• Published 20th May 2024
  • 262 Views, 17 Comments

This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go - TheKing2001

When shes sent to help set up a town hosting the Summer Sun Celebration with another student of Celestia's, Twilight is forced to tolerate Sunset's jokes and more in order to save Equestria.

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Drug smuggling and more

Twilight followed Spike and Sunset through narrow alleys, dodging most of the clogged market streets as Twilight glanced out at the harbor where she faintly made out a ship in the distance.

“So what does this town do exactly?” Spike asked curiously as he peered over Sunset’s mane.

“Well, it’s called Amethyst Harbor for a reason because it’s well, a harbor,” Sunset chuckled. “Town makes most of it’s money from ships coming around Equestrian towns and foreign cities. Got a few griffons in town. Town is pretty popular with pegasi due to the fishing that goes around here. It’s a nice town, good culture but there is a pretty big problem with the smuggling.”

“Smuggling?” Spike echoed in confusion.

“Cocaine,” Sunset and Twilight answered in unison. “Bastards love to bring it in from out of Equestria. Pretty heavy royal guard presence at the port due to it but ponies and creatures are smart as hell.”

Twilight nodded absent mindedly as Sunset grinned suddenly, waving eagerly at a white earth pony with a green mane and a red beret, black cutie mark of a music note standing next to a stand of paintings and a chart of prices, a paint brush over her ear.

“Hey Watermelody,” Sunset levitated Spike off. “I’m gonna go say hey to my friend, you two stay here. Or come with, up to you.”

Twilight groaned internally as she sat down on a nearby bench, opening her saddlebags to pull out a mystery novel she was reading.

“So who’s the friend?” Watermelody asked as she leaned over her stand to examine Spike closer. “Woah, a dragon. Don’t see too many of your kind around here often.”

“This is Spike, that boring mare over there on the bench with the book is Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset explained as she leaned on the stand with a foreleg as Twilight scowled over at her.

“I heard that!”

Sunset snickered and rolled her eyes as Spike continued examining some paintings.

“See anything you like? Small ones are fifteen bits, medium sized paintings are twenty and large are forty five. I also take commissions but those are more expensive,” Watermelody pointed to her sign with a hoof. “I always set up here. The tourists coming off the boat always come down this way and I can convince them to buy some paintings or paint them with their family.”

“Where’s this one?” Spike pointed a claw at oil painting of a light house on a hill over a lake with the sun setting behind it.

“Over there,” Watermelody pointed a hoof behind him and Spike turned to look at a tall lighthouse. “It’s a hundred and thirty years old. Been here forever. It’s practically this towns most well known landmark. Named after the pony who founded the town, Autumn Magic. I believe I got a painting I did of him around here somewhere.”

Twilight continued turning a page of her book, her ear flicking as she listened curiously to the other pony talk. While she may not have wanted to interact with her, she did like learning more about the town she was temporarily residing in.

“Here we are!” Watermelody announced as she gently pulled out another oil painting of a grey stallion with a black suit and a thick mustach with a top hat. “Created the town in eighteen ninety four AC. Created by yours truly a few nights ago. He’s buried over there in his family mausoleum. Only one of his relatives lives here and she’s turned down mayor multiple times adamantly which I respect.”

Spike nodded as Watermelody watched him intently before shifting to continue talking to Sunset as Spike examined the harbor. Watermelody flicked an ear instinctively as a roaring sound got closer

“Here comes the flyboys,” Watermelody commented with a bored expression and watched as four pegasi flew overhead in matching blue uniforms with smoke coming from behind them.

“The Wonderbolts are here again? Huh, cool,” Sunset mused as she dropped some bits down on the stand and Watermelody nodded gratefully, pushing them into her register as Sunset picked up the lighthouse painting.

“Isn’t your sister in the Wonderbolts?” Watermelody asked curiously as Sunset grinned proudly. “They’ve been here all week or so practicing.”

“Both of my sisters are in the Bolts. I’ll probably see them sometime today after I visit Tennis Match and Blueberry Cake at the pub,” Sunset said coolly as she watched the Wonderbolts do a loop above them.

“The Wonderbolts are cool. Which ones are you sisters? Over half of them are female,” Spike pointed out as Twilight cleared her throat. “Twilight is getting impatient. We should probably hurry up.”

