• Published 16th Aug 2023
  • 467 Views, 7 Comments

Claws and Stripes - Danny the Chemist

After Earth and Equestria made their connection, a hunted girl accidentally stumbles into the world of ponies. Her arrival sparks a chain of events that will alter both worlds, whether it's for the better or for the worse.

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Earth, Amazon Rainforest, 12:34 PM

The vast forest lay in idyllic silence, interrupted only by the myriad of animals inhabiting the biome and the natural sounds of trees, wind, and rivers. Despite this tranquil atmosphere, a group of heavily armored men silently navigated through the dense vegetation of the jungle.

The thick, humid jungle air clung to their equipment and face coverings, making breathing a bit more challenging. Nevertheless, they pressed forward with determination. Their well-trained bodies effortlessly bore the weight of large backpacks filled with survival gear and an assortment of weapons. Clad in camouflaged uniforms, they blended seamlessly into the forest surroundings, save for the small metallic coat of arms adorning each soldier's upper arm—a depiction of a glaive in front of Earth, glinting in the occasional rays of sunlight piercing through the dense foliage.

The five men forged ahead until the leader raised his arm, signaling the others to halt. Quietly, he reached for his radio and activated it.

"Hunter one to base. Confirm Omega's position," he murmured softly, tapping the radio button.

The device crackled before a voice transmitted through. "Omega is located one and a half clicks South-East from your position."

Satisfied, he nodded, glad the target hadn't shifted since their last update. "Acknowledged," he swiftly replied, then switched channels. "Hunter one to Hunter two. Confirm your location."

More crackling followed, and a different voice responded. "Hunter two to Hunter one. We're stationed one click South of the target. All set."

Once again content with the response, he checked in with several other teams to confirm their positions. When he ensured everyone was in place, he stowed away the radio and signaled his men to resume their advance.

Minutes ticked by until the team reached their designated spot. Each member scanned the area, on the lookout for their prey. Then, a tap on the leader's shoulder signaled that the target had been sighted. All attention immediately focused on where the soldier pointed.

Initially, nothing seemed visible, but they knew better. Like themselves, their target could blend seamlessly into the surroundings. Straining their eyes, they barely discerned the outline of their quarry, nestled amidst the trees, likely resting.

The leader gestured for his men to take aim, yet they all signaled an obstruction in their line of sight. Cursing inwardly, he hesitated to move closer, aware that any sudden approach might alert their quarry. Nevertheless, they had no other choice. Silently and cautiously, they began to shift position, ensuring absolute silence.

Then, a soldier accidentally stepped on a branch, causing it to snap loudly. All gazes snapped to the source of the noise, shooting the man a glare. In an instant, their attention reverted to their target, only to find it had vanished from its previous location, much to their horror.

"Formation Beta!" the team leader barked, rallying everyone into a tight circle, back-to-back. Rifles raised high and low, they scanned every inch of the vast jungle. Each held their breath, the sole sounds echoing were the jungle's whispers and their racing hearts.

Their attention honed in as something rustled in the canopy, and their muzzles shifted toward the sound. But they were too slow. An orange blur leaped down from the trees, landing on a soldier.

Surprised, the soldier shouted, his rifle discharging in a wild shot. Before he could react, something coiled around his neck. His breath caught as he was yanked away from the group and into the shadows of the jungle. As his comrades regained their senses, all they caught sight of were his boots vanishing into the undergrowth, no scream heard.

"Damn it," the leader cursed, grabbing his radio. "Switching to Hunted Hunter plan!" he ordered, his comrades nodding in agreement. Without hesitation, they all pivoted in unison and bolted in the same direction. The jungle suddenly stirred to life, a thunderous roar resonating through the endless expanse of forest.

"Hunter one to everyone! Hunter and Prey failed; we lost one man. Switching to Hunted Hunter," he broadcasted urgently, not waiting for a response. Swiveling, he aimed his rifle backward and fired towards the pursuing threat. Another thunderous roar confirmed his suspicions before he redirected his attention forward. "Requesting backup. It's furious."

Adrenaline surged as they dared not glance back, fixating on their destination. The plan might still work if they could just reach the second team.

Seconds stretched into agonizing minutes as the forest blurred past them. Their bodies screamed from the sudden sprint, but stopping wasn't an option.

An orange creature lunged from behind, snatching another soldier. He shrieked in terror as the creature loomed over him, fangs bared. Before he could even raise his weapon, the creature attacked. His agonized screams pierced the rainforest, silenced only by his own blood.

The remaining three men paused briefly, not for mourning but to ensure the creature stayed on their tail. They understood the stakes and postponed grieving until their mission concluded. The leader fired shots toward where their comrade had fallen, aiming to draw the creature's attention.

Relief mingled with fear as the creature locked eyes with him. They resumed their sprint, the hunter hot on their heels. Their bodies were nearing exhaustion, but they knew they were close.

Suddenly, another attack loomed, but this time a large steel net intercepted the creature mid-leap. Its momentum halted, crashing to the ground, struggling within the metallic confines.

The leader glanced toward the source—a group of soldiers, one wielding a specially designed cannon. A smirk played beneath his mask, though he remained vigilant. He knew the net wouldn't contain it for long. As expected, the creature soon strained against the steel fibers, attempting to tear them apart.

