• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 1,293 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria: Singular Point - lazejovanov

Through unusual circumstances, the Mane Six and the Mane Five meet each other and band together to face down a hopeless future.

  • ...

Rise of Godzilla

Twilight Sparkle and her friends stood atop a tall hill near a coast that gave them a clear, good view of Manehattan in the distance, as well as the surrounding sea — and what they were seeing right now could be described as something straight out of a nightmare. The seawater surrounding the metropolitan city, and as far as the eye can see, was crimson-red in color, whilst also appearing to be releasing red dust particles into the air. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, countless flocks of Rodans could be seen swarming the city, with some patrolling the streets while many others were perched on top of the buildings, occasionally letting out loud roars and shrieks. Fortunately, the pterosaurs thus far appeared to be content with observing and exploring their surroundings without attacking the ponies. Still, it didn't make the situation any less nerve-wrecking for said ponies that inhabited the city.

"Oh, my goodness..." Rarity murmured, unable to believe her eyes.

"I hoped it was an isolated incident, but this is far worse than I could have imagined." Twilight said with dread. "What's more, the Archetype isn't limited to water; it can also spread through the air!"

The Princess of Friendship had already informed the rest of her friends about the new discovery of the material now known as Archetype, and its magic-nullifying properties. Suffice to say, her friends were both astounded and horrified that such a material could exist, and that it was in the process of spreading! Just like Twilight, they imagined a scenario similar to the magic-disappearing crisis that Cozy Glow carried out in secret, only this time it was an anomalous molecule that directly absorbs magic rather than a secret ritual.

"But what are those creatures?" Fluttershy asked, curious about the Rodans that now seemed to call Manehattan their home. "I've never seen anything like them."

"They don't look too much like birds. And they're definitely not bats." Rainbow Dash stated the obvious, hovering next to the yellow pegasus.

"Whatever they are, they seem to be connected to the Archetype in some way." Twilight subtly noted as she carefully studied the pterosaurs. Then, a realization came to mind. "Come to think of it, we don't know what that other creature is, either."

"You mean Anguirus?" Pinkie innocently asked, earning some odd looks from her friends.

"You named him 'Anguirus'?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! I think it sounds like a fitting name!" The pink pony exclaimed happily with a bright smile, to which Rainbow simply shrugged.

"Yes, him." Twilight nodded. "We really don't know what he is or where he came from. And I can't help but wonder if he's connected to the Archetype, as well."

"There's also the supposed sea monster that's been spotted near Sequestria." Applejack added. "Maybe all these critters are connected to the Archetype."

The six friends mentally agreed that there is no way this could be a coincidence. Three mysterious species of creatures that have never been seen in Equestria, and who's existence is not mentioned in any historic books or encyclopedias, suddenly appearing as soon as the anomalous material was discovered and subsequently began spreading? Suddenly, as if a mental light bulb turned on inside her mind, the alicorn's eyes widened as she realized something she hadn't noticed before.

"Could it be...?" She asked slowly, prompting her friends to look at her in confusion and concern.

"What is it, Twilight?" Applejack quickly asked.

"In some way, I think I've seen these creatures before." The princess stated while looking intently at the flying reptiles.

"You have? Where?" Fluttershy, being the animal-lover that she is, was immediately piqued by the princess' statement.

"There was this one time when I went to that alternate world that Sunset Shimmer lives in," Twilight began as she turned to look at her friends. "And she told me about a race of creatures called 'dinosaurs'."

"Dinosaurs?" They asked in unison.

"Yes," The princess nodded. "They, along with pterosaurs and marine reptiles, were ancient creatures that once lived in that other world, but went extinct millions of years ago."

"Millions of years ago?!" Her friends exclaimed in shock and disbelief, not expecting to hear such an explanation.

"That's right. One time, Sunset and I visited a museum that had skeletal remains of all kinds of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and marine reptiles on display." She smiled with nostalgia, remembering the various fossils she saw and learned about in the human world. Turning her attention back to the Rodans, she continued. "And, from what I can tell, it seems that the creatures we're looking at right now are pterosaurs. While that other creature, the one we now call Anguirus, is a type of dinosaur called an 'Ankylosaurus'."

"That's incredible!" Fluttershy said in awe, fascinated to learn that what they were looking at right now are other-worldly creatures that supposedly disappeared millions of years ago.

