• Published 4th May 2024
  • 206 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 7: Villains Meet Villains

Deep within the swamp, the new changelings have run amuck inside Grogar's Lair, a creepy cavernous looking like an evil ram in which is Grogar is made out of stone, being surrounded by murky water, vines, and droopy trees.

There are no critters within this area for how eerie it seems to be with no one living there - except for two evil people who are doing their best to get the changelings under control that Queen Chrysalis had made all thanks to Cozy Glow who had the idea in first hand, believing that since the changeling queen lost her last horde, she had told her including the other two baddies that having these new insect-like creatures will help end Twilight and her friends.

Of course, these new changelings have been chasing Cozy Glow and Tirek, wanting to absorb their love - of friendship.

"Grr, get away you stupid changelings!" the pink pegasus yelled in frustration, her temper going up. The changelings hissed, their tongues slithering like a snake, stepping closer to her. "Back off!" she screamed with a straining face, her eyes wide, showing veins on her forehead. She shoved one out of the way when another one whacked her away. "Ugh! How are we gonna keep control of these pony-bugged creatures if they won't listen to us!?" Cozy let out a snort through her nostrils, flapping her little wings to avoid them, forgetting that they can fly, too, chasing after her. "Quit it! You shall not have my love! Tirek, I need your help! Get these creatures to stop going after us!"

Tirek kicked a changeling off of his back leg, throwing the next one with his hand. "What do you think I'm trying to do?" he responded to her cries. "They're after me, too, you know!"

"Well, why don't you suck up their magic, then!" Cozy suggested, continuing to fly around the room. "They have magic to transform into any pony or creature! Drain it out! It'll keep them from chasing after us!" Another changeling got in front of her, close to her face, snapping its fangs together. "Ahh!" Screaming her head off, she quickly went behind the red and black centaur. "Hurry, eat up their magic before-"

"Before what?" The adorable child was interrupted by Chrysalis who stepped inside the lair, her wings buzzing like a wasp, her green eyes looking down on them. "You are not going to suck up their magic," she said, pointing a straggly hoof at the slightly muscular half horse and half something else.

"It's her idea!" Tirek pointed at the young pony. "It'll be a lot better when these brand new changelings are drained from their magic. It'll get them to listen-"

"-to listen to me! I'm the queen from the last changelings. Their leader until Starlight Glimmer ruined them!" Cozy went to say something when the queen sent daggered pupils at her. "And you. I'm in charge this time."

This got the youngest one hopping mad. "Grogar is the one who left me in charge! I was the one who suggested we worked together when we were retrieving the bell at Mount Everhoof."

Crossing his muscled arms, Tirek kicked a changeling away when he responded. "You're not in charge - I am!"

"No. You're. Not!" the other two yelled in his face.

"I'm the leader!" Cozy tossed a crown on her head. "You shall listen to the Empress of Friendship," she said, adjusting the head wear.

"Ha!" Chrysalis let out a laugh, taking away the crown, placing it on her head. "I'm the queen, you two shall bow to me!"

"No way!" Tirek snatched the crown, placing it between his curved horns. "I shall wear this thing for I am Lord Tirek," he stated, licking his thumb, rubbing it on the golden material where it can shine.

"Give it here!" It was taken by the little pony who got a good grip on it. "This is mine. I was also the one who's been draining the magic of Equestria." She put it back on her head when the evil queen poked her hard in the chest, causing the crown to fly off as it hit the wall, clattering onto the floor.

"You failed to destroy Equestria and the pony heroes," the tall, black, pony creature reminded her. "Tirek also failed by getting defeated by Twilight and her 'precious' friends."

"So did you, Chrysalis," Tirek also gave her a reminder. "You should've sucked up all the ponies love."

"I would have done it if Starlight hadn't corrupted my last subjects along with Thorax taking my place and taking over the hive."

Cozy rubbed her forehead, groaning. "Good thing I'm in charge..."

"You're not in charge!" Chrysalis and Tirek yelled in her face, practically screaming.

