Princess Flurry Heart is not old enough to rule until she gains the skills.. Shining Armor will have to rule over the crystal ponies to properly transition them into Equestrian life. He was chosen as ruler by the crystal ponies due to them trusting him and honoring him due to his impressive role in preventing the shadow king from once again taking power. They also were around before the idea of mares as rulers became common in Equestrian life. They cared about people’s skills, intellect, and virtue as well as trustworthiness. See during the times long passed those whom were foreigners or another sapient species of intellect were often not granted much high status or respect. Fortunately, this is no longer the case at least not nearly as bad during ancient times. The cases now are mostly the nobility of Equestria. They do not show much liking towards with non equine sentimental species believing them to be untrustworthy. As well as those who had more barbaric uncouth traits. It is a great pain of the matriarchy that formed in Equestria. Before Prince Shining Armor the last male leaders were the son of Princess Celestia prince Solaris and the son of Princess Luna Prince Nightshade. But it was a thousand years ago and so Prince Shining Armor will likely face discrimination from those of nobility. Especially Lady Platinum. When Princess Celestia chose Twilight Sparkle to be her student due to her great potential and skill. The mare of nobility had quite the fit for her daughter not becoming the student of the solar diarch. Due to Twilight Sparkle not being of noble birth. However the now Prince Shining Armor does not care about such things and will endure the discrimination for he knows he will make an excellent prince of Equestria due to his wisdom and fairness and so he will focus on what he has become blessed with.

Ch 1

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Prince Shining Armor let out a yawn as he woke up to the day. He trotted over to his private bathroom and began to clean himself. His reflection in the mirror proved the strain that has formed from all the work he is required to do. His eyes show tiredness and stress from overworking as well as the pressure and disapproval he must face from the noble bloodlines. He just went to simply clean his coat and mane and tail of any sweat as well as making sure that he looked neat and formal. He then walked out of his chambers two crystal pony guards saluted out of deep respect to their prince. They know he was a wise choice for the throne. They then escorted him to his daughter’s chambers. He went inside to see her caretaker feeding him her daily formal with great patience and kindness.

“Oh Prince Shining Armor I just finished cleaning Dear Flurry Heart once she’s done with her formal she should be ready for her public outings.” The mare spoke with great kindness and respect to the prince of the land.

Prince Shining Armor let out a warm smile. “You have done well Charity Heart. If you do not mind, I wish to finish feeding her her breakfast.” Shining Armor asked polietly.

“Oh why yes of course.” The caretaker said as she handed the child to her father.

He was firm yet gentle to the child he loves. “You are a good father Prince Shining Armor I am honored to serve such a nurturing parent.” Charity Heart said with much admiration and inspiration.

“And I am honored to have such a caretaker for my daughter.” He said with genuine gratitude.

Afterwards they got themselves presentable for their public outings since royalty are expected to show proper intellect and mannerism to their people.

The crystal ponies all clapped and cheered with joy when they saw their Prince as well as their princess of much kind heart.

“People of the Crystal City it is a morning of much of much good promise for today the Crystal University is to be opened the day when everyone within the crystal lands and beyond may receive the education they are worthy of.” Prince Shining Armor said with much passion, care, and faith.

The crystal ponies then approached their dear prince of fairness.

“Hail to the prince of the ponies of crystal!” They all cheered proudly.

The new students then entered the bundling to attend their courses so they may learn the traits needed for their career choices. There are many races and species of all sorts as the crystal ponies are far more accepting then most. Prince Shining Armor always admired that.

There aren’t just crystal ponies as the name suggests but also unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies, and thestrals. As well as many non equine sentimental beings due to this university being very open minded and includes many species such as donkeys, zebras, yakes, hippogriffs, and dragons.

It is good to know that the university is not as close minded as some other schools such as Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. Know the solar monarch has nothing to do with the discrimination against non unicorns or non equine sentimental species. However, when the school was founded in ancient times she had to adhere to the demands of the “people” the people meaning the bible lines of unicorns who believed unicorns to be of much more class and intellect then the other “corrupt bloodlines.” And they would only agree to allow the common folk to be allowed to attend the school if they were of unicorn blood. They believed the non unicorns to be uncouth and with less virtue and wisdom than the unicorns so they would not listen to Celestia’s pleas. But at the very least unicorns who were commoners and of a proper unicorn bloodline were allowed to attend.

Unfortunately, there are not very many non noble unicorns who are of pure unicorn blood due to more enlightened times and less conservative ideals about the races sticking to each other to maintain their culture. Prince Shining Armor’s younger sister Twilight Sparkle was lucky for their family believed in traditional values. That was until her father broke the tradition of the family but still married a unicorn whom he loved. Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor’s father Nightlight was expected to marry in the Spell Family. However, the mare in question, Star Spell, was a very crude and ridiculously traditional mare who believed in all the traditions of the nobles regarding unicorns being superior in virtue and sophistication. With this she wanted Nightlight to end all of his relationships with his non unicorn friends and Nightlight would not have it and went against his parents wishes and married the mare he loved instead. For he knew Star Spell was a very judgmental mare and would never treat a husband as an equal or even allow him many liberties so he married his best friend and true soul mate Twilight Velvet. They haven’t had contact with their “families” ever since. But they did not care for they had much love, and compassion for oner another.

They never did expect their daughter Twilight Sparkle to not only get accepted into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. But to become Princess Celestia;s studen. For many of the noble blood did not believe she was worthy of such an honor. Especially Lady Platinum for she wished for her daughter to become the student of princess Celestia.

However the solar princess chose Twilight because she knew the young filly could do great things. And potentially bear one of the ancient elements of harmony and save them all from the tyrant alicorn of darkness Nightmare Moon. As well as free Celestia’s dear sister Princess Lunar the ancient night monarch of old from the shadow of nightmares that convinced her to bring forth eternal night. The subjects of Equestria now find beauty and admiration to her beautiful night. For it is a thing of much beauty and honor. When Princess Luna was freed of her boundage she did redeem herself in truth for she no longer had the envy and greed and rage that allowed the nightmare to take over.
This was a blessing to Celestia as she had her sister back. However, she could not tell her subjects about her return as this would spark mass panic and she needed to avoid that at all costs even if it meant backlash from the nobles.

Life was not easy for either of their children due to the backlash they would receive especially in regards to Shinning Armor for being a stallion. Due to the matriarchal society of Equestria it is quite often the case that stallions who join the solar guard face much unfairness when it comes down to rank or one's pay. And so it was difficult for Shining Armor to even be Captain of the Solar Guard. This was largely due to the nobles influence on the solar guard they did view stallions as making less couth decisions, and with less intellect and a proper mindset. But despite the evils of oppression this would not prevent the brave and just unicorn male from receiving the title of captain. This he would find comfort in telling his daughter so that this may inspire her to become a better ruler.

Prince Shining grew tired for he spent many hours of the day and went into the night handling public viewings, political decisions, as well as caring for his daughter.

He is a father of much nurture and commitment for he wishes for his daughter’s life to be full of bliss.

He then began to read to her his most favorite of bedtime stories when he was young. It was the story of a fair and noble dragon known as Humble Wing. In the olden times there was a great and terrible war between Equestria and the dragon lands. This was of course started by the nobles who tried to force the dragons off their most fruitful and prosperous of islands due to the gems they could collect. This proved to be a problem because a proper dragon diet consisted of many gems due to the strong powers it could provide in the precious minerals. As well as the fact that the majority of the dragon lands did not contain very many animals due to the hazardous volcanic eruptions within their lands meaning the dragons needed this land. Before Princess Celestia got wind of this the war had already begun. The dragons clearly had to refuse such injustice. The war was dreadful; many of the dragon's eggs were smashed despite Celestia clearly telling those of bigotry within her army not to harm non combatants. The dragons that were captured were also made into forced labor in spite of the outrage of Princess Celestia upon learning of this. Not to mention the dragons with their breath of fire would burn many of their crops and villages killing many Equestrians. And so there were many ponies and dragons alike who wanted an end to this bloodshed. And so many people of much kindness within their hearts would spend their days and nights working toward peace and harmony. For they knew that kindness and generosity were the virtues that people needed during this time of great specisim and greed.

