• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 7,143 Views, 355 Comments

In Search of Knowledge - thehalfelf

Twilight and Cheerilee re-write an old textbook, and Cheerilee struggles with something she thought would never be a problem

  • ...

In Search of Parties

In Search of Parties

What am I doing...? Twilight thought to herself as she walked down the street. She kept looking to her right, where Cheerilee walked next to her. Every time she was caught staring, Cheerilee would smile, and Twilight would look away, and wait for her chance to look again. Just this morning, I didn’t know what to think, and now we’re going to a party as a date? Is it a date? I don’t even know anymore... Seeing the outline of Sugarcube Corner in the distance, Twilight shoved her questions to the back of her mind, with a memo to write to her mother about it, maybe even the Princess.

“Are you sure Pinkie Pie won’t mind me showing up uninvited?” Cheerilee asked.

“I don’t think she’ll mind. Pinkie isn’t really one to get upset when plans aren’t followed perfectly, and there won’t be a shortage of snacks.” Twilight chuckled. “Sometimes, I think she breathes sugar, not air.”

Cheerilee laughed, but it was obvious she was still worried. Two things kept her from just going home, that Twilight had asked her here, and was right next to her, and that the door to Sugarcube Corner was in front of them. Unaware of the anxiety growing in Cheerilee’s chest, Twilight raised a hoof and knocked.

The door flew open, releasing the music it had held inside, along with a couple stray streamers and a balloon. In the doorway stood a pink mare, practically vibrating with excitement. “Hiya, Twilight!” she said, beaming. “Come on in!”

“Hi, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight replied. She stepped forward, exposing Cheerilee, who was using the lavender unicorn and the door frame to hide herself from Pinkie’s gaze.

“Hi, Miss Cheerilee!” Pinkie called, spotting the teacher once her librarian wall moved away. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, she is here with me,” Twilight said from the doorway. “I kind of forgot when the party was, and made plans to work with Cheerilee on something, but I couldn’t just skip the party, and if I sent Cheerilee home when she expected to work with me I would have felt bad, so I invited her along.” Twilight scratched the back of her head with a hoof. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Inside the bakery, the music held it’s breath. At the barest hint of gossip, a white head popped out behind Pinkie, joined soon after by a yellow one looking to satisfy her curiosity. “Of course I don’t mind!” Pinkie said, allowing the music to return. “The more the funner!”

“I think you mean, ‘the more the merrier.’” Twilight corrected.

“That too. Come on in!” Pinkie stepped aside, letting Twilight and Cheerilee enter the party. Pinkie shut the door behind them. “We’ve got punch, and cider, and cupcakes, and cake, and cake in the shape of cupcakes, and cookies, and apple turnovers and...”

With practised ease, Twilight turned out Pinkie’s list of goodies, instead preferring to greet the others in the room. “Hey, girls.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack, neither one looking away from the other, both responded in kind. Off in a corner, Rarity and Fluttershy were talking in hushed tones. Hearing Twilight’s greeting, Rarity motioned her over.

“Hello, darling,” Rarity singsonged as Twilight joined them in their corner. “You know, for somepony you’re just working with on a book, she seems to be rather attached to you...” she teased.

Twilight looked back over her shoulder at Cheerilee, who was standing by Pinkie, listening to her rattle off foods and looking very confused and overwhelmed. “Well, we’ve been working together a lot, and like I said, I didn’t want her to clear her plans, just for me to have to leave and come here.”

“...And you her,” Rarity finished, face growing a small, expectant grin. Behind Rarity, Fluttershy ducked her head, disappearing almost completely from view save the curl of her tail.

“I-I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Twilight stuttered. How could she know? I don’t even know!

Behind Rarity, a small pink tuft of hair squeaked. “Um, Rarity, I thought we, um, that we weren’t going to talk to her about that tonight...” it said with a voice not unlike Fluttershy.

“Oh, I know, but I can’t just help it. It’s so exciting!” Rarity squealed, quickly shaking her forehooves.

Twilight looked between the visibly excited white unicorn and the tuft of pink hiding behind it. “What are you two talking about?” she asked.