She raised her head up, her face turning red with anger, growling at the two villains. "I'm in charge because I'm way smarter than you two."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Yeah...right. Smart enough to fail to destroy Twilight and her friends since you believe you can make more friends than anybody else."

"I can, too, have more friends," Cozy bickered with a stomp of her little hoof. "Everyone says that friendship is magic, when it's actually power. Twilight explained it when she and the rest came back from Tartarus. I, of course, simply didn't care what she said. I also hate it when I have to say the Elements' names. Blah!" Sticking out her tongue, she waved her head from side to side. "Those stupid Elements kept their friendship."

"Actually, it's their magic of friendship that kept them together..." Tirek muttered in which she heard.

"Whatever! At least I don't talk in my sleep, mentioning my gram-gram."

"Don't bring her into this conversation."

"What conversation? We're simply chatting in ticked off voices because you two think I shouldn't be in charge!" Going back to where the crown is at, the pegasus placed it back on her head for the third time. "There," she smiled, getting off the ground, flapping her little wings. "Since I'm wearing this, it means I'm in charge."

"No, I'm in charge," Chrysalis said, snatching the crown when Cozy grabbed the other end of it. "Let go of it, you pathetic foal!"

"You're the one who's pathetic, your majesty." The crown got yanked out of the changeling's hoof when it also flung out of her own hoof, sending it out of the lair. The three of them listened to it roll away until they heard a splash. "Look at what you've done! You lost my crown," she blamed.

"You were the one who snatched it away from me for how stupid you are." The cute, little winged pony didn't like what the queen said, clenching her teeth together. "Besides, Grogar is the one in charge because he brought us here."

"Fine, let's have Grogar be in charge," the filly gave in. Tirek and Chrysalis smiled at the idea. "Anyway, why did you send some changelings to Canterlot?" she asked.

"They were there until they flew back here," the queen answered annoyed. "They told me that they've been fought off by the yellow pegasus and some unicorn with glasses on his face."

"Is this unicorn a nerd?" Chrysalis glared at her. "What?" Shrugging her shoulders, Cozy had no idea why she's getting that awful look.

"How should I know? I wasn't there." Pinning her ears back, Chrysalis kept firing her eyes at the tiny pony. "They even reported that there are other ponies with Twilight and her friends. They never saw them before since I told them about the seven ponies and the little dragon."

"Maybe those new ponies should be on our side to take over Equestria." Sitting down on a stone, the youngest villain thought it would be a great idea. "In fact, they should kidnap those heroes in better to help us-"

"We caught someone in the swamp." Being interrupted again, Cozy went to yell at whoever cut her off when she saw the two changelings bringing over a white pegasus pony, dropping him on the floor, pinning him down. "We found him and brought him in the swamp," the first changeling reported. "We have no idea why he's there, but we figured that Tirek should drain his magic."

"What are you talking about?" The white winged-pony struggled to get free. "I have no magic. I am the bodyguard for Prince Vekar who was simply minding my own business when you two kidnapped me. Now, get off me!" Bringing out his sword, he swiped at the black looking insect ponies, forcing them to get off of him. He stood up, placing his sword back on the place where he keeps it, looking around. "Where am I?" He faced the other three - a filly, a creature similar to the ugly ones he got kidnapped by except she was taller, and an evil version of a centaur who is slightly muscular.

"Golly, this here is the lair belonging to Grogar," Cozy told him, walking up to him with a smile. "I couldn't believe that those nasty changelings wanted Tirek to absorb your power. No need to fret, though, you can help us by destroying Equestria and the Elements of Harmony. By the way, what's your name, sir?"

The white pony stared at her for a long time, unable to believe how small she is for wanting to destroy this world. "Hang on, what did you say?"

"I asked what your name is," Cozy replied.

"No, no, the other part. About Equestria. What's Equestria?"