One of the most well respected and well known of these being the kind Humble Wing a dragon as black as shadow with red eyes the shades of the fires of tartarus. Though his appearance would fool every one for he was one of great virtue. However he knew that having goodness within ones heart was not enough to allow for harmony but through the usage of one’s actions. So he made sure to spread his teachings throughout Equestria and the dragon lands after the war's conclusion and even helped Celestia in order to achieve peace. The method of peace was accepting the fact that the island of Crytos was the dragons as well as the addition of several other non occupied islands as a means of providing the dragons with compensation over their starting of the war. The dragons in turn would help to rebuild the lost villages and crops of the people.

The alicorn princess seemed to enjoy the story and the prince smiled with a joyful and caring expression when he found his daughter had entered the realm of dreams. He knew it was time to take his leave but he was very tired and so his body gave in and he had no choice but to fall asleep within his daughter’s chambers. The crystal pony guards became concerned when their prince was within his daughters chambers for quite some time. When they walked in the found him snoozing peacefully alongside the bedroom floor of his dear daughter.

The dear prince let out a groan of tiredness as he heard the sound of a door being opened. He was taken aback to see his daughters caretaker Charity Heart with a look of much concern in her eyes. The young prince then realized he feel asleep within hid daughters chambers he felt much embarrassment and stupidity for allowing this to happen.

“Good morning Prince Shining Armor did you rest well?” The kind mare asked with concern.

“Yes I slept well, Miss Charity Heart.” Shining Armor said.

“Very good Prince, everyone worries about you. You’ve clearly been working too hard, you need some time to rest and just for yourself.” The mare spoke with clear concern.

The prince of the crystal ponies let out a sigh. “Yes I know it’s just been very difficult to properly maintain the political and economic needs of your people due to their being so little of those of nobility granting us with any political nor economic aid and as prince it is my duty to protect and aid my people.” Shining Armor said I was exhausted.

“Yes but you need your rest. I recommended that you ask for aid from your fellow royals.” Charity Heart said.

“This is a possibility but I do not want to burden them.” Shining Armor said with guilt.

“True but you have been burdened far too much the princesses will be joyous to provide you with the aid you need. And Equestrian law clearly states that the nobility are not to deny any Equestrian province with aid to the point that it causes physical harm whether it be the people or the assiters to the people. The nobles can not be allowed to get away with such injustice and if the princess provides us with more aid by setting the nobles straight then you will be fulfilling your duties.” The kindly mare was aware of the truth of this.

“I suppose you are right dear Charity Heart.” Prince Shining Armor spoke with a smile.

Ch 2

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The solar monarch of the day felt much sympathy for the dear and fair ruler of the crystal ponies. She had no idea just how much economic and political pressure Shining Armor has been burdened with. As a prince of Equestria it is unacceptable for him to deal with such strife. It is simply wrong for the nobles to deny him aid to the point that he passed out within his daughter’s chambers; this is not something that can be accepted or tolerated. And so, the great fair princess of the sun knew she had to put her hoof down for those of noble blood simply cannot be allowed to abuse their societal nor that of political power. And so, she brought the noble family with the most political and social power of all the Bluebloods. The reason they have so much political power is because they are related to Princess Celestia themselves.

Long during the days of ancient Celestia gave birth to a son of much chastity, fairness, and determination and he had children of his own. However, the nobles did not approve the idea of these children of the unicorn prince to be granted the right to become a princess or a prince. They believed it would grant the royal family too much political power; the solar prince was angered by this but knew he could do nothing. However, an agreement was proposed. The generations after the prince would at the very least be allowed to have noble status and political power that comes from such a high status. And if there ever was another royal family of blood that of a unicorn is to be formed their children will be granted the status of royalty.

Unfortunately, however, when stallions were granted that of lower political status or viewed as having fewer proper morals or of intellect. This caused stallions of the noble families in particular to have quite a lot of societal or political burdens forced upon them. And they were often denied the respect or luxuries that come from being a noble bloodline. For these reasons only a mare of the blueblood family would be the one chosen to talk with Celestia much to the princess's dismay.

Princess Celestia feels much disappointment and disgust to see what her bloodline has become over a thousand years.

However, there is hope for their son Noble Star Blueblood does not have these views because the solar monarch offered to provide mentoring and nurture towards the young colt to provide her dear many great's grandson with the proper love, care, and mentoring the young one was in needest of. For an innocent child deserves such blessings. The noble family bloodline felt more than pleasant to accept this. Since they knew it would allow for their social and political status and power to grow. The wise solar monarch of the day provided Noble Star with quite a large proper education within many fields such as politics, economics, history, literature, and so much more as well as providing him with the love and care he was in great need of. Celestia would often watch over the younge noble when his mother and father were away dealing with political or societal matters. She would love to read to him of the many historical legends of morals, courage, and wisdom. Such as the story of the fair Humble Wing and the fair king Alchemano of the griffon lands for the young noble needed to be raised upon proper morals. She was a mother figure to the young Noble Star and still is even to this day and in private refers to her as grandmother and him as grandson. Celestia in her heart truly holds much love and care towards the young stallion of the Blueblood family line.
And so, it does not come as much of a surprise when the monarch discovered her grandson chose to form a courtship with Princess Twilight Sparkle. They do hold quite the value toward many of the same aspects such as literature, history, art, magical studies, science, as well as that of friendship and family. As well as proper virtues such as showing kindness and generosity to others. And so Celestia can not wait to tell Shinning Armor of this for he will clearly be very joyous of her sister's wedding to a person whom she loves.

When Lady Blueblood arrived, she bowed out of respect. For she knows it would be a great shame to their noble bloodline if she were to disrespect royalty.

“Princess Celestia, what is it that you are in needest of? The Bluebloods have agreed to follow your order so long as it is reasonable.” Lady Noble Jem Blueblood said with etiquette.

“Lady Blueblood you needest worry about my demands for they are far within reason. I simply ask for you to provide more aid to an Equestrian province as well as the others of nobility.” Princess Celestia spoke with etiquette.

“Bless Elysium, you have finally discussed this there have been far too many cutbacks upon the coastal provinces of Equestria and if we are to simply not provide the proper number of defenses it may allow the dragons or griffons to invade our lands this can not be allowed.” Lady Blueblood spoke with much passion.

“I do not mean the coastal Equestrian provinces; they already have more than enough aid provided to them. I speak of the land of the crystal ponies.” Celestia corrected.

The smile fell from the lady of the Blueblood household.

“Yes, that does make sense it would be best to prevent an invasion from the Yak kingdom of the frozen mountains, but I believe that may not be exactly the wisest of choices if we are to provide the crystal ponies with too much aid.” The lady of the Blueblood family said with genuine belief.

“And why not Lady Blueblood, they are Equestrian citizens after all.” Celestia stated with much passion and care in her words.

“Well they simply have been apart from Equestria for far too long and have not fully adjusted to our customs nor have grown to truly comprehend the expectations of Equestrian society.” The noble of the Blueblood household said.

“But that does not mean they should not be granted the same amount of aid they pay their dues to Equestrian society after all.” Celestia spoke with fact.

“Well because they are simply not like us they are far too different and simply can not comprehend what Equestrian society and mannerism represents. Their leader is a crude stallion of all ponies, princess you can not be serious.” The lady or the Blueblood’s spoke with disapproval.

The solar princess narrowed her eyes on her. “Yes they are ruled by a stallion, a stallion who helped save the kingdom from falling into the tyranny of the evil Queen Chrysalis as well as prevented another war with the king of shadows. And continues to help our people when it comes down to politics, economics, and national defense so it may be best if you are to give Prince Shining Armor the respect he deserves.” Princess Celestia said in the defense of the honorable stallion.

“But a stallion ruling over the mares simply is not the Equestrian way. They simply do not have the intellectual nor moral traits to rule.” The noble mare said of much sexism and ignorance.

“If that were the case Prince Shining Armor would not have been able to achieve the successes for Equestria. And from what the crystal lands soldiers and stallions said Prince Shining Armor was required to maintain well over half of the political and economic decisions for the province of the crystal ponies. And this overwork left him physically exhausted to the point he was reported to have passed out. This simply can not be accepted. The people simply need more employees to allow for a proper transition of the ponies of crystal into Equestrian society. And who would we be to burden him and put oppression on our own people.” Celestia spoke with much passion towards the idea of equality towards the crystal ponies.

“But they haven’t even been taught of proper Equestrian values not to mention they are not of proper blood. Why should the Blueblood or any other noble households be required to provide them these unneeded luxuries?” The Blueblood mare of the house said with much passion and ignorance.

