Skyrim: Band of Thieves

by Blackdrag-rose

First published

Capper and Rarity, joined by a pair of guards, discover an artifact that teleports them to a new land that is full of conflict... and full of opportunities to start a brand new life.

Capper and Rarity, in the middle of searching for a way to settle the former's debt to Verko, travel to the old Castle of the Two Sisters and are joined by a Solar Guard and Lunar Guard, where they find a mysterious artifact that teleports them to a strange and unusual world, to a land that is in the middle of a civil war. In this new land they discover plenty of opportunities to start a new life, ranging from being a student of magic to being an adventurer of ancient ruins, or dealing with bandits to being a grand thief, and everything in between. With that freedom in mind the group will tackle whatever this strange world has to offer, even dealing with the various gods if need be, as they finally take control of their fates at long last.

(MLP/Skyrim Crossover)
(Standalone story, not tied to a series)

Prelude: Unexpected Transfer

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It was a strangely peaceful day in the Everfree Forest, as the timberwolves seemed to be silent while most of the creatures were either sleeping or were doing whatever it was that they did, something not a lot of ponies knew about since most of the population of Equestria were scared of this place. With that in mind Capper had gone to Ponyville to find one of the few ponies he had become friends with, because he had heard rumors and stories about how some or all of them had, at one point in time, gone into the forest to find the 'Elements of Harmony', powerful artifacts to stop Nightmare Moon. Of course one of his companions, Rarity to be exact, had confirmed that the tales were true, even the ones where her sister and her sister's friends had come into the forest to do stupid things, all to figure out their Cuties Marks, though usually the trio in question had to be saved from their antics. He had been sure that he could convince one of them to come with him, show him to the castle, and then he could track down a couple of items to use to settle his debt with Verko, because while his debt had been lessened significantly the mole insisted on him paying a small fraction in the end.

When he told Twilight that, since she insisted on being told all of the information on what he wanted to do, she ended up using Spike's fire breath to send a scroll to her mentor to tell her about what Capper was up to, where he suspected that she was hoping to get some backup to stop him.

To Capper's surprise he ended up watching a magical exchange of letters between Twilight and Celestia, one writing down a response to the other before sending it once they were ready to go, and he, of course, had to provide more information than what he gave Twilight earlier. What he learned was that both of the princesses of Canterlot, as Luna was present for the exchange on the other end and must have been interested in what her sister was doing, were interested in his odd request, but, at the same time, were more than willing to grant him his request. He suspected that it was due to the fact that he had aided Twilight's group in their quest to defeat the Storm King, and the fact that they likely felt that he hadn't been properly rewarded for his efforts, so this, in their eyes, was a way to square the remainder of their debt to him. With that in mind the sisters had sent one final letter informing him and Twilight that two guards, one from both divisions, were on their way to Ponyville and that they would be there within the hour, to escort him and anyone who was joining him to the castle.

Rarity, who had come in during the end of the exchange, asked if it was okay for her to join the group and Capper figured it was okay, since they would have guards with them this time around, though they didn't have to wait very long as one of the chariots, like what brought Twilight here once upon a time, brought two new guards to Ponyville. The letter had explained that the Solar Guard was Azure Blade, who seemed to be much like the rest of the members of his division, while his Lunar companion, Midnight Rose, seemed to be having fun already, if the smile on her face was any indication. From what the pair learned a fair number of guards, from both divisions, had been brought before the pair of princesses and these two were picked above all of the others, though while both were happy to be off guard duty for once, only one seemed excited by the idea of heading into the Everfree Forest. Azure informed them that the princesses weren't expecting them to run into any trouble while they were heading through the dangerous forest, but it was better to be safe since there was no telling what the group would discover once they started their trek.

Sure enough Capper found that the princesses had been right, the trek had been uneventful with no timberwolves or even the massive bears that were said to be in the forest, in fact it looked like he had picked the right time to even suggest such a thing, since he and his companions were able to reach the castle without anything attacking them.

"So, this is the ancient castle... only thing we have to be careful of is crumbling walls and creaky stairs." Azure commented, though while this was his first time actually seeing the structure in question, which was as rough and worn down as he had heard, he knew it was only a matter of time until something collapsed and the entire place came crashing down, or at least the rest of it anyway.

"Whatever. I'm just glad to be doing something that's not guard duty." Midnight remarked, where Capper found that the Lunar Guard seemed more adventurous than her Solar Guard counterpart, as Azure was more like the rest of his mates, focused on serving his princess to the letter, but even then he also appeared to be grateful for something new to do, instead of guarding the Princesses all day.

"I'm glad to have offered you two something new." Capper said, even though it was a little weird to hear the guards talk, as the ones back in Canterlot seemed to be silent and did whatever their patrons asked them to do, but at least the pair were having some fun as they looked around the castle, before he glanced around for a moment, "Now, where is that path that Princess Luna mentioned?"

The area they were currently in was the main entrance of the castle, which once brought ponies and visitors to the thrones that Celestia and Luna used to sit on and rule from, though while the area that was to their left seemed to be broken, due to the collapsed walls, the right was perfectly fine. Midnight, having received instructions from her boss before they set out on this journey, beckoned for them to follow her as she headed into the passage that was to the right of the entrance, where Rarity found that the path brought them to the library and the hidden stairs her friends had discovered once upon a time. After that they headed down the stairs in question for a time, eventually reaching an underground area that Rarity and her friends had told no one about, save for writing it down in the journal Twilight kept of their adventures, before they headed down to their right for a time as the Lunar Guard followed her boss' instructions. Such a thing allowed the group to see that there were a number of lights that magically ignited as they got close to them, some of them revealing doors to other rooms, ones Rarity didn't know about, before Midnight stopped in front of a door with a gem icon on it.

Midnight produced a silver key from her bag that she slipped into the slot and unlocked the door, where Capper opened the door once she was done working on it, revealing a decent sized room that had chests that were full of gems and some that were full of gold coins, a small treasury that either the sisters kept hidden or one of them had kept from everyone, including their sister.

"You know, I was expecting it to take some time to find this place... it's nice to be surprised." Rarity remarked, where she had to guess that this was all Luna's treasure from when she lived in this castle, since it was her key that opened the door, and as they walked into the room she picked up a sapphire with her magic, "These gems are magnificent."

"Yes, they certainly are." Capper stated, where he pulled out one of the sacks he had collected previously, before traveling to Ponyville to look for a guide, and collected a number of the finer gems, because they should be enough for him to deal with his debt, and maybe leaving him with some to spare, though while he picked up a few gold coins he noticed that Midnight and Azure had followed them in, and were looking at something else.

That 'something else', as it turned out, was an odd golden statue that seemed out of place, as it was small enough to fit in his hands as he looked at it, like a brick or even a totem, though it resembled the chaotic creature known as Discord and it held a gleaming gemstone of some kind in it's hands that was shaped to look like some sort of lens, and right now it was resting on a pedestal of sorts.

"Must be an artifact of some kind... I wonder what it does." Midnight commented, as she knew that both Princesses kept all sorts of magical items under lock and key, including the Elements of Harmony when they had been recovered, so finding a lost and forgotten artifact made her curious, all while Capper picked it up.

"Well, we can ask Celestia and Luna when we get back to Canterlot, since leaving this here might be a..." Capper started to say, though as he handled the statue for a few seconds, to get a better look at it, he noticed that the eyes were now glowing, meaning the magic that was inside the artifact was activating before their eyes.

He, Rarity, Midnight, and Azure barely had time to process what was going on as the artifact burst open, as it literally broke apart and released a torrent of chaotic energy that wrapped around them, before transforming into a vortex of energy that pulled all of them into it as they wondered what might be on the other side of it.

Capper groaned as he finally came to, though as he started to move he discovered a few things, the first being that he and his companions, who he was sure were near him, were now outside since he could feel the ground beneath him, before he opened his eyes and found that they weren't in the ruined castle or the Everfree Forest anymore. It appeared that the vortex had dropped them off in an area that was covered in snow, as the trees and mountains definitely had snow on them, plus, from what he could see, there was a worn out dirt road a fair distance from where they had landed. As he thought about that he glanced down at his body for a moment and found that there really didn't seem to be anything wrong with him, as he was still an anthropomorphic brown cat, a term Princess Twilight had used to describe him and his people at times, complete with his dark indigo hair. He was also wearing his red open coat, where he found that his bag of gems was inside it, though below his coat he discovered that he had on what appeared to be ragged clothes, something beggars would wear when they couldn't afford nice things, which he instantly wanted to get rid of.

A groan next to him caused Capper to turn his head and discovered that the others were alright, though all three of them were no longer ponies, rather it looked like the magic that had brought them here had given them the same height that he was used to living with. In addition to that he could see that their new legs ended in hooves, they still had their tails and their pony ears, and their bodies were the same color that they had been before the vortex sucked them in, with Rarity having white skin, Azure's was a light blue, instead of the white a Solar Guard usually had, and Midnight had a light gray body. All three of them were dressed the same as him, as in they were wearing ragged clothing that might be good for a day or two, though the armor that both of the guards had been wearing was gone, likely taken away by the very magic that had brought them here in the first place. In addition to that he found that Azure's hair was a vibrant shade of blue while Midnight's was more of a dark violet, and while the Solar Guard had no wings and no horn, indicating he was an earth pony, his Lunar counterpart had a pair of dark leathery wings that were like a bat's.

Capper honestly wasn't sure what sort of species Midnight was, though for the time being he focused on making sure that all of them were alright as he gently roused them, finding that each one let out a groan as they opened their eyes and took in the world that was around them.

"Where... are we?" Rarity asked, because at a glance she would have assumed that they were somewhere near the Frozen North, near the Crystal Empire to be exact, before she glanced down at her body and found that she, along with both of the guards, were in the same situation as she paled as she noticed what she was wearing, "Wh... What happened to me? What am we wearing?!"

"I have no idea... honestly, I have no idea where we are or what happened to you guys." Capper said, though he was happy to see that, despite their circumstances, none of them seemed to be hurt or in pain, since he was able to get up and walk just fine, which made sense due to the fact that his body seemed unchanged, "As for what we're wearing, I would imagine that the vortex gave these rags to us... maybe to help us fit in with the residents of wherever we are?"

"We... We can't go out looking like this... we need something nicer to wear." Rarity replied, where she wished that she had some of her materials with her, because it would have helped her create something to replace what they were wearing at the moment, while at the same time she and the guards started to try out their strange new bodies.

As Capper thought about what to do, however, he heard something and ducked down low for a moment, though that was when he noticed that there were some bushes in front of them and moved so anyone looking their way from the road would be unable to see them. Rarity, on the other hand, stayed still for a few seconds before pulling herself over to where he was positioned, which Azure and Midnight did as well, allowing the group to discover whatever was on the road while trying to remain unseen, so if someone was coming they would be able to remain undetected for some time. It wasn't long before they discovered the source of the noise, three individuals were coming up the road and two of them seemed to be talking, about what neither of them knew, while the third seemed preoccupied with glancing around the area every now and then. Based on what Capper could see none of them were like him or his companions, as they had no animal features to speak of, though he could see that two of them were well dressed, meaning they had have some valuables on them, while the third was wearing what looked like the attire of a soldier.

Behind them was a horse, similar to the ponies that Capper was used to seeing but without the abilities or intelligence he was used to seeing, who was hooked to a carriage of some kind that had a number of crates stacked on it, where he had to assume they might find some gear on it, though as he shifted his stance he found that Midnight did as well.

"Midnight, what are you doing?" Azure whispered, because he really didn't know anything about the Lunar Guard that was observing the carriage at the moment, mostly due to the fact that they worked different shifts and he almost never saw her around Canterlot, but even then he knew of Capper's reputation and suspected that they were up to no good.

"Simple: we're going to try and take the carriage, or maybe just some boxes and see if they have better clothing to wear, so we're better prepared for this land." Midnight replied, also keeping her voice low as the carriage got close to them, since Azure had done the same when he spoke up, mostly because he likely didn't want to be attacked, before she glanced at Capper for a moment, as if there was more she had to say, "That is the plan, right?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was planning on doing." Capper said, which was impressive in his mind, as she had figured out the plan in the span of a few seconds, so that, combined with the fact that she was already ready to do some sneaking, told him that Midnight must have been a thief before becoming a guard, while he could see that Azure was frowning over what they might do next.

Rarity stared at the pair for a few seconds, weighing their options and debating whether or not they should be doing this, before lowering her head as she gave him and Midnight a brief nod, allowing them to do whatever they were going to do, while she and Azure kept an eye out for additional trouble. Capper, used to his body more than the others were, decided to keep himself low for a time as the trio started to move by the area they were in, allowing him and his companion to silently observe the wagon. Apparently the nobles were coming to this end of the 'empire' for a wedding, as that seemed to be what the pair were talking about, where the male seemed to indicate that they were on their way to 'Solitude' and that the bride was someone called 'Vittoria Vici', a cousin of the Emperor, and, more importantly, the gifts they were hauling to the wedding were their gift to the bride. Fortunately the male noble reminded his wife of the expensive stuff that was inside the crates, such as all sorts of jewelry, clothing, potions, and other items, like the trio were hauling a small fortune with them, though Capper did think it was strange for them to not be riding on the wagon since there was an area for people to sit on.

As he thought about that both he and Midnight paused as the steed stopped and nibbled on the bush, like it was hungry or something, and, to their surprise, it didn't seem to freak out as it stared into both of their eyes, allowing him to gently brush it's face for a moment as the trio kept going further and further up the road. When the nobles were a fair distance away, still unaware of their idiocy, Capper raised his other hand for a moment and beckoned for Midnight to move, where she carefully got up and made her way to the back of the wagon, making sure not to trip since that might alert the figures to what was going on at the moment. Of course, since she wasn't used to her body, it took her a while to do so, a minute or two based on what Capper counted, but she was able to reach the back and looked at the crates that were back there, each one labeled so the nobles could remember which one contained which item, causing her to open the food one and pull out an apple. With that in hand Midnight handed it to Capper, who, in turn, gave it to the horse, who seemed to enjoy the offering, which was when he nodded and his companion climbed onto the wagon without wasting time, allowing him to carefully move the horse in a way so it was facing the way that it had come from, doing so slowly since he didn't want to ruin everything.

After a few more moments he found that the nobles and their guard still had no idea what was going on, causing him to climb up onto the front of the wagon, while at the same time allowing Azure and Rarity to take the back as Midnight took the seat to his right, and once they were all on it he silently got the horse moving, only to come to a stop when he found a curve in the past, providing them with some cover.

"I can't believe you guys did that... nor can I believe that it worked so well." Rarity remarked, though she wasn't sure how she should feel about this event, that they had just stolen a small fortune from some people who make the mistake of not riding their wagon like a bunch of normal individuals, but her focus was on the crates as she found the clothing one and opened it, finding what looked like the very clothing that the nobles had been wearing, "Out of curiosity, do you guys have a color preference?"

"Not really." Capper replied, which was followed by Rarity handing him a brown suit and pants that he was sure went with his coat, while she had picked a light blue dress that had blue pants with it, while Midnight was given a brown set that was more like the male noble's, though Azure refused and went with a more plain white shirt and brown pants, likely a set that the guard would wear later.

Capper had to admit that the clothing would only provide them with some protection against the weather, even though they weren't in a blizzard or anything, but this was better than the rags they had started with, though they would have to get something for Azure later, once they knew more about the land they were in.

"Well, what do we have here? Four bandits, possibly thieves, scoring a big haul." a new voice commented, where the group found a female cat creature, similar to how Capper looked he wagered, who wore dark brown armor on her body, arms, legs, and her feet, leaving her head exposed, revealing her light gray coloration to them, "Unfortunately, you might be out of luck: there's an Imperial patrol further down the road, about fifteen minutes away... however, I have a proposition that will benefit all of us. How about I join you, as another member of your 'guard'? The patrol won't even give us a second glance if they see that we're a group of nobles with their guards, then we can continue on to the fort that my clan calls home, where I can convince the bosses that you guys are new recruits and make sure you get a bigger cut of the spoils."

Rarity resisted the urge to groan, as this wasn't what she had envisioned when she and the guards agreed to help Capper out, though her companion seemed to be considering the offer the cat was giving them, especially since they were in a land that none of them knew anything about, and it wasn't long before Capper and Midnight nodded.

"Sounds fair to me. I'm Capper, and this is Rarity, Azure Blade, and Midnight Rose." Capper said, taking a moment to move his hand towards each of them so the cat knew who was who, before he held a hand out, which the other cat shook with a smile on her face, which was fair since this was an easy payday for her since they had done the hard work of stealing the wagon and it's various treasures, causing them to climb up onto the wagon once more, "So, what do we call you?"

"La'nari. It's a pleasure to meet you." the cat replied, where she reached into the pack she was carrying on her back and pulled out a wooden bow, plus a quiver that was full of arrows, meaning she was going to present herself as an archer type guard to whoever happened to get in their way, while Azure and Rarity sat in the back with the crates as Midnight sat next to Capper, "Well then, let's get underway."

Capper nodded as he got the horse moving again, allowing them and their new companion to settle in for a trip since they had no idea where La'nari's base was located or what path needed to be taken, but it only made him all the more eager to see what the world had to offer them.

Interlude: Meeting the Clan

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While Capper directed the horse down the path that was in front of them, following the directions he was given, Rarity just spent her time checking the crates that were in the wagon, to see what else they had stolen from the nobles, as Azure sat across from her with a frown on his face. It was clear that the Solar Guard wasn't too happy about watching Capper and Midnight break the law like that, but, at the same time, he didn't say anything since they were in the presence of someone he didn't trust, even if Capper seemed to. As they did that both Midnight and La'nari focused on the road as they kept an eye out for danger, since none of them wanted to lose the contents of the wagon, though as they did so the latter made sure to point out things to the former, so she knew what to keep an eye out for. It was clear that she knew none of them were familiar with the roads of Skyrim and was doing her best to make sure they appeared like they were familiar with all sorts of things, to help them pass as traveling nobles when they encountered the patrol she had mentioned.

Sure enough they found that the other cat had been right in her previous statement, there was a patrol heading their way, at least ten soldiers who were wearing the same attire that the guard of the nobles had been wearing, with one wearing a finer set of attire, likely a captain or general. La'nari found that Midnight was the first one to point out the other group and quietly told her new companions to keep calm, because there were times where soldiers would stop a wagon or even a traveling caravan, to either inspect their goods, to buy, or to arrest those they knew to be thieves. Interesting enough the group found that the soldiers didn't seem to care about them at all, rather they got out of the way and allowed them to continue on their way without interfering with their journey. While they passed the soldiers Capper found that some were like the nobles they had seen earlier, plus one or two more cat people and even a lizard person who seemed proud of serving in the army, plus one or two individuals who had pointy ears.

Since they weren't stopped by the patrol the group was able to continue down the rest of the road without any problems, a fact that allowed La'nari to explain a few more things to them, since it was better than blindly traveling through Skyrim like they were travelers. Apparently there was an ongoing war between the Imperial Legion, who served the Empire and it's Emperor, and the local Stormcloaks, a rebellion whose leader just happened to be one of the Jarls who ruled over the land, one of nine to be exact, though the size of the provinces wasn't fair between all of them. Four of the Jarls were on the Legion's side, since the Empire also ruled over Skyrim, while at the same time four of the remaining five opposed them, standing with Ulfric Stormcloak and his forces, leaving one Jarl, who ruled the central province of Whiterun, as a neutral party. With that in mind the war was basically at a standstill, as both sides were trying to convince Jarl Balgruuf to join them so one side would have control of Whiterun, and gain the advantage over the other side, while the patrols that both sides sent out were more like scouting parties.

"Fortunately for us the soldiers don't care about bandits or thieves, they simply ignore us and go about their days like we're not even there." La'nari remarked, which explained why the patrol had basically ignored them, no doubt believing that they were just nobles and guards moving to another part of Skyrim, though she did glance back for a few moments to be sure no one was coming after them, "Though there are a few things that we do have to be careful of..."

"Including other bandits and some wild animals?" Capper inquired, which made sense when he thought about it, since it made sense for one group of bandits to steal from another that was moving through their land, which was why he kept an eye out for potential danger while they followed La'nari's instructions.

"You got it. By the way, take the next two rights, then a left when we near a stone bridge. Treva's Watch is where my clan has set up our base of operations." La'nari said, informing them that they had a few forks in the path to keep an eye out for, which was good to know since they were unfamiliar with this land, but as they continued down the road she seemed to think about something else as she glanced at the pair, "You know, since you guys are new to Skyrim, we might be able to use that to our advantage... no one knows who you are yet, so we might be able to present you are merchants and sell a bunch of our loot in one of the nearby cities, like Riften since it is the closest. I'm sure that Brurid and Bek-Kajin would be excited by the idea, since we could offload a lot of the stuff we steal without anyone realizing what's going on."

"I'm sorry, who?" Rarity asked, because while she was sure that they were leaders of the bandit clan they were going to be meeting soon, based on what the cat, a khajiit as she recalled what the race was called, she knew it would be best to ask so she and her companions didn't make fools of themselves when they finally reached Treva's Watch.

"Our leaders. They're the ones that brought us to the fort and lead us in overtaking it from it's previous owners... who, as I found out later, were another group of bandits." La'nari replied, where she realized that she hadn't told them anything about the two chiefs that served as the leaders of her clan, so Rarity's question made sense when she thought about it for a few seconds, all while Capper slowed the horse as a bear wandered into the wilderness ahead of them, as he wanted to make sure it didn't come at them, "Both can be a little harsh at times, when someone breaks one of the rules, but they're better bosses than some of the greedy businesses that we end up stealing from all the time."

"You speak as if you have experience in such a field. Bad guild?" Midnight inquired, as it made sense to her, a bad group or organization would cause such a response from the khajiit, though as she said that La'nari had Capper bring the wagon to a stop and they realized why not a few seconds later.

As it turned out there was a deer or elk nearby, one that the bear had ignored as it went off in search of something else, where she pulled her bow out and readied one of her arrows, allowing them to watch as she pulled her hand back as she focused on her target. In the next moment she let it fly and they watched as it struck the elk in the side, striking it in the heart since it fell over not a few seconds later, but once that was done she and Azure moved to collect the elk, as she felt that he was the best option to help her out, while Rarity did her best not to look at it. La'nari's reasoning for doing this was simple, she wanted to bring the rest of the clan some fresh food as well, and the elk had been the best thing she had seen so far, so the group did their best to move some of the crates out of the way to make room for it. As soon as the elk was in position Capper returned to his seat and got them underway once more, while the others focused on the road to be sure they didn't draw any attention to them.

After that La'nari confirmed Midnight's comment, that she had been a member of the local Thieves Guild for a few years, giving her a fair number of skills that she could fall back on, but eventually she left due to the fact that the entire guild had been dying before her eyes. She further explained what she meant by that by revealing that many of the jobs that their superiors ended up assigning, ranging from the simplest to even some of their heists, ended in failure despite all of the planning that went into them, resulting in thieves being caught and gold being lost, and a loss of clients as well. Of course there were still those who worked with the remaining thieves, a number of which still had some skill, but the truth of the matter remained, unless things turned around the guild would die in the near future and an entire way of life would cease to exist. La'nari also told them that she had maintained contact with a select few of the Guild's members, mostly so she could trade some of the more valuable goods that her clan collected for a decent amount of gold, but other than that the group found that she preferred to ignore the dying guild since there was nothing she could do to help them out.

Capper asked what she meant by that and the khajiit was silent for a few seconds, either because she was tired of talking or because she needed time to think, before she admitted that no one in the Guild knew what was going on, rather each person had their own thoughts on the matter. Some thought it was just a string of bad luck, some believed that those who were caught were just failures in general, and then there was the more outlandish theory that one of the Daedric Princes was angry with them for some reason. There wasn't much more La'nari could tell them about those beings, she never bothered to read about them like the mages and scholars of the world did, so if Capper or the others wanted to figure out more about them they would have to seek out other sources. All of that information was good for them to gain, since it let them formulate a plan in their minds about what to do after meeting the bandits, though at the same time La'nari asked the group about themselves, since this was the first time she had encountered creatures like Midnight.

Capper explained that they were from an island continent that was far away from Skyrim, brought here by a magical spell that none of them had been expecting to be hit by, and the reason La'nari had no knowledge of their existence was due to a magic mist that was keeping their home safe from potential attackers. It was a lie, of course, but he knew that La'nari wouldn't believe him if he told her that they were from another world that was different from this one, though fortunately she seemed to think about his statement and believed him without asking questions. He didn't want to lie to her, after all of the truthful things she had told them since meeting them, but this was for the best, since she had told them that she wasn't a scholar, so learning this sort of thing might keep her curiosity in check, especially since she thought they were all thieves. Capper also knew that the others might not approve of this, but when he spared the others a glance he found that Rarity was conflicted on what to think, Azure seemed to appreciate keeping their truth a secret, and Midnight simply nodded her head, agreeing with his decision since he was the best at what he did.

Such a thing allowed him to focus on the path that was in front of him, while the others simply relaxed while keeping an eye on their surroundings, even though they were also trying to find the fort that La'nari had mentioned, since it would let them know they were getting close to their final destination.

Other than the bear there wasn't much for them to worry about as they continued down the path that was in front of them, a fact that eventually brought them to the bridge that La'nari wanted them to use, where the ground quickly found that there was a large stone fort on the other side of the river that it crossed. Sure enough they found a few individuals standing on the walls and roofs of the structure, some wearing armor that was like what their khajiit friend was wearing, some wore just fur armor, and there were a few wearing metal gear, no doubt the ones who served as the warriors for the clan. Each of them were armed, that was easy to see since a few had bows and others appeared to have melee weapons, like swords or even axes, and some were suspicious of people that were coming towards their domain, but upon realizing that La'nari was with them the gate guards eased up and opened the main gate. While they did that, however, Capper noticed two people who seemed different from the rest, one that seemed to be a nord in some fine steel armor and had a battleaxe as his main weapon, while the other was a lizard creature, wearing the same armor, though he looked strong due to his buff body, and he had a brass greatsword on his back, or what Capper assumed was brass.

He had to assume that those two were Brurid and Bek-Kajin, the chiefs in charge of this bandit camp, though at the very least it seemed like they were pleased with what they were seeing at the moment, especially since the argonian jumped off the wall he was standing on and landed near them, without hurting himself in the process.

"La'nari, it is good that you have returned... and with new recruits, I trust?" Bek-Kajin commented, though the group found that he was definitely interested in them, despite the fact that the rest of the bandits were noticing what was resting in the back portion of the wagon, showing that while Capper and his friends were interesting, due to being unique, the bandits were more interested in the potential loot.

"Four novice thieves that managed to score a good haul, which we might be able to sell for once... and some food, since I know our stores were a little low earlier." La'nari replied, where she got up and helped the hunters of their clan lift the elk off the wagon so they could carry it inside the fort, while at the same time she found that Bek-Kajin was looking at some of the containers, opening one every now and then to see what was inside them, while Brurid joined them as a couple pieces of jewelry, rings and necklaces, were pulled out of one.

"We encountered two wandering nobles and their guard that weren't paying attention to their wagon, so, while they were focused on arguing, we calmed the horse down and made off with the goods." Capper said, because that was the basics of what they had done and hoped that no one asked for more details, since there wasn't anything else to add besides their lack of formal winter clothing, even though this area wasn't covered in snow and meant their current clothes would work for the time being, "We were talking with La'nari about the idea of slowly selling this stuff off, giving us gold for food and other items, which is what everyone wants, right?"

"You are as La'nari says... the girl is a novice, totally unsure of the world, but you? You, khajiit, are definitely a thief... and I like the idea." Brurid stated, showing them and the other bandits that he liked what he was hearing, in fact Capper could see the gears in his head turning as he glanced at more of the haul and those that were looking at it right now, before he focused on the group for a moment, "The dark one is a thief as well, you can see the look in her eyes, while the other is a warrior... a lookout, no doubt. What are your names?"

"I am Rarity, and this is my friend and teacher Capper." Rarity replied, because if the bandits were going to think that they were all thieves, and that she was the novice while Azure was the lookout, she figured that it would be best to go along with the story and not challenge them in the slightest, hence why she made sure to call Capper her 'teacher', "Along with his partner in crime, Midnight Rose, and our lookout, Azure Blade."

Capper found that the bandit leaders glanced at each other for a few seconds, clearly thinking about everything they had just learned, especially with the loot that had been brought to them, before they watched as the pair turned their focus back to them without delay.

"I see. For the time being the four of you will be working with La'nari, who will teach you the rules of our clan." Brurid said, showing them that he was more than willing to accept them into the clan without asking any questions, especially after the haul that had been brought to their fort, which was a good thing in his books since they didn't have to worry about proving themselves to the clan, "La'nari, do you still have your guild attire?"

"...Yeah... I do. You want me to take some of the items to Tonilia?" La'nari inquired, though Capper could tell that the name had to belong to someone in the Thieves Guild she had mentioned earlier, where it was hard to tell if she was dreading meeting up with an old ally or if she was indifferent to the entire thing.

"I do. I want to make sure these items are good for sale... and you might as well pick up some gear for these four." Brurid said, where it was easy for the group to see that he was imagining all the wealth that was inside the containers that were in front of him, something that might allow them to retire as lords if they lived to see all of it sold, "For now, you five ought to join the others in offloading the loot and store it in the storeroom for the time being, then you can show these our new friends to the rest area. Bek and I will determine what to send with you tomorrow."

The group nodded their heads for a moment before getting off the wagon as La'nari directed them to pick up some of the crates, which they did without delay, as she claimed one herself and the rest were picked up by a few more bandits, who proceeded to head inside the fort by using a side door near the lever that activated the main gate. Once they were inside the structure the group followed La'nari as she brought them to an area to set down their crates in, where they passed by an eating area, a kitchen of sorts, an area that some bandits were using to prepare the elk, and even an indoor training area. The khajiit told them that there were two other significant areas for them to know about, the first being the secret path that some of their fellows had been tasked with guarding, as their leaders were sure someone would come through there at some point and try to attack them, mostly since they might be assigned there at some point. The second area just so happened to be the bed chambers, where they and other members of their clan could sleep when they were off duty, even though there were all sorts of other things for them to do to improve their skills.

Along the way they found where to set down the crates and did so without delay, where La'nari assured them that the rest of the clan would stay away from them, as Brurid and Bek-Kajin ran a tight ship and wouldn't tolerate anyone stealing the loot that another had collected, especially since it would benefit all of them once everything was sold.

"Like I said earlier, we're fortunate to have them as our leaders." La'nari remarked, once more confirming that the pair that guided this clan were definitely well respected by everyone else, where Capper had to wonder if that included all of the other Bandit Lords that ruled over the various other forts and caves that were scattered across Skyrim, before she beckoned to the room she stopped near, "I know it isn't much, but I doubt you guys will be in this part of the fort for very long... after a haul like that I would expect either Brurid or Bek-Kajin to elevate all of you to a higher position in the clan."

"Won't that annoy some of the others who have been here for a lot longer?" Midnight asked, because passed on what she had seen in the past she knew that there were members of an organization, and could have been with them for years, who would get annoyed if a newcomer or group of newcomers suddenly shot by them in the rankings.

"Depends on the group, honestly. My former Guild, for example, didn't seem to care too much... but most of the clan will look the other way if our leaders decide to promote you." La'nari replied, once again telling the group that the clan really respected the pair, which was always good to see in Capper's eyes, before she rubbed the back of her head for a moment as she thought about what she needed to do next, "Now, if you would excuse me, I need to go make sure my former guild attire is ready for tomorrow."

Capper nodded and the group watched as their khajiit friend disappeared into the heart of the fortress once more, causing him to let out a sigh as he and the others moved towards the back of the room, to give them some space in case more of the bandits showed up to talk to them, though he highly doubted that since no one had followed them so far.

"I cannot believe we are doing this. Midnight, we are royal guards!" Azure stated, keeping his voice low so that only Capper and the others could hear him, since he knew that telling the bandits this information might cause them to attack the group before they could figure things out, but he couldn't contain his disbelief at everything that was going on right now.

"No, you aren't... not here, at least. We're strangers, and no one will believe us if we say we're from another world, much less a mythical land like Equestria." Capper said, where he could tell that Rarity was still staring at the beds while Midnight just nodded her head, though as he said that he found a large blade resting nearby, either iron or steel, he really had no idea, and dragged it out so Azure could grab it, who raised an eyebrow in the process, "Here, we're nobodies... you two aren't guards, Rarity's not a heroine, and I'm not someone who fought evil to save the day... as far as everyone else is concerned we are a band of thieves from an unknown and mysterious land. Based on how the other bandits have acted, they seem to take one's actions as their word, and we're shown that we have the skills to steal things... that means..."

"...that we're thieves." Azure finished, though he found that he hated how Capper seemed to understand everything that was going on right now and knew the situation they were in, before he was able to do so, causing him to let out a sigh of frustration as he grasped the handle of the weapon and took it from the cat.

"That's right. That means you and Rarity are stepping into my world, the one Midnight has some experience in." Capper continued, as he understood that this was going to be tough for both Rarity and Azure, especially since this meant that the latter had to fight on the other side of the law that he was used to being on, working as a criminal and not a royal guard, but this was the hand they had been dealt and they needed to deal with it, "Look, I will do everything in my power to teach you guys every trick and tactic I know, to make us into the group that we told the bandits about, and we must be careful, since one wrong move can likely ruin all of our hard work."

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll do fine. I mean, we have one of the best teachers around, don't we?" Midnight remarked, where it was easy for Capper to see that she was perfectly fine with this set up, in fact she seemed to be at home with the idea of being a thief and him being their mentor, causing her to glance at Rarity for a moment as they noticed that she had been silent since entering the room, "You okay with this, Rarity?"

"Not really... do they honestly think we should be sleeping on these things? I can hardly call them 'beds'." Rarity said, because while she was still coming to terms with the fact that they were joining a bandit clan and were going to become thieves, at least for the time being, her immediate focus was on the terrible beds that were in front of them, a frame with what had to be straw as the bedding and fur as the covers, "We can fix this, right?"

"We'll probably get better beds once we get promoted to a higher position in the clan." Capper replied, since La'nari made a comment about them not being in this portion of the fortress for too long, if their leaders approved of their deeds and the profit their loot would bring them, making it easy for him to assume such a thing and calm Rarity down for the time being.

Despite Rarity's focus on the lackluster beds, and Azure having to get used to breaking the law for the foreseeable future, all Capper could do was smile as he found that he was eager to see what the future held in store for them and the rest of their new clan, since there was no telling what this world might have to offer them and what challenges it might throw at them in the near future.

Clan: Visiting Riften

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After talking about their plan, and what everyone was going to have to do, Capper did exactly what they had told the clan, he started to give Midnight, Rarity, and Azure a lesson on how to be thieves, or at the very least the roles they had given themselves before meeting the clan. He couldn't teach them some of the finer things, such as picking a lock or stealing from someone's pocket, as that would land them in hot water with La'nari and the rest of the bandit clan, but he could show them how to carefully sneak around for a time. In addition to that he made sure they knew how to silently listen to what was around them so they could accurately move through the portion of the fort their khajiit friend had brought them to, and since there were some bandits in the area they even got evaluated. Azure was a failure, they could see him easily, while Rarity had a tiny bit of skill despite her accidentally hitting something and revealing her presence to them, though Midnight, as Capper assumed, seemed to be somewhat skilled in hiding herself from the others, as she revealed herself when she thought it was time to do so.

Part of the reason for doing that was so they could gain information on the clan, not to be used against them, rather he just wanted to know the full number of members and the layout of the structure they were calling home, and they found that some of the bandits were more than willing to show them around while telling them about themselves.

That allowed them to discover that some of the bandits were definitely friendlier than one would assume, because there were a few members of the clan that were doing this because they were people accused of crimes and didn't have the gold to pay their fines, telling the group that those ones wanted to return to a normal life. Of course there were others in the clan that seemed to enjoy the act of killing and that they didn't want to be caught by the guards, so they fled the Hold that they were wanted in, though Azure wanted nothing to do with those bandits and forced himself to remain neutral for the time being. In addition to that there were also Skooma addicts among their ranks, a drug that was addicting and would ruin the life of whoever took it, at least that was their guide's opinion on the matter, and a number of gamblers who just wanted to make some gold to bet on the wolf matches. The bandit explained that there were a few dens where people bred and pitted wild wolves against each other, with people betting on who the winner might be, which was information they weren't expecting to gain, but none of them asked a question about it, rather they just decided to accept it as part of their new reality.

Capper also gained an understanding of the exact members of the clan, as there were fifteen warriors, seven archers, two mages, one thief in the form of La'nari, both leaders, and then the four of them, which made him realize that it was a good thing this fort was so large, since it had more than enough room for everyone.

Such a thing also explained why food was one of the top items on the list for this clan, hence why three archers and five warriors usually went out in the morning and hunted around the area, as it appeared that bandits would eat anything, even bears if they were lucky enough to bring one down. Stealing from others also allowed them to provide for the clan with ease, since most of the people that came by had food, in fact they occasionally brought down a group of soldiers and took their supplies, all while selling off the armor as if they had found the pieces in an animal's lair or something. That meant the rest of the clan had to stay and keep an eye on the surrounding area, as in the hill behind the fort and the road that rested on the other side of the river, just in case there were people to rob or individuals to worry about. It was an interesting thing for sure, especially when he found that even Brurid and Bek-Kajin came out to study the walls from time to time, and the various stations that the rest of the clan had set up to protect themselves from arrows or spells, while allowing them to keep an eye out for potential trouble.

Capper had asked one of the warriors about that statement, since 'potential trouble' was something they had to keep an eye out for as well, and he had to admit that the information he obtained was more interesting than he had expected it to be, as it was about the various heroes and dangerous people of the land. In addition to masters of their craft, like master assassins that could wipe out an entire camp on their own, powerful warriors that beat giants, or great wizards that could scorch their foes to ashes, there were people who seemed weak for the first few seconds before killing bandits that were greater than them. The warrior had told him that a number of the scholars called those people 'heroes', such as the Hero of Kvatch, a figure that helped save the world back during the Oblivion Crisis, who were seemingly ordinary people who had greatness thrust upon them, and those special people could do things that not even the masters of a craft could do, despite having less experience than a master. Capper then talked to a few more members of the clan and learned that no such individual existed in Skyrim, or at least they assumed so, but Brurid, who overheard him asking, mentioned the war that was ongoing and guessed a hero might show up to deal with it.

After getting back together Capper shared what he had learned with the rest of the group, who were interested in what could be learned from the clan, before they turned in for the night, where he made sure that there was someone keeping watch, just in case things turned south.

As it turned out he didn't have to worry about the other bandits coming to do them harm, rather they had accepted them into the clan and had no desire to disturb them during their first night in the fort, though as everyone got up one bandit came by and invited them to breakfast. While Capper and his companions were used to the food in Equestria they weren't really ready for eating meat, cooked in a stew with vegetables and cooked potatoes, where he found that the rift had one last gift for them, which was the ability to actually eat the food of this world without gagging or getting sick. Sure, Rarity and Azure had trouble with that fact and did their best to make sure the bandits didn't see them as food wasters, while Midnight was more like Capper, they showed no hesitation, though he had to admit that it was actually quite good, which meant their chef had some skill. That was also considering the fact that there was bread and other pieces of food as well, which was interesting to see and all four of them enjoyed having it as well, meaning they would be ready for their mission to visit Riften, whenever the leaders of the clan decided that it was time to get going.

After their meal the group found that Brurid was calling for them to get ready, where Capper discovered that the wagon had a single crate in the back, allowing three of them more room to sit during the ride to Riften, and La'nari was standing by it, wearing a brown set of leather armor that was more suited for stealth work, and it even had a hood that she pulled back for a few seconds.

"I haven't worn this for quite a while... was almost afraid that it wouldn't fit at all, but then found that it fit just like when I first got it." La'nari commented, as she could see that Capper was interested in her attire, with the pouches and areas that she could hide all of her thief tools in, something she had used to great effect back when she was an actual member of the Thieves Guild, "Our leaders have loaded one of the crates up with some of the easier to sell items, jewelry mostly, so we should be able to get quite a bit of gold from my contacts... even after we buy some gear for you guys and some supplies for the clan."

"A test run of sorts, to make sure the goods are worth the effort? Sounds good to me." Capper replied, where he climbed up onto the sitting area at the front as Midnight and the others took the back with the crate, allowing La'nari to sit beside him once more, because she knew the ins and outs of the land, so having her at the front made sense.

Of course Brurid and Bek-Kajin had a few words for them, mostly to make sure La'nari understood that she was to get the best price possible for the items before they sent more to the city, causing her to nod before the pair let them depart from the fort, this time continuing down the road they had been on previously. Like last time La'nari kept an eye out for dangers and made sure Capper followed the main path that was in front of them, following a road that went around several bends as he noted that the signs indicated that they were on their way to Riften. Rarity, Midnight, and Azure stayed in the back and kept their eyes open for anything dangerous that might come up from behind them, since there was a chance that an animal or another bandit might try to come after them. Of course most of them were unarmed, mostly because some of them didn't have experience with weapons, so they were hoping that La'nari would be able to assist them, even though Capper suspected that Azure might be able to use his new greatsword if he needed to, as he had spent some time with the warriors to be sure he could use the weapon.

While they traveled, however, Capper and La'nari went over the plan one last time, as they were going to enter the city, track down someone called Brynjolf, who was basically the recruiter for the Guild while also being one of the few higher ranking members, and talk to him before selling the loot to Tonilia. It was rather simple, if Brynjolf remembered her as a former thief that had sided with the Guild, even though she left while it was declining, there was a chance he might listen to her when she came to sell him some of the items they had acquired, though it was always a gamble. It really depended on Mercer Frey, the Guild Master, because he wasn't big on forgiveness and usually had traitors executed, but she wasn't a traitor, not like Karliah, who had murdered Mercer's predecessor in cold blood, so she didn't have to worry about being put to death. What she had to worry about was him deciding that she was no longer an asset that was worth allowing his agents to work with, which would mean getting cut off from Tonilia and everything she could offer, something that would annoy both of the leaders of her clan, since it would make it harder to sell things in the future.

After talking about the plan for a time, since there was no one around to worry about, Capper found his focus shifting to a group that was coming their way, nords that happened to be wearing what appeared to be specialized fur armor that no doubt had metal underneath it all to protect them from harm, something that caused La'nari to sigh in annoyance as she raised her hood and covered her head.

"Stormcloaks... I was hoping to avoid them. Focus on the road and hope they go by." La'nari said, while at the same time also lowering her head more so that none of the soldiers noticed her, or rather the fact that she was a khajiit, because this force was racist against anyone, literally anyone, who wasn't a nord, which was probably why every other race was part of the Legion, including nords that were loyal to the empire.

Unfortunately it appeared that the group of soldiers had other plans as they got close to the wagon, where Capper and the others found that the Stormcloaks weren't too pleased with their existence, as most of them were wearing revealing helms, allowing them to see their faces and the disapproving looks on their faces.

"Great, more beast races thinking that they own Skyrim." one of the soldiers remarked, confirming that he and his friends weren't too happy to see the group, in fact one or two of them might be itching to grab their weapons for some reason, but at the very least they weren't attacking the wagon, otherwise Capper was sure they would be in trouble, "A word of advice, 'friends', turn back while you still can... your kinds have no place in this land. Skyrim is nord land, and she belongs to nords, plain and simple."

"Don't worry, we are fully aware of that fact. However, we are on our way to Riften to trade some items and do business, as ordered by our superiors, and business is good for everyone, yes?" Capper replied, where he knew that Azure and Midnight likely didn't care much for the Stormcloak soldiers, especially since Equestria was a place where everyone was treated far better than what they were seeing at the moment, as racism was fading in their home world, "Once we are done with our business we'll be heading back to Cyrodiil."