"I'll tell you once you tell us your name." The little one placed the side of her face next to his. "I'll go first. My name is Gozy Glow. This here is Lord Tirek..." Tirek huffed out a breath. "...and this is Queen Chrysalis and her army of changelings," she then pointed at the queen and her horde. "By the way these are new changelings. Her last subjects got reformed all thanks to..." She let out a guttural groan. "Starlight Glimmer." She smiled again, replacing it from the disgusted expression, wrapping her arm around the newcomer's neck. "There, I told you who we were, so now it's your turn."

"It's Argus..." he said, pushing her away. "Now! Why did these 'changelings' bring me here? And answer this instant," he demanded. "Or else I'll use my sword against you three," he threatened, ready to pull out his weapon.

Cozy placed her hoof on the handle of the sword, stopping him. "No need to destroy your new friends, Argus. There's just been a misunderstanding."

The two changelings, the ones who brought Argus here, growled when one of them spoke. "A misunderstanding? He's probably one of the heroes of Equestria."

"Excuse me, but do I look like a hero?" Argus faced them, pulling out his sword. "Should I show you what I can do?" He hadn't waited until they answered him when his sword began glowing white. "Solar Slash Energized!"

The insect ponies had never had enough time to react when an X was made, sending them across the room.

They landed on the ground, rubbing their heads when the rest of the changelings saw what happened, stunned at what they had witnessed. They stayed where they were, knowing what will happen when they get close to the one who showed them what he could do to them.

Argus, putting his sword away, smirked. "A hero would never do that unless they are defending their home - like earth."

"Earth?" Chrysalis seemed intrigued, rubbing her chin. "Tell us about earth."

"Why would I tell you?" The bodyguard took a step back. "I cannot trust you for who I have no idea what you three are up to," he said paranoidly.

"Oh, there's no need to not trust us. We're the bad guys." The youngest villain flipped her curls, giggling. "You can totally trust us. By telling us what earth is, we should tell you about Equestria."

Hesitant, the white pony cleared his throat. "Alright. I'll tell you about earth. It's a green and blue place where these six heroes live. Long story short, the prince's scientist made something to get rid of the Power Rangers except we were brought to this world instead."

The three villains exchange looks when Tirek said something. "Power Rangers? What are 'Power Rangers'?"

"Yes, what are Power Rangers?" a gruffly voice spoke up. There, walking to where they're at, is a blue ram wearing a red collar with bells on it, jingling with each step he took. "And who are you supposed to be?" he directed at the newcomer.

"Hey, Grogar, this here is Argus. He's a new friend we've made." Doing a cute grin, she placed a hoof on the pony she called friend. "Argus, this here is Grogar. He's the one who brought us here."

The two of them stared at each other and Argus took a step away from the ram. "Are you a villain, too?"

"Hmph." Letting out a huff, the ram's collar glowed a bright gold, levitating the newcomer off the ground. "Why would you ask such a question?" He brought him close to his face. "How do we know your somepony who isn't with Twilight and her precious friends?"

Argus struggled to get down. "You wanna know if I'm a villain, eh? Okay, I'll show you." Whipping out the sword, he used it to knock the evil animal to the floor, the collar not glowing anymore as he went back onto the floor. "There, does that answer your question?" Putting the sword back where it belongs, he began walking away. "You four, including those things you call changelings, are wasting my time. I better find someone else for help. Someone who can take the Armada back to earth so we can get rid of the Rangers."

Grogar got back up on his hooves, ran, and stood sideways, blocking the bodyguard. "Stop right there. You hadn't answered my other question. What are Power Rangers?"

The evil centaur stomped his hoof, creating a crack on the floor. "I'd asked him the same thing thirty seconds ago."

Grogar gave him a warning look before turning back to Argus. "Who are the Power Rangers? Give me every detail. The name sounds to horrendous for some people to be called such a thing."

Argus nodded his head. "The name indeed sounds awful. The Power Rangers are these heroes that use Legendary keys and Megazords to stop every commander we send down in their home world where they live by us. It drives the prince insane to where he throws temper tantrums."

Blowing out of his nostrils, another question seemed to pop into the evil ram's evil brain. "By 'us' you mean the Armada?"