“Because they are all subjects and in case you’ve forgotten when the Monarch Constitution of Liberty and Fairness was signed it was a requirement for all those of nobility to provide a substantial amount of our riches to the people of Equestria. So that our people may prosper. The constitution also requires those of nobility to do the same. And so it is your duty to provide the crystal ponies with aid. The continuation of the denial of such aid would mean you are going against our written constitution. And the terms written within it clearly state any member of royalty or nobility who refuses to provide their Equestrian commonwealth with aid for the good of the country is to have their noble status and inheritance of wealth revoked. And so I would be very careful if I were you, Lady Blueblood.” Princess Celestia stated with much firmness, as well as courage, and charity.

The noble of the Blueblood Family glared with anger and a bit of venom at the solar Princess. But knew there was simply nothing she could do for it is a great shame upon a noble and the household if said noble is removed of such societal and political status. And so she agreed to the raise towards aid provided to the lands of much crystal. It is a blessing the people of the crystal lands as well as Prince Shining Armor may finally receive the aid they are worthy of.

Ch 3

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Prince Shining Armor felt much joy and faith to learn of the courtship between his little sister Princess Twilight Sparkle to the stallion of the Blueblood household Sir Noble Star Blueblood. One of much etiquette, respect, admiration, and many wonders.

They hold quite the love and gratitude for each other and value many of the same traits. They value history, politics, science, magical studies, literature as well as the arts. Not to mention their virtue towards friendship and family as well as the elements of harmony. Generosity, laughter, kindness, honesty, and loyalty. And so it does not come as much of a surprise as to why Twilight Sparkle chose to wed the fair Noble Star. And through this Noble Star will finally earn his title of prince something he was most deserving of and his children will be granted that of the political and societal status as that of prince or princess. But that doesn’t matter because all that matters is for them to rule fairly and justly

And so the two feel much pleasantness at the thought that they may finally reveal their courtship to the public. For they know they will be of much joy to know that their princess and their noble hero have formed a deep love and commitment. The people of Equestria do have quite the respect and admiration towards those who have proper respect and admiration. And use this along with their skills and intellect for intellect for the good of the land of much greatness and of the wondrous people that live within it. The majority of the people hold much admiration for these two fair and just political figures would be the commoners. Those who do not have much wealth, nor that of societal status, nor a proper say or the respect of the nobility.‘

This is because of course of the ideology that only unicorns of proper blood should be granted certain luxuries such as power and of societal status. Of course such ideologies are not as popular belief among those who have been oppressed. However, many of the nobles do not believe that certain unicorns, nor that of other pony races, nor that of other intelligent species should be granted these rights. Because to them they are ones of barbaric bloodlines that do not possess the wisdom nor of the morals of those of proper bloodlines. And so the nobles, especially Noble Star’s Mother Noble Jem will be highly against their kin of noble blood wedding to a unicorn of common blood.

However, it simply is not up to them. The laws those of nobility wrote many many centuries ago stated those of noble birth are to only marry that of another one of noble birth or a royal. And so they simply can not deny the courtship of Princess Twilight Sparkle to sir Noble Star.

At the moment the soon to be wedded Princess Twilight Sparkle and soon to be wedded Prince Noble Star are at the moment celebrating their unity of love and commitment. With Prince Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. For they deserve to live happily as people of love and commitment for they have many good traits. And have used this for much good if there are more stallions who become Equestrian royalty and if they are ones of much fairness and justice it will allow for harmony and prosperity to rise within the lands.

“When are you two love birds planning on setting up the wedding?” Prince Shining Armor asked, teasing his little sister.

“Oh we plan on having it on a lovely December evening. We do love the warmth of a winter’s fire of love as well as the beauties that come with the white snow.” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke with much pleasantry and warmth.

“This is a grand idea. When I wedded Prince Night Warrior of the Nightshade noble household we chose a lovely forest of many wonders to be wedded. It was quite a beautiful wedding.” Princess Luna said feeling great care and love towards her deceased husband.

“Yes I have very fond memories of my sister’s wedding to that wonderful and courageous stallion.” Princess Celestia said with a warm smile.

“We will always hold honor towards our dear lover for he is worthy of this.” Princess Luna spoke with a passion towards her lover and a bit of guilt towards her actions as nightmare moon for they were of greed and envy and had separated her from her dear lover when he passed in ancient times.

The solar monarch then placed a hoof on her dear sister’s shoulder.

“It is alright dear sister you have learned from your mistakes to become a better person as we all do.” Princess Celestia said with sympathy and true love for her dear sister.

“Yes I am aware of this. And so at the least at the time it is best if we are to discuss something else we are here to discuss a wedding of much truth and love. And I personally have love and appreciation for such wonderful things. My dear fallen Night Warrior and I got married in the Maginato Forest most commonly known as the Forest of a Thousand Wonders. It is still in existence today due to my dear sister using her great alicorn magic to preserve the wondrous forests of much grandness. It is actually quite the wondrous place to be wedded; perhaps the wedding should take place there weddings are meant to be joyous after all.” Princess Luna said

“We were actually planning on requesting that but we wished to be polite.” Noble Star said with mannerism and politeness.

“Know why would I mind it would be quite rude to if I were to deny a royal Equestrian wedding within that wonderful wood.” Princess Luna said with much compassion and passion.

“And we would be quite delighted to provide aid in preparation for the wedding. It is a thing of wonder.” Princess Celestia said with much joy.

“Very true and it is proper for an older brother to help prepare a younger sister’s wedding after all.” Prince Shining Armor spoke with much charity and joy.

Twilight Sparkle smiled with warmth and gratitude by this. “Why yes it is a blessing to know y dear brother will provide my fiance and I with much care and preparations towards such a wonderful wedding thank you all.” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoke with clear gratitude.

“And why would we not? It is your wedding after all.” Prince Shining Armor spoke.

And so the people spent the time preparing for their wedding of much joy for they know that it would be a very memorable and long lasting occasion.

Ch 4

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Sir Noble Star Blueblood of the Blueblood noble household is to be wedded to the fair and wise Princess Twilight Sparkle within the next coming months. He holds much joy and commitment for Twilight Sparkle as he loves her.

Quite clearly he hasn’t told his mother or father yet. He is far too aware they will likely not approve of their son's wedding to a unicorn who is not of a noble bloodline. Nor of him becoming a royal prince of Equestria. Especially his mother she produced no mares to carry forth the Blueblood name unlike her sister who have had many mares that may allow for their great name to be brought forth. For these reasons she has high expectations of her son marrying a noble birth so he may produce a mare for her side of the family to flourish.

However, he will not allow his mother to cause his courtship to end. For it is he who choose to wed and is well within the laws of nobility within Equestria to marry a royal no matter of their status.

At the moment Noble Star along with his mother and father are by a magically lit fire by a table of much expensive beauties. From the decor and details of wonders putting aside the tables and the chairs made of the most precious metals to the beautiful painted shade of a golden color. To the light of the most beautiful of yellows of the radiance of Celestia’s sun herself.

Nobles always valued expenses and the arts quite dearly ever since the many winters of ancient of olden customs and virtues.

Noble Star however, always preferred the monarchs. They do not exactly hold upon the expenses at least to the levels of the Equestrian noble households. Their private furniture such as their dining room are made of wood rather than the expensive metals of value such as silver. As well as their bed chambers the majority of their materials are made of wood with the exception of a few gems and such.

However, a wondrous room of much beauty and expense may be the most joyous and wondrous of places to discuss his courtship with Princess Twilight Sparkle.

The noble stallion then began to speak.

“Mother, father, I bring you news of much importance. I am currently courted to a suitable wife.” Noble Star said with much passion and joy.

“This is wonderful news son, as a stallion of the Blueblood household it is our duty to wed a proper mare so we may allow for our bloodline to continue on. For the sake of Equestria that is.” The noble's father spoke of joys and warmth.

“As long as she's a mare of desceny within and her blood it is acceptable.” Noble Star’s mother said with formality clear care towards bringing honor to the Blueblood estate. The younge Blueblood knows all too well her mother would never show approval nor respect towards the mare he is to wed. As Twilight Sparkle is not of a noble bloodline she is still a princess and so legally the mare of the Blueblood estate cannot deny of their marriage. But that does not mean she will not try to bring an end to the courtship regarding the circumstances. However, Noble Star is one of courage, love, passion, and commitment. And so he will not allow his mother nor of the other nobles of much prejudice to ruine of their courtship. For Princess Twilight Sparkle and Noble Star Blueblood hold joys, passion, and commitment to each other.

