• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,068 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

  • ...

Reunion and New Enemies

Reunion and New Enemies

To catch up, and discuss a plan to stop the Sirens and the Wild Ones, the girls and boys took Kion, Twilight, Bunga and Spike to the Sweet Shop Cafe to treat themselves to smoothies.

“Mmm-hmm!” Bunga took such big sips with his to the point he got brain freeze again. “Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! Yeah! So cold but it’s worth it!”

“You said it!” The other Bunga agreed while doing the same and both being in sync with each other simultaneously.

Beshte couldn’t help but find it amusing along with Pinkie who is moving to hand both Kion and Twilight their smoothies.

“Thanks, Pinkie!” Kion thanked.

“No worries! Anything for our best buds is on me!”

“Well we very appreciate it!” Twilight said gratefully as she sipped her drink.

Now that everyone that wanted drinks got their desired flavor, they all began to get down to business.

"Oh, I do hate that you had to return at a time of crisis." Rarity apologized on behalf of the group. "There's so much catching up to do!"

Applejack smirked as she sat on her chair turned backwards, "For starters Twilight, a certain blue-haired guitar player was just askin' about you."

“Really?” Twilight asked while her ears were perking up in excitement while reining it while sounding stoic about it. “Flash Sentry was asking about me?”

“He sure was.” Fuli replied with a “I know” smirk along with Rairty and Sunset sitting beside her while sitting in between both Rainbow and Sunset.

Even while masking it and managed to avoid blushing about it, everyone could clearly tell that deep down she does have a crush on Flash Sentry.

"What about that girl Rani? What's she been up to?" Kion asked upon recalling his date to the Fall Formal Dance.

"Oh, she's been around...in business school." Ono admitted on behalf of the team. "Sorry Kion, but she wouldn't tell, in fact we've hardly seen her since this whole band competition started up."

"Oh..." Kion understood that she is busy, but still none of the less disappointed that he couldn't get to say Hi and cath up with her much like the rest of his mirror friends.

Upon seeing his downcast expression, the fashionista decided it was best the change the topic for a more upbeat tone. "Perhaps you would give us just the slightest bit of gossip from your world?" Rarity asked while taking a sip of her tea. "Besides, Twilight nearly taking over the world, working for a sociopathic demon from the fiery underworld, before working the courage and strength to actually beat him."

“Along with Kion having to fight his best friend, briefly dying in the line of duty, and becoming an alicorn just like Twilight.” Ono added.

"They've got official titles now." Spike said as he sat on Fluttershy's lap and imitated fanfare with a dog biscuit. "The Prince and Princesses of Friendship!"

Sunset Shimmer smiled at this, though she did feel a bit regretful deep down seeing this is another reminder of what she threw away after snapping at her former mentor who told her that attitude is precisely why she wasn’t ready to become a princess.

"Wow, that's really impressive." Sunset said to Twilight. "Guess you really were Princess Celestia's prized pupil."

Twilight simply shrugged as she tried to think not much of it given the dark and checkered path she took along the way.

"They've even got their own castle!" Spike added to which had Rarity and Bunga’s eyes widen in shocked amazement with the latter spitting his drink onto Ono’s face.

“Oops. Sorry.” Ono simply looked at the blue-skinned boy rather annoyed since this isn’t the first time he has done this.

"A castle?! You have your own castle?!?" The usually proper lady exclaimed while grabbing both Kion and Twilight by the shirts. She instantly calmed down and helped clean up the mess she made on her friend's shirt, "Eh…Ooh, uh, lovely."

"Anyways…” Kion said still having a little trouble with Rarity’s overly enthusiastic behavior towards royalty. “…what's new here?"

“…besides your school becoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from Equestria bent on taking over the world?" Twilight added.

To answer their question, Rainbow Dash reached into her bag and extracted her smartphone.

"Yeah, so, that isn't exactly the only strange thing that's happened since you both left." Rainbow showed the two the screen of her phone, which replayed a video of Rainbow herself playing guitar, and as she played, she grew pony ears, wings and extension hair to look like a tail. Once the video ended, the two could were left quite star-struck in awe as Rainbow leaned back, resting her feet on the table.