Argus nodded his head. "Yes, sir. Levira created something in order to get rid of the Rangers. Except, the blue one used a move similar to mine, and the Armada has been brought here instead of those heroes we always wanted to destroy."

After he was finished, Grogar went over to the orb in the color of goldish-brown with a thick, black line on it. Standing behind it, he began to activate it. "Are you sure the Rangers hadn't come to this world, you say? Maybe this here orb will give you the answers. It shows different things, mainly what's happening now."

Rubbing the back of his head, the pony shrugged his shoulders. "Our screen in the Command Room isn't working, so..."

Chuckling, the blue animal had the pegasus look into the orb.

At first he saw nothing of it. Then he saw fifteen ponies and what seemed to be a dragon at a table in a big room. The table was long, covered by white table cloth where it touched the floor. He saw the six ponies he recognized, eating, enjoying a meal with the other ponies he hadn't seen before, laughing as they chatted with each other.

He saw the one Ranger he's always been fighting - the blue one next to a yellow pegasus with a long pink mane. The two of them kept grinning at each other while the rest talked about different stuffs, their mouths moving even though he couldn't hear what they were saying.

His eyes are completely locked on the one Ranger with the yellow pony. When the Blue Ranger took a look at her, she swift her head away. He has no idea what these two are up to, but all he wanted is that Ranger.

The orb seemed to shut off, and Argus took a step back. "The prince needs to hear this."

Cozy raised her hoof. "Bring them here instead. I'm sure we can figure out a way to stop those Rangers."

"Mm, yes..." The queen nodded her head, agreeing with her. "If they're with those ponies, they'll be on their side for sure. What do you think, Tirek?" The four of them looked at him, waiting for his answer.

He broke his gaze at his muscles, seeming to snap out of a daze. "Oh, uh, yes. You can bring them here." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Though, I wish I could absorb your sword's magic," he muttered under his breath.

"It isn't a magic sword, it's a powerful sword. I use this thing to fight the Rangers, mainly the blue one since he's always getting in my way." He turned around, glancing over his shoulder, opening up his wings. "I will be right back."

He was about to leave when Grogar halted him. "I'll go with you and I'll bring the orb along with us, then we can bring them here." Picking up the orb, he went back to Argus. "By the way, when you mention a Command Room, what do you mean by that?"

"We came from a ship. The Armada Ship, I should say. It might be broken, though Levira can fix it. She can fix anything and build stuff, too."

Closing his eyes, Grogar chuckled. "Well, why are we standing here? Let's go meet these people and show them about the Rangers you mentioned being here in Equestria."

"I still have no idea what Equestria is," Argus responded.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you once you take me to the location," he promised, placing the orb on his back, balancing it perfectly. He faced the other three baddies. "Stay here until we return. No arguing either, got it?"

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow answered him with different replies.

"Yes, sir."

"No problem."

"I'll be in charge since I'm always doing it." Both Tirek and the changeling queen gave the little pony with freckles angry eyes. She saw this, giving them the same look. "I'll be in charge until he gets back."

Of course, that led into an argument, the three of them talking over to each other. Rolling his eyes, the blue ram began walking out of the area with Argus right by him, hovering as he flew next to him.

The arguing seemed to fade away when they got outside the Lair, the swamp looking darker than before.

Knowing where this white pony is going, the ram followed him, making sure not to drop the orb in the process.

Grogar turned his head to the lair. He doesn't hear any arguing from where he and Argus are at, but it doesn't mean they won't stop until he gets back. Those three have always bickered, wondering who should be in charge, even though he was the one who brought them together.

It seemed they hadn't gotten over their differences completely, yet, so maybe once they bring the prince and the rest here, they can come up with a plan, like helping them get rid of the Elements of Harmony as well as their new allies.

An evil smile submerged from his face, using his hoof to push away a tree branch, knowing it'll be a great idea. Plus, he wondered what the prince looks like, too.

Vekar paced back and forth inside the Command Room, getting impatient by the second, his hooves clicking, getting him more irritated, kicking his back legs, sending a ponified x-borg out of the way without him knowing it was right behind him.

