• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 1,068 Views, 34 Comments

The Pony Guard: Rainbow Rocks - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard along with Sunset Shimmer join forces once again in the other world as they face off dangerous magic at works in the upcoming Battle of the Bands

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Twilight gets Sunset's message and returns to Canterlot High

Twilight gets Sunset's message and returns to Canterlot High

Back in Equestria, in Ponyvile , where the remarkable crystal palace stood is where the Lion and Pony Guard have retired to for the remainder of the day after their successful outing in Diamond Valley. Now they plan to help Twilight with the living arrangements since she now lives there.

Speaking of said pony, she had just slowly made her way inside while wearing the umbrella hat Pinkie give her out of fear of getting repeatedly slapped with trash and pelted with tomatoes upon being seen around town. Mostly from the most crankiest residents.

“Good job, everyone!” Kion complimented everyone in the room, well all but one who is not feeling like celebrating right now.

Once she was inside she quickly placed aside the umbrella hat she had brought with her in case she needed it. Thankfully, it wasn’t the case for today or essentially every day mainly because of her status as a princess. But didn’t make it any less painful than it already has been.

“Phew!” She said to herself before moving to retrieve a drink from the fridge in the kitchen.

“You know…” Kion’s voice spoke to her as he moved to follow after her. “…you don’t have to feel compelled to bring that umbrella hat out every time you go out.”

“Easy for you to say.” She shook her head while sipping her drink. “You’re not the one who turned on everyone here.”

“But that was months ago. You’ve changed since then, Twilight.”

Twilight simply gave her the unconvinced and stoic look as she kept sipping. “Maybe so, but does everyone else see it that way.”

“I don’t see why they shouldn’t.” He said while feeling slightly unsure why otherwise.

“Maybe in case I hadn’t spit it out already…” She literally spit out her drink upon noticing the expiration date on the bottom of the bottle into the sink. “…don’t laugh.” She quickly said before turning back to face him. “…because unlike close friends and family who know me better than anyone else is that to them all they saw was me not being there to save them after an attempt to counter-attack Scar’s plan winds up with them all being captured just when they were starting to warm to me.”

“But it was also because of you that Scar is no longer in power. They should understand why you weren’t there and be thanking you for taking him down.”

“They should. But they aren’t, are they?”

Seeing that the alicorn is still being so negative kept pushing to follow after her as she made her way to a bedroom. “They just need time to fully understand that. They were just scared and traumatized from being locked up inside.”

While listening she continued pressing forward to the bedroom she is heading towards. But with her back still turned, Kion felt offended that his attempts to speak heart-to-heart weren’t being fully heard out, so he mustered up his magical strength from his horn into teleporting right in front of her just before she could open the door. But he suddenly felt an uncontrollable surge and wound up disappearing to outside on the castle roof, then just outside the front door to back beside Twilight.

“Hevi…Kabisa…what…did i…just…do.” He asked while his eyes were literally spinning and was left feeling dizzy from the attempt.

“Teleportation spell…” Twilight gently replied before opening the door and guiding him to the bed inside the room. “…highly advanced spell, but definitely under your capability with the right practice.” She moved to place him on the yellow and red with various lion images on the bed covers, from the Great Lions of the Past, his father, grandfather, along with his Mark of the Guard, cutie mark, all decorated on it. “Someday when we have free time I’ll be more than happy to teach you everything I know.”

“Thanks Twilight…” Kion kindly returned before finally shaking off his previous dizziness. Once he did he finally absorbed his surroundings. The bedroom on the opposite side from Twilight’s side of the room, all decorated to fit his home African kingdom feel. From the pictures of family and friends, to his favorite and most desired scratching tree posted inside the room, it was everything he could have ever wanted in a dream room. “Wow! Thanks!”

“Mmm-hmm.” Twilight smiled. “I knew you would like it! Something for you to feel comfortable in case you don’t feel like sleeping back in the Pride Lands.”

“Well…” He said as he looked and admired his surroundings. “…I have to say, it’s safe to say that I’ll get comfortable to this faster than my own wings and magic.”

Twilight giggled in response knowing full well of what that would be like had she been thrown the bombshell of being an alicorn princess unexpectedly.

