• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 416 Views, 7 Comments

Claws and Stripes - Danny the Chemist

After Earth and Equestria made their connection, a hunted girl accidentally stumbles into the world of ponies. Her arrival sparks a chain of events that will alter both worlds, whether it's for the better or for the worse.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Equestria, outskirts of Ponyville.

Fluttershy cheerfully strolled along the dirt path, humming a pleasant tune to herself. Several birds flocked around her, joining in her symphony. Slowly, their numbers rose until a small concerto formed, making the already bright day seem even brighter in the mare's eyes. She found herself caught in her own world, dancing along with the melodious ensemble.

Her joyful walk abruptly halted by a thunderous roar, the birds scattered, and Fluttershy jumped in surprise. Instinctively seeking cover, she hid behind a boulder. As she cautiously stood up, her entire body shook. Her eyes darted in every direction, searching for the source of the frightening sound. Another roar echoed, prompting her to hide again, though this

time, she identified its origin: the Everfree Forest.

Her stomach sank, and her already erratic breathing escalated. Despite her fear, curiosity got the better of her. The unusualness of the animal's cry concerned her, driving her to worry that it might be in trouble. With a determined resolve, she emerged from her hiding spot and ventured toward the edge of the forest. Though it took only a couple of minutes, each step felt like hours under the weight of her fear, casting doubt on her every move. Nevertheless, she pressed on.

Now standing before the looming forest, her breathing grew heavy, and the sheer foreboding aura of the place threatened to overwhelm her. Despite the pressure, she gulped and summoned the courage to take another step forward.

Suddenly, she heard the cracking of wood, and she instinctively leaped out of the way just in time to avoid a massive object hurtling from the trees. A scream escaped her lips as she tumbled to the ground, but she swiftly raised her upper body, anticipating a potential threat. Her eyes darted around, scanning the immediate area to identify whatever had attempted to tackle her. They quickly fixated on the motionless form of a Myrmecoleon.

The intensity of the moment was overwhelming for Fluttershy. Despite her initial instinct to flee, the creature's stillness drew her closer. The sight of the pooling blood beneath its body froze her in place, a mix of fear and concern evident in her expression.

Her hesitant hand extended toward the fallen creature, as if pulled by an unseen force. But a sudden chill raced through her, causing every hair on her body to stand on end. Her attention sharply diverted towards the forest, locking eyes with an unknown entity lurking within its shadows. Paralyzed by terror, she was torn between the impulse to escape and the fear of provoking a potential attack.

Time seemed to stretch infinitely as the tense standoff continued. The creature observed her with glowing blue eyes, its intent unreadable yet undeniably predatory. In a heartbeat, its focus shifted elsewhere, and it vanished into the darkness of the forest, leaving Fluttershy trembling in its wake.

As the immediate danger dissipated, her legs gave way, and she collapsed, her heart racing wildly. Only then, with the threat gone, did she manage to draw a deep breath, wiping away the sweat that had coated her face. Her body exhausted, drained of adrenaline, she succumbed to unconsciousness, the ordeal proving too much for her fragile nerves to endure.

Equestria, Ponyville, about an hour later.

The scene in the library was filled with a mix of tension and concern, the group gathered around Fluttershy, offering comfort after her harrowing experience. Sipping the provided tea to steady her nerves, she recounted the chilling encounter, her voice still carrying the weight of fear.

"And then it just disappeared," she concluded, her words trailing off as she took a moment to compose herself.

Rainbow Dash's attempt to inject a bit of skepticism was swiftly met with disapproving glances from the others. "I mean, yeah, it's not exactly Fluttershy's style to make this stuff up," she amended, sensing the mood in the room.

Applejack chimed in, her arms crossed, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "She's lucky she got away. Who knows what that critter was up to? And taking down a Myrmecoleon? That's no small feat. Those things are tougher than a Manticore, last I heard."

As discussions ensued and the group exchanged thoughts, Twilight remained uncharacteristically quiet, her usually composed demeanor marred by worry. Her furrowed brow hinted at the depth of her concern for Fluttershy's safety and the implications of the unknown creature's presence.

"Is something the matter, Twilight?" Rarity piped up.

Twilight, being brought out of her deep thoughts, blinked and looked at the alabaster mare. "Actually, yes," she replied, earning surprised looks from everyone. "A few weeks ago, Zecora approached me about strange occurrences within the Everfree. She mentioned that animals, monsters, and all other creatures seemed restless to her, as if something had shifted inside the forest."

