• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,943 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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3. Phazon

Metroid Equis

Chapter 3


Once the group of seven entered the Golden Oaks Library, the door was shut behind them and they dispersed in an organized way, finding solace in quick tasks to perform before the impending talk. After Twilight disengaged the invisibility, Samus opted for what looked to be an arm chair, albeit it was a tad small. Deciding against unequipping her Varia Suit just yet, she took Twilight's offer on getting herself comfortable. Samus lightly strolled over to the pretty comfortable looking chair with a resounding 'clink' after each step, which was ultimately drowned out by the random chatter going on between the six ponies in the room. With a sigh, Samus plopped down on the chair and just wordlessly stared at them, as well as her surroundings. The ponies let Samus have her space for now out of what appeared to be courtesy, but the Hunter believed that the motivation was more so out of apprehensiveness.

It was interesting to see that the entire, enormous tree had been hollowed out and created into a rather quaint living residence. The wood finish on everything provided a homely sense of tranquility, on top of large amounts of books that were undoubtedly filled with limitless knowledge of this new land Samus was in. She'd be sure to ask to borrow a few books on choice subjects, more towards pony demography and other cartographical references so she could log them into her database and map respectively. That would actually be first priority when she set off once more: mapping the area as best as she could. Since Samus was relatively sure that no map station existed on Equis, (or Equestria, as it's called), she'd have to insert map data manually.

On another note, Samus could not even remember the last time she was cordially invited into someone's place of residence; or rather she assumed this library was also a place of residence if the bedrooms and bathrooms gave her any indication. She had foregone much social contact, but that was the way of life of a Bounty Hunter. Even though she was here on business and business only, it was a welcome change. Though she worked alone, she had no complaint about having allies… at least that's what she hoped to ultimately consider these ponies.

As the ponies all chatted, got snacks, and talked about what would be written in a letter to what sounded like their leaders, Samus decided to do something that she had foregone earlier due to the circumstances.

Let's see if we can get a bit more information on our hosts…

The Hunter switched her visor to Scan, intending to learn as much as she could about the dominant species. Her reticle locked onto Twilight as she had her back turned and was talking with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

"Recorded to Logbook."

[Morphology: Equis Unicorn]

[Sapient energy-manipulating equine life-form. Native inhabitants of Equis, unicorns are one of four types of 'ponies,' the others being normal or 'earth' ponies, 'pegasi' ponies, and 'alicorns;' the latter which appear to be hybrids between the unicorns and pegasi. Unicorns are easily identified by the protruding, pointed appendage on their foreheads, commonly referred to as a 'horn.' This allows the species to control limited portions of the physical forces within themselves and the surrounding universe, bestowing them with numerous abilities including, but not limited to: directly manipulating the resulting energy to their whim, using as a telekinetic medium, or, in extreme cases, distorting reality. These feats are colloquially known as 'magic.' Abilities are not unlike the Chozo expertise and powers, save for the absolute need of the horn in order to utilize said abilities. If the horn is damaged/destroyed or violently removed, magic usage is nigh impossible without extreme probability of backfire.]

That's… very interesting, actually.

"SPIKE?! Are you here?! I need you to take a letter!" Twilight yelled out, turning around. This revealed another scan-able object: her horn.

"Yeah I'm here! I'll be down in a sec," a voice called back.

"Recorded to Logbook."

[Object: Equis Unicorn Horn]

[Organic force-manipulation appendage. A unicorn's horn is composed of bone, cartilage and an unknown genetic neurological makeup. It allows the tapping into and harnessing of the physical forces for any use which would be determined by the 'spellcaster;' as its manipulation is commonly referred to as 'magic.' Harnessing of forces (e.g. kinetic, gravitational, magnetic, etc.) is essentially explained, in theory by the creation of artificial vector fields with unlimited free parameters, allowing the unicorn to perform nearly any task with the 'borrowed' potential energy. Horns are very sensitive to touch, where the firmer touch has the ability to cause enormous pain, and the lighter touch has the effect comparable to an erogenous zone.

I could have lived my life not knowing that…

Use the former property of sensitivity to your advantage if at all necessary. If the horn becomes crippled in any way, magic summoning is all but impossible without extreme (and possibly deadly) repercussions for the caster.]

"…That should be all. Go ahead and send it to Princess Celestia please," Samus heard Twilight say when she disengaged the notes from her Scan Visor.

"Miss Aran?"

