Quantum Village

by Kentavritsa

First published

Telestia has been given a model of a Cottage. In the Cottage lives Twilight Sparkle with her Friend May Trotter and their Cat Penelope. This is where their Adventure begins.

Telestia is given a model Cottage by her Mother.

The Cottage is inhabited by: Twilight Sparkle, May Trotter and their Cat Penelope.

She finds herself and her younger sister: Parma invited in to the Cottage by Twilight herself

As if the Cottage had not been enough of a gift, she also receive a gift from Twilight.

How will she react? What could Twilight have given her? How would her younger sister react?

< --- --- --- >

Illustration: N/A

Written by: Kentavritsa

Edited by: Kentavritsa

Re-edited by: ???

Aproved: Moderator

Rating: Everyone

Status: Incomplete

Puns: Intended

Prequel: Twilight Quantum Electronics

Sequel: Intended

< --- --- --- >

Unpublished Chapter(s): 03


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The Panorama has performed its purpose. The Demonstration of the Technology and the design had been conveyed to the intended target audience. It had been far too cheap to produce, to request for it to be returned, after the consideration as well.

From the initial appearance, this should have been far too fragile; to be put out, as a mere toy. However, on closer inspection; the crafter had put an effort into the job, ensuring to make the point. The quality and durability is worthy of being presented for consideration.

Just, that it may be put to better use; entertaining a child, than collecting dust on the shelf of our storage. I do not intend to needlessly destroy it for no reason, though.

Thankfully, I do have a daughter in the proper age; who just may be interested, in receiving this as a gift. If this had not been the case, I would have donated this to the cause; to entertain a child, who could enjoy this for all it is worth. Well, why not? It wouldn’t cost me anything.

I could have chosen, to order it disassembled in order to gain knowledge; but this could have been seen, as acting in bad faith. Something I could not make myself do, in the position in which I am.

This offer is looking far too good, to pass up. I had had it examined close enough to see; to know it would also be safe, for a child to play with. What I did not know; is the secrets still held within the construction of what appears to be a mere toy, in the form of a perfectly scaled down cottage, one could otherwise have lived in.

In the end, I had opted to take it home with me; wrapped as a gift to my Daughter, after all the related paperwork had been properly filed for this item of course. Never neglect to file the paperwork first; it may come back to bite you later, it always will. For an accomplished Academic, you simply can not take the chance it will miss you.

While I guess I could have mailed it, or have a courier carry it for me; in order to move it to the location, but I had still chosen to carry it in person.

I had just arrived at my home, stepping out of the vehicle; walking the short distance to the front door of my home. Since my Daughter is home, already; the door is unlocked. As a matter of fact, she is even opening the door for me; just as I step up to the door

“Mummy, Mummy!” she exclaims.

“Santa Clause is early, this year!” I tease her; “I have a gift for you, today!” I continue, as I am presenting her with the Cottage Panorama that had so conveniently landed in my lap.

“Santa Clause?” she inquires, curious and perplexed.

“It’s the bringer of gifts, for all the Good girls!” I explain.

“Thank you, Mummy!” she merely responds, as she is accepting the gift I am bringing home for her to play with.

“Have fun!” I put forth, as I see her run off to her room.

“I will!” she responds, excitedly.

She always love gifts, when I bring them to her!” I ponder, giggling; “Well, why not?” I continue.

I had closed the door behind me carefully, after I had stepped into my room. I always do, quietly.

With the package still in my hands; I walk over to my desk, placing the package on the table-top.

Now I am examining the package, and its wrapping. I do not shake the box. That’s just a silly practice I grew out of years ago.

Far too eager, to see the gift; I soon set off to unwrap the box, to see the fairly unassuming surface of a cardboard box with nothing more than a valid address to my Mother’s office.

“Let’s see, what Santa Clause brought over this time!” I mumble to myself.

The box is quiet, of course; not a sound is escaping it, right now. Well, why should it be making any sound, or noise in the first place? It is just a box, after all. Well, some toys do make sounds, or produce noises. Particularly if rattled, or provoked.

I lean over, breaking the seal of the box; slowly, carefully opening the box at the top. Flipping the two topmost flaps open; then the two secondary flaps, holding the content firmly in place.

A bit of a let-down, or disappointment; but it only reveals the packing block. Well, maybe this should have been expected; the package had been mailed to my Mother’s office in the first place. Packages may be handled roughly, with the mail, or in transport, in general. Even I knew that.

Now, resolutely determined to reveal the gift she had brought home for me, I carefully pull the white block out of the box, once more leaning over its mysterious content.

“Wait, what?” I exclaim, as I see what is hidden within the package; “A perfect scale model of a Cottage!” I conclude.

I lean forwards, reaching in and grabs the model in my hands with great care. If this is my gift, I have to extract it with great care; not to break it, or by any means damage what I had been given.

Only as I am pulling the Cottage out of the box, do I notice that it is one single peace.

I had noticed that there is a street at the front with street lights and everything, but still.

A bit unusual roof tiles; but otherwise, it looks like a perfectly fine Cottage one could have lived in!” I observe.

“Wait; these are actual, functional solar Panels?” I exclaim, as it hits home.

“And, of course the indoors light works as well!” I put forth; “Well, why not?” I question.

If this is a Cottage model of that quality; what more is in there, waiting for me to discover?” I ponder.

If the scale of the building had been correct, I could indeed have been living in this cottage.

It even has a Mailbox by the street with a name on it and everything.

Twilight Sparkle” the name reads.

Looking closer; it has the mark of Twilight Sparkle, in the form of her Stars in a perfectly replicated formation.

I take a break; slipping the bock back into the box while keeping the cottage model on my desk, closing the box and setting it aside before I return my attention to the cottage I had just been given.

Santa Clause!” I ponder; “Was that a Pun, or a miss pronunciation on her part?” I continue, questioning.

As I return my attention towards the Cottage on my desk, something had clearly changed. I just can’t quite put a finger on exactly what, or how.

The next moment, the door on the front of the cottage swings open and Twilight trots out.

“Greetings; I am Twilight Sparkle!” she proclaims.

“Greetings, Twilight…” I respond, taken aback by the sudden appearance of the purple Pony exiting the Cottage before me.

The next moment, a Girl and a Cat follows the Pony out of the house.

“I am May Trotter, and this is our Cat: Penelope!” she presents herself and the Cat she is indicating with a gesture of her right hand.

Oh – kay, this is officially Weird!” I ponder; “Hi, May and Penelope!” I then continue.

“Nice to meet you!” May exclaims.

“Likewise!” Twilight responds, with a smile spreading out over her face.

“I do have a gift, for you; if you care to open the drawer of your night stand, to pick it up!” May proclaims, in a rather jovial tone.

