• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode 35: Among the Enemy

Spike wanted to laugh at the irony: while his team hunted for Starlight Glimmer, the Grand Equestria Pony Summit was underway.

A celebration of all the unique places that make up the wonderful land of Equestria, and his friend Star Wing couldn’t come because she was busy hunting down a pony who thought she knew equality and harmony better than the princesses.

Of course, her plan wasn’t met with no resistance. Spike still remembered her mother Luna trying to dissuade her:

“My beloved Star, please think,” Luna begged. “Ever since you revealed your identity to Equestria, surely the Outskirts will know who you really are.”

“All they know is that Princess Star Wing made her return by fighting off Tirek,” Star had insisted as she assumed her dragon persona of Night Fire. “I’m not sure if any of them have made the connection, and I won’t know if I never try to find out. And we already learned from Swift that Starlight is hiring mercenaries for some sort of heist in Equestria. If it’s a heist, some of my old contacts on the outskirts might know more.”

“But darling,” Diamondback chimed in. “If your cover as Night Fire is blown, you could easily walk into a trap. Starlight was rather pleased to have Princess Twilight’s cutie mark. You put yours at grave risk.”

“No reward without risk,” Night Fire replied. “And if Starlight’s powerful enough to take an alicorn princesses’ cutie mark, then she’s someone we’ll need to keep an eye on.” She rested her head against her mother’s. “Trust me; I was out there for centuries. I know what I’m doing.”

And so, Spike found himself gazing at the seeing eye artifact Diamondback had gifted him and Night Fire, allowing him to watch his friend’s progression as she neared one of the various mercenary bars that had given her quests and adventures over the many centuries of her life.

But, of course, right before Night could enter…

“Spike, we need you!” Princess Cadence called.

Groaning, Spike shut off his connection to Night Fire and turned as Cadence entered the room. “Of course,” he said. “What can I do?” He then noticed Twilight staggering in, bags under her glazed, unfocused eyes. “Twilight!” He raced over and scooped her up. “What happened?”

Twilight groaned. “I’m sorry, Spike, I just…” she yawned. “Need a quick nap.” She snuggled up against his chest. “Tell the delegates I…” the rest was lost in a snore.

“She’s been awake for three days preparing for the summit,” Cadence admitted. “We need to make sure she gets some rest today. She’ll never be able to attend the reception in this condition.” She gazed up at Spike hopefully. “Can I count on you to see to it that she isn’t disturbed?”

Spike gave a salute before tucking Twilight into bed. “I promise. I won’t let you down.” He glanced at his seeing eye artifact. “And neither will Night Fire… I hope,” he thought privately.


With the doors shut and locked, the windows barred and Twilight herself having her ears plugged, nothing would stop Spike’s friend and sister-figure from getting the rest she needed.

Sitting protectively by her side, Spike delved into the seeing-eye artifact again, finding Night Fire just as she entered one of the taverns she had talked about. A sign labeled it as “The Cantering Cow.”

Spike shuddered at the sight of the place; a ratty, run-down inn filled with what looked like the scum of all Equestria. From grizzled old griffons to roughed up looking ponies to even a few dragons. All of them had a foul gleam in their eyes or what looked like blood among the grime that coated their bodies.

Spike had no trouble believing that some of them would help Starlight in destroying Equestria.

“And Twilight,” he thought worriedly.

Despite his worries, Night Fire strut through the bar like a pro. Matching each of the foul glares sent her way with a confident smirk. A smirk that just dared anyone to try their luck with her, because no matter how good they thought they were, she was better.

Spike was partially worried one of the dragons or even a minotaur he noticed in the corner might rise to her challenge. But for now, none did.

Night leaned her wings against the bar counter, glancing at the bartender - a pudgy minotaur with horns that were broken in such a way that they resembled antennae.

“Night Fire, eh?” the minotaur rumbled. “You got the gold you owe me?”

Smooth as butter, Night withdrew a large bag of bits and dropped it before him. “That’s enough for my tab, enough for another pint, and there might be a bit more for you if you can… give me some pointers.”