Her statement unsettled everyone in the room. The forest was already renowned for its chaos, where everything operated on its own whims. Now, they were being informed that something was exacerbating the situation.

"Then, a couple of weeks ago, she informed me that all the creatures within began behaving unusually. They crossed established borders, encroaching upon other creatures' territories, sparking numerous fights," she recounted. "In the worst cases, they even ventured beyond the forest."

"Wait," Applejack interjected, almost shouting. "Is that why we've had so many Timberwolf incidents in the past week?" Twilight didn't verbally reply; instead, she simply nodded. The weight of the situation slowly began to dawn on them all.

"Do you think it's because of this... 'Thing' that Fluttershy saw?" Spike asked.

"I'm not entirely sure," the lavender mare sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Zecora mentioned she was going to investigate since she knows the Everfree Forest best." The room fell silent as everyone awaited her next words.

"Aaaand?" Pinkie said, leaning in close to Twilight, her bright blue eyes almost touching the mare's purple ones.

Twilight gently pushed away her hyperactive friend. "And I haven't heard from her since. That's why I'm worried, especially since she was supposed to come to town for supplies yesterday."

Wide-eyed, everyone reacted. "Are you suggesting Zecora might be in danger?" Applejack exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell us this right away?"

"I didn't want to jump to conclusions. She's been delayed before, so I was waiting until tomorrow," Twilight retorted. She took a deep breath, calming her nerves. "However, with what Fluttershy saw... I can't help but fear the worst."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, leaping into the air and hovering above everyone's heads. "Let's go and save Zecora." Nods of agreement came from everyone, including Fluttershy, whose nerves remained on edge. They dashed out of the library and sprinted toward the forest.

It took several minutes before they reached the edge of the ominous forest. Despite their initial determination, as the Everfree loomed over them, fear began to seep into their minds. Yet, they pushed forward, charging ahead.

The bright day faded swiftly as the forest enveloped the group in darkness. Their senses heightened, every rustle and sound signaling potential danger. Silence reigned among them, none daring to break it. Minutes stretched on as they pressed forward, seemingly uneventful for the time being.

Abruptly, a blood-curdling roar shattered the silence, causing everyone to huddle together. Wide-eyed, they scanned the surroundings, mere seconds feeling like an eternity. They remained on high alert, waiting until they were certain the threat had passed.

"What was that?" Rarity's voice trembled with fear, her body quivering.

"I-I-It's the s-s-same one I hear b-b-before," Fluttershy stuttered, her voice shaking in terror.

The first to overcome her fear was Rainbow Dash, who directed her gaze toward the direction of the loud roar. "It came from that way," she said, pointing in its direction. Her wings flared, ready to take off.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Applejack exclaimed, immediately grabbing hold of the pegasus's tail and pulling her back to the group.

Rainbow let out a yelp of pain as her tail was yanked, jolting her backward. She turned, shooting a glare at her friend. "Quit doing that!" she shouted, rubbing the sore spot. "We know where that thing is right now. We should go over there and deal with it."

"Are you outta your mind?" Applejack retorted, her face a mix of confusion and anger. "We didn't come here to tangle with that thing. We came to check on Zecora."

"I concur with Applejack, dear," Rarity chimed in. "We should steer clear of whatever is causing all of this and head straight to Zecora's. No need to get dirty for no reason."

Rainbow huffed in frustration, crossing her arms. "If this thing is as dangerous as we think, we'll have to deal with it sooner or later. Right now, we know where it is, and it doesn't know we're here. Plus, it's six to one. We can take it," she said, her excitement growing as she spoke.

The other girls exchanged uneasy glances, acknowledging the truth in Rainbow's words. Breaking her silence, Twilight spoke up.

"Alright, then we'll split up," she declared. "Fluttershy and Rarity, head to Zecora's place and check if she's alright. The rest of us will investigate whatever is causing all this chaos." A series of nods and exchanged glances followed. "But let's be clear. If it becomes too dangerous, we run away immediately," she emphasized, looking directly at Rainbow. "Agreed?"

Rainbow saluted. "Aye, aye, captain."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Twilight assumed command. "Alright, let's see what this thing actually is." Before she proceeded, she turned to Fluttershy and Rarity. "Same goes for you two. If something happens, just run away."

"You needn't worry about that, darling," Rarity assured her. With her reassurance, the group split, each heading in their designated direction.