"Pretty sweet, huh? It happens to all of us when we play."

“Any idea of what this might meant?” Ono asked their friends who both trying to ponder on what they had just been told.

"Hmm.” Kion thought about before speaking of an idea. “Our crowns were returned to Equestria, but some of its magic must have remained here at Canterlot High. Now that we're all back together, we can use that magic on the sirens.”

“Just like when we were able to use it on Sunset Shimmer when she turned into that horrifyingly awful winged monster!" Twilight added before she caught herself and realized what she just said. "No offense." She apologetically added.

"None taken." Sunset said with a shrug. "Heh. I'm used to it."

Rainbow Dash stood up from her chair, waving her fist into the air. "They'll never even know what hit 'em!" She began doing some karate moves and yells and then threw a punch, which was caught and blocked by Applejack.

"We've got nothin' to worry about now that Twilight's back. And with Kion on our side, those Dazzlings along with those Wild Ones won't stand a chance."

“You’ve said it!” Beshte said in agreement.

“It’ll be like killing two birds with one stone.” Fuli added before waving a hand and shaking her head no towards the animal-lover sitting next to her.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I could find something to worry about." Fluttershy commented before smiling and sounding more upbeat. "But it won't be the Sirens and Wild Ones."

"The sooner we do this, the better." Twilight confidentially said before asking. "Any idea where the Dazzlings and the Wild Ones might be?"

Rarity and Sunset both shrugged and shook their heads in 'no' in response.

Pinkie Pie tapped in Twilight's shoulder to say something, but first took a few good, long sips of her smoothy before sighing in satisfaction before answering her question. "There's a big party tonight for all the bands who signed up to be in the showcase! That would include the Dazzlings and Wild Ones."

“Then that’s our next move!” Kion stated confidentially. “Time to put an end to this before it can even get started!”

While this was going on, a well-dressed man wearing a black business suit complete with a red shirt and black tie briefly tilted his matching sunglasses was observing them while helping himself to a drink. His face is currently obscured by the paper he is currently reading while he turned to three other men standing right beside him.


“How do you want to handle this?”

A woman and man of the trio spoke while the third didn’t even say a word.

“I want you three to keep tabs on them, watch their every move…” He said while taking a bite of his pastry. “…see who they’re going up against, what they’re planning?”

“But sir, if the rumors are true, then what purpose does this have?”

“Because it’ll lead me to them, and allow me to finally get what I’ve been looking all this time.” He stressed before pointing to the teens all now leaving the shop.

“We’re on it!” The female lead of the trio stated before leading them after them.

“Subtlety…” He reminded to stop them from getting spotted right away to which they were all quick to do so but without bumping heads and the door along the way much to their leader’s eye-rolling annoyance.

The Lion and Pony Guard all made their way on over to the party that night where they all managed to walk down the halls reaching up to the gymnasium entrance. While walking Twilight noticed some of the many faces that she saw the last time she was here all fondly smiling upon seeing her given with how she managed to save the school from Sunset’s iron fist maintained control and from a zombie apocalypse, along with Sunset again getting the brunt of scorn in this world.

Twilight did for once smile upon seeing that everyone looks up to her and is not treating her to be a hated bad girl while having a place a comforting hand on Sunset’s shoulder to assure her that no harm will come her way. Something that Sunset smiled in return feeling very grateful for said gesture.

Inside the gym, all of the students were arguing with one another with the others ignoring and giving them dirty and disdainful looks.

Kion upon seeing this could not believe and understand what these bad boy and girl bands did to get everyone act like this. From the Cutie Mark Crusaders, to Bulk Biceps, Snips and Snails, Photo Finish, Derpy, and even Trixie were all treating each other very coldly.

“What is happening?” He thought to himself as he moved to join the others helping themselves to punch and cookies (mostly both Bunga’s and Pinkie Pie).