The minotaur paused, glaring at her. “What kind of pointers?”

Night Fire grinned at him, even as her eyes watched several griffons who were eying her with intrigue. “The word is there’s some unicorn mare with an offer. Apparently there’s some good bits involved.” She eyed the griffons again. “Know anything about that?”

Before the minotaur or the griffons could respond… a pair of angry voices cut over, followed by a knock on the door.

Groaning, Spike shut off the artifact and raced over before they could knock again. He found two ponies glaring at each other outside.

“Can I help you?” he resisted snarling.

“My friend here,” the mare on the right said. “The distinguished pony from up Manehatten, and I are in a bit of a pickle, and we need the Princess Twilight to resolve it.”

Spike glanced at Twilight and his link to Night Fire. “Can you come back later then?”

“Oh, I wish we could,” the mare siad. “But we’re both supposed to give speeches about our local economies in five minutes, and we’ve been booked in the same hall!”

“I had the room first,” her stallion companion insisted. “And to be honest, my speech is more important.”

“Point of order there, sir, but I think that you’ll find my speech is the more important one,” the mare argued back.

As the two argued back and forth, Spike shut the door and glanced at Twilight again. With the ear plugs he had given her, she was still sound asleep.

Worse still, Night Fire was right on the cusp of finding something out. Who knew how the bartender had replied. Spike had to get rid of those two somehow.

Opening the door, he was immediately beset by the two ponies.

“So?” the stallion demanded. “What did the Princess say?”

“Come on now, spit it ou!” the mare insisted.

“She said she wants you to share it!” Spike shot back.

To his surprise… the two ponies accepted it.

“If that’s what the princess wants,” the stallion decided.

“The princess is always right,” the mare agreed.

They walked off, apologizing to each other, letting Spike breath easier before pulling out his seeing eye again.

“Glad that’s over,” he noted. “Now, back to more important things.”

He delved into the seeing-eye artifact, and found Night Fire following some griffons through a dark passageway.

His heart hammered for a moment. Had Night Fire been captured? Was she okay?

He relaxed as the seeing-eye showed that Night Fire was fine. Still glaring at the griffons with that confident ‘just try to hurt me’ grin she had. Despite the danger, Spike couldn’t help but wonder if she had everything under control.

Then they entered a room with a single light on. Standing behind a small desk… Spike growled as he recognized Starlight Glimmer.

“This dragoness said she wants in on the plan,” one of the griffons said.

“Not just any dragoness,” another griffon chimed in. “This is Night Fire. One of the best mercenaries I’ve worked with.”

“You flatter me, Gust,” Night Fire said, “But I prefer to let my talents speak for themselves.” She glared at Starlight. “But I can only do that if I know what I’m signing up for.”

Starlight glared Night Fire down. Right as she was about to speak…

“Where’s Princess Twilight?!”

Spike yelped at the voice, fumbling his seeing eye and putting it away as an annoyed delegate stamped up to him.

“Combining those two talks was a disaster!” the delegate declared. “The hall was overcrowded and the speakers just shouted over each other!”

“Speakers, what…?” Spike slowly remembered the two arguing ponies. “Oh…”

“Why would the princess have made such a decision?”

Several more annoyed delegates showed up, all chattering angrily about problems. Spike briefly glanced at the seeing eye, before frustration bubbled up.

“By order of Princess Twilight,” he growled. “BE QUIET!”

The ponies wisely went silent, before one stepped forward.

“I was really looking forward to the ‘Don’t Spend all your bits’ speech, but when I went into the hall…” he teared up. “A pony had taken my seat. A pony who used to be my friend!”

Spike glared at him. “Your friend took your seat? Why don’t you just…”

“No offense,” the pony said over him. “But I don’t need some random dragon’s opinion. I want to hear what Princess Twilight thinks.”

It took all of Spike’s willpower not to throw the pony halfway to Manehatten. Luckily, as it was, there was someone to get angry for him.