Samus perked up and looked to find Twilight standing with Spike. She had intended to scan one of the pegasi and earth ponies in order to read information, but Samus opted to just do a quick scan of Pinkie and Rainbow, before logging the data and answering Twilight's call.

"Please, Twilight. 'Samus' is just fine. And yes?"

"I'd like to introduce you to my number one assistant, Spike. He's a baby dragon," Twilight motioned to the young drake, who was looking in awe at the new visitor.

"Twilight… seriously?" Spike complained, as he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of their new visitor by being called a 'baby,' though he technically was. Samus only stared at him for a few moments.


She shook herself out of her musings.

"Samus. Pleasure, Spike," Samus curtly introduced herself, offering her hand to which he accepted the gesture. The other ponies came trotting over as well, forming around her, although not invading her personal space.

"Wow… you don't look like humans that I've read about in books. Is this your skin? Or scales?" The young drake asked.

"Not quite. This is more of… battle armor," Samus replied, attempting to find a suitable analogy for her Varia Suit. She figured 'Chozo Warrior Exoskeleton' would elicit a few more questions than what she was willing to answer at the moment.

"Ah, like the Royal Guards," Twilight inferred. Samus shrugged.

"I'll take your word for it. But on that note, I take it your leaders are on their way and I don't believe it would be wise to be donned in battle-ready equipment. Allow me," Samus added, standing up and activating the console on her Arm Cannon hinge. The circular console flipped out and she typed in a few commands on the buttons, the result being her entire figure engulfed in a golden, transparent light for about two seconds. When the directed light faded away, Samus's Varia Suit had vanished, leaving her clad in her Zero Suit.

The ponies were silent at first, taking in Samus's true appearance as she stretched herself out and ultimately plopped back down on the comfy chair with a satisfactory sigh.

That's better.

"You really don't look so tough out of your armor," Rainbow Dash commented with her ever present overconfidence. Samus just gave her a deadpanned look.

"Samus, we sent a letter to the Princesses and they should be with us soon. In the meantime, we thought we could just… umm… talk?" Twilight awkwardly suggested. In truth she was dying to get answers to almost every question she could think of, but some information was best left for when Celestia and Luna arrived.

Samus noted the fact that she would soon be meeting with the equine leaders, or Princesses. Until then, she also acknowledged that there was not much else to do but chat idly. Samus figured that she could at least make some effort in familiarizing herself with her surroundings as well as the inhabitants with what limited social skills she possessed. She shrugged.

"Very well; we'll leave all discussions on my arrival and purpose for when your Princesses show up. But until then, yeah, I suppose we could… talk," Samus answered with equal awkwardness. To hell with being invited in as a guest, she couldn't remember the last time she actually sat down and leisurely spoke with others.

Not since Zebes… I miss all of them.

Twilight brightened at the opportunity, as did the others who more than desired to know more about the Hunter, which struck Samus as rather odd. An alien-being touched down on their planet, they locate her and almost instantly treat her like a friend, even in her most menacing form which was in her Varia Suit. Granted, they were quite the bit more apprehensive when Samus was clad in her battle armor as opposed to her sitting in nothing more than her Zero Suit that moment, but still! The ponies were very accepting so it seemed. She didn't understand these ponies in the slightest, but that wouldn't always have to be the case. Also, that didn't mean that she wasn't the least bit grateful for their hospitality and non-hostility towards her. She'd be sure to express that again in due time.

"So, Darling, I have to say: whatever you're wearing right now is simply magnificent!" Rarity commented, entranced with the Bounty Hunter's choice of attire. Samus could safely say that she had never talked, or had been complimented, about her Zero Suit.

"Thank you. It's not the most stylish or, depending where you are, appropriate attire…" Samus began, referring to the skin-tightness with her latter clause, shooting a fleeting glance at her chest. "…but at least it's really comfortable and flexible. Very much required in my line of work," she explained.

"But you don't have wear that all the time, right?" Rainbow asked, admiring its color scheme.

"Well, of course I'd have to take it off once in a while for obvious reasons."

"'Once in a while??' Dear, do you mean to tell us that that's the only item of actual clothing you have?!" Rarity asked, almost flabbergasted. That was an interesting question for the young Hunter. Samus actually thought for a few seconds and she couldn't even remember if she carried 'normal' clothing in her gunship at any time. It was always habit for her to constantly be in her Zero Suit (and putting it back on after having to remove it for whatever purpose) in case she had to jump into her Battle Suit in a moment's notice. She really had no use for casual clothing.