"Now hang on a minute. If that's the case, how in tarnation are these 'pterosaurs' still here? And why are they in Equestria, for that matter?" Applejack asked intently.

"That's the question I'm still trying to figure out." The princess admitted sadly.

As the two friends were conversing, Pinkie Pie spotted something from the corner of her eye, prompting her to turn her head to the right and spot something farther away in the distance, across the crimson sea and roughly 670 meters away from their shore. "Huh? What's that?" She asked and pointed a hoof at the horizon in the far distance. Her question and gesture prompted her friends to turn their attention to the direction she was pointing at — and that was when their eyes widened in shock and astonishment at what they saw. At least nine large masses could be seen smoothly rising and falling across the scarlet surface as they rapidly moved towards Manehattan at incredible speeds.

"Are those whales?" Rarity asked, placing a hoof slightly above her eyes to get a better look.

"I'm not sure, but they're swimming awfully fast." Fluttershy noted.

Indeed, whatever these creatures were, they were swimming at speeds of over 80 knots — and with such speed, they were getting closer and closer to the city by the second. At the same time, as these mysterious creatures came nearer, Twilight and her friends eventually got a better look of them, and realized that what they were looking at was not a pod of whales... it was a group of gigantic sea serpents swimming via undulating their long bodies up and down. Furthermore, they also noticed that these sea serpents possessed a greenish armored carapace that covered their backs, with spikes running along their bodies.

What the Mane 6 were looking at was a group of nine Mandas that were swimming toward Manehattan.

"Are those... sea serpents?" Applejack asked, not quite sure what to make of this.

"They're huge!" Pinkie exclaimed.

The more the ponies observed the Mandas, the more they realized just how different they were from another sea serpent that they personally knew: Steven Magnet. Compared to Steven, each Manda was much bigger and much longer than him. But in addition to size, they also possessed several noticeable arthropod-like traits, such as a carapace, centipede-like antenna on their snouts, and mantis-like forelimbs.

"I've never seen sea serpents like these before." Fluttershy said in fascination before turning to the alicorn princess. "Twilight, do you think these are those 'marine reptiles' you mentioned?"

"I... I'm not sure." Twilight hesitantly answered as she observed the sea serpents in equal-astonishment. "I don't know any dinosaurs or marine reptiles that looked quite like that."

"We should probably figure out what they are later, 'cause right now, they're headin' for Manehattan!" Applejack exclaimed, pointing out that the Mandas were still on a course with the metropolitan city, and will surely cause some serious damage when they arrive.

"Applejack's right. We have to do something before those sea serpents hurt somepony!" Twilight stated as she spread her wings, ready to take action.

"Wait! There's something else in the water." Rainbow suddenly said, stopping Twilight and prompting the other ponies to notice something rising from the red seawater, roughly 100 meters away from the speeding Mandas.

Once again, the six ponies found themselves astounded upon seeing a row of five maple leaf-shaped spikes knifing through the scarlet surface like a shark with incredible speed, and chasing after the sea serpents. Despite how fast the Mandas were swimming, the spikes — or rather, the creature they were attached to — was swimming much faster, with speeds of up to 90 knots. In no time, this new creature soon began closing the 100 meter-distance and was gaining on the fleeing sea serpents, who appeared to start panicking and swimming even faster in desperation to escape, but to no avail.

"What in Equestria is that thing?" Rarity asked in shock as she gazed at the speeding row of spikes pursuing the Mandas.

"I don't know, but it looks like it's chasing the sea serpents." Fluttershy noted, noticing how the Mandas appeared desperate to evade their mysterious pursuer. At that moment, another realization came to her mind. "The sea serpents weren't going to attack Manehattan, they're just trying to get away from whatever is chasing them!"

"It looks like it's gonna catch up to them, though." Rainbow commented, observing the hunt in fascination. Part of her wanted to see how this hunt will conclude, but another part felt pity for the Mandas that were being chased.

Sensing that the pursuer was nearing its tail, one of the Mandas opted to break off from the group, turn, and start swimming west, hoping its sudden and unexpected action would confuse its would-be predator and allow it to escape. Unfortunately for that particular Manda, however, the row of spikes quickly changed course and started chasing it. It was clear that this mysterious aquatic predator will not give up this hunt so easily.

"They're heading our way!" Twilight cried out as she realized that both the Manda and the thing chasing it were now swimming in their direction. The tall hill on which Twilight and her friends were standing was not too far from the shore. Still, the two sea monsters were at least 640 meters away from their shore, which meant that, despite their speed, it would still be some time before they reach the shore — if they do at all, for that matter.