The pink hair was joined by a splotch of yellow, then one large teal eye. “You promise you won’t be mad at me...?” The eye blinked.

“Mad about what? What are you two hiding from me?”

“Well I, um, I kind of might have accidently told Rarity what you told me while we worked on Nightmare Night costumes together.” Apparently worried by Twilight’s silence, Fluttershy peeked further out from behind Rarity’s legs. “I’m so, so sorry, Twilight, but I’ve known Rarity for a long time, and we were sitting in the sauna, and she could tell something was on my mind and she just kept asking and asking and asking and eventually I couldn’t help myself, I had to tell her what you told me, I’m so sorry!”

Twilight still stood silent. “You aren’t mad at us, are you, Twilight?” Rarity asked, drawing a set of purple eyes to her.

“Of course not,” Twilight replied, “I’m just confused what you drew from what I told Fluttershy. All I said was that I was worried Cheerilee was upset because she bolted out the door.”

“Well, it was obvious to me, especially after I found out from Sweetie Belle about her night at your hoo--hello, Cheerilee! And how are you?” Rarity’s excited smile shifted to one of greeting as Cheerilee trotted over, finally freed from the list of sweets, and took a place next to Twilight.

“Hello, Miss Rarity--”

“Rarity, is fine, darling.”

“--Rarity. I’m fine, ready for Nightmare Night.”

“It is always a shame that I am so busy around now that when Nightmare Night actually comes, I can’t actually see my creations in action. I’m hoping this year is different,” Rarity said, sharing a secret smile with Twilight.

Stepping aside so Fluttershy could join in the conversation fully, Rarity cleared her throat. “So Cheerilee, I understand you are working with our Twilight to make a textbook.”

Cheerilee nodded. Twilight’s brow furrowed in confusion.

“Are you two making good progress; having a good time? Maybe it is just me, but I feel I would have a dreadful time writing any book, let alone one for a school.” Rarity blinked, eagerly awaiting a response from either mare.

Both Twilight and Cheerilee shuffled their hooves before the teacher spoke up. “Well, I can’t speak for Twilight, but I’m having a good time, and the boring parts are more than made up for by the company.” She looked over to her right, and flashed Twilight a smile.

A glint flashed in Rarity’s eye. Twilight coughed nervously, distracting her for the briefest of moments. “Uh, Cheerilee, have you, uh, punch, have you had the punch yet?”

“Um... no...?” Cheerilee replied, confused.

“You should try it.” When the other mare didn’t move, Twilight tried again. “Before Pinkie drinks it all. Again.”

“S-Sure. Anypony else want some?” Cheerilee asked, looking at the others.

“If you don’t mind, darling.”

“Yes, please. If... if it’s not too much trouble...”

“Thanks.” Twilight watched Cheerilee walk away, look of bewilderment still on her face.

Once the teacher was gone, Twilight turned back to the other two. “Look, Rarity, I know what you’re trying to do... I think. But... I don’t... I don’t know what I want, and I don’t know what she wants I need time; so I would appreciate it if you two didn’t mention anything. At all. Especially to Cheerilee.”

Fluttershy nodded, hair gently bouncing with the movement.

Rarity dipped her head for a moment. “As you wish, Twilight. I won’t say anything.”

Before conversation could return to the small group, Pinkie, back loaded with cups of punch, trotted over with Cheerilee in tow. “I’ve got drinks,” the teacher proudly declared, handing one cup to Fluttershy before taking her own and sitting down, holding it in her forehooves. Two others lifted up, floating to their respective unicorns. Pinkie turned her head back to get her own drink, but it was just out of reach. Before somepony could help, she bounced, sending the cup and contents flying into the air. Pinkie caught it easily, without spilling a single drop.

She then downed the drink in one gulp, and replaced the empty cup on her back.

Pinkie sniffed the air. “It smells serious here. You’re not supposed to be serious at a party, you’re supposed to have fun!”

“In that case, Fluttershy, darling, would you join me on the dance floor?” Rarity asked, nopony noticing the mischievous glint in her eye.