At one point Snips and Snails were arguing with Flash Sentry who frustratingly took his cup and walked away not about to start a fight that could get themselves kicked out of the competition.

"I'm gonna get more punch!"

But not without glaring back at Snips and it happened that another girl just happened to be going in the opposite direction heading towards him. She too did not look where she was going and ended up bumping into each other.

Said girl that bumped into him was Twilight, who was too mindset on seeing the many fighting faces and unsure whether or not they remember her for who she truly is.

“Ow. At least that wasn’t a rotten tomato.” She said out loud before her eyes went wide when she saw the boy who has a crush on her in this world who instinctively grabber her before she could fall to the ground.


Deep down, Twilight was heavily surprised to see him and was left having a rare mix of emotions and at a loss for words of how to react at a time like this. A mixture of surprise, shyness, love, fear, and nervousness all rolled in one minute.

Flash couldn't believe it with what he was seeing before his very eyes. The girl he had a crush on came back. For the first time since getting plagued with the bad guys and girl’s spell, he smiled. Twilight blushed in response and was now nervous she stammered with her next words while grinning like a love-struck idiot.

"Eh, bumped, into, always, doing?"

Flash Sentry, moved to help her stand up straight. "What are you doing here? You came back for the big competition, right?"

"Something like that."

"Huh. Not that there's gonna be any real competition. No one here wants this as bad as my band does!"

“What do you mean by that? And why is everyone all frowning down upon each other like a big scandal went down?”

“Oh, nothing. Everyone’s just all worked up and wanting to be the best band the school has ever put forward. Might have something to do with the magical singing the girls along with the boys sang together.”

“I see.” Twilight said acting like she is just processing this with regained composure. “Did they bait you and the others with some kind of prize to get everyone’s blood boiling?”

“They may have clued us in that the grand prize might involve a summer-long world tour showcasing the band’s best songs.”

“Interesting. I never would have guessed.”

Just then the doors opened and Rainbow Dash saw the Dazzlings and Wild Ones enter the gym. She quickly took a chocolate chip from the cookie Pinkie was eating and threw it at Twilight's head, catching her attention. Rainbow nodded her head to her left and Twilight was able to spot the eight suspicious looking students.

“Well I got to regroup with the others, and thank you Flash.” She quickly moved to do so while Kion got a good look at their main competition himself.

"Nice seeing you again. Later!"

Upon seeing them he sensed the dangerous threat they possessed just by looking at them. Just like Twilight described they were exactly the first group of Evil Lions of the Pride Lands Past.

Rainbow gestured to the others to follow the prince and princess while Pinkie Pie and Bunga shoved a few more cookies into their hair and pockets, along with one cookie still in their mouths before following after them.

Both Adagio and Uovu smiled with wicked delight as they watched the argument continuing on with students raging at each other like never before.

“Boiling tension and flaring tempers, just what I like to see.”

Adiago having fun with this mockingly said while turning to act surprised. “Oh, no! No one's mingling!" She then reverted back to her normal tone of voice. "It's like there's some kind of underlying tension that could bubble to the surface at any minute!"

"It's the fruit punch, isn't it?" Sonata asked as she held a jar of juice, which was really apple. "I knew I used too much grape juice!"

Adagio scoffed in annoyance, "It's not the fruit punch! It's us!"

“What our hair?” Mwenye Kuona asked while checking himself in the mirror again thus angered the short-tempered boy standing next to him again when he accidentally bumped into him again and nearly caused him to stain his jacket again.

“No, our jackets!” He moved to dope-slap the two of them on the back of the heads for their stupidity. “He meant our singing, dumb flanks!”

"But the punch is awful, too." Aria said, thus further angering both Ngavo and Sonata.

"What do you two know about good fruit punch?"

"More than you!"

"Do not!" Sonata swatted Aria's face.

"Do too!" Aria swatted Sonata's face also, messing up her bangs in the process.

“Do not!” Ngavo chimed while getting in Sonota’s face.

“Do too!” Sonota retorted back before having the dispute cut short.