"Relax, Twilight. They're still a long way from the shore. By the time the get here, we'll be far away from them." Rainbow Dash replied confidently.

"I hope your right, Rainbow." Twilight gulped. With all the crazy things they've seen yesterday (especially Anguirus' precognitive ability), she wouldn't be surprised if the Manda or the thing chasing it suddenly teleported right in front of them.

Try as it might, the Manda couldn't outswim its persistent would-be attacker, who was gaining on it with each passing second, its dorsal spines slicing through the water with ferocious speed. As the aquatic hunter started nearing its prey, the row of spines suddenly dove under the scarlet surface and disappeared from view. At first, it seemed like the predator had given up the hunt all of the sudden. But those who made that hasty assumption were quickly proven wrong when the water central to the Manda's long body erupted upwards as something massive clamped its crocodile-like jaws on the sea serpent's body and leapt forth like a dolphin into the air, and into visual range.

Twilight and her friends were flabbergasted and their mouths were left hanging open in awe at the majestic, yet terrifying sight. Holding the Manda in its jaws, a huge, crimson Mosasaur-like creature with four clawed flippers and a gigantic tail ending with a fluke-like fin, soared powerfully through the air, water trailing behind its red body like a comet in a moment that almost seemed like time itself had slowed down. On its back, the ponies saw a row of maple leaf-shaped spines, thus finally answering the question of what said spines were attached to. Like a Great White shark breaching the water and catching a seal, Godzilla Aquatilis held the comparatively-longer Manda tightly in his powerful, vice-like jaws as gravity pulled both him and his prey back into the water, where they made an absolutely massive splash.

"Holy mackerel!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "And it's not even a mackerel!"

"Incredible!" Rarity breathed in awe.

"What in tarnation!" Applejack cried out.

"So awesome!" Rainbow yelled in excitement at the spectacular display of power.

"Oh, my..." Fluttershy was at a loss for words, both from shock and astonishment.

Twilight, meanwhile, couldn't say a word because her mind was still processing what she and her friends just witnessed. Upon seeing Godzilla Aquatilis erupt from the water and seize the Manda in his jaws, she almost immediately noticed his resemblance to a certain marine reptile she learned about in the human world.

"Was that... a Mosasaur?" She asked in astonishment and disbelief.

Hearing this, her friends immediately turned to look at her in confusion.

"A Mosasaur?" Fluttershy asked. "Is that what that creature we saw is called?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "Or at least, that's what it supposedly looked like. Truth be told, I don't really know if Mosasaurs looked like that for sure, as all that's left of them are their bones. There were also different types of Mosasaurs, such as Tylosaurus and Prognathodon. So I'm guessing this must be a type of Mosasaur, too."

As the six friends were discussing what they saw, the Manda suddenly bursted from the water and let out a loud roar of pain before it was promptly pulled back under the red sea.

Elsewhere, Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm, and Pipp Petals were walking through and navigating the woodland forest. It has been almost ten minutes since the ponies arrived in this forest that is likely many miles away from home. Thankfully, they so far haven't come across any Rodans or other hostile creatures, and the only animals they've seen so far are small songbirds, squirrels, and other animals that are typically found in forests.

"Well, so far, so good." Hitch commented, giving the surrounding forest a cautionary glance.

"I can't believe we're going on another journey to who-knows-where. Again!" Pipp complained before she took out her mobile phone to check on it, which did not respond. "And my phone short-circuited because of the water. Not to mention our home is still being attacked by those bird things! Ugh! This is the worst day ever!"

"On the bright side, we still have each other!" Izzy cheerfully pointed out.

"Izzy's right, Pipp." Sunny stated. "We still have each other. And as long as we're together, we will find our way back home, one way or another."

"There's still the matter of saving our home from those bird monsters." Zipp pointed out. "Not to mention the sea turning red, and giant sea monsters inhabiting it."

"She's right." Hitch nodded. "How exactly are we gonna deal with those monsters? Especially seeing as how they're not fond of me like most of the other animals."

Sunny bit her lower lip and looked down at the ground as she walked. She hadn't thought about that, but fortunately, Izzy decided to speak for her.

"Well, it is a long way home. I'm sure we'll think of something when we get there!" The ever-cheerful unicorn once again said.