“She can wait five more minutes or she can be a big girl and come tell me herself,” Sunset shot back with an smile. “And besides, I’m just showing you to your motel that’s all. I tried to get you guys in the library because I know books help calm down her anxiety but the interior is being replaced so I couldn’t. My sway as Celestia’s student only goes so far unfortunately.”

“You’re not staying with us?” Spike frowned as Sunset shook her head and Watermelody turned to assist a mare and stallion in bright floral shirts.

“Nah, I’m staying at my marefriends house. She doesn’t know I’m here yet, been keeping it a surprise. I’ve been staying at Watermelodys house since yesterday. See you two tomorrow morning,” Sunset shrugged. “Head up straight down this road, hang a left on Council Street and you’ll see it after a five minute walk. It’s called Seaside Motel. I’ve already booked your room. Room number seven. Bye Twilight, bye Spike, bye Watermelody!”

Twilight gave a huff as she closed her book, shoving it back into her saddlebags as she jumped off the bench.

“Are you ready to go?” Twilight asked as Spike yawned, idly watching Watermelody close up her stand and start putting paintings away. “Because you need a nap, it’s past that time.”

Twilight caught him in her magic before he could hit the ground, levitating him on her back with a small smile as she started trotting in the direction Sunset had given them. She didn’t necessarily trust anypony except Spike, Princess Celestia, her parents, Shining Armor and Cadence but she highly doubted Sunset would purposely send her away to be hurt or lost.

Spitfire stretched out her wings as she and the other Wonderbolts stood on a large cloud over the empty market as most ponies and other creatures went to their homes for lunch.

Spitfire glanced over the cloud and paused, leaning forward slightly to stare at a orange unicorn with a fiery mane talking to a dragon and a purple unicorn.

“No way,” Spitfire whispered to herself. “She’d have at least sent a letter if we were gonna be in the same town. Blaze, Wave Chill!”

The two Wonderbolts looked at each before trotting over to her, Blaze blowing on some bubble gum with a bored expression as she pushed the gum to the left side of her mouth.

“Hey Sis-” Blaze started and paused as Spitfire tossed her a harsh glare. “Right, no calling you Sis in uniform. What’s up Captain?”

“There’s a unicorn I want you to follow for me. I want to know where she’s staying. Can you two do that without the dramatics?”

“What dramatics do you speak of?” Blaze asked innocently with a grin as Spitfire glowered at her.

“You know damn well what kind I mean Blaze. You too, Wave Chill. I’m serious.”

“Yes ma’am,” Wave Chill tossed her a lazy salute as Spitfire shifted her glare onto him and he visibly gulped. “So who exactly are we following again?”

“Blaze will know when she sees her. And you better cover your ears because Blaze will scream your ears off,” Spitfire warned as she started hovering above them. “Get a move on, she was heading to the eastern side of the town towards the houses over there.”

“What’s that about?” Soarin asked once Blaze and Wave Chill took off toward where Spitfire had pointed. “Spitfire?”

“I’ll tell you after practice. Now come on everypony, we gotta perfect our failing leaf and our stall turn maneuver before the Celebration tomorrow night. Now move it!” Spitfire ordered as she took off with Fleetfoot on her left.

“Sister in town?” Fleetfoot asked with a raised eyebrow as Spitfire spared a quick glance. “You only assign one or two of us to follow her once she is.”

“Yeah she is. And Sunset didn’t even send me or Blaze a letter.”

“Probably super busy. She is one of Princess Celestia’s students after all, remember?” Fleetfoot reminded Spitfire as the two led the other Wonderbolts into a barrel roll. “I’ve heard stories from some royal guards about how Sunset and Twilight work their flanks off following her orders.”

“Yeah true. I just wanna go out for beers with her or something tonight. You know? With us traveling all the time and Sunset working under the Princess, it’s difficult to see her,” Spitfire sighed as she rolled her hoof subtly, watching Soarin and Rapidfire fly inches from each other with Soarin upside down, touching hooves before Soarin dived.

“Can we be there too?” Fleetfoot asked hopefully. “I like Sunset too, remember? We all do.”

“Of course. Meet me at Lacey Silks pub tonight.”