“Understandable, I mean if I hadn’t known I was going to become an alicorn, I probably would have felt the same way. Anyways, shall we rejoin the others in the throne room?”

Kion smiled likewise having mostly recovered from his brief magical episode. “Indeed we shall.”

With an offered hoof, Kion moved to take before they went downstairs with the alicorn holding him for support in case he stumbled and fell down like a couple preparing for a fancy night out together.

By the time they regrouped with their friends who are all relaxing in the throne room, a deliver pony arrived inside with a wagon loaded with books from the Canterlot Library.

"Excuse me, Princess. Where do you want all these books from Princess Celestia?"

"The library." Twilight replied. "Third door on the left."

"Even this one that's glowin' and vibratin'?"

Everyone's eyes shifted to a book that stood at the very top of the pile, which was indeed glowing bright and vibrating. Twilight levitated the book downwards, which had an image of Celestia's cutie mark on the cover, and began flipping through the pages. She landed on the final page, which was the only last one that had words written on it. Her eyes widened in surprise.

“Cool!” Bunga remarked with curious glee.

"What is it, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"It looks like a message to Princess Celestia from my friends at Canterlot High."

“Canterlot High?!” Kion exclaimed in surprise since it’s been a while since they’ve been there and it was under less than ideal circumstances for both himself and Twilight.

Bunga exclaimed with excitement as he tried to get a look at what Sunset wrote to Twilight. “That’s where our double friends are! How are they?!”

Twilight giggled before gently levitating the book away from Bunga before he could accidentally tear it. “Easy, Bunga. I’m just getting to that.” She moved to read the message she sent word for word.

“What did she say?” Kion also curious asked.

“And how did she manage to get in contact with you with that journal?” Ono also asked while eyeing the message itself from behind Twilight’s shoulder.

"I have no idea, but it... sounds like they need help."

Twilight got to work in searching the library for a specific book up until she found what she was looking for located on the top shelf. Upon getting the book, she brought it down onto the table so everyone can take a look at the pages as she flipped through it and explained. "The way Sunset Shimmer described them, I think these new girls sound an awful lot like... the Sirens."

Bunga gasped dramatically and in deep shock with Pinkie waved her arms like she was crazy. "Not the Sirens!" They both exclaimed in horror. Pinkie Pie then stretched herself closer to Kyoga while Bunga moved to do the same with Ono, whispering loudly.

"I don't actually know what that is!"

“Yeah, what she said!”

Both Ono and Kyoga shook their heads while rolling their eyes in response but didn’t say anything because this is both Bunga and Pinkie they’re dealing with.

Twilight flipped through the pages with her magic, landing on the picture she was searching and began narrating. "It was many years ago, before you before me, before most of us.” She said while eyeing everyone in the room. “Back when Equestria was still growing in prosperity, three magical creatures were around spreading around their music across the land. Although they may look beautiful and sound pretty charming they are incredibly dangerous with the powerful ability of their music.“ She said as she showed them the image of them in horse and dragon-like form with the red pendants appearing on their chests and transparent fins on the side of their ears, hooves, tails, and back of their neck. “In order to maintain it, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others. The more of this negative energy they consumed, the stronger their voices became, and the farther they could spread their dark magic."

"I don't think I like this story very much." Fluttershy expressed feeling very worrisome to the point she can feel it in her bones.

“Me neither.” Ono agreed to the point he too can feel her sudden anxiousness the more he listens and hears the story.

Twilight said as she continued her narration. "If the sirens had their way, they would have divided and conquered all of Equestria. But a certain Star Swirl the Bearded wasn't having it. Rumor has it he found a way to banish them to another world – one where he believed their magic power would be lost.”

Upon finishing her narration Fuli then pieced together as she spoke. “So that means that world must have been the one where my Canterlot High friends live."

Hearing this stirred a question in Applejack’s mind. "But Star Swirl must have sent them there ages ago. How come they're just surfacin' now?"

“And what about those boys that were accompanying them?” Kion also brought up. “The group of boys that refer themselves as the Wild Ones?”

Twilight pondered for a bit before answering. “That I think I might have a pretty good idea who they are.”

