• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 799 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter Thirteen

Forbidden Love

Chapter Thirteen

Luna fidgeted as she and Shadowlance entered the restaurant, which was supposedly the best one in the entire Empire.

They chose a table for two, and Shadowlance pulled her chair out for the Princess, causing her to blush.

As he took his seat opposite her, a waiter brought menus and left them on the table.

Shadowlance opened his immediately, and Luna nervously mirrored his actions.

She scanned the page. The prices...are...so high here.

Yes, indeed… He shouldn't have to pay so much of his hard-earned money for you. You're so pathetic. They're just doing this because they're too polite to say that they don't want you near them.


Are you telling me to stop? Hahaha, why should I listen to you? I'm just telling the truth.

No, these are all lies. I know it!

And are you a mind reader or a psychic to know their true thoughts? You are neither. They do so much for you, and you do nothing for them.

T-that's not true…

Oh, so when was the last time you did something like this for them, huh? You never did.

"Have you decided on what to order?"

"Huh?" Luna stuttered , caught off guard. The waiter had returned with a notepad and pen, ready to take their orders. She quickly flipped through the menu and said, "Deserts are too delicate to eat. Grilled food is too greasy. Seafood can cause allergies. Cheese makes people gain weight. " She noticed that the vegetable option was the one with the lowest price. "How about the vegetable combo? It's uh, good to stay healthy."

"Well, we also need some meat to make it healthy," he said, and the waiter left with their order. "One vegetable combo and a couples meal."

Luna glanced at the price of the couples meal and mentally estimated how much it would cost once added with the vegetable combo.

She groaned.

"Are you okay?"

" Huh? Oh, it's just a little cold here, " she quickly said.

Shadowlance chuckled. "I suppose it is the Crystal Empire after all." He then stood up and walked to the Princess, taking his blazer off. He put it on her. "Luckily, your best friend ever is here to keep you warm."

She blushed as he returned to his seat. "Thank you."

While waiting for the order, they mostly sat in silence, neither knowing how to break the silence.

"So… Do you like the Crystal Empire?"

"Yeah… it's a beautiful place, isn't it?"

" Indeed it is, " agreed Shadowlance.

"It would be wonderful to live here…"

" And who's stopping us? I wouldn't mind leaving Equestria if it's for you. We can get a place here; start a new life, together."

Luna shook her head. "I...I'd love that more than anything. But…"

" She won't find you. We can disguise you. With magic, you can even prevent her from being able to track you, right? "

"My magic isn't strong enough for that."

"Sombra would be able to then. Or you two can combine your power and cast the spell. And even if that somehow fails, I'll be here to protect you."

Luna was about to reply, but the waiter returned before she could, levitating their order. He set the dishes down on the table and left.

"This smells good. I'm starving!" says Shadowlance enthusiastically .

Luna smiles. "I agree with you."

The Voice left her alone for a while. The silence from it was refreshing, even though its words stayed in her head.

They were now in a shopping mall.

"If there's anything you want, tell me, okay?"

Luna nodded and looked around.

There was a jewellery shop in front of her, and she looked at the things on display.

"Let's go in," said her companion, and she followed him.

These all look so beautiful…

And yet, they are so costly…

I shan't listen to your words.

But you cannot stop me.

Silence! I feel bad enough. Just leave me alone for now.

That's not possible. Without me to guide you, you would -

Guide me? Oh, and how do you do that? By telling me all these negative things? I won't hear a word you have to say.

"So, do you like anything?"

" These all look beautiful, " she admitted. "But I don't think I'll be able to choose…"

Shadowlance grinned and hugged her. "Then I'll just choose one for you."

Thus the time passed by, with them visiting almost every shop in the mall and coming out with several bags.

The Princess felt guilty that her friend had to spend so much money on her, but she promised herself she'd earn money and repay him.

The walk back to the Castle was uneventful. The streets seemed emptier than usual, and Luna suspected that was because the citizens were at their jobs.

She stopped suddenly and turned to face her companion. "Thank you," she said softly, looking into his eyes. "I really enjoyed our date tonight. "

He smiled. "And I thank you for being with me. Though, there's one more thing we need to do…"


He set the bags down on a nearby bench and returned. Now with his hands free, he placed them on Luna and stared into her eyes.

Her beautiful turquoise eyes, glimmering like emeralds under the moonlight captivated him, and as they drew closer...

A sudden urge made itself aware in Shadowlance's mind, and his gaze shifted to her lips as he ran his tongue over his.

So tempting....

Unable to resist the temptation anymore and fearing she would be driven mad if she did not give in, their lips met.

Shadowlance had excused himself to rest once they returned to the Castle, and Luna placed the bags in Sombra's room as he had told her to.

"Would you like to have a rest before we go to our date?"

" S-sure. "

"Have a seat," says the King, gesturing to a sofa, and they both sit there. "I've been thinking a lot lately… and I think it would be safer for you to stay here, in the Empire. You could finally have the freedom you never had, and you could enjoy life…"

"I'd like to do that…But like I said before, she'd be able to track me down."

"Shadowlance told me he sort of discussed that with you. And I'm positive that our power, once combined, would be enough to make the spell strong enough."

" … " The Princess didn't know what to say.

" You turned eighteen today, right?"


"Then you're legally capable of living by yourself. She can't use the law to bring you back to her."

" ...I suppose so. "

"So you can live here in the Empire without any problems. I'll protect you from her as much as I can."

She nodded, not meeting his eyes.

Sombra looked at Luna. Her eyes are captivating… Her smile is more precious than anything. Her inner and outer beauty makes her like an angel. And to me, she is an angel. As long as she's happy, I'll be happy.

Author's Note:


Recently, I've been watching this Chinese Drama called My Girl, and it's interesting. It also inspired certain parts of this chapter.

I think it was Episode Three...

Now, about that kiss. Am I good at describing kisses? Nope.

Ah well, at least no one can say that I didn't try.

Next chapter- Sombra and Luna's date. How will it go...?

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