“Enough!” Uovu commanded of them to which they were quick to do so.

"This is just the kickoff party, girls." Adagio assured. "Imagine what a tizzy they'll be in by the time the Battle of the Bands starts."

"There isn't going to be a Battle of the Bands!"

The Dazzlings and Wild Ones turned their attention towards Twilight, Fuli, Kion, Applejack, Ono, Rainbow Dash, Beshte, Rarity, Fluttershy, both Bunga’s and Pinkie Pie, who the latter three still had cookies in her mouth while in a karate poses.

"We're gonna make sure of that!"

Sunset smiled proudly as she watched her friends, ready to take on the Sirens and Wild Ones.

"Alright, guys and girls, let's do this!" Twilight took Kion's hand and the rest of the boys and girls held hands with one another, feeling the power of their friendship within them. Though both, Kion and Twilight felt that something was off they were both determined to give it a shot. Then with great pride Twilight exclaimed.

"Friendship is magic!"

……only for nothing magical came out of it.

The Dazzlings simply shrugged, also unsure about what was going on. Sunset was just as surprised while everyone around simply watched in an awkward silence. Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, realizing the complete lack of anything magical happening.

"Uh, weren't there rainbows and lasers and stuff last time?"

Twilight was just as confused by this. "I don't understand. We're all together again. Why isn't this working?"

"Clearly there’s something we’re missing." Kion said feeling he was right that something is off as they removed hands upon seeing that everyone was looking on like they are crazy, with the sole expect of the Dazzlings and Wild Ones smugly smiling right at them for their feeble attempt to stop them and finding it rather amusing.

Spike jumped onto Twilight's back to whisper to her. "You, uh... really need to go ahead and do that whole "magic of friendship" thing now."

"We're trying, Spike. I thought all of us standing together against the Sirens and Wild Ones would bring out the magic we needed to defeat them. That's what happened before."

“Well isn’t this just precious…” Uovu chuckled to himself before speaking out loud so everyone can hear them. “…I mean I’ve heard of people coming with big talk but come on guys…” He eyed the group before mocking them. “…did you honestly believe that a mere hand holding and talks of friendship is magic would actually deter anyone from attempting to win this competition?”

"Talk about throwing down the gauntlet!" Adagio added in agreement. "This group is obviously serious about winning! A little cocky though, aren't they? Claiming there won't really be a battle. Seems they think they already got this thing all locked up."

Once again everyone was fighting amongst themselves with the bad competitive blood boiling over the whole room.

"Not if the Great and Powerful Trrrrrixie has anything to do with it!"

"Whatever, Trixie!" Flash exclaimed angrily. "We're the best band at CHS!"

Apple Bloom stood up as she retorted. "No! The Crusaders are gonna win!"

Now, everyone was amping up the cruelty and volume of their horrible spoken words with more and more green and red mist manifesting around them. The mist was absorbed into the red gems and golden badges and watches around the Dazzling's neck, along with the Wild One’s chests and wrists which gave them even more power.

Kion himself now getting further incensed by all of this needless shouting, decided to take drastic action in an attempt to stop it before it could spiral further out of control…

“ENOUGH!” He shouted off of the top of his lungs to the point his Roar could be heard from outside with thunder and lightning accompanying it.

The huge echoed scream was enough to get everyone’s attention and shut them all up instantly.

“Geez, what has gotten into you all?! Is whatever they’re offering really worth screaming and yelling at each other?! The friendship that all of you stand for is really worth throwing it all away in favor of getting caught up petty differences with one another?!”

Everyone was left shocked into silence by his loud and harsh scolding tone to the point none of them had a counter-response or even a counter-argument to back themselves up with.

Upon sensing their magic weakened slightly because of the boy getting through to them, both Uovu and Adagio had to act quick to prevent themselves and their team’s from losing control of the situation.

“Ah friendship…such an endearing quality of a young and determined little boy…” Uovu complimented yet came across rather condescending when he said it. “…yet someone with his arrogance showing.”

