• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,894 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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34.5 A Friend a Day [Part 2]

Author's Note:

I wanted to get a good chapter out right on time for my birthday, so I hope you enjoy this one!

Metroid Equis

Chapter 34.5

A Friend a Day [Part 2]

[Sweet Apple Acres | One Week Later]

Sleep was not an issue for the next week, even as Samus had to return north to help clear out more residual Phazon. Apparently, one of the better side-effects of the little ‘spa day’ with Rarity was an increased propensity to fall and stay asleep, and consequently, Samus felt much more rested, her work not seeming to drag on like it did the last time… though Samus had never really experienced a ‘lack of excitement’ in her adventures, so that was somewhat new for her to deal with anyway.

After another good-night’s rest, Samus was extended an invitation to go say hi to Applejack down at Sweet Apple Acres, though the reason being was left out. Then again, friends did not need a reason to see each other, right?

“Mighty kind of ya to join me, Samus!” Applejack called out from the shade of one of the apple trees with a wave of her hoof, Samus having just cleared the main gate. The sun shone brightly overhead and even though it was early enough before noon, everypony knew it was going to be a sweltering day.

“Sure thing. Whatsup?” Samus asked, gently striding over to the farmer sitting under the shade of the tree. Applejack got to her hooves as the Hunter closed the distance while the Zero Suit-garbed woman made sure her hair was tied up as per normal.

“Well I heard that a few other ponies were gettin’ some quality time with ya, so I reckoned that I’d snag ya for a few hours if ya don’t mind,” AJ commented eagerly, meeting Samus’ gaze with an excitable one of her own.

“Not at all. What are we doing?”

“Well despite everythin’ that’s happened, the farm’s got quite the bountiful harvest and we’re on the last leg of the southern orchard. If ya don’t mind sweatin’ a bit, would ya wanna help me buck the last round o’ trees?” Applejack asked, gesturing with her hoof towards the south orchard, Samus following her direction and spying quite a number of trees that were indeed full of admittedly scrumptious-looking apples. She, however, looked slightly unsure under her ever stoic wall, though that was more due to curiosity as to what exactly ‘bucking’ meant.

“Ummmm, sure… you’ll probably have to show me the ropes, though,” Samus stated, AJ gesturing to their path.

“Right this way!”

The two walked through the seemingly endless expanse of apple trees while Applejack talked animatedly and passionately about the farm and its significance. Samus did not mind at all, as she preferred to listen rather than talk, and moreover, somewhat enjoyed the small little tour and history lesson being afforded to her. What also struck her was just how green everything was, from the leaves of the trees to the bushes and grass… everything was just positively lush.

“Alright, we’ll start here,” Applejack stated, arriving at one of the identical apple trees of the southern orchard before gesturing to the remaining, unpicked apple trees. “As you can see we have these last few dozen to finish up. Shouldn’t take us more than a few hours.”

“Fine by me. How do you want to approach this?” Samus asked, giving the earth pony her attention as the latter backed up close to the base of the tree.

“Us earth ponies don’t have all of that fancy machinery in other countries so we just buck ‘em!”

Adjusting her weight, Applejack reared her hind legs and bucked with a precise yet impressive amount of strength, striking the tree and the resulting impact shaking all of the apples to the ground. Samus watched with some interest as the apples fell to the ground like a red rain and when the last of the fruit rolled to a stop, Applejack spoke once more:

“Then we just collect ‘em in these here buckets,” she gestured to the barrel-sized buckets lying nearby. “Wanna give the next one a try?”

Samus turned her attention to the next apple tree in line which looked completely identical to the one AJ bucked, shrugging indifferently. Silence engulfed the duo as Samus positioned herself in front of the tree and pressed her heel firmly onto a particular part of the bark, testing its resistance. Backing up and loosening up her legs with a few stretches, Samus dropped into her fighting stance and swung with a hard, right roundhouse kick. She purposely missed the tree and planted her foot into the ground, completing her twirl using the massive amount of kinetic momentum and sending a devastating left side-kick straight into the trunk of the tree. The sheer power behind the ‘attack’ shook the entire thing with equal if not greater force than when Applejack bucked, taking the mare completely off guard, especially since all the hanging apples dropped to the ground below.

“Damn…” AJ broke the silence while Samus removed her heel from the bark (it fractured heavily under the force) and stood up straight. She then rubbed her butt just a bit as the resistance went straight to her left glute.