“The mare in question is quite clearly one of decency for she is of wonder of intellect, virtue as well as strength and deep care towards the arts, literature, of history of magic, of economics, and of politcis.” Noble Star said with genuine joys and praise.

“I will admit a mare of such traits would show honor towards the Blueblood estate whom might she be.” The mother stated at the very least with respect and admiration towards the mare at least.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The younge noble answered with much joys and care.

There was then a silence however, Noble Star was prepared for what was to come.

“Absolutely not!” The mother thundered. “You will not shame the Blueblood family by wedding to that common blooded deviant!” The mother stated with distaste and disrespect.

“And who are you to speak that way towards one of our four princesses especially one whom have done much good to our people and the land of Equestria.” Noble Star said with anger and of care towards his finance’s honor.

“It would be wiser if you are to listen to your mother. Twilight Sparkle may clearly use good traits such as intellect and virtue to bring forth harmony towards our homeland of Equestria. However, she is still a common blood and so wedding her would clearly bring shame towards the family. It is not the way of the nobles.” The father stated however, he did not show any disrespect towards Twilight Sparkle as her mother did.

“While it is true she is not of a noble bloodline Twilight Sparkle is, however, a princess and wedding her would allow for the Bluebloods to become royals and haven’t we held the ambition to earn the title of royals for hundreds of winters have we not.” Noble Star stated so he may defend the courtship for he trully loves Twilight Sparkle and nothing will prevent their unity.

“Ha a common blooded can not truly be a monarch and a stallion as a prince such an idea is laughable at best you could never be a proper prince mares simply have more superiority when it comes down to intellect and of virtue.” The mother stated with a crude smile of ignorance and disrespect.

“Dear perhaps it is best that we simply do not escalate the converastaion than it already is. It is best to avoid any serious family quarrels.” The father stated of care to avoid any more words of anger.

“No Light Star he needs ti learn and you and I both know a stallion simply does not hold the proper intellectual nor of cooth status to become a monarch. I mean how can you possibly handle the political and economic duties as a monarch being a stallion and all.” The mother said with clear disdain and rudeness.

“How dare you show father with such disrespect.” The stallion of the Blueblood household said with judgmenet and care towards those whom are faced with injustice and crudeness.

“No your mother us only stating the most basic of facts son. Stallions simply do not make good rulers. Look at the horrors that were committed under King Sombra.” The stallion stated with true belief towards the idea that a stallon simply can not mainatian a kingdom.

“Your father is right mares simply have far proper nature than that of a stallion and it would be of greed if you are to simply produce impure breeds of unicorn and allow for the Blueblood heritage to become a corrupt prince bloodline.” The mother stated with much predjiusm and sexism.

“The bluebloods are descent from a prince in case you’ve forgotten.” The Blueblood of true noble virtue spoke of much courage and care.

“And I refuse to allow my foolish son to taint our bloodline any further!” The mother said with deep crudeness and disrespect.

“Whom I wed is not your choice to make.” He snapped full of righteous fury.

“It is my choice to make for I have birthed you.” She said of deep anger.

“Birth is naught a factor for we are meant to live our own lives.” He said with deep anger and passion.

“Who told you that your common blood deviant mare.” She said with disbain and disrespect.

“You will not speak to my fiance like that! And it was not just her who told me that stated that people need to live their own lives.” He said.

“Oh so you admit that deviant mare corrupted you.” The mother snarled.

“You didn’t let me finish it was it fact not just Twilight Sparkle who provides I with support it was also the solar monarch whom loves and cares for who I am. The noble stallion said of much of much cares and deep gratitude.
“You told Princess Celestia!” The mare barked of much anger and corrupt judgment.

“And I hold no regrets towards it Celestia is one of much wisdom and deceny.” Noble Star said.

“Know that is something we can both agree on. However, while Celestia is one whom is worthy of respect and admiration the solar monarch simply can not interfere with the customs and virtues of those of noble birth.” The mother stated.

“Know that is unfair to say about our wise Celestia she knows how our customs work and nows that a noble may wed to a royal.” Noble Star stated.

“When it was written the nobles of the time meant a a royal of proper blood not a commoners bloodline.” The mother stated with crudeness and disrespect.

“But it does not say that specifically and I’m pretty sure that’s not what they meant so you can not simply deny of our courtship or our marriage.” The stallion stated of much intellect and courage.

“Yes however, laws can be interpreted such as the one that one’s freedom in matters such as the press.” The mother stated with clear knowledge of politics.

“Of course you do realiz interpreaton works both ways while some fo predjuism may interpret mary a monarch as one of being of a noble bloodline there are still far more enlightened idegologies that would interpret it as one whom have earned the role of a monarch due to their political and economic successes.” Noble Star stated formally with care towards his clourtship with Twilight Sparkle.

There was another silence.

“Enough of this foolishness! You will put an end to this corrupt courtship with that uncouth mare! The mother stated with clear rudeness.

“As I’ve said before you will not show disrespect towards my fiance and it is a little late to end our wedding we are already well into the preparation and already have the date for the wedding.” The noble stated with courage and firmness.

“You already planned the wedding, how dare you do this without our consent!” The mother stated with clear anger in her tone.

“What about my fiance and I what of our consent all the other roryals already show great joys and support towards our courtship. Why is it that you cannot?” The stallion stated with clear care towards his freedom and his love.

“Because it is an immoral courtship!” The mare yelled.

“Regardless of your ideologies it is simply not within your authority as that of noble blood to put an end to this courtship.” He stated knowing they were words of much truth from his lessons into the political system.

“As though the other nobles of proper virtue and tradition would ever allow for such an improper wedding.” The mother said.

“It is not as though all the nobles in particular will be against this courtship the Gemstones for example have always been ones whom granted the poor with the greatest acts of charity and it is clear common civilians of Equestria will be of most joyous and faithful to learn of our courtship.” The stallion of the Blueblood household said with joy.

“You will not do so! It is bad enough you have burdened the Blueblood family with such a dishonorable courtship but if it were to become public our bloodline would be brought to the mud you selfish colt!” The mare barked with rage and judgement.

Noble Star simply held his ground for he is aware it is his choice to tell the public.

“Alright it is clear our son has become blinded and corrupted by the uncouth customs of those of improper families then he shan't be welcome pack your bags Noble Star you’re leaving.” The mother stated with venom and of deep judgement.

“Noble Gem you can’t be serious, where will he go?” The father stated with reason and care towards his son.

“And the foolish boy must live with the consequences!” The mother said with venom

“And it is a decision I do not regret in the slightest I will accept this as I accepted it. I was planing on moving with the dear and fair Twilight Sparkle as I am to become a prince. I know that a noble can deny her son their inheritance but you can not take away the money I have made while I was assisting the public at my finance job and if you even attempt to do so I will have it reported.” Noble Star said.

The stallion then left knowing there will be challenges to come with how the nobles will react. However, so long as he is married to the one he loves things will be alright.

Ch 5

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Princess Twilight Sparkle and her soon to be husband and Prince Noble Star Blueblood are at the moment within the private tea room of the royals. It is that of simple and of beauty. A small table set with a lonely little table cloth draped over it beautifully lit magical candles among the room. The wall was painted that of a pale yellow of the most beautiful of shades. And there was a lovely china tea set among them.

“It is good to spend time with my precious star.” He said of joy and that of love and care.

“The feeling is mutual, my noble stallion.” Twilight said with admiration and genuine love and care.

The two used their magical telekinesis to carefully pour each other the warm drink of a magical flavor.

“You know how to make the most excellent tea.” Noble Star praised.

“Well I have an excellent mentor who taught me.” Twilight Sparkle said with pleasantness and that of joy.

“Yes, Grandmother always did have the greatest tea recipes.” Blueblood spoke happily at the thought.

They then saw guards enter the room

“Princess Twilight and sir Noble Star Blueblood your presence is required by the Equestrian parliament.” A male guard informed them.

The two exchanged worried and annoyed looks as they knew the “parliament” which consisted of nobles entirely would likely try to bring an end to their wedding. As they are mares of noble family lines who would never approve of their untraditional or “uncouth” behavior but they will remain ones with courage and ambition of their desire to marry one another in spite of this.

As they arrived the two knew they needed to use the proper etiquette as parliament does have quite a lot of expectations.

“Members of the parliament we have heard you wish to address the courtship between myself and fair Noble Star Blueblood. We wish to address the fact that doing so will bring great good change to the land.” Princess Twilight Sparkle spoked of formality as she has come to learn from being a princess.