These words were enough to lift Sunny's spirit as she also remembered something important during their fight against the pterosaurs. "Yeah! Did you see that awesome beam Izzy shot from her horn, or that incredible daredevil move Zipp did? If we can do that, we can take on those monsters!" Sunny exclaimed happily.

These encouraging words prompted her friends to gain confident looks on their faces just like herself. Indeed, those feats Zipp and Izzy preformed were nothing to sneeze at. And if two ponies can do that individually, imagine what Earth ponies with their advanced technology, unicorns with their magic, and Pegasi with their power of flight could do by working together against this common enemy.

"You're right, Sunny! With everything we have, technology plus magic, we can beat those monsters, and send them back wherever they came from!" Zipp pumped her hoof.

"Yeah! And we might even somehow reverse whatever's happening to the sea!" Hitch added.

"We did bring magic back to Equestria, after all." Pipp said, smiling to her friends. "If we can do that, we can handle this!"

"Yeah! Go, Team Super Five!" Izzy cried out enthusiastically, prompting her friends to suddenly stop in place and give her odd looks.

" 'Team Super Five'?" Hitch quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah! It's a superhero team name I came up with just now!" The lilac unicorn grinned ear to ear.

The four ponies looked at their enthusiastic friend for a moment, then at one another, before they all bursted into a playful laughter together. Even when they're far away from home and stranded in a forest, so long as they were together, the five ponies still found joy and hope in spite of their predicament. As the five friends were laughing, however, a rustling noise came from some nearby tall bushes. In an instant, the Mane 5 stopped their laughing, froze on the spot and turned towards the bushes.

"What was that?" Pipp asked, already in panic mode.

"It might be one of those bird monsters. Be careful." Zipp said as she instantly spread her wings and adopted a defensive posture.

"Speaking of which, we should probably start calling them something else. 'Bird monsters' just seems a little too... generic." Hitch said matter-of-factly.

"Oh! How about we call them Rodans?" Izzy suggested.

" 'Rodans'?" Sunny couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Why Rodans?"

"I dunno. The name just popped in my head for some reason." Izzy shrugged.

The others looked at one another for a moment before also shrugging. Another loud rustle prompted the ponies to return their attention on the matter at hoof. They tensed up and prepared for whatever was lurking behind those bushes, be it a Rodan (as they now called them) or something else. Zipp and Pipp were ready to get airborne, Izzy was preparing to summon her magic, while Sunny and Hitch were wondering what they should do should the possible would-be attacker go after them first. After a minute or two of intense waiting, the thing that was making the noise finally emerged from the tall bushes and showed itself to the five ponies.

What emerged from the thick foliage was something that took the five ponies completely by surprise. Stepping out of the vegetation, the Mane Five looked up and gasped as a very tall machine of some kind in the shape of a bipedal thing stood before them! Coming from a place where advanced technology is the norm, the presence of the robot itself wasn't too surprising; it was the fact that it was in a woodland forest with no sign of civilization or urbanization, and how it was shaped that was truly surprising. Rather than the shape of a pony (like Sprout's war machine), the body of this robot was bipedal, with two tall metallic legs for standing and walking, and two arms located on the sides of its rotund torso. Its body was primarily silver, with red and yellow painted on certain parts of its body, while its head was pyramid-shaped with a large 'grin' plastered on its face and two eyes that glowed blue. It had ribbed rubber connectors protecting its shoulder joints and neck, and three-clawed hands similar to those of industrial robots used for making Canterlogic products. Its size was also another thing that caught the equines' eyes; although not quite as big as Sprout's war machine, this bipedal robot was still quite large — at least seventeen feet tall.

"What in Equestria...?!" Pipp cried out, gawking at the intimidating mech as it turned its head and stared down at the ponies.

"It's machine of some kind!" Hitch exclaimed. "Which means there's probably a town nearby that can help us get back!"

"Are you sure about that, Hitch?" Sunny asked, looking at the robot in uncertainty, and then at her friend.

"Yeah. I mean, how else can a machine end up in the middle of a forest?" The stallion asked.

"Wow. It's sparkle is so cool!" Izzy suddenly said as she stared at the tall robot with widened eyes of excitement. "It's sparkle is... citrine!"

"Wait, what?" Hitch asked as he and the others turned to their unicorn friend, looking at her in confusion and surprise. "Izzy, it's a machine. It's not a living creature. How can it possibly have a sparkle?"