"Ummm… I believe so. I've had no other use for regular clothing. I haven't been in an environment where I've needed it, or could have used it; especially since on my previous missions, everything in the environment wanted to kill me. I had to be in my Varia Suit at all times. Keeping up appearance really isn't much of a priority," Samus pointed out.

"Yer Very-what now?" Applejack inquired. Samus retained a stoic/neutral expression on her face, but she almost giggled at that. Almost.

"My Varia Suit. My battle suit that you all met me in." There was a collective 'ah' of understanding from the six ponies and one dragon.

"Then that settles it! You simply must let me create a couple new sets of clothes for you, Samus. Absolutely free of charge!" Rarity said with enthusiasm and an inflection that left little to argue with.

"Ummm… Rarity, right?" The white unicorn nodded. "As much as I appreciate your generosity, I'm here strictly on assignment and no time to socialize," Samus added.

"Maybe so, but for how long?"


Everybody perked up at the firm knocks at the door.

"That was… fast…" Samus commented. Twilight got up and trot to the door.

"They're usually here a lot faster," Twilight retorted as she opened the door. She was greeted by the sight of the two regal sisters, ever smiling and grinning (on Luna's part), with about four Royal Guards standing next to them.

"Princesses!" Twilight yelled happily and embraced her mentor. Celestia only giggled a bit before returning said embrace, nuzzling her.

"Good to see you as always, my faithful student," Celestia added in.

"Indeed. Wonderful to see you again at last!" Luna commented.

"Please come in! Everypony is here, as well as our guest," Twilight beckoned the group inside. Samus could only hear the conversation as the door blocked her view, but when Twilight led the group inside, her eyes came upon what she could only describe as a 'pure white' alicorn (thinking in terminology from her scanner), accompanied by an equally admirable looking dark blue alicorn who was slightly shorter in stature. All appeared to have adorned royal regalia, so if that told the Hunter anything, they were definitely the Princesses.

All the ponies stood up from their sitting positions and Samus opted to do the same and leave the rather comfy chair for a moment. When the two alicorns locked eyes with everyone the ponies smiled and bowed to their leaders. They were not Samus's leaders so she opted more for a respectful nod of acknowledgement when they looked at her. That eased things a bit, she could tell. They nodded back to her. Samus kept note of what she assumed were Royal Guards, four of them flanking the princesses. Two of them gave Samus rather dirty looks, ones which she returned with a stoic gaze. Samus already didn't like them.

"Wonderful to see you all again, my little ponies. And, who might this be?" Celestia asked, turning her attention to the Zero Suit-clad Hunter. Twilight looked to Samus and nodded, essentially 'saying' that it was okay to introduce herself. She moved forward swiftly and rose her hand up in a greeting manner. Right when she was about to speak, the front guard intercepted her and lowered his spear at her. The ponies became very surprised at this point, as this all happened in a matter of about two seconds.

"Halt! You will not approach the Princesses unless directed by their sole discretion!" he spat out in clear contempt. The Elements were horrified and before either Luna or Celestia could act, Samus instantaneously raised her right hand and grabbed the front (not the tip) of the spear and redirected it harshly, still keeping it firmly grasped and surprising everyone with the sheer quickness of her action. She then gave the guard a rather intimidating stare, in which he himself wore an astonished gaze.

"Do not point your weapon at me… guard-dog," Samus ordered in a very calm and non-threatening tone.

"Steel Blade! Sheath your weapon immediately! Twilight Sparkle has already deemed the Human nonthreatening. You will let her approach." Luna scolded the Guard heavily. Samus and he locked eyes once more before she let the spear go, and he returned to his position.

"Many apologies on behalf of our guards. They can be quite overprotective," Celestia stepped forward to help close the distance between her and Samus. Luna fell into step with her sister as well.

"Really, it was no issue," the Hunter replied, fixing a lock of her hair behind her ear. Celestia nodded.

"Well, since it appears there is no language barrier, I'll get right to the chase. I am Princess Celestia, Princess of the Day. With me is my younger sister, Princess Luna, Princess of the Night," Celestia introduced, motioning her hoof towards Luna.

"Charmed," Luna added in with a small grin. "And we both co-rule over this nation of Equestria," she finished.