“That was goddamn impressive, Samus! But I guess I shouldn’t be surprised with yer physical ability,” Applejack commented, bucking another tree and sending every single one of the apples falling to the floor.

“Thanks,” Samus replied before looking towards the next tree full of apples. While this activity was most unusual for her of all people, she took little issue in admitting to herself that the idea of kicking a tree really hard had an odd sense of allure to it.

She gestured to said tree.

“May I?”

“Go right ahead!” the farmer responded enthusiastically, watching the Hunter’s next moves with great anticipation. Opting to switch to her right heel for striking force, Samus repeated the exact same target combo but mirrored, delivering an equally destructive right side-kick to the tree and ridding it of all of its apple contents. Now knowing what to expect, Samus was able to ensure that she could prepare for the resistance going into her backside, so it did not hurt her as much the second time around.

“Is the simple act of kicking a tree for fruit supposed to be this entertaining?” the Hunter asked, standing up straight while pushing a wayward lock of her blonde hair behind her right ear. She began gathering the apples into her hands and bosom as Applejack let out a throaty chuckle.

“Do ya see me mopin’ about?” she asked rhetorically in return, using a single hind leg to kick a less girthier tree before hefting a bucket to their position.

“Fair point.”

As the two gathered up what apples fell in comfortable silence, Samus allowed her mind wander a bit to the previous night’s events: She had a lucid dream with Gray Voice and Old Bird paying her a visit. Her Chozo ‘second’ biological father commended her greatly for a job well done while Old Bird had expressed great pride and happiness that Samus was still applying the lessons he imparted to her when they first met on K-2L: building friendships. Samus had argued that she truly did not seek friendships in this case, that they merely happened on account of the conflict, but the Chozo Elder countered by pointing out the fact that she was not pushing everyone away, as she had done so before, for the sake of duty.

Both also commented that their adoptive daughter truly seemed—for the first time since they were all physically together back on Zebes—happy.

She could not argue that, and only responded to them with a genuine grin before eventually hugging them both.

“You alright, Samus?” Applejack asked, her voice completely dissipating the Hunter’s daydream and bringing her back to reality. They were finishing packing in the last of the apples into two buckets.

Samus shook her head clear.

“Yeah, sorry I just spaced out. Do we just leave these here or…?” the woman asked in return, wondering about their haul. Applejack nodded.

“Fer now. We’ll come and get ‘em when we’re done buckin’ all the trees.” Samus shrugged indifferently and they continued on down the line of the orchard. The temperature picked up as time went on, both mare and human beginning to sweat under the physical exertion and Celestia’s rays. Conversation picked up reasonably and before the two knew it, at least an hour and a half had passed.

“Hyah!” Samus grunted out as she kicked another tree, sending its contents to the ground. The more trees she kicked combined with the heat beginning to rise from temperature and exertion were taxing her legs in a good way. With a final ‘whew!’ and wiping some of the free-flowing sweat from her brow, Samus admired her work as she caught her breath.

“Not bad for a first timer, I think.”

“I’ll say! Now, there’s one last tree but this one’s a bit different,” Applejack said, leading the Hunter over to an apple tree that was clearly larger than all the others, but absolutely packed with the fruit.

“What’s wrong with it?” Samus asked, looking up at the bountiful yield that this particular tree produced.

“Nothin’ at all, but the gosh darn thing is a pain! The trunk’s too thick to buck!”

Just gazing at it, Applejack was right: the tree seemed about three times thicker in girth than the rest, but Samus decided to try nonetheless. Instead of a side-kick though, determining a proper place to strike it, she would opt for a stomping kick, a kick she could put quite literally her entire body weight into. When the farmer mare saw Samus getting into position, she lifted a hoof and called out.

“Erm… I don’t think that’s a good idea, Samus,” she attempted to dissuade the Hunter, but it was of no use: Samus was determined to at least try. It was no question that despite Applejack’s physical ability, the Hunter was easily stronger than her, so perhaps she’d have a bit more luck. Rearing her right leg up in front, Samus’ heel connected squarely in the center of the trunk with every ounce of force she could muster behind her own body weight. The impact was so loud that Applejack visibly recoiled, even more so when large pieces of bark snapped off like shrapnel from a grenade.

A measly four apples dropped to the floor, and after a few-moments silence, Samus abruptly retracted her leg.