With a burst of stone, the ponies yelped as Diamondback stood before them, a look of fury upon her otherwise immaculate face.

“What was that?!” she demanded, indicating Spike. “This is not just some random dragon! This is Spike of Clan Sparkle! Bearer of the Dragon Element of Magic and Loyal Assistant and Partner to Princess Twilight Sparkle. His word is the word of the Princesses!”

Giving Spike a wink, Diamondback stepped aside to allow him to speak.

“And the princess would agree with me when I say no friendship should end over a seat,” Spike said. “You should forgive your friend.”

The pony gasped. “Of course! Y-You and the princess are so wise!”

But as he cantered off, Spike saw a chance to repay Diamondback for her aid. “Additionally,” he said to the other delegates, “This is Diamondback; Bearer of the Dragon Element of Generosity. As with Fellow Element Bearer Rarity, the success of our defense of Equestria depends on our cooperation and teamwork. Anything she has to say should be considered to carry as much weight as Princess Twilight Sparkle’s.”

Diamondback beamed at Spike, before turning to the crowd. “Indeed,” she said. “So, please; regale me with your questions and concerns, and I shall do my best to alleviate them.”

Smiling, Spike watched as Diamondback led the crowd away, leaving him free to see what had happened to Night Fire. Yeah, she had found Starlight, but would Starlight take the bait? The griffons didn’t seem to have made the connection that Night Fire and Star Wing were one in the same, but was Starlight similarly easy to fool?

With worry rapidly overcoming his triumph, Spike was finally able to go back to his seeing-eye artifact.

And what he saw made his heart stop.

Starlight Glimmer was glaring eagerly into the seeing eye artifact, while in the background, Night Fire was chained up, her head down as if she had been knocked out.

“So,” Starlight growled. “Who’s spying on me? Who was stupid enough to think I wouldn’t recognize one of the dragons who helped those traitors chase me into the mountains?”

Spike fumbled over his words, unsure if Starlight was talking to him, but Night managed a pained laugh and glared up at Starlight.

“You were stupid enough to attack an alicorn princess,” Night Fire replied. “We were pretty sure we could take our chances with you.”

Starlight fumed at her insult, but managed a dry laugh of her own. “You mean I’ve attacked ‘two’ alicorn princesses.” She turned as Night Fire’s eyes dilated in shock, even as she tried to keep them narrowed in anger. “That’s right, Star Wing; I know it’s you under there. I doubt there’s many mercenaries out there that know what you did against Tirek.”

Her horn flashed, covering Night Fire in it’s glow, and Night Fire groaned in pain as the magic compressed around her. However, as it looked like Starlight was trying to crush the disguised alicorn, Night Fire managed a laugh.

“Nice try, horn head,” she growled. “But I’ve had this form for centuries. It stood up to kirin magic, unicorn magic and even centaur magic-draining.”

Starlight yelled in frustration, her magic shifting into a beam that left Night swinging in her chains, a burn mark on her chest.

“I TOOK AN ALICORN PRINCESSES’ CUTIE MARK!” she snapped. “I’ve trained and studied in magics that have been all but forgotten!”

Indeed, as she hit Night Fire with magic again, Night Fire saw one of her talons shifting back into a hoof. Her eyes widened in horror, fueling Starlight’s ego.

“And when I find what I’m looking for,” Starlight promised. “You and Twilight are going to regret stealing from me.”

Spike nearly crushed his seeing eye. “Stealing from you?!” he all but snarled.

Luckily, Night Fire realized that having a hoof instead of a talon could be useful, as she yanked her arm free of her restraints, and blasted Starlight back with her own magic. She chuckled darkly as her talon returned and she ripped away the last of the chains. “Why hello pot. Name’s kettle. Nice to meet you!”

She charged at Starlight, dodging another blast of magic. And as the two began to duel, the seeing eye was knocked to the ground, and crushed under what looked like a griffon talon.

The seeing eye on Spike’s side went dark. Briefly, he shook it, as if hoping it would be restored, but he knew it was pointless.

