• Published 6th Aug 2022
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The Drake Six - JNKing

Twilight's got the Mane Five? Now Spike's got the Drake Five

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Episode Twenty-Two: The New World Arc; Part Two

While it was nice to be back with Twilight, Spike really wished it was under better circumstances.

Granted, going into a different world to retrieve a friend and a treasure wasn’t bad on its own. Spike dared say that it almost sounded fun on paper. But being shifted into a dog and a human? That was… a bit more difficult to understand.

“I don’t get it,” Spike muttered, as he struggled to move about on four legs, while Twilight struggled to move around on two legs. “Why did you get the bipedal form, and I get the furry quadruped form?”

“It must have something to do with the magic of this new…” Twilight was cut off from her theories as she pitched forward and face planted onto Spike’s back. “Oof!”

“My spine…” Spike mumbled, as he nudged Twilight back to her feet.

“Sorry,” Twilight mumbled, red with embarrassment. She struggled forward into what seemed to be some sort of castle. “C’mon, Spike. I do ‘not’ wanna be like this for longer than I have to.”

Spike padded after her. “Right, which means finding Phoenix and your crown as soon as possible.” He sighed. “Let’s just hope Phoenix remembered to hang onto the crown.”

“Well, I haven’t known her for that long, but she seems pretty determined,” Twilight noted. “And, hey, if you got turned into a dog, maybe she did too.”

Spike huffed. “That’d be ironic, given how she treated dogs in the past.”

Suddenly, the two heard a dog growling further down the hallway. Twilight brightened.

“That’s gotta be her!” Twilight said.

Spike, however, grimaced. “It also sounds like she’s in trouble. Let’s go!”

The two ran as fast as they could on their disjointed limbs, rounding a corner to eventually find the source of the growling.

Just as Spike hoped, it was Phoenix. In full dog form and growling at someone while… was that Fluttershy holding her back?

“Get that dog back before I have it sent to the pound,” yelled whoever Phoenix was growling at. “It’s bad enough that you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn’t pick up things that don’t belong to you!”

Fluttershy looked down as she tried to soothe Phoenix. “It… doesn’t really belong to you, either…”

“Excuse me!” the bully yelled, causing Phoenix to snarl louder.

“Nothing!” Fluttershy yelped, yanking Phoenix back before she could use her teeth.

“That’s what I thought,” the bully snarled. “It’s as good as mine and you know it. You really are pathetic. It’s no wonder your only friends are freaks and stray animals.”

The bully aimed a kick at Phoenix, but Twilight spoke up. “How dare you speak to her that way!”

The bully turned, and Spike himself growled. The bully was Sunset Shimmer; the thief who stole the crown in the first place.

“What did you say?” Sunset growled.

Twilight tried to get in her face. “I said…” but on her lopsided legs, she was barely able to avoid falling down. Luckily, she regained her feet, but not before Sunset’s frown had turned into a smirk.

“You must be new here,” she noted. “I can speak to anyone any way I want.” She knocked past Twilight, sending her stumbling into a locker, and sauntered off, Phoenix growling at her until she turned a corner and went out of sight.

Fluttershy hesitantly checked on Twilight, speaking to her in a hushed voice. As she did so, Spike turned to Phoenix, who’s hackles had lowered with Sunset’s departure.

“Phoenix?” Spike whispered. “Is that…”

“Sh…” Phoenix whispered, silencing him with a paw. “These guys aren’t used to talking dogs.” She indicated Fluttershy. “I tried talking to her, and she nearly committed herself.”

“Oh! Right,” Spike nodded, shifting to his haunches and keeping quiet when Fluttershy briefly smiled at him. When she looked back at Twilight, he leaned over to Phoenix. “So… do you still have… the crown?”

Phoenix’s ears drooped and she looked down. “I’m so sorry…” she mumbled.

Spike winced. That wasn’t good. “Why? What happened?”

She nodded at Twilight right as she spoke. “Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn’t a crown, was it?”

Fluttershy gasped. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Twilight replied. “Do you still have it?”

Fluttershy shook her head, making Phoenix wince again. Twilight, however, was undeterred.

“But you know what happened to it.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I didn’t want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.”

Spike blinked. “Principal?”

“Apparently, that’s their definition of a ruler here,” Phoenix replied. “It is pretty similar to ‘princess,’ don’t you think?”

Spike shrugged. “I guess.” He perked up as Fluttershy gave Twilight directions to Celestia’s office. “Let’s go see her.”

Unfortunately, before Phoenix could follow… Fluttershy picked her up.

“You’re not really supposed to have pets on school grounds,” Fluttershy explained to Twilight, indicating Spike. “But I do know someone that can look after them until after class.”

Twilight and Spike exchanged a glance. “Who?”


Spike hadn’t considered how Night Fire would translate over to this new world, considering she was technically an alicorn who disguised herself as a dragon.

Though, even if he had, he never would have considered what her human counterpart turned out to be.

At first glance, Night Fire was human - bipedal with hands just like Twilight and Fluttershy. But where other humans seemed to wear skirts, shirts and boots, Night Fire dressed head to toe in a fursuit, making her look like some sort of weirdly tall Diamond Dog. Her face was initially concealed by a cartoonish dog mask, but when she flipped open the mouth, her electric green eyes shined out alongside her sparkling freckles and shiny white teeth.

“Flutters!” she greeted, immediately scooping Phoenix and Spike up into a hug. “More animals for me to babysit?”

“If it’s not too much trouble,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Not at all, not at all,” Night Fire replied, picking up the two dogs. “Why these two look just like the ones that got adopted by some do-gooders out in the city. They’ll fit right in with the rest of our animal friends.”