Twilight's group navigated the forest cautiously, mindful not to make too much noise and alert the creature they were pursuing. After a few minutes, they halted, discovering signs of a struggle. Broken branches, torn shrubbery, and bloodstains adorned rocks and trees. Steeling their resolve, they followed the trail of destruction until they arrived at a small clearing. Peeking out from behind the cover of bushes, they took in the scene before them.

The large manticore lay on the ground, blood oozing from its severe wounds. Beside it, a smaller creature covered in orange fur with black stripes sat, its head pressed against the manticore's body.

"What's it doing?" Applejack whispered, attempting to get a better view.

"Maybe it's giving the manticore some 'get well' kisses to make it feel better," Pinkie offered optimistically with her signature smile. "Maybe it's not as bad as—"

Her words halted as the creature pulled its head back and tore a sizable chunk of flesh from the corpse, starting to chew on it.

"Never mind," Pinkie concluded abruptly.

"Nah, that can't be what's been causing all this commotion," she said. "I mean, look how small it is. I could take this runt out easy peasy."

The group exchanged worried glances as Rainbow expressed skepticism. "Even so, we should be cautious. We know nothing about it or what it can do. It managed to take down a manticore," Twilight cautioned, concern etched on her face.

Rainbow began stretching her wings confidently. "I could do the same if I tried hard enough," she boasted. Applejack, sensing Rainbow's readiness for a fight, reached out to stop her from doing something rash. But this time, she was a moment too late.

Without warning, Rainbow bolted from her hiding spot and charged toward the strange creature. With a swift flip of her body, she propelled herself directly at it, hooves first. The impact connected, causing the strange being's body to convulse violently. A pained cry erupted from its blood-stained mouth as it was thrown away from the manticore's body.

Rainbow beamed proudly at her fallen adversary, turning back to her still-hidden friends. "See, easy peasy," she exclaimed, lifting her hand in a peace sign.

To her surprise, there was no response. Applejack suddenly emerged from the bushes, charging toward Rainbow with a mix of anger and fear on her face. Her hand clenched into a fist, poised to strike.

Confused by Applejack's intense reaction, Rainbow attempted to calm her down. "Whoa, AJ, chill—" Her words were interrupted as her friend swung her arm. Rainbow winced, bracing for impact, but felt nothing. Swiftly turning her head, she saw Applejack's arm extended, the striped creature flung away from them both.

"Easy peasy, huh?" Applejack scolded. "You were this close to being mauled by that thing," she added, emphasizing her words with a gesture.

Rainbow huffed in an attempt to maintain her confidence. "I knew it was coming. I was just waiting to surprise it."

Applejack rolled her eyes at Rainbow's attempt to save face. Her attention swiftly shifted to the creature, now picking itself up once more. Rubbing its jaw, it shot the two mares a menacing glare. Growling, it lowered its stance, preparing for another charge.

Without exchanging words, the two mares shared a nod of understanding. Applejack raised her arms in a defensive stance, poised to protect herself at a moment's notice, while Rainbow took to the skies, positioning herself for an attack.

The creature, noticing Rainbow's flight, refocused its attention on the mare directly in front of it. With a menacing snarl, it dropped onto all fours and lunged toward Applejack. Bracing herself, Applejack lowered her body, shielding her upper body with her arms in anticipation of the impending attack.

The creature lunged at Applejack, its claws tearing through her flesh, eliciting a cry of pain. The excruciating sensation caused her to drop her guard, leaving her vulnerable. As the creature aimed for her throat, Rainbow Dash plummeted from the sky, delivering a forceful dropkick.

This time, the creature managed to deflect the attack, but Rainbow's strike pushed it away from Applejack. Without hesitation, Rainbow continued her assault, utilizing her speed to circle the beast, landing blows whenever an opportunity arose.

Fueled by anger, the creature attempted to retaliate, swiping at Rainbow to dislodge her from the air. Yet, Rainbow's agility kept her just out of reach, frustrating the creature further. Despite landing solid hits, Rainbow realized her attacks weren't causing substantial damage. Her powerful strikes required time, distance, and distraction—luxuries she lacked in the current skirmish.

Then, a glint caught Rainbow's eye. She smiled and abruptly broke away from the fight. Spotting her attempt to flee, the creature reached out to grab Rainbow. Just as it was about to seize one of her hooves, a large pink figure materialized in front of it, halting its advance.