Gazing out the window, he saw the rest of his henchmen walking around, slowly getting used to their new forms. This gave the prince a chance to see what types of ponies are. Half of the x-borgs seemed to be regular ponies while the rest have wings. Even the bruisers are normal ponies, bigger than the gray guys.

Grunting, he slammed his hoof on the glass window, pressing his forehead against it, wondering where Argus is at for how late he is.

He's completely stupid, he thought, turning away from the view, going over to the chair he had gotten up minutes ago. He's the one who brought us here. He keeps stating that the Blue Ranger is the one who activated the device, when he could've stopped him from doing so.

He sat down on the chair again, tapping the button for the screen to turn back on.

Nothing. The screen hadn't turned on. This got him more annoyed as he kept hitting the button over and over. He knows the ship is wrecked despite landing in this new world, so why isn't the screen turning on?

The hitting turned to slamming, his face getting strained with pure frustration. "Levira!" Yelling out loud, he punched the button this time with a curled hoof. "You need to fix this screen! I'm tired of it not being on anymore!" He pounded the button some more. "Turn on, you stupid thing!"

The unicorn went up to him, frowning. "You do realize it cannot hear you..."

"Whatever! Fix this thing or else I'm gonna hit Damaras with his huge sword," Vekar said, retrieving a look from the warrior. "Who says you can look at me?" He noticed this, casting an angry glare back at the golden pony. "And quit being bigger than me! I'm the prince, I should be the biggest one! I'm the older brother of Vrak, who isn't as smart as I am."

"Actually, he is..." Damaras responded after the prince took a breath.

Vekar got off the chair, landing on all fours. "No, he isn't! I'm better than him and always will be. I'm the first in line for the throne. My father said so, except I heard him having a chat with you, telling you to keep an eye on me. He never had to do the same for my younger brother, proving he loves him more than me. Vrak had always had our father at his side because he thinks he can do better things than I can do, like taking his first steps while I'm having trouble standing up on my own, and I HATE IT!" he screamed, throwing another fit, hopping up and down like a spoiled child. "If my dumb brother were here, maybe he'll help us out of this mess, but nooo, he's somewhere back on earth, the world I wanna take over."

The warrior placed his hoof on his forehead. "Your temper tantrums are giving me a headache, sire."

"You're the headache," the prince pointed, pressing the button a lot more than ever, failing to get the screen back on. "Arrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!" Releasing an infuriated holler, he slammed his hoof on the screen, creating a huge crack on it. "Fix this stupid thing, right now, Levira! It now has a crack not made by me!"

"Will you stop yelling? It driving me nuts," Levira said, pushing him away from the screen.

Vekar stumbled back, almost falling, catching his balance. "How dare you shove the mighty prince of the Armada. Now fix the dumb screen. I'm beginning to wonder if the Rangers are here in this pathetic world all thanks to Damaras for thinking the same thing first, which isn't fair since I should be the one who thinks first while you generals think last. I always come up with good plans, as well before you guys can."

"In which they failed." Vekar gave the large pony a nasty look. "Yeah, give me those expressions; like it'll scare me away."

The ponified prince scoffed. "I can creep you out with my stares." He widened his eyes, showing cracks within them. "Ahh!" He suddenly shut his eyes. "My eyes are burning! What's happening!?"

"Have you blinked your eyes?" The scientist checked the screen.

"No, why would I do something like that? I never blink except when I go to bed." Another painful sting came to his eyes. "Ow, stop burning this instant."

"Blink your eyes," she told him firmly.

"No," he refused, rubbing his closed up eyes. "Your idea is lame." He sat on the floor as he continued to try to get rid of the fire within his eyeballs. He felt the two generals looking at him through his watery, aching eyes . "Fine, I'll blink my eyes," he finally gave in, blinking them fast until they stopped burning. "Dumb how I have to blink my eyes for how stupid it is. In fact, everything around here is stupid." He got back up. "And you know who's dumber than this? Argus. When he gets back, I'll give him a piece of my-"

The doors suddenly slid open. Argus came walking in, and Vekar was about to go after him when he saw someone with him.

