• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 798 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter Two

Forbidden Love

Chapter Two

Princess Luna looked around, making sure that no one was watching her and that her personal guard was nowhere to be seen before jumping off her balcony, using telekinesis to support her body and give her the ability to fly.

Sure, she could have used a carriage, but there were only two problems with that.

First of all, this was a secret thing she was doing, sneaking off to the Crystal Empire to see King Sombra, and thus she could not use a carriage as that would require guards.

She had no shortage of them, but she did not want her sister to find out. Celestia would most likely take measures to ensure that Luna remained in the Castle at all times, and the Lunar Princess definitely did not need that to happen.

And she feared that would only be if she was lucky. Celestia seemed like she was incapable of giving out harsh punishments, but Luna knew her sister.

As for the second reason… Where was the fun in using a carriage?

As she fell closer to the ground, the urge to let her body smash into it nearly overpowered her but she reminded herself that she had something to do.

Luna was aware that she had a time limit, and added more power into her spell so that she might fly faster.

As she left the borders of Equestria and began getting closer to the Crystal Empire, she shivered a little.

Upon landing, she ran into a few Crystal Guards, who questioned why she was here.

"We wish to see King Sombra."

She was then escorted to the Castle. Luna looked around as she walked and found the Empire to be a glorious sight.

This is beautiful…

She also noticed that unlike in Canterlot, there were people everywhere, some of whom greeted her.

She felt happy. Here she was not ignored…

Upon reaching the Castle, she was taken to the Throne Room and the guards left her.

Soon after that, the King made his appearance and smiled.

"Princess Luna," he kissed her hand. "It is quite a surprise to see you again, and so soon."

She blushed. Before, she had been just observing - feeling like someone of no real importance, but now, she had been the one to go to him… And now that she was directly looking at him, Luna had to admit that the King was handsome. No, scratch that. He was extremely handsome.

She felt butterflies rising in her stomach and greeted him, after which he had said, "So, milady, might I ask the reason for your visit? It is not that you are unwelcome or anything, merely that I am simply confused. "


"Oh yes, indeed," he cast a devilish smirk . "After all, a beautiful Princess whose beauty rivals that of any worldly being has come here, and to visit me, no less. I haven't been very good lately, have I? Oh, please don't punish me, beautiful Angel! Let your heavenly glow purify me, and make me the best of all!" He chuckled as Luna blushed. "But seriously, dramatics aside, I'm curious."

With how often We are blushing, We wouldn't be surprised if Our cheeks stayed permanently red.

"I- We, uh-" she stumbled over her words as her gaze was still lost in his emerald eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I startle you? I'm the 'dramatic type,'" he made air quotes as he said that. "Why say things normally and bore people when adding a little drama makes them come back to life? Sure, the nobles here might not take me seriously, they even dare to question my rule, but the element of surprise is the best, right? so uh, basically I just like drama, " he ended his explanation, shrugging.

Still caught a little off guard after all that, Luna awkwardly said "Well… We had decided to visit Thou and see Thine Empire as We did not wish to stay near Our sister. And there was also something Thou said? That Thou was late as Thou had lost track of time due to admiring Our Night sky? Did Thou-" she hesitated a little. "Did Thou really mean it?"

"I suppose she was not too happy after what I said to her," he chuckled quietly. "And yes Princess , I meant it. There are few truly beautiful things in the world, and your Night sky is one of them. Many a night have I sat, attempting to capture its beauty in a painting, but I rarely succeeded to capture the full beauty of it."

He suddenly took her hand in his own. "Would you like to go for a walk, Princess? I could give you a tour of the Empire."

She smiled. "Yes, We would like that."

"And this is my favourite Café," said King Sombra , pointing across the road to where the Café was.

It was a dark blue building with stars painted onto it.

On its sign was written Belle Vie.

"The original founder of it was French, so that explains the name," he told her.

"It looks nice," said Luna. "Though, there's something We noticed. Everything here is designed or themed with a style of Our moon, and the houses have symbols of the moon on them."

Sombra laughed. "My sweet, dear Princess. As I've many times said, my Empire is nocturnal. Why wouldn't the people here want to design things after the moon and the night sky, seeing how unique it is every night? There hasn't been a night that I've seen the stars look the same- they are in different patterns and constellations every night."

Luna blushed. "We are sorry… it's just that We are not used to this."