Sunset trotted up to a silver house with purple shutters and a purple roof with an bow and arrow etched into the door, smirking slightly as she lifted her hoof and knocked on it.


Sunset shifted on her hooves as she waited for the front door to finally open, making eye contact with a silver pegasus with a silver mane and bright purple eyes, a blue cutie mark of a bow and arrow on her flanks.

“I’m home,” Sunset sang with a grin as Silverspeed flung her hooves around her and kissed Sunset. “Somepony missed me clearly.”

“Mhm!” Silverspeed hummed excitedly as Sunset nuzzled her, closing the door behind her. “How long have you been here? You should have sent a letter, I’d have met you at the train station.”

“Just a day. Been busy planning the celebration for the Princess. Got in about five am or so,” Sunset answered as she set her suit case down on the waiting room couch. “It’s good to see you. I love ya.”

“Love you too. How was the train ride?” Silverspeed asked as she and Sunset sat down on the couch, wrapping a wing around her marefriend.


It had been a few months since Silverspeed had last seen Sunset but the two sent letters to each all the time, often with explicit pictures of each other.

“So Silver Spoon is off at Diamond Tiara’s house for a sleep over,” Silverspeed said casually as she leaned back on the couch and gave Sunset a lustful smile, narrowing her eyes. “So we have the house to ourself.”

“Do we?” Sunset mused as she matched the look Silverspeed was giving her. Sunset pushed Silverspeed onto her stomach and nuzzled her wings.

“Oh mhh,” Silverspeed groaned softly as Sunset continued preening her left wing, spitting out a broken feather into a waste basket. “You’re good at this.”

“I’ve had practice,” Sunset whispered into Silverspeed’s ear erotically, making Silverspeed shudder slightly as Sunset finished on the left wing, running her hoof over the base of her wing and shifted to her right wing. “You got very beautiful wings, Silvy.”

“I wish I had something similar to say,” Silverspeed mumbled with a blush as she rested her head on the pillow.

“Your wings are in pretty poor condition. When was the last time you preened them?” Sunset asked as she smoothed down a primary feather and Silverspeed lifted her head to look back at her.

“I’ve been waiting for you to come do it,” Silverspeed admitted as Sunset leaned forward and kissed her neck, biting down softly. “Oh, your sisters are here.”

“I know,” Sunset mused as she laid next to Silverspeed and felt a wing get draped over her back. “Blaze and Wave Chill were following me the entire way here and I’m betting they’re watching at the window, about to knock on the front door.”

Sunset raised a hoof as somepony knocked on the front door and Sunset gave a triumphant grin, levitating it open to reveal a blushing Blaze and Wave Chill.

“Called it,” Sunset said smugly as she nuzzled Silverspeed before slipping out from under the wing and held out her forehooves.

“Sunset!” Blaze exclaimed with a grin, shaking off her embarrassment as she hugged Sunset. “It’s been months! What have you been up to?”

“Studying, reading. You?” Sunset asked as she returned Blaze’s nuzzle and hug happily. “Hey Wave Chill, been a while.”

Wave Chill waved at her as Silverspeed stood up and hugged Blaze herself.

“Spitfire and the others are headed to the pub on thirty eighth street. You two wanna come with us? They’d love to see you,” Wave Chill offered and watched the three separate, Sunset shooting Silverspeed a look.

“I’d say yes but me and Silverspeed were taking care of something here,” Sunset answered as she gave Silverspeed a small smile. “And based on your blushes earlier, you two saw everything. Silver Spoon isn’t home and it’s been awhile since the two of us had some adult time alone.”

“We can go,” Silverspeed interjected. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen Spitfire. You owe me later though. Big time.”

Sunset nodded as she leaned forward to kiss Silverspeed, Blaze snickering as Silverspeed kissed her older sister back.

“I will rock your world,” Sunset winked and Silverspeed blushed as Sunset laughed, turning to follow Blaze and Wave Chill, flicking her tail under Silverspeed’s nose with a smug grin.

Wave Chill pushed the doors of the pub open, bobbing his head slightly to the loud music coming from the corner as Surprise waved him over to a table in the corner with the rest of the Wonderbolts crowned around with various drinks without their uniforms thankfully.

“Hey everypony, look who we found!” Wave Chill announced and the blue pegasus stepped aside with a grin to reveal Sunset and Silverspeed behind him.