Fluttershy’s face immediately ignited in a fiery blush. “R-Rarity, I can’t... um, I mean, I-I don’t think that...” She pawed at the ground, looking more sheepish by the second. “Okay,” she finally breathed. The two walked off towards a space clear of all but balloons, streamers, and other assorted party paraphernalia. They rose up onto their hind legs, clinging to each other for support, and began to move.

Cheerilee watched the two dance around the room, ignoring the music in favor of their own tune. After a little bit of thought, a good thirty seconds easy, she turned to Twilight. “That looks like fun. You wanna dance?”

Twilight’s face paled. “I-I, uh, I don’t think that’s really such a good id--”

“Sure! I love dancing!” Before either mare could say anything, Pinkie swooped over and grabbed Cheerilee’s hooves, whisking her over to the dance floor. Barely containing laughter, Twilight watched Pinkie slinging Cheerilee around the floor, crudely mimicking the grace of Rarity and Fluttershy with her spastic steps and twirls. More than once, Twilight found herself worrying for the safety of the room, and its occupants.

“This isn’t really what I meant,” Cheerilee said, once her thoughts got adjusted to the wanton spinning of her impromptu dance partner. If Pinkie heard, she didn’t say anything, leaving the teacher to do her best and smile apologetically at Twilight whenever she found herself dragged past her.

Now left alone, Twilight took a seat, making sure that all of their cups of punch were resting somewhere they were not likely to be spilled. The two pairs became blurs of color as she stopped focusing, deciding instead to turn her focus inward. She was still firmly in a scholarly mindset from working on the book, so much so that she almost wished they had decided to not go to the party, or hadn’t worked on it beforehoof. Then again, if they hadn’t worked on the book, what would she and Cheerilee have done in the hours before the party?

With a fearsome blush on her face, Twilight forced her thoughts in a different direction.

Showing a level of single-mindedness that was usually reserved for lengthy research and/or reading sessions, the thoughts refused.

Twilight closed her eyes, guiltily giving into her visions while simultaneously trying to shove them aside, preferably permanently. “Okay, w-w-we went over the skeleton of the framework of the first chapter; the basis of all magical theory needed for foals to understand their true potential,” Twilight mumbled to herself, hoping the sound of her own voice would deter her normally ironclad attention before her blush set her chair aflame.

“We have to be careful--I, have to be careful--not to overcomplicate it. This is a book for foals, they don’t need advanced metamagical theory. I don’t even think they need for any theory at all, that can wait. If we can contain it to simply basic practicals, it should be more than enough so as to keep the rest of the book from confusing the foals...”

The seat next to Twilight creaked as it took the weight of another pony. “Hey there, Twi’. Havin’ a good time talkin’ t’ yerself?” Twilight looked over, and smiled at the mare sitting next to her.

“Hi, Applejack. Done with... whatever it was you and Rainbow Dash were doing?”

“Yeah. She came in here braggin’ she could keep her eyes open longer’n me because she flies into th’ wind. Jus’ a bit o’ harmless fun.”

“Did you win?”

Applejack looked away from Twilight. “Ah... ahem, so ya brought Miss Cheerilee with ya. Didn’ know you two were a thing. Good fer you, Twi. Ah remember she was in Macintosh’s class in school; she’s a good mare.”

“We, we aren’t a thing,” Twilight hurriedly said. On the dance floor, Cheerilee whipped past with a smile. “We are working on a new textbook, and she was over at the library when I was getting ready to leave. Working.”

“Working,” Applejack agreed, looking back to Twilight with a sly grin.

“Just working. Honest,” Twilight said, staring at the floor, hoping reading minds was still impossible. Note to self, letter to Mom needs to happen. Soon.


Finally, after several songs, Cheerilee managed to break away. Rarity and Fluttershy remained on the floor, ignoring the fast paced beat of the song playing in favor of their own mental tune. Pinkie remained, instead taking Rainbow Dash as a somewhat more willing partner. Looking to rest her aching hooves, Cheerilee locked onto Twilight and hobbled over.

