• Published 4th May 2024
  • 199 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 35: Fight In The Everfree Forest

The spa left the heroes in a relaxed state after they left. The Rangers got their clothes back - washed and dried - and now are going back to their temporary homes. Noah and Fluttershy returned to the cottage, after they had their picnic after being at the spa, going to her backyard where all of the animals were waiting.

Chickens, rabbits, squirrels, weasels, hawks, robins, and all sorts of critters came charging at the pegasus. Instead of them being happy, they looked frantic, pointing at the dark forest.

Noah had no idea what they were saying considering he doesn't understand animals. All he hears are chirps, tweets, and chitters. Truthfully, it was starting to bug him when Fluttershy raised her arms in the air.

"Quiet!" They all stopped yapping after she hollered. "Now, tell me what happened." A robin landed on her arm, tweeting. She listened, her ear towards the bird. "Yeah." She nodded. "Uh huh." She gasped. "What?" Noah saw how shocked she was. "Fluffy is in the Everfree Forest?" she exclaimed. "Why is he in there?" she asked, then got a chirpy answer. "He was chasing a mouse?" Sighing, she looked at Noah. "Mind coming with me? I don't want to go in there alone."

Looking at the forest, he nodded. "I'll help you. What does Fluffy look like?" They walked past the gate of the fence.

"He's a cat with a blue bow on his head. A white cat, I should say," she answered, the two of them walking on the path of the eerie woods. "I wished the Everfree Forest wasn't behind my house," she shivered. "I want to find him as soon as possible."

"We'll find him, no worries." He gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "He probably didn't get too far."

Fluttershy couldn't answer him, the two of them getting deeper and deeper into the forest full of trees, bushes, and vines.

Glad to have Noah by her side, she felt a lot more comfortable rather than being in the scary forest on her own. She refuses to go in there without somepony going with her. It was like the time she babysat her friends' sisters, where they went in here to search for one of her escaped chickens.

An owl hooted. She jumped with a yelp before calming down.

The young stallion can tell she wanted out of here, but at the same time, he saw she was determined to find her kitty. Surely, he won't be too hard to find for he is a white feline. He would surely pop out in this dark, green color of this sort of place.

He bet hardly any of the ponies walked through here from all the things that happened. He still remembered what he was told by her, remembering how the plants grow, animals taking care of themselves, while the clouds move on their own.

Likely enough, it was difficult to believe such a thing. He's a science geek, but if those people in this world say that what the forest is and does, he won't judge them for being insane. He wouldn't judge any of his friends if they mentioned something he'll have trouble believing. He's a nerd, nothing to it.

A nerd who likes this pony by him for he has yet to tell her about it. He knows there's no rush in doing so, however, he has to speak up soon or else he and his friends will be back on earth for who knows when.

The two of them went on, searching for the lost cat.

"What is this?"

In front of the prince was a large box-like machine in the color of silver with tubes on the sides, a dome on top of it. It had buttons of different colors. On the top front are light bulbs. There was also a door. A sliding door to be more precise, similar to the doors from the Command Room.

Levira had called them all to the largest part of the ship. Vekar, Damaras, Argus, Cozy, and Grogar.

Not receiving an answer, the prince questioned it again. "What is this? A machine on getting rid of Argus? Don't get me wrong, he's a good bodyguard, except when he does something stupid - like sending us to Horsey Land." He downed his eyes at him.

Argus swept a hoof over his face. "Would you please stop bringing that up? It's getting ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous." He looked back at the scientist. "This better be good," he said with a bored and uninterested expression.

"This, your highness, is something I created a while ago," she told him, placing her hoof on it. "After the queen got destroyed by the Rangers about an hour ago, I thought it'll be a good idea to use this thing."

"What is it?" He was getting short-tempered.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "It's a creation to bring other people from different places from earth." Vekar could only laugh. "Sire, you may find it funny and unbelievable, but I think we should use this." She received more laughing, getting annoyed. "Still funny, eh? You won't be laughing until you see this."

The prince was now on his belly, hitting the floor. He was laughing so hard, tears were running down his face. "I may not be an alien for liking jokes, but this is probably the best-" A loud noise caused him to stop his fit of laughter, for it blasted in his ears. "Agh!" he cried out, covering his ears, the others doing the same thing. "Turn it off! Is that thing gonna make me deaf? If so, I would rather be deaf than to hear all the buzzing changelings!"

