• Published 18th Dec 2023
  • 2,124 Views, 160 Comments

Born Under Silver Moon Light - David Silver

Luna was ready to cast aside her shame and guilts. It was with the help of so many that she could stand up to it. Why is it still there, now dependent on her? Luna resolves to care for this new foal. She created it. It is her, if one thinks about it.

  • ...

2 - Greeting the Day

Celestia tended to her nation. She saw diplomats and heard pleas from her citizens. She did as she had to. Equestria would not rule itself.

But she was being watched. She looked past the foreign agent to see a small dark filly in the back. She started in surprise. It was Luna, as a foal. "Your proposal is most intruiging." She brought her hooves together, smiling gently at the bipedal fox. "May I have a day to consider it? I think we have have some plans that may work with it well."

"Of course, Your Highness." The vixen took a step back with an elaborate bow. "We look forward to seeing it. As the sun rises, solar queen."

Celestia was a princess, but she didn't press that, allowing the diplomat to make their departure. She instead waved for Crescent to approach. "Are you Luna?"

"Yes." She hopped up right next to Celestia. "No. She called me Crescent, so others should too. Hello."

"Hello." Celestia smiled at the little, young, version of her sister. "Aren't you the cutest thing... Now... What brings you here?"

"She said I should visit." Crescent held up the letter luna had left behind. "That means something."

"Does it?" Celestia leaned her head in. "She was upset with me, when she went to sleep. Little one, why don't you share her sleep? Aren't you also a creature of the night, hm?"

Crescent tapped her hooves together. "One, I don't have that job." She ran a hoof through her mane, brushing the light blue hair back. "I'm just a filly."

Celestia inclined her head with a hum. "You have a point. Luna and I did have different schedules before our jobs mandated them. Is it not odd, if you are Luna, here to help Luna, that you will spend much of your time away from her?"

"She needs this." Crescent reached up with her small hooves. "She misses being your little sister, and loved."

Celestia felt her breath catch, wings fluttering involuntarily. It was true - in the long centuries of Luna's banishment and the residual awkwardness even after her return, they had lost some of the closeness they'd shared as young alicorns playfully mastering magic together.

Gazing at this miniature version of her dear sister, Tia was gripped by a pang of nostalgic tenderness. Before she'd even realized it, she'd drawn the little one into a warm embrace.

"You're absolutely right, Crescent. My sister does need love, as do I. Perhaps we both need reminding how to receive it as much as to give it." She felt a tiny nose nuzzle her chest. "Will you help this forgetful old alicorn with that important lesson?"

Crescent beamed up at her. "I can try! What should we do first, Aunt Tia?"

Celestia tapped her chin thoughtfully, mind already brimming with cozy activities and special meals perfect for rediscovering their lost sisterly connection. But for now...

"Well, little niece, I did have quite the pile of dull economic policy proposals to review next. But I believe introductions to the noble cake kitchens take clear priority! What say you to a tour and perhaps a few taste tests?"

The delighted squeal from Crescent drew surprised looks from several passing guards. But Celestia just laughed, already feeling centuries lighter, and let the bubbly filly lead the way.

All thoughts of making Luna chase Crescent away were thoroughly abandoned. She didn't even have a chance in that battle.

But duties did call, and Celestia was a creature of duties and patterns. Though she enjoyed sharing a few slices of delictables with Crescent, she knew she couldn't take the entire day off without warning. "Dear little thing, I must get back to work."

She planted a gentle kiss on Crescent's head. "Will you find other things to do while Aunt Tia bores herself?"

"Aw." Crescent rubbed her cheeks softly, smooshing her own face. "Oh! Your nephew."

Celestia perked an ear at that. "I can think of a few, which?"

"Blueblood. He needs company too. I will visit him." Crescent nodded, completely certain. "He is Luna's nephew too. We are related. We should be good good friends."

"What a marvelous idea." Celestia started towards her throne room. "I look forward to hearing how that went. Be good, Crescent."

Crescent waved a cheerful goodbye to Celestia before setting off to find her wayward cousin. She knew Blueblood had a reputation among the castle staff for being...particular. But family should always make an effort to get along!

It took asking a few flustered ponies, but she finally tracked Blueblood down out in the sculpture garden, scrutinizing a newly installed marble fountain shaped like rearing pegasi.

"Too imposing. Have it replaced with the cherub design we discussed," he instructed a pair of nervous workponies. "Honestly, must I make all the decisions around here myself?"

"Hi, cousin Blueblood!" Crescent trotted up brightly once the workers had scrambled off. "I'm your cousin Crescent. Wanna play?"

The prince blinked in surprise at the tiny princess suddenly underhoof. "Ah, yes. Luna's little...protege, was it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He looked her over critically. "Don't believe I've seen you at court before."

Crescent shook her head. "First day! Wanna give me a tour? Ooh, we could have a picnic too!" She gasped. "And a tea party!"

Blueblood grimaced briefly at the thought before quickly reshaping his features into a gracious smile. "But, of course. This way, dear Crescent..." He supposed an afternoon spent entertaining this confusing little filly was noblesse oblige for the heir apparent, which he imagined himself to be.

As Crescent immediately zipped over to the fountain, trying to climb up and touch the elegant sculptures, Blueblood wondered if it was too late to plead a diplomatic emergency across Equestria. Ah well. At least she seemed more appreciative of fine art than most.

"Wow." She was busy admiring the pegasus statue, trailing a hoof along ornately carved wings of stone. She spread her own wings, far smaller. "Wow! Somepony must have worked really hard to make this."