Wait, you do?” I ponder; “Thank you, May!” I respond, as I am turning towards my night stand.

< --- --- --- >

The Entry: 1

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“Thank you, May!” I respond.

I open the drawer of my Night Stand, only to find the gift I had been promised; in the form of a Headset. It is in a light pinkish complexion, just like my very own.

I lift up the Headset, I had just found in my Night Stand; initially finding it cold to the touch, only for it to warm up to me and activate in the process.

Since it is a Headset; I promptly put it on, pondering how well it could work and how it would feel to wear it.

“Telestia!” I hear Penelope exclaim.

“Yes, that is me!” I respond.

It is just strange, unfamiliar; to talk face-to-face, without actually being face-to-face.

“Wait; aren’t you a Cat, Penelope?” I inquire.

“Yes, and no!” she responds; “Though I guess you should see me, as such!” she then puts forth.

“That.. is confusing!” I concede.

“Yes..” Twilight agrees; “that would be preferable!” she concludes.

“If you wonder..” May puts forth; “We all live, in this Cottage, before you!” she then explains.

“First thing, first!” Twilight points out; “You do enjoy your Head Set?” she inquires.

“Yes..” I respond; “but, of course I do!” I respond; “Why shouldn’t I? I love it, so comfortable and convenient!” I put forth; “Such a thoughtful gift, even if I had not been expecting it in the first place!” I finally concede.

“This may sound silly and ridiculous..” Twilight points out; “but, could you open the door to your wardrobe, please!” she then proposes.

“Well, why not?” I respond, quietly questioning where she is going.

With that, I walk over to my wardrobe; pulling the door open, only to see a room I had never seen before.

“What..” I exclaim; “what, what..” I continue; “is this?” I finally manage to inquire.

“Your Room!” Twilight confirms, with a somewhat bemused tone to her voice as I can see her smiling.

“My.. my room?” I inquire, still stepping into the room, they had presented as mine.

“For whenever you choose to visit us, in Quantum Village..” Penelope explains; “where we live!” she concludes.

I can clearly see a bed, before me; my bed, as it turns out. Only, it is already made. I can see the mate black Silicone sheet, and a crystal clear Pillow and Quilt as well.

How curious!” I ponder; as I am scanning the room, before me.

Of course, I also have a Night Stand crafted out of light Beech Wood with a drawer.

Overhead, the Ceiling is laid with mate black Silicone to hold the LED Star Scape in place.

The Wall is laid with a deep, dark Oak Wood Panel; only covered with a four foot tall pink Cherry Wood Picket Fence.

The floor I am standing on is a dark Oak Wood Parquet, coated with an inch of crystal clear Silicone. While it is soft to walk on, I can also hear the distinct squeaks of each step I take. Curious choice or decision, one would ponder.

Such a warm wooden theme in the Room, even if it is tempered with a touch of applied Silicone!” I ponder, giggling to myself.

For now; I am assuming I am alone in the house. From what I was told, this would be my home; for as long as I am with them, in the Village.

I like the thought, of being welcome. I have a home, I can call my own. While this may be a small bedroom; but it is mine, for as long as I am staying with them.

It isn’t, in being away from my sister: Parma; for all I care, she could live in the next room.

Maybe she would enjoy, living here? Well, why not? I, for one; am looking forwards, to the stay.

Should I, or we see Twilight and May as our Parents; if we choose to live here, together?” I ponder, giggling.

After all, this is Twilight’s Cottage I had been invited to live in.

I never had a Pet, or Cat before; but so long as I see her as a Person, rather than an Animal.

This is just a bit of a strange, unfamiliar Family configuration for me. Not that I would complain, I will just have to get used to my new situation and make the most out of it.

If my Mother had heard of me making fun of a thing like this; I would never hear the end of it, I could never live it down. She certainly would not let this slide, after all.

While this is a bit much to take in and get used to, but it feels like one jolly ride to me.

Maybe I could present this as a Summer Home, to my Friends? Even if I can go here, any time I so please. Even if I just need someone to talk to, or some help with my homework.

Could I truly ask Twilight, May or Penelope for help with my homework? How would they take it? How would they react, on that? I do not know. Maybe I should just wait and see, when I finally do get to it.

All of a sudden, there is a knock on the door; “Knock, knock, knock!”.

Who could this be; Twilight, or May?” I ponder, as I step over to the door; only to stop short, as I realize the door has no handle.

“How do I open the door?” I mumble, to myself.

“You see the Plaque?” Twilight inquires; “The black hexagon to the right of the door!” she then explains.

“Yes..” I respond, "I can clearly see it!” I respond.

“Place your right hand on the Plaque; then spread your fingers wide, in order to open the door” she points out.

“Oh, okay..” I respond, following her instructions.

The door slides up quietly, only to reveal my little Sister Parma standing behind where the door had been; only to slide shut behind her, just as she had cleared the threshold.

“Hi, Sis!” I exclaim; “Welcome in!” I respond.

“Hi, Sis!” she responds, stepping into my room a moment later.

“What do you think, of my room?” I inquire; “Neat!? I then add.

“Uhm, yes!” she responds; “Exactly like my room!” she then adds.

“Guess I would have expected that, from the start!” I put forth.

“We probably should..” she responds; “Yes!” she then adds.

“Since we have a wardrobe, we could as well explore it!” I suggest.

“I came in through the wardrobe on my right, facing the door; which I imagine would be the day wear, or so I imagine!” she concedes.

As I turn around, I find myself facing the three twin doors to my wardrobes; assuming my sister still is by my side, following me to the wardrobe she had assumed was for the day wear.

“Okay..” I proclaim; “here we go!” I continue; “Let’s see..” I suggest; “if the right wardrobe is containing the day wear!” I conclude, as I walk over to the wardrobe.

< --- --- --- >

Dressing Up

Dressing Up: 2

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My older Sister: Telestia had just opened the doors to the wardrobe on the right; exposing the content of her day-time wardrobe, to us.

While I had been expecting her wardrobe to be empty, it still contains a selection of clothes or garments for her to wear. Should I have been shocked? Or even surprised? Well, why bother.

In one corner, I can see the tops and panties in sets comfortably hanging. Just waiting for her to pick and choose. Quite convenient, I’d might add.

She has Skirts and Blouses, just hanging there, waiting for her to choose them. There are socks and stockings in five different lengths; from barely covering the ankle, to the full-length that does not leave even the top of the thigh bare. Well, why not.

Furthermore, she also has vests; intended to be worn over the blouse, or so I imagine.

Finally; she also has shirts and pants: long, medium and short.

Naturally; everything is in the same theme, as the Room itself. What had I been expecting?