"But I can see it with my own eyes! It's super cool!" The lilac unicorn said giddily.

Again, her friends looked at each other in confusion and bewilderment. How can a machine — a non-living object made of metal — have a sparkle? Unless...

"There must be somepony inside the robot!" Pipp exclaimed in excitement.

"Yeah! That would explain why Izzy can see a sparkle!" Hitch nodded. With that, the sheriff took a deep breath and began approaching the tall mech, who stood on the spot without moving and simply stared down as it watched the stallion approach it. "Ahem. Hello, there!" Hitch waved a hoof up at the tall robot and gave it a friendly smile. "We don't mean to be a bother to you, sir - or ma'am - but could you please help us out here? You see, we're kind of lost, and we would be really grateful if you could help show us the way back home?"

Hitch asked politely and sincerely, hoping to get a response in kind. But the only response he got from the mech was a slight tilt of its head, seemingly in confusion.

"Uh... Hello? Anypony in there?" He asked again. And again, no vocal response. The tall robot simply stood there without moving or making any kind of sound, only staring down at the sheriff of Maretime Bay.

"I don't think anypony's inside that thing, Hitch." Zipp said as she also approached the mech.

"But how can Izzy see its sparkle?" Pipp asked.

For some reason, Sunny couldn't help but feel a strong positive energy from the robot. It didn't feel like there was a living being inside it... it was more like the machine itself was alive and conscious. But... that couldn't be, right? Then again, with all the crazy thing she and her friends went through recently, maybe this wasn't that far off. After a bit of contemplation, Sunny walked up to and stood before the tall robot, who now fixed its attention on her.

"Hello? Can you understand what we're saying?" She called out to the robot. Then, to everypony's surprise, the robot actually nodded its head.

"Did it just... nod?" Hitch asked, surprised that the mech respond to his friend's question.

"Maybe it really is alive..." Zipp said, equally-astounded.

"Do you have a name?" Again, Sunny asked, and this time, the robot did more than a simple head movement. The robot actually knelt down on one knee and started writing something on the ground with its finger, which surprised the ponies even more. Once the mech finished writing, the ponies saw what it wrote. " 'Jet Jaguar'." Sunny read the words the robot wrote out loud. "Is that your name?" The apricot pony asked, to which the robot — now known as Jet Jaguar — nodded once again.

"Okay, I stand corrected. That machine is definitely sentient." Hitch admitted, but no less astonished.

"Okay, then. Can you tell use who made you, Jet Jaguar?" Pipp asked. The robot responded by raising his shoulders slightly, signifying that he does not know, or at least does not remember who, or what, created him.

"Do you know of any ponies that live anywhere near here, or the closest civilization?" Hitch asked, prompting Jet Jaguar to repeat his response.

"I guess we're back to square one, then." Zipp muttered in disappointment.

"Well, it was worth the try." Izzy shrugged and turned toward the tall robot. "Thanks anyway, Jet Jaguar!"

As the ponies prepared to leave, Jet Jaguar suddenly stood up to his full height and stepped in front of them, blocking their path. "Huh? What is it?" Sunny asked, surprised by the robot's sudden action. Jet Jaguar pointed a finger at himself, and then at the direction they were planning to go. "You want to come with us?" The apricot Earth pony asked, to which the robot nodded.

"I don't see why not. The more the merrier!" Zipp said with a smile.

"I'm with you, Zipp." Pipp agreed. "A 17 foot-tall bodyguard is just what we need."

"Oh, come on, Pipp. You're not saying we can't take care of ourselves, are you?" Zipp asked playfully, prompting her sister to scoff at her.

"No." Pipp quickly said. "I'm just saying that having an extra pair of hooves — or metal limbs, in this case — wouldn't hurt."

"Normally, I'd question this decision and not be fully onboard with it, but in this case," Hitch looked at Jet Jaguar and smiled. "Welcome to the team, big guy!"

"Yay! Jet Jaguar has joined Team Super Five!" Izzy exclaimed happily. "By the way, should we call ourselves 'Team Super Six', now that he's joining us?"

"Heh. We might as well." Zipp laughed.

With that, the Mane Five resumed their journey to find their way back home — and with Jet Jaguar now accompanying them, they felt even more confident and more prepared for whatever dangers that may lay ahead of them. But of course, only time will tell how ready they truly are... when they discover not only where they are, but also when they are.