"Yes, I suppose they did." Blueblood frowned at the statue. "But it's the wrong one."

"Wrong how?" Crescent fell to her haunches, and almost into the water. "It looks so pretty. You don't like it?"

"I like it..." He coughed into a hoof. "But there are better designs. I have one in mind I want installed here."

"Why not both?"

Blueblood was ready to argue that, mouth opening, but... Why... not both? "Hm. There is only so much space."

Crescent pointed to an empty spot. "Is it also a pony? They could face each other. That would be really nice."

Blueblood stepped to where Crescent had pointed, imagining the cherub pony he had wanted right there. "Mmmm... Hm..."

"Like it?" She batted her lashes at Blueblood. "You can take credit for it. This was your idea."

"My idea, of course." And so his opinion lifted several degrees. "And a fine idea I had. Yes... Yes." He waved for one of the workponies to come over. "Put the cherub here." He pointed below himself. "And just turn the pegasus to face it. They should face each other, as if in conversation, or one hunting the other. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir, of course!" They saluted and hurried off.

Crescent beamed, delighted to see her formerly grumpy cousin now animatedly directing the arrangement of his newly expanded sculpture collection. This was going perfectly!

As Blueblood made quick work of assigning further aesthetic improvements to the garden, Crescent trotted alongside chattering about anything and everything that crossed her mind.

"We could have a big party out here when it's finished! With lots of cakes, naturally. Oh! And those little tiny sandwiches with the crusts cut off. Do you like flowers? My favorite are moon lilies, but sunflowers are so cheerful too..."

To his credit, Blueblood tolerated the endless stream of babble and questions with relatively good grace. Though from the way his eye occasionally twitched, his patience was being tested.

"Oh, I know!" Crescent suddenly exclaimed. "We should add a sculpture of the two of us out here! To celebrate becoming best cousin friends forever!"

This finally prompted a genuine laugh from Blueblood. "My dear, we've only just met. And while you show admirable artistic taste for one so young, bestowing 'best friends' status requires a bit more history."

Crescent drooped slightly. "It does?"

Blueblood hesitated, then gently patted her head. "For most ponies, perhaps. But you being part of the royal family, I suppose some allowances can be made..."

The radiant smile on Crescent's face as she hugged his leg was almost enough to make up for what was sure to be a long afternoon spent indulging his new "best cousin friend." Though Blueblood had to admit she had surprisingly helpful suggestions regarding the garden.

Crescent saw the sun was setting. "Oh! I should go say good evening to Luna."

Blueblood frowned faintly. "Pardon the asking, but I wasn't entirely informed. Are you not... Luna?"

"I am," sang Crescent. "But I'm not. I'm Crescent. Luna is waking up. I should go tell her what I've been doing." She launched herself at his leg, hugging tight. "And that I made a Best Cousin Friend!

Blueblood snorted softly. He wasn't sure how valuable that prize was. "Worthy of history, surely. Go on then. I will see you another day."

"Bye!" She dashed off, galloping into the castle proper and through the hallways in a little blue blur into Luna's room, which was also hers. "Luna!"

Luna was just stirring, stretching with a yawn as the last clinging cobwebs of sleep faded. She blinked bemusedly at the petite ball of energy bouncing eagerly at the foot of her bed.

"Crescent? You're certainly chipper this evening," she observed, unable to help an affectionate smile. Trust this little shard of her heart to wake brighter than the moonrise itself. "Did you have pleasant adventures about the castle today, then?"

"The best!" Crescent hopped up onto the high bed, words spilling out in an enthusiastic rush. "Aunt Tia showed me the kitchens and we had cake, and then I helped cousin Blueblood with his garden and we're best friends now, and I saw the cool armor hall, and the library, and..."

Luna listened indulgently as Crescent nattered on, pausing only to take dramatic gasps of air before plunging into her next story. It seemed her daughter had charmed her way into much of the castle already. Typical. Few could resist Crescent's bubbly enthusiasm for long.

When the filly finally wound down, Luna drew her close, nuzzling her tousled mane. "I'm so pleased you've had such a delightful second day here, little one." She hesitated. "And...you truly consider yourself happy? Adjusting well?"

Crescent snuggled into Luna's embrace. "Uh huh! Everypony's been really nice. And I got to make friends and see neat stuff. But best of all..." She touched her horn to Luna's. "I got you as my mama!"

Luna had to blink sudden mistiness from her eyes. Yes, she was undoubtedly the fortunate one here. This sweet child was the unexpected gift Luna never knew she needed.

"I love you so very much, Crescent," she whispered.

"Love you more!" The little filly squeezed Luna tight.

It was in that moment that Luna realized she was professing love for herself. But, was it wrong for a pony to have some love for themself? "Crescent, are you going to bed now?"

"No." She scrambled up onto Luna's back, hugging her. "Not tired yet. I want to be with you. You deserve some love too." She smooched Luna on the back. "Lead on."

Luna rose to her hooves, and she knew. She knew everything Crescent had done that day. It flowed with the easy transmission that came with one part of the mind conversing with the other, without any willful thought. She just knew, and she colored faintly. "Celestia took a quick liking to you."

"She loves me, us, you." Crescent tapped at Luna's back. "She only loves me because I am you."

Author's Note:

Oh no, the patron of this tale upped their support, meaning I owe 2 more updates by the 11th. I'm on the case! Let there be more Crescent!

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