“AAAGH FUCK! SHIT! GAHH!!” Samus screamed out through bared teeth, both of her hands grabbing and digging into her right buttcheek for dear life as she hopped on one leg in any attempt to dispel the sharp, radiating pain that went straight her glute muscle.

“I told ya,” Applejack pointed out as she shook her head, attempting to stifle her chuckle at the human’s expense. After a slightly embarrassing display and a continued, expletive-filled cry of agony, the pain subsided and the two were back to staring at the tree, wondering how to deal with it. Applejack was about to suggest just getting a scythe to cut the apples off manually but before she could say anything, Samus cut her off while turning on her heels.

“I’ll be right back,” she muttered, marching off.

Applejack acknowledged her but did not track her movements, merely looking back up at the tree. She was about to go and fetch the scythe after a few seconds when some heavy, metallic-sounding footsteps sounded behind her in quick succession. Turning around, Applejack found Samus, equipped in her full Varia Suit, running (but not sprinting) towards her general area. The sudden sight made her clear enough room immediately and allowed her to witness Samus jump and dropkick the tree. Both of her metallic heels struck and planted themselves into the bark, shaking the apple tree to its very core so much so that when Samus fell flat on her front, every single apple rained down upon and around her.

“HaHA! That did it, Samus!” Applejack exclaimed joyfully, jumping up and down as she laughed happily at the spectacle. Samus got to her feet, picking up an apple from the ground that happened to bounce off the back of her helm. She unequipped the helmet and tossed the plump, red apple up and down in her armored hand, giving a curt but friendly and affirmative nod to her friend.

“Gotta say though, didn’t think you’d be so into all of this,” Applejack also added, Samus catching the apple in her hand one last time. She looked at the mare with a half-grin.

“Eh, I can have some fun, be immature, and do stupid things within cautious reason,” Samus admitted.

“From the way you always spoke about a job needing to be done… so centered around duty and not, I never would’ve guessed.”

“War… is kinda all I know. But let’s just say I’ve gotten some recent reassurance that it’s good to enjoy myself while I can,” Samus explained, referencing last night’s little lucid meeting but choosing not to give away any details. The two only shared a nice smile rather than words.

Samus realized that grins and smiles were coming a lot more naturally for her these past couple of weeks.

“Well, whadd’ya say we gather up these apples and we go back to the barn for lunch and sweets? It’s the least I can do for yer help today,” Applejack suggested. Samus jokingly mulled on it for a few moments before delivering her expected answer.

“If you’re offering, sure!”

“I wouldn’t’ve taken ‘no’ for an answer anyhow!” Applejack replied with a giggle. Right before the two were going to start bundling up the harvest, Samus gestured to the apple in her left hand.

“I’d be insulted if ya didn’t!” the mare affirmed, watching as Samus moved to take a massive bite out of the fruit, the juice running down the sides of her mouth and onto the breastplate of her Varia Suit as her teeth bit in with a satisfying ‘crunch.’ Applejack did not have to wait long for the Hunter’s response: Samus’ facial expression contorted into one of comfortable joy while she chewed.

“Mmmmm... that’s the greatest apple I’ve ever had.”

“Well… I’m honored you feel that way!” Applejack responded while fanning herself with her stetson. Samus quickly finished off her apple and crushed the core in her hand before the two set off to bundling up the remaining apples. Time passed by much faster as the two talked about a range of topics, Samus finding quite a lot in common with the farmer mare such as work ethic, determination, and one major thing: stubbornness.

Once the apples were hauled into the barn, Applejack dragged Samus inside, introduced her to Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Applebloom, and then treated her to an Apple-family class lunch. By the time she parted ways with them, Samus felt she was carrying a massive food baby from the apple fritters she could not stop herself from overeating.

She noted the dark-humored irony in that.

[Twilight’s Library | Three Days Later]

Samus was quite surprised to wake up the next day with so much muscle soreness, especially since her adventures across the galaxy were so physically taxing. Thankfully though, Fluttershy was able to mix up a natural concoction that she learned from her friend Zecora to help ease muscle aches… and the Hunter was pleasantly surprised at the speed and potency of such a ‘home remedy.’

What that day on the farm highlighted for Samus was how satisfying physical labor and basic exercise was to her. So, after she had to assist with cleanup for the next two days, the Hunter felt that the next day would be perfect to blow off some steam with standard exercise, or what qualified as ‘standard’ for someone of her caliber. Samus had bought some weights and other equipment earlier in the morning in order to prepare for her little session and come that time somewhere around one in the afternoon, everything was set up perfectly.