“Hey, Twilight,” Cheerilee said, only now noticing the orange mare sitting next to Twilight. “And... Applejack, right?”

“Yup,” Applejack replied, tipping her hat. “Nice t’ see ya, Miss Cheerilee.”

“Just Cheerilee is fine,” she said. “Mind if I sit here? Pinkie Pie has some... interesting dance moves.”

Twilight moved a chair over and set it next to her. Gratefully, Cheerilee sat down. “Sorry she did that. Pinkie can be a bit of a hoofful sometimes.”

“Prob’ly fer the best, though. Twilight ain’t exactly known for her dancing skill,” Applejack taunted. Twilight’s face heated in blush.

“Th-That’s not true!” she said. “I can dance perfectly fine, thank you.”

Applejack snorted. “Sugarcube, we were there in Canterlot wit’ ya. Ya got four left hooves.”

Cheerilee looked over to where Twilight sat, spluttering. “You’re right,” she finally admitted. “I can’t dance...”

Thought her hooves rebelled at the thought, Cheerilee stood up. “Not for long,” she said.

Twilight blinked and looked up. “What?”

“You can’t dance, for now.” Cheerilee held out a hoof. “Come on, I’ll teach you. Right here.” She smiled reassuringly, waiting patiently.

Cheerilee saw Twilight’s eyes flit around her, to where Rarity and Fluttershy still dominated the room with their soundless grace. Rainbow and Pinkie had retired, and were talking in hushed tones over a platter of cupcakes. Every so often, a giggle or laugh would be heard, followed by the munch of another sweet meeting its demise.

Twilight took a deep breath and stood up, putting her hoof in Cheerilee’s. “O-Okay...”

Bemused, Applejack sat back and repositioned her hat so it wouldn’t block her view. “This aughta be good.”

“Pinkie Pie,” Cheerilee shouted over the music. “Can we get something a little slower? I’m going to try and teach Twilight to dance!”

The entire room that wasn’t already watching stopped and looked over. Cheerilee suddenly wondered if this maybe wasn’t such a good idea, at least, publicly. The worried look on Twilight’s face confirmed it. But it was too late now. Pinkie Pie had already switched the record to something resembling a waltz in a more upbeat tune, and was now sitting with Rainbow Dash, sharing a bag of popcorn.

Twilight started regretting her decision the second she and Cheerilee stepped out onto the empty dance floor. On hearing Cheerilee’s declaration, Rarity and Fluttershy had ended their dance, and joined Applejack on the sidelines. Every eye in the room was on her and Cheerilee; however it wasn’t like a school report, and the attention wasn’t exactly welcome.

Her nerves grew worse as soon as they stopped in the middle of the floor. Twilight expected Cheerilee to, maybe, do something and have her copy it. Unfortunately, that was not the case, a fact Twilight learned the second Cheerilee rose to her hind legs.

The teacher must have noticed her hesitation. “Come on, Twilight. I can’t stand like this forever.”

Too late now... Twilight rose up. Cheerilee latched onto her, one hoof around her shoulders, the other around her waist. Twilight did the same, limbs trembling in time with her racing heart.

“Just follow my steps, alright?” Twilight refrained from answering, too busy staring down at Cheerilee’s hooves. The teacher moved one hoof back, quickly mimicked by Twilight. Because of her rush, and lack of coordination, their hooves bumped together.

Cheerilee giggled. “I said to follow my steps, not kick me,” she chided in a playful tone. Once again, Twilight didn’t answer, noting to not just mimic the movement, but to copy it perfectly.

Once again, Cheerilee moved the same hoof back. A lavender hoof followed, coming down almost in sync with its guide. Twilight looked up to the smiling face of her instructor. “Like that?”

Cheerilee nodded. “Yeah. Now, let’s get a little more complicated. Ready?”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to nod. “Okay, let’s give it a shot.” They went from one step to two. Back and forth, slowly moving their way across the floor in a slow, stilted manner. They went from two steps to three. Then three to four. Every time Twilight began to get confident, complacent, Cheerilee would add something new; before too long, twirls and spins were just as common as simple steps, and both served to send them ever forward.