“Princess Twilight while Equestria does owe you a great depth for preventing our land from falling from tyrannical beasts that does not mean you may simply go against our traditions.” The leader said it was of course Noble Gem Noble Star’s mother.

“Oh why yes within the land of Equestria there have been quite a lot of traditions within the noble household that have come and gone especially within these current times so it may be not of wisdom to..” Twilight was cut off by the leader of parliament.

“However, while certain traditions have rapidly declined in Equestria this does not mean you can simply help speed up the process or go against the current traditions of the nobles.” The mare said.

“Yes while the ancestors did say they wish to protect the civilians of Equestria there were many traditions that were lost such as the idea of nobles having the same political authroity rather they were mare or stallion.” Princess Twilight pointed out with much courage and ambition.

“That was different, stallions have proven to simply be less couth or intelligent than that of mares. With evil vermin such as King Sombra our ancestors learned the error of our ways and made decisions as to restrict as much political power to the mares so we may allow for the future of Equestria.” The mare spoke with much passion and that of genuine belief.

“But what of the tyrant Emerald Gem she did rule the land with an iron hoof executing many pegasi and earth ponies alike. How can we say that stallions make poor leaders when mares have committed such atrocities.” Twilight said with chastity towards the oppressed under such rigid matriarch.

“As you were not born of nobility you were simply not to receive the proper education of how Equestrian society runs or rather how it should run.” The mare spoke with much ignorance.

“And who are you to disregard Princess Twilight Sparkles intellect when this and her great magical potential was why she became the student of Princess Celestia herself. Not to forget her heroic deeds towards the country to the point of becoming Equestria’s newest princess and so it may be of wisdom to provide Princess Twilight Sparkle with the amount of respect she is due.” Noble Star spoke with formality and that of defense towards the mare he loves.

“And why should a son be allowed to speak to a mare led alone his mother in such a way.” The mare scoffed.

“You may be my mother but however noble family lines are not permitted absolute control over their children and our courtship is simply within the legal requirements of wedding as Twilight Sparkle is that of a monarch.” Noble Star said as fact.

The mare smiled at this.

“Then you must be aware of the privileges granted towards that of nobility and of the noble parliament. See when nobles agreed that they could wed that of a monarch this is meant to be and was during the time interpreted as a true monarch. That of noble unicorn blood which “Princess” Twilight simply lacks. And of Equestrian law has been one of interpretation and so as chairmare of the the Parliament of Equestria I decree that this union of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Noble Star Blueblood as unconstitutional due to the interpretation liabilities set forth upon the banishment of Nightmare Moon.” The mare said with much passion and ambition for this to last.

This of course angered the courted couple.

“How dare you use your authority in such a way!” Princess Twilight Sparkle yelled.

“This was designed to interpret laws that were not as straightforward as to prevent conflict and confusion after the already fragile relationships designated by that of Nightmare Moon. However this law states a royal and a monarch of proper unicorn blood can still be married. It says nowhere that this unicorn must be a noble birth therefore this ruling is out of your authority!” Noble Star yelled.

“Oh yes but the law states only of a monarch but it does not quite state the blood requirements and so we do have the right to rule this interpretation.” Noble Gem said.’

“Fine but you do forget this must be brought before the Equestrian Court of Justices as they are designed to properly interpret the legal rights among nobles and monarchs in these circumstances.” Noble Star said.

“You do realize there is a process one must go through before even a request may be sent to the Equestrian court of justice.” The mare said with a smirk.

“Oh but you do forget the most important cases are brought first and the nobles will be quite interested to find the nobility going against a clear agreement that was made over a thousand winters ago.” Princess Twilight said with calamity.

The two then left the courtroom. “I can’t believe her.” Blueblood spoke with annoyance and hurt.

Twilight Sparkle put a shoulder upon her dear lover “It’s alright my noble stallion they may be able to do this but they can not ruin our wedding our us.” Twilight Sparkle said.

He nuzzled her. “Oh I know my dear.” Nothing, not even a delayal of their wedding would ruin them.

Ch 6

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The Equestrian Court of Justice recently did a ruling upon the controversial courtship between Princess Twilight Sparkle and the noble Noble Star Blueblood. They ruled in favor of the princess and her arguments. She stated that since the law only requires a noble to marry noble or princess as well as a unicorn of proper unicorn blood they determined that since she meets bpoth of these qualities by ruling that it clearly means a poor unicorn bloodline that she meets both requirements for marriage upon the royal.

The land was angry upon hearing of the nobles decision earlier to deny of their union. It was clear that there was no violation of the rights of the nobles traditions and thus them making suc a decision was uncalled for. The nobles are however, angry for two reasons one of them being the fact that the people are being allowed to marry even though it was not a noble birth and did in some extent go against their traditional beliefs since many of them do not even view Twilight Sparkle as a real princess. They are also however, mad for another reason that Twilght Sparkle’s adoption of Spike was still valid since she was now a princess and to them it was uncouth to have a dragon for a son. However, since the nobles rhquired appeasement too it was determined that he would not have any rights to inheritance or the right of princehood. Which the princesses along with the land are fighting to change. This ruling was only allowed because of the fact that he was not of royal birth nor did he commit great enough acts to earn a prince worthy title.

He is still however, granted the title of Spike Sparkle and Twilight and Noble Star’s son as the nobles have no authority to deny the adoption of a child they can just deny inheritance if they are not of noble birth.

Spike was sitting with his family eating some breakfast with his family which consisted of delicious yams and luxurious fruits.

“So how am I gonna run the bachelor party?” Spike asked.

“Spike you’re too younge to go to that.” His mother said.

“Yes but maybe we can have a little fun together afterwards maybe get some ice cream.” His father offered.

“Yes.” Spike said.

The two laughed happily to have such an adorable and sweet son he truly is a virtuous one. He did after all help to defeat King Sombra by bringing the crystal heart to his uncle.

Tihe two then went to the public with Spike in order to bring forth good news Spike did seem to love crowds which was good since he’d be in the public a lot.

“We bring forth news of good fourtnat.” Princess Twilight Sparkle began. The crowd all listened to anticipation,

“Since the nobles hath decided to break the agreement of old by attempting to make it that only their foals can become new members of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns due to the fact that there is a decline of new unicorn foals of purity other than the nobles themselves the court came to a decision. That since this has happened the old traditions must be removed and since the school is still designated for ponies unfortunately, it means that non ponies still can not attend but it does mean that any pure pony can know be abel to atted the school.” Twilight Sparkle spoke passionately.

Everyone began to cheer at this for it was good news even Spike seemed happy that his non unicorn friends Apple Bloom and Scootaloo can now attend the school. Though he knows it will likely be a while until he himself can attend the school but that’s alright for now so long as they are finally making progress.

Spike went to go and play in the gardens. “Eww what is that dragon doing here?” It was Lady Platinum.

The guards then approached. “Lady Platinum, we'd advise you not to cause fear towards the child of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” The guard cautioned.

“And how dare a stallion talk back to a mare.” Lady Platinum spoke coldly.

“Listen Lady Platinum you may be a noble but that does not give you the right to mistreat my comrade in such a way.” The other guard said.

“And whom might you be?” The mare asked.

“Lieutenant Spear Head, m’am. And before you go off trying to get me dishonorably discharged you need a reason to and standing up to another guard for sexism is well within my legal rights as a citizen of Equestria under the free speech initiative.” The stallion spoke.

“Ha that was interpreted as a right of mares, not stallions.” Lady Platinum spoke crudely.

“No it wasn’t and it will never be now if you excuse me you’ve disrupted sir Spike quite enough and I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” The stallion said.

The mare then left.

Spike told them what happened they all just helped to make him feel welcome and wanted. They went out for ice cream and it was all good they just wanted him to feel happy for he was their child and nothing would changed that

Ch 7

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Princess Celestia is about to have an audience with Lady Blueblood; she was the mare in question of the nobles who agreed to discuss the matters of the new policy in Celestia’s School for Gifted Ponies as it is called now.

She let out a small bow of deep respect as she is royalty and it would bring great shame on the Blueblood household if she did not show the proper amount of respect towards royalty.

“Princess Celestia you are a reasonable and virtuous mare who has always cared about tradition. The nobles have all agreed to allow for non-nobel unicorns to still be allowed to attend the school despite their loss in numbers of pure unicorns outside the noble families.” Lady Blueblood said.