It stopped, the doors sliding open. There, right in front him, are six figures. Six ponies, to be more precise.

They sat up. They stepped out of the machine, looking confused.

Vekar got a good look at them. They wore clothes and sneakers and boots. One of the ponies seemed to be wearing a red pirate jacket. Three of them have dark hair, looking like it was black. Two of them have some sort of brown hair, and one had blonde hair.

"Why'd you look Asian?" Damaras, Grogar, Levira, Argus, and Cozy gave him angry looks. "What?" he asked, unaware of what he said.

The one in the red jacket groaned, messaging his head. "Ugh... what happened...?" He blinked when he noticed something. "...huh...?" He saw his hand. "Wait. What?" It wasn't a hand, it was a hoof. His hands and feet have been replaced with hooves. His ears seemed to be on top of his head. He had a muzzle - a square shape kind due to his gender. Under his clothes, his skin has been replaced with fur. Lastly, he saw a tail at the end of him, flicking it. It looked exactly like his mane.

Something caught his eye. There was a horn smack dab in the middle of his forehead. He turned his head - and gasped. He saw his reflection in the mirror. "Am I...a unicorn?" he wondered out loud.

"Join the club. I'm a unicorn, too," the one in the blue jacket spoke up. He seemed to have this serious vibe in him.

"Yo! Look!" A stallion, who seems to be hyperactive, got between the two unicorns. "I got wings."

"She's got wings, as well..." the red jacket pony pointed at one of the girls, who looks like she has a sweet nature in her personality.

The sweet one goggled at them. A lit up smile came upon her face. She opened up her feathered wings. She gave them gentle flaps. "I can fly!" She saw that she wasn't touching the ground anymore.

The previous wing pony glanced at the last two. "You two seem to be normal ponies."

"Shut up, fool," the one normal pony assaulted.

"Calm down," the second normal one spoke.

"No!" Like the blue jacket unicorn, she, too, seems to have a serious side on her. Though, it also looks like she is the tough one. "I wanna know why we're here. Why are we ponies?" She advanced towards the prince. "You have to bring us here. We were busy beating up a monster until some unknown flash came out of nowhere. Explain why we're ponies and not human descents."

"Back off!" She was moved back from the white winged pony. "You six are ponies because you're in a world called Equestria. Though, I have no idea why Levira brought you here..." The white pony looked at her. "Care to explain?" he spoke to her, ignoring the hard stare from the one he shoved away from his royal highness.

"Yes, I want them to do something for us." She looked at the newcomers. "You stay here; we'll be right back." She also grabbed a random changeling after she and others walked out of the room - a changeling guard - with them. "I need you for something, Roux."

"Why?" he replied, fixing up his helmet.

"It's for a plan I had in mind."

Hearing this from her, Vekar stomped his hoof. "I should be the ones giving out plans. No one else should be doing it." She can only roll her eyes as he vented on. "I'm the leader of the Armada. I should be the one to bring those Asian descents here, not you," he pointed at her. "It isn't fair."

"It isn't fair to blame him for bringing us here, when it was the Blue Ranger's fault," she replied, gesturing at Argus.

"Whatever. Tell us your plan," he answered impatiently.

"For you being short tempered, I'll give you the short version. The newcomers should get rid of the Rangers."

"Oh, boy, yeah." They knew the prince was being sarcastic. "Like those Asian horses-"


"-shut up, are gonna help us. They aren't heroes of any kind." He pointed at Roux. "I don't think we need him."

"Yes, we do. It's part of the plan."

"What plan?"

"I told you, a plan on getting rid of the Rangers."

"Don't forget the Elements of Harmony and the Power Ponies," Grogar reminded.

"As well as Starlight and Spike," Cozy joyfully added.

"Yes, yes. We can have him-" Levira gestured at the changeling guard. "-help us."

"Uh huh. But why do we need non hereo ponies?" Vekar was still confused.

She sighed, dropping her head. "The one said they were dealing with a monster, so they must be heroes. Not sure what kind though, which is why we should ask after we send Roux somewhere."

Thinking about, the idea sounded lame in the prince's preference. He doesn't have a choice. He has to do it - for the Armada. He looked at Levira. "Where should we send him?"