That was the 'official' story they had come up with, especially since La'nari had claimed that the people of Skyrim wouldn't bother to check out if their tale was the truth or not, so they didn't have to worry about being called out on it, where they found that the soldier growled before saying nothing as his forces continued moving. Capper made sure they were a fair distance away from them before he got the wagon moving again, though they now understood La'nari's thoughts on this particular force, but for the time being everyone focused on the path and what was resting at the end of it. There would be time for them to talk about the Stormcloaks later, once they were done with their mission, though there was another thing that stopped the group in their tracks, not ten minutes further down the road, something that caused the khajiit to sigh as she looked at the scene. It was a trio of figures that were wearing the same armor that La'nari was wearing, where she was able to identify them as members of the Thieves Guild, but she didn't know any of them, where Capper found that one body was a male dark elf, the second was a male khajiir, and the third was a female argonian.

If one looked at their clothing it was hard to tell what could have killed them, since they seemed to be unharmed, but the arrows sticking out of all three of their foreheads was a dead giveaway, plus a story was told as Capper found that each one had a sake full of silverware, plus a couple of gems and some silver cups.

"They must have robbed someone and got killed in the process of escaping." Capper remarked, where he climbed off the wagon after bringing it to a stop, which was due to La'nari climbing off to check the thieves for a moment, though he did take their sacks, since they might be able to sell the stuff as well, before an idea came to mind, "Midnight, why don't you and Rarity put on one of the uniforms?"

La'nari understood immediately, there might be more Stormcloaks on the road and this would allow them to hide their more unique features, especially since both of the figures in question seemed to have magic that was designed to assist them in hiding themselves, as the hoods were altered to fit their ears and the armor gained holes for their tails. Not only that, but it looked like Midnight's wings vanished as well, though she revealed that she could reveal them or hide them according to her will, making her wonder what sort of magic they had from their homeland that would allow such a thing in the first place. She was sure that Azure would do the same thing, the armor fitting his form if he put something on, but since he was the lookout they had to get some decent armor, which meant that the third set went to Capper, which he did as the others did, hid behind the nearby rocks while he changed. She did find that Rarity seemed freaked out by the idea of wearing someone else's armor, even if that person was no longer of this world, but for the time being she was forcing herself to not be freaked out by this turn of events.

When Capper emerged she found that he was wearing the thieves armor like it was something natural for him, making her wonder about his time in the land they came from, before they got underway once more, because they had a mission to complete and none of them wanted to disappoint the leaders of their clan, even if some had private objections to working with a clan of bandits.

Eventually they reached the city of Riften, after more time than what Capper was honestly expecting, as La'nari spotted the walled city long before they reached it and did what she could to make sure they were ready, though she was slightly surprised to find that the guards at the gate they approached were directing them to another gate. She told the others that Riften had three gates they could enter through, though one had been sealed off thanks to other bandits slaying far too many people in the past, which meant visitors could only use the southwest gate or the north gate. With that in mind Capper carefully moved them around the outer edge of the wall, which wasn't easy thanks to a rock wall that was close to the stone wall of the city, but in the end he got them around it and directed the wagon to their forced destination. He had a feeling that he knew what was going on right now, it seemed like the guards might have been paid off to direct people to one gate and were likely expecting an entry fee from everyone who dared to enter the city.

When they reached the north gate, stopping off to the left of it if one was approaching from the north, Capper brought the wagon to a stop so Azure could carry the crate into the city, before they found that one of the guards walked up to them, no doubt to stop them or to demand gold if Capper's guess was right.

"Hold there. Before I let any of you into Riften, to do whatever it is that you're here to do, each of you need to pay the visitor's tax." the guard stated, where it was clear that he was being greedy, as Capper was sure that he could have asked for a single payment, instead of asking for gold from all five of them, and now he could call the figure out and get them inside the city with ease.

"Sure, we could do that... however, we both know this is a shakedown." Capper replied, leaning forward as he said the last part, because while he wasn't sure how many people were in on this scheme he did know that it would be bad if too many people knew what was going on, even though for the time being they seemed to be the only visitors, so the guard didn't have to worry about the secret spreading too much.

For a few seconds the guard said nothing before lowering his voice as he told them to do the same, before indicating that he would allow them to come and go as they pleased, allowing them to enter Riften at last, where it was easy for them to see a number of people, mostly citizens by all of the casual attire, walking around. There was one person, a nord in steel armor, who was leaning against one of the pillars that was holding up the walkway or balcony of one of the buildings that was on their left, who took one look at them before nodding his head towards what appeared to be a market. That told Capper that he likely saw the four outfits that belonged to members of the Thieves Guild and likely assumed that they were members as well, meaning he was likely a lookout for the guild and that he would likely tell his superiors about them. In addition to that they found that there was a canal running around part of the city, creating the upper area that they were on and the lower area that had to be connected to the sewers, if such a thing existed in this world anyway.

As they walked, however, La'nari pointed out a nord that was dressed in fine clothing in the market, who seemed to be in the middle of closing his stall for the day, and she had the group stop for a moment as she walked over to him, where the figure seemed happy to see her again and chatted with her for a time, though it wasn't long before the pair returned and brought them to an area that was near the Dead Gate.

"So, you four are the newest recruits to join Brurid's clan? La'nari told me a bit about all of you." the nord, Brynjolf, stated, to which Capper nodded to Azure, who set the crate down so the thief could see what they had recovered, even though this was just the start of the items they had obtained from the nobles who didn't pay attention to their belongings, and he was pleased to see the smile on the man's face, as he pulled a necklace out, "Your haul is decent, I'll give you that... I'll be back with Tonilia, as she'll give you a fair price for all of these."

This was good news for Capper, as it meant that the mission might be a success, while at the same time Brynjolf walked over to a large stone coffin and tapped something that was out of sight, which caused it to move back silently and reveal a short passage down into the ground, a hidden passage that La'nari told them was only used by members of the guild. Since none of them were actual members they were forbidden from using it, as she knew there was some magic on the entrance that prevented non members from using this to enter the guild's hideout, causing Capper to nod his head, as it made sense when he thought about it. Fortunately they didn't have to wait too long for Brynjolf to return, and when he did he had a second thief with him, a female redguard who had to be Tonilia, a fence for the guild and likely a master at that, though she seemed to be less friendly than Brynjolf was, as she ignored the group as she investigated the loot. In addition to that there was one other person with them, a thief wearing a black version of the guild armor, likely to indicate that he was one of the highest ranking members of the entire guild, and Capper could tell he was a breton, though when La'nari stiffened he knew exactly who was in front of them.

This had turned out to be the worst case scenario, as this was Mercer Frey, the Guild Master for the Thieves Guild, and right now he seemed annoyed, no doubt because he had a group of thieves running around stealing stuff who weren't part of the actual guild and were trying to use some of their services as if they were members.

"Brynjolf said there were some new thieves in Riften... but if I'm being honest, I'm not impressed." Mercer said, which was to be expected from the Guild Master, who had years of experience and had likely stolen from the Jarls themselves in the past, so the jewelry and gems, which were likely a lower grade than he was used to, made him think they were small time thieves looking to make a quick bit of gold, "Are you sure that you robbed some nobles? Because these items look more like what you would get from a small time shop... not worth very much either."

"There's more where this came from, as the nobles had quite a lot in their wagon... which we stole, by the way," Capper stated, though he wasn't sure if Mercer was intentionally lowering the value of the items so the guild could make more in the end, since they seemed to be falling on hard times according to La'nari, or if he was in a bad mood right now and had no desire to allow thieves to operate in the guild's domain, "and let me assure you, the remainder of the loot is worth a fair bit of gold. We all want to make some gold, right? So why don't we make a deal and be on our way?"

"It is pretty bold of you to assume that you're in a position to make a deal." Mercer replied, showing them that he was of the opinion that he outranked nearly everyone in Riften, save for the Jarl and maybe a few officials, something Capper would have to ask about in the future, all while he approached the pillar that Capper had decided to lean against while they talked.

Capper chuckled a little as he withdrew one of the pure stones that they had taken from the vault that the Royal Sisters had allowed them to take a few things from, a vibrant blue sapphire that held no magical power, it was just an ordinary gem, which he handed to Tonilia as she approached them to look at it.

"A pure sapphire, the first of many gems we recovered from the foolish nobles." Capper said, because while he didn't want to give up such a gemstone, he knew it was necessary to show Mercer and his allies that they meant business, so by doing this, holding back an item of value and then showing it off, he could entice them with the potential of more riches.

Tonilia was sure she could get a good amount of gold from this gem on it's own, in fact she was willing to offer a thousand gold for it, which came as a surprise to Mercer and Brynjolf, though Capper nodded as the lady went about calculating the total price of everything that was inside the crate. While that happened Midnight and the others chatted with La'nari, likely on what supplies they needed from the shops so they could get to work once the gold was in their hands, though at the same time Capper discovered that one of the pouches on the back of Mercer's belt seemed like it hadn't been worked on, in the sense of maintenance, for quite some time. It didn't look like any of the thieves even knew how weak it was, since it picked that very moment to snap, somehow without making a sound, and even hit the ground without anyone realizing it had happened, causing him to smirk for a moment as he moved it behind the pillar with his foot, before returning to how the others had seen him previously. Eventually Tonilia handed over a sack of gold that she said was worth two thousand, which confirmed that some of the jewelry was a lower grade than Capper had been expecting, but he was happy to do business with them as the thieves had a few more come out to take the crate into the hideout, allowing him to hand over the sack to La'nari.

While the others went out to get the supplies for the clan, and the thieves went back into their hideout, Capper waited to be sure the coast was clear before collecting the pouch and opened it, discovering that there were a few expensive gems inside it, a hefty sack of gold, a letter about treasure being inside 'Angarvunde', and a brass key with a spherical end that seemed to be out of his world while still radiating power.

"What in the world is this?" Capper silently asked, as this was a rather curious find, especially since he wasn't expecting it to be in the hands of a Guild Master that was having trouble keeping his guild running, according to La'nari, and right now he didn't feel like returning it, especially since Mercer hadn't noticed it missing.

He really had no idea what this item was, other than it had to be an artifact of power, causing him to chuckle as he slipped it into his own pocket as he headed out to regroup with the others, because things were looking up and he was eager to see what else the rest of the day, and the week, had to offer him and his companions.

Clan: Angarvunde

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After making the deal with Tonilia, and trading the crate of goods for the payment, Capper let La'nari go out and purchase the items they needed for the rest of the clan, which involved purchasing a fair bit of meat, fish, and whatever items she had on the list she had been given before their departure. It was nice to purchase new items and help out their clan, though at the same time Capper found that his mind was on the odd key that had been in Mercer's forgotten pouch, it was a hard thing to just stop thinking about, especially since he could sense it's power now. He really had no idea what it was, no doubt due to the fact that he wasn't a native to this world, and while he knew that he could ask about it, since La'nari might know about it or could point him in the direct of someone who might know of it, but he decided against it for the time being. That was in the off chance that it might be an item of the Guild Master for the Thieves Guild, like a badge of office he guessed, and he really didn't want to invite unwanted trouble into their lives, so for right now he would keep the key's existence a secret, until he knew more about it.

As he finished thinking about that, however, La'nari and the others returned with a few bags that had to be the goods they needed to get for the rest of the clan, causing him to nod as they headed out to the wagon and loaded it up before taking their places and leaving Riften.

"We managed to get everything that was on the list, which will make our chiefs happy." La'nari remarked, where she took a moment to pull down her hood and wipe the sweat that had been forming on her forehead, as she had been worried that things would have gone wrong by now and was glad they were able to do this without any problems arising, "I'm just glad Mercer wasn't in a foul mood today... I honestly thought he was going to cut me off from using the guild's resources."

"Darling, he was most definitely in a bad mood. Trouble with contacts I imagine?" Rarity said, as it was frustrating that the Guild Master had lowered the value on their goods and forced Capper to hand over one of the gems he had pocketed during their brief time in the ancient vault, in fact she knew that her mentor and Midnight didn't like him all that much for that fact, and she could imagine why Mercer was annoyed.

La'nari nodded, as that was a good reason since the guild had failed a lot of jobs lately, hence her leaving in the first place, so it was only a matter of time until the remaining contacts started to sever their bonds with the guild, thus leading to Mercer being in a bad mood since less clients meant less gold. As far as she knew there was only one person in Riften that even had a need for the guild's existence, which was Maven Black-Briar, something they really shouldn't get involved with since that was a headache none of them wanted right now, causing Capper to bow to her wisdom on the matter. They stopped talking for a few moments as they passed by the other gate that allowed people to enter the city, in fact this time it looked like the guards might be ready to admit people from the southwestern entrance, likely due to Capper calling out their scheme at the main gate. Such a thing meant that the people who were coming this way in the future wouldn't have to go around the city, and potentially be attacked by bandits that might be watching Riften, which would be good for everyone in the future, both the citizens and probably their clan since it meant more people would be traveling.

As they continued down the road that was in front of them La'nari pulled out her bow as she noticed something that was just ahead of them, a group of bandits, four of them to be exact, though he could tell that none of them belonged to the clan that he and his companions had joined, due to the fang marks on their armor, and it looked like more were on their way across a nearby bridge.

"Damn... bandits from Faldar's Tooth, the fort closest to Riften... they must have seen the crate and realized that we might have gotten some gold from it's contents." La'nari remarked, though for her this was a terrible match up, because while the majority of them had some sort of weapon, since she had her bow and dagger while Azure had the greatsword and she was sure that Midnight had a pair of blades, but that left Capper and Rarity defenseless, "We're close to our base, but we cannot afford to send anyone to get reinforcements... they'll be picked off by the other clan before they can get too far."

"You've got me, remember?" Midnight stated, opening her wings for a moment as the bandits that were ahead of them just stared at them for a few seconds, though Capper could tell that they were getting ready for battle, causing La'nari to bring her hand to her forehead as she realized that fact, while at the same time Midnight handed Capper her weapons, "Hold them off for as long as you can! I'll go get reinforcements."

"Fly Midnight! We will fight these foes with all our might." Azure said, where he stared at the assortment of bandits that were in front of the wagon and drew his new weapon, because while Capper had been studying all of the ins and outs of their clan, and that even included the fortress itself, he had done what he could to learn how to actually wield his greatsword, even if it all he had learned was the basics.

Capper really didn't have experience fighting, as most of the time he was working in the shadows and letting others fight if it was a necessity, even though he did help take back Canterlot and used Spike as a flame spreader to take care of a group of guards, but in that moment he readied himself as he and Azure removed themselves from the wagon. While they did that Midnight took to the air and headed back to their base of operations, while at the same time La'nari nocked an arrow as she turned her focus on the clearly melee bandits that were in front of them, leaving Rarity to keep an eye on the bandits that were near the stone bridge that was close to their position. The pair getting off the wagon seemed to trigger all of the foes that were in front of them, as the four bandits that were close by rushed them, causing Azure to steel himself as he took a step forward and brought his weapon down, slashing open the chest of one of their foes, as he wasn't wearing armor at all, a bad move for sure. As that one was dropped La'nari loosed her arrow and it struck the calf of another bandit, slowing her down in the process while the third came at Capper, who steadied himself as he parried the incoming axe with both of the blades that had been left with him, though the fourth got by them and rushed at Rarity.

He knew that was bad, as Rarity was definitely not cut out for battle, due to the fact that she used ribbons and whatnot to deal with her foes, items she didn't have in this world, and he could see her freaking out over the idea of fighting someone, but the bandit had another weapon on his belt, a steel rapier that slipped out of it's sheath, causing Rarity to throw herself at it before driving it into the bandit's chest.

"Well what do you know... there's hope for her yet." La'nari remarked, though at the same time she loosed a second arrow and dealt with the bandit she had struck, taking her down before she could do anything else, allowing her to what as both Capper and Azure finished off the last one that was in front of them.

As they took down the first group two things happened, the main force of enemies, at least another ten bandits, stepped off the bridge and approached their position, while the second was that Midnight landed near Capper and Azure with a smile on her face, telling the group that her mission had been a success. Sure enough they could see Brurid and Bek-Kajin, along with at least half of their clan members, approaching the enemies from the backside, surprising the forces of the other clan in the process, allowing La'nari and Midnight to tend to Rarity, who was still shaking, as Capper searched the slain bandits. None of them seemed to have much on them, that much he could see, but he was able to collect a number of things, such as thirty gold coins in total, a few low quality gems, a few lockpicks, and their various weapons. He was only collecting the weapons because it would be nice to have some spares in the fort, just in case they needed more if one broke or new people joined them, both of which were possible, and he knew they could get away with this since La'nari wasn't worried at all.

The reason for that was because Bek-Kajin was leading the assault on the other clan, their warriors cutting down those that dared to move against them, causing the surviving trio to flee, allowing Brurid's portion of the group to claim more loot from the deceased before clearing the way for the wagon to move forward.

"This land is definitely very exciting." Capper remarked, where he returned to the front of the wagon and resumed moving towards the fort, though this time around he made sure to go at a slower pace so the rest of the clan could place their loot in the back, while La'nari focused on Rarity, who was definitely feeling a little sick after taking someone's life, causing him to turn to Midnight as she walked nearby as he passed her the note he took from Mercer's pouch, "What do you think of this?"

"Treasure in a ruin? Sounds promising, provided it hasn't been looted yet." Midnight said, in fact it might be a fun time, just see if there was more loot to add to their collection, while letting Rarity come to terms with what she had done, which she knew Azure and La'nari could help her with in no time, before she frowned as she noticed something, "Only... I have no idea where this 'Angarvunde' might be located."

La'nari overheard their conversation and mentioned that the ruin in question was just up the road from their base, in fact it happened to be a recent project that someone was working on and there was a chance that workers might still be moving stones out of the way so the ruin could be accessed at last. Of course she had no idea what this 'treasure' was that the note spoke of, but she had to assume that it was a bunch of gold or items that could be sold for a profit, before she informed the pair that if they wanted to go exploring they had to clear it with their leaders. La'nari was sure that both Brurid and Bek-Kajin would be okay with them exploring a bit, because of the large haul they had brought with them, meaning they might expect more treasure to be brought and shared with the rest of the clan. Capper then found that their new friend was right, both of their leaders were fine with the idea, so when they returned to the fort he let Azure handle the wagon, while Rarity stayed with La'nari, causing him to hand Midnight her blades before he acquired a blade of his own, steel from one of the bandits that attacked them, and the former Lunar Guard also took a bow with some steel arrows.

With their preparations complete the pair departed from the fort as the rest of the clan looked into the crate of items they had purchased from Riften and started to pass stuff around, though Capper found that La'nari's information was right, the passage to Angarvunde was literally ten minutes up the road, allowing them to enter an area with wooden scaffolding as they spotted an annoyed dunmer turning towards them.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't hear either of you enter this place." the lady said, where Capper and Midnight found that she wasn't even remotely prepared to be a treasure hunter, she was wearing casual clothing, like some of the citizens of Riften, and she had a steel dagger as her weapon, before the lady sighed and tried to calm herself down, "Sorry, I'm just annoyed by the fact that my cowardly work force ran off at the first sign of trouble, especially when we were on the verge of great wealth."

"What could have made them run off? The only things left in these places are corpses, right?" Midnight inquired, mostly due to the fact that she and Capper had no idea what to expect, this was the first time they were visiting one of the ruins that seemed to dot Skyrim's landscape, and based on what she was seeing the lady didn't even catch the fact that they had no experience in dealing with places like this.

"Well, yes, but they probably haven't seen the type that can get back up and wander around... draugr, to be exact." the lady replied, something that allowed Capper to understand that the lady had assumed that Midnight was referring to both the still dead corpses and those that were still moving, but this was good information to know for the future, since it would give them something to build off of, "There are three draugr standing between me and the treasure, but I need more manpower to clear the way so it can be claimed."

"Maybe we can work out an arrangement of sorts? We take care of the draugr, and also open the way to the treasure, and we can split it evenly?" Capper inquired, because he knew that the lady would want some of the wealth that was said to be in this place, otherwise it was a waste for her to come here in the first place, so by offering to split the treasure they could get some and she could get some.

The lady, identifying herself as Medresi, figured that allowing them to head into the ruin was better than her searching for a whole new crew that was capable of fighting the undead, though she also handed over a key that she claimed was for two doors that were deeper in the ruin, or so her notes claimed. With the key in hand both Capper and Midnight crouched and continued down the passage, finding that it changed from the scaffolding to a rocky path that brought them to the start of the ruin, a chamber of smashed pots with one that was intact, one that had a few golden coins and a ruby inside it. After Capper pocketed the loot they carefully moved into the next chamber, larger than the first one, before discovering three of the walking corpses that had been mentioned, draugr to be exact, which seemed like ancient warriors brought back from the grave, despite their lack of armor and their crude weapons. Instead of engaging the undead in a fight Capper and Midnight found some good vantage points, allowing Midnight to silently draw and ready an arrow that she loosed into the chest of the closest draugr, causing it to look down at the arrow before collapsing into a heap.

Once they confirmed that the undead stayed dead, after extinguishing whatever magic was keeping the first one alive, the pair turned on the other two that were patrolling the area, where Midnight struck down the second with an arrow as Capper stabbed the third in the back, tearing through it's weak armor as he brought it down.

As Midnight collected her arrows, and the arrows of the archer she had struck down, Capper found that there were definitely more doors in the area, two to be exact, so he had his companion backtrack to tell Medresi that the main chamber was clear as he made his way to the door on their left, opening it with the key they had been given. The passage on the other side of the door happened to be devoid of enemies for the time being, allowing the pair to study how the ruin was constructed, as it made the ancient nords look like masters of their trade, before discovering a hole that lead to a lower area. Midnight loosed an arrow into the head of the draugr that was in the way, clearing the immediate area so they could drop down into the lower passage, though as she dealt with all of the enemies that were in their way Capper checked out the urns, pots, and any chests they walked by. So far he wasn't too impressed, most of the containers had a few coins here and there, so he had to hope the treasure that was in this place was worth the effort that he and Midnight were putting in, especially since none of the draugr seemed to have coins or gems in their possession when they checked the fallen out.

While they continued down the passage Capper did find a chest that had a trap attached to it, there was a mechanism on the side that he could actually unlock, though while Midnight kept an eye out for trouble he discovered that when he moved to pick the lock the brass key from Mercer's pouch appeared in his hand. He raised an eyebrow as he noticed that and quickly returned it to his bag, only for it to reappear in his hand when he turned back to the lock, causing him to realize that this was a lockpick of some kind as he slipped it into the lock. Such a thing was followed by a secondary discovery, this lockpick had incredible durability, because part of him had wanted to test it out and actually tried to unlock the trap in the wrong area, only for him to discover that it wouldn't break, causing him to let out a light chuckle. An unbreakable tool was amazing and it made Capper realize how Mercer could become the best thief in the province, if he had such a powerful lockpick like this in his possession, and it wasn't long before he undid the trap and opened the chest, finding a few good quality gems, a ruby and a sapphire, with a small pouch of gold nearby.

After claiming the treasure he and Midnight got moving once more, where they moved into a chamber that had alcoves in certain places, some of which had draugr sleeping in them, something that caused Midnight to take point by loosing some of her arrows into the sleeping undead, leaving Capper to gather the loot. She knew that while he was okay with fighting, given his involvement in freeing Canterlot from the Storm King, it was better if they divided the workload between them, she being the fighter, in a sense, while he focused on tracking down the loot and gathering it. Capper was okay with this and offered to point out a few things to her while they carefully moved through the ruin, as he noticed a few traps along the way, pressure plates, or in this case stones, that would activate something and do harm to intruders, so he showed her how to get around them without triggering anything. Midnight nodded as she focused on taking out the undead that were in front of them, all while making sure that both of them were hiding in the darkness of the various rooms, as the draugr didn't seem too bright and sometimes they walked right by both of them without noticing them.

From what Capper could tell there was no real reason for the miners to have been worried about this place, because so far the draugr seemed to be kind of worthless, meaning Medresi could have hired someone to aid the miners and clear the way so they could work, but her decision was going to benefit them more than it would benefit her.

Eventually they reached the end of the passage and entered an area that had a lever, one that undid one of the barriers, a pair of iron gates, that seemed to be blocking the way into what had to be the treasure chamber of the ruin, meaning once both levers were thrown they should be able to head into the final area. While they dropped down into the central chamber the pair found that Medresi had walked down into the area to see how they were doing and was now standing near the pair of iron gates while she waited for them to open the final door. With that in mind Capper and Midnight crossed over to the other pathway and he used the key that had been given to them to unlock the door, allowing them to enter the next portion of Angarvunde, which had some stone tables and benches that they walked by. The interesting thing about this section of the ruin was that it seemed to be a loop, they had to make their way deeper into the area and then use another passage to reach the other side of the iron grate that both of them passed by, which likely had a lever to unlock the door that was on the opposite side of the room in question.

Much to Capper's surprise there wasn't too much difference between this section and the first one, other than the layout, so he allowed Midnight to clear out the undead that were in the way while he tracked down all of the loot, mostly gold with a few scattered gemstones, plus a few small potions that were red, blue, and green colored, and eventually ended up in front of the final lever.

"At last! The treasure of Angarvunde is mine! It's all MINE!" Medresi stated, consumed by the fact that her target was within reach as the last door opened, causing her to rush into the final chamber like she had gone mad or something, though as the pair dropped down into the area she had been in they were able to see that she stepped on a trap.

That trap, as it turned out, was a moveable section of the floor that pushed her up into the air and into a cluster of spikes that were on the bottom of another portion of the trap, killing Medresi instantly, though as both lowered their gaze Capper found that the floor portion remained in place, revealing a staircase leading down into another area. Both of them quickly checked out what they had assumed was the treasure room and found that the only chest had a small pouch of coins and a shattered steel sword, a trap to kill greedy individuals while protecting the true treasure chamber. As such both of them carefully moved forward and discovered that there was nothing down here for them to worry about, there were no draugr waiting for them and only a short path to the final chamber, where they found a large wall with a dragon design on it that had all sorts of writing that neither of them understood. Next to the wall was a large chest that had a few more spoils that were more worth the effort, a larger sack of gold that made both of them smile, a spell tome of sorts that might be worth a fair bit, a few brass swords, and a dull green spiked shield.

"Not what I was expecting, but we can make some gold off of this." Midnight commented, where she pulled out her pouch for a moment and deposited the items inside it, as it appeared that adventurers and certain people had containers that could store a large amount of stuff, which was why La'nari had purchased one from the vendor in Riften after they talked with the thieves.

As Capper nodded and they turned to leave, however, he sensed something and glanced back, finding that Midnight kept moving towards the staircase, meaning she was unaware of the transparent lady who was floating in front of the wall, who had silver runes of sorts on her throat and arms.

...d Capper... you must... find me... the figure said, where it was hard to tell if she was speaking in an urgent manner or if this was something Capper could put off, though he had to wonder if this was due to the fact that he was in possession of the mysterious key that had been in Mercer's possession until he took the pouch it had been stored in, The key... will aid you... You must... locate me... before... He...

Capper found that whatever message he was hearing was cut off, leaving him with little to do but sigh as he caught up to Midnight as they focused on leaving the ruin, as there was much he had to think about as he and his companions looked forward to what the future held in store for them and their clan.

Clan: Securing the Area

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It didn't take Capper or Midnight very long to emerge from Angarvunde, where they found that the sun was still in the sky, though it was in the afternoon now, thus allowing them to walk down the road they had traveled after first meeting up with La'nari and return to the fort that was their main base without wasting too much time. There they found that the rest of the clan was in a good mood, due to the fact that they had taken down a number of the bandits from Faldar's Tooth, not to mention the fact that they were able to loot the fallen enemy bandits for everything of worth. From what Capper could tell the enemy clan had some wealth on them, which was either due to their location in relation to Riften or the fact that one of them must have made good bets in their gambling area, since they forced wolves to fight for their entertainment. Of course all of the collected gold from the bandits was gathered, counted, and then given out fairly to everyone in their clan, which wasn't all that great since each of them roughly got about ten coins apiece, but this was the way Bek-Kajin preferred to do things, as equal rewards meant no threat of being overthrown.

Of course that only extended to the gold they acquired, as everything else that might be of use was either given out to those that needed it, like an upgrade to an item or piece of armor, or was added to the collection of items they would be taken to the city to be sold to the local merchants, but they would give bigger rewards to the highest contribution of whatever was going on, to insure everyone did their best.

"Everyone has one more reason to celebrate: with the forces residing in Faldar's Tooth weakened, our leaders have talked and have decided it's time to strike them down." Azure commented, speaking to the pair as they returned to the area that had been given to them when they first joined the clan, though Capper knew that Azure was only putting up with both of the bandit chiefs because it meant he could punish more bandits, and they discovered that he was wearing steel armor now, "I will be joining the vanguard, charging into the fort with the others, though I'm sure they'll ask both of you to join us... since both of you did prove yourselves in that last battle."

"Well, I'll probably be focused on collecting the loot for counting and distributing later, but Midnight will be a good addition to the assault team." Capper said, which was the truth, Midnight was more suited for combat than he was, though at the same time he noticed that Rarity was sitting on one of the beds and seemed to be hugging herself, no doubt still dealing with the fact that she had killed someone, even though it was in self-defense, "I take it she'll be staying here?"

"Not quite. Brurid wants her to join us... not to fight, but to watch. He knows she's more sheltered than the rest of us and is trying to help her get used to the world in a more crude way." Azure quietly replied, as if he was worried that someone else might overhear them talking about one of their leaders, though Capper was starting to see a difference in the two leaders that ruled over this fort, causing the former Solar Guard to sigh for a moment, "This land must be harsh if everyone is so used to people dying all the time... it's so different from the land we've called home."

Capper and Midnight nodded, as Skyrim was definitely beyond what they were expecting and they had only seen a portion of what it had to offer, and that even applied to the people, there were rules and events that Skyrim's people were used to, while their group was only coming to terms with taking a life. He and the two former guards were different from the rest of the population of their home world, as he was used to stealing from all sorts of people and seeing the consequences if one failed to uphold a bargain, while the guards were used to fighting enemies and protecting the citizens of Equestria. Rarity, on the other hand, was a hero due to her being able to wield one of the Elements of Harmony and her involvement in taking back the capital from the Storm King, but even then this was the first time she would have done anything like this. It was only natural that she wouldn't be used to this sort of thing and needed to come to terms with it if she wanted to survive in this harsh environment, which Capper knew had to be Brurid's reasoning for having her come along for the raid, to help her get over what she was currently feeling.

With that in mind he and Midnight headed out to find their leaders, who were in one of the halls of the fort and they quickly showed off the loot they got from the nearby ruin, causing the pair to glance at each other before shaking their heads, as all of it belonged to those that had looted it. That told Capper that Bek-Kajin had an interesting set of rules that he lived by and he expected a few of them to be respected by his clan, even his fellow leader, especially when it came to the loot that had been obtained by the members of their clan. From what he could tell the argonian preferred to share the loot taken from the fallen and spread it out among the rest of their large clan, to help them survive and thrive, but when it came to the loot that was inside a ruin, however, he preferred that the loot went to those who claimed it, since they put in the hard work to even claim the items in the first place. Both he and Brurid did expect them to trade their loot for other items, if they really wanted to share it with the rest of the clan, an interesting set up in Capper's mind, but for the time being the pair returned to the chamber that Azure and Rarity were in, to rest up a bit before the raid.

As it turned out they didn't have to wait too long, as Bek-Kajin called for everyone to gather and Capper found that most of the clan was gathering outside the fort, though instead of giving them a speech or something he started to make his way down the road, leaving Brurid and a few of their clan mates behind to defend their own base.

Capper was still surprised that they were coming down this route again, so soon after traveling up and down this stretch of road twice already so far, but he kept that to himself as he, Midnight, and the rest of their forces reached the bridge that had been used by the other bandits. This time around there was a guard on the road and he stopped for a moment as he found the force moving, though a single statement from Bek-Kajin caused him to turn around and calmly walk away from the area, no doubt because a bandit clan war was something he didn't want to get involved in. With that in mind they walked across the bridge and approached the large fort that was on the edge of a lake, and had a good view of Riften, though as the group walked forward they found that whoever was in charge of the fort called for the others in their clan to come out. That was when a few archers appeared on the wall facing their direction and they readied their arrows, causing the clan to scatter and take up defensive positions, some using shields to protect themselves from arrows while another group tracked down an entrance to use.

As that happened, and Midnight used a few of her arrows as well, Capper noticed something that would help them out, as part of the stone wall happened to have an iron cage door that seemed unprotected, to which he rushed forward and found that the enemy bandits were freaking out, but they reacted too late as he quickly picked the lock and opened the door.

"Guys, I've opened the way forward! Go get them!" Capper stated, where the rest of their clan mates noticed the now open door and started to rush over, quickly finding a set of stairs leading them up to where all of their enemies were located, a fact that caused the bandits of Faldar's Tooth to turn on them without delay.

Unfortunately for their enemies Azure tore through their defenses and opened the way for the others to join him, where he was joined by Midnight, who was the first to ascend the steps, before the rest of their assault force caught up with them, a fact that made it impossible for the Faldar Clan to recover. While they did that Capper checked out the area and found a wooden path leading up to a tent, one that had a locked chest inside it, causing him to pull out both a sack to place the loot in and the strange key he was beginning to like, as an unbreakable lockpick was a great thing to have. The chest had a sack of gold coins, which the clan would appreciate, and a few potions, though he made sure to take the gold that was resting on the table above the chest as well, before making his way down to a locked door that seemed to be part of the higher section of the fort. Since they had cleared out so many of the enemy clan before the assault, and were devastating what remained of them, he found that there were no enemies to worry about and discovered another locked chest that he unlocked without wasting time, before reaching the highest point of the entire fort, which seemed to be the domain of the chief.

There were a few enchanted pieces in the area, they had runes on them that suggested such a thing, and a large chest that had a decent amount of coins, a few gems, and a few items that could be sold to the people of Riften, so he made sure all of the enchanted items were inside it before letting some of the stronger bandits carry it off, allowing him to focus on a book that spoke of 'proper lock design'.

"This will be useful for helping Midnight and Rarity." Capper commented, though at the same time he noticed an interesting passage, the author talking about how all of this would be rendered useless if someone happened to be in possession of what he, or possibly she since the author seemed to be an unknown individual, called the 'Skeleton Key', "And I might want to read it later... it might have some good information."

With the book in hand Capper headed down into the lowest portion of the exterior, as Azure, Midnight, and some of the other bandits were going to head inside and see what else this place had to offer them, and since he seemed to be their best lock breaker it was clear that one of them wanted him in the party to help get the loot. Rarity was with them as well, since this was to help her get used to the idea of killing people without falling ill every single time, and she stayed near the back of the pack as they delved into the depths, allowing the others to focus on fighting and looting. One thing Capper found was that there were cages with wolves trapped inside a few of them, being trained to be attack animals for the gambling that was taking place in this fort, where some of the bandits opened the unlocked cages and put down the wolves. Of course there were also a few more members of the Faldar Clan down in this portion of the fortress, unaware of the assault that had taken out the majority of their people, but Capper allowed the others to focus on them as he carefully picked the locks on a couple of chests and doors.

From what he could tell the real loot was coming from the slain bandits themselves, as some of them did carry more loot on them than what he and some of the others from his clan were expecting to discover when they looted the bodies, but this just made his clan happier than before. In addition to that there was the gambling den, where a lot of gold was located, not to mention a large chest that was behind a locked door, so while the clan dealt with the remaining enemies Capper did what he did best, he unlocked it and added a few more items to his bag, more gold, odd pearl colored gems, a few books that had magical runes on the front, and a few more potions. He even tracked down a room that had a table that seemed to be the location that one of their enemies had been gathering their winnings, or had been counting them in front of those who had lost a bet earlier, and he collected one hundred gold coins in the process. By the time he and everyone else reached the end of the fortress, allowing them to head out into the area that he had unlocked the door in, Capper was feeling good about the amount of gold they had obtained just now, and was even excited by the potential profit they might gain from selling all of the excess items that he recovered from the various chests and containers.

He also found that Azure was pleased with their deed, he really didn't like bandits and was keeping his opinions bottled up around their clan, while Midnight had found a better bow, dwarven to be exact, to replace her old one and had a few more arrows in her quiver, before discovering that Rarity was nowhere to be seen.

"Strange, I thought she was right behind us." Capper commented, though before Azure and Midnight could say anything on the matter they discovered where their companion had wandered off to, she had apparently moved out to check out the rest of the fort, areas that had been cleared, and had found another enemy bandit that must have been lurking away from the rest of the clan, one she had killed since her rapier was in her hand and she was huffing, "We should check on her."

As it turned out the bandit that Rarity had killed was a dark elf of some kind with an odd red attire that was different from what all of the others in this fort had been wearing, and the reason Capper thought of it as another type of dark elf was due to the small fangs that were in the slain bandit's mouth, partly covered in blood, but it was hard to tell whose it might be since they missed the fight.

"Rarity, are you alright?" Midnight asked, because while it looked like their friend was more used to death, she wasn't in the process of throwing up or anything, it was clear that she must have exhausted herself to make sure this foe didn't kill her, meaning he must have been slightly stronger than all of the others.

"No... I mean, yes. This ruffian attacked me, no doubt thinking I was an easy target, and I'm sure his teeth made contact with my neck, but I fought him back." Rarity replied, where she withdrew a piece of cloth and cleaned the edge of her blade, since she didn't want it to rust or anything, though the rest of the group wasn't surprised by her doing that since she had taken the article back while they were in their base of operations, "I don't know if I'll ever get used to killing people, but for the time being I'll do my best to keep my thoughts on the matter to myself... wouldn't want the others to think I'm soft and expel me at the worst possible moment."

Capper nodded and told her that if she wanted to talk about it he was sure that all three of them could assist her in coming to terms with what she had done, though at the same time he noted that it didn't seem like there was any damage to her neck, despite Rarity's thoughts on the matter. He could only think of three reasons for such a thing: the first being that she had been able to push back the dark elf before he tore into her neck; the second was that she had already healed the wound with one of the weaker healing potions that were in their possession; and the third one, the more unrealistic one, was that she had been wounded and her body healed it without her noticing. Either way there wasn't much they could do about this turn of events, other than looting the slain dark elf of his valuables and handing those to Rarity, though as they started to head down to where the others were gathering, to march back to their base, Capper found that someone was watching this fortress from afar. What he could tell was that the pair in question, as there were two people off in the distance, happened to be wearing plate armor, stronger than steel based on what he had gathered so far, and it appeared that they were in the middle of discussing something as they headed back into Riften.

Capper couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to come from them taking down the Faldar Clan, since this would open the way for some of the guards in Riften to retake the fort to better protect the roads around their fair city, but there was nothing he could do about it as he and the others rejoined their clan.

"All of you did well, taking down an enemy clan and looting everything of value that they had." Bek-Kajin remarked, where it was easy for them to tell that he was pleased with their actions, especially since this meant they were now the only clan on this side of Riften, since Capper knew that there was another one on the main road that stopped at the main gate, "And let us have some cheers for our newest members, who have shown that they are worthy to be called friends and allies... even that includes Rarity, who protected herself and others from a shadowy assassin that could have hurt us."

As the members of their clan cheered, however, it was hard to tell if he was weaving a false tale to make Rarity feel at home with them or if that was how he saw the situation when it unfolded, but for the time being Rarity seemed fine with this as she offered some smiles to the rest of the clan. While that happened they headed back to their base of operations without delay, as it was getting dark and there was dinner to be had, in fact there was more food than they were expecting since a few of their fellows had claimed everything that was in the kitchen area of Faldar's Tooth. With what they were carrying it sure looked like they might be able to feed a small army for weeks, maybe even a month or two, without having to worry about food being a problem, which would please Brurid when he learned that piece of information. While they walked back to their base Capper told Bek-Kajin about the loot he had recovered in the fort and that really put a smile on the faces of the rest of the clan, because gold talked and so far everyone had realized that this venture was turning out to be more profitable than they could have possibly hoped.

When they got back to their fort it was easy for them to see that Brurid was pleased with this turn of events, the destruction of another clan and them claiming all of the treasure to be distributed among the rest of their people, so Capper followed him to the area that they stored the unsorted loot in and deposited the share for the clan inside it. Because he was a thief, a specialist that was gathering more loot that would make everyone rich, both Brurid and Bek-Kajin were fine with him taking a larger share of things, like two hundred gold coins and even a few gems, like a ruby and a sapphire, which he gladly took since it meant they saw him as a higher rank in the clan. In addition to that supper, as it turned out, was meat and potatoes with some of their companions drinking mead, something that the group decided not to worry about for the time being, but Capper was happy to see that everyone was having fun, no doubt thinking about their bright futures. Capper also found that they would be returning to Riften in a day or two, as there was loot to sell and their superiors were expecting them to bring back another good haul, especially since half of the gold from the previous visit went to him and his team, where it had been divided into five shares.

When night started to fall, however, Capper excused himself and made his way to the highest peak of their fort, the tower to be exact, and found that no one was around for the time being, where he pulled out the book he had taken from Faldar's Tooth and opened it to the passage he had found that piqued his interest.

"Fascinating." Capper remarked, as the passage spoke about the 'Skeleton Key', a wonderful lockpick that was said to be neigh unbreakable, though there were sections of the text that had been ruined, either due to the book's age or due to the drunken nature of the bandit who had the book before him, but there was something that caught his interest, "What's this? It can unlock 'anything'?"

That intrigued Capper as he pulled out the odd key, which could very well be the Skeleton Key now that he thought about it, as he considered how he could go about testing it's power and seeing if it worked as advertised, though it was hard to just land on a single thing to test out. The concept of 'anything' wasn't just limited to the world around them, such as locks and vaults, rather it likely meant that it could open doors that were better left sealed, such as making a mortal into a god, sort of like how Twilight Sparkle went from a powerful unicorn and transformed into a far stronger alicorn. If that sort of growth was possible for her, and was possible for the villains when he recalled the tales of Tirek and Queen Chrysalis, it made him take a moment to wonder what sort of power he could awaken if he tried to use the Key for such a thing, or what his companions could unlock if he shared this with them. He also debated whether he should be doing this or not, since there was a chance someone could feel what he was about to do and come to investigate the true usage of the Key's true power, though that was followed by him making up his mind as he held it out in front of him.

Instead of focusing on himself for the time being Capper instead focused on all of the wealth they had collected before he and his companions had been teleported to this world, that he didn't want to lose anything else from their world, and the Key seemed to respond to his decision as he pulled it down and opened a portal in front of him. The area on the other side, as it turned out, was a small flat area, roughly about the size of the room he and the others had been given, in what had to be the depths of space, or 'Oblivion' as the mage of their clan had called the area in question. It seemed to be devoid of any hostiles, rather it was just a flat area with a silver, almost crystalline, floor, where he found a silver crystal floating in the air in front of him, like the figure that had called out to him, but nothing happened as he stared at the object. With that in mind he carefully placed the bag of coins he had taken from the vault previously and set them below the crystal, though once that was done he stepped through the portal and closed it with a thought, only to reopen it a few seconds later and discovered that it brought him back to the same place, causing him to smile for a moment.

He now had a secret vault to hide their true treasure in, to keep their wealth safe from those who might seek to steal it, that only he knew the way to, even though he had to add some walls to make it an official vault, though it only made him even more eager to see what the future held for him and the others.

Clan: New Recruits

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The day following their assault on Faldar's Tooth, and the utter destruction of the clan that had called it home, Capper and his companions found that their own fort was a hive of activity as their leaders focused on dividing all of the loot that had been claimed from the other clan. As it turned out there was an excessive amount of items to be distributed among their ranks, as there were new weapons to replace old ones, better pieces of armor to be had, armor resources that went into improving things around their fort, and even the pieces of furniture were brought in. Capper heard that Bek-Kajin was a little annoyed that they couldn't tear down the actual forts and move the materials to their base, it was too time consuming and the amount of manpower would leave them almost defenseless, if he was serious about tearing it down. For the time being he focused on removing what they could and had it all hauled back to their base, which was what Capper's wagon was used for, transporting the resources to their base, with Azure and Midnight keeping watch over them.