Should I be jealous, or worried; considering the clothes or garments, she had been afforded? I don’t know. I guess I had the same spread, if and when I am exploring my Room, and more to the point: my Wardrobe. If I don’t like the offered wears, I could always choose to wear my old clothes I am wearing right now. Couldn’t I?

On closer inspection; the doors of her wardrobe also have a mirror, just as the inside of the wardrobe is covered with one single, large mirror as well.

Curious enough, there is no Star Skape in the Wardrobe.

“So many pretty Ensembles!” she exclaims, as she is ogling the content of the wardrobe she had just opened.

“What would you like to try on?” I inquire.

“Hmm, let me see!” she responds, scanning the content; her eyes sliding over one option after another, until she finally extends her hands and extract the first garment to catch her fancy.

“If not for one small detail; you will have to undress or disrobe, before you can put it on!” I observe; “Then again, it is just you and me here..” I put forth; “none will be the wiser!” I conclude.

“Yes..” she responds; “but I do want to try these on, right now!” she declares.

“Then I could leave the room..” I suggest; “and you can come over to my room, once you have changed into what you intend to try on!” I point out.

“Yes..” she responds; “I guess; that would work!” she confirms.

With that, I am walking out of her room; stepping into my own room, in the hopes of exploring my options. The door quietly slides shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. What a chock? Well, why? I guess this had been established by now. This is how the doors work, in this Village.

No point, in questioning the traditions of a place you have never been to before. After all, this is my first time in Quantum Village.

< --- --- --- >


As I stand before the pile of clothes, I had been wearing as I entered my new room; I am looking into my wardrobe, examining the options I had before me.

Everything is smooth, glossy and brand new.

I try to find the tags, explaining the brand and how to wash the clothes; the only thing I can find is the tag reading: “Rarity”.

Strange..” I ponder; “I never heard of the brand before!” I conclude.

I end up picking a pair of bright Cerise panties; stepping into them right and left, before pulling them all the way up. The first thing striking me, is the liquid elasticity of the material, aside from the slippery smooth surface making the garment eagerly sliding all the way up.

As I let go of the panties, they slide into place; without making me apply the effort, of adjusting them in the first place.

“Oh, oh, oh.. oooh!” I exclaim.

These fit me perfectly, almost too well!” I ponder; “Almost, as if they had been painted on my skin, rather than being actual clothes!” I conclude.

“Well, maybe I could still wear than while I am here; even if I may have to change back, before I leave!” I mutter, somewhat bothered and irritated by the fact.

If I wear panties, I should wear the top as well; and I have a matching top in the same Cerise hue too!” I ponder, as I am extracting the garment from within my wardrobe.

I slide the top down; feeling the liquid elasticity of the material, aside from the slippery wetness of the inner surface of the material the top had been crafted out of. Just as the panties, the top eagerly slides into place, only settling as they had found their desired position. A perfect fit. Well, why not? This does feel quite good, if I could say so myself.

If she can’t see the underwear, under my clothes; she would not complain, about me wearing them. Would she? I certainly hope she wouldn’t!” I ponder.

Only with the top on, I wish I had a trampoline, or some such contraption close by. It isn’t, that I play with these often; it is just that the top made me feel as if it would have been fun, right now.

With the underwear on: Panties and Top; I turn my focus back towards the wardrobe, and the content it is containing. A promise, of new clothes to wear. It is exciting, no end; just picturing, what I could be wearing the next time. Aside from, what I am about to slip into, right now.

Skirt or Pants? For now; I will go with the skirt, just for simplicity’s sake. If I am wearing a Skirt, I can slip my Stockings on afterwards. Couldn’t I? If I wore the Pants; this would limit what I could put on afterwards, after all.

I could always wear knee-long socks outside, most any day; and none would be complaining, or so I imagine..” I ponder; “but right now, I feel like trying on the full-length stockings!” I conclude.

I end up selecting a knee-long tight skirt, I could not have worn; if not for the materials Rarity had employed, could I? A nice, tight and glossy skirt.

With the skirt in hand, I step into it right and left; only to pull it all the way up, enjoying the sensations elicited by the material sliding all the way up my legs. Almost, as if it had been swallowing my legs. I feel the tight skirt stretch as I pull it up my legs, contracting as it slides the rest of the way up over my hips and waist. The skirt settles, stopping just where Rarity’s design dictates for it to stop.

This Silicone White Blouse looks just right!” I ponder, as I extract the garment from where it is hanging in the wardrobe.

I slide my hand into the sleeves, right and left; feeling the garment eagerly swallow my arms, only for my hands to exit on the other side. The sleeves are a bit tight, the material white and glossy; just what I am fancying, at this moment. Why would I choose anything else? Even if I may have enough options left, to choose from.

The only thing left to do, is buttoning the blouse up; from the first button at the very bottom, to the last one up under my chin. Maybe this gives a bit strict impression, but I still enjoy how it is making me feel.

With, or without the top under; it still leaves me feeling comfortable, with a bit of a giddy, tingling sensation inside.

“Time to try these full-length stockings!” I proclaim, quietly to myself; as I pick up the right stocking, slipping my foot into it.

The tight material contracting around my foot, eagerly swallowing my foot and leg, with eager anticipation. I set my foot down onto the floor; just as I had pulled the stocking all the way up. Just as expected, it slides all the way up, only to stop just before my panties; leaving nothing more than a thin line, between the two garments. No hint of flesh, just the glossy and smooth Silicone white material covering the entire leg.

With the right stocking on, I select the left one up as I am standing firmly on my right foot; repeating the process, slipping the left stocking on.

Only as I once more stand firmly on my own two feet, can I afford to take the moment of looking down; only to realize that I had chosen a pair of toe-stockings, not the regular once I had been expecting.

Well, why not?” I ponder; “Rarity would not lend her name, to anything less than Fabulous; would she?” I conclude.

Why should she?” I consider.

For as long as I am here..” I ponder; “why not try something out, just to see how it feels?” I ponder.

Now I am extracting a pair of ultra short socks. Since I had gone with just black and white, I opt for the black hue. Well, why not? I could have chosen a pair of Cerise once, couldn’t I? It just felt wrong, to break with the style I had built up. As much as I love colours, particularly bright and saturated colours; but a mishmash of clashing colours, is never good. Not even for me.

I pull the socks on, right and left; almost as if they had been Galoshes, pulled over a pair of Shoes.

Why did this image come before me? I have no idea. Yet, it is the image that had come before me, all the same.

As I set my right and left foot down, onto the floor; there is an eager Squeak, Squeak.

A bright and jolly giggle is raising up in my throat; just as a smile is spreading out on my face, as I look at my reflection.

“That just happened!” I breathe, pondering the effect of the garments I had just chosen to put on.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak…” I giggle.

The next instant, my sister Telestia enters the room, looking at me. Squeaks are heard, with every step she is taking.