"I have a perfect place," the ram spoke up. "There's a place called the Everfree Forest. A forest that acts like it's own where clouds move on their own, plants growing, the animals caring for themselves. I was taking a quick peek from the orb, seeing two heroes in there. Like Levira said, we get Roux there, and then..." He whispered the rest of the plan. He chuckled when he finished. "It's a perfect plan. Roux, go to the Everfree Forest, and we'll send the newcomers there."

Saluting, the changeling buzzed off, heading to the woods. Vekar and the crew walked in. They asked who the newcomers are. The newcomers told them, explaining who they are. The Armada people were surprised at what they've been informed of.

After, Levira told the newcomers something. Something important. It was about a missing soldier. And he has something to tell them.

The one newcomer glanced at his allies, then nodded his head. "We'll help you find one of your missing soldier. We just need to get to the place you want us to go."

"We can teleport you there. Don't forget - our soldier has something important to say."

"Thank you and we won't," the first Asian unicorn stated towards the green unicorn.

The Armada aliens took them to the Command Room, and when they did, the newbies were sent to the Everfree Forest.

It was freaky when the newcomers got there. Something made a noise. The earth pony stallion grabbed the female version, for she knocked him away with her elbow. He stumbled back, rubbing his chest as they all searched for the missing pony who is lost here.

The issue is, they have no idea who it could be. They went on searching, unaware of something in the tree.

That something is Roux. He was hiding behind the thick leaves, in a different form - an earth pony. He waited for the right moment - then jumped out from the tree.

The sudden appearance scared the wits ends of the ponies. For the second time, the same earth pony stallion type grabbed someone. This time not the earth pony mare, but one of the unicorns.

"Who are you?" came from the sweet pegasus. "We're searching for a soldier."

"Heh, I'm Roux."

"Roux?" the red jacket unicorn repeated.

"Yes, I'm the soldier you were sent to look for. Apologies for jumping out like that at you six." He kept up the act. "Levira-"

"Who's Levira?" the hyper pegasus interrupted.

"She's the green unicorn," the disguised changeling explained.

The ponies stared at one another, until the sweet one spoke. "She seems similar to someone we know, including the one that got lashed out at." She shrugged. "Weird."

The red jacket one had to agree on that, but it wasn't important. What's important is the message from him. First, he told him who he and his pals are, then stated the important thing they wanted to hear from him.

The fake pony closed his eyes. "I do indeed... You see, here in these woods...are fakers... They have the same powers, the same weapons as you ponies do..." His eyes open, revealing dark, blue swirls. "Your job is to get rid of them for they are changelings. Changelings who can be anyone, even you." The swirls kept spinning like a merry-go-round, catching the others eyes, for all they saw is white, the same swirls in their vision. "You will work for us. For the Armada," he spoke in a devilish way. "Get rid of the pretenders." His eyes went back to normal.

The rest blinked, clearing up their own vision, their eyes the color of green. Roux smiled, feeling proud at what he's done to them. He was told to use his hypnosis spell - a skill he had once mentioned to Vekar after his queen's defeat. He'd practiced a lot. On x-borgs, bruisers, as well as his own kind, until he got it mastered, knowing he'll need it.

The red jacket pony walked up to Roux. "Do you know where they are in these woods here?"

"I saw them walk by not too long ago. There was a yellow pony with a unicorn wearing clothes, sneakers, and glasses. Those are the changelings. There are others, too. Also, the yellow pony doesn't have powers, only the geeky one does. Be careful because they can transform into you."

"We will," the first unicorn promised.

"They left tracks. It won't be difficult to find them." He gestured his head at a dirt path. "Find them, destroy them."

They didn't need to be told twice, for they all followed the hoof embedded tracks, searching for the changelings. The one who's pretending to be a yellow pegasus, the other a unicorn.

Roux laughed, going back to his original form, buzzing away, ready to tell the news to the prince.

The prince heard the sliding doors open to see the changeling guard come in. "Well?" he said once changeling came over.

Roux took off his helmet. "I put a spell on them, told them there are changelings in the Everfree Forest. I instructed those ponies to destroy them - the Rangers and their allies. No way they'll be free from the spell I put them under."

Vekar huffed, hoping it'll work as the orb showed the dark forest.