Since his job during that time was to be a lookout, to help the others keep an eye on things, it allowed him to consider his new private vault, how he might go about accessing it without drawing attention to himself, and when he should tell Rarity and the others about it. He knew that keeping such a thing a secret was crucial, since there was a chance that someone might find a way to get to it if they knew it existed, but at the same time they were his friends, people he trusted more than everyone else, and knew he'd likely tell them about it when he was good and ready. What he found to be interesting was that Midnight had decided to hand him her bag of loot from the vault of the Royal Sisters, as she didn't want to lose items from their home world, something that actually caused Azure and Rarity to do the same. It was clear that all of them thought the same, which was a good thing in his mind, and he had double checked his vault early in the morning before being assigned to this mission, allowing him to deposit the bags next to the one he had placed in it during his test.

Such a thing did make him think about Rarity, who was definitely getting used to this world as best as she could, though after taking out that odd dark elf many of the other members of their clan had taken to talking with her, but it was hard to tell if she was suffering from the battle she had experienced while they were clearing out Faldar's Tooth.

One other thing he discovered was that the guard they had passed on the way to the now empty fort was eager for them to be done with the fort, no doubt because his superiors wanted to garrison it so they could better protect Riften from the rest of the dangers that existed in the surrounding area. Capper really couldn't assure him of when they would be done, since he had no idea when that would be, but he was pleased to see that the guard knew he didn't stand a chance against the group that was moving between the forts and stayed out of their way. He suspected that the guard might be able to call on more of his fellow guards, to potentially outnumber them if he really wanted to, but it was possible that he was under orders not to engage until he was given the command to do so, meaning they were free to do whatever they wanted. Other than that he found that nothing seemed to stop them from moving the items out of Faldar's Tooth and bringing them to their base, to be distributed to the rest of the base and put to use, allowing them to put up better protective walls on the outside and lightly improve the living conditions inside the base.

In addition to that Capper spent some time with Rarity and Midnight, teaching them how to improve their sneaking skills so they wouldn't be seen, since they were still thieves in the eyes of the rest of the clan, and with the couple of chests they had recovered he was able to lock each one and test their lockpicking skills, starting with the most basic of locks.

"Capper, I know you are the most experienced thief among us, but you certainly make this look easy." Rarity remarked, as she knew it would take her a lot of time and effort to figure out exactly how to do what Capper was able to do in a matter of seconds, while Midnight seemed to have a better understanding of how to do this.

"Well, it certainly helps that being a thief was how I lived my life before things happened." Capper replied, as he knew that his life before Rarity and her friends stepped into his life was why his skills were as good as they were, thus allowing him to teach the pair more about how to sneak, how to pick locks, the art of speaking and steering things in their favor, and even the art of picking pockets.

While they were training Brurid tracked them down and informed the group that they would be traveling with La'nari in the morning, to return to Riften and sell more of the items they had taken from the nobles, some of the more expensive items this time around, so he was expecting them to make more this time around. Capper understood that fact, because now that all four of them were outfitted, three of their number wearing light armor and Azure wearing heavy armor, that meant some of the coin didn't need to be spent and could be brought back to the clan to be spread out. With that thought in mind he made sure they were aware of which goods were going to be placed on the wagon, just so they could sell them well when they reached Riften and found Brynjolf, mostly to convince him that they weren't wasting his time. Such a thing did cause him to hope that Mercer wouldn't be present for the buying this time around, since he had cut into their profits last time and didn't want a repeat to happen, but they would know whether he was there or not when it came time to sell the items.

When morning arrived the group met it, even though they were getting used to a world where the sun and moon rose on their own, before having a light breakfast and then joined La'nari outside the fort, allowing them to climb onto the wagon so they could get underway once more. Sure enough Capper found that the trip back to Riften was dull, which was no doubt due to the fact that their clan had wiped out another one and the area that the Faldar Clan had been in control of had been freed from their clutches, meaning they wouldn't have to worry about encountering them again. They did, however, spot a large figure off on their right that seemed to be attacking a settlement with wooden walls, causing La'nari to sigh and tell her friends that what they were seeing was a giant harassing an orc stronghold, though before they thought about rushing over to get involved she also warned them that orcs hated outsiders. Capper translated that to mean that the orcs would either ignore them and force them to prove that they were worthy of entering the stronghold, or they would attack on sight if they got too close, so for the time being he focused on getting them to Riften, especially since it looked like the orcs didn't need their help dealing with the giant, as the figure collapsed as they resumed their journey.

Capper found that this time around the guards at the southwest gate were more than willing to let them into Riften, which was either due to the fact that their scheme at the northern gate had been silently called out, or because that scheme had been put on hold to allow more people into the city, but he wasn't about to complain.

"So, will our friend be in the market again, or will he be somewhere else?" Capper asked, where he and La'nari walked into the city while Midnight and Rarity carried the container, leaving Azure to watch over the wagon while they were gone, as he was curious as to where they might find Brynjolf this time around.

"We'll either find him in the Bee and Barb, keeping an eye out for potential targets and potential recruits for the Guild, or in the market, trying to sell one of his 'specialty potions'." La'nari answered, as she knew the figure well enough to know that his time in one of the market stalls was mostly a front for the few missions that took place in that area, and the 'potions' he sold were just things mashed together to make a convincing item, which was due to there being no real alchemist in the Thieves Guild, "I doubt he'd be down in the Ragged Flagon, since he's trying to find recruits to put the Guild back together... Mercer ought to be doing something as well, but he usually stays in the depths of the Guild, only leaving for a special mission that only he can accomplish."

Capper lightly nodded his head as he heard that, as it made sense that Brynjolf would be looking for people that would help turn around their bad fortunes, based on what La'nari had told them in the past, before turning his focus to the market area for a few seconds, finding that the merchants were already out and about. While many of the others were getting ready, as there was an argonian setting up a jewelry stand and a nord warrior in leather armor trying to sell her other gear to the rest of the city, it was easy to see that Brynjolf was still checking out everyone that happened to be in the area. Once he noticed that they were back in Riften, however, he removed himself from where he had been standing and headed over to where the Guild's secret entrance was located, allowing them to stand in a nearby corner, out of the way, as he fetched Tonilia. With how quickly she had valued the loot the last time they were in the city Capper was sure that she would be able to quickly do the same this time around, meaning they would be on their way in no time, they just had to wait for her and Brynjolf to come and evaluate their loot.

Sure enough it wasn't long before the pair emerged from the hidden passageway, where Capper nodded to his friends and they set down the crate that contained all of the loot they intended to sell today, allowing Tonilia to pull some of it out while calculating what sort of price she would offer them for all of it.

"Brynjolf told me you guys robbed a pair of nobles, and now I see that you were telling the truth." Tonilia commented, where her tone made Capper wonder if she was jealous of them being able to do such a thing, though at the same time she was more interested in the wealth that these items would bring to the Guild once she was able to sell them to her contacts, as she had a smile on her face, "You know, Brynjolf, you could always recruit them into our ranks... we might be able to make some progress at last."

"Wish I could, but they're part of Brurid and Bek-Kajin's clan, and you know they won't give up their members lightly... so I'm afraid there's nothing we can do." Brynjolf replied, though he agreed with her, at the very least two of the bandits that were in front of them could very well be the answer to their prayers, the key to saving the Guild from the downward spiral they were suffering right now, "How much do you think we can get for these pieces of jewelry?"

"Not much, I'm afraid." a new voice said, where Capper found that the speaker was a female nord that was dressed like she was a noble of some kind, or someone who seemed to think her way was the only path available to everyone else, plus her arrival caused the three thieves to pale for a moment, all while the lady stepped up to the crate and studied the items that were inside it, "These are hardly better than what you can find in the market right now... and a few pieces look like they were carelessly made, ready to break after a few uses. Best I purchase them to reform the garbage into real jewels."

"Garbage?! These are wonderful items, sturdy and true, not..." Rarity started to say, though a motion from La'nari stopped her as they found that the lady seemed more annoyed with her for speaking out of turn, allowing Capper to see that even the thieves seemed to fear the lady's power.

"Forgive us, Lady Maven, but these four are new to Riften and are not familiar with whose in charge of the city." La'nari said, which all but confirmed that the lady in front of them had more power over everyone than what even the true leader of the city, the Jarl, had, especially when he noticed a guard in the distance turn around and walk the other way once he noticed who was in the area, causing La'nari to turn towards the group, "This is Lady Maven Black-Briar, who owns the Black-Briar Meadery and pretty much runs the entirety of Riften... a single word from her would cause someone to spend the rest of the Fourth Era in prison, if she wanted such a thing."

"I understand. We are fortunate to have caught the eye of such an influential figure." Capper stated, putting on a smile as he presented himself like a gentleman, while at the same time Rarity and the rest of his group backed off while he did his work, though he refrained from snapping at the lady, since she reminded him of Verko far too much, "Shall we do business?"

He knew exactly what was going on, Maven likely knew that some of these pieces were actually better quality than some of the others, and she would be right since Capper had seen a number of the items before departing from their fort, but she didn't want to pay for them like a normal person would. Instead she was hoping to buy them for cheap from the Guild, as it seemed like she was the reason that Brynjolf and the others were able to operate without the guards arresting them for all of their crimes, so since they were in her pockets she felt that she could do whatever she wanted. Such a thing meant that by buying these for cheap, and only giving the Guild a fraction of what the items were truly worth, she deprived them of gold and that meant they would have no choice but to go on the missions and tasks that she had for them, to further her various schemes no doubt. If he was right that meant that the Guild would never get out from under her thumb, in fact he was sure she'd pay them meager amounts of gold when they completed her jobs, meaning she was just like Verko and he disliked her almost immediately, but he didn't let that show as they talked.

In the end he was able to get a few hundred gold for the items and another few hundred for the Guild, since they were why Maven was even getting the items in the first place, and once the transaction was complete the steel armored bodyguard she had brought with her hauled it off as she headed off to do something else, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief once she was gone.

"I have to admit lad, that was impressive." Brynjolf commented, as most people either backed down or paled when Maven talked to them, afraid of what she might do to them if they failed to do whatever she told them, but Capper had managed to keep his cool and made sure both parties got some coin for their effort, about two hundred for the Guild and three hundred for the clan, "We could use someone like you in our outfit... tell you what, if you ever feel like leaving the bandit clan that you are attached to, come find me and I'll convince Mercer that we would only benefit from making you a member."

"I'll consider it." Capper replied, because there was no harm in keeping a door like this open, since there was no telling what the future held, especially in a world like this, and he could tell that Brynjolf understood, even though he clearly wanted to induct the group into the Guild, just to give them some individuals that might be able to undo their misfortunes, though once the gold was counted he slipped the pouch into his bag, "For now, it was a pleasure to do business with you. We'll be back in a few days with the rest of our haul from the nobles."

"And we'll be waiting. If that haul was that good, enough to make Maven undercut us like that, I can only imagine what the rest of it might bring us." Tonilia remarked, as wealth was the only thing she really cared about and she knew that the items she was buying would fetch them a high price once she sold them, so it only made her that much more eager to see what else the group might have stolen from the nobles.

Capper agreed with her, it would be interesting to see how much they could get for the rest of the items that were back at the fort, though for the time being he wished the thieves well as he and his companions returned to their wagon, as it was time to head back home. The guards said nothing as the group rejoined Azure and started to leave the city, though he could tell that no one was very happy about their visit to Riften this time around and figured it was best if he didn't ask about it, as it would likely only make things worse for them. Capper decided to turn his attention away from Maven as he glanced out at the surrounding area, like the manor or estate that had been built in the center of the lake, on a number of close pieces of land since they were connected by bridges, causing him to wonder if Maven owned it or not. The meeting with such a figure had told him much more about the state of affairs in Riften than he was expecting to discover, and just how low the Thieves Guild had sunk if Maven was cheating them out of their gold, causing him to think about the bigger picture and what it might mean for them.

He had been hoping to go without meeting someone who reminded him of Verko, but he guessed such a thing was simply impossible once he thought about it, meaning that if they did join the Guild in the future they might cross paths with her in some manner, something he decided not to worry about for the time being.

"Just so we're clear, it would have been nice to have some warning about Maven's existence." Midnight remarked, keeping her voice low so that only the rest of the group could hear her, since she didn't know if any of the guards were in Maven's pockets and didn't want to give her anymore reason to hunt them down.

"Honestly, I was hoping to avoid drawing her attention... had I known we had caught her eye, well, I would have spoken up on the way to the city." La'nari replied, as she knew it was her fault that they could have walked right into a situation that would have ended with them being thrown in jail, since none of the others knew about Maven before meeting her, but she was impressed with Capper's resolve and unflinching nature, "What's done is done. We can only move forward and hope that our leaders aren't too annoyed with us for failing to secure more gold for the clan."

Capper said nothing to that as he continued down the path that was in front of them, eventually bringing them back to the entrance of their fort, because there were no enemies on the road in question for him and the others to worry about, due to taking out a rival clan and apparently scaring off the more dangerous animals. What they discovered when they returned to the fort, however, was that there was a new group standing outside the main gate, at least ten by his count, and the majority of them seemed to be outfitted in the same attire that some of their clan mates were currently wearing. Two of them were wearing better armor, normal steel to be exact, and seemed to be the ones in charge of the others, though at the same time it was easy for them to see that Brurid and Bek-Kajin were talking to them, the former smiling as the latter studied those that were outside their base. In the following moments the group noticed something interesting, some of the other bandits had small crates of items that seemed to be offerings that they made to the leaders of the clan, similar to what Capper and his friends had done when La'nari encountered them.

"It would seem that word of our war against a rival clan, and our victory, has reached some of the lesser groups that also call this Hold home." Midnight commented, as it seemed like they were gaining quite the reputation, or at least their clan was based on what they were seeing, so it made sense that the lesser clans were hoping to be taken in by the victor so they could all prosper together, instead of the lesser clans being wiped out, "They're also presenting offerings to our leaders, no doubt hoping that they'll accept them into the clan... but if this continues we won't have enough room for everyone."

"Then it's a good thing we took out a rival clan... maybe we can convince our leaders to expand and take over the other fort, thus expanding our territory?" Rarity remarked, though it would mean that moving everything out of Faldar's Tooth would have been for nothing, if they just took it over and moved some of their forces into that location, but she was sure that both of their leaders had a plan in mind for all of the newcomers that might be coming their way.

La'nari said nothing to that as they finally brought their wagon to a stop, where she looked at the items that were currently being offered to their leaders, as some of the bandits had lackluster items, stuff they had acquired from Faldar's Tooth to be exact, but a few had items of worth. Those ones happened to have some good pieces of jewelry and one even had a sword that was enchanted, which he was willing to offer to the leaders, and she was surprised to find that one even had a crate of Black-Briar Mead to offer to the whole clan. That offering made her nervous, because if Maven realized that part of one of her shipments had been stolen there was a good chance she could rain destruction down on those responsible, which could be what the bandit making the offering was aiming for, but without evidence there wasn't much she could do on this matter, only hope she was wrong. Capper, on the other hand, briefly pulled Bek-Kajin aside and explained the low amount of coins that had been brought back from Riften, where the argonian sighed and pinched the bridge between his eyes, showing him that they might have had experiences with Maven in the past and always lost out in the end, but decided to leave the coins in their possession.

Capper nodded and rejoined the others, who would be happy that they got something out of their efforts, though he agreed with La'nari, there was something about the newcomers that he didn't trust, causing him to prioritize the creation of his vault while waiting to see what the future held in store for them, and hoping that they were simply imagining things.

Clan: Practice and Unusual Items

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As night fell on Treva's Watch, and the new clan members settled into the various rooms and positions assigned to them, because some were joining the night watch to keep the fort safe, Capper returned to the tower he had used previously, as it was private and he would remain undisturbed for some time. Once he was sure that he was alone Capper withdrew the Key and channeled it's power once more, allowing him to open the portal to the vault he had created and stepped through it, entering the area that was just a crystalline floor in the vastness of space. With the Key in hand he closed the portal and just looked around for a few moments, as he knew this wasn't much of a 'vault' since it was just the floor, and a pillar with an odd crystal floating above it, as there were walls and a ceiling that were needed to make the area complete. In addition to that he guessed he would need to move the portal itself, because warping directly into this place seemed a little awkward, so he was thinking of warding off the entire vault from anyone who might think to do such a thing.

His reasoning was due to the existence of the 'Daedric Princes', godly beings who saw mortals as toys and tools for their various schemes, and who ruled from the various Realms of Oblivion, of which he was building his vault in, so while there was a chance they might not be interested in this place he wasn't taking any chances. Fortunately the Key was the best item for him to do what he wanted, since it unlocked the knowledge that was in his mind and allowed him to understand the topic he was interested in, hence why he raised his other hand and made a rising motion at the edge of the vault. Such a thing caused a stone wall to start to rise before his very eyes, leading to him to nervously chuckle, as he never imagined that he would be able to do such a thing, simply creating from nothing or creating from the space that was around this area. The stony nature of the vault's walls really didn't seem very impressive, so he took inspiration from the floor and made both the walls and the new ceiling that he added out of the same material that was below his paws.

As Capper worked he pulled out the gem pouch he had filled back in their home world and had a strange idea as he tossed all of the gems into the air, catching them in certain positions around the vault and utilized the power of the Key to turn all of them into thick pillars that connected the floor and ceiling.

"I've got to admit, this place is coming together well." Capper commented, though he also noticed that he added a number of golden runes onto the crystalline walls, no doubt to keep the area safe from those who might try to warp into this area, a fact that caused him to chuckle again as he looked around his private vault, "I can't believe I'm even going this... Twilight and the other Princesses would have a fit if they saw me doing this."

With the current vault to his liking, since he might make alterations later on, Capper turned around and faced the wall that was behind where he started, finding an ebony ring around the center that he could step through, like it was transparent or turned into a liquid that he could easily pass through before turning solid once he was outside the vault. Once he was done with that he thought about what he wanted to do and the power he was relying on moved the portal to the exterior of the vault, though he also found that there was ground outside the structure, smooth stone for him to stand on. Such a thing meant he could stare out at the vastness of Oblivion, where he was sure there were actual spheres that represented one of the major realms, the domains of the Princes, and yet it looked like no one had noticed what he was doing, which was good news for him. He didn't want to bother them with his presence and it looked like they really couldn't be bothered to see what was going on in the vastness of Oblivion, where he turned the Key over again before opening a portal back to where he had been before heading into the vault.

As he did that Capper found that no time had passed since his departure, or at least it didn't seem that way to him, causing him to close the portal and head back down to their portion of the large fort, finding that the others were getting ready for bed, causing him to do the same.

When early morning arrived, however, Capper found that Rarity was the first one awake and noticed that something was off about her, her eyes were now blood red and there was a small pair of fangs in her mouth, though other than that it didn't seem like there was anything different about her. In fact she was glancing at herself like she was expecting more changes than what she had seen so far, but seemed confused as to what to do with what had happened to her body, something they would have to deal with, in addition to everything else they had discovered so far. Of course this did mean that the figure that had attacked her had infected her in some manner, meaning her neck must have been bitten or there was a secondary power they had all missed when Rarity fought her foe, something they might have to ask La'nari about later. There was also the fact that none of the others were awake, meaning Rarity would have to tell them what had happened as well, but for the time being she seemed fine and in control of herself, though Capper had to rethink his assessment as he spotted La'nari standing against a wall.

"It would seem that you turned. You're a vampire now, but... you're taking it a lot better than most people." La'nari said, as that fact surprised her, the figure that had been infected, without telling anyone about the illness that lead to this sudden transformation, was far too calm for her liking, but at least it meant they didn't have a raging monster to kill.

"Darling, remind me to tell you about the town I called home... this is nothing compared to what happened there weekly." Rarity replied, which was the truth, every bit of madness and magical mishap that she and her friends had experienced in Ponyville was far more than her simply changing eye color, growing a pair of fangs, and having a strange craving that just reminded her of when they turned Fluttershy into 'Flutterbat', "Just promise me you'll tell me what you know of this strange condition, so I don't do something stupid."

La'nari nodded and said she would do so later, on their way to Riften, because there was something else they needed to do, which was actual training in the art of being thieves and she had a way for her, Midnight, and Capper to get some training in the art, so they could be of better use to the clan in the future. This interested Capper more than he wanted to admit, as he and the others would be able to see how an actual thief in this world went about her job, or her previous job since she had quit after seeing her Guild fall into disarray, and while she didn't seem to care about this he could tell that part of her was likely pleased to practice her skills once more. Azure and Midnight, waking up when they heard her talking, were able to see Rarity's changes with ease, though since she was going to be told everything on the way to Riften the pair listened to what they were going to be doing today, the former not caring while the latter was excited. The more interesting aspect was that none of their clan mates overly cared about Rarity's changes, rather they seemed overjoyed to have a vampire in their ranks, as if that meant their fighting power had suddenly gone up despite her power remaining the same.

Capper had to smile at the scene in front of him, as the people who had been here at the start were overjoyed to see such an improvement in their lives and were simply enjoying themselves to the fullest, and even the bandits that had joined the clan after the Faldar Clan had been terminated were happy to have been accepted with little questions.

Once breakfast was over Capper and the others climbed onto the wagon and headed back to Riften once more, which was when La'nari explained vampirism to Rarity, since that was the most important thing for her right now, or at least what she knew on the subject, since she didn't know everything, but she was happy to see that Rarity was just fine and that she wasn't freaking out about the sun. Capper listened while directing the horses towards the city, where he and the others found that vampires survived by drinking blood, plus there was the fact that the creatures in question had far superior magical powers to some mortals, which was one of the reasons that people wanted to become vampires, not to mention having a longer life than before. After explaining what she knew about vampires, which was a fair deal, La'nari also told them about what she wanted to do in Riften, there were times where the guards would be tasked by Maven to act as targets for thieves, practice dummies in a sense so she could see who had potential and who was trash. Naturally this meant they needed a way to identify themselves from the guards who weren't part of the training, usually a scarf or something, but it changed all the time and she had no idea what it might be this time.

Capper found that to be very interesting, as it meant that he, Rarity, and Midnight would have to keep an eye out while they were in Riften, though as he glanced out at the rest of the path that was in front of them he found that they were able to get to the city without anything delaying them for once.

When they reached the city it was easy to find that the merchants were still out and the guards were keeping an eye out for potential thieves, while at the same time Capper noticed Maven sitting on her balcony, allowing her to glance out at the rest of the city while she sipped on something. It was hard to tell if she was waiting for the show to start, to see if there were any thieves out there that were worth keeping an eye on, or if the lady had no desire to watch and it was a simple coincidence that she was out here, along with a thief that looked like Brynjolf standing nearby. As he looked around he instantly noticed something on a couple of the guards, there was a black band of sorts right below the left arm portion of chainmail, which had to be what they were looking for and he quietly pointed it out to La'nari, who tilted her head slightly and made no move to let anyone else know that he was right. Of course she was hiding her surprise that he had found out the key so quickly, from just observing the area and the people, and it made her wonder what else Capper might have to show them further down the line, as his skills seemed to be far above both Rarity and Midnight's skills.

In addition to the guards there were a few other shady individuals who seemed out of place, some male, some female, and all of them of different races, most of them wearing leather attire that made them look like bandits, while the remaining few were dressed as beggars and citizens.

"There are thieves from all over Skyrim, itching to get in on the action." Capper commented, as that was the only reason for what they were seeing right now, something that caused La'nari to nod her head as she looked at them as well, though he suspected that one or two of them might be more skilled than the others, "Rarity, Midnight, I would observe them first so you know what not to do."

It wasn't that he didn't think the other thieves were skilled, rather he knew that observing and learning from the failures of others, or even successes, would be the key for the pair mastering their abilities, or learning new skills in Rarity's case, and it wasn't long before some of the other thieves started to move. Capper found that some of them weren't very good instantly, as the thieves in question started to sneak around the market area and the walkways that were around it, following some of the guards, though each one was stopped before they could even do anything. Such a thing just confirmed that either these people were those who didn't have talent or there actually was some sort of curse on the Guild that was affecting people who weren't even members, where he considered the latter to be odd given everything he had learned so far. One khajiit had a little more luck than the others as he was ignored by the guards, meaning they didn't even notice him lurking around the area, though when he attempted to pick one of their pockets he was found out instantly and surrendered as the guard knocked him to the ground, ending in him being taken to jail.

Capper found that this was definitely a sort of bloodbath, the rookie thieves were being wiped out before most of them had a chance to even get close to the guards, causing them to either sit back and watch or just give up entirely, and Rarity gave up instantly, because she sincerely doubted that she'd do any better with her current skill set.

Midnight, on the other hand, definitely had more skill than most of the other rookies, as most of the guards didn't detect her as she got close to them, allowing her to actually see what sort of items they had on them, something that caused the rest of the rookies to watch her closely, just like Rarity did. For the most part it didn't look like she was taking anything from the few guards that had the special marking, rather she took a coin here and there when she thought she could get away with it, a fact that caused La'nari to nod her head, showing that this was a good test of her skills. Capper, however, didn't wander out and start his practice immediately, like some of the others did, rather he wandered around the market area for a time, just getting the lay of the land and the patrols that all of the guards were using, both the test ones and those that weren't part of the test. While he did that he decided to stop at what appeared to be the blacksmith and noticed something that caught his attention, what appeared to be a pair of rocks that were, in fact, pieces of ore that seemed different from what they had seen back in their fort.

"What are those?" Capper asked, directing the nord blacksmith's attention to the pair for a moment, as one seemed to be a crystallized drop of amber and one seemed to be darker with yellow lines on it, like the item itself was mad in some manner, and while he knew he needed to focus on the guards he was still interested in the items the smith had.

"One is amber ore, and the other is madness ore... some traveler sold them to me, but I've been unable to shape them into weapons or armor." the smith replied, sounding annoyed by the fact that he was unable to do anything with the materials that had been brought to him, since that meant they were a waste of gold on his part, causing the man to sigh as an idea came to mind, "Tell you what, I'll sell them for ten gold apiece, if you're interested in them."

"Maybe later." Capper said, where he had to wonder where the materials had come from and why they were in possession of a smith that had no knowledge in turning them into something else, before he turned to the market and found that most of the rookie thieves were starting to call it quits already, "Well then, I guess it's time for me to get to work."

La'nari's eyes widened as she, Rarity, and Midnight watched Capper work his magic, as none of the guards seemed to notice him approach them, either they were preoccupied or they really had no idea he was sneaking around the area, and when he left the area that a guard was in that individual noticed that their coin pouch had gone missing. He even greeted some of the guards and struck up a conversation with them, asking about Riften itself and the surrounding area, as he pulled out a map and let his targets point things out to him, thus allowing him to walk off with more information and more gold than before, an interesting tactic in her eyes. The most amusing fact was that none of the guards seemed to realize that the person who stole from them was Capper, rather he seemed to be acting like he had nothing to do with the thefts and continued about his day like nothing was wrong, convincing the guards that he wasn't worth worrying about as they focused on the other thieves in the area, keeping a closer eye on them in the process. It was as if Lady Luck herself had blessed Capper, given how he was able to steal from every guard with a black band before they even realized what was going on, making her wonder if he held the key to saving the Guild before it completely collapsed.

Capper, however, stopped below the balcony as he stretched, making it look like he was on his way to a job or something and was preparing for a busy day, all while his ears perked as he heard Maven talking, which meant he would be able to get a few bits of information out of her before they left Riften, without having to pay for it anyway.

"Brynjolf, why haven't you recruited that thief into your ranks?" Maven inquired, because out of everyone that was present right now she was only interested in the khajiit that had realized how important she was, which had made her interested in him, though after getting a glimpse of the market area, and how the guards reacted to their gold being stolen, she realized that there was a new gem in the city, one that had to be in her possession at all costs.

"Because he's part of Brurid and Bek-Kajin's clan, and you know they'd be cross with us if we took their members." Brynjolf replied, which was the truth, the bandits at Treva's Watch were fiercely loyal to their leaders and the leaders were the sort that were better off not crossing, like how Maven was someone that no on wanted to cross, and right now he didn't want to invite disaster into Riften, since he knew the figures would invade to get their people back, "Trust me, if they were free to do whatever they wanted, I would offer Capper a position in the Guild without wasting him... skills like his are hard to come by these days."

"He is a polished gem, hidden in a pile of garbage... maybe I'll hire him for a job in the future." Maven remarked, which was news to Capper, that she was that interested in his skills, though since it seemed like this was all they were going to say for the time being he removed himself and headed back out into the city.

While he did that, however, he and the others noticed that there was a well dressed figure walking out into the market with a group of guards and someone who seemed to be a bodyguard, no doubt the Jarl as he considered things, which meant that the keep that was her domain was likely absent of guards. Such a thing caused him to mentally add another mark that would set him apart from the rest of the rookies, he entered the keep and found that while it did have a large fire pit in the center of the main chamber, with three long tables around it, there seemed to be no one around. With that in mind he walked over to the back of the room and found that the hallway was vacant as well, allowing him to head to the right and found a room that seemed to be the Steward's, before he found a few items of value to pocket, as in a few gems and a silver amulet with two expensive jeweled necklaces. Of course the jewelry were behind a locked container, but it was nothing before the might of the Key and his experience, allowing him to unlock it without delay and swipe the loot before closing the lid, making it look like no one had been in here for some time.

After that he headed up the stairs and found that it brought him to another door, leading to the second floor that had three new bedrooms, two that were smaller than the third that held his attention, since it had some of the more expensive items, even an elven greatsword on a plague, before he noticed a glowing red gem in a gold container off to the side.

"Another strange item... must be expensive, if it's in the Jarl's residence." Capper quietly remarked, where he swiped the gem and it's container without delay, along with a few nearby books that seemed to speak on the skills of a thief, more material for him to share with the rest of the group, where he grabbed the handle of the greatsword and slipped it into his bag, as it seemed like a good upgrade for Azure.

Once he was done checking out the Jarl's residence, and had collected a few coin pouches in addition to the rest of the items he had collected, Capper departed from the keep, walking like a gentleman that was out for a stroll, and once he was back on the outside he found that the guards were talking to some of the rookies, meaning they must have failed.

"Maven's going to be annoyed by all of these failures... but I wouldn't be surprised if she approaches you with some work in the near future, Capper." La'nari commented, which was the truth, he had stood out a little too much, to those that could see him while he was out in the market area to be exact, and it was likely that the most powerful person in Riften might seek him out for a job after this day was over, he was just that skilled, plus that wasn't even counting his visit to the keep, "Though don't be surprised if Brynjolf tries to invite you into the Guild again... after that display, he'd be foolish to let someone like you go, meaning he'll have to talk to our leaders to convince them that you're worth letting go so he can recruit you."

"Darling, considering how our leaders are, I don't think that'll be possible." Rarity remarked, as Brurid and Bek-Kajin seemed to like having Capper around, especially since it made things easier for them and their forces when it came to opening all of the chests and locked doors they were finding recently, another skill she would have to learn at some point.

La'nari nodded her agreement, she really doubted that their leaders would willingly allow Capper to be taken from them, especially after having proved himself to them since she brought the group to their fort, meaning the only ways Maven could get to him were to either hire him for a job or wait until someone destroyed their clan. It was known to happen, that either the Imperials or the Stormcloaks would wipe out a fort and secure it so they could have more control over an area that their forces were allied with, so there was a chance that the latter might come for them in the future. With their clan she doubted that such a thing would come to pass, they were well put together and well prepared for whatever forces might come to do them harm, but it didn't stop her from thinking of such a thing when she thought about the other clans that had fallen in the past. After thinking about that La'nari made sure to quickly purchase a few more things for the clan before they departed from the city once more, so they could regroup with the clan and see what their leaders wanted to do next, especially with all of the new recruits that had joined them recently.

As they departed from the city, however, Capper noticed the same phantom figure that no one else seemed to notice, but this time around he discovered that there was a crystalline greatsword, or the image of one, floating near her, like she was trying to tell him something.

You must... recover the Sword. the figure stated, where he was able to confirm that none of the others had noticed what he was seeing right now, since no one was reacting to the vision, meaning this was for his eyes only, and, just like the last time this happened, the images started to fade away like it was made of mist, Go to Solitude... claim the Sword before...

Capper really had no idea what was going on, and he hesitated to claim that it was a side effect of using the Key, but he had a feeling that finding the crystalline sword was a good step to figuring things out and seeing what the future held for him, his companions, and the clan, causing him to look forward to whatever the next few days held in store for them.

Clan: A New Job

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After returning to the fort, and seeing that everyone was still hard at work training or making their base even better than it had been previously, it was easy to see how the newcomers were integrating themselves into everything, making sure they were useful to Brurid and Bek-Kajin, just like everyone else. Some of their fellows were interested in hearing about what happened in Riften, even though they knew that Rarity would require more training to be able to fit in with being a thief, all while Midnight would have done well and one even knew that Capper was a prodigy in the making. Capper had to chuckle as he confirmed their thoughts, even though La'nari told their clan mates how he had stood out, doing far more than the rest of the novices combined, meaning there was a chance that he might be approached by Brynjolf again in the future. She knew that the Thieves Guild was in desperate need of good thieves that could turn their luck around and he had shown that his skills were beyond what anyone might have been expecting from that event, meaning they would be fools to ignore someone with his potential.

"There's also the chance that Maven might seek you out, if she saw your skills while we were in the city." La'nari added, a fact that told the group how things were likely going to change for them now that they knew people had seen Capper's skills for themselves, all while she brought her hand to her head for a few moments as she thought about all of this, "Listen, if Maven does show up, I'd recommend taking whatever job she offers, as she pays well and might have even more tasks for you in the future... the few that have turned her down in the past ended up regretting it to the end of their days."

"Darling, do you really think such a classy person would come all the way out here to offer us a job?" Rarity inquired, as it seemed unlikely that Maven would bother with such a thing, instead it was likely that she would keep an eye out for them and speak to them the next time they were in Riften, which means she would be waiting since their next visit would likely be in the next few days.

"She's Maven Black-Briar. If she wanted to she could show up this afternoon and hire us for whatever job she wanted... such is her nature and outlook on life." La'nari answered, as literally everyone in Riften bowed to her whims, even her children did from time to time, despite the fact that one of them happened to be in jail on his mother's orders, which she had no real interest to learn about.

"La'nari's right, it's not worth turning down Maven... not when she could bring an army to annihilate use if we refused any jobs she offered us." Brurid added, as he had been listening to the conversation while everyone else went back to whatever they had been doing before the group returned from Riften, while his tone revealed that he had some dealings with Maven in the past and that it was better to take her jobs, "Plus her jobs tend to pay very well, and completing them within her very specific conditions tends to make her give more jobs to those that please her, so it is worth listening to her and accepting any jobs she sends your way."

Capper glanced at the others before all four of them nodded their heads, as it was basically do whatever Maven told them or risk their clan being destroyed, if she came by to hire him and his friends for a job anyway, something he would keep in mind for later, just in case they were ever approached by the lady. With that in mind he found some of the other members of their clan coming forward to ask about how he tackled pickpocketing in general, as some of them were thieves before coming out here to be bandits and they figured that asking him might help them master an ability they struggled with. It was quite the interesting way to round off their trip and Capper was more than willing to help the rest of the clan master their skills, in fact one bandit was willing to be the target he would be focusing on, allowing him to show off his skills while he noticed that all of his temporary students seemed to be taking notes. Of course there wasn't a lot of paper for them to do such a thing, rather they were observing his motions and how he managed to take the coin pouch out of his test subject's bag without even him noticing, despite the fact that he had agreed to help him with a demonstration for everyone else.

What he discovered, however, was that when he was done with his lesson the members of their clan that happened to be in front of him dropped a small bag of gold on the table that had been to Capper's left the entire time, where Bek-Kajin told all four of them, him and his friends, that when one gave lessons they were usually paid for it, so their clan mates made sure he was paid for his important lesson. This was news to Capper, Rarity, Midnight, and Azure, as La'nari hadn't said a word on it on their way to their new home, but he didn't hold it against her as he collected the pouches and started to count the gold that was inside each one, coming out to fifty coins per bag, and for ten observers that was five hundred coins total. It was a good haul, all things considered, and he was quick to store it away in his bag for the time being, even though he would be storing it in the vault in due time, just to make sure it was safe and sound. Rarity and the others considered such a thing as well, even though Rarity didn't have any skills to offer since making dresses seemed like an undesirable skill in this land, and the former guards seemed lost in thought about this matter.

As they got ready to head inside, however, one of the lookouts informed their leaders that someone was approaching their fort, causing the group to get up on the wall and discovered that it was none other than Maven herself, along with her guard and one other plate armored figure.

"Bandits of Treva's Watch, I seek the one known as 'Capper'. I have a job for him and his associates." Maven stated, which meant that she had been observing them and that he had caught her eye, just as their leaders and La'nari had told them about upon their return to the fort earlier, where Brurid and Bek-Kajin glanced at each other before allowing the main gate to be lowered.

In the next couple of seconds Maven walked into the fort and made her way up to the table that they were positioned near, though no one stopped her from taking the seat, a chair, that was near it, rather everyone seemed intimidated by the fact that she was among them and feared that speaking out of turn might cause her guards to kill them instantly.

"Lady Maven, I am Capper. What is this job that you have for me and my associates?" Capper inquired, as he knew that she was interested in him and his skills, and had seen the others several times while they were in Riften, especially when she just stole everything from one of their shipments, but he wanted to be more like a business person since she was coming to him with a job offer.

"I require you to take a shipment of my mead and deliver it to two locations: the inn in Helgen, who are preparing for the arrival of General Tullius and Elenwen, and the two inns of Whiterun." Maven replied, where her tone told him that she was going to walk out of here with them agreeing to her demands, as it was her way or those who defied her died, meaning he had to think about the specifics of what she wanted from them, before she produced a large sack of gold, "You will be given three thousand septims upon agreeing to the job, and there will be another three thousand upon your return... however, I will expect you to deliver to me the payments from the inns for my mead, otherwise I will deduct it from the final payment. In addition to that I need you to check in with someone while you're in Whiterun, an imperial named Mallus Maccius who will be in the Bannered Mare during his breaks and who should hand you a note for me... delivered it sealed and I might give you a little more money when the job is done."

Capper kept a straight face while everyone else had stunned looks on their faces, as six thousand for a perfect delivery was quite a lot of gold, even split between five individuals since they needed La'nari to help them get to their targets, though this did tell him that she was expecting to make quite a lot of gold from the three locations.

"Sounds like an interesting job. Do you require us to get moving immediately, or do we have to wait for the shipment to be made ready for transport?" Capper asked, where La'nari was honestly surprised by his words, as he was one of the very rare few people that seemed to talk to Maven without being intimidated by her, and it was easy to see that Maven was smiling, like she approved of someone having some backbone while respecting her power.

"I would prefer if you left immediately." Maven stated, where she gestured towards the road and they found that there were a few exhausted workers that were setting the mead crates down on the ground, who must have been carrying them for the entirety of the trip while the soldiers near them made sure they reached their destination without delay, "Succeed in this and I might have more jobs for you in the future... fail... well, you'll wish you hadn't failed when I'm done with you."

Capper nodded his head in agreement and Maven handed over the sack of gold, travel expenses in her mind no doubt, to which La'nari and the others got moving as he tended to the wagon, directing the horses out of the fort so they could cross the stone bridge once more. Once he was on the other side of the bridge the others helped the workers carefully load the crates into the back, which was definitely packed full of bottles of mead, while at the same time it was clear that the soldiers, Maven's own no doubt, were eying them like hawks. It was clear that they were here to uphold her orders to the letter, that if she told them to murder the clan they would do so without delay, but for the time being they seemed to be passive and did nothing as the last of the crates was loaded into the back. The moment that was done Capper and the others returned to their seats on the wagon and made sure there were no other instructions from Maven, who simply moved a hand like she was dismissing them, causing Capper to get them underway as their leaders wished them well.

While they moved down the road, heading back in the direction they had used to first arrive at Treva's Watch, Rarity kept an eye on everything that was behind them while La'nari focused on the road in front of them, before they sighed after putting some distance between them and their home fort.

"Now I really understand what you had said about her previously... I really got the feeling that she could have ended us with a single command if she wanted to." Rarity commented, as being around Maven made her nervous, because the lady really had the power to install fear and respect into everyone that was around her, even hardened and seasoned bandits that had struck fear into the area around their base of operations.

"She could have, if she wanted to... though to be honest, I wasn't sure if she was going to be offended by your lack of fear, but she seems to respect your skills." La'nari said, shifting the focus to Capper once more, as this just confirmed her earlier comment about the khajiit showing off too much of his skills while they were in Riften earlier, the powerful lady wanted to put his skills to use, and no doubt this was just a test run of sorts, to see if he was trustworthy or not.

"Still, she has her own force to deliver her mead to those who are buying it... why call upon bandits for this?" Azure asked, as that part didn't make sense, because Maven likely had her own people who did this and it made him wonder if they were being set up, like she wanted them gone for a long time or something, "You don't think she's going to exterminate the clan to get Capper to join the Thieves Guild, so she can use his skills however she sees fit?"

"That might be too extreme, especially since having a bandit clan in her pocket might be useful." Midnight said, because she suspected that Maven could use them to hinder the transport of mead from any competitors that were scattered across the whole of Skyrim, or whatever businesses she wanted to put herself at the head of, but at the same time she couldn't fault Azure for thinking that, as she had considered it as well.

Capper wasn't sure which was the right option, if he was being honest after considering the information they had, so for the time being he focused on traveling to their first destination, Helgen, which seemed to be where those nobles had been on their way to before he and the others stole their wagon. With that in mind there was a chance that they would still be there, so they might recognize their wagon despite none of their stuff being on it, but he knew it was a risk that needed to be taken since the other path to Whiterun was down a mountain path, much more dangerous than what La'nari had planned. This was why he was grateful for her sudden arrival when they first stole the wagon, because her familiarity with Skyrim's vast landscape, no doubt thanks to her time as a member of the Thieves Guild, was saving them a lot of time and effort, which also meant that she knew the quickest routes to take. He also considered themselves fortunate that they had come this way not that long ago, as it meant that they wouldn't have to stop for anything or anyone, though he knew that they would have to buy some food in Helgen, since Maven insisted they leave without any real preparations, meaning she really didn't intend for them to make off with all the gold she was giving them.

His thoughts were interrupted a few minutes later as they found a group of bandits, wearing an odd assembly of leather and fur armor, blocking the way forward, though unlike their clan these ones seemed like they were done on their luck and had no real skills in being bandits, causing him to bring the wagon to a stop.

"If you want to use this road, you'll have to pay us a toll... and hand over your loot as well." one of the bandits, who had to be the leader, stated, showing them that he believed that he and his three allies had the advantage over the five people that were on the wagon they were trying to rob, thought the reality was that this was four on four, unless Rarity was good to go after her last couple of lessons.

"Sorry, this is the property of Maven Black-Briar, so move it or pay with your lives." Capper stated, though when he found that none of the bandits seemed intimidated by that statement, which might be since they were dressed like the guards that were seen around Maven whenever she was wandering outside the city, causing him to sigh as he nodded to the others, as it seemed like they would have to kill some people to continue moving.

Azure stepped forward and drew his greatsword, the elven one that Capper had given him since it seemed better than the old one he had been using, where he swung it and slashed through one of the fur armored bandits before he even drew his weapon, much to the surprise of his fellows. La'nari took advantage of their surprise by loosing an arrow into the shoulder of a second bandit, knocking him backwards for a moment, causing the other two to move once they realized that this might have been a bad idea, one that couldn't be stopped now that the assault had been started. The third one rushed at them from the side and Midnight blocked her incoming attack, as she had been training off and on in the fort and it appeared that her training had paid off, only to flip over the bandit's head and stab her in the back. Capper found that the fourth one just ignored him and went right after Rarity, though this time around she seemed more ready to fight back as she slashed at him and grazed the side of his arm, drawing blood in the process, something that seemed to make Rarity stall for a moment.