"Princesses Celestia and Luna, leaders of Equestria. Pleased to make your acquaintances, I'm Samus Aran," the Hunter introduced herself formally, extending her hand which the princesses accepted with a small shake. The other ponies just watched with keen interest and silence as the conversation unfolded.

"With what we were briefed by Twilight, we know enough to go on so we shan't play coy with you. Although you seem to possess great technology and weaponry, we have been informed that you are not of any threat to us... but the question remains: why are you here?" Luna asked.

Straight to the point. I like them already.

"I'm assuming you're aware of the meteor that landed somewhere?" Samus asked, confirming what she was readily sure that they already knew. Celestia grinned.

"I was hoping you had information about that. Come," Celestia said in a cool manner, gesturing with her front-right hoof towards the ground where all the pillows and a small table were. "Guards, you may leave us," she then added over her shoulder. Steel Blade looked like he was about to protest.

"DO NOT QUESTION MY SISTER'S ORDERS. LEAVE US IMMEDIATELY!" Luna affirmed in her amplified voice. Samus winced and covered her ears slightly, as did the other ponies. The guards were almost thrown off their hooves by the forcefulness of Luna's voice and they quickly nodded and scurried out, closing the door behind them.

Wow… I like her even more.

Celestia rubbed her ear slightly from the disturbance, obviously having been used to it, and turned back to the group with a smile.

"Now then, shall we?" she gestured once more. The entire group sat down and Samus pulled the arm chair up to the table. She crossed her legs and looked at the two princesses.

"So, are there any questions you may have about the meteor? I will have some questions for you as well before I tell you why I'm here, but I feel I owe everyone here some answers," Samus began. The others nodded.

"What exactly are we facing?" Celestia asked seriously. The others also looked to Samus who had a pensive look on her face, most likely attempting to find a way to explain.

"How many ponies have died since the blue poison reared its head?" she asked. The others were slightly taken aback by the bluntness of Samus's question. It obviously struck a chord with them.

"Before we came here, the death toll currently stands at around a hundred… and most likely to have risen," Luna replied. Samus nodded, uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her thighs and linking her hands together.

"The Blue Poison is known as Phazon, a mutagen that causes a whole host of problems. It originates from a specific type of meteor, much like the one that fell here... though where such meteors come from, we cannot say. Physical contact with Phazon is enough to cause instantaneous death, and those are the lucky ones. Others will become horribly mutated. Afflicted individuals will slowly lose their sanity as the Phazon takes them over… they'll become more aggressive and violent as they sometimes sport mutations that seem to defy genetics and biology. They'll crave it like a drug, further inducing madness and enormous hostility until they succumb to the corruption. That is, of course, if they weren't killed by first contact," Samus explained, obviously having seen its effects. She shuddered internally at the Pirate Projects.

Samus then took the liberty of showing some scans of corrupted organisms through her console, the Princesses doing their best to stifle their disgust, though their concern was now greatly amplified.

"What can we do to combat this threat?" Luna asked.

"You cannot combat the Phazon with other chemicals, or soldiers, or really anything. You can only contain it, and if my assumption is correct, you wouldn't seem as dire right now if your magic had been working in any way to eradicate it, right?" Samus clarified. Celestia shook her head.

"No, simple force and destruction spells only serve to spread it even more, and sending the material to another dimension is enormously taxing on those who have magic prowess, yet this 'Phazon' still replaces itself," the white alicorn confirmed. The other ponies were just quietly listening to the conversation, not really having anything to put into it. Twilight, however, was fully vested in it and looked like she had some things to say.

"Like Princess Luna, I too have done my research and no record of this 'Phazon' exists in Equestrian History or magical archives. If we can't destroy it, you said we can contain it, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, containment is very possible at the source, but that's about it. You'd need material that would be suitable for its storage and transportation. It appears large amounts of magic can do the job for transportation, but you'd need to transport it elsewhere for safe storage, and then again you'd also have to be aware that the impact site will still produce more Phazon," Samus explained.

"How is that even possible?" Twilight asked again.

"From my experience and investigations with the Galactic Federation, the entity of which is my current employer and where I formerly devoted myself to military service, point to the fact that these meteors have a 'core.' These cores are life-forms that are basic in nature and usually native to the planet that the meteor impacted on. These life-forms have undergone enormous Phazon corruption to the point where they are actually producing the Phazon itself. They are the heart of it, and the meteor most likely latched on to a native creature or entity when it impacted. Actually, that's nearly certain since you say the Phazon is spreading. If that's how these meteors truly work, we really don't know, but it's the only theory we have to go by right now that explains anything. Either way, if this 'core' is eliminated, all Phazon associated with it will dissipate."

