• Published 18th Dec 2023
  • 2,124 Views, 160 Comments

Born Under Silver Moon Light - David Silver

Luna was ready to cast aside her shame and guilts. It was with the help of so many that she could stand up to it. Why is it still there, now dependent on her? Luna resolves to care for this new foal. She created it. It is her, if one thinks about it.

  • ...

20 - All Good Things

Twilight Sparkle looked at herself in the mirror, letting out a long sigh, as she tried to process her recent turn of events, the events that had led her to the discovery of Crescent's presence in the human world, and all that meant, especially concerning Sunset and their interactions of late and the connection they had. She tapped on the floor as she resumed pacing. "This is my fault. I really should take better care of that mirror. It's a miracle other ponies haven't wandered through it."

With a wave of her hoof, she directed the lights off, casting the room into darkness, only a single lamp lighting her immediate area with a gentle glow as she lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling as she tried to sleep, tried to relax, tried to do anything, but the thoughts kept flowing through her mind, overwhelming any hope of peaceful repose, much to her own dismay as she turned about and pulled the blanket over herself, burrowing under it as if she were some scared filly that wanted to hide away from the world.

"Stop." She put a hoof to her chest and slowly swept it away along with her breath, performing the breathing ritual Cadance had taught to her. "Relax. Sunset has this. Have faith in her." It wasn't that she didn't trust Sunset, but rather the whole situation seemed out of her hooves, and if anyone was in control, it was Crescent, and she wasn't even a child, technically, and she had no reason to listen to Sunset if she didn't want to. Twilight rolled over with a huff, and did her best to sink into slumber.

The other Twilight, the human one, pulled up in her car in front of Sunset. "Hop in! Where are we going?"

Sunset got into the passenger side, buckling in before she leaned forward, elbows on her knees as she rested her chin in her hands, eyes shut tight. "Thanks for the ride. Can you drive me to Diamond's place?" She rambled out the address even as the started to pull away in a smooth acceleration. "Did I mention you're a life saver?"

Twilight spared her a glance before she turned her focus to the road ahead. "Do I want to know why?"

Sunset opened one eye to look over at the other woman. "Remember the little girl?"

"I heard about her, turned up at the practice? Cute little girl?" Twilight performed a smooth turn, driving quite safely and smoothly.

"We need to get her to safety, and back into her own world. We need to do it quickly." Sunset shut her eyes again. "The longer this drags on, the more likely she is to wind up in trouble, and the more likely this all explodes."

Twilight reached over while they were stopped at a red light, patting Sunset on the hand. "Relax. We'll get this."

Sunset smiled at the gentle reassurance. "Thanks, really." She did her best to relax in the seat. "At least we can handle this soon. I'm ready to be done with the entire mess."

Twilight leaned back in her seat, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the song on the radio, keeping her focus on the road as the light changed and they started to move along.

The car wasn't moving fast, which let Sunset sit back and enjoy the passing scenery. She jumped with surprise as they pulled up towards a gate. They had arrived. The moment the car stopped, she hopped free and strode with purpose towards the closed gate of that mansion.

She pressed a finger down on the intercom button. "I just talked to you, you better be there!"

"Good evening," replied a male voice. "How can I be of service?"

Sunset blinked in surprise. "You're not Diamond."

"I am not, ma'am." The voice sounded proper, but deferring. "Do you have business with the mistress?"

Twilight caught up with Sunset. "Hello. We're here to pick up Crescent?"

Sunset perked at that. "Yeah! We have to get her home. She should be with Diamond?"

"Very good." With a soft click, the intercom went dead.

The gates swung open with a low rumble.

"So, there are advantages to being rich," muttered Sunset. "Sorry about that. I'm stressed, and it's only been one day. If it wasn't for you, I'd have no way to get to the house in time, so thanks."

They stepped in through the gate, and walked down the paved walkway, on their way to the front doors, when those very doors opened, revealing Diamond, who was there, smiling, with a sleeping Crescent in her arms.

Sunset sped up to reach them, eyes on Crescent, but the little girl really was napping. "So! Everything worked out?" She flashed an insincere smile at Diamond.

Diamond just smiled back. "I found her in the pool, splashing around. She must have been playing hard, poor thing. Tuckered herself out." She kissed the top of Crescent's head gently, then inclined her head towards the girl. "She's all yours, please. She's a bit too heavy for me to pick up easily."

Twilight strolled up on them. "How'd you even get her here then?" She gestured vaguely. "If you couldn't carry her, how did she get out here?"

"I had some of my servants bring her for me." Diamond flicked her hair in a carefree manner. "Like I said, I just found her asleep and thought she'd be better off with you. Play time's over, as fun as it was." She gently pet Crescent's snoozing head. "She was quite informative."

Sunset cringed at that. "Was she now?"

Diamond sneered with a low chuckle. "You could say I'm in the know."

Sunset gathered Crescent up carefully. "Look, you're a kid, even if you don't like admitting it. Going there could get you hurt, badly, maybe the most hurt someone can be." She sighed gently at the sound of that, her heart aching as she looked at the young child in her arms, still wearing her new clothes.

"Hey, I'm not the one that decided to keep the secret, you are. You brought her to our world." Diamond hopped to her feet, no longer pinned by a Crescent. "So this is your bad."