In the next instant something seemed to wash over her as she leapt onto the bandit, knocking him to the ground, before she bit into his neck and started to drink his blood before their eyes, causing her target to shrivel up, like she was greedily taking every drop he had, and when she was finally done Rarity let go of the corpse with a satisfied look on her face.

"Rarity... are you feeling alright?" La'nari asked, because while this was technically the pony's first feeding as a vampire, she was still coming to terms with how fast she had turned and the fact that she seemed just fine in the sunlight, this wasn't what she was expecting from their changed friend, as she had never heard of a vampire drinking all of the blood that was in their target in one go like this, hence her worry for their friend.

"I've never felt better darling. In fact, I feel better than before." Rarity replied, where she had to wonder if maybe she was a unique type of vampire that grew stronger the more she fed, as in the more blood she drank the more power she got, even though she had no desire to actually test and see if her thoughts were right, as she knew she needed control now that she was actually drawn to blood, before she noticed the state the bandit was left in, "Oh my, did I do that?"

"Yeah... it's not a pretty sight." Azure commented, though at the same time he followed La'nari's instructions and moved the shriveled corpse off to the side of the road before Capper looted the stuff that the bandit had, since they could have a few useful items in their possession, but once he was done La'nari loosed a bit of fire from her right hand and set the corpse on fire, "Um, why are we doing this?"

"To make sure he doesn't come back as a vampire." La'nari answered, though she was unsure if that was true or not since this was the first time she had seen someone like Rarity drain someone of all their blood, so it was hard to know if the bandit would have been revived in due time or if he would have remained dead, all while Capper finished looting the bandits of all their gold, arrows, and even a few lockpicks, useful items to have to help Rarity and Midnight train their new skills, "Those who are bitten, scratched, or even attacked by a vampire's drain attack have a chance to come down with the illness that turned you into a vampire... better that we make sure he doesn't come back as another threat to the people of this land."

"I... I see. I will have to be more careful in the future." Rarity said, as she had no idea the illness could be transferred like that, even though it made sense when she considered how she had been afflicted with it earlier, but now that she knew about the potential threat her feedings could cause she realized that all of her future feedings would have to be done carefully, all to avoid what La'nari was worried about.

Capper realized that Brurid's plan to get Rarity involved in the battle for Faldar's Tooth had done what the nord had wanted, as the constant spilling of blood, and all of the death she had been made to witness, had caused her to become used to how this world worked and how the people operated. This meant she was likely going to keep improving her skills so their leaders kept her around, even though he knew Bek-Kajin would let her stick around since having a person like her could open more doors for them in the future. At the same time he knew that Rarity's sudden change into a vampire might have caused part of her personality or morals to erode, to the point where she would willingly drain someone of all their blood like that, but for the most part it seemed like it had only benefited her in the end. There was also how she reacted to doing what she did, a sort of indifference that was unusual for her, because she didn't seem disturbed by her actions, and there was the fact that she claimed to be feeling even better than before, which only made him wonder what was happening to her and if they needed to be worried about her changes.

Once they were done with the bandits, and La'nari made sure to put out the flames so they didn't spread to the rest of the area, Capper got them underway once more as they continued along the path that would bring them back to where they had landed when they were brought to this world. It was kind of interesting that they were coming back this way, though Capper did have to wonder what sort of event would cause the leader of the Imperial Legion and the emissary of the Dominion to be in the same town, enough for the innkeeper to order some of Maven's mead ahead of their arrival. Something big was going to happen, that much he knew for sure, and while it would be interesting to stick around and see what that might be, to see what was happening to this land, he knew it would be in their best interests to be on their way before the pair arrived for their event. The only reason he considered such a thing was because Skyrim was in the middle of a war and this could very well be them discussing the potential execution of prisoners that might be passing through the area, which he and the rest of the group really didn't need to see, hence why his focus was on getting them to Helgen and then out with Maven's gold for the mead they were transporting.

Despite all of this, however, Capper found himself smiling as he looked at the road that was in front of him, as Skyrim was a land of opportunity and so far he was enjoying every moment of their stay in this land, a fact that only made him wonder what the future held for him, his friends, and their clan.

Clan: Helgen Business

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Capper and the others discovered that there didn't appear to be too much in the way of obstacles for them to worry about as they traveled to Helgen, save for a few wild animals every now and then, mostly wolves and a bear, though the latter did remain near it's lair and didn't chase after them. Such a thing allowed each of them to just relax and think about their job, or whatever they wanted to think about while they made their way to Helgen, the first destination that Maven wanted them to deliver her mead to, where La'nari was positive that they would arrive by noon at the earliest, if they were lucky. She told Capper that the route they were taking was definitely the shortest one possible, as traveling from Riften to Whiterun usually took eight hours at the quick pace they were using right now, so by starting from their fort they should be able to get to the small town in three hours, maybe four at the most. This was good information to have, especially since he could set a pace that wouldn't exhaust the horse that was pulling the wagon, even though there was a lot of things they needed to find out, especially in regards to who was in Helgen.

Unfortunately La'nari wasn't much help in this regard, as it had been years since she was in a position where she knew far more than an average person did, but what she did know was that General Tullius was the one in charge of the Legion's forces in Skyrim, directing the war against the Stormcloak Rebellion. If she had to make a guess on how the other figure was, Elenwen as Capper reminded himself, it would be that she could be a member of the Thalmor, an Emissary if she was going to be with someone of importance to the Legion in Helgen. That, of course, caused them to wonder why two figures of such importance to the Empire were going to be in the same place at the same time, before realizing that it had something to do with the Stormcloaks, causing their khajiit friend to nod her head as Rarity commented on the topic. La'nari had thought about it and determined that Ulfric Stormcloak, the leader of the rebellion, had to be near Helgen and they might be moving to catch him, because if they caught and executed him the war would end, as the head of the snake would be gone and the other Jarls wouldn't have the courage to stand against the Empire anymore.

Suddenly the pieces of the puzzle clicked into place in Capper's mind, the pair knew that Ulfric might be riding somewhere near the town and wanted to ambush him before he escaped, and if that was the plan they could be executing him before the end of the day and celebrate by night's end.

"The war's about to end, that's what's happening... we're delivering some celebration mead before they even capture their target." Capper said, because he imagined that if Ulfric had been captured he would have been executed immediately, as in on the spot where he was caught, all to prevent a potential escape and the prolonging of the war, which was why he was of the opinion that they were trying to catch the nord in question, causing him to chuckle a little, "I'm not sure how Maven knew that the pair would be in Helgen, when Ulfric likely has no idea he's riding into a trap, but she's definitely more connected than I thought she'd be... she's pretty good."

"Considering what we're hauling, I think you might be right." La'nari replied, though she couldn't fault Capper for thinking such a thing, as she was thinking exactly what he was thinking right now, the Legion had to be getting ready to capture Ulfric and execute him before his forces had a chance to save him, it was the only logical explanation she could think of, "Of course the solders in Helgen and the guards of Whiterun might give us some trouble, most of us look like thieves, but we should be able to convince them that we're making a delivery if we mention Maven's name."

This was good information for them, further confirmation of what they had been told previously, though even then Capper had to wonder if there was something they were missing, as it felt like there was a piece of the puzzle none of them had noticed so far, even though Midnight and Azure were focused on the road and Rarity was focused on her new power. He was still surprised by how Rarity had drained the bandit earlier, not stopping until every drop had been extracted, but even he had to admit that she was far stronger than she had been before that encounter, just how Azure was growing as a warrior as they fought more enemies. Of course Midnight lacked a field to go into, since Capper was the thief of their group, but she seemed to have a way around that as they passed by an abandoned alchemist shack and she got off for a few moments, only to return with a bag full of herbs and other items, as she had dabbled in alchemy in the past and she might be able to make some interesting potions with what she had. In addition to that Midnight decided to walk with the wagon for a time, as there were some good herbs nearby that La'nari said could be used in the process, which she knew thanks to the couple of alchemists she had spoken to over the years, and Midnight wanted to make sure she had then in hand for later.

Such a thing did make him wonder if he should use the Skeleton Key again, unlock more of the power that was sealed away within him, though not all at once since that would ruin everything, meaning he would have to think about this more so he didn't make any hasty decisions.

As they continued up the path, however, Capper and La'nari discovered something interesting, there was a group of Legion soldiers ahead of them, at least ten by their count, who happened to be heading in the same direction that the wagon was currently heading in. One of the imperial soldiers was a captain, he was wearing steel armor while the others wore leather that was lighter and easier for them to maneuver in, while his troop seemed to be a mixed bag since Capper could see that there were individuals of all races among the group. None of the imperials seemed annoyed by their presence, rather they seemed fine with having some new people to talk to since they had been marching in silence for a time, plus their spirits were raised somewhat when La'nari told them that they were transporting mead to Helgen as a job for Maven. Of course both she and Capper noticed that they were in an unusually good mood and that caused them to ask about it, since ll five of them figured that having good mead was only part of the situation they were seeing right now.

"Didn't you hear the news? We've captured Ulfric Stormcloak... he just rode straight into our ambush." the captain said, a fact that caught the group by surprise, as they expected him to have been executed after being captured, though it sounded like the local General wanted him brought somewhere so he could be publicly killed, to send a message no doubt, "He and his escort are being taken to Helgen, where the Headsman is waiting for them and will start chopping once their last rites are given to them. According to what I've heard there are a few others with his group that will be executed: a horse thief from Rorikstead, an imperial that likes to dress in dark colors and apparently uses maces, and the secondary prize, a khajiit with an ashen fur color who is said to have lines upon lines of Daedric lettering etched into her very skin."

"Really? You guys caught a daedra worshiper?" La'nari inquired, as this was news to her, even though she was thrilled by the idea that Ulfric was going to no longer be of this world in the very near future, but the existence of an ashen khajiit was what she was focused on, as it was the first time she had heard such a thing.

"Aye, and she was carrying two daedric swords with her... those will likely be kept by the General, until he hands them out to more worthy wielders." the captain replied, though he couldn't fault the group for being amazed by this information, since he and the others were still surprised by that fact as well, but his troop was in high spirits and he could tell that the group didn't seem to be Stormcloak sympathizers, so there was no harm in telling them anything, "According to what I've heard the ashen khajiit was either trying to murder the imperial or she got caught stealing from the woman in question... either way, some of our fellow soldiers caught and arrested them. I'm hoping that when we get to Helgen we can speak with the pair... Captain Alena is known for being too dedicated to her job, and she's likely to start to start chopping before we even figure out if the pair are guilty of anything."

Capper remained silent as they learned that particular piece of information, because while he understood wanting to quickly execute a rebel leader, to end a war before more lives were lost, part of him had to wonder why they might be moving Ulfric to a whole new area before executing him. It was also odd that they might be executing two potentially innocent people, as it seemed like no one knew anything about the noble imperial, because she sounded like an important person, plus they had no information on the ashen khajiit, other than she had daedric lettering on her body and carried two daedric swords, which seemed to be code for the people of Skyrim for a 'problem child'. La'nari lowered her voice and told Capper that there were some daedra worshipers in the past that tried to bring about the end of the world, or so she heard from the stories, so there were all sorts of groups out there, hunting down those who worshiped the Daedric Princes, to prevent that from happening again. That meant if the khajiit really was a daedra worshiper, like she seemed to be, it was possible she was trying to get the attention of her chosen Prince or was on a quest for them, and if that was the case killing the khajiit could prevent anything from happening.

Such a thing caused Capper to shift his head slightly so he could glance back at the others, where he found that Rarity and the former guards were in agreement, it was rude to judge a book by it's cover, causing him to wonder if they might be able to find out something about the khajiit because they weren't linked to either side in the war, before focusing on the path that was in front of them.

Eventually they reached the end of the first portion of their journey, where the sun was high in the sky, likely noon based on what Capper knew of this world, and everyone got a good look at their destination, which appeared to be a small town that had stone walls around it, two stone towers, and a stone keep, in addition to a few wooden houses. This was Helgen, as the troops that had been walking beside them confirmed that this was where Maven wanted them to deliver part of the mead shipment to, apparently called 'Helgen Homestead' as one of the soldiers told them. As Capper suspected there were a good number of soldiers in the town, which made sense considering what would be happening in the near future, but fortunately the troop they were with convinced the guards that they were just transporters, allowing them to enter the town. While they did so he spotted two figures that were in the middle of an argument, a middle aged imperial man in special looking red and bronze armor, befitting his position as the Military Governor of Skyrim for the Legion, while the other was an elf that had to be a member of the Thalmor, due to her dark robe.

Part of him wanted to know what they were talking about, but figured it would be best if they got their job done before they were dragged into the execution, causing him to follow the captain that had been talking for most of the trip and found that he brought them to an inn, located near where the execution would soon be taking place.

"Vilod, you've got a shipment!" the captain said, speaking to someone that was inside the inn, as the door was open and one of the workers was sweeping outside, where Capper found that the person who came outside was a nord warrior, or more like a retired one since he was the innkeeper for the town.

"We have your mead shipment from Maven Black-Briar." Capper stated, causing Azure and Midnight to remove two of the crates that had been loaded into the wagon earlier, as Rarity had found a pouch attached to one that had a note on how much was to be delivered to all three of their destinations.

The nord seemed surprised that they made it in time, as he had been worried that they would arrive at the same time as the rest of the Legion's soldiers or even after them, but that didn't stop Vilod from paying for the mead and having his sweeper move some of it into the inn for later. Capper was handed a fairly large sack of gold, which was easily a few hundred based on his estimates, that he handed to Rarity without delay, who nodded and stashed it away in the smaller crate that Maven had one of her workers put on the wagon before they departed from the fort earlier. He did wait for a few more moments, to see if there was anything Vilod wanted to place a shipment for since it would get back to Maven faster, but since he had no desire to do such a thing Capper called for the others to get ready to leave, causing them to turn the wagon around so they could head to Whiterun. While they did so all five of them noticed that the soldiers were getting ready for the arrival of their prisoners, in fact when the wagon passed by the gate they had entered through it was easy to see two more wagons coming down another portion of the path, containing everyone that had been caught recently.

Again Capper felt like sticking around to see the prisoners, to see the khajiit that everyone thought was a danger to the rest of the world, but decided to focus on getting on with their job so they could get back to Maven with good news, where they found that the soldiers opened the other gate, the one leading to the north, and let them through without delay.

"I didn't think that the escort would be here so soon." La'nari commented, all while breathing a sigh of relief as they headed out into the wilds of Skyrim once more, because she really didn't want to be anywhere near the execution despite wanting Ulfric to pay for his crimes, especially not after hearing about the Captain in charge of Helgen, who they were able to avoid meeting during their visit.

"Yes, it is a surprise... but not entirely unexpected, given that Ulfric is the rebel leader." Capper said, though as they headed down the road that was in front of them, with La'nari telling him to head to the left at the next fork in the path since it was the easier path to use, especially since it would bring them to the Guardian Stones, where he sighed for a moment, "We can only hope that General Tullius does the right thing and executes Ulfric immediately, instead of forcing him to watch as his soldiers are slain one by one."

Capper had gotten used to how this world operated, it was somewhat similar to how he grew up, just with more blood and death than even he knew, but there were things even he knew should be the highest priority right now, regardless if the ashen khajiit was a daedra worshiper or not.

"Still, I don't trust that Thalmor agent... something about her screams that she was here for another reason." Rarity added, because she had observed the elf in question during their very short time in Helgen and she found that while she seemed to dress well, or as well as one could with that sort of clothing, there was something about her that made her worry that she was a threat to what was going to happen in the town.

"Fair. As long as nothing stupid happens, the war will be over in an instant." Azure said, where Midnight nodded her head as well, they knew that Ulfric's death would be good for everyone and shared Capper's hope that the General did the right thing when the time came, causing them to focus on the path that was in front of them once more.

Capper found that there didn't seem to be anything blocking the path again, as in it seemed to be smooth sailing, meaning they were able to reach the path La'nari had mentioned earlier, allowing them to head down the winding road that would bring them to the Guardian Stones. At the same time he noticed that the mountain that was to the north of them had what appeared to be a nordic ruin, similar to the one he and Midnight had raided after their first visit to Riften, which was when Rarity froze after seeing dead people and Azure went with her to aid in her mental recovery. La'nari stared at it for a time as they continued down the road, trying to remember what it was called, before recalling that it was called 'Bleak Falls Barrow', something the local town of Riverwood would likely have more information on if they wanted to learn more about it. One thing many people agreed on was that the old nordic ruins had vast riches stored away inside them, still unclaimed based on what some treasure hunters have said over the years, which caught Capper's attention as he wondered if the tales were even a tiny bit true.

Such a thing made him wonder what sort of riches might be inside the ruins, especially the dwarven ruins and falmer caves, since La'nari said there were three types of areas that treasure hunters raided, though she also said that the nordic ones were what people preferred, as the other two were incredibly dangerous.

As Capper thought about that he brought the wagon to a stop as they reached their destination, a stone platform off to the left side of the path that had three stone pillars, each with a different design on them, the leftmost being a thief, the middle being a mage, and the right being a warrior. La'nari told them that some people generally touched the stones to try and get some sort of power from them, like a boost to their natural abilities, causing the group to understand what she was talking about, they could get a passive blessing of a sort from the stones. Azure stepped forward without delay and placed a hand on the Warrior Stone, causing a red glow to appear on the pillar for a few seconds before transferring to his body and quickly disappearing entirely, while Midnight touched the Thief Stone, causing a shadowy green color to appear. Rarity looked at the trio of pillars for a moment before touching the middle one, the Mage Stone, because she wanted to learn more about the magical powers she might be able to unlock in the future, be it from drinking more blood and gaining power or from any lessons she might have in the future.

Of course those that knew Capper weren't surprised by him touching the Thief Stone, it was in his nature after all, though as he did so the sheen twisted and contorted into a golden color, like it was trying to represent something, before fading away, even though he was sure that it had worked like when the others touched the pillars.

"Wh... What was that?" La'nari asked, because based on what she knew none of the Standing Stones, the collective name for all thirteen of the stone pillars that dotted Skyrim's landscape, used a golden sheen like that, though before anyone could say anything else the air shuddered as they heard a roar, a dragon's based on what the Equestrians knew from the past.

Capper glanced at the highest peak that they had moved around to reach Helgen and spotted a large winged beast, that had scales as black as night and rather jagged looking, with piercing red eyes and grand horns, and even had grand wings and sharp looking talons, even though it had a pair of wings and two feet, a wyvern to be exact. The beast landed on top of one of Helgen's towers and loosed a roar that caused their jaws to drop, as the sky tore open and fireballs, or maybe meteors, fell out of the sky before crashing into everything that was in Helgen, before he loosed another roar that seemed to kick up a broken wagon into the air. In addition to that the beast was capable of breathing fire on everything, setting the town on fire without even missing a beat, like it was taking great pleasure in destroying whatever it wanted, and based on how it flew all over the place it looked like it was fighting the soldiers that were there. Capper took a moment to glance at the others for a moment and they nodded, while there was nothing they could do to assist the people, in fact none of them knew how to fight such a beast, they suspected that they might be able to help people escape from the terrifying figure.

As they climbed back onto the wagon, and started to head up the path again, the beast smashed it's head into the fort and just destroyed everything that was in front of it, or at least that seemed to be what it was doing from their current position, before it seemed to have enough fun and flew overhead, torching the area around the fort before flying over Bleak Falls Barrow and disappearing.

"Great. As if Skyrim didn't have enough problems... now there's a wyvern on the loose." Midnight remarked, though based on the look La'nari had on her face she guessed they were going to have to call the beast a dragon, even though it was more like a wyvern, causing her to sigh as she turned her focus towards Capper for a moment, "What should we do?"

As Capper considered their options, to try and help the people of Helgen or continue onto Whiterun, he was interrupted by an interesting sight, a trio of bandits that happened to be heading towards a cave they had missed, one that almost seemed like an escape route for Helgen. If that was true it meant that someone was looking to take advantage of the situation and loot the burning town for all it was worth, all while killing anyone who might have survived the initial attack and the inferno, something that annoyed most of the group as Rarity, Azure, and Midnight were the first ones to get moving. As Capper got the wagon closer, however, an imperial lady wearing dark gray clothing emerged from the very cave they were making their way to, carrying a mace that she used to smash the skulls of the bandits that were coming towards her. When Azure took a step towards her the lady rushed off into the wilderness, instead of sticking around to see if they were friendly or not, which was just weird when Capper thought about it, something that caused La'nari to check the dead bandits for loot.

When the others tried to head into the cave, however, they were stopped by an imperial soldier that was wearing the lesser armor of a Legion soldier, just leather, though he was panting and seemed out of breath, causing Capper to quickly get off the wagon and have Azure stand guard over it as he approached the figure.

"I... I need your help. Sharva... she was attacked by that lady..." the soldier started to say, though before he finished Capper cut him off and told him to take deep breaths, all while Rarity and Midnight headed into the cave to see what they could find, even though they promised to return quickly since they had no idea if the cavern would remain stable or collapse thanks to what the dragon did.

Fortunately it wasn't long before the pair returned from the cave, where Capper found that the information that the soldiers from earlier had told them was accurate, the female khajiit had an ashen fur color, entirely unheard of based on what La'nari had told them on the way here, and her attire, the tunic of a beggar since her stuff had been taken from her, was messed up badly. The soldier that had been with her stated that she had been in the middle of a fight with a bear, one the imperial lady had triggered, explaining why she looked so bad right now, and when she won the dark lady struck her in the side of the head, knocking Sharva down and causing him, Hadvar, to find assistance. While they talked, and Rarity started to pull out one of their healing potions, Capper noticed that the other piece of information was true as well, there were lines upon lines of daedric lettering running up and down Sharva's body, not to mention spanning the entirety of her arms, legs, hands, feet, head, ears, and even her tail. Something about this told him that she wasn't a daedra worshiper by choice, in fact he had to wonder if she had been forced to sign her life away to a Daedric Prince, in some form or another, and while she didn't regain consciousness after Rarity had her drink the healing potion, at least her breathing became normal.

"Capper... this is madness. She's a daedra worshiper." La'nari commented, speaking to Capper as he found a small clearing that belonged to the bandits that tried to enter the hidden cave, allowing them to move the wagon over and set Sharva down on a flat surface for the foreseeable future.

"I get what you mean, but tell me: would someone like that go out of their way to save people?" Capper asked, as Hadvar had mentioned that the ashen khajiit, despite being bound and chosen for execution ahead of Ulfric, had done her best to save as many people as she could, no doubt so they could escape with the General, before following Hadvar, where La'nari shook her head for a moment, "Honestly, from what I've heard, Sharva doesn't sound like a bad person, just... unlucky, that's all... I just want to talk with her before we do anything else."

La'nari sighed and told Capper he could do whatever he wanted, since he was the leader of the group based on how Rarity and the others seemed to let him make the decisions, causing him to wonder what sort of mess they might be getting into, all while making him look forward to what the future held in store for them and the rest of Skyrim.

Clan: Whiterun

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While they checked on Sharva, whose wounds they were able to mend thanks to the few minor healing potions that the bandits had been in possession of, Hadvar confirmed some of the information they had gleamed from the group of troops that had walked with them on their way to Helgen. Ulfric Stormcloak had been captured and brought to Helgen to have his head removed, to bring an end to the war, but that was where things got interesting right away, because while General Tullius wanted to do his job there was someone there who wanted to make his life miserable. Elenwen, as they discovered, hadn't traveled to Helgen to congratulate the General on a job well done, like everyone assumed after hearing that she was going to be meeting Tullius, rather she came to demand that Ulfric be released into her custody, as was her 'right' as the Emissary. Hadvar was sure that Elenwen was trying to stir up trouble, causing Capper to glance at the others and found that all of them agreed with his silent thought, the Emissary seemed more interested in prolonging the war than bringing it to an end, which explained why Tullius was so interested in offing Ulfric as soon as possible.

Hadvar also admitted that Captain Alena had broken some of the rules when they dotted down the names of each prisoner, ordering an archer to fire on the fleeing horse thief, Lokir he had been called, and even putting Sharva before Ulfric, but none of that mattered since Helgen was attacked by a dragon and Ulfric's group had escaped, meaning the war was back on and their one chance to end it was gone.

"I still can't believe what we saw... a dragon, one of the harbingers of the End Times." Hadvar finished, meaning the nords of Skyrim likely had all sorts of tales about the creatures and that one of those tales foretold the end of the world, in some way, which would be delivered by such a beast, "To be honest, I don't think we should be sticking around here, just in case that beast comes back to finish off any potential survivors."

"We'll be leaving soon, I just want to make sure Sharva's okay." Capper replied, as there wasn't enough room in the wagon for someone to be laying on the ground, not unless they wanted to be trampled by everyone else or get crushed by some of the mead containers, though before anyone else could say anything they heard a groan coming from the figure, causing him to support her as he noticed the khajiit starting to sit up, "Easy there, your companion told us what happened... you took quite a nasty blow to the head."

"Ugh... after finishing off a bear, no less." the khajiit commented, where it was easy for them to assume that she had barely won her battle before that imperial had struck her in the back of the head, especially when thinking about Hadvar's tale, plus they could tell that she wasn't like most of her kind, she spoke like a nord or imperial, which surprised La'nari despite having a similar upbringing, before she realized something important, "Xylia... where did that imperial vampire servant of Molag Bal run off to?"

"Easy, you are in no condition to be running off into the wilds." La'nari said, as she and Rarity stopped the khajjit from doing any additional damage to her body, though since she seemed to be fine, to a degree, they started to help her up and into the wagon, since it would allow her to rest some more before they reached Riverwood, "The imperial is gone. She fled as soon as she emerged from the cave, no doubt running from Hadvar... hold on, did you say she was a vampire and a worshiper of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal?!"

Sharva nodded, trying not to bring her more pain after everything she had been through, as she explained that she had been hunting Xylia for quite a while, partly due to the fact that she had witnessed her biting into someone's neck back in Cyrodiil, which she had informed the guards about before chasing her. The only reason was because after crossing into Skyrim she had witnessed the imperial reciting an offering incantation to her patron, sacrificing several souls of some slain soldiers to the realm of Coldharbour, no doubt in an attempt to gain more power for herself. Of course Xylia had caught her before she had a chance to kill her, and they had been caught by the Legion soldiers, something that caused her to groan as she came to realize that the hunt was going to have to start again, once she recovered again. While they were talking Hadvar quietly told Capper that it was time to move on, causing him to nod in agreement as they agreed to a brief journey to Riverwood, as it was on the way to Whiterun, though Hadvar was willing to hand over fifty gold coins for them to wait in the village for just a couple of minutes.

His reason was because they might need to send a message to Whiterun about the dragon and if the group was heading in that direction it was best to send it along with them, where Capper was willing to do so, especially since Hadvar was willing to pay for their aid, to which the soldier and Rarity helped Sharva into the back of the wagon before they resumed moving down the road. The khajiit, however, didn't seem in the mood to talk right now, as Midnight wanted to know if she served one of the other Princes, because she and the others had learned that the Princes of Oblivion really didn't like each other and a few did seem like they took great pleasure in killing the followers of another. Her reason for asking about that was due to the fact that people seemed to think that Sharva was a worshiper of a Prince, since it would add another reason to why she was 'hunting' Xylia, but the ashen khajiit really wasn't interested in talking. Hadvar even tried to ask about the markings, since he had never seen anything like them before, causing her to hiss at him when he tried to touch one on her arm, which caused Capper to briefly nod to the others, her past was definitely horrible and she really didn't want to open those wounds for total strangers.

Sharva did ask if they could stop by the Guardian Stones, as Hadvar had mentioned them and Bleak Falls Barrow while they moved down the path, and she touched the Warrior pillar that produced a fiery red, almost daedric, color that caused her to hiss at the stone before returning to the wagon, slightly confirming that there was something in her past that she despised with every fiber of her being, enough to bring about this sort of reaction.

Interestingly enough the group found a few wolves on the road, though none of them seemed interested in fighting them after seeing how many people were on the wagon, which allowed them to reach a small village, Riverwood, where Hadvar told Capper that his stop was at the blacksmith. Of course his uncle was surprised to see him and the group, though before they drew the attention of the rest of the villagers Capper told him that they would be waiting outside the village, as in on the other side of the wall that was opposite of the one they had entered through. Hadvar nodded and made sure Sharva was well enough to come with him before entering his uncle's house, though as they did that Capper told the others to check out the inn and the nearby trader, since they might be able to sell a few of the items none of them needed while they waited for the pair to return. He made sure to hand over a good amount of gold to La'nari and the others, as none of them had eaten since breakfast and getting some food while they had a chance was a good thing, especially since they might have to take the longer route back to their base now that Helgen was gone.

While he waited for the others to return he did notice that the local blacksmith came outside for a few minutes and quickly worked on something, where it looked like he was using some of the items he had been working on to arm Sharva, only it seemed like he was redesigning the material to fit her better. When Sharva finally emerged from the house Capper found that she was wearing leather armor, designed to comfortably fit her body while covering most of her markings, though there was no covering her tail, so people might notice that during her travels. In addition to that her hood was different than what a normal leather helmet was, as it looked like the blacksmith had added a bit of a mask on the inside to help hide the marks on her face, and her missing swords had been replaced by a pair of steel swords. He knew that those weapons wouldn't be able to replace the missing daedric swords that the khajiit had, possibly treasures that had saved her life on more than one occasion, but he suspected that she would be able to fight and protect herself in the future.

Hadvar, true to what he said earlier, told Capper that he and his uncle agreed that if the dragons had returned it was very important that the Jarl be told immediately, which was why they were asking Sharva to deliver it for them, causing him to hand over a small bag of gold, payment for making sure the ashen khajiit reached her destination.

With the gold in hand, and the others helped Sharva onto the back of the wagon, Capper set off and continued down the path that was in front of them, departing from Riverwood without delay as he crossed the short stone bridge and headed down the road that was to their right. The reason for that was because the path on the left seemed to be heading to where Bleak Falls Barrow rested, though the briefly winding path they had to travel down was nothing when they laid eyes on their destination, which they could see through the trees. Whiterun was an imposing city, built on a massive hill with several layers of walls surrounding it, dividing the city into districts to make things easier for the people that called it home, and there were a number of houses outside Whiterun, no doubt farms to grow food for the people. In addition to that there appeared to be a meadery outside the city, which they would pass by, and a massive castle that looked like it was purely made out of wood, at least from afar, which Sharva mentioned was Dragonsreach, her destination since that was the home of the Jarl.

While they traveled, eventually turning left at another fork in the path while Capper made a note of the two stone bridges that were in this part of the hold, they might be important later, before they found what appeared to be a tall figure, wearing a loincloth of sorts, that was swinging a club around while fighting three figures. One was a male nord warrior that seemed to favor heavy armor and a greatsword, the second was a female imperial who had chosen lighter armor, scaled as Capper recalled, while favoring the sword and shield, and the third individual was a female nord who carried a bow into battle and wore what he assumed was ancient nordic armor, like she was honoring the past by wearing it. Either the giant was a little more than the warriors could handle or they were going easy on it, since it was clear that the imperial warrior seemed to be lacking in comparison to the other two, though such a foe seemed to stir Azure, Midnight, and even Sharva. The trio rushed at the figure as Capper brought the wagon close to the farm area that they were fighting in, allowing him, Rarity, and La'nari to watch as they joined the fight, Midnight using her leaner body and agility to move around and avoid the club as cutting into the giant's legs, while Azure blocked the second swing and cut it's chest a little.

The main show, as it turned out, was from Sharva herself as she jumped onto Azure's back and launched herself into the air, drawing both of her blades as she lashed out with them, taking the giant's head clean off like it was nothing to her, which only made Capper wonder about her past since this seemed more than what a common adventurer was capable of.

"The three of you handle yourselves well, no thanks to your friends... you could make for decent Shield-Sisters and a Shield-Brother." the archer said, though at the same time the giant collapsed with it's back on the ground, which everyone had been able to avoid without being crushed, and Sharva landed, swung her blades like she was getting the blood off of them, and then sheathed them behind her back quickly.

Capper wasn't too annoyed by her comment, as she likely thought that everyone who was armed like they were happened to be warriors, and Azure was curious about the titles the archer seemed to give them, where she told them that the three of them were Companions, members of an order of warriors that focused on honor and seemed to be mercenaries, since she said they 'only showed up if the coin was good enough'. He found that to be amusing, that the archer could speak of honor while having a focus on the potential coin that could be gained from doing jobs, but decided to say nothing as the group took a few minutes to haul the slain giant off the farmland. Once that was done the others returned to the wagon and they found that the three Companions were heading back into Whiterun, where their greatsword wielder claimed that they should come with and join the group of warriors, even if the archer was more interested in adding Sharva to the order, but Azure said he, at least, would think about it. In addition to meeting the Companions Capper discovered that there was a tent outside the stone gate that they were heading towards, khajiit merchants according to La'nari, who had to stay outside the cities since a lot of people didn't trust them, for a number of reasons.

While they approached the area the caravan had set up shop in, however, Capper overheard them mentioning that they had found trouble on the road and that they would have to make plans to avoid them, causing him to ask about the dangers he had discovered, ending in him receiving a note from the merchant.

"Hm... the Saints and Seducers... two bandit groups that have made a name for themselves, the former having golden gear and the latter having dark gear." Capper commented, speaking as he looked at the note, which told him that the camps that Ri'saad, the leader of the caravan, knew of were further along the road leading to Markarth, from Whiterun, which was for the Saints, while the Seducers were on the path leading to Windhelm, near Fort Kastav, "He'll pay us, or anyone for that matter, who can bring them down and make the roads safer for everyone.... sounds like their gear might be good as well, which we might be able to use."

"It will be dangerous. If they're robbing the caravans, and the armies aren't dealing with them, then that means they're likely worse than normal bandits." La'nari replied, to which she focused on the path that was in front of them as they made their way to the main gate of the city, because that was more important to her right now, especially since she wasn't sure that the two bandit clans were worth hunting down since they were so far from their clan.

As Capper nodded they found that the guards outside the main wooden gate were hesitant to admit anyone new into their city, since the pair were willing to allow the Companions inside, though when they were approached Capper informed them that they had a delivery for the inns of Whiterun, and Sharva had information about the recent dragon attack. Such a thing was more than enough to allow them access to the city, with instructions to take their information straight to the Jarl, where they found that there were more people walking about and that the first building on the right happened to be a smithy and a shop all in one. Fortunately one of the inns was right in front of them, off to the left in between a path that headed into the residential area of the city and the main path that seemed to head to the market, all while Rarity noticed there was a small house to their right, one that seemed pretty nice despite having a notice on the front that said it was vacant and for sale, for five thousand gold coins no less. Capper decided not to worry about that for the time being as La'nari got off and headed into the first inn, The Drunken Huntsman it was called, though it wasn't long before she returned with a wood elf who had to be the owner, causing Azure to carry some of the mead inside as the owner handed Capper a bag of gold.

When they reached their second destination, which was The Bannered Mare, Capper made sure that the rest of the group stayed with the wagon, while he and Azure headed inside with the rest of the mead, allowing him to find that the owner of this inn, a female nord in casual attire, was happy for the delivery and handed over the payment as she directed Azure to where the containers should be placed.

"Before we leave, do you know where I might find Mallus Maccius? I have a message for him." Capper said, as while there were a few other individuals inside the building, two warriors that were in different sections, he figured that he could ask the owner about the person who was known to come here from time to time before he and the others departed, since that was part of Maven's conditions.

"Mallus? He's usually over by the cooking pot, whenever he has time to relax from his job." the lady replied, gesturing to the part of the building that she was referring to and allowed Capper to see that there was an imperial down there, who had to be who he was looking for, though that was the only thing the owner said about him as she turned to making sure one of the workers was doing her job.

As it turned out the figure in question had heard his name being mentioned and was prepared for Capper when he walked over to the small table he was sitting at, where he learned that Maven was expecting a report, causing him to hand over a piece of parchment that Capper carefully stored away for later, before wishing him well as he rejoined Azure in heading out to the wagon.

"Our job is done, we are free to leave... but we should make sure the Jarl is warned about that dragon." Capper said, where he raised his hands for a moment and pulled back his hood, as he suspected that the Jarl might not welcome Sharva if she came in with someone who was also hiding their identity, despite Sharva having a good reason for such a thing, "Rarity, why don't you, La'nari, and the others get the wagon back to the front of the city? I'll be along shortly, after making the Jarl aware of what's going on... I imagine Sharva will be heralded as a hero and be asked to go on a quest to help secure Whiterun from that beast."

"Helping people... it's been a long time since I've had a chance to do such a thing." Sharva commented, where she took a few seconds to rub her right arm, silently telling Capper that she must have had a troubled life up until being captured along with Xylia, something he wondered if she would tell them about at some point in the future, if they encountered each other after today, since he wasn't planning on joining her for whatever assignment the Jarl might have for her.

Rarity looked like she wanted to say something, but then decided that it was best to let Capper do as he wished, to which she nodded and the others joined her in getting ready to depart, to which he turned to Sharva and the pair started to make their way towards Dragonsreach. While they walked up the stairs he noticed a few things, namely the large overturned ship that was where the group of Companions called home, Jorrvaskr if what the archer said was to be believed, plus there seemed to be a large beautiful tree that had been struck by lightning fairly recently, a temple off to the left, and a statue of a warrior that had a priest preaching about the figure. What struck him was that the figure in question was Talos, the God of Man that nords worshiped, and he found that the statue was imposing, making him wonder if it was accurate or not, along with the tale of a mortal actually becoming a Divine, making the Eight become the Nine. Following that they started up the next set of stairs, passing by a small waterfall in the process, as he and Sharva made their way up to where Dragonsreach was located, which was more grand and imposing than he thought it would be from afar.

Some of the guards they walked by asked them to stop, where Capper told them that they had vital information about what they had seen previously, causing the guards in question to get out of their way and asked them to see the Jarl, and once the pair were inside the palace they could see that it was just as grand as it was on the inside as it was on the outside, though before they could take in the sights an annoyed female dark elf approached them.

"What is the meaning of this interruption? The Jarl is currently not receiving visitors." the dark elf asked, her tone informing them that she was serious, that they were in the middle of an important discussion and that she wanted to make sure her boss wasn't interrupted, to the point that she was paying attention to the main door and was approaching people before they had a chance to approach the throne.

"We understand... however, we have information regarding the destruction of Helgen and the black dragon that wiped out the town." Capper replied, showing the dark elf that he was willing to follow her decree, as he assumed she was a fairly high ranking member of the Jarl's court, especially since none of the guards had tried to stop the dark elf, though he refrained from smiling as he noticed how the lady looked after realizing that they were definitely important visitors.

The dark elf nodded and beckoned for them to follow her for a time, where they walked up the stairs and found that there was a fairly large fire pit in the center of the chamber, with two long tables on either side of it, while to their right rested the domain of a mage and the left was where the kitchen resided, and in front of them, sitting on an elegant wooden throne and with an important circlet on his head, was the Jarl of Whiterun, Balgruuf the Greater.

"Did I hear what you said correctly? You two were at Helgen?" Balgruuf, a nord warrior who was dressed like a lord, asked, as he knew that his Housecarl would only allow these two to approach his throne if they had information, and based on the look on her face it was clear that they had something he could work with.

"Th... That is correct. My friend, Capper, happened to witness the destruction from afar, while I tried to survive the flames and death that was going on." Sharva replied, where it was easy for Capper and the others to see that she wasn't used to speaking to others, rather it felt like she was used to listening to someone talk while not talking back, another thing that just made Capper interested in her past, "Capper then brought me and one of the survivors to Riverwood, where we were told to deliver a message of Helgen's destruction, and the town's need for aid, to you, Jarl Balgruuf... all we know is that the black dragon wiped out the town and was last seen flying in this direction."

Jarl Balgruuf paused for a few moments, taking in the fact that they had confirmation of a dragon being sighted and that it had wiped out Helgen, something they had a vague rumor on after seeing the smoke in the distance, before sighing as he said that Irileth's report was right.

"My lord, in the off chance that the dragon returns, we ought to send some troops to Riverwood." Irileth remarked, which was a good idea in Capper's eyes, since a beast like that could fly wherever it wanted and could do whatever it pleased, so it stood to reason that they would want to reinforce a nearly defenseless village.

"No, we shouldn't do that, not in the middle of a war! The Jarl of Falkreath, young as he may be, may view that as a sign of provocation!" the nearby imperial, who seemed to be the Steward since he seemed to be one of the advisors, given that he hadn't been escorted out once they started talking about the dragon, though it also seemed like he was one who worried about possibly offending the neighboring Jarls, or at least one in this case, "He might assume that we're preparing to join Ulfric's side and that we'll attack him to show our loyalty to the rebellion. We should..."

"ENOUGH!" Jarl Balgruuf said, raising his voice to the point where it almost sounded like he wanted to snap at them, which was understandable since this must have been going on for a long time, causing him to sigh for a moment as he regained control of himself without wasting time, "Enough, Proventus. I will not stand idly by as a dragon burns my hold, slaughters my people, and does whatever it pleases. Irileth, I want you to send a detachment to Riverwood at once, to help the people in case the dragon returns or the town comes under attack from bandits... Proventus, to ensure that we don't upset Siddgeir, I want you to draft a letter and ask a courier to deliver it to him, to make sure he knows why we're reinforcing Riverwood. As for you two khajiits, you have done Whiterun a service and I will ensure that both of you are rewarded: you, Capper, shall be given a pouch of gold for aiding in delivering this message, while I shall outfit our young hero appropriately... though it does pain me to ask for more assistance from you, as your talents seem perfect for a task my court wizard has been working on since we saw the dragon."

As the others spread out, the two members of the Jarl's counsel moving to complete their tasks, Capper made sure to lay a hand on Sharva's shoulder and let her know that her past didn't define her, she could do some serious good by helping the Jarl with his work, causing her to nod her head in agreement. With that in mind she followed Jarl Balgruuf into the room that the wizard was working in, while at the same time one of the guards approached Capper with a bag of gold, four hundred pieces based on the note that was on it, which he pocketed without delay. He was happy to see that Sharva, despite her past actions, really did want to help the people of Whiterun out, maybe even the people of Skyrim as a whole, though he turned and headed outside, as her focus should be on learning what she needed to do and not worrying about him. Of course he wasn't going to leave outright, without saying goodbye or anything, rather he was going to stand outside Dragonsreach and just take in the sights, as he knew she would come out the main door when she was good and ready to do so, so he was perfectly fine with waiting for her before he and his friends departed for Riften.

Such a thing made him look forward to what the future held in store for him, his friends, and the rest of Skyrim, because it seemed like things were only going to get more interesting as time went on and he was curious to see what sort of twists and turns would be thrown at them in the days to come.

Interlude: Bleak Falls Barrow

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Capper found that he didn't have to wait too long for Sharva to emerge from Dragonsreach, rather it seemed like she had been inside the building for about five minutes after his departure, no doubt gathering more information about what the Jarl wanted her to do before she set out on her quest.

"So, what's the quest?" Capper asked, though at the same time he stopped leaning against the wooden post that was at the top of the steps that lead to Dragonsreach, where he was amazed that the guards had allowed him to do such a thing, as his business with the Jarl was done, but he wasn't about to complain.

"Farengar, the court wizard, wants me to head to Bleak Falls Barrow to find a 'Dragonstone'," Sharva replied, where she let out a sigh for a moment as they walked down to where the ruined tree rested, while Capper made sure to stop at the market for a few bits of food before continuing towards the main gate, "which is supposed to be a map of dragon burial sites... I'm not sure why that's important, since we're dealing with a living dragon and not a long dead one, but he made it clear that this should be my top priority."