“Any idea which book that might be?” Ono asked looking on at the many books in the library. “Because I don’t recall there ever being a book about the Pride Land’s past.” He added in a rather rhetorical manner.

“That’s because there isn’t.” Twilight answered much to everyone’s puzzled reaction to hearing this.

“But…how would you have an idea of who these guys are without doing some research?” Beshte asked while looking on confused along with everyone else. “You always do your research on everyone around you.”

“Past and present.” Ono chimed in.

“That’s true I do.” She nodded before moving to explain herself some more. “But I did in a way even I could never expect myself and up until now I never realized that is actually more to the story that meets the eye itself. Specifically learning about that they are actually the first group of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past.” Everyone blinked in surprise as the purple alicorn recalled a time when she was sneaking inside the Lair of the Lion Guard during her servitude to Scar during the time he was in control of the Pride Lands.

“Back when Scar was in power in the Pride Lands, there was a night I couldn’t sleep so I decided to check out the paintings inside the Lair of the Lion Guard.”

While inside she studied the paintings up closely and even managed to show herself of how they played out when she tapped them with her magical horn. While she was eyeing the painting she ended up walking face first into a large boulder.

“Ow!” She moaned in pain while rubbing her now red and bruised nose.

Upon seeing that some of the paintings are partially obscured by the boulder she used her magic along with her upper body strength to push the giant rock out of the way thus revealing a secret cave with even more paintings down the path. Naturally to her, all of these mystic discovery's had her deciding that this required some further investigation so she decided to walk inside the cave of secrets.

Upon nearing the end of the tunnel, she stopped herself before carefully tapping a hoof onto the ground in front of her. Courtesy as her gut feeling suspected, the ground around her crumpled causing her to fly up to avoid falling down the hill.

After seeing the opening lead to a hidden pathway she moved to hop onto it. Because of the steep downhill, she ended up sliding her way down and performed a very sharp turn before she could hit the rocks in front of her. But since she was used to these kinds of maneuvers it was like she was skiing with ease.

Then she came across the next painting featuring a lion’s head over a maze. After tapping her magic to see the playback, she moved to fly in the next tunnel and then flew up to spot the pathway that leads to the other side.

During this she took a moment to think to herself. “I can always fly over this.” It would be easy to do so. “But then again there might be another painting along the way and I really need to look out for those.” Thus factoring in her decision to fly through the maze pathway.

After getting through the maze she came across two separate cliffs and a big opening in between. Upon tapping nearby painting she found that the lion depicted on the painting just walked through thin air. And after inspecting the pathway in between, she could figure out why and moved to walk across it to amuse herself at the idea of walking on thin air when it is really a clear transparent pathway.

Next up she came across another large boulder in the pathway. Upon first glance she gave herself some safe distance from it before sending a flick of magic right at it causing it fall out of place and roll right towards her. Having anticipated this, she gave herself a fiery burst of magic to propel herself up and over the boulder before it could crash right into her.

It ended up crashing into the opening behind her and caused a rock slide that obscured the light being projected into the cave. Good thing she had her magic with her so she could use her horn as a flashlight right into the very core chamber of the cave.

Right there in front of her was a bright blue pool of water along with many paintings showing her everything about the Pride Lands past including the Evil Lions of the Past that look very much like the boys currently in the Canterlot High world. Once she was inside, her eyes sparkled as she prepares to soak it all in, before moving to write it all down in an open blank journal she had brought with her.

“After finding what I was looking for, I discovered that these Evil Lions of the Past who had once tried to take over the Savannah had mysteriously vanished after the original Lion Guard had banished them and that these are definitely the guys Sunset described.” She finished explaining to everyone while showing everyone the black journal she wrote in during her underground cave visit much to their speechless reactions upon hearing this deep and ancient story.

“And it seems that the ruffians must have experienced a surge of magic that transported them on over there if that’s true.” Rarity deduced from her observation of the story.

“How can you be so sure it was them?” Kion asked.

“Because their appearances are exactly like the guys depicted in the paintings.”

“But what about the strange guy that looks like the strange lion leading them?” Fuli asked.