" To taking a walk? "

Luna shook her head. "To being noticed… And for people to actually like and admire Our sky. For them not to fear Us or the moon."

"Do the people of Canterlot not appreciate you?"

" No… They believe the lies that Our sister told them. They hate Us… They fear Us… And they ignore Us. "

"She told lies about you?"

" Yes, she led the citizens of Equestria to believe that We do many bad things, and that We use Our night for immoral things. Now children believe that monsters shall eat them if they remain awake at night, and the adults believe that We shan't give them justice if they were to come to Our court. "

She then proceeded to tell him about the whole incident, and then about how her sister treated her…

She wiped her eyes once done. "We are sorry… We did not mean to-"

"It's okay." His voice had compassion in it, but in his eyes she could see rage. "Keeping things in like that isn't healthy… But what's not okay is how she acts towards you. I- I can't believe that. How could anyone be so cruel, and towards their own sister… "

The silence lasted a while, as they stood there, not moving. Sombra eventually broke it. "Would you like to have a drink? They have really good coffee there, trust me."

Luna nodded. "Sure."

So they crossed the road and entered the Café.

It was warm, a stark contrast to the cold outside. Sombra walked over to a table that was situated near a window, and was in a corner.

"Is this table fine with you?"

Luna nodded. "We are fine with this one."

He pulled a chair out for Luna to sit in. Once she had sat, he also took his seat, and they looked over the menu.

Or rather, Luna read the menu while Sombra told her about all the items, and which ones he liked most.

When the waitress came to take their order, she was about to bow at the sight of the King and Princess, but Sombra stopped her.

"Hope, I come here nearly every day. You don't need to bow. And besides, we’re friends."

The purple skinned girl with blue coloured hair laughed. "Now, who said I was bowing to you, Sombra? I was bowing to the lovely Princess over here. Finally found yourself a date, have you? It's no wonder she managed to meet all those thousands of requirements you ha-"

"Hope, we're not dating.”

“Sure you aren’t. Now, can I take your orders?”

Sombra rolled his eyes as Hope turned to the Princess. “Ladies go first. What would you like to have, Princess Luna?”

Luna briefly consulted the menu before putting it back down. “Well, We are not sure what to have since a certain someone assured Us that everything was great.”

“Somehow I knew that would be what you would say. In that case, shall I surprise Your Highness with something?”

“We would be fine with that.” She hesitated a moment before adding as an afterthought “And thou may call Us Luna.”

“Alright then Pri- Luna.” She turned towards Sombra after writing on the notepad she held. “Now, what would our mighty King want?”

Sombra shrugged. “I think I’d also like to be surprised.”

“Okay. So we have two surprises here. Your drinks will be ready shortly.”

With that she went.

" So, Princess-"

"Please call Us Luna, King Sombra."

"If you call me Sombra."

"We suppose that is a fair deal."

"But there's one thing, Luna. Just one tiny little problem."

"And it is?"

He smirked. "I love calling you Princess."

Luna blushed. "W-well…"

What art We even supposed to say to that?

"Yes, I really like it. And uh, be careful that you don't turn into a tomato with how much you're blushing."

" B-blushing? Who's blushing? Not Us, that's for sure. "

"You know, personally I think you should be the only Princess. Or you know what, forget that, be a Queen. You look beautiful, sound wonderful, and" he got up from his seat and put his face next to her neck, making goosebumps rise "You smell like roses. Now… will you let me know what you taste like? You know -"

Sombra was interrupted by the sound of someone laughing. "Hahah, you two should go get a room! and Sombra, stop teasing the Princess so much. She'd turn into a tomato, and we can't have a tomato as the Princess of the Night, now can we?"

The flustered Luna looked away in mock offense and said, "If ye two intend on teasing Us all night, We may as well leave this instant! "

Sombra went on his knees with his hands outstretched and said, "Princess, Princess, there's no need to leave so soon. Why, think of how much you would miss out on! And how disappointed the citizens of my Empire would be to find that their beloved Princess left so soon… They still have many more flowers to give you, and even though you are overflowed with them, they shall give you more! "

"Alright Sombra, stop making a speech long enough to become one of Shakespeare's stories. We shall stay, but only if… "

"If?" Sombra asked.

"If thou would grant our wish… "

"Which is?"

Luna began batting her eyelids and drew her face closer to Sombra's, an action which he mirrored. "Which is… To…"

"By Tartarus, please stop killing me with the suspense!"