Preparation was not too difficult as Samus would only be utilizing two sets of dumbbells and her own body-weight. As well, with great fortune, one of the items that survived Samus’ ship being totaled during the conflict was a very sentimental article of clothing that she had not worn in a while: her plain-blue two-piece that she had since she left Zebes for the first time. She often used it as an alternate to her Zero Suit when she would merely lounge around during lapses in her initial training, her Federation Army/Police days, or between missions. Even more surprising was the fact that it still fit her, though it was a little bit of a literal and figurative stretch. It would suit her purpose for today.

With Twilight out running some errands with Spike, the two-piece-clad Hunter was sure that she would not mind her using the common room for her activities. With some very soothing and ‘focusing’ music playing from her tablet as ambience, Samus stood on the hardwood floor, feet together and with ‘prayer-hands’ in front of her chest. Her eyes were closed as she channeled her inner Chozo in the simple yet relaxing meditative position. With her concentration, cyclic breathing, and ambience, her world slowly faded away. Only she existed.

Time to warm up.

Inhaling deeply through her nose, she spread her legs about shoulder-width apart and stretched her arms up. She then exhaled and swan-dove downward, effortlessly touching both of her palms to the floor. With another inhale and exhale, Samus spread her feet slightly wider and grasped both of her ankles with her hands, widening her stretch and placing her forehead a few inches above the floor. Holding and enduring the slight stretch for a few moments, Samus employed her core to slowly lower her crotch to the ground and initiate a full split of her legs, her hands never leaving her ankles until they anatomically had to ride up to her knees. She exhaled on the stretch.

Ahhhh that’s good…

Breathing in, Samus released her knees and stretched her arms up over her head as high as she could. Holding, she then exhaled and curved to the right, stretching out her left lat. Retaining that position for a few moments, she repeated the process for her right lat. Releasing and stretching upward once more, she turned her upper body and, legs still in their horizontal split, stretched to grasp her right foot, feeling the tension in her hamstrings and back. Samus held that oh-so comfortable position for a few moments before repeating the gesture for her left side. To complete the series, Samus stretched upward fully once more and leaned forward, pushing her arms out and laying her trunk as flush as she could against the floor.

Alright… now for the fun part.

Getting back to her feet, Samus inhaled and swan-dove once more, placing both of her hands on the floor again but this time, she shifted all of her weight into her core and stabilized herself with her hands. The result was Samus ending in a perfect handstand as she pointed both of her feet to the ceiling, her arms supporting her body shoulder-width apart. There she remained, closing her eyes and completely centering herself. Any slight wobbling and instability quickly diminished to nothing as she reigned in control, her abs tightening visibly and she ending in a perfectly motionless handstand.

Samus then initiated a horizontal split of her legs, forming a seemingly parallel line with the floor. Continuing her breathing cycle, she closed her legs and then split them vertically with the same result though somewhat different resistance. Continuing, she returned her legs to their initial position in the handstand and, with careful allocation of the work, began performing pushups. She touched the tip of her nose to the floor each time and ensured that her shoulders got an incredible burn.

Having had enough with the handstand, Samus lowered her feet to the floor ‘in front’ of her, which effectively placed her in a half-circle table top position. Holding that position for a few moments, she sunk her core low and propelled herself back to her feet.

That’s when she picked up her thirty-five pounders and went right to work, utilizing dynamic movements to ensure she worked the greatest amount with the highest efficiency. Samus had to admit that she was having a good time letting it all out and working up a satisfying sweat. Her mindset was somewhat interrupted when, in the middle of a balancing bicep curl, the front door to the library swung inward with a mighty slam.

“Twilight you home?!” Rainbow Dash’s voice pierced the silence as soon as the door was thrown open, Samus almost losing her balance and toppling to the floor. That’s when the prismatic-maned pegasus noticed the Hunter in the midst of her routine. “Oh, hey Samus!”

“They’re not here… and you just let yourself into her house?” Samus inquired, resuming her activities. Rainbow Dash ignored her question and noted that the Hunter was clearly working out.

“Whoa, you’re training and don’t invite me?!” the mare asked, as if it was a legitimate grievance to hold.

“Yeah,” Samus replied nonchalantly, using perfect form to combine dual bicep curls with shoulder presses.