"Really? Bleak Falls Barrow? How interesting... I thought they would have sent you somewhere else." Capper said, because he did find it a little odd that the area the Jarl's court wizard was focused on was so close to the city, meaning he could have hired a few adventurers or something to do the job, instead of relying on random strangers, but he decided that it wasn't worth worrying about, since Jarl Balgruuf had apparently okayed the mission, "You know, like a library for a specific book or to a museum for an artifact to borrow... oh well, no harm done. I wonder if Bleak Falls Barrow is the same as Angarvunde, with draugr to worry about?"

Sharva looked like she wanted to say something, but decided not to as they headed outside and found that the others were waiting for them, the wagon positioned so it could leave at a moment's notice, to which Capper returned to the front seat as the ashen khajiit joined Rarity in the back, allowing them to get moving once more. While they did so Capper noticed that a trio of guards were departing from Whiterun as well, which seemed to be the detachment of guards Irileth was ordering to go out to Riverwood, though while he wasn't sure how much help they would be he knew the people would be grateful for a little aid. He did offer the trio a ride, since they were headed in the same way due to the fact that the quickest path back to their home was in the direction of the place the guards were on their way to, but the head of the trio declined and thanked him for the offer, explaining that them running was to get there as soon as possible. With that in mind he and his friends just watched all three guards run off in the direction of Riverwood, causing him to chuckle a little as he got the wagon moving in the same direction, allowing the others to return to what they did whenever they used the wagon.

While they traveled, however, it was clear that everyone else was lost in thought, Capper's friends no doubt wondering why Sharva was still with them and Sharva no doubt thinking about the quest she had been given, and when they rounded the corner by the meadery one of them decided to speak their minds.

"You know, the guards noticed us approach the Jarl together and saw us leave together, so... do you think we can team up to deal with whatever is inside the barrow?" Sharva asked, where it was clear that she had never asked such a thing in the past, in fact Capper was sure that she had been a loner for a long time, forced to fight on her own with no one to fall back on and no one to ask for help if things were beyond her control, and was trying to break out of her shell, "I don't care about any of the treasure, if there is any, but maybe you can use it when you tell your boss that I hired you to help me aid one of the other Jarls?"

"Maven won't be too happy if we're late... though she didn't give us a time limit on when to get the job done, so we're free to do whatever we want, as long as we deliver her gold in the end." La'nari said, as she knew Maven the most out of everyone that was on the wagon, so it was easy for her to say such a thing, though at the same time she had to grin as she glanced at Capper for a couple of seconds, who had a more neutral expression despite what she knew was going through his mind right now, "What do you say, leader?"

"We'll have to set the wagon outside Riverwood and ask the guards to keep an eye on it, and hide the gold we've collected so far, but it's doable." Capper replied, though as he glanced at the rest of the group he noticed that Sharva was happy, though at the same time it seemed like she had a hard time actually expressing herself, like whatever had happened in her past had stopped her from properly expressing her emotions, "At least with all of us going into the barrow you can guarantee that Jarl Balgruuf and Farengar will get what they want."

Sharva gave them a weak smile, which was likely all she could manage right now, while Capper continued to direct the wagon to the small town they had passed through earlier, though he knew after checking out the barrow they would have to take a break and rest up, since going too long would only bring them down. Fortunately it didn't take them too long to reach their destination, where the group found that the guards were already setting up a camp on the other side of Riverwood, over on the side that lead to the Guardian Stones, and one was already patrolling the area. La'nari got off and spoke with him for a few seconds, where Capper found that he was agreeing to keep an eye on the wagon while they were gone, though as their friend did that he picked up Maven's gold and moved over to the underside of the stone bridge, making it look like he was hiding it there. The reality was that he was slipping the container into the outside area of his vault, since he didn't have to worry about anyone stealing it from this place, and once that was done he returned to the others without them knowing about the hidden vault, allowing him to see that the others were ready to depart.

With that in mind, and La'nari made sure the horse had some food and water, the group headed over the stone bridge once more and headed up the path that was on their left, a stone path that definitely headed up into the mountain the barrow was built on. What they discovered was that there was a lone wolf on the path, one that took one look at them and turned tail before departing, showing that six people was far too much for it to deal with on it's own, allowing everyone to continue up the path as La'nari pointed out a stone tower up ahead. From what they could see there were a few bandits outside it, as they wore familiar fur armor, like they were lookouts for the main force or something, though La'nari had them stop for just a few moments as she raised her bow and readied an arrow. She was going to hit one of them and that was their signal to get moving, where Capper and the others got moving as soon as the arrow left her bow, striking the tree bandit in the leg as his companion realized they were under attack, only to be stopped by Sharva as she drew her swords and struck out at him, pushing him back.

Of course there was a third one, this one wearing iron armor, that came rushing at them from the tower, though Azure drew his greatsword and used it to push the nord back, allowing Midnight to use her daggers to deal with the tree bandit, but as those two fell Azure dealt with his foe. With the bandits taken care of Sharva and Midnight carefully observed the path that was in front of them as Capper carefully looted the bodies that were around him, finding a few coin pouches that would be the start of what they recovered during this venture. In addition to that he found another one inside the tower and a chest that was at the peak, one that was easily opened, though it had a few potions, a few for healing and a few for recovering mana, and a few more pieces of gold, all of which he looted before rejoining the others. There didn't seem to be any bandits in the area, not near the tower anyway, allowing the group to walk around part of the mountain before discovering a large carved stone area that might have been part of this mountain at one point in the past, no doubt the ancient nords carving the area into the temple that was in front of them.

The large arches told them that this had to be a place for dragon worship, they were large enough for such a beast to fly through based on what Capper was seeing, and there were three more bandits patrolling the area, to which Capper nodded to La'nari for a moment as she readied one of her arrows. As before she struck the best target, who seemed to be far away from the other two bandits, though this time she hit her target in the shoulder and dropped him to the ground, but as he cried out in pain both Capper and Sharva were already on the move. This time around Capper got involved as he rushed up to the closest bandit to his position before swinging at his surprised foe, who had enough time to block one of his blades as the second struck him in the chest, just like he had seen some of the others do in the past. While he did that Sharva rushed up the final step of stairs before leaping into the air, bouncing off her target's battleaxe before driving her blades right into his neck, allowing her to sever his head like it was nothing, while confirming that she had more battle experience than they knew.

As they made sure that these two were taken care of the bandit with an arrow in his shoulder got up and summoned fire in his right hand, though before he could do anything Rarity appeared behind him and bit his neck, causing the bandit to let out a scream as she drained him dry.

"Wait... you're a vampire?" Sharva asked, because while she didn't like Xylia, the only vampire she was aware of the existence of, she could tell that Rarity was different from the rest of the bloodsuckers she had heard about in the past, especially since she seemed to drain her targets until they were completely dry.

"Yes, just turned recently... I really wasn't thirsty, but I don't feel 'full'... this is so confusing." Rarity replied, though while she knew that the ashen khajiit might want a more flushed out answer she also knew that she didn't have all the answers, but in that moment her hands burst into flames, like she had seen La'nari do when she burned that bandit she drained, causing her to turn the flames on the corpse after Capper removed his coins and valuables.

"D... Did you gain his knowledge on how to use magic?" La'nari inquired, as that was what it seemed like, that Rarity was a unique existence and that she might gain skill knowledge by drinking the blood of her victims, meaning she might be able to become a legend in her own right after a couple of years.

Rarity nodded, as it sure seemed that way to her, to which she focused and extinguished the flames, ignited them, and then dismissed them again, where she had a look of wonder on her face as she did so, as this was totally new to her, especially since she never had Twilight's gift for magic, but now she could consider this to be a blessing and not a curse. While she did that Capper finished collecting the gold and valuables from the bandits, the one he killed even had a silver pendant with an amethyst inside it and another had a garnet in his pockets, before they approached the barrow's main door, which was large and like what a temple would have. He carefully opened the metal door, wide enough for everyone to walk through without alerting anyone to their presence, allowing them to see that the area inside was slightly covered in stone, fallen from the ceiling, with a bunch of dead skeevers all over the place, with a few dead bandits as well. In addition to that he noticed two bandits up ahead of them and held a hand up as he crouched, something the others did as Azure stayed at the back of the pack, since heavier armor made more noise than the lighter armor, to which he approached them first to see if they were saying anything of interest.

From what he gathered they were talking about something they stole from the Riverwood Trader, the 'golden claw', an item that seemed connected to this place and might be the very key to the treasure, to which Capper silently nodded his head and La'nari put an arrow in one bandit as Azure crushed the other with his weapon. While his companions finished off the pair of bandits he found a locked chest that he unlocked without delay, holding some more gold and an ingot that La'nari said was steel, she knew it thanks to the smiths in their clan working on it every so often. With the materials in hand, and all of the bodies were looting for anything of value, the group headed down the passage, which seemed to go deeper into the mountain a little, finding stone slabs that seemed to be offering tables, or just tables, with urns that had already been looted by someone. As such Capper and the others carefully followed the path that was in front of them and came to a stop as they found a room that had a lever right in the center, some stone pillars on the left, a few carvings near the ceiling, and a bandit that was in the process of pulling the lever, causing him to be pelted by poison darts as he perished on the spot.

"Okay, note to self: when ruins present a puzzle, solve it correctly." Midnight commented, though at the same time Capper carefully looted the now dead bandit, who had thirty gold coins in his possession, more than his fellows, before they took a moment to look around the chamber.

Fortunately the answer was surprisingly straightforward and informed them of the poisoned bandit's ignorance, there were three icons near the ceiling, one having fallen to the ground, and when all three of them were read together they figured out that the correct combination was 'snake-snake-whale'. With that in mind Azure moved the three pillars that were on their left to match the icons, causing Capper to pull the lever once he was done, which made the iron gate that was in front of them to rise out of the way so they could progress once more, entering a small room with a wooden spiral stair that went deeper into the mountain. Capper found a book that seemed promising, it spoke about picking pockets, which he pocketed for later as he looted the chest of it's gold and mana potions, the latter he handed to Rarity, before discovering that the urns were also empty, causing him to sigh as he pocketed a purple soul gem that seemed totally empty. Azure found a couple of skeevers at the bottom of the wooden spiral ramp and dealt with them before they could harm the group, where Midnight made sure to remove their tails, as they could be used in alchemy, before everyone entered an area full of cobwebs.

This part of the ruins looked like a number of spiders had broken into the area and turned it into their home, in fact Capper was sure of that as they found a larger chamber that had a bunch of webs on the walls, still bodies that were no doubt dead by this point, and some dark elf tied up in a web near the entrance they needed to take. In addition to all of that they found that there was a rather large spider in the center of the room, far larger than the corpses they had seen since entering this area, which meant that the tied up individual must have slain quite a few of them before getting caught by the parent spider, which was likely planning on eating him. With that in mind Capper carefully cut through the webbing that was blocking their path, no doubt placed there to prevent trespassers or to catch more prey, and once he was done the group moved in to deal with their target, since it was blocking the way forward. Sharva rushed out instantly and the spider spat it's poison right into her face, through the protection of the helmet, temporarily sealing her sight as she ran right into some of the other webs that were in the area, the ones not designed to catch prey, but that opened the way for Azure to hack one of it's legs off as La'nari killed it with an arrow.

While Rarity tended to Sharva, making sure to get the webbing off of her, La'nari freed the dark elf and told him to 'sit down and shut up', indicating that he would speak to Capper before they made a decision on what to do with him, though instead of doing that he rushed into the depths of the tomb, waking the draugr before activating a trap that took his life.

"Good to know that Skyrim has it's fair share of idiots..." Rarity commented, causing most of the group to nod their heads, as the dumb bandit had just caused the denizens of the barrow to wake up, at least the ones leading to the trap that had killed him, though it made Capper happy that their clan was far smarter than what they had seen in Whiterun's domain so far, "But seeing these webs reminds me: Sharva, when was the last time you took care of your fur?"

"Um... never?" Sharva answered, where they moved into the room that was at the end of the short passage, allowing Capper to loot it for anything of value, which was some gold, a soul gem on the ground, and a silver ring, though Rarity just stared at the ashen khajiit for a moment, like she was stunned by her statement, "My, um... boss... said that it wasn't important."

Rarity grumbled to herself and told Sharva that they would deal with that in the future, she refused to allow such a thing to pass by in front of her and not do anything, though she stopped as Capper and La'nari noticed that the chamber that was ahead of them had a couple of draugr, the weaker ones, walking around. Since they were already active, and would likely notice everyone when they tried to sneak through the area since Azure's armor would no doubt give them away, he decided to take them out first, causing him to nod to La'nari as she loosed an arrow into the heart of the first undead she saw. As her target staggered backwards, and fell to one knee as it's companions noticed it had been attacked, Capper rushed out and used his blades to end it's life as Azure approached another draugr and crushed it with his weapon, opening the way for the others to deal with the third one. This time around Sharva was struck in the chest with the greatsword of the third draugr, which cut through her leather armor like it was nothing, though she didn't seem to mind, or didn't care, as she slashed her way through the undead and brought it down, allowing Midnight to collect some crafting ingredients while Capper walked over to where the dark elf had ended up.

Sure enough the now dead bandit had a golden dragon's claw in his possession, which was more skeletal based on what he was seeing, and a journal that he decided to grab, before he noticed that there were three icons on the underside of the claw's palm area, first a bear, then a butterfly, and then an owl at the bottom, a code for a door no doubt.

Once the area was cleared out the group carefully made their way around the pressure stone that was in the middle of the walkway that continued deeper into the barrow, since it activated the trap, only to discover another burial room, which was to be expected, with a smaller passage that had a swinging blade trap inside it. Of course there were more draugr for them to fight, though Capper utilized Azure's armor to their benefit, as he figured out which ones would come to life and which ones wouldn't, it was the fact that the ones that woke up had clothing on and those that were bare remained dead. With that in mind he made sure Azure stayed back a little while everyone else got into position, so when the former Solar Guard just walked into the chamber the draugr had no idea that there were others waiting for them to awaken. As such it meant that they were able to eliminate all of the undead before they became a threat, which allowed the group to loot the bodies for any items of value as Capper found a chest hidden among some rubble, a container he opened with the Skeleton Key and added the gold coins and an amethyst to the growing pile of loot they were collecting.

From there he had the others pause for a moment as he slipped through the swinging blade trap, avoiding all three blades in no time as Capper found a chain to pull, which stopped the blades and opened the way for the others to join him, allowing the group to descend deeper into the barrow. There were a few more draugr resting in a few of the alcoves in the walls that they were walking by, to which La'nari used her arrows to take them out, though as she lead the others forward Capper did what he did best, he looted their slain enemies before catching up with the others. The passage beyond those foes brought them to a larger chamber that had a waterfall on the left side, a small one that cut through the center of the room, and only one coffin opened to reveal yet another draugr, who Azure cut down before it could do anything, while at the same time Midnight pulled a lever and opened the iron gated door that was blocking the path to their right. After that they entered an area that appeared to be a natural cave, no doubt formed before the barrow had been constructed, though Capper looted a pair of chests as the others moved deeper into the cave, where he was pleased to add an enchanted item to their loot, since it would sell well in a trader, along with some more gold and some potions.

There was one more draugr in the area, on a natural stone walkway that passed by a larger waterfall, so La'nari took it down with an arrow, allowing them to approach the area before coming to a stop, as Capper knew they had come so far already and understood that they weren't even at the end yet.

"Let's take a break for a few minutes." Capper said, though he counted themselves fortunate that there was a waterfall near them, as the water was clear and untouched, so it was pure and delicious as he sampled it, meaning they would be able to rest for a short while, get something to drink and refill their waterskins, before pressing even deeper into the barrow.

What he found was that most of them simply rested and drank some water, just like he did, while Rarity took Sharva down into the lower area and showed her a few tricks on how to clean her fur, where Capper smiled a little as he heard them, as it sounded like the pair might be bonding a little, which was a good thing to see. Of course the fact that their new friend hadn't tended to her fur at all, despite being about twenty years old by his reckoning, just added another layer to the mystery that was Sharva's life, as he had no idea what could have caused her to live her life like this. Fortunately he saw that they didn't have to wait too long for the pair to come up, as there was only so much Rarity could do without the materials she was used to using back in her home, but once she and the ashen khajiit were done she mentioned that there was a chest down in the lower area. Since she didn't have the skills to unlock it, her admission and not their assumption, Capper quickly tracked it down and unlocked it, adding another pouch of gold to to total, which seemed strange for a chest, before rejoining the rest of the group as they made their way into another chamber, this one with a slightly larger wooden door.

There was a single draugr patrolling the area, wandering from the door to halfway down the chamber, though since it hadn't noticed them yet Capper let La'nari loose an arrow into it's chest, stunning it for a moment as Azure and Midnight brought it down with their weapons. He did spot a chest off to the right that he unlocked rather quickly, earning him another pouch of gold, about twenty pieces, and a smaller soul gem, both of which he pocketed as they stepped through the door and found a stone brazier with dragon heads on the other side. Since that seemed to be purely decoration the group walked around it and found a passage that lead to another swinging blade trap, which had three blades, to which Capper had the others stay back for a few seconds as he gracefully avoided the three sharp tools and pulled a chain on the other side that stopped the trap. With that done they looked at the chamber he had discovered, which had a main floor and a second floor, the latter having a stone bridge, though there were three more draugr for them to worry about, though none of them were very tough as they went down in two hits each, allowing Capper to collect their gold before they headed up to the second floor.

As it turned out there was a passage on the other side of the stone bridge, one that brought them to a unique door, one that had a combination on it's surface and a place for someone to put the claw key into, to which Capper gently touched one of the three rings that the icons were on and it started to move.

"I see. That makes this far more simple." Capper remarked, where he pulled out the golden claw and quickly modified each ring so they matched what was on the claw's palm, before he pressed it against the central point, allowing them to watch as the rings spun on their own for a moment and then came to a stop before the door sunk into the floor, "Well then, let us see what the ancient nords were hiding from everyone."

What they discovered was a massive cavern that had barely anything from the nords that had constructed the barrow, save for a few braziers here and there, before finding an area that seemed to be a final tomb of sorts, with a large wall that was like what he and Midnight had seen back in Angarvunde. There was another stone path leading out of the area, which had to be the way out of the entire barrow, and there was another large waterfall that was louder than the one they had passed by previously, though before walking up the steps to the dragon wall Capper noticed two smaller chests in the area. One was off to the right, tucked out of sight and out of mind, that happened to have a good amount of gold inside it with a golden amulet that had a ruby inside it, plus a few gems to add to the collection, which made him smile as he stashed them away with everything else. The second one was hidden off to the left, near the exit, and it didn't have as much as the first, but he made sure to loot the gold that was inside it and add the potions to everything they had recovered so far, though after that he joined the others as Sharva approached the dragon wall, seemingly lost in thought.

As they did that, however, the coffin burst open as a stronger looking draugr woke up and attacked them, causing them to discover something interesting, it seemed to loose a burst of wind or something that knocked everyone backwards, almost like the Royal Canterlot Voice from what Capper had heard in the past. It seemed like a tactic to scatter his foes so he could hit them easier, utilizing a power that none of them were familiar with, though Sharva was the first one to get back up as she rushed into battle once again, the draugr swinging it's battleaxe at her as it cut through her leather armor. Capper suspected that she was used to sturdier armor that could withstand blows, so it was taking her some time to get used to the lighter set she had been given, though he shelved the thought for the time being as he and the others joined the fight, attacking the draugr while making sure not to crowd where it was standing. In the end Capper stabbed it's chest before Sharva used both of her weapons to cut it down, allowing everyone to relax as he made his way to the larger treasure chest, which was a major disappointment in that it was just a pair of hide shields and a spell tome he handed to Rarity, but the sack of a hundred gold made him smile a little.

What really made them happy was the fact that there was a fairly decent sized stone in the draugr's coffin, one that had a map of Skyrim on one side with a number of icons that were incredibly important, and Sharva understood what it was the instant she laid eyes on it.

"The Dragonstone... we found it." Sharva said, as she had doubts about Farengar's information, but those doubts were now laid to rest as she held the stone in her own hands, meaning she could continue to help the people of Whiterun by aiding the Jarl and his court wizard.

"Indeed. Now, let's get out of here." Capper stated, because it was time to use the way out and see where it brought them, though now that they had helped her recover the Dragonstone he knew that it was time for them to return to the Rift and deliver the news, and the gold, to Maven and hope that she was willing to forgive the delay.

He did, however, have to think about the fact that Sharva had stalled when she approached the dragon wall, like she could read it or something, which only made him even more interested in learning more about her as they faced whatever the future had in store for them.

Interlude: Back to the Rift

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With the Dragonstone in hand the group headed up the stone steps that were leading to another secret passage, one that required someone to pull a lever to activate, only to find that it was a short walk to a short ledge that they could jump off of, as there was a flat area just a short fall in front of them. Capper found another chest along the way and looted it as the rest of the group joined him, finding that it held a pouch of gold, a silver ingot, and a circlet that was made of copper and had a ruby set in the center, which was worth collecting. With those items in hand they headed out through the cave opening in front of them, where they discovered that it brought them out on another side of the mountain, though there was no safe way down, not without using a few stone ledges to reach an area with half buried skeletal mammoths. Midnight was the last one to emerge from the cave, where she stuffed some herbs into her bag with a smile, as she found some inside the hidden chamber, meaning when they got back to the fort she would be able to start her experiments in making potions, along with poisons if she was lucky.

As they exited the cave, however, Capper found that it was the early morning, as the sun had not yet risen and the moon had yet to fully go down, but it did tell the group they had been in the barrow for longer than they thought, meaning it was about time for them to get some sleep before worrying about anything else.

"I didn't realize we were in that barrow for so long... we really burned quite some time in there." Capper remarked, as the depths of Bleak Falls Barrow had been far larger than what he and Midnight had experienced in Angarvunde, which told him that there were 'major' ruins and 'minor' ruins, the former being massive and the latter being smaller, causing him to move to their left, as it looked like they were in a familiar area, "Come on, let's get back to Riverwood... maybe we can rent a room or two for a few hours, get some sleep, before we head back to Whiterun."

"We're going to have to use the longer path to get back to Riften, now that the Legion or bandits are scouring Helgen for any items of use." La'nari added, as they had used that path because it was the shortest route between here and Riften, but due to the dragon having wrecked Helgen, and that would likely draw the attention of many people for some time, they had no choice but to use the longer path to reach their main destination, "Farengar, from what you've said, doesn't seem like the type to give a reward... much less a reward in gold... and the Jarl is likely going to hand over a piece of armor or a weapon, so there's not much of a reason for us to head into Whiterun again."

Sharva looked like there was something she wanted to say, but decided not to, like she was enjoying her time with them and didn't them to go their separate ways, so instead she focused on the path that was ahead of them as they headed back in the direction of Riverwood. Capper found that they were on the other side of the river they had passed earlier, because he could see the Guardian Stones in the distance, before he and his companions found a small house that had no door and was where an old lady seemed to be sleeping, so they decided not to bother her. As they followed the river they spotted a group of bandits coming their way, aggressive ones by the looks of it since they drew their weapons upon noticing them, to which La'nari readied her bow and loosed an arrow as her friends readied themselves for battle. What Capper found was that none of the bandits were heavily armed, most had leather or fur armor and their brute only had iron, so La'nari's arrow found the heart of the fur armored bandit, a mage who dropped dead on the spot, while Azure cleaved through the iron bandit.

He and Sharva dealt with the other two, each of them using one of their blades to stop an incoming attack before using the other one to put down their target, where Midnight looked around and collected a few more herbs, there was plenty for her to take, while Rarity kept an eye on things as Capper looted the bodies of everything they had. His reasoning was due to the fact that the Riverwood Trader was near, so before they left he was planning on selling what the bandits had on them, since it wasn't out of the way and would earn them a bit of gold in the process, plus one even had a ruby that he added to what was inside the Vault. With the items stored away in another pouch, since one of the bandits had one of the magical ones that was like the group had, they continued down the path in front of them and found a shallow spot where only a tiny bit of their bodies, as in their feet, would get wet, allowing them to cross over without delay. The guards didn't seem surprised to see them return to the small village, especially since they had left their wagon in their care, but this was good since it meant the horse and the wagon were untouched, though after checking it out the group headed into the inn to see if they could get a room or two for the night.

There were only two rooms in the inn, as they soon discovered, and both rooms only had a single bed, but they were able to double up as long as one person faced the wall of each room, where Capper found that the lady who owned the inn was willing to allow them to rent both of them for twenty gold, ten per room. With the rooms obtained for a couple of hours, despite the fact that the breton lady claimed that they had them for an entire day, Rarity and La'nari took one room while Azure and Midnight took the other, as Capper was fine with sleeping in the back of the wagon, while Sharva joined him, as if she didn't want the comforts of the inn. He knew there was something odd about her, she wasn't like any of the khajiit they had encountered so far, but at the same time it really didn't seem like she wanted to open up about herself, rather she just laid at the front of the wagon, where Capper usually sat, and stared at the sky as she tried to get some sleep. Capper laid down in the back area and did the same thing, making him wonder if they could find or make something like what one of the showmares back in Equestria had, a carriage that was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside.

Such a thing made him wonder about his magic for a moment as he pulled out the Skeleton Key, thinking about the number of possibilities he might be able to do if he used the Key to tap into his inner sealed powers, especially after it allowed him to make a vault in the depths of Oblivion. As he considered his options, to tamper with himself like he was thinking or to just put the Key back into his pouch, he heard Sharva snoring and came to a decision as he moved himself into the outer area of his Vault, a useful power when he considered what the artifact could do. In the next instant Capper held the Key out like he had done previously, something that caused three icons to appear in front of him, looking like the Guardian Stones to reflect the aspects of his sealed potential, one for combat, one for magic, and one for thievery. What he found was that each had a slot that the Key could fit into, like he could turn it in an 'unlocking' fashion to release more of the power associated with that aspect of himself, and yet Capper smiled as he found that the thief one was already nearly totally unlocked, demonstrating his own innate skills in that regard.

With that in mind he slipped it into the warrior icon and turned it just a little, as he felt like working up his skills and this was a good way to help learn the basics, before doing the same with the mage icon a few seconds later, though once he did that Capper held his hands out and flames danced around his fingers, which he could fire off into the open area, just a little bit, before cancelling the spell.

"Fascinating. The power of the Key is definitely endless." Capper commented, though that cause him to wonder something for a moment as he glanced out at the rest of Oblivion, where he was sure that the Planes of the Princes rested, causing him to lightly chuckle for a moment as a ridiculous idea came to him for a few seconds, "Imagine me becoming a Daedric Prince... nah, I doubt I have that much hidden potential."

He knew that coming here to master the basics of whatever power he unlocked would be a good thing, so when he trained in the fort no one would be surprised when he asked to do such a thing, but for the time being he decided to make sure the loot they had acquired from Bleak Falls Barrow was properly stored inside the Vault. Such a thing amazed him when he took a moment to consider what the ancient nords had buried in a single barrow, there was a fair amount, which actually made him curious as to whether or not all the tombs across Skyrim were packed full of precious loot. If they were he knew he and the others would be able to retire as lords and ladies without having to do much in the future, save for visiting the rest of the world to plunder their tombs for all the wealth that was contained within them, and even if they weren't as rich as Bleak Falls Barrow he knew that any wealth was good wealth. As he moved the treasure into the Vault, thinking about the gold, ingots, and gems they had recovered so far, Capper noticed that the odd floating crystal seemed to pulse slightly, as if happy to see that he was happy, which only made him chuckle a little more as he realized that he really needed sleep.

Once his work was done Capper returned to the wagon and found that no one had noticed his disappearance, where he just laid back down on the flat portion of the back area and allowed himself to rest for a time, since he knew that when morning arrived they would have to make a decision on what to do next.

When morning arrived sometime later, a few hours by his reckoning, Rarity and the others joined them outside the inn, and they had food, as they were able to purchase some from the bartender in the inn, where La'nari shared her opinion that the Dragonstone should be dropped off in Whiterun, before they headed back to Helgen. Capper asked about that, because all of them had thought that heading back there, so soon after it was destroyed, might be a bad idea, and she had agreed when it was mentioned previously, but she had thought about it for a time and came to the decision that she might have been wrong on the matter. It was true that people would be investigating the area at some point, or bandits would move in when they were sure it was abandoned, but before that happened she was sure that they should be able to quickly pass through the destroyed town and get back to the Rift before anyone else arrived. Rarity, Azure, and Midnight didn't have a problem with the idea, as in if Capper wanted to try Helgen again they were fine with it, or if he wanted to go around the mountain they were fine with that as well, while Sharva just sighed as she tore into her breakfast.

"I'm going to miss this... adventuring with you guys. Maybe we'll meet up when the Jarl is done with me?" Sharva asked, as she had a feeling that her experience escaping a dragon was going to make both the court wizard and Jarl Balgruuf give her more work when she returned with the Dragonstone, and part of her just wanted to put it on the table and walk away so she could run to join the group.

"There is one thing I have learned: never say never. We'll meet up again, I'm sure of it." Capper replied, as Skyrim was big and there were plenty of people that needed help, something Sharva could provide to them with her incredible skills, so it was only a matter of time until she caught up with them, plus she knew where they were going and might just seek them out as soon as she was done with the Jarl.

Such a thing put a smile on Sharva's face as they finished eating their breakfast, made sure the horse was ready to go, and then set off from Riverwood once more, though this time around Capper decided to try La'nari's new option, head back in the direction of Helgen. With that in mind Sharva got her stuff ready so that they would be able to pull into the stable area for a few seconds before doubling back to Riverwood, where it was easy for them to see that she was steeling herself for the next step of her life, like she was getting used to deciding her own path through life. Fortunately it didn't seem like anyone else was up right now, save for the guards, so they were able to reach their destination without delay, though as Sharva climbed off the wagon they found that there was someone getting ready to leave, Aela the Huntress had been hired to look into Helgen by Jarl Balgruuf. She asked them if they were heading back that way and even tossed Capper a pouch that had twenty gold coins inside it when he agreed to take her there, since they would be passing the area anyway, allowing her to take Sharva's place as Capper turned the wagon around.

While they traveled Aela asked why Sharva wasn't coming with them, learning that they were simple delivery people with a few bodyguards and the ashen khajiit was a hero in the making, and this was her tale, but Capper found that Azure asked about the Companions, meaning he might check out Jorrvaskr when they next returned to the city, and that Aela was happy to answer his questions.

It took some time to reach the now empty town, as there were no flames and most of the houses were either ruined or just about ready to fall apart, Capper found that the second gate they had moved through previously was still open and that the first one was also unlocked, with nothing to stop them from leaving. With that in mind he paused for a few seconds so Aela could climb off, though she did look at Rarity for a few seconds before wishing all of them well, though it partly sounded like the majority of it was directed at Azure, no doubt because she was hoping he'd join the Companions at some point. Once she set out to explore the ruined town, to see if there was anything that could be useful to the Jarl of Whiterun, Capper got them underway and headed through the other open gate, allowing them to start retracing their path back to their fort, and to Riften. Such a thing allowed the others to relax a little as they started to head into the mountains once more, because it meant they would be heading into familiar territory and wouldn't have to worry about new dangers, though La'nari kept her eyes open for anything that might be useful for their clan, food and other essentials.

As it turned out there was nothing on the road this time around, no deer for some reason, meaning either the bears were being a real problem or the deer were hiding, especially since there was a dragon and they might have seen it, meaning they were able to reach their fort without anything stopping them.

La'nari had them stop for a few moments as she spoke to Brurid and Bek-Kajin, who had been worried about them due to the roar that sounded yesterday, meaning everyone near Helgen, plus the surrounding area around where the beast had shown up, must have heard it, causing her to tell them that they would share the tale once Maven was dealt with. With that in mind Capper got underway once more and continued down the road as the sun moved above them, once more finding that there was nothing getting in their way, which was a nice change of pace when the group thought about it. The oddest thing came when they neared the mill that they had been attacked by previously, where a thundering voice shouted out a single word that was stretched out into three fragments, that being 'dov-ah-kiin', but what it meant none of them knew, not even La'nari knew. While they traveled Capper kept his ears open and found that there were no sounds blasting through the air, no dragons and no other words or titles causing the earth to shake, which was good since it meant the horse remained calm for the rest of the short journey.

"Hail travelers. What brings you to Riften?" a guard asked, as the ones posted on the southern gate now seemed to be more normal, more in the sense that they were allowing people to enter through this gate at long last, in fact the speaker had also waved at them before they made their way around to the northern gate.

"We are returning from a delivery for Maven Black-Briar." Capper replied, where he found that the mere mention of Maven's name caused the pair to nod their heads and usher them into the city without wasting time, though as they climbed off the wagon one guard made sure that the horse was looked after while they were inside the city.

As they headed inside the city it was easy to see that the market was busy, though it was hard to tell if they were worried about the dragon or if this was just an ordinary day for them, but Capper did spot Maven and she beckoned for them to follow with a nod of her head. Such a thing confirmed that she was used to people following her every whim, though none of them argued as they followed her into the inn, where the argonian innkeeper and barkeep said nothing as she told them that she would be upstairs for a time and that they didn't require anything, simply nodding as she walked by. It was simply amazing the amount of power Maven held over the people of Riften, so many were terrified of offending her that they just bowed their heads and listened to her demands without question, meaning that if she wanted something done it got done, no matter the cost. With that thought in mind they followed her upstairs and watched as she sat by a table that was in one of the corners, allowing her to keep an eye on the stairs in case someone tried to interrupt her, while the guard who followed her remained by a wall in case things went south, either for Maven or for the group.

Of course it was easy to see that she was slightly disappointed in them, no doubt because she expected them to be back far sooner than when they had actually arrived, meaning they could kiss some of their payment goodbye, since she was one of the people who demanded perfection in all things.

"You're late. You better have a good reason for arriving late." Maven stated, confirming Capper's thoughts without delay, as he had more than enough experience with people like her and knew how they acted, so it was easy for him to read her and figure out her mood without giving anything away.

"Our apologies, but we were assisting the Jarl of Whiterun in recovering information about the dragon that showed up all of a sudden... I take it news of Helgen's destruction has reached Riften?" Capper replied, once more acting like everyone else, someone who acted in Maven's best interests and made sure she was appeased, while they found that Maven sat there for a few seconds before nodding her head to confirm that she had heard the news, causing him to produce the bags of gold from all three of the inns they had stopped at, "We had delivered the mead to Helgen and received the payment, as instructed, and were halfway to Riverwood when a black dragon destroyed the town... we then helped someone who had information on the attack to Jarl Balgruuf, before assisting them in recovering more vital information. While we did that we were able to deliver the rest of the delivery to the inns of Whiterun's capital and acquire the payments for the mead, plus I spoke with Mallus and acquired the note you asked for."

"The khajiit caravans also told us about the Saints and Seducers." La'nari added, since they were important, given that they or more of Maven's people might go down those roads in the future and would be harassed by the two bandit clans, while at the same time the lady took the letter and silently read it.

"Yes, well, we'll get to that. As for your payment, I've taken some of your payment as punishment... any later and I would have taken more... and a small bonus for the letter." Maven said, which Capper knew was coming, because while La'nari had said that the lady wouldn't be annoyed with them for being late, since they would arrive with everything she wanted, he knew Maven would have been cross with them no matter what happened, while she handed him a smaller bag and an even smaller one a few seconds later, "You may return to your fort for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I expect you to return early in the morning for another job... you might have been late, but you show real promise in completing my jobs to the letter... plus this is more than you'll make as simple bandits. If you know what's good for all of you, you'll be there when I say so."

Fortunately none of the others raised their voices, rather they followed Capper's lead and nodded their heads, showing her that they understood her wishes, even though it seemed like she was going to send them after the two bandit clans, instead of hiring mercenaries to do the job. With the delivery made Maven dismissed them with a wave of her hand and they left, Capper holding onto the bags to make sure none of it was lost, though while leaving he found Brynjolf nodding, showing that he approved of them working with Maven. After that they headed outside before making their way through the south gate once more, where Capper sat in back as La'nari got underway, allowing him to count at least one thousand five hundred gold coins, half of what Maven had said the original payment would be upon their return. The smaller bag had a few gemstones inside it, a couple of garnets and an amethyst, showing him that Maven had really cut into their profit from this venture, a reminder for them to pay more attention to what she said in the future, least she punish them in some manner.

He sighed as he put the bags away, as there would be time for them to divide the payment when they got back to the fort, though Capper was looking forward to relaxing with their clan and catching up with them before he and his friends worried about whatever the future held in store for them.

Interlude: On the Road Again

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After leaving Riften again the group returned to their fort, where they were welcomed back with open arms by the rest of their clan, as they had been gone for some time and many had been worried that they would have gotten caught up in all of the recent events. Capper informed them that they had seen the destruction of Helgen, after getting the payment for the delivery Maven had hired them to make, where many of their friends stared at them in shock and surprise, that the rumors of Helgen being destroyed by a dragon were actually true. In addition to that there was the fact that the Jarl of Whiterun now had a very skilled hero in the making that they had assisted, mostly to acquire something for him, but the reason they had left the figure to return the item on their own was because there was no payment for it, since the Jarl liked to give out armor and not gold. Plus they had raided Bleak Falls Barrow, so gold wasn't a problem since they had been able to acquire more wealth from the draugr, something that caused the other bandits to let out a roar of chuckles, as they weren't surprised by that fact, not from him and his companions.

One of their mages, a female breton called Vivle, asked Rarity if she was feeling okay, as they had finally noticed the change in her eyes and she told her that she was feeling fine, it was just taking some getting used to her unique vampire nature, even though there were some interesting benefits as she was slowly discovering.

"So, um... do you need to feed soon?" Vivle asked, because while it was interesting having a vampire in the clan, even if the one in question was only a few days old by vampire time, she also knew that there was some danger to it since they were always hungry for blood, some were just better at hiding it than others.

"I'm not sure how often vampires are supposed to feed, but I'm just fine." Rarity replied, as it seemed like vampires could go a few days before feeling the need to feed again, plus she had taken down two bandits and drained both of them of all their blood, which was different from what other vampires did according to what she had been told, so it would be some time before she really needed another bite.

Capper found that the rest of the clan was willing to get used to the fact that Rarity was different from the other vampires they knew about, while informing their leaders that Maven wanted his group to come by the city again tomorrow, no doubt for another job to deliver mead or to take on the two clans that were causing trouble on the road. Bek-Kajin told him that they had heard rumors of the Saints and Seducers from some of the travelers they had encountered before they joined the clan, about their weapons and armor, so if the job was to take them out he warned them to be careful. Capper nodded as he thought about what Maven might want from them, since it could be anything, before deciding to focus on hanging out with the rest of the clan for the night, get some actual rest in his bed, and maybe do some other things, but the first thing he did was make sure that Midnight and the others had their share from the job. Once the gold was equally divided among the five of them, with him getting the excess since the rest of the group thought it was fair due to him dealing with Maven, he made his way to the fort's tower and stepped into his private Vault again, depositing the gold and gems into the piles that were starting to form.

When early morning arrived Capper and his friends departed from the fort with a bit of food to serve as their breakfast, as they wanted to get to the city before anything else happened, and he discovered that they were able to get there without anything bad happening, allowing them to head into Riften and walk into the inn without delay, where they found Maven in the same area as last time.

"As you know, the main road between Whiterun and Windhelm is being plagued by these 'Seducers', while the path leading to Markarth is the domain of the Saints." Maven said, confirming that the job she wanted to hire them for was to eliminate the two clans that were hounding travelers and making it harder for people, caravans and travelers alike, meaning this was just to help secure the roads from the dangers that were plaguing the land, "Thanks to the leader of the khajiit caravans you now know where to find each camp, meaning you know where to strike to eliminate this threat. This time I won't bother with a time limit, but I am expecting you to return by the end of the week, as I might have another vital job for you, one that pays far more than the one you just completed... the payment for this job is two thousand gold, but if you really impress me I might boost your reward, though I wouldn't count on it."

"As you wish. We shall depart right away." Capper replied, where he got up and gestured to the others as they returned to where they had set up their wagon, as they used the north gate this time around, as everyone agreed that Maven was going to hire them to take out both the Saints and Seducers, so La'nari had suggested using the north gate for their departure, as it would point them in the direction of Windhelm.

The only real downside, as La'nari told them, was that there was a fort not an hour away from Riften, which sat on the main road since the road passed right through it, a fort called Fort Greenwall that was home to the Greenwall Clan, but she also knew of a side path, which also had a couple of bears on it. With that in mind Capper focused on the main road until they spotted the worn out side path that everyone seemed to be using recently, as there was another wagon heading towards Riften and the driver nodded to him as they passed each other, showing them that people preferred to avoid the fort and the clan that was there. La'nari told everyone that the Greenwall Clan wasn't as big as their clan or the Faldar Clan, but their position on the road allowed them to capture any travelers who didn't know about the side path, and from what she knew a few of their members were posing as drivers to bring unsuspecting merchants or people to their clan. Fortunately the side road was traveled so often that they didn't have to worry about bears, the main problem in this area, meaning they were able to reach Shor's Stone without delay, a little mining town resting beside a small mountain, but it looked like the miners weren't working today.

As they entered the area, however, Azure asked if they could stop and Capper did so, where the warrior got off and walked over to a couple of people who clearly called this town home, since they were dressed as miners, before one beckoned to the mine itself and Azure walked into it.

"Looks like they told him what the problem is and he's gone in to check." La'nari commented, though judging from how their companion was acting it sure seemed like he thought this was a problem that only one of them needed to solve, instead of all five going into the mines and endangering themselves.

"That's fine. It gives us time to check the information we've been given and plan accordingly." Capper replied, as he knew this was a good stop to make, because restoring the mine meant more people would come through this way and that meant a lot more gold would be flowing into Riften, and some might even use the road leading to their fort, so it was more gold for everyone in the end.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait too long as Azure emerged from the mine, after spending five minutes in there, and told the nearby guard something, causing him to go in and check before returning to announce that all of the spiders were dead, causing the local blacksmith to hand Azure a large bag of gold before he returned to the wagon.

"Seriously? Spiders? What was keeping the guards from taking care of them?" Rarity asked, though at the same time Azure handed Capper the bag and asked him to count it, because while he was sure it was a fair reward he really didn't want it, but took it to avoid upsetting the blacksmith, so he figured he could take a small portion of it and let Capper have the rest.

"They said it wasn't worth worrying about with the war going on." Azure replied, where he shrugged, because with how fast he dealt with the group of spiders that happened to be in the mines he was sure the trio of guards could have done it the same amount of time, but he guessed this was a good thing, since his tale would be one of heroism to the people.

Capper found that the blacksmith was fairly grateful for the mine being reopened, as there were one thousand five hundred coins inside the bag, to which Azure took a hundred of them and allowed Capper to store the remainder of it inside his Vault, though once he was ready to go they got underway once more. It wasn't long before they found that there were more foes on the road for them to deal with, namely bears by the looks of it, so La'nari kept her eyes peeled for danger and when she spotted one she had them stop so she could loose an arrow or two at the target from afar. Such a thing usually meant that an obstacle was eliminated before it could become a problem, as she knew that bears were highly aggressive and taking all of them out before one noticed them was the right way to go so the wagon could progress without slowing down. This time around La'nari also told them to not worry about the bodies they were leaving behind, as the other animals would no doubt find them and harvest the bears, plus a few people might claim a bear and cook it, plus her opinion was to make sure they weren't weighed down by all the excess weight.

Eventually they reached a fork in the road, the left path heading back in the direction of Whiterun while the path on the right was heading in the direction of Windhelm, to which Capper directed them down the right path, allowing them to pass by an orc that had killed some saber cats, so they nodded to him as they continued towards their destination.