It seems like the forest was getting dark, where only a few sun rays shone through the trees, providing some light for Fluttershy and Noah. They left hoof prints in the dirt path, knowing they'll need those to help their way back once they find the cat.

A noise came. They stopped, listening. The sound came for the second time.

Listening hard, Fluttershy followed the source of the sound, coming from a tree. Looking up, she could see a hint of a tail. "Fluffy!" The cat poked his head down. "Get down here, right this instant, young man," she ordered the feline with a scolding look. "We've been worried sick about you." She waited patiently. He climbed down the tree. She flinched when she felt his claws. "There you do," she softly smiled. "Alright, Noah, let's get back to my place."

He petted the kitty. "I'll lead the way." This got the other pony to smile at his offer. He started to lead the way.

The two were minding their own business, listening to the cat's purr - when something tackled the pegasus, leading the cat to fly off of her.

"Fluttershy!" Crying out in alarm, the Blue Ranger saw a red jacket stallion on top of her. He went over, ripping him off of her. "What's wrong with you, man?" He helped Fluttershy back on her hooves, glaring at the other stallion who has a horn like he does.

"What's wrong with me?" the one who knocked Fluttershy down questioned back. "What's wrong with you, changelings?" he revoked, giving daggered eyes, brushing his bangs by splitting them apart.

Noah was confused. "Huh?"

"Don't 'huh' at our leader," another unicorn frowned.

"L-Leader?" the yellow pegasus shuddered.

The tough one glared at her. "Seems like you have a problem with him."

"N-No, I-"

"Show us your true forms," the leader demanded.

"We're not changelings!" Noah stomped his hoof on the ground.

"Quit lying, someone in these woods told us about changelings. We work for the Armada," the earth pony stallion declared.

"The Armada are the bad guys!" he proclaimed. "You're just ponies - you don't look like any of their army, let alone the changelings."

"Like you and your girlfriend?" the pegasus mare - not Fluttershy - smirked.

"Ooo!" the second one expressed.

Noah couldn't stop the redness forming on his face. "She isn't my girlfriend." Then he turned his head, mumbling in a very quiet tone, "Yet," before looking back at the six ponies. "I bet the 'stallion' you saw was a changeling-"

"He isn't a changeling, you faker," the leader cut him off.

Noah saw them step forward towards him and his crush. Quickly, he got into a defensive stance in front of her, ears down. No way they're going near her. They stepped closer, when he saw their eyes.

They were green. What? This cannot be! Did the 'stallion' they saw put a spell on them, like what the queen did to the Power Ponies? But- Huh!?

"We don't want to fight you. You're under a-" The leader of the group punched Noah with a quick move. "Ow!" he cried in pain.

"Noah!" Fluttershy screamed in fear.

"You changelings will be defeated, including the others!" the leader declared.

"We aren't changelings!" Noah got back up, only to be punched again. He got back up. "If I were a changeling, would a changeling do...this." He whipped out his morpher and key. "Super Mega Mode!" A blue flash blast around him. "Super Megaforce Blue!"

The leader blinked. "You're copying Joe!"

"Joe?" He has no idea who he was talking about. "Never mind, if you six wanna fight, fight me. Don't fight her."

"You mean the weak one?" the one named Joe smirked. That was when Noah gave him a full blown move at his head, even though he refused to fight them, except he had no choice for the matter.

"Joe!" The leader helped him up. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, Captain Marvelous," Joe nodded towards the one called Captain Marvelous.

"Good, because this changeling's gonna get it," Captain Marvelous seemed to threaten.

Turning his gaze away from them, the Blue Ranger motioned his head at Fluttershy. "Get the others."

"I wanna-"

"Get. The. Others," he repeated, one word at a time. "We need help from our friends - they seem dangerous after the spell the changeling put them in."

Fluttershy looked at them, then back at Noah. "Can Tensou teleport them here?"

"Tensou?" the earth pony stallion questioned. "Who's 'Tensou'?"

"Forget about it, Don," the female earth pony directed to the male one whose name is Don. "He's a changeling, too."

"Can we fight them now?" the female pegasus seemed to whine.

"We will, Ahim."

The pegasus named Ahim looked at the female earth pony. "Then why aren't we doing it, Luka? It feels like we're stalling."

The one named Luka gave Noah and Fluttershy a harsh glare. "We will destroy you and your friends, changelings!"

