• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 7,143 Views, 355 Comments

In Search of Knowledge - thehalfelf

Twilight and Cheerilee re-write an old textbook, and Cheerilee struggles with something she thought would never be a problem

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In Search of Answers

In Search of Answers

Rarity rubbed her eyes, momentarily displacing her glasses for a moment before she readjusted them with her magic. She looked down at the sewing machine before her with bleary eyes. Gentle moonlight shone in through the windows, straight in the eyes of the sleep-deprived fashionista, as if berating her for defying nature and not sleeping.

But how could she sleep? She had a special order for Aloe and Lotus due tomorrow, and she hadn’t been struck with inspiration until earlier that day. Thus the unicorn had worked hard, far into the night.

Rarity looked over at the clock and bit her lip. Surely the girls at the spa wouldn’t be too upset if she delivered the dresses just a little late? After all, one simply could not work in bad conditions and expect a perfect product.

The white unicorn gently disengaged the machine from the material, stowing everything away in it’s proper place and draping the half finished dresses over forms before heading upstairs. She passed the dark portal to Sweetie Belle’s room, knowing it was empty having sent her dear sister to Sweet Apple Acres for one of her Cutie Mark Crusader sleepovers earlier that day. Rarity shut the door, as she had instructed her sister to do before leaving, and, shaking her head, walked across the hall into her own room.

Rarity collapsed onto the pile of pillows and blankets spread across her massive bed, for once not caring about messing up the covers in her half-asleep daze. She kicked at her imported Canterlot duvet with her hind legs, managing to get them over her body before sinking her head into the mountain of pillows, and finally falling asleep.


“RARITY!” A door banged open somewhere downstairs, causing the white unicorn to groan and try her best to meld her head with the pillows below it. “RARITY, I’M HOME! WHERE ARE YOU?!” Rarity grudgingly opened one eye, noting the door to be closed and locked before shutting it again.

“Rari-oof!” The next cry was stopped by a shuddering bang. Rarity finally opened her eyes, looking over to see the door knocked open, and a little filly standing in the doorway. Sweetie Belle looked up, beaming. “There you are, Rarity, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”

“Quiet down, Sweetie Belle, your sister is trying to sleep,” the tired unicorn said, rolling to face away from the door. “Go play with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo or something... I need to rest so I can finish my work.”

“But Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said, coming around to the other side of the bed. “It’s past noon. Shouldn’t you be done by now?”

Rarity’s eyes shot open, wide awake and alert. “Past noon! Oh, I was supposed to deliver the dresses at three! There’s no way I’m going to get them done before then!” The white unicorn jumped up, beginning to pace back and forth in front of her bed. “What am I going to do?!”

“Well, you know, I could help you out sis,” Sweetie Belle said, beaming up at her sister.

“Aye-uh... I thank you for the offer, little sister, but I don’t really think this is a project you can help me with...” Rarity replied, scratching the back of her head with a hoof. And I know I don’t have the time to fix any mistakes.

“Oh...” Rarity could almost hear the heartbreak in her sister’s voice.

“Did you ever get that book from Miss Cheerilee, darling?” Rarity asked, trying to distract her sister while running several brushes through her mane in the mirror.

“Yeah, but I don’t understand it at all... I even tried talking to the other Crusaders, but they understand about as much as I do. I’ll probably have to go in early Monday to ask Miss Cheerilee...”

Rarity looked down at Sweetie Belle sympathetically. “Well, you could always go ask Twilight for help. I’m sure she knows whatever it is you’re trying to do.” Rarity reached out with a brush, moving it towards her sister’s mane, making the little filly to duck her head and move back.

“You’re right! I’ll go get the girls and we’ll go to the library!” Sweetie Belle’s grin lessened a little. “Oh, the library...”

“Sweetie Belle, what’s wrong with the library?” Rarity asked with a chiding tone.

“Not really what I wanted to do on a Saturday...” the filly groused.

“Well, if you don’t get your homework done, you can’t really have a good weekend now can you? What have I always told you?”

“To do my work as soon as possible, so I can free up the day to do whatever I want...” Sweetie Belle recited with a hidden roll of her eyes.