As they headed down the path Rarity spotted something off on the right side and pointed it out, a large structure carved into the side of the mountain that seemed to have steam coming from it, to which La'nari had Capper go up the side path, which meant ignoring the stone steps since it would just slow them down. She informed them that this was a dwarven ruin, one of a number that were scattered throughout Skyrim, but the only one she knew the name of was Avanchnzel, due to the fact that it was close to their base, causing Rarity to rub the bad of her head, as every time they had passed by something else had demanded her attention. This one, by the looks of things, was locked, the main door seemed impossible to open, but at the same time Capper didn't pull out the Skeleton Key, as he suspected that this might be important later, though the same wasn't true for the outside structure, a storehouse that was unlocked. That caused them to enter the smaller structure for a moment, finding that it had a short diagonal walkway down into a central room, with a locked door to their right and a gate in front of them, which was also locked, but Capper did see something interesting on the other side of the gate, a glowing blue gemstone of some kind.

"It doesn't seem like there's much in here. Should we get moving?" Rarity asked, because it looked like this area might have been looted in the past and no one bothered with the gate or the door, maybe realizing that there was nothing else in the structure for them to take and sell off.

"Well, I'll check the gate and the door, then we'll get out of here. You guys are free to hang out at the wagon until I'm done checking the area." Capper replied, where he walked over to one of the shelves and picked up a few lockpicks, since a few had been left behind, though he knew that if Rarity was going to be a thief she needed to sharpen some of her skills, but he suspected she might walk a different path.

La'nari decided to head outside and keep an eye on the wagon, since there might be bandits nearby, where Capper found that the others decided to join her, leaving Capper to check out the potential loot as he unlocked the door to the right and found that it lead to a small room with two chests on the wall in front of him. In addition to that he found sixteen ingots that were of dwarven make, which seemed like bronze to him, while the two chests had a few pieces of jewelry for him to take, as while there were a gold necklace and a silver ring he also located a jeweled golden necklace among the treasure. With those items claimed, as he just moved the ingots into his Vault, he unlocked the second door that was in the small room and found that it brought him to the other side of the locked gate, another small chamber that confirmed this was the end of the area, but it held his prize. That being a blue crystalline shard that looked like it was a crest of some kind, cut from a larger piece, and he was sure it held some sort of power inside it, to which he stored it inside his Vault, along with a few more dwarven ingots, but he placed the enchanted battleaxe near the locked gate.

Before he headed outside Capper stepped into his Vault for a moment and picked up the crystalline shard, where he walked it over to where the odd crystal was floating and found that when he lifted his hands the new piece floated into the air, like it was orbiting around the center of the Vault, causing him to smile as he returned to the others.

"Got a few pieces of jewelry and an interesting crystalline shard... and this for you, Azure, if you want it." Capper said, where he handed the new dwarven battleaxe to the warrior of their group and found that he moved off to the side to test it out for a few seconds, before he shook his head and tapped his greatsword, showing them that he preferred swords over axes and maces, causing Capper to put it in the back of the wagon, "No worries, we can just sell it to a merchant later... probably get a bit of gold for it."

Once they were ready to go the group got back on the wagon and departed from the area that the storeroom was in, which meant returning to the main road before heading north once more, causing La'nari to focus on loosing arrows at the bears that happened to be in their way. Other than the bears it seemed to be a rather peaceful ride, though there was an area off to their left that was a giant's camp, as there was a large figure walking around a rather large fire, and near them wandered a mammoth, doing whatever it wanted to since the giant was it's protector. At the same time Capper noticed something else that caused everyone to go silent as he made sure the horse got them out of the area, there was a lone peak about ten to thirty minutes away from them that happened to have a dragon flying around it, as it had taken off after they spotted the lone giant. It wasn't the black dragon from Helgen, which made them wonder what was going on right now, while La'nari quickly pointed out that it was icy blue, likely a frost elemental dragon, though for the time being they focused on getting out of the area and remained silent.

Somehow they were able to get out of the area without the dragon noticing them, which was fine since Capper doubted that they would be able to bring such a beast down, causing him to focus on the road once more as he continued towards the city of Windhelm, even though they wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.

As they moved along the path La'nari pointed out a group of travelers, adventurers by the looks of it, who stopped them and shared some interesting news with them, that the Whiterun guards had taken down a dragon, though in the chaos of the fight someone attacked the khajiit hero that was aiding Jarl Balgruuf. Capper and the others glanced at each other, because it seemed like Xylia was at it again, either seeking revenge for Sharva chasing her down or because her Prince wanted her tail to be eliminated before she continued with her task, but their battle made it impossible to tell who absorbed the soul of the now dead dragon. The nord adventurer said it was the power of the Dragonborn, a warrior of legend, but there was no way to know who got the soul, because both had run off into the wilderness and disappeared, meaning that many were thinking it was the imperial and some who thought it was the khajiit. That was all they knew on the matter, to which Capper informed them of what they had seen in the rocky crags, especially the dragon that was flying around, causing the adventurers to thank them for the information, in fact one paid him a hundred gold for it, since this might save their lives.

With their conversation down the wagon continued down the road, leaving the adventurers to talk about what they would do next, especially now that they knew about the dragon, though La'nari had Capper stop at the inn that was down the road for a few seconds, where she popped in for a moment and returned with food for them to eat. La'nari explained that most of Windhelm's nords disliked anyone else and some inside the city loved to harass the other races that called the city home, all while the Stormcloaks preferred to state that 'Skyrim belonged to the nords', almost as if they wanted everyone else to get out and go elsewhere. Right now she didn't want to go into the main city and be bothered by the nords, so she figured that a short stop at Kynesgrove, the inn they were passing by, would be more appropriate for them since they should be able to get to the first camp before night fell. She figured that, while it might not be the best option, they could take out the first of their targets and then use the camp the Seducers had set up, to get some rest before worrying about the Saints, or the long journey to get to where Ri'saad had seen the other bandit clan.

Capper agreed that her plan was the smart one, since they didn't want to be stopped by the racist guards of Windhelm, to which he focused on heading towards the city before turning to the left, passing by a large stone bridge that seemed to be the entry point for the city, which appeared to be fully made of stone, at least from far away.

Heading down the path to their left meant crossing over another shorter stone bridge, though that was easy to so as La'nari focused on keeping an eye out for enemies, though for the time being it just looked like a couple of wolves, which Midnight was able to take care of with a few swings of her blades. In addition to the wolves Capper spotted a trio of drunks off to the side of the path, causing him to set his food down when they stopped so he could see if they were in need of assistance, but the drunks just wanted to have fun and wished them well on their journey. Other than that he found nothing else on the way and that meant they were able to cross another stone bridge, passing by a clear waterfall in the process, before entering a small area with two houses and a mill, though it appeared that the workers were just hanging out, which might annoy their boss. Instead of wasting time on them the group continued up the hill and noticed that there was another waterfall off to the left, where someone was camping by a stream despite the fact that there was a settlement not even two minutes from the area he had picked out, but they decided not to bother him as they continued up the road.

As they drew closer to the fork in the road that would bring them to where the Seducers was located La'nari had them come to a stop and Capper did so, where everyone got off the wagon as she pointed at the top of the snowy hill that was to their right, where they found four figures, at least one nord, one elf, and two khajiits, waiting around a campfire. What they were wearing was an assortment of gear, as most wore two pieces of fur armor and one leather piece, but one wore a pair of black gloves, another had black boots, and one had a black spiked helm, and each had black weapons, meaning they had to be the Seducers. With that in mind she glanced at the others and nodded for a moment, because based on their position it looked like there would be no sneaking up on them, rather they were going to have to engage them and hope for the best, all while quietly asking Rarity if it was possible for her to bite the archer's neck. Her plan was rather simple, the four of them would engage their enemies and demand their attention, while Rarity found a way to bite and drain the archer, so with one less foe to worry about they could claim victory in no time at all, or at least that was her hope, causing Rarity to nod as they focused on their enemies.

Capper signaled for La'nari to start the assault and she did so without delay, loosing an arrow that struck a Seducer right in the side of his leg, causing them to turn towards the group as everyone readied their weapons, leaving Rarity to slip into the nearby shadows as she focused on the archer. Capper found that the one with the sword and shield came at him, which had to be the leader since he wore the helm and gloves, causing him to parry the incoming attack with his blades and found that his foe was definitely stronger than he was expecting, as he was pushed back almost instantly. Midnight and La'nari were in the same boat as they realized that these bandits were stronger than they had assumed, while Azure used the edge of his greatsword to parry the incoming blow and slashed at his foe's chest, pushing her backwards instead. Rarity, on the other hand, found that she was able to sneak around the area and ambushed the archer as she readied an arrow, where she sunk her fangs into her neck and drained her without delay, making sure she died like those she had drained in the past, and as soon as that was done she got up and hurled a lightning bolt into the leader's backside.

The leader, stunned for a moment since he wasn't expecting such a thing, left an opening for Capper to use and he took it, removing the bandit's head before he could react, while the others opened similar holes in the defenses of their foes and cut them down as well,

"Not to ruin the mood, but that seemed... well, a little too easy." Azure commented, because the leader had been the best of their enemies, even though he could tell that the weapons and armor were definitely stronger than what most of their foes had used in the past, while Capper found a journal and opened it.

"That's because this was only the secondary camp... there's a main one further down the road, where the true leader of the Seducers is waiting." Capper replied, though at the same time he started to collect the armor of the Seducers, finding that there was enough gloves and boots, but only two helmets and a single chest piece, where he found that the last piece had been inside the chest that was part of the camp, "Kind of revealing, if you ask me."

"I don't know, I think it suits me... plus it's probably good for stealth." Midnight remarked, where Capper found that she had discovered a pair of dark daggers that matched the armor they had recovered, stronger weapons than what she was using at the moment, before he shrugged and allowed her to take the armor, even though he did notice that the helm morphed to fit her ears.

As the others collected the rest of the gear, La'nari switching her bow for the archer's dark one as she collected the arrows as well, Rarity made sure to set fire to the bandit she had drained once his items had been gathered, though Capper found a large cage in the area as well. Inside it rested a bug of some kind, likely from an entirely different world since it didn't seem like something that would naturally be found in this world, to which he unlocked the gate and found that the odd bug walked around him for a moment before resting to the side, meaning they now had a pet, a weird one at that. While he made sure the wagon was brought up here, to ensure no one got any funny ideas, he Midnight reported having found a number of new ingredients for her to experiment with, before he focused on the fact that there was one tent available, but found that none of the others seemed tired right now. In the end he told them to just relax for a while, to make sure they were ready to go for whatever the next camp had in store for them, while he counted up the gold that had been collected, and a few ingots made of silver, before adding more wealth to his Vault.

All of this made him all the more eager to see what the main Seducer came had to offer them and what sort of items they could take from them while wiping them out, which only made him all the more interested in whatever the future held for him and his friends.

Interlude: Saints and Seducers

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Capper found that Rarity and the others were good with an hour's worth of rest, no one wanted to rest right now, causing him to nod his head as they started to board the wagon once more, though at the same time the odd bug seemed to wait at the end of the wagon, staying on the ground.

"So... it's really going to come with us?" Rarity asked, because while she was getting used to things in this world she had a feeling that having such a unique critter with them would bring unwanted attention, even though there was something about this bug that unnerved her a little.

"I don't think we have much of a choice. It wants to come along, and will likely follow no matter what we do." Capper said, as that seemed to be what was going on right now, even though it appeared that it was following him more than everyone else, despite it choosing to remain at the back end of the wagon for some odd reason, before he noticed that something else was bothering Rarity right now, "What's wrong?"

"I think someone is following us... there's an argonian in leather armor that's following us." Rarity replied, where her eyes darted off to the side for a moment so Capper knew where to look, but he made no motions to do so right now, since he didn't want to alert the figure that Rarity had spotted, "I was reading the spell tomes we had recovered, trying to learn new spells that might help us out in the future, but caught sight of him around the storeroom... I didn't want to say anything, out of worry that it was just my imagination."

"But now you, and all of us, know for sure. It's likely one of Maven's people." Capper commented, as that seemed to be the most reasonable answer right now, since she seemed very interested in them and their various abilities, so the figure might be here to see what they were capable of and if they were useful to his employer, more than what they had done so far, as it seemed like what Maven would do.

As Rarity got underway, and joined the others on the wagon, Capper turned towards the horse and caught a glimpse of the argonian hunter that was currently following them, as he could see that he was dealing with a troll that was coming at him, him likely attacking it to keep his cover, before Capper got on the wagon. With that done they started to move and Capper had La'nari keep an eye out for the other Seducer camp, only to be surprised when the khajiit pointed out that the camp was not even five minutes ahead of them, as everyone could see it, which was a little odd. Capper glanced around the area for a few seconds before bringing the wagon to a stop, allowing them to get off and face a trio of individuals that were dressed in similar clothing to the first group, bits of fur and leather with one or two pieces of Seducer armor, with each wielding their own weapon, one a bow, another a battleaxe, and the third just an axe and shield. The only downside to this was that one of the bandits, who had to be the leader known as Svarig, had the power to summon what had to be the true Seducers, as the female warrior he summoned had slightly purple skin and seemed annoyed with them as she rushed towards the group to do battle.

Azure drew his greatsword and blocked the incoming attack from the summoned Seducer, finding that she was far stronger than the foes they had fought when they first discovered the area that one of their targets called home, though he pulled it away from where the others were fighting. Midnight and La'nari focused on taking down two of the other foes, the archer and the battleaxe user, where the latter jumped on some of the rocks and avoided the battleaxe as she loosed arrows into her foe's chest, leaving Midnight to jump around and even jump off of her opponent's shoulders before attacking. While the three of them were busy Capper and Rarity focused on Svarig, where Capper utilized his blades and parried the attacks that were coming his way, making sure to avoid any serious damage while huffing every so often, because doing this was taking a lot of his energy right now, but that was okay with him as Rarity struck Svarig's back with lightning. He wasn't sure why the next spell or ability she had gained from drinking the blood of their enemies happened to be that element, but it seemed to have a good effect since it drained their foe's magic, preventing him from summoning additional enemies or even using his magic to fight them.

With that in mind they were able to drain Svarig of his magic and that caused him to stumble, where Capper impaled him in the chest with his sword, not even missing a beat, and his death caused his summon to disappear in an instant, though while that happened the others brought down their foes as well, allowing them to relax.

"Okay, these ones were tougher." La'nari commented, referring to the fact that one of them had commented on the fact that the first group of Seducers had been rather easy to bring down, thanks to having the number advantage, while these three had been more difficult to bring down.

"Yes, but we prevailed and can acquire some additional loot." Capper replied, as there were scrolls on the stone table that was nearby, which also had a few Seducer weapons, a few soul gems, a couple of potions and ingredients, and a crimson red heart that La'nari identified as a daedric heart, expensive to the right buyer.

After claiming those items he and the others gathered the Seducer gear, because there was no sense in leaving this stuff for someone else to collect, Capper found that Svarig had a journal and it had some interesting information, the Seducers and the Saints were working for someone named 'Tharon'. This Tharon was wealthy and was asking the two clans to pillage the caravans for anything that felt 'off' or had even a hint of magic to them, even though he seemed to be living in a sewer for some odd reason, and, according to Svarig, was definitely insane. When he showed La'nari the journal she told him it was going to be hard to pinpoint where Tharon was hiding, because each of the main cities of Skyrim had a sewer, so that meant there were five cities for them to check out, before she mentioned that hunting down the Saints might give them an idea on where to find Tharon. Capper thought about it and agreed with her, both clans were bound to mention their benefactor and one of them might even mention where they could find him, since taking him out might permanently do away with both of the clans, making things better for everyone in the end.

Once they were sure that the area was clear of anything of value, and Capper made sure to store any coins or ingots in his Vault, Capper got the wagon moving once more as they started to make their way back to Whiterun, this time using a new path since it didn't make sense to head back to Riften first.

Fortunately there happened to an inn just beyond the short hill that was beyond Svarig's camp, where Capper told the rest of the group they would be stopping for the evening and made sure they knew that they could take the rooms, as he was fine with sleeping outside in the wagon, especially since he didn't want someone to steal it. As they headed inside, with the promise of bringing food out to him once they had the rooms for the night, Capper noticed that the argonian hunter came up to the inn as well and headed inside, without even acknowledging his existence, showing him that the figure was slightly good at his job. Rarity came out a few moments later and handed him a few bits of food, cheese and meat since that was all the inn keeper had, plus some water, though she found that the bug didn't seem to care about her offering, causing Rarity to shrug as she headed back inside. Capper munched on the food for a time, mostly to see if the argonian was going to come out and see what he was up to, only to find that the figure never came out of the building and that meant he was being left alone with the elytra, which seemed to be enjoying it's freedom while not straying from the wagon.

Once he was sure that the elytra was slumbering, as he heard an odd clicking from it that seemed to be snoozing, which was when Capper slipped into his Vault for a time and made sure that the gold and ingots were perfectly stored away like the rest of the wealth he and the others had gathered so far. While he did that Capper found that the blue crystal shard seemed to glow slightly, more than usual by his reckoning, and the odd crystal seemed to be doing the same as well, like someone was trying to tell him something and he was unable to decipher their message. As he watched for a moment he found that a third item floated into the air, one of the golden diamond rings he and the others had found during their travels, before he felt a strange magical shiver run through his body for a few seconds. Such a thing caused him to pull the Skeleton Key out and allowed him to discover that there was another icon among what he had seen previously, as the new one was made of gold and silver, with what appeared to be a pile of coins and gems with a faint golden dragon coiled around it.

There was something special about this icon, this door, which was why the Key had revealed it to him, now that he had been given a taste of what the Key was actually capable of, and yet he felt like sampling the power that was behind it, as he found the place to insert the artifact and did so without delay, turning it until he was sure it had reached the first position. This time he felt a more powerful surge of magical energy rush through his body, like it was just pure power, the like a mortal wasn't supposed to have or something, or maybe he was just imagining the whole thing since he wasn't used to using magic in the first place. Following that he tapped into the power he was feeling as he focused on the ring and the shard, where he found that he was able to gently remove a little bit of the shard's surface and let the material dance in front of him for a moment, because he found this to be amazing. In the next moment he guessed what the crystal had been silently telling him what to do, he applied the glowing blue material to the outside of the ring and found that it sunk into the material, forming a series of blue runes that were daedric in nature, he recognized some from what he saw on Sharva's body.

Even the diamond had been changed, it was now blue like the shard while not having the glow, meaning it wouldn't draw the attention of others to where he was located, and yet he felt some power inside it, what he had no idea and suspected that he might learn about it's power in the future, causing him to put it on his right pointer finger.

Once the crystal's glow had died down, and he was sure of that, Capper left his Vault behind and returned to the world that the wagon was in, finding that no one was around it, save for the elytra that was chirping in it's sleep, meaning no one had seen his movements and that made him happy that his secret hadn't been revealed yet. He discovered that he was able to sleep for a while without anything happening, which was good since he would be navigating the wagon, and when morning arrived he found that Rarity rose with it, making sure he had some breakfast, in the form of meat and cheese again, while the elytra woke up. Fortunately it looked like everyone else had gotten some decent sleep while they were inside the inn, as that was the whole point of the stop, and when the others were fully prepared to leave he had everyone take their places on the wagon before he started to move away from the inn. La'nari continued to use her map of the land to navigate them as best as she could, though she did know there was a fork in the road up ahead and that the left path would bring them back to Whiterun, where they could use the main path to return to the city's gate before heading towards the first Saint camp to deal with the other clan.

What Capper found was that the main road seemed to be vacant of enemies, which La'nari told the others was likely due to the Stormcloak patrols, since this was part of their portion of Skyrim, though she admitted that it could also be the Imperials as well, since they were looking for information.

Since there was nothing stopping them the wagon was able to reach the fork in the road and turn left without delay, which allowed them to leave the snowy area of Skyrim and return to the plains that were somewhat warmer and more suited for growing crops. There was a giant camp off to their right at one point, though he and his mammoths were a fair distance from the road, meaning they didn't have to worry about being chased by the tall figure, before Midnight noticed something ahead of them, a broken down wagon and someone in a jester outfit tending to it. Capper carefully made his way around the downed vessel before allowing Midnight to get off, where it seemed like one of the wheels had broken during the journey of transporting his mother's coffin to a new crypt, and that he had tried, in vain, to convince someone to aid him. The former Lunar Guard wasted no time in heading up the path that was off to the right, where Capper found that there were two people at the farm that Midnight was heading towards, likely annoyed by the presence of the jester and his attempts to get them to fix his wagon.

Fortunately they didn't have to wait too long for something to happen, the male figure seemed to get angry before calming down, eventually nodding his head before sending Midnight on her way, where she stopped by the jester and told him some sort of good news that caused him to do a jig before handing over a bag of gold.

"Helping a jester convince someone to fix his wagon wheel... definitely the strangest thing I've been paid for." Midnight said, though as she rejoined the others she nodded to Capper and he got them underway without wasting time, where she just handed the bag over, since she trusted him with their gold, just like Azure had done when he cleared out the spiders back in Shor's Stone.

As La'nari commented that this was definitely strange, as a jester in Skyrim was the last thing she was expecting to see while on the road, Capper noticed the amount of coins in the bag, seven hundred and fifty gold coins, where he quickly added two hundred of them to their overall coin purse and the rest to his Vault. After that they continued up the road and found that it was a peaceful venture since there was nothing coming at them, which was still unusual after everything they had seen on the roads of Skyrim, giving them some peace and quiet for a time. One thing they discovered was an area that three guards, Whiterun guards to be exact, were defending or used as their watch area, though all three of them took out three bandits that thought they could take them down, meaning there was no reason for the group to bother the trio. From there it was a simple matter to keep following the road in front of them as they returned to where the meadery rested, finding two more farms on the right side of the road while Capper directed the wagon, and it wasn't long before they crossed another small stone bridge and headed back towards the city.

This time around, however, Whiterun wasn't their destination as Capper followed the western path, allowing them to catch a glimpse of the destroyed watchtower that had been part of the tale about how some guards and Sharva brought down the dragon that had wrecked the place. As they drew closer he was able to confirm a few things, the first being that there had been a dragon, in fact there was a skeleton off to the side that was definitely dragon in origin, even though it was odd that it was missing all of it's flesh and organs. The second thing he confirmed was that this wasn't the dragon that wrecked Helgen, meaning there were definitely more dragons out there, coming back to Skyrim for the first time in forever, which only made him worry that they might encounter one on their travels. He also discovered that no one bothered to loot the dragon, as he discovered a small pile of fallen scales nearby and located a few loose bones, which he realized were valuable since this was the first time anyone in Skyrim would have seen these materials in a long time, so Capper got off the wagon for a couple of moments and used his new magic to warp the skeleton into the area right outside his Vault.

With that done he resumed their journey and brought the wagon by another fort, this one called Fort Greymoor, which was also occupied by another bandit clan, though for the time being Capper focused on tracking down the Saints, because they were the reason the group was here in the first place.

Eventually he found the camp they were looking for, as there was an area off to the left of the road that was much like the first Seducer camp, just a single tent with a large cage and had four people that were wearing different pieces of armor with odd golden pieces on their hands, feet, or head. These had to be the Saints, there was no doubt about it in Capper's mind, to which he made sure the wagon was off the road before noticing how many enemies there were, four like last time and one was an archer, to which he nodded to Rarity as he and the others got ready for melee combat. It was the same plan as when they fought the first Seducer camp, they were going to draw the attention of their enemies and Rarity was going to bite the archer's neck, killing him before he had a chance to loose an arrow, making it a five on three battle until one of the others fell. From there it would be a simple matter to avoid the incoming attacks and lash out when an opening showed itself to one of them, just like they had done previously, though while they did so Capper noticed some similarities between the two odd bandit clans, like how these were only the more agile members with the lighter weapons.

What he meant was that there was the archer with a dagger, one with a sword, another using a dagger, and the leader who had an axe and shield, no heavy weaponry among them, meaning their true leader likely had the two handed weapon, or he would be like Svarig and use magic. In the end it didn't matter to Capper all that much as they brought down the Saints and laid their corpses out in front of them, where the others collected the golden gear, plus the chest piece from a nearby chest, while he, in turn, lifted the golden sword and tested it's weight. The leader of this group had two things for them, one being a note about a blacksmith, a mad one at that, while the main piece was his journal, which detailed how the Saints were making good coin and that their boss, Kinthal, could be found near Karthwasten. Based on the information in hand they knew where to go next, to put an end to both the Saints and Seducers, and he was hoping that Kinthal had information on where their boss could be located, so they could take him out as well and tell Ri'saad the good news.

Capper made sure to loot the nearby chest as well, giving them the complete set of Saints armor, as well as a few gems to add to the collection, before he opened the iron cage and freed a second elytra, this one more greenish than the black one they found in the first Seducer camp, where, sure enough, this one chirped before following him, while the others looted the rest of the camp of it's valuables.

"Those elytra are odd. They just... follow us without being told to do so." La'nari remarked, where they found that Azure had put on the Saint's armor, much like how Midnight put on the Seducer armor once they had a complete set, and noticed how it perfectly fit him, like the armor had molded itself to fit his body.

"Maybe they go with the strong and assume that we're who to follow, since we took out their captors?" Capper inquired, as it seemed like a reasonable assumption to make, even though he felt that such a thing meant they should follow Azure, since he was the strongest of them all, unless they could feel the Key and were following it's unique energy.

La'nari really had no idea what to make of the situation, though she wasn't about to question it as they climbed onto their wagon, after Rarity made sure to burn the archer's body to prevent another vampire from rising, and they set out to find the last camp that needed to be taken out. Of course that meant that the two elytra followed after them without saying a word, rather there was an occasional chirping behind them, like the pair were conversing, if such a thing was possible, but it wasn't frequent enough to have him tell them to stop, so he and his friends focused on the road once more. Capper was still slightly surprised by just how much they were doing and how much they were gathering from a simple job, while Rarity confirmed that the argonian was still following the wagon, meaning Maven really wanted to know their combat skills, no doubt so she could ask them to do tougher jobs. Capper continued to ignore the argonian, since it wasn't worth worrying about right now, but Rarity did report something interesting, that being that some of the local wildlife wanted a piece of him more than they wanted to deal with a wagon and be outnumbered in the process.

There was something that worried him as they finally reached the next fork in the path, as off to their left rested an area with a downed wagon, with dead khajiit by the looks of things, while discovering that the right path went out into the wilds, where Capper glanced at La'nari for a moment since she was the navigator. She looked at her map for a few seconds before saying to use the left path, because according to the map the right one was a long winding path and might take longer to reach the area that was their new destination, while this one happened to be one straight line, following a river, with one area they had to cross. With that in mind it was easy for Capper to agree with her as he headed down the path in question, though he did pause for a moment to remove the couple of bear traps that were in their way, since he didn't want to hurt their horse, and he made sure to loot the dead for any coins or valuables, such as an expensive looking book, but once that was done he got back on the wagon and continued down the path. Ahead of them, at another fork in the path, was a pair of mages dealing with a trio of Imperial soldiers, the latter winning in no time as they marched down, heading towards Falkreath, where he let Midnight off for a moment and she returned with a two small coin pouches, a destruction tome for Rarity, and a staff that they stored away for selling later.

As Capper found the river to follow all he discovered were a few wild animals wanting to harass them, a wolf here and a bear there, plus a few stony mudcrabs, but La'nari pointed each one out and made sure to loose an arrow or two at them, since a bear took more arrows than a wolf, making the journey that much easier for everyone else. Oddly enough there weren't too many people on the road itself, like either this one wasn't traveled very much or there weren't many people heading this way right now, but he was fine with that since it meant they didn't have to stop very often. Rarity spent her time reading from the new tome they had recovered, which seemed to be a basic frost spell that gave her one of the three base elements, though trying it out would have to wait until later, when they were actually in combat or when they found an area with dummies she could train with. Other than that Capper also found an area with a shrine to one of the Divines, with a hunter relaxing near it, and further down the path there was a thicker stone bridge leading to an area with a bunch of odd branch huts, like those who called the area home preferred to live connected to nature, but La'nari told them to keep moving.

Apparently the nature huts were the home of the Forsworn, a force the khajiit had only heard about since she almost never came to this part of Skyrim, so she didn't have a lot of information to share with them, but she knew they were dangerous, far more than the Saints and Seducers, so it was best if they didn't bother those people.

Following that they crossed another stone bridge and passed by a decent sized waterfall, before finding a dark elf in heavy armor, steel plate, who informed them that she was a mercenary and that she was going to be dealing with some danger in the nearby area, the Forsworn they had passed by. La'nari wished her well and had Capper keep moving, since the lady had no chance in her mind, especially since she had an iron axe and shield as her weapons, before advising Capper to use the right path when they reached the next fork in the road. Such a thing was supposed to bring them by a small mine and yet another stone bridge, where she told them that they needed to turn to the right once more, though as they got near where she was talking about Capper stopped as he noticed three Forsworn rushing down the left side of the path, away from the path they needed to follow. It appeared that some guards were coming out to clear out the Forsworn, especially since they were close to Markarth, though since they drew the Forsworn away Capper was able to cross the bridge and head down to the right, getting away from the area without enemies rushing them.

After that Capper focused on following the rest of the path, passing by a cave in the process, but it wasn't important as he followed La'nari's directions again, noting that there were still no travelers to worry about, and the constant lack of threats allowed them to reach Karthwasten in no time at all.

As it turned out the area in question appeared to be a mine, with buildings for the workers and owner, though their targets were on the top of the hill to the right of the path, as Midnight took to the air a little to track down the camp, and once she had done so they left the wagon behind. Sure enough there were three Saints, the one with magic being Kinthal since he was able to an actual Saint with the fairer skin, though they separated their enemies like they had done before, meaning Azure tackled the summoned warrior, Capper and Rarity dealt with Kinthal, while Midnight dealt with the other melee bandit and La'nari focused on the archer. The lightning bolts really helped out as it meant that Kinthal's main power was gone and that he had to focus on his weapon, which was blocked by Capper's new blade, and when Rarity stabbed the leader in the side of his body Capper stabbed him in the heart. As the summoned warrior disappeared it became easier for them to deal with the remaining foes, where La'nari put a few arrows into the archer as Midnight severed the head of her foe, allowing the group to rest and claim the golden gear for their collection.

Capper, however, found a journal on Kinthal that had some interesting information, this group had found a unique sword and delivered it to Thoron, who was waiting in the Solitude sewers, causing him to wonder if it was the same weapon that the figure had asked him to recover, while the others gathered their spoils.

"So, we know where Thoron is... should we take him down now?" La'nari asked, because that seemed like the reasonable thing to do, as Solitude was probably four or five hours away from their current position, meaning they would arrive in the middle of the night, giving them time to search the sewers for Thoron, "I know Maven said that we had until the end of the week to return, and I'm sure she'll start taking from the reward if we're late, but... well, given the system he's established with the two clans, them bringing him stuff every now and then, he'd notice the absence of the clans and might be able to replace them before we tell Maven of our success."

"No, I agree with you. Thoron needs to die. Now." Capper stated, as he understood La'nari's worry that Thoron might have a whole new set of people lined up to replace the two clans if they failed him, plus there was the matter of the sword that was in his possession, before he glanced out at the area and beckoned towards the argonian hunter, who realized he had been spotted and walked over to their wagon, "Tell me: can you send a letter to Maven?"

"I... would have to return to one of the cities and hire a courier, but I can." the argonian replied, where he looked at them for a time, no doubt to come to terms with the fact that they might have seen him a long time ago and were only now talking to him because they had need of him in some manner, "Why do you ask?"

"We've discovered the location of the one controlling the Saints and Seducers, and are moving to take him out. I'd like you to send an update to Maven about our progress." Capper answered, though this was less about the gold and more about the safety of Skyrim, because Kinthal's journal indicated that Thoron seemed to be trying to 'bridge' something, meaning it was in their best interests to take him out, before he succeeded in his plans, "I think she'll be happy to know that we're taking care of the root of the problem, without having to be told to do so."

The argonian nodded and started to retrace his steps as he headed back in the direction of Markarth, allowing the group to climb onto their wagon once more before turning around so they could leave Karthwasten, as it was time for them to bring down Thoron so they could return to Maven with good news and then face whatever the future held in store for them.

Interlude: Madness in the Sewers

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Capper found that the path in front of them really didn't have much to offer, as there was a stone bridge that they had to cross, before he spotted another ruin up ahead that seemed to be the site of another battle, as a group of Stormcloaks had killed a number of Forsworn, opening the path for everyone to use. Since the armed force didn't seem interested in them the group was able to continue down the road that La'nari was having them follow, though she also informed him that the next fork in the road was important, because the left would take them towards Solitude and the right would head back towards Whiterun. He nodded and told her that he understood, where he allowed the others to keep an eye out for danger while he focused on the road, where Rarity noticed that the elytra were still following and decided to just ignore them, since the pair didn't seem to be doing anything. Of course her thought changed when a trio of wolves came at them from behind and the elytra attacked, appearing to bite into the necks of the wolves and kill them before they could get close, the third being taken down by both of them, at the exact same time.

Such a thing caused Capper to wonder about the elytra, as they were different from what he had been expecting, which only made him curious if there was more to them than he knew or if they could be trained in some manner, something he and the others would have to focus on at some point in the future.

After the wolves they were able to continue down the road for a couple of minutes until Capper stopped them once more, as this time there happened to be a small wagon, like one would use to transport food freshly picked food into a city, though it happened to be resting in the center of the road. He thought this was strange and was proven right immediately as he and the others spotted someone resting behind some rocks on the upper portion of the hill on their right, along with some out in the wild on the other side of the road, plus a dead bandit near the cart. With that information in hand La'nari drew her bow and readied an arrow, though at the same time Rarity silently made her way over to the lone hidden bandit, where she used a hand to cover his mouth as she bit into his neck and pulled him down into the cover, preventing the other bandits from realizing what's going on. Following that La'nari loosed an arrow and let it fly, striking a bandit in her heart since her target was only wearing fur armor, though as the other two rushed into battle Capper found that this time that he and Midnight didn't have to get involved as Azure used his greatsword to cleave through one bandit and then beheaded the last one.

Capper found that the bandits really didn't have much on them, a few small coin pouches and some arrows, since he had no desire to sell their rags or fur armor to a merchant, while finding that the chest had a few more coins and a ruby, which he added to the collection for later. Once he and the others were sure none of the bandits had anything of value left on them they returned to the wagon, after Azure pushed the cart out of the way and Rarity burned the target she drained, and quickly resumed their journey, where Capper found that the sky was definitely getting darker, indicating that night was getting closer. He turned to the left and continued down the road, where it wasn't long before he spotted a saber car chasing a goat down another portion of the road, reaching yet another stone bridge that seemed to have a bandit camp on the other side, where Capper stopped so everyone could see what the end of the chase was. What they found was that the goat was killed before it even reached the camp, though that was followed by some of the bandits raining arrows down on the saber cat and brought it down, where some of the bandits moved out and collected both corpses, meaning they were going to eat good for some time.

"Three of their lookouts are going to be troublesome." Capper commented, pointing at the one of the wooden bridge above the road, another guarding a post that watched the other side of the road, and one that was on what passed as a lookout area near where he assumed the chief likely rested, meaning they might have to kill the entire camp since he was sure that someone would notice those three disappearing.

"Not necessarily. Look." La'nari said, where the three bandits that Capper had pointed out were heading into the main part of the camp, meaning there was a window of opportunity for them to pass through the area without being spotted, to which he nodded his head and got the horse moving again.

This time around the horse remained quiet, having seen a saber cat die had put some shock into it, or at least that was what Rarity was guessing right now, and sure enough it wasn't long before they heard some of the bandits singing, one even using a lute to play some music. Such a thing meant that they were drowning out any sound that might tell them that someone or a group was in the area, to which Capper and the others nodded to each other before going silent for a time as the horse followed the road that was in front of them. It was amazing that they were actually able to get out of the area without any of the bandits realizing that they were even in the area, allowing everyone to breath a sigh of relief once they were a good bit away from the camp, while letting them relax a little bit in the process. Ahead of them happened to be a Thalmor patrol, as La'nari pointed them out, causing Capper to say nothing as they continued down the road, letting the elves head towards the camp, where Rarity watched them for a time and found that none of the bandits allowed the elves to pass.

By that she informed the others that the bandits attacked the elves and ended up killing the three Thalmor, though they did lose two of their number in the process, giving them something to chuckle about as they headed towards Solitude, where Capper kept an eye out for something called the 'Dragon Bridge'. According to La'nari it would bring them to a village that was known by the same name, the last bridge they needed to cross before reaching their final destination, a special bridge thanks to how it was carved and how it looked, which is why he was focused on finding it. Along the way he did spot another wagon that had been attacked, as the horse and the couple that had owned it had been slain by arrows, where Midnight got off for a moment, searched the bodies for anything of value, and found a couple of crates that had been untouched, which contained some Legion gear. With that in mind she and the others nodded for a moment as they transferred the crates into their wagon, as delivering this stuff to Solitude might earn them some gold from those leading the Legion, and once the trio of crates were ready to go Capper got them underway once more.

The Dragon Bridge, as stated, was a long well carved structure in the style of a dragon, or at least it's head, and they were able to cross it without wasting time, which was a benefit of the time of day that they were arriving in, though there was a mill and a few houses, plus an inn off to their right.

Since they were well stocked from their last stop, and no one felt like stopping, Capper continued along the road that would bring them to Solitude, since everyone wanted to complete their self appointed task before returning to Maven, as taking the head of the snake would benefit her and the merchants in the end. Based on what they could see there was a single bear to the left of the small town's exit, which seemed to be sleeping right now, meaning Capper and his companions didn't have to worry about it coming and attacking them and didn't have to waste energy on it. In addition to the bear there was a temple off to the left that seemed important, despite no one being near it, and over the edge on their right, down below them, was a camp bearing the colors of the Stormcloaks, meaning they were likely harassing Solitude and were chipping away at their defenses every now and then. Other than that there wasn't much less to look at, save for a rock wall on their left, before he found the path leading to a stone watchtower, a farm on their right, what appeared to be some docks off to the right, and a city gate that had carved stone walls around both it and the rest of the city.

As they passed by a Solitude guard, who wore a red version of the chainmail armor that all Hold guards wore, he told them to keep their noses clean, least they end up like Roggvir, who happened to be a former gate guard who allowed Ulfric to escape the city after he murdered the High King, so the Captain of the Guard had him executed.

"You don't have to worry about us, we're just delivering some Imperial goods we found on the road, by a wagon that had been destroyed by some bandits recently." Capper replied, since they had no idea who had caused the deaths of both the married couple and the horse of the wagon they had passed by earlier that afternoon, so it was easy to put the blame on a group of bandits, especially after seeing some Thalmor die to them earlier.

The guard sighed and gave them directions on where to take the crates, as they just had to enter the city, walk up a path to where the blacksmith was located, and then go beyond that to reach Castle Dour, where they would find the General talking to his second in command, who would pay them for the goods. With that information in mind Capper thanked him before heading up to the main gates of Solitude, where he stopped the wagon to the right of the entrance so he and the others could get off and not obstruct the road when morning arrived, since that would annoy people no doubt. Following that the small crates were offloaded and they headed inside, allowing them to see the more well carved stone houses and buildings that made up Solitude, though since it was in the middle of the night it looked like almost everyone was asleep, save for the guards who had the night shift. While Capper followed the guard's directions they got a sense for how large Solitude was, as it was definitely larger than what they were expecting, though fortunately it appeared that they knew where to go next, due to the fact that there were two unique butterflies near a sewer grate, a purple one and a green one.

Midnight, of course, caught them and added their wings to her collection of alchemy ingredients, while Capper and the rest of the group brought the crates to the building, though it happened to be when General Tullius emerged for a late night walk and he just waved his hands at them, indicating that he didn't want to know, despite heading inside and returning with a bag of gold as they handed the crates to a pair of nearby guards.

"Can't really complain about that: five hundred gold for returning a few crates of Imperial gear." Capper commented, where he spoke once they were far away from the General, who seemed to be heading deeper into the city, allowing them to head towards their true destination, the sewer entrance that they had seen the butterflies near, while noting that the elytra were waiting by the main gate, meaning they weren't coming with them.

"I still can't believe we have to go down there... what sort of villain hides in the sewers?!" Rarity asked, though after every odd thing she had been through throughout her life she found that the idea of entering such a place didn't even stall her, which she was going to blame on everything that had happened since arriving in this world.

"I'm not sure, but Thoron's cornered himself with this decision." Midnight said, where she made sure Rarity was fine with this part of their quest, especially since they had no idea what might be in the sewers, and found that their companion was fine, though she was sure that turning into a vampire, and getting over some of her mental blocks, had allowed her to focus on the task that was ahead of them.

What they discovered was that it was just a short ladder climb down into the sewer, onto stone and not into water, though in front of them rested a fork in the path, the left leading to a locked door, and Azure tried it as soon as he noticed that it was there, while the right went further down. With only one option available to them the group made their way down into the depths, only to stop when they noticed that the section beyond the small room that the stairs brought them to was far more like the insides of a tree and less like a sewers, or a natural underground cavern with large tree roots. In addition to that the group found some unnatural plants growing outside the arch and on the other side, with more of the purple and green butterflies flying around, where Midnight made sure to collect whatever she could, as she was going to have a field day the moment she got back to their fort's alchemy station. La'nari and Azure noted that there had been a wall where the arch was located, they could see all sorts of broken brick and stone around the watery side of the arch, causing them to get ready, as there was no way of knowing what sort of enemies might be waiting for them in this area.

While they did that, however, Capper silently confirmed that the sword was down here, he could practically feel it resonating with something, definitely not Thoron, and in that instant he understood what the blade actually was, it was an artifact like the Skeleton Key, which was all the more reason to kill Thoron and claim it.

What he and the others discovered was that their enemies were more elytra, as it looked like they lived in this root cave, for lack of a better term, especially since there were far more than just one or two of them, a fact that caused La'nari to loose a few arrows at them before they got close. Once the enemies got close she backed off and allowed Azure and Midnight to deal with the wounded elytra, who made sure to avoid the venomous attacks since they knew how dangerous their poison could be after watching their pair fight those wolves earlier. While they did that Capper found that there were tree husks in the cave as well, which had an assortment of herbs and alchemy ingredients inside it, plus more amber ore, and when he told the others Midnight asked him to acquire as much as he could, handing him the bag she was using to store her alchemy ingredients. Such a thing caused him to chuckle as he stayed at the back of the pack, carefully collecting the items that were around him, plus the elytra had some ichor that could be used as well, so he bottled some up with the containers inside the bag, showing him how prepared Midnight was to collect her precious ingredients.

One other thing they discovered was that there were ladies that were made out of wood and nature energy, spriggans based on what La'nari said, though their attacks hurt far more than the elytra, where Capper was sure that it was due to the fact that they were infused with some of the energies that were coming from the root cave's depths. Even Capper got in on the action as he stabbed and slashed at some of the spriggans, while at the same time Rarity found some openings to hurl a few fireballs through, blasting the nature elementals in the back or sides, anything to do away with them. The other thing that Capper found inside the tree husks were a few gems, far better in rarity than what he and the others had recovered since their arrival in this world, but there were only three or four of them by his count, not that it mattered since he was glad to have all of them in his collection. Despite that fact it sure felt like they had walked into another world, given the amount of growth that was on all of the walls that were around them, transforming the sewer passage into a tree hollow, almost like they had walked into a realm of Oblivion, or maybe a small fragment of Oblivion had been brought to Solitude, since Capper was sure they hadn't entered any portals to do such a thing.

There were a few side passages that they carefully checked out, which seemed to be dead ends, though there were more of the corrupted spriggans for them to fight, which made them wonder how so many had come to be contained in Solitude's sewers, or if they had come through with all of the elytra.