"We aren't changelings." That's when the male pegasus charged at the yellow pony who said those words at full speed.

Noah jumped in, using his Saber to knock him away.

"Gai!" The others checked to see if the pony known as Gai is okay.

This gave the nerd for brains a chance to push Fluttershy at the direction he wanted her to go. "Get the others."


"Go!" he forced out.

Seeing she had no choice, she ran to get the others, looking back to give him a worried look. When she was out of sight, Noah turned back to the ponies.

Gai sat up. "I'm okay," he told his friends, rubbing his neck.

Seeing she had no choice, she ran to get the others, looking back to give him a worried look. When she was out of sight, Noah turned back to the ponies.

Gai sat up. "I'm okay," he told his friends, rubbing his neck.

"Good, now let's destroy this changeling," Marvelous said, stepping up, the others on each side of him - Luka, Gai, and Joe on his right, while Ahim and Don on the left side of him. Their eyes glowed green. "With our powers."

That's when they all took out two things that seemed familiar - keys and morphers.

"Gokai Change!" They inserted their keys into their morphers and twisted them, six colorful flashes coming from them.

"Gokai Red!" Marvelous began the roll call.

"Gokai Yellow!" Luka came in.

"Gokai Green!" Don joined along.

"Gokai Pink!" Ahim exclaimed.

"Gokai Blue!" Joe boldly stated.

"Goooooookaiiii... Silver!" Gai wildy declared.

"Kaizoku Sentai..." Marvelous started.

"Gokaiger!" the rest finished, each doing a pose.

Inside his helmet, Noah's jaw dropped, his eyes bugging out. They had the same pirate theme outfits, like he and his friends whom Fluttershy are getting.

He was frozen in his spot, unable to move.

They pulled something else that is familiar. "Gokai Gun!" the leader cried out, pulling out what looks to be a Blaster, only to be called a Gokai Gun, shooting at Noah in the chest.

He cried out when he was sent back when he got shot in the chest. "Hey-!"

"Get him!" The next thing he knew, the leader let out a battle cry, pulling out a sword. "Gokai Saber!" He and his allies charged.

They attacked Noah with their swords and guns, while the silver one had a weapon so much like Orion's weapon.

"Gokai Spear!" He swung his Gokai Spear, knocking Noah off his hooves from the blue streaks he's creating with his weapon.

Noah did his best to fight them off. He swung his Saber, he blasted at them. Thankfully, the weapons aren't meant to destroy him or anyone else except for monsters.

"Luka!" Ahim tossed her Gokai Saber to one of her teammates, much like Emma does with Gia.

Seeing her weapon coming to her, Luka flung her Gokai Gun. "Catch, Ahim!" she shouted, after tossing her gun, replacing it with her friend's sword, now having two of them.

When they did that, Don looked over at Joe. "Take my Gokai Saber." He did a dropkick to his weapon, which freaked the nerd out for it was similar to his best friend's move.

"Thanks, Joe. Here's my Gokai Gun." In return, Gokai Blue gave Gokai Green his weapon. Now he has two swords, while his teammate has two guns.

They all continued attacking the Blue Ranger, still thinking he's one of the changelings, their minds clouded with corruption given to the fake pony. No way he wants to destroy them for they are the same as him and his own Ranger team - only Asian.

He had to admit, they were pretty good, except it was scary when they had the same moves as him and his friends, who he wished they get here soon.

He was swept a low kick at the hyper pegasus, making him trip, adding a blast to the tomboy earth pony. Luka growled, flicking her pasterns.

Noah cried out when the swords whacked him all over the place. "Seriously, that's the same move as-"

"Gokai Spear - Gun Mode!" He hadn't had time to finish what he was saying when he got blasted by Gai. "Ugh, Marvelous, this changeling is so hard to beat," he spoke to the team's leader. "It won't show its true form."

"I'm..." Noah got off the ground. "...not a changeling. Neither are my friends."

Joe plowed at him with one of the Sabers, pinning him up at a gnarled tree. "The stallion here says you are."

"The 'stallion' was a changeling in disguise and put you in some kind of spell. Maybe a hypnosis spell." In a swift motion, Noah forced Gokai Blue off by blasting at him. In return, Marvelous did a swift move as well at the Blue Ranger. That's when Noah pulled out a key. "Legendary Ranger Mode - Samurai." He inserted the key into the slot of his morpher. "Go, Go Samurai!" His Super Mega form got replaced with a different Ranger outfit. "Blue Samurai Ranger!"