Back near the shore where the Mane 6 were standing, the six ponies were looking out to the crimson sea, which had now become deathly silent. Just five minutes ago, they witnessed a hunt unlike any other — they witnessed a huge aquatic creature (which Twilight presumed to be a Mosasaur) capture a sea serpent with arthropod-like features after a prolonged chase. Thanks to Godzilla Aquatilis going after and catching the Manda that broke off from the group, the other Mandas that were previously on a collision course with Manehattan turned away from the island, and began swimming away from the metropolitan city. Thus it was one less problem Twilight and her friends had to worry about.

After Godzilla Aquatilis pulled his struggling prey under the water and both disappeared, neither kaiju was seen since, leaving Twilight and her friends guessing as to what will happen next.

"Ya think it's over?" Applejack hesitantly asked Twilight, who was standing next to her.

Before the princess could reply, Pinkie Pie's body suddenly began vibrating like a jackhammer, even more than when she vibrated prior to Anguirus' appearance in Ponyville. It was a sure sign that her Pinkie Sense is warning that something is about to happen soon.

"What's your Pinkie Sense telling you this time, Pinkie?" Rainbow immediately and eagerly asked.

"I'v-v-v-v-v-ve nev-v-v-v-v-v-v-er f-f-f-f-f-f-felt anyt-t-t-t-hin-n-n-n-n-g like t-t-t-t-t-this b-b-b-b-b-b-befo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ore-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!" The pink pony replied through broken words as her body continued to vibrate like crazy. "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut w-w-w-w-w-w-w-hat-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-tever it is-s-s-s-s-s-s-s, it's gon-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-na be un-n-n-n-n-n-n-lik-k-k-k-k-k-k-e any do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ozey I'v-v-v-v-v-v-v-ve ev-v-v-v-v-v-v-v-er se-e-e-e-e-e-e-n!"

As if on cue, a sudden splash prompted the ponies to shift their attention back toward the crimson sea, where they spotted Godzilla's iconic dorsal plates breaching the surface like knives in the water. They gasped when they noticed that the sea monster was now much closer to shore than he was previously; Godzilla was now only 200 meters from the beach that Twilight and her friends were not too away from.

As the upper surface of Godzilla's back, head, and tail also breached the surface, a massive plume of crimson clouds was expelled from his body and into the air. Like a half-submerged crocodile, Godzilla Aquatilis silently rested on the surface. Having just finished eating the Manda he caught required some rest — after all, it was a rather large meal. But consuming the sea serpent did more than simply satisfy Godzilla's hunger — it granted him energy and power, which was quite evident as his massive body continued filling the atmosphere around him with excess amounts of red dust as opposed to only expelling it in the water. As more and more Archetype was released into the air, a growing dense cloud of crimson dust gradually began to obscure the half-submerged kaiju from the ponies' view.

"Well, looks like the Mosasaur finished his lunch." Rainbow Dash mused.

Fluttershy felt disgusted and pitied the unfortunate Manda that was eaten. But at the same time, she knew that this was just how nature worked; No good guys or bad guys, just prey and predator doing what nature created them to do.

"It's producing Archetype directly from its body!" Twilight said in a mix of anxiety and astonishment. She may not know much about Mosasaurs, but she was pretty certain that they couldn't produce red dust from their bodies like the one before them was doing right now.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-teverr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r it's do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oing, I thi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ink we-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e're get-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-ting clo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ose-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-er to-o-o-o-o-o the do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ozey!" Pinkie Pie, who's body hasn't ceased vibrating one bit throughout this entire event, said. The fact that this 'Mosasaur' was now producing Archetype directly from its body, and in large quantities into the air, was not a good sign for Twilight and her friends.

"Heads up, y'all. That thing's comin' toward' us! And it's comin' in fast!" Applejack cried out, prompting her friends to shift their attention toward the ever-growing cloud of red dust. Sure enough, Godzilla Aquatilis' dorsal spines could be seen weaving through the crimson clouds, and heading towards the shore! Even more worrisome, the beast appeared to be swimming even faster than it did when it was chasing the Manda.

"Twilight, darling, did Mosasaurs come out of the water and onto land to attack prey, by chance?" Rarity, understandably worried, asked her friend as she and her friends watched Godzilla was fast approaching their shore.

"I'm not sure." Twilight regretfully admitted. "But, from what I've learned about them, Mosasaurs were strictly aquatic creatures, and couldn't come ashore like crocodiles or sea turtles."