"Hiya, I'm Pinkie Pie," the mare introduced herself to the bewildered creature. As the creature hesitated, Pinkie swiftly produced a sizable metal contraption from behind her, proudly proclaiming, "And this is my party cannon!" Pulling the cord, confetti and streamers burst forth, creating a cacophony of noise and a colorful onslaught that caused the creature to stagger backward.

"Here comes the Corkscrew Strike!"

Rainbow Dash descended from the sky once more, this time at a dazzling speed, her spinning body striking the creature with immense force. The impact sent even Pinkie flying in one direction while the creature crashed several feet away.

"Wow, that was amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed, dashing over to Rainbow. "You were like woosh, and I was like, 'Hasta la vista,' and then—" Her chatter halted when she noticed Rainbow clutching her leg with a pained expression. "Are you okay, RD?"

Rainbow winced as she spoke through clenched teeth. "Yeah, I think I might've broken something. That thing's like hitting a brick wall."

"Well, at least it did its job," Applejack's voice reached them as she approached with Twilight in tow.

"And where were you guys?" Rainbow inquired, rising with Pinkie's assistance.

"I had to tend to Applejack's wounds," Twilight immediately responded, gesturing to the sizable scars on the orange mare's arms left by the creature's attack. Rainbow's expression shifted to one of apology. "Medical magic isn't my expertise, so you should get yourself checked out as soon as possible."

"Got it," Applejack acknowledged, nodding gratefully at Twilight. "I reckon you should look at Dash next."

The sudden growl halted Twilight's movement toward Rainbow. All eyes snapped back to the creature they assumed was defeated. Slowly and unsteadily, it rose, coughing up blood. Its expression filled with unbridled fury made the mares' blood run cold.

"I gave it all I had, and that thing's still standing," Rainbow stated, wings flaring as she prepared to take flight.

"Yet, it's badly hurt," Applejack observed as the creature struggled to stand. "Maybe, if we work together, we can still bring it down."

"Alright, Pinkie and Rainbow will provide support and distraction. Applejack, you're going to face the thing up close, as you're probably the only one who can actually take it head-on," Twilight swiftly outlined their strategy, seizing the moment before the creature fully recovered. "Try to hold it down or keep it occupied until I can conjure a restraining spell, in case you can't take it out."

"I won't give it a second to think."

"Okie dokie."

"Can do, sugarcube."

With their plan set, they charged at the creature. Applejack lunged forward, aiming to tackle and subdue it swiftly. Yet, the creature unexpectedly halted her attack, matching her strength despite being about half her size. It lifted both of its arms, clasping its hands, then swung them toward Applejack's back with formidable force.

In the final moment, a rainbow blur emerged out of nowhere, crashing into both Applejack and the creature, forcefully separating them. Before they could react, Rainbow vanished into the sky once more. The creature disregarded the airborne mare, shifting its focus back to Applejack, only to be met by the familiar sight of Pinkie Pie.

"Surprise!" Pinkie shouted, thrusting an air horn into the beast's face. The sudden blare disoriented the creature, causing its ears to ring, but it swiftly attempted to swipe at Pinkie. Yet, in an instant, Rainbow whisked Pinkie away to safety.

Seizing the opportunity created by the creature's confusion, Applejack moved in. She approached the creature and unleashed a series of powerful punches, each landing with force and pushing the creature backward. A sense of triumph began to surface in the mare.

However, her optimism was short-lived. The creature countered with an unexpected punch of its own. The blow caught Applejack off guard, not only due to its unexpectedness but also due to its unbelievable power. Though it staggered her, Applejack held her ground, but the creature's relentless assault continued. She attempted to block the next strike, but the force and pain it inflicted caused her arms to quiver despite her efforts to withstand it.

Rainbow swiftly swooped down, snatching Applejack away from another one of the creature's imminent strike. She dragged her friend further away, while Pinkie kept the creature occupied by darting around it and flinging various objects at it. Twilight joined in, launching magical blasts, though most missed their mark as the creature dodged skillfully.

"You're not looking too good," Rainbow observed, concern etching her features as she checked on her friend.

Applejack massaged her aching arms before responding, determination in her voice. "Don't you worry about me." She adjusted her hat firmly on her head and cracked her neck. "I ain't holding back anymore. It's time this thing learns about the Apple family's kicking power."

A smile spread across Rainbow's face. "Got it. I'll try to create an opening for you," she affirmed before taking off again.