“The nobles do not make these sorts of decisions when a political entity breaks the laws set forth by ancient times. It is up to the Equestrian Court of Justice to determine the proper punishment for their crimes and this was their ruling. I can not in any legal way deny their decision.” Celestia said.

“But those with improper bloods are allowed to attend your school.” Lady Blueblood said.

“You of all people should know I do not believe in improper blood especially when you refer to our subjects. And this ruling is a good thing. It is about time in this enlightened era that non unicorns are granted the rigorous classes as well as the privileges and high status that comes from graduating from the school.” Princess Celestia spoke with a passion, seemingly happy about the decision that passed.

“But how are we going to fund the decision to incorporate all those new courses into the curriculum earth pony geology for geologists, pegasi weather formation classes for new coming weather developers surely the classes already in existence in other high level schooling can incorporate that.” Lady Blueblood said.

“But they simply do not have as much funding as the school for gifted ponies therefore the courses can become more rigorous not to mention the high amount of status and job offerings that come from graduating from the most pristine school in the country. Why should we deny our subjects access to the very best?” Princess Celestia asked.

“Because they are greedy and don’t have our best interest at heart they keep trying to reduce the amount of revenue of our noble families but our money is what keeps Equestria going.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Greedy? I don’t see how reducing the revenue of the noble families is going to do much. You only give the minimum back for the country they just wish to have the wealth they need to maintain the country given back to them.” Celestia counter argued.

“But it is not the Equestrian way, we must have standards traditions.” Lady Blueblood stated.
“Even if those apparent “traditions” do nothing but discriminate and oppress the other races?” Celestia asked with a hint of anger.

“They are simply not of intellect to manage the country like the unicorns are good hard working unicorns.” Lady Blueblood spoke with passion and deep belief.

“You already know my answer we simply can not keep holding traditions that do not hold true in these modern times for instance Ivory Scroll is a stallion of much dignity and ambition for the country and happens to be an earth pony who helped to bring the country out of economic turmoil when we needed to divert our funds accordingly after the attack by Queen Chrysalis.” Celestia stated as a matter of fact with passion and admiration.

“But he’s an incompetent buffoon who gave too much of our funds to the social networks when they needed to go to the military after the attack that proves that stallions simply are not as competent as mares when it comes to politics.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Those social networks are necessary in ensuring that everyone is funded under these circumstances. Many people needed the money to compensate for the damages done to their families and now that I recall his balance for the military was very fair, half is a decent amount to provide for those hard times.” Celestia said.

“It should have been at least 60%.” Lady Blueblood argued.

“60% now that’s unreasonable how could the people rebuild for the short and long term damages.” Celestia argued.

“We needed to defend ourselves in case there was another attack that is a long term goal.” Lady Blueblood argued.

“Well thanks to Prince Shining Armor we..”

“Ha Prince Shining Armor he’s too soft-hearted making peace with the changelings we should have attacked and taken over the land to show the other creatures of Eqous we mean business.” Lady Blueblood said.

“And that is exactly why the nobles were refused to allow to come to the peace making meeting we needed to ensure to the other leaders that we wouldn’t unnecessary harm even when being attacked we’ve been at war with countless people but we’ve since made peace with them I was not going to allow an unusings of all that hard work and effort just because some nobles couldn’t keep their tongues.” Celestia answered.

“Which is exactly why we can’t trust non ponies. Our land has been invaded by them far too many times.” Lady Blueblood said.

“It is because of non ponies that we even have the technology we have now: running water, heating, electricity, new magical developments. All of these were created by non ponies or earth ponies mostly so they deserve the amount of respect they are due.” Celestia stated in annoyance.

“But it was the unicorns that helped fund it and we took part too.” Lady Blueblood stated.

“I was there, it was mostly the earth ponies, donkeys, and minotaurs people you clearly have no respect for and I will not allow them to be mentally discriminated against in my presence.” Celestia stated.

“You’re right this conversation is pointless but how do we fund these new classes?” Lady Blueblood asked.

“Simple, the monarchs and nobles will simply have to.”

“What the nobles expect us to fund this untraditional project of yours.” Lady Blueblood said.

“Well, yes that and every other high-income individual within Equestria it is our duty to fund these sorts of projects through the income tax or have you forgotten what happens to nobles who step out of line like what you tried to do to Prince Shining Armor and the crystal ponies.” Celestia said.

The mare looked at her with anger and venom but knew there was no swaying the princess; she would simply have to give her answer to the nobles whether she likes this or not.

Ch 8

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Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sir Noble Star Blueblood are to be wedded soon. They planned their wedding on the 28th of December for political and personal reasons. For this day was the day when non ponies were allowed to become citizens of Equestria a decade after it’s founding and is a very heartwarming and joyous holiday. They wish for the non ponies to know that they will always be appreciated for their good to Equestria by the monarchs at least.

The two are right now having tea privately together.

“This tea of you’rs is always delectable, my little star.” Blueblood complemented.

“Why thank you my noble stallion.” Twilight said with pleasantness.

“The wedding will be magnificent.” Blueblood said.

“Oh yes you will finally be prince and we can finally be together.” Twilight said.

“Together with a mare as rigorous and noble as you, what could be more perfect.” Blueblood spoke happily.

“And what could be more perfect than a stallion as ambitious and of etiquette such as you.” Twilight said.

The two then went to go have a lovely bath together.

They enjoyed cleaning one another, putting various body washes and shampoos upon one another as well as expensive lotions. Once they were done it was after all winter a time of drier skin.

Afterwards the two met up with their son Spike he was taking a nap but he just woke up to see his family. He smiled.

“Hi guys.” He said.

“Hello Spike we were wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch with us?” Twilight asked to her son.

He smiled “I’d like that.” He said.

The two then went to the golden leaf were they have changeling cuisine such as Chan ta. It was this delicious noodle dish with a sweetly flavor and a variety of meats placed on it but they choose chopped carrots because they do not eat meat really in Equestira.

“Are you enjoying your meal princess?” A waiter asked.

“Oh of course sir I do love noodles after all.” Twilight said pleasantly.

“And an execllemnt choice at that.” The waiter said.

“And how are you enjoying your meal yonge one.” A waitress asked to Spike.

“Oh it’s delightful.” Spike said happily.

The two then went home and decided to watch a movie together called A Moon’s Cycle. It was an animation about the beauty of the moon and this group of moon formers that formed the moon’s cycle by creating beautiful shades of light and dark. It was a marvelous movie and one of Spike’s favorites

Afterwards they got ready for bed.

“Goodnight mom and dad [yawn] I love you.” Spike said.

“Goodnight my little dragon we love you two.” Twilight said.

“Sleep tight my little dragon and have pleasant dreams.” Blueblood said.

They then left.

“You know you make a great dad Star.” Twilight said.

“I know.” Noble Star said.

“Know come on let’s have a little time for us.” Twilight said.

Noble Star then kissed his fiance. “Oh I look forward to that.”

The two have each other as well as Spike life couldn’t be more perfect.

Ch 9

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The wedding has begun. It is going to be the most magnificent of weddings within the forest of a thousand wonders. It is a place of beauty and the design was absolutely gorgeous with beautiful purples and blues as to represent the signature colors of the princess and the noble.

There was also signature food from all over that of Eqous such as pies from the griffon's, rice noodles from the Kirin, and sea delicate sorts of plants from the hippogriffs. The nobles did not appreciate the fact that the other world leaders were invited to this place, especially the changeling princess Antnumbra. They were also upset that the other elements of harmony were invited other than Rarity as she is a unicorn as well. They have never appreciated that of the earth ponies or pegasi and so it is not a surprise to find the fact that they do not approve of any earth ponies or pegasi being invited even if they are the elements of harmony.

Most of the nobles didn’t appear except for a few such as Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur De Lis.

This however, means that more non ponies, earth ponies, pegasi, crystal ponies, and thestrals could be invited which was good since several of these types were military or political officials who were worthy of an invite.

The two then got ready their hair was done beautifully Twilight’s hair was designed in a manner of an ancient bun sort that was common of the crystal ponies to honor her brother and the kingdom.

Noble Star’s mane was designed in the matter common for nobles as well as additional bits and pieces of his outfit representing earth ponies and pegasi to show honor towards those who are subjects.

The stallion looked a bit nervous. “It’s okay dad I know weddings can be stressful.” Spike said to his adoptive dad.

“I know I just want us to work.” Blueblood said.