"I think we're about to find out!" Rainbow gulped in fear, watching the supposedly strictly-aquatic monster coming nearer to land.

With the aquatic leviathan coming closer to the shore, the water soon became shallower by the second, but that didn't seem to stop Godzilla from persisting. Eventually, however, Godzilla Aquatilis came to an abrupt halt as puffing plumes of the scarlet material puffed upwards to obscure the beast from the ponies' view once again.

"Did he stop?" Rarity asked, hopeful for the answer to be a definitive 'yes'.

"I...I think so." Fluttershy said, but she too was hesitant to say for certain.

"Don't worry! Even if he does try to attack us, we're still a long way from the shore." Rainbow Dash boasted confidently. "There's no way he'll be able to catch us!" Indeed, the Mane 6 were still a considerable distance away from the water's age. Not to mention it was highly unlikely that a massive creature like that would be fast on land as it is in the water.

"That may be so, Rainbow, but the Archetype he's producing is definitely something to worry about." Twilight pointed out.

All of the sudden, a bellowing roar echoed from the ever-growing cloud of Archetype that engulfed the sea monster, prompting some of the ponies to rethink their statements about the creature not being able to come ashore. Amidst the clouds of red dust that were now thicker than ever, Godzilla Aquatilis could barely be seen at all; only the outline of his dorsal plates could be properly made out. Regardless, the Mane Six felt his massive weight dragging along the sandy beach. Just by feeling it, the six ponies knew exactly what was happening. The question of whether or not this supposed 'Mosasaur' could come ashore and venture onto land was already being answered.

Godzilla was dragging himself along the ground and coming onto land.

"What do you know? He can come ashore." Rarity deadpanned.

"I honestly didn't know Mosasaurs could do that!" Twilight admitted in a mixture of fascination and fear. "I better inform Sunset about this discovery when I get the chance!"

Plumes of the red dust pillared upwards as the leviathan moved forward, prompting the ponies to take several steps backwards in anxiety an concern. Through the haze of crimson particles, a giant clawed reptilian paw emerged and slammed down on the sandy ground with a thunderous 'boom'! The claws of the flipper-like paw sank into the soft sand, and through the spreading cloud of red dust, a massive silhouette began to loom. A deep, menacing growl came from within the scarlet fog, and the huge silhouette of the formerly aquatic monster continued to rise into view, his other limb colliding with the ground with yet another powerful quake. The ponies could feel the ground beneath them tremble as the colossal reptile continued to drag his huge body forward, the ground continuing to rattle as the beast lumbered forth.

Eventually, the walking mountain came to a halt, and reared his head out of the crimson haze... except it wasn't its head — at least, not what it used to look like a minute ago.

What the six ponies saw left them speechless and unable to believe their eyes.

As the red dust cleared away to reveal the kaiju's form, the Mane 6 were left even more dumbfounded and astonished at seeing what was otherwise an unseen transformation. Godzilla's body had underwent a sort of metamorphosis the moment he started dragging himself onto land. The once crimson and elongated body was now a bulky, four-legged one that was also covered in black stripes and bumpy orange scales, almost like the coat of a tiger. Godzilla's long tail that flexed in the air now had three barbs at the end instead of a splayed fluke-like fin, while his clawed flippers had transformed into functional legs with extended 'fingers' tipped with claws, repurposed for the task of terrestrial locomotion; with the hind legs being smaller than the forelegs. The two antenna from his previous form had transformed into small, horn-like spikes, and the two fins that were located on the sides of his face had transformed into a pair of spiky structures. The larger fin atop his head was modified into a single row of large spines that ran down from the top of his equally-transformed head. Godzilla's back was covered in a knobby-scaled carapace, with the same scales also running along his limbs, and his underbelly being smoothly textured. The only thing that remained unchanged from his previous form were the maple leaf-shaped dorsal plates on his back.

The once Mosasaur-like creature had transformed into a form that was more suitable for life on land, resembling a cross between a reptilian sea lion and a monstrous iguana.

He was now... Godzilla Amphibia!

Author's Note:

Jet Jaguar has finally appeared in the story, and Godzilla has transformed into his second form that resembles Varan!

For those who are wondering, this is Jet Jaguar Beta (minus the spear and his backpack) with the long legs he was upgraded with in episode 7 of Godzilla: Singular Point.