When they took out another corrupted spriggan, which Capper realized had a amber color to parts of it, he passed around some potions to the others, Azure and Midnight getting health while Rarity needed more mana, though he and La'nari kept an eye out for more enemies, given how many were in this place. The only thing of value that this place had was the various tree husks that gave them alchemy items, amber ores, and the occasional gem, though he wasn't about to argue since they were getting closer and closer to where the sword, and Thoron, was resting. Of course they also found a few dead bodies of unfortunate hunters who had been dragged into the area, since this didn't seem to be a place that someone could fall into on accident, though La'nari made sure to collect their arrows so she didn't run out of them at the wrong time. After the next group of enemies they discovered an area that excited them, an area that was full of weapons and armor from both clans they had dealt with, the golden Saints gear and the ebony Seducer gear, like a battleground of sorts, with no bodies, which was very odd.

Azure smiled as he found a replacement for his weapon, a greatsword made of the same golden material of his new armor, while Capper collected another golden sword and the others went after everything else, though they were quiet about it, as around the corner was a path leading to where Thoron seemed to be working, as he was mumbling to himself.

"Okay... he's right around the corner." Capper said, where he and the others used his greater sneak ability to get an idea as to what the figure was doing right now, and as far as he could tell Thoron was channeling his magic into a spell, while the sword was wedged into what appeared to be the root heart of the entire cave system, though it was easy for him to see that all of them were nervous, "It doesn't look like he's seen us yet, nor has he heard the sounds of us fighting the corrupted spriggans and elytra, so we have a chance to attack before he even realizes what's going on. La'nari, I think you could use a barrage of arrows to start the fight, maybe even critically wound Thoron before he can recover, and since he's a mage we can use Rarity's lightning magic to cripple his mana... maybe prevent him from using spells completely. Azure, if Thoron is able to summon any Saints or Seducers, it'll be up to you to deal with them, since you were able to stall the summoned ones during our last battles, which leaves me and Midnight to finish the job... hopefully."

"What do you mean 'hopefully', darling?" Rarity asked, because that made her more nervous, as Capper didn't seem like he was convinced that the plan would work, rather it seemed like this might be the only thing he could think of, utilizing their various strengths into something that might bring their target down.

"He's got a Daedric Artifact and he's boring a hole into a Plane of Oblivion... his powers might be beyond us... but we have to do something." Capper stated, as that seemed to be what the notes they had acquired and the information that was right in front of them was currently suggesting, not to mention why someone had insisted on him, plus his companions, recovering the sword before it was misused in the worst way possible.

La'nari agreed with him, this was someone who might be a servant of a Daedric Prince, meaning their power might be on an entirely different level depending on which Prince it was, which was why she pulled out some golden arrows and readied her bow, nodding to the others as they silently readied their own weapons. Once everyone was ready she sneaked out into the end of their passage, just before where Thoron made his camp, and loosed her arrows right into his back, rapidly since they couldn't afford to give him a moment to defend himself or even fight back. Thoron staggered backwards for a moment as the first and second arrow tore through his back, as he was only wearing a loincloth and a strange helmet on his head, while she found that the third one pierced her target's side as he moved out of the way. In the next instant Rarity loosed a bolt of lightning as Thoron got off his spell, summoning a warrior Saint to attack them as the bolt struck him in the chest, leading to Azure lashing out at the summoned warrior with his greatsword, pushing her away so Capper and Midnight could join Rarity in attacking their foe.

Midnight slashed at his exposed chest, her daggers finding more purchase than they were expecting, even though he wasn't wearing anything other than the loincloth and helmet, and Rarity's next bolt of lightning knocked him into the barrier that was around the crystalline greatsword, where she did it again and opened Thoron's defenses so Capper could take his head off in an instant.

"It would seem that he wasn't as strong as we assumed he'd be." La'nari commented, as this was good news, because that meant that Thoron might have been an outcast, someone who was stripped of his power and suddenly everything seemed to make sense to her, as now she knew that he had been trying to get back home and his Prince didn't want him at all, which was a sad tale if it was true.

"We were fortunate that he was so distracted." Capper replied, though at the same time he looted Thoron's body, because he had a number of alchemy items that he handed to Midnight without delay, a pair of journals he pocketed, four tomes that seemed to be summoning tomes which went to Rarity, the odd helmet, an enchanted ring, and a staff that the mad wizard didn't have a chance to use, before he glanced at the trapped artifact, "Why don't you guys head down the other passage and check if it's an exit, and that the coast is clear? I want to be sure we have an escape route for when we retrieve that blade."

La'nari nodded as she and the others headed down the other passage, the one that seemed to be Thoron's escape route, to which Capper checked where the mad wizard had been sleeping, finding another journal, a jar with a bug inside it, a couple of potions, and an amber ore molded into the face of someone else, likely the Prince that Thoron was obsessed with, before he focused on the greatsword.

Behold, the Sword of Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order... note it's perfect symmetry. a voice said, causing Capper to turn his head to the left of the root heart and found the mysterious specter that had spoken to him previously floating near the weapon, though the interesting thing was that she was more vocal than before, why he had no idea and he wasn't about to ask, not yet anyway, Yet it's power to allow one to see the past, present, and future, as they flow as one within it's edge, will drive those who aren't used to the raw power of a Daedric Prince mad. I cannot help you in my current state, as I would need a physical body to manifest the power to counter the blade's power and blind it... for a short while.

"You mean that you need a physical body, in addition to my physical body?" Capper asked, where he was glad that he had sent the others away for the time being, otherwise they would either think he was insane or realize he had kept a secret from all of them, but that still presented a problem, especially since it didn't look like the specter could possess bodies, so Thoron's was out, "Well, unless you can tell me how to make one... which is crazy, when I think about it... then I'm afraid that I'll have to try my luck."

I can show you... it would require releasing the golden icon to fifty percent, but you would benefit greatly in the end, you can trust me on that. the specter replied, causing Capper to focus on her for a moment, because it seemed odd that she would bring this up now, after being silent for some time, and yet, despite how strange and mysterious this sounded, part of him felt that trusting her was the key to retrieving the sword, I give you my word, from one Prince to another, that I only have your best interests in mind... you will benefit far more from this than I will.

In the end Capper decided to put his trust in her, there was something about her that suggested that she wasn't trying to do harm to him or his friends, to which she had them return to the Vault, or the outer area where he had dropped the dragon skeleton when the wagon passed by the ruined watchtower previously. Following that the specter had him recover two items from the Vault, an ingot of whatever metal he desired and the crystal that was the core of her essence, which raised a few questions that he decided to keep at the back of his mind for a time as he retrieved the items. He discovered that the crystal that was the core of the Vault didn't even resist his touch, rather he was able to touch it and pull it down without delay, and as soon as that was done he focused on the ingots and went with silver, a counter to the edge of the artifact. With those two items in hand he returned to the area that was in front of the Vault and let them float nearby as he pulled out the Key once more, where the specter watched as he slipped it into the newest icon, turning it until she told him to stop, causing a surge of power in his body once more.

Once that was done the specter told him to magically link the crystalline core and the ingot with the dragon corpse, where her power would override the essence lingering on the bones, and once the three were connected Capper needed to make an image of a new form in his mind. Such a thing would allow him to make a new physical body for her to use, and once the sword was recovered she told Capper that she could teach him everything he needed to know, because whether he liked it or not some Princes might consider this to be a proper Plane of Oblivion and come bother him, so there were things she had to teach him before that happened. Capper said nothing to that as he focused on the three items that were in front of him, allowing the magic he had felt and used previously as he considered the form he wanted weave them into, and yet his mind kept coming back to Spike and the other dragons he had encountered before coming to this world. In the next instant an image formed in his mind, merging the form he was used to seeing and the new form he had encountered, before his magic reacted and the items swirled into silvery spiral in front of him, the specter disappearing as she was pulled into it.

The spiral turned into a vortex of energy for a few seconds, likely the specter's power finally waking up, before it died down and condensed into a smaller form, a humanoid form with dragon components, such as the horns, wings, and tail, which was when Capper found that her new body was just as tall as he was. He found that she had digitigrade legs and that her feet had four main claws with the fifth up on the inner side, like a werewolf he guessed, and her hands had five fingers like a person did, plus he noticed that her scales were silver with a silvery blue undertone. The membrane of her wings just so happened to be a faint golden color, like she was inspired by his wealth, and while her tail didn't have anything dangerous at the end he knew that it was powerful enough to do some damage if she struck someone with it. She also had the snout of a dragon, complete with sharp ivory teeth or fangs, while the short horns on top of her head seemed to be a silvery blue as well, making her imposing like a dragon, and her eyes were a vibrant golden color.

In the next moment he confirmed that she had a feminine body, meaning her power had overruled the bones he had used, before the lingering bits of magic formed a sapphire blue mage outfit over her body, like an Arch-Mage or something, and the intricate portions of it were a mix of gold and silver.

"I... I..." the figure said, where it was clear that she wasn't used to talking, as she had to cough a few times as she got used to having actual vocal cords again, before she took a deep breath and seemed to enjoy having actual lungs, in fact she seemed happy with this situation, even if the body wasn't what she was expecting him to give her, "It feels so good to breathe again! It might have served me well, but being trapped as a specter was unbearable."

"I'm... glad to be of assistance." Capper stated, as he wasn't sure if this was a good idea or not, especially since he had no idea who she was or what her true intentions were, but he guessed things weren't too bad since the figure seemed fine with the situation she was in, before he focused his mind again, "So, are we good to deal with the sword? Also, do you have a name, or do I need to think of one?"

"Yes, I am able to assist you now." the figure replied, though in the next instant she brought her right knee to the ground as she crossed both of her hands over her left knee, her left hand resting between her knee and her other hand, before she bowed her head, like she was showing respect to someone that was greater than her, "As for my name, there is only one that matters right now, my Prince: Ithelia."

Capper wasn't too sure why she was addressing him as if he was a Prince of Oblivion, he didn't believe that one bit, but right now he knew he required her assistance and held his hand out, where Ithelia nodded, stood up, and took his hands as he used the teleportation power to bring them back to the sewers. She informed him that only a few moments had passed during their time in his realm, as time worked differently in Oblivion, so they had plenty of time to do the deed before the rest of the group showed up to report their success in finding an exit. With that in mind Ithelia turned her power on where the Sword of Jyggalag was resting, where Capper found that her magic was either cancelling the Sword's power or keeping it contained, but he wasted no time in grasping the handle, after making sure not to get in the way of Ithelia's magic, which was a cross of silver and gold energy. He found that nothing happened when he grabbed the handle, thanks to what his new ally was doing, to which he drew the artifact out of the root heart and the cave shook once it was out, the connection that had been established had been severed, causing Ithelia to nod as she made sure he could use the weapon without causing harm to himself.

Once Ithelia was sure that everything was in order, and she had Capper return her to the Vault so she could start planning her lessons, as she was serious about that part, causing him to sigh as he wondered what he was getting himself into as he placed the artifact on his back, all while worrying about whatever the future held in store for him and his friends.

Interlude: Bandit Problems

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Capper found that there was nothing else for him to worry about after removing the Sword of jyggalag, rather the cave was silent and there didn't seem to be any new enemies for him to worry about, to which he made sure he had everything that had been in Thoron's possession before heading down the path the others took.

"Capper, we found the exit... and you've already removed the sword." Rarity commented, as she and the others happened to be coming down a set of stairs that lead to the entrance area of this portion of Solitude's sewers, though part of her was a little annoyed that their friend didn't want for them to return before he removed the weapon.

"Yeah, turns out the magic died down shortly after you left, allowing me to pull it out easily." Capper replied, which was part of the truth, even though he felt that sharing Ithelia's existence with them would have to wait for another time, likely a day or two in the future once he came to terms with what was going on, but for now it seemed like they were willing to accept his words, "Come on, let's get out of here and head back to Riften... Maven's going to be happy, in her own way, that we've taken out both of the clans and the head that ruled over them."

La'nari nodded, as she agreed that it was time for them to return to their boss with news of their success, causing them to head back up the stairs as Capper found that there had been a few skeevers in the way, as all three of the little rats were dead, which allowed them to reach the formerly locked door they found earlier. Since Rarity and the others found it they made sure to unlock it, just in case removing the Sword brought everything crashing down, meaning it was easy for them to reach the surface streets of Solitude, allowing everyone to see that morning was starting to break. With that in mind Capper had them stick around for a few moments, as some merchants came out to the nearby market stalls and he purchased a bit of food from them, which he shared with the others as they departed from Solitude, since wasting too much time would cost them part of their reward. Of course Capper wasn't heartless, as he told them they could stop at one of the inns that were on the path they would be following and get a couple hours of sleep, though La'nari agreed that getting back to Riften had to be their top priority right now, to get Maven off their backs until she had another job for them.

As they departed from the city it was easy for the group to see that the guards were nervous, due to the pair of elytra that were near their wagon, but Capper assured both figures that they were friendly and only attacked aggressors, meaning they were well trained, and when the guards nodded he got the wagon underway, elytra following as they did previously.

Capper and his friends found that more people were getting up as they left Solitude behind, as farmers were getting up to tend to their animals and crops, sailors were focusing on making sure their ships were fine and ready to go, workers were in the middle of moving cargo around, and everyone else just seemed busy. It was nice to see, even though none of them would have any idea what had been done for them, who they had stopped and what plan they had ruined, but Capper was fine with that, since it meant they could bring Maven the good news first, without news reaching her ahead of them. At the same time it appeared that the road was still clear, meaning they wouldn't have to worry about running into danger or being forced to slow down for other travelers, the latter no doubt resting at that very moment, causing everyone to relax as they took inventory of their spoils. There wasn't a lot of gold, rather it was just a bunch of alchemy ingredients, plus the amber ore that had been in the tree husks, and a rare few gems, but all in all it was a good haul, since it would help them in the end, of that Capper was sure of.

Fortunately none of the others asked about the greatsword that was on his back, which was magically floating above the back of his armor, allowing Capper to focus on what was in front of them for a time, as he didn't want to get sidetracked or lose focus at the worst possible moment.

As it turned out they were able to get through Dragon's Bridge rather easily, and across the bridge without delay since there was no one else using it, before Capper found something that was going to stop them for a time, that being the bandits they had passed by previously, the ones that killed the three Thalmor agents. The reason Capper considered them to be more of an obstacle this time around was due to the fact that they knew the wagon was coming and their ranged fighters were on the wooden bridge itself, bows at the ready while a few warriors seemed to be waiting. Such a thing caused him to sigh as he brought the wagon to a stop and everyone climbed off of it, where he had La'nari focus on the archers as he, Azure, and Rarity rushed forward, two of them drawing their weapons while Rarity's hands crackled with lightning, as she had found an element to focus on. It was a good element since everyone had mana and allowed her to prevent their enemies from using magic against them, especially since some mages liked to hide themselves until the right moment, and he found that she was able to adjust her power to lightly shock their foes to cripple their mana, without harming them.

While she did that La'nari loosed a few arrows and struck the archers, enough to stagger them as Midnight approached the ranged warriors from the side, slashing at their sides before they had a chance to recover and brought them down, just as Azure and Capper crashed with the warriors. Capper went with his golden swords, mostly because he was sure he wouldn't be able to wield the Sword of Jyggalag in an actual battle, plus he had no idea what it would do to someone else if he struck them, though he found that his weapons were more than enough right now. Together he and Azure pushed their foes back, breaking the lineup they had formed to stop their wagon from passing through and scattered the bandits as La'nari caught up with them, putting an arrow in one's knee so they were unable to escape, opening the way for his head to be taken off as Azure struck him. Capper focused on his foe, who seemed to be a mage that couldn't use her spells against him and had to resort to using a dagger to defend herself, a rather foolish decision in Capper's eyes since he would have picked an actual sword, as he was able to cut his foe's wrist, forcing the bandit to drop her weapon before driving the second blade into her heart.

In the next moment he noticed something odd, the bandit's body seemed to turn to gold before his eyes, spreading out from where Capper's blade was resting, before she was consumed by a brief light and Capper found a pile of gold resting where his foe had been standing, with a golden soul gem resting on top of it.

"Capper, darling... what did you do?" Rarity asked, though at the same time she and the others reported the same thing, the bodies of the slain had strange golden soul gems on them, but none of the other bandits turned into coins, which was very odd, especially since La'nari was confused by this series of events.

"I... don't know?" Capper answered, as this was a first for him, since no one had mentioned such a thing, though he quietly suspected that this was linked to what he had done in the sewers, releasing more of the golden icon to create Ithelia's new body, so this would make it a side effect he wasn't aware of and would have to ask his new friend later, "We should clear out the leader while we're here... then we can rest and think about the strange soul gems."

The others glanced at each other for a few seconds before moving up towards the main portion of the camp, a structure that was at the highest point and was made more like a permanent building, while Capper collected the coins and gems from all of the dead bandits, including the one that turned into a pile of gold. The chief of this clan was wearing steel armor, gloves, and boots, but, oddly enough, no helmet, in fact it didn't look like he was even aware of the fact that his clan had tried to rob a bunch of travelers and had been put to the sword, leaving him as the last one standing. Capper noticed that there was a wooden wall wrapped around the area that the camp was resting in, with an upper area, a lower area, the main entrance, the wooden bridge, and a lookout post on the other side of the road, a good location in his eyes, especially with five areas for people to rest in. Capper nodded to La'nari and she put an arrow in the chief's head, as he was standing at the front of the cabin with his back turned to the rest of the camp, meaning she was able to take the target out in a second, as he fell face first onto the ground and didn't move after that.

Once they were sure the chief was dead, and he also had a golden soul gem, Capper had the wagon brought up to an area where it would be safe, since they would be resting here for a time, with Rarity and Azure getting the beds near the start of the camp, while Midnight and La'nari took the tents across from them, leaving two tents without owners, while they let him take the main cabin.

"What to do with these?" Capper commented, because the others seemed to be taking his words seriously, that they should be getting some sleep before worrying about what the future held in store for them, allowing him to set the golden soul gems on the table that was in the cabin, where he picked one up at random and palmed it for a moment, though as he thought about Ithelia, and how she would know something, the insides of the soul gem started to glow.

The soul gem floated into the air for a moment before lowering itself down to the ground, where the wind whipped around it for a few seconds as the glow intensified and transformed the gem, where he found that it took on the form of a small lizard creature that was between two to two and a half feet tall. From what Capper could tell the creature had three claws on it's feet, a fourth smaller one up higher like he had seen on Ithelia's legs, and it had three fingers with a thumb on each hand, all while it's scales seemed much softer than a dragon's and it had a small pair of curved horns on it's head. It was like a small dragon, especially with the smaller snout and scaly tail, though it lacked wings, meaning it was ground based, and he found that it had light red scales and was wearing a loincloth around it's waist, though it seemed confused. Capper found that to be fair, as he wasn't sure what was going on right now either, though what he knew was that some aspect of him had changed, trapping the souls of those slain around him in unique soul gems, which could then be turned into something new.

In the next moment he decided to call upon someone who might know about this creature, where he posed the question to his new friend in his mind and sure enough Ithelia stepped out of thin air, like she had used the teleport power Capper had used previously, before she focused on the new creature and lowered herself as she smiled and rubbed it's head.

"It would seem that turning the Key on the golden icon had more of an effect than I thought... you're able to create new life, using souls that are in soul gems." Ithelia commented, keeping her voice low so the others didn't hear her, though it was all too clear that she was thinking about what this meant as she glanced at Capper's ring, which he knew seemed stronger than before, or at least that seemed to be what was going on, "In fact it seems like I'll have more to teach you when you are ready to get started, since you'll be able to prevent this from happening in the future... but this little one is a kobold, a race that I believe is extinct, though it's hard for me to say since I've been out of things for a few Eras. At the same time this one seems different from what I remember... like who he was when he was a mortal has influenced his new form... what were you, little one?"

"I... I was a warrior before my death, and there was a few other fighters with a mage and some archers in our clan." the new kobold said, where it was clear that he wasn't sure what was going on right now, though at the same time Ithelia nodded as she picked up one of the other golden soul gems, which had been the mage Rarity had weakened, and held it out for Capper to take, which he did so without delay, "What's going on?"

"You were reborn by my Prince's power... we're going to need to think of a new name." Ithelia replied, though at the same time Capper found that his current name wasn't up to her standards, something he would have to think about at some point in the future, but he focused on what she wanted from him right now as he focused on the second golden soul gem and watched as energy swirled around it.

This one produced a light blue scaled kobold with white arcane markings on her arms, which Capper knew since the figure was a little bit slimmer than the warrior and was more feminine looking, in kobold terms he guessed, and her attire was a ruined robe of a student of magic, confirming that she was a mage. Capper looked at the remaining golden soul gems for a few seconds before picking a third one, just to be absolutely sure that this was happening, and when he repeated the odd process the soul inside the gem took form without delay, appearing to be a gray female kobold. This one seemed to be more like a thief and less like an archer, though it was hard to tell at a glance since both types wore the same armor, though this one wore worn out looking leather attire with a dark brown hood, like the Thieves Guild armor. Such a thing caused him to sigh as he realized that something strange was going on, something in him had changed after he released more of the icon's power to pull out Jyggalag's weapon, though for the time being he safely stored the remaining golden soul gems away, as he needed time to think about what he had just done.

As they escorted the trio to the area outside his Vault, however, Ithelia mentioned that there was nowhere to sleep and that food was needed as well, to which he passed her most of the food that was in his pack as he thought about a house he had seen in Ponyville, allowing him to recreate it inside the private realm, with enough room for all four of them. He realized that things were spiraling out of his control, as the simple Vault had expanded into getting several followers and now he was in the middle of thinking of having to expand everything to make things better for Ithelia's small group. Capper made sure to outfit the house with beds, since he didn't want to leave that part out, while noticing that his second, since that was what he could think of Ithelia as, seemed fine with allowing him to focus on the mortal realm, since he still needed time to come to terms with what was going on. Capper nodded his head slightly as he returned to the cabin that he was supposed to be sleeping in and checked the large chest that was near the bed, which had a pair of what he assumed was glass weapons in it, a bow and a greathammer, and some gold, all of which he stored in his bag as he fell onto the bed.

Capper found that he was able to rest for a few hours, which his body appreciated greatly, as La'nari was the one who made sure they woke up and didn't spend the entire day sleeping, and once they were done eating the food that they had on hand she made sure they departed before they lost more of the day.

"So, can we talk about what happened earlier?" Midnight inquired, as she was curious about the strange golden soul gems they had seen earlier, not to mention why they had suddenly appeared when she and her friends killed their enemies, and why it seemed to start when Capper killed one of the bandits.

"I honestly have no idea why those gems suddenly appeared." Capper replied, which was the truth, as while he had some ideas and thoughts on the matter he had no solid answers and couldn't tell them anything without revealing what he's done with the Skeleton Key, and while he knew Rarity would be displeased with him lying he was also sure she would understand if he finally told them everything, "All I know is that they formed after taking down a couple of bandits."

"Maybe we can sell one or two to a court mage? They would throw a fit." La'nari commented, because she knew the types of soul gems that existed in the world and the most expensive ones were the black soul gems, especially when they had a soul in them, and a new type of soul gem would just cause everyone to go crazy, to study and see what sort of power they had to offer enchanters, "Probably offer a bunch of gold for them."

"I don't want to mindlessly hunt people down to confirm if this was a one time thing or not... maybe we can get a bounty for some bandits?" Azure remarked, because it would give them an actual excuse, instead of just attacking random camps and taking down those that were living in the various forts, and he found Rarity nodding her head in agreement, that she would rather have a reason for what they were doing.

Capper said nothing to that as he focused on directing the wagon along the road that would bring them back to Whiterun, a safe road since they had dealt with a number of enemies before reaching their destinations, keeping an eye open for any potentially new foes to worry about. The road brought them to Rorikstead, a small farming settlement that only had two or three guards and a few houses, though Rarity stopped for a minute before returning with more food, just to make sure that their food stores were good for the rest of the trip. Once she was back on the wagon Capper resumed moving as both he and La'nari kept an eye out for enemies, even though it appeared that there were only wild animals for them to worry about at the time being, meaning the trip was more peaceful than he would have assumed. He also found that both elytra were still following the wagon and stopped whenever they did, something that made him wonder if he could use the power he had discovered previously to transform them into kobolds and give them greater freedom, even though that would cause more headaches for him in the end.

While they continued along the road the group also found that there were more travelers out and about, such as the trio that Capper and his friends had robbed when they first arrived in Skyrim, who didn't even notice that their wagon and their horse was passing by them and their guard. One thing that stopped them was the khajiit caravan they passed by, which just so happened to be Ri'saad's group, giving them a chance to not only check their wares, since there was a chance they might have something of interest, but also to tell Ri'saad that the Saints and Seducers had been wiped out. The caravan leader was pleased with this turn of events and handed over a bag of gold, three hundred coins based on Capper's count once they were on the road again, which was a decent reward for all the hard work they put into bringing the two clans down. He also found that there was a skirmish between the Imperials and Stormcloaks, as the two factions were fighting each other, which was why Capper hung back and kept his friends safe from the chaos, all while using this as a test of the range that his odd powers possessed.

When the fighting was over, and three Imperials wandered up the nearby road, a hill to be exact, Capper started down the road once more, even though they did have to stop and move some of the bodies out of the way so they wouldn't get stuck on all of the loose weapons and armor. He discovered that the trio that had wandered off didn't seem to care much, rather it looked like they were licking their wounds before leaving to make their report to whoever their leader was, meaning they could loot all of the bodies, giving the group a few more pouches of gold, a lot of steel arrows, and some wine. Capper found that none of the soldiers that had died in the battle had any golden soul gems on them, meaning he had to be nearby, very close to the action, to create those gems, which was useful information until he could figure out how to use the power that had created the first set of gems. With that information in hand he focused on looting the bodies and moving them off to the side of the road, and once the path was clear everyone returned to the wagon once more before continuing on their way, as there was a lot of ground to cover before they reached Riften.

As they followed the road, getting closer to the mountain that Bleak Falls Barrow was resting on, Rarity pointed out what was ahead of them, as there was a few barricades on the road and it appeared that some bandits, who must have come from the fort that was on the left side of their road, at least from their direction, before one of the archers loosed an arrow that just missed the riders in the front.

Since the bandits wanted to rob them, as that was a warning to stand down and hand over their stuff if they wanted to live, though interestingly enough these two were part of the six bandits that were stationed outside the fort, as three more came rushing out after seeing the wagon and Midnight reported there being one more far from the others. With that in mind the five of them engaged the five bandits that were directly in front of them, though as Capper cut down the foe that charged at him he discovered further confirmation of his previous thoughts, those that died near him produced a golden soul gem for him to pick up. Of course things changed as more bandits poured out of the fort, at least another ten and an eleventh that was likely the chief, given that she wore steel armor while everyone else was wore fur or leather, something that caused the two elytra to join the battle as well. Capper was sure that this was the full force of the bandits, even though it was less than their own clan, though this time around his side suffered casualties as the bandit chief avoided the elytra bites and used a glass warhammer to smash the first into the ground, crushing it instantly, before kicking the other back and repeating the process.

While none of them had asked the little bugs to come with them, they had asserted themselves as pets and followers of the group, Capper and his friends were annoyed by the deaths of the two elytra that had been following them, causing them to lash out at the bandits in greater power, cutting each one down as Midnight repeatedly stabbed the chief in the back until she was dead.

"You know, while we didn't bond with them all that much... I'm going to miss them." Rarity commented, because the pair of elytra had been an interesting addition to the group, even if all they did was follow them, chirp at each other, and kill their enemies so they didn't get overwhelmed, and, sure enough, both of them had a golden soul gem on them, which was when a gust of wind wrapped around them.

Capper, like Rarity and the others, was saddened by the loss of the elytra, as they had been interesting company, though he didn't activate the spell that transformed golden soul gems into kobolds, rather it seemed like it was activating on it's own, producing two new kobolds, one that was yellow-green and one that was dark purple, both female and both wearing armor like the thief kobold from before.

"Capper... what are those things?" La'nari asked, though at the same time she noticed that the pair didn't seem hostile at all, rather it seemed like they were unsure of what was going on as well, which made her wonder if the souls that were inside the golden soul gems could be reborn as something brand new, something that would freak mages and scholars out if they knew about this.

"Kobolds. Created from using the souls trapped inside the golden soul gems." Capper replied, where he knew there was far more he had to tell his friends, as this was just the tip of the iceberg he had discovered on his own, but right now he really needed to figure some things out on his own before he worried the others, "Don't worry, they're friendly... I'm not fully sure what's going on, so I can't explain anything just yet, so all I can ask is that you be patient with me and know that I will try to explain things... once I fully understand things myself."

Rarity knew there was something he wasn't telling them, some secret he had discovered when he pulled the sword out of the heart of the root cave, but at the same time she trusted Capper, so if he said he needed time she was willing to give him what he needed, causing them to turn towards the fort as they wondered what the future held in store for them.

Interlude: Disaster

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Capper found that while they searched the fort for loot, and were ignored by the old maid that seemed to call the place home and worked for whoever owned it, that the new pair of kobolds watched him and his friends, seeing how they went for the gold, gems, and armor of value. Such a thing caused them to wander for a time, where Midnight followed them to be sure they didn't get into trouble, only to find that they returned with a small bag that was full of pricey looking potions, as if the pair of kobolds understood that they were looking for and wanted to help out. That, of course, caused Capper to think about the ones that were living with Ithelia in the area outside the Vault, the trio he had created before reaching this fort, and if they would be the same, taking to their new lives and forms as quickly as these two were doing. He suspected that the mage and warrior kobolds would be training, since that was what Ithelia had in mind for them, and the first thief would be learning in some manner, before letting out a sigh as he realized that the only way to figure it out would be to head into his realm and see.

When he checked the large chest that was in the chief's part of the fort, the highest point, Capper found a bag of gold that had roughly a hundred and fifty coins inside it, a silver necklace with a sapphire and a gold ring with an identical gem, both of which were enchanted, a set of orcish boots, and a mage robe that seemed stronger than Rarity's attire.

"It doesn't look like these guys had much on them." Capper commented, joining the others outside the fort once they were done looting the structure, where he found that there had been a few more chests, as La'nari had some items that had likely come from another one she had discovered, mostly just a coin pouch and some fur.

"I would agree... you'd think with their proximity to the road they'd be a little richer." La'nari remarked, though at the same time she checked out the items Capper had found before taking the robes, as they looked more like the apprentice level, as she had seen several mage robes over her life and these looked like they were better than the novice rank, "Hey Rarity, looks like we found something better for you... not sure which class of magic this robe belongs to, but it should help you out with your magic."

Rarity looked at the robes for a moment before shrugging and mentioned that she could make it work, though as she and the others started to board the wagon, having brought it near the entrance to help transport any loot they might acquire from the bandits of Fort Greymoor, Capper noticed that the dark purple kobold had a dagger and was stabbing the nearby bandit corpse.

"Woah, careful with that." Capper stated, where he approached her and gently took hold of her arm, stopping her from using the dagger to stab the corpse again, which happened to be the chief he realized, which explained why she seemed so angry all of a sudden, she had seen the face of the one who killed her previous form, and this seemed to be her way of getting back at the dead figure.

"B... But... stabs!" the kobold said, looking from him to the body of her killer, where it was clear that she wasn't used to the concept of speaking or being able to do more than what an elytra could do, though at the same time Capper found that the other new kobold seemed to be collecting herbs and ingredients, handing them to Midnight.

"Don't worry, she's gone and can't hurt you anymore." Capper replied, which was the truth, the bandit chief couldn't harm her or the other transformed elytra, though at the same time he thought about all of the golden soul gems he and the rest of the group had collected since assaulting the clan that called this place home, meaning he could make the dead chief into a new kobold at some point.

The dark purple kobold seemed to think about his statement, confirming that they could listen and learn, before lowering her arm as her dagger was returned to the small sheath in her other hand, which she likely took from the one who owned the weapon originally, but for the time being it looked like she had calmed down. With that in mind Capper followed the rest of his friends back to the wagon and beckoned for the kobolds to jump up into the back, since forcing them to walk all the way back to their home base seemed far too cruel, especially since these were new bodies for the pair. There was plenty of room for all of them, though as they moved down the road he found that Rarity was fussing over the gear that the kobolds were wearing, since both of their attire was torn in places, which made her groan as she realized that there wasn't much she could do without supplies. La'nari asked what she meant and Midnight told her that Rarity was into fashion, designing all sorts of dress and formal attire, so the supplies in question were needles, thread, and fabric, to name a few things, but for the time being they were going to have to live with their current attire.

Capper also found that none of the others asked any questions about the kobolds, no doubt assuming that he would share his information with them when he felt the time was right, allowing him some additional time to arrange his thoughts while debating how much he could tell them.

As it turned out they were able to focus on the road that was in front of them and discovered that the watchtower was of no interest to the guards of Whiterun, other than using it to keep an eye on parts of the road, though one guard stopped them for a moment, as he saw them stop at Fort Greymoor. Such a thing caused Capper to inform him that they were attacked by the bandits that called it home, where they cleared them out and made sure there were no more bandits left, though the figure did tilt his head for a moment before recognizing Azure, causing him to nod his head for a moment. Capper knew that many had seen Azure talking to Aela during their time outside the city and had to assume that they thought he was either a Companion or was an honorable warrior of some kind, but he wasn't about to complain about this situation since it meant the guard believed their story. The guard informed them that there wasn't a bounty for the bandits of the fort, or at least he didn't recall seeing such a bounty last time he was in the city, so the only thanks they would get for their deed was a bit of thanks, before either the Imperials or Stormcloaks took it over in the future.

With the conversation done Capper got them underway once more, though this time around he didn't bother to stop outside the city, rather he resumed following the road that would bring them back to Riverwood, then to Helgen, and then back to their fortress, before heading to Riften to tell Maven about their success.

"You know, everyone is going to be surprised by our story... stopping a mad mage, acquiring a Daedric Artifact, and getting two individuals of a new species." La'nari commented, as it just sounded insane when she thought about it, everything they had done while taking this job had been one insane thing after another, which might be due to the fact that they had dealt with servants of Sheogorath, as she was now realizing what the names of the bandit clans really were.

"No, darling, they'll think we're insane or on skooma." Rarity said, because she knew about the substance thanks to some of their clan members, a few had mentioned it, and that was how some of their companions were going to see them after they told them about their adventure, causing her to glance at the pair of kobolds, who Midnight was giving some food to before passing some to everyone else, "Though seeing is believing, so there's a chance they might believe us right away."

"Especially with this greatsword... I'm actually surprised you can carry it, Capper." Midnight remarked, as that artifact was the one thing none of them had been expecting to find in the sewer, not until it had been mentioned in one of the journals they had recovered, and she was surprised by the fact that the leader of their little group was able to carry it with such ease, as his back wasn't hurting from carrying it.

"Might be part of it's enchantment... who knows, really." Capper replied, because he assumed that it was due to his nature, or the nature that Ithelia insisted was there, allowing him to wield the blade with little to no difficulty, even though he had no interest in actually using the blade and was keeping it close considering what it had done in Solitude's sewers.

Azure said nothing about the weapon, he had his golden greatsword, a weapon made by the hands of daedra, and he felt no need to exchange it for the Sword of Jyggalag, though he looked ahead of them and kept an eye out for more danger, but after everything they had been through recently he assumed there was nothing else for them to worry about. Capper didn't say anything else as he focused on the road, finding that no enemies seemed to be on the road, the guards seemed ready for whatever might come while they patrolled the area, and any travelers seemed to be in a good mood. That meant the road had to be safe for them to travel, something he was able to confirm as they rounded the corner of the meadery and went back up the path that would bring them to Riverwood, a portion of the road that was already clear of enemies. Such a thing was due to the fact that they had used this patch of road a few times so far, plus there were guards in Riverwood that would no doubt clear the road of hazards so travelers could reach the village without running into danger, and that meant they were able to reach their first stop without wasting too much time.

Instead of stopping in the village, like they had done the last few times they had passed through the area, Capper kept the pace as they made their way back to the ruined town of Helgen, which may or may not have dangers waiting for them since it had been some time since the dragon attack and he was sure the fires had died down by now.

Sure enough Capper and his friends discovered that the flames had gone out, though at the same time the gates were open and no one had moved into the area, meaning they were able to make their way through the ruined town and headed up the other path that would bring them back to their current home. The only thing that could stop them was the Stormcloak camp that was further up the road, but since those soldiers didn't seem to care about them, in fact it was hard to tell if they even knew about their existence, it was easy for Capper to direct them further up the road. La'nari pointed out a hunter that was up ahead, but that seemed to be the only person on the road right now, which was rather interesting since they figured that more travelers would be out and about, before Capper pointed out that their clan might be part of the problem, which caused their khajiit friend to nod her head. It was the most reasonable assumption to make, just like the clans they had just taken out to restore order to the roads on behalf of the khajiit caravans, which meant they had to be careful, since one day they might have to deal with attackers that would be seeking to purge the fortress of bandits.

After riding for a time they spotted what seemed to be a pillar of smoke in the distance, which worried La'nari since it looked like it was coming from their fort, to which she asked Midnight to check it out and the former Lunar guard took off, leaving the others to get ready as Capper continued down the road... though it wasn't long before Midnight returned to them, a look of concern on her face.

"Guys, we've got trouble: there's a force attacking the fort." Midnight stated, confirming what they had thought previously, that it was only a matter of time until someone decided to eliminate their clan to restore peace to the road, though none of them had expected such a thing to happen, so soon after thinking of such a thing.

Capper immediately gets the wagon moving faster than before, because if the clan was in danger it was better that they do what they could to defend them, especially after everything Brurid and Bek-Kajin had done for them since La'nari brought them to Treva's Watch. At the top of the hill they were able to confirm that things were dire, as it looked like there were ten or more warriors in the area that the bridge was in, spread out to make sure the clan didn't flee, and some of them had bows, allowing them to loose arrows at the bandits that dared to fight back. In addition to that there were a few mages in the group as well, meaning whoever was attacking the fort knew how many bandits were inside the structure and knew what sort of weaknesses they had, causing everyone to realize that some of the newer recruits had been liars who wanted to take down their clan. Such a thing meant they knew where everyone slept, the patrols that the chiefs used, and every important piece of information that would be useful in attacking the clan, meaning there was a fair chance their friends were dead and were being looted as they stared at the now burning fort.

When they reached the area near the bridge, however, Rarity drew upon her magic and loosed a bolt of lightning into the back of one of the enemy mages, knocking him forward as La'nari loosed an arrow into the female mage that was closer to the main gate, opening the way for the others to crash into the backs of their enemies. As that happened Azure slashed at some of the enemy warriors and cleaved his way through them, while at the same time Midnight stabbed her foes in their sides with her daggers, before using her wings to get around the gate that was blocking the way forward. That allowed her to find that everyone was outside, in the courtyard, as the twenty members of their clan were defending the walls, most were wounded, and that both of their chiefs were doing their best to keep order, despite the danger that was around them. While Midnight had the gate opened, thus allowing the rest of her group to join them, Capper cut down another warrior as they found that the two kobolds stabbed the rest of the force, collecting the golden soul gems as they followed everyone inside so the gate could be closed.

"While I'm glad to see you guys, you really shouldn't have returned... we're out of potions, and most of us are about to pass out from our injuries." Brurid stated, which was the truth, that while he was glad to see the group again, since they were good at what they did, he knew this wasn't the best time for them to return, in fact they should have turned away and just left them to their fate, "We had to collapse the secret entrance, as our enemies were using it to get inside, and the barrels of oil that they apparently sneaked into the fort ended up destroying most of the rooms and floors... that's why we're out here, as we have nowhere else to go."

"Not necessarily... it's hard to explain, but it's like this: I have a private area where we can rest up, and while I cannot open a portal there myself I do have this, which drew part of the Shivering Isles into Solitude's sewers." Capper remarked, taking a moment to touch the Sword of Jyggalag as the others stared at it for a few seconds, realizing that they had new weapons, armor, and even companions when the pair of kobolds approached them, though he had his doubts as to whether this plan would work or not.

As he opened his mouth, to tell them what he had in mind, Midnight tackled him to the ground, and into some cover, while Azure did the same for La'nari and Rarity, though they were unable to save anyone else as a volley of arrows rained down on the fort, piercing the ground and whoever was unable to move in time. Capper looked at the hill that the fort was built on and found that there were more enemies than what they had seen, there was a force of at least fifteen archers on the hill in question, their leader, a smug looking altmer with a magical bow in her hands, staring down at them. Midnight had even more bad news for them, as it looked like there were fifteen more warriors and mages standing outside the fort, near the bridge to be exact, meaning that whoever had hired these people wanted to make sure the fort was overrun. Despite not even knowing the bandits it was easy for them to tell that the pair of kobolds were sad, mourning their passing as Capper found that even their former clan had golden soul gems among them, while everyone else was both sad and enraged by what had just happened.

Capper, on the other hand, simply stood up as he walked over to Bek-Kajin's body, not believing that this was happening in the first place, before noticing that the enemies seemed to be more interested in watching them, like they were waiting for something to happen, and it sparked a burning rage inside him.

As Rarity recovered herself, and her portion of the group noticed the death that was around them, she noticed something was wrong with Capper, golden energy seemed to be seeping out of his body and took the form of four icons, three that looked like the Guardian Stones they had passed by a lifetime ago. The fourth one seemed unlike the others in the fact that it seemed like it was made of treasure, that was the only way to think about it, where she noticed that something seemed to turn the first three icons, breaking them when they reached the rightmost position, and the fourth one breaking caused a torrent of magical energy to wash over Capper. The wind kicked up as that happened, like his rage was causing something to happen, reminding her of when Twilight got angry and set herself on fire, though before she could comment on it she and the others found that the torrent died down, disappearing in no time. As Rarity laid eyes on Capper again she noticed that his attire had changed, as it looked more like what royalty would wear, fine threads that were well made, yet she and the others found that he was sporting a golden vest with golden sleeves that had a golden collar, a bronze colored shirt, and a pair of regal looking pants that seemed to be golden as well.

In addition to that she found that there was golden inlay on all of his new clothing, plus gems here and there of all types, as if he was a prince of some kind, plus his hair took on a golden sheen, causing her to wonder what in the world was going on right now, which was when a tear in space opened nearby and found a new figure, a female humanoid dragon, stepping out with three kobolds.

Capper barely acknowledged her existence as he waved his hand, the golden soul gems, those from before and those from right now, were lifted into the air and transformed into kobolds before their very eyes, a sea of colors and having different attire, like mages, warriors, archers, and the like. Ithelia wasn't disappointed by that fact, rather she knew that her Prince was angry and simply lowered her head, indicating that she would follow his will, where she watched as he pulled out both of his golden blades as his magic washed over them, fusing the two swords into a greatsword that looked like it could be used with a single hand, or two if he preferred. The blade looked like it had been made to resemble a crystal, similar to the Sword of Jyggalag, but this one was slimmer and flatter, more like a rapier, with silver inlay that was lined with small gems, one of each type, a weapon that seemed far more than an ordinary blade. In the next instant Capper vanished, reappearing in front of the archers as he swung his blade and cleaved the altmer in half, her body dissolving into gold and treasure as her soul was briefly trapped in a golden soul gem before being transformed into a kobold herself, all in the span of a couple of seconds.