“You chose the same garments, as I chose!” she observes; “Did you choose the Cerise underwear too?” she then inquires.

“Yes..” I respond; "but how did you know?” I inquire.

“While the selection may be plenty-full..” she responds; “but I choose the hue for the same reason you did!” she concludes.

“I guess you are my sister, after all!” I just observe.

< --- --- --- >

Coming Out

Coming Out: 4

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I lift up my right hand, extending the palm onto the plaque by the side of the door; spreading my fingers wide, in order to open the door. I step out, with my older sister: Telestia in tow; only for the door to slide shut behind her, as she had cleared the threshold.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk towards the flight of stairs down to the ground floor.

I can’t quite help, but smiling. The squeaking noises following us down the stairs. Of course they are following us, wherever we go; it isn’t, as if they could go anywhere else. They can’t leave us, more than we could leave them.

Well, short of slipping the socks and stockings of off our feet, that is.

I have no intention to do that. I doubt my sister would, either. Well, there you have it.

There is a soft pitter-patter, as we walk down the flight of stairs. I do not slip, not as much as a hint of slipping. What I had not been expecting, is now revealed; as my feet stick to the hard oak-wood the stairs had been laid with, almost as if the wood had been sticky.

“Oh, oh..” I hear my sister exclaiming; as the realization is hitting home for her too.

“Yes..” I respond; “quite convenient, wouldn’t you say?” I inquire.

“I wasn’t looking forwards, to slipping and falling down the entire flight of stairs..” she declares; “I’m not into either Pain, or the Embarrassment that would ensue the incident!” she points out, in no uncertain terms.

“Me neither!” I respond.

“Not as if I had been wishing it upon anyone else..” she puts forth; Even if I guess I wouldn’t prevent anyone, who wanted to!” she concludes.

“Not our place to judge?” I inquire.

“Exactly!” she puts forth.

“I don’t like being Judged..” I put forth; “this could be our private refuge, from judgment and praying eyes?” I suggest.

“You just pull down the curtains, and no outsiders can see you!” she suggests.

“Who even know you have the Cottage?” Twilight inquires, snickering.

“Mum gave it to me..” Telestia puts forth; “so I guess, that should be safe!” she suggests.

“Guess who constructed the Cottage?” May proposes.

“No idea..” I concede; “it was a gift, from my Mum..” I continue; “she did not explain how or where she got it..” I explain; “and I can’t see any sign of who made it, or why!” I conclude.

“Twilight made it..” May points out; “as a Panorama, to demonstrate a product!” she elaborates.

“Your Mother is by no chance the Headmaster of the local University?” Twilight inquires.

“Yes!” Telestia responds, somewhat uncertain as to how that would explain anything.

“Twilight is marketing an entirely new, revolutionary Solar Panel..” Telestia explains.

“As a Scholar, the local University was the obvious choice!” Twilight points out.

“Oh, ok..” I put forth; “I guess; that would make sense, at least!” I concede.

“Twilight, if you are a scholar..” Telestia inquires; “does this mean; you could or would help me, us with Homework and studies too?” she then continues.

“Oh, but of course, Telestia..” Twilight responds; “that would be my pleasure; to help you out with Homework, Studies and even Independent Research!” she proclaims.

“Wait..” I exclaim; “you would do that, for us; Twilight?” I inquire.

“You two would have to put in some effort into it, of course..” Twilight concedes; “but I would be by your side, every step of the way; helping and guiding you to learn everything you want to know, so that you can go where you want to go and become who you want to be!” she confirms, quite eagerly.

“You are the best, Twilight!” we exclaim, as one.

It is too easy, to sugarcoat the details; hiding the fact, that result requires effort on your part. In the end, it would have come out as a lie. A lie, worse than just outright lying to the face.

I am not sure of what I want to become, in the future; but I have realized, I want to live here and be a friend of Twilight, May and Penelope.

Well, why not? I can live a good life, right here. Not a care in the world, just enjoying life as a Family, with a small group of friends.

“Just give me some time, explain what you want; and I will set up the plan for you, so that you can learn everything you need for the future!” Twilight States, as a Promise for the Future ahead of us.

“You could always bring in your school books, so we can study together..”May suggests; “and to give Twilight and me an idea, as to exactly where the two of you are now!” she then points out.

“I will bring the books, later today..” I promise; “along with the other scholastic material; such as schedule and other tools and equipment I have!” I continue.

“Me too, me too..” Telestia fills in.

“That is good!” Twilight agrees; “but right now; I think we should focus on breakfast, to get the day started properly!” she concludes.

With that; Twilight trots of towards the kitchen, in order to prepare our breakfast together.

“This will be so much fun!” I proclaim.

“Just imagine the Teachers, when they collect out tests next time..” Telestia puts forth, giggling.

“I should join the scholastic adventure..” May puts forth; “if for nothing more, than avoiding to be left out!!” she explains; “but for now, before we get to enjoy the breakfast; I do enjoy your style, a simple and united sense of unity!” she prompts.

“At least, for as long as we are here with you; we can wear these clothes with pride, enjoying ourselves here!” Telestia responds.

“At least, within the limits of Quantum Village; the Style, and the clothes will be perfectly fine!” May confirms.

“But..” I put forth; “A Village is more than just a single Cottage?” I inquire.

“Yes..” Penelope agrees; “Technically; a Village requires a group of homes, in a reasonably organized formation!” she fills in.

“No problems..” May puts forth; “We can always add a few more Cottages, at will!” she explains; “If and when we so desire, all based on what we need at any given time!” she concludes.

“Oh?” I inquire.

“I can pull a Cottage out of the Eather!” Twilight suggests; “I can even teach you, how to perform the feat!” she explains.

“This Cottage was crafted in Twilight town, by Twilight herself!” May puts forth.

“Wait..” Telestia prompts; “you can teach us how?” she inquires.

“You can call up the Schematics, from the schematics library..” May explains; “via the controls to the Television set in the living room!” she explains.

“Wait..” I inquire; “but; that sounds a bit, too easy!” I prompt.

“Weeeeell..”May starts; “it probably should have been!” she concedes; “Just that May drew Twilight on her Stylus; only to wake up, facing Twilight rendered before her!” she explained.

“You sketched up Twilight, on your Stylus?” I inquire.

“Not me!” May confesses; I am just part of the cottage Twilight crafted for the demonstration!” she continues; “That is this Cottage, in which we all live!” she points out.

“If Twilight crafted our Cottage, all by herself; I am still impressed, by her feat!” I put forth.

“That IS rather impressive, I guess!” May concedes.

“Who is Rarity?” I inquire.

“She is one of Twilights Original Friends..” May explains; “and a citizen of Twilight Town!” she explains.

“Oh..” I exclaim, as I am stepping into our Dining Room.