The lesson was proceeding well enough that Rarity and Fluttershy rejoined them on the floor. The pair of pairs weave an elegant and complex path, neither one bumping into the other, but every once in awhile coming close enough that their manes would whip another’s.

Twilight felt exhilarated. She had always known she was terrible at dancing by herself, and because of that, nopony had really asked to dance with her. Sure, when she was little she would dance with her dad, or Shiny, but it wasn’t exactly the same. As with many things, Twilight had picked up the flow of motion easily, and now was focused more on the feel of Cheerilee’s coat against hers, her warm smile and sparkling eyes.

Eventually, the record spun to the end, needle sending nothing but static as it bounced against the smooth interior. Behind Twilight, Rarity whispered something to Fluttershy, causing the mare to giggle quietly before the pair left the floor. Sensing time was up, Cheerilee let go. Twilight hung on for a brief moment longer, somewhat unwilling to release the contact she had initially dreaded. Realizing now was neither the time nor place to even think of such things, she eventually let go. Together, Twilight and Cheerilee walked back to their drinks, on hooves somewhat unused to holding their own weight.

Applejack tapped her hooves against the ground as the duo grew close. “Mighty fine job ya did of that, Cheerilee. You too, Twi’.”

Both mares nodded their thanks, somewhat out of breath from their earlier exertions. Twilight sat next to Applejack, and Cheerilee on the other side. They both found their cups, and downed what was left of their lukewarm punch.

“That was super awesome!” Pinkie shouted, trotting over to the winded mares. “Especially if you’ve seen Twilight dance by herself. You should have been a dance teacher, Cheerilee, not a school teacher!”

“Well, it helps to have a good partner,” Cheerilee countered, smiling over at Twilight. The librarian blushed, ducking her head.

“You don’t mean that,” Twilight said to the floor. “You did all the work, I just had to not run into you.”

“But you made it work, darling,” Rarity said, joining the group and the conversation. Fluttershy followed soon after. “If I hadn’t known any better, I would say you studied dancing, not magic.” At her side, Fluttershy nodded her agreement.

“You two looked very, um, very nice together,” Fluttershy observed. She shot a look at Twilight, worried that what she said may have broken the deal they made earlier. An almost unnoticeable shake of Twilight’s head set any concern to rest. “It was fun to dance with you.”

“Yes,” Rarity added. “Quite.” She yawned daintily, covering it with a forehoof. “That was not quite what I intended. Pinkie Pie, I am dreadfully sorry to say that I must adjourn early. I still have several costumes to finish before Nightmare Night.”

Pinkie looked down for a moment, before suddenly perking back up. “Okie doki! You’ll be at the town party right?” she asked with an exaggerated wink.

“Yes, everything should be ready by then, and I made sure to pace myself this year. I fully intend to see my creations in their natural habitat, so to speak.” Twilight suppressed a grin, an effort not mirrored by Pinkie Pie.

Cheerilee scratched her head in confusing. “What’s going on Nightmare Night?”

“Nothing!” chorused Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity.

Finally noticing one of their number was missing, Rarity spoke up. “Where did Rainbow Dash go? She was here when Fluttershy and I began dancing with Twilight and Cheerilee.”

“She said the music was really boring, and started eating lots and lots of sweets and crashed over there,” Pinkie replied, waving a hoof over in the general direction of the diminished snack table.

“Give her my regards will you?” Rarity asked with another yawn. “I must be off. See you all on Nightmare Night. Ta ta!”

With the farewells of every waking pony in the room, Rarity left. Cold air from the open door briefly enveloped the bakery, reminding all present that winter was fast approaching. As soon as it shut, the party continued on, much later into the night.

Author's Note:

There you go, Wrabbit. An extra long chapter, just for you.

Hopefully, I'll have the Nightmare Night chapter done in time for Halloween (two days, yikes) but if not, it should come out soon after. Problem is, I got sick last week, and so things slowed down quite a bit. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

EDIT: Alright, had to ducttape something back in. Sorry, GDocs derped.