“I’ll be damned,” Misty Fly grinned as she trotted forward after setting her beer down and hugging Sunset. “You’re a sight for sore eyes. Hey Silverspeed.”

“Hey you guys,” Silverspeed said as she and Sunset quickly went through hugging everypony at the table before sitting down next to each other. Sunset and Silverspeed both were damn near honorary Wonderbolts, with Spitfire being the Captain and Blaze being in the team too. Sunset internally felt pretty relieved she was as liked as she was by the whole team. Her and Surprise especially got along well while Silverspeed and Silver Zoom were close.

“Hey Spitfire,” Sunset nudged her sister with a smile. “Sorry I didn’t send a letter. I didn’t even know you guys were here. I was stuck on a train damn near several hours.”

“It’s all good. Happy to see you again Sunny,” Spitfire set down her beer. “And yeah, we weren’t supposed to be here. Princess Celestia herself came all the way to Cloudsdale to ask us to come here instead of performing there. Mayor ain’t happy but Solar Flare ain’t ever happy.”

“It was weird,” High Winds mused as she swirled her wine around. “That doesn’t normally happen with us but hey, we get to be here and see you so it’s a win!”

Sunset chuckled as she and Silverspeed both ordered some drinks from the waiter and leaned against her with warm smiles.

“Where’s Silver Spoon at?” Soarin asked and yawned once he set down his glass.

“She’s spending the night with Diamond Tiara. I don’t really approve of that friendship but Diamond Tiara is really the only friend she has and I needed time away for a night. Kid was driving me up the wall,” Silverspeed complained and took a long sip of her wine once it arrived. “Love her to death but she’s a handful like you wouldn’t believe.”

Sunset chuckled and looked around the table of the laughing and half drunk ponies. While Silver Spoon wasn’t her kid and was a product of Silverspeed’s last relationship, Sunset did try to treat her as well as she would treat her own kid if she had one. Sunset and Silverspeed alike weren’t entirely fond of her arrogant attitude but that was a losing battle to break her out of it seemed.

“Who’s that?” Sunset pointed her whiskey to a light green earth pony with a messy green mane and a cutie mark of a potted plant sitting at a table alone.

“That’s uhhh,” Rapidfire scratched his mane and swayed slightly. “Wallflower Blush I heard? She’s new to town and is starting a flower business. Just got here a few days ago apparently according to town folk. Really shy and skittish but fairly nice once she speaks.”

“Her sister is a bar tender here,” Fleetfoot chimed in as High Winds nodded.

“So what you doing here? Work for the Princess?” High Winds asked as everypony looked at Sunset expectantly.

“Yeah, showing this other student of Celestia’s around. She’s a bit of a jerk but at least her dragon friend Spike is cool. Spike is super friendly,” Sunset said fondly. “Cool dude. Only comes up to my barrel.”

“She knows a dragon?” High Winds asked curiously as Sunset nodded.

“Rumor has it she hatched him herself and her parents helped raise him. I’d be scared if she raised him alone. Probably turn out to be just as an outcast as she is,” Sunset giggled and leaned back in the booth. “I’m trying hard to be nice and shit, but lordy does Twilight make it hard. With her rude comments, if I was allowed to yell at her, I'd do it in a heart beat."

“Now that’s a bit aggressive love,” Silverspeed nudged Sunset. “We’ve talked about your anger issues, not yelling at random ponies even if they deserve it.”

“Fair,” Sunset answered as she kissed Silverspeeds forehead and felt the pegasus wrap a wing around her as the table all let out an exaggerated “awwww.”

The table continued talking and laughing, occasionally ordering more drinks as Sunset kept giving Wallflower concered looks as the earth pony occasionally glanced over and smiled sheepishly, tipping a glass her direction.

Twilight stood outside the window and chewed on her lip, wiping away a tear. A part of her was tempted to join them at least like Princess Celestia encouraged but only a very small part. She didn’t even know why she cared enough to feel hurt by Sunset’s comments she heard through the door.

With a frustrated sigh, Twilight turned around and trotted back to her hotel room where Spike was asleep.

Might as well catch up on reading and being an outcast.

Maybe find a book on how to not be an outcast or something.