He was about to say something when Damaras beat him to it, his ears going back, as he got peeved. "Who's this, Argus? Someone you ran into?"

"Never mind that!" the prince barged in. "Just tell us who you are so I can give my bodyguard a piece of my mind."

Smirking, the blue ram stepped up to the ravenous pony. "You're the prince, aren't you? Have to say, you have lots of tantrums despite being a royal being." Vekar gritted his teeth together, hating every bit of this guy. "Seems like you get mad pretty fast, don't ya think?"

Feeling like he was offended, Vekar poked the ram's chest. "Mad? Why would I get mad? I'm not mad, I'm annoyed, all thanks to him-" He shoved a hoof in the bodyguard's face. "-for bringing us to this world where we turned into cute ponies. And I hate cute!"

The ram walked around in a circle, eyeing at the prince, letting out a gruff chuckle deep within his throat. "You wanna know where you people are at? The land filled with ponies and other creatures with no humans in sight?"

"Yes, now get to it or else I'll hit Argus," Vekar answered, getting impatient.

Chuckling, he stopped mid-walk. "You're in a place called Equestria, filled with ponies and other creatures with no humans whatsoever. This place has always been filled with happiness and friendship all thanks to Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her pals..."

"I don't care who Twilight Sparkle is, all I care is about getting out of here," Vekar said. "Plus, thanks to Damaras, I'm wondering if the Rangers are here. I never thought that before until then."

"Curious, huh?" Bringing the orb in front of the prince, he held it with his hoof. "Go ahead, take a peek."

Steering his eyes to the right, Vekar lowered his head to get a better view. Just like with Argus, he saw nothing of it, until he saw six familiar people in pony forms at a table, eating dinner, having a good time with the other ponies and a dragon he doesn't recognized.

There was even a tall, white pony with wings and a long horn in which Argus hadn't seen when he first looked at it.

All the Rangers got up from the chairs along with what seemed to be their new pals. The leader of the Armada also saw a yellow pegasus tripping over the Blue Ranger, falling to the floor in which he helped her get back up.

Watching, the prince saw the yellow pony blush at the light, brown unicorn for his assistant before the two of them walked together, leading the orb to switch off.

Taking a step back, Vekar's mouth popped open. "The Rangers are here in this place called Equestria? We have to destroy them - now!"

"Wait! How about you let him and his allies help us?" Argus piped up. "He'd said he would bring you guys to them, too."

"His allies?" Damaras arched a brow. "Who are his allies?"

"Who cares?" Vekar barged in again. "He hadn't told us who he was, and I demanded for him to tell us his name."

The blue ram snickered. "I, your majesty, am Grogar."

"Grogar? What kind of ridiculous name is that? Never mind, take us to your allies."

"As you wish..." Taking the orb back, Grogar turned his back, heading to the doors. "Follow me, please."

"Follow me, please," the prince mimicked. "He should be following me."

"Let's go, your highness," Levira said, walking along with Grogar.

Groaning, Vekar followed the rest of the gang.

Reaching back to the swamp, a few flies buzzed around the prince, driving him up the wall as he kept swatting them away. "Get away, you bugs!" he commanded, the dark insects flying all over him. "Damaras, these flies won't leave me alone! What should I do?"

"Use your tail to shoo them away," the warrior suggested expressionless, seemingly to ignore the bugs around him.

Vekar swatted a fly that landed on his ear. "Why would I use my tail? I'm not an actual pony, you know."

"Sorry, it was only a suggestion."

"Sorry doesn't cut it." A fly landed on his muzzle, leading him to smack himself in the face. "Agh, when will we get there!?"

"Glad you ask because we're already here." Upon Grogar's response, Vekar and his generals saw a large cavernous in the shape of a ram just like Grogar. Vekar's ears flattened, as if he was offended by this place.

"This is where you and your allies live? It looks like it came out of a Dumpster."

"Uh, it's literally made out of stone, sire," Argus told him.