Briefly, he looked back at Twilight, but she was still resting. And it didn’t look like any delegates or anyone were going to come for her soon.

He could afford to leave her for now.

Racing away from the tower, he found the nearest guard. “Guard! Guard! There’s trouble on the outskirts! Princess Star Wing needs help!”

The guard blinked at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Princess Star Wing!” he insisted. “She went out on important business, and she got ambushed. She needs help!”

“Whoa, hold on, how do you even know…”

“There’s no time!” Spike insisted, briefly glancing up at the tower. “By order of Princess Twilight, get a search party formed and head for the Cantering Cow on the outskirts of Equestria. Move!”

Yelping and quickly saluting, the guard scurried off, almost running over Princess Cadence, who watched the guard go in confusion.

“Spike?” Cadence asked, as Spike briefly agonized over following the guard or staying close to Twilight. “What’s going on?”

“Star Wing,” he claimed. “She was looking for Starlight Glimmer and she got ambushed. She’s in serious trouble!”

Cadence’s eyes widened, before she nodded. “Go find Luna. I’ll take care of Twilight.”

Briefly, Spike fretted; he didn’t want to leave his treasure - but he pushed that to the back of his mind. Cadence could be trusted. She was not only Twilight’s foal-sitter and sister-in-law, but his as well.

Going as fast as his legs could carry him, Spike bolted for Luna’s chambers.


Thankfully, Diamondback had made it to Luna before him. Apparently, when her seeing eye artifact was destroyed, she had something to let her know about it.

Mere minutes later, Luna was leading the Drake Five as they flew towards the outskirts, Diamondback using another artifact that was apparently capable of tracing her shattered treasure.

But as the Cantering Cow came into view… it exploded in a shower of flames and magic.

“STAR!” Luna screamed, flapping her wings harder.

The princess almost dove into the wreckage, but before Diamondback or one of the others could pull her back… Night Fire came out of the rubble, clutching a pony body. Spike dared to hope, for a moment, that Starlight Glimmer had been defeated at last.

Luna wailed in relief, embracing her daughter with a rib-cracking hug. “My beloved Star,” she sobbed.

“MOM!” Night gagged, her eyes darting around as several surviving mercenaries and adventurers saw their reunion. “Mom, please… you’ll crush him!”


That’s when Spike noticed the body that Night was holding. His heart sunk; it wasn’t Starlight. It was the guard that he had yelled at and invoked Twilight’s name to go help Star.

“What… happened?” Spike asked.

Night gazed down at him with sorrow in her eyes. “I was so close, Spike,” she admitted. “So flipping close. Fought my way through her mercenaries… had her cornered. Dead to rights, and…” she indicated the guard. “And then he came bursting in. Said he had to rescue Princess Star Wing.”

Spike’s heart skipped a beat. “I…”

Night shook her head. “Starlight shot a spell at him. I tried to defend him; knocked him out of the way. But it turned out… she wasn’t aiming for him.” She indicated the wreckage around them. “She was aiming for the liquor. The strongest stuff; the stuff dragons aren’t allowed to have since it’s too flammable.”

Spike swallowed back his own shame and guilt. “Did she…?”

“It was a question of either saving his life,” she indicated the guard, who’s own head was lowered in shame. “Or capturing her.” She looked down at the guard. “I couldn’t leave him.”

Luna touched her shoulder. “You did the right thing, Star,” she promised.

Night shrugged. “Hope so,” she looked back as the last adventurer ducked out of sight. “Because I think I can safely assume that this…” she let her Night Fire persona fade, assuming her natural alicorn state again. “...is probably only good for sentimental or fashion reasons now.”

Spike sat back, clutching his head. He had made that guard go after her. It was his fault that Starlight wasn’t captured right now.

“I’m sorry, my princesses,” the guard was whispering. “I’m so sorry. I panicked… didn’t think to get help.”

But Spike knew he was the one that should be apologizing. Yet he also feared that the day would soon come where an apology wouldn’t be enough to repair the damage Starlight would bring down on them.

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