Naturally, the table is made. Just as our breakfast had been served.

< --- --- --- >

the Scholastic Council

the Scholastic Council: 5

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Of course Twilight had rendered me and my sister Parma our own Styluses and Phonies. No problem, and no questions asked. Naturally; it had not cost her a single bit, but still.

Telestia Sparkle” reads the back of my Phonie and Stylus respectively; "Parma Sparkle” reads on the back of my sister’s Electronics.

“Telestia!” Twilight mumbles; “Yes..” I respond; “what is it” I inquire; “Just that your name reminds me of my old Mentor: Celestia!” she responds.

“When you put it like that, I guess that IS Curious, isn’t it?” I suggest.

“She did mean a great deal for you, Twilight; didn’t she?” I inquire.

“I guess you could say that, in a way!” she responds; “Even if that was a different Twilight, and in very different times!” she concludes.

“Maybe you could honour her, and her memory; by helping us with our studies, Twilight!” I suggest.

“She would love that..” Twilight responds; “even if she may never learn of it!” she puts forth.

“We honour the People we care about, and their memories; even if they never learn of it!” I suggest.

“Sometimes, you learn something new; when you teach something, too!” Parma pipes in.

“Sometimes, we do!” Twilight agrees.

“Could you teach us Ponish and Equestrian History?” Parma inquires.

“Yes, I could..” Twilight responds; “if you want to learn, just for the fun of it; while I doubt anyone else would understand, what you say!” she concludes.

“Sometimes, that’s the point!” I suggest; “Just you and the select few initiated will understand!” I put forth.

“If you really enjoy studying and learning new things..” Twilight suggests; “I could always teach you the theoretical Magic!” she proposes.

“Aside from English and Ponish..” Parma puts forth; “Italian, Arabic, Russian, Japanese..” she continues.

“Then we need Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry…” I point out.

“These will be most useful subjects to master!” Twilight concedes.

“Maybe Science, Architecture, Engineering and Schematics would be fun too!” I add.

“Not sure if they are all that fun, but they could prove very useful to master!” Twilight puts forth; “Any of these could be the basis of a career, if you become proficient enough!” she concludes.

“I want to understand the world around me..” Parma points out; “rather than being someone’s chewing toy, or be crushed under the heel of whatever comes around!” she explains.

“If we take it one step at the time, I am sure we can get there..” Twilight opines; “but you could as well start with the Languages right away, before the Window of Opportunity starts to close; then it will become progressively harder to learn your preferred Languages!” Twilight explains.


“Oh, okay!” I respond, as I am activating the App she had installed for me.

“Neat!” Parma concedes, as she is examining what she had been given.

“Depending on your progress, I can always adjust these schedules for you..” Twilight explains; “and make allowance for objects outside of our control!” she concludes.

“Now our grades will be soaring to yet unimaginable heights!” Parma exclaims, in excitement.

“With dedication, you can reach the peak of your capacity..” Twilight puts forth; “with competent planning and by following the schedule, we have set up; you can optimize your time, in order to have the time to enjoy yourself and take care of yourself as well!” she explains.

“So last minute studying for a test, is out?” Parma inquires.

“Pace yourself, to avoid that catastrophe and all the painful stress that comes with it!” Twilight states firmly.

“Then we can have time for fun and games?” Parma inquires; “Play and tasty food could make everything so much more enjoyable!” she puts forth.

“The schedule needs to make allowance for: Fun and Games, too.” Twilight agrees; “and nothing could be done, properly; without the tasty food, too!” she concludes.

“Thus breakfast is first on the schedule, for each and every day…” I suggest.

“Exactly!” Twilight responds, confirming the statement firmly.

“Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and supper are all scheduled as Family Events; where everyone can enjoy the meal together..” May declares; “and if none objects, I guess I could claim this position!” she concludes.

“These meals will be served, each and every day; no exception, and you could even drop in even if you are at school!” Twilight points out; Just in case you are not satisfied with what they stand to offer!” she explains.

“There is no excuse, to miss out on a good meal!” May states, in no uncertain terms.

“I don’t enjoy being hungry, but sometimes the food isn’t worth looking at!” I concede.

“No hangry little girls, in this house!” Twilight points out.

“Hangry?” Parma inquires.

“It is when you lose your temper; because you had not had enough, to eat!” May explains.

“A good meal puts an end to all Hangry events!” Twilight proposes.

“I am all for that!” I and my little sister Parma declare, as one.


I watch Twilight and May flipping through the pages of my books.

“Curious..” Twilight puts forth; “oh..” she exclaims; “Interesting..” she concedes; “Is that so?” she inquires.

Naturally, Twilight had managed to get her hoof on each and every one of the books I was to study; all assuming nothing were to happen, or I were to move to another school, of course. Well, you never know.

Things do happen. Just as they choose to swap books, every once in a while. Something that will happen, when you are working under a system with no solid anchor, such as we have here. Ass opposed to the situation in Equestria; where the Ruling Princess sits on her throne for Millenia unopposed and unquestioned.

She could have the books updated, if and when relevant; but beyond that, the books stay the same.

You only need to place a Preservation Charm on the book, and it will stay pristine to the end of time. How convenient. Guess I would not mind.


I will just have to write a few tests, to get an image of where you are and how well you grasp the given materials!” Twilight points out.

“Don’t view this as a Punishment..” May suggest; “it’s just to help us guiding you through your Education!” she points out.

“I just want you to stay ahead of the Curve, so you will not be kicked to the Curb!” Twilight explains; “If you understand everything, before your Class get to it, your Grades will improve by default!” she points out.

“That could make us Popular, but will most likely make others Envious of us in the Process!” I put forth.

“I don’t want to be the Teacher’s Pet!” Parma reflects.

“Then we will just have to be prepared..” Twilight suggests; “and take steps to make sure you never get in an uncomfortable position!” she then adds.

“Not your fault, you were born into an Academic Environment!” May points out.

“Academic environment?” Parma inquires.

“Your Mother is the Headmaster of the Local University..” May points out; “the University is the Crown of Academia, after all!” she explains.

“Yes, she is!” I agree.

“So, our mother being the Headmaster of the university is Academic environment?” Parma Inquires.

Yes, exactly!” May confirms.

“Oh!” I respond, as I watch my little Sister: Parma giggling.

On that note, I think you could enjoy some special Gymnastic Equipment!” Twilight suggest.

“Could a Trampoline be included in this expression?” Parma inquires.

“Or, a Treadmill?” I inquire.

“I think I could install these, in our basement..” Twilight concedes; “but be aware of the consequences; if and when these choose to manifest themselves, later on!” she urges.

“The treadmill is a means to exercise indoors, even if it is rainy outdoors!” May suggests.

“I was just picturing the trampoline would be fun, when I changed into the clothes you gave us!” Parma explains.