As one of the other archers raised their bow, however, Capper raised his right hand and touched their chest, where Ithelia found that the magic of his ring ignited, transforming the figure into a golden statue, like his touch was that of gold, and it, too, dropped a soul gem that became a kobold. In the next instant he turned and the archers found themselves being forced into the ground, as if they were being forced to kneel before their new master, before Capper turned and beheaded all of the archers with a single swing of his blade, raining gold and treasure down on the fort, and a lot of confused kobolds at the same time. With the archers dealt with Capper returned to the front gate of the clan's home, where one kobold opened it without delay so he could turn his attention to the other enemies, allowing Rarity and the others to watch in surprise as he stepped out and seemed to move in the blink of an eye, his weapon parrying incoming attacks as he cut down or touched his targets, killing them in seconds. It was surprising how easily he handled all of this, slaying the attackers like they were no big deal, in fact La'nari could see that the kobolds that had been their clan members, who wore their usual attire and seemed to be somewhat taller than the two that had been traveling with them, were surprised by this change in Capper.

When the last soldier fell, however, Capper glanced across the lake and held a hand out, where the argonian who helped them by delivering a message to Maven appeared in front of him, which revealed much despite him not saying anything at all, but he found Capper's rage focused on him a few seconds later.

"Who ordered this attack?" Capper asked, where the argonian noticed that his rage had turned cold, meaning he was now more calculated than before, dispassionate like his own boss was, which caused a shock to go through his body, like he knew that he was standing before someone he shouldn't anger.

"M... Maven, your Lordship." the argonian stated, bowing his head quickly as he sweated for a moment, because he was very worried for his life now that he knew they had angered someone that shouldn't be angered, a being that shouldn't exist in the Mortal Plane, yet was for some reason, which was followed by Capper lifting his chin for a second before his body was turned to gold and his soul was reborn as a kobold.

After doing that Capper had the kobolds collect the gold, treasure, and the few golden statues that littered the area, while Rarity and the rest of the group just watched what was going on with interest and fear, since his rage had caused quite the change in him, but Rarity knew he'd return to them in no time. In the next instant they found themselves being moved from the fort and dropped into an area that seemed to be in the vastness of space, save for what appeared to be a vault nearby and a house that didn't seem big enough for everyone, since there were many kobolds along their number. As Capper and his odd companion stepped into the area as well, however, their friend raised a hand and suddenly things started to change, where she found that the ground buckled before expanding outward, in all directions, starting at the size of a small village, then a large city, and was still growing as they watched him work. In no time at all La'nari found that they were in the middle of a continent, which Rarity said was roughly the size of Equestria, and was likely the same length all the way around, like the land was a perfect circle from where they were standing, before the ground buckled and all sorts of environments started to form before their eyes.

There were forests, rivers, plains, hills, and whatever else came to Capper's mind, perfectly arranged around the continent while Rarity got a sense of unnatural beauty, as the grass seemed finer than what was back home and the apples that were on some of the trees looked perfect, and that was followed by this place being rich in more ways than one. In addition to that the area they were in was where Capper created a mountain that reminded them of the Throat of the World, large and could be seen from every inch of the land, though there was a ringed portion that wrapped all the way around the central mountain. It was there that they found a large city taking shape before their eyes, divided into districts since there seemed to be an area dedicated to the various crafts, a living area, and so on, a city that reminded Rarity of Canterlot a little, and at the highest point of the city rested a large golden castle with all sorts of inlay that made it look like a rich person lived there. In fact it had several towers with massive gems floating above them, like it was the domain of a prince, and Rarity found that the vault seemed to disappear into the heart of the castle, likely to be kept safe, before the ground at the base of the mountain shifted a little, revealing an area that looked like a mine.

In addition to all of that they found two orbs that appeared in the sky, one a yellow diamond that took the place of the sun and brought light to the realm, while the moon was formed from a brilliant sapphire, before the two orbs took their places, the sun rising as the moon set.

"My Prince, your realm is beautiful." Ithelia said, which was the truth, the new Plane of Oblivion that had been created was beyond what she had been expecting, especially when they caught a glimpse of an actual sea forming at the borders of the continent, meaning if someone wanted to fish or use a boat they could, as a shimmering barrier took shape far in the distance, the edge of the realm that vanished, making the realm seem endless.

"Yes. The Opulent Lands are just as I imagined." Capper replied, where Rarity and the others found that his anger had faded, that while it was likely still burning inside him he had returned to his original self, before he glanced at himself, as if only now seeing the changes for the first time, though it was hard to tell what he was thinking right now.

"My Prince, I know now might not be the best time to ask, but... have you thought of a Daedric name?" Ithelia asked, as she knew that there were many things that were going through Capper's mind right now, she knew the feeling since she was a Daedric Prince as well, despite what happened in the past, so she could help him adapt to his new role, and having a better name for the other Princes to address him by would be a good thing.

"...Midas... yes, that'll do. Midas, Daedric Prince of Greed, also known as the Gilded Prince, Ruler of the Opulent Lands, and Lord of New Beginnings." Capper stated, allowing Ithelia to realize that he had been thinking about the name and titles since she first brought up the idea, had likely been testing them to see which ones worked and which ones didn't, before coming to a decision on what he wanted the other Princes, and mortal scholars and people in general, to call him.

Ithelia bowed her head as she welcomed a new Prince into the ranks of Oblivion, knowing that it was only a matter of time until her Prince encountered the others, before escorting everyone to what she assumed was the rest area, so they could speak, eat, and rest up before facing whatever the future, and the mortals they would be dealing with, held in store for them when they returned to Tamriel.

Guild: Returning to Riften

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"So... Capper is a Daedric Prince... didn't see that coming." La'nari commented, where she and the others sat in a room that was in one of the buildings in the strange new daedric city, a building that was near the castle that had been built during the realm's construction, while she and her friends glanced out at the new realm, "Did you guys know about this?"

"Darling, if we had known we wouldn't have been as shocked as you were." Rarity replied, as she could understand where the khajiit was coming from, because she, Azure, and Midnight had known Capper the longest, and of them she was the one with the most knowledge on their friend, but none of their memories had information about this, "It must have started when he grew Jyggalag's sword, which would explain why every enemy after that point produced a golden soul gem when he was nearby."

"That sounds about right... he must have been coming to terms with his power, and his new responsibilities, and didn't want to weigh us down with that information." Midnight said, where Azure found that she was sitting in the window of the area they had stopped in, allowing her to stare out at the realm and the creatures Capper had created to fill it, even though she suspected the kobolds were just the first step in filling this massive continent out, "Losing the clan, our friends no less, was the trigger that fully awakened his powers, allowing him to fully embrace his new status as a Prince of Oblivion... though it sure looks like Bek-Kajin and the others are pleased to have a second chance at life."

It was easy to tell which kobolds were their former clan members, as Bek-Kajin, Brurid, and the others were slightly taller than the rest of their new kind, plus most of them seemed to be wearing kobold sized versions of their armor, even though there were a number that either wore fur and rags and a number that were exposed. Rarity knew that something needed to be done about this at some point in the future, she just needed to obtain a number of supplies and get a few volunteers to help her make clothing for all of them, which showed that it was one of her strongest skills, even though her magic seemed to be growing more powerful as the days went by. While Midnight thought about that she could see the kobolds carrying the spoils of war to the castle, be they chests full of gold and treasure, golden statues, or just the weapons and armor that had fallen over the course of the battle, servants delivering the goods to their lord. She honestly had no idea what else they were going to do, the kobolds to be exact, but she was sure that Capper had some ideas in mind and was likely talking to the odd dragon creature that seemed to be his second in command, like how she had heard that Sheogorath had a Chamberlin, on what to do with his subjects.

In that moment she and the others understood the titles Capper had given himself, as the treasure seemed to align with his 'Prince of Greed' aspect, desiring material wealth, while the 'Lord of New Beginnings' was also true since he had given all sorts of people, even bandits and those that murdered his friends, a second chance, even if it meant being kobolds.

"He's still the same person we knew, just with more power than he expected." Azure commented, because based on what he was seeing Capper was like Twilight Sparkle, both were seemingly ordinary individuals, save for having power that seemed to be uncommon, who were raised into godhood in some manner, yet still remained the same person despite having all sorts of new power and responsibilities thrust onto them, "Soon he'll come back and tell us we're heading back to Skyrim so he can join the Thieves Guild... that was always the plan from the beginning, since I think he was waiting to talk to Brurid about us leaving to seek our destinies."

"Though if we're being honest, at least two of us aren't cut out to be thieves, so he, La'nari, and Midnight might go and join the Guild together." Rarity remarked, because she knew that Azure didn't want to be a thief, in fact he was likely going to seek out the Companions when the opportunity presented itself to him, and she didn't have any skills in that field, but she also knew that La'nari was a thief and would be at home in the Guild, though Midnight she was unsure on.

Midnight shrugged for a moment, she honestly wasn't sure if she wanted to follow Capper into the Guild or go find another faction to join, because there were a few more when she thought about what they had discovered since arriving in Skyrim, so the truth was that she, Rarity, and Azure were thinking of tracking down the other guilds. One thing she knew while she looked at the kobolds was that there were warriors, thieves, mages, and archers, at the very least, meaning it was possible that they, too, could join the various guilds and learn from them for a time, causing her to wonder how the people of Skyrim would take the discovery of a new creature. The Stormcloaks, racists that they were, would likely hate the kobolds the very instant they laid eyes on them and claim that they were there to take Skyrim from the Nords, while the Imperials might like them, but that was just her best guess on the matter. While she observed the kobolds, however, she found the one called Ithelia was talking with Capper, along with Brurid and Bek-Kajin, plus three figures that seemed to be the first three kobolds, since the two born from elytra were born after them, based on what her group had gathered so far.

Eventually Rarity found that it was time to go, as Capper seemed eager to leave, to which she and the others headed down to the main street before making their way down to what appeared to be a circular area with nine arches that seemed to do nothing, and she discovered that the first thief kobold was standing near him.

"We're heading back to Skyrim, since I don't want you guys to feel like your prisoners... and we have some business that I'll need to deal with at some point." Capper said, as he intended on repaying Maven for her deeds at some point, but before that there was something else he felt like doing, which he was going to share with the others so they knew what the plan was and weren't caught off guard, before he gestured to their new companion, "This is Tri Ki, a thief who was part of the bandit clan we took out after retrieving the Sword of Jyggalag... she's actually happy to have another chance at life, especially since I'll be joining the Thieves Guild later, as she'll be able to join me."

"And I'll join you... Brynjolf will be happy to have me among their number again." La'nari remarked, because while she had left the Guild in the past, due to them failing too much, the loss of her clan, the family she had lived with for a long time, had caused a change in her, and right now she needed some time away from them to come to terms with everything, before she and the others focus on Capper, "So, um, are you going to return to Skyrim in your golden attire? Might be hard to hide if you are wearing this stuff."

"No, Ithelia told me that doing so would be bad for Nirn," Capper replied, where they found that he seemed to relax a little, as if he was releasing a breath he had been holding, while his Princely form faded, like it was being sealed as he was left in his thieving attire that he had taken from one of the dead thieves they discovered previously, "so for the time being my power will be held back, as 'Midas' will be shelved for the time being while 'Capper' takes the helm of the ship. Best if I leave my new nature for when we're in this plane, based on everything she told me after the realm was formed."

"That does bring up an interesting question: which name would you prefer we call you by?" Midnight asked, because based on what little they knew of the Daedric Princes it seemed like a good idea to call Capper by the name he wanted, and not just assume what he wanted to be called, hence her question, "Should we call you 'Midas' now, or stick with 'Capper'?"

"I would prefer just using my name, but I guess it depends on which form I'm in... so I guess use 'Capper' for when I'm not in my 'Midas' form." Capper answered, which was going to take some getting used to, the fact that he was a Prince, had a Plane of Oblivion to rule over, and had the start of his subjects spreading out to search the land he had created, which needed a lot more work to make it work for everyone, "Also, leave revealing who I am to me... if I feel the need to reveal that I'm one of the Daedric Princes, I'll do so... just act like nothing is different, okay? Rarity, what are you and the others going to do?"

"Honestly, darling, I have no idea. Maybe I'll follow you, help you loot some stuff, snack on some bandits... maybe practice my magic." Rarity replied, though at the same time Capper turned towards one of the arches and a portal appeared, where it looked like it would bring them somewhere outside Riften, no doubt a location that was along the road leading to the city, while at the same time giving them some safety so no one knew about their new secret.

When Capper turned to Azure and Midnight he found that the pair really didn't have plans, though at the same time he knew that the former Solar Guard might visit the Companions, because they interested him and Aela had talked a lot about them when she was with the group. He suspected Midnight might have other ideas, since she was a former Lunar Guard, but for the time being he decided to not pry as he turned towards the portal, allowing the others to gather near him before they stepped through it, allowing them to travel from Oblivion and arrive in the portion of Skyrim that Capper was focused on, a fact that surprised La'nari. Capper suspected that it was due to the barrier between Oblivion and Nirn, preventing the rest of the Princes from passing into this world, which might be another reason that the other Princes could come by for a visit, to which he rubbed the back of his head for a few seconds before they headed towards Riften. From what Rarity could see the flames from the assault on their hold fort home had died out, though she knew that heading back that way would only make all of them angry, so she focused on the path that was in front of them as she and the others followed Capper back towards the home of the Thieves Guild.

It didn't take them very long to reach the city, where it was early morning and the vendors were heading out to start their daily routines, though for the time being Capper and the others headed into the Bee and Barb, where Brynjolf was sitting at one of the tables, but while he was surprised to see them he gestured up the stairs, causing Capper to leave the others as he heads upstairs, where he finds Maven waiting for him.

"You're late, again. Keep this up and I won't be hiring you for any additional jobs... in fact, you'll likely be laying in a ditch if you keep this up." Maven remarked, which was fully to Capper, as they were well within the time frame that she expected them to return in, as she quite clearly stated that 'there was no time limit' and 'that she expected them by the end of the week', where he found that she removed a portion of the reward that was sitting on the table next to her, "Now tell me, did you you eliminate the Saints and Seducers like I hired you to do?"

"Of course, we eliminated both camps of both clans, and then cut off the head of the snake to be sure they don't come back in the future." Capper replied, where he made sure to keep his voice even and not give Maven a hint of the anger he had for her, since her orders destroyed the clan that he and his friends called friends, because he had plans for her and he didn't need her to ruin them, "The mage leading them was located in the Solitude sewers and we killed him, though on the way back we found that another clan had attacked the fort and both sides were wiped out... there were no survivors, which is why we were late getting back."

His reason for mentioning the attack was to make it sound like her people weren't involved, meaning she would be looking for them for some time and would be wasting resources trying to figure out what had happened to them, and he found that Maven didn't seem to care in the slightest. Capper suspected that she was taking note of what he said and what her people might report when she looked into it, though he was fine with her doing that, especially since she believed him so easily, to which she presented the reward for the job to him. As he thought the price had been cut in half, as Maven was doing literally everything she could to save money by cheating him and his friends out of their reward, despite having done the job in a reasonable amount of time, but instead of raising the alarm or questioning it he simply accepted the reward. With the gold in hand Capper excused himself, since it appeared that Maven had nothing more to say to him, before heading back down to the main floor and discovered that some of the other patrons, of which there were a few, were staring at Tri Ki, which wasn't a surprise since her species was utterly new.

For her part Tri Ki wasn't backing down, rather Capper could see that she was sizing everyone while her group waited for him to return, her thief side coming out while not drawing attention to herself, to which Capper walked down to where they were waiting and glanced at Brynjolf for a moment.

"I take it you are still looking for new members?" Capper inquired, keeping his voice low as he addressed Brynjolf, because he knew that some of the members of the Thieves Guild wanted him and the others to join them, as their hauls had been some of the best they had seen in recent weeks, before tilting his head towards La'nari and Tri Ki, "How about allowing the three of us to join up? I'm sure everyone will profit in the end."

"I'll consider it... but first, there is a bit of an errand I need to perform, and could use an extra pair of hands... and, of course, you would be paid for your time." Brynjolf replied, also lowering his voice so that only they could hear each other, while also noting that the rest of the group wasn't even surprised by Capper asking to join the Thieves Guild, before noticing that his new trainee nodded his head in agreement, meaning he was right on larceny being in Capper's blood, "Good. Now, while I'm out in the market I'll cause a scene to draw everyone's attention, and while they're all focused on me I need you to pick the lock on Madesi's strongbox and steal his silver ring... you'll know it when you see it. Once it's in your hands I'll need you to plant it in Brand-Shei's pocket without him noticing, and once that is done I'll wrap up the distraction and you will be paid for your time... provided you do it without getting caught."

Capper knew that this was different from Maven's jobs, it was actually a fair arrangement, do the job right and get paid or do it wrong and surrender the payment, where he headed outside and observed the market for a time, getting to know who was where, the patterns of the guards, and anything else that would be of use to him. He found that Madesi was an argonian that was selling jewelry near an opening that was near the smithy, there was a water well in the center of the circular area, and to the right of his stall happened to be a smaller one that seemed more like a stage, Brynjolf's no doubt. Across from his stall Capper found another one that belonged to a dark elf, who seemed to be Brand-Shei since the well dressed thief made sure to silently nod his head towards him, and Capper found that there were some crates near his target's stall, providing an area for him to sneak the ring into his pocket in. Such a thing made it easy for him to form a plan in his mind, though he also noticed a fourth stall diagonally from Brynjolf's, where a nord warrior in leather armor seemed to be selling armor and a few weapons, but it seemed like no one liked her and seemed to be steering clear of her.

In the end it seemed pretty straightforward, that even a novice could do this, but since the Guild was having problems he made sure to approach it as if it was a serious mission, so while the others hung back, to watch the job unfold, Capper just walked around and looked at the goods that were for sale, even though only Madesi's items interested him.

When Brynjolf finally started his distraction, however, Capper apologized to the argonian for wasting his time, only to find that he was fine with it, since his curiosity meant he might be back to buy something in the future, causing him to move off to the side as everyone in the market, even the beggars, gathered around Brynjolf's stall. While everyone did that Capper got to work, slipping into the area between the stall and the stone wall that was part of the market area, causing him to glance around before discovering that none of the guards in the area had noticed his movements, not even the people around the area knew what he was doing. With that in mind he pulled out the Skeleton Key, which seemed to be fine in his hands, even though he wasn't the Prince that had created it, and unlocked both the shutter that was in front of him and the lockbox that was behind it, finding a small bag of gold, a ruby, and a silver ring with special engravings and an amethyst set it in. It was an item that was easy to identify, just as Brynjolf said, though he made sure to take everything before closing the shutter, where he removed himself from the area and walked around, only half listening to the scam that was unfolding in the market, while at the same time noticing that Tri Ki was standing near Brynjolf for some reason.

It didn't take him long to reach Brand-Shei's stall, where he slipped into the area behind the stall and found that no one had noticed him, to which Capper pulled out the special silver ring and found an opening in the boxes, allowing him to slip the ring into his target's pocket, as well as remove his gold and a key that had to be for his stall, before slipping out of the area and moving to the side as Brynjolf wrapped up his distraction.

"Capper... I knew you were talented, but... what was that?!" Rarity asked, trying to keep the surprise out of her voice as she and the others stared at him for a moment, because it almost seemed like everyone ignored Capper, or just plain didn't see him, like he had been part of the shadows that no one paid attention to, all while noticing that Tri Ki walked over to La'nari after spending some time near Brynjolf.

"That, my dear, was the art of a high level thief... possibly even a master." Brynjolf replied, keeping the excitement out of his voice while lowering it so only they heard him, because this was beyond what he thought when he first met Capper, as the cat was far more than a simple thief, he had the skill to stand on Mercer's level, possibly even beyond that, meaning he likely found the one that would save the Thieves Guild, before he produced a pouch of gold, "It looks like I chose the right person for the job, so here's your payment... and there's plenty more gold in it for you, if you can make it to the Ragged Flagon, our base of operations, which is located down in the Ratway. Do that and I might have more work for you."

"Very well. Should be easy to do." Capper said, though he suspected that the missions after actually joining the Guild would be far more challenging than this one, in fact he was counting on it, before he noticed that Tri Ki had an ebony dagger that hadn't been there when they exited the inn, "Where oh where did you find this?"

"Found it on the ground near the stall... since no one came rushing to claim it I figured I could take it." Tri Ki stated, because she knew some of the rules that all of the guards lived by, such as 'discarded items could be claimed by anyone', and while the item hadn't been on the ground when she originally discovered it, as it had been on someone's stall, it had been quietly knocked off and she seized the opportunity when she saw it.

Brynjolf thought back to when he did the distraction and knew that he might have overreached when he grabbed the bottle his 'Falmerblood Elixir' was stored in, it was the only way the little creature could have gotten her hands on his weapon, to which he refrained from growling or making a scene. His reason for doing so was because the Guild's influence in Riften was lower than what it had been in the past, mostly because Maven was waiting for them to prove themselves before she fully gave the Guild her protection, which would allow them to bribe guards and do other things. Without that protection there was no way he was going to challenge the little creature over ownership of the weapon she had picked up, so for the time being he focused on making sure Capper and his companions knew where to find him and his group, even though Rarity and the others seemed more interested in remaining above ground right now. With that in mind Brynjolf departed from the area, allowing the group to see a pair of guards approach Brand-Shei, as he had nodded to them once the deed was done, and in no time Brand-Shei realized that he had a ring that didn't belong to him and was escorted to the prison.

With that done Capper, La'nari, and Tri Ki made their way down to the lower level of the canals, finding a door down there that La'nari said went into the Ratway, the sewers of Riften, though much like the Solitude sewers there was a stone path and no water in their way, meaning all they had to do was find their destination.

As it turned out there was a pair of individuals in the area just beyond the door they entered through who seemed to have a bone to pick with the Guild, in fact when Capper raised a hand they overheard how the pair of nords had set up this whole plan to rob anyone who came looking for the Thieves Guild. Apparently the pair thought that Brynjolf and the Guild were total idiots, beyond stupid in their eyes, for sending potential recruits down here, where they could kill would be thieves and strip them of their loot, to sell to the vendors in the market no doubt. That explained the sudden decrease in recruits La'nari had experienced before she quit working for the Guild, a pair of nords, no doubt belonging to a larger group that had been cut down to two people, were killing people before they could reach the Ragged Flagon. Of course that didn't explain all of the bad luck that the Guild had faced, which was why she had left them in the first place, but at least they now understood part of the problems that Brynjolf and the others were currently facing, one they would appreciate the removal of.

With that in mind Capper focused on the two nords as something interesting happened, one was coming their way, no doubt to keep an eye out for targets to slay, while his companion seemed more focused on the fire they had started, to which he had his companions hide in the shadows for a few moments before La'nari and Tri Ki stabbed him in his vitals before he had a chance to react. In the next moment Capper drew a blade and stabbed him right in the heart, where he found that golden sword had the same power as the greatsword he had created by merging the two golden blades together, it reduced the nord to a pile of gold and gems, leaving a golden soul gem behind. He paused for a moment and found that the blade was like a miniature version of the greatsword now, in fact both looked like they took on it's appearance, though this allowed him to learn more about his weapons and that he should be careful with them, since the treasure dropping could alert others to his position. Fortunately it appeared that the other nord was unaware of what was going on and continued to stoke the fire, to which the trio approached the figure before bringing him down as well, leaving Capper to finish him off, though once that was done a small portal opened nearby and a gray kobold carrying a sack walked out to collect the fallen treasure.

It was a system he and Ithelia had set up, that two or three kobolds could be left as collectors, gathering the treasure that was left when he killed an enemy with his blades, and they made sure to take everything of value that the two nords had been in possession of, to be sorted back in his realm, plus the golden soul gems would be waiting for him upon his return.

While the kobold did that Capper found that the path leading forward rounded a corner and discovered that the path, which was a wooden bridge, had been raised, though there was a tunnel to the left and one to their right on the lower level, though the left one seemed to be a shortcut of sorts. As such he dropped down into the lower area and found that Tri Ki used her new ebony dagger to stab a few skeevers, allowing her to add a few tails to the ingredients the alchemists could use and even collected a few more golden soul gems, which she gave to Capper. As it turned out the left path he discovered held a door that was easy to unlock, which brought them to a short of stairs leading up to a flat area, with someone standing over a table, before he decided to check what was down the other path, finding a trap on the door of the right path. He made short work of the lockpick and found that there were only skeevers down here, along with a beggar that tried to punch him, a fact that ended in his swift death, though Capper did collect his odd gloves, as they seemed unique, before finding that the rest of the path brought them to the backside of the guy by the table.

With that in mind Capper took that figure down as well, and he made sure to collect the book that was on the table when he gathered the figure's goods, before La'nari pointed at a door that lead to an underground tavern, causing him to grin as he wondered how the Thieves Guild would react to their success in getting here, and the success and wealth they would bring them in the days to come.

Guild: First Jobs

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"So... this is the Ragged Flagon." Capper remarked, keeping his voice low as he took in the area that Brynjolf wanted them to meet him in, where it looked like part of the sewer's cistern that had been modified to fit a tavern, without disrupting the rest of the sewer's functions, and discovered four alcoves, two to their right and two to the left, all of which were empty, causing him to sigh, "This is kind of what I was expecting, thanks to your stories from when you were a member... but part of me was hoping to see more than a few members."

"I know what you mean... it feels like there are fewer here than when I was a member." La'nari commented, because she could see Tonilia, Vex, and Delvin sitting among the various tables that were in the Flagon, while Dirge, the gruff imperial guard that was usually standing beside the tavern's sign, was not at his usual post, in fact he was near the bar with Vekel and Brynjolf, the latter wearing a black version of the Thieves Guild attire.

Capper glanced around as he stepped forward, walking into the Flagon as he studied everyone, and found that Vekel was of the opinion that the days of the Thieves Guild were nearing their end, that with no new recruits, plus their bad luck since none of them were completing jobs, it was only a matter of time until the Guild disbanded.

"Sorry Vekel, but this time you're wrong. I've never seen anyone like this before, and if I'm right he's already here." Brynjolf said, where Capper could see that everyone was focused on him, La'nari, and Tri Ki, while at the same time he assumed that the thief in question was smiling, because they had just done what had been deemed impossible, causing him to turn and show them that he was, in fact, smiling, "Color me really impressed now. With all the problems we've been having I wasn't certain that we'd see you, or your friends, again... and yet here you are, standing before us."

"Not to boast or anything, but getting here was incredibly easy." Capper replied, which was the truth, in fact he was sure he could have done it on his own, and it wasn't due to the fact that he was now a Daedric Prince, rather it was due to his skills and how weak the targets in the Ratway had been, his natural skills would have won the day anyway.

"You know, after seeing you in action earlier, I can believe that... you really are quite the star recruit." Brynjolf said, which just confirmed what he thought when he witnessed Capper's skills in the market, he was a born thief and his skills were what the Guild needed if they wanted to survive, he was the key to turning everything around, "Before I fully welcome you into the Thieves Guild, there's one more small job I want you to perform, so we can verify the rest of your skills... do this right and I can promise you that even Mercer will agree to let you, all three of you, into the Guild."

La'nari knew that this would likely involve heading out into the city and doing something to some of the merchants, that was what she and plenty of others had done, even though she had only messed with one person before joining the Guild, and she knew Capper would no doubt ace this job as well.

"Very well, tell me what you need me to do and I'll show you my skills." Capper replied, because the only other skill that a thief could be tested on was their speechcraft, their ability to speak to others and persuade them, even get better prices from the merchants of the land, since Brynjolf had tested everything else so far.

"Simple: I need you to talk to three deadbeats... those being Keerava, Bersi Honey-Hand, and Haelga... and collect a payment that they owe us." Brynjolf stated, where he could see that Capper was already considering his moves on how to gather the gold from the people he had just mentioned, meaning he had to be right about how the cat would fit in with the rest of the Thieves Guild, and he was sure Mercer would agree with him, "I'll be honest, the debt is secondary... the real reason behind this job is to get the point across that we're not to be messed with or ignored, you just need to find a way to convince them to hand over their payments that will send a message to the rest of the city. A word of warning, though, I don't want any of them killed."

Capper nodded, as killing people in cities meant less targets for the Guild to steal from in the future, as the rest of the Guild members walked to their tables to relax, before he asked if Brynjolf had any information on his targets, since it would help him get the job done. As it turned out he had some information that could be useful, as Bersi had an urn in his shop that was of dwarven make, something he claimed was 'priceless' despite how common they were, and Brynjolf's recommendation on the matter was just to break the ugly thing and be done with it. For Haelga his information was about the Dibella statue that was in her bunkhouse, as she was a devout follower of the Divine in question and dotted over the statue, so using it against her might be the key to getting her payment, though when the discussion turned to Keerava, however, Capper decided not to listen to Brynjolf's suggestion. It was due to the fact that his suggestion was to approach the argonian that was in love with her, who also worked at The Bee and Barb, and convince Talen-Jei to hand over information that would force Keerava into handing over her payment, a line Capper didn't feel like crossing at the moment.

With the information in hand Capper decided that it was time to head back up to the main streets and see if he could use it to gain the payments that Brynjolf was after, where it didn't take them long to get back to the market and found that the others were just browsing at the moment, which was perfectly fine.

"So, what are we going to do?" La'nari asked, because she knew that Capper was different from the other thieves she had come across, even though she agreed that he was the best recruit Brynjolf could ask for, and suspected that he had a plan to deal with the targets he had been given, in a way to not piss them off.

"Simple, we're going to take their prized possessions. Nothing screams 'Thieves Guild' like stealing a priceless or personal item, like the urn and statue." Capper replied, it was simple when he thought about it, they were a guild that specialized in stealing things and being sneaky, so punching people to send a message seemed just plain wrong, and he suspected that if two of the three were hit the third might surrender without him having to do anything, "Then I'll approach them and tell the targets if they don't want anything else stolen they'll pay on time."

La'nari had to admit that it sounded far easier than what Brynjolf likely had in mind, because it would make the merchants and people fear the Thieves Guild again, which was the whole point of the mission he had been given, though as she quickly nodded her head Capper had both of them cover their faces with their hoods. This would ensure that the merchants would only know that the Guild was behind the thefts and not any single person, before he focused on their first target, which was The Pawned Prawn, which happened to be when a lady, Bersi's wife to be exact, exited the shop and headed into the market for a time. This was good for Capper, since it meant that there were fewer obstacles for him to worry about, causing him and his companions to enter the small shop and quickly discovered that Bersi, the nord owner, was alone right now, and as he turned to face them it took no time to locate the dwarven urn. The target was right across from where the trade bench was located, so Bersi could stare at his 'priceless' artifact all day when he had no customers to worry about, though Capper kept his head lowered as he pointed out an item on the shelf behind the nord, causing Bersi to look away for a few seconds.

It was in the following seconds that La'nari removed the dwarven urn from it's resting place and handed it to Tri Ki, where the kobold scurried outside, so when Bersi turned his attention back to the customers he discovered that it was missing, all while Capper and La'nari played at being innocent.

"M... My urn! Where did it go?" Bersi remarked, his voice already trembling as he realized that the object was gone, and if he had paid for it that was gold down the drain now, before he glanced at the pair that was in front of him and realized that one of them might be able to help him out, "Do you know where my urn went?"

"I do: it was stolen by the Thieves Guild, who also have a message. That message is that bad things will happen if you don't pay on time." Capper replied, where he pulled out a coin and flipped it for a moment as the nord glanced at him, before also glancing at the figure that was behind him, as if he was trying to figure out which of them had stolen the urn so he could call the guards on them, which wouldn't work since he hadn't witnessed the event in question, "You don't want anything else of value to be stolen, do you? Pay on time and you won't have to worry about receiving more visits like this."

Bersi paused for a moment as he considered his options, on one hand he could say no and the thieves would keep coming, but on the other he could just give in and hope no more thugs came to his shop, causing him to sigh as he handed over a bag of gold and told them to get out, he wanted nothing more to do with them. Capper found that it was a hundred gold, which was definitely a safety payment, causing him to collect the small bag before he and La'nari withdrew from the shop, but with their hoods up, and the fact that they could change clothes, he knew Bersi would forget about them and would no doubt take their business in the future. With that in mind they found that Tri Ki had retreated to an area near the building that Haelga ran, away from the guards, where she held the urn up and Capper smiled as he rubbed her head and told her that she had done a good job, before taking the object and warped it back to his realm. He was sure someone in his realm would be fascinated by the dwarven item, a common one based on what he had gathered, but once that was done he and the rest of his trio entered the Bunkhouse to hit their second target.

Sure enough they found that the place was empty, in fact the lower floor of the structure seemed to be devoid of people at the moment, not even Haelga was nearby, giving them a chance to explore for a few moments, before Capper located a very important statue on a place of importance, one that seemed to be a mix of silver and gold, though he held a hand out and it disappeared, landing in the pile of treasure in his realm.

"You three looking for something?" Haelga asked, because after claiming the statue they had returned to the counter, only to find that the female nord they were looking for had been in her room the entire time, likely working on the ledger for her business before realizing that customers might be present.

"We're just here to warn you of what happens when people don't pay the Thieves Guild: you end up losing things of value that are hard to replace." Capper replied, which was the moment that Haelga realized that he was talking about something inside the actual Bunkhouse and she walked over to the area the statue had been in, only to discover that her Dibella statue was missing, causing her to look at them, "You don't want anything else stolen... right?"

Haelga growled for a moment before sighing as she tracked down a small bag of gold and tossed it at Capper, who quickly made sure that the hundred gold coins were inside before nodding his head, allowing them to leave the Bunkhouse so they could head across the way to head into The Bee and Barb. Sure enough he found that it was somewhat busy, as there were a number of patrons from the houses at the various tables, though Keerava, the female argonian who owned this place, was behind the bar, which seemed to be what most of the owners of the inns and taverns did. Interestingly enough she already had the payment ready, no doubt after hearing Bersi come in and tell her to be ready for thieves coming to extort money from her, and the mere mention of Brynjolf's name caused her to hand it over without delay. With the third bag in hand, and it also had a hundred gold inside it, Capper and the others departed from the inn before heading back down into the Ratway without delay, as it was time to give their acquaintance the goods news.

Sure enough they found Brynjolf in the same place they had left him in, in fact Capper was sure the nord had been waiting patiently for their return and his smile from earlier was still on his face, no doubt assuming that Capper had done the job in no time at all.

"Jobs done. Here's the payments." Capper stated, handing Brynjolf the three bags that had been handed to him, where he found that the thief made a quick check to be sure everything was in order, meaning some of the other thieves might have skimmed in the past and he was just making sure he wouldn't have that problem with Capper.

"Well done, you are proving to be a sound investment, lad." Brynjolf replied, where he handed over a small bag of potions, a reward for the job no doubt, which Capper took without delay, causing the man to beckon for them to follow him, because he knew the trio wanted into the Guild and he was willing to show them to their destiny, "As you know the Guild has been in a downward spiral lately, everyone has been failing jobs and we've been losing gold... even Mercer, our best, failed a job not a few days ago, so be careful what you say to him, as he's been in a foul mood. However, I can assure you that with your skills you will be making far more gold than you'll know what to spend it on... and hearing of your exploits might be enough to get everyone else to push themselves to do better."

Capper nodded as they were brought to a secret passage behind a cabinet, one that brought them to an actual cistern that looked like it had been modified to house a large group of thieves, where he found Mercer, who was definitely annoyed by something, standing in the middle of the area, with a few other thieves hanging out around the outer ring.

"Mercer, these are the ones I mentioned earlier... our new recruits." Brynjolf stated, something that caused the breton thief to turn towards them for a moment, though Capper had to wonder how his last couple of missions had gone since he no longer had the Skeleton Key in his possession, since that seemed to be how Mercer was so successful.

"Yes, so you've told me. I can only that this isn't another waste of the Guild's dwindling resources." Mercer remarked, which made sense due to the fact that the Guild was suffering and most of the thieves were failing to do their jobs, leading to a loss in wealth and contacts, which explained why they had no respect in Riften, while at the same time Brynjolf glanced at his boss for a few seconds, like a silent exchange was taking place, before he sighed and turned towards Capper, "There is one thing I want to make perfectly clear before we continue: if you play by the rules, you'll walk away rich... if you break the rules, well, you lose your share. There will be no debates and no discussions... you do what we say, when we say. Am I clear?"

"Of course. Everyone has rules they live by, and so do guilds, so it makes sense to follow them." Capper replied, though he did think it was odd that the Guild was of the opinion that if you screwed up a job you wouldn't be able to explain yourself, especially if you did it right and some other force screwed you over, but decided not to raise that point.

Mercer seemed to maul this over for a few seconds before stating that he had a job that would allow Capper to show them his expertise, since Brynjolf was so sure of his abilities, and Brynjolf even mentioned Goldenglow, the estate that was right outside Riften and happened to be positioned on a small island in the middle of the lake. According to the information he had to give him Goldenglow Estate was critically important to one of the Guild's largest clients, Maven no doubt, but recently the owner took matters into his own hands and shut them out, meaning he needed to be taught a lesson. Brynjolf was then tasked with giving him the rest of the details, where he learned that it was a bee farm, of all things, a wood elf called Aringoth owned the place, and Capper's task was to burn three of the hives and steal the contents of the safe that was somewhere inside the estate. Brynjolf also told him that Aringoth had replaced the Riften guards that had been on his land with a band of mercenaries, who nearly killed Vex when she was sent in to do the job, so fighting his way into the estate wasn't an option, not unless Capper wanted to die an early death.

Capper also spent some time chatting with the other key members of the Guild, such as Vex, the female imperial thief that seemed to always be in a bad mood, or Delvin Mallory, an older breton thief, who believed that an entity had cursed them, hence the state the Guild was in. Capper thought it was funny that the others were so quick to dismiss Delvin's comment, as the Daedric Princes existed and had some presence in Nirn, usually cultists and followers, so it wasn't hard to imagine that one had been annoyed by something the Guild had done and cursed them accordingly. Delvin did have something he found to be interesting, that if they did enough side jobs in a city someone in that city would, eventually, contact him and set up a personal job, and if someone from the Guild succeeded in completing that job they would gain influence in the city that had hired them. Capper assumed it was something like their arrangement with Maven, if they had her backing, which she might reward the Guild with if they did this job for her, they could get away with things in Riften, and if they had someone like one of the families in Whiterun in their pocket they could do the same in Whiterun.

One other thing he did was check in with Tonilia, as he could now officially use her services as a fence without having to track down someone from the Guild to talk to her, because she had a set of armor for him, though it really wasn't for him since he and La'nari already had their own Guild armor.

"Tri Ki, come over here." Capper said, where Tonilia watched as the kobold approached him for a moment, leading to Capper slipping the gloves over her hands before they watched as the material shrunk down to fit her hands, causing her to flex her hand and fingers for a moment before both of them grinned as Capper helped her into the rest of the outfit, each piece of it shrinking and changing to match her body, until she looked like a full Guild member, "That's good to know, armor and gear shrinks to fit a kobold's body."

La'nari nodded, as this told Capper that he could just obtain a lot of armor and hand them out to the other kobolds, giving them something to wear that wasn't rags, meaning it was something they could focus on in the future, once they were done with the current job. With this information in hand Capper departed from the Flagon and headed back to the surface level of Riften, because all he could do for the time being was just stake out the estate from afar as he came up with a plan of attack to fulfill the requirements that Brynjolf had set for them. As it turned out the sun was starting to set, meaning night would be upon everyone soon, which was great timing when he thought about it, and he found that Rarity's group had retreated to the inn for the time being, no doubt looking for leads on jobs to do when they left the city. Following that he headed out onto the docks and found that a few argonians were making their way into the city, for dinner and rest most likely, though this did allow him and the others to stare out at the two story estate that wasn't too far from where Riften was located.

Capper found that there was one way into the estate's area, that being the bridge connecting it to the main road that he and the others used to reach Riften, a bridge they had passed by previously, but Vex's information suggested that there was one other way to the backdoor, a sewer path by a hidden grate, before he glanced back at La'nari for a moment.

"Oh no, this is your moment. Show the Guild what you're made of." La'nari said, as she suspected that he was going to ask for her opinion on the matter, but Mercer wanted to see what he was capable of and she knew he was going to be surprised with the show he would soon learn about.

Capper smiled as Tri Ki decided to join him, as this was their show, to which he made his way to the gate they used when he and the others traveled between Treva's Watch and Riften, following it for a short period of time until he located the area that held the apiaries that were their targets, as there were six of them. His reason for doing this was because there were no mercenaries in that particular area, rather they had a single wooden wall around where the apiaries were located, which was a smart move since it helped them and prevented archers from damaging the structures, but it also helped him out. With that in mind he had the kobold get on his back before he crouched low and then leapt forward, like a ninja moving across the surface of the water or a frog leaping from point to point, and he stopped when he reached the rocky ledge of the area that his targets were in. Following that he jumped on the rocks for a few seconds and reached the backside of the wall, where he and Tri Ki carefully looked at the area, to be sure that the mercenaries were unaware of their presence, which was when Capper held out his left hand and summoned flames into his hand, a perk of unlocking his magic he guessed.

Such a thing allowed him to set fire to three of the apiaries, just as requested, and once that was done he quickly dismissed the magic and went back behind the wooden wall, where they found that most of the mercenaries in the outside area were on their way to check out the flames. With that in mind he found a path of shadows to slip through so he could reach a short wooden walkway that brought him to the front of the house, but he ignored it and headed towards the back, which just so happened to be looking in the direction of Riften. As Tri Ki climbed off his back Capper unlocked the door and they stepped inside, both crouching as they entered the structure, though he handed the kobold a couple of lockpicks and she nodded, because while they looked for the safe both of them were going to rob Aringoth blind. Of course they had to be careful, due to the fact that there were some mercenaries inside the estate as well, though Capper suspected that none of them would even know they were in the building, especially since it was night out and the mercenaries would likely be falling asleep in the near future.

As they sneaked their way through the estate, however, Capper found that the mercenaries seemed to enjoy playing gold all over the place, as there were coins in drawers, dressers, and in pouches hidden behind other items, plus there were a few chests to unlock and a knapsack to loot, earning them a fair amount of gold coins, a gem or two, and a few potions to add to the collection.

Eventually the main floor emptied out as the mercenaries were made aware of the flames outside, so it was all hands on deck to make sure the flames were contained, and no one noticed anything was amiss since Capper and Tri Ki hid in what appeared to be a basement, after unlocking an iron grated door and closing it a moment later. Part of him wanted to see if the safe was down in the basement, though he had Tri Ki stand guard over the entrance, and out of sight, as he made his way to the stairs leading to the second floor, where he suspected Aringoth might be hiding. He found a few areas that had a fair bit of gold, a small pile of it was on a table he passed by and looted, though the mercenaries on this floor were tired and falling asleep at their posts, in fact some were asleep, meaning it was far too easy for him to make his way to Aringoth's locked room. It was a simple matter for him to unlock the door and enter the room, where he found the wood elf hiding off in the corner, appearing to be in the middle of making himself look like he wasn't noticeable at all, where Capper sighed as he ignored Aringoth, because he wasn't paying attention and that made it easy to loot his room.

In the end he made off with quite a lot of gold, a number of gemstones, a bee statue that was interesting, and he even stole the elven bow from Aringoth, right off his back without the wood elf noticing, though he ignored the keys that were likely for both the safe and the door leading to the basement. With his visit to Aringoth's room complete Capper retraced his steps to the iron grated door and opened it once he was ready to move on, finding that Tri Ki had been left alone without anyone even noticing that she was down there, but once they were together again they opened the door and moved forward once more. Capper wasn't surprised to find a few more mercenaries down in the basement, which was where a lot of furniture was being stored, but for the most part it looked like the people down here were drunk, no doubt doing so where Aringoth wouldn't bother them. With that in mind it didn't take them long to find a series of turns that eventually brought them to a drunk mercenary in a chair, who they bypassed with ease, before heading down some stairs and reached an area with a safe, a chest, and a door heading into the sewers.

He found that it didn't take him long to loot the two locked containers, their locks meant nothing to him, but he did find an odd note that indicated that Goldenglow Estate had been sold, with 'Gulum-Ei' working as an agent for the buyer, and it had an odd symbol on it, something that made Capper smile as he wondered what the Guild would make of this information and wondered what future jobs they might have in store for him.