Like someone ruined his day, Marvelous stomped his hoof, letting out an aggressive breath from his nose. "You can change into different Super Sentais, too!?" he steamed.

Just as Noah was about to question that, he heard galloping behind him. "Noah - we're here," his leader said, he and the rest in their Ranger forms, the Power Ponies in their forms, as well. The princess, the rest of the Elements of Harmony, along with the dragon and her protégé are with them. "Fluttershy said you needed-" He stopped talking, seeing what's in front of him.

The others couldn't believe it. They were silent - until Pinkie broke it. "The mirror pool!"

"Huh?" Jake questioned.

"What's that?" Orion added.

"It's a pond to make duplicates of yourselves. I did it before, creating lots of Pinkie Pies. It isn't possible for it to work unless someone uses it."

"Guys, those ponies are under a spell by a 'stallion'," Noah jumped in. "They said they work for the Armada, only they don't look like any of the army or the changelings. We need to free them from their spell - now!"

"We aren't under some spell!" Luka exclaimed.

Troy ignored her. "Since Noah's in Legendary Ranger Mode, we should do the same."

"Alright!" Sugar Cupcake cheered.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - Samurai!" most of the Rangers called out, inserting their Samurai Ranger keys into their morphers. "Go, Go Samurai!"

"Samurai Red!"

"Samurai Yellow!"

"Samurai Green!"

"Samurai Pink!"

"Samurai Gold!"

"Rangers Together, Samurai Forever!"

The rest of the Rangers morphed into Samurai Mode. It enraged Marvelous, speaking to them in pure anger. "You changelings are the copycats of us - the Gokaigers."

"Gokaigers?" Twilight questioned.

"Yes, faker, we're Gokaigers, and since you-" The Red Gokaiger pointed at the Rangers. "-can transform into Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, we can do the same."

Troy was about to say something when they pulled out what looked to be Samurai Ranger keys.

"Gokai Change - Shinkenger!" they called out in unison, placing the keys in their morphers.

"Shinken Red!"

"Shinken Yellow!"

"Shinken Green!"

"Shinken Pink!"

"Shinken Blue!"

"Shinken Gold!"

"The Samurai Sentai authorized by providence! Shinkengers! Going Forth!"

Just like the Rangers, they transformed into Samurai Rangers, only to be called Shinkengers. Does this mean they have other keys just like them - the Power Rangers? Troy wanted to question that. Question the ponies who call themselves Gokaigers. Except with them being under this spell - a spell from the changeling they ran into, it won't be easy.

He had an idea. "Let's tire them out," he told his team.

Twilight nodded. "Good idea. And I studied the spell my mentor used on the Power Ponies when they were under Chrysalis's spell. I might be able to free them."

"Got it. Rangers, get ready." The Red Ranger pulled out a weapon, including the rest of the Rangers doing the same.

"You have Shinkenmarus!?" Gokai Red raged. "Including the Laceration Calculating Sword Sakanamaru!?"

"What?" Orion questioned. "Um, you must be mistaken. These are called Spin Swords. Well, for them, at least," he gestured to his Ranger friends. "I have the Barracuda Blade."

"They're not called that, you fool," Gokai Yellow snarled.

"We'll see about that," the Yellow Ranger stated.

And that's when both Gokaigers, the Rangers, Spike, Starlight, the Power Ponies, and the Elements of Harmony charged at each other.

The ponies and the dragon helped the Rangers fight against their counterparts - Troy, Spike, Ice Crystal, Cobalt, Starlight, and Twilight dealt with Gokai Red. Gia, Applejack, and Lacy are going after Gokai Yellow. Jake, Pinkie, and Sugar Cupcake fought Gokai Green. Noah, Fluttershy, and Hazel are up against Gokai Blue. Emma, Rarity, and Mythic Diamond are dueling with Gokai Pink, while Orion, Rainbow, and Lightning Twister are up in the sky, battling Gokai Silver.

Troy clashed his Spin Sword with Gokai Red's Shinkenmaru. The Red Ranger fought him, wanting to tire him out. It was difficult - and freaky - to see that the other stallion has the same moves as him.

