• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 234 Views, 1 Comments

Change can bring forth turmoil and harmony - coolpony01

Times in Equestria are chagning the ideals of unicorn supremacy as well as supremacy to the ponies as well as the ideas of the matriachy are falling

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Ch 10

Things… aren’t doing so well. While now Prince Noble Star Blueblood became the first prince of Equestria to reign. The courts determined that since the household was restored to princehood it should go to all the members of the household. This means that Noble Gem and her sister Elegant Gem are now members of royalty. Along with Elegant Gem’s daughter’s Golden Trim and Golden Tiara. While this means their husbands Noble Gem’s Light Star and Elegant Gem’s Emerald Heart are now prince’s they are far too docile and will make decisions based on what there wives want.

Noble Star tried to talk with his father about this but the answer was always the same. “Mares are meant to be in charge due to their intellect and virtue so us stallions must do our duty by assisting to their will.”

It bothered Noble Star that his father cared so much about appeasing his mother because of the fact that he knew his mother is difficult to appease.

Things aren’t going smoothly because the mare royals keep blocking important legislation they view as uncouth or untraditional and their husbands follow suit.

They already blocked legislation such as a bill to increase the amount of spending for the local food banks of Equestria. They say that they already have enough supplies to manage and they shouldn’t be “greedy” by asking for more when such fundings should go into the economy or military.

They also blocked legislation to allow for a private university for stallions stating that such schools should only belong to the mares because only mares have proper virtue and intelligence.

It is not doing well lately for the members of the royal family at least the ones that believe in equality for all races or species. Celestia is planning on helping her former student Twilight Sparkle open up a college that accepts international students to teach them about culture, economics, and to foster friendship between all races. Princess Noble Gem Blueblood does not agree with this and has decided to talk to Princess Celestia in order to end her support.

Celestia was sitting upon her throne. Princess Noble Gem Blueblood approached she did not bow as it was no longer of necessity as they were indeed equals now.

“Princess Celestia you are a reasonable pony.” Princess Blueblood began.

“Yes I am a reasonable mare who recognizes the fostering of friendship between our fellow nations is good for Equestria.” Celestia stated passionately.

“That just isn’t the case. The other nations simply only have their best interest at heart as all nations are like.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“That simply is not true. If that were the case we wouldn’t of been able to foster relationships meant to benefit each country.” Celestia stated.

“We only did those things to benefit our land alone. That is the point of trade and such but it shouldn’t go any farther than that it is foal-like to view other nations as our friends.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“And why is that we have recently opened many smaller colleges that accept international students what is wrong with one that is directly funded by a princess as a project to promote harmony and goodwill.” Celestia spoke with passion.

“It is because they are simply smaller and thus not a threat however, having a larger private school that accepts international students that is funded by the royals directly would show the other nations that we actually view them as friends and thus they will then take advantage of this.” Princess Blueblood said.

“No they will not other nations have never taken advantage of us in a very long time.” Celestia said. It was true there hasn’t been a war in centuries thanks to Celestia’s peace making only when the griffons last tried to take advantage of the gems commonly found in Equestria’s mountains was there war and that was the aristocrats responsible not the lower class of the majority of the populace.

Exactly, we have been taken advantage of before and that must be avoided at all costs.” Princess Blueblood said.

“While I hold understanding for your beliefs in this regard. You cannot deny the simple fact that our nation has done the exact same thing to others like how the nobles stole dragon gems behind my back thus forcing the dragons into a war due to their need of dragon gems to enrich their diets.” Celestia stated.

“That was different that was to benefit our country we all want our own to have prosperity first.” Princess Blueblood said.

“We all want our own to prosper? Is that what you thought when you made it that only unicorns could be nobles when you attempted to loot from the peagsi and earth pony villages four hundred years ago during the dragon war to benefit our people.” Celestia asked with clear anger.

“That was different only unicorns have proper intellect and moral virtue therefore only we should have certain luxuries in Equestria.” Princess Blueblood sneered.

Celestia stared at her in disappointment for how her bloodline turned out. “For someone who was of my bloodline you surely do not hold our original virtues.” Celestia stated with dissaipoinment.
“That’s because those so called virtues were false we all know that only unicorns are of proper intellect and virtue look at what the earth ponies and pegasi spend their time doing. Going against their sacred traditions by marrying each other spreading deviants in film and media it is clear that only unicorns have proper virtues in that regard.” Princess Blueblood said with disdain and racism.

“And you should know that many unicorns do the same thing, therefore unicorns cannot be the only ones considered virtuous.” Celestia said with annoyance.

“Well yes you’re right there are many unicorns whom have been corrupted by the uncooth ways of the modern era our so called princess being a primary example with her adopting a dragon of all things.” Princess Blueblood stated.

“Twilight Sparkle is a rigorous mare who has done beyond that of excellent in all her fields of study she has progressed magic as well as science by near a decade and so she deserves more respect. And I highly advise you not to speak of my daughter in law or my soon to be legalized grandson like that.” Celestia stated.

“No you can’t be serious you adopting that beast as your grandson would ruine everything the Blueblood family holds virtuous and true.” Princess Blueblood said in a panic.

“Then it is time that my bloodline changes. Especially since I will be watching over your sisters children it was already agreed upon by the Equestrian court of justice that someone of different political views watches over the new princesses or princes because of the fact that the royal household is becoming too right winged and less open to all ideas coming through like it was meant to.” Celestia stated passionately.

“You can not be serious, you already ruined my son’s future by putting forth false ideals about a stallion being able to take care of himself, not to mention of your other ideals regarding the other races and species actually being equal to us.” Princess Blueblood said in an even deeper panic.

“They are equal to us in that they helped create the modern Equestria in ways such as through our advanced economics and sciences as well as magics. And so they need to be taught multiple ideas in order to fully comprehend the vaste structure that is Equestrian politics without being too one sided as that is not good for Equestria.” Celestia stated.

“I will speak to my sisters about this but know this decision will not go unpunished by the nobles and the members of the Blueblood royal family.” Princess Blueblood spoke with venom.

“I know but I am not afraid.” Celestia simply stated. The mare then left Celestia knew there would be backlash but since this is perfectly legal regarding ensuring that all ideologies are taught to royal family members she knows she can manage this.