As she spoke, she carried Spike and Phoenix over to a wide open pasture. To Spike’s delight, he could even see versions that resembled their other friends: a snake that resembled Jackknife, a fidgety looking bird that resembled Swift, and even a poodle that resembled Diamondback. “You girls get your education; these guys are safe with me.”

Twilight looked uncertain. “Spike, are you sure…?”

“It’s okay,” Fluttershy assured Twilight. “Night Fire’s a little eccentric. But I’ve never been able to trust anyone else with caring for animals.”

“I am the Animal Whisperer,” Night Fire declared. “To some, I am merely the Vice Principal’s outcast daughter Star Wing. But inside me is Night Fire!” She indicated her suit. “A dragon-wolf hybrid who is friends with all animals!”

Twilight stared in utter disbelief, but Spike smiled at her and nodded assuringly. This was ultimately how Night Fire acted.

And things got even better when Twilight eventually left to try and get her crown back. Night Fire set Spike and Phoenix down and gave them a knowing look.

“Alright guys,” she said. “What’s your story? Don’t be afraid, I’m completely on your side.”

Spike and Phoenix exchanged a glance. Fluttershy had not reacted well to Phoenix talking. Would Night Fire be any different.

The fursuit wearing human seemed to comprehend their confusion. “Shy ones, ain’t ya?” she noted. “Not to worry! I’ll show you.”

Night Fire walked over to the serpent that resembled Jackknife, and let him curl upwards onto her arm. “Jacky, my boy,” Night Fire greeted. “Wanna show our new friends how trustworthy we are?”

Jackknife gave Spike and Phoenix a judgmental look, his tongue flicking out between his lips. Then he spoke.

“The scarred one looks like she’s been in some fights. Bet I’m a better fighter than she is.”

Spike couldn’t help but grin. “Yep. That’s Jackknife alright.”

But he got another shock when Night Fire spoke back. “Now Jackknife, we don’t introduce ourselves to people by fighting them. Remember that Sunset witch.”

Jackknife hissed. “If it wasn’t for that dern boot, I’d have that weirdo in the hospital!”

“Red alert!” the bird resembling Swift squawked. “You spoke of the devil! Sunset Shimmer incoming!”

Night Fire quickly bundled Spike and Phoenix behind her, and adopted a stance resembling a guard dog. True to Swift’s words, Sunset was glaring at Night Fire.

However, this time, she wasn’t alone. Two boys were standing behind her.

Spike tilted his head. “Snips and Snails?” he thought, remembering the two trouble-making colts that had gotten Trixie’s home destroyed.

“Still being the bane of Vice-Principal Luna’s reputation, Star Wing?” Sunset noted.

“But I thought she was called Night Fire,” Snails mumbled.

Snips nudged his friend. “Sh, quiet dude, she’s weird.”

But Night Fire indicated Snails like he got it. “No, he’s right on the money.” She indicated her fur suit. “It’s Night Fire. Born from the forbidden love between…”

“I don’t care,” Sunset cut her off. She pointed at Spike and Phoenix. “You just keep those mongrels away from my school.” He glared at Spike in particular. “That one’s owner is up to something. And I’m not going to let her ruin everything for me!”

Night Fire, however, crossed her arms with a smirk. “Ruin everything? You sound scared, Sunny.”

“I’M NOT SCARED!” Sunset screamed, getting in Night Fire’s face.

Spike’s hackles bared, while Phoenix and Diamondback growled, Jackknife hissed, and even Swift flared his wings with a caw.

Sunset watched them all warily, which only made Night Fire smirk more.

“Clearly,” Night Fire replied, ushering the animal friends away. “Make your nefarious plans, Sunset Shimmer. And we will see what fate has in store for you.”

Sunset glared at her, but Night Fire did not back down. Finally, Sunset scoffed and turned away.

“I don’t know why I’m wasting time with a freak like you,” she said. “I have more important things to do.”

“Yeah,” Snails agreed. “Important things.”

“Uh, yeah…” Snips said. “Like, uh…”

“Just c’mon man,” Snails said, pulling him along as Sunset stormed off.

Night Fire shook her head. “She’s the villain in this story,” she mused. “Yep-yep-yep.”

Spike glanced at Phoenix, and took the plunge. “More than you know.”

Night Fire turned to him, but there was no surprise in her eyes. Only elation. “I knew I could get you to open up,” she noted happily. She crouched down. “Okay. What’s your story?”

Spike chuckled nervously. “Well… it’s kind of a crazy story…”

“Try me,” Night Fire invited. “I’m pretty crazy.”

Spike glanced down at her fur suit. “Clearly.”

However, before he could begin, he noticed Phoenix gazing after Snips and Snails with a sad air. “Phi?” he asked.

“They serve her,” Phoenix noted. “But she acts… just like how I did.”

Night Fire looked back at them. “Like a… well…” She glanced down and wisely decided not to elaborate.

Spike nuzzled Phoenix’s side. “There’s nothing you can do for them,” he insisted.

Phoenix grimaced. “I don’t believe that,” she said. “If they’re being forced to do stuff they don’t want to do… I can’t just sit by and let Sunset abuse them.”

“I can help,” Night Fire insisted, drawing closer. “Whatever you guys need, just tell me.” She grinned at them.

Phoenix gazed at Night Fire with trepidation. “But… you don’t know us.”

“Then help me,” Night Fire replied. “Help me understand. Who are you? Where did you come from? And what are you seeking?”

Spike and Phoenix exchanged a look, but Spike shrugged. Any allies were better than none. And if this Night Fire was anything like the Night Fire back home.

“Alright,” he said. “But like I said… it’s gonna be pretty crazy…”

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