"That settles it then! We shall search the impact area and rid our planet of this core element!" Luna proclaimed. Samus shook her head.

"Were it so easy. Although on a side note, you seem to have the answer to my main question: Where is the impact site?" the Hunter asked.

"The Frozen North, within about twenty miles of the Crystal Empire's borders. It's perpetually stormy, though. Nopony can fly through there and travel on foot is very dangerous," Celestia answered. Samus nodded in acknowledgement.

"Fair enough. However, as I was saying, it will not be as easy as just marching into the impact site, combating and eliminating the core element. We'll have no idea what's even in the crater... it may very well be impassable due to strains of Phazon that even my suit can't handle. The Phazon will most likely have corrupted other life-forms that will have to be eliminated as well. Also, there's the future issue of the Space Pirates," Samus began, being prepared to explain a great deal.

"Space Pirates?" Twilight, Celestia, and Luna asked at the same time.

"The Space Pirates are bipedal organisms like me, although they differ greatly in physical appearance. They're a war-mongering species that the Galactic Federation and I have been fighting for as long as I can remember. Their tactics are merciless and brutal, for they are responsible for the deaths of countless innocents. They search for ways to greater their species and ultimately defeat the Federation, and they have discovered one thing that has given them a possibly frightening advantage," Samus began explaining.

"Allow me to guess, the Phazon?" Luna asked.

"Indeed. I was on another planet known as Tallon IV and they had discovered the Phazon after a similar meteor strike annihilated other sentient elements, namely a race of bird-like creatures known as the Chozo. Upon investigating, the Pirates found the Phazon and began to use it as an energy source. It was successful, but then they noticed its horrific mutagen properties and began attempting to infuse it with other creatures as well as themselves."

The others began widening their eyes at the revelations; some even had hooves over their mouths.

"Many Pirates, of course, died. Others accepted a particular strain of Phazon and it successfully fused with their genetic code, creating violent and terribly corrupted versions of their already warlike selves. When I compromised their operations on Tallon IV, they discovered another planet, known as Aether, and attempted the same thing, harnessing the Phazon for their own nefarious purposes. After their bases of operations were destroyed there, I came here to head off the meteor crash before they inevitably come," Samus concluded. The mention of hostile invaders was enough to keep everyone silent, as they really had no idea how to respond to that. Samus took this opportunity to continue:

"This brings us to why I'm here. My mission is to head off the Space Pirate forward operations before they can cause any real damage, and believe me, they will attempt to subjugate your population with extreme prejudice. Not only am I to eliminate their forward operations, but I'm also here to destroy this Phazon core and rid the planet of the substance. If it's gone, there's little point for the Pirates to be here other than to search for other means of energy."

"This Galactic Federation, are they able to provide any assistance?" Celestia asked.

"Yes. For once in a long time, I have full resources available to me should we need them and this includes materiel and weapons, as well as soldiers and other necessities," the Hunter confirmed.

"Very well. We have the Royal Guard as well as a few other standing forces but if what you say is true we may need all the help we can acquire, and we'd be most appreciative if you are able to provide," Luna confessed.

"My job is to aid in whatever way I can. I will, however, call for some supply drops as soon as I can; for I have a feeling we'll need them. As we progress further, I'll most likely call for forces as well."

"Most excellent. Then I believe that is all we needed to hear, as we have to deal with all the affairs that are coming of this calamity. We thank you for your service here and if you need anything, please feel free to let Twilight know. She will forward any requests to us, for it's the least we can do. You are more than welcome to stay in this town, Ponyville, and use it as your base of operations. Since we assume you arrived in a ship, a real bed may appeal to your tastes more, but of course, feel free to move any materials you may need," Celestia finished, standing up with Luna. All the other ponies plus the Hunter stood up as well.

