• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,021 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 43

Opening my eyes, I found myself looking up into slightly luminous green slitted eyes about a hoof away from mine.

It was only from years of dealing with ‘lings that I didn’t hit Chrysalis in the face.

Instead I looked up at her sleepily. You do not act hastily around a predator like Chrysalis. She was standing over me, head lowered to peer into my face from way too close.

“Morning Chryssie,” I said and suppressed a yawn, “What time is it?”

“You were injured,” Chrysalis said, sounding disgusted.

I raised an eyebrow at her, “It happens.”

“It seems like sharp weapons work even on alicorns.”

I raised my fully mobile foreleg and touched her cheek where my cutting spell had distracted her once with my hoof, “So they do on most things.”

Chrysalis looked amused before stepping over me, slipping off the bed and walking over to look out the open balcony doors.

The sky outside was blue but I couldn’t see the sun which meant it was late afternoon at least. Chrysalis didn’t say anything, just looking out over Canterlot.


It’s way too early to deal with Chrysalis right now. Why the hell is she even here? Skitter is usually the one to wake me and haul me down to the hive.

Chrysalis had never been here before. That I knew of anyway, ‘lings were sneaky.

Well, she was clearly being dramatic again and wasn’t going to say what she wanted until I played along.

So I carefully rolled onto my hooves and slipped off the bed before walking up next to her, doing my best to ignore the spike of pain through my side every time my right hoof set down on the floor.

Showing pain was a bad idea, limping was worse.

I walked up to sit down next to her, lifting my right hoof just off the floor as I looked out over the castle.

Chrysalis glanced at me with a small scowl but didn’t speak. I just sighed, “How’s Skitter?”

“Not in Canterlot, she has visited the Princess of Food and will return in a couple of days,” Chrysalis said without looking at me again, turning to look out over the castle.

I’m not caffeinated enough for this.

“What is it you want, Chrysalis?” I finally asked.

“You were injured.”

“Were you worried?” I asked, raising an eyebrow again.

Chrysalis glowered at me, “You were injured, which caused reactions from the Princesses, which disrupted your hives which may put my hive in danger!”


“...Yeah, I don’t see how any of that is my fault,” I finally answered, looking up at her.

She glared at me like I was being especially dumb, “A Queen's first responsibility is their hive and to keep their hive under control. Your hive is unruly.”

Oh for…

“Not my hive, go yell at Celestia,” I told her and carefully raised my right hoof to rub my eyes only for Chrysalis magic to catch it and force it back down,

“Stop that! You are straining your injury!” she ordered, “And as far as the effects of your injury, it is your hive. Stop being a dumb pony!”

I lowered my hoof and glared back up at her, “I didn’t choose to be shot with a crossbow!”

“You gave them the chance,” she sneered, “I thought you were smarter than that, pony. You know you have enemies and you go walking around with three guards in public? No other defenses? None of them were even an unicorn!”

Scowling, I looked away.

I really bucking hate it when Chrysalis has a point. I just never thought a pony of all species would try something like it.

“I am assigning another of my changelings to your protection,” Chrysalis said in a tone that didn’t bear any argument.

“It was not Ambers fault,” I told her firmly.

Chrysalis smirked, “Never said it was. I said I’m assigning another changeling to your protection. As in, In addition of.”


I glanced back behind me. Amber was sitting by the bed, looking like somepony had been yelling at her. Next to her was another changeling that I actually recognized. Thorax was one of those usually assigned to hive security so it wasn’t an unsurprising choice that he had been reassigned to this.

“Nocturnis already has as many ‘lings as it can support,” I told Chrysalis.

“I’m sure you can feed one more,” She said a bit dryly, “It has been decided. Unless you would like to explain why you declined more security to the Princess of the Night and the Princess of Magic.”

Sighing, I then nodded, “...Fine.”

I know when I’m defeated.

Chrysalis nodded and stood up, turning to leave through the door before she paused and looked at me, “And I approve of your consolidation of power with the Princess of Fire. This will improve the security and food generation of my hive. Well done, my little predator.”

I glared after her as she left.

Then I sighed as the door closed and I blinked at the bed. It was the middle of the day, but Luna was missing.

“Amber, where’s Luna?” I asked as I limped back towards the bed, “And hello, Thorax. Welcome to the team.”

“Thank you, sir,” he said with a nod.

“The Princess of Night was woken up by one of the night guards two hours ago,” Amber said with a small buzz of her wings,” she left quickly. I was too far away to hear what was said.”