"I did not." Sunset turned from Diamond. "She did that all on her own. Twi? Let's get out of here. Diamond, seriously, it's not a game. I don't want you getting hurt. Stay in this world, stay here where you're safe and you know how it works. Do yourself a favor and forget you ever met her, because if you go there, it's only a matter of time."

Diamond frowned at Sunset's retreating form. "Thanks for the advice," she got out in her most sarcastic tone. "But I'll do what I want."

Sunset, not hearing that, got Crescent into the car and climbed in herself. "Let's get back to the statue, gently toss our visitor through, and call this an eventful day."

Twilight got into the driver's seat. "Sounds like a plan." She drove the pair of them away from the mansion, heading straight for the portal in the statue. "What were you two doing anyway?"

"Shopping." Sunset watched the young child in her lap with a mix of feelings she didn't have names for, though 'gut twisting horror' were words that came to mind. "She looks like she enjoyed herself at least." She gently stroked some hair out of the way. "For her, today was nothing but fun, I bet. That's what having a kid's like, I guess, with parents doing most of the worrying."

"You were always too mature to be a child, if that's what you're saying." Twilight checked her mirrors with a smile, pulling them away from Diamond's mansion, following the guidance of the GPS unit that came with the vehicle. "I know you didn't have the best of lives before Canterlot High."

Sunset shrugged a little, a single shoulder moving. "I don't think I ever told you that story. It involves little horses that go clip clop."

Twilight raised a brow. "That, um, other word, with the other me?"

"That place." Sunset fired a finger gun at her savior of the day. "Equestria. Where I'm from, if you forgot. Originally anyway. I'm pretty happy here now. Different problems, but I'm needed, and I can make a difference." She took a slow breath. "And that matters. I might not have all the answers, and I may be a mess, but I know one thing for sure. I'll find a way."

"Hm." Twilight thought about that. "To get the child home."

Sunset laughed gently at that. "That is the answer for today." She saw the school coming up. "Looks like we're almost there. Mmm, just a matter of if we should put her in or carry her through and drop her off." She made her decision with a firm nod, unbuckling her seatbelt before she reached down and undid the one of Crescent's belt. "Carrying. Less complicated. Thanks again for all the help."

"Glad to be of assistance." Twilight paused. "Wait, does that mean you're going in?" She parked gently, but slid free of her own car. "I want to see."

Sunset hesitated. "Equestria is not just a tourist destination."

"Just a little." Twilight held up two fingers close together. "And I won't leave your sight, not for a moment, promise." She knelt down and gazed at Crescent with a mixture of emotions in her own eyes, and the other girl couldn't be sure what any of them were as they moved and swirled about in those dark pupils. "I'm curious, bottom line, and a quick peek shouldn't hurt either of us. You're not going to drop her off somewhere in the middle of danger, I imagine."

"I'm dropping her off at Twilight's castle." Sunset waved a hand towards the statue. "Fair warning, this is a disorienting ride." She gave up on trying to convince Sci-Twi against it and instead checked for others. The coast was clear, so she dashed into the statue, vanishing from sight.

She arrived, wobbling on two hooves, an upright pony instead of a human. It took a moment to remember how to use her magic, and she used it to park Crescent comfortably on the basement floor and fell to all fours just in time for Sci-Twi to join them.

Sci-Twi squeaked, realizing she had hooves, and a snout, and a swishing tail. "I'm a horse!"

Sunset snorted at that. "That's one way to describe us, I guess. Hey, Twilight." She waved at the other, local girl. "Oh, and sorry, Princess Twilight Sparkle and this is Twilight Sparkle, human, student."

The Princess blinked at her smaller, unicorn, self. "I used to look like that? It's easy to forget. Hello, Twilight. Sunset, I trust there's a reason you've all come spilling in like this?"

The human Twilight Sparkle, in her labcoat and glasses, took in the basement with a look of awe. "I'm in another world. How fascinating. Can you feel the magic, Sunset?"

Sunset nodded, but also gestured. "I promised her a quick peek, and nothing more. She helped get Crescent back." She waved at the snoozing little filly of dreams. "All safe! Now, if you could lock up the portal after we get back to stop others from wandering through? I'm sure you can come up with something clever, Princess."

The Princess inclined her head, considering the situation. "So, it's the middle of the night. She'll be sleeping here tonight." She let out a releived sigh. "I had come down here to consider how to protect it, and you all spilled out. Good timing." She paced past them with lashes of her tail. "I'm sorry I don't have more ways to greet you, Twilight. I wasn't expecting you."

The human Twilight was in awe as she followed the pony princess, stepping up the stairs, then stopping with a sudden realization. "Wait, why am I a pony?"

"Oh." The Princess cleared her throat. "Going through the portal makes your body conform to the expectations of the new world you're entering." She looked over her shoulder. "Around here, that would be ponies. In there, humans. So when I go in there—"

"I become the human me." Sci-Twi gasped with understanding, clopping along after the princess. "This is fascinating!"

Author's Note:

Crescent is back in the right world! And now we have Sci-Twi in the wrong one. She's better behaved, right? Shouldn't be a problem. Being a careful scientist, she won't make any typos.

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