“And you questioning that is laughable.” Spike said.

Blueblood then smiled. He then felt great joy and new that this would work when he saw that mare his dear princess the lady he loves with his whole heart. Twilight Sparkle.

She felt great joy to see her husband and for this to finally come to be and knew she was ready.

The two then met up with Celestia as the prouncer.

“We have gathered here today to witness the wondrous union between Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sir Noble Star. A union of great joy and love. One that will help bring forth faith to the nation. “Do you Princess Twilight Sparkle take Sir Noble Star Blueblood to have and to hold to cherish during the good and the bad.” Celestia asked.

“I do.” Twilight spoke with true joys and love in her heart.

“And do you Sir Noble Star take Twilight Sparkle to have and to hold to cherish during the good and the bad.” Celestia asked.

“I do.” Noble Star Blueblood spoke with true love in his heart.

“Then I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.” Celestia spoke happily.

The two leaned in and gave a kiss of true love.

Every creature cheered. “Long live Prince Blueblood!” One of the earth pony stallions said.

“May your love bring inspiration to us all.” A crystal pony was heard saying.

The two lovers and their child were at their happiest things couldn’t be more perfect they were finally married and Noble Star finally earned his title of prince and thus could do many great things. Things couldn’t be more perfect.

Ch 10

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Things… aren’t doing so well. While now Prince Noble Star Blueblood became the first prince of Equestria to reign. The courts determined that since the household was restored to princehood it should go to all the members of the household. This means that Noble Gem and her sister Elegant Gem are now members of royalty. Along with Elegant Gem’s daughter’s Golden Trim and Golden Tiara. While this means their husbands Noble Gem’s Light Star and Elegant Gem’s Emerald Heart are now prince’s they are far too docile and will make decisions based on what there wives want.

Noble Star tried to talk with his father about this but the answer was always the same. “Mares are meant to be in charge due to their intellect and virtue so us stallions must do our duty by assisting to their will.”

It bothered Noble Star that his father cared so much about appeasing his mother because of the fact that he knew his mother is difficult to appease.

Things aren’t going smoothly because the mare royals keep blocking important legislation they view as uncouth or untraditional and their husbands follow suit.

They already blocked legislation such as a bill to increase the amount of spending for the local food banks of Equestria. They say that they already have enough supplies to manage and they shouldn’t be “greedy” by asking for more when such fundings should go into the economy or military.

They also blocked legislation to allow for a private university for stallions stating that such schools should only belong to the mares because only mares have proper virtue and intelligence.

It is not doing well lately for the members of the royal family at least the ones that believe in equality for all races or species. Celestia is planning on helping her former student Twilight Sparkle open up a college that accepts international students to teach them about culture, economics, and to foster friendship between all races. Princess Noble Gem Blueblood does not agree with this and has decided to talk to Princess Celestia in order to end her support.

Celestia was sitting upon her throne. Princess Noble Gem Blueblood approached she did not bow as it was no longer of necessity as they were indeed equals now.

“Princess Celestia you are a reasonable pony.” Princess Blueblood began.

“Yes I am a reasonable mare who recognizes the fostering of friendship between our fellow nations is good for Equestria.” Celestia stated passionately.

“That just isn’t the case. The other nations simply only have their best interest at heart as all nations are like.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“That simply is not true. If that were the case we wouldn’t of been able to foster relationships meant to benefit each country.” Celestia stated.

“We only did those things to benefit our land alone. That is the point of trade and such but it shouldn’t go any farther than that it is foal-like to view other nations as our friends.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“And why is that we have recently opened many smaller colleges that accept international students what is wrong with one that is directly funded by a princess as a project to promote harmony and goodwill.” Celestia spoke with passion.

“It is because they are simply smaller and thus not a threat however, having a larger private school that accepts international students that is funded by the royals directly would show the other nations that we actually view them as friends and thus they will then take advantage of this.” Princess Blueblood said.

“No they will not other nations have never taken advantage of us in a very long time.” Celestia said. It was true there hasn’t been a war in centuries thanks to Celestia’s peace making only when the griffons last tried to take advantage of the gems commonly found in Equestria’s mountains was there war and that was the aristocrats responsible not the lower class of the majority of the populace.

Exactly, we have been taken advantage of before and that must be avoided at all costs.” Princess Blueblood said.

“While I hold understanding for your beliefs in this regard. You cannot deny the simple fact that our nation has done the exact same thing to others like how the nobles stole dragon gems behind my back thus forcing the dragons into a war due to their need of dragon gems to enrich their diets.” Celestia stated.

“That was different that was to benefit our country we all want our own to have prosperity first.” Princess Blueblood said.

“We all want our own to prosper? Is that what you thought when you made it that only unicorns could be nobles when you attempted to loot from the peagsi and earth pony villages four hundred years ago during the dragon war to benefit our people.” Celestia asked with clear anger.

“That was different only unicorns have proper intellect and moral virtue therefore only we should have certain luxuries in Equestria.” Princess Blueblood sneered.

Celestia stared at her in disappointment for how her bloodline turned out. “For someone who was of my bloodline you surely do not hold our original virtues.” Celestia stated with dissaipoinment.
“That’s because those so called virtues were false we all know that only unicorns are of proper intellect and virtue look at what the earth ponies and pegasi spend their time doing. Going against their sacred traditions by marrying each other spreading deviants in film and media it is clear that only unicorns have proper virtues in that regard.” Princess Blueblood said with disdain and racism.

“And you should know that many unicorns do the same thing, therefore unicorns cannot be the only ones considered virtuous.” Celestia said with annoyance.

“Well yes you’re right there are many unicorns whom have been corrupted by the uncooth ways of the modern era our so called princess being a primary example with her adopting a dragon of all things.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“Twilight Sparkle is a rigorous mare who has done beyond that of excellent in all her fields of study she has progressed magic as well as science by near a decade and so she deserves more respect. And I highly advise you not to speak of my daughter in law or my soon to be legalized grandson like that.” Celestia stated.

“No you can’t be serious you adopting that beast as your grandson would ruine everything the Blueblood family holds virtuous and true.” Princess Blueblood said in a panic.

“Then it is time that my bloodline changes. Especially since I will be watching over your sisters children it was already agreed upon by the Equestrian court of justice that someone of different political views watches over the new princesses or princes because of the fact that the royal household is becoming too right winged and less open to all ideas coming through like it was meant to.” Celestia stated passionately.

“You can not be serious, you already ruined my son’s future by putting forth false ideals about a stallion being able to take care of himself, not to mention of your other ideals regarding the other races and species actually being equal to us.” Princess Blueblood said in an even deeper panic.

“They are equal to us in that they helped create the modern Equestria in ways such as through our advanced economics and sciences as well as magics. And so they need to be taught multiple ideas in order to fully comprehend the vaste structure that is Equestrian politics without being too one sided as that is not good for Equestria.” Celestia stated.

“I will speak to my sisters about this but know this decision will not go unpunished by the nobles and the members of the Blueblood royal family.” Princess Blueblood spoke with venom.

“I know but I am not afraid.” Celestia simply stated. The mare then left Celestia knew there would be backlash but since this is perfectly legal regarding ensuring that all ideologies are taught to royal family members she knows she can manage this.

Ch 11

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The now royals Princesses Golden Trim and Golden Tiara are both outraged since this means that there foals are to be taught about values they find as false and uncouth. They do not believe that stallions should have the same rights as mares nor of other races or species. They have petitioned for this to be removed by the Equesteiran Court of Justices on the grounds that that people have the right to privacy among their children’s education. But this will not work because once children reach a certain age of around six or so they are allowed to choose their education.

There is however, one thing that alarms Celestia and that is that they are attempting to have parliament view this move throughout the Equestrian Court of Justice as uncounsitional if that happens it will once more be moved to the Equestrian Court of Justice for appeal and if they can somehow provide information that royal or not the parent should still have complete control over the education of the children then it will be removed until they are at proper age to think for themselves. This would prove troubling to Celestia because she knows that children are often influenced when they are younger. And so she knows it will cause problems to get the royal children out of those belief sets once they are of proper age.

The royals met up with parliament to discuss this because it clearly states in the constitution that royal foals are to be taught every ideology at a young age. But this unfortunately clashes with the right to privacy which is a key right in Equesterian consiutional law.

“All right Princess Celestia, we are here to determine whether or not the courts can determine if a princess can be forced into ideologies when the constitution also determines the right to privacy.” One of them said. Celestia did not like how they worded forced idologies it was just simply teaching them every ideology rather than forcing one ideology down their throats until they were of proper age to say otherwise.