"I don't know other than it is being the guy’s human counterpart." Twilight replied feeling definitely sure that’s the case. “But if my hunch is right and it is the sirens and the Evil Lions of the Past who have come to Canterlot High, this spell they've cast is just the beginning."

“What are you going to do about it?” Beshte asked.

"My friends need me. I have to get back to them." Twilight answered as she moved towards the mirror portal, which is now currently in her castle. But just as she turned away to do so, Rainbow Dash flew ahead and landed in front of her with Fuli zipping right in front of her to stop her in her tracks.

"I hate to burst your bubble, Twilight, but the connection between their world and Equestria will still be totally cut off for a super long time."

“By then you’ll never be able to help them in time.”

Instantly Pinkie Pie appeared in between them in a zip. "Okay, first of all, if there was bubble-blowing going on, why wasn't I told about it?! And secondly, if the connection is totally cut off, how was Sunset Shimmer able to get a message to Twilight?"

Fuli looked on at her like she is talking nonsense once again. “What?” She asked with a quirked eyebrow.

When Twilight thought about this she instantly gasped and smiled in realization. "Pinkie, you're a genius!" She then ran off ahead when she got an idea.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Pinkie smiled and thought nothing of it before she turned her attention back to Fuli and Rainbow Dash, grabbing them by the necks. “Now about those bubbles…"

Fuli quickly slipped through Pinkie’s grasp just when Twilight came back a handful of tools and supplies seconds later.

She got to work happily levitating some gadgets and gizmos, long electric cords, before placing them all together around the portal mirror. The others watched on curiously with her progress with no idea of what she is now creating. Once she was done, the mirror was surrounded by wires, and other electronic items hardwired into the mirror.

"…And the interval between the two points is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the separation between the points along three spatial dimensions." Twilight said as she took pride in her work and smiled in the other’s direction.

However, the others were completely lost unable to understand when she talks like a scientist.

"Say what now?" Spike was the first to ask clearly confused along with the others.

“Could you translate that please?”

Just when Ono realized what she just did, Pinkie beat him to the punch. “Duh, She's gonna take the magic in here…" She pointed towards the book where Sunset sent the message. "…and put it in there." She gestured to the mirror. "…That'll make the portal open up so that whenever she wants to, she can go from here to there." She pointed to the book before doing a cartwheel in front of the mirror, and continued going back and forth repeatedly. "There to here. Here to there. Here there! Here there! Here—"

Fuli quickly intercepted her to get her to stop just before she could dart away from the portal again. "We get the idea!"

Pinkie stopped, still smiling with her point made.

"Now to see if it actually works." Twilight said as she levitated the book and placed it on the very top of the generator and the sun symbol. Upon doing so the machine got powered up, sending violet colored electric charges to the metal antennas which coursed all the way down, through the cords and everywhere before reaching at the very top of the mirror, which then began to glow brightly and a magenta colored swirling vortex appeared within the glass. The portal was now up and running thus giving those who wished to access to enter both worlds whenever to come and go as they wish.

Everyone all gasped with impressed smiles, even Kyoga. "Once again you’ve amazed me, Twilight."

“Like my dad always said, live long enough and you’ll see everything.” Beshte said.

"Don't suppose we could join you this time around?" Applejack hopefully asked.

"Better not." Twilight said with a polite shake of her head. "It could make things pretty confusing if Canterlot High all of a sudden had two of all of you."

Everyone in the Guard all looked at each other before coming to nod and say “Yeah.” in agreement.

"But I still get to go, right?" Spike hopefully asked, "There isn't another one of me at Canterlot High. And you never know if you might need your trusty assistant."

Twilight nodded in response. "Mm-hmm."

Spike jumped up with glee knowing that he gets to experience the fun all over again. "Yes!"

Twilight then turned to Kion who smirked at her. “Don’t think I’m not going with you, especially when Evil Lions of the Past are involved.”

“Wasn’t planning on going there without you...” Twilight said knowing that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer before turning to Bunga. “…or you too.”

“Really?” Bunga’s eyes beamed with joy before raising a fist victoriously. “Yes!”

With the traveling party set, the four all turned to the rest of their friends to say their goodbyes for now.