The Rangers and their pony pals and dragon worked together. Up in the sky, Lightning Twister raised her lightning bolt, creating a shock of electricity in the sky by a crack of lightning.

It stunned Gokai Silver, forcing him back to his original mode, for he landed on the ground, falling on top of Luka - even though the rest of ponies, including Spike, don't know the Gokaigers' names except for Noah and Fluttershy for being the first ones to encounter them.

Shoving him off, Luka hadn't had time to react when something went around her torso.

It was from Lacy. In a quick move, Luka transformed her Shinkenmaru into a different weapon by spinning the disc. "Land Slicer!" she called out, placing a new disc on her transformed weapon. She tossed it at the Power Pony - even though none of the Gokaigers know that.

The weapon coming, Gia got in front of Power Pony. "Earth Slicer!" She, too, got her Spin Sword to transform into a different weapon by spinning the disc, much like the Land Slicer and, tossing it like a boomerang after placing another disc - the Earth Disc - on it.

The two Slicers smacked one another. Gia caught hers with ease with a quick grab with her hoof, while the other one knocked at her counterpart. It landed in front of her after she went back to Gokai Yellow, who landed on Gokai Silver in return.

When she saw what her friend did, Emma spun the disc of her Spin Sword. "Sky Fan!" The sword went from that weapon to a Sky Fan after attaching the Sky Disc.

"Heaven Fan!" Her counterpart did the same thing. The two created gusts of wind at each other, seeing who could knock them off their hooves first.

Using her Power Pony powers, Mythic created a bottle of perfume, spraying a thick fog at Gokai Pink.

With her unable to see, she failed to notice Rarity do a martial arts move on her. She joined Luka and Gai.

Meanwhile, Noah, Fluttershy, and Hazel are still dealing with Gokai Blue. "Hydro Bow!" Noah spun his Water Disc to his sword, turning it into a Hydro Bow.

"Water Arrow!" Joe called out. His sword turned into a weapon similar to the Legendary one like Noah's.

The Blue Gokaiger and the Blue Ranger pulled their strings of their weapons - and released them. Water-based arrows charged at one another.

The arrows exploded. Joe jumped to the side, pulled back the string of his bow, going to shoot more arrows when Noah shot his own, forcing Gokai Blue off his hooves, knocking him out of Shinkenger Mode, just like what happened to Ahim, Gai, and Luka.

Meanwhile, Pinkie and Sugar Cupcake helped the Green Ranger deal with Don. Sugar zoomed from one side of Gokai Green, tapped him - and smashed the front of his helmet with a cake.

Getting the icing off of his visor, Don felt another tap. He turned his head - then got smacked with a pie Pinkie somehow got.

Getting the strawberry filling off the front of his helmet so he could see, he spun his disc, calling out his weapon. "Wood Spear!" He placed a different disc on it. "Foliage Concealment!" Twirling his weapon, he summoned a tornado of leaves surrounding it.

The leaves went towards the Green Ranger. "Forest Spear!" Jake declared, his sword transforming into a similar weapon like Don's. "Forest Vortex!" After dodging away from Gokai Green's attack, he called out his own.

A vortex came from his attack. Don got knocked away, being forced into his Gokai Green outfit, joining his team, when, at the same time, their leader is also with him, after getting knocked away from Troy's Fire Smasher.

"Spin Sword Quintuple Slash!"

"Barracuda Bite!"

Before they knew it, the Gokaigers got slashed all over from their counterparts who they still think are the changelings.

The Quintuple Slash came from the Red, Green, Yellow, Pink, and Blue Rangers. The Silver Ranger used the Barracuda Bite move.

This attack forced the Gokaigers out of Gokaiger Mode. Twilight came in, lit up her horn, doing the corruption free spell like her mentor did.

It worked. The Gokaigers seem dazed and confused. "Wha...?" The red one shook his head. "What happened?" He rubbed his head, processing what just happened.

The Rangers unmorphed out of Ranger Mode. "We'll tell ya, except I think you want to see our leader first," the Red Ranger told him, then spoke into his morpher. "Tensou?"

"Yes, Troy," the Gokaigers heard from the other end.

"Mind taking us to the Command Center? We got six ponies to show you," he requested.

There was silence. "Sure thing," Tensou said in reply.

All them got materialized out of the forest, surprising the Gokaigers.

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