"Thank you, and of course thank you all for your non-hostility towards me as well as for everything else. Normally I'd have to refuse your offer and I'd feel safer and more comfortable in my ship, but since there actually is a population, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to stay closer to those of importance, which if my instincts tell me anything, these six ponies are indeed of importance," Samus spoke with gratitude, motioning towards the Elements who had varying degrees of smiles and pensive looks on their faces. "Also, an actual bed sounds… kinda nice," Samus added. The Princesses smiled and Twilight jumped up at the opportunity:

"Samus, you can stay here if you like. This library is close to the center of this town and I'm in constant contact with the Princesses. I can reach them on a moment's notice and I have no problem resizing the bed and other amenities you may require," the lavender unicorn offered with a grin filled with gratitude. Samus couldn't understand right now how accepting they were of her, even offering her a place to stay outside of her ship. Also, nigh immediate contact with the Princesses was always a plus.

"Very well, I'll accept your offer. Thank you, Twilight," the Hunter responded in kind. Twilight nodded in acknowledgement and Princess Celestia levitated something out of a bag she brought with her. Thy looked like scrolls.

"Then it's settled. Also, Samus, we feel you might find these useful," the white alicorn began as she placed the papers on the table in front of Samus. "They're maps of Ponyville as well as other major areas including the Crystal Empire and Frozen North. We feel you might have great use for these," she finished. Samus unrolled one of the scrolls to find a map of Ponyville beautifully cartographed. Samus grinned.


"These will do nicely. Thank you, Princesses," Samus responded with a small nod of gratitude and respect.

"Of course, but now, we must be off. Thank you once again and we hope to see you soon. We will update you on any knowledge or findings we come across immediately, so expect to hear from us often," Luna spoke as the two Princesses walked out the door. "Until then, everypony," she added before the door shut behind them. The remaining group all looked at each other.

"Well, since Samus is staying here, I better get to work on preparing the guest room with Spike. In the meantime, since it's getting later, why don't the five of you take Samus around the town so she can familiarize herself with her new 'base of operations?' Once that's done, it would probably be wise to move any things she might have to the Library. Is that okay with you, Samus?" Twilight asked. Samus thought for a bit.

Well… it is getting later and I have little scan data that has been provided to me by Federation intelligence, or that my ship is picking up. To add on top of that, I have no idea where I'm going just yet and there is no sign of the Pirates… yet. As much as it goes against my philosophy I guess a relaxing tour of the area couldn't hurt.

"Sure, that's a sound plan for the moment. I suppose it also would be beneficial to introduce the locals to my presence while many are still out," the Hunter agreed.

"Alright!" Rainbow Dash said a bit enthusiastically.

"YAY! Samus is staying with us!!" Pinkie almost yelled out, bouncing up and down.

A bit excitable… jeez.

"Indeed, darlings. Now, let us be off, for we're burning sunlight," Rarity added, beginning to lead the way out of the door. Rainbow and Pinkie followed suit before Samus exited, followed by Applejack and Fluttershy.

Extra support from the locals could only benefit me anyways. This will hopefully prove beneficial.

Twilight giggled a bit as she watched her friends go with the Hunter in her company. It was always nice to see somepony, or somebody different being readily accepted, as was true to the ponies' nature. However, Twilight still couldn't help but worry for Equestria's future with these threats looming. For once, as an Element of Harmony, she felt somewhat useless since magic would have little effect right now.

In the end though, they've defeated threats without the elements, and this would be no different. With Samus's help, as well as whatever the Galactic Federation was, they'd overcome this with Equestria emerging stronger than ever.

Things would work themselves out as always.


[Transmission Database]

[Compose New]

[To: Galactic Federation High Command | RE: Mission VK109H]

I've established a foothold on the planet and come into contact with sapient life forms of Equis. They are ponies and I've appeared to earn their trust for the time being, making the job easier. Transferring now is all scan data I have acquired, as well as my personal notes and experiences which include the extent of Phazon threats as of right now. Please review them. Also, requesting supply drop Class A.

Samus Aran

[Transmission Sent]

[Incoming Transmission]

[From: Galactic Federation High Command | RE: Mission VK109H]

Data received and currently being reviewed. We will provide you with intelligence as it comes in. For now, stand by and keep watch for any Pirate Activity. Aid in what you can against Phazon threats, Space Pirate activity, and population protection but do not take up your usual crusade just yet. We are conducting Phazon-centric research and some more time; the samples generated from the planet will prove most valuable.

Offer your expertise to the Pony Leadership if at all requested. Troops will be ready for deployment to Equis in a week's time and on standby around the clock.

Supply Drop request confirmed.

High Command

[End Transmission]

Author's Note:

Edited 24/6/2015

>inb4 "Why didn't she just go to the crater"

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