• Published 14th May 2023
  • 5,020 Views, 1,475 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 14


I grumbled and held my wings tighter around myself. Sleepy. Warm. Comfortable.

“Page? Are you awake in there?”

I forced my eyes open with a yawn, “I’m awake,” I answered, looking down at the floor beneath me, barely visible through the mass of fabric wrapped around me.

It had been a bit tricky to do while hanging from my tail, but tying a couple of blankets around myself had worked perfectly and even if the room was a bit cool, I was in a nice warm cocoon.

Celestia ducked down and then peered up into my cocoon, “ Good morning. That can’t be comfortable,” she commented with a smile.

“I don’t know what you are on about, this is amazing,” I answered sleepily, hugging myself with my wings, holding my legs close to myself with a small yawn, “All nice and cozy.”

“Are you certain you would not rather have a bed?” She asked as she laid down, looking up at me as she rolled onto her back, “My sister insisted that you would prefer a perch.”

I shook my head, looking down at her, “This is crazy comfortable,” I mumbled sleepily.

Celestia smiled up at me in amusement, “And how exactly are you planning to get down?”

Looking down at her, I then smiled sleepily and cast a teleport spell, reappearing a couple of meters away, standing on the floor.

Celestia squeaked as the pair of blankets landed on her. I just laughed as she struggled to get them off her.

“That’s how,” I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.

Rolling back onto her stomach, she shot me a look before she shook her head and adjusted the blankets beneath her instead as she lit her horn and stacked some wood into the fireplace before lighting it, causing light to flood through the chamber to join the sunlight filtering in through the high and narrow window, the light playing across her pure white coat.

I thankfully moved closer, slipping in between her and the fireplace as I felt the chill starting to sink through my coat, “Thanks,” I said and raised a wing to gather more of the heat of the fire, “How is it so cold? It’s the middle of the summer!”

“It’s the wind, I’m told,” Celestia explained, “It’s coming from the snow covered peaks above.”

“Why did we pick this place, I don’t like cold,” I grumbled and folded my wings again, lighting my horn and grabbing part of the blanket to set over my back.

“Luna picked it,” Celestia said with a small frown and her wing settles across the blanket in turn, “It must not have mentioned it in the reports.”

“Or she figured it’d be fine in the middle of high summer,” I said and shrugged my wings a bit, “What time is it?”

“After ten.”

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, “I can’t decide if that’s early or late. It feels like both.”

“I can assure you, it’s late.”

I glowered at her, “Being awake during the day is not natural,” I grumbled and shifted, leaning against her to make use of her warmth, “The sun is too bright and if out in it, it can burn your wings,” I continued before glancing up at her, “...Any chance you can make it a bit less harsh?”

Celestia smiled and shook her head, “I’m sorry, that’s not possible,” she said and her nose touched my mane, “Go eat. We will start our lessons as soon as you’re done.”

“Kitchen is in the other tower?”

“Lowest floor,” she confirmed, “Or we can ask the maid to bring you something if you like.”

Shaking my head, I got to my hooves, “No, I’m not some spoiled noble. I can go get my own sandwich,” and trotted over to my bags, digging through to find that cloak.

Slipping it over my back and tying it before my neck, I then paused as I looked at Celestia. She was laying on the blanket, stretched out in the light of the fire.

She was beautiful.

Then something hit me that was strange with the sight, “You’re not wearing your regalia.”

“I’m here as a teacher, not a Princess,” she said with a smile and pushed herself up to sit before getting up, taking the blankets and starting to fold them up in her magic. She put the blanket down and raised her hoof to touch her chest where her heavy necklace usually hung, “I admit… it feels strange,” she then admitted.

“Strange good or strange bad?” I asked as I walked to look up at her as I used my wings to adjust the cloak to get them comfortable beneath it.

“Just unused to it,” she said and put her hoof back down, “I usually only take them off for sleeping or when they are being cleaned.”

I nodded, “Maybe a tradition we can work on lessening,” I said and smiled at her, “Because it’s not like anypony would ever mistake you for anypony else.”

She looked thoughtful, “Maybe,” she admitted before she shook her head, “But I like how it looks.”

“You look good no matter what.”

“Thank you,” she said and stretched her wings high, catching the light from the fireplace against her pure white feathers, before she smiled at me, “Now go eat. Then we can start working on shields.”

Ah, a subject I actually knew! I bet I could surprise her on that one, I did learn a bit from Midnight's brother in addition to what Luna taught me.

Nodding, I headed for the door and went downstairs. Blinking against the bright sunlight as I exited, I considered getting the day goggles for a second before deciding against it and quickly crossing the chilly courtyard towards the other tower.

Let’s see what food we can chase down!