“I think we should be installing a new changing room, and showers next to the exercise room..” May proposes; “then add a large room for Gymnastic Exercises!” she prompts.

“Sounds like only too much fun!” Parma exclaims, in overtly obvious excitement.

< --- --- --- >

A Gymnastic Exercise

A Gymnastic Exercise: 6

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“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk down the stairs to the basement.

I’m so eager, to see what they prepared for us!” I ponder; as I continue down the flight of stairs, to the basement.

Of course, they had preserved the overall theme of our home. Why wouldn’t they? What’s the point of setting up an entirely new theme, just for the basement? Or, the gymnastic part of it, for that matter? I have no idea.

There is a small space, before I face the first door. Beyond the door, I find a long hall lined with doors on the right side. On the left side, I find but the one door, leading to the changing room. I open the door, step in and the door slides shut behind me.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk into the room.

There is a wooden bench on the right and left side respectively.

At the end of the wall, I have the shower and the little Girl’s room. There is the Mare’s room on the other side. Between these two doors, I can see the door, leading to the large Gymnastics room. It is large, Huge; almost as if they had intended this space to hold a fancy ball for a large crowd.

On my right, I have the treadmill; on my left, I find the Trampoline. On the far wall, I can see the door to the equipment, intended for our gymnastic exercises.

The distance is irrelevant, I still ignore the door to the equipment. I am not interested in the equipment, as I have no need for it right now.

It is the Trampoline; I am interested in, right now.

The trampoline is a Hexagonal surface with crystal clear membranes to enclose it for safety. Both of the one inside, and the once outside.

I walk up to the side of the Trampoline, extending my right hand. I feel the crystal clear membrane yielding, slipping aside as I am stepping in; slowly and reverently setting foot on the black Silicone, feeling its hard surface under my feet.

The black surface is cool and smooth, mate; as I step in; only to warm up under my feet, soon taking on the glossy and glittering quality.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard; as I jump up and down on the trampoline, I had been promised.

“Does it have to be warmed up, in order to activate?” I ponder; I had not been expecting this.

Yet, I guess it was not all that far out there; when I consider everything else, here. Like the Headset I had been given.

I feel the surface stretching, yielding to the force of my weight underfoot with each bounce; but I can not feel the effect of the bounce, on my chest. Not that I had all that large breasts. I am not old enough to have the bust to pride myself of. Had I been the girl, or woman; taking a special pride, in the size of my Breasts in the first place.

While I may view them, as a sign of growing up; but I am not hoping for them to be large, or any larger than they actually have to be. What’s the fun in that? I have no idea.

“Boing, boing, boing; boing, boing, boing; boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as I keep bouncing up and down.

This is fun!” I ponder, giggling to myself in the tight enclosure.

The space had been enclosed, for the safety of me inside; just as it is, for the safety of those who may be outside.

If I were to go too far from the center of the elastic surface of the trampoline, I would hit the hard surface of the floor; which I would not want to do, as I would make a hard impact. Painful, and not very fun at all. I could not even make myself wish this, on anyone else; even if I couldn’t make myself stop anyone, who were desiring the experience for themselves either. It just is not my place to judge, or make the decision for them.

I made the decision for myself, to explore the Trampoline; to enjoy the experience it is offering me, in the process.

“This is fun..”, I put forth; ”but maybe I did get a bit higher, than I had intended!” I ponder.

“Squeak!” is heard, as my feet hit the surface.

“Oh, oh!” I exclaim, as it hit home what I had just done.

I did not know, I could do that!” I ponder; as the soles of my feet stick to the surface underfoot, if just slightly.

“Squeak.. squeak..” is heard, as the sticky grip of the soles of my feet slowly, gradually slow down my bounces.

It isn’t, as if I had wanted to stop; but this would prove a quick and safe way to slow down, if and when I need to stop and step off of the Trampoline. Just as this could be both fun, and useful in other situations. Or, so I imagine

The question is, just how much control of the effect, I could have. Or, just how strong suction I could achieve. It is suction, not a sticky surface under the soles of my feet. As opposed to what one may have believed, or wanted it to be. Well; maybe, just maybe I could apply both or either. Could I? Or, couldn’t I?

Still, neat. Very convenient.

Since I did not want to stop, I try to jump higher. The suction vanishes, all of a sudden; thus I find myself able to jump higher, once more.

It isn’t, as if I were about to hit the ceiling; I had just found it a bit uncomfortable, jumping this high. Maybe I am new to this, but still. It just takes a while to get used to it.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as I keep bouncing up and down.

“Squeak.. squeak.. squeak.. squeak..” is heard, as I tentatively try to assert my control of the suction.

“Squeak!” is heard, as my feet hit the surface of the trampoline.

I find myself bouncing slightly for a moment, but the suction holds. I let go, then walk out of the confines of the trampoline with a wide grin on my face.

“What happened?” Telestia inquires; “Was it as fun, as you had expected.

“Fun?” I inquire, giggling in amusement; “It sure was!” I confirm; “Maybe you should try it out, for yourself?” I incite.

I watch my sister entering the enclosure of the Trampoline, before she starts to jump up and down; finding herself bouncing.

“Fun, fun, fun…” she exclaims.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as she is jumping up and down.

Does she wear the same ultra short toe socks I am wearing?” I ponder; “If so; let’s see, how she reacts!” I ponder.

“Stop!!” I exclaim.

“Squeak!!” is heard, as the soles of her feet hits the surface of the trampoline, only for her to find herself to be firmly stuck on the floor.

“Yes, you do wear the same socks as I am wearing!” I proclaim.

“What?” she exclaim, as she tries to jump up, again.

“The Suction..” I respond; “that proves that you wear the same socks!” I explain.

This is exactly when Twilight steps into the room, ogling us from the point where she had just entered the room.

“What happened?” Telestia inquires.

“This!” Twilight responds, as she is gripping the floor with her right fore-hoof; “I just had not expected you to get quite this strong a grip..” she explains, letting go of the floor.

“This is natural tactile magic all Ponies have!” she points out.

“It’s a kind of Magic, that permits me to emulate the grip you have in your hands!” she elaborates, with a grin.

“That, that, that..” Telestia stutters; “is cool!” she concludes; it is just eerie, scary; "when you are exposed to it the first time, when you are not prepared for it!” she then points out.

“It is natural, but since you haven’t experienced it until now; I guess I can see, how it is an unsettling experience!” Twilight concedes.

“Has May been exposed to this, yet?” I inquire; “If not, you may consider preparing her!” I conclude.

“I am not comfortable, excluding her, from this!” Telestia puts forth; “if we can share it with her; we have to give her the option to use it, or not!” she concludes.

“Oh..” Twilight exclaims; “May, there is something you need to be aware of!” she continues.