“I mean don’t get me wrong…” Adiago said as she moved forward alongside her partner. “…it’s quite cute and brave that you’ve got such courage to go up against the most elite music performers here at this school. Really…” Uovu sincerely gave him a look of respect. “…but alas it is very foolish to be jumping into something you have no control over.”

Kion wasn’t about to let their taunts get to him. “I know what you two are doing! I know who all you really are!” He stated while pointing his finger in their faces. “And you’re not getting to me that easily.”

“I never expected you to over mere compliments…” Uovu counter-replied. “…over your valor of being one of the leader singers of a band competition. Even when all I’ve done is perform for everyone some very good music.” He added sounding hurt and innocent. “Harry, how could you?”

“And speaking of harry, if I recall there was a boy who looked and acted exactly like you, only said boy was left bald…” Adiago smugly added while using a razor to shave off his entire head of hair in a matter of seconds before handing him a mirror. “Just like this!”

His friends all gasped in horrified shock upon seeing this cruel and wicked behavior while Adiago and Uovu’s buddies all laughed right in his direction and made the poor boy completely and publicly embarrassed with his face turning burning red from the instant humiliation that was just handed to him.

The teen with the pompadour took the moment to gloat. “Hey, baldy, try leading a cult of peace-loving and weak-willed prayers instead. Oh, wait! They’re all already gone, just like your hair!” He cruelly added while taking a selfie with his phone.

And thanks to the regained control over the students their influence allowed them to join in on the laughter.

“Clearly nobody’s going to support a bald monk with no friends by his side!” Adiago mockingly added to further rub salt into the wound leaving the poor boy in tears leading to both Twilight and Sunset come to his defense.

After nodding to each other while motioning Pinkie and Bunga to supply them with pies behind their backs they both went over and quickly marched on over to them with one hand behind their backs holding back the pies they have been supplied with.

Upon approaching them they both smacked them in the face with the pies and then had them slam into each other’s faces to knock them both out in an instant. Everyone all immediately stopped laughing and gasped at the immediate retaliation they just enacted upon them. But upon seeing the fierce glares they both gave everyone in room they all could not muster the inner strength to call them out on it.

Before things could get worse, the guys and girls decided now was the time to cut and run. With both Beshte covering the poor boy with Rarity and Fluttershy moving him away from the bad guys and girls, they were able to escort him away. But before Twilight and Sunset moved to join them the former pulled out a vial with violet red powder inside it before having this to say as a warning to them... “This is not done yet, boys and girls!”

“And if any of you are thinking to come after us…” Sunset added with locked and burning fire in her eyes and pounded fists. “…think again!”

Just when both the leaders of the Dazzlings and Wild Ones came too, Twilight threw the vial down onto the floor causing a big puff of violet red smoke to engulf the room causing everyone to be blinded and left coughing from it. By the time it all cleared, up the Rainbooms and Lightning Bolts have already vanished without even a trance of where they went off too and most of the attendees having little memory of what just went down a minute ago.

Upon coming too and standing up both leaders readopted their evil smiles.

“With all things considered…” Uovu first spoke upon casually dusting and brushing the dust and splattered cream off of his body. “…I’m starting to really like the boy’s girlfriends. They all got spunk!”

"And I think we may have found what we're looking for. Or rather, it found us." Adiago added before getting quickly annoyed when Sonata yet again looked on with no idea what the hay she is talking about. Aria slapped herself in frustration and Adagio yelled, "Magic!! Don't you see?! Everyone else has fallen under our spell. But not these girls and boys. These girls and boys are special. Especially that red-haired boy.“

Outside of the school, at the plate of stair near the entrance, Twilight was pacing back and forth, trying to come up with a new solution to their problem. Good news for Kion, with a simple instant hair growth formula she was able to restore his hair along with his usual hairstyle, but he was still left shaken from what had just transpired back there.

“Regardless with what happened back there…” Sunset spoke up to help comfort the pre-teen. “…that took fierce determination back there to stand up to all of those guys.”

