• Published 19th Apr 2024
  • 144 Views, 1 Comments

Quantum Village - Kentavritsa

Telestia has been given a model of a Cottage. In the Cottage lives Twilight Sparkle with her Friend May Trotter and their Cat Penelope. This is where their Adventure begins.

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The Entry: 1

Author's Note:

Telestia Sparkle's POV

< --- --- --- >


“Thank you, May!” I respond.

I open the drawer of my Night Stand, only to find the gift I had been promised; in the form of a Headset. It is in a light pinkish complexion, just like my very own.

I lift up the Headset, I had just found in my Night Stand; initially finding it cold to the touch, only for it to warm up to me and activate in the process.

Since it is a Headset; I promptly put it on, pondering how well it could work and how it would feel to wear it.

“Telestia!” I hear Penelope exclaim.

“Yes, that is me!” I respond.

It is just strange, unfamiliar; to talk face-to-face, without actually being face-to-face.

“Wait; aren’t you a Cat, Penelope?” I inquire.

“Yes, and no!” she responds; “Though I guess you should see me, as such!” she then puts forth.

“That.. is confusing!” I concede.

“Yes..” Twilight agrees; “that would be preferable!” she concludes.

“If you wonder..” May puts forth; “We all live, in this Cottage, before you!” she then explains.

“First thing, first!” Twilight points out; “You do enjoy your Head Set?” she inquires.

“Yes..” I respond; “but, of course I do!” I respond; “Why shouldn’t I? I love it, so comfortable and convenient!” I put forth; “Such a thoughtful gift, even if I had not been expecting it in the first place!” I finally concede.

“This may sound silly and ridiculous..” Twilight points out; “but, could you open the door to your wardrobe, please!” she then proposes.

“Well, why not?” I respond, quietly questioning where she is going.

With that, I walk over to my wardrobe; pulling the door open, only to see a room I had never seen before.

“What..” I exclaim; “what, what..” I continue; “is this?” I finally manage to inquire.

“Your Room!” Twilight confirms, with a somewhat bemused tone to her voice as I can see her smiling.

“My.. my room?” I inquire, still stepping into the room, they had presented as mine.

“For whenever you choose to visit us, in Quantum Village..” Penelope explains; “where we live!” she concludes.

I can clearly see a bed, before me; my bed, as it turns out. Only, it is already made. I can see the mate black Silicone sheet, and a crystal clear Pillow and Quilt as well.

How curious!” I ponder; as I am scanning the room, before me.

Of course, I also have a Night Stand crafted out of light Beech Wood with a drawer.

Overhead, the Ceiling is laid with mate black Silicone to hold the LED Star Scape in place.

The Wall is laid with a deep, dark Oak Wood Panel; only covered with a four foot tall pink Cherry Wood Picket Fence.

The floor I am standing on is a dark Oak Wood Parquet, coated with an inch of crystal clear Silicone. While it is soft to walk on, I can also hear the distinct squeaks of each step I take. Curious choice or decision, one would ponder.

Such a warm wooden theme in the Room, even if it is tempered with a touch of applied Silicone!” I ponder, giggling to myself.

For now; I am assuming I am alone in the house. From what I was told, this would be my home; for as long as I am with them, in the Village.

I like the thought, of being welcome. I have a home, I can call my own. While this may be a small bedroom; but it is mine, for as long as I am staying with them.

It isn’t, in being away from my sister: Parma; for all I care, she could live in the next room.

Maybe she would enjoy, living here? Well, why not? I, for one; am looking forwards, to the stay.

Should I, or we see Twilight and May as our Parents; if we choose to live here, together?” I ponder, giggling.

After all, this is Twilight’s Cottage I had been invited to live in.

I never had a Pet, or Cat before; but so long as I see her as a Person, rather than an Animal.

This is just a bit of a strange, unfamiliar Family configuration for me. Not that I would complain, I will just have to get used to my new situation and make the most out of it.

If my Mother had heard of me making fun of a thing like this; I would never hear the end of it, I could never live it down. She certainly would not let this slide, after all.

While this is a bit much to take in and get used to, but it feels like one jolly ride to me.

Maybe I could present this as a Summer Home, to my Friends? Even if I can go here, any time I so please. Even if I just need someone to talk to, or some help with my homework.

Could I truly ask Twilight, May or Penelope for help with my homework? How would they take it? How would they react, on that? I do not know. Maybe I should just wait and see, when I finally do get to it.

All of a sudden, there is a knock on the door; “Knock, knock, knock!”.

Who could this be; Twilight, or May?” I ponder, as I step over to the door; only to stop short, as I realize the door has no handle.

“How do I open the door?” I mumble, to myself.

“You see the Plaque?” Twilight inquires; “The black hexagon to the right of the door!” she then explains.

“Yes..” I respond, "I can clearly see it!” I respond.

“Place your right hand on the Plaque; then spread your fingers wide, in order to open the door” she points out.

“Oh, okay..” I respond, following her instructions.

The door slides up quietly, only to reveal my little Sister Parma standing behind where the door had been; only to slide shut behind her, just as she had cleared the threshold.

“Hi, Sis!” I exclaim; “Welcome in!” I respond.

“Hi, Sis!” she responds, stepping into my room a moment later.

“What do you think, of my room?” I inquire; “Neat!? I then add.

“Uhm, yes!” she responds; “Exactly like my room!” she then adds.

“Guess I would have expected that, from the start!” I put forth.

“We probably should..” she responds; “Yes!” she then adds.

“Since we have a wardrobe, we could as well explore it!” I suggest.

“I came in through the wardrobe on my right, facing the door; which I imagine would be the day wear, or so I imagine!” she concedes.

As I turn around, I find myself facing the three twin doors to my wardrobes; assuming my sister still is by my side, following me to the wardrobe she had assumed was for the day wear.

“Okay..” I proclaim; “here we go!” I continue; “Let’s see..” I suggest; “if the right wardrobe is containing the day wear!” I conclude, as I walk over to the wardrobe.

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