“Yes, Twilight..” May responds; “what is it?” she inquires.

“I need you to try out a pair of your ultra short toe stockings; before you join us in the Gymnasium, downstairs!” Twilight points out.

“Oh, okay!” May responds.

May soon slip the socks onto her feet; before she walks down the flight of stairs, entering the Gymnasium.

“We just discovered something..” I exclaim; “and Twilight just explained it, to us!” I conclude.

“By the way, May; do you want to try the Trampoline, too?” Telestia inquires.

“Sounds like fun; I guess I just have to try it out, while I am here!” May concedes.

“Not everyone, lucky enough to have a real Trampoline at home, in their own basement!” Telestia proposes.

“No, I guess not…” May responds, as she is entering the enclosure of the Trampoline.

“Boing, boing, boing..” is heard, as May tentatively starts to jump up and down.

“I could get used to this..” May exclaims, after a moment bouncing up and down.

At least, I think she is wearing her top!” I ponder, as I am observing May enjoying her time with the Trampoline.

“How high can I jump?” May inquires.

“Just as high, as you are comfortable with!” Twilight points out; “This is supposed to be fun; not Scary, or uncomfortable by any means!” she elaborates.

“Ah, okay!” May responds; “I am sure, I could jump a bit higher!” she points out.

“Uhm; you are wearing your top, May?” Telestia inquires.

“Yes, but of course!” May responds; “Why?” she then inquires.

“Just a precaution, for use of the Trampoline!” Twilight suggests, snickering.

“Oh, okay!” May responds.

“Stop!!” Telestia exclaims.

“Squeak!!” is heard, just as May’s feet hit the surface of the trampoline.

“What just happened?” May inquires.

“Tactile Magic happened!” Telestia suggests.

“Tactile Magic?” May inquires; as the soles of her feet still cling firmly to the floor, as if she had been glued to the floor.

“Permits your hooves..” Twilight begins; “erm, feet to grab hold of surfaces on contact!” she continues; “just as you are currently experiencing!” she suggests.

“Wait, what?” May inquires.

“The fact that the surface is smooth, is no hindrance!” Twilight points out.

“Just like with Industrial, high grade suction cups!” Telestia concedes, while she couldn’t help herself, giggling.

“I guess this is something one just has to get used to?” I inquire; “You should be able to control it, by yourself with practice!” I suggest.

“Then I would walk under the Ceiling, just like a Fly?” she inquires, giggling.

< --- --- --- >

Going Out

Going Out: 7

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I step into my own room, at Twilight’s house; intent on changing into something else, initially what I had worn as I entered the room.

The door slides shut behind me, as I am walking over to my wardrobe.

“Is May or Twilight going to wash these, or will they be clean when I need them, automatically?” I inquire, not quite sure how things are working here.

“Just because someone has to wash them, back at our old home; doesn’t mean that has to be the case here!” I declare. (or, does it?)

Still, I think I will just hang up my clothes on the left side!” I ponder.

Once I reach my wardrobe, I open the doors; scanning its content, while I am considering my options. Clearly; I have enough hangers available, for the idea I had in mind.

I unbutton my blouse from top to bottom; slipping my arms out of the sleeves, right and left. Finally, I grab the intended hanger; before I hang the blouse on it, buttoning it up neatly, as if it had never been used. With the blouse on the hanger, I place the hanger in the wardrobe, backwards and on the left side of the blouses I have not yet tried on.

As much as I loved to wear these clothes, including the blouse, I think I need to change into what is recognizable, as my clothes on the other side!” I ponder.

On second thought; I can still use my new underwear, both Panties and Top..” I ponder; “since they can’t see them, under what I wear over!” I conclude.

“Strange..” I mumble; “I can’t seem to find the clothes I wore before; only the clothes Twilight and May provide for me!” I realize.

I will just have to assume, the other clothes are still in my other wardrobe!” . Well, why not?

The question is: what I keep on and what I take off, before I go back.

On the other rubbery Hoof, I could just slip everything off in order; before selecting replacements, for what I choose to wear before I go.

Slipping the skirt off, should be easy enough; just slip my fingers in under the rim of the skirt, before sliding it right down. It was. I feel the skirt slide down my legs, just as easily as they slid on before.

I pick up the skirt, hanging it up under the blouse I had just taken off, backwards.

With the skirt of, I slip the top up over my head; hanging it up on the hanger from which I had taken it, but backwards.

Could I slip my Stockings of now?” I ponder, thinking better of it.

I should take the socks of, first; preserving the integrity of the garments, so the socks goes first!” I conclude.

While the sock is tight around the Ankle, it yields to my intent; slipping right off, with little to no effort, as soon as I slip my fingers in under the rim. From there, I simply repeat the process; slipping the left sock off of my foot, the next moment. While the trick is to slip my fingers in under the rim of the sock, but it is easy once I consciously intend to do it, in the first place

Once the socks had slipped off of my feet, I repeat the process, with the stockings right and left.

Finally, I slip my panties of; finding myself nude.

“Not even my sister is in the room, this is acceptable!” I put forth.

Of course, I know there is no surveillance or camera active in the room. Why should these be in my room? I doubt Twilight would support, or even accept that in her Cottage. The cottage is after all hers, for all I know or care.

Once I had undressed, or disrobed; hanging up everything I had been wearing in the wardrobe, I can finally focus on what I want to change into. Some ideas were obvious, from the very start; other ideas, maybe not quite so much.

White Panties would be perfectly fine, for daytime wear; while I guess black would be for nighttime wear. I had tried on a pair of Cerise once, finding the colour quite acceptable and satisfactory; but what of lavender? Maybe I could differentiate between what I wear here, and what I wear there?

With that, I pick up the light Purple Panties; stepping into them, before I pull them all the way up. Easy as that. My panties cooperate, eagerly sliding all the way up; only to settle in the most comfortable position, as if on their own accord.

The notion is unsettling; but in practice, I find it overly convenient. Why complain? I enjoy wearing clothes that are easy to put on and comfortable to wear. This is just the ultimate solution, to me.

Once I had put the Panties on, I repeat the process, with the matching top. Just as the Cerise top and Panties, the lavender Top and Panties eagerly slide on; settling into place, comfortably without any fuss.

Now, I can’t live without this convenience; after I had experienced it, for myself.


The Panties and Tops come in sets with matching colours, hues; comfortable to wear, like nothing else. I have no experience of anything more comfortable. Then again; I have not even had the time to start school, so what do I know?

I have worn the Cerise set at Twilight’s place, now I intend to wear the Lavender or light Purple set, away from her place.

I guess you could see White as Daytime, and Black as Nighttime.