“Thanks.” Kion still looked down feeling very down for letting them get to him like that.

“So were you two.” Beshte complimented. “I don’t think I could manage that all by myself.”

“Neither could I…” Fuli added while looking on at the two girls feeling very impressed. “…even if that was a bit extreme, that was definitely hardcore.”

“…and totally worth it.” Bunga One stated in agreement.

“It was Un-Bunga-veilable!” The other Bunga also stated.

“Eh…” Twilight tried not to think much of it with a shrug. “…I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing about it.”

“And those jerks were asking for it.” Sunset added while cringing when a terrible memory replayed in her mind. Specifically the part where she witnessed Kion get his head shaved till he was bald. “Just what everyone could have done if they were in my shoes.” She added while looking aside with regret that she had spark some of her inner fire from her past self to stand up to one her friends like that. A feeling that Twilight herself also agreed and didn’t like stooping towards once again even if it was for a very good reason.

“But what I don’t understand is why we couldn't create the spark that would help us break the spell completely.” Twilight spoke unable to comprehend the lack of much-needed magic back there. “That's how it worked when I was here."

Ono chimed in by saying, "But to defeat her, you drew magic from the crown she was wearing. The Sirens' and the Wild One’s magic comes from their music."

Sunset then proposed as she added on to Ono’s thoughts. "So maybe you have to use the same kind of magic to defeat them." Both Kion and Twilight shared the same surprised looks leading to Sunset feeling like she touched a nerve with what she just said. "Or… maybe not."

Kion smiled in response. "No. I think you're onto something."

"Really?" Sunset asked with a gleaming smile.

"It's when you play music that you transform now, right?" Kion asked the others.

Applejack nodded, "Yup. Ears, tails, the whole shebang."

“Everything you can think of, you name it.” Fuli added as she too nodded.

Twilight Sparkle continued on with how they they need to go on about it. "So maybe the way to use that magic to defeat the sirens is by playing a musical counter-spell!"

"You mean like a song?" Fluttershy asked as she brushed the hair covering her left eye aside.

“Uh-huh. And in order to free everyone who's been exposed to the sirens' spell, we'll need them all to hear it.”

“And I think we know just the thing that’ll get everyone’s attention.” Ono said with a bright smile while holding up the poster promoting the competition.

“Of course, the band competition!” The Bunga from Canterlot High excited with pumped up fists.

“Guess the Rainbooms and the Lightning Bolts are the teams to beat.” Applejack noted.

“Guess so.” Fuli couldn’t agree more before turning to red-haired boy. “And I believe you Kion, have just become the Lightning Bolt’s newest member.”

“And the same can be said for you too Twilight.” Rarity added in the Pony Guard leader’s direction

The five out of six girls all happily giggled and cheered for the two, all while Sunset Shimmer simply to the side, once again, feeling left out of the loop.

“Um, actually, girls…” Beshte spoke up upon feeling sympathy for the school outcast. “…Don’t you think we should let Sunset join in on the band. She is one of us.”

Sunset felt touched by his words as the girls looked on apologetically after realizing their accidental mistake.

“Of course, of course, darling…” Rarity apologetically spoke on behalf of their group as she gestured her to come on over to them.

Just as Sunset joined the other girls, Pinkie suddenly appeared right next to Twilight with various instruments she happened to have at her disposal. "So what do you wanna play? Triangle?" She asked while playing a triangle, "Sousaphone?" she blew on the instrument so hard it made both Kion and Twilight's hair bellow in the wind. "Theremin?" she played the instrument's haunting melody. "Soooo magical." She said dreamily.

“I might take a little too long to learn how to play something with these." Twilight politely declined while wiggling her fingers seeing those are her only instrument options. "I'll just stick to singing."

"Her?!" Rainbow asked, sounding surprised by her idea and slightly offended. "Like, as in, lead singer? Cuz that's usually my gig. This being my band and all."

"It's our band!" Applejack stated when her friend’s ego started to get overinflated again. "And, of course, as lead singer. She's the one with the magical know-how to help us pull this thing off.”

