• Published 26th Apr 2024
  • 622 Views, 19 Comments

Equestria Girls meet Venom - Big Imagination E

The Rainbooms need to help Eddie Brock regain a new life. But first they need to stop a great evil. With some help from a race of symbiotes and the leader: Venom

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Trying To Prove It and Getting SWATTED

Later that night we see an airplane coming in to San Francisco and a little girl come out. But what they don't know is that another symbiote was inside that girl's body making her way to the Life Foundation. Speaking of the Life Foundation we see that the previous symbiote has killed Dr Skirth and left her body lying there and Drake was even more pissed that his men couldn't find Eddie, Spike and the girls. Then when Anne heard that Eddie's tests are getting worse she needed to get him back to the doctor. She made it to Eddie's apartment and a bunch of cops were investigating the crime scene and were refusing to let her in. She was starting to worry. Meanwhile at Eddie's old job we see Eddie and the gang walking there.

"Who is Anne? Your pulse has quickened." Venom asked.

"That is none of your goddamn business." Eddie said.

"Everything is my business Eddie. We have no secrets." Venom replied.

"Then I guess you know why we're here before we get to your rocket, huh?" Eddie said back.

"Sure. I'm not unreasonable." Venom answered.

Then Eddie's phone went off as he took this call. After that he sent in the building while the gang waited for him. While he was doing that the other symbiotes were talking to the Spike and the girls.

"Ok who exactly is Anne? Is she like his fiance or something?" Scream wondered.

"Well more like his ex-fiance. See six months ago he had everything. A loving girl he was gonna marry, A great job, and a nice place to sleep. But when he tried telling the truth about Drake they wouldn't believe him. And ended up with him fired and he lost everything." Fluttershy answered.

"Ouch. Well I hope once we get the evidence to his boss they'll rehire him and maybe he'll get his life back and be known as a hero." Scream said.

"I guess so. Um Scream? I'm really surprised that you and the others didn't eat our organs. In fact you all have been really helpful since you first bonded with us." Fluttershy said.

"Well I guess your kindness along with the other elements in your friends are rubbing on us." Scream thought.

"It sure is Scream. And hey Spike here isn't weak after all. For a little boy he sure has a huge dragon beast in him." Lasher commented.

Then Eddie came out with a big frown on his face.

"Girls it's no use. My friend won't let me up there to give the evidence to my old boss. We're screwed." Eddie frowned.

"So how will be get up there?" Sunset asked.

"I think we can take care of that. You all want up? Why didn't you say so?" Hybrid replied.

Then all the symbiote covered the gang and together they all ran and climbed up the building til they reached the very top and got a view of San Francisco.

"Hm. It is peaceful up here. Your world is not so ugly after all. I'm so sorry to see it end." Venom complimented.

"Well if you like that Venom than you should see the view of Canterlot City. It's beautiful like this." Twilight said.

"Hmm. Maybe after we kill Drake we'll definitely check out your hometown." Scorn agreed.

But their sightseeing was cut short when a plane came by and made a really loud noise that the symbiotes did not like and they screamed in pain and sunk back in the girls. Suddenly they slid down the building and they screamed in terror and just when they were about to hit the ground they stopped. They breathed heavy and their hearts were pounding. They looked and saw that the symbiotes all created claws to hang on.

"We got you. Now let's get inside." Phage said.

Then everyone crashed through the window and went straight in the office of his old boss.

"Phage. You gotta stop doing that. You're gonna get us killed." Applejack said.

"if you die, then I die." Phage replied.

"Besides all of you are too good of matches to be thrown away so soon. I'm actually starting to like Pinkie. Even though she's has to understand that not all people can be befriended." Hysteria said.

"Thank you Hysteria. I think we can be friends after this." Pinkie said happy.

So Eddie finished writing the note and placed the phone on the desk and sighed heavy. Venom told him to jump out of the building but Eddie decided to take the elevator instead. But that decision led to him and the gang walking into a trap full of SWAT officers pointing there guns at them.

"Freeze! All of you get on the ground on!!" The SWAT leader yelled.

"Guys, you do not want to do this. Trust me." Eddie warned.

"Yeah. So how about you put your guns down and we'll get out of here?" Sunset offered.

But the officers refused to listen and placed on their masks and continued pointing their guns at them.

"All right, if you idiots aren't going to listen then have it your own way. Masks!!!" Rainbow replied.

"Copy!!" Slasher said as he and the other symbiotes covered them again and they got in battle positions.

"What the hell are those things?!" An officer asked.

Then Hysteria took out a radio from her hair and placed it on the ground. "We are known as the Symbiotic Eight!! And this is our brutality!!" Hysteria yelled as she turned on the radio and it started playing heavy metal music. But not too loud.


(Play this as many times as you want to continue the battle)

The battle begins as the cops shot them but they had no effect. Then they tried throwing smoke bombs but that didn't work either. Then Hysteria formed some cannons on her hands and blasted them away. Lasher jumped and came from behind and bashed two officers with his giant fists. Then Slasher chased three others and formed sharp spikes on his hands and slammed them on the ground causing them to sprout out of the ground and stab them good. But one of the cops tripped and a spike got him in the face!! A group of officers tried looking around for the creatures they are trying to take down but Agony and Scream jumped down and roared in there faces scaring the shit out of them.

"HOLY SHIT!! GO GO GO!!" A second officer said.

Then two officers from the group were caught but Agony and she threw them across the room! Then Scream ran and sprouted two tentacles and stabbed both of them in the chest and ate their heads off!! Then a second group of officers came in the scene as they tried shooting Scream but that annoyed her a lot. Then she formed two axe blades, jumped up and slashed them down on the ground scaring them!! Then more tentacles came out of her back and shot spikes at them and they died!!

On the second floor four officers were looking for the creatures that took out most of the crew by now. But then suddenly Phage appeared and slapped away their guns and threw then off the rafters and they screamed and hit the ground hard. Then one scaredy officer was shaking in his boots as Scorn landed behind him and punched him into the video screen. With Lasher and Slasher they jumped onto the rafters and saw lots of officers shooting them and they needed to get them off their backs. So together they grabbed the ceiling rafters and ripped them off and slammed them on the cops killing them ending the music. Then immediately Venom grabbed an officer while Anne came in and when she saw the whole thing and was in terror and the symbiotes saw her and they sunk into their hosts and they went after her.

"Anne! Wait! That's not me or the girls!!" Eddie reasoned.

"Eddie?! Girls?! WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS?!" Anne screamed.

"Anne calm down! It's those symbiotes! They were doing all this! But don't be scared! They were trying to help us stop Drake and all we were doing is trying to get the evidence to his old boss!" Spike explained.

"I know it sounds crazy, but..." Eddie said.

"Eddie. You and the girls are sick! You're really sick!" Anne feared.

"No! Im scared but the girls aren't!! And we need help!" Eddie replied.

"All of you. Get in the car! I'm getting you to the hospital. Now!" Anne demanded.

The girls, Spike and Eddie did not want to argue at this time. So they all got in the car and Anne drove out to the hospital where Dan works. Hut what none of them realize is that a drone was following them. This will only mean trouble for the heroes when they realize that Drake is not stopping til he gets his symbiote back.

Author's Note:

Oh boy. Hysteria giving them a name and Drake still on the hunt for them. I really hope that they can stop him soon. Also I thought that Rhea's theme was perfect for the battle against those SWAT cops.