“Well you should totally join my routine today. I was gonna do some running and sprinting,” Rainbow suggested as she trot up to Samus’ side, observing her precision movements and noting how much the human’s muscles bulged upon every contraction. Out of her Zero Suit and into something somewhat more revealing, Rainbow conceded that Samus looked much more formidable, though she knew that Samus was more on the muscular side anyway.

“That’s fine, just let me finish up here,” Samus breathed out, straightening her back and bending over, letting the weights fall completely into a deadlift. Rainbow Dash took the opportunity to begin warming herself up. Stretching and trotting in place for a good while, the mare was about to perform some pushups when Samus dropped her own weights and assumed the same position, immediately moving to tire herself out at the close of her circuit. Rainbow, ever the competitive mare, fell into synchronization and silently attempted to beat the Hunter in an unofficial pushup contest.

Twenty seconds in, Samus had already completed twenty pushups and Rainbow was diligently keeping up with her in what the odd equivalent was for a pony. The Hunter was certainly aware of what the mare was doing and only chuckled internally as she picked up her pace even more. Twenty pushups quickly turned to thirty… which turned to forty, and by fifty, Rainbow gave out and collapsed onto her chest while Samus soldiered on.

“Heh… geez how are you even doing that??” the cyan pegasus asked, completely out of breath as Samus hit sixty-five, which turned into seventy… and then eighty. Rainbow Dash continued to observe the human hybrid, completely slack-jawed, as Samus passed one hundred pushups, her arms finally giving out at one hundred twelve. The sweat flowed freely off of Samus’ entire body as she stood up, and truth be told, she felt absolutely incredible.

“That’s what happens when you’re raised from three as a warrior. Now, I remember you saying you wanted to do some running?” Samus answered and asked, more than willing to go on a run with Rainbow or whatever else she wanted to do. The mare brightened immediately.

“Yeah! When I work my legs I usually run around Ponyville for a while before I sprint ‘em dead. Come on!” Rainbow stated, leading the way out of the library and into the cooler air of the outdoors. Samus closed the door behind them and Rainbow completed whatever remaining stretches she needed to do.

“Alright we’ll start here. Easy jog for now,” Rainbow Dash instructed. Samus nodded and once the mare was finished with her last stretches, the two were off, jogging side by side towards Ponyville Park but Rainbow subtly leading the way. Oddly enough, there was little to no conversation as they ran, but probably due to them picking up speed and not wanting to waste their precious breaths in order to keep proper pace. It did not seem to bother either of the duo though, who would exchange friendly glances once in a while.

The odd pair attracted a few wayward stares from ponies around Ponyville as well as the occasional human who recognized Samus, but they paid the others no mind, save when they happened to see Pinkie, who waved to them enthusiastically. After about half an hour, Dash and Samus had completed a lap around Ponyville, ending back at the park that they initially ran to. They finally stopped under the shaded tree that they took a nap under a couple of weeks prior.

“So… what now?” Samus asked, not out of breath but wiping her forehead with the backs of her hands.

“Now is when I usually do a full run around Ponyville. Then, we end up back here with some sprints. How’s that sound?” Rainbow Dash asked, also shaking off a bit of perspiration.

“Fine by me,” Samus replied with a nod, getting ready to go again but Rainbow stopped in her tracks.

“Unless… wanna race?” the mare asked, adopting a determined, devious expression. Samus raised her eyebrow.

“...really? Do you ever not race anyone?” the Hunter asked incredulously, Rainbow seemingly always in competition with those around her. The latter shrugged.

“Applejack’s the same way, actually. You should see when we go at it.”

“I don’t doubt that, but… fine. Where are we racing to?” Samus conceded. She had also been noticing that she had been agreeing to things much more willingly.

“You know the path we took around Ponyville, right?” Rainbow Dash began, Samus nodding and recalling how they ran around the periphery and took a few detours through the town proper before they ended up back where they currently stood. “Well, let’s do the same thing, but whoever gets back here first wins!”

“Alright then,” Samus agreed, taking a ‘ready’ position next to Rainbow Dash. “If anything this will expend my remaining energy.”

“One… two… three… GO!” Rainbow counted down and sounded the start. Both of them took off in a sprint towards the end of the park, the athletic mare almost completely astonished as to how easily Samus was able to accelerate on two legs. Nevertheless, she was completely determined to best the human on her own turf. She may have lost the drinking games against her but she would not lose here!