Hope chuckled quietly while Luna began to plan her next words. Their lips were almost touching and she could feel his breath on her face. She chose her words very carefully. "To come with Us to-"

"The b -"

"The Crystal Castle. Thou hast been giving Us a tour of thine Empire, and We still have yet to see the interior of thine castle! " Saying that, she moved away from the King's face, smirking as he broke out of the trance like state he had been in.

Hope rolled her eyes and put down the tray she had been holding. She then took their drinks off it, took the tray and said, "Go get a room. I mean it. Come on, you two must be dating! There's no need to hide it from me; I won't tell anyone ~"

" H-"

"I won't be upset. You two were literally so close to kissing, I wonder how much you're worrying to have to resist!"

" Hope-"

"Speak to me next, when you shall confess your true relationship. Until then, enjoy your drinks!"

With that she was gone.

Sombra got off the floor and dusted his clothes, after which he returned to his chair.

None of them were looking at each other, and there was an awkward silence.

"Well. That happened," Sombra spoke in an attempt to get rid of the awkwardness.

" Yes. It did. "

"I...guess we should try our drinks?"

Sombra took a sip of his and smiled. "Ah. a Crystal and Strawberry smoothie with hints of BlackBerry. My favourite. Yours seems to be the Blueberry one with black currant. "

Luna stared into her glass, looking at the design of the smoothie while deep in thought. Like everything else, it seemed to be themed after the night, and it had crushed crystals sprinkled over it, looking like stars.

She turned it around, not wanting to destroy the delicate design.

Do We deserve this? To be here with a King… in a Café? To be appreciated and admired so much in this Empire? To be treated so nicely…

Sombra chuckled lightly. "What's the matter, afraid of drinking it? There's no need to worry; it won't bite."

Luna looked up and was surprised to feel tears in her eyes. She dabbed her damp eyes with a tissue.

"Are you okay?"

" Yes, We are just… We don't know how to feel. Here We are appreciated… " She told him everything on her mind. It all slipped out. All the secrets she had kept, save for a select few, and all her pain that she had been hiding under a mask.

"We apologise… This would have been a perfect night and We ruined it… We are wasting thine time… "

He hugged her. "I'll make that bitch you call a sister pay. And you deserve this, Luna. You're not wasting my time or being a burden. I'm enjoying this time I'm spending with you. "

He looked deep into her glossy turquoise eyes.

"You might think that you have no true worth in this world. You might think that if you disappeared, no one would notice, but that isn't true. I'd notice. Equestria might shun you and mistreat you, but you're always welcome here. You know, you don't need to stay with her. It's just going to hurt you more. "

She looked up into his green eyes, only holding his gaze for a second before looking away.

"Art thou suggesting we run away? "

"Technically, you kind of already did by coming here, but yes, I am. She'll just hurt you more. Something might happen… and I don't want to lose you."

"Even though I've known you only for a night… I feel some sort of connection to you. I feel like - like I've known you for years."

Luna just nodded, sniffling and getting another tissue to wipe her eyes. "We- I feel the same connection. I feel like I'm familiar with you, even though we only met tonight. For some reason, I trusted you enough to tell you ...everything."

Sombra nodded.

"Now, how about we get started on our smoothies? "

Luna nodded and took a sip of hers a s Sombra did the same.

Having never had one of these before, she couldn't help it gulp it all down in the span of a few seconds.

The King looked at her with an amused expression, while she used a napkin to hide her face in embarrassment.

"There's no need to be embarrassed." He drew in, as if telling her a secret. "You know, the first time I came here, my reaction was that too. These smoothies are amazing; don't you agree? "

"Indeed. It is not only amazing how they are so delicately and beautifully designed, but also the taste of them. I find this to be the best smoothie ever."

Sombra cocked his eyebrow. "Since when did you stop referring to yourself as 'we'?"

"Huh? I-We often switch between using the two sometimes. It was the way We-I mean I was brought up. My father would talk in this manner while my mother would use what people consider to be normal speech. It was rather confusing…"

"... I actually said that as a joke, but never mind."

While Sombra drank his slowly like a proper gentleman/in a manner befitting of a King, he thought over a few things.