“...to do whatever you want, that’s right. Now, go on, get it done.” Rarity put down her brushes and nudged her sister towards the door.

“Okay... see you later, Rarity!” the little filly said, bounding out the door. Rarity waited a moment until she heard the front door close before going downstairs and getting all of her machinery in order.

“Now, to get these dresses finished...”


Twilight Sparkle was just settling down on her favorite couch for a bit of light reading (Starswirl the Bearded’s Unabridged Works in the Metaphysical and Metamagical Realms, Volume Two) when a rapid flurry of knocks on the front door shattered the silence of the library. “I’ll get it!” Spike called from his place behind the checkout desk before Twilight could so much as raise a hoof. He scurried over to the door and threw it open, revealing the three fillies beyond.

“Hello, girls,” Twilight called as the three rambunctious fillies walked in the library. “Can I help you find a book?”

“Hi, Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said. She was obviously the leader of this little expedition, the other two skulking back by the door. “We, uh, we need your help.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. “My help? What for?”

“Well, we’re starting a new lesson in school, and Miss Cheerilee asked us to look over a part of our book so we would know a little bit for class Monday, but...” the grayish filly looked back at her friends. “We don’t get it.”

“Speak for yourself,” Scootaloo said, “I understand it fine.”

“Oh yeah?” Apple Bloom poked a hoof in the pegasus’ face. “What’s it ‘bout then?”

“I, uh, I can’t tell you,” Scootaloo replied, flashing her friend a cocky smirk.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, cuz you don’ know!”

“Do too!”

“Do not.”

“Do too!”

“Do not.”

“Girls, enough!” Twilight said, stopping the argument before it really got started. “Let me see the book, please.” Sweetie Belle reached her head around, pulling the aged volume out of her saddlebag and giving it to the purple librarian. “Oh, I remember this book!” Twilight exclaimed upon seeing the cover. “Princess Celestia had me read it when I was a little filly and was--” she stopped, looking down at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “...right. How can I help?”

“We just don’t get it. None of it makes any sense,” Sweetie Belle said.

Twilight got up and walked over to a table, shadowed by the three little fillies. “Come on, let’s look at it, and I’m sure I can explain... whatever’s... wrong...?” Her voice trailed off as she looked down at the first few pages of the book. “This is exactly the same book I used when I was little. There’s no way they would go all this time and not change anything...”

“What’s that mean?” Apple Bloom asked from Twilight’s right.

“Spike!” Twilight called, ignoring the younger pony. “Can you bring down my copy of Ponies Big and Small?”

Spike grumbled, something about always doing the fetching, but went and got the book from Twilight’s personal collection upstairs anyway. Impatiently, Twilight grabbed the book from Spike with her magic as soon as he came down the stairs, nuzzling him as he walked by. She set her book down next to Sweetie Belle’s, and flipped them both to the same page.

“It’s exactly the same. Years, and its exactly the same...” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Is that bad...?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Let’s find out. Come on, girls, let’s go visit Miss Cheerilee, shall we?”


“I-I’m sorry!” Shadow shouted at her friend before she walked out the door.

“You’re sorry? You’re sorry!?” Buttercreme shouted, turning from the door and advancing on the dark pegasus. “You don’t know sorry. You don’t know...” her voice trailed off, eyes filling with tears. “Go, go be with your stallion. Just leave me alone...” With that, the golden unicorn ran from the room, door closing the sound of her sobs behind her.


Huh, it’s like I can hear the door closing, Cheerilee thought as she turned the page.

Knock, knock, knock. Ding-dong, ding-dong. “Scootaloo, don’t break down the door.”

Wait a minute. Cheerilee’s eyes jumped up from her book to look straight at the door. That sounded like Twilight. What’s she doing here? And with Scootaloo? The teacher got off the couch, making sure to stash the book under a pillow, and walked over to the door. Sure enough, looking through the small peephole in her door revealed the lavender unicorn, along with three little fillies anypony in the town could identify on sight--or sound.

Cheerilee opened the door. “Hello?” she asked, poking her head out.