Rainbow Dash tried her best to brush it off and accept it. "Okay, yeah, that's cool. I'll just use this as a chance to hone my already insanely good lead guitar skills." she said while playing air guitar.

With Twilight decided, Pinkie turned to Sunset “And what about you Sunset?”

Not wanting to stand out but willing to join she spoke of her decision on the matter. “I think I’ll go for what Fluttershy has and maybe alternate between playing and helping with the technical stuff here and there. And by that I mean another instrument similar to Fluttershy's”

“Are you sure?” Bunga from Equestria asked before vying for the sousaphone. “There’s plenty of options!”

Sunset remained firm on her decision. “I’m sure.”

“Okay…” He accepted with a shrug before grabbing the sousaphone Pinkie supplied him. “…but only if Kion sings with Twilight.”

Kion was surprised at the proposal. “Huh?”

“What?!” Rainbow exclaimed with any shot of singing herself now completely shot down.

“No better singing partner than the one who also leads the Lion Guard.” He added with a nudging shrug as if he is saying “Come on. You can do it.”

“All right.” Kion replied for the sake of the current epidemic at hand and knowing full well that they work together very well.

“It's only temporary." Twilight reassured Rainbow when she started to get a little sour about it. "And we don't have to win the Battle of the Bands. We just have to perform during the first round of the competition."

Never the less, Rainbow Dash decided to be a good sport about it. "Well, okay, whatever. Now, let's get to learning that musical counter-spell!"

Kion looked aside with his eyes shifting around nervously. “Yeah…about that, well…”

He turned to Twilight who confessed as she finished up his response. "That's just it. We don't know any." Hearing this caused the rest of the girls and boys smiles to fade.


"But I'm sure we could figure out how to write one." She quickly reassured everyone.

Spike walked up to Twilight, tapping her leg with his paw. "Totally! Twilight can write a spell like it's nobody's business.

Bunga then added in. “And Kion’s sure got the chops of performing himself. That's pretty much how they got to become prince and princess."

"Technically, I helped finish a spell." Twilight corrected, "And there was a little more to it than that, Spike."

"Yeah, and it was only after falling to a fiery death at the paws of Scar along with the other princesses back home resurrecting me that I became an alicorn prince." Kion added while glancing at his friend.

"Yeah, whatever." They both stated together at the exact same time.

Never the less, Twilight smiled feeling very confident as always. “We've got this." She said before picking Spike up in her arms with Kion headed towards the entrance of the school.

“Where you going, Kion?" Beshte asked.

"Well, last time we were here, Spike, Twilight, and I spent the night in the library."

“Makes sense to me.” Ono commented while trying to suppress a chuckle that threaten to escape his lips.

Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared and wrapped Twilight and Kion both together in a huge tight hug to the point they almost couldn't breath. "Are you crazy?! We're besties now! Slumber party at my house!"

Judging by the eager smiles on everyone else’s faces, it was clear that a slumber party was a great idea right off the bat…

…all while the three stooges were secretly watching their heads from briefly popping their heads out from the nearby bushes, still monitoring them…

Before the slumber party, Sunset led Kion, Twilight, Equestrian Bunga, and Spike to her place, which happened to be a small apartment room. At least it answered the question of where she has been living since she moved here. It’s admittedly a decent place she’s got here.

“Nice.” Bunga was the first to comment as he got a look at her residence while they pack essentials and pajama’s they’ll need for tonight’s sleepover. “If it was just me I could definitely get used to this.”

“Don’t get too comfortable, Bunga.” Sunset light-heartedly reminded. “It is only for while we pack here.”

“Right, right.” He moved to make sure his backpack is filled with what he needs including, pastries, cakes, doughnuts, and bugs. Lots and lots of bugs.

“Is that…” Sunset asked Kion while pointing in his direction.

“…don’t ask.” He shook his hand while turning back to the similarly colored girl. “Anyways, aside from school troubles, everything else okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine.” She said as she packed up her belongings. “Nothing out of the ordinary ever since you’ve both last been here aside from a little rainstorm the other night before the Sirens and Wild Ones showed up here.”