What all the other colours could mean, I have no idea. I just pick up ideas, assuming these are the expressed purposes and uses. What if I am wrong? What if there were other Purposes and Uses for these colours and hues? I guess I will just have to live with it. Hoping I did not make a mistake, shaming myself in the process.

One idea is that Red is feminine and would be more effeminate in the design, while the Blue would be more masculine and the design would be adjusted accordingly. If this is just a silly idea, from a little Girl; but then, so be it.

I have a White, light Blue, light Yellow, distinct Orange, bright Pink, and finally the light Purple or Lavender once. What was the idea behind these? I have no Idea. Well, maybe they match the colours of Twilight and her Friends, thus representing them in some way? Curious idea, if this was indeed the case. Wouldn’t it be?

I have several other oddly specific colours and hues. Are these representing the Villagers of the original Ponyville?

Finally; I even have a selection of various pinkish hues. I find these a bit too close to the colour of my skin. I will leave these alone. I hope my sister will not try these on, either. I can’t be comfortable with the idea of these even being in my wardrobe.

Am I just too young for these things? I have no idea. I just do not want to consider it, right now.

If they were intended to be skin-tone, thus mimicking the colour of my skin, what would even be the purpose?

When I am putting a pair of Panties on, it is not just to protect my Pants; I demonstrate that you can’t see my skin, because the Panties are on.


If I do not have my old clothes here with me, there is nothing I can do about it.

I opt to dress up, to put on the clothes I have right here; covering myself as best I can, before I step over, to my old room.

The light pink stockings looks just fine. It isn’t as if I had to cover my legs anyway.

Should I wear these short toe-socks now?” I ponder; “I enjoyed how it feels to wear them, and they will only show if I don’t wear regular socks or shoes over them, in the first place!” I conclude.

I end up, opting to slip these socks on, over the stockings, but why not?

It may be a bit silly, but I still want to. It isn’t even cold in my room, as if it would make any difference if I wore both.

“Wait, what?” I mumble under my breath; “I have matching gloves, too!” I realize, as I am scanning the content of my wardrobe.

Where did all these clothes and garments even come from? Who made all these for me? I have no idea. But if the label reads: “Rarity” I can just assume she crafted all of these for me.

For now, I would have preferred it, if she had not crafted all of these. As much as I may be grateful for the effort she had put into making the clothes for me; but some of these are just inappropriate and uncomfortable just to look at. The implications are staggering and quite uncomfortable.

I will take what I like, and leave the rest. I enjoy the stockings and socks, just as I think I will be enjoying the gloves. At least, they look like a lot of fun, based on my previous experience here.

I extract the right full-length glove, slipping my hand into it; feeling the slippery smooth wetness and its liquid elasticity as it eagerly slide all the way up my arm.

Maybe the inner surface of the glove was a bit much; but it slides all the way up, stopping at the top of my arm. Just covering the entire arm, all the way up, showing no skin. Naturally, it does cover my hands and fingers as well; while preserving the image of my hands, almost as if I had not put the glove on in the first place.

I repeat the process, slipping the left glove on. Well, why not? It would have been strange, if I had only put the right glove on.

From there, I pick up the right and left short gloves; slipping them on, feeling my fingers slip into place.

As I look closer, I notice a few peculiar details sticking out; now the tips of my fingers has these cute and sensitive touch pads, and the palm of my hands has a silicone White Suction cup.

The touch pads are visible, as they are a bright Cerise, but the suction cups barely show in the white why they are now.

“Oh.. oh.. oh..” I mumble, as I notice the slight yet distinct changes these gloves are enforcing upon my hands.

Did these gloves make my fingers look longer?” I ponder; “I guess I could live with the manicured effect they lend to my hands!” I consider: “so long as my nails do not stick out, or look poorly maintained!” I conclude.

“I guess this would be typically Rarity!” I just put forth, giggling at the Mare’s antics.

Would Mum even notice it?” I ponder.

Probably not, but so long as she does not complain.

I take a step back, closing the wardrobe. Now I take a step to the side, opening the doors to the next one; only to find the entrance to the old room, in my Mother’s house. I step through, only to find myself back where I had come from.


I turn around and close the doors, step to the side and open the doors to the wardrobe containing the clothes I intend to wear.

“A Skirt, and a Shirt should be just fine!” I put forth; “the Blouse is a bit too fancy, for the occasion!” I declare.

I extract one of my red cotton skirts; step into it right and left; before I am pulling it all the way up, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

After I had worn the clothes, Rarity had crafted for me; this skirt suddenly feels a bit unfamiliar and uncomfortable. I know this is one of my better, more comfortable skirts Mum had bought for me, just a while back. Maybe it was a month back. Just that trying on a pair of Rarity’s creations had changed my sensibilities a bit more than I could have been expecting.

“Oh, well..” I mumble; “suck it up, I can’t wear Rarity’s skirt here!” I conclude.

Well, maybe I could have..” I ponder; “but I don’t feel like revealing my new wardrobe just yet; even if I find the new clothes so much more comfortable to wear!” I conclude.

With the skirt on, I extract a matching shirt. I slip the shirt on, pulling it down.

“Okay; I have to adjust these clothes by myself..” I ponder; “and I have just gotten just to the clothes Rarity had supplied me with!” I moan in disappointment.

I guess I am getting adjusted to new clothes a bit earlier, than intended or expected.

Once I had slipped the shirt on, I had to adjust its fit to fit me reasonably comfortably.

At least, I am still wearing the Panties and Top under these!” I ponder; giggling to myself, as I walk over to the door out of my room.

I stop before the door, momentarily pondering where the plaque had gone; before I find the handle and open the door, stepping out of my room.

Just after I had closed the door to my room, I notice my older sister exiting her room.

“You managed to get through?” Telestia puts forth.

“Yes, and so did you!” I respond, before I walk over to the dining room.


I walk up to the table, pull the chair back; before I sit down and push the chair back under me. My sister, just a few steps behind me.

“Celestia!” I mumble.

“Yes…” she just nod in response, pretending to ignore the purposeful slip of the tongue.

“Just on time for Dinner!” Mum acknowledges.

“Yes..” Telestia puts forth; “exactly!” I fill in.

Since the table had already been made, as we enter; the food is still warm, so we are just in time. I had not heard her preparing the meal, but I guess I can still pick up on the scent of the hot food being served.

Will she notice I put my new gloves on, just like I am still wearing my stockings..” Telestia ponders; “or does Mum notice it?” she concludes.

“Did you paint your nails?” Mum inquires; “looks pretty!” she adds.

“Yes..” I respond, as I look done onto my nails for a moment; “yes!” Telestia echoes, just a moment later.

I guess the gloves made my nails glossier, too!” I realize.

“Oh, well..” Mum puts forth; “let’s eat; I know you are just as hungry, as I am!” she proclaims.

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An Excursion