“Hey Cheerilee,” Twilight said as the three fillies moved back behind her. “We have a question.”

You have a question for me?” The teacher cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t think theres anything you could ask that I could answer.” Except for “will you go out with me?” That would be an easy one.

“No, I think you could answer my questions, especially if we sat down and figured it out together,” Twilight replied, missing Cheerilee’s smile. “But this question is about the girls’ homework.”

“Alright, well come inside and we’ll get it all sorted out, okay?” Cheerilee stepped back, allowing the ponies to walk inside. The Crusaders’ heads all shot off in different directions, trying to take in everything they could of their teacher’s house. Twilight chuckled, shepherding the three over to the living area, and seating them on the couch.

Wow, she is really good with foals... but I already knew that, huh? Cheerilee grinned.

“Everything alright?” Twilight asked.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” Cheerilee took a seat across the table. Twilight took the one next to that. “So, what did you want to ask?”

Twilight’s voice took on a hard edge. “What is the meaning of this?”

“M-Meaning of what?” Cheerilee stammered, face going pale as countless possibilities flew through her mind.

“This!” Twilight pulled the textbook from her bag, slamming it down on the table causing Cheerilee sighed in relief. “What is this? Why are you using a book this old to teach the foals! I used this book in Canterlot years ago! Doesn’t the Education Board keep you better supplied?”

“Well, yeah. They send the latest edition of every book we need and all our supplies and stuff, but they have never sent a new copy of that one, except to replace damaged ones. I just figured they never found one better, and none of the students have complained, so I didn’t see a problem,” Cheerilee said, gingerly taking the textbook and running a hoof over the cover.

“But we don’t get it!” Sweetie Belle shouted from her place on the couch, making the other four ponies jump. “I spent half the day Friday trying to read it, and I don’t get it!”

“Sweetie Belle, calm down,” Cheerilee replied, cowing her student. “What don’t you understand?”

The white filly hopped off the couch, going over to stand next to her teacher as she opened the book and started pointing out passages. The other two fillies got off the couch as well, looking over from the other side of the table. As the discussion continued, Twilight’s brow furrowed in thought.

“I understand, that is somewhat confusing. Unicorn magic is called ‘true magic’ because the raw energy can be formed and shaped by unicorns. The other types of ponies can draw on it, like the pegasi ability to fly, manipulating air currents, and their command of weather...” Cheerilee was saying. The fillies gathered around her nodded in understanding, and Twilight smiled, remembering a paper she had written directly contradicting the information in the book.

“Is something funny, Miss Sparkle?” Cheerilee asked in her best stern teacher voice.

Twilight instantly looked down at the ground. “No...” The giggling of fillies quickly filled the room, joined shortly after by Cheerilee. Twilight looked up, blushing. “Ha ha, very funny.”

Cheerilee reached over, putting a shaking hoof over Twilight’s withers. “Oh, calm down, I’m just messing with you.” Twilight quickly pulled back, sticking her tongue out at the teacher and her students.

“Very funny. I’ll leave you to your lessons then, Cheerilee. I’m going to go write to the Royal Canterlot Archives and see if I can’t get you a better book. See you around.” Cheerilee briefly debated calling the unicorn back in, but she quickly decided against it. As it was, she barely had time to say goodbye before Twilight walked through the door, and the teacher became one again bombarded with questions.

Author's Note:

Awesome. I love the turnover time I've got going on once I decide which story to work on. Right, so one of the major problems with the original was my characterization of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I hope I got it right this time around, but I can't seem to be able to get them right, so if its too bad, let me know. I'm not against editing a chapter after it's been posted.

Anything else... right. Lots of thanks to TheCloudtop and Court Jester, who actually had me change something for once, for proofreading and keeping me company while I write.

And since I forgot last chapter, (silly Alex) to anyone who read the original story, what really bugged you in that one that you want to see changed in this one? Some of it is already going to be changed, so I'm asking for less plot-centric stuff, and more personal preference. Also, I can't forget Spike again. I completely forgot about him the first time through.

There's probably something else I was going to say, but this is a long author's note, so I'm going to shut up now. Until next time.