“What do you mean by that?” Kion felt interested in wanting to know more about it.

Sunset looked around before answering to her curious close friends. “The day before the Sirens and Wild Ones came around here there was this brief little rainstorm which was truthfully painful.”

“A painful rainstorm?” Twilight asked sounding surprised to hear that while turning to Kion who is equally surprised to hear it.

“Yeah, it was like the rain was burning an old part of me and then the next thing I know the demon that I once was ripped right out of me and evaporated into thin air.” She explained much to both Twilight and Kion’s growing interest. “After that had happened the rain stopping hurting me.”

“Did anything out of the ordinary occur before this rainstorm started?” Twilight asked.

“Actually yes.” She answered. “The night it happened I gave a small blow which somehow managed a small roar much like your’s and then dark clouds suddenly appeared over me with fully grown lions heads appearing from the skies.”

“The Lions of the Past!” Kion stated upon realizing what she is talking about.

“They were here!” Twilight also stated coming to the same realization.

“If that’s who they are, they were here.” Sunset confirmed as she finished packing her backpack. “I didn’t know of what to make of them until now. And as for how the Roar came out of me, I still don’t know.”

“I thought she lost it back when she was used it for evil.”

“It would seem the Lions of the Past must have come to judge her and decide that she truly isn’t irredeemably evil.”

Both leaders of the Guard analyzed.

“But how?” Kion was left confused of how someone who used the Roar for Evil can possibly be re-gifted its power since Scar himself and the previous Lion Guard leader before him have both lost it before. “How could she possibly still do it?”

“Maybe because they saw something in her and saw that while Sunset deserved some harsh judgement for her past actions she at least deserves a second chance.”

“But Scar had the Roar and lost it under similar circumstances, why would she be treated any different?” Sunset simply hung her head feeling hurt by that statement.

“Because she is not Scar, Kion.” Twilight reminded with a scolding tone due to his choice words while nudging her head in the poor girl’s direction. “When Scar used the Roar for evil he had no remorse for what he did and he knew what he was doing when he killed his Guard with it. Sunset clearly wasn’t using her head completely when she used the Roar against us, and she clearly showed remorse for what she did after regaining her senses.”

“Oh…” Kion now felt regretful for making Sunset feel bad again. “Sorry, Sunset. I didn’t mean to insult you like that.”

But Kion’s words still stung her to the core much like every verbal dagger she was thrown right at her chest and heart only this one really pierced right through her heart.

“Let’s just going.” She said as she led everyone out of her apartment. “We’re going to be late, unless of course, you want to see a very sad or angry Pinkie Pie ready to unleash her wrath on you.”

Everyone all followed after her before Sunset locked her apartment door shut with fully packed backpacks and then led the way on over to Pinkie’s house all while looking downcast with her head still down feeling like she got brutally slapped in the face again.

Before following after her, Twilight shot Kion a calm and disappointed frown in his direction for what he said just earlier.

“Twilight…you know I didn’t mean to make her feel bad.”

“I know. But I’m afraid the damage has already been done. Come on…” She gestured him to keep up since they were starting to lag behind to which Kion was quick to do so without another word.

Author's Note:

After doing some catch up between friends, they all came over to the gym where both the Lion and Pony Guard in this world meet face to face with the Dazzlings and Wild Ones for the first time. And boy, things went downhill fast and by that I mean it has turned into hair raising stakes given of what happened to poor Kion in this part.

So in case if anyone's been wondering how exactly his mirror self got shamed into disappearing from Canterlot High, what happened here today should give you a good idea of what went done back then.

With the Magic of Friendship running short of power literally, they must work together to form the power of their bands and join up in the competition in order to have a fighting chance against their newest enemies but since they have the night to relax and refresh they decided the best way to unwind for the time being is a slumber party at Pinkie Pie's house. And what better than one last friendly get together before going back in action so look out for that little part sometime around Christmas so stay tuned...