"Firing tranqs!" one soldier yelled, a loud boom accompanying a cannister landing beside the trapped creature. Hissing, it spewed a yellowish-brown gas, causing the monster to cough, succumbing to the narcotic. Its deafening roar echoed, rattling those nearby.

Ripping through the net, the creature staggered away from the gas, feeling its legs weaken and dizziness set in. Despite this, it recognized it was cornered but spied an opportunity.

With astonishing speed, it bolted toward freedom. Just as it neared escape, it triggered something underfoot. Four rods shot up, delivering a powerful electric charge.

Muscles seized, convulsions wracking its body as electricity coursed through. Paralyzed, it collapsed, writhing in agony, unable to produce a sound amidst the relentless shock.

The soldiers cautiously approached, their guns trained on the creature. Seeing no response beyond its twitching, they slowly eased their guard.

"Operation Cat and Mouse is a success," the leader radioed in, prompting cheers all around. "Prepare the sedative. Chopper inbound for extraction." He then turned to another soldier. "Great shot, Fowler."

"Thanks, sir," Fowler replied, setting the net cannon down. "But seriously, I can't wrap my head around this thing." He eyed the orange-furred creature. "It tears through steel like it's nothing and survives a shock that'd drop an elephant. This ain't no human."

"You're not wrong," the leader agreed. "I've been tracking this thing for over a year. Finally feels like a weight off my shoulders to have this mission wrapped up."

The leader and Fowler conversed while nearby soldiers readied the sedative, and a pair of soldiers approached the creature with scornful eyes.

"Serves you right, you damn monster," one spat, lifting his rifle and firing a few shots at the creature. The rifle fire startled everyone, drawing the leader over to the soldier.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" the leader shouted, snatching the rifle from the soldier's grasp.

"Oh, come on, Sarge. It's not like those even do anything to it," the soldier retorted, rolling his eyes. "Besides, it just gives it a little itch. And after what it's done, it deserves way worse."

The anger continued to blaze in the sergeant's eyes as he seized the soldier's uniform, pulling him in close. "Do. Not. Do. That. Again. Do I make myself clear?"

The man silently nodded, released but without his rifle. Disgruntled, he shifted his attention back to the creature, grabbing a large stick and striking it. Another soldier approached.

"Is that really necessary?" he asked, concerned.

The man halted his beating, staring at the soldier with disdain. "What? You think I give a rat's ass what the sarge says. I've got a lot of pent-up anger against this thing," he said, swinging the stick again. "One year and three months. That's how long this thing played with us." Another smack. "Dozens of good men. Gone."


"Only 'cause we were supposed to capture, not kill," the soldier muttered, justifying his actions with a resentful edge in his voice.


"Not saying we could end it, but it sure would make the job easier," the soldier remarked, his tone tinged with frustration and resignation.


"So, I reckon I'm entitled to at least this much," he said, readying for another strike and glancing at the other soldier. "Besides, it can't do a damn thing right now. I'll give it a taste of what we've endured."

As he raised his hand for another blow, he failed to notice his proximity to the trapped creature or its tail coiling near his leg. With a furious growl, the creature's tail wrapped around his ankle. The soldier felt the coil tighten.

"Ah, shi—" He barely managed a word before the tail swept him off his feet, slamming him into one of the rods. The impact broke the rod, cutting off the electric charge to the trap. Free from the shock, the creature stood tall. Its attempt to flee was met with a barrage of bullets.

"Fire the sedatives!" someone yelled amidst the gunfire.

Several cannisters landed around the creature, releasing hissing gas. Without a moments notice, the creature bolted. This time, its pace was sluggish, hindered by the electric trap and the sedatives coursing through its system.

Stumbling through the jungle, it heard screams and gunshots trailing behind. Seeking refuge, it leaped into the canopy, attempting to shake off its pursuers. Darting from tree to tree, it couldn't shake the relentless pursuit. Exhaustion set in, weighing heavily on the creature. Evading capture was paramount, or it knew it would be captured.

Suddenly, a branch snapped under its weight. Gravity seized control, and it plummeted. The resounding thought 'it's over' raced through its mind.

Half an hour later

The soldiers regrouped, informing Sergeant Nicholas Graves that they couldn't locate the creature. With a calm yet tense demeanor, he ordered them to comb the jungle once more, this time utilizing helicopters and infrared cameras. The soldiers saluted, acknowledging his directives, and departed to resume the hunt. Once alone, Graves opened a small laptop.

"Sergeant Nicholas Graves reporting," he saluted the person on the screen. "We've yet to locate Omega; we're leaving no stone unturned, sir."

"You better," came the terse reply before the feed cut off. Graves slumped in his chair, exhaling heavily. He glanced at the file before him, opening it to review its contents. A blurry image of the creature met his gaze, accompanied by the bold letters OMEGA-24.

"Where in the world have you vanished to?" he muttered, crumpling the file in frustration.

Equestria, Everfree Forest, 2:09 PM

The small figure perched atop a tree, peering out over the dark forest. Fresh air brushed against her orange, white, and black-striped fur, tousling it gently. Her wide blue eyes scanned the unfamiliar landscape, absorbing the new sights before her. Leaning against the tree, her clawed hand gripped its bark while her tail swayed happily back and forth.

"Miri think, Miri like this place."