“Dearest members of parliament this is not about forcing ideologies this is about simply a requirement in the constitution to not force one ideology upon a royal and this should thus be maintained. While the right to privacy is important there is also another one that determines that our constitutional right to be taught every ideology as a royal and therefore doing so would undermine the constitution by denying the foal the right to a proper education when they are old enough to receive as such.” Celestia stated.

This got all the courts to murmur as it would deny the foals right to a proper education when the constitution clearly determined that all rights all valid.

“They are just foals this would not effect their ideological beliefs so why should we not have the right to educate our foals on actual values and traditional thought.” Golden Trim, one of the now royals stated.

“This gets me to my next point that while every value is acceptable within the royal system the royals are expected to be open towards all belief systems. Since the royals have become too one sided with the addition of new royals bringing about their beliefs. It is apparent that this is in violation of the Free and Open Ideological requirement of all the royals to remain neutral and unbias towards one ideological perspective that is it is in vioolation of this consiutional right. The courts for this reason have ruled that since allowing royals to be taught one sided beliefs would be in violation of not one but two conditional rights that it can not be allowed. There is little chance that the courts would even be persuaded against changing the ruling under these circumstances. And so I hope that you take this into consideration for the future.

“How dare though I am to have a mare! And you expect me to teach her that her deviant of a cousin is actually an equal to her!” Golden Trim yelled.

“It would be unwise to call her cousin a deviant as he is royalty much like you. And it would be me or his teachers that teach her about these supposed uncouth ideologies. You would simply still have the right to teach her of those ideologies of yours, you would just have to allow her to learn of others.” Celestia said.

“All right I will simply have to use my time wisely then so she does not fall down the path of the deviants and their untraditional apparent ideologies.” The mare smirked.

That worried Celestia she would clearly work overtime to try and teach her daughter these foolish and outdated ideologies but she knew that through hard work she could teach her how weak these ideologies were.

Ch 12

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Golden Trim recently had her daughter. She is a beautiful golden maned filly with yellow eyes with a white coat just like her father’s. She shares her mother’s golden coat and yellow eyes and has the most adorable horn. She is perfect. Celestia walked in and smiled upon seeing another grandchild she always looks forward to meeting her grand foals. They are so adorable after all. “Why hello there young Golden Heart.” She said kindly to the foal. They named the foal Golden Heart to honor their mare's ancestor Diamond Heart blueblood.

The mare had distaste upon seeing Celestia after what she is going to be forced to do. “I pray to Elysium you do not corrupt my foal.” She said with passion and venom.

“And I can only hope that she is given the choice to choose.” Celestia said.

The mare laughed crudely “Choice? She is a noble birth, it is up to the parents to choose what life they will live.” She said,

“Not according to the rules set forth by the constitution.” Celestia corrected.

“Oh it will likely change one of these days when ponies realize their folly and accept the noble birth as those who understand virtue.” She said,

Celestia knows that will never happen as this is the constitution but she does hope that things will change with the nobility and royalty soon with these new foals being added.

Celestia then began to teach the foal when she became of proper age to do so. Reading her stories such as of the great Humble Wing and Persesus. The foal seemed to like the stories to the liking of Celestia and seemed to even show respect towards her cousin Prince Noble Star Blueblood and to her surprise even her second cousin Spike. The two became close play fellows and like to go on adventures together she started to spend time with him after he saved her from a fire when he was a foal.

Celestia had Spike receive a golden heart for saving royalty. It was the first time a dragon ever received a golden heart so it was quite the big deal. The nobles were in an uproar about it but nothing could be done about it as he did do an action worthy of a golden heart and is something set forth in the constitution.

Princess Golden Trim was in an uproar over how her daughter was acting and tried several times to change her mind but her views changed after Spike was seen saving him. With that she realized that dragons could be just as virtuous as ponies. This change made her grow angry and she often resorted to grounding her daughter and preventing her from seeing Celestia or Spike. When Celestia realized this she went to parliament to state that this was unconstitutional to deny a princess the right to see family over the fact that she has different views then the mother. This went through because royals have a right to see family according to the constitution and the mare could not keep her away.
It was then that her aunt had an announcement during dinner. “My dearest family. I have an announcement for I am bearing a foal.” Golden Tiara said.

“That is joyous to hearest of do you want any lessons about how to teach dominion over the stallions.” Golden Trim asked. Her daughter looked so embarrassed. She knew that stallions should not be subordinate to mares. She's met many that are just as virtuous and intelligent as mares and thus knows this is wrong.

“No I can not for my foal is to be a stallion.” She said with disappointment.

“Oh this is… unexpected. Our bloodline has always been one of mares.” She said,

No that isn’t true or have you forgotten about Prince Solaris. Golden Heart thought.

“Yes I know with this it is a shame I’ve always wanted a mare so I could nurse it with proper morals and intellect. It may be a bit difficult doing that with a stallion.” She said,

“Well I know many programs created by nobles to teach our noble born stallions proper virtues and subservient tasks as they do not after all have as much intellect as us mares.” Princess Golden Trim said.

This made Golden Heart want to puke. She’s heard of those “programs” to “benefit” young noble stallions but it’s all a hoax to just have them under the mother’s control. While the stallion would have rights to a proper education of all forms she would still be allowed to show her side of politics meaning she could force him to go to these programs until he reached the proper age to decide that he did not want to. That is what most noble stallions do when they reach the age of five the programs are just too much for most. It’s disgusting but there’s nothing that can be done about it, at least not yet. However, people like Golden Trim know this will not stand forever. And the noble stallions will eventually revolt as they have already begun to grow tired of the ever growing subordination of them and since the stallions are necessary in order to produce the next generation of nobles the mares of nobility will be forced to adhere to their demands. This made Golden Heart smile. Her mother knew it was nothing good and scowled her but not even family could keep this mare from her dreams and aspirations.

Ch 13

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Spike has been getting along with his cousin Golden Heart. The two are really close. They do things together like playing outside and enjoy time together getting ice cream and things like that. They have a very family bond and are glad to have one another. Spike just woke up, it was time for his daily lessons. He was still a teenager and thus required work in the field of politics and economics. He is planning on becoming a political advisor for the city of Canterlot as he can become that. Many people take such fields in Canterlot when they wish to aid legislators or the public on decision making.

His cousin supports him on his endeavor. And is grateful to have him as a cousin and friend. He is grateful to have her and the two are very close. Which is very good as this means that royalty is starting to become more open once again.

Spike went to make himself presentable as he is the son of royalty after all even if he can’t become a prince himself at least not yet.

He then went to his class where he was learning about philosophy. It was that time of class where they learned about the philosophy of Celestia which Spike was very glad about. He had to at first learn about the original philosophy that stated that each pony belonged to their own race and thus should only love and have relationships with their race of pony. Spike hated that philosophy and the one passed that spoke of love and tolerance only for the ponies. Celestia’s philosophy was different; it spoke of love and tolerance towards everyone no matter their race, species, nationality, sexuality, or sex. It also talked about the fact that all these groups of people have the same level of intelligence and virtues and was thus against the poynundalism philosophy that only saw ponies as those of proper virtue or intelligence. Which Spike was proud of Celestia for saying most ponies are also against that philosophy other than the nobles. Fortunately, the nobles can only deny entry of non ponies and non unicorns in noble positions and in private institutions they can not however, do this in public institutions or any other government area.

Spike quite enjoyed the lecture. It was especially lovely having this class with his friend Shiny Pants son of Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis. Two nobles who actually care about modern ideology and the teachings of Celestia’s philosophy. Rather than twisting their teachings to say things like Celestia supports the rights of all ponies like the other nobles do to their children they said that she supports all people no matter who or what they are.

The stallion even came out as gay and so did Spike. The two are very close friends and the noble parents do not care that he is gay it is not illegal for noble children to marry those of other noble children of the same sex. It is frowned upon and heavily discouraged but they can not be denied their inheritance nor can they have their noble title taken away for doing so.

“Well it seems Celestia has her head screwed on right.” Shiny Pants said.

“Well she is over a thousand years old after all it makes sense that she would have quite a lot of wisdom towards how all species and the like have the same virtue and intelligence.” Spike said.
“I couldn’t agree more know dear Spike would you like to go to Doughnut Joes?” He asked.

Spike smiled of course and went off with his friend happy to have him and the life he would have.