"This place is disgusting," the prince ignored his bodyguard. "I'm going back to the Armada Ship." He only took one step when Levira grabbed him by the ear. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow." This time, the unicorn ignored him. "Release my ear at once or else I'll send you into the murky water."

His wish hadn't been granted until they got inside where they heard arguing. By the time they got to a certain area, he saw what seemed to be Grogar's allies.

It was hard to tell what they're saying since they're talking over each other. Grogar stepped up to them, his collar glowing, getting them separated. "We brought these people here," he announced. "This here is Prince Vekar and his own generals."

The smallest one flew up to them. "Nice to meet ya, pal." She shook hooves with him. "I'm Cozy Glow, and that's Tirek and Chrysalis and her new horde of changelings. We've been told about the Power Rangers and what they can do." Releasing his hoof, she placed her hooves on the ground. "Tell us your names."

"It's Prince Vekar," he introduced with a frown, wondering why this one seemed really cute while the rest seemed to be evil. "And this is Levira..." he directed at the green unicorn. "...and Damaras," he finished by gesturing at the golden pony. He turned to his own generals. "Okay, we met them, let's get back to the ship. I want Levira to build something for us to get out of this..." He shivered. "...world."

"But sire, what about the Rangers? We need to destroy them."

"How are we gonna do that, Damaras? Normally, they'll defeat our commanders - twice. Except now it won't happen since the Armada Ship is on the ground and Levira has to use a magma beam to grow them into giants, and the only way she can use it if the ship is off the ground."

"We can still get rid of the Rangers, I just need to make sure it can fly. The ship probably still works," the scientist said. "Except for the screen you broke," she added.

He simply rolled his eyes at the short reminder from her. "What about the Rangers' new allies? Should we get rid of them, too?"

"Yes." Chrysalis stepped up to him. "I've been thinking...if you help us destroy Twilight Sparkle and her friends, we'll help you get rid of the Rangers. My new horde of changelings will help along the way as long as you have your own subjects at their side."

Everyone looked at Vekar with him looking back at them. It doesn't sound like a bad idea at all, but there's a catch. "Levira, if you were to build something to bring us back home, how long would it take?"

"Mm, normally it doesn't take me long to build something, but since I need to create something to bring us home, it'll take up to a year to get it done."

"WHAT!? A YEAR!?" the prince exploded in pure madness. "I cannot wait for a year, I wanna go home now! I wanna go back where earth is at!"

"Too bad, it's gonna be awhile until I finish it. Besides, Chrysalis's idea is great. If these people help us get rid of the Rangers, we can return them the favor in getting rid of this Twilight Sparkle and her pals."

Of course, Vekar still isn't pleased when she mentioned it'll take up to a year to make this device to send them back home. Though again, the idea isn't so bad. He faced Grogar, giving him his hoof. "We'll help you get rid of Twilight Sparkle, whoever that is, and her allies while you do the same for us."

"It's a deal." Taking his hoof with his own, the two of them shook on it. "Now, shall we get back to your place then?"

"Yes, and bring your allies and the horde of changelings. I do hope the Armada Ship can still fly."

"I hope so, too," Levira responded as everyone followed the prince out of the lair. "The Magma Beam won't work unless we're in the sky where I can aim it perfectly."

Vekar didn't care for her words because he isn't in the mood for what she has to say. All he cared about was getting rid of the Rangers and their new friends they seemed to team up with.

Once those heroes are gone for good, he and his generals will go back home to take over the earth with them out of their way.

He hated it when he was told it could take up to a year for Levira to build something to get them out of Equestria. He hated his new form more than ever, but he guessed he had to get used to it somehow.

He sighed quietly for no one could hear him. He basically wanted to go home this instant, though he knew it wouldn't happen right away.

Oh well, at least his generals and him are going to have help in getting rid of the colorful heroes.

And that's the only thing that is in his mind besides going home. Getting rid of the Rangers and their new pony friends, plus a dragon.

It's all he wanted. With a bigger group, he's sure to end those heroes for good.

And he couldn't wait.

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