Even my father never treated me like that… He always gave physical abuse; not mental or emotional one. I just can't believe that… I mean, this is the first time I've heard of such a thing. I might not know Luna well, but the pain in her voice… It hurts me as well. No one should have to go through such things… I fear to think of what could happen in the future of this is what's happening now.

She might hurt Luna more… When my father used to hit me for looking different than the rest of his fucking white skinned family, he was always drunk. He blamed me for the death of my mother as she died after giving birth to me. My siblings always treated me like an outcast….

…And if I felt bad enough that I had to use that way to cope…. I hope Luna isn't doing it to herself.

He looked at the Princess who was staring at her hands. She wore a sleeveless dress, but her forearms were covered with silk gloves which reached up to her elbows.

"Uhm...Sombra? Are you tired or anything?"


"You seem to be bored, staring in one spot…"

"Oh sorry. I was just admiring your gloves . "

"Huh?" Luna looked at her gloves and pulled them up a little, thinking they had slipped .

"They're very nice, that's what I'm trying to say."

"Oh. Well, thanks. They help to keep me warm…"

Or they could have a double purpose...one being for warmth, and the other to hide something…

Seeing how Luna fidgeted a little, Sombra decided to change the topic. "So, do you have any hobbies? In my spare time I like to grow crystals. " He laughed. " I've grown so many of them that Hope often says I'm obsessed with crystals."

"Well, We like to paint. It might not be as much or as impressive as Thine hobby, but it helps Us keep Ourselves occupied."

"You paint? I think that's impressive, Luna. After seeing how beautiful your sky looks, I can't even begin to imagine how wonderful your paintings would be."


"Really. So, do you want to come and see my Castle now? And then we can go to a very special place~"

He winked after saying that. The Lunar Princess rolled her eyes. "Sure."

Sombra got some money out of his pocket and left it on the bill that was on the table, after which they both exited the restaurant. "I would have said goodbye to Hope, but everyone knows that drama Queen's too busy planning our wedding and forming theories as to how we are supposedly dating to have a normal conversation. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she threw rose petals over us the next time."

Luna, who had just been thinking about all the ways she might have messed up by being too quiet and ruining the mood, snapped out of her thoughts at the words 'next time '.

"The next time? " she echoed.

"Yeah, the next time."

" I mean, there's going to be a next time? "

"Ja, why not?"

" We...I… I-it was unexpected… Weren't We too boring for thou? "

"Boring?" Sombra scoffed. " On the contrary, Luna, this was the best night I've ever had. Hope can't spend time with me often due to her job and how busy she is with it, and I have no friends other than her. If it weren't for you, I'd have died of boredom. And oh heavens, that would be the worst thing ever! My Empire would be left without their previous ruler, unguided and uncontrolled! Why, who could know what would happen then? "

Sombra's antics made Luna chuckle lightly. She looked up to meet his eyes as he was a little taller than her, and caught a glimpse of the sky. More specifically, the colour it was.

Her eyes widened. "I hate to say this, but it seems We must see Thine castle another day. It is drawing near the time for sunrise, and my sister will find out…"

Sombra nodded solemnly. "I am also sorry at the fact you must go now as the time flew by so fast. Come again when you can, but remember to not do it too often or she'll notice for sure. Before you ask me, yes, I do have experience with sneaking out and stuff. Just remember that I'm happy to have you here, and...stay safe."

"Farewell Sombra, I shall hopefully come back again."

She was about to use her magic to fly as long distance teleported would take a lot of mana, and she was currently exhausted beyond belief, when Sombra stopped her and clicked his fingers.

A red rose appeared and he handed it to her. "A little memento for you to keep. I wouldn't be a true gentleman if all I did was bid you goodbye!"

She nodded in thanks, blushing.

"I must go now." With those words, she made her departure, leaving the King with fond memories of the Night, and to his thoughts…

Author's Note:

If I had typed a little more, this would've been 4000 words. But you all know me.

I decided I'd update every Saturday as I'd have school on other days, and if I want to pass I need to spend more time on homework and revising…

Yes, I love how I portrayed Sombra here. Teasing, playful… he's a dream come true for any ma- I mean girl. After all, who wouldn't like him?

There are hints dropped here and there and Sombra's past might be slowly revealed if I'm not too lazy to think of it, and in this story he got the Empire peacefully. Amore adopted him due to his efficiency in magic, and then she passed away, leaving him as the King…

Comment, like/vote, etc. You all know what to do. 😝