Pinkie continued her whimsical assault on the creature, keeping it on edge with her playful banter. "Oops, not there," she chimed with a cheerful tone, deftly evading its claws. "So close!" Her giggles echoed as she contorted her body in an almost unnatural manner to dodge yet another attack, then unleashed a can of fake snakes, showering the creature. Growing increasingly frustrated by Pinkie's antics, the creature attempted to grab the hyperactive mare, only for her to seemingly vanish and reappear behind it. "I'm all for hugs, but that one's a bit much," she quipped, grabbing something. "Remember this? The Party Cannon!"

She swiftly aimed the 'weapon' and pulled the cord. However, the creature reacted swiftly this time. Just as she discharged the cannon, it seized the cannon's end, crushing it shut. The cannon's midsection inflated like a balloon. Pinkie stared at it. "Huh, guess it was a one-hit wonder," she mused. With no escape for the blast, the cannon's backside exploded directly into Pinkie, sending her hurtling to the ground unconscious.

The creature looked pleased, finally silencing the bothersome pink pony. Its celebration was short-lived as it sensed something rapidly approaching. In the nick of time, it leaped out of the way as Rainbow dashed past, halting just a few feet away in mid-air.

"Alright, nobody messes with my friends and gets away with it!" Rainbow shouted, propelling herself once more at the creature. With remarkable speed, she maneuvered, dodging and weaving every attack the creature launched, landing jabs whenever she found an opening. Though her strikes seemed ineffective, they irked the beast enough.

Seizing the opening created by Rainbow, Applejack dashed toward the creature and swung her leg. Confident, the creature chose not to evade, intending to exploit the mare's vulnerability. Yet, when Applejack's strike connected, a surge of pain shot through the creature's body. Its ribs cracked from the impact, sending it staggering backward, struggling to catch its breath.

Applejack capitalized on the opportunity. Approaching the creature once more, she lowered her body before delivering a forceful upward kick. Blood spurted from the creature's mouth as it was launched several feet into the air.

"Your turn, Dash!" Applejack's voice rang out.

Responding to the cue, Rainbow swooped down from above, colliding with the creature and sending them both crashing to the ground below. The impact fractured the earth beneath them. In an attempt to escape, Rainbow aimed to take flight once more. But just as she prepared to flee, panic struck her. Something coiled around her midsection—she looked down to see the creature's tail wrapped around her waist, locking her in place.

Struggling desperately to break free, Rainbow watched in horror as the creature slowly rose from the ground. Despite her efforts, she couldn't loosen its grip. As the creature stood upright, it abruptly whipped its tail, forcefully yanking Rainbow toward it. Helpless against the creature's sheer strength, Rainbow was violently pulled in. Taking advantage of the momentum, the creature swung its arm, clotheslining the pegasus and rendering her unconscious.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Applejack and Twilight screamed in unison, their voices filled with anguish and fear.

The panicked screams redirected the creature's attention toward the orange mare. Growling fiercely, it dropped to all fours and charged towards Applejack. Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself to intercept the oncoming assault. But just as the creature was about to reach her, a pink force field materialized directly in its path, causing it to crash into the barrier.

"Thanks, Twilight!" Applejack exclaimed, seizing the opportunity. Rearing her leg behind her, she declared, "Time to put you down!" With unwavering determination, she swung her leg with full force, no longer holding back. The creature managed to raise its arms to defend itself. A resounding crack echoed through the air as Applejack's leg struck the creature's arms. However, unlike before, the beast remained firmly planted, showing no signs of faltering.

Terror swept over Applejack's features. "Oh no," she gasped, realizing that not only had the creature endured her attack, but it appeared unfazed. Before she could retract her leg, the creature seized it. Its claws dug into her flesh, eliciting a sharp cry of pain. Then, in a swift motion, it yanked her leg, hoisting her into the air before slamming her back down to the ground.

The air rushed out of Applejack's lungs, and her head rang from the impact. Blurry vision accompanied a faltering consciousness. Through her haze, she discerned a shadow looming above her. Instincts urged her to move, but her body refused to respond. In the nick of time, her perception cleared, revealing the creature standing above her, one arm raised high. Bracing for impact, Applejack shut her eyes, awaiting the blow.

Yet, the expected strike never landed. Slowly opening her eyes, she found the creature still standing above her, now encased in a magical bubble. Lifting her body, Applejack saw Twilight giving her a thumbs up.