As for Samus, she was sprinting, but definitely not sprinting the hardest she could muster. The air battered against her skin and through her hair, cooling off her face as she eventually did speed up, pulling ahead of Rainbow Dash as they tore through the end of the park.

Both were neck in neck when sprinting and running around the periphery of the town, but Rainbow looked like she was gaining the upper hand when the two had to travel straight through the shopping district. While Samus was incredibly acrobatic by any meaning of the phrase, Rainbow’s much smaller size afforded her greater maneuverability through tight spaces and many ponies. Samus was about to pull ahead even more but three ponies were moving two shop carts into position, right into their path.


Rainbow was easily able to squeeze under the opening of the cart, Samus clearly having to slow down. However, in Rainbow Dash’s small moment of victory, the Hunter quickly hunched down and jumped as high as she could (which even without enhancements from her Suit, she could still clear a surprising vertical distance). Somersaulting over the first cart and bounding off of the second one with startled ponies as witness, she hit the ground with a combat roll and took off sprinting once more.

The race took itself out of the crowded shopping district and into Town Square. Rainbow Dash gazed behind to to see how far ahead she got ahead of the Hunter, only for a horrified look to cross her features when she immediately saw Samus about to catch her tail, the latter holding a look that said ‘I’m comin’ for ya!’

Town Square came and went and the two were again neck and neck, Samus having to increase her speed to nearly her full potential yet Rainbow was still impressively holding on despite clearly struggling to maintain her negligible lead. Once the two rounded the last corner and were on the last stretch back to the park, Samus injected every little bit of her residual energy into her legs and completely overtook Rainbow Dash by storm. Were it not for Rainbow’s pride and sheer determination to rival Samus herself, the Hunter would’ve been indisputably victorious. At the last possible second, the cyan mare called forth all of her reserves in one of the most powerful gallops she ever had to muster. The two once again were completely tied and in the spirit of fun, both lunged for their predetermined starting spot.

In the blur and heat of the moment neither of them knew who had crossed the ‘finish line’ first. All that was for certain was the two of them on the ground in an exhausted mess as they caught their breaths as best as they could. After the occasional chuckle as they laid on their backs, the two finally sat up and scooted themselves under their tree. Both of them were absolutely drenched in (new and drying) sweat as well as the grass and dirt that was sticking to their respective skin and coats as a result of their tumble. Samus and Rainbow Dash were absolutely disgusting and revolting right now, and neither of them would honestly have it any other way.

The two finally looked at each other and shared a small laugh before Samus reached out and tousled the mare’s iconic rainbow mane.

“Hey, hehe stop it!”

“Thanks for inviting me out today,” Samus spoke up with a half smirk, wiping off some grass that stuck to her triceps.

“Duh! We should do this more often!” Rainbow replied excitedly at the prospect of having a workout partner that could essentially keep up with her neck and neck, if not best her completely (though Dash would never admit that publicly).

“You know, I think you’re right,” Samus affirmed with a nod. The two shared another friendly look before the Hunter stood up, Rainbow doing the same.

“Well, I don’t know about you but I am in dire need of a shower,” the blonde-haired girl admitted, pulling some wayward pieces of grass out of said hair and beginning to feel the ‘grimy-ness’ of cooling sweat. She stretched out the hems of her top and shorts, satisfied as they became unstuck from her body.

“Yeah me too, sheesh. Mind if I join you?”

“Excuse me???” Samus immediately shot back, a completely weirded-out tone lacing her words.

“What? Oh OH! NO! Not what I meant I’m sorry I completely forgot!” Rainbow Dash lifted her hooves defensively, her cheeks coloring in obvious embarrassment. “It’s actually common for ponies to bathe together since hooves aren’t always the best at reaching everywhere on your back. My bad!”

Samus chuckled.

“Gotcha. That’s a shame, I was actually considering it…” she mused out loud.

“Really??” Rainbow inquired curiously at the sudden change in attitude.

“No!” the Hunter exclaimed with a joking smile on her face. “Now go home and shower off, you silly pony! Let’s work out tomorrow, same place.”

“Hahaha! I like you Samus… And you bet! I’ll see you tomorrow,” Rainbow said, laughing almost hysterically. She and Samus shared a hoof/fist bump before the mare took off like a jet into the sky. Samus observed her flying away, shaking her head and huffing out amusedly before strolling back to the Library.

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