"We won't be gone long." Twilight assured everyone before she, Kion, Spike, and Bunga were all surrounded together for a group hug with everyone all wishing them safe travels.

“And don't forget to dress well." Rarity said once they broke apart from the hug leaving Pinkie the only one still hugging onto Twilight. She squeed once she let go allowing her to join the others in lining up in front of the mirror.

"Ready, Spike?” Twilight asked when turning to him.

Spike cracked his knuckles, blew and squeaked his claws before replying. "Ready!"

The four took their stances before they all charged into the portal which glowd brightly when they entered through it.

Back in Canterlot High the girls and boys were all trying to keep themselves patient and busy to pass the time while waiting for both Prince Kion and Princess Twilight to finally show up.

Rarity was painting Fluttershy's nails, Sunset Shimmer was reading some of her old letters to Celestia while Rainbow continued kicking her soccer ball. Pinkie and Applejack were playing cards on top of the pedestal beside the stone horse, though Pinkie doesn’t seem to be playing the same game as Applejack.

Beshte and Bunga were having a burping contest though it is very close to call between two boys who can really keep each other on their throats in terms of volume. Fuli is currently running laps around the school. Ono is currently working on his homework so that he doesn’t have to worry about it while they focus on dealing with great evil.

They had been waiting for a long time to the point they are started to get tired of hoping that Twilight had responded to Sunset's message.

Rainbow sighed just about ready to call it. "I'm starting to think she's not coming."

Suddenly, a side of the pedestal began to glow brightly, and four figures came shooting out screaming. Once the four past vistiors landed on the ground in their world everyone stopped what they were doing and all rushed on over to her feeling very excited that they finally arrived. Especially…


The now human alicorn princess rubbed her head and smiled at her friends. "I'm back."

Unlike the first time she was here, Twilight didn’t have the darken school girl outfit. Her new outfit consisted of a new purple and pink shirt, blue jeans with a purple belt with a pink star buckle on the center. In addition to keeping the black jacket and boots, she’s also got dark purple sleeveless gloves on her hands.

Looking up she noticed Sunset Shimmer offering her a helping hand to stand up to which she graciously accepted. Being in similar shoes certainly helps give her all the more reason to accept it because Twilight knew Sunset’s reformation is genuine. But as she moved to stand up, Sunset noticed the scar on Twilight’s left eye. Sure she did see it when she was here before but it took her a second to realize that and that this is the once sweet hearted girl who once dressed down to her similar and current attire. Back then she didn’t care of how she got it, but now that it’s on her mind, that’s the first question on her mind.

Before she could ask, Pinkie Pie, Bunga (human world), Applejack, Beshte, Rarity, Fuli, Fluttershy, Ono, and Rainbow Dash all rushed to hug their friends all greatly expressing their happiness that they’re here, while Sunset stood aside with a forced smile still not feeling a part of the group just yet.

“Me! Great to see you again!”

“I know right! So Un-Bunga-veiable!”

The two Bunga’s happily greeted each other.

“It’s great to see all of you again.” Kion equally happily told everyone.

"Me too." Twilight said in the same tone as her best friend before her smile turned into a frown. "And I've got some bad news about those new girls and boys."

The once happy atmosphere turned into a serious matter as they all are open ears on who they’re really dealing with.

Author's Note:

After the eventful day at Diamond Valley, Kion has a word with Twilight who once more tries to reason with her that things will get better eventually with little progress along with losing control of his newfound powers. But on the bright side Twilight was kind enough to set up a place for him to stay on nights he doesn't want to sleep in the cave.

Soon afterwards while everyone settles in the new castle, Sunset's message finally came through to Twilight and Kion with the former recognizing their new adversary's as past Equestria and Pride Lands foes from the Past. The Dazzlings and the Evil Lions of the Past (something that I picked up on a Lion Guard episode Cave of Secrets). Something that she picked up from a late night discovery episode (no not that Discovery) but a late night trip from the past during her days under Scar's reign.

With the full scope of who they are dealing with up to full surface, both Twilight and Kion along with their best friends Spike and Bunga all move to return to Canterlot High to help their friends there face off against this new threat and play some rocking tunes while they are at it.

So until next week stay tuned...