"Just in the nick of time," Twilight declared proudly. "Sorry it took so long, but I wanted to make sure it couldn't break through after seeing how strong it was."

"It's fine," Applejack replied as she stood up, briefly teetering before regaining her balance. "Are you sure this thing will hold, though?" she asked with concern.

The creature within the bubble relentlessly punched, kicked, and slashed at the magical barrier, a wild and ferocious display as it sought to break free. It thrashed around like a caged beast, roaring and snarling, demanding release.

"Very sure," Twilight reassured, her pride evident. "This magic is strong enough to hold an Ursa Minor, so we have nothing to worry about."

With Twilight's confidence, Applejack walked over to Rainbow and Pinkie. Attempting to wake them, she realized the severity of their injuries; they would likely remain unconscious for a while. Gently, she picked them up and carried them over to Twilight.

Inside the magical barrier, the creature intensified its rampage. It dug its claws into the magic, gaining a grip. Exerting all its might, it pushed against the magical confinement, attempting to tear it apart.

"Uh, Twilight," Applejack called out with concern.

Twilight's eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed the creature's relentless assault on her magic. Pouring more power into the bubble, she exclaimed, "That's impossible!"

Despite the intensified magical barrier, the creature persisted, pouring even more strength into its efforts. Its sinewy muscles strained as if on the brink of tearing themselves apart. The creature seemed determined to break free, undeterred by the amplified magical defense.


The words reverberated through the air, stunning the two mares as they gazed at Miri in utter shock.


Miri's claws dug even deeper into the force field, a small opening beginning to form. In response, Twilight poured even more magic into the barrier, desperately hoping to contain her.

"THERE IS!!!!"

With one final surge, Miri tore the magic apart, freeing herself. The force of the barrier breaking sent Twilight tumbling off her hooves. Although she managed to sit up, fear gripped her, preventing her from standing fully. The unexpected turn of events had left her shaken.

She and Applejack were now faced with an enraged Miri, who seemed none worse for wear. Her murderous eyes fixed on the two mares, who stood frozen in place. Miri took a menacing step toward them, claws and teeth fully exposed, outlining her intentions.

Suddenly, something darted out of the bushes and positioned itself between the mares and the tiger girl.

"Cease this fighting; there has been a misunderstanding!" Zecora's voice echoed. Twilight and Applejack gazed at the zebra with stunned expressions, while Miri growled, baring her teeth. Unfazed, Zecora maintained her focus on the tiger girl. "With concern, no harm they wove. Leave in peace, with the gentleness of a dove," she calmly pronounced, her eyes locked firmly onto Miri.

Miri's snarling gradually subsided, though she remained on edge, the tension in her posture evident.

Zecora turned her head back towards Applejack and Twilight. "In the woods' embrace, where echoes sigh, apologize, or all may die." Heeding Zecora's warning, the two mares lowered their heads.

"Sorry," Applejack apologized, carefully holding both Pinkie and Rainbow.

"Apologies," Twilight quickly added.

Miri glanced at them, the anger still evident in her eyes. Then, she shifted her gaze toward Zecora. Despite the zebra's stern expression, Miri sensed a plea in her eyes. With a sigh and a huff, Miri turned around, leaping into the treeline and vanishing from everyone's sight.

The two mares finally released the breath they hadn't realized they were holding. "What was that?" Applejack's voice trembled. "Did that thing just speak?"


From the bushes emerged Fluttershy and Rarity, running directly to their friends. They quickly began examining them, visibly concerned.

"By Celestia's mane, are you all right?" Fluttershy inquired, checking their injuries. "We should get you checked out immediately."

"In my humble abode, where magic is rife, we'll treat them well, restore their life," Zecora offered, approaching the group while holding her bandaged side.

"Are you all right, Zecora?" Twilight immediately inquired. "Did 'that' do this to you?"

"And how in tarnation do you know that thing?" Applejack interjected, with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Miri, in the forest's lore, speak her name, forget no more," Zecora replied to Twilight, her tone stern, almost as if scolding her. "No, a creature distinct caused my heart unrest. At my dwelling's nest, the full tale is best," she finished before hobbling toward her house.

The others quietly followed her, unaware that a pair of blue eyes were observing their movements.

Author's Note:

I apologize for the long hiatus. Some IRL stuff has been happening and I didn't have much time to write. However I will try to fix that, and make some time in the week to write, so hopefully more consistent uploads.